Sheet Pile Walls Design by Ecs 1704454827

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1. Contents
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................4
2. Codes of Practice .................................................................................................4
3. Design Methodology ............................................................................................4
4. Existing Ground Conditions .................................................................................4
5. Sheet pile wall design-calculations ..................................................................7
6. Sheet Pile Characteristics ....................................................................................7
7. Method and Assumptions using ‘PC Sheet Pile Wall’ Software ................12
8. Parameters for the Materials Properties ........................................................13
9. Calculation Results .................................................................................................14
10. Appendices…...……………………………………………………………………...17

1. Introduction
The following report has been compiled to calculate the required vertical
lengths of sheet pile walls required on site at The list
below gives the walls designed within this report:
- Wall (S-1) which include the retaining wall: RW 41
- Wall (S-2) which include the retaining wall: RW 25/39
- Wall (S-3) which include the retaining wall: RW 38
- Wall (S-4) which include the retaining wall: RW 32/37
- Wall (S-5) which include the retaining wall: RW 33/36
- Wall (S-6) which include the retaining wall: RW 35

2. Codes of Practice
All design calculation have been formulated in line with BS EN 1993-5: 2007
‘Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures, Part 5: Piling’ and from the BS EN
12063 ‘Execution of special geotechnical work –Sheet-pile walls’, including
any relevant euro codes that fall within these codes.

3. Design Methodology
The base of the calculations were undertaken using the ‘PCSheetPileWall’
software available at the following address:
Due to the construction phases on site two scenarios have been used to
calculate for worst case dependent on location;
Scenario 1 (figure 1, Left Side):
(for walls S-1, S-2 and S-4, see Appendix B)
a) The sheets will be installed at an existing road level
b) The rear of the wall will be reduced to enable the removal of
contaminated material and cut to construction level.

The maximum retained height is 2.8m, it is assumed that the maximum cut
level is 1m below existing.

Scenario 2 (figure1, Right Side):

(for walls S-3 and S-5 see Appendix B)
a) The initial installation will give the sheet piles extending above existing
road level,
b) The initial excavation to the LHS will give passive forces to the left
hand side and active forces to the right.
c) The backfill of the LHS will then result in passive forces to the right and
active forces to the left sides respectively.

Wall S-3 has an assumed 2.2m retained height with 1m a maximum

excavation to the left side.
Wall S-5 has an assumed 4.0m retained height with 2m maximum
excavation to the left side.

Figure 1. – Scenarios 1 and 2 left and right respectively

4. Existing Ground Conditions

The ground investigation report compiled by

has been used to determine the ground
conditions local to each wall location.

Further to the ESG report areas are taken from the Technical Note from

From the borehole and trial pit logs (see appendix 1), we can determine
that the ground beneath the walls consists mainly of Seabed Chalk. In the
worst case the average number of blows at the design depth gives an N
value of 16.

In result using table 1 below we can conclude that the average shear
strength is 100kPa and applying a Factor of Safety of two this gives a Cu of

Table 1 – Strength Estimation Guide

Note: the water table has been taken as 20m below ground level

5. Sheet pile wall design-calculations

The design of all sheet pile walls is based on the above discussion &
accredited literature. Table 1 below gives the properties of each wall
and their relation to the original cross section drawing number.
S-1 1.90 7.00 AZ18-700 RW(41)
S-2 2.65 8.00 AZ18-700 RW(25/39)
S-3 2.17 7.00 AZ18-700 RW(38)
S-4 2.80 8.00 AZ18-700 RW(32/37)
RW(33/36) PART 1
S-5a 2.70 10.00 AZ26-700 (47.60 m)
RW(33/36) PART 2
S-5b 4.00 11.00 AZ26-700 (22.40 m)
S-6 2.76 10.00 AZ26-700 RW(35)
Table 2: Sheet Pile wall individual characteristics

The full calculations for the figures in table 2 are available in Appendix C with
each wall section and loading conditions displayed in figures 3 through 9.
Note: The loading conditions are for a 20kN/m^2 surcharge as shown.

6. Sheet Pile Characteristics

Walls S-1, S-3, S-4, S-5 - Arcelor Mittal Z section model AZ18-700.
Walls S-5 and S-6 - Arcelor Mittal Z section model AZ26-700.

All selected cross sections are grade S430GP.


Figure 3: Wall S-1

Figure 4: Wall S-2


Figure 5: Wall S-3

Figure 6: Wall S-4


Figure 7: Wall S-5a

Figure 8: Wall S-5b


Figure 9: Wall S-6

7. Method and Assumptions using ‘PC Sheet Pile Wall’ Software

The method uses the typical case of a beam resting on an elastic layer of soil
while being laterally loaded from an external force. To produce the first
approximation of the soil reaction forces a liner relationship to the
displacement is first assumed.
The basic differential equation:

d 4w
EI 4  f  k  w (1)
E = elastic modulus
I =moment of inertia
w = displacement perpendicular to the beam axis
k = stiffness subsoil, spring constant
f = external load, other than the from the subsoil
M = moment
For the numerical solution of the above equation the differential is split into
two separate equations shown below:

d 2M d 2w
  f  k  w (2) EI 2   M (3)
dx 2 dx
The solution of these equations combined with the equilibrium equations
denote that the sheet pile wall acts with the same characteristics as a beam.

The highly non liner nature of this calculation can affect the accuracy of the
calculation results. The main reason is due to the large and varying
differences in the soil strength and stiffness properties between the soil layers.

8. Parameters for the Materials Properties

The parameters for design have been taken from the ground investigation
report by the
Table 3 below gives the material properties taken from this report.
Material γ(kN/m3) Φ'(ο) C' (kPa) E' (kPa) Ks(kN/m3)
Backfill 18 35 0 15000 9000
Made Ground 18 28 0 5000 3000
Chalk 16 32 50 20000 12000
Structured Chalk 16 32 50 75000 45000
Table 3. Material Properties
The undrained shear strength is therefore taken as C’=50kPa
Included within the calculation are the following modifications:
 A deduction of the thickness of the sheet piles over their design life is
included in line with Eurocode 3: part 5. The estimated corrosion over 50
years is approximately 0.6mm
 A relaxation factor is applied due to steel corrosion, resulting in a
decrease in the modulus of elasticity of the sheets by ~30%

 The water table is taken at 20m below ground later

 A deduction of the participation rate due to bending and shear of the

cross section form 100% to 70 %

9. Calculation Results

Table 3 below gives the worst case results including the displacement at
the top of the wall and a Factor of Safety.

wall Displacement at top Displacement / Sheet wall

name of sheet pile (mm) F.O.S Pile Length (%) < 0.5% name
S-1 6.40 5.91 0.09 S-1
S-2 5.10 5.91 0.06 S-2
S-3 7.90 6.09 0.11 S-3
S-4 11.80 5.78 0.15 S-4
S-5a 1.50 5.64 0.02 S-5a
S-5b 1.50 5.68 0.01 S-5b
S-6 1.50 5.68 0.02 S-6

Table 3: Calculation Results



The calculations and analysis noted above determine that all imposed
requirements of the Eurocodes and relevant specifications are satisfied. The
calculated factor of safety for each wall is greater than 2, therefore the
design is satisfactory.

On behalf
Natta Building Company LTD

Paul Kalaitzidis
MSc Civil Engineer






Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 11.30 hour

S-1 (RW 41)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-1.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall





3.50 Arcelor AZ 18-700





7.00 5.60 4.20 2.80 1.40 0.00 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 18-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 3.78000E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 1.80000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.11600E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 7.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01390
Thickness web [m] : 0.00840
Thickness flange [m] : 0.00840
Width flange [m] : 0.34600
Height of section [m] : 0.42000
Section class: 3

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 7.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
2 1.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 1.900 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Page 2

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 2.400
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 3.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Variable load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Variable load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.7 0.7
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 1.4

2.1 2.1

2.8 2.8

3.5 3.5

4.2 4.2

4.9 4.9

5.6 5.6

6.3 6.3

7 7
19 15 11 7 3 -1 10 5.8 1.6 -2.6 -6.8 -11
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 0
Construction phase no.: 1
3.5 2.8
4.2 3.5
6.3 6.3
7 7
0 -0.8 -1.6 -2.4 -3.2 -4 -50 -29.6 -9.2 11.2 31.6 52
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -3.1 0.000 0.00 0.01 6.09 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.053 -3.1 0.007 0.00 0.31 6.36 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.105 -3.0 0.028 0.03 0.66 6.65 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.158 -3.0 0.063 0.08 1.01 6.93 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.211 -2.9 0.114 0.14 1.39 7.22 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.263 -2.8 0.180 0.23 1.77 7.51 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.316 -2.8 0.263 0.33 2.18 7.80 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.368 -2.7 0.364 0.46 2.60 8.08 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.421 -2.7 0.481 0.61 3.03 8.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.474 -2.6 0.618 0.78 3.48 8.66 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.526 -2.5 0.773 0.97 3.94 8.95 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.579 -2.5 0.948 1.19 4.42 9.23 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.632 -2.4 1.144 1.44 4.91 9.52 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.684 -2.4 1.360 1.71 5.43 10.04 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.737 -2.3 1.599 2.01 5.97 10.72 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 4

0.789 -2.2 1.861 2.34 6.56 11.40 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

0.842 -2.2 2.148 2.71 7.17 12.08 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.895 -2.1 2.461 3.10 7.83 12.75 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.947 -2.1 2.803 3.53 8.52 13.43 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -2.0 3.174 4.00 9.24 14.10 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.053 -2.0 3.571 4.50 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.106 -1.9 3.975 5.01 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.159 -1.8 4.380 5.52 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.212 -1.8 4.784 6.03 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.265 -1.7 5.189 6.54 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.318 -1.7 5.593 7.05 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.371 -1.6 5.998 7.56 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.424 -1.6 6.402 8.07 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.476 -1.5 6.806 8.58 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.529 -1.5 7.211 9.09 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.582 -1.4 7.615 9.60 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.635 -1.4 8.020 10.10 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.688 -1.3 8.424 10.61 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.741 -1.3 8.829 11.12 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.794 -1.2 9.233 11.63 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.847 -1.2 9.638 12.14 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.900 -1.1 10.042 12.65 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.950 -1.1 10.424 13.13 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.000 -1.0 10.806 13.62 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.050 -1.0 11.188 14.10 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.100 -0.9 11.570 14.58 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.150 -0.9 11.952 15.06 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.200 -0.9 12.334 15.54 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.250 -0.8 12.716 16.02 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.300 -0.8 13.098 16.50 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.350 -0.7 13.480 16.98 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.400 -0.7 13.862 17.47 9.61 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.455 -0.7 14.260 17.97 8.52 0.00 A 0.00 39.55 - 0.00
2.511 -0.6 14.587 18.38 6.36 0.00 A 0.00 38.29 - 0.00
2.566 -0.6 14.821 18.67 4.30 1.19 - 0.00 37.09 - 0.00
2.622 -0.6 14.967 18.86 2.40 3.11 - 0.00 35.97 - 0.00
2.677 -0.5 15.032 18.94 0.66 4.96 - 0.00 34.91 - 0.00
2.733 -0.5 15.025 18.93 -0.92 6.74 - 0.00 33.91 - 0.00
2.788 -0.5 14.952 18.84 -2.36 8.46 - 0.00 32.99 - 0.00
2.843 -0.4 14.818 18.67 -3.65 10.11 - 0.00 32.13 - 0.00
2.899 -0.4 14.631 18.43 -4.80 11.70 - 0.00 31.33 - 0.00
2.954 -0.4 14.396 18.14 -5.83 13.22 - 0.00 30.61 - 0.00
3.010 -0.4 14.118 17.79 -6.73 14.67 - 0.00 29.94 - 0.00
3.065 -0.3 13.803 17.39 -7.52 16.07 - 0.00 29.34 - 0.00
3.120 -0.3 13.456 16.95 -8.21 17.40 - 0.00 28.81 - 0.00
3.176 -0.3 13.080 16.48 -8.79 18.67 - 0.00 28.33 - 0.00
3.231 -0.3 12.682 15.98 -9.28 19.88 - 0.00 27.91 - 0.00
3.287 -0.3 12.263 15.45 -9.68 21.03 - 0.00 27.55 - 0.00
3.342 -0.3 11.829 14.90 -10.01 22.13 - 0.00 27.24 - 0.00
3.398 -0.2 11.382 14.34 -10.25 23.18 - 0.00 26.98 - 0.00
3.453 -0.2 10.925 13.77 -10.43 24.17 - 0.00 26.78 - 0.00
3.508 -0.2 10.462 13.18 -10.54 25.12 - 0.00 26.62 - 0.00
3.564 -0.2 9.996 12.59 -10.60 26.02 - 0.00 26.52 - 0.00
3.619 -0.2 9.528 12.01 -10.60 26.88 - 0.00 26.45 - 0.00
3.675 -0.2 9.061 11.42 -10.56 27.69 - 0.00 26.43 - 0.00
3.730 -0.2 8.598 10.83 -10.46 28.46 - 0.00 26.45 - 0.00
3.786 -0.2 8.139 10.25 -10.33 29.19 - 0.00 26.51 - 0.00
3.841 -0.2 7.686 9.68 -10.17 29.89 - 0.00 26.61 - 0.00
3.896 -0.2 7.242 9.12 -9.97 30.55 - 0.00 26.74 - 0.00
3.952 -0.2 6.807 8.58 -9.75 31.18 - 0.00 26.90 - 0.00
4.007 -0.1 6.382 8.04 -9.50 31.78 - 0.00 27.09 - 0.00
4.063 -0.1 5.969 7.52 -9.23 32.35 - 0.00 27.31 - 0.00
4.118 -0.1 5.567 7.01 -8.94 32.90 - 0.00 27.56 - 0.00
4.173 -0.1 5.179 6.53 -8.64 33.42 - 0.00 27.83 - 0.00
4.229 -0.1 4.805 6.05 -8.32 33.91 - 0.00 28.13 - 0.00
4.284 -0.1 4.444 5.60 -8.00 34.39 - 0.00 28.44 - 0.00
4.340 -0.1 4.098 5.16 -7.67 34.84 - 0.00 28.78 - 0.00
4.395 -0.1 3.767 4.75 -7.33 35.28 - 0.00 29.14 - 0.00

Page 5

4.451 -0.1 3.451 4.35 -6.99 35.70 - 0.00 29.51 - 0.00

4.506 -0.1 3.150 3.97 -6.64 36.10 - 0.00 29.90 - 0.00
4.561 -0.1 2.864 3.61 -6.30 36.49 - 0.00 30.30 - 0.00
4.617 -0.1 2.593 3.27 -5.96 36.87 - 0.00 30.71 - 0.00
4.672 -0.1 2.337 2.94 -5.62 37.24 - 0.00 31.14 - 0.00
4.728 -0.1 2.095 2.64 -5.28 37.59 - 0.00 31.58 - 0.00
4.783 -0.1 1.869 2.35 -4.95 37.94 - 0.00 32.02 - 0.00
4.839 -0.1 1.657 2.09 -4.63 38.27 - 0.00 32.48 - 0.00
4.894 -0.1 1.459 1.84 -4.31 38.60 - 0.00 32.94 - 0.00
4.949 -0.1 1.275 1.61 -4.00 38.93 - 0.00 33.41 - 0.00
5.005 -0.1 1.104 1.39 -3.70 39.25 - 0.00 33.88 - 0.00
5.060 -0.1 0.946 1.19 -3.40 39.56 - 0.00 34.36 - 0.00
5.116 -0.1 0.801 1.01 -3.12 39.87 - 0.00 34.85 - 0.00
5.171 -0.1 0.669 0.84 -2.85 40.17 - 0.00 35.33 - 0.00
5.227 -0.1 0.548 0.69 -2.59 40.47 - 0.00 35.82 - 0.00
5.282 -0.2 0.438 0.55 -2.33 40.77 - 0.00 36.32 - 0.00
5.337 -0.2 0.339 0.43 -2.09 41.07 - 0.00 36.81 - 0.00
5.393 -0.2 0.251 0.32 -1.86 41.36 - 0.00 37.31 - 0.00
5.448 -0.2 0.172 0.22 -1.64 41.66 - 0.00 37.81 - 0.00
5.504 -0.2 0.103 0.13 -1.43 41.95 - 0.00 38.30 - 0.00
5.559 -0.2 0.043 0.05 -1.24 42.25 - 0.00 38.80 - 0.00
5.614 -0.2 0.009 -0.01 -1.05 42.54 - 0.00 39.30 - 0.00
5.670 -0.2 0.053 -0.07 -0.88 42.83 - 0.00 39.80 - 0.00
5.725 -0.2 0.089 -0.11 -0.72 43.13 - 0.00 40.30 - 0.00
5.781 -0.2 0.119 -0.15 -0.56 43.42 - 0.00 40.80 - 0.00
5.836 -0.2 0.142 -0.18 -0.43 43.71 - 0.00 41.29 - 0.00
5.892 -0.2 0.160 -0.20 -0.30 44.01 - 0.00 41.79 - 0.00
5.947 -0.2 0.172 -0.22 -0.18 44.31 - 0.00 42.29 - 0.00
6.002 -0.2 0.179 -0.23 -0.07 44.60 - 0.00 42.78 - 0.00
6.058 -0.2 0.181 -0.23 0.02 44.90 - 0.00 43.28 - 0.00
6.113 -0.2 0.180 -0.23 0.11 45.20 - 0.00 43.77 - 0.00
6.169 -0.2 0.175 -0.22 0.18 45.50 - 0.00 44.26 - 0.00
6.224 -0.2 0.167 -0.21 0.24 45.80 - 0.00 44.76 - 0.00
6.280 -0.2 0.157 -0.20 0.30 46.10 - 0.00 45.25 - 0.00
6.335 -0.2 0.144 -0.18 0.34 46.40 - 0.00 45.74 - 0.00
6.390 -0.2 0.130 -0.16 0.37 46.70 - 0.00 46.23 - 0.00
6.446 -0.2 0.115 -0.15 0.39 47.00 - 0.00 46.72 - 0.00
6.501 -0.2 0.099 -0.13 0.40 47.30 - 0.00 47.21 - 0.00
6.557 -0.2 0.083 -0.10 0.40 47.61 - 0.00 47.70 - 0.00
6.612 -0.2 0.067 -0.08 0.39 47.91 - 0.00 48.19 - 0.00
6.667 -0.2 0.052 -0.07 0.37 48.21 - 0.00 48.67 - 0.00
6.723 -0.2 0.038 -0.05 0.34 48.52 - 0.00 49.16 - 0.00
6.778 -0.2 0.025 -0.03 0.30 48.82 - 0.00 49.65 - 0.00
6.834 -0.2 0.015 -0.02 0.25 49.13 - 0.00 50.14 - 0.00
6.889 -0.2 0.007 -0.00 0.19 49.43 - 0.00 50.62 - 0.00
6.945 -0.2 0.002 -0.00 0.11 49.74 - 0.00 51.11 - 0.00
7.000 -0.2 0.000 0.00 0.00 50.04 - 0.00 51.60 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.1 [mm] at X= 4.51 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -3.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 15.032 [N/mm^2] at X= 2.68 [m]
Largest positive moment: 18.94 [kN.m/m'] at X= 2.68 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.23 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.06 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 9.61 [kN/m'] at X= 1.05 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -10.60 [kN/m'] at X= 3.62 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 9.084 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 245.861 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2836.636 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 162.592 [kN/m']

Page 6

Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 162.592 [kN/m']

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 116.434 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1673.418 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 162.571 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 162.571 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 9.71 %


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.270 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 2.270 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.7 0.7
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 1.4

2.1 2.1

2.8 2.8

3.5 3.5

4.2 4.2

4.9 4.9

5.6 5.6

6.3 6.3

7 7
30 23.8 17.6 11.4 5.2 -1 13 7 1 -5 -11 -17
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 0
Construction phase no.: 1
3.5 2.8
4.2 3.5
6.3 6.3
7 7
0 -1.2 -2.4 -3.6 -4.8 -6 -53 -31.2 -9.4 12.4 34.2 56
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -5.8 0.000 0.00 0.02 9.13 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.053 -5.7 0.010 0.01 0.47 9.39 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.105 -5.6 0.041 0.05 0.97 9.68 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.158 -5.5 0.093 0.12 1.49 9.97 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.211 -5.4 0.167 0.21 2.02 10.26 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.263 -5.3 0.264 0.33 2.57 10.54 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.316 -5.2 0.383 0.48 3.13 10.83 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.368 -5.1 0.527 0.66 3.71 11.12 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.421 -5.0 0.695 0.88 4.30 11.41 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.474 -4.9 0.888 1.12 4.91 11.69 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.526 -4.8 1.107 1.39 5.53 11.98 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.579 -4.7 1.352 1.70 6.17 12.27 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.632 -4.6 1.624 2.05 6.82 12.56 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.684 -4.5 1.924 2.42 7.49 12.84 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.737 -4.4 2.252 2.84 8.17 13.13 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.789 -4.3 2.609 3.29 8.87 13.42 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.842 -4.2 2.995 3.77 9.59 13.71 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.895 -4.1 3.411 4.30 10.32 13.99 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.947 -4.0 3.859 4.86 11.06 14.28 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -3.9 4.337 5.47 11.82 14.57 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.053 -3.8 4.843 6.10 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.106 -3.7 5.356 6.75 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.159 -3.6 5.870 7.40 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.212 -3.5 6.384 8.04 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.265 -3.4 6.897 8.69 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.318 -3.3 7.411 9.34 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.371 -3.2 7.924 9.98 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.424 -3.1 8.438 10.63 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.476 -3.0 8.952 11.28 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.529 -2.9 9.465 11.93 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.582 -2.8 9.979 12.57 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.635 -2.7 10.492 13.22 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.688 -2.6 11.006 13.87 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.741 -2.6 11.520 14.51 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.794 -2.5 12.033 15.16 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.847 -2.4 12.547 15.81 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.900 -2.3 13.060 16.46 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.953 -2.2 13.571 17.10 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 8

2.005 -2.1 14.082 17.74 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

2.058 -2.0 14.592 18.39 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.111 -2.0 15.103 19.03 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.163 -1.9 15.613 19.67 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.216 -1.8 16.124 20.32 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.268 -1.7 16.635 20.96 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.321 -1.7 17.145 21.60 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.374 -1.6 17.656 22.25 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.426 -1.5 18.167 22.89 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.479 -1.4 18.677 23.53 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.532 -1.4 19.188 24.18 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.584 -1.3 19.698 24.82 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.637 -1.2 20.209 25.46 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.689 -1.2 20.720 26.11 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.742 -1.1 21.230 26.75 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.795 -1.1 21.741 27.39 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.847 -1.0 22.251 28.04 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.900 -0.9 22.731 28.64 10.74 0.00 A 0.00 55.80 - 0.00
2.955 -0.9 23.135 29.15 7.70 0.00 A 0.00 53.66 - 0.00
3.011 -0.8 23.409 29.50 4.79 0.00 A 0.00 51.63 - 0.00
3.066 -0.8 23.558 29.68 2.01 1.09 - 0.00 49.70 - 0.00
3.122 -0.7 23.587 29.72 -0.56 3.70 - 0.00 47.87 - 0.00
3.177 -0.7 23.510 29.62 -2.89 6.21 - 0.00 46.16 - 0.00
3.232 -0.6 23.334 29.40 -4.99 8.62 - 0.00 44.54 - 0.00
3.288 -0.6 23.071 29.07 -6.88 10.92 - 0.00 43.03 - 0.00
3.343 -0.6 22.730 28.64 -8.56 13.11 - 0.00 41.63 - 0.00
3.399 -0.5 22.319 28.12 -10.04 15.21 - 0.00 40.32 - 0.00
3.454 -0.5 21.847 27.53 -11.34 17.21 - 0.00 39.12 - 0.00
3.509 -0.5 21.321 26.86 -12.48 19.10 - 0.00 38.01 - 0.00
3.565 -0.4 20.749 26.14 -13.45 20.91 - 0.00 37.00 - 0.00
3.620 -0.4 20.138 25.37 -14.26 22.62 - 0.00 36.08 - 0.00
3.676 -0.4 19.493 24.56 -14.94 24.24 - 0.00 35.26 - 0.00
3.731 -0.3 18.822 23.72 -15.49 25.77 - 0.00 34.51 - 0.00
3.786 -0.3 18.130 22.84 -15.92 27.22 - 0.00 33.86 - 0.00
3.842 -0.3 17.421 21.95 -16.23 28.59 - 0.00 33.28 - 0.00
3.897 -0.3 16.700 21.04 -16.44 29.88 - 0.00 32.78 - 0.00
3.953 -0.3 15.973 20.13 -16.56 31.09 - 0.00 32.36 - 0.00
4.008 -0.2 15.242 19.21 -16.58 32.24 - 0.00 32.01 - 0.00
4.064 -0.2 14.512 18.29 -16.53 33.31 - 0.00 31.73 - 0.00
4.119 -0.2 13.786 17.37 -16.41 34.32 - 0.00 31.51 - 0.00
4.174 -0.2 13.066 16.46 -16.23 35.27 - 0.00 31.35 - 0.00
4.230 -0.2 12.356 15.57 -15.98 36.16 - 0.00 31.25 - 0.00
4.285 -0.2 11.657 14.69 -15.69 36.99 - 0.00 31.21 - 0.00
4.341 -0.2 10.973 13.83 -15.34 37.78 - 0.00 31.22 - 0.00
4.396 -0.2 10.305 12.98 -14.96 38.51 - 0.00 31.28 - 0.00
4.451 -0.2 9.654 12.16 -14.54 39.20 - 0.00 31.38 - 0.00
4.507 -0.1 9.022 11.37 -14.10 39.84 - 0.00 31.53 - 0.00
4.562 -0.1 8.411 10.60 -13.62 40.45 - 0.00 31.72 - 0.00
4.618 -0.1 7.820 9.85 -13.13 41.01 - 0.00 31.94 - 0.00
4.673 -0.1 7.252 9.14 -12.62 41.54 - 0.00 32.20 - 0.00
4.728 -0.1 6.706 8.45 -12.10 42.04 - 0.00 32.49 - 0.00
4.784 -0.1 6.184 7.79 -11.57 42.51 - 0.00 32.82 - 0.00
4.839 -0.1 5.685 7.16 -11.03 42.95 - 0.00 33.17 - 0.00
4.895 -0.1 5.210 6.57 -10.48 43.37 - 0.00 33.55 - 0.00
4.950 -0.1 4.759 6.00 -9.94 43.76 - 0.00 33.94 - 0.00
5.005 -0.1 4.332 5.46 -9.40 44.13 - 0.00 34.37 - 0.00
5.061 -0.1 3.929 4.95 -8.86 44.48 - 0.00 34.81 - 0.00
5.116 -0.1 3.549 4.47 -8.33 44.82 - 0.00 35.26 - 0.00
5.172 -0.1 3.192 4.02 -7.80 45.13 - 0.00 35.74 - 0.00
5.227 -0.1 2.859 3.60 -7.29 45.44 - 0.00 36.23 - 0.00
5.282 -0.1 2.547 3.21 -6.78 45.73 - 0.00 36.73 - 0.00
5.338 -0.1 2.258 2.84 -6.29 46.01 - 0.00 37.24 - 0.00
5.393 -0.1 1.990 2.51 -5.81 46.28 - 0.00 37.76 - 0.00
5.449 -0.1 1.743 2.20 -5.35 46.54 - 0.00 38.29 - 0.00
5.504 -0.2 1.515 1.91 -4.90 46.79 - 0.00 38.83 - 0.00
5.559 -0.2 1.307 1.65 -4.46 47.03 - 0.00 39.38 - 0.00
5.615 -0.2 1.118 1.41 -4.05 47.27 - 0.00 39.93 - 0.00
5.670 -0.2 0.947 1.19 -3.65 47.51 - 0.00 40.49 - 0.00

Page 9

5.726 -0.2 0.793 1.00 -3.27 47.74 - 0.00 41.05 - 0.00

5.781 -0.2 0.655 0.82 -2.91 47.97 - 0.00 41.62 - 0.00
5.836 -0.2 0.532 0.67 -2.57 48.19 - 0.00 42.18 - 0.00
5.892 -0.2 0.424 0.53 -2.24 48.41 - 0.00 42.75 - 0.00
5.947 -0.2 0.330 0.42 -1.94 48.63 - 0.00 43.33 - 0.00
6.003 -0.2 0.249 0.31 -1.66 48.85 - 0.00 43.90 - 0.00
6.058 -0.2 0.180 0.23 -1.39 49.07 - 0.00 44.47 - 0.00
6.114 -0.2 0.122 0.15 -1.15 49.28 - 0.00 45.05 - 0.00
6.169 -0.2 0.074 0.09 -0.92 49.50 - 0.00 45.63 - 0.00
6.224 -0.2 0.036 0.05 -0.72 49.71 - 0.00 46.20 - 0.00
6.280 -0.2 0.007 0.00 -0.53 49.93 - 0.00 46.78 - 0.00
6.335 -0.2 0.015 -0.02 -0.37 50.14 - 0.00 47.35 - 0.00
6.391 -0.2 0.031 -0.04 -0.23 50.36 - 0.00 47.93 - 0.00
6.446 -0.2 0.040 -0.05 -0.10 50.57 - 0.00 48.51 - 0.00
6.501 -0.2 0.044 -0.06 0.00 50.79 - 0.00 49.08 - 0.00
6.557 -0.2 0.044 -0.06 0.09 51.01 - 0.00 49.66 - 0.00
6.612 -0.2 0.041 -0.05 0.15 51.22 - 0.00 50.24 - 0.00
6.668 -0.2 0.035 -0.04 0.20 51.44 - 0.00 50.81 - 0.00
6.723 -0.2 0.028 -0.04 0.22 51.65 - 0.00 51.39 - 0.00
6.778 -0.2 0.020 -0.03 0.23 51.87 - 0.00 51.96 - 0.00
6.834 -0.2 0.013 -0.02 0.21 52.09 - 0.00 52.54 - 0.00
6.889 -0.2 0.006 -0.00 0.18 52.30 - 0.00 53.11 - 0.00
6.945 -0.3 0.002 -0.00 0.12 52.52 - 0.00 53.69 - 0.00
7.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 52.74 - 0.00 54.26 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.1 [mm] at X= 4.89 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -5.8 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 23.587 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.12 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.055
Largest positive moment: 29.72 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.12 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.06 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.56 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 12.21 [kN/m'] at X= 1.05 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -16.58 [kN/m'] at X= 4.01 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 12.187 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 277.962 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3059.371 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 166.407 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 166.407 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 115.337 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1584.968 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 166.379 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 166.379 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 10.50 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.105


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 4.509 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 4.509 [kN/m']


Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -6.4 0.000 0.00 0.02 9.78 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.053 -6.3 0.011 0.01 0.50 10.11 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.105 -6.2 0.044 0.06 1.04 10.46 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.158 -6.1 0.100 0.13 1.60 10.82 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.211 -6.0 0.180 0.23 2.18 11.18 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.263 -5.9 0.285 0.36 2.78 11.53 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.316 -5.8 0.414 0.52 3.40 11.89 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.368 -5.6 0.570 0.72 4.03 12.24 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.421 -5.5 0.753 0.95 4.69 12.60 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.474 -5.4 0.964 1.21 5.36 12.95 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.526 -5.3 1.203 1.52 6.05 13.31 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.579 -5.2 1.471 1.85 6.76 13.66 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.632 -5.1 1.770 2.23 7.49 14.02 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.684 -5.0 2.099 2.64 8.23 14.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.737 -4.9 2.460 3.10 9.00 14.73 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.789 -4.8 2.853 3.59 9.78 15.08 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.842 -4.7 3.279 4.13 10.59 15.44 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.895 -4.5 3.739 4.71 11.41 15.80 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.947 -4.4 4.234 5.34 12.25 16.15 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -4.3 4.765 6.00 13.11 16.51 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.053 -4.2 5.326 6.71 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.106 -4.1 5.896 7.43 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.159 -4.0 6.466 8.15 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.212 -3.9 7.036 8.87 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.265 -3.8 7.606 9.58 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.318 -3.7 8.176 10.30 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.371 -3.6 8.746 11.02 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.424 -3.5 9.316 11.74 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.476 -3.4 9.886 12.46 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.529 -3.3 10.456 13.17 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.582 -3.2 11.026 13.89 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.635 -3.1 11.596 14.61 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.688 -3.0 12.166 15.33 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.741 -2.9 12.736 16.05 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.794 -2.8 13.306 16.77 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.847 -2.7 13.876 17.48 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.900 -2.6 14.446 18.20 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.953 -2.5 15.013 18.92 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.005 -2.4 15.580 19.63 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.058 -2.3 16.146 20.34 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.111 -2.2 16.713 21.06 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.163 -2.1 17.280 21.77 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.216 -2.0 17.846 22.49 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.268 -1.9 18.413 23.20 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.321 -1.9 18.980 23.91 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.374 -1.8 19.546 24.63 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.426 -1.7 20.113 25.34 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.479 -1.6 20.680 26.06 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.532 -1.5 21.246 26.77 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.584 -1.5 21.813 27.48 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.637 -1.4 22.380 28.20 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.689 -1.3 22.947 28.91 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.742 -1.3 23.513 29.63 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.795 -1.2 24.080 30.34 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.847 -1.1 24.647 31.05 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 11

2.900 -1.1 25.179 31.73 11.93 0.00 A 0.00 61.45 - 0.00

2.955 -1.0 25.629 32.29 8.59 0.00 A 0.00 59.11 - 0.00
3.011 -0.9 25.936 32.68 5.38 0.00 A 0.00 56.88 - 0.00
3.066 -0.9 26.103 32.89 2.31 0.76 - 0.00 54.76 - 0.00
3.122 -0.8 26.139 32.94 -0.55 3.69 - 0.00 52.77 - 0.00
3.177 -0.8 26.056 32.83 -3.14 6.50 - 0.00 50.88 - 0.00
3.232 -0.7 25.864 32.59 -5.47 9.20 - 0.00 49.12 - 0.00
3.288 -0.7 25.575 32.22 -7.57 11.78 - 0.00 47.47 - 0.00
3.343 -0.6 25.199 31.75 -9.44 14.24 - 0.00 45.94 - 0.00
3.399 -0.6 24.745 31.18 -11.09 16.59 - 0.00 44.52 - 0.00
3.454 -0.6 24.224 30.52 -12.54 18.84 - 0.00 43.21 - 0.00
3.509 -0.5 23.642 29.79 -13.79 20.97 - 0.00 42.01 - 0.00
3.565 -0.5 23.010 28.99 -14.87 23.00 - 0.00 40.91 - 0.00
3.620 -0.4 22.333 28.14 -15.78 24.92 - 0.00 39.92 - 0.00
3.676 -0.4 21.620 27.24 -16.54 26.75 - 0.00 39.02 - 0.00
3.731 -0.4 20.877 26.31 -17.15 28.47 - 0.00 38.23 - 0.00
3.786 -0.4 20.110 25.34 -17.63 30.11 - 0.00 37.52 - 0.00
3.842 -0.3 19.325 24.35 -17.98 31.65 - 0.00 36.91 - 0.00
3.897 -0.3 18.527 23.34 -18.21 33.11 - 0.00 36.38 - 0.00
3.953 -0.3 17.721 22.33 -18.34 34.49 - 0.00 35.94 - 0.00
4.008 -0.3 16.912 21.31 -18.38 35.78 - 0.00 35.57 - 0.00
4.064 -0.3 16.102 20.29 -18.32 37.00 - 0.00 35.28 - 0.00
4.119 -0.2 15.297 19.27 -18.19 38.15 - 0.00 35.07 - 0.00
4.174 -0.2 14.499 18.27 -17.99 39.23 - 0.00 34.92 - 0.00
4.230 -0.2 13.712 17.28 -17.72 40.25 - 0.00 34.83 - 0.00
4.285 -0.2 12.938 16.30 -17.39 41.20 - 0.00 34.81 - 0.00
4.341 -0.2 12.179 15.35 -17.01 42.10 - 0.00 34.85 - 0.00
4.396 -0.2 11.438 14.41 -16.59 42.94 - 0.00 34.94 - 0.00
4.451 -0.2 10.717 13.50 -16.13 43.73 - 0.00 35.08 - 0.00
4.507 -0.2 10.016 12.62 -15.63 44.47 - 0.00 35.27 - 0.00
4.562 -0.2 9.338 11.77 -15.11 45.17 - 0.00 35.50 - 0.00
4.618 -0.2 8.683 10.94 -14.57 45.82 - 0.00 35.78 - 0.00
4.673 -0.2 8.052 10.15 -14.00 46.44 - 0.00 36.09 - 0.00
4.728 -0.2 7.447 9.38 -13.42 47.02 - 0.00 36.44 - 0.00
4.784 -0.2 6.868 8.65 -12.83 47.57 - 0.00 36.83 - 0.00
4.839 -0.2 6.314 7.96 -12.23 48.08 - 0.00 37.24 - 0.00
4.895 -0.2 5.787 7.29 -11.63 48.57 - 0.00 37.69 - 0.00
4.950 -0.2 5.287 6.66 -11.03 49.03 - 0.00 38.15 - 0.00
5.005 -0.2 4.813 6.06 -10.43 49.47 - 0.00 38.65 - 0.00
5.061 -0.2 4.365 5.50 -9.83 49.89 - 0.00 39.16 - 0.00
5.116 -0.2 3.944 4.97 -9.24 50.28 - 0.00 39.70 - 0.00
5.172 -0.2 3.548 4.47 -8.66 50.66 - 0.00 40.25 - 0.00
5.227 -0.2 3.177 4.00 -8.09 51.03 - 0.00 40.82 - 0.00
5.282 -0.2 2.832 3.57 -7.53 51.38 - 0.00 41.40 - 0.00
5.338 -0.2 2.510 3.16 -6.98 51.71 - 0.00 41.99 - 0.00
5.393 -0.2 2.213 2.79 -6.45 52.04 - 0.00 42.60 - 0.00
5.449 -0.2 1.938 2.44 -5.94 52.35 - 0.00 43.21 - 0.00
5.504 -0.2 1.686 2.12 -5.44 52.66 - 0.00 43.84 - 0.00
5.559 -0.2 1.455 1.83 -4.96 52.96 - 0.00 44.47 - 0.00
5.615 -0.2 1.245 1.57 -4.50 53.25 - 0.00 45.11 - 0.00
5.670 -0.2 1.054 1.33 -4.06 53.54 - 0.00 45.75 - 0.00
5.726 -0.2 0.883 1.11 -3.63 53.82 - 0.00 46.40 - 0.00
5.781 -0.2 0.730 0.92 -3.23 54.10 - 0.00 47.05 - 0.00
5.836 -0.2 0.594 0.75 -2.85 54.38 - 0.00 47.71 - 0.00
5.892 -0.2 0.474 0.60 -2.50 54.65 - 0.00 48.37 - 0.00
5.947 -0.2 0.369 0.46 -2.16 54.92 - 0.00 49.03 - 0.00
6.003 -0.2 0.279 0.35 -1.84 55.19 - 0.00 49.69 - 0.00
6.058 -0.2 0.202 0.25 -1.55 55.45 - 0.00 50.36 - 0.00
6.114 -0.2 0.137 0.17 -1.28 55.72 - 0.00 51.02 - 0.00
6.169 -0.2 0.084 0.11 -1.03 55.99 - 0.00 51.69 - 0.00
6.224 -0.2 0.042 0.05 -0.80 56.25 - 0.00 52.35 - 0.00
6.280 -0.2 0.009 0.01 -0.60 56.52 - 0.00 53.02 - 0.00
6.335 -0.2 0.016 -0.02 -0.41 56.78 - 0.00 53.68 - 0.00
6.391 -0.3 0.033 -0.04 -0.25 57.05 - 0.00 54.35 - 0.00
6.446 -0.3 0.043 -0.05 -0.11 57.31 - 0.00 55.02 - 0.00
6.501 -0.3 0.048 -0.06 0.00 57.58 - 0.00 55.68 - 0.00
6.557 -0.3 0.048 -0.06 0.10 57.84 - 0.00 56.35 - 0.00
6.612 -0.3 0.045 -0.06 0.17 58.11 - 0.00 57.01 - 0.00

