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Reference Guide
Version 8.0

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference Guide
SOLIDserver API: REST Reference Guide
Revision: #107942

Publication date July 01, 2021

Copyright © 2000-2021 EfficientIP
All specifications and information regarding the products in this document are subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by EfficientIP. EfficientIP assumes no responsibility or liability for any mistakes or inaccuracies that may
appear in this document. All statements and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate but are presented without
warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any product.

This document aims at detailing EfficientIP proprietary solutions. As our solutions rely on several third-party products, created by other
companies or organizations, it may redirect readers to third-party websites and documentation for further information. In such a case,
EfficientIP cannot be liable or expected to provide said information on products they do maintain or created.
Table of Contents
About this Guide ............................................................................................................. xiv
Documentation Organization ................................................................................... xiv
Documentation Convention ..................................................................................... xiv
I. REST Calls with SOLIDserver ......................................................................................... 1
1. Technical Overview ................................................................................................ 3
Prerequisites .................................................................................................... 3
Limitations ........................................................................................................ 3
2. Calling SOLIDserver Services ................................................................................ 4
Supported HTTP Verbs ..................................................................................... 4
REST Calls Format and Description ................................................................... 4
REST Calls Using Multiple Parameters ............................................................... 5
REST Calls Expected Response ........................................................................ 6
3. SOLIDserver Key Services ..................................................................................... 7
Services *_add ................................................................................................. 7
Services *_list ................................................................................................... 7
Services *_info ................................................................................................. 8
Services *_count ............................................................................................... 9
Services *_delete .............................................................................................. 9
4. Calling Services With TAGS ................................................................................. 10
Prerequisites .................................................................................................. 10
Limitations ...................................................................................................... 10
Tagging a Class Parameter .............................................................................. 10
Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE ................................ 12
Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY ............................ 14
Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and
GROUPBY ..................................................................................................... 16
Expected Object Types in the TAGS ................................................................. 18
II. IPAM Services ............................................................................................................. 19
5. Space ................................................................................................................. 22
ip_site_add ..................................................................................................... 23
ip_site_list ...................................................................................................... 26
ip_site_info ..................................................................................................... 29
ip_site_count .................................................................................................. 31
group_site_add ............................................................................................... 32
group_site_delete ........................................................................................... 34
ip_site_delete ................................................................................................. 36
6. IPv4 Network ...................................................................................................... 38
ip_subnet_add ................................................................................................ 39
ip_block_subnet_list ........................................................................................ 46
ip_block_subnet_info ....................................................................................... 53
ip_block_subnet_count .................................................................................... 59
ip_find_free_subnet ......................................................................................... 60
ip_block_subnet_groupby ................................................................................ 63
ip_block_subnet_groupby_count ...................................................................... 65
group_subnet_add .......................................................................................... 66
group_subnet_delete ....................................................................................... 70
ip_subnet_delete ............................................................................................ 74
7. IPv6 Network ...................................................................................................... 78
ip6_subnet6_add ............................................................................................ 79
ip6_block6_subnet6_list .................................................................................. 85
ip6_block6_subnet6_info ................................................................................. 91

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

ip6_block6_subnet6_count .............................................................................. 97
ip6_find_free_subnet6 ..................................................................................... 98
ip6_block6_subnet6_groupby ......................................................................... 100
ip6_block6_subnet6_groupby_count ............................................................... 102
group_subnet6_add ...................................................................................... 103
group_subnet6_delete ................................................................................... 106
ip6_subnet6_delete ....................................................................................... 109
8. IPv4 Pool .......................................................................................................... 112
ip_pool_add .................................................................................................. 113
ip_pool_list ................................................................................................... 117
ip_pool_info .................................................................................................. 121
ip_pool_count ............................................................................................... 125
group_pool_add ............................................................................................ 126
group_pool_delete ........................................................................................ 129
ip_pool_delete .............................................................................................. 132
9. IPv6 Pool .......................................................................................................... 134
ip6_pool6_add .............................................................................................. 135
ip6_pool6_list ................................................................................................ 139
ip6_pool6_info .............................................................................................. 143
ip6_pool6_count ........................................................................................... 146
group_pool6_add .......................................................................................... 147
group_pool6_delete ....................................................................................... 150
ip6_pool6_delete ........................................................................................... 152
10. IPv4 Address ................................................................................................... 154
ip_add .......................................................................................................... 155
ip_address_list .............................................................................................. 160
ip_address_info ............................................................................................. 166
ip_address_count .......................................................................................... 172
ip_find_free_address ..................................................................................... 173
ip_address_groupby ...................................................................................... 176
ip_address_groupby_count ............................................................................ 178
ip_delete ...................................................................................................... 179
11. IPv6 Address ................................................................................................... 181
ip6_address6_add ......................................................................................... 182
ip6_address6_list .......................................................................................... 186
ip6_address6_info ......................................................................................... 192
ip6_address6_count ...................................................................................... 197
ip6_find_free_address6 ................................................................................. 198
ip6_address6_groupby .................................................................................. 201
ip6_address6_groupby_count ........................................................................ 203
ip6_address6_delete ..................................................................................... 204
12. IPv4 Address Alias ........................................................................................... 206
ip_alias_add ................................................................................................. 207
ip_alias_list ................................................................................................... 210
ip_alias_count ............................................................................................... 213
ip_alias_delete .............................................................................................. 214
13. IPv6 Address Alias ........................................................................................... 216
ip6_alias_add ............................................................................................... 217
ip6_alias_list ................................................................................................. 220
ip6_alias_count ............................................................................................. 223
ip6_alias_delete ............................................................................................ 224
III. DHCP Services ........................................................................................................ 226
14. DHCPv4 Server ............................................................................................... 230
dhcp_server_list ............................................................................................ 231

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

dhcp_server_info .......................................................................................... 236

dhcp_server_count ........................................................................................ 241
15. DHCPv6 Server ............................................................................................... 242
dhcp6_server6_list ........................................................................................ 243
dhcp6_server6_info ....................................................................................... 248
dhcp6_server6_count .................................................................................... 252
16. DHCPv4 Shared Network ................................................................................. 253
dhcp_sn_add ................................................................................................ 254
dhcp_shared_network_list ............................................................................. 256
dhcp_shared_network_info ............................................................................ 258
dhcp_shared_network_count ......................................................................... 260
dhcp_sn_delete ............................................................................................ 261
17. DHCPv6 Shared Network ................................................................................. 263
dhcp6_sn6_add ............................................................................................ 264
dhcp6_shared_network6_list ......................................................................... 266
dhcp6_shared_network6_info ........................................................................ 269
dhcp6_shared_network6_count ..................................................................... 271
dhcp6_sn6_delete ......................................................................................... 272
18. DHCPv4 Scope ............................................................................................... 274
dhcp_scope_add ........................................................................................... 275
dhcp_scope_list ............................................................................................ 280
dhcp_scope_info ........................................................................................... 285
dhcp_scope_count ........................................................................................ 288
dhcp_scope_groupby .................................................................................... 289
dhcp_scope_groupby_count .......................................................................... 291
group_dhcpscope_add .................................................................................. 292
group_dhcpscope_delete ............................................................................... 295
dhcp_scope_delete ....................................................................................... 297
19. DHCPv6 Scope ............................................................................................... 299
dhcp6_scope6_add ....................................................................................... 300
dhcp6_scope6_list ........................................................................................ 304
dhcp6_scope6_info ....................................................................................... 308
dhcp6_scope6_count .................................................................................... 311
group_dhcpscope6_add ................................................................................ 312
group_dhcpscope6_delete ............................................................................. 314
dhcp6_scope6_delete ................................................................................... 316
20. DHCPv4 Group ............................................................................................... 318
dhcp_group_add ........................................................................................... 319
dhcp_group_list ............................................................................................ 322
dhcp_group_info ........................................................................................... 325
dhcp_group_count ........................................................................................ 328
dhcp_group_delete ....................................................................................... 329
21. DHCPv6 Group ............................................................................................... 331
dhcp6_group6_list ......................................................................................... 332
22. DHCPv4 Range ............................................................................................... 335
dhcp_range_add ........................................................................................... 336
dhcp_range_list ............................................................................................ 340
dhcp_range_info ........................................................................................... 344
dhcp_range_count ........................................................................................ 348
dhcp_range_delete ....................................................................................... 349
23. DHCPv6 Range ............................................................................................... 352
dhcp6_range6_add ....................................................................................... 353
dhcp6_range6_list ......................................................................................... 357
dhcp6_range6_info ........................................................................................ 361

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

dhcp6_range6_count ..................................................................................... 365

dhcp6_range6_delete .................................................................................... 366
24. DHCPv4 Lease ................................................................................................ 368
dhcp_range_lease_list ................................................................................... 369
dhcp_range_lease_info ................................................................................. 374
dhcp_range_lease_count ............................................................................... 378
dhcp_range_lease_groupby ........................................................................... 379
dhcp_range_lease_groupby_count ................................................................. 381
dhcp_lease_log_list ....................................................................................... 382
dhcp_lease_log_count ................................................................................... 384
dhcp_lease_log_groupby ............................................................................... 385
dhcp_lease_log_groupby_count ..................................................................... 387
dhcp_lease_manual_delete ........................................................................... 388
25. DHCPv6 Lease ................................................................................................ 390
dhcp6_lease6_list ......................................................................................... 391
dhcp6_lease6_count ..................................................................................... 395
dhcp6_lease6_log_list ................................................................................... 396
dhcp6_lease6_log_count ............................................................................... 398
dhcp6_lease6_log_groupby ........................................................................... 399
dhcp6_lease6_log_groupby_count ................................................................. 401
26. DHCPv4 Static ................................................................................................ 402
dhcp_static_add ............................................................................................ 403
dhcp_static_list ............................................................................................. 408
dhcp_static_info ............................................................................................ 413
dhcp_static_count ......................................................................................... 418
dhcp_static_groupby ..................................................................................... 419
dhcp_static_groupby_count ........................................................................... 421
dhcp_static_delete ........................................................................................ 422
27. DHCPv6 Static ................................................................................................ 425
dhcp6_static6_add ........................................................................................ 426
dhcp6_static6_list ......................................................................................... 430
dhcp6_static6_info ........................................................................................ 434
dhcp6_static6_count ..................................................................................... 438
dhcp6_static6_delete .................................................................................... 439
28. DHCPv4 Option ............................................................................................... 441
dhcp_option_add .......................................................................................... 442
29. DHCPv6 Option ............................................................................................... 447
dhcp6_option6_add ....................................................................................... 448
30. DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry ............................................................................ 452
dhcp_acl_add ............................................................................................... 453
dhcp_class_list ............................................................................................. 456
dhcp_class_info ............................................................................................ 458
dhcp_class_count ......................................................................................... 460
dhcp_acl_delete ............................................................................................ 461
dhcp_acl_data_add ....................................................................................... 463
dhcp_subclass_list ........................................................................................ 465
dhcp_subclass_info ....................................................................................... 468
dhcp_subclass_count .................................................................................... 470
dhcp_acl_data_delete ................................................................................... 471
31. DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry ............................................................................ 473
dhcp6_acl6_add ........................................................................................... 474
dhcp6_class6_list .......................................................................................... 477
dhcp6_class6_info ........................................................................................ 479
dhcp6_class6_count ...................................................................................... 481

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

dhcp6_acl6_delete ........................................................................................ 482

dhcp6_subclass6_list .................................................................................... 484
dhcp6_subclass6_info ................................................................................... 487
dhcp6_subclass6_count ................................................................................ 488
32. DHCPv4 Failover Channel ................................................................................ 489
dhcp_failover_list .......................................................................................... 490
dhcp_failover_info ......................................................................................... 493
dhcp_failover_count ...................................................................................... 495
dhcp_failover_set_partner_down .................................................................... 496
IV. DNS Services ........................................................................................................... 498
33. DNS Server ..................................................................................................... 501
dns_server_list .............................................................................................. 502
dns_server_info ............................................................................................ 509
dns_server_count ......................................................................................... 516
dns_smart_member_add ............................................................................... 517
dns_smart_member_delete ........................................................................... 519
34. DNS View ........................................................................................................ 521
dns_view_add ............................................................................................... 522
dns_view_list ................................................................................................ 527
dns_view_info ............................................................................................... 531
dns_view_count ............................................................................................ 534
group_dnsview_add ...................................................................................... 535
group_dnsview_delete ................................................................................... 537
dns_view_delete ........................................................................................... 539
dns_view_param_add ................................................................................... 541
dns_view_param_list ..................................................................................... 543
dns_view_param_info .................................................................................... 545
dns_view_param_count ................................................................................. 547
dns_view_param_delete ................................................................................ 548
35. DNS Zone ....................................................................................................... 550
dns_zone_add .............................................................................................. 551
dns_zone_list ................................................................................................ 559
dns_zone_info .............................................................................................. 566
dns_zone_count ............................................................................................ 572
dns_zone_groupby ........................................................................................ 573
dns_zone_groupby_count .............................................................................. 575
group_dnszone_add ...................................................................................... 576
group_dnszone_delete .................................................................................. 579
dns_zone_delete ........................................................................................... 582
dns_zone_param_add ................................................................................... 584
dns_zone_param_list .................................................................................... 586
dns_zone_param_info ................................................................................... 588
dns_zone_param_count ................................................................................ 590
dns_zone_param_delete ............................................................................... 591
36. DNS Resource Record ..................................................................................... 593
dns_rr_add ................................................................................................... 594
dns_rr_list ..................................................................................................... 603
dns_rr_info ................................................................................................... 611
dns_rr_count ................................................................................................ 619
dns_rr_groupby ............................................................................................. 620
dns_rr_groupby_count ................................................................................... 622
dns_rr_delete ................................................................................................ 623
37. DNS ACL ........................................................................................................ 628
dns_acl_add ................................................................................................. 629

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

dns_acl_list ................................................................................................... 632

dns_acl_info ................................................................................................. 634
dns_acl_count .............................................................................................. 635
dns_acl_delete .............................................................................................. 636
38. TSIG Key ........................................................................................................ 638
dns_key_add ................................................................................................ 639
dns_key_list .................................................................................................. 642
dns_key_info ................................................................................................. 644
dns_key_count .............................................................................................. 646
dns_key_delete ............................................................................................. 647
39. DNSSEC ......................................................................................................... 649
dnssec_zone_keys_list .................................................................................. 650
dnssec_zone_keys_info ................................................................................. 652
dnssec_enable_sign_zone ............................................................................. 654
V. Application Services .................................................................................................. 659
40. Application ...................................................................................................... 661
app_application_add ..................................................................................... 662
app_application_list ....................................................................................... 665
app_application_info ..................................................................................... 668
app_application_count ................................................................................... 670
app_application_groupby ............................................................................... 671
app_application_groupby_count ..................................................................... 673
app_application_delete .................................................................................. 674
41. Pool ................................................................................................................ 676
app_pool_add ............................................................................................... 677
app_pool_list ................................................................................................ 680
app_pool_info ............................................................................................... 683
app_pool_count ............................................................................................ 685
app_pool_groupby ........................................................................................ 686
app_pool_groupby_count .............................................................................. 688
app_pool_delete ........................................................................................... 689
42. Node ............................................................................................................... 691
app_node_add .............................................................................................. 692
app_node_list ............................................................................................... 695
app_node_info .............................................................................................. 698
app_node_count ........................................................................................... 700
app_node_groupby ....................................................................................... 701
app_node_groupby_count ............................................................................. 703
app_node_delete .......................................................................................... 704
VI. Guardian Services .................................................................................................... 706
43. Policy .............................................................................................................. 708
guardian_policy_add ..................................................................................... 709
guardian_policy_list ....................................................................................... 711
guardian_policy_info ..................................................................................... 713
guardian_policy_count ................................................................................... 714
guardian_policy_groupby ............................................................................... 715
guardian_policy_groupby_count ..................................................................... 717
guardian_policy_delete .................................................................................. 718
VII. NetChange Services ................................................................................................ 720
44. Network Device ............................................................................................... 722
iplocator_netdev_add .................................................................................... 723
iplnetdev_list ................................................................................................. 727
iplnetdev_info ................................................................................................ 731
iplnetdev_count ............................................................................................. 735

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

iplnetdev_groupby ......................................................................................... 736

iplnetdev_groupby_count ............................................................................... 738
group_iplnetdev_add ..................................................................................... 739
group_iplnetdev_delete ................................................................................. 741
iplocator_netdev_delete ................................................................................. 743
45. IPv4 Route ...................................................................................................... 745
iplnetdevroute_list ......................................................................................... 746
iplnetdevroute_info ........................................................................................ 750
iplnetdevroute_count ..................................................................................... 754
iplnetdevroute_groupby ................................................................................. 755
iplnetdevroute_groupby_count ....................................................................... 757
46. IPv6 Route ...................................................................................................... 758
iplnetdevroute6_list ....................................................................................... 759
iplnetdevroute6_info ...................................................................................... 763
iplnetdevroute6_count ................................................................................... 767
iplnetdevroute6_groupby ............................................................................... 768
iplnetdevroute6_groupby_count ..................................................................... 770
47. NetChange VLAN ............................................................................................ 771
iplnetdevvlan_list ........................................................................................... 772
iplnetdevvlan_count ....................................................................................... 774
iplnetdevvlan_groupby ................................................................................... 775
48. Port ................................................................................................................. 777
iplocator_port_add ........................................................................................ 778
iplport_list ..................................................................................................... 782
iplport_info .................................................................................................... 788
iplport_count ................................................................................................. 793
49. NetChange IPv4 Address ................................................................................. 794
iplnetdevaddr_list .......................................................................................... 795
iplnetdevaddr_info ......................................................................................... 797
iplnetdevaddr_count ...................................................................................... 799
iplnetdevaddr_groupby .................................................................................. 800
iplnetdevaddr_groupby_count ........................................................................ 802
50. NetChange IPv6 Address ................................................................................. 803
iplnetdevaddr6_list ........................................................................................ 804
iplnetdevaddr6_info ....................................................................................... 806
iplnetdevaddr6_count .................................................................................... 808
iplnetdevaddr6_groupby ................................................................................ 809
iplnetdevaddr6_groupby_count ...................................................................... 811
51. Discovered Item ............................................................................................... 812
ipldev_list ..................................................................................................... 813
ipldev_count ................................................................................................. 817
ipldev_groupby .............................................................................................. 818
ipldev_groupby_count .................................................................................... 820
ipldev_log_count ........................................................................................... 821
ipldev_log_list ............................................................................................... 822
VIII. Workflow Services .................................................................................................. 825
52. Request .......................................................................................................... 827
workflow_request_add ................................................................................... 828
request_incoming_list .................................................................................... 833
request_incoming_info ................................................................................... 836
request_incoming_count ................................................................................ 839
request_incoming_groupby ............................................................................ 840
request_incoming_groupby_count .................................................................. 842
request_outgoing_list .................................................................................... 843

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

request_outgoing_info ................................................................................... 846

request_outgoing_count ................................................................................ 849
request_outgoing_groupby ............................................................................ 850
request_outgoing_groupby_count .................................................................. 852
IX. Device Manager Services ......................................................................................... 853
53. Device Manager Device ................................................................................... 855
hostdev_add ................................................................................................. 856
hostdev_list .................................................................................................. 860
hostdev_info ................................................................................................. 863
hostdev_count .............................................................................................. 865
hostdev_groupby ........................................................................................... 866
hostdev_groupby_count ................................................................................. 868
hostdev_delete ............................................................................................. 869
54. Port and Interface ............................................................................................ 871
hostiface_add ............................................................................................... 872
hostiface_list ................................................................................................. 876
hostiface_info ................................................................................................ 879
hostiface_count ............................................................................................. 882
hostiface_groupby ......................................................................................... 883
hostiface_groupby_count ............................................................................... 885
link_hostiface_add ........................................................................................ 886
link_hostiface_list .......................................................................................... 889
link_hostiface_count ...................................................................................... 891
link_hostiface_delete ..................................................................................... 892
hostiface_delete ............................................................................................ 894
X. VLAN Manager Services ............................................................................................ 896
55. VLAN Domain .................................................................................................. 898
vlm_domain_add ........................................................................................... 899
vlmdomain_list .............................................................................................. 902
vlmdomain_info ............................................................................................. 904
vlmdomain_count .......................................................................................... 906
group_vlmdomain_add .................................................................................. 907
group_vlmdomain_delete ............................................................................... 909
vlm_domain_delete ....................................................................................... 911
56. VLAN Range ................................................................................................... 913
vlm_range_add ............................................................................................. 914
vlmrange_list ................................................................................................ 918
vlmrange_info ............................................................................................... 921
vlmrange_count ............................................................................................ 923
group_vlmrange_add ..................................................................................... 924
group_vlmrange_delete ................................................................................. 926
vlm_range_delete ......................................................................................... 928
57. VLAN .............................................................................................................. 930
vlm_vlan_add ............................................................................................... 931
vlmvlan_list ................................................................................................... 935
vlmvlan_info .................................................................................................. 938
vlmvlan_count ............................................................................................... 941
vlm_vlan_delete ............................................................................................ 942
XI. VRF Services ........................................................................................................... 944
58. VRF ................................................................................................................ 946
vrf_vrfobject_add .......................................................................................... 947
vrfobject_list .................................................................................................. 950
vrfobject_info ................................................................................................ 952
vrfobject_count ............................................................................................. 954

SOLIDserver API: REST Reference

vrf_vrfobject_delete ....................................................................................... 955

59. VRF Route Target ............................................................................................ 957
vrf_linkvrfimportexport_add ............................................................................ 958
link_vrfimportexport_list ................................................................................. 961
vrf_linkvrfimportexport_delete ........................................................................ 963
XII. Administration Services ........................................................................................... 965
60. Services Management ..................................................................................... 967
service_list ................................................................................................... 968
group_service_add ........................................................................................ 970
group_service_delete .................................................................................... 972
61. Group ............................................................................................................. 974
group_add .................................................................................................... 975
group_list ...................................................................................................... 979
group_info .................................................................................................... 981
group_count ................................................................................................. 983
group_delete ................................................................................................. 984
maintainer_group_list .................................................................................... 985
62. User ................................................................................................................ 986
user_add ...................................................................................................... 987
user_info ...................................................................................................... 992
user_service_list ........................................................................................... 994
group_service_list ......................................................................................... 996
group_user_add ............................................................................................ 998
group_user_delete ...................................................................................... 1000
user_delete ................................................................................................. 1002
63. Custom Data ................................................................................................. 1004
custom_db_data_add .................................................................................. 1005
custom_db_data_list .................................................................................... 1008
custom_db_data_info .................................................................................. 1011
custom_db_data_count ............................................................................... 1013
custom_db_data_groupby ............................................................................ 1014
custom_db_data_groupby_count .................................................................. 1016
custom_db_data_delete ............................................................................... 1017
A. IPAM Cheat Sheet ................................................................................................... 1019
B. IPAM Workflow Sample ............................................................................................ 1020
C. DHCP Options ........................................................................................................ 1021
Most Used Options .............................................................................................. 1021
Basic .................................................................................................................. 1022
Server Parameters .............................................................................................. 1022
Lease Information ............................................................................................... 1023
WINS/NetBIOS ................................................................................................... 1024
Host IP ............................................................................................................... 1024
Interface ............................................................................................................. 1025
Servers ............................................................................................................... 1026
BootP Compatible ............................................................................................... 1027
DHCP Packet Fields ............................................................................................ 1028
Microsoft DHCP Client ......................................................................................... 1029
NetWare Client .................................................................................................... 1030
NIS/NISplus ........................................................................................................ 1031
Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................... 1031
Vendor Nwip ....................................................................................................... 1033
Vendor MSFT ...................................................................................................... 1034
D. Return Codes .......................................................................................................... 1035

List of Examples
3.1. Calling the service dhcp_static_add using Ruby ........................................................... 7
3.2. Calling the service ip_block_subnet_list using PHP ....................................................... 8
3.3. Calling the service dns_rr_info using PHP .................................................................... 8
3.4. Calling the service ip_address_count using Python ....................................................... 9
3.5. Calling the service iplocator_netdev_delete using Python .............................................. 9
6.1. Calling the service ip_subnet_add using Python ......................................................... 44
6.2. Calling the service ip_block_subnet_list using PHP, WHERE and ORDERBY ............... 51
6.3. Calling the service ip_find_free_subnet using Ruby .................................................... 62
6.4. Calling the service group_subnet_add using Python ................................................... 69
6.5. Calling the service ip_subnet_delete using PHP ......................................................... 76
7.1. Calling the service ip6_block6_subnet6_list using Ruby and WHERE ........................... 90
10.1. Calling the service ip_add using Ruby .................................................................... 158
10.2. Calling the service ip_address_list using PHP ......................................................... 165
10.3. Calling the service ip_address_info using PHP ....................................................... 171
10.4. Calling the service ip_find_free_address using Python ............................................ 175
11.1. Calling the service ip6_address6_add using PHP ................................................... 185
11.2. Calling the service ip6_address6_delete using Ruby ............................................... 205
12.1. Calling the service ip_alias_list using Python and ORDERBY .................................. 212
18.1. Calling the service dhcp_scope_list using PHP and WHERE ................................... 283
24.1. Calling the service dhcp_range_lease_list using Python and WHERE ...................... 372
26.1. Calling the service dhcp_static_add using Ruby ...................................................... 407
26.2. Calling the service dhcp_static_info using Python ................................................... 416
30.1. Calling the service dhcp_subclass_list using PHP and ORDERBY ........................... 466
31.1. Calling the service dhcp_subclass_list using PHP and ORDERBY ........................... 485
35.1. Calling the service dns_zone_add using Ruby ........................................................ 557
35.2. Calling the service dns_zone_list using Python ....................................................... 564
36.1. Calling the service dns_rr_add using PHP .............................................................. 602
36.2. Calling the service dns_rr_list using Python ............................................................ 610
36.3. Calling the service dns_rr_info using Ruby ............................................................. 617
36.4. Calling the service dns_rr_delete using PHP .......................................................... 627
62.1. Calling the service user_add using PHP ................................................................. 991
62.2. Calling the service group_user_add using Python ................................................... 999
62.3. Calling the service group_user_add using PHP ..................................................... 1001
63.1. Calling the service custom_db_data_list using PowerShell ..................................... 1010

About this Guide
SOLIDserver can be managed using web services instead of, or in addition to, the GUI via REST
mechanism. This guide provides an overview and description of the services you can execute.

Documentation Organization
This guide includes the following parts and appendices:
• REST Calls with SOLIDserver: an introduction to REST mechanism, with a technical overview
on how to make REST calls with SOLIDserver and a set of frequently asked questions.
• IPAM Services: a part describing IP Address Management services, in IPv4 and IPv6, for
spaces, networks, pools, IP addresses and IP address aliases.
• DHCP Services: a part describing DHCP services for servers, shared networks, scopes, groups,
ranges, leases, statics, options, ACLs and their entries and failover channels.
• DNS Services: a part describing DNS services for servers, views, zones, resource records,
ACLs, TSIG keys and DNSSEC.
• Application Services: a part describing Application services for applications, pools and nodes.
• Guardian Services: a part describing Guardian services for policies.
• NetChange Services: a part describing NetChange services for network devices, IPv4 and
IPv6 routes, VLANs, ports, NetChange IP addresses and discovered items.
• Workflow Services: a part describing Workflow services for requests.
• Device Manager Services: a part describing Device Manager services for devices and ports
& interfaces.
• VLAN Manager Services: a part describing VLAN Manager services for domains, ranges and
• VRF Services: a part describing VRF services for VRFs and VRF Route Targets.
• Administration Services: a part describing some services of the module Administration that
relate to services management, groups of users, users and custom data.
• IPAM Cheat Sheet an appendix describing key parameters when calling IPAM services.
• IPAM Workflow Sample an appendix including best practice scenarios to set up an IPAM ser-
vices orchestration.
• DHCP Options an appendix describing the DHCP options.
• Return Codes an appendix listing all the return codes.

Documentation Convention
Each service is documented following the same structure, some keywords prevent confusions.

A Structured Description of each Service

Within the service dedicated parts, every service is detailed as follows:

Name The service name and general purpose.

Description The detailed purpose of the service.
Mandatory Input Parameters The combination(s) of parameters that you must use to call the service, if rel-
Input Parameters The description of all the available parameters to call the service.

About this Guide

Output Parameters The description of all the parameters returned by the service once executed.
This section does not include the parameters you may have tagged, for more
details refer to the chapter Calling Services With TAGS.

