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UPSC - Candidate's Application Details (Registration ID: 12419166815)

Application Status

Application details of Registration ID : 12419166815 for Nursing Officer in Employees State

Insurance Corporation - 2024
पंजीकरण सं�ा 12419166815 कम�चारी रा� बीमा िनगम म� निस�ग अिधकारी -2024 के िलए आवेदन प�

PART - I / भाग - I

OTR (One Time Registration) Details / ओटीआर (वन टाइम

रिज��े शन) िववरण OTR-ID : 124000009371694
Note 1: Name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Certificate./ मैिट� क/मा�िमक परी�ा �माण-प� म� दज�
नाम के अनुसार।
Name / नाम : Note 2: Please do not use any prefix such as
Mr. or Ms. etc unless it consists of only 3
letters as 4 letters are mandatory for NAME
field. / कृपया नाम के आगे �ी (Mr.) या सु�ी (Ms.) आिद
न लगाएं जब तक िक इसम� केवल 3 अ�र ही हो �ों�िक नाम
के �थान पर 4 अ�र अिनवाय� ह� ।
Have you ever changed name: Yes


Gender / िलंग : Female

Note :Date of Birth as recorded in the
Date of Birth / ज� ितिथ : Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Certificate. / मैिट� क/मा�िमक परी�ा �माण-प� म� दज�
ज�-ितिथ के अनुसार
Note 1:Please do not use any prefix such as
Shri or Dr. etc. / कृपया नाम के आगे �ी या डा. आिद न
Father's Name / िपता का नाम : लगाएं
Note 2:Father name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Note 1:Please do not use any prefix such as
Shri or Dr. etc. / कृपया नाम के आगे �ी या डा. आिद न
Mother's Name / माता का नाम : लगाएं
Note 2:Mother name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Do you belong to Minority / �ा आप अ�सं�क ह� : No

Mobile No. / मोबाइल नं : 9623309706

e-mail / ई-मेल :

Examination Application Details (Other than OTR Profile)

Nationality / नाग�रकता : Indian

Marital Status / वैवािहक ��थित : Married

Candidate belongs to PwBD/PWD category /

पीड�ूबीडी / पीड�ूडी �ेणी से स�ंिधत उ�ीदवार :

Community / समुदाय : OBC

Do you belong to Creamy Layer / �ा आप �ीमी लेयर से

संबंध रखते ह� :

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UPSC - Candidate's Application Details (Registration ID: 12419166815)

Fee Remission Claimed / शु� माफ : Yes


Address / पता :
District/City : Pune
State/UT : Maharashtra
Pincode : 411011

Age Relaxation Claimed / आयु सीमा म� छूट का दावा : No

Diploma in General Nursing Mid-Wifery from a

Educational Qualification / शैि�क यो�ता :
recognised Board or council

Registered as a nurse or nurse and mid-wife

Essential qualification / अिनवाय� यो�ता: (registered Nurse or registered Nurse & registered
Midwife) with State Nursing Council.

One Year experience in minimum fifty bedded hospital

Experience / अनुभव:
after acquiring the educational qualification.

Aadhaar Card / VID of Aadhaar

Card - XXXXXXXX6719
Note: Please provide the Photo Identity card
Photo Identity Card / फोटो पहचान प� :2
number in Online Application Form and
remember to carry the same at the time of
Personality Test/Examination venue.
Given consent of Aadhaar Number / आधार नंबर के मामला
को दे खते �ए :

Photo identity card document : Document Uploaded [ View document ]

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UPSC - Candidate's Application Details (Registration ID: 12419166815)

PART - II / भाग - II
[Photograph and Signature & Examination Centre of Registration-Id: 12419166815]
[पंजीकरण सं�ा :12419166815 का फोटो�ाफ, ह�ा�र और परी�ा क���]

Photograph / फोटो�ाफ Examination Centre /

Signature / ह�ा�र
परी�ा क���


1. I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or
incorrect, or ineligibility being detected before or after the examination, action can be taken
against me by the Commission as per the provision given in the notification.
म� एत�ारा घोिषत करता/करती �ं िक इस आवेदन म� मेरे �ारा िदए गए सभी कथन मेरी जानकारी और िव�ास के अनुसार सही ह� ।
यिद कोई सूचना गलत अथवा अस� पाई जाती है अथवा परी�ा से पहले अथवा इसके बाद अपा�ता सामने आने पर आयोग �ारा
अिधसूचना म� िदए गए �ावधान के अंतग�त मेरे िव�� कार� वाई की जा सकती है ।

2. I have read the provisions in the rules and the notice of the Commission carefully and hereby
undertake to abide by them. I further declare that I fulfil all the conditions of eligibility regarding
age limits, educational qualifications etc. prescribed for admission to the examination.
म��ने िनयमों और आयोग के नोिटस म� िदए गए �ावधानों को �ानपूव�क पढ़ िलया है और एत�ारा इनके अनुपालन का वचन
दे ता/दे ती �ं । म� यह भी घोिषत करता/करती �ं िक म�, परी�ा म� �वेश हे तु िनधा��रत आयु सीमा, शैि�क यो�यता आिद के संबंध म�
पा�ता की सभी शत� को पूरा करता �ं ।

3. I have informed my Head of Office/Department in writing that I am applying for this

* Applicable for those who are already in government service/similar organizations or government
owned industrial undertakings whether in permanent or temporary capacity or as work charged
employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under public enterprises.
म��ने अपने काया�लय/ िवभाग के अ�� को िल�खत म� सूिचत कर िदया है िक म� इस परी�ा के िलए आवेदन कर रहा / रही �ं । *
* उन उ�ीदवारों के मामले म� लागू, जो पहले से ही सरकारी सेवा/समान संगठन अथवा सरकारी �ािम�ं वाले औ�ोिगक
उप�मों म� �थायी अथवा अ�थायी �प से अथवा अिनयिमत अथवा दै िनक भ�े पर काय�रत कम�चा�रयों की �ेणी से इतर काय�
आधा�रत भ�े पर काय�रत कम�चारी ह� अथवा साव�जिनक �े�ों के उ�मों म� काय�रत कम� ह� ।

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