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That’s What Friends are for

Drama Script


Class : XI SCINCE 6

Supervisor : Drs. Irwani M.pd

NIP : 196409081993031005

Captain : Siti Aisyah (33)

Members : Abdul Rouf Hanafi (01)

Maharani Putri Pratiwi (20)

Marsya Dwi Aryanti (21)

Muhammad Kevin Nur Raihan (23)

Muhammad Rizky Yazzid (24)

Putria Rarasati (29)

SCHOOL YEAR 2022/2023
Vice Principal for Student’s affair: Mr. Rouf

Class A students: Adinda, Marsya, Putria ,Yazzid

Class B students: Fatih, Kevin , Maharani, Melati

Class B’s form teacher: Ms. Aisyah

Scene 01 (School hall-Morning-Class A, Class B, Students representatives)

After a long school holiday, Senior Highschool Number 18 students are gathering in the
school hall.

Mr. Rouf : students, please pay attention! I want to make an announcement.

Fatih: What does he want? It’s our rights to speak and use our mouth!

Putria: Hey! You should be quiet! Mr. Rouf wants to say something.

Mr. Rouf: ehem....ehem... I’m still here.

Class B: Yes Mr. We’re sorry.

Mr. Rouf: In this semester, you have been divided into two classes based on your academic
achievements in order to ease the teachers teaching the students

Maharani: Ooohh. Then, what’s the matter Mr. ?

Mr. Rouf: Alright, you must have known about the election of OSIS chairman right?

Class A: Yes, Mr. !

Mr. Rouf: Our school have asked for candidates from every 11th grade classes. The
representatives must have been decided in 2 days from now. Alright students, now you can go to
your classes

Scene 02 (Class A-morning-Adinda, Marsya, Putria, Yazzid)

Students in class A are talking about their candidates.

Marsya: So, who will be our candidates?

Yazzid: Well to be honest, i am not capable, i don’t have enough experience.

Putria: Neither do i. Don’t choose me please!

Adinda: (Still silent while reading a book)

Marsya: But there must be at least one from our class.

(Momentary pause...)

Yazzid: Oh i know! (While staring at Adinda)

Putria: (Also staring at Adinda with Marsya)

Adinda: What’s up?

Yazzid: You will be the candidate!

Adinda: Huh? Why me?

Marsya: Cause you’re the smartest in this class.You will have a huge chance to win.

Putria: Just take it easy. We will help you for the campaign

Adinda: However, i want to focus on my study so that i can apply for universities in Indonesia.
Besides, i never join this kind of program

Yazzid: But this program can also help you to apply for that, Din.

Adinda: Well,

Putria: Ok then, it’s fix! Adinda will be our candidates

Adinda: Hey hold on!

Yazzid: Don’t worry. You’ll win this election Adinda. We all know that any of the class B’s
candidate will not have a chance against you.

Putria: And we’re going to make the best campaign that everyone have ever seen. The only thing
you need to do is sit and relax. The next time you arrive at school people will be calling you as
“OSIS chairman”

Marsya: Yup,we can guarantee that.

Scene 03 (Class B-morning-Fatih, Maharani, Kevin, Melati)

(In a noisy Class B)

Melati: Oy! Who’s gonna be our candidate?

Kevin: I don’t really care. It’s up to you guys.

Melati: I’m serious right now!. Mr. Rouf wants the candidates to be ready in 2 days.
Maharani: Just take it on the chin guys come on. Why don’t we ask the students one by one?
There must be someone who is ready amongst the 35 students.

Fatih: Can’t you guys be silent? I need some concentration right now.

Kevin: Shut up! You’re such a weirdo. Hmm, since Melati is the smartest in this class, why don’t
she participate in the election

Fatih: Good idea. As long as we have a candidate, we won’t have any problems. As long as you
guys don’t choose me.

Maharani: Of course we will not choose you. We won’t have the chance to win if you’re the
candidate. I agree that Melati should be the candidate.

Melati: If so, then help me to do the campaign

Fatih: Don’t worry about it. We’re going to help you with that.

Maharani: Yea, we’ll do it later

Kevin: Don't worry about it, we’ll solve it later

In short, Melati then submitted herself as one of the candidates. In spite of that, her friends
seemed unwilling to help her for the campaign. She then went to the teacher’s office to talk about
it with class B’s form teacher, Ms. Aisyah.