The Keywords in the Guide

Throughout the guide, we use the following keywords to avoid any confusion.
An object that belongs to another object of same type in a VLSM organization.
For instance, a network can be the child of another network. A space can also be the child
of another space.
An object that can contain an object of another type. It can refer to an object at higher level
within the hierarchy of the module.
For instance, the container of a DHCP static can be a server, scope or range.
The highest level of the Device Manager hierarchy, it manages ports and interfaces. It can
be a hardware appliance imported from NetChange, or a set of devices merged into one to
ease the management of ports and interfaces. To avoid confusion, devices managed from
this module are called Device Manager devices in this guide.
Database identifier
The identifier of an object within SOLIDserver database. The unique integer it is assigned
once added to a table.
Network device
A hardware appliance that was imported to SOLIDserver from the module NetChange. They
can also be managed from the module Device Manager. To avoid any confusion, hardware
appliances managed from NetChange are called network devices in this guide
NetChange IPv4 or IPv6 Address
One of the second level objects of NetChange hierarchy. An IP address configured for an
interface managed from a network device. All these addresses are listed on the dedicated
page All addresses of the module.
Any element that you can manage in SOLIDserver.
For instance, IPAM networks, DNS zones, NetChange ports, VLAN Manager domains are
all objects.
An object that can contain another object of same type in a VLSM organization.
A non-terminal network can be the parent of another network. A space can also be the parent
of another space.
The second level in NetChange hierarchy. Virtual Local Area Networks belong to network
devices. They are called NetChange VLAN in this guide.
The lowest level in VLAN Manager hierarchy. Virtual Local Area Networks can belong to
VLAN ranges and/or VLAN domains. They can be associated with IPAM and DHCP objects.
They are called VLAN in this guide.

Part I. REST Calls with SOLIDserver
Table of Contents
1. Technical Overview ........................................................................................................ 3
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 3
Limitations ................................................................................................................ 3
2. Calling SOLIDserver Services ........................................................................................ 4
Supported HTTP Verbs ............................................................................................. 4
REST Calls Format and Description ........................................................................... 4
REST Calls Using Multiple Parameters ....................................................................... 5
REST Calls Expected Response ................................................................................ 6
3. SOLIDserver Key Services ............................................................................................. 7
Services *_add ......................................................................................................... 7
Services *_list ........................................................................................................... 7
Services *_info ......................................................................................................... 8
Services *_count ....................................................................................................... 9
Services *_delete ...................................................................................................... 9
4. Calling Services With TAGS ......................................................................................... 10
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 10
Limitations .............................................................................................................. 10
Tagging a Class Parameter ...................................................................................... 10
Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE ........................................ 12
Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY .................................... 14
Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY ......... 16
Expected Object Types in the TAGS ......................................................................... 18

Chapter 1. Technical Overview
The Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architectural style used as an altern-
ative to SOAP-based web services in web developments. It allows to set up guidelines structured
using HTTP verbs as constraints.

SOLIDserver provides a REST API based on basic HTTP/1.1 verbs mapped to CRUD operations
(Create, Read, Update and Delete). You can use REST mechanism to execute SOLIDserver
web services instead of, or in addition to, managing them through the graphical user interface.
Almost all the operations available in the GUI can be performed using web services: creations,
editions, deletions, retrieval of information, etc.

It presents the following advantages:

• REST allows the execution of CRUD services in a URL style.
• REST API format is supported in every language or software supporting HTTP.
• REST is suited for automating and scripting tasks.
• REST can be integrated within external applications.

• SOLIDserver appliance must be configured with a correct hostname that can be resolved using
a DNS query for the REST client.
• SOLIDserver appliance must respond to ping requests.
• The user must have the sufficient rights to execute the service.
• Every call requires user authentication, either through basic access authentication or in the
header, in base64 format.
• The user must take into account the SSL certificate of their SOLIDserver session before ex-
ecuting each service. Depending on the configuration they may have to:
• Accept the certificate from SOLIDserver GUI only once before executing web services.
• Configure your calls execution to accept or ignore the certificate every time.

• SOLIDserver supports the verbs POST, GET, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS. For more details,
refer to the chapter Calling SOLIDserver Services.
• SOLIDserver does not support the HTTP verb PATCH.
• REST calls must respect the HTTP/1.1 format. Calls respecting HTTP/1.0 are not interpreted
by the Apache server and may result in unpredicted behavior.
• REST calls apply to one object.
• REST allows you to execute calls one by one.
Therefore, any automated operation in the GUI has to be performed manually by calling all the
relevant services one after the other. For instance, to delete from the GUI ten networks called
*intranet* you would filter the page All networks, tick the networks and delete them all at once.
With REST, you must call the service that lists the networks, retrieve the ID of the intranet
networks, and then call the network deletion service ten times, for each network.
• You can no longer include class parameters in a clause WHERE using the structure <object-
type>_class_parameters like <value>. To filter the results based on class parameters you must
use TAGS instead, for more details refer to the chapter Calling Services With TAGS.

Chapter 2. Calling SOLIDserver Services
To call web services SOLIDserver supports 5 HTTP verbs, the execution of these calls can be
more or less detailed and even include a payload.

Supported HTTP Verbs

Calling services via REST relies on the following HTTP verbs.

Table 2.1. Supported HTTP verbs

Verb Purpose Used to call the service
POST Creating objects. Calls using that verb are not idempotent.
PUT Updating/editing objects. Calls using that verb are idempotent .
GET Retrieving object information. Calls using that verb are idempotent . *_list, *_info and *_count
DELETE Deleting objects. Calls using that verb are idempotent . *_delete
OPTIONS Retrieving a service help details. Calls using that verb are idempotent . any service
The services *_add, *_list, *_info, *_count and *_delete are SOLIDserver key services, they exist for all objects.
Calling an idempotent service multiple times using the same verb and input parameters produces the same outcome,
no matter how many times you call it.

Any other verb returns the HTTP error: 501 - Method Not Implemented, 405 - Method Not Allowed
or 400 - Bad Request.

REST Calls Format and Description

Every REST call must respect the following URL format.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is the only way to execute the service. http:// returns the error 302.
The IP address or hostname used to connect to your appliance. The appliance must be running, you
must have either imported the certificate or disabled the certificate validation. If you are using a web
browser REST client, you should first acknowledge the warning message and ignore the self-signed
The method used to execute the service and indicates the expected input parameters format.
/rest/ must be used to call the services *_add, *_list, *_info, *_count and *_delete.
/rpc/ must be used to call any other service.
The name of the SOLIDserver service to be executed.
An optional separator. It is only required if you include input parameters in the call.
All the input parameter(s), if relevant for the service. Each parameter must be URL encoded and followed
by its value, the expected format is detailed in the section Multiple Parameters REST Calls Format.
The parameters order does not matter but this section of the URL is case sensitive, so make sure to
indicate WHERE and not where, the same goes for ORDERBY or SELECT.

Calling SOLIDserver Services

Keep in mind that for each service:

1. You must execute the service with the appropriate HTTP verb, the service returns an error
2. You must authenticate, using the credentials of a user must be granted sufficient rights and
resources to execute the service.
• You can either use basic access authentication.
• Or you can specify user credentials in the header.
X-IPM-Username: <SOLIDserver-user-login-in-base64-format>
X-IPM-Password: <SOLIDserver-user-password-in-base64-format>

3. You can indicate a payload using JSON format when relevant for the service. For more details,
refer to the REST calls with payload.

For calls without input parameters, to request a list for instance, you can use the format:


If you use a REST client to execute our services, you can follow the procedure below.

To execute a service without input via a REST GUI client

1. Open your REST GUI client.
2. In the URL field type in https://<your-SOLIDserver>/<rest-or-rpc>/<service-name> .
3. Select the appropriate HTTP verb: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE or OPTIONS.
4. Specify your authentication credentials:
• Either via basic access authentication;
• Or in the header, using X-IPM-Username: <base64-login> and X-IPM-Password: <base64-
password>, as detailed above.
5. Send the request.

For calls with input parameters, we recommend using the format:

This format, the basic URI format to write down the URL, allows to make sure your call is properly
executed even if the value of an input parameter contains a "/".

REST Calls Using Multiple Parameters

Multiple parameters calls using REST can either include all the parameters and their value in the
URL or include them in a payload, in the body of the call.

Multiple Parameter Calls via URL

No matter the service and parameters, a call via URL must respect the proper call format, detailed
in the section REST Calls Format and Description. To execute a service with input parameters
via URL you must:
1. Specify the parameters and their value. There are two available formats:
• We recommend using https://<your-SOLIDserver>/<rest-or-rpc>/<service-
This format is especially useful if the value of any input parameter contains a "/".

Calling SOLIDserver Services

• You can also use the deprecated format https://<your-SOLIDserver>/<rest-or-rpc>/<service-

2. Respect HTTP/1.1 formatting.

Do not hesitate to use a script that includes the service input parameters needed rather than
converting every parameter value in URL encoding format. This script can also include several
services as well.

Multiple Parameter Calls With Payload

Any service executed with POST or PUT can be sent with a request payload. It allows to send
a more detailed request for the service execution, with a specific ID, name or option for instance.

You cannot send a request payload for calls using GET, DELETE and OPTIONS.

To send a REST call with payload you must:

1. Specify only the service in the URL following the format: https://<your-SOLIDserver>/<rest-
2. Respect HTTP/1.1 formatting.
3. Specify your payload in the body of the request with JSON formatted parameters and

The payload can also be included in a script.

REST Calls Expected Response

• A service execution response is sent with an HTTP status or error code.
• The service returns the output parameters in JSON format in the body of the request.
• The value of the output parameters returned can be URL encoded.

Chapter 3. SOLIDserver Key Services
There are five service types that you can find in all SOLIDserver modules: *_add, *_list, *_info,
*_count and *_delete; where * is the object the service applies to. Keep in mind that:
• These 5 service types must be executed using the method /rest/ in the URL. For more details,
refer to the section REST Calls Format and Description.
• These 5 service types, except for *_add when used to create objects, are idempotent: calling
them several times with the same parameter(s) specified in input does not change the output
parameter(s) returned.
• Any other type of service must be called using the method /rpc/.

Services *_add
They allow to add or edit objects in the database:
• Use the HTTP verb POST to add an object.
• Use the HTTP verb PUT and specify an existing identifier in input to edit an object.

Note that we recommend calling the services *_add with the input parameter add_flag.The value
of this parameter allows to overload the operation and make sure that you are either creating an
object (new_only), or editing an existing object (edit_only).

The services *_add only apply to one object at a time. To add or edit several objects you must
call the service as many times as there are objects involved.

Example 3.1. Calling the service dhcp_static_add using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_static_add?"+

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Services *_list
They allow to retrieve the list of all the objects in a database.

Use the HTTP verb GET to call these services.

To filter or organize the results, you can specify the clause WHERE, the clause ORDERBY, the
parameter offset and/or the parameter limit in input. The services *_list and *_info return the same
parameters in output.

SOLIDserver Key Services

Example 3.2. Calling the service ip_block_subnet_list using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_block_subnet_list",
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

Services *_info
They allow to retrieve the properties of a specific object.

Use the HTTP verb GET to call these services.

The services *_info only apply to one object at a time. They return the same parameters in output
than the services *_list.

Example 3.3. Calling the service dns_rr_info using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_rr_info?rr_id=204",
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);

SOLIDserver Key Services


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

Services *_count
They allow to retrieve the total number of entries in the object database. This total includes all
the objects: enabled or disabled, managed or unmanaged, in delayed create or delayed create.
Only the objects that are already deleted from the database are excluded from the count.

Use the HTTP verb GET to call these services.

To filter the count result, you can specify the clause WHERE in input.

Example 3.4. Calling the service ip_address_count using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_address_count"

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


Services *_delete
They allow to delete a specific object from the database.

Use the HTTP verb DELETE to call these services.

The services *_delete only apply to one object at a time. To delete several objects you must call
the service as many times as there are objects involved.

Example 3.5. Calling the service iplocator_netdev_delete using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/iplocator_netdev_delete"

querystring = {"iplnetdev_id":"12"}

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


Chapter 4. Calling Services With TAGS
TAGS is a proprietary tagging attribute designed to retrieve the class parameters - i.e. custom
class parameters, advanced properties or metadata - configured on an object.

Tagging a class parameter allows to find it more easily in the output parameters of a service or
to use it in the clauses and statements WHERE, ORDERBY, SELECT and GROUPBY.

All the class parameters and their value, are concatenated and separated by a comma in the
value of the parameter <object-type>_class_parameters. Using TAGS returns an additional
parameter called tag_<your-class-parameter> that allows to single out a class parameter in-
formation on a dedicated line; the class parameter is tagged.

Since version 6.0.0, it is no longer possible to include in a clause WHERE the structure <object-
type>_class_parameters like <value>, you must tag the class parameter of your choice and then
include it in the clause.

• Calling a service for an object configured with custom class parameters, advanced properties
or metadata.
• Specifying the proper object type, as detailed in the table Expected object types in the TAGS.
• Encoding the calls. All calls using TAGS must be URL encoded.

• TAGS can only be used on services *_list and *_info.
• TAGS can only be used for calls that return the parameter <object-type>_class_parameters.
• TAGS cannot single out the inheritance/propagation properties of a class parameter. It cannot
retrieve the value of the parameters <object-type>_class_parameters_properties and <object-

Tagging a Class Parameter

To tag a class parameter, you must respect the following URL format.


All calls must be URL encoded, but, as tagging one class parameter only includes a . (dot), the
call does not need encoding.
For more details, refer to the section REST Calls Format and Description.
Specifies that you want to extract a specific class parameter from the output parameter
The expected name convention to tag the class parameter and add the extra line in the output.
<object-type> and <param> must be separated with a . (dot).
<object-type> is the type of object the class parameter applies to. All types are listed in the
table Expected object types in the TAGS.

Calling Services With TAGS

<param> is the name of the class parameter you want to return independently.

In the following example, we use TAGS to call the service dhcp_scope_list and retrieve a class
parameter called information. The URL below cannot be used as such, you must execute the
call respecting the format detailed in the section REST Calls Format and Description.

The service returns all the output parameters, plus a dedicated line for the tagged class parameter:
"errno": "0",
"vdhcp_parent_id": "0",
"vdhcp_arch": "splitscope",
"dhcp_type": "vdhcp",
"dhcpfailover_id": "13",
"dhcpfailover_name": "failover-mycompany.corporation",
"dhcpscope_id": "951",
"dhcp_id": "19",
"dhcp_name": "mycompany.corporation",
"dhcpscope_name": "allocation",
"dhcpscope_start_ip_addr": "0d000000",
"dhcpscope_end_ip_addr": "0dffffff",
"dhcpscope_net_addr": "",
"dhcpscope_net_mask": "",
"dhcpscope_size": "16777216",
"delayed_create_time": "0",
"delayed_delete_time": "0",
"dhcpscope_site_name": "#",
"dhcpscope_site_id": "0",
"dhcpscope_sort_name": "",
"dhcpscope_class_name": "info",
"dhcpsn_id": "949",
"dhcpsn_name": "",
"vdhcp_parent_name": "#",
"dhcp_class_name": "",
"dhcp_version": "",
"row_enabled": "1",
"ip_addr": "#",
"multistatus": "",
"tag_dhcpscope_information": "important data",
<!--The class parameter you tagged is also returned by
"dhcpscope_class_parameters": "ipam_replication=0&information=important%20data",
"dhcp_class_parameters": "ipam_replication=0",
"dhcp_class_parameters_properties": "ipam_replication=set,propagate"

Keep in mind that you can tag several class parameters in one call. The call format to tag two or
more class parameters is the following:


The URL encoded version of that call is the following:


Calling Services With TAGS

Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE

As it is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value>
directly in the clause WHERE, tagging class parameters is the only way to include them in the
filtering clause WHERE.

Filtering Results based on One Class Parameter

To filter the service result based on a class parameter, you must tag the class parameter first
and then include the tagged parameter in the clause WHERE following the URL format:

=tag_<object-type>_<param> <filter>

Once URL encoded, the call format is the following:

For more details, refer to the section Tagging a Class Parameter.
The clause that filters the results of the service. It must include the full name of the tagged
class parameter.
The name of the tagged class parameter as returned by the service. It always starts with
tag_ . It is followed by the object type, all types are listed in the table Expected object types
in the TAGS. Finally, the class parameter Name is mentioned, not its Label.
The value of the class parameter that you want to filter the result with.
Use the structure tag_<object-type>_<param> like '<param-value>' to specify a string value.
To indicate that the class parameter should contain the <param-value> but that it can contain
other characters, you can use the character % as a wildcard: '%<param-value>%'.The space
must be encoded: tag_<object-type>_<param>%20like%20%27<param-value>%27. The
code for the % is %25.
Use the structure tag_<object-type>_<param>='<param-value>' to specify an integer value.
You can also use other operators like >, >=, < ... Within the clause, = must be encoded:

In the following example, we call the service dhcp_scope_list using TAGS and the clause WHERE
to only return scopes configured with the class parameter information and the value important.
The URL below cannot be used as such, you must execute the call respecting the format detailed
in the section REST Calls Format and Description.

// In readable format the clause WHERE contains: tag_dhcpscope_information like 'important'

Calling Services With TAGS

Filtering Results based on Multiple Class Parameters

To filter based on multiple class parameters, you must tag all the class parameters and specify
the value of each parameter in the clause WHERE. The expected format is the following:

type2>.<param2>&WHERE=tag_<object-type1>_<param1> like '<param1-value>' <and-or-or>

Once URL encoded, the call format is the following:

For more details, refer to the section Tagging a Class Parameter.
The list of all the class parameters you want to tag and use in the clause (<object-
type>.<param>), separated by a &, you can add as many class parameters as you need.
Within the clause, & must be encoded:<object-type1>.<param1>%26<object-
The clause that filters the service output parameters. It must include the full name of all the
tagged class parameters.
tag_<object-type1>_<param1> like '<param1-value>'
The name of the first tagged class parameter (tag_<object-type>_<param>) you want to
filter. For a string value use the encoded version of like '<param1-value>'.
The condition in which you want to filter the results. You can include all class parameters
(and) or either class parameter (or) in the output parameters.
The name of the second tagged class parameter (tag_<object-type>_<param>) you want
to filter. For an integer use the encoded version of ='<param2-value>'. You can add more,
as long as it is preceded by <and-or-or>.

In the following example, we call the service dhcp_scope_list using TAGS and the clause WHERE
to filter the result and only return either scopes which class parameter information is important
or scopes which class parameter description contains accounting. The URL below cannot be
used as such, you must execute the call respecting the format detailed in the section REST Calls
Format and Description.

// In readable format the clause WHERE contains: tag_dhcpscope_information like 'important'

or tag_dhcpscope_description like '%accounting%'

Calling Services With TAGS

Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY

Tagging class parameters is the only way to include them in the clause ORDERBY to sort the

Keep in mind that the order of the parameters specified in the clause is set using their value
(name or ordinal number). If a parameter has the same value in two different rows, the next
parameter of each row is compared. If that second parameter is still the same for both rows, the
next parameter of each row is compared, and so on until all the rows are ordered according to
the configuration you set in the clause. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned
in an implementation-dependent order.

Sorting Results based on One Class Parameter

To sort the service result based on one class parameter, you must tag the class parameter first
and then include the tagged parameter in the clause ORDERBY as follows.

tag_<object-type>_<param> <order>

Once URL encoded, the call format is the following:

For more details, refer to the section Tagging a Class Parameter.
The clause that indicates that the output parameters must be sorted.
The name of the tagged class parameter as returned by the service. It always starts with
tag_ . It is followed by the object type, all types are listed in the table Expected object types
in the TAGS. Finally, the class parameter Name is mentioned, not its Label.
The order in which you want the results to be returned, based on the value of the class
parameter tag_<object-type>_<param>. It can be either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descend-
ing) and preceded by an encoded space: tag_<object-type>_<param>%20<ASC-or-DESC>.
The <order> is optional, if you do not specify an order, the service returns information in
ascending order.

In the following example, we call the service dhcp_scope_list using TAGS and the clause OR-
DERBY to sort the scopes based on the value of the class parameter information. The URL below
cannot be used as such, you must execute the call respecting the format detailed in the section
REST Calls Format and Description.

// In readable format the clause ORDERBY contains: tag_dhcpscope_information DESC

Calling Services With TAGS

Sorting Results based on Multiple Class Parameter

To sort the service result based on multiple class parameters, you must tag all the class parameters
and specify the value of each parameter in the clause ORDERBY as follows.

type2>.<param2>&ORDERBY=tag_<object-type1>_<param1> <order>, tag_<object-
type2>_<param2> <order>

Once URL encoded, the call format is the following:

For more details, refer to the section Tagging a Class Parameter.
The list of all the class parameters you want to tag and use in the clause (<object-
type>.<param>), separated by a &, you can add as many class parameters as you need.
Within the clause, & must be encoded: <object-type1>.<param1>%26<object-
The clause that indicates that the output parameters must be sorted. It must include the full
name of all the tagged class parameters, you can add as many as you want.
tag_<object-type1>_<param1> <order>
The name of the first tagged class parameter (tag_<object-type1>_<param1>) you want
to sort the result with. You can specify a sorting <order>: ASC (ascending) or DESC (des-
cending). The tagged class parameter and order must be separated by an encoded space:
tag_<object-type>_<param>%20<ASC-or-DESC>. Without order, the results are returned
in ascending order.
The required separator between tagged class parameters. You must insert it after the
tag_<object-type1>_<param1> or the <order>. It must be encoded %2C.
tag_<object-type2>_<param2> <order>
The name of the second tagged class parameter (tag_<object-type2>_<param2>) that sorts
the result. You can specify a sorting <order> for that one too, separate the tagged class
parameter and order with a space. Without order, the results are returned in ascending order.
You can add more, as long as it is preceded by an encoded comma: %2C.

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_scope_list using TAGS to sort the scopes based
first on the value of the class parameter information, in ascending order, and then on the value
of the class parameter description, in descending order:

// In readable format the clause ORDERBY contains: tag_dhcpscope_information,

tag_dhcpscope_description DESC

Calling Services With TAGS

Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements

Tagging class parameters is the only way to include them in the statements SELECT and
GROUPBY of the services *_groupby and *_groupby_count.

Aggregating Results based on Class Parameters

To aggregate the service result based on class parameters, you must tag the class parameters
first and then include the tagged parameter in the statements SELECT and GROUPBY as follows.


All calls must be URL encoded, but, as tagging one class parameter only includes a . (dot), the
call does not need encoding if you do not use aggregation functions in either statement.
For more details, refer to the section Tagging a Class Parameter.
The statement that indicates which parameter is returned in output. You can include an ag-
gregation function in this statement: count, max, min, sum or avg.
You can specify several class parameters. The order of the specified parameters is respected
in output, all parameters must be separated by a comma, encoded as follows %2C .
The name of the tagged class parameter as returned by the service. It always starts with
tag_ . It is followed by the object type, all types are listed in the table Expected object types
in the TAGS. Finally, the class parameter Name is mentioned, not its Label.
In the example below, we use the aggregation function count, it must precede the parameter
as follows: count(<parameter>). To count any parameter specified in the statement, you can
use count(*), <parameter> .
The statement that aggregates the results using the output parameter specified in this
statement or in the statement SELECT. Keep in mind that any parameter specified in the
statement SELECT without aggregation function must be specified in the statement
You can specify several class parameters. The order of the specified parameters is respected
in output, all parameters must be separated by a comma, encoded as follows %2C . Keep
in mind that any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function
must be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The name of the tagged class parameter as returned by the service. It always starts with
tag_ . It is followed by the object type, all types are listed in the table Expected object types
in the TAGS. Finally, the class parameter Name is mentioned, not its Label.

In the following example, we call the service dhcp_scope_groupby using TAGS and the statements
SELECT and GROUPBY to count the scopes returned based on the value of the class parameter

Calling Services With TAGS

// In readable format the clause SELECT contains: count(*), tag_dhcpscope_information

Aggregating and Ordering Results

To aggregate and order the service result based on one or several class parameters, you must
tag the class parameter(s) first, them in the statements SELECT and GROUPBY and finally in-
dicate in the clause ORDERBY which parameter(s) order the result as follows.

DERBY=tag_<object-type>_<param> <order>

Once URL encoded, the call format is the following:

For more details, refer to the section Tagging a Class Parameter.
The statement that indicates which parameter is returned in output. For more details regarding
SELECT, refer to the section Aggregating Results based on Class Parameters above.
The statement that aggregates the results using the specified output parameter. For more
details regarding GROUPBY, refer to the section Aggregating Results based on Class
Parameters above.
&ORDERBY=tag_<object-type>_<param> <order>
The clause that indicates that the output parameters must be sorted, and in which order, it
can be either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) and preceded by an encoded space:
The <order> is optional, if you do not specify any, the service returns information in ascending
order. For more details regarding ORDERBY, refer to the section Including Tagged Class
Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.

In the following example, we call the service dhcp_scope_groupby using TAGS, the statements
SELECT and GROUPBY to count the scopes returned and the clause ORDERBY to order the
results all based on the value of the class parameter information.*)%2C

// In readable format the clause SELECT contains: count(*),tag_dhcpscope_information

Calling Services With TAGS

Expected Object Types in the TAGS

TAGS uses the database table names to identify the type of each object. The table below details
the expected <object-type> of all the objects supporting TAGS described in this guide.

Table 4.1. Expected object types in the TAGS

Module Object Expected type after ?TAGS=
IPAM Space site
Network (v4) network
Network (v6) network6
Pool (v4) pool
Pool (v6) pool6
IP address (v4) ip
IP address (v6) ip6
DHCP Server (v4) dhcp
Server (v6) dhcp6
Scope (v4) dhcpscope
Scope (v6) dhcpscope6
Group (v4) dhcpgroup
Group (v6) dhcpgroup6
Range (v4) dhcprange
Range (v6) dhcprange6
Static (v4) dhcphost
Static (v6) dhcphost6
DNS Server dns
Zone dnszone
View dnsview
NetChange Network device iplnetdev
Port iplport
Workflow Request request
Device Manager Device hostdev
Ports & interfaces hostiface
VLAN Manager Domain vlmdomain
Range vlmrange
VRF VRF vrfobject
Administration Group of users grp
User usr

Part II. IPAM Services
Table of Contents
5. Space ......................................................................................................................... 22
ip_site_add ............................................................................................................. 23
ip_site_list .............................................................................................................. 26
ip_site_info ............................................................................................................. 29
ip_site_count .......................................................................................................... 31
group_site_add ....................................................................................................... 32
group_site_delete ................................................................................................... 34
ip_site_delete ......................................................................................................... 36
6. IPv4 Network .............................................................................................................. 38
ip_subnet_add ........................................................................................................ 39
ip_block_subnet_list ................................................................................................ 46
ip_block_subnet_info ............................................................................................... 53
ip_block_subnet_count ............................................................................................ 59
ip_find_free_subnet ................................................................................................. 60
ip_block_subnet_groupby ........................................................................................ 63
ip_block_subnet_groupby_count .............................................................................. 65
group_subnet_add .................................................................................................. 66
group_subnet_delete ............................................................................................... 70
ip_subnet_delete .................................................................................................... 74
7. IPv6 Network .............................................................................................................. 78
ip6_subnet6_add .................................................................................................... 79
ip6_block6_subnet6_list .......................................................................................... 85
ip6_block6_subnet6_info ......................................................................................... 91
ip6_block6_subnet6_count ...................................................................................... 97
ip6_find_free_subnet6 ............................................................................................. 98
ip6_block6_subnet6_groupby ................................................................................. 100
ip6_block6_subnet6_groupby_count ....................................................................... 102
group_subnet6_add .............................................................................................. 103
group_subnet6_delete ........................................................................................... 106
ip6_subnet6_delete ............................................................................................... 109
8. IPv4 Pool .................................................................................................................. 112
ip_pool_add .......................................................................................................... 113
ip_pool_list ........................................................................................................... 117
ip_pool_info .......................................................................................................... 121
ip_pool_count ....................................................................................................... 125
group_pool_add .................................................................................................... 126
group_pool_delete ................................................................................................ 129
ip_pool_delete ...................................................................................................... 132
9. IPv6 Pool .................................................................................................................. 134
ip6_pool6_add ...................................................................................................... 135
ip6_pool6_list ........................................................................................................ 139
ip6_pool6_info ...................................................................................................... 143
ip6_pool6_count ................................................................................................... 146
group_pool6_add .................................................................................................. 147
group_pool6_delete ............................................................................................... 150
ip6_pool6_delete ................................................................................................... 152
10. IPv4 Address ........................................................................................................... 154
ip_add .................................................................................................................. 155
ip_address_list ...................................................................................................... 160
ip_address_info ..................................................................................................... 166
ip_address_count .................................................................................................. 172

IPAM Services

ip_find_free_address ............................................................................................. 173

ip_address_groupby .............................................................................................. 176
ip_address_groupby_count .................................................................................... 178
ip_delete .............................................................................................................. 179
11. IPv6 Address ........................................................................................................... 181
ip6_address6_add ................................................................................................. 182
ip6_address6_list .................................................................................................. 186
ip6_address6_info ................................................................................................. 192
ip6_address6_count .............................................................................................. 197
ip6_find_free_address6 ......................................................................................... 198
ip6_address6_groupby .......................................................................................... 201
ip6_address6_groupby_count ................................................................................ 203
ip6_address6_delete ............................................................................................. 204
12. IPv4 Address Alias ................................................................................................... 206
ip_alias_add ......................................................................................................... 207
ip_alias_list ........................................................................................................... 210
ip_alias_count ....................................................................................................... 213
ip_alias_delete ...................................................................................................... 214
13. IPv6 Address Alias ................................................................................................... 216
ip6_alias_add ....................................................................................................... 217
ip6_alias_list ......................................................................................................... 220
ip6_alias_count ..................................................................................................... 223
ip6_alias_delete .................................................................................................... 224

Chapter 5. Space


ip_site_add — Add/Edit a space
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: site_name
• Edition: (site_id || site_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify which space to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space, each space must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The description of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing space you want to set as the VLSM parent of the
space you are adding/editing. This sets up a space-based VLSM organization.

