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S.NO. Typology of Questions MCQs Short Answer (SA) Long Answer (LA) Total Marks
1 mark 3 Marks 5 Marks
1. Remembering 6 --- 2 16
(Knowledge based simple
recall questions, to know
specific facts, terms,
concepts, principles, or
theories; identify, define or
recite information)
2. Understanding 8 1 2 21
(Comprehension to be
familiar with meaning and to
understand conceptually
,interpret, compare, contrast,
explain, paraphrase, or
interpret information)
3. Application 8 1 2 21
(Use abstract information in
concrete situation , to apply
knowledge to new situation,
use given content to interpret
a situation, provide an
example, or solve a problem)
4. High Order Thinking Skills 8 2 14
(Analysis & Synthesis –
Classify, compare, contrast,
or differentiate between
different pieces of
information. Organize and /or
integrate unique pieces of
information from a variety of
5. Creating , Evaluation and ------ 1 ------- 3
(Generating new ideas ,
product or ways of viewing
things, appraise, judge, and/
or justify)
6. Map skills ------- ------- 1 5
No. of Questions 30 5 7 80
Total Marks 30 15 35

Note: The question paper will have two parts i.e. A and B:

i. Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) including case based MCQs and MCQs on
Assertion-Reasoning type.

ii. Part B: Subjective Questions (Very Short Answer (VSA), Short Answer (SA) and Long Answer
(LA) have different formats i.e. Case based, Situation based, Open-ended-short answer/ long
answer type.

SUBJECT :- Mathematics

S.No. Competency wise MCQs ( SA-I (2M) SA-II LA (4M) Total

marks 1M) (3M) Marks
1. Knowledge based 8 1 2 1 20
(20 Marks )
2. Understanding 8 2 1 2 23
based Questions
(23 Marks)
3. Application 9 0 2 1 19
(19 Marks)
4. High Order 5 1 1 1 14
Thinking based
(14 Marks )
5. Evaluation 0 0 0 1 04
(4 Marks)
No. of Questions 30 04 06 06 46
Total Marks 30 08 18 24 80

Note: The question paper will have two parts i.e. A and B:

I. Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) including case based MCQs and MCQs on
Assertion-Reasoning type.

II. Part B: Subjective Questions (Very Short Answer (VSA), Short Answer (SA) and Long Answer
(LA) have different formats i.e. Case based, Situation based, Open-ended-short answer/ long
answer type.


Sr.No. Typology of Questions Very Short Short Long Total Marks

Short Answer Answer Answer
Answer Type-I Type-II (LA)
(VSA) (SA-I) (SA-II) 5 Marks
1 mark 2 Marks 3 Marks
1. Remembering
(Knowledge based simple
recall questions, to know
specific facts, terms, concepts, 8 2 1 ----- 15
principles, or theories ;
identify, define or recite
2. Understanding
(Comprehension to be familiar
with meaning and to
understand conceptually, 8 1 3 1 24
interpret, compare, contrast,
explain, paraphrase, or
interpret information)
3. Application
(Use abstract information in
concrete situation, to apply
knowledge to new situation,
use given content to interpret a 6 2 2 1 21
situation, provide an example,
or solve a problem)
4. High Order Thinking Skills
(Analysis & Synthesis –
Classify, compare, contrast, or
differentiate between different
pieces of information. 4 1 1 1 14
Organize and /or integrate
unique pieces of information
from a variety of source)
5. Inferential and Evaluative
(Appraise, judge, and / or
justify the value or worth of a
decision or outcome, or to 4 1 ----- ------- 06
predict outcomes based on
No. of Questions 30 07 07 03 47
Total marks 30 14 21 15 80

Note: The question paper will have two parts i.e. A and B:

I. Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) including case based MCQs and MCQs on
Assertion-Reasoning type,Subjective Questions (Very Short Answer (VSA).

II. Part B: Short Answer (SA) and Long Answer (LA) have different formats i.e. Case based,
Situation based, Open-ended-short answer/ long answer type.

Sl Competency Components MCQs SA LA VLA Total Final

No Wise Marks Total
1 Reading 1.Comprehension 6x1(M)=6M 2x2(M)=4 M 10 20
(20) 2.Comprehension 6x1(M)=6 M 2x2(M)=4 M 10

2. Writing A Composition up to 40 to 50
(20) words in the form of a notice 1x5(M)=5M 05
or message, Bio- Sketch
(Short Composition)
Composition up to 100 words
in the form of paragraph, 1x7(M)= 07 20
writing letter, article, speech, 7M
(Long Composition)
Writing task of length up to
120 words in the form of story 1x8(M)=8M 08
writing based on verbal
stimulus or guided
3. Grammar Editing/ Omission, 8x1/2(M)= 04
(20) 4M
Antonyms/Synonyms, 5x1(M)=5M 3x1(M)=3M 08 20
Prefixes, Suffixes, Verbal
Form and Fill in the blanks
(Textual Exercises)
Sentence Reordering 4x1(M)=4M 04
Dialogue completion,direct or 4x1(M)=4M 04
4. Literature An extract from poetry with 3x(1M)=3M 03
(20) three questions based on
reference to context
Main Reader 3x(2M)=6 M 06
(30 to 40 words) 20
Supplementary reader (30 to 3x(2M)=6M 06
40 words)
Value based questions 1x5(M)= 05
Note: Reading (20M), Writing (20M),Grammar (20M) and Literature (20M)

No. of Questions 32 18 02 01 53 80
Total Marks 28 32 12 08 80

Note: The question paper will have two parts i.e. A and B:
Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) including case based MCQs and MCQs onAssertion-Reasoning
Part B: Subjective Questions (Very Short Answer (VSA), Short Answer (SA) and Long Answer(LA) have
different formats i.e. Case based, Situation based, Open-ended-short answer/ long answer type.
विषय –वहन्दी (वितीय भाषा)

खंड विभाग प्रश्नों के प्रकार प्रश्नों की अंक कु ल अंक

क अपठित बोध

एक अपठित गद्ांश 011( बहुविकल्पीय 7 0 7

एक अपठित पद्ांश बहुविकल्पीय 7 0 7
ख व्याकरण बहुविकल्पीय 06 0 06

ग पठित गद्ांश लघु उत्तरीय 3 2 6

गद् पाि पर आधाठरत प्रश्न लघु उत्तरीय 4 2 8
पठित पद्ांश लघु उत्तरीय 3 2 6
पद् पाि पर आधाठरत प्रश्न लघु उत्तरीय 3 2 6
पूरक पुस्तक पर आधाठरत लघु उत्तरीय 3 2 6

मूल्य परक प्रश्न दीघघ उत्तरीय 2 4 8

घ लेखन कौशल
अनुच्छेद लेखन वनबन्धात्मक 0 5 5
पत्र लेखन वनबन्धात्मक 0 5 5
कु ल प्रश्न 51 कु ल अंक 81

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