Scene 04 (Teacher’s office-Morning-Melati-Ms. Aisyah)

Melati entered the office and met with Ms. Aisyah

Melati: Good morning, Ms. Aisyah.

Ms. Aisyah: Good morning, Melati. What’s the matter?

Melati: It’s about the OSIS chairman election, Ms. I want to participate

Ms. Aisyah: Are you sure you want to be the candidate?

Melati: Yes, Ms.

Ms. Aisyah: Well then, tomorrow i’ll encourage your friends to fully support you

Melati: Thank you so much, Ms.

Scene 05(Class B-morning-Melati, Kevin, Maharani, Fatih)

The next day, Ms. Aisyah gave an announcement about the upcoming OSIS campaign
Ms. Aisyah: Students, attention please! As we know, soon there will be an election to decide the
new chairman of OSIS. Melati has volunteered herself to be the candidate from our class. I truly
hope that we can always support him in every chances.

Maharani: Melati, you can make some interesting events that can attract students to participate. It
will be good for them. How about we make a comic reading event?

Kevin: How about drama watching event? I’ll take care of the infocus if you need, and i’ll prepare
the popcorn. My uncle sells popcorn.

Melati: Both of them are great. We’ll do those 2 occassionally

Fatih: How about a maid cafe? I think that this event will be a good platform for students who
want to express themselves towards each other. I’ll help you guys to prepare if you think this
event will succeed

Melati, Kevin, Maharani: Fatih.....

Fatih: What’s wrong with that?

Scene 06(School hall-Morning, students, Mr. Rouf)

(Students are gathering in the school hall to hear the announcement about the OSIS chairman

Mr. Rouf: (entered the school hall). Alright, now i am going to announce the candidacy for the
next OSIS chairman election. From class A, we have Adinda Nanisah and from class B we have
Melati Adawiyah. The election and campaign will be held next week. That’s all that i have to

Scene 07 (class B-afternoon-Fatih, Maharani, Kevin, Melati)

Melati: Now what? Do you guys have any ideas for the campaign?

Kevin: How about we give them food and stuff? I believe that people will vote you if we do that,
sometimes, people only think with their stomachs.

Maharani: That’s a great idea. Students will obviously vote for you if you do that, especially like

Fatih: Oy! Don’t say like that! I don’t eat that often, even though, if people offer me, then why
not. You guys shall not decline god’s blessing.
Ms. Aisyah: (Was passing by when she saw the students in the class still discussing). What are
you doing here kids? Aren’t you supposed to go home?

Kevin: We’re still discussing about the upcoming campaign, but we still haven’t got any idea.
What do you think we should do, Ms. ?

Ms. Aisyah: It would be better to start from making some posters and leaflets.

Fatih: Ah, good idea, Ms. Alright guys, we’ll make them at school tomorrow.

Melati, Maharani, Kevin: Okay!

Scene 08 (class A-afternoon-Adinda, Marsya, Putria, Yazzid)

Yazzid: So, how can we win the voting? We must win this one.

Marsya: We need to make something “wow”, so that students will vote for Adinda

Adinda: The most important thing is that we need to always be truthful.

Putria: Of course Adinda, we already know that, don’t worry i already have a way

We should gather the students in one place, then you shall make an interesting speech
about yourself, we should also give each one of them chocolates.

Marsya: I’ll make you a very interesting speech Adinda. Soon i’m sure that everyone will vote for
you, the most important thing is that you perform well in that stage

Yazzid: I’ll buy the chocolates. Money isn’t a problem for my father. Maybe we can also buy
some candies and souvenirs for them, and what about we give them each a water bottle, maybe
that will also encourage them to vote you.

Adinda: Thank you so much for helping me guys.

Marsya: We’re also glad to help you, Adinda. Just make sure not to forget us when you’re at the

Adinda: Excuse me, i need to go to the toilet.

(When Adinda was in the toilet...)

Yazzid: Are you guys sure we’re going to win? It will be a huge shame if we lose to those guys
Putria: Don’t worry, we are going to win. We’re much smarter and more serious than class B
students. They won’t be able to beat us, not even a scratch.