Page 12

6.668 -0.3 0.039 -0.05 0.22 58.38 - 0.00 57.68 - 0.00

6.723 -0.3 0.031 -0.04 0.24 58.64 - 0.00 58.34 - 0.00
6.778 -0.3 0.022 -0.03 0.25 58.91 - 0.00 59.01 - 0.00
6.834 -0.3 0.014 -0.02 0.23 59.18 - 0.00 59.67 - 0.00
6.889 -0.3 0.007 -0.00 0.20 59.44 - 0.00 60.34 - 0.00
6.945 -0.3 0.002 -0.00 0.14 59.71 - 0.00 61.00 - 0.00
7.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 59.98 - 0.00 61.66 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 4.89 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -6.4 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 26.139 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.12 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.061
Largest positive moment: 32.94 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.12 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.06 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.56 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 13.55 [kN/m'] at X= 1.05 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -18.38 [kN/m'] at X= 4.01 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 14.139 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 311.254 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2297.442 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 186.655 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 186.655 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 126.979 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1166.900 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 186.622 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 186.622 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 15.99 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.160


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 4.980 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 4.980 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.061
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL RIGHT passive: 0.160

*** End of the calculation

Page 13

Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 11.33 hour

S-2 (RW 25/39)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-2.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall





4.00 Arcelor AZ 18-700






8.00 6.40 4.80 3.20 1.60 0.00 1.60 3.20 4.80 6.40 8.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 18-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 3.78000E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 1.80000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.11600E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 8.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01390
Thickness web [m] : 0.00840
Thickness flange [m] : 0.00840
Width flange [m] : 0.34600
Height of section [m] : 0.42000
Section class: 3

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 8.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 50.000
2 1.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 2.650 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Page 2

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 3.150
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 3.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Variable load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Variable load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.8 0.8
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 1.6

2.4 2.4

3.2 3.2

4 4

4.8 4.8

5.6 5.6

6.4 6.4

7.2 7.2

8 8
15 11.8 8.6 5.4 2.2 -1 6 3 0 -3 -6 -9
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 0
Construction phase no.: 1
4 3.2
4.8 4
7.2 7.2
8 8
0 -0.8 -1.6 -2.4 -3.2 -4 -55 -32.8 -10.6 11.6 33.8 56
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -3.4 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.02 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.059 -3.3 0.000 0.00 0.02 0.68 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.118 -3.3 0.003 0.00 0.08 1.39 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.176 -3.2 0.009 0.01 0.18 2.09 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.235 -3.1 0.021 0.03 0.33 2.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.294 -3.1 0.040 0.05 0.51 3.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.353 -3.0 0.069 0.09 0.74 4.22 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.412 -3.0 0.110 0.14 1.01 4.93 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.471 -2.9 0.165 0.21 1.32 5.64 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.529 -2.8 0.234 0.30 1.67 6.35 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.588 -2.8 0.322 0.41 2.07 7.05 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.647 -2.7 0.428 0.54 2.50 7.76 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.706 -2.7 0.556 0.70 2.98 8.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.765 -2.6 0.707 0.89 3.50 9.18 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.824 -2.6 0.884 1.11 4.06 9.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 4

0.882 -2.5 1.087 1.37 4.66 10.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

0.941 -2.4 1.320 1.66 5.30 11.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -2.4 1.575 1.98 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.061 -2.3 1.849 2.33 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.122 -2.3 2.122 2.67 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.183 -2.2 2.396 3.02 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.244 -2.1 2.669 3.36 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.306 -2.1 2.943 3.71 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.367 -2.0 3.217 4.05 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.428 -2.0 3.490 4.40 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.489 -1.9 3.764 4.74 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.550 -1.9 4.037 5.09 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.611 -1.8 4.311 5.43 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.672 -1.7 4.584 5.78 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.733 -1.7 4.858 6.12 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.794 -1.6 5.131 6.47 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.856 -1.6 5.405 6.81 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.917 -1.5 5.678 7.15 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.978 -1.5 5.952 7.50 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.039 -1.4 6.225 7.84 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.100 -1.4 6.499 8.19 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.161 -1.3 6.773 8.53 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.222 -1.3 7.046 8.88 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.283 -1.2 7.320 9.22 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.344 -1.2 7.593 9.57 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.406 -1.1 7.867 9.91 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.467 -1.1 8.140 10.26 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.528 -1.0 8.414 10.60 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.589 -1.0 8.687 10.95 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.650 -0.9 8.961 11.29 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.706 -0.9 9.210 11.60 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.761 -0.9 9.458 11.92 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.817 -0.8 9.707 12.23 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.872 -0.8 9.956 12.54 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.928 -0.8 10.204 12.86 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.983 -0.7 10.453 13.17 5.64 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.039 -0.7 10.701 13.48 5.64 0.23 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.094 -0.7 10.951 13.80 5.71 2.03 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.150 -0.6 11.205 14.12 5.87 3.79 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.213 -0.6 11.476 14.46 5.02 5.72 - 0.00 36.44 - 0.00
3.276 -0.6 11.679 14.72 3.17 7.59 - 0.00 35.48 - 0.00
3.339 -0.5 11.793 14.86 1.50 9.39 - 0.00 34.58 - 0.00
3.402 -0.5 11.829 14.90 -0.00 11.12 - 0.00 33.75 - 0.00
3.465 -0.5 11.793 14.86 -1.35 12.78 - 0.00 32.99 - 0.00
3.528 -0.5 11.693 14.73 -2.55 14.37 - 0.00 32.29 - 0.00
3.591 -0.4 11.537 14.54 -3.61 15.90 - 0.00 31.67 - 0.00
3.654 -0.4 11.331 14.28 -4.54 17.36 - 0.00 31.11 - 0.00
3.717 -0.4 11.082 13.96 -5.35 18.75 - 0.00 30.61 - 0.00
3.780 -0.4 10.795 13.60 -6.04 20.08 - 0.00 30.18 - 0.00
3.843 -0.4 10.476 13.20 -6.63 21.35 - 0.00 29.82 - 0.00
3.906 -0.3 10.131 12.77 -7.11 22.56 - 0.00 29.51 - 0.00
3.969 -0.3 9.764 12.30 -7.51 23.71 - 0.00 29.26 - 0.00
4.032 -0.3 9.379 11.82 -7.81 24.80 - 0.00 29.07 - 0.00
4.095 -0.3 8.980 11.31 -8.05 25.83 - 0.00 28.93 - 0.00
4.158 -0.3 8.572 10.80 -8.21 26.82 - 0.00 28.84 - 0.00
4.221 -0.3 8.157 10.28 -8.30 27.76 - 0.00 28.81 - 0.00
4.284 -0.3 7.739 9.75 -8.34 28.65 - 0.00 28.82 - 0.00
4.347 -0.3 7.320 9.22 -8.33 29.49 - 0.00 28.88 - 0.00
4.410 -0.2 6.903 8.70 -8.27 30.29 - 0.00 28.97 - 0.00
4.473 -0.2 6.490 8.18 -8.17 31.05 - 0.00 29.11 - 0.00
4.536 -0.2 6.084 7.67 -8.03 31.78 - 0.00 29.29 - 0.00
4.599 -0.2 5.685 7.16 -7.85 32.47 - 0.00 29.50 - 0.00
4.662 -0.2 5.295 6.67 -7.65 33.13 - 0.00 29.74 - 0.00
4.725 -0.2 4.916 6.19 -7.43 33.75 - 0.00 30.02 - 0.00
4.788 -0.2 4.548 5.73 -7.19 34.35 - 0.00 30.32 - 0.00
4.851 -0.2 4.194 5.28 -6.92 34.92 - 0.00 30.65 - 0.00
4.914 -0.2 3.853 4.85 -6.65 35.47 - 0.00 31.00 - 0.00
4.977 -0.2 3.525 4.44 -6.36 35.99 - 0.00 31.38 - 0.00

Page 5

5.040 -0.2 3.213 4.05 -6.07 36.50 - 0.00 31.77 - 0.00

5.103 -0.2 2.915 3.67 -5.77 36.98 - 0.00 32.19 - 0.00
5.166 -0.2 2.632 3.32 -5.47 37.45 - 0.00 32.62 - 0.00
5.229 -0.2 2.364 2.98 -5.16 37.90 - 0.00 33.06 - 0.00
5.292 -0.2 2.112 2.66 -4.86 38.34 - 0.00 33.53 - 0.00
5.355 -0.2 1.874 2.36 -4.55 38.77 - 0.00 34.00 - 0.00
5.418 -0.2 1.652 2.08 -4.26 39.19 - 0.00 34.48 - 0.00
5.481 -0.2 1.445 1.82 -3.96 39.59 - 0.00 34.97 - 0.00
5.544 -0.2 1.252 1.58 -3.67 39.99 - 0.00 35.48 - 0.00
5.606 -0.2 1.073 1.35 -3.39 40.38 - 0.00 35.98 - 0.00
5.669 -0.2 0.908 1.14 -3.12 40.77 - 0.00 36.50 - 0.00
5.732 -0.2 0.757 0.95 -2.86 41.15 - 0.00 37.02 - 0.00
5.795 -0.2 0.618 0.78 -2.60 41.52 - 0.00 37.54 - 0.00
5.858 -0.2 0.492 0.62 -2.36 41.90 - 0.00 38.07 - 0.00
5.921 -0.2 0.378 0.48 -2.12 42.27 - 0.00 38.60 - 0.00
5.984 -0.2 0.276 0.35 -1.89 42.63 - 0.00 39.14 - 0.00
6.047 -0.2 0.185 0.23 -1.68 43.00 - 0.00 39.67 - 0.00
6.110 -0.2 0.104 0.13 -1.48 43.36 - 0.00 40.21 - 0.00
6.173 -0.2 0.033 0.04 -1.28 43.72 - 0.00 40.74 - 0.00
6.236 -0.2 0.029 -0.04 -1.10 44.09 - 0.00 41.28 - 0.00
6.299 -0.2 0.082 -0.10 -0.93 44.45 - 0.00 41.82 - 0.00
6.362 -0.2 0.126 -0.16 -0.77 44.82 - 0.00 42.35 - 0.00
6.425 -0.2 0.163 -0.21 -0.62 45.18 - 0.00 42.89 - 0.00
6.488 -0.2 0.192 -0.24 -0.48 45.55 - 0.00 43.42 - 0.00
6.551 -0.2 0.215 -0.27 -0.35 45.91 - 0.00 43.96 - 0.00
6.614 -0.2 0.232 -0.29 -0.23 46.28 - 0.00 44.49 - 0.00
6.677 -0.2 0.243 -0.31 -0.13 46.65 - 0.00 45.02 - 0.00
6.740 -0.2 0.249 -0.31 -0.03 47.02 - 0.00 45.55 - 0.00
6.803 -0.2 0.250 -0.32 0.06 47.39 - 0.00 46.08 - 0.00
6.866 -0.2 0.247 -0.31 0.14 47.77 - 0.00 46.60 - 0.00
6.929 -0.2 0.241 -0.30 0.21 48.14 - 0.00 47.13 - 0.00
6.992 -0.3 0.231 -0.29 0.27 48.52 - 0.00 47.65 - 0.00
7.055 -0.3 0.218 -0.28 0.32 48.89 - 0.00 48.18 - 0.00
7.118 -0.3 0.204 -0.26 0.36 49.27 - 0.00 48.70 - 0.00
7.181 -0.3 0.187 -0.24 0.39 49.65 - 0.00 49.22 - 0.00
7.244 -0.3 0.169 -0.21 0.41 50.04 - 0.00 49.74 - 0.00
7.307 -0.3 0.150 -0.19 0.43 50.42 - 0.00 50.25 - 0.00
7.370 -0.3 0.131 -0.17 0.43 50.80 - 0.00 50.77 - 0.00
7.433 -0.3 0.112 -0.14 0.43 51.18 - 0.00 51.29 - 0.00
7.496 -0.3 0.092 -0.12 0.42 51.57 - 0.00 51.80 - 0.00
7.559 -0.3 0.074 -0.09 0.40 51.95 - 0.00 52.32 - 0.00
7.622 -0.3 0.057 -0.07 0.37 52.34 - 0.00 52.83 - 0.00
7.685 -0.3 0.041 -0.05 0.34 52.72 - 0.00 53.35 - 0.00
7.748 -0.3 0.027 -0.03 0.29 53.11 - 0.00 53.86 - 0.00
7.811 -0.3 0.016 -0.02 0.24 53.50 - 0.00 54.38 - 0.00
7.874 -0.3 0.007 -0.00 0.18 53.88 - 0.00 54.89 - 0.00
7.937 -0.3 0.002 -0.00 0.12 54.27 - 0.00 55.40 - 0.00
8.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 54.66 - 0.00 55.92 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 5.23 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -3.4 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 11.829 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.40 [m]
Largest positive moment: 14.90 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.40 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.32 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.80 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 5.87 [kN/m'] at X= 3.15 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -8.34 [kN/m'] at X= 4.28 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 308.359 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3651.171 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 186.466 [kN/m']

Page 6

Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 186.466 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 127.073 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1795.375 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 186.425 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 186.425 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 10.38 %


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 0.790 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 0.790 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.8 0.8
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 1.6

2.4 2.4

3.2 3.2

4 4

4.8 4.8

5.6 5.6

6.4 6.4

7.2 7.2

8 8
20 15.8 11.6 7.4 3.2 -1 7 3.4 -0.2 -3.8 -7.4 -11
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 0
Construction phase no.: 1
4 3.2
4.8 4
7.2 7.2
8 8
0 -1.2 -2.4 -3.6 -4.8 -6 -57 -33.8 -10.6 12.6 35.8 59
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -5.1 0.000 -0.00 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.059 -5.0 0.000 0.00 0.02 0.63 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.118 -4.9 0.002 0.00 0.08 1.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.176 -4.8 0.008 0.01 0.18 2.19 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.235 -4.8 0.020 0.03 0.33 2.96 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.294 -4.7 0.040 0.05 0.53 3.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.353 -4.6 0.071 0.09 0.77 4.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.412 -4.5 0.113 0.14 1.06 5.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.471 -4.4 0.171 0.22 1.40 6.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.529 -4.4 0.245 0.31 1.78 6.85 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.588 -4.3 0.337 0.43 2.20 7.63 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.647 -4.2 0.451 0.57 2.67 8.40 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.706 -4.1 0.588 0.74 3.19 9.18 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.765 -4.0 0.750 0.95 3.76 9.96 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.824 -4.0 0.939 1.18 4.36 10.73 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.882 -3.9 1.158 1.46 5.02 11.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.941 -3.8 1.409 1.77 5.72 12.29 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -3.7 1.684 2.12 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.061 -3.6 1.979 2.49 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.122 -3.5 2.274 2.86 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.183 -3.5 2.569 3.24 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.244 -3.4 2.863 3.61 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.306 -3.3 3.158 3.98 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.367 -3.2 3.453 4.35 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.428 -3.1 3.748 4.72 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.489 -3.1 4.043 5.09 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.550 -3.0 4.338 5.47 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.611 -2.9 4.633 5.84 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.672 -2.8 4.927 6.21 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.733 -2.7 5.222 6.58 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.794 -2.7 5.517 6.95 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.856 -2.6 5.812 7.32 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.917 -2.5 6.107 7.69 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.978 -2.4 6.402 8.07 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.039 -2.3 6.697 8.44 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.100 -2.3 6.991 8.81 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.161 -2.2 7.286 9.18 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.222 -2.1 7.581 9.55 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 8

2.283 -2.1 7.876 9.92 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

2.344 -2.0 8.171 10.30 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.406 -1.9 8.466 10.67 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.467 -1.8 8.761 11.04 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.528 -1.8 9.056 11.41 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.589 -1.7 9.350 11.78 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.650 -1.6 9.645 12.15 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.709 -1.6 9.929 12.51 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.768 -1.5 10.213 12.87 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.826 -1.5 10.497 13.23 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.885 -1.4 10.781 13.58 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.944 -1.3 11.064 13.94 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.003 -1.3 11.348 14.30 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.062 -1.2 11.632 14.66 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.121 -1.2 11.916 15.01 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.179 -1.1 12.200 15.37 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.238 -1.1 12.483 15.73 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.297 -1.0 12.767 16.09 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.356 -1.0 13.051 16.44 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.415 -0.9 13.335 16.80 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.474 -0.9 13.619 17.16 6.08 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.532 -0.8 13.903 17.52 6.12 1.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.591 -0.8 14.191 17.88 6.28 3.78 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.650 -0.8 14.489 18.26 6.56 6.02 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.713 -0.7 14.791 18.64 5.56 8.34 - 0.00 46.33 - 0.00
3.776 -0.7 15.009 18.91 3.27 10.57 - 0.00 45.00 - 0.00
3.839 -0.6 15.118 19.05 1.21 12.72 - 0.00 43.75 - 0.00
3.902 -0.6 15.129 19.06 -0.64 14.78 - 0.00 42.59 - 0.00
3.965 -0.6 15.053 18.97 -2.30 16.76 - 0.00 41.52 - 0.00
4.028 -0.5 14.898 18.77 -3.77 18.64 - 0.00 40.53 - 0.00
4.091 -0.5 14.674 18.49 -5.07 20.44 - 0.00 39.63 - 0.00
4.154 -0.5 14.389 18.13 -6.20 22.15 - 0.00 38.82 - 0.00
4.217 -0.5 14.052 17.71 -7.17 23.79 - 0.00 38.09 - 0.00
4.280 -0.4 13.669 17.22 -8.00 25.34 - 0.00 37.44 - 0.00
4.343 -0.4 13.249 16.69 -8.70 26.81 - 0.00 36.87 - 0.00
4.407 -0.4 12.796 16.12 -9.28 28.20 - 0.00 36.38 - 0.00
4.470 -0.4 12.317 15.52 -9.74 29.52 - 0.00 35.96 - 0.00
4.533 -0.4 11.818 14.89 -10.09 30.77 - 0.00 35.61 - 0.00
4.596 -0.3 11.304 14.24 -10.35 31.95 - 0.00 35.33 - 0.00
4.659 -0.3 10.778 13.58 -10.53 33.06 - 0.00 35.12 - 0.00
4.722 -0.3 10.247 12.91 -10.62 34.12 - 0.00 34.97 - 0.00
4.785 -0.3 9.712 12.24 -10.64 35.11 - 0.00 34.88 - 0.00
4.848 -0.3 9.178 11.56 -10.59 36.05 - 0.00 34.84 - 0.00
4.911 -0.3 8.648 10.90 -10.49 36.93 - 0.00 34.86 - 0.00
4.974 -0.3 8.124 10.24 -10.33 37.76 - 0.00 34.93 - 0.00
5.037 -0.3 7.609 9.59 -10.13 38.55 - 0.00 35.04 - 0.00
5.100 -0.3 7.105 8.95 -9.89 39.29 - 0.00 35.20 - 0.00
5.163 -0.2 6.614 8.33 -9.62 39.99 - 0.00 35.40 - 0.00
5.226 -0.2 6.137 7.73 -9.32 40.65 - 0.00 35.64 - 0.00
5.289 -0.2 5.677 7.15 -8.99 41.28 - 0.00 35.91 - 0.00
5.352 -0.2 5.233 6.59 -8.64 41.87 - 0.00 36.22 - 0.00
5.415 -0.2 4.806 6.06 -8.28 42.44 - 0.00 36.55 - 0.00
5.478 -0.2 4.399 5.54 -7.90 42.97 - 0.00 36.92 - 0.00
5.541 -0.2 4.010 5.05 -7.52 43.48 - 0.00 37.31 - 0.00
5.604 -0.2 3.641 4.59 -7.12 43.97 - 0.00 37.72 - 0.00
5.667 -0.2 3.291 4.15 -6.73 44.44 - 0.00 38.16 - 0.00
5.730 -0.2 2.962 3.73 -6.33 44.88 - 0.00 38.61 - 0.00
5.793 -0.2 2.652 3.34 -5.94 45.31 - 0.00 39.08 - 0.00
5.857 -0.2 2.361 2.98 -5.55 45.73 - 0.00 39.57 - 0.00
5.920 -0.2 2.090 2.63 -5.16 46.13 - 0.00 40.07 - 0.00
5.983 -0.2 1.839 2.32 -4.79 46.52 - 0.00 40.58 - 0.00
6.046 -0.2 1.605 2.02 -4.42 46.90 - 0.00 41.11 - 0.00
6.109 -0.2 1.391 1.75 -4.06 47.26 - 0.00 41.64 - 0.00
6.172 -0.2 1.193 1.50 -3.71 47.62 - 0.00 42.18 - 0.00
6.235 -0.2 1.013 1.28 -3.37 47.98 - 0.00 42.73 - 0.00
6.298 -0.2 0.850 1.07 -3.05 48.33 - 0.00 43.28 - 0.00
6.361 -0.2 0.702 0.88 -2.74 48.67 - 0.00 43.84 - 0.00
6.424 -0.2 0.570 0.72 -2.44 49.01 - 0.00 44.40 - 0.00

Page 9

6.487 -0.3 0.452 0.57 -2.16 49.34 - 0.00 44.97 - 0.00

6.550 -0.3 0.348 0.44 -1.89 49.67 - 0.00 45.54 - 0.00
6.613 -0.3 0.257 0.32 -1.63 50.00 - 0.00 46.11 - 0.00
6.676 -0.3 0.178 0.22 -1.40 50.33 - 0.00 46.68 - 0.00
6.739 -0.3 0.111 0.14 -1.17 50.66 - 0.00 47.25 - 0.00
6.802 -0.3 0.055 0.07 -0.97 50.99 - 0.00 47.83 - 0.00
6.865 -0.3 0.008 0.01 -0.77 51.32 - 0.00 48.40 - 0.00
6.928 -0.3 0.029 -0.04 -0.60 51.64 - 0.00 48.97 - 0.00
6.991 -0.3 0.058 -0.07 -0.44 51.97 - 0.00 49.55 - 0.00
7.054 -0.3 0.079 -0.10 -0.29 52.30 - 0.00 50.12 - 0.00
7.117 -0.3 0.093 -0.12 -0.16 52.62 - 0.00 50.69 - 0.00
7.180 -0.3 0.101 -0.13 -0.05 52.95 - 0.00 51.27 - 0.00
7.243 -0.3 0.104 -0.13 0.05 53.28 - 0.00 51.84 - 0.00
7.307 -0.3 0.103 -0.13 0.13 53.61 - 0.00 52.41 - 0.00
7.370 -0.3 0.097 -0.12 0.20 53.94 - 0.00 52.98 - 0.00
7.433 -0.3 0.089 -0.11 0.25 54.27 - 0.00 53.55 - 0.00
7.496 -0.3 0.078 -0.10 0.29 54.60 - 0.00 54.12 - 0.00
7.559 -0.3 0.066 -0.08 0.31 54.93 - 0.00 54.69 - 0.00
7.622 -0.3 0.053 -0.07 0.32 55.27 - 0.00 55.26 - 0.00
7.685 -0.3 0.040 -0.05 0.32 55.60 - 0.00 55.83 - 0.00
7.748 -0.3 0.027 -0.03 0.29 55.93 - 0.00 56.40 - 0.00
7.811 -0.3 0.016 -0.02 0.26 56.26 - 0.00 56.96 - 0.00
7.874 -0.3 0.008 -0.00 0.21 56.60 - 0.00 57.53 - 0.00
7.937 -0.3 0.002 -0.00 0.14 56.93 - 0.00 58.10 - 0.00
8.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 57.26 - 0.00 58.67 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 5.67 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -5.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 15.129 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.90 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.035
Largest positive moment: 19.06 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.90 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.13 [kN.m/m'] at X= 7.24 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 6.56 [kN/m'] at X= 3.65 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -10.64 [kN/m'] at X= 4.78 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 344.622 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3906.722 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 187.107 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 187.107 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 125.459 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1693.400 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 187.049 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 187.049 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 11.05 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.110


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 0.764 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 0.764 [kN/m']

Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -5.2 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.059 -5.2 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.14 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.118 -5.1 0.000 0.00 0.04 1.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.176 -5.0 0.004 0.00 0.12 1.86 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.235 -4.9 0.013 0.02 0.26 2.72 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.294 -4.8 0.029 0.04 0.44 3.58 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.353 -4.8 0.055 0.07 0.68 4.44 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.412 -4.7 0.093 0.12 0.96 5.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.471 -4.6 0.146 0.18 1.30 6.16 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.529 -4.5 0.216 0.27 1.69 7.03 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.588 -4.4 0.305 0.38 2.13 7.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.647 -4.3 0.415 0.52 2.62 8.75 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.706 -4.3 0.550 0.69 3.16 9.61 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.765 -4.2 0.711 0.90 3.75 10.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.824 -4.1 0.901 1.14 4.39 11.33 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.882 -4.0 1.122 1.41 5.08 12.19 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.941 -3.9 1.376 1.73 5.82 13.04 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -3.8 1.657 2.09 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.061 -3.8 1.958 2.47 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.122 -3.7 2.259 2.85 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.183 -3.6 2.560 3.23 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.244 -3.5 2.861 3.60 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.306 -3.4 3.162 3.98 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.367 -3.3 3.463 4.36 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.428 -3.3 3.764 4.74 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.489 -3.2 4.065 5.12 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.550 -3.1 4.366 5.50 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.611 -3.0 4.667 5.88 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.672 -2.9 4.968 6.26 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.733 -2.8 5.269 6.64 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.794 -2.8 5.570 7.02 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.856 -2.7 5.871 7.40 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.917 -2.6 6.172 7.78 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.978 -2.5 6.473 8.16 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.039 -2.5 6.774 8.54 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.100 -2.4 7.075 8.91 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.161 -2.3 7.376 9.29 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.222 -2.2 7.677 9.67 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.283 -2.2 7.978 10.05 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.344 -2.1 8.279 10.43 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.406 -2.0 8.580 10.81 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.467 -1.9 8.881 11.19 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.528 -1.9 9.182 11.57 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.589 -1.8 9.483 11.95 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.650 -1.7 9.784 12.33 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.709 -1.7 10.074 12.69 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.768 -1.6 10.364 13.06 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.826 -1.5 10.654 13.42 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.885 -1.5 10.943 13.79 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.944 -1.4 11.233 14.15 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.003 -1.4 11.523 14.52 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.062 -1.3 11.813 14.88 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.121 -1.3 12.102 15.25 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 11

3.179 -1.2 12.392 15.61 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

3.238 -1.2 12.682 15.98 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.297 -1.1 12.972 16.34 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.356 -1.1 13.261 16.71 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.415 -1.0 13.551 17.07 6.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.474 -1.0 13.840 17.44 6.22 0.64 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.532 -0.9 14.132 17.81 6.34 3.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.591 -0.9 14.433 18.19 6.59 5.58 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.650 -0.8 14.748 18.58 6.99 7.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.713 -0.8 15.071 18.99 6.00 10.40 - 0.00 49.70 - 0.00
3.776 -0.7 15.309 19.29 3.64 12.76 - 0.00 48.39 - 0.00
3.839 -0.7 15.435 19.45 1.50 15.04 - 0.00 47.18 - 0.00
3.902 -0.7 15.459 19.48 -0.42 17.22 - 0.00 46.05 - 0.00
3.965 -0.6 15.392 19.39 -2.14 19.32 - 0.00 45.01 - 0.00
4.028 -0.6 15.244 19.21 -3.66 21.33 - 0.00 44.07 - 0.00
4.091 -0.6 15.024 18.93 -5.01 23.25 - 0.00 43.21 - 0.00
4.154 -0.5 14.741 18.57 -6.19 25.08 - 0.00 42.43 - 0.00
4.217 -0.5 14.403 18.15 -7.20 26.83 - 0.00 41.74 - 0.00
4.280 -0.5 14.018 17.66 -8.07 28.49 - 0.00 41.14 - 0.00
4.343 -0.5 13.593 17.13 -8.80 30.07 - 0.00 40.62 - 0.00
4.407 -0.4 13.134 16.55 -9.41 31.58 - 0.00 40.17 - 0.00
4.470 -0.4 12.648 15.94 -9.89 33.00 - 0.00 39.81 - 0.00
4.533 -0.4 12.141 15.30 -10.27 34.36 - 0.00 39.51 - 0.00
4.596 -0.4 11.617 14.64 -10.55 35.64 - 0.00 39.29 - 0.00
4.659 -0.4 11.082 13.96 -10.73 36.86 - 0.00 39.13 - 0.00
4.722 -0.4 10.539 13.28 -10.84 38.01 - 0.00 39.04 - 0.00
4.785 -0.4 9.993 12.59 -10.86 39.10 - 0.00 39.00 - 0.00
4.848 -0.3 9.448 11.90 -10.83 40.14 - 0.00 39.03 - 0.00
4.911 -0.3 8.905 11.22 -10.73 41.12 - 0.00 39.11 - 0.00
4.974 -0.3 8.369 10.55 -10.58 42.04 - 0.00 39.24 - 0.00
5.037 -0.3 7.842 9.88 -10.38 42.92 - 0.00 39.42 - 0.00
5.100 -0.3 7.326 9.23 -10.14 43.76 - 0.00 39.65 - 0.00
5.163 -0.3 6.822 8.60 -9.86 44.55 - 0.00 39.92 - 0.00
5.226 -0.3 6.334 7.98 -9.56 45.30 - 0.00 40.23 - 0.00
5.289 -0.3 5.861 7.38 -9.23 46.01 - 0.00 40.57 - 0.00
5.352 -0.3 5.405 6.81 -8.87 46.69 - 0.00 40.95 - 0.00
5.415 -0.3 4.967 6.26 -8.50 47.34 - 0.00 41.36 - 0.00
5.478 -0.3 4.548 5.73 -8.12 47.96 - 0.00 41.80 - 0.00
5.541 -0.3 4.149 5.23 -7.73 48.56 - 0.00 42.26 - 0.00
5.604 -0.3 3.769 4.75 -7.33 49.13 - 0.00 42.75 - 0.00
5.667 -0.3 3.409 4.30 -6.92 49.68 - 0.00 43.26 - 0.00
5.730 -0.3 3.070 3.87 -6.52 50.21 - 0.00 43.79 - 0.00
5.793 -0.3 2.751 3.47 -6.12 50.72 - 0.00 44.34 - 0.00
5.857 -0.3 2.452 3.09 -5.72 51.21 - 0.00 44.91 - 0.00
5.920 -0.3 2.172 2.74 -5.32 51.69 - 0.00 45.49 - 0.00
5.983 -0.3 1.913 2.41 -4.94 52.16 - 0.00 46.08 - 0.00
6.046 -0.3 1.672 2.11 -4.56 52.62 - 0.00 46.68 - 0.00
6.109 -0.3 1.450 1.83 -4.19 53.06 - 0.00 47.29 - 0.00
6.172 -0.3 1.247 1.57 -3.83 53.50 - 0.00 47.92 - 0.00
6.235 -0.3 1.061 1.34 -3.49 53.93 - 0.00 48.54 - 0.00
6.298 -0.3 0.892 1.12 -3.15 54.36 - 0.00 49.18 - 0.00
6.361 -0.3 0.739 0.93 -2.83 54.78 - 0.00 49.82 - 0.00
6.424 -0.3 0.602 0.76 -2.53 55.19 - 0.00 50.46 - 0.00
6.487 -0.3 0.480 0.60 -2.24 55.61 - 0.00 51.11 - 0.00
6.550 -0.3 0.372 0.47 -1.96 56.02 - 0.00 51.76 - 0.00
6.613 -0.3 0.277 0.35 -1.70 56.42 - 0.00 52.41 - 0.00
6.676 -0.3 0.195 0.25 -1.45 56.83 - 0.00 53.07 - 0.00
6.739 -0.3 0.125 0.16 -1.22 57.23 - 0.00 53.72 - 0.00
6.802 -0.3 0.066 0.08 -1.01 57.64 - 0.00 54.38 - 0.00
6.865 -0.3 0.018 0.02 -0.81 58.04 - 0.00 55.03 - 0.00
6.928 -0.3 0.022 -0.03 -0.63 58.44 - 0.00 55.69 - 0.00
6.991 -0.3 0.052 -0.07 -0.47 58.85 - 0.00 56.34 - 0.00
7.054 -0.3 0.075 -0.09 -0.32 59.25 - 0.00 57.00 - 0.00
7.117 -0.3 0.090 -0.11 -0.18 59.65 - 0.00 57.66 - 0.00
7.180 -0.3 0.099 -0.13 -0.06 60.06 - 0.00 58.31 - 0.00
7.243 -0.3 0.103 -0.13 0.04 60.46 - 0.00 58.97 - 0.00
7.307 -0.3 0.102 -0.13 0.12 60.87 - 0.00 59.62 - 0.00
7.370 -0.3 0.097 -0.12 0.20 61.28 - 0.00 60.27 - 0.00

Page 12

7.433 -0.3 0.089 -0.11 0.25 61.68 - 0.00 60.93 - 0.00

7.496 -0.3 0.078 -0.10 0.29 62.09 - 0.00 61.58 - 0.00
7.559 -0.3 0.066 -0.08 0.32 62.50 - 0.00 62.23 - 0.00
7.622 -0.4 0.053 -0.07 0.33 62.91 - 0.00 62.88 - 0.00
7.685 -0.4 0.040 -0.05 0.32 63.32 - 0.00 63.53 - 0.00
7.748 -0.4 0.028 -0.03 0.30 63.72 - 0.00 64.18 - 0.00
7.811 -0.4 0.017 -0.02 0.26 64.13 - 0.00 64.83 - 0.00
7.874 -0.4 0.008 -0.00 0.21 64.54 - 0.00 65.48 - 0.00
7.937 -0.4 0.002 -0.00 0.14 64.95 - 0.00 66.13 - 0.00
8.000 -0.4 0.000 0.00 0.00 65.36 - 0.00 66.78 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.3 [mm] at X= 5.67 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -5.2 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 15.459 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.90 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.036
Largest positive moment: 19.48 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.90 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.13 [kN.m/m'] at X= 7.24 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 6.99 [kN/m'] at X= 3.65 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -10.86 [kN/m'] at X= 4.78 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 5.708 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 387.759 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2939.240 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 210.628 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 210.628 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 138.479 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1249.086 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 210.567 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 210.567 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 16.86 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.169


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 0.807 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 0.807 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.036
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL RIGHT passive: 0.169

*** End of the calculation

Page 13

Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 11.36 hour

S-3 (RW 38)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-3.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall





3.50 Arcelor AZ 18-700





7.00 5.60 4.20 2.80 1.40 0.00 1.40 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 18-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 3.78000E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 1.80000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.11600E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 7.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01390
Thickness web [m] : 0.00840
Thickness flange [m] : 0.00840
Width flange [m] : 0.34600
Height of section [m] : 0.42000
Section class: 3

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 7.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
2 1.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 2.170 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Page 2

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 2.670
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 3.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Variable load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Variable load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.7 0.7
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 1.4

2.1 2.1

2.8 2.8

3.5 3.5

4.2 4.2

4.9 4.9

5.6 5.6

6.3 6.3

7 7
21 16.6 12.2 7.8 3.4 -1 10 5.6 1.2 -3.2 -7.6 -12
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 0
Construction phase no.: 1
3.5 2.8
4.2 3.5
6.3 6.3
7 7
0 -0.8 -1.6 -2.4 -3.2 -4 -49 -29 -9 11 31 51
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -3.8 0.000 0.00 0.01 6.09 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.053 -3.7 0.007 0.00 0.31 6.36 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.105 -3.7 0.028 0.03 0.66 6.65 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.158 -3.6 0.063 0.08 1.01 6.93 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.211 -3.5 0.114 0.14 1.39 7.22 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.263 -3.5 0.180 0.23 1.77 7.51 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.316 -3.4 0.263 0.33 2.18 7.80 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.368 -3.3 0.364 0.46 2.60 8.08 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.421 -3.3 0.481 0.61 3.03 8.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.474 -3.2 0.618 0.78 3.48 8.66 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.526 -3.1 0.773 0.97 3.94 8.95 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.579 -3.1 0.948 1.19 4.42 9.23 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.632 -3.0 1.144 1.44 4.91 9.52 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.684 -2.9 1.360 1.71 5.42 9.81 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.737 -2.9 1.598 2.01 5.94 10.10 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 4

0.789 -2.8 1.858 2.34 6.48 10.38 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