Type Integer Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of an existing space you want to set as the VLSM parent of the space you are
adding/editing. This sets up a space-based VLSM organization.

Type String Maximum length N/A


Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The template status of the space you are adding/editing. If the space is used as template
(1), all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template. You
can only set this parameter once, you cannot edit its value.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited No

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.


The inheritance property can be set to:

• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


ip_site_list — List the spaces
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The template status of the space. If the space is used as template (1), all the IPv4 networks,
pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database identifier (ID) of the space.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The database level of the space. The highest level is 0. If you set up a VLSM organization,
it returns values between 0 and n.
The path toward the space in the database as follows: <space-name># . If you set up a VLSM
organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-name>##<child-space-
name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The path toward the space in the database as follows: <space-ID># . If you set up a VLSM
organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#... .
The name of the space.
The description of the space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM parent space. 0 indicates that space has no parent
The name of the VLSM parent space. # indicates that space has no parent space.
The name of the class applied to the space, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the VLSM parent space, it can be preceded by the class
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 5.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.


Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the space and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the VLSM parent space and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .


ip_site_info — Display the properties of a space
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Output Parameters
The template status of the space. If the space is used as template (1), all the IPv4 networks,
pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database identifier (ID) of the space.
The database level of the space. The highest level is 0. If you set up a VLSM organization,
it returns values between 0 and n.
The path toward the space in the database as follows: <space-name># . If you set up a VLSM
organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-name>##<child-space-
name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The path toward the space in the database as follows: <space-ID># . If you set up a VLSM
organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#... .
The name of the space.
The description of the space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM parent space. 0 indicates that space has no parent
The name of the VLSM parent space. # indicates that space has no parent space.
The name of the class applied to the space, it can be preceded by the class directory.


The name of the class applied to the VLSM parent space, it can be preceded by the class
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 5.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the space and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the VLSM parent space and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .


ip_site_count — Count the number of spaces
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


group_site_add — Add a space to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (site_id || site_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes


A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.


group_site_delete — Remove a space from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (site_id || site_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.


ip_site_delete — Delete a space
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(site_id || site_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.


The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 6. IPv4 Network

IPv4 Network

ip_subnet_add — Add/Edit an IPv4 block/subnet-type network
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

Note that to add a block-type network, setting the input parameter subnet_level to 0 is mandatory.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (subnet_addr && (subnet_end_addr || subnet_size || subnet_mask || subnet_prefix)
&& (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet_id))
• Edition: (subnet_id || (subnet_addr && (subnet_end_addr || subnet_size || subnet_mask ||
subnet_prefix) && (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of a VLSM child space of the space specified in site_id. If you
specify an ID, the subnet-type network you are adding/editing is duplicated as a VLSM block-
type network in the child space, with the same name but a different ID. This parameter serves
the same purpose as vlsm_site_name.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of a VLSM child space of the space specified in site_id. If you specify a name, the
subnet-type network you are adding/editing is duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in
the child space, with the same name but a different ID. This parameter serves the same
purpose as vlsm_site_id.

IPv4 Network

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify which IPv4 network to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 network, each IPv4 network must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The start IP address of the IPv4 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv4 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The size of the IPv4 network, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The netmask of the IPv4 network. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the network contains.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv4 network, an integer that defines the number of addresses the network

Type IPv4 prefix (integer between 1 and 32) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:

IPv4 Network

• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.

• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.
If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing IPv4 network you want to set as the parent of the
IPv4 network you are adding/editing. You can specify a subnet-type network to set up a
network-based VLSM organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to allow (1) or prevent (0) changing the parent of the network you are adding. Upon
edition of the network, this parameter decides if you can associate it with a different parent

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.
• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level
of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

IPv4 Network

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by network_class_parameters.
Deprecated, replaced by network_class_parameters_properties.
A way to authorize (1) IPv4 networks overlapping within a space.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by permit_invalid.
A way to force the creation of an IPv4 subnet-type network. If set to 1, you can create a
subnet-type network even if no block-type network matching the start address exists.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if a network can contain other networks. If set to 1, the network is terminal
and cannot contain other subnet-type networks. By essence, block-type networks are non-
terminal and are always set to 0.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN you want to associate with the network.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by row_enabled.
The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.

IPv4 Network

• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Fixed value: 1 || 2 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

IPv4 Network

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service ip_subnet_add with Python (Requests) to add a block-
type network.

Example 6.1. Calling the service ip_subnet_add using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_subnet_add"

querystring =

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

IPv4 Network


IPv4 Network

ip_block_subnet_list — List the IPv4 block/subnet-type networks
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The type of the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Network

The first IP address of the IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip_addr.
The name of the IPv4 network. Default indicates that the network is an orphan network.
The number of IP addresses the IPv4 network contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The level of the network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type network)
and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization where a
block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the network in the database from the containing block-type network down
to the subnet-type network: <block-network-start-IP>#<block-network-ID>#<subnet-network-
start-IP>#<subnet-network-ID>. The IP address is returned in hexadecimal format.
• In network-based VLSM organizations, the path includes all the subnet-type networks there
are from the containing block-type network down to the subnet-type network specified in
• In space-based VLSM organizations, the path includes the block-type network of the top
parent space and all the subnet-type networks there are until the network specified in
subnet_id. Only one block-type network is returned.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. 0 indicates that the network has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the network is not a VLSM
block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

IPv4 Network

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

The network validity. A valid network (1) has a size, prefix and/or netmask that match.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The state of the exchange between SOLIDserver and the RIPE for the assigned network:

Table 6.1. waiting_state possible values

Status Description
must_send_mail_add An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network creation.
wait_mail_add A network creation email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
must_send_mail_del An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network deletion.
wait_mail_del A network deletion email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
wait_aw_confirm The number of IP addresses of the assigned network exceeds the Assignment
Window declared during your RIPE configuration.

The status of a RIPE assigned network within SOLIDserver until it is confirmed that you can
create or delete it. If set to 1, it is about to be created. If set to 2, it is about to be deleted.
A way to determine if a network can contain other networks. If set to 1, the network is terminal
and cannot contain other subnet-type networks. Block-type networks are always set to 0.
The sum of the size of all the subnet-type networks that belong to the block-type network.
The percentage of subnet-type networks the non-terminal network contains.
The sum of the size of all the terminal networks within the block-type network. This sum in-
cludes the terminal networks that might belong to non-terminal subnet-type networks.
The percentage of terminal networks the non-terminal network contains.
The number of IP addresses In use in terminal networks.
The percentage of IP addresses In use in terminal networks.
The total number of free addresses, for terminal networks only. It excludes the network and
broadcast IP address.
A way to determine if the network has a parent (0) or if it belongs to a container Orphan
networks (1).
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network.

IPv4 Network

The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-ID># . If you
set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#... .
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The name of the parent IPv4 network:
• # indicates that the network has no parent network.
• Default indicates that the network belongs to an orphan network.
The first IP address of the parent IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the parent IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses of the network parent.
The level of the parent network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type
network) and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization
where a block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the parent network in the database. # indicates the network has no parent
The name of the class applied to the parent IPv4 network, it can be preceded by the class
A way to determine if the parent network is terminal (1) or non-terminal (0).
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the parent network is
not a VLSM block-type network duplicated from a parent space.

IPv4 Network

The database identifier (ID) of the space where is located the parent network. 0 indicates
that the network has no parent network.
The name of the space where is located the parent network. # indicates that the network has
no parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM parent of the space where is located the network.
0 indicates that the space where is located the network has no parent space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a
VLSM block-type network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-
type network in a child space.
The name of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a
child space.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 6.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

IPv4 Network

The class parameters applied to the IPv4 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the parent IPv4 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_subnet_class_parameter: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

In the example below, we call the service ip_block_subnet_list with PHP (cURL) using the
clauses WHERE and ORDERBY and the parameter limit to list the ten first /24 networks in as-
cending order. For more details regarding the use of class parameters in the clause, refer to the
chapter Calling Services With TAGS.

Example 6.2. Calling the service ip_block_subnet_list using PHP, WHERE and ORDERBY

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_block_subnet_list?WHERE".
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

IPv4 Network

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

IPv4 Network

ip_block_subnet_info — Display the properties of an IPv4 block/subnet-type network
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Output Parameters
The type of the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network.
The first IP address of the IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip_addr.
The name of the IPv4 network. Default indicates that the network is an orphan network.
The number of IP addresses the IPv4 network contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The level of the network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type network)
and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization where a
block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.

IPv4 Network

The path toward the network in the database from the containing block-type network down
to the subnet-type network: <block-network-start-IP>#<block-network-ID>#<subnet-network-
start-IP>#<subnet-network-ID>. The IP address is returned in hexadecimal format.
• In network-based VLSM organizations, the path includes all the subnet-type networks there
are from the containing block-type network down to the subnet-type network specified in
• In space-based VLSM organizations, the path includes the block-type network of the top
parent space and all the subnet-type networks there are until the network specified in
subnet_id. Only one block-type network is returned.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. 0 indicates that the network has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the network is not a VLSM
block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The network validity. A valid network (1) has a size, prefix and/or netmask that match.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The state of the exchange between SOLIDserver and the RIPE for the assigned network:

Table 6.3. waiting_state possible values

Status Description
must_send_mail_add An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network creation.
wait_mail_add A network creation email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
must_send_mail_del An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network deletion.
wait_mail_del A network deletion email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
wait_aw_confirm The number of IP addresses of the assigned network exceeds the Assignment
Window declared during your RIPE configuration.

The status of a RIPE assigned network within SOLIDserver until it is confirmed that you can
create or delete it. If set to 1, it is about to be created. If set to 2, it is about to be deleted.

IPv4 Network

A way to determine if a network can contain other networks. If set to 1, the network is terminal
and cannot contain other subnet-type networks. Block-type networks are always set to 0.
The sum of the size of all the subnet-type networks that belong to the block-type network.
The percentage of subnet-type networks the non-terminal network contains.
The sum of the size of all the terminal networks within the block-type network. This sum in-
cludes the terminal networks that might belong to non-terminal subnet-type networks.
The percentage of terminal networks the non-terminal network contains.
The number of IP addresses In use in terminal networks.
The percentage of IP addresses In use in terminal networks.
The total number of free addresses, for terminal networks only. It excludes the network and
broadcast IP address.
A way to determine if the network has a parent (0) or if it belongs to a container Orphan
networks (1).
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network.
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-ID># . If you
set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#... .
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.

IPv4 Network

The name of the parent IPv4 network:
• # indicates that the network has no parent network.
• Default indicates that the network belongs to an orphan network.
The first IP address of the parent IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the parent IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses of the network parent.
The level of the parent network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type
network) and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization
where a block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the parent network in the database. # indicates the network has no parent
The name of the class applied to the parent IPv4 network, it can be preceded by the class
A way to determine if the parent network is terminal (1) or non-terminal (0).
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the parent network is
not a VLSM block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The database identifier (ID) of the space where is located the parent network. 0 indicates
that the network has no parent network.
The name of the space where is located the parent network. # indicates that the network has
no parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM parent of the space where is located the network.
0 indicates that the space where is located the network has no parent space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a
VLSM block-type network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-
type network in a child space.
The name of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a
child space.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN associated with the network.

IPv4 Network

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 6.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv4 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the parent IPv4 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv4 Network

The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_subnet_class_parameter: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv4 Network

ip_block_subnet_count — Count the number of IPv4 block/subnet-type networks
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Network

ip_find_free_subnet — List the free IPv4 subnet-type networks
This service allows to list the 10 first free IPv4 subnet-type networks, terminal or non terminal.

You must execute the service using rpc.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(prefix || size)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the subnet-type network(s) you are looking for, an integer that defines the
number of addresses the network contains.

Type IPv4 prefix (integer between 1 and 32) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the subnet-type network(s) you are looking, an integer that indicates the number
of IP addresses they contain.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The maximum number of IPv4 networks to be returned by the service.You can use it to return
more than 10 results.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IPv4 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free networks.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv4 Network

The last IPv4 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free networks.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Type Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing non-terminal IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify
the IPv4 network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to filter the search for subnet-type networks based on the specified block_id. If set
to 0, the service returns free subnet-type networks within the specified block-type network.
If set to 1, the service returns free subnet-type networks within the specified block-type network
and within all the non-terminal subnet-type networks it might contain.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The first IP address of the IPv4 network, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the non-terminal IPv4 network the free subnet-type network(s) belongs to.
An integer between 0 and n that evaluates the best range of IP addresses within a block-type
network to create a subnet-type network and avoid fragmentation. The lower the cost, the
better the position is. The lowest costs are always returned first.
The database identifier (ID) of the non-terminal IPv4 network the free subnet-type network(s)
belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Network

The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.

In the example below, we call the service ip_find_free_subnet with Ruby (NET::Http) to look
for /30 networks in a specific space.

Example 6.3. Calling the service ip_find_free_subnet using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_find_free_subnet?prefix=30&site_id=2")

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

IPv4 Network

ip_block_subnet_groupby — Group IPv4 block/subnet-type networks by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Network

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

IPv4 Network

ip_block_subnet_groupby_count — Count the number of IPv4 block/subnet-
type networks grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Network

group_subnet_add — Add an IPv4 block/subnet-type network to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (subnet_id || (subnet_addr && (subnet_end_addr || subnet_size || sub-
net_mask || subnet_prefix) && (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet_id))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv4 Network

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv4
network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 network.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The start IP address of the IPv4 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv4 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the IPv4 network, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The netmask of the IPv4 network. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the network contains.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv4 network, an integer that defines the number of addresses the network

Type IPv4 prefix (integer between 1 and 32) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.

IPv4 Network

If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.
• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level
of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:

IPv4 Network

• Error: the service cannot be executed.

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

In the example below, we call the service group_subnet_add with Python (Requests) to add a
block-type network in a group of users.

Example 6.4. Calling the service group_subnet_add using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/group_subnet_add"

querystring =

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


IPv4 Network

group_subnet_delete — Remove an IPv4 block/subnet-type network from a group

This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (subnet_id || (subnet_addr && (subnet_end_addr || subnet_size || sub-
net_mask || subnet_prefix) && (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet_id))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv4 Network

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv4
network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 network.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The start IP address of the IPv4 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv4 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the IPv4 network, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The netmask of the IPv4 network. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the network contains.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv4 network, an integer that defines the number of addresses the network

Type IPv4 prefix (integer between 1 and 32) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.

IPv4 Network

If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.
• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level
of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).

IPv4 Network

The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv4 Network

ip_subnet_delete — Delete an IPv4 block/subnet-type network
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(subnet_id || (subnet_addr && (subnet_end_addr || subnet_size || subnet_mask || subnet_prefix)
&& (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv4
network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 network.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv4 Network

The start IP address of the IPv4 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv4 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the IPv4 network, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The netmask of the IPv4 network. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the network contains.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv4 network, an integer that defines the number of addresses the network

Type IPv4 prefix (integer between 1 and 32) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.
If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.

IPv4 Network

• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level

of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service ip_subnet_delete with PHP (cURL).

Example 6.5. Calling the service ip_subnet_delete using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

IPv4 Network

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_subnet_delete?".
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

Chapter 7. IPv6 Network

IPv6 Network

ip6_subnet6_add — Add/Edit an IPv6 block/subnet-type network
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (subnet6_addr && (subnet6_end_addr || subnet6_prefix) && (site_id || site_name ||
• Edition: (subnet6_id || (subnet6_addr && (subnet6_end_addr || subnet6_prefix) && (site_id ||
site_name || parent_subnet6_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of a VLSM child space of the space specified in site_id. If you
specify an ID, the subnet-type network you are adding/editing is duplicated as a VLSM block-
type network in the child space, with the same name but a different ID. This parameter serves
the same purpose as vlsm_site_name.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of a VLSM child space of the space specified in site_id. If you specify a name, the
subnet-type network you are adding/editing is duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in
the child space, with the same name but a different ID. This parameter serves the same
purpose as vlsm_site_id.

Type String Maximum length 128

IPv6 Network

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify which IPv6 network to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 network, each IPv6 network must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The start IP address of the IPv6 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv6 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The prefix of the IPv6 network, an integer that defines the number of address the network

Type IPv6 prefix (integer between 1 and 128) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited No

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.
If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing IPv6 network you want to set as the parent of the
IPv6 network you are adding/editing. You can specify a subnet-type network to set up a
network-based VLSM organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv6 Network

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to allow (1) or prevent (0) changing the parent of the network you are adding. Upon
edition of the network, this parameter decides if you can associate it with a different parent

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.
• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level
of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by network6_class_parameters.
Deprecated, replaced by network6_class_parameters_properties.

IPv6 Network

A way to authorize (1) IPv6 networks overlapping within a space.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by permit_invalid.
A way to force the creation of an IPv6 subnet-type network. If set to 1, you can create a
subnet-type network even if no block-type network matching the start address exists.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if a network can contain other networks. If set to 1, the network is terminal
and cannot contain other subnet-type networks. By essence, block-type networks are non-
terminal and are always set to 0.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN you want to associate with the network.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by row_enabled.
The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Fixed value: 1 || 2 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Network

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Network

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

IPv6 Network

ip6_block6_subnet6_list — List the IPv6 block/subnet-type networks
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The type of the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Network

The first IP address of the IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip6_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip6_addr.
The name of the IPv6 network.
The number of IP addresses the IPv6 network contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The level of the network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type network)
and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization where a
block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the network in the database from the containing block-type network down
to the subnet-type network: <block-network-start-IP>#<block-network-ID>#<subnet-network-
start-IP>#<subnet-network-ID>. The IP address is returned in hexadecimal format.
• In network-based VLSM organizations, the path includes all the subnet-type networks there
are from the containing block-type network down to the subnet-type network specified in
• In space-based VLSM organizations, the path includes the block-type network of the top
parent space and all the subnet-type networks there are until the network specified in
subnet_id. Only one block-type network is returned.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. 0 indicates that the network has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the network is not a VLSM
block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

IPv6 Network

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

The network validity. A valid network (1) has a prefix and last IP address that match.
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The state of the exchange between SOLIDserver and the RIPE for the assigned network:

Table 7.1. waiting_state possible values

Status Description
must_send_mail_add An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network creation.
wait_mail_add A network creation email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
must_send_mail_del An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network deletion.
wait_mail_del A network deletion email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
wait_aw_confirm The number of IP addresses of the assigned network exceeds the Assignment
Window declared during your RIPE configuration.

The status of a RIPE assigned network within SOLIDserver until it is confirmed that you can
create or delete it. If set to 1, it is about to be created. If set to 2, it is about to be deleted.
A way to determine if a network can contain other networks. If set to 1, the network is terminal
and cannot contain other subnet-type networks. Block-type networks are always set to 0.
The prefix of the IPv6 network.
The percentage of subnet-type networks the non-terminal network contains.
The percentage of terminal networks the non-terminal network contains.
A way to determine if the network has a parent (0) or if it belongs to a container Orphan
networks (1).
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.

IPv6 Network

The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-ID># . If you
set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#... .
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The name of the parent IPv6 network. # indicates that the network has no parent network.
The first IP address of the parent IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the parent IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses of the network parent, in hexadecimal format.
The level of the parent network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type
network) and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization
where a block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the parent network in the database. # indicates the network has no parent
The name of the class applied to the parent IPv6 network, it can be preceded by the class
A way to determine if the parent network is terminal (1) or non-terminal (0).
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the parent network is
not a VLSM block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The prefix of the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The percentage of subnet-type networks the parent network contains.
The percentage of terminal networks the parent network contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the space where is located the parent network. 0 indicates
that the network has no parent network.
The name of the space where is located the parent network. # indicates that the network has
no parent network.

IPv6 Network

The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM parent of the space where is located the network.
0 indicates that the space where is located the network has no parent space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a
VLSM block-type network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-
type network in a child space.
The name of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a
child space.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 7.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv6 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv6 Network

The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the parent IPv6 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-

In the example below, we call the service ip6_block6_subnet6_list with Ruby (NET::Http) using
the clause WHERE to list all the IPv6 terminal networks.

Example 7.1. Calling the service ip6_block6_subnet6_list using Ruby and WHERE
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/ip6_block6_subnet6_list?WHERE%2Fis_terminal=1")

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

IPv6 Network

ip6_block6_subnet6_info — Display the properties of an IPv6 block/subnet-type

This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Output Parameters
The type of the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network.
The first IP address of the IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip6_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip6_addr.
The name of the IPv6 network.
The number of IP addresses the IPv6 network contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.

IPv6 Network

The level of the network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type network)
and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization where a
block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the network in the database from the containing block-type network down
to the subnet-type network: <block-network-start-IP>#<block-network-ID>#<subnet-network-
start-IP>#<subnet-network-ID>. The IP address is returned in hexadecimal format.
• In network-based VLSM organizations, the path includes all the subnet-type networks there
are from the containing block-type network down to the subnet-type network specified in
• In space-based VLSM organizations, the path includes the block-type network of the top
parent space and all the subnet-type networks there are until the network specified in
subnet_id. Only one block-type network is returned.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. 0 indicates that the network has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the network is not a VLSM
block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The network validity. A valid network (1) has a prefix and last IP address that match.
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The state of the exchange between SOLIDserver and the RIPE for the assigned network:

Table 7.3. waiting_state possible values

Status Description
must_send_mail_add An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network creation.
wait_mail_add A network creation email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.
must_send_mail_del An email must be sent to the RIPE to notify them of a subnet-type network deletion.
wait_mail_del A network deletion email was sent to the RIPE, no reply has been received yet.

IPv6 Network

Status Description
wait_aw_confirm The number of IP addresses of the assigned network exceeds the Assignment
Window declared during your RIPE configuration.

The status of a RIPE assigned network within SOLIDserver until it is confirmed that you can
create or delete it. If set to 1, it is about to be created. If set to 2, it is about to be deleted.
A way to determine if a network can contain other networks. If set to 1, the network is terminal
and cannot contain other subnet-type networks. Block-type networks are always set to 0.
The prefix of the IPv6 network.
The percentage of subnet-type networks the non-terminal network contains.
The percentage of terminal networks the non-terminal network contains.
A way to determine if the network has a parent (0) or if it belongs to a container Orphan
networks (1).
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-ID># . If you
set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#... .
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The name of the parent IPv6 network. # indicates that the network has no parent network.
The first IP address of the parent IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the parent IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.

IPv6 Network

The number of IP addresses of the network parent, in hexadecimal format.
The level of the parent network within the space. It returns values between 0 (block-type
network) and n (subnet-type network). A value higher than 1 indicates a VLSM organization
where a block-type network can belong to another subnet-type network.
The path toward the parent network in the database. # indicates the network has no parent
The name of the class applied to the parent IPv6 network, it can be preceded by the class
A way to determine if the parent network is terminal (1) or non-terminal (0).
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent network was duplicated. 0 indicates that the parent network is
not a VLSM block-type network duplicated from a parent space.
The prefix of the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The percentage of subnet-type networks the parent network contains.
The percentage of terminal networks the parent network contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the space where is located the parent network. 0 indicates
that the network has no parent network.
The name of the space where is located the parent network. # indicates that the network has
no parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM parent of the space where is located the network.
0 indicates that the space where is located the network has no parent space.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a
VLSM block-type network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-
type network in a child space.
The name of the VLSM child space where the network is duplicated as a VLSM block-type
network. 0 indicates that the network is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a
child space.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain associated with the network.

IPv6 Network

The name of the VLAN domain associated with the network.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The name of the VLAN range associated with the network.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 7.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv6 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the parent IPv6 network and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv6 Network

The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-

IPv6 Network

ip6_block6_subnet6_count — Count the number of IPv6 block/subnet-type networks
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Network

ip6_find_free_subnet6 — List the 10 first free IPv6 subnet-type networks
This service allows to list the 10 first free IPv6 subnet-type networks, terminal or non terminal.

You must execute the service using rpc.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the subnet-type network(s) you are looking for, an integer that defines the
number of addresses the network contains.

Type IPv6 prefix (integer between 1 and 128) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The maximum number of IPv6 networks to be returned by the service.You can use it to return
more than 10 results.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IPv6 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free networks.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IPv6 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free networks.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Network

A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Type Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing non-terminal IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify
the IPv6 network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to filter the search for subnet-type networks based on the specified block_id. If set
to 0, the service returns free subnet-type networks within the specified block-type network.
If set to 1, the service returns free subnet-type networks within the specified block-type network
and within all the non-terminal subnet-type networks it might contain.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The first IP address of the IPv6 network, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the non-terminal IPv6 network the free subnet-type network(s) belongs to.
An integer between 0 and n that evaluates the best range of IP addresses within a block-type
network to create a subnet-type network and avoid fragmentation. The lower the cost, the
better the position is. The lowest costs are always returned first.
The database identifier (ID) of the non-terminal IPv6 network the free subnet-type network(s)
belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Network

ip6_block6_subnet6_groupby — Group IPv6 block/subnet-type networks by

This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Network

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

IPv6 Network

ip6_block6_subnet6_groupby_count — Count the number of IPv6 block/subnet-
type networks grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Network

group_subnet6_add — Add an IPv6 block/subnet-type network to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (subnet6_id || (subnet6_addr && (subnet6_end_addr || subnet6_prefix)
&& (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet6_id))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv6 Network

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv6
network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 network.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The start IP address of the IPv6 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv6 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv6 network, an integer that defines the number of address the network

Type IPv6 prefix (integer between 1 and 128) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.
If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.

IPv6 Network

• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level

of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv6 Network

group_subnet6_delete — Remove an IPv6 block/subnet-type network from a group

This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (subnet6_id || (subnet6_addr && (subnet6_end_addr || subnet6_prefix)
&& (site_id || site_name || parent_subnet6_id))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv6 Network

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv6
network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 network.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The start IP address of the IPv6 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv6 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv6 network, an integer that defines the number of address the network

Type IPv6 prefix (integer between 1 and 128) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.
If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.

IPv6 Network

• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level

of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv6 Network

ip6_subnet6_delete — Delete an IPv6 block/subnet-type network
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(subnet6_id || (subnet6_addr && (subnet6_end_addr || subnet6_prefix) && (site_id || site_name
|| parent_subnet6_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv6
network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 network.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Network

The start IP address of the IPv6 network, its first IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The end IP address of the IPv6 network, its last IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The prefix of the IPv6 network, an integer that defines the number of address the network

Type IPv6 prefix (integer between 1 and 128) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The level of the network within the space:
• Set it to 0 for a block-type network.
• Set it to a value between 1 and n for a subnet-type network.
If you set a value between 2 and n, you are setting a network-based VLSM organization
where non terminal subnet-type networks can contain other subnet-type networks.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The position of the network within the hierarchy of networks of a VLSM organization. It calcu-
lates between 0 and n all the levels of the organization, its behavior depends on the value
of the parameter use_reversed_relative_position:
• use_reversed_relative_position=0 where 0 indicates a block-type network at the highest
level possible, in a space-based organization, it belongs to the top space. The levels incre-
ment from 0 down to n, the lowest level you set up, within networks or spaces.
• use_reversed_relative_position=1 where 1 indicates a network located at the lowest level
of the organization, within networks or spaces. The levels increment from 0 up to n, the
network at the highest level of the organization.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the calculation of the parameter relative_position should start from
the top (0) or the bottom (1) of the VLSM organization.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Network

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 8. IPv4 Pool

IPv4 Pool

ip_pool_add — Add/Edit an IPv4 pool
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (start_addr && (end_addr || pool_size) && (subnet_id || site_id || site_name))
• Edition: (pool_id || (start_addr && (end_addr || pool_size) && (subnet_id || site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 pool. Use the ID to specify which IPv4 pool to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 pool, each IPv4 pool must have a unique name.

IPv4 Pool

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the pool, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The reservation status of the IPv4 pool. If set 1, the IP addresses it contains cannot be as-

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

IPv4 Pool

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.

IPv4 Pool

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

IPv4 Pool

ip_pool_list — List the IPv4 pools
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Pool

The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool.
The name of the IPv4 pool.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 pool, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The reservation status of the IPv4 pool. If set 1, the IP addresses it contains cannot be as-
The first IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip_addr.
The first IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the IPv4 pool contains.
The name of the parent IPv4 network:
• # indicates that the network the object belongs to has no parent network.
• Default indicates that the network the object belongs to is in an orphan network.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv4
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The number of IP addresses of the parent of the network the object belongs to.

