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Discipline teachers:
1. Berstenova Asem Bahitkeldievna,, ZOOM - ID964-254-99-75, Password -
2. Baizhanova Ainagul Artykovna,, ZOOM - ID680-926-47-09,
Password - 879879

World languages department; (Room No.320A)


Knowledge of a foreign language is an integral part of the professional training of all specialists at the
University. The course provides practical classes, SSW and SSWT. The process of studying the
discipline "Foreign language" (level B2) is aimed at the comprehensive development of students’
communicative, cognitive, socio-cultural and linguistic-cultural competencies. Exchanging
information. Social expressions. Narrating. Discussion. The sphere of professional orientation.

The purpose of the discipline is to develop the student's ability to communicate in a foreign language
at an intercultural level, to deepen and expand the language material. As a result of studying the
discipline, the student must have a holistic understanding of the grammatical system of language and
speech. To participate without preparation in a conversation, including with native speakers, to express
their own opinion, as well as to exchange interesting information on the material covered.


Bloom Taxonomy Levels: Mastering the language system and ways to use it in cross-cultural and
communicative activities;
1. Demonstrate the ability to organize their writing effectively, using appropriate paragraphing and
logical sequencing.
2. Produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue
giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options;
3. Talk about mental processes and how can he use them to improve his effectiveness on the job;
4. Explain his education, experience, strength and weaknesses, and discuss his career path; talk about
what he likes to read and make recommendations about good things to read;
5. Analyze texts, identify author's purpose, evaluate arguments, and recognize bias or persuasive
techniques used in the text.

Foreign language Level B1.

Foreign language Level C1.
- understand the main idea of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical
discussion in their field of specialization;
- interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity;
- write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to his/her interest;
- write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons on support of or against a
particular point of view;

CONSULTATION TIME: due to the timetable


Number of hours a
№ weeks

Tasks of the

cal hours
Topics and a brief summary of classes current



Module 1. Exchanging information. Social expressions.

1 Topic: Introduction to syllabus. №1 Unit 7 p. 54-
2 Questions to consider: Familiarization with the 60
3 course, the purpose and results of learning, the Speaking tasks
thematic plan. Vocabulary tasks
Topic: Living history. 9 - 5/15 Reading tasks
Questions to consider: A house with history (p.54- Discussion
55). An archaeologist (p.56). A family history (p.60). Home
Present Perfect. Unfinished past with for and since assignments
Indefinite Past SIWT
Module 2. Personal preferences. Social skills.
№1 Unit 8 p. 62-
Topic: Girls and boys. Speaking tasks
Questions to consider: You have to cling on! (p.62- Listening tasks
4 6 - 4/10
63). What is your advice? (p.64). Sons and daughters Writing tasks
5 (p.66-67). Home
Module 3. Narrating. Discussion.
№1 Unit 9 p. 70-
Topic: Time for a story. Reading tasks
Questions to consider: Retelling a story from Listening tasks
7 9 - 5/15
picture. The bear and the travelers (p.70-71). The boy Speaking tasks
who cried wolf (p.72-73). Home
Module 4. Digital world. Technology.

№1 Unit 10
Topic: Our interactive world. Speaking tasks
Questions to consider: A phone call that changed Reading tasks
11 9 - 5/15
the world (p.78-79). Inventions (p.80-81). Five Writing tasks
Internet firsts (p.82-83) Home
Module 5. The evolution of life
№1 Unit 11 p.86
Speaking tasks
Topic: Life’s what you make. Vocabulary tasks
Questions to consider: Birth. Marriage. Death. Good Reading tasks
12 6 - 4/15
news. Bad news. Discussion
Module 6. The sphere of professional orientation
№2 pp. 5-21
Speaking tasks
Vocabulary tasks
14 Topic: Measurements in Physics
Reading tasks
15 Questions to consider: Units. Size. Volume. 6 - 2/10
Measuring features.