0.842 -2.7 2.141 2.70 7.04 10.67 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.895 -2.7 2.447 3.08 7.61 11.20 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.947 -2.6 2.778 3.50 8.22 11.90 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -2.5 3.136 3.95 8.87 12.60 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.053 -2.5 3.517 4.43 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.106 -2.4 3.906 4.92 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.160 -2.3 4.295 5.41 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.213 -2.3 4.684 5.90 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.266 -2.2 5.073 6.39 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.319 -2.1 5.462 6.88 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.372 -2.1 5.851 7.37 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.425 -2.0 6.239 7.86 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.479 -1.9 6.628 8.35 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.532 -1.9 7.017 8.84 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.585 -1.8 7.406 9.33 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.638 -1.8 7.795 9.82 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.691 -1.7 8.184 10.31 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.745 -1.6 8.573 10.80 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.798 -1.6 8.962 11.29 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.851 -1.5 9.350 11.78 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.904 -1.5 9.739 12.27 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.957 -1.4 10.128 12.76 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.010 -1.3 10.517 13.25 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.064 -1.3 10.906 13.74 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.117 -1.2 11.295 14.23 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.170 -1.2 11.684 14.72 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.220 -1.1 12.049 15.18 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.270 -1.1 12.415 15.64 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.320 -1.0 12.780 16.10 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.370 -1.0 13.146 16.56 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.420 -1.0 13.512 17.02 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.470 -0.9 13.877 17.49 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.520 -0.9 14.243 17.95 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.570 -0.8 14.608 18.41 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.620 -0.8 14.974 18.87 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.670 -0.8 15.340 19.33 9.20 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.726 -0.7 15.720 19.81 8.05 0.00 A 0.00 41.49 - 0.00
2.781 -0.7 16.024 20.19 5.78 0.00 A 0.00 40.12 - 0.00
2.837 -0.6 16.230 20.45 3.63 1.40 - 0.00 38.82 - 0.00
2.892 -0.6 16.345 20.59 1.64 3.42 - 0.00 37.59 - 0.00
2.948 -0.6 16.376 20.63 -0.17 5.37 - 0.00 36.43 - 0.00
3.003 -0.5 16.331 20.58 -1.81 7.24 - 0.00 35.35 - 0.00
3.059 -0.5 16.217 20.43 -3.29 9.05 - 0.00 34.34 - 0.00
3.114 -0.5 16.041 20.21 -4.62 10.78 - 0.00 33.40 - 0.00
3.170 -0.4 15.809 19.92 -5.81 12.44 - 0.00 32.54 - 0.00
3.225 -0.4 15.529 19.57 -6.86 14.02 - 0.00 31.74 - 0.00
3.281 -0.4 15.205 19.16 -7.78 15.54 - 0.00 31.02 - 0.00
3.336 -0.4 14.843 18.70 -8.58 16.99 - 0.00 30.36 - 0.00
3.392 -0.3 14.448 18.20 -9.27 18.37 - 0.00 29.78 - 0.00
3.447 -0.3 14.025 17.67 -9.85 19.69 - 0.00 29.25 - 0.00
3.503 -0.3 13.579 17.11 -10.33 20.94 - 0.00 28.79 - 0.00
3.558 -0.3 13.114 16.52 -10.72 22.14 - 0.00 28.39 - 0.00
3.614 -0.3 12.633 15.92 -11.03 23.27 - 0.00 28.05 - 0.00
3.669 -0.3 12.140 15.30 -11.26 24.35 - 0.00 27.76 - 0.00
3.725 -0.2 11.639 14.67 -11.41 25.37 - 0.00 27.53 - 0.00
3.780 -0.2 11.133 14.03 -11.50 26.34 - 0.00 27.36 - 0.00
3.836 -0.2 10.624 13.39 -11.53 27.27 - 0.00 27.23 - 0.00
3.891 -0.2 10.115 12.75 -11.50 28.14 - 0.00 27.15 - 0.00
3.947 -0.2 9.609 12.11 -11.42 28.97 - 0.00 27.11 - 0.00
4.002 -0.2 9.107 11.47 -11.29 29.75 - 0.00 27.12 - 0.00
4.058 -0.2 8.611 10.85 -11.13 30.50 - 0.00 27.17 - 0.00
4.113 -0.2 8.124 10.24 -10.93 31.20 - 0.00 27.26 - 0.00
4.169 -0.2 7.646 9.63 -10.69 31.87 - 0.00 27.38 - 0.00
4.224 -0.2 7.179 9.05 -10.43 32.50 - 0.00 27.54 - 0.00
4.280 -0.2 6.724 8.47 -10.15 33.11 - 0.00 27.73 - 0.00
4.335 -0.2 6.282 7.92 -9.84 33.68 - 0.00 27.96 - 0.00
4.391 -0.2 5.854 7.38 -9.51 34.22 - 0.00 28.21 - 0.00

Page 5

4.446 -0.2 5.441 6.86 -9.17 34.74 - 0.00 28.48 - 0.00

4.502 -0.2 5.043 6.35 -8.82 35.23 - 0.00 28.78 - 0.00
4.557 -0.1 4.661 5.87 -8.46 35.70 - 0.00 29.11 - 0.00
4.613 -0.1 4.295 5.41 -8.09 36.15 - 0.00 29.45 - 0.00
4.668 -0.1 3.945 4.97 -7.71 36.58 - 0.00 29.81 - 0.00
4.724 -0.1 3.612 4.55 -7.34 36.99 - 0.00 30.19 - 0.00
4.779 -0.1 3.295 4.15 -6.96 37.39 - 0.00 30.59 - 0.00
4.835 -0.1 2.995 3.77 -6.58 37.77 - 0.00 31.00 - 0.00
4.891 -0.1 2.712 3.42 -6.21 38.14 - 0.00 31.43 - 0.00
4.946 -0.1 2.445 3.08 -5.84 38.49 - 0.00 31.87 - 0.00
5.002 -0.1 2.194 2.76 -5.47 38.84 - 0.00 32.32 - 0.00
5.057 -0.2 1.959 2.47 -5.12 39.17 - 0.00 32.77 - 0.00
5.113 -0.2 1.740 2.19 -4.76 39.50 - 0.00 33.24 - 0.00
5.168 -0.2 1.536 1.94 -4.42 39.81 - 0.00 33.72 - 0.00
5.224 -0.2 1.347 1.70 -4.09 40.13 - 0.00 34.20 - 0.00
5.279 -0.2 1.172 1.48 -3.76 40.43 - 0.00 34.69 - 0.00
5.335 -0.2 1.012 1.27 -3.45 40.73 - 0.00 35.18 - 0.00
5.390 -0.2 0.865 1.09 -3.15 41.03 - 0.00 35.68 - 0.00
5.446 -0.2 0.731 0.92 -2.86 41.32 - 0.00 36.18 - 0.00
5.501 -0.2 0.610 0.77 -2.58 41.60 - 0.00 36.69 - 0.00
5.557 -0.2 0.500 0.63 -2.31 41.89 - 0.00 37.20 - 0.00
5.612 -0.2 0.402 0.51 -2.06 42.17 - 0.00 37.71 - 0.00
5.668 -0.2 0.315 0.40 -1.82 42.45 - 0.00 38.22 - 0.00
5.723 -0.2 0.239 0.30 -1.59 42.73 - 0.00 38.73 - 0.00
5.779 -0.2 0.172 0.22 -1.37 43.01 - 0.00 39.25 - 0.00
5.834 -0.2 0.114 0.14 -1.17 43.29 - 0.00 39.76 - 0.00
5.890 -0.2 0.065 0.08 -0.98 43.57 - 0.00 40.28 - 0.00
5.945 -0.2 0.025 0.03 -0.80 43.84 - 0.00 40.80 - 0.00
6.001 -0.2 0.009 -0.01 -0.64 44.12 - 0.00 41.31 - 0.00
6.056 -0.2 0.036 -0.04 -0.49 44.40 - 0.00 41.83 - 0.00
6.112 -0.2 0.056 -0.07 -0.36 44.67 - 0.00 42.34 - 0.00
6.167 -0.2 0.071 -0.09 -0.23 44.95 - 0.00 42.86 - 0.00
6.223 -0.2 0.080 -0.10 -0.12 45.23 - 0.00 43.38 - 0.00
6.278 -0.2 0.085 -0.11 -0.03 45.51 - 0.00 43.89 - 0.00
6.334 -0.2 0.086 -0.11 0.05 45.78 - 0.00 44.41 - 0.00
6.389 -0.2 0.084 -0.11 0.12 46.06 - 0.00 44.92 - 0.00
6.445 -0.2 0.079 -0.10 0.18 46.34 - 0.00 45.44 - 0.00
6.500 -0.2 0.071 -0.09 0.23 46.62 - 0.00 45.95 - 0.00
6.556 -0.2 0.062 -0.08 0.26 46.90 - 0.00 46.46 - 0.00
6.611 -0.2 0.052 -0.07 0.27 47.18 - 0.00 46.98 - 0.00
6.667 -0.2 0.042 -0.05 0.28 47.46 - 0.00 47.49 - 0.00
6.722 -0.2 0.031 -0.04 0.27 47.74 - 0.00 48.00 - 0.00
6.778 -0.2 0.022 -0.03 0.25 48.02 - 0.00 48.52 - 0.00
6.833 -0.2 0.013 -0.02 0.22 48.30 - 0.00 49.03 - 0.00
6.889 -0.2 0.006 -0.00 0.17 48.58 - 0.00 49.54 - 0.00
6.944 -0.2 0.002 -0.00 0.11 48.86 - 0.00 50.05 - 0.00
7.000 -0.2 0.000 0.00 0.00 49.15 - 0.00 50.57 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.1 [mm] at X= 4.72 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -3.8 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 16.376 [N/mm^2] at X= 2.95 [m]
Largest positive moment: 20.63 [kN.m/m'] at X= 2.95 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.11 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.33 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 9.20 [kN/m'] at X= 1.05 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -11.53 [kN/m'] at X= 3.84 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 9.085 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 245.861 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2836.612 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 153.074 [kN/m']

Page 6

Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 153.074 [kN/m']

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 105.408 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1544.346 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 153.049 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 153.049 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 9.91 %


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.955 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 2.955 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.7 0.7
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 1.4

2.1 2.1

2.8 2.8

3.5 3.5

4.2 4.2

4.9 4.9

5.6 5.6

6.3 6.3

7 7
33 26.2 19.4 12.6 5.8 -1 13 6.6 0.2 -6.2 -12.6 -19
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.4 0
Construction phase no.: 1
3.5 2.8
4.2 3.5
6.3 6.3
7 7
0 -1.6 -3.2 -4.8 -6.4 -8 -53 -30.4 -7.8 14.8 37.4 60
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -7.1 0.000 0.00 0.02 9.13 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.053 -7.0 0.010 0.01 0.47 9.39 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.105 -6.9 0.041 0.05 0.97 9.68 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.158 -6.7 0.093 0.12 1.49 9.97 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.211 -6.6 0.167 0.21 2.02 10.26 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.263 -6.5 0.264 0.33 2.57 10.54 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.316 -6.4 0.383 0.48 3.13 10.83 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.368 -6.3 0.527 0.66 3.71 11.12 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.421 -6.2 0.695 0.88 4.30 11.41 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.474 -6.0 0.888 1.12 4.91 11.69 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.526 -5.9 1.107 1.39 5.53 11.98 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.579 -5.8 1.352 1.70 6.17 12.27 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.632 -5.7 1.624 2.05 6.82 12.56 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.684 -5.6 1.924 2.42 7.49 12.84 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.737 -5.5 2.252 2.84 8.17 13.13 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.789 -5.3 2.609 3.29 8.87 13.42 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.842 -5.2 2.995 3.77 9.59 13.71 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.895 -5.1 3.411 4.30 10.32 13.99 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.947 -5.0 3.859 4.86 11.06 14.28 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -4.9 4.337 5.47 11.82 14.57 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.053 -4.8 4.845 6.10 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.106 -4.7 5.361 6.76 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.160 -4.5 5.877 7.41 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.213 -4.4 6.393 8.06 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.266 -4.3 6.909 8.71 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.319 -4.2 7.425 9.36 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.372 -4.1 7.941 10.01 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.425 -4.0 8.457 10.66 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.479 -3.9 8.973 11.31 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.532 -3.8 9.489 11.96 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.585 -3.6 10.005 12.61 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.638 -3.5 10.521 13.26 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.691 -3.4 11.037 13.91 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.745 -3.3 11.553 14.56 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.798 -3.2 12.069 15.21 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.851 -3.1 12.585 15.86 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.904 -3.0 13.101 16.51 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.957 -2.9 13.617 17.16 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 8

2.010 -2.8 14.133 17.81 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

2.064 -2.7 14.649 18.46 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.117 -2.6 15.165 19.11 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.170 -2.5 15.681 19.76 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.223 -2.4 16.192 20.40 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.275 -2.3 16.703 21.05 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.328 -2.2 17.213 21.69 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.381 -2.1 17.724 22.33 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.433 -2.1 18.235 22.98 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.486 -2.0 18.745 23.62 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.538 -1.9 19.256 24.26 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.591 -1.8 19.767 24.91 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.644 -1.7 20.277 25.55 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.696 -1.6 20.788 26.19 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.749 -1.6 21.299 26.84 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.802 -1.5 21.810 27.48 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.854 -1.4 22.320 28.12 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.907 -1.3 22.831 28.77 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.959 -1.3 23.342 29.41 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.012 -1.2 23.852 30.05 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.065 -1.1 24.363 30.70 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.117 -1.1 24.874 31.34 12.21 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.170 -1.0 25.351 31.94 10.65 0.00 A 0.00 59.33 - 0.00
3.226 -1.0 25.748 32.44 7.42 0.00 A 0.00 56.95 - 0.00
3.281 -0.9 26.006 32.77 4.32 0.00 A 0.00 54.68 - 0.00
3.337 -0.8 26.129 32.92 1.35 0.18 - 0.00 52.53 - 0.00
3.392 -0.8 26.125 32.92 -1.42 3.01 - 0.00 50.50 - 0.00
3.448 -0.7 26.005 32.77 -3.93 5.72 - 0.00 48.59 - 0.00
3.503 -0.7 25.780 32.48 -6.19 8.31 - 0.00 46.79 - 0.00
3.559 -0.6 25.460 32.08 -8.21 10.79 - 0.00 45.10 - 0.00
3.614 -0.6 25.057 31.57 -10.00 13.15 - 0.00 43.53 - 0.00
3.670 -0.6 24.579 30.97 -11.59 15.40 - 0.00 42.08 - 0.00
3.725 -0.5 24.036 30.29 -12.97 17.54 - 0.00 40.73 - 0.00
3.781 -0.5 23.436 29.53 -14.17 19.57 - 0.00 39.49 - 0.00
3.836 -0.4 22.787 28.71 -15.19 21.50 - 0.00 38.36 - 0.00
3.892 -0.4 22.097 27.84 -16.04 23.32 - 0.00 37.33 - 0.00
3.947 -0.4 21.372 26.93 -16.75 25.05 - 0.00 36.40 - 0.00
4.003 -0.4 20.619 25.98 -17.31 26.67 - 0.00 35.56 - 0.00
4.058 -0.3 19.845 25.00 -17.74 28.21 - 0.00 34.82 - 0.00
4.114 -0.3 19.054 24.01 -18.05 29.66 - 0.00 34.16 - 0.00
4.169 -0.3 18.253 23.00 -18.25 31.02 - 0.00 33.60 - 0.00
4.225 -0.3 17.444 21.98 -18.34 32.30 - 0.00 33.11 - 0.00
4.280 -0.3 16.634 20.96 -18.34 33.50 - 0.00 32.70 - 0.00
4.336 -0.2 15.826 19.94 -18.25 34.63 - 0.00 32.37 - 0.00
4.391 -0.2 15.023 18.93 -18.09 35.68 - 0.00 32.11 - 0.00
4.447 -0.2 14.229 17.93 -17.86 36.67 - 0.00 31.91 - 0.00
4.502 -0.2 13.446 16.94 -17.57 37.60 - 0.00 31.78 - 0.00
4.558 -0.2 12.677 15.97 -17.22 38.46 - 0.00 31.71 - 0.00
4.613 -0.2 11.925 15.03 -16.82 39.27 - 0.00 31.70 - 0.00
4.669 -0.2 11.191 14.10 -16.38 40.02 - 0.00 31.74 - 0.00
4.724 -0.2 10.478 13.20 -15.90 40.72 - 0.00 31.83 - 0.00
4.780 -0.2 9.786 12.33 -15.40 41.38 - 0.00 31.96 - 0.00
4.835 -0.2 9.117 11.49 -14.86 41.99 - 0.00 32.15 - 0.00
4.891 -0.1 8.472 10.68 -14.31 42.56 - 0.00 32.37 - 0.00
4.946 -0.1 7.853 9.89 -13.73 43.09 - 0.00 32.63 - 0.00
5.002 -0.1 7.258 9.15 -13.15 43.59 - 0.00 32.92 - 0.00
5.057 -0.1 6.690 8.43 -12.55 44.06 - 0.00 33.25 - 0.00
5.113 -0.1 6.148 7.75 -11.95 44.49 - 0.00 33.61 - 0.00
5.168 -0.1 5.632 7.10 -11.34 44.90 - 0.00 34.00 - 0.00
5.224 -0.1 5.144 6.48 -10.74 45.28 - 0.00 34.41 - 0.00
5.279 -0.1 4.681 5.90 -10.14 45.64 - 0.00 34.84 - 0.00
5.335 -0.1 4.245 5.35 -9.54 45.98 - 0.00 35.30 - 0.00
5.390 -0.1 3.836 4.83 -8.95 46.29 - 0.00 35.77 - 0.00
5.446 -0.1 3.452 4.35 -8.38 46.60 - 0.00 36.26 - 0.00
5.501 -0.1 3.093 3.90 -7.81 46.88 - 0.00 36.77 - 0.00
5.557 -0.2 2.759 3.48 -7.25 47.15 - 0.00 37.29 - 0.00
5.612 -0.2 2.449 3.09 -6.71 47.41 - 0.00 37.83 - 0.00
5.668 -0.2 2.162 2.72 -6.19 47.66 - 0.00 38.37 - 0.00

Page 9

5.723 -0.2 1.898 2.39 -5.68 47.90 - 0.00 38.93 - 0.00

5.779 -0.2 1.656 2.09 -5.20 48.13 - 0.00 39.49 - 0.00
5.834 -0.2 1.435 1.81 -4.73 48.35 - 0.00 40.06 - 0.00
5.890 -0.2 1.235 1.56 -4.28 48.57 - 0.00 40.64 - 0.00
5.945 -0.2 1.053 1.33 -3.85 48.78 - 0.00 41.22 - 0.00
6.001 -0.2 0.891 1.12 -3.44 48.98 - 0.00 41.81 - 0.00
6.056 -0.2 0.746 0.94 -3.05 49.19 - 0.00 42.40 - 0.00
6.112 -0.2 0.617 0.78 -2.68 49.39 - 0.00 42.99 - 0.00
6.167 -0.2 0.504 0.64 -2.34 49.58 - 0.00 43.59 - 0.00
6.223 -0.2 0.406 0.51 -2.02 49.77 - 0.00 44.19 - 0.00
6.278 -0.2 0.321 0.40 -1.72 49.97 - 0.00 44.79 - 0.00
6.334 -0.2 0.249 0.31 -1.44 50.16 - 0.00 45.40 - 0.00
6.389 -0.2 0.189 0.24 -1.19 50.34 - 0.00 46.00 - 0.00
6.445 -0.2 0.139 0.17 -0.96 50.53 - 0.00 46.61 - 0.00
6.500 -0.2 0.099 0.12 -0.76 50.72 - 0.00 47.21 - 0.00
6.556 -0.2 0.067 0.08 -0.57 50.91 - 0.00 47.82 - 0.00
6.611 -0.2 0.043 0.05 -0.41 51.09 - 0.00 48.42 - 0.00
6.667 -0.2 0.025 0.03 -0.28 51.28 - 0.00 49.03 - 0.00
6.722 -0.2 0.013 0.02 -0.16 51.47 - 0.00 49.64 - 0.00
6.778 -0.2 0.006 0.00 -0.07 51.65 - 0.00 50.24 - 0.00
6.833 -0.3 0.002 0.00 -0.00 51.84 - 0.00 50.85 - 0.00
6.889 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.04 52.03 - 0.00 51.46 - 0.00
6.944 -0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.06 52.21 - 0.00 52.07 - 0.00
7.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 52.40 - 0.00 52.67 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.1 [mm] at X= 5.17 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -7.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 26.129 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.34 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.061
Largest positive moment: 32.92 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.34 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.00 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.94 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 12.21 [kN/m'] at X= 1.05 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -18.34 [kN/m'] at X= 4.28 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 12.189 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 277.962 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3059.346 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 156.059 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 156.059 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 104.071 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1454.149 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 156.025 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 156.025 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 10.73 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.107


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 4.503 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 4.503 [kN/m']


Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -7.9 0.000 0.00 0.02 9.78 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.053 -7.8 0.011 0.01 0.50 10.11 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.105 -7.6 0.044 0.06 1.04 10.46 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.158 -7.5 0.100 0.13 1.60 10.82 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.211 -7.4 0.180 0.23 2.18 11.18 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.263 -7.2 0.285 0.36 2.78 11.53 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.316 -7.1 0.414 0.52 3.40 11.89 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.368 -7.0 0.570 0.72 4.03 12.24 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.421 -6.8 0.753 0.95 4.69 12.60 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.474 -6.7 0.964 1.21 5.36 12.95 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.526 -6.6 1.203 1.52 6.05 13.31 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.579 -6.5 1.471 1.85 6.76 13.66 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.632 -6.3 1.770 2.23 7.49 14.02 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.684 -6.2 2.099 2.64 8.23 14.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.737 -6.1 2.460 3.10 9.00 14.73 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.789 -5.9 2.853 3.59 9.78 15.08 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.842 -5.8 3.279 4.13 10.59 15.44 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.895 -5.7 3.739 4.71 11.41 15.80 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.947 -5.6 4.234 5.34 12.25 16.15 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -5.4 4.765 6.00 13.11 16.51 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.053 -5.3 5.328 6.71 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.106 -5.2 5.901 7.44 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.160 -5.1 6.474 8.16 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.213 -4.9 7.046 8.88 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.266 -4.8 7.619 9.60 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.319 -4.7 8.192 10.32 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.372 -4.5 8.765 11.04 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.425 -4.4 9.337 11.76 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.479 -4.3 9.910 12.49 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.532 -4.2 10.483 13.21 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.585 -4.1 11.055 13.93 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.638 -3.9 11.628 14.65 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.691 -3.8 12.201 15.37 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.745 -3.7 12.773 16.09 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.798 -3.6 13.346 16.82 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.851 -3.5 13.919 17.54 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.904 -3.4 14.492 18.26 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.957 -3.2 15.064 18.98 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.010 -3.1 15.637 19.70 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.064 -3.0 16.210 20.42 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.117 -2.9 16.782 21.15 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.170 -2.8 17.355 21.87 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.223 -2.7 17.922 22.58 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.275 -2.6 18.489 23.30 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.328 -2.5 19.055 24.01 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.381 -2.4 19.622 24.72 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.433 -2.3 20.189 25.44 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.486 -2.2 20.756 26.15 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.538 -2.1 21.322 26.87 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.591 -2.0 21.889 27.58 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.644 -1.9 22.456 28.29 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.696 -1.8 23.023 29.01 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.749 -1.8 23.590 29.72 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.802 -1.7 24.156 30.44 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.854 -1.6 24.723 31.15 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 11

2.907 -1.5 25.290 31.87 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

2.959 -1.4 25.857 32.58 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.012 -1.4 26.423 33.29 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.065 -1.3 26.990 34.01 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.117 -1.2 27.557 34.72 13.55 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.170 -1.2 28.087 35.39 11.83 0.00 A 0.00 65.44 - 0.00
3.226 -1.1 28.529 35.95 8.27 0.00 A 0.00 62.82 - 0.00
3.281 -1.0 28.817 36.31 4.85 0.00 A 0.00 60.33 - 0.00
3.337 -1.0 28.957 36.49 1.57 0.00 A 0.00 57.97 - 0.00
3.392 -0.9 28.957 36.49 -1.51 2.99 - 0.00 55.75 - 0.00
3.448 -0.8 28.826 36.32 -4.29 6.02 - 0.00 53.65 - 0.00
3.503 -0.8 28.579 36.01 -6.80 8.92 - 0.00 51.68 - 0.00
3.559 -0.7 28.228 35.57 -9.05 11.70 - 0.00 49.83 - 0.00
3.614 -0.7 27.783 35.01 -11.04 14.34 - 0.00 48.12 - 0.00
3.670 -0.6 27.255 34.34 -12.80 16.87 - 0.00 46.53 - 0.00
3.725 -0.6 26.654 33.58 -14.34 19.27 - 0.00 45.06 - 0.00
3.781 -0.6 25.991 32.75 -15.67 21.55 - 0.00 43.71 - 0.00
3.836 -0.5 25.273 31.84 -16.81 23.71 - 0.00 42.48 - 0.00
3.892 -0.5 24.509 30.88 -17.76 25.77 - 0.00 41.36 - 0.00
3.947 -0.4 23.706 29.87 -18.55 27.71 - 0.00 40.35 - 0.00
4.003 -0.4 22.873 28.82 -19.17 29.54 - 0.00 39.45 - 0.00
4.058 -0.4 22.015 27.74 -19.65 31.27 - 0.00 38.65 - 0.00
4.114 -0.4 21.139 26.64 -20.00 32.91 - 0.00 37.95 - 0.00
4.169 -0.3 20.251 25.52 -20.22 34.44 - 0.00 37.35 - 0.00
4.225 -0.3 19.355 24.39 -20.33 35.89 - 0.00 36.83 - 0.00
4.280 -0.3 18.457 23.26 -20.33 37.25 - 0.00 36.41 - 0.00
4.336 -0.3 17.561 22.13 -20.24 38.53 - 0.00 36.06 - 0.00
4.391 -0.3 16.671 21.01 -20.06 39.73 - 0.00 35.80 - 0.00
4.447 -0.2 15.790 19.90 -19.80 40.85 - 0.00 35.61 - 0.00
4.502 -0.2 14.923 18.80 -19.48 41.90 - 0.00 35.49 - 0.00
4.558 -0.2 14.070 17.73 -19.09 42.89 - 0.00 35.43 - 0.00
4.613 -0.2 13.236 16.68 -18.66 43.81 - 0.00 35.44 - 0.00
4.669 -0.2 12.423 15.65 -18.17 44.68 - 0.00 35.51 - 0.00
4.724 -0.2 11.631 14.66 -17.64 45.48 - 0.00 35.64 - 0.00
4.780 -0.2 10.864 13.69 -17.08 46.24 - 0.00 35.82 - 0.00
4.835 -0.2 10.122 12.75 -16.49 46.94 - 0.00 36.04 - 0.00
4.891 -0.2 9.407 11.85 -15.87 47.60 - 0.00 36.32 - 0.00
4.946 -0.2 8.719 10.99 -15.24 48.22 - 0.00 36.63 - 0.00
5.002 -0.2 8.059 10.15 -14.59 48.80 - 0.00 36.98 - 0.00
5.057 -0.2 7.429 9.36 -13.93 49.35 - 0.00 37.37 - 0.00
5.113 -0.2 6.827 8.60 -13.26 49.85 - 0.00 37.80 - 0.00
5.168 -0.2 6.256 7.88 -12.59 50.33 - 0.00 38.25 - 0.00
5.224 -0.2 5.713 7.20 -11.92 50.78 - 0.00 38.73 - 0.00
5.279 -0.2 5.200 6.55 -11.25 51.21 - 0.00 39.24 - 0.00
5.335 -0.2 4.716 5.94 -10.59 51.61 - 0.00 39.77 - 0.00
5.390 -0.2 4.262 5.37 -9.94 51.99 - 0.00 40.33 - 0.00
5.446 -0.2 3.835 4.83 -9.30 52.35 - 0.00 40.90 - 0.00
5.501 -0.2 3.437 4.33 -8.67 52.70 - 0.00 41.49 - 0.00
5.557 -0.2 3.066 3.86 -8.06 53.02 - 0.00 42.09 - 0.00
5.612 -0.2 2.722 3.43 -7.46 53.34 - 0.00 42.71 - 0.00
5.668 -0.2 2.403 3.03 -6.88 53.64 - 0.00 43.34 - 0.00
5.723 -0.2 2.110 2.66 -6.31 53.93 - 0.00 43.98 - 0.00
5.779 -0.2 1.842 2.32 -5.77 54.22 - 0.00 44.63 - 0.00
5.834 -0.2 1.596 2.01 -5.25 54.49 - 0.00 45.29 - 0.00
5.890 -0.2 1.374 1.73 -4.75 54.76 - 0.00 45.96 - 0.00
5.945 -0.2 1.172 1.48 -4.27 55.02 - 0.00 46.63 - 0.00
6.001 -0.2 0.991 1.25 -3.82 55.27 - 0.00 47.31 - 0.00
6.056 -0.2 0.830 1.05 -3.39 55.52 - 0.00 47.99 - 0.00
6.112 -0.2 0.687 0.87 -2.98 55.77 - 0.00 48.68 - 0.00
6.167 -0.2 0.561 0.71 -2.60 56.01 - 0.00 49.36 - 0.00
6.223 -0.2 0.452 0.57 -2.25 56.25 - 0.00 50.06 - 0.00
6.278 -0.2 0.358 0.45 -1.91 56.49 - 0.00 50.75 - 0.00
6.334 -0.2 0.278 0.35 -1.61 56.73 - 0.00 51.45 - 0.00
6.389 -0.3 0.211 0.27 -1.33 56.97 - 0.00 52.14 - 0.00
6.445 -0.3 0.155 0.20 -1.07 57.20 - 0.00 52.84 - 0.00
6.500 -0.3 0.110 0.14 -0.84 57.44 - 0.00 53.54 - 0.00
6.556 -0.3 0.075 0.09 -0.64 57.67 - 0.00 54.24 - 0.00
6.611 -0.3 0.048 0.06 -0.46 57.91 - 0.00 54.94 - 0.00

Page 12

6.667 -0.3 0.029 0.04 -0.31 58.14 - 0.00 55.64 - 0.00

6.722 -0.3 0.015 0.02 -0.18 58.37 - 0.00 56.33 - 0.00
6.778 -0.3 0.007 0.00 -0.08 58.61 - 0.00 57.03 - 0.00
6.833 -0.3 0.002 0.00 -0.00 58.84 - 0.00 57.73 - 0.00
6.889 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.04 59.07 - 0.00 58.43 - 0.00
6.944 -0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.06 59.31 - 0.00 59.13 - 0.00
7.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 59.54 - 0.00 59.83 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 5.17 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -7.9 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 28.957 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.34 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.067
Largest positive moment: 36.49 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.34 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.00 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.94 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 13.55 [kN/m'] at X= 1.05 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -20.33 [kN/m'] at X= 4.28 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 14.141 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 311.255 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2297.424 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 175.044 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 175.044 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 114.296 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1068.743 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 175.005 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 175.005 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 16.37 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.164


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 4.950 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 4.950 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.067
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL RIGHT passive: 0.164

*** End of the calculation

Page 13

Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 11.40 hour

S-4 (RW 32/37)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-4.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall





4.00 Arcelor AZ 18-700






8.00 6.40 4.80 3.20 1.60 0.00 1.60 3.20 4.80 6.40 8.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 18-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 3.78000E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 1.80000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.11600E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 8.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01390
Thickness web [m] : 0.00840
Thickness flange [m] : 0.00840
Width flange [m] : 0.34600
Height of section [m] : 0.42000
Section class: 3

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 8.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
2 1.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 2.800 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Page 2

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 3.300
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 3.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Variable load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Variable load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.8 0.8
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 1.6

2.4 2.4

3.2 3.2

4 4

4.8 4.8

5.6 5.6

6.4 6.4

7.2 7.2

8 8
25 19.8 14.6 9.4 4.2 -1 9 4.4 -0.2 -4.8 -9.4 -14
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 0
Construction phase no.: 1
4 3.2
4.8 4
7.2 7.2
8 8
0 -1.2 -2.4 -3.6 -4.8 -6 -54 -32 -10 12 34 56
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -5.7 0.000 0.00 0.01 6.09 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.059 -5.6 0.009 0.01 0.35 6.39 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.118 -5.5 0.035 0.04 0.74 6.71 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.176 -5.4 0.079 0.10 1.14 7.03 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.235 -5.3 0.143 0.18 1.57 7.36 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.294 -5.2 0.227 0.29 2.01 7.68 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.353 -5.1 0.332 0.42 2.47 8.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.412 -5.0 0.459 0.58 2.95 8.32 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.471 -4.9 0.609 0.77 3.45 8.64 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.529 -4.8 0.783 0.99 3.97 8.96 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.588 -4.7 0.981 1.24 4.50 9.28 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.647 -4.6 1.205 1.52 5.06 9.61 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.706 -4.5 1.455 1.83 5.63 9.93 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.765 -4.4 1.733 2.18 6.23 10.25 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.824 -4.3 2.039 2.57 6.84 10.57 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 4

0.882 -4.2 2.373 2.99 7.47 10.89 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

0.941 -4.1 2.738 3.45 8.12 11.21 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -4.0 3.125 3.94 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.062 -3.9 3.542 4.46 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.124 -3.8 3.959 4.99 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.186 -3.7 4.376 5.51 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.248 -3.6 4.793 6.04 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.310 -3.5 5.210 6.56 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.372 -3.4 5.627 7.09 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.434 -3.3 6.044 7.61 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.497 -3.2 6.460 8.14 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.559 -3.1 6.877 8.67 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.621 -3.0 7.294 9.19 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.683 -2.9 7.711 9.72 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.745 -2.8 8.128 10.24 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.807 -2.7 8.545 10.77 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.869 -2.6 8.962 11.29 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.931 -2.5 9.379 11.82 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.993 -2.4 9.796 12.34 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.055 -2.3 10.213 12.87 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.117 -2.2 10.630 13.39 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.179 -2.2 11.047 13.92 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.241 -2.1 11.464 14.44 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.303 -2.0 11.880 14.97 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.366 -1.9 12.297 15.49 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.428 -1.8 12.714 16.02 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.490 -1.7 13.131 16.55 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.552 -1.7 13.548 17.07 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.614 -1.6 13.965 17.60 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.676 -1.5 14.382 18.12 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.738 -1.4 14.799 18.65 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.800 -1.4 15.216 19.17 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.856 -1.3 15.589 19.64 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.911 -1.2 15.962 20.11 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.967 -1.2 16.335 20.58 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.022 -1.1 16.708 21.05 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.078 -1.1 17.082 21.52 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.133 -1.0 17.455 21.99 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.189 -1.0 17.828 22.46 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.244 -0.9 18.201 22.93 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.300 -0.9 18.574 23.40 8.45 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.364 -0.8 18.963 23.89 6.99 0.00 A 0.00 45.94 - 0.00
3.427 -0.8 19.241 24.24 4.13 0.05 - 0.00 44.10 - 0.00
3.491 -0.7 19.380 24.42 1.48 2.69 - 0.00 42.36 - 0.00
3.554 -0.7 19.391 24.43 -0.91 5.22 - 0.00 40.74 - 0.00
3.618 -0.6 19.288 24.30 -3.04 7.64 - 0.00 39.24 - 0.00
3.681 -0.6 19.084 24.05 -4.93 9.94 - 0.00 37.85 - 0.00
3.745 -0.5 18.790 23.68 -6.60 12.12 - 0.00 36.56 - 0.00
3.808 -0.5 18.418 23.21 -8.04 14.20 - 0.00 35.39 - 0.00
3.872 -0.5 17.978 22.65 -9.29 16.17 - 0.00 34.33 - 0.00
3.935 -0.4 17.479 22.02 -10.36 18.04 - 0.00 33.38 - 0.00
3.999 -0.4 16.931 21.33 -11.25 19.80 - 0.00 32.52 - 0.00
4.062 -0.4 16.343 20.59 -11.98 21.46 - 0.00 31.77 - 0.00
4.126 -0.4 15.721 19.81 -12.57 23.02 - 0.00 31.11 - 0.00
4.189 -0.3 15.073 18.99 -13.01 24.50 - 0.00 30.55 - 0.00
4.253 -0.3 14.406 18.15 -13.34 25.88 - 0.00 30.07 - 0.00
4.316 -0.3 13.725 17.29 -13.55 27.18 - 0.00 29.68 - 0.00
4.380 -0.3 13.036 16.42 -13.66 28.40 - 0.00 29.36 - 0.00
4.443 -0.3 12.343 15.55 -13.68 29.54 - 0.00 29.13 - 0.00
4.507 -0.3 11.652 14.68 -13.61 30.61 - 0.00 28.97 - 0.00
4.570 -0.2 10.966 13.82 -13.47 31.62 - 0.00 28.87 - 0.00
4.634 -0.2 10.289 12.96 -13.27 32.55 - 0.00 28.84 - 0.00
4.697 -0.2 9.624 12.13 -13.01 33.43 - 0.00 28.87 - 0.00
4.761 -0.2 8.973 11.31 -12.69 34.25 - 0.00 28.96 - 0.00
4.824 -0.2 8.339 10.51 -12.34 35.02 - 0.00 29.10 - 0.00
4.888 -0.2 7.724 9.73 -11.95 35.73 - 0.00 29.29 - 0.00
4.951 -0.2 7.129 8.98 -11.52 36.41 - 0.00 29.53 - 0.00
5.015 -0.2 6.556 8.26 -11.07 37.04 - 0.00 29.80 - 0.00