IPv4 Pool

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the pool belongs to was duplicated. 0 indicates
that the parent of the network the pool belongs to is not a VLSM block-type network duplicated
from a parent space.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the IPv4 network the object belongs to. Default indicates that the network the
object belongs to is an orphan network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network the pool belongs to. 0 indicates that the parent of the network the
pool belongs to is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 8.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv4 pool and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv4 Pool

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

IPv4 Pool

ip_pool_info — Display the properties of an IPv4 pool
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 pool of your choice.

Output Parameters
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool.
The name of the IPv4 pool.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 pool, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The reservation status of the IPv4 pool. If set 1, the IP addresses it contains cannot be as-

IPv4 Pool

The first IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip_addr.
The first IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the IPv4 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the IPv4 pool contains.
The name of the parent IPv4 network:
• # indicates that the network the object belongs to has no parent network.
• Default indicates that the network the object belongs to is in an orphan network.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv4
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The number of IP addresses of the parent of the network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the pool belongs to was duplicated. 0 indicates
that the parent of the network the pool belongs to is not a VLSM block-type network duplicated
from a parent space.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the IPv4 network the object belongs to. Default indicates that the network the
object belongs to is an orphan network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network the pool belongs to. 0 indicates that the parent of the network the
pool belongs to is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.

IPv4 Pool

The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 8.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv4 pool and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv4 Pool

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

IPv4 Pool

ip_pool_count — Count the number of IPv4 pools
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Pool

group_pool_add — Add an IPv4 pool to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (pool_id || (start_addr && (end_addr || pool_size) && (subnet_id || site_id
|| site_name))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv4 Pool

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the pool, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:

IPv4 Pool

• Error: the service cannot be executed.

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv4 Pool

group_pool_delete — Remove an IPv4 pool from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (pool_id || (start_addr && (end_addr || pool_size) && (subnet_id || site_id
|| site_name))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv4 Pool

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the pool, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).

IPv4 Pool

The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv4 Pool

ip_pool_delete — Delete an IPv4 pool
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(pool_id || (start_addr && (end_addr || pool_size) && (subnet_id || site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv4 Pool

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The size of the pool, the number of IP addresses it contains.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 9. IPv6 Pool

IPv6 Pool

ip6_pool6_add — Add/Edit an IPv6 pool
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (start_addr && end_addr && (subnet6_id || site_id || site_name))
• Edition: (pool6_id || (start_addr && end_addr && (subnet6_id || site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 pool. Use the ID to specify which IPv6 pool to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 pool, each IPv6 pool must have a unique name.

IPv6 Pool

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The reservation status of the IPv6 pool. If set 1, the IP addresses it contains cannot be as-

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

IPv6 Pool

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.

IPv6 Pool

The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

IPv6 Pool

ip6_pool6_list — List the IPv6 pools
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Pool

The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool.
The name of the IPv6 pool.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 pool, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The reservation status of the IPv6 pool. If set 1, the IP addresses it contains cannot be as-
The first IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip6_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip6_addr.
The first IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the IPv6 pool contains.
The name of the parent IPv6 network. # indicates that the network the object belongs to has
no parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv6
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the pool belongs to was duplicated. 0 indicates

IPv6 Pool

that the parent of the network the pool belongs to is not a VLSM block-type network duplicated
from a parent space.
The prefix of the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network the pool belongs to. 0 indicates that the parent of the network the
pool belongs to is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The prefix of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 9.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv6 pool and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv6 Pool

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv6 Pool

ip6_pool6_info — Display the properties of an IPv6 pool
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 pool of your choice.

Output Parameters
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool.
The name of the IPv6 pool.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 pool, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The reservation status of the IPv6 pool. If set 1, the IP addresses it contains cannot be as-

IPv6 Pool

The first IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter start_ip6_addr.
The last IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter end_ip6_addr.
The first IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the IPv6 pool, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the IPv6 pool contains.
The name of the parent IPv6 network. # indicates that the network the object belongs to has
no parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv6
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the pool belongs to was duplicated. 0 indicates
that the parent of the network the pool belongs to is not a VLSM block-type network duplicated
from a parent space.
The prefix of the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 VLSM block-type network duplicated, in a VLSM child
space, from the network the pool belongs to. 0 indicates that the parent of the network the
pool belongs to is not duplicated as a VLSM block-type network in a child space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.

IPv6 Pool

The prefix of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 9.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv6 pool and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv6 Pool

ip6_pool6_count — Count the number of IPv6 pools
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Pool

group_pool6_add — Add an IPv6 pool to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (pool6_id || (start_addr && end_addr && (subnet6_id || site_id ||

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv6 Pool

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.

IPv6 Pool

The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv6 Pool

group_pool6_delete — Remove an IPv6 pool from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (pool6_id || (start_addr && end_addr && (subnet6_id || site_id ||

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv6 Pool

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

IPv6 Pool

ip6_pool6_delete — Delete an IPv6 pool
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(pool6_id || (start_addr && end_addr && (subnet6_id || site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Pool

The last IP address of the pool.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 10. IPv4 Address

IPv4 Address

ip_add — Add/Edit an IPv4 address
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name))
• Edition: (ip_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify which IPv4 address to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 address, each IPv4 address must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by name.
The MAC address you want to associate with the IPv4 address.

IPv4 Address

Type MAC address Maximum length 64

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device you want to associate with the IP

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface you want to associate with the
IP address.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port you want to associate with the IP address.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP static you want to associate with the IP address.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

IPv4 Address

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP lease you want to associate with the IP address.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to force a validity check, if you configured the IPAM to DHCP replication. If the check
is enabled (1), the configuration of the IP address you are adding must be valid as well for
the DHCP.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:

IPv4 Address

• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service ip_add with Ruby (NET::Http) to an IPv4 address
named ip.domain.corp in one of our spaces.

Example 10.1. Calling the service ip_add using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url =

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='

IPv4 Address

request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

IPv4 Address

ip_address_list — List the IPv4 addresses
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
A way to determine if you can assign the IP address (free) or if it is In use (ip).
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip), it returns the IP address

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address

For free addresses (type free), it returns the first IP address of a range of IPv4 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The last address in that range is returned in free_end_ip_addr.
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip), it returns the IP address
For free addresses (type free), it returns the last IP address of a range of IPv4 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The first address in that range is returned in free_start_ip_addr.
The number of IP addresses that are not assigned yet (type free) between
free_start_ip_addr and free_end_ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-ID># . If you
set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#... .
The IPv4 address itself, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter ip_addr.
The name of the IPv4 address.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 address.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 address, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv4
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The name of the parent IPv4 network:
• # indicates that the network the object belongs to has no parent network.
• Default indicates that the network the object belongs to is in an orphan network.

IPv4 Address

The number of IP addresses of the parent of the network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the IP address belongs to was duplicated. 0 in-
dicates that the parent of the network the IP address belongs to is not a VLSM block-type
network duplicated from a parent space.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The first IP address of the parent of the IPv4 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet_start_ip_addr.
The last IP address of the parent of the IPv4 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet_end_ip_addr.
The name of the IPv4 network the object belongs to. Default indicates that the network the
object belongs to is an orphan network.
The name of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
A way to determine if the network the IP address belongs to is terminal (1) or non-terminal
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network the IP address belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 pool the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.

IPv4 Address

The reservation status of the pool the IPv4 address belongs to. If set 1, the pool is reserved
and you cannot assign the IP address.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the NetChange network device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device associated with the IP address.
The name of the NetChange port associated with the IP address.
The slot number of the port, for IP addresses which MAC addresses is imported from
The number of the port, for IP addresses which MAC addresses is imported from NetChange.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange port, for IP addresses which MAC addresses is
imported from NetChange.
The name of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The name of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP static associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP lease associated the IP address.
The last time the MAC address associated with the IP address was seen on the network, in
decimal UNIX date format.
The expiration time of the lease, if the IP address was imported from the DHCP, in decimal
UNIX date format.
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.

IPv4 Address

The number of IP addresses that contains the pool the IPv4 address belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv4 pool the IP address belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv4 pool the IP address belongs to.
The name of the IPv4 alias(es) associated with the IPv4 address.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 10.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

A way to determine if the pool the IP address belongs to is configured to Create DHCP range
(1) or not (0).
A way to determine if the terminal network or pool the IP address belongs to is configured
to Create DHCP static (1) or not (0).
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 address and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
ip_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 pool the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv4 Address

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

In the example below, we call the service ip_address_list with PHP (cURL) and the clause
WHERE to list the only used IP addresses that are not called Gateway and are configured with
a class called *staff* .

Example 10.2. Calling the service ip_address_list using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_address_list?WHERE".



"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

IPv4 Address

ip_address_info — Display the properties of an IPv4 address
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 address of your

Output Parameters
A way to determine if you can assign the IP address (free) or if it is In use (ip).
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip), it returns the IP address
For free addresses (type free), it returns the first IP address of a range of IPv4 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The last address in that range is returned in free_end_ip_addr.
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip), it returns the IP address
For free addresses (type free), it returns the last IP address of a range of IPv4 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The first address in that range is returned in free_start_ip_addr.
The number of IP addresses that are not assigned yet (type free) between
free_start_ip_addr and free_end_ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address.
The template status of the space the object belongs to. If the space is used as template (1),
all the IPv4 networks, pools and IP addresses it contains are also used as template.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.

IPv4 Address

The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-ID># . If you
set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-ID>#<child-
space-ID>#<child-space-ID>#... .
The IPv4 address itself, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter ip_addr.
The name of the IPv4 address.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 address.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 address, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv4
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The name of the parent IPv4 network:
• # indicates that the network the object belongs to has no parent network.
• Default indicates that the network the object belongs to is in an orphan network.
The number of IP addresses of the parent of the network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the IP address belongs to was duplicated. 0 in-
dicates that the parent of the network the IP address belongs to is not a VLSM block-type
network duplicated from a parent space.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The first IP address of the parent of the IPv4 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet_start_ip_addr.
The last IP address of the parent of the IPv4 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet_end_ip_addr.

IPv4 Address

The name of the IPv4 network the object belongs to. Default indicates that the network the
object belongs to is an orphan network.
The name of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
A way to determine if the network the IP address belongs to is terminal (1) or non-terminal
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network the IP address belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 pool the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.
The reservation status of the pool the IPv4 address belongs to. If set 1, the pool is reserved
and you cannot assign the IP address.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the NetChange network device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device associated with the IP address.
The name of the NetChange port associated with the IP address.
The slot number of the port, for IP addresses which MAC addresses is imported from
The number of the port, for IP addresses which MAC addresses is imported from NetChange.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange port, for IP addresses which MAC addresses is
imported from NetChange.

IPv4 Address

The name of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The name of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP static associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP lease associated the IP address.
The last time the MAC address associated with the IP address was seen on the network, in
decimal UNIX date format.
The expiration time of the lease, if the IP address was imported from the DHCP, in decimal
UNIX date format.
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The number of IP addresses that contains the pool the IPv4 address belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv4 pool the IP address belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv4 pool the IP address belongs to.
The name of the IPv4 alias(es) associated with the IPv4 address.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 10.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.

IPv4 Address

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

A way to determine if the pool the IP address belongs to is configured to Create DHCP range
(1) or not (0).
A way to determine if the terminal network or pool the IP address belongs to is configured
to Create DHCP static (1) or not (0).
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 address and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
ip_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 pool the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv4 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

IPv4 Address

In the example below, we call the service ip_address_info with PHP (cURL) to retrieve the
properties of an IPv4 address.

Example 10.3. Calling the service ip_address_info using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_address_info?ip_id=241",
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

IPv4 Address

ip_address_count — Count the number of IPv4 addresses
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address

ip_find_free_address — List the free IPv4 addresses
This service allows to list the 10 first free IPv4 addresses.

You must execute the service using rpc.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(subnet_id || pool_id || parent_subnet_id)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv4 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv4
network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The maximum number of IPv4 addresses to be returned by the service. You can use it to
return more than 10 results.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 10 Can be edited Yes

A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

IPv4 Address

To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Type Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IPv4 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free IP addresses.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IPv4 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free IP addresses.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class applied to the IPv4 pool the IP addresses you are looking for belong
to. You must specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class . You cannot
use the classes global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class applied to the IPv4 network the IP addresses you are looking for belong
to. You must specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class . You cannot
use the classes global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The IPv4 address itself, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The name of the space the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
The name of the IPv4 network the object belongs to. Default indicates that the network the
object belongs to is an orphan network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.
The name of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.

In the example below, we call the service ip_find_free_address with Python (Requests) to list
the free IPv4 addresses of a specific network. Unlike the other services, it must be called using
the method /rpc/.

Example 10.4. Calling the service ip_find_free_address using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rpc/ip_find_free_address"

querystring = {"subnet_id":"238"}

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("OPTIONS", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


IPv4 Address

ip_address_groupby — Group IPv4 addresses by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

IPv4 Address

ip_address_groupby_count — Count the number of IPv4 addresses by parameter(s)
This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address

ip_delete — Delete an IPv4 address
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(ip_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 address of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 address.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by name.
Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

IPv4 Address

Default value N/A Can be edited No

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 11. IPv6 Address

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_add — Add/Edit an IPv6 address
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name))
• Edition: (ip6_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify which IPv6 address to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 address, each IPv6 address must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The MAC address you want to associate with the IPv6 address.

Type MAC address Maximum length 64

IPv6 Address

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device you want to associate with the IP

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface you want to associate with the
IP address.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port you want to associate with the IP address.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

IPv6 Address

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.

IPv6 Address

The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service ip6_address6_add with PHP (cURL) to add an IPv6
address in one of our spaces.

Example 11.1. Calling the service ip6_address6_add using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip6_address6_add?".
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_list — List the IPv6 addresses
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
A way to determine if you can assign the IP address (free) or if it is In use (ip6).
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip6), it returns the IP address

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address

For free addresses (type free), it returns the first IP address of a range of IPv6 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The last address in that range is returned in free_end_ip6_addr.
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip6), it returns the IP address
For free addresses (type free), it returns the last IP address of a range of IPv6 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The first address in that range is returned in free_start_ip6_addr.
The number of IP addresses that are not assigned yet (type free) between
free_start_ip6_addr and free_end_ip6_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .
The name of the parent IPv6 network. # indicates that the network the object belongs to has
no parent network.
The IPv6 address itself.
The human readable version of the parameter ip6_addr.
The name of the IPv6 address.
The MAC address associated with the IPv6 address.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 address, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
A way to determine if the network the IP address belongs to is terminal (1) or non-terminal
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network the IP address belongs to.
The name of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.

IPv6 Address

The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
The prefix of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses of the network parent, in hexadecimal format.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv6
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the IP address belongs to was duplicated. 0 in-
dicates that the parent of the network the IP address belongs to is not a VLSM block-type
network duplicated from a parent space.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 pool the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.
The reservation status of the pool the IPv6 address belongs to. If set 1, the pool is reserved
and you cannot assign the IP address.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The name of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The description of the space the object belongs to.

IPv6 Address

The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the space where is located the parent of the network the IPv6 address belongs
to. # indicates that the network the IPv6 address belongs to has no parent network.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The prefix of the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the parent of the IPv6 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet6_start_ip6_addr.
The last IP address of the parent of the IPv6 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet6_end_ip6_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the network the IP address belongs to was duplicated. 0 indicates the
network the IP address belongs to is not a VLSM block-type network duplicated from a parent
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The number of IP addresses that contains the pool the IPv6 address belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv6 pool the IP address belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv6 pool the IP address belongs to.
The name of the IPv6 alias(es) associated with the IPv6 address.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

IPv6 Address

Table 11.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv6 address and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
ip6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 pool the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
If the inheritance or propagation property is not specified, its default value - set, propagate -
is used.
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv6 Address

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_info — Display the properties of an IPv6 address
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 address of your

Output Parameters
A way to determine if you can assign the IP address (free) or if it is In use (ip6).
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip6), it returns the IP address
For free addresses (type free), it returns the first IP address of a range of IPv6 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The last address in that range is returned in free_end_ip6_addr.
An IP address in hexadecimal format. For addresses In use (type ip6), it returns the IP address
For free addresses (type free), it returns the last IP address of a range of IPv6 addresses
that are not assigned yet. The first address in that range is returned in free_start_ip6_addr.
The number of IP addresses that are not assigned yet (type free) between
free_start_ip6_addr and free_end_ip6_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The database level of the space the object belongs to. If you set up a VLSM organization, it
returns values between between 0 (the highest level) and n.
The database path toward the space the object belongs to as follows: <space-name># . If
you set up a VLSM organization, the path looks as follows: <highest-level-space-
name>##<child-space-name>#<child-space-name>#... .

IPv6 Address

The name of the parent IPv6 network. # indicates that the network the object belongs to has
no parent network.
The IPv6 address itself.
The human readable version of the parameter ip6_addr.
The name of the IPv6 address.
The MAC address associated with the IPv6 address.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 address, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
A way to determine if the network the IP address belongs to is terminal (1) or non-terminal
A way to prevent (1) users from assigning the broadcast IP address and network IP address
of the network the IP address belongs to.
The name of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
The number of IP addresses the network the object belongs to contains.
The prefix of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses of the network parent, in hexadecimal format.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. It identifies the parent of the IPv6
network the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the network the object belongs to has no
parent network.

IPv6 Address

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the parent of the network the IP address belongs to was duplicated. 0 in-
dicates that the parent of the network the IP address belongs to is not a VLSM block-type
network duplicated from a parent space.
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 pool the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.
The reservation status of the pool the IPv6 address belongs to. If set 1, the pool is reserved
and you cannot assign the IP address.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The name of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The description of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the space where is located the parent of the network the IPv6 address belongs
to. # indicates that the network the IPv6 address belongs to has no parent network.
The name of the class applied to the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The prefix of the parent of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the parent of the IPv6 network the IP address belongs to.

IPv6 Address

The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet6_start_ip6_addr.
The last IP address of the parent of the IPv6 network the IP address belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter parent_subnet6_end_ip6_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 subnet-type network, located in the VLSM parent
space, from which the network the IP address belongs to was duplicated. 0 indicates the
network the IP address belongs to is not a VLSM block-type network duplicated from a parent
The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The number of IP addresses that contains the pool the IPv6 address belongs to.
The first IP address of the IPv6 pool the IP address belongs to.
The last IP address of the IPv6 pool the IP address belongs to.
The name of the IPv6 alias(es) associated with the IPv6 address.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 11.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the IPv6 address and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
ip6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv6 Address

The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 pool the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
pool6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
If the inheritance or propagation property is not specified, its default value - set, propagate -
is used.
The class parameters applied to the space the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
site_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 network the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
subnet6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_count — Count the number of IPv6 addresses
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address

ip6_find_free_address6 — List the free IPv6 addresses
This service allows to list the 10 first free IPv6 addresses.

You must execute the service using rpc.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(subnet6_id || pool6_id || parent_subnet6_id)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 network of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the parent IPv6 network. Use the ID to specify the parent IPv6
network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 pool. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The maximum number of IPv6 addresses to be returned by the service. You can use it to
return more than 10 results.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

IPv6 Address

To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Type Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IPv6 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free IP addresses.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IPv6 address of the range of addresses where you are looking for free IP addresses.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class applied to the IPv6 pool the IP addresses you are looking for belong
to. You must specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class . You cannot
use the classes global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class applied to the IPv6 network the IP addresses you are looking for belong
to. You must specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class . You cannot
use the classes global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The IPv6 address itself.
The IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The name of the space the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The name of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.
The name of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_groupby — Group IPv6 addresses by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_groupby_count — Count the number of IPv6 addresses by para-

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address

ip6_address6_delete — Delete an IPv6 address
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(ip6_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 address of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 address.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

IPv6 Address

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service ip6_address6_delete with Ruby (NET::Http) to delete
a specific IPv6 address.

Example 11.2. Calling the service ip6_address6_delete using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/ip6_address6_delete?ip6_id=17")

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

Chapter 12. IPv4 Address Alias

IPv4 Address Alias

ip_alias_add — Add/Edit an IPv4 address alias
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (ip_name && (ip_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name))))
• Edition: (ip_name_id || (ip_name && (ip_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 address of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 alias, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 alias. Use the ID to specify which IPv4 alias to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 alias.

IPv4 Address Alias

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by ip_name.
The type of the alias.

Type Fixed value: A || a || CNAME || cname Maximum length N/A

Default value CNAME Can be edited No

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.

IPv4 Address Alias

The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

IPv4 Address Alias

ip_alias_list — List the aliases of an IPv4 address
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 address of your
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address Alias

Output Parameters
The name of the alias.
The type of the alias, either CNAME or A.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 alias.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address associated with the alias.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The IPv4 alias itself, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the IPv4 alias.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 alias.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 network the object belongs to.
A way to determine if you can assign the IP alias (free) or if it is In use (ip).
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 pool the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP static associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCP lease associated the IP address.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.

IPv4 Address Alias

The class parameters applied to the IPv4 alias and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
ip_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

In the example below, we call the service ip_alias_list with Python (Requests) using the clause
ORDERBY to list the 5 aliases of an IPv4 address and sort them based on their name and type.

Example 12.1. Calling the service ip_alias_list using Python and ORDERBY
import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/ip_alias_list"

querystring = {"ip_id":"200","limit":"10","ORDERBY":"alias_name, ip_name_type"}

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


IPv4 Address Alias

ip_alias_count — Count the number of aliases of an IPv4 address
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 address of your
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Address Alias

ip_alias_delete — Delete an IPv4 address alias
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(ip_name_id || (ip_name && (ip_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv4 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 address of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 alias, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv4 alias. Use the ID to specify the IPv4 alias to of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv4 alias.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv4 Address Alias

The type of the alias.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 13. IPv6 Address Alias

IPv6 Address Alias

ip6_alias_add — Add/Edit an IPv6 address alias
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (ip6_name && (ip6_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name))))
• Edition: (ip6_name_id || (ip6_name && (ip6_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 address of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 alias, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 alias. Use the ID to specify which IPv6 alias to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 address.

IPv6 Address Alias

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by ip6_name.
The type of the alias.

Type Fixed value: AAAA || aaaa || CNAME || cname Maximum length N/A
Default value CNAME Can be edited No

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.

IPv6 Address Alias

The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

IPv6 Address Alias

ip6_alias_list — List the aliases of an IPv6 address
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 address of your
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address Alias

Output Parameters
The name of the alias.
The type of the alias, either CNAME or AAAA.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 alias.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address associated with the alias.
The database identifier (ID) of the space the object belongs to, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a space.
The IPv6 alias itself.
The name of the IPv6 address associated with the alias.
The MAC address associated with the IPv6 alias.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 pool the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the IP address.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the IP address.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The name of the space the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the space the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The class parameters applied to the IPv6 alias and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
ip6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:

IPv6 Address Alias

tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

IPv6 Address Alias

ip6_alias_count — Count the number of aliases of an IPv6 address
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 address of your
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Address Alias

ip6_alias_delete — Delete an IPv6 address alias
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(ip6_name_id || (ip6_name && (ip6_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the space, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a space. Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add an IPv6 address. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 address of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 alias, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add an IPv6 alias. Use the ID to specify the IPv6 alias to of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the IPv6 address.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

IPv6 Address Alias

The type of the alias.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The IP address.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part III. DHCP Services
Table of Contents
14. DHCPv4 Server ....................................................................................................... 230
dhcp_server_list .................................................................................................... 231
dhcp_server_info .................................................................................................. 236
dhcp_server_count ................................................................................................ 241
15. DHCPv6 Server ....................................................................................................... 242
dhcp6_server6_list ................................................................................................ 243
dhcp6_server6_info ............................................................................................... 248
dhcp6_server6_count ............................................................................................ 252
16. DHCPv4 Shared Network ......................................................................................... 253
dhcp_sn_add ........................................................................................................ 254
dhcp_shared_network_list ..................................................................................... 256
dhcp_shared_network_info .................................................................................... 258
dhcp_shared_network_count ................................................................................. 260
dhcp_sn_delete .................................................................................................... 261
17. DHCPv6 Shared Network ......................................................................................... 263
dhcp6_sn6_add .................................................................................................... 264
dhcp6_shared_network6_list ................................................................................. 266
dhcp6_shared_network6_info ................................................................................ 269
dhcp6_shared_network6_count ............................................................................. 271
dhcp6_sn6_delete ................................................................................................. 272
18. DHCPv4 Scope ....................................................................................................... 274
dhcp_scope_add ................................................................................................... 275
dhcp_scope_list .................................................................................................... 280
dhcp_scope_info ................................................................................................... 285
dhcp_scope_count ................................................................................................ 288
dhcp_scope_groupby ............................................................................................ 289
dhcp_scope_groupby_count .................................................................................. 291
group_dhcpscope_add .......................................................................................... 292
group_dhcpscope_delete ....................................................................................... 295
dhcp_scope_delete ............................................................................................... 297
19. DHCPv6 Scope ....................................................................................................... 299
dhcp6_scope6_add ............................................................................................... 300
dhcp6_scope6_list ................................................................................................ 304
dhcp6_scope6_info ............................................................................................... 308
dhcp6_scope6_count ............................................................................................ 311
group_dhcpscope6_add ........................................................................................ 312
group_dhcpscope6_delete ..................................................................................... 314
dhcp6_scope6_delete ........................................................................................... 316
20. DHCPv4 Group ....................................................................................................... 318
dhcp_group_add ................................................................................................... 319
dhcp_group_list .................................................................................................... 322
dhcp_group_info ................................................................................................... 325
dhcp_group_count ................................................................................................ 328
dhcp_group_delete ............................................................................................... 329
21. DHCPv6 Group ....................................................................................................... 331
dhcp6_group6_list ................................................................................................. 332
22. DHCPv4 Range ....................................................................................................... 335
dhcp_range_add ................................................................................................... 336
dhcp_range_list .................................................................................................... 340
dhcp_range_info ................................................................................................... 344
dhcp_range_count ................................................................................................ 348

DHCP Services

dhcp_range_delete ............................................................................................... 349

23. DHCPv6 Range ....................................................................................................... 352
dhcp6_range6_add ............................................................................................... 353
dhcp6_range6_list ................................................................................................. 357
dhcp6_range6_info ................................................................................................ 361
dhcp6_range6_count ............................................................................................. 365
dhcp6_range6_delete ............................................................................................ 366
24. DHCPv4 Lease ........................................................................................................ 368
dhcp_range_lease_list ........................................................................................... 369
dhcp_range_lease_info ......................................................................................... 374
dhcp_range_lease_count ....................................................................................... 378
dhcp_range_lease_groupby ................................................................................... 379
dhcp_range_lease_groupby_count ......................................................................... 381
dhcp_lease_log_list ............................................................................................... 382
dhcp_lease_log_count ........................................................................................... 384
dhcp_lease_log_groupby ....................................................................................... 385
dhcp_lease_log_groupby_count ............................................................................. 387
dhcp_lease_manual_delete ................................................................................... 388
25. DHCPv6 Lease ........................................................................................................ 390
dhcp6_lease6_list ................................................................................................. 391
dhcp6_lease6_count ............................................................................................. 395
dhcp6_lease6_log_list ........................................................................................... 396
dhcp6_lease6_log_count ....................................................................................... 398
dhcp6_lease6_log_groupby ................................................................................... 399
dhcp6_lease6_log_groupby_count ......................................................................... 401
26. DHCPv4 Static ........................................................................................................ 402
dhcp_static_add .................................................................................................... 403
dhcp_static_list ..................................................................................................... 408
dhcp_static_info .................................................................................................... 413
dhcp_static_count ................................................................................................. 418
dhcp_static_groupby ............................................................................................. 419
dhcp_static_groupby_count ................................................................................... 421
dhcp_static_delete ................................................................................................ 422
27. DHCPv6 Static ........................................................................................................ 425
dhcp6_static6_add ................................................................................................ 426
dhcp6_static6_list ................................................................................................. 430
dhcp6_static6_info ................................................................................................ 434
dhcp6_static6_count ............................................................................................. 438
dhcp6_static6_delete ............................................................................................ 439
28. DHCPv4 Option ....................................................................................................... 441
dhcp_option_add .................................................................................................. 442
29. DHCPv6 Option ....................................................................................................... 447
dhcp6_option6_add ............................................................................................... 448
30. DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry .................................................................................... 452
dhcp_acl_add ....................................................................................................... 453
dhcp_class_list ..................................................................................................... 456
dhcp_class_info .................................................................................................... 458
dhcp_class_count ................................................................................................. 460
dhcp_acl_delete .................................................................................................... 461
dhcp_acl_data_add ............................................................................................... 463
dhcp_subclass_list ................................................................................................ 465
dhcp_subclass_info ............................................................................................... 468
dhcp_subclass_count ............................................................................................ 470
dhcp_acl_data_delete ........................................................................................... 471

DHCP Services

31. DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry .................................................................................... 473

dhcp6_acl6_add ................................................................................................... 474
dhcp6_class6_list .................................................................................................. 477
dhcp6_class6_info ................................................................................................ 479
dhcp6_class6_count .............................................................................................. 481
dhcp6_acl6_delete ................................................................................................ 482
dhcp6_subclass6_list ............................................................................................ 484
dhcp6_subclass6_info ........................................................................................... 487
dhcp6_subclass6_count ........................................................................................ 488
32. DHCPv4 Failover Channel ........................................................................................ 489
dhcp_failover_list .................................................................................................. 490
dhcp_failover_info ................................................................................................. 493
dhcp_failover_count .............................................................................................. 495
dhcp_failover_set_partner_down ............................................................................ 496

Chapter 14. DHCPv4 Server

DHCPv4 Server

dhcp_server_list — List the DHCPv4 servers
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The local time on the DHCPv4 server, in decimal UNIX date format.
The login of the Microsoft Windows DHCP server.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Server

The domain name of the Microsoft Windows DHCP server.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The DHCPv4 server package information. Y for an EfficientIP Package server, N for an ap-
pliance or virtual machine, U the package information is irrelevant. For servers with a dh-
cp_type set to ipm, U indicates either EfficientIP Packages or appliances/virtual machines.
A way to determine if the server can update any other module (1).
The database path toward the server as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is
managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

DHCPv4 Server

The name of the Master or Single DHCPv4 server within the smart architecture.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture the server belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database level of the server. 0 indicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates
it is managed by a smart architecture.
The total number of servers managed by the DHCPv4 smart architecture.
The list of the servers managed by the DHCPv4 smart architecture, as follows: <dh-
cp_name>,<dhcp_name>,... .
The type of the DHCPv4 smart architecture:

Table 14.1. vdhcp_arch possible values

Type Description
masterslave The One-to-One smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a Master/Backup
star The One-to-Many smart architecture sets a multi-site failover configuration at the cost
of n-servers+1.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCP server.