The final assessment consists of the current assessment (60%) and the final exam (40%). (Appendix 1)

Formative assessment
Topics and tasks for each module are uploaded weekly to the Univer system. For each module, you are
required to actively participate in all practical classes, perform tasks on SIWT and SIWS. At the end of
each module there will be final tasks. The evaluation results are entered in the journal in the Univer

Evaluation Module score Type of assessment Weigh rate

component %

Current 1-module - 30 Attendance, active participation 10%

assessment 2- module - 30 Home assignments 10%
3- module - 40 Practical tasks 30%
4- module - 40 SIWT/SIWS 20%
5- module -30
6- module – 30 Total task (topic) on the module 30%

Tasks are evaluated according to the criteria (Appendix 2).

Final exam

The final assessment takes place in the format of an oral ticket exam. The exam is conducted in
accordance with the University's academic integrity policy and the examination rules. The examination
card contains 3 questions according to Bloom’s taxonomy. The 1st question is evaluated (20 points) for
demonstrating grammar skills on the usage of given grammar structure. The 2nd question is evaluated
(30 points) for constructing own sentences on the given grammar theme. The 3rd question is evaluated
(50 points) for demonstrating speaking skills on the given topic. Overall is 100 points. If plagiarism or
cheating is detected, the exam results are automatically canceled, and this discipline will be re-studied
in the midsummer term.
Final exam questions (oral ticket exam)

1. Living history 2. House with a history in your hometown

3. Living in a stately home 4. A family history
5. A story about my ancestors 6. Girls and boys
7. What’s your advice to girls and boys 8. Giving advice
9. Families with all boys or all girls 10. Time for a story
11. The last book I read 12. My favorite writer
13. My feelings in different situations 14. Describe feelings
15. My emotional experience 16. Our interactive world
17. Gadgets 18. Inventions
19. Social networking 20. Busy world
21. Life’s what you make. 22. You shape your own life
23. Birth, marriage and death 24. Stages of life
25. Different generations 26. Good news and bad news
27. How do I react to different news in the 28. Measurements in Physics
29. Measuring features. 30. Units. Size. Volume.

Grammar themes:
1. The Present Simple Tense
2. The Past Simple Tense
3. The Future Simple Tense
4. The Present Continuous Tense
5. The Past Continuous Tense
6. To be going to
7. The Present Perfect Tense: for, since, ever, never, already, just
8. Modal verbs: must, have to, don’t have to, should.
9. Past Perfect Tense
10. Joining sentences: although, because, so, while, but, as soon as, until, when, as, before, after.
11. Passives: Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive, Present Perfect Passive
12. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Main literature/ materials:
1. Liz and John Soars, Paul Hancock New Headway 5 th edition. Student’s book / Oxford
University Press, 2019 – 162 pages.
2. Назарова Н.А., Панасенко Е.В., Толстых О.М.-Профессиональный английский:
математика и физика./Учебное пособие: ОмГПУ, Омск 2018г. – 124стр.
3. Physics: Textbook. - Almaty: Association of higher edicational institutions of Kazakhstan,
2016. - 304 p. Экземпляры: всего:10 - ЧЗ№3к(2), №3(7), №1(1).
4. Easy Learning English Vocabulary (Collins Easy Learning English). Panny Hands and others.
Издания: 2011 г. 5.
5. Advanced everyday English. Steven Collins Издания: 2013
Additional literature/ materials
1. Vince M., Sunderland P. “Advanced language Practice”, L: Macmillan, 2010. – 296p.
2. Марунова И.П.Деловая переписка Business communication : учебно-практическое
пособие по английскому языку / И. П. Марунова. - Алматы : Medet Group, 2017. - 144 с.
Экземпляры: всего:40 - ЧЗ№6(2),
3. Тобыш Н.Image Making: ағылшын тіліндегі көмекші сөздер мен етістіктерге мысалдар
жинағы. Т 1. / Н. Тобыш. - Ж.Пилтан. - Алматы: Эверо, 2018. - 464 бет. Экземпляры:
всего:25 - ЧЗ№6(2),
4. О.М. Кудрявцева – Английский язык для магистрантов: учебно-методическое пособие. –
Елец: Елецкий государственный университет им. И.А. Бунина, 2018. – 45 с.
Electronic resources:
1. Free printable worksheets.
2. Vocabulary Activities.
3. English Grammar.
4. Диалоговый тренажер по английскому языку разной степени сложности.