Marsya: The thing is, we need to use Adinda to trust us and convince her that she’s going to win.
We’ve prepared her everything she needs, there’s no reason that she loses.

(Adinda came back from the toilet but didn’t enter the class. However she was listening to their
conversation from outside)

Yazzid: I don’t want my money go to waste. We must not lose to that dumb and shameful class B

Putria: Of course we’ll win. Don’t you guys worry about it

Marsya, Yazzid: Ok then.

Adinda: (she was listening to the conversation from outside the class. She then entered the class).
Eh guys, (Picking up her backpack). I’ll go home, i think i’m catching up a cold

Yazzid: Are you sick? Well then, you’d better take a rest. Take some medicine if needed.

Putria: Yeah, you should go home.

Marsya: We don’t want you to be sick at the campaign. You must be in a fit condition.

Scene 09(class B-afternoon-Melati, Kevin, Maharani, Fatih)

Maharani: What do you think about my poster? I just finished drawing it.

Kevin: What the hell is that? It looks like kindergarten drawings, we should not use that in any

Fatih: You want Melati to lose don’t you? That’s why you did that on purpose. I can draw 10
times better than you, you should have told me to do it at first.

Maharani: Hey! I drew this with all my heart, you guys don’t need to be rude like that. I might
want to quit right now.(jokingly)

Melati: (Laughing with Maharani, Fatih, and Kevin)

Adinda: (Passing by class B)(saw their cheerfulness) (smiled, continued her steps)

Scene 10(School’s garden-afternoon-Adinda, Melati)

The next day, Adinda was sitting alone in the school’s garden. Melati saw her, then she came over

Melati: (Sat next to Adinda)

Adinda: (Surprised) Melati..?

Melati: It seems like your friends are busy preparing for your campaign, but why are you alone

Adinda: I’m lazy to meet them.

Melati: What do you mean? If i were you i would be happy to have clever friends

Adinda: What about your friends?

Melati:. To be honest, i don’t feel confident for this campaign. I was confident at first, but they
are too lazy to use their brains to make something creative.

Adinda: However, to have those kinds of friend like them are harder.

Melati: But it’s better to have smart friends.

Adinda: Not really. For the campaign , indeed better to have smart friends. But when it comes to
the true meaning of friendship, not really

Melati: Huh?

Adinda: Just forget about it. Oh yeah, about your campaign. Do you mind if i help you?

Melati: Are you crazy? We’re rivals. Why do you want to help me?

Scene 11(class B-afternoon-Adinda, Melati)

(Adinda then helped Melati to make all of her preparations until they were finished)

Melati: Ok, it’s done. Anyway, thank you so much for helping me.

Adinda: You’re welcome

Melati: Well it’s getting darker, we’d better go home

Adinda: I agree, see you later!

Scene 12 (class A-afternoon-Adinda, Marsya, Putria, Yazzid, Mr. Rouf)

Adinda: (came over to his friends) Eh, guys. What are you doing?

Putria: Eh Adinda, it’s a surprise that you came here. We’re still preparing for the upcoming
election so that you will win
Marsya: Yes that’s right. By the way, where have you been yesterday? We were all looking for
you. We thought you were dead. (jokingly)

Adinda: I was sick

Yazzid: I’ve bought the chocolates, souvenirs, and also water bottles. I guarantee you we will not
lose. We will give each of the students on the D-day.

Suddenly, Mr. Rouf came over to them

Mr. Rouf: Adinda. How far is your preparation for the election? I hope you are going to win. I
believe that with you as the OSIS chairman, soon our school will be a good example for other

Adinda: Thanks, Mr. Well, I say goodbye for now, Mr. Bye guys.

Putria, Marsya, Yazzid, Mr. Rouf: Bye

Scene 13 (class B-morning- Fatih, Maharani, Kevin, Melati)

Melati: How are we doing guys?

Kevin: All good, the posters and the leaflets are ready, the music is ready, hmm, what else? Oh
yeah, we’ve prepared your attributes for the campaign.

Fatih: And now i am going to give these posters and leaflets to the students. Hope they like your
drawing Maharani.