Page 5

5.078 -0.2 6.007 7.57 -10.61 37.63 - 0.00 30.12 - 0.00

5.142 -0.2 5.481 6.91 -10.12 38.19 - 0.00 30.47 - 0.00
5.205 -0.2 4.980 6.27 -9.63 38.71 - 0.00 30.85 - 0.00
5.269 -0.2 4.504 5.68 -9.13 39.21 - 0.00 31.27 - 0.00
5.332 -0.2 4.054 5.11 -8.62 39.67 - 0.00 31.71 - 0.00
5.396 -0.2 3.629 4.57 -8.12 40.12 - 0.00 32.17 - 0.00
5.459 -0.2 3.229 4.07 -7.61 40.54 - 0.00 32.65 - 0.00
5.523 -0.2 2.855 3.60 -7.12 40.95 - 0.00 33.16 - 0.00
5.586 -0.2 2.505 3.16 -6.62 41.33 - 0.00 33.68 - 0.00
5.650 -0.2 2.180 2.75 -6.14 41.71 - 0.00 34.21 - 0.00
5.714 -0.2 1.879 2.37 -5.67 42.07 - 0.00 34.76 - 0.00
5.777 -0.2 1.602 2.02 -5.22 42.42 - 0.00 35.32 - 0.00
5.841 -0.2 1.347 1.70 -4.77 42.75 - 0.00 35.89 - 0.00
5.904 -0.2 1.114 1.40 -4.34 43.09 - 0.00 36.46 - 0.00
5.968 -0.2 0.902 1.14 -3.93 43.41 - 0.00 37.05 - 0.00
6.031 -0.2 0.711 0.90 -3.54 43.73 - 0.00 37.63 - 0.00
6.095 -0.2 0.539 0.68 -3.16 44.05 - 0.00 38.23 - 0.00
6.158 -0.2 0.386 0.49 -2.80 44.36 - 0.00 38.82 - 0.00
6.222 -0.2 0.250 0.32 -2.45 44.67 - 0.00 39.42 - 0.00
6.285 -0.2 0.132 0.17 -2.13 44.98 - 0.00 40.02 - 0.00
6.349 -0.2 0.029 0.04 -1.82 45.28 - 0.00 40.62 - 0.00
6.412 -0.2 0.059 -0.07 -1.54 45.59 - 0.00 41.22 - 0.00
6.476 -0.2 0.133 -0.17 -1.27 45.90 - 0.00 41.82 - 0.00
6.539 -0.2 0.194 -0.24 -1.02 46.21 - 0.00 42.42 - 0.00
6.603 -0.2 0.242 -0.31 -0.79 46.52 - 0.00 43.02 - 0.00
6.666 -0.2 0.280 -0.35 -0.57 46.83 - 0.00 43.61 - 0.00
6.730 -0.2 0.307 -0.39 -0.38 47.14 - 0.00 44.21 - 0.00
6.793 -0.2 0.325 -0.41 -0.20 47.45 - 0.00 44.80 - 0.00
6.857 -0.2 0.334 -0.42 -0.04 47.77 - 0.00 45.39 - 0.00
6.920 -0.2 0.336 -0.42 0.10 48.09 - 0.00 45.98 - 0.00
6.984 -0.3 0.331 -0.42 0.23 48.41 - 0.00 46.57 - 0.00
7.047 -0.3 0.320 -0.40 0.33 48.73 - 0.00 47.16 - 0.00
7.111 -0.3 0.304 -0.38 0.43 49.05 - 0.00 47.74 - 0.00
7.174 -0.3 0.284 -0.36 0.50 49.38 - 0.00 48.32 - 0.00
7.238 -0.3 0.260 -0.33 0.56 49.71 - 0.00 48.90 - 0.00
7.301 -0.3 0.234 -0.29 0.60 50.04 - 0.00 49.48 - 0.00
7.365 -0.3 0.206 -0.26 0.63 50.37 - 0.00 50.06 - 0.00
7.428 -0.3 0.177 -0.22 0.64 50.70 - 0.00 50.63 - 0.00
7.492 -0.3 0.148 -0.19 0.64 51.03 - 0.00 51.21 - 0.00
7.555 -0.3 0.120 -0.15 0.62 51.36 - 0.00 51.78 - 0.00
7.619 -0.3 0.092 -0.12 0.59 51.70 - 0.00 52.36 - 0.00
7.682 -0.3 0.067 -0.08 0.54 52.03 - 0.00 52.93 - 0.00
7.746 -0.3 0.045 -0.06 0.47 52.37 - 0.00 53.50 - 0.00
7.809 -0.3 0.026 -0.03 0.39 52.70 - 0.00 54.07 - 0.00
7.873 -0.3 0.012 -0.02 0.30 53.04 - 0.00 54.65 - 0.00
7.936 -0.3 0.003 -0.00 0.19 53.37 - 0.00 55.22 - 0.00
8.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 53.71 - 0.00 55.79 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 5.33 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -5.7 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 19.391 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.55 [m]
Largest positive moment: 24.43 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.55 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.42 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.92 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 8.45 [kN/m'] at X= 1.00 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -13.68 [kN/m'] at X= 4.44 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 8.439 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 309.096 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3490.303 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 182.066 [kN/m']

Page 6

Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 182.066 [kN/m']

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 120.614 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1721.188 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 182.015 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 182.015 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 10.57 %


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 3.365 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.365 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
0.8 0.8
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 1.6

2.4 2.4

3.2 3.2

4 4

4.8 4.8

5.6 5.6

6.4 6.4

7.2 7.2

8 8
39 31 23 15 7 -1 12 5.2 -1.6 -8.4 -15.2 -22
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

1.6 0
Construction phase no.: 1
4 3.2
4.8 4
7.2 7.2
8 8
0 -2.2 -4.4 -6.6 -8.8 -11 -57 -32.4 -7.8 16.8 41.4 66
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -10.6 0.000 0.00 0.02 9.13 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.059 -10.5 0.013 0.02 0.53 9.43 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.118 -10.3 0.051 0.06 1.09 9.75 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.176 -10.1 0.117 0.15 1.67 10.07 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.235 -10.0 0.210 0.26 2.28 10.39 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.294 -9.8 0.331 0.42 2.90 10.71 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.353 -9.6 0.482 0.61 3.54 11.03 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.412 -9.4 0.664 0.84 4.19 11.36 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.471 -9.3 0.876 1.10 4.87 11.68 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.529 -9.1 1.121 1.41 5.57 12.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.588 -8.9 1.398 1.76 6.28 12.32 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.647 -8.8 1.710 2.15 7.02 12.64 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.706 -8.6 2.056 2.59 7.77 12.96 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.765 -8.4 2.437 3.07 8.54 13.28 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.824 -8.2 2.855 3.60 9.33 13.61 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.882 -8.1 3.311 4.17 10.14 13.93 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.941 -7.9 3.805 4.79 10.97 14.25 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -7.7 4.328 5.45 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.062 -7.5 4.890 6.16 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.124 -7.4 5.452 6.87 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.186 -7.2 6.014 7.58 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.248 -7.0 6.576 8.29 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.310 -6.8 7.138 8.99 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.372 -6.7 7.700 9.70 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.434 -6.5 8.262 10.41 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.497 -6.3 8.824 11.12 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.559 -6.1 9.386 11.83 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.621 -6.0 9.948 12.53 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.683 -5.8 10.510 13.24 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.745 -5.6 11.072 13.95 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.807 -5.5 11.634 14.66 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.869 -5.3 12.196 15.37 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.931 -5.1 12.758 16.08 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.993 -5.0 13.320 16.78 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.055 -4.8 13.882 17.49 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.117 -4.6 14.444 18.20 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.179 -4.5 15.006 18.91 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.241 -4.3 15.569 19.62 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 8

2.303 -4.2 16.131 20.32 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

2.366 -4.0 16.693 21.03 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.428 -3.9 17.255 21.74 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.490 -3.7 17.817 22.45 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.552 -3.6 18.379 23.16 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.614 -3.4 18.941 23.87 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.676 -3.3 19.503 24.57 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.738 -3.2 20.065 25.28 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.800 -3.0 20.627 25.99 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.859 -2.9 21.160 26.66 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.918 -2.8 21.692 27.33 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.976 -2.6 22.225 28.00 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.035 -2.5 22.758 28.67 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.094 -2.4 23.290 29.35 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.153 -2.3 23.823 30.02 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.212 -2.2 24.356 30.69 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.271 -2.1 24.888 31.36 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.329 -2.0 25.421 32.03 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.388 -1.9 25.954 32.70 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.447 -1.8 26.486 33.37 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.506 -1.7 27.019 34.04 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.565 -1.6 27.552 34.71 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.624 -1.5 28.084 35.39 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.682 -1.4 28.617 36.06 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.741 -1.3 29.150 36.73 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.800 -1.2 29.682 37.40 11.39 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.863 -1.1 30.197 38.05 9.34 0.00 A 0.00 65.58 - 0.00
3.925 -1.1 30.560 38.51 5.32 0.00 A 0.00 62.46 - 0.00
3.988 -1.0 30.728 38.72 1.50 0.00 A 0.00 59.52 - 0.00
4.051 -0.9 30.710 38.69 -2.09 1.67 - 0.00 56.76 - 0.00
4.113 -0.9 30.520 38.45 -5.36 5.15 - 0.00 54.17 - 0.00
4.176 -0.8 30.177 38.02 -8.25 8.46 - 0.00 51.75 - 0.00
4.239 -0.7 29.699 37.42 -10.79 11.60 - 0.00 49.51 - 0.00
4.301 -0.7 29.102 36.67 -13.01 14.57 - 0.00 47.44 - 0.00
4.364 -0.6 28.402 35.79 -14.92 17.37 - 0.00 45.53 - 0.00
4.427 -0.6 27.615 34.79 -16.55 20.01 - 0.00 43.79 - 0.00
4.490 -0.5 26.753 33.71 -17.92 22.49 - 0.00 42.20 - 0.00
4.552 -0.5 25.829 32.54 -19.03 24.82 - 0.00 40.77 - 0.00
4.615 -0.5 24.856 31.32 -19.93 27.00 - 0.00 39.49 - 0.00
4.678 -0.4 23.843 30.04 -20.61 29.04 - 0.00 38.35 - 0.00
4.740 -0.4 22.801 28.73 -21.10 30.94 - 0.00 37.34 - 0.00
4.803 -0.4 21.739 27.39 -21.42 32.71 - 0.00 36.47 - 0.00
4.866 -0.3 20.664 26.04 -21.58 34.35 - 0.00 35.72 - 0.00
4.928 -0.3 19.586 24.68 -21.60 35.88 - 0.00 35.08 - 0.00
4.991 -0.3 18.510 23.32 -21.49 37.30 - 0.00 34.56 - 0.00
5.054 -0.3 17.442 21.98 -21.26 38.61 - 0.00 34.15 - 0.00
5.116 -0.2 16.388 20.65 -20.93 39.82 - 0.00 33.84 - 0.00
5.179 -0.2 15.352 19.34 -20.52 40.93 - 0.00 33.62 - 0.00
5.242 -0.2 14.339 18.07 -20.02 41.96 - 0.00 33.49 - 0.00
5.304 -0.2 13.352 16.82 -19.46 42.90 - 0.00 33.44 - 0.00
5.367 -0.2 12.395 15.62 -18.84 43.77 - 0.00 33.46 - 0.00
5.430 -0.2 11.470 14.45 -18.17 44.57 - 0.00 33.56 - 0.00
5.493 -0.2 10.579 13.33 -17.46 45.30 - 0.00 33.72 - 0.00
5.555 -0.2 9.724 12.25 -16.72 45.97 - 0.00 33.95 - 0.00
5.618 -0.2 8.906 11.22 -15.96 46.59 - 0.00 34.23 - 0.00
5.681 -0.2 8.127 10.24 -15.18 47.15 - 0.00 34.56 - 0.00
5.743 -0.2 7.387 9.31 -14.38 47.67 - 0.00 34.94 - 0.00
5.806 -0.2 6.687 8.43 -13.58 48.15 - 0.00 35.36 - 0.00
5.869 -0.2 6.026 7.59 -12.78 48.58 - 0.00 35.82 - 0.00
5.931 -0.2 5.406 6.81 -11.99 48.99 - 0.00 36.31 - 0.00
5.994 -0.2 4.824 6.08 -11.20 49.36 - 0.00 36.83 - 0.00
6.057 -0.2 4.282 5.40 -10.42 49.70 - 0.00 37.39 - 0.00
6.119 -0.2 3.778 4.76 -9.65 50.02 - 0.00 37.96 - 0.00
6.182 -0.2 3.312 4.17 -8.91 50.32 - 0.00 38.56 - 0.00
6.245 -0.2 2.883 3.63 -8.18 50.60 - 0.00 39.18 - 0.00
6.307 -0.2 2.489 3.14 -7.48 50.86 - 0.00 39.81 - 0.00
6.370 -0.2 2.129 2.68 -6.80 51.11 - 0.00 40.46 - 0.00
6.433 -0.2 1.803 2.27 -6.14 51.34 - 0.00 41.12 - 0.00

Page 9

6.496 -0.2 1.508 1.90 -5.52 51.57 - 0.00 41.79 - 0.00

6.558 -0.2 1.244 1.57 -4.92 51.79 - 0.00 42.47 - 0.00
6.621 -0.2 1.009 1.27 -4.35 51.99 - 0.00 43.16 - 0.00
6.684 -0.2 0.802 1.01 -3.81 52.20 - 0.00 43.85 - 0.00
6.746 -0.2 0.620 0.78 -3.30 52.40 - 0.00 44.55 - 0.00
6.809 -0.2 0.463 0.58 -2.83 52.59 - 0.00 45.25 - 0.00
6.872 -0.2 0.329 0.42 -2.38 52.78 - 0.00 45.95 - 0.00
6.934 -0.2 0.217 0.27 -1.97 52.98 - 0.00 46.66 - 0.00
6.997 -0.2 0.124 0.16 -1.59 53.16 - 0.00 47.36 - 0.00
7.060 -0.3 0.049 0.06 -1.24 53.35 - 0.00 48.07 - 0.00
7.122 -0.3 0.010 -0.01 -0.93 53.54 - 0.00 48.78 - 0.00
7.185 -0.3 0.053 -0.07 -0.64 53.73 - 0.00 49.48 - 0.00
7.248 -0.3 0.084 -0.11 -0.39 53.92 - 0.00 50.19 - 0.00
7.310 -0.3 0.102 -0.13 -0.18 54.11 - 0.00 50.90 - 0.00
7.373 -0.3 0.111 -0.14 0.00 54.30 - 0.00 51.60 - 0.00
7.436 -0.3 0.111 -0.14 0.16 54.49 - 0.00 52.31 - 0.00
7.499 -0.3 0.105 -0.13 0.28 54.68 - 0.00 53.01 - 0.00
7.561 -0.3 0.093 -0.12 0.37 54.87 - 0.00 53.72 - 0.00
7.624 -0.3 0.078 -0.10 0.43 55.06 - 0.00 54.42 - 0.00
7.687 -0.3 0.061 -0.08 0.45 55.25 - 0.00 55.13 - 0.00
7.749 -0.3 0.043 -0.05 0.44 55.45 - 0.00 55.83 - 0.00
7.812 -0.3 0.026 -0.03 0.40 55.64 - 0.00 56.53 - 0.00
7.875 -0.3 0.013 -0.02 0.33 55.83 - 0.00 57.23 - 0.00
7.937 -0.3 0.003 -0.00 0.23 56.03 - 0.00 57.94 - 0.00
8.000 -0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 56.22 - 0.00 58.64 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 5.81 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -10.6 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 30.728 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.99 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.071
Largest positive moment: 38.72 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.99 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.14 [kN.m/m'] at X= 7.44 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 11.39 [kN/m'] at X= 1.00 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -21.60 [kN/m'] at X= 4.93 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 11.373 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 345.616 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3745.855 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 183.601 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 183.601 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 118.870 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1618.351 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 183.529 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 183.529 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 11.34 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.113


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 4.248 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 4.248 [kN/m']

Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -11.8 0.000 0.00 0.02 9.78 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.059 -11.6 0.014 0.02 0.57 10.15 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.118 -11.4 0.055 0.07 1.17 10.55 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.176 -11.2 0.126 0.16 1.81 10.95 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.235 -11.0 0.226 0.29 2.46 11.34 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.294 -10.9 0.358 0.45 3.14 11.74 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.353 -10.7 0.522 0.66 3.84 12.14 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.412 -10.5 0.719 0.91 4.57 12.53 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.471 -10.3 0.951 1.20 5.32 12.93 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.529 -10.1 1.218 1.53 6.09 13.33 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.588 -9.9 1.522 1.92 6.89 13.73 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.647 -9.7 1.863 2.35 7.71 14.12 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.706 -9.5 2.244 2.83 8.55 14.52 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.765 -9.3 2.664 3.36 9.41 14.92 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.824 -9.1 3.125 3.94 10.30 15.31 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.882 -8.9 3.628 4.57 11.22 15.71 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
0.941 -8.8 4.175 5.26 12.15 16.11 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.000 -8.6 4.754 5.99 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.062 -8.4 5.377 6.77 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.124 -8.2 6.000 7.56 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.186 -8.0 6.622 8.34 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.248 -7.8 7.245 9.13 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.310 -7.6 7.868 9.91 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.372 -7.4 8.491 10.70 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.434 -7.2 9.114 11.48 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.497 -7.0 9.737 12.27 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.559 -6.8 10.360 13.05 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.621 -6.6 10.983 13.84 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.683 -6.4 11.605 14.62 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.745 -6.2 12.228 15.41 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.807 -6.1 12.851 16.19 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.869 -5.9 13.474 16.98 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.931 -5.7 14.097 17.76 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
1.993 -5.5 14.720 18.55 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.055 -5.3 15.343 19.33 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.117 -5.2 15.965 20.12 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.179 -5.0 16.588 20.90 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.241 -4.8 17.211 21.69 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.303 -4.6 17.834 22.47 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.366 -4.5 18.457 23.26 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.428 -4.3 19.080 24.04 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.490 -4.1 19.703 24.83 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.552 -4.0 20.326 25.61 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.614 -3.8 20.948 26.40 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.676 -3.7 21.571 27.18 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.738 -3.5 22.194 27.96 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.800 -3.4 22.817 28.75 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.859 -3.2 23.407 29.49 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.918 -3.1 23.998 30.24 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
2.976 -3.0 24.588 30.98 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.035 -2.8 25.178 31.72 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.094 -2.7 25.769 32.47 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.153 -2.6 26.359 33.21 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

Page 11

3.212 -2.4 26.949 33.96 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00

3.271 -2.3 27.539 34.70 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.329 -2.2 28.130 35.44 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.388 -2.1 28.720 36.19 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.447 -2.0 29.310 36.93 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.506 -1.9 29.901 37.67 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.565 -1.8 30.491 38.42 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.624 -1.7 31.081 39.16 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.682 -1.6 31.672 39.91 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.741 -1.5 32.262 40.65 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.800 -1.4 32.852 41.39 12.62 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
3.863 -1.3 33.423 42.11 10.35 0.00 A 0.00 72.45 - 0.00
3.925 -1.2 33.826 42.62 5.92 0.00 A 0.00 69.03 - 0.00
3.988 -1.1 34.013 42.86 1.69 0.00 A 0.00 65.81 - 0.00
4.051 -1.0 33.994 42.83 -2.28 1.73 - 0.00 62.77 - 0.00
4.113 -1.0 33.786 42.57 -5.90 5.63 - 0.00 59.94 - 0.00
4.176 -0.9 33.408 42.09 -9.10 9.32 - 0.00 57.29 - 0.00
4.239 -0.8 32.880 41.43 -11.92 12.83 - 0.00 54.84 - 0.00
4.301 -0.8 32.220 40.60 -14.38 16.15 - 0.00 52.58 - 0.00
4.364 -0.7 31.447 39.62 -16.50 19.28 - 0.00 50.50 - 0.00
4.427 -0.7 30.576 38.53 -18.31 22.23 - 0.00 48.60 - 0.00
4.490 -0.6 29.622 37.32 -19.82 25.01 - 0.00 46.87 - 0.00
4.552 -0.6 28.600 36.04 -21.06 27.62 - 0.00 45.32 - 0.00
4.615 -0.5 27.523 34.68 -22.05 30.07 - 0.00 43.92 - 0.00
4.678 -0.5 26.402 33.27 -22.81 32.36 - 0.00 42.69 - 0.00
4.740 -0.4 25.249 31.81 -23.35 34.49 - 0.00 41.61 - 0.00
4.803 -0.4 24.073 30.33 -23.71 36.48 - 0.00 40.67 - 0.00
4.866 -0.4 22.885 28.83 -23.89 38.34 - 0.00 39.87 - 0.00
4.928 -0.4 21.691 27.33 -23.91 40.06 - 0.00 39.20 - 0.00
4.991 -0.3 20.499 25.83 -23.79 41.66 - 0.00 38.65 - 0.00
5.054 -0.3 19.317 24.34 -23.54 43.14 - 0.00 38.22 - 0.00
5.116 -0.3 18.150 22.87 -23.18 44.51 - 0.00 37.91 - 0.00
5.179 -0.3 17.003 21.42 -22.72 45.78 - 0.00 37.69 - 0.00
5.242 -0.3 15.882 20.01 -22.17 46.95 - 0.00 37.58 - 0.00
5.304 -0.3 14.789 18.63 -21.55 48.03 - 0.00 37.55 - 0.00
5.367 -0.2 13.729 17.30 -20.86 49.02 - 0.00 37.61 - 0.00
5.430 -0.2 12.705 16.01 -20.12 49.93 - 0.00 37.75 - 0.00
5.493 -0.2 11.718 14.77 -19.34 50.78 - 0.00 37.97 - 0.00
5.555 -0.2 10.772 13.57 -18.52 51.55 - 0.00 38.24 - 0.00
5.618 -0.2 9.866 12.43 -17.67 52.26 - 0.00 38.58 - 0.00
5.681 -0.2 9.003 11.34 -16.81 52.92 - 0.00 38.98 - 0.00
5.743 -0.2 8.184 10.31 -15.93 53.52 - 0.00 39.43 - 0.00
5.806 -0.2 7.409 9.33 -15.04 54.08 - 0.00 39.93 - 0.00
5.869 -0.2 6.677 8.41 -14.16 54.60 - 0.00 40.46 - 0.00
5.931 -0.2 5.990 7.55 -13.27 55.08 - 0.00 41.04 - 0.00
5.994 -0.2 5.346 6.74 -12.40 55.52 - 0.00 41.65 - 0.00
6.057 -0.2 4.745 5.98 -11.54 55.93 - 0.00 42.29 - 0.00
6.119 -0.2 4.187 5.28 -10.69 56.31 - 0.00 42.96 - 0.00
6.182 -0.2 3.671 4.63 -9.87 56.67 - 0.00 43.66 - 0.00
6.245 -0.2 3.195 4.03 -9.06 57.01 - 0.00 44.37 - 0.00
6.307 -0.2 2.759 3.48 -8.28 57.34 - 0.00 45.10 - 0.00
6.370 -0.2 2.360 2.97 -7.53 57.64 - 0.00 45.85 - 0.00
6.433 -0.2 1.999 2.52 -6.80 57.93 - 0.00 46.61 - 0.00
6.496 -0.2 1.673 2.11 -6.11 58.21 - 0.00 47.39 - 0.00
6.558 -0.3 1.380 1.74 -5.45 58.48 - 0.00 48.17 - 0.00
6.621 -0.3 1.120 1.41 -4.82 58.75 - 0.00 48.96 - 0.00
6.684 -0.3 0.890 1.12 -4.22 59.00 - 0.00 49.76 - 0.00
6.746 -0.3 0.689 0.87 -3.66 59.25 - 0.00 50.56 - 0.00
6.809 -0.3 0.515 0.65 -3.13 59.50 - 0.00 51.37 - 0.00
6.872 -0.3 0.366 0.46 -2.64 59.74 - 0.00 52.18 - 0.00
6.934 -0.3 0.241 0.30 -2.18 59.99 - 0.00 52.99 - 0.00
6.997 -0.3 0.138 0.17 -1.76 60.23 - 0.00 53.80 - 0.00
7.060 -0.3 0.055 0.07 -1.38 60.47 - 0.00 54.61 - 0.00
7.122 -0.3 0.010 -0.01 -1.03 60.71 - 0.00 55.43 - 0.00
7.185 -0.3 0.058 -0.07 -0.71 60.95 - 0.00 56.24 - 0.00
7.248 -0.3 0.092 -0.12 -0.44 61.19 - 0.00 57.06 - 0.00
7.310 -0.3 0.113 -0.14 -0.20 61.43 - 0.00 57.87 - 0.00
7.373 -0.3 0.122 -0.15 0.00 61.67 - 0.00 58.68 - 0.00

Page 12

7.436 -0.3 0.123 -0.15 0.18 61.91 - 0.00 59.49 - 0.00

7.499 -0.3 0.116 -0.15 0.31 62.15 - 0.00 60.31 - 0.00
7.561 -0.4 0.103 -0.13 0.41 62.39 - 0.00 61.12 - 0.00
7.624 -0.4 0.086 -0.11 0.47 62.64 - 0.00 61.93 - 0.00
7.687 -0.4 0.067 -0.08 0.50 62.88 - 0.00 62.74 - 0.00
7.749 -0.4 0.047 -0.06 0.49 63.13 - 0.00 63.54 - 0.00
7.812 -0.4 0.029 -0.04 0.45 63.37 - 0.00 64.35 - 0.00
7.875 -0.4 0.014 -0.02 0.37 63.61 - 0.00 65.16 - 0.00
7.937 -0.4 0.004 -0.00 0.25 63.86 - 0.00 65.97 - 0.00
8.000 -0.4 0.000 0.00 0.00 64.10 - 0.00 66.78 - 0.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: -0.2 [mm] at X= 5.81 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -11.8 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 34.013 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.99 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.079
Largest positive moment: 42.86 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.99 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.15 [kN.m/m'] at X= 7.44 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 12.62 [kN/m'] at X= 1.00 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -23.91 [kN/m'] at X= 4.93 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 18.313 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 388.781 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2822.316 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 206.766 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 206.766 [kN/m']
Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 131.045 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1192.642 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 206.685 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 206.685 [kN/m']
The passive zone is the RIGHT side mobilized for 17.33 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.173


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 4.686 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.000 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 4.686 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.079
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL RIGHT passive: 0.173

*** End of the calculation

Page 13

Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 12.41 hour

S-5a (RW33/36)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-5a.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall


2.00 1


5.00 Arcelor AZ 26-700




10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 26-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 5.97200E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.60000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 3.07000E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 10.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01870
Thickness web [m] : 0.01160
Thickness flange [m] : 0.01160
Width flange [m] : 0.36100
Height of section [m] : 0.46000
Section class: 2

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 10.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 35.000 24.000 0.000 0.000
2 4.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
3 5.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9000 9000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 2.700 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under

Page 2

1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 3.200
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 20.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Permanent load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Permanent load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
1 1
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10
6 4.6 3.2 1.8 0.4 -1 3 1.4 -0.2 -1.8 -3.4 -5
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 0
Construction phase no.: 1
5 4
6 5
9 9
10 10
1 0.4 -0.2 -0.8 -1.4 -2 -100 -60 -20 20 60 100
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -1.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.48 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.04
0.077 -1.0 0.007 0.01 0.32 4.78 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.76
0.154 -1.0 0.027 0.05 0.61 5.09 A 0.00 0.00 - 1.51
0.231 -1.0 0.059 0.11 0.87 5.40 A 0.00 0.00 - 2.27
0.309 -0.9 0.101 0.18 1.09 5.71 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.03
0.386 -0.9 0.151 0.28 1.28 6.02 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.78
0.463 -0.9 0.210 0.38 1.44 6.33 A 0.00 0.00 - 4.54
0.540 -0.9 0.273 0.50 1.56 6.64 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.30
0.617 -0.9 0.342 0.62 1.64 6.95 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.05
0.694 -0.8 0.413 0.75 1.70 7.26 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.81
0.771 -0.8 0.485 0.88 1.71 7.57 A 0.00 0.00 - 7.57
0.849 -0.8 0.558 1.02 1.70 8.02 - 0.00 0.00 - 8.32
0.926 -0.8 0.630 1.15 1.68 8.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.08
1.003 -0.7 0.701 1.28 1.66 9.62 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.84
1.080 -0.7 0.771 1.40 1.65 10.43 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.59

Page 4

1.157 -0.7 0.841 1.53 1.63 11.23 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.35

1.234 -0.7 0.910 1.66 1.63 12.03 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.11
1.311 -0.6 0.979 1.78 1.62 12.83 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.87
1.389 -0.6 1.048 1.91 1.62 13.62 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.62
1.466 -0.6 1.117 2.03 1.62 14.42 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.38
1.543 -0.6 1.186 2.16 1.63 15.21 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.14
1.620 -0.6 1.255 2.28 1.63 16.01 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.89
1.697 -0.5 1.325 2.41 1.64 16.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.65
1.774 -0.5 1.395 2.54 1.66 17.58 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.41
1.851 -0.5 1.466 2.67 1.67 18.37 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.16
1.929 -0.5 1.538 2.80 1.69 19.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.92
2.006 -0.4 1.610 2.93 1.71 19.93 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.68
2.083 -0.4 1.683 3.06 1.73 20.71 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.43
2.160 -0.4 1.757 3.20 1.75 21.49 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.19
2.237 -0.4 1.832 3.33 1.77 22.26 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.95
2.314 -0.4 1.908 3.47 1.80 23.03 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.70
2.391 -0.3 1.985 3.61 1.82 23.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.46
2.469 -0.3 2.063 3.75 1.85 24.56 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.22
2.546 -0.3 2.142 3.90 1.88 25.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.97
2.623 -0.3 2.222 4.04 1.90 26.08 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.73
2.700 -0.3 2.304 4.19 1.93 26.83 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.49
2.771 -0.3 2.380 4.33 1.95 27.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.19
2.843 -0.2 2.457 4.47 1.98 28.22 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.89
2.914 -0.2 2.536 4.62 2.00 28.90 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.59
2.986 -0.2 2.615 4.76 2.02 29.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.29
3.057 -0.2 2.695 4.90 2.04 30.27 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.99
3.129 -0.2 2.776 5.05 2.06 30.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.69
3.200 -0.2 2.857 5.20 2.08 31.62 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.39
3.273 -0.1 2.933 5.34 1.71 32.30 - 0.00 20.24 - 22.47
3.345 -0.1 2.986 5.43 0.97 32.98 - 0.00 20.00 - 22.97
3.418 -0.1 3.010 5.48 0.25 33.65 - 0.00 19.79 - 23.47
3.491 -0.1 3.006 5.47 -0.43 34.32 - 0.00 19.60 - 23.97
3.564 -0.0 2.976 5.42 -1.09 34.99 - 0.00 19.43 - 24.47
3.636 -0.0 2.919 5.31 -1.73 35.65 - 0.00 19.27 - 24.97
3.709 -0.0 2.838 5.16 -2.34 36.30 - 0.00 19.14 - 25.47
3.782 -0.0 2.732 4.97 -2.94 36.96 - 0.00 19.04 - 25.97
3.855 -0.0 2.603 4.74 -3.51 37.60 - 0.00 18.94 - 26.47
3.927 -0.0 2.451 4.46 -4.07 38.25 - 0.00 18.87 - 26.97
4.000 -0.0 2.284 4.16 -4.26 48.70 - 0.00 18.82 - 27.47
4.077 -0.0 2.108 3.84 -4.07 49.46 - 0.00 18.78 - 28.00
4.154 -0.0 1.940 3.53 -3.85 50.22 - 0.00 18.75 - 28.52
4.231 -0.0 1.782 3.24 -3.61 50.98 - 0.00 18.74 - 29.05
4.308 -0.0 1.634 2.97 -3.36 51.74 - 0.00 18.75 - 29.58
4.385 0.0 1.498 2.73 -3.09 52.50 - 0.00 18.77 - 30.11
4.462 0.0 1.373 2.50 -2.80 53.26 - 0.00 18.80 - 30.64
4.538 0.0 1.261 2.29 -2.50 54.01 - 0.00 18.84 - 31.17
4.615 0.0 1.161 2.11 -2.19 54.77 - 0.00 18.89 - 31.69
4.692 0.0 1.076 1.96 -1.86 55.53 - 0.00 18.95 - 32.22
4.769 0.0 1.004 1.83 -1.52 56.28 - 0.00 19.02 - 32.75
4.846 0.0 0.947 1.72 -1.16 57.04 - 0.00 19.09 - 33.28
4.923 0.0 0.905 1.65 -0.80 57.79 - 0.00 19.18 - 33.81
5.000 0.0 0.879 1.60 -0.42 58.55 - 0.00 19.27 - 34.33
5.079 0.0 0.864 1.57 -0.29 52.80 - 0.00 19.37 - 34.88
5.159 0.0 0.848 1.54 -0.39 53.66 - 0.00 19.48 - 35.42
5.238 0.0 0.829 1.51 -0.48 54.50 - 0.00 19.59 - 35.97
5.317 0.0 0.805 1.47 -0.56 55.34 - 0.00 19.71 - 36.51
5.397 0.0 0.779 1.42 -0.62 56.17 - 0.00 19.84 - 37.06
5.476 0.0 0.750 1.37 -0.68 57.00 - 0.00 19.98 - 37.60
5.556 0.1 0.719 1.31 -0.72 57.82 - 0.00 20.12 - 38.15
5.635 0.1 0.687 1.25 -0.75 58.63 - 0.00 20.27 - 38.69
5.714 0.1 0.653 1.19 -0.77 59.44 - 0.00 20.42 - 39.24
5.794 0.1 0.619 1.13 -0.78 60.24 - 0.00 20.58 - 39.78
5.873 0.1 0.584 1.06 -0.79 61.04 - 0.00 20.75 - 40.33
5.952 0.1 0.549 1.00 -0.79 61.83 - 0.00 20.92 - 40.87
6.032 0.1 0.514 0.94 -0.78 62.62 - 0.00 21.09 - 41.42
6.111 0.1 0.480 0.87 -0.77 63.40 - 0.00 21.27 - 41.96
6.190 0.1 0.446 0.81 -0.76 64.18 - 0.00 21.45 - 42.51
6.270 0.2 0.413 0.75 -0.74 64.96 - 0.00 21.64 - 43.05

Page 5

6.349 0.2 0.381 0.69 -0.72 65.73 - 0.00 21.83 - 43.60

6.429 0.2 0.350 0.64 -0.69 66.50 - 0.00 22.02 - 44.14
6.508 0.2 0.320 0.58 -0.66 67.27 - 0.00 22.22 - 44.69
6.587 0.2 0.291 0.53 -0.63 68.03 - 0.00 22.41 - 45.23
6.667 0.2 0.264 0.48 -0.60 68.79 - 0.00 22.62 - 45.78
6.746 0.2 0.237 0.43 -0.57 69.55 - 0.00 22.82 - 46.32
6.825 0.2 0.213 0.39 -0.54 70.30 - 0.00 23.02 - 46.87
6.905 0.2 0.190 0.34 -0.51 71.06 - 0.00 23.23 - 47.41
6.984 0.2 0.168 0.31 -0.47 71.81 - 0.00 23.44 - 47.96
7.063 0.2 0.147 0.27 -0.44 72.56 - 0.00 23.65 - 48.50
7.143 0.2 0.128 0.23 -0.41 73.31 - 0.00 23.86 - 49.05
7.222 0.2 0.111 0.20 -0.38 74.06 - 0.00 24.07 - 49.59
7.302 0.2 0.094 0.17 -0.35 74.81 - 0.00 24.29 - 50.14
7.381 0.2 0.080 0.14 -0.32 75.56 - 0.00 24.50 - 50.68
7.460 0.2 0.066 0.12 -0.29 76.31 - 0.00 24.71 - 51.23
7.540 0.2 0.054 0.10 -0.26 77.05 - 0.00 24.93 - 51.77
7.619 0.2 0.043 0.08 -0.23 77.80 - 0.00 25.15 - 52.32
7.698 0.2 0.033 0.06 -0.20 78.55 - 0.00 25.36 - 52.86
7.778 0.2 0.024 0.04 -0.18 79.29 - 0.00 25.58 - 53.41
7.857 0.2 0.016 0.03 -0.16 80.04 - 0.00 25.79 - 53.95
7.937 0.2 0.009 0.02 -0.13 80.78 - 0.00 26.01 - 54.50
8.016 0.2 0.003 0.00 -0.11 81.53 - 0.00 26.23 - 55.04
8.095 0.2 0.002 -0.00 -0.09 82.27 - 0.00 26.44 - 55.59
8.175 0.2 0.006 -0.01 -0.08 83.02 - 0.00 26.66 - 56.13
8.254 0.3 0.009 -0.02 -0.06 83.76 - 0.00 26.88 - 56.68
8.333 0.3 0.012 -0.02 -0.04 84.51 - 0.00 27.09 - 57.22
8.413 0.3 0.014 -0.03 -0.03 85.25 - 0.00 27.31 - 57.77
8.492 0.3 0.016 -0.03 -0.02 86.00 - 0.00 27.53 - 58.31
8.571 0.3 0.017 -0.03 -0.00 86.74 - 0.00 27.74 - 58.86
8.651 0.3 0.017 -0.03 0.00 87.49 - 0.00 27.96 - 59.40
8.730 0.3 0.017 -0.03 0.01 88.23 - 0.00 28.17 - 59.95
8.810 0.3 0.017 -0.03 0.02 88.98 - 0.00 28.39 - 60.49
8.889 0.3 0.016 -0.03 0.03 89.72 - 0.00 28.61 - 61.04
8.968 0.3 0.015 -0.03 0.04 90.47 - 0.00 28.82 - 61.58
9.048 0.3 0.014 -0.03 0.04 91.22 - 0.00 29.04 - 62.13
9.127 0.3 0.013 -0.02 0.04 91.96 - 0.00 29.25 - 62.67
9.206 0.3 0.011 -0.02 0.05 92.71 - 0.00 29.47 - 63.22
9.286 0.3 0.010 -0.02 0.05 93.46 - 0.00 29.68 - 63.76
9.365 0.3 0.008 -0.01 0.05 94.20 - 0.00 29.90 - 64.31
9.444 0.3 0.007 -0.01 0.05 94.95 - 0.00 30.11 - 64.85
9.524 0.3 0.005 -0.00 0.04 95.70 - 0.00 30.33 - 65.40
9.603 0.3 0.004 -0.00 0.04 96.44 - 0.00 30.54 - 65.94
9.683 0.3 0.003 -0.00 0.04 97.19 - 0.00 30.76 - 66.49
9.762 0.3 0.001 -0.00 0.03 97.94 - 0.00 30.97 - 67.03
9.841 0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.03 98.68 - 0.00 31.19 - 67.58
9.921 0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.02 99.43 - 0.00 31.40 - 68.12
10.000 0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 100.18 - 0.00 31.62 - 68.67

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.3 [mm] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -1.0 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 3.010 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.42 [m]
Largest positive moment: 5.48 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.42 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.03 [kN.m/m'] at X= 8.73 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 2.08 [kN/m'] at X= 3.20 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -4.26 [kN/m'] at X= 4.00 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 82.526 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 484.715 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 4436.666 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 517.382 [kN/m']

Page 6

Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 517.382 [kN/m']

The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 11.66 %

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 203.802 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2705.472 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 158.620 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 158.620 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.570 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.562 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.132 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
1 1
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10
9 6.6 4.2 1.8 -0.6 -3 5 2.4 -0.2 -2.8 -5.4 -8
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 0
Construction phase no.: 1
5 4
6 5
9 9
10 10
1 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 -1 -116 -69.6 -23.2 23.2 69.6 116
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -0.6 0.000 0.00 0.01 6.04 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.06
0.077 -0.6 0.009 0.02 0.44 6.77 - 0.00 0.00 - 1.14
0.154 -0.6 0.037 0.07 0.86 7.60 - 0.00 0.00 - 2.27
0.231 -0.5 0.082 0.15 1.26 8.44 - 0.00 0.00 - 3.41
0.309 -0.5 0.144 0.26 1.64 9.28 - 0.00 0.00 - 4.54
0.386 -0.5 0.221 0.40 1.99 10.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 5.68
0.463 -0.5 0.313 0.57 2.32 10.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 6.81
0.540 -0.4 0.418 0.76 2.63 11.79 - 0.00 0.00 - 7.95
0.617 -0.4 0.536 0.98 2.91 12.62 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.08
0.694 -0.4 0.665 1.21 3.17 13.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.22
0.771 -0.3 0.805 1.47 3.41 14.29 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.35
0.849 -0.3 0.955 1.74 3.63 15.12 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.49
0.926 -0.3 1.113 2.03 3.82 15.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.62
1.003 -0.3 1.279 2.33 3.99 16.78 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.76
1.080 -0.2 1.451 2.64 4.13 17.61 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.89
1.157 -0.2 1.629 2.97 4.25 18.43 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.03
1.234 -0.2 1.812 3.30 4.35 19.25 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.16
1.311 -0.2 1.998 3.64 4.42 20.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.30
1.389 -0.1 2.187 3.98 4.47 20.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.43
1.466 -0.1 2.377 4.33 4.49 21.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.57
1.543 -0.0 2.567 4.67 4.49 22.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.70
1.620 -0.0 2.757 5.02 4.46 23.31 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.84
1.697 -0.0 2.946 5.36 4.41 24.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.97
1.774 -0.0 3.131 5.70 4.33 24.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.11
1.851 -0.0 3.313 6.03 4.22 25.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.24
1.929 0.0 3.489 6.35 4.09 26.48 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.38
2.006 0.0 3.659 6.66 3.93 27.26 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.51
2.083 0.0 3.822 6.96 3.74 28.04 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.65
2.160 0.0 3.977 7.24 3.53 28.81 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.78
2.237 0.0 4.121 7.50 3.28 29.57 - 0.00 0.00 - 32.92
2.314 0.1 4.255 7.74 3.01 30.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.05
2.391 0.1 4.376 7.96 2.71 31.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.19
2.469 0.2 4.484 8.16 2.37 31.81 - 0.00 0.00 - 36.33
2.546 0.2 4.577 8.33 2.01 32.55 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.46
2.623 0.2 4.654 8.47 1.61 33.27 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.60
2.700 0.2 4.714 8.58 1.19 33.99 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.73
2.777 0.2 4.755 8.65 0.73 34.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 40.86
2.854 0.2 4.776 8.69 0.24 35.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 41.99

