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Mansoor Arif Mahar


Table of Contents
Abstract: .....................................................................................................................3
Introduction: ...............................................................................................................3
Employees Satisfaction: .........................................................................................3
Employee Satisfaction................................................................................................5
Fig:1 Degree of Employee Satisfaction .................................................................5
Employees Satisfaction have significant impact on financial entity .........................6
Productivity: ...........................................................................................................6
Retention: ...................................................................................................................6
Reputation: .................................................................................................................6
Innovation: .................................................................................................................6
Global Journal of Human Resources Management Published Research:..................7
Types of Data .........................................................................................................7
Selected Variables ..................................................................................................7
Dependent variables: ..............................................................................................7
Table 1: Age of Employees ........................................................................................8
Table 2: Employees Satisfaction with their Bank ......................................................9
Table 3: Employees Satisfaction on their Position ..................................................10
Table 4: Employees Satisfaction for their Bonus ....................................................11
FINDINGS AND RESULTS ...................................................................................12
Conclusion ...............................................................................................................13

Employees Satisfaction Impact on Financial Entity

The study shows that Job preference, Cooperation among Co-workers, Working
Environment, Working Facilities, Salary Satisfaction, Increment Satisfaction,
Welfare Facilities, other facilities, Performance Appraisal System, Behavior of
boss, Career Development organism, and Promotion system significantly influence
job satisfaction of employees. The study indicates a positive sign regarding overall
satisfaction of employees of the financial entities. In such situation, employees
satisfaction of Financial institutions officers becomes an important issue.

Employees Satisfaction:

“the level of contentment employees feel with their job”

It is about employees happiness with his work and fulfillment their desires and
needs at work. It is important factor with employee satisfaction is that satisfied
employees must do the job and make the contributions that the employer needs.

In this era of competition success of any organization depends on its human


The employees of the financial entities are valuable assets to the organization. If
they are highly satisfied they produce more which is profitable for the
organization. So in this competitive environment, the essential thing is to know the
views of employees toward their job and to measure the level of satisfaction with
various aspects of job satisfaction. Efficient human resource management and
maintaining higher job satisfaction level in financial entities determine not only the
performance of the Bank but affect the growth and performance of the entire
economy. So, for the success of banking, to manage human resource effectively
and to find whether its employees are satisfied or not is very important, only if they
are satisfied, they will work with commitment and project a positive image of the
organization. Job satisfaction is an integral component for the environment of
organization and an important element for the relationship between management
and employees. The term ‘job satisfaction’ means individuals emotional reaction to
job. It is a positive emotional state that occurs when a person’s job seem to fulfill
important job values provided.

According to Maslow, the manager needs to know where an employee is on the

hierarchical pyramid in order to motivate him/her. Then they need to focus on
meeting that person’s needs at that level (Robbins, 1999). As one moves up in

Maslow’s pyramid their needs becomes more complicated. In order to reach each

higher lever, one should first fulfil the needs of the lower level. Therefore, when

the need in the highest level of Maslow’s pyramid is met, more JS is generated and

HR will be converted into human capital. It causes organization’s growth.

Employee Satisfaction
Fig:1 Degree of Employee Satisfaction

The figure 1 shows that out of 20 employees ,60 percent employees are satisfied
with their job and only 30 percent employees are very satisfied with their job and
the rest 10% of the employees are in indecision about their satisfaction level.
Employees Satisfaction have significant impact on financial entity
Productivity: Satisfied employees are more productive, which can lead to better
customer service, faster processing times, and increased revenue. On the other
hand, dissatisfied employees may be less productive, leading to slower processing
times and decreased revenue.

Retention: Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with a company long-
term, reducing turnover costs and the need for costly retraining. Conversely, high
turnover rates due to employee dissatisfaction can be costly and disruptive to a
financial entity's operations.

Reputation: Satisfied employees tend to speak positively about their employer,

which can improve the company's reputation and attract new customers.
Conversely, negative reviews from unhappy employees can damage the company's
reputation and lead to a loss of business.

Innovation: Satisfied employees are more likely to be engaged in their work,

which can lead to innovation and new ideas that can benefit the company.
Conversely, disengaged employees may be less likely to contribute to innovation
and may even hinder progress.

Employee satisfaction can have a significant impact on financial entities, such as

businesses, banks, and investment firms. When employees are satisfied with their
jobs, they are more likely to be productive and motivated, leading to increased
efficiency and profitability for the organization.

Happy employees are also less likely to leave their jobs, reducing turnover costs
for the organization. Additionally, satisfied employees tend to provide better
customer service, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and retention, and
ultimately, financial growth for the entity.

