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Poseidon, god of the sea fell for Amphitrite often

seeing her as she sways & dances.
1. Amphitrite – Goddess of With all the urbanization & pollutions in our bodies
the Sea of water, brought about by the development: As a
(Klhoe Escobar) Gen Z goddess, which social media platform would
you use to initiate calls & campaign to fight water
pollutions in any & all forms?

Hera is known as the Queen of the Gods, and

2. Hera – Goddess of somehow jealous to Zeus’ lovers.
Marriage How jealousy can negatively affect all
(Zara Acuno) relationships?

As the goddess of harvest, what is your thoughts

3. Demeter- Goddess of on the famous
Harvest Rule of karma “What you sow is what you reap!
(Lorell Manuel)
She fell in love with Cupid, whom she had never
4. Psyche – Goddess of seen the true appearance. Her love had blossom
Soul from her inner intuitions and imagination. Is love
(Gaeia Parallag) drawn from inner intuitions can be a basis of long
and lasting relationship?

You are the goddess of wisdom, and well known for

5. Athena- Goddess of giving advice/mentoring heroes.
Wisdom As a high school goddess of wisdom, what will be
(Claire Magno) your advice to the young generation who tried to
be on the honor list, but didn’t make it?

Zeus is perceived to be a womanizer & fund of

6. Zeus- God of Thunder shape-shifting to pursue his intentions &
(Enrico Zulueta) fantasies.
Would you consider on a personal note, to hide
your true-self just to pursue & win the love &
trust of others?
He is known as an arrogant & brutal villain. He is
7. Ares- God of War fond of raging war & disputes even in family.
(Dean Casaba) Describe the face of war & its possible positive &
negative effects.

Aphrodite, the mother of Cupid does not support

8. Aphrodite- Goddess of the love between Cupid & Psyche.
Beauty Would you consider the same value of meddling in
the love affair of your children?

9. Persephone - Goddess She was abducted by her father’s brother, the

of Underworld/Springtime God of the underworld.
(Leana Toledo) She then fell in love with her abductor in the long
What is your call in, using your power to take
advantage of those who are less powerful?

10. Cronus- God of Time Cronus is known to choose power over his children.
(Ralph Villena) Given the same situation as Cronus, would you
choose to have & maintain your power than having
your children?

11. Apollo- God of Music He is also a god of poetry, healing,& music

(Mitchiko Biazon) There had been controversies that he had fell in
love with a handsome childhood friend.
With the recent controversies facing the LGBTQ
community, what is your thoughts on the idea of
gender equality and inclusions?

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