Page 8

2.931 0.2 4.775 8.69 -0.28 36.10 - 0.00 0.00 - 43.13

3.008 0.2 4.752 8.65 -0.84 36.79 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.26
3.085 0.3 4.704 8.56 -1.43 37.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 45.39
3.162 0.3 4.631 8.43 -2.06 38.14 - 0.00 0.00 - 46.52
3.238 0.3 4.530 8.24 -2.72 38.81 - 0.00 0.00 - 47.65
3.315 0.3 4.400 8.01 -3.42 39.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 48.79
3.392 0.3 4.241 7.72 -4.16 40.12 - 0.00 0.00 - 49.92
3.469 0.3 4.049 7.37 -4.93 40.76 - 0.00 0.00 - 51.05
3.546 0.3 3.824 6.96 -5.74 41.40 - 0.00 0.00 - 52.18
3.623 0.3 3.563 6.49 -6.59 42.03 - 0.00 0.00 - 53.31
3.700 0.3 3.275 5.96 -7.06 42.66 - 0.00 5.63 - 38.11
3.760 0.3 3.041 5.53 -7.14 43.14 - 0.00 5.71 - 38.73
3.820 0.3 2.805 5.10 -7.22 43.63 - 0.00 5.81 - 39.35
3.880 0.3 2.565 4.67 -7.32 44.10 - 0.00 5.92 - 39.97
3.940 0.3 2.322 4.23 -7.44 44.58 - 0.00 6.05 - 40.58
4.000 0.3 2.079 3.78 -7.31 53.47 - 0.00 6.18 - 41.20
4.077 0.3 1.780 3.24 -6.86 54.21 - 0.00 6.37 - 41.99
4.154 0.3 1.499 2.73 -6.42 54.95 - 0.00 6.57 - 42.79
4.231 0.3 1.237 2.25 -6.00 55.69 - 0.00 6.78 - 43.58
4.308 0.3 0.993 1.81 -5.60 56.42 - 0.00 7.00 - 44.37
4.385 0.3 0.764 1.39 -5.22 57.16 - 0.00 7.24 - 45.16
4.462 0.3 0.551 1.00 -4.86 57.90 - 0.00 7.47 - 45.96
4.538 0.3 0.353 0.64 -4.53 58.63 - 0.00 7.71 - 46.75
4.615 0.3 0.168 0.31 -4.22 59.37 - 0.00 7.96 - 47.54
4.692 0.3 0.004 -0.00 -3.94 60.10 - 0.00 8.20 - 48.33
4.769 0.3 0.165 -0.30 -3.67 60.84 - 0.00 8.45 - 49.13
4.846 0.3 0.315 -0.57 -3.43 61.58 - 0.00 8.69 - 49.92
4.923 0.3 0.455 -0.83 -3.22 62.31 - 0.00 8.93 - 50.71
5.000 0.3 0.587 -1.07 -3.02 63.05 - 0.00 9.17 - 51.50
5.079 0.3 0.712 -1.30 -2.70 67.50 - 0.00 9.41 - 52.32
5.159 0.3 0.820 -1.49 -2.26 68.10 - 0.00 9.65 - 53.14
5.238 0.3 0.909 -1.65 -1.86 68.72 - 0.00 9.87 - 53.95
5.317 0.3 0.982 -1.79 -1.48 69.34 - 0.00 10.09 - 54.77
5.397 0.3 1.039 -1.89 -1.14 69.96 - 0.00 10.31 - 55.59
5.476 0.3 1.082 -1.97 -0.84 70.60 - 0.00 10.51 - 56.41
5.556 0.3 1.112 -2.02 -0.56 71.25 - 0.00 10.70 - 57.22
5.635 0.3 1.131 -2.06 -0.31 71.90 - 0.00 10.89 - 58.04
5.714 0.3 1.140 -2.07 -0.09 72.57 - 0.00 11.06 - 58.86
5.794 0.3 1.139 -2.07 0.11 73.24 - 0.00 11.23 - 59.68
5.873 0.3 1.130 -2.06 0.28 73.92 - 0.00 11.39 - 60.49
5.952 0.3 1.114 -2.03 0.43 74.62 - 0.00 11.53 - 61.31
6.032 0.3 1.092 -1.99 0.57 75.32 - 0.00 11.67 - 62.13
6.111 0.4 1.065 -1.94 0.68 76.03 - 0.00 11.80 - 62.95
6.190 0.4 1.033 -1.88 0.77 76.75 - 0.00 11.92 - 63.76
6.270 0.4 0.998 -1.82 0.85 77.48 - 0.00 12.03 - 64.58
6.349 0.4 0.960 -1.75 0.91 78.22 - 0.00 12.13 - 65.40
6.429 0.4 0.919 -1.67 0.96 78.96 - 0.00 12.23 - 66.22
6.508 0.4 0.876 -1.59 0.99 79.72 - 0.00 12.31 - 67.03
6.587 0.4 0.832 -1.51 1.01 80.48 - 0.00 12.39 - 67.85
6.667 0.4 0.788 -1.43 1.03 81.24 - 0.00 12.47 - 68.67
6.746 0.4 0.743 -1.35 1.03 82.02 - 0.00 12.53 - 69.49
6.825 0.4 0.698 -1.27 1.03 82.80 - 0.00 12.59 - 70.30
6.905 0.4 0.653 -1.19 1.02 83.59 - 0.00 12.65 - 71.12
6.984 0.4 0.609 -1.11 1.00 84.38 - 0.00 12.69 - 71.94
7.063 0.4 0.566 -1.03 0.98 85.17 - 0.00 12.74 - 72.76
7.143 0.4 0.523 -0.95 0.95 85.98 - 0.00 12.78 - 73.57
7.222 0.4 0.483 -0.88 0.92 86.78 - 0.00 12.81 - 74.39
7.302 0.4 0.443 -0.81 0.88 87.59 - 0.00 12.84 - 75.21
7.381 0.4 0.405 -0.74 0.84 88.41 - 0.00 12.87 - 76.03
7.460 0.4 0.369 -0.67 0.81 89.22 - 0.00 12.89 - 76.84
7.540 0.4 0.335 -0.61 0.76 90.04 - 0.00 12.91 - 77.66
7.619 0.4 0.302 -0.55 0.72 90.87 - 0.00 12.92 - 78.48
7.698 0.4 0.272 -0.49 0.68 91.69 - 0.00 12.94 - 79.30
7.778 0.5 0.243 -0.44 0.64 92.52 - 0.00 12.95 - 80.11
7.857 0.5 0.216 -0.39 0.59 93.35 - 0.00 12.96 - 80.93
7.937 0.5 0.191 -0.35 0.55 94.18 - 0.00 12.97 - 81.75
8.016 0.5 0.168 -0.31 0.51 95.01 - 0.00 12.98 - 82.57
8.095 0.5 0.146 -0.27 0.47 95.85 - 0.00 12.98 - 83.38

Page 9

8.175 0.5 0.127 -0.23 0.42 96.69 - 0.00 12.98 - 84.20

8.254 0.5 0.109 -0.20 0.39 97.52 - 0.00 12.99 - 85.02
8.333 0.5 0.093 -0.17 0.35 98.36 - 0.00 12.99 - 85.84
8.413 0.5 0.078 -0.14 0.31 99.20 - 0.00 12.99 - 86.65
8.492 0.5 0.065 -0.12 0.28 100.04 - 0.00 12.99 - 87.47
8.571 0.5 0.054 -0.10 0.24 100.88 - 0.00 12.99 - 88.29
8.651 0.5 0.044 -0.08 0.21 101.72 - 0.00 12.99 - 89.11
8.730 0.5 0.035 -0.06 0.18 102.56 - 0.00 12.99 - 89.92
8.810 0.5 0.027 -0.05 0.16 103.40 - 0.00 12.99 - 90.74
8.889 0.5 0.021 -0.04 0.13 104.24 - 0.00 12.99 - 91.56
8.968 0.5 0.015 -0.03 0.11 105.08 - 0.00 12.99 - 92.38
9.048 0.6 0.011 -0.02 0.09 105.93 - 0.00 12.98 - 93.19
9.127 0.6 0.007 -0.01 0.07 106.77 - 0.00 12.98 - 94.01
9.206 0.6 0.005 -0.00 0.05 107.61 - 0.00 12.98 - 94.83
9.286 0.6 0.002 -0.00 0.04 108.45 - 0.00 12.98 - 95.65
9.365 0.6 0.000 -0.00 0.02 109.29 - 0.00 12.98 - 96.46
9.444 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.01 110.14 - 0.00 12.97 - 97.28
9.524 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.00 110.98 - 0.00 12.97 - 98.10
9.603 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.00 111.82 - 0.00 12.97 - 98.92
9.683 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.00 112.66 - 0.00 12.97 - 99.73
9.762 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.00 113.50 - 0.00 12.97 - 100.55
9.841 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.00 114.34 - 0.00 12.97 - 101.37
9.921 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.00 115.19 - 0.00 12.96 - 102.19
10.000 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.00 116.03 - 0.00 12.96 - 103.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.6 [mm] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -0.6 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 4.776 [N/mm^2] at X= 2.85 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.009
Largest positive moment: 8.69 [kN.m/m'] at X= 2.85 [m]
Largest negative moment: -2.07 [kN.m/m'] at X= 5.71 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 4.49 [kN/m'] at X= 1.47 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -7.44 [kN/m'] at X= 3.94 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 91.999 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 515.971 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 4673.398 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 615.803 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 615.803 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 13.18 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.132

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 190.896 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2534.712 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 71.205 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 71.205 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 0.283 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 1.615 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 1.898 [kN/m']

Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -1.1 0.000 0.00 0.01 5.79 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.05
0.077 -1.1 0.009 0.02 0.41 6.16 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.98
0.154 -1.0 0.035 0.06 0.79 6.56 A 0.00 0.00 - 1.97
0.231 -1.0 0.076 0.14 1.12 6.97 A 0.00 0.00 - 2.95
0.309 -1.0 0.130 0.24 1.41 7.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.94
0.386 -0.9 0.195 0.36 1.65 7.77 A 0.00 0.00 - 4.92
0.463 -0.9 0.270 0.49 1.85 8.17 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.90
0.540 -0.9 0.352 0.64 2.00 8.57 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.89
0.617 -0.9 0.439 0.80 2.11 8.97 A 0.00 0.00 - 7.87
0.694 -0.8 0.530 0.96 2.17 9.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 8.85
0.771 -0.8 0.623 1.13 2.19 9.99 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.84
0.849 -0.8 0.716 1.30 2.20 10.93 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.82
0.926 -0.8 0.810 1.47 2.21 11.88 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.81
1.003 -0.7 0.904 1.65 2.21 12.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.79
1.080 -0.7 0.998 1.82 2.21 13.76 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.77
1.157 -0.7 1.092 1.99 2.21 14.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.76
1.234 -0.7 1.186 2.16 2.21 15.64 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.74
1.311 -0.6 1.280 2.33 2.20 16.58 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.72
1.389 -0.6 1.373 2.50 2.18 17.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.71
1.466 -0.6 1.466 2.67 2.17 18.44 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.69
1.543 -0.6 1.557 2.83 2.14 19.37 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.68
1.620 -0.5 1.648 3.00 2.12 20.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.66
1.697 -0.5 1.737 3.16 2.09 21.22 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.64
1.774 -0.5 1.825 3.32 2.05 22.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.63
1.851 -0.5 1.912 3.48 2.01 23.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.61
1.929 -0.4 1.997 3.63 1.97 23.98 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.60
2.006 -0.4 2.079 3.78 1.92 24.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.58
2.083 -0.4 2.160 3.93 1.86 25.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.56
2.160 -0.4 2.238 4.07 1.80 26.71 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.55
2.237 -0.4 2.313 4.21 1.73 27.61 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.53
2.314 -0.3 2.385 4.34 1.66 28.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.51
2.391 -0.3 2.454 4.47 1.58 29.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.50
2.469 -0.3 2.520 4.59 1.49 30.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.48
2.546 -0.3 2.581 4.70 1.40 31.18 - 0.00 0.00 - 32.47
2.623 -0.3 2.639 4.80 1.29 32.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 33.45
2.700 -0.2 2.692 4.90 1.18 32.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.43
2.777 -0.2 2.739 4.99 1.07 33.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.41
2.854 -0.2 2.782 5.06 0.94 34.69 - 0.00 0.00 - 36.40
2.931 -0.2 2.819 5.13 0.80 35.55 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.38
3.008 -0.2 2.850 5.19 0.66 36.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.36
3.085 -0.1 2.875 5.23 0.50 37.26 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.34
3.162 -0.1 2.893 5.27 0.34 38.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 40.32
3.238 -0.1 2.904 5.29 0.16 38.96 - 0.00 0.00 - 41.30
3.315 -0.1 2.907 5.29 -0.02 39.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.28
3.392 -0.0 2.902 5.28 -0.22 40.64 - 0.00 0.00 - 43.26
3.469 -0.0 2.889 5.26 -0.43 41.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.24
3.546 -0.0 2.867 5.22 -0.65 42.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 45.22
3.623 -0.0 2.835 5.16 -0.88 43.12 - 0.00 0.00 - 46.21
3.700 -0.0 2.788 5.07 -1.33 43.94 - 0.00 19.64 - 33.03
3.760 -0.0 2.736 4.98 -1.85 44.57 - 0.00 19.51 - 33.57
3.820 -0.0 2.666 4.85 -2.35 45.20 - 0.00 19.40 - 34.10
3.880 -0.0 2.581 4.70 -2.84 45.83 - 0.00 19.30 - 34.64
3.940 -0.0 2.479 4.51 -3.33 46.46 - 0.00 19.20 - 35.17

Page 11

4.000 0.0 2.366 4.31 -3.53 56.00 - 0.00 19.13 - 35.71

4.077 0.0 2.219 4.04 -3.43 56.88 - 0.00 19.04 - 36.40
4.154 0.0 2.076 3.78 -3.31 57.75 - 0.00 18.97 - 37.08
4.231 0.0 1.939 3.53 -3.17 58.62 - 0.00 18.92 - 37.77
4.308 0.0 1.808 3.29 -3.01 59.49 - 0.00 18.89 - 38.46
4.385 0.0 1.685 3.07 -2.84 60.36 - 0.00 18.87 - 39.14
4.462 0.0 1.569 2.85 -2.65 61.23 - 0.00 18.86 - 39.83
4.538 0.0 1.461 2.66 -2.45 62.09 - 0.00 18.86 - 40.52
4.615 0.0 1.362 2.48 -2.23 62.96 - 0.00 18.88 - 41.20
4.692 0.0 1.272 2.31 -2.01 63.82 - 0.00 18.91 - 41.89
4.769 0.0 1.192 2.17 -1.77 64.69 - 0.00 18.95 - 42.58
4.846 0.0 1.122 2.04 -1.52 65.55 - 0.00 18.99 - 43.26
4.923 0.1 1.064 1.94 -1.26 66.42 - 0.00 19.05 - 43.95
5.000 0.1 1.016 1.85 -0.99 67.28 - 0.00 19.11 - 44.64
5.079 0.1 0.975 1.77 -0.88 63.77 - 0.00 19.18 - 45.34
5.159 0.1 0.935 1.70 -0.94 64.73 - 0.00 19.27 - 46.05
5.238 0.1 0.892 1.62 -0.98 65.69 - 0.00 19.36 - 46.76
5.317 0.1 0.849 1.54 -1.01 66.63 - 0.00 19.46 - 47.47
5.397 0.1 0.804 1.46 -1.02 67.57 - 0.00 19.56 - 48.18
5.476 0.1 0.759 1.38 -1.03 68.51 - 0.00 19.67 - 48.89
5.556 0.2 0.713 1.30 -1.03 69.43 - 0.00 19.79 - 49.59
5.635 0.2 0.668 1.22 -1.03 70.36 - 0.00 19.91 - 50.30
5.714 0.2 0.623 1.13 -1.01 71.27 - 0.00 20.04 - 51.01
5.794 0.2 0.579 1.05 -0.99 72.18 - 0.00 20.18 - 51.72
5.873 0.2 0.536 0.98 -0.97 73.09 - 0.00 20.32 - 52.43
5.952 0.2 0.494 0.90 -0.94 73.99 - 0.00 20.46 - 53.14
6.032 0.2 0.454 0.83 -0.91 74.89 - 0.00 20.61 - 53.85
6.111 0.2 0.415 0.75 -0.87 75.78 - 0.00 20.76 - 54.55
6.190 0.2 0.377 0.69 -0.83 76.67 - 0.00 20.92 - 55.26
6.270 0.2 0.341 0.62 -0.79 77.55 - 0.00 21.08 - 55.97
6.349 0.2 0.307 0.56 -0.75 78.44 - 0.00 21.24 - 56.68
6.429 0.2 0.275 0.50 -0.71 79.32 - 0.00 21.40 - 57.39
6.508 0.2 0.245 0.45 -0.67 80.20 - 0.00 21.57 - 58.10
6.587 0.2 0.216 0.39 -0.63 81.07 - 0.00 21.74 - 58.81
6.667 0.2 0.189 0.34 -0.58 81.95 - 0.00 21.91 - 59.51
6.746 0.2 0.164 0.30 -0.54 82.82 - 0.00 22.08 - 60.22
6.825 0.2 0.141 0.26 -0.50 83.69 - 0.00 22.25 - 60.93
6.905 0.2 0.120 0.22 -0.46 84.56 - 0.00 22.43 - 61.64
6.984 0.2 0.100 0.18 -0.42 85.43 - 0.00 22.60 - 62.35
7.063 0.2 0.082 0.15 -0.39 86.30 - 0.00 22.78 - 63.06
7.143 0.3 0.065 0.12 -0.35 87.17 - 0.00 22.96 - 63.76
7.222 0.3 0.051 0.09 -0.31 88.04 - 0.00 23.13 - 64.47
7.302 0.3 0.037 0.07 -0.28 88.90 - 0.00 23.31 - 65.18
7.381 0.3 0.025 0.05 -0.25 89.77 - 0.00 23.49 - 65.89
7.460 0.3 0.015 0.03 -0.22 90.64 - 0.00 23.67 - 66.60
7.540 0.3 0.005 0.00 -0.19 91.50 - 0.00 23.85 - 67.31
7.619 0.3 0.003 -0.00 -0.16 92.37 - 0.00 24.03 - 68.02
7.698 0.3 0.010 -0.02 -0.14 93.24 - 0.00 24.21 - 68.72
7.778 0.3 0.016 -0.03 -0.12 94.10 - 0.00 24.38 - 69.43
7.857 0.3 0.021 -0.04 -0.09 94.97 - 0.00 24.56 - 70.14
7.937 0.3 0.025 -0.04 -0.07 95.84 - 0.00 24.74 - 70.85
8.016 0.3 0.028 -0.05 -0.05 96.70 - 0.00 24.92 - 71.56
8.095 0.3 0.030 -0.05 -0.04 97.57 - 0.00 25.10 - 72.27
8.175 0.3 0.032 -0.06 -0.02 98.44 - 0.00 25.28 - 72.98
8.254 0.3 0.033 -0.06 -0.00 99.31 - 0.00 25.45 - 73.68
8.333 0.3 0.033 -0.06 0.00 100.17 - 0.00 25.63 - 74.39
8.413 0.3 0.033 -0.06 0.02 101.04 - 0.00 25.81 - 75.10
8.492 0.3 0.033 -0.06 0.03 101.91 - 0.00 25.98 - 75.81
8.571 0.3 0.032 -0.06 0.04 102.78 - 0.00 26.16 - 76.52
8.651 0.3 0.030 -0.06 0.04 103.65 - 0.00 26.34 - 77.23
8.730 0.3 0.029 -0.05 0.05 104.52 - 0.00 26.51 - 77.93
8.810 0.3 0.027 -0.05 0.05 105.39 - 0.00 26.69 - 78.64
8.889 0.4 0.025 -0.04 0.06 106.26 - 0.00 26.86 - 79.35
8.968 0.4 0.022 -0.04 0.06 107.13 - 0.00 27.04 - 80.06
9.048 0.4 0.020 -0.04 0.06 108.00 - 0.00 27.21 - 80.77
9.127 0.4 0.018 -0.03 0.06 108.87 - 0.00 27.39 - 81.48
9.206 0.4 0.015 -0.03 0.06 109.74 - 0.00 27.56 - 82.19
9.286 0.4 0.013 -0.02 0.06 110.61 - 0.00 27.74 - 82.89

Page 12

9.365 0.4 0.011 -0.02 0.06 111.48 - 0.00 27.91 - 83.60

9.444 0.4 0.008 -0.02 0.06 112.35 - 0.00 28.09 - 84.31
9.524 0.4 0.006 -0.01 0.05 113.22 - 0.00 28.26 - 85.02
9.603 0.4 0.005 -0.00 0.05 114.09 - 0.00 28.43 - 85.73
9.683 0.4 0.003 -0.00 0.04 114.96 - 0.00 28.61 - 86.44
9.762 0.4 0.002 -0.00 0.03 115.83 - 0.00 28.78 - 87.15
9.841 0.4 0.000 -0.00 0.03 116.71 - 0.00 28.96 - 87.85
9.921 0.4 0.000 -0.00 0.02 117.58 - 0.00 29.13 - 88.56
10.000 0.4 0.000 0.00 0.00 118.45 - 0.00 29.30 - 89.27

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.4 [mm] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -1.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 2.907 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.32 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.006
Largest positive moment: 5.29 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.32 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.06 [kN.m/m'] at X= 8.33 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 2.21 [kN/m'] at X= 1.08 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -3.53 [kN/m'] at X= 4.00 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 138.005 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 570.499 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3484.916 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 616.786 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 616.786 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 17.70 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.177

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 208.274 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1858.371 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 144.790 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 144.790 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.821 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.723 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.544 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.009
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL LEFT passive: 0.177

*** End of the calculation

Page 13

Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 12.34 hour

S-5b (RW33/36)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-5b.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall




4.40 2

5.50 Arcelor AZ 26-700






11.00 8.80 6.60 4.40 2.20 0.00 2.20 4.40 6.60 8.80 11.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 26-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 5.97200E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.60000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 3.07000E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 11.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01870
Thickness web [m] : 0.01160
Thickness flange [m] : 0.01160
Width flange [m] : 0.36100
Height of section [m] : 0.46000
Section class: 2

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 11.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 35.000 24.000 0.000 0.000
2 4.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
3 5.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9000 9000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 4.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under

Page 2

1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 4.500
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 20.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Permanent load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Permanent load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
1 1
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11
3 2.2 1.4 0.6 -0.2 -1 4 2.6 1.2 -0.2 -1.6 -3
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 0
1 Construction phase no.: 1
6 5
7 6
10 10
11 11
1 0.4 -0.2 -0.8 -1.4 -2 -105 -63 -21 21 63 105
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -1.1 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.48 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.04
0.087 -1.1 0.009 0.02 0.36 4.81 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.85
0.174 -1.0 0.034 0.06 0.68 5.16 A 0.00 0.00 - 1.71
0.261 -1.0 0.074 0.13 0.96 5.51 A 0.00 0.00 - 2.56
0.348 -1.0 0.125 0.23 1.19 5.86 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.41
0.435 -1.0 0.187 0.34 1.39 6.21 A 0.00 0.00 - 4.27
0.522 -1.0 0.258 0.47 1.53 6.56 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.12
0.609 -0.9 0.334 0.61 1.64 6.91 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.97
0.696 -0.9 0.414 0.75 1.70 7.26 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.82
0.783 -0.9 0.496 0.90 1.71 7.61 A 0.00 0.00 - 7.68
0.870 -0.9 0.577 1.05 1.68 7.96 A 0.00 0.00 - 8.53
0.957 -0.8 0.656 1.19 1.61 8.31 A 0.00 0.00 - 9.38
1.043 -0.8 0.732 1.33 1.52 9.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.24
1.130 -0.8 0.802 1.46 1.43 10.02 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.09
1.217 -0.8 0.868 1.58 1.33 10.88 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.94

Page 4

1.304 -0.8 0.930 1.69 1.24 11.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.80

1.391 -0.7 0.987 1.80 1.15 12.60 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.65
1.478 -0.7 1.040 1.89 1.06 13.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.50
1.565 -0.7 1.089 1.98 0.97 14.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.35
1.652 -0.7 1.133 2.06 0.88 15.17 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.21
1.739 -0.7 1.173 2.14 0.79 16.02 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.06
1.826 -0.6 1.209 2.20 0.70 16.87 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.91
1.913 -0.6 1.240 2.26 0.61 17.72 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.77
2.000 -0.6 1.267 2.31 0.51 18.56 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.62
2.087 -0.6 1.290 2.35 0.42 19.40 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.47
2.174 -0.6 1.308 2.38 0.33 20.24 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.33
2.261 -0.5 1.322 2.41 0.23 21.08 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.18
2.348 -0.5 1.331 2.42 0.14 21.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.03
2.435 -0.5 1.335 2.43 0.04 22.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.89
2.522 -0.5 1.335 2.43 -0.06 23.57 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.74
2.609 -0.5 1.330 2.42 -0.16 24.40 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.59
2.696 -0.4 1.320 2.40 -0.27 25.22 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.44
2.783 -0.4 1.304 2.37 -0.38 26.04 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.30
2.870 -0.4 1.284 2.34 -0.49 26.86 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.15
2.957 -0.4 1.258 2.29 -0.60 27.68 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.00
3.043 -0.4 1.227 2.23 -0.72 28.49 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.86
3.130 -0.4 1.190 2.17 -0.84 29.30 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.71
3.217 -0.3 1.147 2.09 -0.96 30.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.56
3.304 -0.3 1.098 2.00 -1.09 30.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 32.42
3.391 -0.3 1.043 1.90 -1.22 31.72 - 0.00 0.00 - 33.27
3.478 -0.3 0.982 1.79 -1.36 32.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.12
3.565 -0.3 0.913 1.66 -1.50 33.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.97
3.652 -0.3 0.838 1.53 -1.65 34.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.83
3.739 -0.3 0.756 1.38 -1.80 34.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 36.68
3.826 -0.2 0.666 1.21 -1.96 35.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.53
3.913 -0.2 0.569 1.04 -2.12 36.50 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.39
4.000 -0.2 0.464 0.84 -2.29 37.29 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.24
4.071 -0.2 0.379 0.69 -2.04 48.88 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.94
4.143 -0.2 0.312 0.57 -1.40 49.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 40.64
4.214 -0.2 0.270 0.49 -0.76 50.31 - 0.00 0.00 - 41.34
4.286 -0.2 0.253 0.46 -0.12 51.02 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.04
4.357 -0.2 0.261 0.47 0.52 51.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.74
4.429 -0.1 0.294 0.54 1.17 52.45 - 0.00 0.00 - 43.44
4.500 -0.1 0.353 0.64 1.81 53.17 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.14
4.571 -0.1 0.431 0.79 2.19 53.88 - 0.00 20.92 - 31.39
4.643 -0.1 0.520 0.95 2.31 54.60 - 0.00 20.79 - 31.88
4.714 -0.1 0.613 1.12 2.46 55.31 - 0.00 20.66 - 32.37
4.786 -0.0 0.713 1.30 2.64 56.03 - 0.00 20.53 - 32.86
4.857 -0.0 0.821 1.49 2.84 56.74 - 0.00 20.41 - 33.35
4.929 -0.0 0.936 1.70 3.06 57.45 - 0.00 20.30 - 33.84
5.000 -0.0 1.061 1.93 3.31 58.17 - 0.00 20.19 - 34.33
5.087 -0.0 1.215 2.21 3.14 47.45 - 0.00 20.06 - 34.93
5.174 -0.0 1.350 2.46 2.52 48.61 - 0.00 19.95 - 35.53
5.261 -0.0 1.456 2.65 1.95 49.76 - 0.00 19.85 - 36.13
5.348 -0.0 1.536 2.79 1.43 50.90 - 0.00 19.77 - 36.72
5.435 -0.0 1.592 2.90 0.97 52.02 - 0.00 19.70 - 37.32
5.522 0.0 1.628 2.96 0.56 53.13 - 0.00 19.65 - 37.92
5.609 0.0 1.646 3.00 0.20 54.21 - 0.00 19.62 - 38.51
5.696 0.0 1.647 3.00 -0.12 55.29 - 0.00 19.60 - 39.11
5.783 0.0 1.634 2.97 -0.40 56.34 - 0.00 19.60 - 39.71
5.870 0.0 1.609 2.93 -0.64 57.38 - 0.00 19.61 - 40.31
5.957 0.0 1.573 2.86 -0.84 58.41 - 0.00 19.64 - 40.90
6.043 0.0 1.528 2.78 -1.01 59.41 - 0.00 19.69 - 41.50
6.130 0.0 1.475 2.69 -1.15 60.40 - 0.00 19.75 - 42.10
6.217 0.0 1.417 2.58 -1.26 61.38 - 0.00 19.82 - 42.69
6.304 0.0 1.354 2.46 -1.35 62.34 - 0.00 19.92 - 43.29
6.391 0.0 1.287 2.34 -1.41 63.29 - 0.00 20.02 - 43.89
6.478 0.1 1.218 2.22 -1.46 64.23 - 0.00 20.14 - 44.49
6.565 0.1 1.147 2.09 -1.48 65.15 - 0.00 20.27 - 45.08
6.652 0.1 1.075 1.96 -1.49 66.07 - 0.00 20.41 - 45.68
6.739 0.1 1.003 1.83 -1.49 66.97 - 0.00 20.56 - 46.28
6.826 0.1 0.932 1.70 -1.47 67.86 - 0.00 20.72 - 46.87
6.913 0.1 0.862 1.57 -1.44 68.74 - 0.00 20.89 - 47.47

Page 5

7.000 0.1 0.793 1.44 -1.41 69.62 - 0.00 21.07 - 48.07

7.087 0.1 0.726 1.32 -1.36 70.48 - 0.00 21.26 - 48.67
7.174 0.1 0.662 1.20 -1.31 71.34 - 0.00 21.46 - 49.26
7.261 0.2 0.600 1.09 -1.25 72.19 - 0.00 21.66 - 49.86
7.348 0.2 0.541 0.98 -1.19 73.04 - 0.00 21.87 - 50.46
7.435 0.2 0.484 0.88 -1.13 73.88 - 0.00 22.08 - 51.05
7.522 0.2 0.431 0.78 -1.07 74.71 - 0.00 22.30 - 51.65
7.609 0.2 0.381 0.69 -1.00 75.54 - 0.00 22.52 - 52.25
7.696 0.2 0.334 0.61 -0.93 76.37 - 0.00 22.75 - 52.85
7.783 0.2 0.290 0.53 -0.87 77.19 - 0.00 22.98 - 53.44
7.870 0.2 0.250 0.45 -0.80 78.01 - 0.00 23.21 - 54.04
7.957 0.2 0.213 0.39 -0.73 78.83 - 0.00 23.45 - 54.64
8.043 0.2 0.178 0.32 -0.67 79.65 - 0.00 23.69 - 55.23
8.130 0.2 0.147 0.27 -0.61 80.46 - 0.00 23.93 - 55.83
8.217 0.2 0.119 0.22 -0.55 81.27 - 0.00 24.17 - 56.43
8.304 0.2 0.093 0.17 -0.49 82.08 - 0.00 24.41 - 57.03
8.391 0.2 0.070 0.13 -0.44 82.89 - 0.00 24.65 - 57.62
8.478 0.2 0.050 0.09 -0.38 83.70 - 0.00 24.90 - 58.22
8.565 0.2 0.032 0.06 -0.33 84.51 - 0.00 25.14 - 58.82
8.652 0.2 0.017 0.03 -0.29 85.32 - 0.00 25.39 - 59.41
8.739 0.2 0.003 0.00 -0.24 86.13 - 0.00 25.63 - 60.01
8.826 0.2 0.008 -0.01 -0.20 86.94 - 0.00 25.88 - 60.61
8.913 0.2 0.018 -0.03 -0.17 87.75 - 0.00 26.12 - 61.21
9.000 0.2 0.025 -0.05 -0.13 88.56 - 0.00 26.37 - 61.80
9.087 0.2 0.031 -0.06 -0.10 89.37 - 0.00 26.61 - 62.40
9.174 0.2 0.036 -0.07 -0.07 90.18 - 0.00 26.86 - 63.00
9.261 0.3 0.039 -0.07 -0.04 90.98 - 0.00 27.10 - 63.59
9.348 0.3 0.041 -0.08 -0.02 91.80 - 0.00 27.34 - 64.19
9.435 0.3 0.042 -0.08 0.00 92.61 - 0.00 27.59 - 64.79
9.522 0.3 0.042 -0.08 0.02 93.42 - 0.00 27.83 - 65.39
9.609 0.3 0.042 -0.08 0.04 94.23 - 0.00 28.07 - 65.98
9.696 0.3 0.040 -0.07 0.05 95.04 - 0.00 28.31 - 66.58
9.783 0.3 0.038 -0.07 0.06 95.85 - 0.00 28.55 - 67.18
9.870 0.3 0.035 -0.06 0.07 96.66 - 0.00 28.79 - 67.77
9.957 0.3 0.032 -0.06 0.08 97.48 - 0.00 29.04 - 68.37
10.043 0.3 0.029 -0.05 0.09 98.29 - 0.00 29.28 - 68.97
10.130 0.3 0.025 -0.05 0.09 99.10 - 0.00 29.52 - 69.57
10.217 0.3 0.022 -0.04 0.09 99.92 - 0.00 29.76 - 70.16
10.304 0.3 0.018 -0.03 0.09 100.73 - 0.00 29.99 - 70.76
10.391 0.3 0.015 -0.03 0.09 101.55 - 0.00 30.23 - 71.36
10.478 0.3 0.011 -0.02 0.08 102.36 - 0.00 30.47 - 71.95
10.565 0.3 0.008 -0.01 0.08 103.18 - 0.00 30.71 - 72.55
10.652 0.3 0.005 -0.00 0.07 103.99 - 0.00 30.95 - 73.15
10.739 0.3 0.003 -0.00 0.06 104.81 - 0.00 31.19 - 73.75
10.826 0.3 0.001 -0.00 0.04 105.62 - 0.00 31.43 - 74.34
10.913 0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.03 106.43 - 0.00 31.67 - 74.94
11.000 0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 107.25 - 0.00 31.91 - 75.54

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.3 [mm] at X= 11.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -1.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 1.647 [N/mm^2] at X= 5.70 [m]
Largest positive moment: 3.00 [kN.m/m'] at X= 5.70 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.08 [kN.m/m'] at X= 9.52 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 3.31 [kN/m'] at X= 5.00 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -2.29 [kN/m'] at X= 4.00 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 85.666 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 572.482 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 5266.696 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 600.798 [kN/m']

Page 6

Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 600.798 [kN/m']

The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 11.41 %

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 200.995 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2631.013 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 155.068 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 155.068 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 3.324 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.557 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.882 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
1 1
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

11 11
13 9.2 5.4 1.6 -2.2 -6 6 2 -2 -6 -10 -14
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 0
1 Construction phase no.: 1
6 5
7 6
10 10
11 11
1 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 -1 -125 -75 -25 25 75 125
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -0.6 0.000 0.00 0.01 6.04 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.06
0.087 -0.6 0.012 0.02 0.49 6.87 - 0.00 0.00 - 1.28
0.174 -0.6 0.047 0.09 0.97 7.88 - 0.00 0.00 - 2.56
0.261 -0.5 0.104 0.19 1.42 8.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 3.84
0.348 -0.5 0.182 0.33 1.84 9.90 - 0.00 0.00 - 5.12
0.435 -0.4 0.280 0.51 2.25 10.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 6.40
0.522 -0.4 0.397 0.72 2.63 11.92 - 0.00 0.00 - 7.68
0.609 -0.4 0.532 0.97 2.99 12.92 - 0.00 0.00 - 8.96
0.696 -0.3 0.682 1.24 3.32 13.93 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.24
0.783 -0.3 0.849 1.54 3.63 14.94 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.52
0.870 -0.2 1.029 1.87 3.91 15.94 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.80
0.957 -0.2 1.223 2.23 4.18 16.94 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.08
1.043 -0.2 1.428 2.60 4.41 17.94 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.35
1.130 -0.1 1.644 2.99 4.63 18.94 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.63
1.217 -0.1 1.870 3.40 4.81 19.93 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.91
1.304 -0.0 2.104 3.83 4.98 20.92 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.19
1.391 -0.0 2.345 4.27 5.11 21.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.47
1.478 0.0 2.592 4.72 5.22 22.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.75
1.565 0.0 2.844 5.18 5.31 23.86 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.03
1.652 0.0 3.100 5.64 5.37 24.83 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.31
1.739 0.1 3.357 6.11 5.40 25.79 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.59
1.826 0.1 3.616 6.58 5.40 26.75 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.87
1.913 0.2 3.873 7.05 5.38 27.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.15
2.000 0.2 4.129 7.52 5.32 28.64 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.43
2.087 0.2 4.382 7.98 5.24 29.57 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.71
2.174 0.3 4.630 8.43 5.13 30.50 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.99
2.261 0.3 4.872 8.87 4.98 31.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 33.27
2.348 0.3 5.105 9.29 4.80 32.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.55
2.435 0.3 5.330 9.70 4.59 33.21 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.83
2.522 0.4 5.544 10.09 4.35 34.09 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.11
2.609 0.4 5.745 10.46 4.07 34.97 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.39
2.696 0.4 5.932 10.80 3.75 35.83 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.67
2.783 0.4 6.103 11.11 3.40 36.68 - 0.00 0.00 - 40.95
2.870 0.4 6.257 11.39 3.01 37.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.23
2.957 0.5 6.390 11.63 2.58 38.34 - 0.00 0.00 - 43.51
3.043 0.5 6.503 11.83 2.11 39.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.78
3.130 0.5 6.592 12.00 1.60 39.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 46.06
3.217 0.5 6.655 12.11 1.05 40.73 - 0.00 0.00 - 47.34