The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server. # indicates that
the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server. No value indicates
that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server.
0 indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

DHCPv4 Server

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server.
The type of the DHCPv4 server:

Table 14.2. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The status of the DHCPv4 server:

Table 14.3. dhcp_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid
IP The account used to add the Microsoft Windows DHCP server does not have sufficient
privileges to manage it.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
Y The server is operational.

The synchronization status of the DHCPv4 server. 1 indicates that the server is currently
being synchronized.
The name of the DHCPv4 server.
The description of the DHCPv4 server.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server, it can be preceded by the class directory.

DHCPv4 Server

The IP address of the DHCP server, in hexadecimal format.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The URL of the HTTP(S) reverse proxy server that forwards client requests to the DHCPv4
server, if you configured one.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 14.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv4 Server

dhcp_server_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 server
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The local time on the DHCPv4 server, in decimal UNIX date format.
The login of the Microsoft Windows DHCP server.
The domain name of the Microsoft Windows DHCP server.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The DHCPv4 server package information. Y for an EfficientIP Package server, N for an ap-
pliance or virtual machine, U the package information is irrelevant. For servers with a dh-
cp_type set to ipm, U indicates either EfficientIP Packages or appliances/virtual machines.
A way to determine if the server can update any other module (1).
The database path toward the server as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is
managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

DHCPv4 Server

Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the Master or Single DHCPv4 server within the smart architecture.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture the server belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database level of the server. 0 indicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates
it is managed by a smart architecture.
The total number of servers managed by the DHCPv4 smart architecture.
The list of the servers managed by the DHCPv4 smart architecture, as follows: <dh-
cp_name>,<dhcp_name>,... .
The type of the DHCPv4 smart architecture:

Table 14.5. vdhcp_arch possible values

Type Description
masterslave The One-to-One smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a Master/Backup

DHCPv4 Server

Type Description
star The One-to-Many smart architecture sets a multi-site failover configuration at the cost
of n-servers+1.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCP server.

The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server. # indicates that
the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server. No value indicates
that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server.
0 indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server.
The type of the DHCPv4 server:

Table 14.6. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The status of the DHCPv4 server:

Table 14.7. dhcp_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid

DHCPv4 Server

Status Description
IP The account used to add the Microsoft Windows DHCP server does not have sufficient
privileges to manage it.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
Y The server is operational.

The synchronization status of the DHCPv4 server. 1 indicates that the server is currently
being synchronized.
The name of the DHCPv4 server.
The description of the DHCPv4 server.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The IP address of the DHCP server, in hexadecimal format.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The URL of the HTTP(S) reverse proxy server that forwards client requests to the DHCPv4
server, if you configured one.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 14.8. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical

DHCPv4 Server

Message number Severity Description

34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv4 Server

dhcp_server_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 servers
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 15. DHCPv6 Server

DHCPv6 Server

dhcp6_server6_list — List the DHCPv6 servers
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Server

The DHCPv6 server package information. Y for an EfficientIP Package server, N for an ap-
pliance or virtual machine, U the package information is irrelevant. For servers with a dh-
cp6_type set to ipm, U indicates either EfficientIP Packages or appliances/virtual machines.
A way to determine if the server can update any other module (1).
The database path toward the server as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is
managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the Master or Single DHCPv6 server within the smart architecture.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture the server belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database level of the server. 0 indicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates
it is managed by a smart architecture.
The total number of servers managed by the DHCPv6 smart architecture.
The list of the servers managed by the DHCPv6 smart architecture, as follows: <dh-
cp6_name>,<dhcp6_name>,... .
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture.

Table 15.1. vdhcp6_arch possible values

Type Description
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCPv6 server.

DHCPv6 Server

Type Description
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
stateless The Stateless smart architecture offers a limited number of options to the DHCP clients.
The IP address is delivered thanks to the subnet gateway and it is impossible to create
any ranges or statics or to retrieve any leases.

The name of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server. # indicates that
the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server. No value indicates
that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server.
0 indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server.
The type of the DHCPv6 server:

Table 15.2. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The status of the DHCPv6 server:

Table 15.3. dhcp6_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid
IP The account used to add the Microsoft Windows DHCP server does not have sufficient
privileges to manage it.

DHCPv6 Server

Status Description
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
Y The server is operational.

The synchronization status of the DHCPv6 server. 1 indicates that the server is currently
being synchronized.
The name of the DHCPv6 server.
The description of the DHCPv6 server.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The IP address of the DHCP server, in hexadecimal format.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The URL of the HTTP(S) reverse proxy server that forwards client requests to the DHCPv6
server, if you configured one.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 15.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.

DHCPv6 Server

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv6 Server

dhcp6_server6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 server
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Output Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.
The DHCPv6 server package information. Y for an EfficientIP Package server, N for an ap-
pliance or virtual machine, U the package information is irrelevant. For servers with a dh-
cp6_type set to ipm, U indicates either EfficientIP Packages or appliances/virtual machines.
A way to determine if the server can update any other module (1).
The database path toward the server as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is
managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

DHCPv6 Server

The name of the Master or Single DHCPv6 server within the smart architecture.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture the server belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database level of the server. 0 indicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates
it is managed by a smart architecture.
The total number of servers managed by the DHCPv6 smart architecture.
The list of the servers managed by the DHCPv6 smart architecture, as follows: <dh-
cp6_name>,<dhcp6_name>,... .
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture.

Table 15.5. vdhcp6_arch possible values

Type Description
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCPv6 server.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
stateless The Stateless smart architecture offers a limited number of options to the DHCP clients.
The IP address is delivered thanks to the subnet gateway and it is impossible to create
any ranges or statics or to retrieve any leases.

The name of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server. # indicates that
the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server. No value indicates
that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server.
0 indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server.

DHCPv6 Server

The type of the DHCPv6 server:

Table 15.6. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The status of the DHCPv6 server:

Table 15.7. dhcp6_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid
IP The account used to add the Microsoft Windows DHCP server does not have sufficient
privileges to manage it.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
Y The server is operational.

The synchronization status of the DHCPv6 server. 1 indicates that the server is currently
being synchronized.
The name of the DHCPv6 server.
The description of the DHCPv6 server.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The IP address of the DHCP server, in hexadecimal format.
Internal use. Not documented.

DHCPv6 Server

Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The URL of the HTTP(S) reverse proxy server that forwards client requests to the DHCPv6
server, if you configured one.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 15.8. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv6 Server

dhcp6_server6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 servers
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 16. DHCPv4 Shared Network

DHCPv4 Shared Network

dhcp_sn_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv4 shared network
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpsn_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: ((dhcpsn_id || dhcpsn_name) && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 shared network. Use the ID to specify
which DHCPv4 shared network to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Shared Network

The name of the DHCPv4 shared network, each DHCPv4 shared network must have a unique

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 Shared Network

dhcp_shared_network_list — List the DHCPv4 shared networks
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Shared Network

The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 16.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 16.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv4 Shared Network

dhcp_shared_network_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 shared network
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 shared network. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv4 shared network of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 16.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.

DHCPv4 Shared Network

The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 16.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv4 Shared Network

dhcp_shared_network_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 shared networks
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Shared Network

dhcp_sn_delete — Delete a DHCPv4 Shared Network
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((dhcpsn_id || dhcpsn_name) && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 shared network. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv4 shared network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 shared network.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Shared Network

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 17. DHCPv6 Shared Network

DHCPv6 Shared Network

dhcp6_sn6_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv6 shared network
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpsn6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: ((dhcpsn6_id || dhcpsn6_name) && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv6 shared network. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv6 shared network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 shared network.

DHCPv6 Shared Network

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv6 Shared Network

dhcp6_shared_network6_list — List the DHCPv6 shared networks
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Shared Network

The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 17.1. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture the object belongs to.

Table 17.2. vdhcp6_arch possible values

Type Description
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCPv6 server.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
stateless The Stateless smart architecture offers a limited number of options to the DHCP clients.
The IP address is delivered thanks to the subnet gateway and it is impossible to create
any ranges or statics or to retrieve any leases.

The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 17.3. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.

DHCPv6 Shared Network

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv6 Shared Network

dhcp6_shared_network6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 shared

This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv6 shared network. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv6 shared network of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 17.4. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture the object belongs to.

DHCPv6 Shared Network

Table 17.5. vdhcp6_arch possible values

Type Description
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCPv6 server.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
stateless The Stateless smart architecture offers a limited number of options to the DHCP clients.
The IP address is delivered thanks to the subnet gateway and it is impossible to create
any ranges or statics or to retrieve any leases.

The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 17.6. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv6 Shared Network

dhcp6_shared_network6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 shared networks
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Shared Network

dhcp6_sn6_delete — Delete a DHCPv6 Shared Network
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((dhcpsn6_id || dhcpsn6_name) && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv6 shared network. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv6 shared network of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 shared network.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Shared Network

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 18. DHCPv4 Scope

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv4 scope
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpscope_net_addr && dhcpscope_net_mask && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name ||
• Edition: (dhcpscope_id || (dhcpscope_net_addr && dhcpscope_net_mask && (dhcp_id || dh-
cp_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

DHCPv4 Scope

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_mask.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the scope contains.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_mask.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 shared network. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv4 shared network of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 shared network.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv4 scope
to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 scope, each DHCPv4 scope must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 failover channel. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv4 failover channel of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Scope

The name of the DHCPv4 failover channel.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing space you want to associate with the DHCPv4

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of an existing space you want to associate with the DHCPv4 scope.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Scope

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).

DHCPv4 Scope

The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_list — List the DHCPv4 scopes
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Scope

The type of the DHCPv4 smart architecture the object belongs to.

Table 18.1. vdhcp_arch possible values

Type Description
masterslave The One-to-One smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a Master/Backup
star The One-to-Many smart architecture sets a multi-site failover configuration at the cost
of n-servers+1.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCP server.

The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 18.2. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel associated with the object.
The name of the DHCPv4 failover channel associated with the object.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the scope contains.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope contains.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.

DHCPv4 Scope

The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The name of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 18.3. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.

DHCPv4 Scope

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 scope and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_scope_list with PHP (cURL) using the clause
WHERE to return the scopes which class parameter information is important or the scopes which
class parameter description contains accounting. For more details regarding the use of class
parameters in the clause, refer to the chapter Calling Services With TAGS.

Example 18.1. Calling the service dhcp_scope_list using PHP and WHERE

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_scope_list?TAGS=".


"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);

DHCPv4 Scope

$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 scope
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv4 smart architecture the object belongs to.

Table 18.4. vdhcp_arch possible values

Type Description
masterslave The One-to-One smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a Master/Backup
star The One-to-Many smart architecture sets a multi-site failover configuration at the cost
of n-servers+1.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCP server.

The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 18.5. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel associated with the object.

DHCPv4 Scope

The name of the DHCPv4 failover channel associated with the object.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope. It is expressed in dot-decimal notation and defines the
number of addresses the scope contains.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope contains.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The name of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.

DHCPv4 Scope

The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 18.6. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 scope and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 scopes
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_groupby — Group DHCPv4 scopes by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Scope

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_groupby_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 scopes grouped
by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Scope

group_dhcpscope_add — Add a DHCPv4 scope to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dhcpscope_id || (dhcpscope_net_addr && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name ||

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Scope

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

DHCPv4 Scope

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

DHCPv4 Scope

group_dhcpscope_delete — Remove a DHCPv4 scope from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dhcpscope_id || (dhcpscope_net_addr && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name ||

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Scope

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

DHCPv4 Scope

dhcp_scope_delete — Delete a DHCPv4 scope
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpscope_id || (dhcpscope_net_addr && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.

DHCPv4 Scope

The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_net_addr.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 19. DHCPv6 Scope

DHCPv6 Scope

dhcp6_scope6_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv6 scope
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpscope6_start_addr && (dhcpscope6_end_addr || dhcpscope6_prefix) && (dh-
cp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcpscope6_id || (dhcpscope6_start_addr && (dhcpscope6_end_addr || dhcp-
scope6_prefix) && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope.

DHCPv6 Scope

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The prefix of the DHCPv6 scope, an integer that defines the number of address the scope

Type IPv6 prefix (integer between 1 and 128) Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited No

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv6 scope
to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 scope, each DHCPv6 scope must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 failover channel, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv6 failover channel. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv6 failover channel of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 failover channel.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing space you want to associate with the DHCPv6

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of an existing space you want to associate with the DHCPv6 scope.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Scope

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:

DHCPv6 Scope

• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv6 Scope

dhcp6_scope6_list — List the DHCPv6 scopes
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Scope

The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture the object belongs to.

Table 19.1. vdhcp6_arch possible values

Type Description
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCPv6 server.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
stateless The Stateless smart architecture offers a limited number of options to the DHCP clients.
The IP address is delivered thanks to the subnet gateway and it is impossible to create
any ranges or statics or to retrieve any leases.

The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 19.2. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 failover channel associated with the object.
The name of the DHCPv6 failover channel associated with the object.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 scope.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope contains.
The prefix of the DHCPv6 scope.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The name of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope.

DHCPv6 Scope

Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 19.3. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 scope and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DHCPv6 Scope

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv6 Scope

dhcp6_scope6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 scope
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DHCPv6 smart architecture the object belongs to.

Table 19.4. vdhcp6_arch possible values

Type Description
single The Single-Server smart architecture manages a single DHCPv6 server.
splitscope The Split-Scope smart architecture sets a pair of DHCP servers in a configuration
where the two scopes listen to the same subnet, but the range of addresses is divided.
stateless The Stateless smart architecture offers a limited number of options to the DHCP clients.
The IP address is delivered thanks to the subnet gateway and it is impossible to create
any ranges or statics or to retrieve any leases.

The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 19.5. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 failover channel associated with the object.
The name of the DHCPv6 failover channel associated with the object.

DHCPv6 Scope

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 scope.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope contains.
The prefix of the DHCPv6 scope.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The name of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

DHCPv6 Scope

The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 19.6. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 scope and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv6 Scope

dhcp6_scope6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 scopes
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Scope

group_dhcpscope6_add — Add a DHCPv6 scope to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dhcpscope6_id || (dhcpscope6_start_addr && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name
|| hostaddr))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Scope

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

DHCPv6 Scope

group_dhcpscope6_delete — Remove a DHCPv6 scope from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dhcpscope6_id || (dhcpscope6_start_addr && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name
|| hostaddr))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Scope

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

DHCPv6 Scope

dhcp6_scope6_delete — Delete a DHCPv6 scope
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpscope6_id || (dhcpscope6_start_addr && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Scope

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 20. DHCPv4 Group

DHCPv4 Group

dhcp_group_add — Add a DHCPv4 group
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpgroup_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcpgroup_id || (dhcpgroup_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The name of the DHCPv4 group, each DHCPv4 group must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Group

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 group of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:

DHCPv4 Group

• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 Group

dhcp_group_list — List the DHCPv4 groups
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Group

The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 20.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 group.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 group, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 20.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.

DHCPv4 Group

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv4 Group

dhcp_group_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 group
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 group of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 20.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 group.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DHCPv4 Group

The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 group, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 20.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DHCPv4 Group

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv4 Group

dhcp_group_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 groups
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Group

dhcp_group_delete — Delete a DHCPv4 group
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpgroup_id || (dhcpgroup_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 group of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpgroup_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 group.

DHCPv4 Group

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpgroup_name.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 21. DHCPv6 Group

DHCPv6 Group

dhcp6_group6_list — List the DHCPv6 groups
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 group.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Group

The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 21.1. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv6 group.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 group, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 21.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.

DHCPv6 Group

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

Chapter 22. DHCPv4 Range

DHCPv4 Range

dhcp_range_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv4 range
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcprange_start_addr && dhcprange_end_addr && (dhcpscope_id || dhcp_id ||
dhcp_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcprange_id || (dhcprange_start_addr && dhcprange_end_addr && (dhcpscope_id
|| dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Range

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 range. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv4 range to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_start_addr.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_end_addr.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_acl.
The name of the DHCPv4 range, each DHCPv4 range must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 32

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The list of ACLs associated with the DHCPv4 range, as follows: <ACL_name>;<ACL_name>;...

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Range

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:

DHCPv4 Range

• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 Range

dhcp_range_list — List the DHCPv4 ranges
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Range

The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 range.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range, in hexadecimal format.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 22.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to. It is expressed in dot-decimal
notation and defines the number of addresses the scope contains.

DHCPv4 Range

The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to contains.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 range, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The total number of leases currently delivered by the DHCPv4 range.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 range contains.
The percentage of leases currently delivered by the DHCPv4 range.
The list of ACLs associated with the DHCPv4 range, as follows: <ACL_name>;<ACL_name>;...
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The description of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.

DHCPv4 Range

The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 22.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 range and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv4 Range

dhcp_range_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 range
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 range. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 range of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 range.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range, in hexadecimal format.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

DHCPv4 Range

Table 22.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to. It is expressed in dot-decimal
notation and defines the number of addresses the scope contains.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to contains.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 range, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The total number of leases currently delivered by the DHCPv4 range.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 range contains.
The percentage of leases currently delivered by the DHCPv4 range.
The list of ACLs associated with the DHCPv4 range, as follows: <ACL_name>;<ACL_name>;...
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.

DHCPv4 Range

The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The description of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 22.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 range and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DHCPv4 Range

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv4 Range

dhcp_range_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 ranges
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Range

dhcp_range_delete — Delete a DHCPv4 range
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcprange_id || ((dhcprange_name || dhcprange_start_addr || dhcprange_end_addr) && (dhcp_id
|| dhcp_name || hostaddr || dhcpscope_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.

DHCPv4 Range

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 range. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 range of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 range.

Type String Maximum length 32

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_name.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_start_addr.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_end_addr.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:

DHCPv4 Range

• Error: the service cannot be executed.

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 23. DHCPv6 Range

DHCPv6 Range

dhcp6_range6_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv6 range
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcprange6_start_addr && dhcprange6_end_addr && (dhcpscope6_id || dhcp6_id
|| dhcp6_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcprange6_id || (dhcprange6_start_addr && dhcprange6_end_addr && (dhcp-
scope6_id || dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 scope.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Range

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 range. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv6 range to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the DHCPv6 range.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the DHCPv6 range.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The list of ACLs associated with the DHCPv6 range, as follows: <ACL_name>;<ACL_name>;...

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Range

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Range

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv6 Range

dhcp6_range6_list — List the DHCPv6 ranges
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 range.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Range

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 range, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 range, in hexadecimal format.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 23.1. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to contains.
The prefix of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 range, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The total number of leases currently delivered by the DHCPv6 range.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 range contains.

DHCPv6 Range

The list of ACLs associated with the DHCPv6 range, as follows: <ACL_name>;<ACL_name>;...
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The description of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 23.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv6 Range

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 range and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv6 Range

dhcp6_range6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 range
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 range. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 range.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 range, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 range, in hexadecimal format.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 23.3. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.

DHCPv6 Range

The name of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to contains.
The prefix of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 range, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The total number of leases currently delivered by the DHCPv6 range.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 range contains.
The list of ACLs associated with the DHCPv6 range, as follows: <ACL_name>;<ACL_name>;...
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The description of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.

DHCPv6 Range

The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 23.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 range and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DHCPv6 Range

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv6 Range

dhcp6_range6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 ranges
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Range

dhcp6_range6_delete — Delete a DHCPv6 range
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcprange6_id || ((dhcprange6_start_addr || dhcprange6_end_addr) && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name
|| hostaddr || dhcpscope6_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 range. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

DHCPv6 Range

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first IP address of the DHCPv6 range.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last IP address of the DHCPv6 range.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 24. DHCPv4 Lease

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_range_lease_list — List the DHCPv4 leases
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The vendor class identifier (ID) of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The operating system details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

The remote identifier (ID) of the relay agent associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The circuit identifier (ID) of the relay agent associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The list of parameters requested with the DHCPv4 lease returned by the server, integers
separated by a comma.
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 lease.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease, in hexadecimal format.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 lease.
The client identifier (ID) of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The first time the DHCPv4 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date
The last time the DHCPv4 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date
The expiration time of the lease, in decimal UNIX date format.
The duration time (time to live) of the DHCPv4 lease, in seconds.
The percentage of time the lease has really been in use.
The time left to the lease before it expires, in seconds.
The name of the DHCPv4 lease.
The name of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The name of the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to.

DHCPv4 Lease

The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range the lease belongs to.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range the lease belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to contains.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 24.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.

DHCPv4 Lease

The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 24.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_range_lease_list with Python (Requests) using
the clause WHERE to list all the leases associated with a specific MAC address that have a time
to expire inferior or equal to an hour, or 3600 seconds.

Example 24.1. Calling the service dhcp_range_lease_list using Python and WHERE
import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_range_lease_list"

querystring = {"WHERE":"dhcplease_mac_addr='01:08:00:27:d9:4e:28' and


headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",

DHCPv4 Lease

'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_range_lease_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 lease
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 lease, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 lease. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 lease of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The vendor class identifier (ID) of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The operating system details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The remote identifier (ID) of the relay agent associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The circuit identifier (ID) of the relay agent associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The list of parameters requested with the DHCPv4 lease returned by the server, integers
separated by a comma.
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 lease.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease, in hexadecimal format.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 lease.
The client identifier (ID) of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.

DHCPv4 Lease

The first time the DHCPv4 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date
The last time the DHCPv4 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date
The expiration time of the lease, in decimal UNIX date format.
The duration time (time to live) of the DHCPv4 lease, in seconds.
The percentage of time the lease has really been in use.
The time left to the lease before it expires, in seconds.
The name of the DHCPv4 lease.
The name of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The name of the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 range the lease belongs to.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 range the lease belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to contains.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.

DHCPv4 Lease

The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 24.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 24.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.

DHCPv4 Lease

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 range the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_range_lease_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 leases
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_range_lease_groupby — Group DHCPv4 leases by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_range_lease_groupby_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 leases
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_lease_log_list — List the DHCPv4 leases logs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

Table 24.5. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The time the DHCPv4 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date format.
The expiration time of the DHCPv4 lease, in decimal UNIX date format.
The duration time (time to live) of the DHCPv4 lease, in seconds.
Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease, in hexadecimal format.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 lease.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The name of the DHCPv4 lease.
The full name of the DHCPv4 lease in FQDN format: <lease-name>-<domain-name>.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the lease log.
The client identifier (ID) of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The remote identifier (ID) of the relay agent associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The circuit identifier (ID) of the relay agent associated with the DHCPv4 lease.
The list of parameters requested with the DHCPv4 lease returned by the server, integers
separated by a comma.
The operating system details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 lease.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_lease_log_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 lease logs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_lease_log_groupby — Group DHCPv4 leases logs by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_lease_log_groupby_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 leases logs
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Lease

dhcp_lease_manual_delete — Release a DHCPv4 lease
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcplease_id || (dhcplease_addr && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 lease, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 lease. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 lease of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 lease.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcplease_addr.

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.

DHCPv4 Lease

The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 25. DHCPv6 Lease

DHCPv6 Lease

dhcp6_lease6_list — List the DHCPv6 leases
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 lease.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Lease

The IP address associated with the DHCPv6 lease, in hexadecimal format.
The MAC address associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The client DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The first time the DHCPv6 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date
The last time the DHCPv6 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date
The expiration time of the lease, in decimal UNIX date format.
The duration time (time to live) of the DHCPv6 lease, in seconds.
The percentage of time the lease has really been in use.
The time left to the lease before it expires, in seconds.
The name of the DHCPv6 lease.
The name of the client associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 range the object belongs to.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 range the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 range the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to contains.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The prefix of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.

DHCPv6 Lease

The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 25.1. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 range the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The IP address of the DHCP server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 25.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.

DHCPv6 Lease

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 range the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcprange6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv6 Lease

dhcp6_lease6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 leases
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Lease

dhcp6_lease6_log_list — List the DHCPv6 leases logs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Lease

Table 25.3. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The time the DHCPv6 lease has been attributed to the client, in decimal UNIX date format.
The expiration time of the DHCPv6 lease, in decimal UNIX date format.
The duration time (time to live) of the DHCPv6 lease, in seconds.
Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv6 lease, in hexadecimal format.
The MAC address associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv6 lease.
The name of the DHCPv6 lease.
The full name of the DHCPv6 lease, as follows: <dhcplease6_name>.<dhcplease6_domain>
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 lease.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 lease log.
The client DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) associated with the DHCPv6 lease.

DHCPv6 Lease

dhcp6_lease6_log_count — List the DHCPv6 leases logs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Lease

dhcp6_lease6_log_groupby — Group DHCPv6 leases by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Lease

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DHCPv6 Lease

dhcp6_lease6_log_groupby_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 leases
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 26. DHCPv4 Static

DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv4 static
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: ((dhcphost_mac_addr || dhcphost_identifier) && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcphost_id || ((dhcphost_mac_addr || dhcphost_identifier) && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name
|| hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_id.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 static. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv4 static to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

DHCPv4 Static

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_addr.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_addr.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 static.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 static, each DHCPv4 static must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_name.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_mac_addr.
The MAC address you want to associate with the IPv4 static, it must include the MAC address
type. The address has 7 sections, 00:11:22:33:44:55:66 , where 00 indicates the type. For
Ethernet, specify 01.

Type MAC address Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 group of
your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 group.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The host identifier you want to associate with the IPv4 static. An option and value to look for
to identify clients and assign them the static, specified as follows: option <option-name>
"expected value".

Type String Maximum length N/A

DHCPv4 Static

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_class_name.
The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_class_parameters.
The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_class_parameters_properties.
A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:

DHCPv4 Static

• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_static_add with Ruby (NET::Http) to add a DHCP
static without IP in one of our DHCP servers.

DHCPv4 Static

Example 26.1. Calling the service dhcp_static_add using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_static_add?"+

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_list — List the DHCPv4 statics
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The last time the MAC address associated with the DHCPv4 static was seen on the network,
in decimal UNIX date format.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Static

The expiration time of the lease associated with the DHCPv4 static, in decimal UNIX date
Internal use. Not documented.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to. It is expressed in dot-decimal
notation and defines the number of addresses the scope contains.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs.
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The MAC address associated with the DHCPv4 static. It is composed of 7 sections,
00:11:22:33:44:55:66, where 00 is the MAC address type. The type 01 indicates Ethernet.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 static.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 static, in hexadecimal format.
The host identifier of the DHCPv4 static, specified as follows: option <option-name> "expected
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the DHCPv4 static.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv4 static.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 26.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server

DHCPv4 Static

Type Description
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group.
The name of the DHCPv4 group associated with the object.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 group the static belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 static, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.