All learning and assessment processes are conducted in accordance with the principles of academic
policy and the academic Code of the University.
5.1. Academic policy of the University
5.2. University Integrity Code

All students are required to attend classes and arrive on time. If you cannot attend for any good reason,
you must notify the teacher in advance and provide a certificate of the reason for absence from the
All tasks must be submitted on time. Untimely submitted tasks will not be accepted.


The training takes into account the special needs or special needs of students (cases with some
limitations and difficulties in obtaining education). In such cases, please inform the teacher in advance.

Appendix 1

Marks according to The numerical Points (% Content) Evaluation in the

letter system equivalent of traditional system

А 4,0 95-100 Excellent

А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 Good
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74
С 2,0 65-69 Satisfactory
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D- 1,0 50-54
FX 0,5 25-49 Unsatisfactory
F 0 0-24

Appendix 2
Criteria for the current assessment by modules:

Mark Criteria 10 20 30 40 50 60
p p p p p p
А - Demonstrates exceptional speaking fluency and coherence. 10 19- 29- 38- 48- 58-
- Uses a wide range of vocabulary accurately and effectively. 20 30 40 50 60
- Shows a high level of accuracy in pronunciation and intonation.
- Exhibits a strong ability to express ideas clearly and concisely.
- Demonstrates exceptional comprehension skills, accurately
grasping the main ideas and supporting details of complex texts.
- Displays advanced reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning,
and making inferences, to navigate texts efficiently.
- Demonstrates exceptional command of grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Exhibits precise and accurate use of punctuation, spelling, and
А- - Shows a high level of speaking fluency and coherence. 9 18 27- 36- 45- 54-
- Utilizes a broad range of vocabulary with accuracy and 28 37 47 57
- Demonstrates good pronunciation and intonation.
- Expresses ideas clearly and effectively with minor errors.
- Displays strong comprehension skills, consistently understanding
the main ideas and important details of challenging texts.
- Utilizes a wide range of vocabulary, including idiomatic
expressions, to comprehend nuanced meanings within texts.
- Shows a high level of proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Produces mostly clear, coherent, and well-organized written texts
with minor lapses.
В+ - Demonstrates a good level of speaking fluency and coherence. 8 17 26 34- 43- 51-
- Utilizes a varied vocabulary with general accuracy and 35 44 53
- Shows reasonably good pronunciation and intonation.
- Expresses ideas with clarity, although occasional errors may be
- Shows solid comprehension skills, accurately grasping the main
points and significant details of moderately complex texts.
- Applies some reading strategies to locate specific information and
make basic inferences.
-Displays solid proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence
- Generates mostly clear and well-organized written texts with
occasional lapses.
В - Shows an above-average level of speaking fluency and coherence. 7 16 24- 32- 40- 48-
- Demonstrates a satisfactory range of vocabulary with generally 25 33 42 50
accurate usage.
- Exhibits generally good pronunciation and intonation, with
occasional errors.
- Expresses ideas with reasonable clarity, although minor
inconsistencies may occur.
- Demonstrates satisfactory comprehension skills, generally
understanding the main ideas and important details of texts at an
appropriate level.
- Applies basic reading strategies to locate specific information and
make simple inferences.
- Demonstrates satisfactory proficiency in grammar, vocabulary,
and sentence structures.
- Produces coherent written texts with some minor issues in
В- - Demonstrates an average level of speaking fluency and coherence. 6 15 23 31- 38- 45-
- Utilizes a moderate range of vocabulary with some accuracy. 32 39 47
- Shows satisfactory pronunciation and intonation, although
noticeable errors may occur.
- Expresses ideas with moderate clarity, but occasional difficulties
in coherence may be observed.
- Exhibits fair comprehension skills, understanding the main points
and some important details of texts at a basic level.
- Applies basic reading strategies with limited effectiveness,
occasionally struggling to locate specific information or make
- Exhibits a fair level of proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Generates written texts that are somewhat coherent, but with
noticeable organizational issues.
С+ - Shows a below-average level of speaking fluency and coherence. 5 14 21- 28- 35- 42-
- Uses a limited range of vocabulary with noticeable inaccuracies. 22 30 37 44
