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Sobreviñas, Mark Aaron A.

– BSA 1-B
September 28, 2022

Answer the questions below in your OWN WORDS. (Minimum of 10 sentences/ question)

1. As a student, what is the importance of studying Ethics? How can you apply it to your life?

Ethics is said to be the science of the morality of human acts. Being a human, ethics is a
necessary part of my daily existence. It is like a scale that helps us weigh whether the action that
we are about to do is right or wrong. As a student, studying ethics is really important because it
empowers my knowledge and my senses about my morality. It enables me to be aware towards
every action that I am about to do. Also, it allows me to have that drive to always be careful with
my decisions. Unquestionably, my actions and my decisions are my responsibilities for the reason
that it does not only affect myself, but my environment as well. In my interpretation, exercising
ethics is like using a mechanical tool. It gives us the freedom to maneuver it. It comes with a
knowledgeable manual that we look at to be able to utilize the tool in the best way. It is really up
to us If we use this tool for good or not. With that, I can say that I can apply ethics in my life by
making use of it as a tool that can help me come up with decisions and align those decisions with
the standards to know whether which is good or not. To illustrate, I can be out in the streets and
use my knowledge of ethics to determine whether I violate a traffic law or wait for the red light
and go. Both of these actions could impact myself and other people once done. Without ethics,
probably, I would just cross the road without caring about my surrounding. However, if I put these
two in the standards of ethics, I will definitely choose to do the right thing be happy.

2. Which is the subject of moral evaluation, human acts or acts of man? Explain.

An evaluation of morality is applicable to human acts or to actions committed solely by

humans and proper only to humans. Being a subject of judgment is a considered act in light of the
fact that these actions are carried out with full awareness and responsibility. In particular, when
someone did something wrong, we use ethics to determine whether the person, or moral agent,
possesses the necessary capacity to commit the act. If a person knows what he or she have done,
the person is capable of thinking. If the person is aware of the consequences to that action, and
knows their responsibility for those consequences, then the person is knowledgeable. Therefore,
the action is regarded as a human act. A human act also possesses the freedom to perform an
action. In which denotes that the person is completely in control of the thoughts that urge them to
do such things. Another factor that makes human acts a subject of evaluation is having the freedom
to choose to act in a specific way. A person should be responsible for the outcome of an action
because it was their choice to put themselves in that situation voluntarily, if not forced.

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