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Population of the study

The target respondents of this study are the Lower School Students of Ina ng

Buhay Catholic School, specifically this are the Grade 1, 2, and 3 students in Ina ng

Buhay Catholic School. There are (50) students for the Grade 1 students, (50) students for

the Grade 2 students, and (50) students for the Grade 3 students. A total of 150 students

in lower grade level were chosen to be the respondents or the subject of the research.


50 50 50

TOTAL: 150

Table 1.1. Total Number of Respondents

In addition, the lower school students is the one who will benefit this study for

them to be fully prepared and fully aware about the situation they are facing.

Validation of Instrument

Validating the instrument is used to ensure the research instruments validity and

sensibility. To validate the research instrument, the researchers will ask three qualified

evaluators to validate the abstract reasoning test that was adapted by the researchers for

the respondents. They will check if the test is applicable for the level of the respondents

and will evaluate it based on the given criteria based on the evaluation sheet. In addition,

the researchers will based to the comment of the qualified evaluators in order to improve

some part of the adapted abstract reasoning test and make it a more reliable instrument.

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