- Exhibits some difficulties in pronunciation and intonation,
resulting in notable errors.
- Expresses ideas with limited clarity and coherence, with frequent
- Displays adequate comprehension skills, understanding the main
ideas and some important details of simpler texts.
- Applies basic reading strategies with some success but may
struggle with more complex texts or tasks.
- Demonstrates limited proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Produces written texts that lack coherence and organization.
С - Demonstrates a limited level of speaking fluency and coherence. 4 13 20 26- 33- 39-
- Relies on basic vocabulary with noticeable limitations and 27 34 41
- Exhibits significant difficulties in pronunciation and intonation,
leading to frequent errors.
- Struggles to express ideas with clarity and coherence, with
frequent breakdowns.
- Demonstrates limited comprehension skills, grasping basic ideas
but struggling with important details in simpler texts.
- Applies basic reading strategies inconsistently, resulting in
difficulties locating specific information or making inferences.
- Exhibits weak proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence
- Produces poorly organized and incoherent written texts.
С- - Shows a weak level of speaking fluency and coherence. 3 12 18- 24- 30- 36-
- Relies heavily on basic vocabulary with significant limitations and 19 25 32 38
- Exhibits persistent difficulties in pronunciation and intonation,
resulting in frequent errors.
- Struggles to express ideas with clarity and coherence, leading to
regular breakdowns.
- Exhibits poor comprehension skills, struggling to understand even
basic ideas and details in simpler texts.
- Struggles with basic reading strategies, leading to significant
challenges in locating information or making inferences.
- Shows very weak proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Produces severely disorganized and incoherent written texts.
D+ - Demonstrates poor speaking fluency and coherence. 2 11 17 22- 28- 33-
- Relies predominantly on basic vocabulary with frequent 23 29 35
limitations and inaccuracies.
- Exhibits consistent difficulties in pronunciation and intonation,
leading to frequent errors.
- Struggles to express ideas with clarity and coherence, resulting in
frequent breakdowns.
- Shows very poor comprehension skills, often failing to grasp even
the most basic ideas in texts.
- Struggles significantly with reading strategies, making it difficult
to locate information or make any meaningful inferences.
- Demonstrates poor proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Produces written texts that are extremely disorganized and
D- - Shows a very poor level of speaking fluency and coherence. 1 10 15- 20- 25- 30-
- Relies heavily on limited vocabulary with major limitations and 16 21 27 32
- Exhibits persistent and significant difficulties in pronunciation and
intonation, resulting in numerous errors.
- Struggles to express ideas with clarity and coherence, leading to
constant breakdowns.
- Demonstrates minimal comprehension skills, consistently failing
to understand even the simplest ideas in texts.
- Struggles profoundly with reading strategies, often unable to
locate information or make any meaningful inferences.
- Exhibits very poor proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structures.
- Produces written texts that are highly disorganized and virtually
FХ - Demonstrates an extremely limited range of vocabulary. 0 5-9 8- 10- 13- 15-
- Relies heavily on basic words and phrases, with constant 14 19 24 29
inaccuracies and limitations.
- Struggles significantly in finding appropriate words and
expressions to convey ideas.
- Fails to express ideas with clarity and coherence due to severe
limitations in vocabulary.
- Shows no measurable comprehension skills, unable to understand
any ideas in texts.
- Fails to demonstrate any understanding or use of reading
- Indicates an incomplete submission with insufficient content to
assess proficiency.
- Shows no evidence of language proficiency due to the incomplete
nature of the writing.
F - Demonstrates an inability to maintain speaking fluency and 0 0-5 0-7 0-9 0- 0-
coherence. 12 14
- Struggles continuously to produce meaningful utterances and
complete sentences.
- Exhibits substantial difficulties in pronunciation and intonation,
resulting in frequent and major errors.
- Fails to express ideas with any level of clarity and coherence.
- Fails to display any comprehension skills, demonstrating a
complete inability to understand any ideas in texts.
- Fails to demonstrate any understanding or use of reading
- Demonstrates a complete lack of proficiency in grammar,
vocabulary, and sentence structures.
- Produces incomprehensible and unintelligible written texts.

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