Page 8

3.304 0.5 6.691 12.18 0.45 41.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 48.62

3.391 0.5 6.697 12.19 -0.19 42.26 - 0.00 0.00 - 49.90
3.478 0.5 6.672 12.14 -0.88 43.01 - 0.00 0.00 - 51.18
3.565 0.5 6.613 12.03 -1.61 43.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 52.46
3.652 0.5 6.517 11.86 -2.40 44.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 53.74
3.739 0.5 6.383 11.62 -3.23 45.16 - 0.00 0.00 - 55.02
3.826 0.6 6.208 11.30 -4.11 45.85 - 0.00 0.00 - 56.30
3.913 0.6 5.989 10.90 -5.05 46.53 - 0.00 0.00 - 57.58
4.000 0.6 5.725 10.42 -6.03 47.20 - 0.00 0.00 - 58.86
4.083 0.6 5.432 9.89 -6.73 54.98 - 0.00 0.00 - 60.09
4.167 0.6 5.114 9.31 -7.18 55.77 - 0.00 0.00 - 61.31
4.250 0.5 4.775 8.69 -7.66 56.55 - 0.00 0.00 - 62.54
4.333 0.5 4.413 8.03 -8.18 57.33 - 0.00 0.00 - 63.76
4.417 0.5 4.026 7.33 -8.73 58.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 64.99
4.500 0.5 3.613 6.58 -9.32 58.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 66.22
4.583 0.5 3.172 5.77 -9.95 59.67 - 0.00 0.00 - 67.44
4.667 0.5 2.701 4.92 -10.62 60.44 - 0.00 0.00 - 68.67
4.750 0.5 2.199 4.00 -11.32 61.21 - 0.00 0.00 - 69.90
4.833 0.5 1.664 3.03 -12.07 61.98 - 0.00 0.00 - 71.12
4.917 0.5 1.094 1.99 -12.85 62.75 - 0.00 0.00 - 72.35
5.000 0.5 0.487 0.89 -13.67 63.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 73.57
5.087 0.5 0.154 -0.28 -13.20 74.16 - 0.00 0.92 - 52.40
5.174 0.5 0.742 -1.35 -11.45 74.36 - 0.00 1.65 - 53.29
5.261 0.5 1.249 -2.27 -9.82 74.56 - 0.00 2.37 - 54.19
5.348 0.4 1.681 -3.06 -8.31 74.77 - 0.00 3.07 - 55.09
5.435 0.4 2.044 -3.72 -6.93 75.00 - 0.00 3.76 - 55.98
5.522 0.4 2.343 -4.26 -5.66 75.25 - 0.00 4.43 - 56.88
5.609 0.4 2.585 -4.70 -4.50 75.53 - 0.00 5.08 - 57.77
5.696 0.4 2.774 -5.05 -3.45 75.83 - 0.00 5.70 - 58.67
5.783 0.4 2.915 -5.31 -2.51 76.15 - 0.00 6.29 - 59.56
5.870 0.4 3.013 -5.48 -1.66 76.51 - 0.00 6.86 - 60.46
5.957 0.4 3.074 -5.59 -0.90 76.90 - 0.00 7.39 - 61.36
6.043 0.4 3.100 -5.64 -0.24 77.32 - 0.00 7.89 - 62.25
6.130 0.4 3.096 -5.63 0.35 77.77 - 0.00 8.36 - 63.15
6.217 0.4 3.066 -5.58 0.85 78.25 - 0.00 8.80 - 64.04
6.304 0.4 3.014 -5.49 1.29 78.76 - 0.00 9.21 - 64.94
6.391 0.4 2.943 -5.36 1.66 79.30 - 0.00 9.59 - 65.83
6.478 0.4 2.855 -5.20 1.96 79.87 - 0.00 9.94 - 66.73
6.565 0.4 2.754 -5.01 2.22 80.47 - 0.00 10.26 - 67.63
6.652 0.4 2.642 -4.81 2.42 81.10 - 0.00 10.55 - 68.52
6.739 0.4 2.522 -4.59 2.57 81.75 - 0.00 10.82 - 69.42
6.826 0.4 2.396 -4.36 2.68 82.43 - 0.00 11.06 - 70.31
6.913 0.4 2.265 -4.12 2.76 83.13 - 0.00 11.28 - 71.21
7.000 0.4 2.131 -3.88 2.80 83.86 - 0.00 11.47 - 72.10
7.087 0.4 1.996 -3.63 2.81 84.61 - 0.00 11.64 - 73.00
7.174 0.4 1.861 -3.39 2.79 85.38 - 0.00 11.79 - 73.89
7.261 0.4 1.727 -3.14 2.76 86.16 - 0.00 11.93 - 74.79
7.348 0.4 1.596 -2.90 2.70 86.97 - 0.00 12.04 - 75.69
7.435 0.4 1.468 -2.67 2.62 87.79 - 0.00 12.14 - 76.58
7.522 0.4 1.343 -2.45 2.54 88.62 - 0.00 12.23 - 77.48
7.609 0.4 1.223 -2.23 2.44 89.47 - 0.00 12.30 - 78.37
7.696 0.4 1.108 -2.02 2.33 90.33 - 0.00 12.36 - 79.27
7.783 0.4 0.999 -1.82 2.21 91.21 - 0.00 12.41 - 80.16
7.870 0.4 0.895 -1.63 2.09 92.09 - 0.00 12.44 - 81.06
7.957 0.4 0.797 -1.45 1.97 92.98 - 0.00 12.47 - 81.96
8.043 0.4 0.705 -1.28 1.84 93.88 - 0.00 12.49 - 82.85
8.130 0.4 0.619 -1.13 1.71 94.79 - 0.00 12.51 - 83.75
8.217 0.5 0.539 -0.98 1.59 95.70 - 0.00 12.52 - 84.64
8.304 0.5 0.465 -0.85 1.46 96.62 - 0.00 12.52 - 85.54
8.391 0.5 0.397 -0.72 1.34 97.54 - 0.00 12.51 - 86.43
8.478 0.5 0.335 -0.61 1.22 98.47 - 0.00 12.51 - 87.33
8.565 0.5 0.278 -0.51 1.10 99.40 - 0.00 12.50 - 88.23
8.652 0.5 0.227 -0.41 0.99 100.33 - 0.00 12.49 - 89.12
8.739 0.5 0.182 -0.33 0.88 101.27 - 0.00 12.47 - 90.02
8.826 0.5 0.141 -0.26 0.77 102.21 - 0.00 12.45 - 90.91
8.913 0.5 0.105 -0.19 0.68 103.14 - 0.00 12.43 - 91.81
9.000 0.5 0.074 -0.14 0.58 104.08 - 0.00 12.41 - 92.70
9.087 0.5 0.047 -0.09 0.50 105.02 - 0.00 12.39 - 93.60

Page 9

9.174 0.5 0.025 -0.04 0.41 105.97 - 0.00 12.37 - 94.50

9.261 0.5 0.005 -0.00 0.34 106.91 - 0.00 12.35 - 95.39
9.348 0.5 0.010 0.02 0.27 107.85 - 0.00 12.33 - 96.29
9.435 0.6 0.023 0.04 0.20 108.79 - 0.00 12.31 - 97.18
9.522 0.6 0.032 0.06 0.15 109.73 - 0.00 12.29 - 98.08
9.609 0.6 0.039 0.07 0.09 110.67 - 0.00 12.27 - 98.97
9.696 0.6 0.043 0.08 0.05 111.61 - 0.00 12.25 - 99.87
9.783 0.6 0.046 0.08 0.00 112.55 - 0.00 12.23 - 100.77
9.870 0.6 0.046 0.08 -0.03 113.49 - 0.00 12.21 - 101.66
9.957 0.6 0.045 0.08 -0.06 114.43 - 0.00 12.19 - 102.56
10.043 0.6 0.043 0.08 -0.09 115.37 - 0.00 12.17 - 103.45
10.130 0.6 0.039 0.07 -0.11 116.31 - 0.00 12.16 - 104.35
10.217 0.6 0.035 0.06 -0.12 117.25 - 0.00 12.14 - 105.24
10.304 0.6 0.030 0.05 -0.13 118.18 - 0.00 12.12 - 106.14
10.391 0.6 0.025 0.05 -0.13 119.12 - 0.00 12.10 - 107.04
10.478 0.6 0.020 0.04 -0.13 120.06 - 0.00 12.09 - 107.93
10.565 0.6 0.015 0.03 -0.13 120.99 - 0.00 12.07 - 108.83
10.652 0.7 0.010 0.02 -0.12 121.93 - 0.00 12.05 - 109.72
10.739 0.7 0.006 0.01 -0.10 122.87 - 0.00 12.04 - 110.62
10.826 0.7 0.003 0.00 -0.08 123.80 - 0.00 12.02 - 111.51
10.913 0.7 0.000 0.00 -0.05 124.74 - 0.00 12.01 - 112.41
11.000 0.7 0.000 0.00 0.00 125.68 - 0.00 11.99 - 113.31

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.7 [mm] at X= 11.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -0.6 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 6.697 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.39 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.013
Largest positive moment: 12.19 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.39 [m]
Largest negative moment: -5.64 [kN.m/m'] at X= 6.04 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 5.40 [kN/m'] at X= 1.83 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -13.67 [kN/m'] at X= 5.00 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 96.893 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 606.818 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 5526.623 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 742.287 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 742.287 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 13.43 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.134

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 192.427 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2476.962 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 63.001 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 63.001 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 0.237 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 1.641 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 1.878 [kN/m']


Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -1.1 0.000 0.00 0.01 5.79 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.05
0.087 -1.0 0.011 0.02 0.46 6.22 A 0.00 0.00 - 1.11
0.174 -1.0 0.044 0.08 0.88 6.67 A 0.00 0.00 - 2.22
0.261 -1.0 0.095 0.17 1.23 7.12 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.33
0.348 -1.0 0.162 0.29 1.54 7.57 A 0.00 0.00 - 4.44
0.435 -0.9 0.241 0.44 1.78 8.02 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.54
0.522 -0.9 0.331 0.60 1.97 8.47 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.65
0.609 -0.9 0.429 0.78 2.10 8.92 A 0.00 0.00 - 7.76
0.696 -0.8 0.531 0.97 2.17 9.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 8.87
0.783 -0.8 0.636 1.16 2.19 10.06 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.98
0.870 -0.8 0.741 1.35 2.20 11.10 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.09
0.957 -0.8 0.846 1.54 2.20 12.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.20
1.043 -0.7 0.951 1.73 2.19 13.19 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.31
1.130 -0.7 1.056 1.92 2.18 14.24 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.42
1.217 -0.7 1.160 2.11 2.16 15.28 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.53
1.304 -0.7 1.262 2.30 2.13 16.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.63
1.391 -0.6 1.364 2.48 2.10 17.35 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.74
1.478 -0.6 1.464 2.66 2.06 18.38 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.85
1.565 -0.6 1.562 2.84 2.02 19.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.96
1.652 -0.6 1.657 3.02 1.97 20.44 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.07
1.739 -0.5 1.750 3.19 1.91 21.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.18
1.826 -0.5 1.840 3.35 1.84 22.48 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.29
1.913 -0.5 1.927 3.51 1.77 23.50 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.40
2.000 -0.5 2.010 3.66 1.69 24.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.51
2.087 -0.4 2.088 3.80 1.60 25.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.61
2.174 -0.4 2.163 3.94 1.50 26.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.72
2.261 -0.4 2.232 4.06 1.39 27.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.83
2.348 -0.4 2.296 4.18 1.27 28.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.94
2.435 -0.3 2.353 4.28 1.14 29.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.05
2.522 -0.3 2.405 4.38 1.00 30.50 - 0.00 0.00 - 32.16
2.609 -0.3 2.449 4.46 0.85 31.48 - 0.00 0.00 - 33.27
2.696 -0.3 2.487 4.53 0.69 32.45 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.38
2.783 -0.3 2.516 4.58 0.52 33.42 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.49
2.870 -0.2 2.536 4.62 0.33 34.39 - 0.00 0.00 - 36.60
2.957 -0.2 2.548 4.64 0.13 35.35 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.70
3.043 -0.2 2.549 4.64 -0.08 36.31 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.81
3.130 -0.2 2.540 4.62 -0.30 37.26 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.92
3.217 -0.2 2.520 4.59 -0.54 38.20 - 0.00 0.00 - 41.03
3.304 -0.2 2.489 4.53 -0.80 39.14 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.14
3.391 -0.2 2.445 4.45 -1.06 40.08 - 0.00 0.00 - 43.25
3.478 -0.1 2.387 4.34 -1.35 41.01 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.36
3.565 -0.1 2.316 4.22 -1.65 41.94 - 0.00 0.00 - 45.47
3.652 -0.1 2.230 4.06 -1.96 42.86 - 0.00 0.00 - 46.58
3.739 -0.0 2.129 3.87 -2.29 43.77 - 0.00 0.00 - 47.69
3.826 -0.0 2.011 3.66 -2.64 44.69 - 0.00 0.00 - 48.79
3.913 -0.0 1.877 3.42 -3.01 45.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 49.90
4.000 -0.0 1.724 3.14 -3.39 46.50 - 0.00 0.00 - 51.01
4.083 -0.0 1.569 2.86 -3.38 56.75 - 0.00 0.00 - 52.07
4.167 -0.0 1.423 2.59 -3.00 57.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 53.14
4.250 -0.0 1.295 2.36 -2.62 58.64 - 0.00 0.00 - 54.20
4.333 -0.0 1.183 2.15 -2.26 59.58 - 0.00 0.00 - 55.26
4.417 -0.0 1.088 1.98 -1.90 60.53 - 0.00 0.00 - 56.33
4.500 0.0 1.009 1.84 -1.56 61.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 57.39
4.583 0.0 0.946 1.72 -1.23 62.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 58.45
4.667 0.0 0.898 1.63 -0.90 63.35 - 0.00 0.00 - 59.51
4.750 0.0 0.864 1.57 -0.59 64.29 - 0.00 0.00 - 60.58

Page 11

4.833 0.0 0.844 1.54 -0.28 65.22 - 0.00 0.00 - 61.64

4.917 0.0 0.838 1.53 0.01 66.16 - 0.00 0.00 - 62.70
5.000 0.0 0.846 1.54 0.29 67.10 - 0.00 0.00 - 63.76
5.087 0.0 0.861 1.57 0.33 61.24 - 0.00 18.23 - 45.41
5.174 0.0 0.872 1.59 0.14 62.34 - 0.00 18.28 - 46.19
5.261 0.0 0.874 1.59 -0.04 63.43 - 0.00 18.33 - 46.96
5.348 0.0 0.868 1.58 -0.19 64.52 - 0.00 18.39 - 47.74
5.435 0.0 0.856 1.56 -0.32 65.59 - 0.00 18.46 - 48.52
5.522 0.1 0.837 1.52 -0.43 66.66 - 0.00 18.54 - 49.29
5.609 0.1 0.814 1.48 -0.52 67.72 - 0.00 18.62 - 50.07
5.696 0.1 0.787 1.43 -0.60 68.77 - 0.00 18.72 - 50.85
5.783 0.1 0.757 1.38 -0.66 69.81 - 0.00 18.82 - 51.62
5.870 0.1 0.724 1.32 -0.71 70.85 - 0.00 18.93 - 52.40
5.957 0.1 0.689 1.25 -0.74 71.87 - 0.00 19.05 - 53.17
6.043 0.1 0.652 1.19 -0.77 72.89 - 0.00 19.17 - 53.95
6.130 0.1 0.615 1.12 -0.78 73.91 - 0.00 19.30 - 54.73
6.217 0.2 0.577 1.05 -0.79 74.92 - 0.00 19.44 - 55.50
6.304 0.2 0.539 0.98 -0.79 75.92 - 0.00 19.58 - 56.28
6.391 0.2 0.501 0.91 -0.78 76.91 - 0.00 19.73 - 57.06
6.478 0.2 0.463 0.84 -0.77 77.91 - 0.00 19.89 - 57.83
6.565 0.2 0.427 0.78 -0.75 78.89 - 0.00 20.04 - 58.61
6.652 0.2 0.391 0.71 -0.73 79.88 - 0.00 20.21 - 59.38
6.739 0.2 0.356 0.65 -0.70 80.85 - 0.00 20.37 - 60.16
6.826 0.2 0.323 0.59 -0.67 81.83 - 0.00 20.54 - 60.94
6.913 0.2 0.292 0.53 -0.64 82.80 - 0.00 20.72 - 61.71
7.000 0.2 0.261 0.48 -0.61 83.77 - 0.00 20.89 - 62.49
7.087 0.2 0.233 0.42 -0.57 84.74 - 0.00 21.07 - 63.27
7.174 0.2 0.206 0.37 -0.54 85.70 - 0.00 21.25 - 64.04
7.261 0.2 0.181 0.33 -0.50 86.66 - 0.00 21.44 - 64.82
7.348 0.2 0.157 0.29 -0.47 87.62 - 0.00 21.62 - 65.59
7.435 0.2 0.135 0.25 -0.43 88.58 - 0.00 21.81 - 66.37
7.522 0.2 0.115 0.21 -0.40 89.54 - 0.00 22.00 - 67.15
7.609 0.2 0.096 0.17 -0.37 90.49 - 0.00 22.19 - 67.92
7.696 0.2 0.079 0.14 -0.33 91.45 - 0.00 22.38 - 68.70
7.783 0.2 0.063 0.12 -0.30 92.40 - 0.00 22.57 - 69.48
7.870 0.3 0.049 0.09 -0.27 93.35 - 0.00 22.76 - 70.25
7.957 0.3 0.037 0.07 -0.24 94.31 - 0.00 22.95 - 71.03
8.043 0.3 0.025 0.05 -0.21 95.26 - 0.00 23.14 - 71.80
8.130 0.3 0.015 0.03 -0.19 96.21 - 0.00 23.34 - 72.58
8.217 0.3 0.007 0.01 -0.16 97.16 - 0.00 23.53 - 73.36
8.304 0.3 0.000 -0.00 -0.14 98.12 - 0.00 23.72 - 74.13
8.391 0.3 0.008 -0.01 -0.12 99.07 - 0.00 23.92 - 74.91
8.478 0.3 0.013 -0.02 -0.10 100.02 - 0.00 24.11 - 75.69
8.565 0.3 0.018 -0.03 -0.08 100.97 - 0.00 24.30 - 76.46
8.652 0.3 0.021 -0.04 -0.06 101.92 - 0.00 24.50 - 77.24
8.739 0.3 0.024 -0.04 -0.05 102.88 - 0.00 24.69 - 78.02
8.826 0.3 0.027 -0.05 -0.03 103.83 - 0.00 24.88 - 78.79
8.913 0.3 0.028 -0.05 -0.02 104.78 - 0.00 25.07 - 79.57
9.000 0.3 0.029 -0.05 -0.00 105.74 - 0.00 25.26 - 80.34
9.087 0.3 0.030 -0.05 0.00 106.69 - 0.00 25.46 - 81.12
9.174 0.3 0.030 -0.05 0.01 107.64 - 0.00 25.65 - 81.90
9.261 0.3 0.029 -0.05 0.02 108.60 - 0.00 25.84 - 82.67
9.348 0.3 0.029 -0.05 0.03 109.55 - 0.00 26.03 - 83.45
9.435 0.3 0.028 -0.05 0.03 110.51 - 0.00 26.22 - 84.23
9.522 0.3 0.026 -0.05 0.04 111.46 - 0.00 26.41 - 85.00
9.609 0.4 0.025 -0.04 0.04 112.42 - 0.00 26.60 - 85.78
9.696 0.4 0.023 -0.04 0.05 113.37 - 0.00 26.79 - 86.55
9.783 0.4 0.021 -0.04 0.05 114.33 - 0.00 26.98 - 87.33
9.870 0.4 0.019 -0.03 0.05 115.29 - 0.00 27.17 - 88.11
9.957 0.4 0.017 -0.03 0.05 116.24 - 0.00 27.35 - 88.88
10.043 0.4 0.015 -0.03 0.05 117.20 - 0.00 27.54 - 89.66
10.130 0.4 0.013 -0.02 0.05 118.16 - 0.00 27.73 - 90.44
10.217 0.4 0.011 -0.02 0.05 119.11 - 0.00 27.92 - 91.21
10.304 0.4 0.009 -0.02 0.05 120.07 - 0.00 28.11 - 91.99
10.391 0.4 0.007 -0.01 0.05 121.03 - 0.00 28.30 - 92.76
10.478 0.4 0.005 -0.00 0.04 121.98 - 0.00 28.48 - 93.54
10.565 0.4 0.004 -0.00 0.04 122.94 - 0.00 28.67 - 94.32
10.652 0.4 0.003 -0.00 0.03 123.90 - 0.00 28.86 - 95.09

Page 12

10.739 0.4 0.001 -0.00 0.03 124.85 - 0.00 29.05 - 95.87

10.826 0.4 0.000 -0.00 0.02 125.81 - 0.00 29.24 - 96.65
10.913 0.4 0.000 -0.00 0.02 126.77 - 0.00 29.42 - 97.42
11.000 0.4 0.000 0.00 0.00 127.73 - 0.00 29.61 - 98.20

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.4 [mm] at X= 11.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -1.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 2.549 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.04 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.005
Largest positive moment: 4.64 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.04 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.05 [kN.m/m'] at X= 9.17 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 2.20 [kN/m'] at X= 0.87 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -3.39 [kN/m'] at X= 4.00 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 158.832 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 673.886 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 4136.114 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 727.470 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 727.470 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 17.59 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.176

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 208.190 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1808.519 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 138.728 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 138.728 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.869 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.774 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.643 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.013
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL LEFT passive: 0.176

*** End of the calculation

Page 13

Sheet Pile Wall program (PCSheetPileWall)

Version: 1.36
Date is:Tuesday/23 June/2015, at: 12.46 hour

S-6 (RW35)

Saved as: C:\Users\pkalaitzidis\Desktop\appendixies\S-6.ShtOut

**** I N P U T DATA ****

*** Partial factors according EN 1997-1 ***

According to UK Annex
- Partial factors for actions; Table A.3
A1: Permanent ` : 1.35
A1: Variable : 1.50
A2: Permanent ` : 1.00
A2: Variable : 1.30
- Partial factors for soil material parameters; Table A.4
M1: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.00
M1: Effective cohesion : 1.00
M1: Weight density : 1.00
M2: Angle of shearing resistance: 1.25
M2: Effective cohesion : 1.25
M2: Weight density : 1.00
- Partial soil resistance factors; Table A.13
R1: Bearing capacity : 1.00
R1: Sliding resistance : 1.00
R1: Earth resistance : 1.00
Steel sheet wall
Material coefficient: 1.00
Design approach: 1
Sheet wall:
Combination 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
Combination 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
For the limit situation ALL previous phases calculated WITH partial factors

-- P R O P E R T I E S O F T H E S H E E T P I L E W A L L

PC-SheetPileWall I N P U T DA T A c ons t r uc t i on phas e no. 1

Gr een field and water table WITHOUT Eur ocode factor s

relative to
to top
Sheet pile wall


2.00 1


5.00 Arcelor AZ 26-700




10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00

LEGEND: Anchor/s trut Underwater c oncrete

Surfac e level
- Horiz. forc e
Sheet pile wall Spring s upport +
Water level
Fixed suppport Moment
Soil layer +
Fully clamped
Vertic al load
Top of the
sheet pile wall is the zero-level (positive to below) !
Youngs-modulus E [kN/m^2] : 1.47000E+08

Section no.: 1

Page 1

Arcelor AZ 26-700
Moment of inertia I [m^4] : 5.97200E-04
Size elastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 2.60000E-03
Size plastic modulus [m^3/m'] : 3.07000E-03
Size yield stress [N/mm^2] : 430
Stress checks with plastic modulus
Length of the section [m] : 10.000
Factor effective width [-] : 0.700
Interlock factor [-] : 1.000
Area [m2] : 0.01870
Thickness web [m] : 0.01160
Thickness flange [m] : 0.01160
Width flange [m] : 0.36100
Height of section [m] : 0.46000
Section class: 2

--> Total length sheet pile wall [m] : 10.000

-- S O I L D A T A B Y L A Y E R
Stiffness of soil is described with one spring constant
Depth of the soil layers relative to the top of the sheet pile wall!
For soil in the passive condition CURVED slip planes will be taken into account

Soil layers at the left side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 0.000 18.000 20.000 35.000 24.000 0.000 0.000
2 4.000 18.000 20.000 28.000 19.000 0.000 0.000
3 5.000 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9000 9000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3000 3000
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Soil layers at the right side.

No. Top Vol.wght.DRY Vol.wght.SAT Phi Delta act. Delta pas.
[m] [kN/m^3] [kN/m^3] --------- [degrees] -----------
1 2.760 16.000 18.000 32.000 22.000 0.000 50.000

No. Extra vertical strs. Extra water strs. Spring constant

above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^2]-under above-[kN/m^3]-under

Page 2

1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45000 45000

Volume weight (ground)water [kN/m^3]: 9.810

*** C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E no. 1
-- L E V E L S
Levels relative to the top of the sheet pile wall (positive downwards).

Surface level left side [m] : 0.000

Surface level right side [m] : 3.260
Delta retaining height [m] : 0.500

LEFT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 0.000
RIGHT side
Water level [m] : 20.000
Variable part (ground) water level [m] : 20.000

** Equal distributed load
Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] : 20.000
Permanent load(s)


** Equal distributed load

Size of the load [kN/m^2/m'] 20.000
Permanent load(s)


Service situation; partial factors EC7 excluded

Page 3

0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
1 1
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10
6 4.6 3.2 1.8 0.4 -1 2 0.6 -0.8 -2.2 -3.6 -5
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']
Construction phase no.: 1
PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 0
Construction phase no.: 1
5 4
6 5
9 9
10 10
1 0.4 -0.2 -0.8 -1.4 -2 -100 -60 -20 20 60 100
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -1.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 4.48 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.04
0.079 -1.0 0.007 0.01 0.33 4.78 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.77
0.158 -1.0 0.028 0.05 0.62 5.10 A 0.00 0.00 - 1.55
0.237 -1.0 0.061 0.11 0.89 5.42 A 0.00 0.00 - 2.32
0.315 -1.0 0.105 0.19 1.11 5.73 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.09
0.394 -0.9 0.158 0.29 1.30 6.05 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.87
0.473 -0.9 0.218 0.40 1.46 6.37 A 0.00 0.00 - 4.64
0.552 -0.9 0.284 0.52 1.57 6.68 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.42
0.631 -0.9 0.354 0.64 1.66 7.00 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.19
0.710 -0.8 0.427 0.78 1.70 7.32 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.96
0.789 -0.8 0.501 0.91 1.71 7.63 A 0.00 0.00 - 7.74
0.867 -0.8 0.576 1.05 1.69 8.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 8.51
0.946 -0.8 0.649 1.18 1.67 8.98 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.28
1.025 -0.7 0.721 1.31 1.65 9.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.06
1.104 -0.7 0.792 1.44 1.63 10.62 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.83

Page 4

1.183 -0.7 0.862 1.57 1.61 11.44 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.60

1.262 -0.7 0.932 1.70 1.60 12.25 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.38
1.341 -0.6 1.001 1.82 1.59 13.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.15
1.419 -0.6 1.070 1.95 1.59 13.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.92
1.498 -0.6 1.139 2.07 1.59 14.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.70
1.577 -0.6 1.208 2.20 1.59 15.51 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.47
1.656 -0.5 1.277 2.32 1.59 16.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.25
1.735 -0.5 1.347 2.45 1.60 17.12 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.02
1.814 -0.5 1.416 2.58 1.61 17.93 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.79
1.893 -0.5 1.486 2.71 1.62 18.73 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.57
1.971 -0.5 1.557 2.83 1.63 19.53 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.34
2.050 -0.4 1.628 2.96 1.65 20.33 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.11
2.129 -0.4 1.701 3.09 1.67 21.12 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.89
2.208 -0.4 1.773 3.23 1.69 21.91 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.66
2.287 -0.4 1.847 3.36 1.71 22.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.43
2.366 -0.4 1.922 3.50 1.73 23.49 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.21
2.445 -0.3 1.997 3.64 1.75 24.27 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.98
2.523 -0.3 2.074 3.77 1.77 25.05 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.75
2.602 -0.3 2.151 3.92 1.80 25.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.53
2.681 -0.3 2.230 4.06 1.82 26.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.30
2.760 -0.3 2.310 4.20 1.84 27.36 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.08
2.831 -0.2 2.383 4.34 1.86 28.06 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.78
2.903 -0.2 2.456 4.47 1.88 28.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.48
2.974 -0.2 2.531 4.61 1.90 29.43 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.18
3.046 -0.2 2.606 4.74 1.92 30.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.88
3.117 -0.2 2.682 4.88 1.94 30.79 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.58
3.189 -0.2 2.758 5.02 1.95 31.47 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.28
3.260 -0.2 2.835 5.16 1.96 32.14 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.98
3.334 -0.1 2.907 5.29 1.59 32.83 - 0.00 20.02 - 22.89
3.408 -0.1 2.957 5.38 0.86 33.52 - 0.00 19.79 - 23.40
3.482 -0.1 2.977 5.42 0.16 34.20 - 0.00 19.59 - 23.91
3.556 -0.1 2.970 5.41 -0.51 34.88 - 0.00 19.40 - 24.42
3.630 -0.0 2.936 5.34 -1.16 35.56 - 0.00 19.23 - 24.93
3.704 -0.0 2.875 5.23 -1.79 36.23 - 0.00 19.09 - 25.44
3.778 -0.0 2.790 5.08 -2.39 36.89 - 0.00 18.97 - 25.94
3.852 -0.0 2.681 4.88 -2.98 37.55 - 0.00 18.87 - 26.45
3.926 -0.0 2.548 4.64 -3.54 38.21 - 0.00 18.78 - 26.96
4.000 -0.0 2.392 4.35 -4.09 38.87 - 0.00 18.72 - 27.47
4.077 -0.0 2.216 4.03 -4.27 49.45 - 0.00 18.67 - 28.00
4.154 -0.0 2.040 3.71 -4.04 50.21 - 0.00 18.64 - 28.52
4.231 -0.0 1.874 3.41 -3.80 50.97 - 0.00 18.63 - 29.05
4.308 -0.0 1.718 3.13 -3.54 51.73 - 0.00 18.63 - 29.58
4.385 0.0 1.575 2.87 -3.26 52.49 - 0.00 18.64 - 30.11
4.462 0.0 1.443 2.63 -2.96 53.25 - 0.00 18.67 - 30.64
4.538 0.0 1.324 2.41 -2.65 54.01 - 0.00 18.71 - 31.17
4.615 0.0 1.219 2.22 -2.33 54.77 - 0.00 18.75 - 31.69
4.692 0.0 1.127 2.05 -1.99 55.52 - 0.00 18.81 - 32.22
4.769 0.0 1.051 1.91 -1.64 56.28 - 0.00 18.88 - 32.75
4.846 0.0 0.989 1.80 -1.27 57.03 - 0.00 18.95 - 33.28
4.923 0.0 0.943 1.72 -0.90 57.79 - 0.00 19.04 - 33.81
5.000 0.0 0.913 1.66 -0.51 58.54 - 0.00 19.13 - 34.33
5.079 0.0 0.893 1.63 -0.37 52.72 - 0.00 19.23 - 34.88
5.159 0.0 0.875 1.59 -0.47 53.58 - 0.00 19.34 - 35.42
5.238 0.0 0.852 1.55 -0.55 54.42 - 0.00 19.45 - 35.97
5.317 0.0 0.826 1.50 -0.63 55.26 - 0.00 19.58 - 36.51
5.397 0.0 0.797 1.45 -0.69 56.09 - 0.00 19.70 - 37.06
5.476 0.0 0.765 1.39 -0.73 56.92 - 0.00 19.84 - 37.60
5.556 0.1 0.732 1.33 -0.77 57.74 - 0.00 19.98 - 38.15
5.635 0.1 0.697 1.27 -0.80 58.55 - 0.00 20.13 - 38.69
5.714 0.1 0.662 1.20 -0.81 59.36 - 0.00 20.29 - 39.24
5.794 0.1 0.625 1.14 -0.82 60.16 - 0.00 20.45 - 39.78
5.873 0.1 0.589 1.07 -0.83 60.95 - 0.00 20.61 - 40.33
5.952 0.1 0.552 1.01 -0.82 61.75 - 0.00 20.78 - 40.87
6.032 0.1 0.516 0.94 -0.81 62.53 - 0.00 20.96 - 41.42
6.111 0.1 0.481 0.87 -0.80 63.31 - 0.00 21.14 - 41.96
6.190 0.1 0.446 0.81 -0.78 64.09 - 0.00 21.32 - 42.51
6.270 0.1 0.412 0.75 -0.76 64.87 - 0.00 21.51 - 43.05
6.349 0.2 0.379 0.69 -0.73 65.64 - 0.00 21.70 - 43.60

Page 5

6.429 0.2 0.347 0.63 -0.71 66.41 - 0.00 21.90 - 44.14

6.508 0.2 0.316 0.58 -0.68 67.17 - 0.00 22.09 - 44.69
6.587 0.2 0.287 0.52 -0.64 67.93 - 0.00 22.29 - 45.23
6.667 0.2 0.259 0.47 -0.61 68.69 - 0.00 22.49 - 45.78
6.746 0.2 0.233 0.42 -0.58 69.45 - 0.00 22.70 - 46.32
6.825 0.2 0.208 0.38 -0.54 70.20 - 0.00 22.90 - 46.87
6.905 0.2 0.184 0.34 -0.51 70.96 - 0.00 23.11 - 47.41
6.984 0.2 0.162 0.30 -0.48 71.71 - 0.00 23.32 - 47.96
7.063 0.2 0.142 0.26 -0.44 72.46 - 0.00 23.53 - 48.50
7.143 0.2 0.123 0.22 -0.41 73.21 - 0.00 23.74 - 49.05
7.222 0.2 0.105 0.19 -0.38 73.96 - 0.00 23.96 - 49.59
7.302 0.2 0.089 0.16 -0.34 74.71 - 0.00 24.17 - 50.14
7.381 0.2 0.074 0.14 -0.31 75.45 - 0.00 24.39 - 50.68
7.460 0.2 0.061 0.11 -0.28 76.20 - 0.00 24.60 - 51.23
7.540 0.2 0.049 0.09 -0.25 76.95 - 0.00 24.82 - 51.77
7.619 0.2 0.038 0.07 -0.23 77.69 - 0.00 25.03 - 52.32
7.698 0.2 0.028 0.05 -0.20 78.44 - 0.00 25.25 - 52.86
7.778 0.2 0.019 0.03 -0.17 79.18 - 0.00 25.47 - 53.41
7.857 0.2 0.012 0.02 -0.15 79.93 - 0.00 25.68 - 53.95
7.937 0.2 0.005 0.00 -0.13 80.67 - 0.00 25.90 - 54.50
8.016 0.2 0.000 -0.00 -0.11 81.42 - 0.00 26.12 - 55.04
8.095 0.2 0.005 -0.00 -0.09 82.16 - 0.00 26.33 - 55.59
8.175 0.2 0.009 -0.02 -0.07 82.91 - 0.00 26.55 - 56.13
8.254 0.3 0.013 -0.02 -0.05 83.65 - 0.00 26.77 - 56.68
8.333 0.3 0.015 -0.03 -0.04 84.40 - 0.00 26.98 - 57.22
8.413 0.3 0.017 -0.03 -0.02 85.14 - 0.00 27.20 - 57.77
8.492 0.3 0.018 -0.03 -0.01 85.89 - 0.00 27.42 - 58.31
8.571 0.3 0.019 -0.03 0.00 86.63 - 0.00 27.63 - 58.86
8.651 0.3 0.019 -0.03 0.01 87.38 - 0.00 27.85 - 59.40
8.730 0.3 0.019 -0.03 0.02 88.12 - 0.00 28.07 - 59.95
8.810 0.3 0.018 -0.03 0.03 88.87 - 0.00 28.28 - 60.49
8.889 0.3 0.018 -0.03 0.03 89.61 - 0.00 28.50 - 61.04
8.968 0.3 0.016 -0.03 0.04 90.36 - 0.00 28.71 - 61.58
9.048 0.3 0.015 -0.03 0.04 91.11 - 0.00 28.93 - 62.13
9.127 0.3 0.014 -0.02 0.05 91.85 - 0.00 29.14 - 62.67
9.206 0.3 0.012 -0.02 0.05 92.60 - 0.00 29.36 - 63.22
9.286 0.3 0.010 -0.02 0.05 93.35 - 0.00 29.58 - 63.76
9.365 0.3 0.009 -0.02 0.05 94.09 - 0.00 29.79 - 64.31
9.444 0.3 0.007 -0.01 0.05 94.84 - 0.00 30.01 - 64.85
9.524 0.3 0.005 -0.00 0.05 95.59 - 0.00 30.22 - 65.40
9.603 0.3 0.004 -0.00 0.04 96.33 - 0.00 30.43 - 65.94
9.683 0.3 0.003 -0.00 0.04 97.08 - 0.00 30.65 - 66.49
9.762 0.3 0.002 -0.00 0.03 97.83 - 0.00 30.86 - 67.03
9.841 0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.03 98.57 - 0.00 31.08 - 67.58
9.921 0.3 0.000 -0.00 0.02 99.32 - 0.00 31.29 - 68.12
10.000 0.3 0.000 0.00 0.00 100.07 - 0.00 31.51 - 68.67

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.3 [mm] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -1.0 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 2.977 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.48 [m]
Largest positive moment: 5.42 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.48 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.03 [kN.m/m'] at X= 8.65 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 1.96 [kN/m'] at X= 3.26 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -4.27 [kN/m'] at X= 4.08 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 81.974 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 483.999 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 4443.002 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 515.983 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 515.983 [kN/m']

Page 6

The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 11.61 %

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 201.514 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2677.862 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 156.637 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 156.637 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.629 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.558 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.188 [kN/m']


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1
0 0
Construction phase no.: 1 Construction phase no.: 1
1 1
PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10
10 7.4 4.8 2.2 -0.4 -3 5 2.2 -0.6 -3.4 -6.2 -9
MOMENT [kN.m /m '] SHEAR FORCE [kN/m ']

Page 7

Construction phase no.: 1

PLACE [m] (related to national surveying system)

PLACE [m] (related to topside of wall)

