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ENZYMES - They make up the largest and most JOHN H. NORTHROP and WENDELL M.

highly specialized class of proteins. STANLEY – They discovered a complex

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF - The catalytic efficiency of enzyme is so procedure for isolating and purifying pepsin.
ENZYMES high that per mole is around 10,000 to
10,000,000 moles of substance per ENZYME STRUCTURE
ENZYMES minute. A. Simple Enzymes
- The catalytic action of enzymes is the  Is an enzyme composed only of
- Is a compound, usually a protein, that key to their importance, for by facilitating protein (amino acid chains)
acts as a catalyst for biochemical chemical changes, enzymes make B. Conjugated Enzymes
reaction. possible the continuous replacement
- Each cell in the human body contains  Is an enzyme that has a
and renewal processes of all living nonprotein part in addition to
thousands of different enzymes organisms.
because almost every reaction in the protein part.
- The word ENZYME comes from a  APOENZYME is the protein part
cell requires its own specific enzyme. Greek word EN, which means “IN” and
- Enzymes cause cellular reactions to of a conjugated enzymes.
ZYME, which means “YEAST”.
occur millions of times faster than  COFACTOR Is the nonprotein
corresponding uncatalyzed reactions. YEAST part of the conjugated enzymes.
- As catalyst, enzymes are not consumed  HOLOENZYME Is the
Long before, yeast is used in the production of biochemically active conjugated
during the reaction but merely help in
bread and alcoholic beverages. enzymes produced from an
the reaction occur more rapidly.
- Are chemical substance which hastens - Yeast reaction to sugar produces the apoenzyme and a cofactor.
chemical reaction without being affected carbon dioxide gas that causes the Apoenzyme + Cofactor = Holoenzymes
in the process. bread to rise.
- Are secreted by living cells and are - Fermentation of sugars in fruit juice Why do apoenzyme need cofactor?
complex organic chemical compounds using the yeast enzymes produces
- Cofactors provide additional chemically
with definite structure. alcoholic beverages.
reactive functional group besides those
- Like the inorganic catalysts, enzymes
EARLY ENZYMES DISCOVERIES present in the amino acid side chains of
have the remarkable property of
speeding up chemical reactions without JON JAKOB BERZELIUS – 1835 Swedish
being themselves affected in the Chemist, termed their chemical action – APOENZYME and HOLOENZYME
process. catalytic.
- The enzyme without its nonprotein
As a result, they can be use over and over JAMES B. SUMMER of Cornell University – moiety is termed as apoenzyme and it
again. Isolate and crystallize the enzymes urease from is inactive.
the jack bean. - Holoenzyme is an active enzyme with
- Catalysts or enzymes are responsible
its nonprotein component.
for different biological changes.
TWO BROAD CATEGORIES OF COFACTOR: o Coenzymes NAD which has substrate is the substances upon which
niacin (a B vitamin) the enzymes “acts”.
A. Simple Metal Ions
B. Small Organic Molecules TYPES OF COFACTORS Three important aspects of the enzymes-
naming process are the following:
METAL IONS COFACTOR COENZYMES – The nonprotein component,
loosely bound to apoenzyme by non-covalent 1. The suffix ASE identifies the
- Include Zn, Mg, Fe, and Cu.
bond. substance as an enzyme.
- All metal ions must be supplied to
a. Thus urease, surcease and
human body through dietary mineral Examples: vitamins or compound derived lipase are all enzymes
intake. from vitamins. designation.
- Almost any type of diet will provide
PROSTHETIC GROUP – The nonprotein b. The suffix IN is still found in the
adequate amounts of needed metallic
component, tightly bound to the apoenzyme by names of some of the first
cofactors because they are needed in
covalent bonds is called a prosthetic group. enzymes studied, many of which
very small (trace) amounts.
are digestive enzymes.
chymotrypsin, and
- The second category of cofactors, as a pepsin.
group, are called COENZYMES. 2. The type of reaction catalyzed by an
- CONENZYME is a small organic enzyme is often noted with a prefix.
molecule that serves as a cofactor in a. An oxidase enzyme catalyzes an
conjugated enzyme. oxidation.