DHCPv4 Static

The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 26.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 static and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcphost_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 group the static belongs to, and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DHCPv4 Static

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 static
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 static. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 static of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The last time the MAC address associated with the DHCPv4 static was seen on the network,
in decimal UNIX date format.
The expiration time of the lease associated with the DHCPv4 static, in decimal UNIX date
Internal use. Not documented.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The netmask of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to. It is expressed in dot-decimal
notation and defines the number of addresses the scope contains.
The first IP address of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs.
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv4 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The MAC address associated with the DHCPv4 static. It is composed of 7 sections,
00:11:22:33:44:55:66, where 00 is the MAC address type. The type 01 indicates Ethernet.

DHCPv4 Static

The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 static.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 static, in hexadecimal format.
The host identifier of the DHCPv4 static, specified as follows: option <option-name> "expected
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the DHCPv4 static.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv4 static.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 26.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 shared network the object belongs to.

DHCPv4 Static

The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group.
The name of the DHCPv4 group associated with the object.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 group the static belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 static, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 26.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv4 Static

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 static and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcphost_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 group the static belongs to, and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_static_info with Python (Requests) to retrieve
the properties of a specific DHCP static.

Example 26.2. Calling the service dhcp_static_info using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_static_info"

querystring = {"dhcpstatic_id":"121"}

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

DHCPv4 Static

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 statics
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_groupby — Group DHCPv4 statics by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Static

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_groupby_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 statics grouped by

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Static

dhcp_static_delete — Delete a DHCPv4 static
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcphost_id || ((dhcphost_addr || dhcphost_identifier) && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr ||

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.

DHCPv4 Static

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 static. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 static of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_id.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv4 static.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_addr.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_addr.
The MAC address associated with the IPv4 static, it must include the MAC address type.
The address has 7 sections, 00:11:22:33:44:55:66 , where 00 indicates the type. For Ethernet,
specify 01.

Type MAC address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_mac_addr.
The name of the DHCPv4 static.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The host identifier associated with the IPv4 static. An option and value to look for to identify
clients and assign them the static, specified as follows: option <option-name> "expected

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Static

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 27. DHCPv6 Static

DHCPv6 Static

dhcp6_static6_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv6 static
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcphost6_name && (dhcphost6_mac_addr || dhcphost6_client_duid) && (dhcp6_id
|| dhcp6_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcphost6_id || (dhcphost6_name && (dhcphost6_mac_addr || dhcphost6_client_duid)
&& (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 static. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv6 static to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Static

The name of the DHCPv6 static, each DHCPv6 static must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address associated with the DHCPv6 static.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value # Can be edited Yes

The MAC address you want to associate with the IPv6 static.

Type MAC address Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The client DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) associated with the DHCPv6 static.

Type Regular expression: [:a-fA-F0-9]+ Maximum length 390

Default value Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 group of
your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 group.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost6_class_name.

DHCPv6 Static

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost6_class_parameters.
Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost6_class_parameters_properties.
A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

DHCPv6 Static

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv6 Static

dhcp6_static6_list — List the DHCPv6 statics
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The client DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) associated with the DHCPv6 static.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Static

Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv6 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The MAC address associated with the DHCPv6 static.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv6 static, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the DHCPv6 static.
The domain name associated with the DHCPv6 static.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 27.1. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to contains.

DHCPv6 Static

The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 group.
The name of the DHCPv6 group associated with the object.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 group the static belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6static, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 27.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.

DHCPv6 Static

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 static and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The DHCPv6 static class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both
encoded in URL format: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
If the inheritance or propagation property is not specified, its default value - set, propagate -
is used.
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 group the static belongs to, and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv6 Static

dhcp6_static6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 static
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 static. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 static of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The client DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) associated with the DHCPv6 static.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The first IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The last IP address of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The vendor details of the client associated with the DHCPv6 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 static.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The MAC address associated with the DHCPv6 static.
The IP address associated with the DHCPv6 static, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the DHCPv6 static.

DHCPv6 Static

The domain name associated with the DHCPv6 static.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 27.3. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to.
The number of IP addresses the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to contains.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 shared network the object belongs to.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 group.
The name of the DHCPv6 group associated with the object.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 group the static belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6static, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server the object belongs
to. # indicates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture

DHCPv6 Static

The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The version details of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 27.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 static and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The DHCPv6 static class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both
encoded in URL format: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
If the inheritance or propagation property is not specified, its default value - set, propagate -
is used.
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DHCPv6 Static

The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 group the static belongs to, and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpgroup6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 scope the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcpscope6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dhcp6_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DHCPv6 Static

dhcp6_static6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 statics
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 Static

dhcp6_static6_delete — Delete a DHCPv6 static
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcphost6_id || ((dhcphost6_name || dhcphost6_addr) && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr
|| dhcpscope6_id)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 static. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 static of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

DHCPv6 Static

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 static.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address associated with the DHCPv6 static.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 28. DHCPv4 Option

DHCPv4 Option

dhcp_option_add — Add/Edit/Delete a DHCP option on DHCPv4 objects
This service allows to add, edit or delete DHCP options on all DHCP objects, except leases,
failover channels and shared networks. The service dhcp_option_delete does not exist.
• If no identifier is specified, a new option is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified:
• The value specified in input edits the option.
• The option specified without value is deleted.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpoption_type && dhcpoption_name && dhcpoption_value && ((dhcp_id || dh-
cp_name) || (dhcpscope_id || (scope_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dh-
cpacl_id || (acl_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpacl_data_id ||
(acl_data_value && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpgroup_id || (group_name &&
(dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcprange_id || (range_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name
|| hostaddr))) || (dhcphost_id || (host_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))))
• Edition: (dhcpoption_type && dhcpoption_name && ((dhcp_id || dhcp_name) || (dhcpscope_id
|| (scope_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpacl_id || (acl_name && (dhcp_id
|| dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpacl_data_id || (acl_data_value && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name
|| hostaddr))) || (dhcpgroup_id || (group_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhc-
prange_id || (range_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcphost_id || (host_name
&& (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Option

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 scope.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpscope_name.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 range. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 range of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 range.

Type String Maximum length 32

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcprange_name.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 static. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 static of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 static.

Type String Maximum length 128

DHCPv4 Option

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcphost_name.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 group of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpgroup_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 group.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpgroup_name.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpacl_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpacl_name.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL entry, a unique numeric key value automat-
ically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL entry. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4
ACL entry of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpacl_data_id.

DHCPv4 Option

The value of the DHCPv4 ACL entry.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by acl_data_value.
Deprecated, replaced by acl_data_value.
The name of the DHCPv4 option, it must be preceded by option and a space as follows: option
<option-name>. Specify an already defined DHCPv4 option to edit it.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpoption_name.
The value of the DHCPv4 option.

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpoption_value.
The type of the DHCPv4 option.

Type Fixed value: global || scope || subnet || acl || Maximum length N/A
acl_data || group || range || host
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpoption_type.
A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 Option

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 29. DHCPv6 Option

DHCPv6 Option

dhcp6_option6_add — Add/Edit/Delete a DHCP option on DHCPv6 objects
This service allows to add, edit or delete DHCPv6 options on all DHCP objects, except leases,
failover channels and shared networks. The service dhcp6_option6_delete does not exist.
• If no identifier is specified, a new option is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified:
• The value specified in input edits the option.
• The option specified without value is deleted.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpoption6_type && dhcpoption6_name && dhcpoption6_value && ((dhcp6_id ||
dhcp6_name) || (dhcpscope6_id || (scope6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))
|| (dhcpscope6_id || (scope6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpgroup6_id
|| (group6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcphost6_id || (host6_name
&& (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))))
• Edition: (dhcpoption6_type && dhcpoption6_name && ((dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name) || (dhcp-
scope6_id || (scope6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpscope6_id ||
(scope6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcpgroup6_id || (group6_name
&& (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))) || (dhcphost6_id || (host6_name && (dhcp6_id ||
dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 Option

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 scope, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 scope. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 scope of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 scope.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 static, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 static. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 static of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 static.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 group, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 group. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 group of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 group.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 ACL.

DHCPv6 Option

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL entry, a unique numeric key value automat-
ically incremented when you add a DHCPv6 ACL entry. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6
ACL entry of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 option. Use the name to specify which DHCPv6 option to edit.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The value of the DHCPv6 option.

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of the DHCPv6 option.

Type Fixed value: global || scope6 || group6 || acl6 || Maximum length N/A
acl6_data6 || host6
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.

DHCPv6 Option

The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 30. DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_acl_add — Add/Edit a DHCP ACL
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpclass_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dhcpclass_id || (dhcpclass_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv4 ACL to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

The name of the DHCPv4 ACL, each DHCPv4 ACL must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The ACL rule associated with the DHCPv4 ACL, as follows: <match if (substring(option
agent.remote-id,0,6) = "dslam1");>

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The spawning class associated with the DHCPv4 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The statement associated with the DHCPv4 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_class_list — List the DHCP ACLs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 30.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The ACL rule associated with the DHCPv4 ACL, as follows: <match if (substring(option
agent.remote-id,0,6) = "dslam1");>
The spawning class associated with the DHCPv4 ACL.
The statement associated with the DHCPv4 ACL.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_class_info — Display the properties of a DHCP ACL
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 ACL of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 30.2. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The ACL rule associated with the DHCPv4 ACL, as follows: <match if (substring(option
agent.remote-id,0,6) = "dslam1");>
The spawning class associated with the DHCPv4 ACL.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

The statement associated with the DHCPv4 ACL.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_class_count — Count the number of DHCP ACLs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_acl_delete — Delete a DHCP ACL
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpclass_id || (dhcpclass_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpclass_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpclass_name.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_acl_data_add — Add/Edit a DHCP ACL entry
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpsubclass_value && (dhcpclass_id || (dhcpclass_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name
|| hostaddr))))
• Edition: ((dhcpsubclass_id || dhcpsubclass_value) && (dhcpclass_id || (dhcpclass_name &&
(dhcp_id || dhcp_name || hostaddr))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL entry, a unique numeric key value automat-
ically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL entry. Use the ID to specify which DHCPv4
ACL entry to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_subclass_list — List the DHCP ACL entries
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL entry.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 30.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The value of the DHCPv4 ACL entry.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_subclass_list with PHP (cURL) using the clause
ORDERBY to sort the ACL entries based on: the DHCP server they belong to, in descending
order; the name of the ACL they belong to; and finally on their value, in descending order.

Example 30.1. Calling the service dhcp_subclass_list using PHP and ORDERBY

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_subclass_list?ORDERBY=".
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_subclass_info — Display the properties of a DHCP ACL entry
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL entry, a unique numeric key value automat-
ically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL entry. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4
ACL entry of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL entry.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 30.4. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL.
The value of the DHCPv4 ACL entry.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_subclass_count — Count the number of DHCP ACL entries
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp_acl_data_delete — Delete a DHCP ACL entry
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpsubclass_id || (dhcpsubclass_value && (dhcpclass_id || (dhcpclass_name && (dhcp_id ||
dhcp_name || hostaddr)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpclass_id.
The name of the DHCPv4 ACL.

DHCPv4 ACL and ACL Entry

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpclass_name.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 ACL entry, a unique numeric key value automat-
ically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 ACL entry. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4
ACL entry of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dhcpsubclass_id.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 31. DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_acl6_add — Add/Edit a DHCPv6 ACL
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dhcpclass6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: ((dhcpclass6_id || dhcpclass6_name) && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 ACL, each DHCPv6 ACL must have a unique name.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The ACL rule associated with the DHCPv6 ACL, as follows: <match if (substring(option
agent.remote-id,0,6) = "dslam1");>

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The spawning class associated with the DHCPv6 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The statement associated with the DHCPv6 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_class6_list — List the DHCPv6 ACLs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 31.1. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The name of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The ACL rule associated with the DHCPv6 ACL, as follows: <match if (substring(option
agent.remote-id,0,6) = "dslam1");>
The spawning class associated with the DHCPv6 ACL.
The statement associated with the DHCPv6 ACL.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_class6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 ACL
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 ACL of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 31.2. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The name of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The ACL rule associated with the DHCPv6 ACL, as follows: <match if (substring(option
agent.remote-id,0,6) = "dslam1");>
The spawning class associated with the DHCPv6 ACL.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

The statement associated with the DHCPv6 ACL.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_class6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 ACLs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_acl6_delete — Delete a DHCPv6 ACL
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpclass6_id || (dhcpclass6_name && (dhcp6_id || dhcp6_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DHCP server.

Type IPv6 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv6 ACL. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6 ACL of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv6 ACL.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_subclass6_list — List the DHCPv6 ACL entries
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL entry.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 31.3. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The value of the DHCPv6 ACL entry.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.

In the example below, we call the service dhcp_subclass_list with PHP (cURL) using the clause
ORDERBY to sort the ACL entries based on: the DHCP server they belong to, in descending
order; the name of the ACL they belong to; and finally on their value, in descending order.

Example 31.1. Calling the service dhcp_subclass_list using PHP and ORDERBY

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/dhcp_subclass_list?ORDERBY=".
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_subclass6_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv6 ACL entry
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL entry, a unique numeric key value automat-
ically incremented when you add a DHCPv6 ACL entry. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv6
ACL entry of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL entry.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The name of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv6 server the object belongs to:

Table 31.4. dhcp6_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv6 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 smart architecture managing the DHCPv6 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv6 ACL.
The value of the DHCPv6 ACL entry.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.

DHCPv6 ACL and ACL Entry

dhcp6_subclass6_count — Count the number of DHCPv6 ACL entries
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 32. DHCPv4 Failover Channel

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

dhcp_failover_list — List the DHCPv4 failover channels
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a failover channel.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 32.1. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The status of the DHCPv4 smart architecture.
The name of the DHCPv4 failover channel.
The IP address of the primary DHCPv4 server.
The port number of the primary DHCPv4 server.
The database identifier (ID) of the secondary DHCPv4 server.
The IP address of the secondary DHCPv4 server.
The port number of the secondary DHCPv4 server.
Internal use. Not documented.
The status of the DHCPv4 failover channel, either startup, normal, communications-interrupted
or recover-wait.
The type of the DHCPv4 failover channel, either primary or secondary.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The IP address of the DHCP server on which the failover channel is configured, in hexadecimal
The time after which the DHCPv4 failover channel automatically switches to partner-down
after being in communication-interrupted state, in hours.

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 32.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

dhcp_failover_info — Display the properties of a DHCPv4 failover channel
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 failover channel. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv4 failover channel of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a failover channel.
The name of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to.
The type of the DHCPv4 server the object belongs to:

Table 32.3. dhcp_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msrpc Microsoft Windows DHCP server
vdhcp EfficientIP DHCPv4 smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 smart architecture managing the DHCPv4 server
the object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a
smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The status of the DHCPv4 smart architecture.
The name of the DHCPv4 failover channel.
The IP address of the primary DHCPv4 server.

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

The port number of the primary DHCPv4 server.
The database identifier (ID) of the secondary DHCPv4 server.
The IP address of the secondary DHCPv4 server.
The port number of the secondary DHCPv4 server.
Internal use. Not documented.
The status of the DHCPv4 failover channel, either startup, normal, communications-interrupted
or recover-wait.
The type of the DHCPv4 failover channel, either primary or secondary.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The IP address of the DHCP server on which the failover channel is configured, in hexadecimal
The time after which the DHCPv4 failover channel automatically switches to partner-down
after being in communication-interrupted state, in hours.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 32.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

dhcp_failover_count — Count the number of DHCPv4 failover channels
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

dhcp_failover_set_partner_down — Set a DHCPv4 failover channel to PARTNER-

This service allows to set a DHCPv4 failover channel to PARTNER-DOWN.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dhcpfailover_id || (dhcpfailover_name && (dhcp_id || dhcp_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DHCPv4 server. Use the ID to specify the DHCPv4 server of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DHCPv4 failover channel, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DHCPv4 failover channel. Use the ID to specify
the DHCPv4 failover channel of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DHCPv4 failover channel.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.

DHCPv4 Failover Channel

The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part IV. DNS Services
Table of Contents
33. DNS Server ............................................................................................................. 501
dns_server_list ...................................................................................................... 502
dns_server_info .................................................................................................... 509
dns_server_count ................................................................................................. 516
dns_smart_member_add ....................................................................................... 517
dns_smart_member_delete ................................................................................... 519
34. DNS View ................................................................................................................ 521
dns_view_add ....................................................................................................... 522
dns_view_list ........................................................................................................ 527
dns_view_info ....................................................................................................... 531
dns_view_count .................................................................................................... 534
group_dnsview_add .............................................................................................. 535
group_dnsview_delete ........................................................................................... 537
dns_view_delete ................................................................................................... 539
dns_view_param_add ........................................................................................... 541
dns_view_param_list ............................................................................................. 543
dns_view_param_info ............................................................................................ 545
dns_view_param_count ......................................................................................... 547
dns_view_param_delete ........................................................................................ 548
35. DNS Zone ............................................................................................................... 550
dns_zone_add ...................................................................................................... 551
dns_zone_list ........................................................................................................ 559
dns_zone_info ...................................................................................................... 566
dns_zone_count .................................................................................................... 572
dns_zone_groupby ................................................................................................ 573
dns_zone_groupby_count ...................................................................................... 575
group_dnszone_add .............................................................................................. 576
group_dnszone_delete .......................................................................................... 579
dns_zone_delete ................................................................................................... 582
dns_zone_param_add ........................................................................................... 584
dns_zone_param_list ............................................................................................ 586
dns_zone_param_info ........................................................................................... 588
dns_zone_param_count ........................................................................................ 590
dns_zone_param_delete ....................................................................................... 591
36. DNS Resource Record ............................................................................................. 593
dns_rr_add ........................................................................................................... 594
dns_rr_list ............................................................................................................. 603
dns_rr_info ........................................................................................................... 611
dns_rr_count ........................................................................................................ 619
dns_rr_groupby ..................................................................................................... 620
dns_rr_groupby_count ........................................................................................... 622
dns_rr_delete ........................................................................................................ 623
37. DNS ACL ................................................................................................................ 628
dns_acl_add ......................................................................................................... 629
dns_acl_list ........................................................................................................... 632
dns_acl_info ......................................................................................................... 634
dns_acl_count ...................................................................................................... 635
dns_acl_delete ...................................................................................................... 636
38. TSIG Key ................................................................................................................ 638
dns_key_add ........................................................................................................ 639
dns_key_list .......................................................................................................... 642

DNS Services

dns_key_info ......................................................................................................... 644

dns_key_count ...................................................................................................... 646
dns_key_delete ..................................................................................................... 647
39. DNSSEC ................................................................................................................. 649
dnssec_zone_keys_list .......................................................................................... 650
dnssec_zone_keys_info ......................................................................................... 652
dnssec_enable_sign_zone ..................................................................................... 654

Chapter 33. DNS Server

DNS Server

dns_server_list — List the DNS servers
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The role of the DNS server in the smart architecture, either master, hidden-master, pseudo-
master or slave.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Server

The AWS access key identifier (ID) of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the tenant ID of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the Azure Application ID of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the subscription ID of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the resource group of the DNS server.
The DNS server package information. Y for an EfficientIP Package server, N for an appliance
or virtual machine, U the package information is irrelevant. For servers with a dns_type set
to ipm, U indicates either EfficientIP Packages or appliances/virtual machines.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The engine type of the DNS server: named (BIND engine), nsd (NSD engine) or unbound
(Unbound engine).
The database path toward the server as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is
managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-
A way to determine if the server can update any other module (1).
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The notify status of the DNS server:

Table 33.1. dns_notify possible values

Status Description
no No notify message is sent when changes are performed in the master zones.
yes The notify messages are sent to the target of the NS records of the master zone. They
are also sent to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter dns_also_notify.
explicit The notify messages are only sent to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter

DNS Server

The IP address and port of the DNS server managing the smart architecture. If the parameter
dns_notify is set to yes or explicit, the server specified is instantly notified of any slave zones
The ACL values associated with the allow-query-cache configuration of the DNS server, as
follows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS server, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS server, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-recursion configuration of the DNS server, as fol-
lows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The recursion status of the DNS server:

Table 33.2. dns_recursion possible values

Status Description
no The server only provides iterative query behavior - normally resulting in a referral. If
the answer to the query already exists in the cache it will be returned whatever the
value of this statement.
yes The server always provides recursive query behavior if requested by the client.

The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS server. It lists the DNS
servers to which any unknown zone should be sent, as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_ad-
dress2>;... .
The forwarding mode of the DNS server. No value indicates that the forwarding is disabled:

Table 33.3. dns_forward possible values

Status Description
first The server sends the queries to the forwarder(s). If no answer is returned, it attempts
to answer the queries on its own.
only The server only forwards the queries to the forwarder(s). Required by some reverse
forward zones (e.g., in the case of private addresses).

Internal use. Not documented.
For Microsoft Windows servers, the login of the user communicating with the DNS server.

DNS Server

For Microsoft Windows servers, the domain of the DNS server.
The list of the published name servers associated with the DNS smart architecture, as follows:
<ns1>;<ns2>;... .
The database level of the server. 0 indicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates
it is managed by a smart architecture.
The total number of servers managed by the DNS smart architecture.
The list of the servers managed by the DNS smart architecture, as follows:
<dns_name>,<dns_name>,... .
The type of the DNS smart architecture:

Table 33.4. vdns_arch possible values

Status Description
masterslave Master/Slave
stealth Stealth
multimaster Multi-Master
single Single-Server
farm Farm

The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server. # indicates that the
server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server. No value indicates that
the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server. 0 indic-
ates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server.
The status of the DNS server:

Table 33.5. dns_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid

DNS Server

Status Description
IP The account used to add the Microsoft Windows DNS server does not have sufficient
privileges to manage it.
IR SOLIDserver cannot resolve the AWS DNS service.The Amazon services are unreach-
able and the Amazon Route 53 server cannot be managed. Make sure that the DNS
resolvers declared on the page Network configuration are valid.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IT The server editions performed from the GUI are not pushed to the server because
SOLIDserver time and date are incorrect. You must use the UTC system on the appli-
ance, especially when managing Amazon Route 53 servers.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
UE An error occurred that SOLIDserver could not identify.
Y The server is operational.

The DNS querylog status. 1 indicates that the DNS server querylog is enabled.
The synchronization status of the DNS server. 1 indicates that the server is currently being
The name of the DNS server.
The description of the DNS server.
The type of the DNS server:

Table 33.6. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DNS server, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the class applied to the DNS server, it can be preceded by the class directory.

DNS Server

The version details of the DNS server.
The name of the DNS TSIG key associated with the DNS server.
The value of the TSIG key associated with the DNS server.
The encryption protocol of the TSIG key associated with the DNS server.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS GSS-TSIG keytab.
The GSS-TSIG status of the DNS server. 1 indicates that GSS-TSIG is enabled on the
The URL of the HTTP(S) reverse proxy server that forwards client queries to the DNS server,
if you configured one.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The status of the service DNS Guardian, either enabled (1) or disabled (0).
The status of the Guardian server, either OK (1), Stopped (2), Invalid Credentials (4) or
Timeout (5).
The DNSSEC resolution status of the DNS server. yes indicates it is enabled.
The license GSLB activation status. 1 indicates your license includes GSLB and your appliance
supports it.
The license Guardian activation status. 1 indicates your license includes Guardian and your
appliance supports its latest features.
Internal use. Not documented.

DNS Server

The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 33.7. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DNS server and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dns_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DNS Server

dns_server_info — Display the properties of a DNS server
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Output Parameters
The role of the DNS server in the smart architecture, either master, hidden-master, pseudo-
master or slave.
Internal use. Not documented.
The AWS access key identifier (ID) of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the tenant ID of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the Azure Application ID of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the subscription ID of the DNS server.
For Microsoft Azure servers, the resource group of the DNS server.
The DNS server package information. Y for an EfficientIP Package server, N for an appliance
or virtual machine, U the package information is irrelevant. For servers with a dns_type set
to ipm, U indicates either EfficientIP Packages or appliances/virtual machines.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The engine type of the DNS server: named (BIND engine), nsd (NSD engine) or unbound
(Unbound engine).

DNS Server

The database path toward the server as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is
managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-
A way to determine if the server can update any other module (1).
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The notify status of the DNS server:

Table 33.8. dns_notify possible values

Status Description
no No notify message is sent when changes are performed in the master zones.
yes The notify messages are sent to the target of the NS records of the master zone. They
are also sent to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter dns_also_notify.
explicit The notify messages are only sent to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter

The IP address and port of the DNS server managing the smart architecture. If the parameter
dns_notify is set to yes or explicit, the server specified is instantly notified of any slave zones
The ACL values associated with the allow-query-cache configuration of the DNS server, as
follows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS server, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS server, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-recursion configuration of the DNS server, as fol-
lows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The recursion status of the DNS server:

DNS Server

Table 33.9. dns_recursion possible values

Status Description
no The server only provides iterative query behavior - normally resulting in a referral. If
the answer to the query already exists in the cache it will be returned whatever the
value of this statement.
yes The server always provides recursive query behavior if requested by the client.

The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS server. It lists the DNS
servers to which any unknown zone should be sent, as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_ad-
dress2>;... .
The forwarding mode of the DNS server. No value indicates that the forwarding is disabled:

Table 33.10. dns_forward possible values

Status Description
first The server sends the queries to the forwarder(s). If no answer is returned, it attempts
to answer the queries on its own.
only The server only forwards the queries to the forwarder(s). Required by some reverse
forward zones (e.g., in the case of private addresses).

Internal use. Not documented.
For Microsoft Windows servers, the login of the user communicating with the DNS server.
For Microsoft Windows servers, the domain of the DNS server.
The list of the published name servers associated with the DNS smart architecture, as follows:
<ns1>;<ns2>;... .
The database level of the server. 0 indicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates
it is managed by a smart architecture.
The total number of servers managed by the DNS smart architecture.
The list of the servers managed by the DNS smart architecture, as follows:
<dns_name>,<dns_name>,... .
The type of the DNS smart architecture:

Table 33.11. vdns_arch possible values

Status Description
masterslave Master/Slave
stealth Stealth
multimaster Multi-Master
single Single-Server
farm Farm

DNS Server

The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server. # indicates that the
server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The type of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server. No value indicates that
the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server. 0 indic-
ates that the server is not managed by a smart architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server.
The status of the DNS server:

Table 33.12. dns_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid
IP The account used to add the Microsoft Windows DNS server does not have sufficient
privileges to manage it.
IR SOLIDserver cannot resolve the AWS DNS service.The Amazon services are unreach-
able and the Amazon Route 53 server cannot be managed. Make sure that the DNS
resolvers declared on the page Network configuration are valid.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IT The server editions performed from the GUI are not pushed to the server because
SOLIDserver time and date are incorrect. You must use the UTC system on the appli-
ance, especially when managing Amazon Route 53 servers.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
UE An error occurred that SOLIDserver could not identify.
Y The server is operational.

The DNS querylog status. 1 indicates that the DNS server querylog is enabled.
The synchronization status of the DNS server. 1 indicates that the server is currently being
The name of the DNS server.
The description of the DNS server.
The type of the DNS server:

DNS Server

Table 33.13. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The IP address of the DNS server, in hexadecimal format.
The name of the class applied to the DNS server, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The version details of the DNS server.
The name of the DNS TSIG key associated with the DNS server.
The value of the TSIG key associated with the DNS server.
The encryption protocol of the TSIG key associated with the DNS server.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS GSS-TSIG keytab.
The GSS-TSIG status of the DNS server. 1 indicates that GSS-TSIG is enabled on the
The URL of the HTTP(S) reverse proxy server that forwards client queries to the DNS server,
if you configured one.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

DNS Server

Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The status of the service DNS Guardian, either enabled (1) or disabled (0).
The status of the Guardian server, either OK (1), Stopped (2), Invalid Credentials (4) or
Timeout (5).
The DNSSEC resolution status of the DNS server. yes indicates it is enabled.
The license GSLB activation status. 1 indicates your license includes GSLB and your appliance
supports it.
The license Guardian activation status. 1 indicates your license includes Guardian and your
appliance supports its latest features.
Internal use. Not documented.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 33.14. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DNS server and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dns_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:

DNS Server

tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

DNS Server

dns_server_count — Count the number of DNS servers
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Server

dns_smart_member_add — Add a DNS server to a smart architecture
This service allows to manage a DNS server from a smart architecture. A call can only add one
existing DNS server to an existing DNS smart architecture.

Once added to a smart architecture, a server configuration must be managed from the architecture.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(vdns_id || vdns_name) && ( (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr) && dns_role )

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DNS smart architecture. Use the ID to specify in
which smart architecture you add the DNS server.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS smart architecture in which you add the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Server

The role of the DNS server within the smart architecture. Note that EfficientIP, EfficientIP
package and Microsoft servers can assume any role; BIND/Unbound hybrid servers can only
be defined as master or slave; Generic servers can only be defined as master; Amazon Route
53 and Azure servers can only be defined as master or pseudo-master.

Type Fixed value: master || slave || hidden-master || Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the dns_role of the DNS server within the smart architecture.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

DNS Server

dns_smart_member_delete — Remove a DNS server from a smart architecture
This service allows to stop managing a DNS server from a smart architecture. A call can only
remove one DNS server from a DNS smart architecture.

