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Group: ___________________________________________________ Section: __________________

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE Complete PPE Did not wear some of Did not wear any of
EQUIPMENT (PPE) including gloves, apron the PPE (gloves, apron the PPE (gloves, apron
 Wearing of PPE including and rubber boots. and rubber boots). and rubber boots).
gloves, apron and rubber
SORTING Sort the item properly Did not sort some of Did not sort the item
 Sort the item according to according to their the item according to according to their
their color, from white to color, from white to their color, from white color, from white to
light, heavy and according to light, heavy and to light, heavy and light, heavy and
the degree of dirt/stain. according to the according to the according to the
degree of dirt/stain. degree of dirt/stain. degree of dirt/stain.
FLUSHING/SOAKING Soaks the garment in Some parts of the Only a small portion of
 Soak garment in water water. garment are not the garment is wet.
soaked in water.
CHECKING THE CONDITION OF Fully checked the Slightly checked the Did not check the
THE WASHING MACHINE washing machine washing machine. washing machine
before laundering before laundering.
 Check for the wire might guest clothes.
have cuts and use the
equipment according to
manufacturer’s instructions.

SUDSING/WASHING Uses correct Did not follow some of Did not follow the
 Wash the item according to procedures in the procedures. correct procedures in
the correct procedures. laundering guest laundering guest
BLEACHING clothes. clothes.
 Bleaching is optional if the
stain cannot be removed by
the detergent. (Optional)

RINSING Rinse the item in water Slightly rinse the item Did not rinse the item
 Rinsing is done 3 to 5 times thoroughly. in water. thoroughly.
until the bubbles are gone. Water is not dripping The item is slightly
from the garment after dripping with water
SOUR AND SOFT STEP squeezing. after squeezing.
 Fabric conditioner is being
added to the water this step
is done so that the item will
be smoothen, soften and the
texture will remain. 3 to 5
minutes. (Optional)

EXTRACTING AND DRYING The item is fully Slightly extract and Did not extract and
 Were 50% of water are squeezed and dried dried the item. dried the item
extracted from the item. using dryer. properly.
 The item is then dried on the


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