- COENZYME is synthesized within the b. A hydrolase enzyme catalyzes a
human body using building blocks from hydrolysis reaction.
the nutrients. 3. The identity of the substrate is often
o Most often, one of these NOMENCLATURE AND CLASSIFICATION noted in addition to the type of
building blocks is a B vitamin OF ENZYMES reaction.
or B vitamin derivatives. a. Enzymes names of this type
o Vitamins must be obtained Enzymes – are most commonly named by include glucose oxidase,
through dietary intake. using a system that attempts to provide pyruvate carboxylase, and
- Many cofactors are permanently information about the function (rather than the succinate dehydrogenase.
bonded, via covalent bond, to the amino structure) of the enzymes. b. In frequently, the substrate but
acids portion of enzymes. not the reaction types are given,
- The type of reaction catalyzed, and the
- Breaking the covalent bond as in the name’s urease and
substrate identify are focal points in
deactivates the enzymes. lactase.
o Ex. Coenzymes FAD which has c. In these names, the reaction
- A substrate is the reactant in an
riboflavin (a B vitamin) involved is hydrolysis; urease
enzyme-catalyzed reaction. The
catalyzes the hydrolysis of
urea, lactase the hydrolysis of
Enzymes – are grouped into six major classes
(EC Number Classification) by the
International Union of Biochemists (I.U.R). BIOCHEMICAL ACTIVITY:
On the basis of types of reactions, they
catalyze. 1. OXIDOREDUCTASE – Is an enzyme  Transfer a functional group (e.g., methyl
PRINCIPLE OF THE INTERNATIONAL that catalyzes an oxidation-reduction or phosphate) between donor and
CLASSIFICATION reaction. acceptor molecules.
Each enzyme has classification number  Transaminases (ALT & AST)
consisting of four digits:  Phosphotransferases (Kinases)
Example EC: ( HEXOKINASE  Transmethylases
 Transpeptidases
EC: ( these components indicate the  Transacylases
following groups of enzymes: An organic oxidation reaction is an oxidation
that increases the number of C-O bonds Two major subtypes of transferase are
2 is class (TRANSFERASE) and/or decreases the of C-H bonds. transaminases and kinases.
7 is subclass (TRASFER OF PHOSPHATE) An organic reduction reaction is a reduction Transaminase catalyzes the transfer of amino
1 is sub subclass (ALCOHOL IS PHOSPHATE that decreases the number of C-O bonds group from one molecule to another.
ACCEPTOR) and/or increases the number of C-H bonds.
Kinases which play a major role in metabolic
1 specific name: ATP, D-HEXOSE-6- The oxidation-reduction are not independent energy-production reactions, catalyzes the
PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE (HEXOKINASE) processes but linked processes that must occur transfer of a phosphate group from adenosine
together. triphosphate (ATP) give adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and phosphorylated products (a
An oxidoreductase requires a coenzyme that is
phosphate containing an additional phosphate).
oxidized or reduced as the substrate is reduced
or oxidized.
EX. Lactase Dehydrogenase is an
oxidoreductase that removes hydrogen atom
from a molecule.
2. TRANSFERASE – Is an enzyme that
catalyzes the transfer of a functional
group from one molecule to another.
3. HYDROLASE – Is an enzyme that 4. LYASES – Is an enzyme that catalyzes There is only one reactant and one product in
catalyzes a hydrolysis reaction in which the addition of a group to a double bond reactions where isomerases are operative.
the addition of a water molecule to a or the removal of a group to form a
Isomerases – are a general class of enzymes
molecule to a bond causes the bond to double bond in a monomer that does
which convert a molecule from one isomer to
break. not involve hydrolysis or oxidation.
another. The general form of such a reaction is
Hydrolysis Reactions – are central to the A dehydratase effects the removal of the as follows: A-B – B-A.
process of digestion. components of water from a double bond.
Carbohydrates effect the breaking of glycosidic Hydratase effects the addition of the
bonds in oligo and polysaccharides. components of water to a double bond.  Catalyze isomerization changes within a
single molecule.
Proteases effect the breaking of peptide BIOCHEMICAL ACTIVITY:  Carry out many kinds of isomerization:
linkages in protein. o L to D isomerization
 Cleave various bonds by means other
Lipases effect the breaking of ester linkages in than hydrolysis and oxidation.  Many kinds of isomerization
o L to D isomerization
triacylglycerol’s.  Add water, ammonia or carbon dioxide
across double bonds, or remove these o Mutase reactions (shifts of
BIOCHEMICAL ACTIVITY: chemical groups)
elements to produce double bonds.
 Catalyze the hydrolysis of various EXAMPLES:
bonds add water across a bond.
 Fumarase  Isomerase
EXAMPLES:  Mutase
 Carbonic Anhydrase
 Protein Hydrolyzing Enzymes
 Carbohydrases (Amylase, Maltase,
 Lipid Hydrolyzing Enzymes (Lipase)
 Deaminases
 Phosphatases
6. LIGASES – Is an enzyme that catalyzes
the bonding together of two molecules
5. ISOMERASE – Is an enzyme that into one with the participation of ATP.
catalyzes the isomerization
(rearrangement of atoms) of a ATP involvement is required because such
substrate in a reaction, converting it into reaction is generally energetically unfavorable,
a molecule isomeric with itself. and they required the simultaneous input of
energy obtained by a hydrolysis reaction in In enzymatic reactions, the substance at the E + S → ES → E + P
which ATP is converted to ADP. beginning of the process, on which an enzyme ENZYME ACTIVE SITE
begins its action is called substrate.