Once removed from a smart architecture, a server configuration can be managed directly.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(vdns_id || vdns_name) && ( (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr) )

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a DNS smart architecture. Use the ID to specify in
which smart architecture you add the DNS server.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS smart architecture in which you add the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Server

The role of the DNS server within the smart architecture. Note that EfficientIP, EfficientIP
package and Microsoft servers can assume any role; BIND/Unbound hybrid servers can only
be defined as master or slave; Generic servers can only be defined as master; Amazon Route
53 and Azure servers can only be defined as master or pseudo-master.

Type Fixed value: master || slave || hidden-master || Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

Chapter 34. DNS View

DNS View

dns_view_add — Add/Edit a view
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dnsview_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dnsview_id || (dnsview_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The level of the DNS view, where 0 represents the highest level in the views hierarchy. The
parameters dnsview_match_client and dnsview_match_to of each view in a server are
reviewed following this order.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

DNS View

The name of the DNS view, each DNS view must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 63

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The ACL values associated with the match clients configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The ACL values associated with the match destination configuration of the DNS view, as
follows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The ACL values associated with the allow-recursion configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The recursion status of the DNS view:

DNS View

Table 34.1. dnsview_recursion possible values

Status Description
no The view only provides iterative query behavior - normally resulting in a referral. If the
answer to the query already exists in the cache it will be returned whatever the value
of this statement.
yes The view always provides recursive query behavior if requested by the client.

Type Fixed value: yes || no Maximum length N/A

Default value yes Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS view. Use the ID to specify which DNS view to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS View

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).

DNS View

The value of the DNS option set on the view.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DNS View

dns_view_list — List the views
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The level of the DNS view, where 0 represents the highest level in the views hierarchy. The
parameters dnsview_match_client and dnsview_match_to of each view in a server are
reviewed following this order.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS View

The recursion status of the DNS view:

Table 34.2. dnsview_recursion possible values

Status Description
no The view only provides iterative query behavior - normally resulting in a referral. If the
answer to the query already exists in the cache it will be returned whatever the value
of this statement.
yes The view always provides recursive query behavior if requested by the client.

The ACL values associated with the allow-recursion configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The name of the DNS TSIG key associated with the DNS view.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 34.3. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DNS view.

DNS View

The ACL values associated with the match clients configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the match destination configuration of the DNS view, as
follows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The name of the class applied to the DNS view, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DNS server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS GSS-TSIG keytab.
The version details of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the object belongs to. #
indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart architecture or is
a smart architecture itself.
The IP address of the DNS server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 34.4. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.

DNS View

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DNS view and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnsview_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DNS server the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dns_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DNS View

dns_view_info — Display the properties of a view
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Output Parameters
The level of the DNS view, where 0 represents the highest level in the views hierarchy. The
parameters dnsview_match_client and dnsview_match_to of each view in a server are
reviewed following this order.
The recursion status of the DNS view:

Table 34.5. dnsview_recursion possible values

Status Description
no The view only provides iterative query behavior - normally resulting in a referral. If the
answer to the query already exists in the cache it will be returned whatever the value
of this statement.
yes The view always provides recursive query behavior if requested by the client.

The ACL values associated with the allow-recursion configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The name of the DNS TSIG key associated with the DNS view.

DNS View

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 34.6. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DNS view.
The ACL values associated with the match clients configuration of the DNS view, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the match destination configuration of the DNS view, as
follows: <value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of
TSIG keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The name of the class applied to the DNS view, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DNS server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS GSS-TSIG keytab.

DNS View

The version details of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the object belongs to. #
indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart architecture or is
a smart architecture itself.
The IP address of the DNS server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 34.7. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DNS view and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnsview_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DNS server the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dns_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DNS View

dns_view_count — Count the number of views
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS View

group_dnsview_add — Add a view to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dnsview_id || (dnsview_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS View

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the view.

DNS View

group_dnsview_delete — Remove a view from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dnsview_id || (dnsview_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS View

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the view.

DNS View

dns_view_delete — Delete a view
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dnsview_id || (dnsview_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS View

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the view.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DNS View

dns_view_param_add — Add/Edit a DNS option on a view
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dnsview_id && param_key)
• Edition: (dnsview_id && param_key)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS option you want to add, edit or remove from the view. You can only
set one option at a time.
• To add or edit an option: specify its name in the parameter param_key, as follows
param_key=<option-name>, and then specify its value in the parameter param_value.
• To remove an option, specify its name in the parameter param_key and leave the parameter
param_value empty.
To set several options, specify as many parameters (param_key and param_value) as you

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine is the DNS view option is an array (1).

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The value of the DNS option specified in the input param_key.
• To add or edit an option value, specify its name in the parameter param_key and set its
value as follows: param_value=<option-value> .

DNS View

• To remove an option value, specify its name in the parameter param_key and leave
param_value empty: param_value= .

Type String Maximum length 200000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the view.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DNS View

dns_view_param_list — List the DNS options of a view
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS option set on the view.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS View

The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS view.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS option set on the view.
The value of the DNS option set on the view.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
Internal use. Not documented.

DNS View

dns_view_param_info — Display the properties of a DNS option set on a view
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS option set on the view.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS view.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS option set on the view.
The value of the DNS option set on the view.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DNS View

Internal use. Not documented.

DNS View

dns_view_param_count — Count the number of DNS options of a view
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS View

dns_view_param_delete — Delete a DNS option from a view
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dnsview_id && param_key)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS option that you want to remove from the view: param_key=<option-

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the view.

DNS View

The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 35. DNS Zone

DNS Zone

dns_zone_add — Add/Edit a zone
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dnszone_name && dnszone_type && (dnsview_id || dnsview_name) && (dns_id ||
dns_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dnszone_id || (dnszone_name && (dnsview_id || dnsview_name) && (dns_id ||
dns_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DNS zone the record belongs

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the space associated with the DNS zone the record belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_site_name.

DNS Zone

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify which DNS zone to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_name.
The name of the DNS zone, each DNS zone must have a unique name. For hint zones
(dnszone_type: hint), you must specify . (dot) as dnszone_name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited No

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_type.
The type of the DNS zone, either master, slave, forward, stub, hint or delegation-only.

Type Fixed value: master || slave || hint || stub || for- Maximum length N/A
ward || delegation-only
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_masters.
For slave DNS zones, the IP address of the DNS server and, if relevant, the name of the
DNS view that contain the master DNS zone, as follows: <ip_addr>; or <ip_addr> key
<dnsview_name>; .

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

DNS Zone

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_forwarders.
The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS zone. It lists the DNS servers
to which any unknown query on this zone should be sent, as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_ad-
dress2>;... .

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_forward.
The forwarding mode of the DNS zone.

Table 35.1. dnszone_forward possible values

Status Description
first The zone sends the queries to the forwarder(s). If no answer is returned, it attempts
to answer the queries on its own.
only The zone only forwards the queries to the forwarder(s). Required by some reverse
forward zones (e.g., in the case of private addresses).

If the parameter has no value, it indicates that the forwarding is disabled.

Type Fixed value: none || first || only || default Maximum length N/A
Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_allow_transfer.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_allow_query.
The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

DNS Zone

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_allow_update.
The ACL values associated with the allow-update configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_also_notify.
The IP address and port of the DNS server managing the smart architecture the DNS zone
belongs to. If the parameter dnszone_notify is set to yes or explicit, the server specified is
instantly notified of any slave zones updates.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_notify.
The notify status of the DNS zone.

Table 35.2. dnszone_notify possible values

Status Description
no No notify message is sent.
yes A notify message is sent to the name servers defined in the NS records of the zone
and to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter dnszone_also_notify.
explicit A notify message is sent only to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter

The notify message is not sent to the server itself or to the primary server defined in the SOA
record of the zone.

Type Fixed value: yes || no || explicit Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DNS Zone

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The AD integrated status of the DNS zone. Set it to 1 to indicate that the DNS zone belongs
to an Active Directory integrated Microsoft Windows DNS server.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The RPZ status of the DNS zone. Set it to 1 to indicate that the DNS zone is a Response
Policy Zone.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The response policy of the DNS zone.

Table 35.3. dnszone_response_policy possible values

Policy Description
given All the rules specified in the RPZ zone are applied normally.
disabled The RPZ zone rules configuration is not applied. All the rules it contains are
passthru The rules specified in the RPZ matching the listed RR names are ignored,
no matter the RPZ zone they belong to.
nxdomain The rules specified in the RPZ return an NXDOMAIN response.
nodata The rules specified in the RPZ return a NODATA response.
cname <domain-name> All the rules specified in the RPZ are redirected toward the specified domain

You can only add RPZ zones on EfficientIP or BIND DNS servers.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value given Can be edited Yes

The RPZ logging status, if dnszone_is_rpz is set to 1 or yes. It allows to log all the operations
triggered by the RPZ rules of the zone.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

DNS Zone

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

The update policy status of the DNS zone. Set it to 1 to indicate that the DNS zone uses a
specific GSS-TSIG/update-policy. You can only configure the zone update policy if the
parameter gss_enabled of the server it belongs to is set to 1.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The level of the DNS RPZ zone, where 0 represents the highest level in the views hierarchy.
The RPZ rules of each zone are reviewed following this order. For non-RPZ zones, that have
their parameter dnszone_is_rpz set to 0, you do not need to set this parameter.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.

DNS Zone

• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service dns_zone_add with Ruby (NET::Http) to add a Master
zone named mydomain.tld in a DNS server that does not contain views.

Example 35.1. Calling the service dns_zone_add using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

DNS Zone

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_zone_add?"+

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

DNS Zone

dns_zone_list — List the DNS options of a zone
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The number of keys associated with the zone. This number of keys includes all ZSK and
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Zone

The engine type of the DNS server the DNS zone belongs to: named (BIND engine), nsd
(NSD engine) or unbound (Unbound engine).
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS GSS-TSIG keytab.
The update policy status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the DNS zone uses a specific
GSS-TSIG/update-policy. The parameter gss_enabled of the server the zone belongs to
must be set to 1.
The synchronization status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the zone is currently being
The status of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 35.4. dns_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid
IP The provided account does not have sufficient privileges to remotely manage the MS
IR SOLIDserver cannot resolve the AWS DNS service.The Amazon services are unreach-
able and the Amazon Route 53 server cannot be managed. Make sure that the DNS
resolvers declared on the page Network configuration are valid.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IT The server editions performed from the GUI are not pushed to the server because
SOLIDserver time and date are incorrect. You must use the UTC system on the appli-
ance, especially when managing Amazon Route 53 servers.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
UE An error occurred that SOLIDserver could not identify.
Y The server is operational.

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The ACL values associated with the allow-update configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.

DNS Zone

The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS zone. It lists the DNS servers
to which any unknown query on this zone should be sent, as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_ad-
dress2>;... .
The forwarding mode of the DNS zone.

Table 35.5. dnszone_forward possible values

Status Description
first The zone sends the queries to the forwarder(s). If no answer is returned, it attempts
to answer the queries on its own.
only The zone only forwards the queries to the forwarder(s). Required by some reverse
forward zones (e.g., in the case of private addresses).

If the parameter has no value, it indicates that the forwarding is disabled.

The notify status of the DNS zone.

Table 35.6. dnszone_notify possible values

Status Description
no No notify message is sent.
yes A notify message is sent to the name servers defined in the NS records of the zone
and to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter dnszone_also_notify.
explicit A notify message is sent only to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter

The notify message is not sent to the server itself or to the primary server defined in the SOA
record of the zone.
The IP address and port of the DNS server managing the smart architecture the DNS zone
belongs to. If the parameter dnszone_notify is set to yes or explicit, the server specified is
instantly notified of any slave zones updates.
The name of the DNS zone in UTF-8 format.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.

DNS Zone

• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 35.7. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

Internal use. Not documented.
The AD integrated status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the DNS zone belongs to an
Active Directory integrated Microsoft Windows DNS server.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS zone.
Internal use. Not documented.
The RPZ status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the DNS zone is a Response Policy Zone.
The logging status of an RPZ zone.
The type of the DNS zone, either master, slave, forward, stub, hint or delegation-only.
For slave DNS zones, the IP address of the DNS server and, if relevant, the name of the
DNS view that contain the master DNS zone, as follows: <ip_addr>; or <ip_addr> key
<dnsview_name>; .
Internal use. Not documented.
A way to determine if the DNS zone provides reverse resolution (1) or direct/name resolution
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DNS Zone

The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The level of the DNS zone, where 0 represents the highest level in the zones hierarchy. The
RPZ rules parameters of each zone are reviewed following this order. The zones with the
parameter dnszone_is_rpz set to 0 will always return 0 for the parameter dnszone_order.
The name of the space associated with the DNS zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DNS zone.
The name of the class applied to the DNS zone, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DNS view the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DNS server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The version details of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the object belongs to. #
indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart architecture or is
a smart architecture itself.
The DNSSEC delegation signer (DS) fingerprint key associated with the DNS zone, if it is
The IP address of the DNS server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 35.8. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.

DNS Zone

Message number Severity Description

The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DNS zone and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnszone_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DNS view the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnsview_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DNS server the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dns_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

In the example below, we call the service dns_zone_list with Python (Requests) using the clause
WHERE to retrieve the list of non-RPZ zones that contain .com in their name and belong to a
DNS server currently operational and the clause ORDERBY to sort them by zone name.

Example 35.2. Calling the service dns_zone_list using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_zone_list"

querystring = {"WHERE":"dnszone_is_rpz='0' and dns_state='Y' and dnszone_name like


headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",

DNS Zone

'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


DNS Zone

dns_zone_info — Display the properties of a zone
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Output Parameters
The number of keys associated with the zone. This number of keys includes all ZSK and
Internal use. Not documented.
The engine type of the DNS server the DNS zone belongs to: named (BIND engine), nsd
(NSD engine) or unbound (Unbound engine).
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS GSS-TSIG keytab.
The update policy status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the DNS zone uses a specific
GSS-TSIG/update-policy. The parameter gss_enabled of the server the zone belongs to
must be set to 1.
The synchronization status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the zone is currently being
The status of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 35.9. dns_state possible values

Status Description
ER The license used in SOLIDserver is not compliant with the added server: the license
is invalid.
ES The server configuration could not be parsed properly.

DNS Zone

Status Description
ET The server does not answer anymore due to a scheduled configuration of the server.
IC The SSL credentials are invalid
IP The provided account does not have sufficient privileges to remotely manage the MS
IR SOLIDserver cannot resolve the AWS DNS service.The Amazon services are unreach-
able and the Amazon Route 53 server cannot be managed. Make sure that the DNS
resolvers declared on the page Network configuration are valid.
IS There was a setting error during the server declaration. For instance, some settings
were added to a server that does not support them or a smart architecture is not
managing any physical server.
IT The server editions performed from the GUI are not pushed to the server because
SOLIDserver time and date are incorrect. You must use the UTC system on the appli-
ance, especially when managing Amazon Route 53 servers.
LS The server configuration is not viable.
N The server does not have a status as it has not synchronized yet.
UE An error occurred that SOLIDserver could not identify.
Y The server is operational.

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The ACL values associated with the allow-update configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-query configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The ACL values associated with the allow-transfer configuration of the DNS zone, as follows:
<value1>;<value2>;... . Values may include IP and network addresses, the name of TSIG
keys and ACLs, preceded by ! if the access is denied.
The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS zone. It lists the DNS servers
to which any unknown query on this zone should be sent, as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_ad-
dress2>;... .
The forwarding mode of the DNS zone.

Table 35.10. dnszone_forward possible values

Status Description
first The zone sends the queries to the forwarder(s). If no answer is returned, it attempts
to answer the queries on its own.
only The zone only forwards the queries to the forwarder(s). Required by some reverse
forward zones (e.g., in the case of private addresses).

If the parameter has no value, it indicates that the forwarding is disabled.

DNS Zone

The notify status of the DNS zone.

Table 35.11. dnszone_notify possible values

Status Description
no No notify message is sent.
yes A notify message is sent to the name servers defined in the NS records of the zone
and to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter dnszone_also_notify.
explicit A notify message is sent only to the IP address(es) specified in the parameter

The notify message is not sent to the server itself or to the primary server defined in the SOA
record of the zone.
The IP address and port of the DNS server managing the smart architecture the DNS zone
belongs to. If the parameter dnszone_notify is set to yes or explicit, the server specified is
instantly notified of any slave zones updates.
The name of the DNS zone in UTF-8 format.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 35.12. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

Internal use. Not documented.
The AD integrated status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the DNS zone belongs to an
Active Directory integrated Microsoft Windows DNS server.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.

DNS Zone

The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS zone.
Internal use. Not documented.
The RPZ status of the DNS zone. 1 indicates that the DNS zone is a Response Policy Zone.
The logging status of an RPZ zone.
The type of the DNS zone, either master, slave, forward, stub, hint or delegation-only.
For slave DNS zones, the IP address of the DNS server and, if relevant, the name of the
DNS view that contain the master DNS zone, as follows: <ip_addr>; or <ip_addr> key
<dnsview_name>; .
Internal use. Not documented.
A way to determine if the DNS zone provides reverse resolution (1) or direct/name resolution
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The level of the DNS zone, where 0 represents the highest level in the zones hierarchy. The
RPZ rules parameters of each zone are reviewed following this order. The zones with the
parameter dnszone_is_rpz set to 0 will always return 0 for the parameter dnszone_order.
The name of the space associated with the DNS zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DNS zone.
The name of the class applied to the DNS zone, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DNS view the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DNS server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.

DNS Zone

The description of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The version details of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the object belongs to. #
indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart architecture or is
a smart architecture itself.
The DNSSEC delegation signer (DS) fingerprint key associated with the DNS zone, if it is
The IP address of the DNS server the object belongs to, in hexadecimal format.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 35.13. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the DNS zone and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnszone_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DNS view the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

DNS Zone

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnsview_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The class parameters applied to the DNS server the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dns_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-para-
meter2>=<inheritance>&... .

DNS Zone

dns_zone_count — Count the number of zones
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_groupby — Group zones by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Zone

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_groupby_count — Count the number of zones grouped by parameter(s)
This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Zone

group_dnszone_add — Add a zone to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dnszone_id || (dnszone_name && (dnsview_id || (dnsview_name &&
(dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Zone

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_name.
A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:

DNS Zone

• Error: the service cannot be executed.

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.

DNS Zone

group_dnszone_delete — Remove a zone from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (dnszone_id || (dnszone_name && (dnsview_id || (dnsview_name &&
(dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Zone

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_name.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.

DNS Zone

The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_delete — Delete a zone
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dnszone_id || (dnszone_name && (dnsview_id || (dnsview_name && (dns_id || dns_name ||

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Zone

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_name.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_param_add — Add/Edit a DNS option on a zone
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dnszone_id && param_key)
• Edition: (dnszone_id && param_key)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS option you want to add, edit or remove from the zone. You can only
set one option at a time.
• To add or edit an option: specify its name in the parameter param_key, as follows
param_key=<option-name>, and then specify its value in the parameter param_value.
• To remove an option, specify its name in the parameter param_key and leave the parameter
param_value empty.
To set several options, specify as many parameters (param_key and param_value) as you

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine is the DNS zone option is an array (1).

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The value of the DNS option specified in the input param_key.
• To add or edit an option value, specify its name in the parameter param_key and set its
value as follows: param_value=<option-value> .

DNS Zone

• To remove an option value, specify its name in the parameter param_key and leave
param_value empty: param_value= .

Type String Maximum length 200000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_param_list — List the DNS options of a zone
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS option set on the zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Zone

The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS option set on the zone.
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
Internal use. Not documented.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_param_info — Display the properties of a DNS option set on a zone
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS option set on the zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS zone.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS option set on the zone.
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.

DNS Zone

Internal use. Not documented.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_param_count — Count the number of DNS options of a zone
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Zone

dns_zone_param_delete — Delete a DNS option from a zone
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dnszone_id && param_key)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS option that you want to remove from the zone: param_key=<option-

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the DNS option set on the zone.

DNS Zone

The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 36. DNS Resource Record

DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_add — Add/Edit a resource record
This service allows to add a resource record or edit an existing one.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Adding some resource records requires to specify one or more values:

Table 36.1. Expected values for the DNS records

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax
SOA 1 Name server Type in the FQDN of the primary Master name server for the
zone the record belongs to. Has a special meaning when used
with Dynamic DNS (DDNS): called MNAME, it allows the DNS
client to know on which DNS server it has to update itself with
2 Responsible Type in the administrator email address for the zone the record
belongs to.
3 Serial number Type in the serial number for the zone the record belongs to.
The serial number is automatically incremented for each zone
4 Refresh Type in the refresh delay for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. When reached, it forces the slave name server(s)
to read the SOA record. If this record is higher than the slave's
one, a zone transfer will be triggered by the slave to get the
latest version of the zone. Typical values are 3 to 24 hours.
5 Retry Type in the retry delay for the zone the record belongs to, in
seconds. When reached, it forces the slave server to retry the
request if it fails to reach the master server during a refresh
cycle. Typical values are from 10 to 60 minutes.
6 Expiration Type in the expiration time for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. When reached, the zone records are considered
to be no longer valid/authoritative. The DNS server then stops
responding to queries for the zone. To avoid a major outage,
the typical value is pretty high, between 1 to 3 weeks.
7 Minimum Type in the minimum time for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. It defines the period of time that negative re-
sponses can be cached from the slave. For instance, if a re-
quest cannot be resolved, the server will answer with a
NXDOMAIN result (No such domain). The server will continue
returning this value until the Minimum value expires, then it
will retry the resolution. This value has to be between 0 and
3 hours.
NS 1 DNS server Type in the DNS server hostname.
MX 1 Preference Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which server
has priority if there are several RRs in the zone. The lowest
the value has the priority over the other server(s).
2 Mail server Type in the SMTP (mail) server hostname.
A 1 IP address Type in the IPv4 Address of the host.
AAAA 1 IPv6 address Type in the IPv6 Address of the host.

DNS Resource Record

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax

PTR 1 Localization Type in the hostname that should be returned when the IP
address is queried.
CNAME 1 Hostname Type in the hostname.
TXT 1 Text Type in the description of your choice (max. 255 characters
including spaces).
SRV 1 Priority Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which server
has priority if there are several SRV RRs in the zone. The
lowest the value has the priority over the other server(s).
2 Weight Type a number, between 0 and 65535, that defines the server
weight. If two SRV RRs have the same priority, the weight
defines which server is more used. The field gives priority to
the SRV RR with the greatest weight value: the greater the
value is, the more the server is solicited. If you type in 0, there
is no weighting.
3 Ports Type in the port number that delivers the service to the target.
4 Target Type in the hostname of the server delivering the service.
HINFO 1 CPU Type in the name of the CPU, either INTEL, AMD, SPARC,
2 OS The name of the operating system, either AIX, FREEBSD,
WINDOWS, or Other.
MINFO 1 Responsible email Type in the email address of the administrator of the mail list.
2 Error email Type in the email address that should receive the error mes-
sages regarding the mail list.
DNAME 1 Domain Type in the domain name of a subdomain of the zone.
AFSDB 1 Preference Type the version of AFS service used: 1 (AFS version 3.0) or
2 (OSF DCE/NCA version).
2 AFS server Type in the AFS hostname.
NAPTR 1 Order Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which RR
has priority if there are several NAPTR RRs in the zone. The
lowest the value has the priority over the other record(s).
2 Preference Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which RR
has priority if there are several NAPTR RRs have the same
order in the zone. The lowest the value has the priority over
the other record(s).
2 Flags Type in the string that corresponds to the action you want your
client application to perform. The flag specified impacts the
data expected in the field Services, Regex and/or Replace.
3 Services Type in the services parameters to which applies the action
specified in the field Flags. You must respect your client ap-
plication syntax.
4 Regex Type in the string that contains a substitution expression
matching the format <delimit ereg delimit substitution delimit
flag> to which applies the action specified the field Flags.
5 Replace Type in an FQDN domain name to which applies the action
specified the field Flags. You can specify no domain name if
you type in . (dot) in the field.
NSAP 1 Name Type in the NSAP address of the end system. It should start
with 0x and not exceed 255 hexadecimal characters separated
by dots.
DS 1 Key Tag Type in the parent zone DS key tag.
2 Key Algorithm Type in the parent zone DS algorithm key.

DNS Resource Record

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax

3 Digest Type Type in the parent zone DS digest type.
4 Digest Type in the parent zone DS digest.
DNSKEY 1 Flags Type in or paste the zone key flag.
2 Protocol Type in or paste the protocol value.
3 Algorithm Type in or paste the public key's cryptographic algorithm.
4 Key Type in or paste the public key material.
WKS 1 IP address Type in the IPv4 Address of the host that contains the services
listed in the Services field.
2 Protocol Type in TCP or UDP.
3 Services Type in the list of needed services.
The record NAPTR is described in the RFC 3403, available on IETF website:

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (rr_name && rr_type && value1 && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (rr_id || (rr_name && rr_type && value1 && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS resource record, a unique numeric key value auto-
matically incremented when you add a DNS RR. Use the ID to specify which record to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

DNS Resource Record

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_name.
The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DNS zone the record belongs

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The shortname of the DNS resource record.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The syntax format to use for the DNS resource record serial number. By default, rfc1912 is
used (YYYYMMDDnn) but you can also specify the unix_timestamp format.

Type Fixed value: date Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The full name of the DNS resource record. Specify it as value, it can either follow the format
<rr-name>.<existing-zone-name>.<extension> or be . (a dot).

Type Regular expression: Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Resource Record

The time to live of the DNS resource record, in seconds.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 3600 Can be edited Yes

The type of the DNS resource record.

Table 36.2. rr_type possible values

Value Record type description
SOA Start of Authority. Defines the zone name, an email contact and various time and refresh
values applicable to the zone. It is automatically generated upon creation of a zone and
cannot be added manually.
NS Name Server. Defines the authoritative name server(s) for the domain (defined by the SOA
record) or the subdomain. The NS record that indicates which server has authority over a
zone is automatically generated upon the creation of a zone, once the server has been
A IPv4 Address. An IPv4 address for a host.
PTR Pointer Record. Address Resolution, from an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to a host. Used in
reverse mapping.
AAAA IPv6 Address. An IPv6 address for a host.
CNAME Canonical Name. An alias name for a host.
MX Mail Exchange. The mail server/exchanger that services this zone.
SRV Services record. Defines services available in the zone, for example, LDAP, HTTP, etc...
DNAME Delegation of Reverse Names. Delegation of reverse addresses primarily in IPv6. (Deprec-
ated, use the CNAME RR instead)
TXT Text. Information associated with a name.
DS Delegation Signer, a DNSSEC related RR used to verify the validity of the ZSK of a subdo-
DNSKEY DNS Key. It contains the public cryptographic key used to sign the zone with DNSSEC.
65534 A private type record automatically added to the zone once it is signed with DNSSEC.
HINFO System Information. Information about a host: hardware type and operating system descrip-
MINFO Mailbox mail list Information. Defines the mail administrator for a mail list and optionally a
mailbox to receive error messages relating to the mail list.
AFSDB AFS Database. Location of the AFS servers.
WKS Well-Known Service. Defines the services and protocols supported by a host. (Deprecated,
use the SRV RR instead)
NAPTR Naming Authority Pointer Record. General purpose definition of rule set to be used by ap-
plications e.g. VoIP.
NSAP Network Service Access Point. Defines record (equivalent of an A record) maps a host name
to an endpoint address.

Note that the parameter is not case sensitive, you could specify A or a.

Type Fixed value: A || NS || MD || MF || CNAME || Maximum length N/A

SOA || MB || MG || MR || NULL || WKS || PTR ||
HINFO || MINFO || MX || TXT || SPF || RP ||
AFSDB || X25 || ISDN || RT || NSAP ||
|| LOC || NXT || EID || NIMLOC || SRV || ATMA

DNS Resource Record

|| NAPTR || KX || CERT || A6 || DNAME || OPT

|| NINFO || DLV || DHCID || EUI48 || EUI64 ||
NID || L32 || L64
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value1.
The first or only value required for the DNS resource record, as detailed in the service de-

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value2.
The second value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value3.
The third value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value4.
The fourth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value5.
The fifth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

DNS Resource Record

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value6.
The sixth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by value7.
The seventh value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the
service description.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to check the values of the DNS resource record before upon addition (1) in order to
create a record with the same name but with different values.

Type Fixed value: yes || no Maximum length N/A

Default value yes Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

DNS Resource Record

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.

DNS Resource Record

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service dns_rr_add with PHP (cURL) to add an A record in
the zone mydomain.tld.