On the other hand, when employee satisfaction is low, it can lead to negative
consequences for the financial entity. Dissatisfied employees are more likely to be
absent, less productive, and have higher turnover rates. These factors can lead to
decreased efficiency and profitability, as well as increased costs associated with
recruiting and training new employees.
Global Journal of Human Resources Management Published
Types of Data
In this study, both primary and secondary data are used for statistical analysis.
Primary data is gathered by designing and distributing a multi-sectioned
questionnaire. While secondary data is collected from related Journals, articles,
research papers, magazines, newspapers, internet sources, related books and

Selected Variables
The variables may be of two types. These are dependent variables and independent
Dependent variables:
Job satisfaction and job performance are taken as dependent variables.

Independent Variables:
Pay Package, job security, and job reward system are taken as independent
variables for the current study.

Conceptual Model:
The following hypotheses are taken for the study:
H1. There is positive relationship between employee pay package and employee
job satisfaction.

H2. There is positive relationship between employee job security and employee
job satisfaction.

H3. There is positive relationship between employee job reward system and
employee job satisfaction.

H4. There is positive relationship between employee job satisfaction and employee
job performance.

Table 1: Age of Employees

The table and graph of the age of respondents represent that there are only 6
respondents who are under 20, which is 4% of the total respondents. 42
respondents are between 20 to 30 years which are 28% of the total. Maximum
employees were in the range of 30 to 40 years which are 32.67% of the total. 34
respondents were in between the range of 40 to 50 years.

It represents 22.67% of the total sample of 150 employees. While only 19

employees were above the age of 50, representing 12.67% of the total respondents.

Table 2: Employees Satisfaction with their Bank

Inference: Next table is about employees’ satisfaction about their bank. The
survey told that 19 employees out of 150 were extremely satisfied which represent
12.67% of the total sample respondents. The maximum ratio of 92 employees was
satisfied with their bank that is 61.33% of the total sample. A minimum ratio of
only 7 employees was extremely dissatisfied representing only 4.67%. While 12
people showed that they are dissatisfied with their bank representing 8% of the
total respondents. 20 employees told that they were neutral about their satisfaction
with their bank who were 13.33% of the total sample employees.

Table 3: Employees Satisfaction on their Position

Inference: the survey represented the results that out of 150 employees 26
employees who are 17.33% of the total sample were extremely satisfied when they
were asked about their satisfaction about their post.78 people representing 52%
told that they were satisfied about their job. A ratio of 8% who were 12 employees
were extremely dissatisfied about their current post.18 respondents, 12% were
dissatisfied about their post. 16 people who were 10.67% of the total respondents
told that they were neutral about their satisfaction for their post.

Table 4: Employees Satisfaction for their Bonus

Inference: When asked the employees’ satisfaction about their bonus survey
showed that a small percentage was dissatisfied about this matter. A percentage of
9.33 was somewhat dissatisfied for their bonus. 24 people were neutral about. A
maximum ratio of 59 employees was somewhat satisfied for their bonus. 19.33%
people told that they were very satisfied.


The research told that a large number of people were satisfied about their pay
packages. Very small percentage of respondents was dissatisfied about different
aspects of the pay package they receive from their bank. While investigating about
the job security/insecurity, the survey told us that there was somewhat confusing
situation. Some people were secure about their jobs while others were feeling
insecure. Some respondents were completely satisfied too, but their ratio was very
less as compared to those who were dissatisfied. When asked about reward system,
the respondents told that they were satisfied about the reward system of their bank.
Some people were also disposing their co-workers in their opinion; they were very
less in percentage as compared to satisfied people. While enquiring about the
impact of their job satisfaction or dissatisfaction on their performance, about 46%
respondents told that their job performance was negatively influenced when they
were not satisfied about their pay package. They were less able to perform better
when they were dissatisfied in this area. While others were performing somewhat
reasonable, but not standardized when were dissatisfied. About 35% employees
were of the view that they perform less when they were not or less secure about
their jobs. Their dissatisfaction in this job area negatively influenced their work
performance. They were feeling less motivated and pressurized. 58 out of 150
respondents told that their performance was sometimes influenced when they were
not appreciated and acknowledged. They felt disheartened and less motivated for
performing well. Mean to say they were dissatisfied from the work reward system
of their bank.
Based on summarized findings, we drawn the following conclusions:

One of the objectives of the study was to find out the relationship between
employees’ job satisfaction with respect to pay package, and its further impact on
their job performance. It was concluded from the research that there was a positive
relationship between these two variables.

Employees’ performance was best when they were satisfied with the different
aspects of their pay package. Another objective was to find out the relationship
between employees’ job satisfaction with respect to job security, and its further
impact on their job performance. The research suggested that there was a direct
relationship between these two variables.

Respondents told that their satisfaction level was high when they were feeling
secure about their jobs. They worked with tension free mind and become more
loyal to their banks. It resulted in higher levels of performance. Next objective of
the study was to find out the relationship between employee job satisfaction with
respect to reward system, and its impact on their job performance. It is also proved
from the study that there is a direct relationship between there ward system of the
bank and employees’ job satisfaction. If respondents were satisfied with the reward
system of their bank, they performed well. Their motivation level rose up when
they were rewarded for their performance properly.

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