- Enzyme molecules contain a special
 Join two molecules with covalent bonds pocket or cleft called the active sites.
catalyze reactions in which two
chemical groups are joined (or ligated)
with the use of energy from ATP. - The active site is the relatively small
THE ENZYMES – SUBSTRATE COMPLEX part of an enzyme's structure that is
actually involved in catalysis.
An enzyme-substrate complex is the
 Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase - The active site in an enzyme is a three-
intermediate reaction species that is formed
 Glutamine Synthetase dimensional entity formed by groups
when a substrate binds to the active site if the
 Ligases (Synthetases) that come from different parts of the
 Catalyze ligation or joining of two protein chain(s); these groups are
substrates. Within the enzyme-substrate complex, the brought together by the folding and
 Require chemical energy (e.g., ATP) substrate encounters more favorable reaction bending of the protein. The active site is
conditions than if it were free. The results are usually a "crevicelike" location in the
faster formation of product. enzyme.


When a substrate (S) fits properly in an active
site, an enzyme-substrate (ES) complex is
1. Lock- and Key Model
2. Induced-Fit Model
E (enzymes) + S (substrate) ES (complex)
7. TRANSLOCASES – catalyzing the Lock- and Key Model
translocation of hydrogen ions, Within the active site of the ES complex, the
In the lock- and Key Model enzyme action:
inorganic cations and anions, amino reaction occurs to convert substrate to product
acids, carbohydrates, or other (P): ESE + P(product) - The active site has a rigid shape.
compounds. - Only substrates with the matching
BASIC ENZYME REACTIONS The products are then released, allowing
shape can fit.
another substrate molecule to bind the enzyme.
- The substrate is a key that fits the lock
Explanation of how enzymes functions as - this cycle can be repeated millions (or of the active site.
catalyst in biochemical systems are based on even more) times per minute.
This is an older model, however, and does not
the concepts active site and enzyme-substrate work for all enzymes.
The overall reaction for the conversion of
complex formation.
substrate to product can be written as follows:
In lock- and key model, the active site in the At the same time the substrate adjusts its 3. LINKAGE SPECIFICITY
enzymes has a fixed, rigid geometrical shape to better adapt to geometry of the active 4. STEREOCHEMICAL SPECIFICITY
conformation. site.
Only substrate with the complementary As a result, the reacting a section of the
The enzyme will catalyze only one reaction.
geometry can accommodated at such a site, substrate becomes aligned exactly with the
This most restrictive of all specificities is not
much as a lock accepts only certain keys. groups in the active site that catalyzes the
Catalase is an enzyme with absolute
A different substrate could not induce these
structural changes and no catalysis would
occur. It catalyzes the conversion of hydrogen
peroxide to oxygen and water.
Hydrogen Peroxide is the only substrate it will
- Is the extend to which an enzyme’s
activity is restricted to a specific
- A specific group of substrates, a specific
type of chemical bond, or specific type The enzyme will act only on molecules that
Induced- Fit Model have a specific functional group, such as a
of chemical reaction
The Induced- Fit Model allows for small - The degree of specificity is hydroxyl, amino, or phosphate groups.
changes in the shape or geometry of the active determined by active site. Some active Carboxypeptidase is group specificity, it
site of an enzyme to accommodate a substrate. sites accommodate only one particular cleaves amino acids, one at a time, from the
compound, whereas others can carboxyl end of the peptide chain.
The induced fit is a result of the enzymes
accommodate a “family” of closely
flexibility, it adapts to accept the incoming LINKAGE SPECIFICITY
related compound.
Enzymes have varying degrees of specificity The enzyme will act on a particular type of
The active site adjusts to fit the shape of the chemical bond, irrespective of the rest of the
for substrates.
substrate more closely. molecular structure.
Enzymes may recognize and catalyze:
Phosphatases hydrolyze phosphate – ester
- A single substrate bond types of phosphate esters.
- A group of similar substrates
- A particular type of bond Linkage Specificity is the most general of the
common specificities.
The enzyme will act on a particular - A region high temperature in which the What limits enzymatic activity to a certain
stereoisomer. Chirality is inherent in an enzyme rate decreases with increased maximum value?
active site because amino acid are chiral temperature due to the thermal
- As substrate concentration increases,
compounds. inactivation of the enzyme
the point is eventually reached where
An L-amino acid oxidase will catalyze the enzyme capabilities are used to their
- Optimum temperature 37℃ – 40℃ . At
oxidation of the L-form of an amino acid but not maximum extent. The rate remains
temperature above 50 degrees, the
the D-form of the same amino acid. constant from this point.
tertiary structure and thus the shape of
- The rate of reaction increases as
most proteins is destroyed, which
substrate concentration increases (at
causes a loss in enzyme activity.
constant enzyme concentration)
- For these reasons, equipment in
- Maximum activity occurs when the
hospitals is sterilized in autoclaves
FACTOR THAT AFFECTS THE ENZYME enzyme is saturated (when all enzymes
where high temperature denatures the
ACTIVITY are binding substrate).
enzymes in harmful bacteria.