2 0
Construction phase no.: 1
5 4
6 5
9 9
10 10
1 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 -1 -116 -69.6 -23.2 23.2 69.6 116
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -0.6 0.000 0.00 0.01 6.04 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.06
0.079 -0.6 0.010 0.02 0.45 6.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 1.16
0.158 -0.6 0.039 0.07 0.88 7.68 - 0.00 0.00 - 2.32
0.237 -0.5 0.086 0.16 1.29 8.54 - 0.00 0.00 - 3.48
0.315 -0.5 0.151 0.28 1.68 9.40 - 0.00 0.00 - 4.64
0.394 -0.5 0.232 0.42 2.04 10.26 - 0.00 0.00 - 5.80
0.473 -0.4 0.329 0.60 2.38 11.13 - 0.00 0.00 - 6.96
0.552 -0.4 0.439 0.80 2.70 11.98 - 0.00 0.00 - 8.12
0.631 -0.4 0.563 1.02 2.99 12.84 - 0.00 0.00 - 9.28
0.710 -0.4 0.699 1.27 3.26 13.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.44
0.789 -0.3 0.846 1.54 3.51 14.56 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.60
0.867 -0.3 1.003 1.82 3.73 15.41 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.76
0.946 -0.3 1.169 2.13 3.93 16.27 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.92
1.025 -0.3 1.343 2.44 4.10 17.12 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.08
1.104 -0.2 1.524 2.77 4.25 17.97 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.25
1.183 -0.2 1.711 3.11 4.37 18.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.41
1.262 -0.2 1.903 3.46 4.47 19.66 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.57
1.341 -0.1 2.098 3.82 4.54 20.50 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.73
1.419 -0.1 2.297 4.18 4.59 21.34 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.89
1.498 -0.0 2.496 4.54 4.61 22.17 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.05
1.577 -0.0 2.696 4.91 4.61 23.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.21
1.656 -0.0 2.896 5.27 4.58 23.83 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.37
1.735 -0.0 3.093 5.63 4.52 24.65 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.53
1.814 0.0 3.288 5.98 4.44 25.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.69
1.893 0.0 3.478 6.33 4.33 26.27 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.85
1.971 0.0 3.663 6.67 4.19 27.08 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.01
2.050 0.0 3.842 6.99 4.03 27.88 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.17
2.129 0.0 4.012 7.30 3.83 28.67 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.33
2.208 0.1 4.174 7.60 3.61 29.45 - 0.00 0.00 - 32.49
2.287 0.1 4.325 7.87 3.35 30.23 - 0.00 0.00 - 33.65
2.366 0.1 4.464 8.12 3.07 31.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.81
2.445 0.2 4.591 8.35 2.75 31.76 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.97
2.523 0.2 4.703 8.56 2.40 32.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.13
2.602 0.2 4.799 8.73 2.02 33.27 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.29
2.681 0.2 4.878 8.88 1.61 34.01 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.45
2.760 0.2 4.938 8.99 1.16 34.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 40.61
2.837 0.2 4.978 9.06 0.70 35.45 - 0.00 0.00 - 41.75
2.914 0.3 4.997 9.09 0.19 36.15 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.88

Page 8

2.991 0.3 4.994 9.09 -0.34 36.84 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.01

3.068 0.3 4.968 9.04 -0.91 37.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 45.14
3.145 0.3 4.917 8.95 -1.51 38.19 - 0.00 0.00 - 46.27
3.222 0.3 4.840 8.81 -2.15 38.86 - 0.00 0.00 - 47.40
3.298 0.3 4.735 8.62 -2.83 39.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 48.54
3.375 0.3 4.601 8.37 -3.54 40.17 - 0.00 0.00 - 49.67
3.452 0.3 4.436 8.07 -4.29 40.82 - 0.00 0.00 - 50.80
3.529 0.3 4.238 7.71 -5.08 41.45 - 0.00 0.00 - 51.93
3.606 0.3 4.006 7.29 -5.90 42.09 - 0.00 0.00 - 53.06
3.683 0.3 3.739 6.80 -6.77 42.71 - 0.00 0.00 - 54.20
3.760 0.3 3.434 6.25 -7.67 43.33 - 0.00 0.00 - 55.33
3.820 0.3 3.176 5.78 -8.04 43.81 - 0.00 4.80 - 39.35
3.880 0.3 2.910 5.30 -8.07 44.28 - 0.00 4.93 - 39.97
3.940 0.3 2.644 4.81 -8.11 44.76 - 0.00 5.08 - 40.58
4.000 0.3 2.375 4.32 -8.18 45.23 - 0.00 5.23 - 41.20
4.077 0.3 2.035 3.70 -7.96 54.26 - 0.00 5.45 - 41.99
4.154 0.3 1.709 3.11 -7.45 55.00 - 0.00 5.68 - 42.79
4.231 0.3 1.405 2.56 -6.96 55.74 - 0.00 5.93 - 43.58
4.308 0.3 1.121 2.04 -6.49 56.47 - 0.00 6.18 - 44.37
4.385 0.3 0.857 1.56 -6.05 57.21 - 0.00 6.45 - 45.16
4.462 0.3 0.610 1.11 -5.63 57.94 - 0.00 6.72 - 45.96
4.538 0.3 0.381 0.69 -5.24 58.67 - 0.00 7.00 - 46.75
4.615 0.3 0.167 0.30 -4.87 59.41 - 0.00 7.28 - 47.54
4.692 0.3 0.031 -0.06 -4.53 60.14 - 0.00 7.56 - 48.33
4.769 0.3 0.216 -0.39 -4.22 60.87 - 0.00 7.85 - 49.13
4.846 0.3 0.388 -0.71 -3.93 61.61 - 0.00 8.13 - 49.92
4.923 0.3 0.548 -1.00 -3.67 62.34 - 0.00 8.40 - 50.71
5.000 0.3 0.698 -1.27 -3.43 63.08 - 0.00 8.68 - 51.50
5.079 0.3 0.839 -1.53 -3.06 67.87 - 0.00 8.95 - 52.32
5.159 0.3 0.961 -1.75 -2.55 68.44 - 0.00 9.22 - 53.14
5.238 0.3 1.062 -1.93 -2.09 69.02 - 0.00 9.48 - 53.95
5.317 0.3 1.144 -2.08 -1.67 69.61 - 0.00 9.73 - 54.77
5.397 0.3 1.208 -2.20 -1.28 70.21 - 0.00 9.97 - 55.59
5.476 0.3 1.256 -2.29 -0.93 70.82 - 0.00 10.21 - 56.41
5.556 0.3 1.289 -2.35 -0.61 71.44 - 0.00 10.43 - 57.22
5.635 0.3 1.309 -2.38 -0.33 72.06 - 0.00 10.64 - 58.04
5.714 0.3 1.318 -2.40 -0.07 72.71 - 0.00 10.84 - 58.86
5.794 0.3 1.316 -2.39 0.15 73.36 - 0.00 11.03 - 59.68
5.873 0.3 1.304 -2.37 0.35 74.02 - 0.00 11.20 - 60.49
5.952 0.3 1.285 -2.34 0.52 74.69 - 0.00 11.37 - 61.31
6.032 0.4 1.259 -2.29 0.67 75.38 - 0.00 11.53 - 62.13
6.111 0.4 1.227 -2.23 0.79 76.07 - 0.00 11.67 - 62.95
6.190 0.4 1.190 -2.17 0.90 76.77 - 0.00 11.81 - 63.76
6.270 0.4 1.148 -2.09 0.99 77.49 - 0.00 11.93 - 64.58
6.349 0.4 1.103 -2.01 1.05 78.21 - 0.00 12.05 - 65.40
6.429 0.4 1.056 -1.92 1.11 78.95 - 0.00 12.15 - 66.22
6.508 0.4 1.007 -1.83 1.15 79.69 - 0.00 12.25 - 67.03
6.587 0.4 0.956 -1.74 1.17 80.44 - 0.00 12.34 - 67.85
6.667 0.4 0.904 -1.65 1.19 81.20 - 0.00 12.42 - 68.67
6.746 0.4 0.852 -1.55 1.19 81.97 - 0.00 12.50 - 69.49
6.825 0.4 0.800 -1.46 1.18 82.74 - 0.00 12.56 - 70.30
6.905 0.4 0.748 -1.36 1.17 83.52 - 0.00 12.62 - 71.12
6.984 0.4 0.697 -1.27 1.15 84.31 - 0.00 12.67 - 71.94
7.063 0.4 0.648 -1.18 1.12 85.10 - 0.00 12.72 - 72.76
7.143 0.4 0.599 -1.09 1.09 85.90 - 0.00 12.76 - 73.57
7.222 0.4 0.552 -1.00 1.05 86.70 - 0.00 12.80 - 74.39
7.302 0.4 0.507 -0.92 1.01 87.51 - 0.00 12.83 - 75.21
7.381 0.4 0.463 -0.84 0.97 88.32 - 0.00 12.86 - 76.03
7.460 0.4 0.422 -0.77 0.92 89.14 - 0.00 12.89 - 76.84
7.540 0.4 0.382 -0.70 0.88 89.96 - 0.00 12.91 - 77.66
7.619 0.4 0.345 -0.63 0.83 90.78 - 0.00 12.92 - 78.48
7.698 0.4 0.310 -0.56 0.78 91.60 - 0.00 12.94 - 79.30
7.778 0.5 0.277 -0.50 0.73 92.43 - 0.00 12.95 - 80.11
7.857 0.5 0.246 -0.45 0.68 93.26 - 0.00 12.96 - 80.93
7.937 0.5 0.217 -0.39 0.63 94.10 - 0.00 12.97 - 81.75
8.016 0.5 0.190 -0.35 0.58 94.93 - 0.00 12.97 - 82.57
8.095 0.5 0.166 -0.30 0.53 95.77 - 0.00 12.98 - 83.38
8.175 0.5 0.144 -0.26 0.48 96.60 - 0.00 12.98 - 84.20

Page 9

8.254 0.5 0.123 -0.22 0.44 97.44 - 0.00 12.98 - 85.02

8.333 0.5 0.105 -0.19 0.39 98.28 - 0.00 12.98 - 85.84
8.413 0.5 0.088 -0.16 0.35 99.12 - 0.00 12.98 - 86.65
8.492 0.5 0.073 -0.13 0.31 99.96 - 0.00 12.98 - 87.47
8.571 0.5 0.060 -0.11 0.28 100.80 - 0.00 12.98 - 88.29
8.651 0.5 0.049 -0.09 0.24 101.65 - 0.00 12.97 - 89.11
8.730 0.5 0.039 -0.07 0.21 102.49 - 0.00 12.97 - 89.92
8.810 0.5 0.030 -0.05 0.18 103.33 - 0.00 12.97 - 90.74
8.889 0.5 0.023 -0.04 0.15 104.18 - 0.00 12.97 - 91.56
8.968 0.5 0.017 -0.03 0.12 105.02 - 0.00 12.96 - 92.38
9.048 0.5 0.012 -0.02 0.10 105.86 - 0.00 12.96 - 93.19
9.127 0.6 0.008 -0.01 0.07 106.71 - 0.00 12.95 - 94.01
9.206 0.6 0.005 -0.00 0.06 107.55 - 0.00 12.95 - 94.83
9.286 0.6 0.002 -0.00 0.04 108.40 - 0.00 12.95 - 95.65
9.365 0.6 0.000 -0.00 0.02 109.24 - 0.00 12.94 - 96.46
9.444 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.01 110.08 - 0.00 12.94 - 97.28
9.524 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.00 110.93 - 0.00 12.93 - 98.10
9.603 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.00 111.77 - 0.00 12.93 - 98.92
9.683 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.01 112.61 - 0.00 12.93 - 99.73
9.762 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.01 113.46 - 0.00 12.92 - 100.55
9.841 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.01 114.30 - 0.00 12.92 - 101.37
9.921 0.6 0.000 0.00 -0.01 115.15 - 0.00 12.91 - 102.19
10.000 0.6 0.000 0.00 0.00 115.99 - 0.00 12.91 - 103.00

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.6 [mm] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -0.6 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 4.997 [N/mm^2] at X= 2.91 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.010
Largest positive moment: 9.09 [kN.m/m'] at X= 2.91 [m]
Largest negative moment: -2.40 [kN.m/m'] at X= 5.71 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 4.61 [kN/m'] at X= 1.50 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -8.18 [kN/m'] at X= 4.00 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 91.455 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 515.266 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 4679.636 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 615.821 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 615.821 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 13.16 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.132

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 187.851 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2489.346 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 69.111 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 69.111 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 0.275 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 1.597 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 1.872 [kN/m']


Page 10


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfiels level RIGHT side lowered with 0.500 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Moments and shear forces are printed per acting width

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.004 -1.1 0.000 0.00 0.01 5.79 A 0.00 0.00 - 0.05
0.079 -1.1 0.009 0.02 0.42 6.17 A 0.00 0.00 - 1.01
0.158 -1.0 0.036 0.07 0.80 6.58 A 0.00 0.00 - 2.01
0.237 -1.0 0.079 0.14 1.14 6.99 A 0.00 0.00 - 3.02
0.315 -1.0 0.135 0.25 1.43 7.40 A 0.00 0.00 - 4.02
0.394 -0.9 0.203 0.37 1.67 7.81 A 0.00 0.00 - 5.03
0.473 -0.9 0.280 0.51 1.87 8.22 A 0.00 0.00 - 6.03
0.552 -0.9 0.365 0.66 2.02 8.63 A 0.00 0.00 - 7.04
0.631 -0.9 0.455 0.83 2.12 9.04 A 0.00 0.00 - 8.05
0.710 -0.8 0.549 1.00 2.17 9.45 A 0.00 0.00 - 9.05
0.789 -0.8 0.644 1.17 2.19 10.18 - 0.00 0.00 - 10.06
0.867 -0.8 0.739 1.35 2.20 11.14 - 0.00 0.00 - 11.06
0.946 -0.8 0.835 1.52 2.21 12.11 - 0.00 0.00 - 12.07
1.025 -0.7 0.931 1.69 2.21 13.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 13.07
1.104 -0.7 1.027 1.87 2.21 14.03 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.08
1.183 -0.7 1.123 2.04 2.20 14.99 - 0.00 0.00 - 15.08
1.262 -0.7 1.218 2.22 2.19 15.95 - 0.00 0.00 - 16.09
1.341 -0.6 1.313 2.39 2.18 16.90 - 0.00 0.00 - 17.10
1.419 -0.6 1.407 2.56 2.16 17.86 - 0.00 0.00 - 18.10
1.498 -0.6 1.501 2.73 2.14 18.81 - 0.00 0.00 - 19.11
1.577 -0.6 1.593 2.90 2.11 19.76 - 0.00 0.00 - 20.11
1.656 -0.5 1.684 3.07 2.08 20.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 21.12
1.735 -0.5 1.774 3.23 2.05 21.65 - 0.00 0.00 - 22.12
1.814 -0.5 1.862 3.39 2.01 22.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 23.13
1.893 -0.5 1.948 3.55 1.96 23.52 - 0.00 0.00 - 24.14
1.971 -0.4 2.033 3.70 1.91 24.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 25.14
2.050 -0.4 2.114 3.85 1.85 25.39 - 0.00 0.00 - 26.15
2.129 -0.4 2.194 3.99 1.79 26.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 27.15
2.208 -0.4 2.270 4.13 1.72 27.24 - 0.00 0.00 - 28.16
2.287 -0.3 2.343 4.26 1.65 28.16 - 0.00 0.00 - 29.16
2.366 -0.3 2.413 4.39 1.56 29.07 - 0.00 0.00 - 30.17
2.445 -0.3 2.479 4.51 1.47 29.99 - 0.00 0.00 - 31.18
2.523 -0.3 2.541 4.62 1.37 30.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 32.18
2.602 -0.3 2.599 4.73 1.27 31.80 - 0.00 0.00 - 33.19
2.681 -0.2 2.651 4.83 1.16 32.70 - 0.00 0.00 - 34.19
2.760 -0.2 2.699 4.91 1.03 33.59 - 0.00 0.00 - 35.20
2.837 -0.2 2.740 4.99 0.91 34.46 - 0.00 0.00 - 36.18
2.914 -0.2 2.776 5.05 0.77 35.32 - 0.00 0.00 - 37.16
2.991 -0.2 2.806 5.11 0.62 36.18 - 0.00 0.00 - 38.14
3.068 -0.2 2.829 5.15 0.47 37.04 - 0.00 0.00 - 39.12
3.145 -0.1 2.845 5.18 0.30 37.89 - 0.00 0.00 - 40.10
3.222 -0.1 2.855 5.20 0.13 38.74 - 0.00 0.00 - 41.08
3.298 -0.1 2.857 5.20 -0.06 39.58 - 0.00 0.00 - 42.07
3.375 -0.0 2.850 5.19 -0.26 40.42 - 0.00 0.00 - 43.05
3.452 -0.0 2.835 5.16 -0.46 41.25 - 0.00 0.00 - 44.03
3.529 -0.0 2.811 5.12 -0.68 42.08 - 0.00 0.00 - 45.01
3.606 -0.0 2.778 5.06 -0.91 42.90 - 0.00 0.00 - 45.99
3.683 -0.0 2.734 4.98 -1.16 43.72 - 0.00 0.00 - 46.97
3.760 -0.0 2.680 4.88 -1.41 44.54 - 0.00 0.00 - 47.95
3.820 -0.0 2.628 4.78 -1.77 45.17 - 0.00 19.39 - 34.10
3.880 -0.0 2.562 4.66 -2.26 45.80 - 0.00 19.29 - 34.64
3.940 -0.0 2.479 4.51 -2.74 46.43 - 0.00 19.19 - 35.17
4.000 0.0 2.381 4.33 -3.21 47.06 - 0.00 19.11 - 35.71
4.077 0.0 2.240 4.08 -3.46 56.87 - 0.00 19.02 - 36.40
4.154 0.0 2.097 3.82 -3.33 57.74 - 0.00 18.95 - 37.08

Page 11

4.231 0.0 1.959 3.57 -3.19 58.61 - 0.00 18.90 - 37.77

4.308 0.0 1.828 3.33 -3.04 59.48 - 0.00 18.86 - 38.46
4.385 0.0 1.703 3.10 -2.86 60.35 - 0.00 18.83 - 39.14
4.462 0.0 1.586 2.89 -2.67 61.22 - 0.00 18.82 - 39.83
4.538 0.0 1.478 2.69 -2.47 62.08 - 0.00 18.82 - 40.52
4.615 0.0 1.378 2.51 -2.25 62.95 - 0.00 18.84 - 41.20
4.692 0.0 1.288 2.34 -2.02 63.82 - 0.00 18.86 - 41.89
4.769 0.0 1.208 2.20 -1.78 64.68 - 0.00 18.90 - 42.58
4.846 0.0 1.138 2.07 -1.53 65.54 - 0.00 18.94 - 43.26
4.923 0.1 1.079 1.96 -1.26 66.41 - 0.00 18.99 - 43.95
5.000 0.1 1.032 1.88 -0.99 67.27 - 0.00 19.05 - 44.64
5.079 0.1 0.991 1.80 -0.88 63.66 - 0.00 19.12 - 45.34
5.159 0.1 0.951 1.73 -0.94 64.63 - 0.00 19.20 - 46.05
5.238 0.1 0.909 1.65 -0.98 65.59 - 0.00 19.29 - 46.76
5.317 0.1 0.865 1.57 -1.01 66.54 - 0.00 19.39 - 47.47
5.397 0.1 0.820 1.49 -1.03 67.48 - 0.00 19.49 - 48.18
5.476 0.1 0.775 1.41 -1.05 68.41 - 0.00 19.60 - 48.89
5.556 0.2 0.729 1.33 -1.05 69.34 - 0.00 19.72 - 49.59
5.635 0.2 0.683 1.24 -1.04 70.26 - 0.00 19.84 - 50.30
5.714 0.2 0.638 1.16 -1.03 71.18 - 0.00 19.97 - 51.01
5.794 0.2 0.593 1.08 -1.01 72.09 - 0.00 20.10 - 51.72
5.873 0.2 0.550 1.00 -0.99 73.00 - 0.00 20.24 - 52.43
5.952 0.2 0.507 0.92 -0.96 73.90 - 0.00 20.38 - 53.14
6.032 0.2 0.466 0.85 -0.92 74.80 - 0.00 20.53 - 53.85
6.111 0.2 0.426 0.78 -0.89 75.69 - 0.00 20.68 - 54.55
6.190 0.2 0.388 0.71 -0.85 76.58 - 0.00 20.84 - 55.26
6.270 0.2 0.352 0.64 -0.81 77.47 - 0.00 20.99 - 55.97
6.349 0.2 0.317 0.58 -0.77 78.36 - 0.00 21.15 - 56.68
6.429 0.2 0.284 0.52 -0.73 79.24 - 0.00 21.32 - 57.39
6.508 0.2 0.253 0.46 -0.69 80.12 - 0.00 21.48 - 58.10
6.587 0.2 0.224 0.41 -0.65 80.99 - 0.00 21.65 - 58.81
6.667 0.2 0.196 0.36 -0.60 81.87 - 0.00 21.82 - 59.51
6.746 0.2 0.171 0.31 -0.56 82.74 - 0.00 21.99 - 60.22
6.825 0.2 0.147 0.27 -0.52 83.61 - 0.00 22.17 - 60.93
6.905 0.2 0.125 0.23 -0.48 84.48 - 0.00 22.34 - 61.64
6.984 0.2 0.105 0.19 -0.44 85.35 - 0.00 22.52 - 62.35
7.063 0.2 0.086 0.16 -0.40 86.22 - 0.00 22.69 - 63.06
7.143 0.3 0.069 0.13 -0.36 87.09 - 0.00 22.87 - 63.76
7.222 0.3 0.054 0.10 -0.33 87.96 - 0.00 23.05 - 64.47
7.302 0.3 0.040 0.07 -0.30 88.83 - 0.00 23.23 - 65.18
7.381 0.3 0.028 0.05 -0.26 89.69 - 0.00 23.40 - 65.89
7.460 0.3 0.017 0.03 -0.23 90.56 - 0.00 23.58 - 66.60
7.540 0.3 0.007 0.01 -0.20 91.43 - 0.00 23.76 - 67.31
7.619 0.3 0.000 -0.00 -0.18 92.29 - 0.00 23.94 - 68.02
7.698 0.3 0.008 -0.01 -0.15 93.16 - 0.00 24.12 - 68.72
7.778 0.3 0.014 -0.03 -0.13 94.02 - 0.00 24.30 - 69.43
7.857 0.3 0.020 -0.04 -0.10 94.89 - 0.00 24.48 - 70.14
7.937 0.3 0.024 -0.04 -0.08 95.76 - 0.00 24.66 - 70.85
8.016 0.3 0.027 -0.05 -0.06 96.62 - 0.00 24.83 - 71.56
8.095 0.3 0.030 -0.05 -0.05 97.49 - 0.00 25.01 - 72.27
8.175 0.3 0.031 -0.06 -0.03 98.36 - 0.00 25.19 - 72.98
8.254 0.3 0.033 -0.06 -0.01 99.23 - 0.00 25.37 - 73.68
8.333 0.3 0.033 -0.06 -0.00 100.09 - 0.00 25.54 - 74.39
8.413 0.3 0.033 -0.06 0.01 100.96 - 0.00 25.72 - 75.10
8.492 0.3 0.033 -0.06 0.02 101.83 - 0.00 25.90 - 75.81
8.571 0.3 0.032 -0.06 0.03 102.70 - 0.00 26.08 - 76.52
8.651 0.3 0.030 -0.06 0.04 103.57 - 0.00 26.25 - 77.23
8.730 0.3 0.029 -0.05 0.04 104.44 - 0.00 26.43 - 77.93
8.810 0.3 0.027 -0.05 0.05 105.31 - 0.00 26.60 - 78.64
8.889 0.3 0.025 -0.05 0.05 106.18 - 0.00 26.78 - 79.35
8.968 0.4 0.023 -0.04 0.06 107.05 - 0.00 26.95 - 80.06
9.048 0.4 0.020 -0.04 0.06 107.92 - 0.00 27.13 - 80.77
9.127 0.4 0.018 -0.03 0.06 108.79 - 0.00 27.30 - 81.48
9.206 0.4 0.015 -0.03 0.06 109.66 - 0.00 27.48 - 82.19
9.286 0.4 0.013 -0.02 0.06 110.53 - 0.00 27.65 - 82.89
9.365 0.4 0.011 -0.02 0.06 111.40 - 0.00 27.83 - 83.60
9.444 0.4 0.009 -0.02 0.05 112.27 - 0.00 28.00 - 84.31
9.524 0.4 0.007 -0.01 0.05 113.14 - 0.00 28.18 - 85.02

Page 12

9.603 0.4 0.005 -0.00 0.04 114.01 - 0.00 28.35 - 85.73

9.683 0.4 0.003 -0.00 0.04 114.88 - 0.00 28.53 - 86.44
9.762 0.4 0.002 -0.00 0.03 115.75 - 0.00 28.70 - 87.15
9.841 0.4 0.000 -0.00 0.02 116.62 - 0.00 28.87 - 87.85
9.921 0.4 0.000 -0.00 0.01 117.49 - 0.00 29.05 - 88.56
10.000 0.4 0.000 0.00 0.00 118.36 - 0.00 29.22 - 89.27

Distance relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 0.4 [mm] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -1.1 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 2.857 [N/mm^2] at X= 3.30 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 0.006
Largest positive moment: 5.20 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.30 [m]
Largest negative moment: -0.06 [kN.m/m'] at X= 8.33 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 2.21 [kN/m'] at X= 1.03 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -3.46 [kN/m'] at X= 4.08 [m]

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 137.457 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 569.886 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 3488.854 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 615.649 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 615.649 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 17.65 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.176

Max. total Active force: 0.000 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 204.925 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 1825.056 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 0.000 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 141.826 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 141.826 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: 2.885 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 0.719 [kN/m']
Required point foundation resistance sheet wall 3.604 [kN/m']
Maximal u.c-value SHEET WALL: 0.010
Maximal u.c.-value SOIL LEFT passive: 0.176

*** End of the calculation

Page 13



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List of materials
1 W1 16.1 AZ18-700 7.00 23 161 12316.5 -
2 W2 29.4 AZ18-700 8.00 42 336 25704 -
3 W3 15.4 AZ18-700 7.00 22 154 11781 2 PCS OMEGA 18 (L=7.00M)
4 W4 14.7 AZ18-700 8.00 21 168 12852 1 PCS OMEGA 18 (L=8.00 M)
5 W5 47.6 AZ26-700 10.00 68 680 69972 1 PCS OMEGA 18 (L=10.00 M)
6 W5 22.4 AZ26-700 11.00 32 352 36220.8 1 PCS OMEGA 18 (L=11.00 M)
7 W6 33.6 AZ26-700 10.00 48 480 49392 -

LENGTH 179.2 218238.3 774
S430GP (Kgr) 219012.3

AZ18-700 = 76.50 KGR/M

AZ26-700 = 102.9 KGR/M
OMEGA 18 = 18 KGR/M



Grootheden van de lagen Page 1 of 8

Summary of the capabilities of the program PCSheetPileWall

Support of a touch screen
The program does support a touch screen instead of and/or in addition to control with the aid of a mouse.

With the aid of the button (see at the status bar at the bottom of the screen) a keyboard shown onto the screen can be opened. This
keyboard can be used to enter data on a computer with a touch screen.

Size and place of the various windows

The place of all windows on the screen the coordinates are saved at the moment of closure. When the regarding window is opened again,
the window will be placed at the saved place.
For windows, for which the sizes can be adjusted by the user, the dimensions are saved too. These adjustable windows are marked with the

following sign, placed at the lower right corner of the window:

This all works after a restart of the program too.

Summary of the capabilities

With the aid of this program the displacements and the force distribution of a sheet pile wall or a concrete diaphragm wall construction can
be calculated.
The figure below gives an impression of options present into the sheet pile wall program.

Beneath an impression is given of the per construction phase calculated moment, shear force and displacement distributions.

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Grootheden van de lagen Page 2 of 8

The effect of earthquakes according to Eurocode 8 can be accounted for.

Beneath an impression is given of the per construction phase calculated water and total pressure distributions at the left and right side of
the sheet pile wall.

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Grootheden van de lagen Page 3 of 8

An outline of the capabilities of the program:

1. Levels; see further at various setups

The program has the capability to locate the top of the sheet pile wall, the place of anchors, soil layers etcetera according two different
systems of axes.
a. Vertical axis pointing downwards. The zero point is the top side of the sheet pile wall.
b. Vertical axis pointing upwards. The zero point is that of the national surveying system of levels.

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Grootheden van de lagen Page 4 of 8

2. Sheet pile wall; see further at properties sheet pile wall

The sheet pile wall in vertical direction can consists out of more than one section with different values for the moment of inertia and elastic
The default acting width of the sheet pile wall is 1 m. This values can be decreased, by which graduated sheet pile walls can be calculated
for example.

Further the program has a design option by which the length of a sheet pile wall from a entered start length and with a certain step size by
the program will be enlarged automatically; see input sheet pile wall properties.
For the input of the section properties of a sheet pile wall these can be loaded from a standard library of commercial available sheet pile
sections included; see library of cross-section properties.
The program has the ability to calculate the cross-section properties of a so called combi wall, existing of circular shaped tubes with
standard sheet pile sections in between; see properties of combi wall
At default the orientation of the sheet pile wall is vertical; an option is present to give the sheet pile wall a certain inclination.

3. Surface and (ground) water levels; see further at surface and water levels
Dependent of the choice made at various setups the surface level can have different shapes per construction phase:

a. Surface level is: horizontal and plain

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b. Surface level is: sloping and plain

c. Surface level is: bended; consisting of n bend points and n-1 straight lines (Culmann method).

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The program has no preference with regard what will be entered al the left of right side of the sheet pile wall.
The excavations at the 3 figures above could have taken place at the right side also.

Water levels
From the entered (ground) water level to below a hydrostatic build up of water stresses takes place.
The volume weight of the water is by default 9.81 kN/m3, but this can be changed by the user if needed.
Per entered soil layer, in relation to the hydrostatic stress distribution, an extra under or over water pressure can be entered if necessary;
provided that this option is switched on at various setups.
The under and over pressures can be entered at soil properties

4. Vertical surcharges acting on the surface level; see further at vertical surcharges
Dependent on the choice for the kind of surface level (see at preceding point 3) different kinds of surcharges acting onto the surface level
per construction phase can be entered at the left and/or right side of the sheet pile wall.
a. Surface level: horizontal and plain or b. Surface level: sloping and plain
- equal distributed surcharge
- trapezium shaped surcharge
- Line load
- Point load
- Arbitrary shaped surcharge
c. Surface level: bended; existing out of n bend points and n-1 straight lines (Culmann method).
- Line loads
- Block loads

Further at an arbitrary place onto the sheet pile wall a vertical line load can be placed.
For the calculation it is taken into account that this vertical normal force has an influence on the size of the moment distribution at the sheet
pile wall (2e order effects caused by the deflections of the sheet pile wall).

5. Horizontal conditions; see further at horizontal conditions

Per construction phase the following horizontal acting entities can be entered:
- anchors (or struts) with an anchor bulkhead if needed; prestressing and a maximum load capacity can be entered
- spring supports
- fixed supports
- moments acting at a certain onto the sheet pile wall
- under water concrete
- arbitrary shaped horizontal load acting onto the sheet pile wall

6. Soil properties; see further at soil properties

Dependent on the choice at various setups the strength and stiffness properties can be entered at a different way.
- the user does enter the friction angle and the angle of wall friction per soil layer apart; the program does calculate the needed horizontal
active, neutral and passive effective stress coefficients (labda values) from it
- the user does enter the horizontal active, neutral and passive effective stress coefficients (labda values) directly into the program.
If the choice has been made for bended surface levels (Culmann) or sloping plane surface levels than the second option is not possible
If this is setup at various setups the number and properties of soil layers can be different for each construction phase, otherwise the soil
properties are equal for all construction phases..

The stiffness of the is reproduced with the aid of a spring constant This spring constant can have a linear distribution in size over the
thickness of a soil layer.

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At various setups the choice can be made for a linear course of the spring stiffness between the active and passive displacement or a non
linear course (tri-linear).

The effect of earthquakes according to Eurocode 8 can be accounted for.

linear course of the spring stiffness (single spring stiffness)

as an alternative for the input of the spring constant the size of the horizontal stretch can be entered also (a less common approach)

non constant value for the spring stiffness; approximation by 3 straight lines
input 3 secans values (k1, k2 and k3)
The values of 50% and 80% are the default values; these can be changed by the user however.

7. Input parameters
The input of data into the program is divided into the next parts (click at the figure below).

For stress checks both classic safety coefficients and u.c.- values according Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1) are supported; see at Various setups.

see further also Theoretical backgrounds to the sheet pile wall

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8. Diaphragm walls
With the entered properties of a concrete diaphragm wall the cracked bending stiffness will be calculated by the program. Next to the non-
linear behaviour of the soil the behaviour of the diaphragm wall is non-linear too therefore.

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Theoretical backgrounds
The following subjects will be treated here:
Calculation model of a beam resting on spring supports
Schematization of loads by the soil acting onto the sheet pile wall; for a horizontal oriented surface leven and a
vertical sheet pile wall
Schematization loads by the soil acting onto the sheet pile wall; for a sloping surface level/sheet pile wall
Schematization stiffness of the soil
Processing of the difference in stress level between different construction phases
Calculation of anchor bulkheads; according to the Kranz method
Bended surface level (Culmann)
Vertical equilibrium sheet pile wall
Differences of water pressurs at both sides of the sheet pile wall
Probabilistic calculation technique
Determination of u.c.- values according Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1)
Backgrounds determination stiffness DIAPHRAGM wall

For more backgrounds about the determination about the values of the continuously horizontal spring supports see further Determination of
soil stiffness

Calculation model of a beam resting on spring supports
The sheet pile wall is modelled as an elastic beam resting on uncoupled springs.
The theory is treated for a horizontal oriented beam here, for a sheet pile wall with his vertical orientation the theory is not different in

For a beam resting on an elastic sub layer the lateral load does exist of the external load and a reaction of the soil springs.
As a first approximation for the reaction of the soil a linear relation to the displacement is assumed (this will be expanded to non linear
behaviour afterwards).
The basic differential equation is now:

E = elastic modulus
I =moment of inertia
w = displacement perpendicular to the beam axis
k = stiffness subsoil, spring constant
f = external load, other than the from the subsoil

For the numerical solution of eq. [1] this equation is dissected into the two equivalent differential equations beneath:

in which:
M = moment

Derivation basic equation numerical model

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The beam is divided into n segments.

The equilibrium of a single segment i+1 will be considered between the points xi and xi+1
This segment has an external distributed load of fi+1 and a point load Pi, which acts just right of point xi.
The reaction from the subsoil is caused by the displacement wi+1 and has a size of -ki+1.wi+1
In which ki+1 is the spring stiffness constant of the soil at the place of segment i+1 and wi+1,gem the mean displacement of that segment.
The length of the segment is di+1
Equilibrium perpendicular to the axis of the segment requires that

in which Ri+1 = ki+1.di+1 and further it’s assumed that the mean displacement of the segment is equal to the mean of the values at both ends
of the segment.
The spring stiffness is assumed constant along the length of the segment.
For segment i the vertical equilibrium follows from [4] by substituting i by i-1:

By adding the equations [4} and [5] the following equation is acquired:

This can be seen as the equation for the equilibrium of the two segments i and i+1 together.

Equilibrium of moments of segment i+1 around the centre requires that

By substituting i by i-1 this gives the equation for equilibrium of moments for segment i

Elimination of Qi from [7] and [8] gives

or with [6]

This is the first basic equation of the numerical model. It’s the numerical equivalence of equation [2].

The second basic equation has to be the numerical equivalence of equation [3]. This can be achieved as follows:
Consider the two segments at left and right side of point xi.
For the segment at the left side (segment i) holds

in which is assumed that the bending moment at this segment is the mean of the values at the two nodes.
For segment i+1 holds

The two equations can be integrated, it’s assumed that the right hand is constant


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in where the integration constants where chosen at such a way that for x=xi the displacement always is wi and the angle will be continue for
this point (A/EI namely).
By substituting x=xi-1 in equation [13] and
x=xi+1 in [14] this gives two expressions for
A. After elimination of A at last the following equation is

This is the second basic equation for the numerical model; the numerical equivalence of [3]. Qua shape this shows much resemblance with
the first basic equation [10].

Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions have to be expressed in a numerical sense too. This does demand some attention, because it’s convenient to express
the two boundary conditions at both sides of the beam as a function of w and M.

Free end
If the left side of the beam is free than the boundary conditions are:
M0 = -Ml [16]
Q0 = -Fl [17]
In which Ml is a certain moment and Fl is a given force acting perpendicular to the beam.
The first border condition can be incorporated directly into the system of equations, but the second one demands special attention, because the
shear force has been eliminated from the basic equations. For this case gives equation [4] with i = 0,

This equation gives the equilibrium in lateral direction for the first segment. The equation for the equilibrium of moments for the first segment
gives, with [7] for i = 0

Elimination of Q1 from the two equations ([18] and [19]) gives

In this shape the border condition [17] can be incorporated into the algebraic system of equations. This equation gives the relation between
the bending moments and the displacement at the first two points.

The boundary conditions at the right side of the beam can be deduced at an analogue way as at the left side as treated above.

Because it concerns free ends, point loads, anchors, etc., are not allowed to be positioned exactly on the ends.
If this is entered nevertheless, the program automatically adds an extra node very near the end, at which than the point load, anchor, etc. are

Method of solving the basic equations

The program does use of a wave front technique in order to solve the system of equations. In order to make fully use of the band shaped
structure of the system of equations the coefficients unequal to zero are stored into a four dimensional matrix aijkl.
The system of equations is written in the following shape

in which uj1 the bending moment in node j represents and uj2 the displacement at node j. Accordingly bi1 and bi2 do represent the right hand
of the basic equations [10] and [15].
In the program the values at the main diagonal (for j = i) are stored into the first column of the matrix (a[i,1,k,l]), the values at the left side of
the main diagonal (for j = i -1) are stored into the second column of the matrix (a[i,2,k,l]), the values at the right side of the main diagonal
(for j =i +1) are stored into the third column (a[i,3,k,l]). The fourth column of the matrix (a[i,4,k,l]) is used for the right hand of the basic
equations, bik. By storing the coefficients of the system of equations this way the program can make use of a standard wave front algorithm
for the solving of the system of equations.
The model described above of a beam resting on an elastic subsoil is used as the basis for the sheet pile wall program for which the soil
reaction has a non linear spring behaviour however.

Warning: The calculation process has generally a highly nonlinear character. For very large differences between e.g. strength and stiffness
properties of adjacent soil layers the calculation process can be very difficult. The accuracy of the calculation results may be limited then.

