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MR. Ksanet B.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

What is a leaderboard?
Leader Board (sometimes Leaderboard) is a series of golf simulation video games that was
developed by Bruce Carver and Roger Carver, and published by Access Software. (Leader
Board - Wikipedia)
A scoreboard listing the contestants who are currently leading
a golf tournament, auto race, etc. (Leader board definition and meaning | Collins English
Dictionary (
The College Student Leader Board (SLB) consists of approximately 20 members who act as
a liaison between Volunteer Services, the college student volunteers, and the Staff
Volunteer Supervisors (SVS) in their assigned areas. These leadership positions coordinate
800+ college student volunteers throughout the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics in
any given year.( College Student Leader Board | University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Leader Board is like classroom gamification uses game-like elements to engage and
motivate students, improving their overall experience in the course (Deterding, Sicart,
Nacke, O'Hara, & Dixon, 2011). Research suggests students benefit from gamification across
social, emotional, and cognitive domains (Granic, Lobel, & Engels, 2014).

What’s the purpose of using leaderboard?

To increase student learning, organize unique contests among friends on CLASS!
Leaderboards are ideal for:
• Maintaining proficiency throughout their break time and weekends.
• Promoting class wide review prior to a test
• Increasing time spent studying at home
• Promoting positive actions and conduct
• Endorsing a student's amiable demeanor
• Praise for pupils' individuality and accomplishments.
• Fostering a supportive and competitive environment.
• In each term, the students are not penalized for wrongdoings but rather
rewarded for good deeds, which allows them to be influenced in the proper
• Finding the best in everyone and praising all of their efforts;
• developing pupils with a variety of skills; and
• approving proper conduct
What are the steps to successful implementation of the
leaderboard activity?

Reward the
Monitor the activity


1. Customizing the leader board

Add their name to the board and beginning to personalize their competition we will to
have a learning outcome in mind? Use the chart below to helps us pick what to record
(the objective) for our Leaderboard.
Number of questions Inspire students to take ownership of their Before teaching a lesson or unit
learning, explore new skills, and preview
upcoming concepts.
Number of correct questions Motivate students to strive and deepen After and in class independently learning or study at
their understanding home
Time spent Boost at-home practice time to ensure While students are working through
students are engaging with the material. a chapter
Number of skills proficient Prompt students to address their trouble After students have finished a Chapter and worked
spots in skills where they may be lagging through 3+ skills.
in proficiency.
Number of skills mastered Propel students to the next level to Before an exam, and after students have had several
deepen their understanding and opportunities to work through concepts.
provide an additional challenge
Active participant Build their esteem and their participation Actively engaged in things that need to be done.

Related to behavioral modification OUTCOME Ideal use case

Arrive on time Uplifting students to understand the value Who is always on at class when ever teacher arrives
of time
Helpful at lineup ceremony Recognizing their good behavior at Stands properly, arrives at lineup ceremony without
situations like this any direction from stuff members and is quite
Cooperative to teachers and classmates Noticing their helpful behavior whenever Assists his class mates and his teacher whenever
they demonstrate needed in academic and emotional support
Takes good care of his book and exercise Their organization is always prior to their Brings school material whenever it is needed and
book preparedness and that’s a thumbs up equipped
Respectful and polite to teacher and his The first education is to be Sense of empathy and engaged in learning, problem
class mates mannerly/courteous solver and always quite pleasant personality
Never engaged in any misbehaving and Always appropriate and at good state
Do recesses and projects and delivers on Their grit is the biggest assets at any time Fulfilling duties in time
time for their life time

Wears uniform at all time and have Respecting rules and regulations of their Respecting the school code of dress
appropriate hair cut school is bigger understanding of values
Participant and engaged at extracurricular Appreciating and recognizing their skill Built their confidence and figure out what they are
activities good at
Skill approvals in music, poetry, writing,
art, sport, coding, designing, and other

2. Monitoring their result

Leaderboard updates every class so we will be able to see real time results throughout
the competition sense. Displaying it to the whole class and to the whole school
including parents during shorter activities or sharing weekly activities for longer once.
3. Reward students success
Once the leaderboard ends. We will have the opportunity to celebrate our student’s
accomplishment with certificate or other additional motivational things.

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