- Each substrate must occupy an enzyme
- Optimum Temp. is the temperature at
Enzyme activity is a measure of the art at active site for a finite amount of time,
which an enzyme exhibits maximum
which an enzyme converts substrate to and the products must leave the site
products in a biochemical reaction. before the cycle can be repeated.
pH - When each enzyme molecule is working
at a full capacity, the incoming substrate
- The pH of an enzyme’s environment molecules must “wait their turn” for an
1. Temperature
can affect its activity. empty active site. At this point, the
2. pH
- Enzymes are most active at their enzyme is said to be under saturation
3. Substrate concentration
optimum pH, the pH that maintains the conditions.
4. Enzyme concentration
proper tertiary structure of proteins.
5. Enzyme inhibition
- Enzymes in most cells have optimum The change in enzyme activity with a change in
Temperature pH values at physiological pH values substrate concentration at constant
around 7.4. temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration.
- Temperature is a measure of the kinetic Enzyme activity remains constant after a
energy (energy of motion) of Substrate Concentration certain substrate concentration is reached.
- When the concentration of an enzymes Enzyme Concentration
- At higher temperatures molecules are
is kept constant and the concentration
moving faster and colliding more
of substrate is increased, the enzyme - Because enzymes are not consumed in
activity pattern is called a saturation the reactions they catalyze, the cell
- Enzymes are very sensitive to
curve. usually keeps the number of enzymes
- Enzyme activity increases up to a low compared with the number of
- On enzyme reaction is two.
certain substrate concentration and substrate molecules.
thereafter remains constant.
The change in reaction rate with a change in - However, increasing the substrate active site. Instead, it binds to a site of
enzyme concentration for an enzymatic concentration displaces more of the the enzyme that is not the active site.
reaction. Temperature, pH, and substrate inhibitor molecules. As more enzyme - When the noncompetitive inhibitor is
concentration are constant. The substrate molecules bind to substrate (ES), bonded to the enzyme, the shape of the
concentration is relative to enzyme enzyme activity is gained. enzyme is distorted. Inhibition occurs
concentration. because-the substrate cannot fit in the
active site.
Enzyme Inhibition
The rates of enzymes-catalyzed reactions can
be decreased by a group of substances called
An Enzyme Inhibitor is a substance that slows
or stops the normal catalytic function of an
enzyme by binding.
A. Competitive Enzyme Inhibitor Ex.
B. Noncompetitive Enzyme Inhibitor Ex.
 Antibiotic – competitive inhibitor
C. Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitor
 Antihistamine – are competitive  Heavy metals ions lead silver, mercury
Competitive Enzyme Inhibitor inhibitor of histidine decarboxylation, the that bond with amino acid side groups
enzymatic reaction that converts such as -COO or OH.
- A molecule closely resembling the
histidine to histamine. Histamine  Antibiotics produced by bacteria, mold,
substrate. Binds to the active site and
causes the usual allergy and cold
temporarily prevents substrates from or yeast are inhibitors used to stop
symptoms: watery eyes and runny
occupying it, thus blocking the reaction. bacterial growth.
- A competitive inhibition has a  Penicillin inhibits an enzyme needed for
structure that is so similar to the Noncompetitive Enzymes Inhibitor the formation of cell walls in bacteria,
substrate it competes for active site on but not human cell membranes. With an
the enzyme. - A molecule that binds to a site on an incomplete wall, bacteria cannot
- As long as the inhibitor occupies the enzyme that is not the active site. The survive, and the infection is stopped.
active site, the substrate cannot bind to normal substrate still occupies the
active site, but the enzyme cannot Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitor
the enzyme and no reaction takes
place. catalyze the reaction due to the
- A molecule that forms a covalent bond
- As long as the concentration of the presence of the inhibitor.
to a part of the active site, permanently
inhibitor is substantial, there is a loss of - The structure of a noncompetitive
preventing substrate from occupying it.
enzyme activity. inhibitor does not resemble the
- Is a molecule that inactivates enzymes
substrate and does not compete for the
by forming a strong covalent bond to
amino acid side-chain group at the
enzyme's active site.
- In general, such inhibitors do not have
structures similar to that of the enzymes
normal structure.
- The inhibitor-active site bond is
sufficiently strong that addition of
excess substrate does not reverse the
inhibition process. Thus, the enzyme is
permanently deactivated.

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