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Schematization of loads by the soil acting onto the sheet pile wall; for a horizontal orientated surface level and a vertical
sheet pile wall
In the geotechnical craft the relation between the horizontal and vertical effective stress is given by the variable l, according

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The sheet wall program does calculate the neutral coefficient, if there is no horizontal displacement present, with the aid of Jáky’s formula:

With j is the angle of internal friction of the soil.

This formula applies for normal consolidated grounds only and is not valid for soil with a high degree of over
consolidation; see further also at soil properties/extra vertical soil and/or water stresses
sh is limited in size at the lower and higher limit with the active and passive value respectively.

For an active sliding plane the ground wedge is moving downwards; for a passive sliding plane the ground wedge is moving upwards. This has
the consequence, with presence of friction between the soil and the sheet pile wall, that the resulting force of the soil acting onto the sheet pile
wall is directed at a certain angle; see the figure below:

At the active area for the effective horizontal stress acting onto the sheet pile wall the following holds: sh,active = la.(g - pwater) - 2c.Φ
la [3]
At the passive area for the effective horizontal stress acting onto the sheet pile wall the following holds: sh,passive = lp.(g - pwater) +
2c. Φ lp [4]

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la = active soil pressure coefficient

lp = passive soil pressure coefficient
g = vertical effective soil pressure
pwater = water pressure
c = cohesion constant

For straight sliding planes the following formulas can be derived (assuming an angle of 45° ± j/2 between the sliding planes and the

in which
d = the angle of friction between the soil and the sheet pile wall
j = the angle of internal friction of the soil

The starting point of straight sliding planes can calculate for higher values of j for the passive area, according equation [6], unrealistic high
values; therefore the program does support the option of curved sliding planes at the passive area (this is the default setup). The following
formula holds according Kötter for curved sliding planes:


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Schematization loads by the soil acting onto the sheet pile wall; for a sloping surface level/sheet pile wall

For the influence of the angle of internal friction holds:

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sh,a =
sh,,p =

For the influence of the surcharge acting onto the surface level holds:

sh,a = la,bel.Pr
sh,,p = lp,bel.Pl
For the influence of the cohesion holds:

sh,a = la,c.c
sh,,p = lp,c.c
j = angle of internal friction of the soil
C = cohesion soil
a b, da and dp the angles according the figure above.

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Schematization stiffness of the soil

The sheet pile wall program does support two different way of schematization for the stiffness of the adjacent ground against the sheet pile

Stiffness soil is described by a single spring constant

Stiffness soil is described by a tri-linear relation between displacements and stresses

Single spring constant (elasto-plastic behaviour)

For this choice the stiffness of the soil between the active and passive state is described by a single straight line; the angle of this line is called
the spring stiffness constant.
For reversing displacements from the active or passive state an other area will be covered; see the thin lines at the figure below.

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linear guided spring stiffness (single spring stiffness constant)

Tri-linear approximation of the area between active and passive effective stresses

For this choice the stiffness of the ground between the active and passive value for the horizontal effective pressure will be described by three
straight lines; this gives a better approximation of the real behaviour than the use of a single spring stiffness constant. This choice for the size
of the spring stiffness constant is of importance for the calculation of the displacements of the sheet pile wall mostly.

non constant value for the spring stiffness; approximation by 3 straight lines
input via 3 secans values (k1, k2 en k3

The branch A-B-C at the figure above is walked through only once; the reversed coarse (hysteresis loop) is indicated by the thin striped lines.
The height of the points A and B at the figure above can be changed in the sheet pile wall program by the user; the default values are 50 and
80% respectively.

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Processing of the difference in stress level between different construction phases

The calculation of a sheet pile wall structure involves the calculation of more than one construction phase mostly. From construction phase to
construction phase the effective soil pressure can vary by excavations or filling ups, change of (ground) water tables etcetera.
For such cases the sheet pile program uses the procedure beneath in order to determine the effective soil stresses and stiffness.
- If the vertical effective soil stress has been changed the program does perform a vertical shift that relates the horizontal stress to the
displacement. At the figure below at a displacement of w0 the neutral effective stress will be enlarged fromsn to s*n (Dsh = ln. Dsv).

- New horizontal effective soil stresses against the sheet pile wall (s*h) will be calculated with the new spring constant (k*) and the
displacement of the sheet pile wall in relation to that of the former construction phase (w0 at the figure).
- These new pressures acting against the sheet pile wall are not longer in equilibrium with the displacement w0 of the sheet pile wall; therefore

new displacements are calculated, now based on the new spring constant k*.

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Calculation of anchor bulkheads; according to the Kranz method

The program can calculated the strength of an anchor bulkhead with the aid of method formulated by Kranz.

For a relative short anchor, as drawn at the figure above, the active sliding plane of the sheet pile wall intersects with the shallow passive
sliding plane of the anchor bulkhead. For these cases the failure via a deep sliding plane to the rotation point of the sheet pile wall can be
leading. The program does calculate the failure of the bulkhead via the shallow passive sliding plane as well as the deep sliding plane.

Deep oriented sliding plane

The equilibrium of forces for the sheet pile wall, the anchor bulkhead, the sliding plane and the vertical weight of the sliding planes leads to
the allowable anchor force:


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la = active soil pressure coefficient

Shallow sliding plane

The equilibrium of forces of the sheet pile wall and the anchor bulkhead leads to the allowable anchor force:
P =Ep – E0 [2]

la = active soil pressure coefficient

lp = passive soil pressure coefficient

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Bended surface level (Culmann)

For non horizontal bended surface levels the values for the active and passive lateral soil pressure coefficients (la and lp) are calculated with
the aid of the method according Culmann.

The method is based on the equilibrium of the placed surcharge B, the soil weight W, the total force exerted by the sheet pile wall Q, the
normal force N and the shear force T along the sliding plane (see figure above). The program takes the stratification of the ground along the
sliding force into account. The program does determine at an iterative way for n sliding planes that plane (the angle at which) that gives the
highest active effective soil stresses and the smallest passive pressure acting onto the sheet pile wall. By this way the influence of surcharges
acting onto the surface level and the bended shape of the surface level are incorporated into the fictive values for the soil pressure coefficients
la, ln and lp, by which further will be calculated with a horizontal surface level without surcharge (this is incorporated into labda-values).

Pay attention: In the present implementation of the program, for the calculation method of Culmann, the bended surface level has to
be situated within a single soil layer. It’s not allowed to cross soil layer boundaries therefore.
This will be checked by the program; an error message will be given if necessary.

Beneath an example of the graphical output of the passive pressures against the sheet pile wall calculated by the program according to the
Culmann method for a bended surface level.

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Vertical equilibrium sheet pile wall

The program determines from the vertical equilibrium whether or not a point resistance at the bottom of the sheet pile wall is necessary and if
so how large this point resistance should be in order to secure the vertical equilibrium.
The program takes the following forces into account:
- normal force applied onto the sheet pile wall directly
- the vertical component of the anchor forces
- the resulting downwards directing force caused by the active ground load
- the resulting upwards directing force caused by the passive ground load
- the self weight of the sheet pile is neglected.
The resulting vertical force by friction is determined by the summation of friction stresses along the sheet pile wall, with the assumption that
the vertical sheer stress is equal to the horizontal effective stress multiplied with the angle of wall friction d.

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Differences of water pressures at both sides of the sheet pile wall

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Next to the function of ground support sheet pile walls do have the goal to support a difference of water level between the two sides of the
sheet pile wall often. For this case the water pressures will be different at both sides of the sheet pile wall. The difference of water stresses
gives cause to a ground water flow (if no under water concrete floor is present) around the bottom point of the sheet pile wall. This flow will
influence the pressures against the sheet pile wall at two ways:
- the water flow changes the size of the water stresses which are acting onto the sheet pile wall directly. By which the water pressure at the
side with the highest water pressures is lowered and at the other side heighten. At the bottom point of the sheet pile wall de differences of the
water pressures will be about zero than.
- caused by the changes of the water pressures the effective soil pressures will change too.

Method of approximation for a sheet pile wall in homogenious soil.

For homogenious soil can, according to EAU 1990, art., the following method been used (this option has been implemented into the
sheet pile wall program):
- the water under pressure at the side with the highest water pressure is calculated with

- the water over pressure at the side with the lowest water pressure is calculated with

Dh = maximum water pressure difference between left and right side
d1, d2 = height about which the ground water flows at the lower and high side respectively
Y1, Y2 = distance of the water level till the bottom of the sheet pile wall at the lower and high side respectively

It should be noticed that with the formulas above a small difference between the water pressures at the bottom point of the sheet pile wall will
be left.

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Probabilistic calculation technique

Next to performing deterministic calculations it’s possible with PCSheetPileWall to perform probabilistic calculations too; this is a speciality
of this program.
For a deterministic calculation the basic assumption is fixed values for the various calculation parameters.
For a probabilistic calculation the principle is that the various input parameters will be described by a probability function rather than a single
constant value (stochastic variables).
A deterministic approach is the method normal used in practice.
The probabilistic approach is a more advanced method, for which the sheet pile wall program does calculate for three mechanism (failure of
the soil, failure of the sheet pile wall, failure of anchor(s)) the probability of failure. Besides that the influence per stochastic variable on the
total probability of failure will be calculated; from which can be derived which stochastic variable is important and which one is of lesser
importance for the calculated probability of failure.
The method of probabilistic calculation is called Approximate Full Distribution Approach (AFDA) and will be described below:

The reliability function Z is defined as Z = R – S [1]

R = the strength of sheet pile wall structures (Resistance)
S = the load acting onto the sheet pile wall structure (Solicitation)

With the aid of Z a save area, the unsafe area and the failure limit in between can be given:
Z > 0 safe erea
Z = 0 failure limit (ultimate limit state)
Z < 0 unsafe area

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If the probability density functions of the strength and the loads are given by fR(r) and fS(s) the combined probability density function
follows by , if the stochastic parameters R and S are mutually independent, multiplication of: fR(r).fS(s). This combined probability density
function can be made visible at the R,S plane by drawing a map with altitude lines. It’s easy to see that the probability of failure Pb of a sheet
pile wall structure is equal to the volume beneath the combined probability density function at the unsafe area:

“Mean value approach”

The program does calculate at first a relative rough approximation for the probability of failure with the aid of the “mean value approach”.
Z =R- S = 0
= Z(X1,X2, …….Xn)
The function Z can be linearized by expansion in a series around a point

from a linearization around the mean of Xΰ, it can be deduced that:

The probability that Z < 0 can be approximated by reading the reliability index b from a table of the standard normal distribution.

“Advanced approach”
The program tries after that, with the results of the “mean value approach” as starting point, to linearize the function Z around the point of the
failure limit Z=0 with the highest probability density Xΰ*
Suppose that at first approximation the still unknown linearized failure limit is

in which

will be calculated in

Contrary to the “mean value approach” is now:

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The last function [7] will be expressed into a linear function of the standard deviations

in which

Knowing now that the point Xΰ* have to be located onto the failure limit it follows:

form wich follows:

The solution for this equation gives a new approximation for Xΰ* ; this is called usually the design point.

The values for the partial derivates are determined at the old point however. Repeating the procedure is necessary therefore till stable values
for the design point Xΰ* are found.
At formula [10] for b it’s assumed that Z* = 0; this was necessary in order to come to the derivation of [11]. As long as the right design point
has not been found yet it will be Z* Ή 0. For a so good as possible approximation for b this should taken into account:

The whole procedure has to be repeated for a new Xΰ* based on this new value for b. The correct solution will be found by an iterative
procedure therefore:
1. estimate a value for b (the program does use the value from the “mean value approach” for this)

4. calculate ai for all i [9]

5. calculate new values for Xΰ* [11]
6. repeat steps 3 to 5 till a stable value for Xΰ* has been found

8. adjust if necessary b to [12], in order that Z=0 and do repeat the steps 3 to 5
9. determine the probability of failure from Pb = 1 - fN(-b)

The whole is made visible at the flow chart beneath

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The sensitivity of the solution for Z=0 for a small deviation of a certain stochastic variable will be determined by means of partial
differentiation. After that a weighting takes place for the size of uncertainty of the stochastic variable symbolized by the standard deviation.
The result is the given contribution in percents of each stochastic variable to the total uncertainty.

The sheet pile wall program can take into account the type of probability distribution function, other than the standard normal distribution

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function, for certain stochastic variables.

Het damwandprogramma houdt ook rekening met het type verdelingsfunctie, anders dan de standaard normale verdelingsfunctie, die elke
stochastische variabele heeft
The essence of this is that the exact distribution of the stochastic variable will be approximated by a standard normal distribution at such a way
that the cumulative probability function and the probability density function at the design point for the exact and the approximated distribution
are equal. At the graph for the distribution function this means that at the design point the function value and the direction for the
approximated and exact distribution are the same; see the figure below:
In a mathematical sense the adjustment of the normal distribution to the exact distribution takes place as follows:
Determine the cumulative failure probability at the design value Xi* of the basic stochastic variable

With the aid of the inverse normal distribution it can be determined how many times the standard deviation of the mean mN (Xi) of the
approximated normal distribution from the design value should be departed.

From a comparison of probability densities (directions) the standard deviation follows

The value of the mean of the approximated distribution is fixed by

To the flow chart a phase should be added in which repeatedly for a new value at the design point, for non normal distributed stochastic
variables, the approximated values for m and s are determined.

For a description of the available density and cumulative probability functions see: probability functions

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Determination of u.c.- values according Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1)

In the program the choice has been made to apply the partial factors on actions to the actions themselves (Frep)

Design approach
Three different design approaches are given in Eurocode 7:

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In the national annexes the values for the A, M and R partial factors are given.
For the Netherlands “Design Approach 3” has been chosen.
At the window Various setups can by checking the checkbox the choice been made for the values of the A, M and R
partial factors according to the Dutch annex for NEN-EN 1997-1
At the window Various setups can by checking the checkbox the choice been made for the values of the A, M and R
partial factors according to the UK annex for EN 1997-1

For an overview of the standard values in EN 1997-1 for the A, M and R partial factors see further: Eurocode7 partial factors

Sheet wall section checks

The way of section checks of a sheet wall cross-section are given in EN 1993-5

Steel grades

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Classification of steel sheet wall cross-sections (EN 1993-5)

Classification of king piles of a combi-wall (EN 1993-1-1, table 5.2)

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The section class of the cylinder shaped king piles of a combi-wall are determined as follows:

For section classes 1 and 2 for the stress checks the plastic modulus will be used
For section classes 3 and 4 for the stress checks the elastic modulus will be used
If the checkbox has been checked, in conjunction with the use of Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1), the plastic modulus will be used
always; independent of the section class; see also Properties combi-wall.

Strength checks (EN 1993-5)

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The sheet wall program does calculate u.c.- values (unity checks) according the following definition:

u.c. = S/R

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S = solicitation (loads)
R = resistance
In the u.c.- values the relevant partial factors are incorporated. This means that if u.c. <= 1 the level of safety reached is in accordance with
Eurocode 7; for u.c. > 1 the calculation results do NOT meet the requirements according Eurocode 7

Back to the top

Backgrounds stiffness DIAPHRAGM wall

The program is able to calculate the cracked stiffness of a reinforced concrete diaphragm wall, as a function of the appearing moment.

Schematization material behaviour:


The tensile strength of concrete will taken into account for the calculation of the cracking moment Mr only.
At the cracked situation the tensile strength is neglected as usual.
If the diaphragm wall will be calculated according “classic safety coefficients” (see for the choice of calculation methods at Setups):
- ec,pl = 1.75 ‰
- ec,u = 3.5 ‰
If the diaphragm wall will be calculated according Eurocode 2 (NEN EN 1992-1-1, tabel 3.1) (see for the choice of calculation methods at
· for fck <= 50 N/mm2
- ec,pl = 1.75 ‰
- ec,u =
3.5 ‰
· for fck > 50 N/mm2
- ec,pl = 1.75+0.55(fck-50)/50 ‰
- ec,u = 2.6+35[(90-fck)/100]4 ‰
For diaphragm walls the concrete compression strength will be < 50 N/mm2 mostly.
Reinforcement steel

Determination Moment-Curvature diagram (M-K diagram):

At every phase for the internal M de corresponding curvature κ can be determined.
If the height of the compression zone x is known, with the aid of equations of tri-angles in the s - ε diagram,
the strains can be calculated and by this the curvatures can be determined.

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In the M- κ-diagram for every arbitrary moment the accompanying curvature can be read.
And because the stiffness EI is related to:

for every arbitrary moment the accompanying EI can be determined = tan ax.
For the diaphragm wall the M-N-Kappa diagrams will be determined for both the LEFT and RIGHT side by the program (the effect of size of
the normal force present included).

Because in a diaphragm wall the sign of the apparent moment in height direction can be different at one place the M-N-K-diagram for the
reinforcement at the left side will be applied and at an other place the M-N-K-diagram for the reinforcement at the right side.
If at one side a certain cross-section, which was cracked at an earlier construction phase on tension, caused by a sign change of the moment the
crack will be pushed to a close, than this have no influence on the shape of the M-N-K-diagram at the other side. The two M-N-K-diagrams (at
the LEFT and RIGHT side) do not influence each other in the program therefore.

4 critical points have to be considered:

1. Cracking moment Mr ΰ σb = fbm
2. Yield moment Me ΰ σs = fs
3. Crushing moment Mpl ΰ εc = ec,pl
4. Ultimate moment Mu ΰ εc =eu
fcm = mean tensile strength concrete
fs = yield stress reinforcement steel
ec,pl = strain at which the concrete starts to crush
eu = maximum allowable strain for the concrete

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Two cases have to be distinguished:

- Me ≤ Mpl
- Me > Mpl

- The yield moment Me has to be larger than the cracking moment Mr, because otherwise the cross-section will fail suddenly (brittle) if the
present moment exceeds the cracking moment Mr. This requirement determines the size of the so-called minimum reinforcement percentage.
The program displays a warning if this requirement is not met.
- If the reinforcement percentage is too high, the tension force in the reinforcing steel does not balance with the maximum compressive force
in the compression zone of the cross-section. The so-called maximum reinforcement percentage will be exceeded than. The program displays
a warning if this requirement is not met.

Derivation of formulas for calculating the M-N-k diagram

In the following the influence of an external acting normal force on the cross-section is taken into account; leading to a so-called M-N-k
Further more the stiffness of the present reinforcement in the compression zone, in relation to the normal and moment capacity of the
regarding cross-section, is taken into account. The area of the concrete section is corrected by the cross-section properties caused by
the "holes" caused by the area of the reinforcement.

ad.1.: Till cracking moment Mr

No = present external normal force at the heart of the cross-section (compression: No < 0; tension: No > 0 )
Mo = present external moment around the heart of the cross-section
Es = elasticity modules reinforcement steel
Ec = elasticity modules concrete
ct = cover related to the center of gravity of the reinforcement at the tension zone
cd = cover related to the center of gravity of the reinforcement at the compression zone
As,ttns = area reinforcement at the tension zone
As,compr = area reinforcement at the compression zone
e0 = strain of the total cross-section at the chosen point of reference
k0 = curvature of the total cross-section around the chosen point of reference
The point of reference may be positioned everywhere; the heart of the concrete cross-section is chosen for this point here.

Generally speaking in the uncracked state the following simple vector equation holds:

in which
E = elasticity modules of the regarding part (concrete or steel)
A = area of the regarding part (concrete or steel)
S = static moment of the regarding part (S=A.x); ((concrete or steel)
I = moment of inertia of the regarding part; ((concrete or steel)

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The inverse of matrix M can be determined as follows:

Det(M) = m11.m22 - m21 .m12 = <> 0

or further written:

For strain ex at distance x is: ex = eo+k0.x

EI = Mo/k0

The above applies till the cracking strain of the concrete at the extreme fibre is exceeded:
eh/2 £ fbm/Ec or er+kr.h/2 £ fbm/Ec
from which again follows: er £ fbm/Ec -kr.h/2

At the cracking moment it follows: Mo=Mr , e0=er en k0=kr

These are 2 equations with 2 unknowns; kr and Mr are solvable this way simple:

(around the heart of the concrete cross-section)

For x=-h/2 it follows:

note that

If Me £ Mpl it follows:

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ad.2.: Yield moment Me

Determination height compression zone x:

Tensile reinforcement is yielding just

Concrete compression zone is in te elastic part still.

x = xe = height compression zone at the moment the yielding moment Me is reached.

If the compression reinforcement As,compr has not been yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: d-xe

hence xe is solvable (quadratic equation)



the solution for xe is:

Only one value for xe has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


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If the compression reinforcement As,compr is yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: d-xe

hence xe is solvable (quadratic equation)



the solution for xe is:

Only one value for xe has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


The program does check whether the requirement Me > Mr is met, otherwise the level falls below the minimum reinforcement percentage
(brittle fracture).

ad.3.: Crushing moment Mpl

Determination height compression zone x:

Concrete has been “yielded” just at the extreme fibre: x = xpl

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Steel has yield already:

If the compression reinforcement As,compr has not been yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: xpl



the solution for xpl is:

Only one value for xpl has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


If the compression reinforcement As,compr is yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: xpl


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the solution for xpl is:

Only one value for xpl has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


If Me > Mpl follows:

ad.2.: Crushing moment Mpl

Determination height compression zone x:

Concrete has been “yielded” just at the extreme fibre: x = xpl

The reinforcement at the tension zone is in the elastic part still

If the compression reinforcement As,compr has not been yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: xpl



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the solution for xpl is:

Only one value for xpl has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


If the compression reinforcement As,compr is yielded:

Left and right multiplied with the term: xpl


the solution for xpl is:

Only one value for xpl has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


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The program does check whether the requirement Mpl > Mr is met, otherwise the level falls below the minimum reinforcement percentage
(brittle fracture).

ad.3.: Yield moment Me

Determination height compression zone x:

the tension reinforcement has yielded just

the concrete at the compression zone is in the bi-linear ultimate limit behaviour state

- if x1 >= cd

If the compression reinforcement As,compr has not been yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: d-xe


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the solution for xe is:

Only one value for xe has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


If the compression reinforcement As,compr is yielded it follows:

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


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- if x1 < cd

If the compression reinforcement As,compr has not been yielded it follows:

Left and right multiplied with the term: d-xe


the solution for xe is:

Only one value for xe has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


If the compression reinforcement As,compr is yielded it follows:

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Left and right multiplied with the term: d-xe


the solution for xe is:

Only one value for xe has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


ad.4.: Ultimate moment Mu

Determination height compression zone x:

The concrete has reached the ultimate strain ec,u and the reinforcement is yielded

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If the compression reinforcement As,compr has not been yielded it follows:

- if x1 >= cd

Left and right multiplied with the term: xu


the solution for xu is:

Only one value for xu has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


- if x1 < cd

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Left and right multiplied with the term: xu


the solution for xu is:

Only one value for xu has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


If the compression reinforcement As,compr is yielded it follows:

- if x1 >= cd

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(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


- if x1 < cd

Left and right multiplied with the term: xu


the solution for xu is:

Only one value for xu has a realistic meaning

(related to the heart of the concrete cross-section)


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Loading – unloading (hysteresis)

At loading of a diaphragm wall the path of the M - κ – diagram can be followed.
If someway along this path the loading stops (the load will be removed) a rest situation will be reached that ends onto the K-axis.
Dependent on the stadium (path) of the diaphragm wall a lasting curvature will appear.
Loading till the cracking moment Mr (no cracks yet) and unloading thereafter gives the same way back; linear – elastic behaviour therefore.
At the moment the first small crack does appear and the path goes into the second branch, there is a lasting curvature.
Beneath it’s depicted how this “way back” works.

Point A is the mirror point of point punt 1

The program keeps track whether or not the cross-section at an earlier construction phase has been cracked.
If the cross-section has been cracked already then, for the calculation of reinforcement stresses, the tensile strength of the concrete is not taken
into account anymore.

Influence of creep
If at Properties diaphragm wall per section values for the creep coefficient have been entered (and made active) the influence of creep at the
last phase for the service situation will be taken into account.

The E-modulus of concrete Ec will be divided by the term (1+f)
In which f the value is for the creep coefficient
The crushing strain ec,pl of the concrete will be enlarged by the term (1+f)

See further also Plotting M-Kappa diagram

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Computional Geomechanics; A. Verruijt, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1995, ISBN 0-7923-3407-8

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Numerical output
After the execution of a calculation next to the input data the calculation results are depicted at a numerical
For each construction phase, into the direction of the height of the sheet wall, the force distribution in the
wall and load pressures against the wall are given.

If at various setups the choice has been made for the calculation according to Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1) the following will
be printed sequentially:
a. of n construction phases the various values will be printed without the use of partial factors (service situation)
b. all n construction phases will be calculated with partial factors according to Eurocode 7 and be printed (limit

If the choice has been made for classical safety coefficients the output according to a. will be performed only.

Beneath a fragment of a numerical output is depicted:


Dist. relative to top sheet pile wall !

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.00 -51.9 0.000 -0.00 -0.13 0.00 - 0.00 67.26 P 0.00
0.14 -47.9 0.274 -0.71 -9.86 0.00 - 0.00 72.76 P 0.00
0.29 -43.7 1.120 -2.91 -20.65 0.00 - 0.00 78.42 P 0.00
0.43 -39.6 2.581 -6.71 -32.26 0.00 - 0.00 84.08 P 0.00
0.57 -35.4 4.702 -12.23 -44.68 0.00 - 0.00 89.74 P 0.00
0.71 -31.2 7.528 -19.57 -57.90 0.00 - 0.00 95.41 P 0.00
0.86 -27.1 11.102 -28.87 -71.94 0.00 - 0.00 101.07 P 0.00
1.00 -22.9 15.470 -40.22 -86.78 0.00 - 0.00 106.73 P 0.00
1.17 -18.0 21.625 -56.22 -104.99 0.00 - 0.00 110.11 P 1.63
1.33 -13.1 28.973 -75.33 -124.03 0.00 - 0.00 113.49 P 3.27
1.50 -8.2 37.570 -97.68 -143.91 0.00 - 0.00 116.87 P 4.91
1.67 -3.3 47.467 -123.41 -164.62 0.00 - 0.00 120.25 P 6.54
1.83 1.7 58.730 -152.70 -185.12 0.00 - 0.00 110.98 - 8.18
2.00 6.7 71.259 -185.27 -202.77 0.00 - 0.00 82.86 - 9.81
2.17 11.8 84.778 -220.42 -215.99 0.00 - 0.00 54.52 - 11.44
2.33 16.9 99.002 -257.40 -224.74 0.00 - 0.00 25.93 - 13.08
2.50 22.0 113.627 -295.43 -229.95 0.00 - 0.00 8.84 A 14.71
2.67 27.2 128.505 -334.11 -234.06 0.00 - 0.00 9.44 A 16.35
2.83 32.6 143.659 -373.51 -238.55 0.00 - 0.00 10.04 A 17.98
3.00 38.0 159.112 -413.69 428.58 0.00 - 0.00 10.65 A 19.62
3.12 42.1 138.605 -360.37 424.69 0.00 - 0.00 11.10 A 20.85
6.17 141.3 277.059 720.35 265.48 0.00 - 0.00 22.06 A 50.69
6.33 145.7 293.676 763.56 253.18 0.00 - 0.00 22.66 A 52.32
6.50 150.0 309.493 804.68 240.49 0.00 - 0.00 23.26 A 53.96
6.67 154.1 324.485 843.66 227.44 0.00 - 0.00 23.86 A 55.59
6.83 158.0 338.628 880.43 214.01 0.00 - 0.00 24.46 A 57.23
7.00 161.7 351.905 914.95 200.43 0.00 - 0.00 22.39 A 58.86
7.17 165.2 364.308 947.20 186.72 0.00 - 0.00 22.86 A 60.50
7.33 168.4 375.820 977.13 172.65 0.00 - 0.00 23.34 A 62.13
7.50 171.4 386.419 1004.69 158.23 0.00 - 0.00 23.81 A 63.77
7.67 174.2 396.082 1029.81 143.45 0.00 - 0.00 24.29 A 65.40
7.83 176.7 404.787 1052.45 128.33 0.00 - 0.00 24.76 A 67.04
8.00 179.0 412.511 1072.53 112.85 0.00 - 0.00 25.24 A 68.67
8.17 181.0 419.232 1090.00 97.03 0.00 - 0.00 25.71 A 70.31
8.33 182.8 424.927 1104.81 80.85 0.00 - 0.00 26.19 A 71.94

Dist. = distance to the top side of the sheet wall

It’s printed if this distance is according to a coordinate system directed downwards

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(Dist. relative to top sheet pile wall !) or directed upwards (Dist. relative to
national surveying zero level !)
Displ. = horizontal displacements of the sheet wall
Stress = stresses at the outmost fibre of cross-section of the sheet wall
Moment = operating moment into the sheet wall
Shearfc. = operating shear force into the sheet wall
EffectstL = effective soil pressure against the sheet wall at the LEFT side
A/P = Aktive or Passive effective soil pressure against the sheet wall at the left
of right side respectively
WaterstL = water pressure acting against the sheet wall at the LEFT side
EffectstR = effective soil pressure against the sheet wall at the RIGHT side
WaterstR = water pressure acting against the sheet wall at the RIGHT side

Stresses larger than the entered yield stress limit are depicted with a red colour.

For each construction phase the maximal values along the height of the sheet wall are given further:

With the aid of classic safety coefficients:

Dist. relative to top sheet pile wall !
Largest positive displacement: 187.8 [mm] at X= 9.33 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -51.9 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 437.231 [N/mm^2] at X= 9.17 [m]
Largest bending stress is larger than the yield stress of 355 [N/mm^2]
Choose a stronger sheet pile wall section and/or steel grade with a larger yield stress!!
The minimal safety coefficient of 0.8119 is smaller than the allowed value of 1.500
Largest positive moment: 1136.80 [kN.m/m'] at X= 9.17 [m]
Largest negative moment: -736.80 [kN.m/m'] at X= 17.53 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 428.58 [kN/m'] at X= 3.00 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -348.19 [kN/m'] at X= 13.58 [m]

Anchors at the RIGHT side:

Anchor- or strutforce (INCLINED) no. 1 : 672.036 [kN/m'] at X= 3.000 [m]
The safety coefficient is: 1.786

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 172.239 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 311.398 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2856.045 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 828.945 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 1691.249 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 2520.194 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 59.22 %
The safety coefficient is: 1.689

Max. total Active force: 742.252 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 1396.156 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 11983.908 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 2163.105 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 1031.098 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 3194.203 [kN/m']


Vertical force along sheet pile wall LEFT: -458.507 [kN/m']
Vertical force along sheet pile wall RIGHT: 187.061 [kN/m']
Vertical equilibrium is present without need for point resistance of the sheet
pile wall

The program can't determine the vertical forces caused by ground friction in detail, because the necessary
knowledge about the relative vertical displacements difference between the sheet pile and the ground are not

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part of the calculation model used.

The program uses the safe assumption that the friction on the active side over the entire height of the dam
wall is facing downwards, and on the passive side up, see figure below:

At the above numerical output results a classic stress check has been performed (see further at: Various
setups); this means that the calculated safety coefficients has been printed.
If the calculated safety coefficient is smaller than the demanded value this is depicted with a red colour.

With the aid of Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1):

For each construction fase, with the use of Eurocode 7, a double output will take place (partial factors
excluded and included respectively):

-- partial factors excluded (for the service limit state)


Service situation; partial factors excluded
Dist. relative to top sheet pile wall !

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.00 -47.7 0.000 -0.00 -0.13 0.00 - 0.00 67.26 P 0.00
0.14 -43.9 0.259 -0.71 -9.86 0.00 - 0.00 72.76 P 0.00
0.29 -40.0 1.057 -2.91 -20.65 0.00 - 0.00 78.42 P 0.00
0.43 -36.0 2.436 -6.71 -32.26 0.00 - 0.00 84.08 P 0.00

-- partial coefficients included (for the ultimate limit state)

If at Various setups the choice has been made for stress checks according Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1), than the
calculated u.c.- values (unity checks) will be printed..
If an u.c.- values is larger than 1 the safety level does not comply to Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1); this is depicted
with a red colour.

The sheet wall program does calculate the u.c.- values according to the following definition:
u.c. = S/R
S = solicitation (loads)
R = Resistance
Into the u.c.- values the relevant partial factors are incorporated.

Beneath an example is given where the checks are performed according to Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1):

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Dist. relative to top sheet pile wall !

Largest positive displacement: 456.1 [mm] at X= 10.83 [m]
Largest negative displacement: -188.8 [mm] at X= 0.00 [m]
Largest bending stress: 720.246 [N/mm^2] at X= 10.00 [m]
SHEET WALL bending and shear; u.c.-value: 2.542
Largest positive moment: 1984.28 [kN.m/m'] at X= 10.00 [m]
Largest negative moment: -363.49 [kN.m/m'] at X= 3.00 [m]
Largest positive shear force: 569.12 [kN/m'] at X= 3.00 [m]
Largest negative shear force: -356.77 [kN/m'] at X= 14.95 [m]

Anchors at the RIGHT side:

Anchor- or strutforce (INCLINED) no. 1 : 815.998 [kN/m'] at X= 3.000 [m]
Normal force ANCHOR; u.c.-value: 0.680

** Specific numbers for horizontal stability of the soil (effective stresses) **

-- LEFT:
Max. total Active force: 215.969 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 361.141 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 2065.410 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 828.945 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 1855.233 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 2684.178 [kN/m']
The passive zone is at the LEFT side mobilized for 89.82 %
Passive soil resistance; u.c.-value: 0.898

Max. total Active force: 943.126 [kN/m']
Max. total Neutral force: 1606.931 [kN/m']
Max. total Passive force: 8753.029 [kN/m']
Total force by water stresses: 2163.105 [kN/m']
Total mobilized horizontal soil stresses: 1345.942 [kN/m']
Total horizontal force on sheet pile (water+soil): 3509.047 [kN/m']

With the use of Eurocode 7 for each construction phase a double output will be printed:


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Combination (A1* or A2†) "+" M2 "+" R3
Dist. relative to top sheet pile wall !

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.00-188.8 0.000 -0.00 -0.10 0.00 - 0.00 51.84 P 0.00
0.14-178.2 0.200 -0.55 -7.62 0.00 - 0.00 56.40 P 0.00
0.29-167.3 0.818 -2.25 -16.01 0.00 - 0.00 61.10 P 0.00
0.43-156.4 1.889 -5.20 -25.08 0.00 - 0.00 65.79 P 0.00

If at Various Setups the values for the deviations has been entered (see figure below), than this will be printed at the
numerical output as a reminder (at the limit situation only).

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Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfield level LEFT side lowered with 0.350 [m]
Groundwater level LEFT side lowered with 0.250 [m]
Groundwater level RIGHT side heightened with 0.050 [m]
Combination (A1* or A2†) "+" M2 "+" R3
Distance relative to top diaphragm wall!

'Stress' = tensile stress in reinforcement

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.00 10.0 0.0 -0.00 -0.09 0.00 - -0.00 45.67 - 0.00
0.13 12.1 0.0 -0.33 -4.93 0.00 - -0.00 34.23 - 0.00
0.25 14.1 0.1 -1.19 -8.52 0.00 - -0.00 23.28 - 0.00
0.38 16.2 0.2 -2.42 -10.76 0.00 - -0.00 12.50 - 0.00

If at Various Setups the choice has been made for design approach 3, at the limit situation, two combinations will
be printed; see example below:


Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfield level LEFT side lowered with 0.350 [m]
Groundwater level LEFT side lowered with 0.250 [m]
Groundwater level RIGHT side heightened with 0.050 [m]
Combination no. 1: A1 "+" M1 "+" R1

Distance relative to top diaphragm wall!

'Stress' = tensile stress in reinforcement

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.00 45.2 0.0 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 - -0.00 0.58 - 0.00
0.13 44.7 0.0 -0.00 -0.06 0.00 - -0.00 0.43 - 0.00
0.25 44.1 0.0 -0.01 -0.16 0.00 - -0.00 1.15 - 0.00

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Limit situation; partial factors according EC7 for ALL phases included
Greenfield level LEFT side lowered with 0.350 [m]
Groundwater level LEFT side lowered with 0.250 [m]
Groundwater level RIGHT side heightened with 0.050 [m]
Combination no. 2: A2 "+" M2 "+" R1
Distance relative to top diaphragm wall!

'Stress' = tensile stress in reinforcement

Dist. Displ. Stress Moment Shearfc. EffectstL A/P WaterstL EffectstR A/P WaterstR
[m] [mm] [N/mm^2] [kN.m] [kN] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2] [kN/m^2]
0.00 45.3 0.0 0.00 -0.00 0.00 - -0.00 0.00 A 0.00
0.13 44.7 0.0 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 - -0.00 0.00 A 0.00
0.25 44.1 0.0 -0.00 -0.05 0.00 - -0.00 0.86 A 0.00

Output graphical reproductions of the input data and the calculation results in
between the text

With the aid of the button bar the following pictures can be placed
automatically in between the text:
= depiction of the geometry for each construction phase
= depiction of moments, shear forces and displacements for each construction phase
= depiction of water- and grain pressures for each construction phase
= depiction of ALL pictures at once

If a concrete diaphragm wall has been calculated an extra button will be added:
= depiction of the stiffness distribution along the length of the concrete diaphragm wall; see also:
Numerical output diaphragm wall

For further backgrounds see:: theoretical backgrounds for the sheet pile wall program

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Graphical output; force distribution in the sheet pile wall

With the aid of this main meny entry or by clicking on the speed button located at the toolbar, after having
performed a calculation, the force distribution in the sheet pile will be shown at a graphical way.

For illustration purpose an example of the force distribution is given below:

From left to right of every construction phase the distribution of the moments, the shear force distribution and horizontal
displacements are shown respectively.
Beneath the figures the minimum and maximum values are given numerically.

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be copied tot the clipboard.

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be send to the printer; the numerical values below the
figure included.

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be enlarged

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be reduced

By pressing the ctrl-key and the left mouse button together the figure can be moved around (panning).
By pressing the shift-key and the left mouse button together the figure can be zoomed into.

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Graphical output; pressure distribution against sheet pile wall

With the aid of this main menu entry or by clicking on the speed button located at the toolbar the pressure
distribution against the sheet pile wall can be depicted graphically after having done a calculation.

An example of the depiction of the pressure distribution against the sheet pile wall is given below.

With the colour blue the distribution of the water pressures against the sheet pile wall is shown.
With the colour brown the total soil pressures (water plus effective stresses).
The difference between the depicted soil pressures and the water pressures is the effective pressure.
Below the figure the maximum and minimum values are shown.

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With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be copied tot the clipboard.

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be send to the printer; the numerical values below the
figure included.

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be enlarged

With the aid of the speed button the regarding figure will be reduced

By pressing the ctrl-key and the left mouse button together the figure can be moved around (panning).
By pressing the shift-key and the left mouse button together the figure can be zoomed into.

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