Maharani: Hey! We’ve talked about that haven’t we? I guarantee you that they’ll like them.
Anyway, we didn’t see you yersterday, Mel. Where have you been? I was looking for you to ask
whether my posters were good enough or not.

Melati: I’m sorry, i got stuffs to do. Well, thank you guys.

Kevin: Alright then, all set, everything is ready, all i say is good luck, Mel. We are glad to help
you with all of this, no matter what the result is. We still got your back. Now do your best!

Scene 13 (School hall-morning-class A-class B-Mr. Rouf, Ms. Aisyah)

Ms. Aisyah: Good morning everyone, today is the election of the new OSIS chairman. (clapping
sound). Before that, let us listen to the opening speech from Mr. Rouf.

Mr. Rouf: Thank you, Ms. Aisyah. Good morning students. Today we are going to do our last
campaign and election of the new OSIS chairman. Because of that, i am looking forward for your
participation, please vote the candidate based on your conscience, thank you. (clapping sound)
Ms. Aisyah: Thank you Mr. Rouf for your opening speech. Well then, let us hear the vision and
mission from class B’s candidate, Melati Adawiyah

(clapping sound from class B and Ms. Rouf)(class A didn’t clap)

Melati: at first, i want to say thank you for the given time and opportunity to run for the OSIS
chairman. I also want to say thank you for my friends who are always there for me (while staring
at class B’s students, smiling) who has helped and supported me (while looking at Adinda,
smiling) because without them i wouldn’t be standing here. If i get voted as the new OSIS
chairman, i will make a lot of active events to unite the sense of brotherhood amongst us. All of
your aspirations will be heard and executed. That’s all from me, Thank you so much. (class B and
Adinda clapped followed by students representatives and class B’s form teacher)(class A didn’t
pay attention at all)

Ms. Aisyah: That was the speech from class B’s candidate, now we are going to listen to the
vision and mission from class A’s candidate, please give your warm applause for Adinda Nanisah.

(clapping sound followed by students representatives)(class A clapped enthusiastically)(class B

and Melati clapped)

Adinda: Thank you for your applause everyone. Firstly, i also want to say thank you to my friends
who have supported me.. After going through a lot of preparations, it made me think, will i be
able to be an OSIS chairman, then i saw Melati with her cheerfulness, She can ask people to
cooperate with her, she can also quickly adapt to his surroundings. For those particular reasons, i
decided to resign as the candidate. For my friends at class A and everyone else, i’m sorry that i
am not able to realize your hopes, but i feel that this is the best decision. Please forgive me for my
decision. Thank you for your attention.

(stepped down from the podium then went to the back of the building leaving the
stage)(everyone was shocked)(situation became crowded)

Yazzid: Huh? Adinda resigned? Did i hear that correctly?

Marsya: she’s crazy! She just resigned like that after what i, i mean we, have done to help him!

Putria: She just crossed the line!

Maharani: I still can’t belive that he just resigned like that. (talking with her classmates)

Kevin: Have you known about this, Mel?

Melati: (confused)
Ms. Aisyah: (situation was crowded) Calm down students. (gradually becoming quiet). With that,
then the end result is.... Congratulation to Melati who has been chosen as OSIS chairman for this
period. (clapping sound)

Scene 14 (school-morning-Adinda,Melati, class A, class B, Mr. Rouf, Ms. Aisyah)

(exactly one day after that)

Melati: (entering the school)

Adinda: (came over Melati)Hey, we have the OSIS chairman here!

Melati: Hey! Don’t be like that (laughing)

Adinda: I think i won’t have anymore friends in class A

(Class B students then came to them)

Fatih: Don’t worry, we’ll be your friends. (While hugging Adinda)

(Class A students also came over)

Putria: Hey! What is this all about? Why are you guys hugging our friends?(smiling, jokingly)

Adinda: (surprised) Huh, you guys? (smiling,hugging them)

(Suddenly, Ms. Aisyah came over)

Ms. Aisyah: Hey, remember! You guys have to improve your scores this semester! Don’t let your
scores as small as your shoe sizes.

Everyone: (Laughing) Alright Ms.

(The bell rang, Mr. Rouf then approached them)

Mr. Rouf: The bell has rang! Go enter your class now!

(Everyone then quickly entered their own classes)

The End

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