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Object Relations Theory FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED: The due to conflict between life and

Psycho-Analysis of Children (Klein, death instincts.

Overview of Object Relation
The object relations theory of Object relations theory is an
Klein's theory suggests that infants
Melanie Klein was built on careful offspring of Freud’s instinct theory,
have an active phantasy life,
observations of but it differs from its ancestor in at
representing unconscious id
least three general ways:
young children. instincts. These phantasies are
 Consistent patterns of psychic representations of "good"
In contrast to Freud, who interpersonal and "bad" breasts.
emphasized the first 4 to 6 years of relationships.
As infants mature, new unconscious
life.  More maternal, stressing
phantasies emerge, shaped by
the intimacy and nurturing
reality and inherited predispositions.
Klein stressed the importance of the of the mother.
first 4 to 6 months after birth.  Human contact and OBJECTS
relatedness—not sexual
pleasure—as the prime  Klein and Freud both
BIOGRAPHY believed humans have innate
motive of human behavior.
drives or instincts, including
FULL NAME: Melanie Reizes Klein In addition to Klein, she speculated a death instinct. From
on the importance of a child’s early infancy, children relate to
BORN ON: March 30, 1882 experiences with the mother. external objects, both in
DIED: September 22, 1960 fantasy and reality.
Psychic Life of an Infant
Klein emphasized the importance of
the first 4-6 months of life, arguing
MOTHER: Libussa Deutsch Reizes that infants have an innate
predisposition to reduce anxiety
THREE CHILDREN: Melitta (1904),
Hans (1907) and Erich (1914).
Klein posited that human infants rooted in the infant's earliest
constantly face a conflict between Splitting: Infants develop a picture struggles with love, hate, and
life and death instincts, involving of both the “good me” and the “bad frustration experienced with the
good and bad, love and hate, me” that enables them to deal with primary caregiver.
creativity and destruction. both pleasurable and destructive
Female Oedipal Development
impulses toward external objects.
Paranoid-Schizoid Position
 Earlier onset of the Oedipus
 This position involves a split
Projective Identification: Infants complex.
of internal and external
split off unacceptable parts of  Greater emphasis on pre-
objects into good and bad,
themselves, project them into Oedipal attachment to the
causing paranoid feelings of
another object, and finally introject mother.
being persecuted.
them back into themselves in a  The central role of
Depressive Position
changed or distorted form. aggression and anxiety.
 Infants develop a realistic
view of their mother, Male Oedipal Development
recognizing her as an
independent person with Internalizations  For Klein, it's less about
both good and bad sexual possession of the
Ego: Klein offered a unique mother and more about
qualities. perspective on the ego, highlighting managing powerful anxieties
its early formation, connection to arising from love-hate
Defense Mechanism early object relations, and the use feelings and the fear of
of defense mechanisms in infancy. punishment.
Introjection: Fantasize taking into Superego: Klein saw the superego
their body those perceptions and LATER VIEWS ON OBJECT
as a complex internal structure
experiences that they have had with RELATIONS
formed early on, reflecting both
the external object. positive and negative aspects of our MARGARET MAHLER
primary relationships.
Projection: The fantasy that one’s To Mahler, an individual’s
own feelings and impulses actually Oedipus Complex: Klien believed psychological birth begins during
reside in another person and not that it is formed around 6 months of the first weeks of postnatal life and
within one’s body. age into the first year of life. It's continues for the next 3 years or so.
To achieve psychological birth and John Bowlby ANXIOUS-RESISTANT
individuation, a child proceeds ATTACHMENT STYLE
through a series of three major
Bowlby’s attachment theory also - In an anxious-resistant
developmental stages and four
departed from John Bowlby attachment style, infants are
psychoanalytic thinking by taking ambivalent.
1. NORMAL AUTISM (from childhood as its starting point and
birth until about age 3 or 4 then extrapolating forward to
weeks) adulthood.
2. NORMAL SYMBIOSIS (4th - With this style, infants stay
- Bowlby observed three
or 5th week of age but calm when their mother
stages of this separation
reaches its zenith during the leaves; they accept the
anxiety: Protest stage,
4th or 5th month) stranger, and when their
Despair stage, Detachment
3. SEPARATION – mother returns, they ignore
INDIVIDUATION (4th or 5th and avoid her.
month of age until about the Mary Ainsworth
30th to 36th month) PSYCHOTHERAPY
Strange Situation: developed a - Kleinian therapy aims to
SUBSTAGES: technique for measuring the type of reduce depressive anxieties
DIFFERENTIATION, attachment style that exists and persecutory fears by
PRACTICING, between caregiver and infant. allowing patients to re-
RAPPROACHMENT, AND experience early emotions
LIBIDINAL OBJECT CONSTANCY. Three attachment style ratings: and fantasies, allowing them
secure, anxious-resistant, and to understand the connection
HEINZ KOHUT’S VIEW avoidant. between unconscious
Kohut emphasized the process by fantasies and everyday
which the self evolves from a vague situations.
and undifferentiated image to a - In a secure attachment,
clear and precise sense of when their mother returns,
individual identity. According to infants are happy and
Kohut, infants are naturally enthusiastic and initiate - Object Relations and Eating
narcissistic. contact. Disorder
- Attachment Theory and Adult


- The object relations theory,

influenced by the "British
School" including Melanie
Klein and others, is more
popular in the UK than in the
- The theory has a low rate of
research generation due to
its reliance on orthodox
psychoanalytic theory and its
inability to generate testable
- Rated low on parsimony,
with complex phrases and
concepts used by some

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