Example 36.1. Calling the service dns_rr_add using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_rr_add?".
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_list — List the resource records
This service allows to list the resource records.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Adding some resource records requires to specify one or more values:

Table 36.3. Expected values for the DNS records

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax
SOA 1 Name server Type in the FQDN of the primary Master name server for the
zone the record belongs to. Has a special meaning when used
with Dynamic DNS (DDNS): called MNAME, it allows the DNS
client to know on which DNS server it has to update itself with
2 Responsible Type in the administrator email address for the zone the record
belongs to.
3 Serial number Type in the serial number for the zone the record belongs to.
The serial number is automatically incremented for each zone
4 Refresh Type in the refresh delay for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. When reached, it forces the slave name server(s)
to read the SOA record. If this record is higher than the slave's
one, a zone transfer will be triggered by the slave to get the
latest version of the zone. Typical values are 3 to 24 hours.
5 Retry Type in the retry delay for the zone the record belongs to, in
seconds. When reached, it forces the slave server to retry the
request if it fails to reach the master server during a refresh
cycle. Typical values are from 10 to 60 minutes.
6 Expiration Type in the expiration time for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. When reached, the zone records are considered
to be no longer valid/authoritative. The DNS server then stops
responding to queries for the zone. To avoid a major outage,
the typical value is pretty high, between 1 to 3 weeks.
7 Minimum Type in the minimum time for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. It defines the period of time that negative re-
sponses can be cached from the slave. For instance, if a re-
quest cannot be resolved, the server will answer with a
NXDOMAIN result (No such domain). The server will continue
returning this value until the Minimum value expires, then it
will retry the resolution. This value has to be between 0 and
3 hours.
NS 1 DNS server Type in the DNS server hostname.
MX 1 Preference Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which server
has priority if there are several RRs in the zone. The lowest
the value has the priority over the other server(s).
2 Mail server Type in the SMTP (mail) server hostname.
A 1 IP address Type in the IPv4 Address of the host.
AAAA 1 IPv6 address Type in the IPv6 Address of the host.

DNS Resource Record

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax

PTR 1 Localization Type in the hostname that should be returned when the IP
address is queried.
CNAME 1 Hostname Type in the hostname.
TXT 1 Text Type in the description of your choice (max. 255 characters
including spaces).
SRV 1 Priority Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which server
has priority if there are several SRV RRs in the zone. The
lowest the value has the priority over the other server(s).
2 Weight Type a number, between 0 and 65535, that defines the server
weight. If two SRV RRs have the same priority, the weight
defines which server is more used. The field gives priority to
the SRV RR with the greatest weight value: the greater the
value is, the more the server is solicited. If you type in 0, there
is no weighting.
3 Ports Type in the port number that delivers the service to the target.
4 Target Type in the hostname of the server delivering the service.
HINFO 1 CPU Type in the name of the CPU, either INTEL, AMD, SPARC,
2 OS The name of the operating system, either AIX, FREEBSD,
WINDOWS, or Other.
MINFO 1 Responsible email Type in the email address of the administrator of the mail list.
2 Error email Type in the email address that should receive the error mes-
sages regarding the mail list.
DNAME 1 Domain Type in the domain name of a subdomain of the zone.
AFSDB 1 Preference Type the version of AFS service used: 1 (AFS version 3.0) or
2 (OSF DCE/NCA version).
2 AFS server Type in the AFS hostname.
NAPTR 1 Order Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which RR
has priority if there are several NAPTR RRs in the zone. The
lowest the value has the priority over the other record(s).
2 Preference Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which RR
has priority if there are several NAPTR RRs have the same
order in the zone. The lowest the value has the priority over
the other record(s).
2 Flags Type in the string that corresponds to the action you want your
client application to perform. The flag specified impacts the
data expected in the field Services, Regex and/or Replace.
3 Services Type in the services parameters to which applies the action
specified in the field Flags. You must respect your client ap-
plication syntax.
4 Regex Type in the string that contains a substitution expression
matching the format <delimit ereg delimit substitution delimit
flag> to which applies the action specified the field Flags.
5 Replace Type in an FQDN domain name to which applies the action
specified the field Flags. You can specify no domain name if
you type in . (dot) in the field.
NSAP 1 Name Type in the NSAP address of the end system. It should start
with 0x and not exceed 255 hexadecimal characters separated
by dots.
DS 1 Key Tag Type in the parent zone DS key tag.
2 Key Algorithm Type in the parent zone DS algorithm key.

DNS Resource Record

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax

3 Digest Type Type in the parent zone DS digest type.
4 Digest Type in the parent zone DS digest.
DNSKEY 1 Flags Type in or paste the zone key flag.
2 Protocol Type in or paste the protocol value.
3 Algorithm Type in or paste the public key's cryptographic algorithm.
4 Key Type in or paste the public key material.
WKS 1 IP address Type in the IPv4 Address of the host that contains the services
listed in the Services field.
2 Protocol Type in TCP or UDP.
3 Services Type in the list of needed services.
The record NAPTR is described in the RFC 3403, available on IETF website:

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Resource Record

Output Parameters
The concatenated values of the DNS resource record, as follows: <value1>, <value2>,
<value3>, <value4>, <value5>, <value6>, <value7>.
Internal use. Not documented.
The RPZ status of the DNS zone the resource record belongs to. 1 indicates that the DNS
zone the record belongs to is a Response Policy Zone.
The type of the DNS zone the object belongs to, either master, slave, forward, stub, hint or
The full name of the DNS resource record.
The name of the DNS resource record in UTF-8 format.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The shortname of the DNS resource record.
The type of the DNS resource record.

Table 36.4. rr_type possible values

Value Record type description
SOA Start of Authority. Defines the zone name, an email contact and various time and refresh
values applicable to the zone. It is automatically generated upon creation of a zone and
cannot be added manually.
NS Name Server. Defines the authoritative name server(s) for the domain (defined by the SOA
record) or the subdomain. The NS record that indicates which server has authority over a
zone is automatically generated upon the creation of a zone, once the server has been
A IPv4 Address. An IPv4 address for a host.
PTR Pointer Record. Address Resolution, from an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to a host. Used in
reverse mapping.
AAAA IPv6 Address. An IPv6 address for a host.
CNAME Canonical Name. An alias name for a host.
MX Mail Exchange. The mail server/exchanger that services this zone.
SRV Services record. Defines services available in the zone, for example, LDAP, HTTP, etc...
DNAME Delegation of Reverse Names. Delegation of reverse addresses primarily in IPv6. (Deprec-
ated, use the CNAME RR instead)

DNS Resource Record

Value Record type description

TXT Text. Information associated with a name.
DS Delegation Signer, a DNSSEC related RR used to verify the validity of the ZSK of a subdo-
DNSKEY DNS Key. It contains the public cryptographic key used to sign the zone with DNSSEC.
65534 A private type record automatically added to the zone once it is signed with DNSSEC.
HINFO System Information. Information about a host: hardware type and operating system descrip-
MINFO Mailbox mail list Information. Defines the mail administrator for a mail list and optionally a
mailbox to receive error messages relating to the mail list.
AFSDB AFS Database. Location of the AFS servers.
WKS Well-Known Service. Defines the services and protocols supported by a host. (Deprecated,
use the SRV RR instead)
NAPTR Naming Authority Pointer Record. General purpose definition of rule set to be used by ap-
plications e.g. VoIP.
NSAP Network Service Access Point. Defines record (equivalent of an A record) maps a host name
to an endpoint address.

The time to live of the DNS resource record, in seconds.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The name of the class applied to the resource record, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The first or only value required for the DNS resource record, as detailed in the service de-
The second value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The third value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The fourth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The fifth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The sixth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The seventh value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the
service description.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone the object belongs to.

DNS Resource Record

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS resource record.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS zone the resource record belongs to, in UTF-8 format.
The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 36.5. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DNS view the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The name of the space associated with the DNS zone the RR belongs to.
A way to determine if the DNS zone the resource record belongs to provides reverse resolution
(1) or direct/name resolution (0),
For resource records in slave DNS zones, the IP address of the DNS server and, if relevant,
the name of the DNS view that contain the master DNS zone, as follows: <ip_addr>; or
<ip_addr> key <dnsview_name>; .
The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the object belongs to. #
indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart architecture or is
a smart architecture itself.

DNS Resource Record

The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS zone the resource record
belongs to. It lists the DNS servers to which any unknown query on this zone should be sent,
as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_address2>;... .
The name of the class applied to the DNS server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DNS zone the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The version details of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The description of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 36.6. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

Internal use. Not documented.
The class parameters applied to the DNS view the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnsview_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:

DNS Resource Record

tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the resource record, encoded in URL format: <class-para-
meter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
rr_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

In the example below, we call the service dns_rr_list with Python (Requests) and the clause
WHERE to list only NS records.

Example 36.2. Calling the service dns_rr_list using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_rr_list"

querystring = {"WHERE/rr_type":"NS"}

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)


DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_info — Display the properties of a resource record
This service allows to display the properties of a resource record.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Adding some resource records requires to specify one or more values:

Table 36.7. Expected values for the DNS records

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax
SOA 1 Name server Type in the FQDN of the primary Master name server for the
zone the record belongs to. Has a special meaning when used
with Dynamic DNS (DDNS): called MNAME, it allows the DNS
client to know on which DNS server it has to update itself with
2 Responsible Type in the administrator email address for the zone the record
belongs to.
3 Serial number Type in the serial number for the zone the record belongs to.
The serial number is automatically incremented for each zone
4 Refresh Type in the refresh delay for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. When reached, it forces the slave name server(s)
to read the SOA record. If this record is higher than the slave's
one, a zone transfer will be triggered by the slave to get the
latest version of the zone. Typical values are 3 to 24 hours.
5 Retry Type in the retry delay for the zone the record belongs to, in
seconds. When reached, it forces the slave server to retry the
request if it fails to reach the master server during a refresh
cycle. Typical values are from 10 to 60 minutes.
6 Expiration Type in the expiration time for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. When reached, the zone records are considered
to be no longer valid/authoritative. The DNS server then stops
responding to queries for the zone. To avoid a major outage,
the typical value is pretty high, between 1 to 3 weeks.
7 Minimum Type in the minimum time for the zone the record belongs to,
in seconds. It defines the period of time that negative re-
sponses can be cached from the slave. For instance, if a re-
quest cannot be resolved, the server will answer with a
NXDOMAIN result (No such domain). The server will continue
returning this value until the Minimum value expires, then it
will retry the resolution. This value has to be between 0 and
3 hours.
NS 1 DNS server Type in the DNS server hostname.
MX 1 Preference Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which server
has priority if there are several RRs in the zone. The lowest
the value has the priority over the other server(s).
2 Mail server Type in the SMTP (mail) server hostname.
A 1 IP address Type in the IPv4 Address of the host.
AAAA 1 IPv6 address Type in the IPv6 Address of the host.

DNS Resource Record

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax

PTR 1 Localization Type in the hostname that should be returned when the IP
address is queried.
CNAME 1 Hostname Type in the hostname.
TXT 1 Text Type in the description of your choice (max. 255 characters
including spaces).
SRV 1 Priority Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which server
has priority if there are several SRV RRs in the zone. The
lowest the value has the priority over the other server(s).
2 Weight Type a number, between 0 and 65535, that defines the server
weight. If two SRV RRs have the same priority, the weight
defines which server is more used. The field gives priority to
the SRV RR with the greatest weight value: the greater the
value is, the more the server is solicited. If you type in 0, there
is no weighting.
3 Ports Type in the port number that delivers the service to the target.
4 Target Type in the hostname of the server delivering the service.
HINFO 1 CPU Type in the name of the CPU, either INTEL, AMD, SPARC,
2 OS The name of the operating system, either AIX, FREEBSD,
WINDOWS, or Other.
MINFO 1 Responsible email Type in the email address of the administrator of the mail list.
2 Error email Type in the email address that should receive the error mes-
sages regarding the mail list.
DNAME 1 Domain Type in the domain name of a subdomain of the zone.
AFSDB 1 Preference Type the version of AFS service used: 1 (AFS version 3.0) or
2 (OSF DCE/NCA version).
2 AFS server Type in the AFS hostname.
NAPTR 1 Order Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which RR
has priority if there are several NAPTR RRs in the zone. The
lowest the value has the priority over the other record(s).
2 Preference Type a number, between 0 and 65535, to define which RR
has priority if there are several NAPTR RRs have the same
order in the zone. The lowest the value has the priority over
the other record(s).
2 Flags Type in the string that corresponds to the action you want your
client application to perform. The flag specified impacts the
data expected in the field Services, Regex and/or Replace.
3 Services Type in the services parameters to which applies the action
specified in the field Flags. You must respect your client ap-
plication syntax.
4 Regex Type in the string that contains a substitution expression
matching the format <delimit ereg delimit substitution delimit
flag> to which applies the action specified the field Flags.
5 Replace Type in an FQDN domain name to which applies the action
specified the field Flags. You can specify no domain name if
you type in . (dot) in the field.
NSAP 1 Name Type in the NSAP address of the end system. It should start
with 0x and not exceed 255 hexadecimal characters separated
by dots.
DS 1 Key Tag Type in the parent zone DS key tag.
2 Key Algorithm Type in the parent zone DS algorithm key.

DNS Resource Record

Type Value number Related field(s) Syntax

3 Digest Type Type in the parent zone DS digest type.
4 Digest Type in the parent zone DS digest.
DNSKEY 1 Flags Type in or paste the zone key flag.
2 Protocol Type in or paste the protocol value.
3 Algorithm Type in or paste the public key's cryptographic algorithm.
4 Key Type in or paste the public key material.
WKS 1 IP address Type in the IPv4 Address of the host that contains the services
listed in the Services field.
2 Protocol Type in TCP or UDP.
3 Services Type in the list of needed services.
The record NAPTR is described in the RFC 3403, available on IETF website:

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS resource record, a unique numeric key value auto-
matically incremented when you add a DNS RR. Use the ID to specify the DNS RR of your

Output Parameters
The concatenated values of the DNS resource record, as follows: <value1>, <value2>,
<value3>, <value4>, <value5>, <value6>, <value7>.
Internal use. Not documented.
The RPZ status of the DNS zone the resource record belongs to. 1 indicates that the DNS
zone the record belongs to is a Response Policy Zone.
The type of the DNS zone the object belongs to, either master, slave, forward, stub, hint or
The full name of the DNS resource record.
The name of the DNS resource record in UTF-8 format.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

DNS Resource Record

Internal use. Not documented.
The shortname of the DNS resource record.
The type of the DNS resource record.

Table 36.8. rr_type possible values

Value Record type description
SOA Start of Authority. Defines the zone name, an email contact and various time and refresh
values applicable to the zone. It is automatically generated upon creation of a zone and
cannot be added manually.
NS Name Server. Defines the authoritative name server(s) for the domain (defined by the SOA
record) or the subdomain. The NS record that indicates which server has authority over a
zone is automatically generated upon the creation of a zone, once the server has been
A IPv4 Address. An IPv4 address for a host.
PTR Pointer Record. Address Resolution, from an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to a host. Used in
reverse mapping.
AAAA IPv6 Address. An IPv6 address for a host.
CNAME Canonical Name. An alias name for a host.
MX Mail Exchange. The mail server/exchanger that services this zone.
SRV Services record. Defines services available in the zone, for example, LDAP, HTTP, etc...
DNAME Delegation of Reverse Names. Delegation of reverse addresses primarily in IPv6. (Deprec-
ated, use the CNAME RR instead)
TXT Text. Information associated with a name.
DS Delegation Signer, a DNSSEC related RR used to verify the validity of the ZSK of a subdo-
DNSKEY DNS Key. It contains the public cryptographic key used to sign the zone with DNSSEC.
65534 A private type record automatically added to the zone once it is signed with DNSSEC.
HINFO System Information. Information about a host: hardware type and operating system descrip-
MINFO Mailbox mail list Information. Defines the mail administrator for a mail list and optionally a
mailbox to receive error messages relating to the mail list.
AFSDB AFS Database. Location of the AFS servers.
WKS Well-Known Service. Defines the services and protocols supported by a host. (Deprecated,
use the SRV RR instead)
NAPTR Naming Authority Pointer Record. General purpose definition of rule set to be used by ap-
plications e.g. VoIP.
NSAP Network Service Access Point. Defines record (equivalent of an A record) maps a host name
to an endpoint address.

The time to live of the DNS resource record, in seconds.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The name of the class applied to the resource record, it can be preceded by the class directory.

DNS Resource Record

The first or only value required for the DNS resource record, as detailed in the service de-
The second value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The third value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The fourth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The fifth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The sixth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service
The seventh value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the
service description.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS resource record.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS zone the resource record belongs to, in UTF-8 format.
The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 36.9. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

Internal use. Not documented.

DNS Resource Record

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The name of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the DNS view the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view the object belongs to.
The name of the space associated with the DNS zone the RR belongs to.
A way to determine if the DNS zone the resource record belongs to provides reverse resolution
(1) or direct/name resolution (0),
For resource records in slave DNS zones, the IP address of the DNS server and, if relevant,
the name of the DNS view that contain the master DNS zone, as follows: <ip_addr>; or
<ip_addr> key <dnsview_name>; .
The name of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the object belongs to. #
indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart architecture or is
a smart architecture itself.
The IP address(es) of the forwarder(s) associated with the DNS zone the resource record
belongs to. It lists the DNS servers to which any unknown query on this zone should be sent,
as follows: <ip_address1>;<ip_address2>;... .
The name of the class applied to the DNS server the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The name of the class applied to the DNS zone the object belongs to, it can be preceded by
the class directory.
The version details of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The description of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The delay of creation status. 1 indicates that the object is not created yet.
The delay of deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not deleted yet.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

DNS Resource Record

Table 36.10. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

Internal use. Not documented.
The class parameters applied to the DNS view the object belongs to and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
dnsview_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the resource record, encoded in URL format: <class-para-
meter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
rr_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-paramet-
er2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

In the example below, we call the service dns_rr_info with Ruby (NET::Http) to display the
properties a resource record.

Example 36.3. Calling the service dns_rr_info using Ruby

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

DNS Resource Record

url = URI("https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_rr_info?rr_id=204")

http =, url.port)

http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["x-ipm-username"] = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='
request["x-ipm-password"] = 'YWRtaW4='
request["cache-control"] = 'no-cache'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_count — Count the number of resource records
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_groupby — Group resource records by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Resource Record

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_groupby_count — Count the number of resource records grouped by para-

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

DNS Resource Record

dns_rr_delete — Delete a resource record
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(rr_id || (rr_name && (dnszone_id || (dnszone_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr)))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS resource record, a unique numeric key value auto-
matically incremented when you add a DNS RR. Use the ID to specify the DNS RR of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

DNS Resource Record

Deprecated, replaced by dnszone_name.
The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS resource record.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by ttl.
The type of the DNS resource record.

Table 36.11. rr_type possible values

Value Record type description
SOA Start of Authority. Defines the zone name, an email contact and various time and refresh
values applicable to the zone. It is automatically generated upon creation of a zone and
cannot be added manually.
NS Name Server. Defines the authoritative name server(s) for the domain (defined by the SOA
record) or the subdomain. The NS record that indicates which server has authority over a
zone is automatically generated upon the creation of a zone, once the server has been
A IPv4 Address. An IPv4 address for a host.
PTR Pointer Record. Address Resolution, from an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to a host. Used in
reverse mapping.
AAAA IPv6 Address. An IPv6 address for a host.
CNAME Canonical Name. An alias name for a host.
MX Mail Exchange. The mail server/exchanger that services this zone.
SRV Services record. Defines services available in the zone, for example, LDAP, HTTP, etc...
DNAME Delegation of Reverse Names. Delegation of reverse addresses primarily in IPv6. (Deprec-
ated, use the CNAME RR instead)

DNS Resource Record

Value Record type description

TXT Text. Information associated with a name.
DS Delegation Signer, a DNSSEC related RR used to verify the validity of the ZSK of a subdo-
DNSKEY DNS Key. It contains the public cryptographic key used to sign the zone with DNSSEC.
65534 A private type record automatically added to the zone once it is signed with DNSSEC.
HINFO System Information. Information about a host: hardware type and operating system descrip-
MINFO Mailbox mail list Information. Defines the mail administrator for a mail list and optionally a
mailbox to receive error messages relating to the mail list.
AFSDB AFS Database. Location of the AFS servers.
WKS Well-Known Service. Defines the services and protocols supported by a host. (Deprecated,
use the SRV RR instead)
NAPTR Naming Authority Pointer Record. General purpose definition of rule set to be used by ap-
plications e.g. VoIP.
NSAP Network Service Access Point. Defines record (equivalent of an A record) maps a host name
to an endpoint address.

Note that the parameter is not case sensitive, you could specify A or a.

Type Fixed value: A || NS || MD || MF || CNAME || Maximum length N/A

SOA || MB || MG || MR || NULL || WKS || PTR ||
HINFO || MINFO || MX || TXT || SPF || RP ||
AFSDB || X25 || ISDN || RT || NSAP ||
|| LOC || NXT || EID || NIMLOC || SRV || ATMA
|| NAPTR || KX || CERT || A6 || DNAME || OPT
|| NINFO || DLV || DHCID || EUI48 || EUI64 ||
NID || L32 || L64
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The first or only value required for the DNS resource record, as detailed in the service de-

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The second value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The third value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

DNS Resource Record

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The fourth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The fifth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The sixth value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the service

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The seventh value of the DNS resource record, depending on its type, as detailed in the
service description

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the DNS zone the record belongs

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.

DNS Resource Record

The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service dns_rr_delete with PHP (cURL) to delete a record
from the database.

Example 36.4. Calling the service dns_rr_delete using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/dns_rr_delete?rr_id=247",
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;

Chapter 37. DNS ACL


dns_acl_add — Add/Edit a DNS ACL
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: ((dnsacl_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr)) && dnsacl_value)
• Edition: ((dnsacl_id || (dnsacl_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))) && dnsacl_value)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The name of the DNS ACL, each DNS ACL must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnsacl_name.


The values of the DNS ACL in order of priority, as follows: <value_1>;<value_2>... .

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by dnsacl_value.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS ACL. Use the ID to specify which DNS ACL to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.


The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


dns_acl_list — List the DNS ACLs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the DNS ACL.
The values of the DNS ACL in order of priority, as follows: <value_1>;<value_2>... .

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The database identifier (ID) of the DNS ACL.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.


dns_acl_info — Display the properties of a DNS ACL
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS ACL. Use the ID to specify the DNS ACL of your choice.

Output Parameters
The name of the DNS ACL.
The values of the DNS ACL in order of priority, as follows: <value_1>;<value_2>... .
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS ACL.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.


dns_acl_count — Count the number of DNS ACLs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


dns_acl_delete — Delete a DNS ACL
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS ACL, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS ACL. Use the ID to specify the DNS ACL of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS ACL.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 38. TSIG Key


dns_key_add — Add/Edit a TSIG key
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (dnskey_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))
• Edition: (dnskey_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The name of the DNS TSIG key, each DNS TSIG key must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 63

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The encryption protocol of the TSIG key.


Type Fixed value: hmac-md5 || hmac-sha1 || hmac- Maximum length N/A

sha224 || hmac-sha256 || hmac-sha384 || hmac-
Default value hmac-md5 Can be edited Yes

The value of the TSIG key.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS view.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view, a unique numeric key value automatically incre-
mented when you add a DNS view. Use the ID to specify the DNS view of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS TSIG key, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS TSIG key. Use the ID to specify which DNS TSIG key to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.


The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


dns_key_list — List the DNS keys
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 38.1. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS TSIG key.
The name of the DNS TSIG key.
The value of the TSIG key.
The encryption protocol of the TSIG key.
The name of the DNS view associated with the DNS TSIG key.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view associated with the DNS TSIG key.


dns_key_info — Display the properties of a TSIG key
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS TSIG key, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS TSIG key. Use the ID to specify the DNS TSIG key of
your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The type of the DNS server the object belongs to.

Table 38.2. dns_type possible values

Type Description
ipm EfficientIP or EfficientIP Package server
msdaemon Microsoft Windows DNS server
aws Amazon Route 53 server
other Generic DNS server
vdns EfficientIP DNS smart architecture

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS smart architecture managing the DNS server the
object belongs to. 0 indicates that the server the object belongs to is not managed by a smart
architecture or is a smart architecture itself.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS TSIG key.
The name of the DNS TSIG key.
The value of the TSIG key.


The encryption protocol of the TSIG key.
The name of the DNS view associated with the DNS TSIG key.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS view associated with the DNS TSIG key.


dns_key_count — Count the number of TSIG keys
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


dns_key_delete — Delete a TSIG key
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dnskey_id || (dnskey_name && (dns_id || dns_name || hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS TSIG key, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS TSIG key. Use the ID to specify the DNS TSIG key of
your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS TSIG key.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 39. DNSSEC


dnssec_zone_keys_list — List the DNSSEC keys of a zone
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The type of the DNSSEC key, either zsk or ksk or anchor.
The private part of the DNSSEC key data.
The number of bits over which the DNSSEC key is encrypted.
The value of the DNSSEC key validity period, in days.
The time at which the DNSSEC key starts being valid, in decimal UNIX date format.
The public part of the DNSSEC key data.
The name of the DNSSEC key, specified as follows : <a><b>.+<c>+<d> , where:
a. is either Z for ZSK or K for KSK keys.
b. is the <dnszone_name>.
c. is the key algorithm.
d. is the key tag.
• a can be either Z for ZSK or K for KSK keys.
• b is the <dnszone_name>.
• c is the key algorithm.
• d is the key tag.
The delegation signer(s) (DS) associated with the zone, as follows: [<dnszone_name>. IN
DS <key_algorithm> <key_tag> <algorithm_key> <digest_type> <digest>] [<dnszone_name>.
IN DS <key_algorithm> <key_tag> <algorithm_key> <digest_type> <digest>] ...
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the signature module. By default, it is set to dnssec.
The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The type of encryption to used for the DNSSEC key, either rsasha256, rsasha512,
nsec3rsasha1 or nsec3dsa.


dnssec_zone_keys_info — Display the properties of a DNSSEC ZSK, KSK or Trust

This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Output Parameters
The name of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The type of the DNSSEC key, either zsk or ksk or anchor.
The private part of the DNSSEC key data.
The number of bits over which the DNSSEC key is encrypted.
The value of the DNSSEC key validity period, in days.
The time at which the DNSSEC key starts being valid, in decimal UNIX date format.
The public part of the DNSSEC key data.


The name of the DNSSEC key, specified as follows : <a><b>.+<c>+<d> , where:
a. is either Z for ZSK or K for KSK keys.
b. is the <dnszone_name>.
c. is the key algorithm.
d. is the key tag.
• a can be either Z for ZSK or K for KSK keys.
• b is the <dnszone_name>.
• c is the key algorithm.
• d is the key tag.
The delegation signer(s) (DS) associated with the zone, as follows: [<dnszone_name>. IN
DS <key_algorithm> <key_tag> <algorithm_key> <digest_type> <digest>] [<dnszone_name>.
IN DS <key_algorithm> <key_tag> <algorithm_key> <digest_type> <digest>] ...
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the signature module. By default, it is set to dnssec.
The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.
The type of encryption to used for the DNSSEC key, either rsasha256, rsasha512,
nsec3rsasha1 or nsec3dsa.


dnssec_enable_sign_zone — Sign a zone with DNSSEC
This service allows to specify a zone and sign it with DNSSEC, only zones belonging to a smart
architecture or an EfficientIP DNS server can be signed. Once a zone is signed, the server it
belongs to becomes authoritative and every transaction with the zone must be handled via

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(dnszone_id || (dnszone_name && (dns_id || dns_name || dns_hostaddr)))

Input Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of encryption to use for the ZSK public and private keys generation, either rsasha256,
rsasha512, nsec3rsasha1 or nsec3dsa

Type Fixed value: ecdsap256sha256 || ecd- Maximum length N/A

sap384sha384 || ed25519 || ed448 || rsasha256
|| rsasha512 || nsec3rsasha1 || nsec3dsa
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The number of bits used to generate the ZSK:
• For RSASHA encryption, set it between 512 and 4096 bits. The value should be a multiple
of 64.
• For DSA encryption, you can set from 512 to 1024 bits. The value should be a multiple of

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


The value of the ZSK validity period. Use the parameter zsk_validity_unit to indicate the
corresponding time unit.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The time unit of the ZSK validity period, either day, month, year or, with no need to indicate
the zsk_validity value, infinity.

Type Fixed value: day || month || year || infinity Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of encryption to use for the KSK public and private keys generation, either rsasha256,
rsasha512, nsec3rsasha1 or nsec3dsa

Type Fixed value: ecdsap256sha256 || ecd- Maximum length N/A

sap384sha384 || ed25519 || ed448 || rsasha256
|| rsasha512 || nsec3rsasha1 || nsec3dsa
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The number of bits over which the KSK keys should be encrypted:
• For RSASHA*, you can set from 512 to 4096 bits.
• For DSA, you can set from 512 to 1024 bits and a modulus of 64.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The value of the KSK validity period. Use the parameter ksk_validity_unit to indicate the
corresponding time unit.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The time unit of the KSK validity period, either day, month, year or, with no need to indicate
the ksk_validity value, infinity.

Type Fixed value: day || month || year || infinity Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS zone the object belongs to.


Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DNS server.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS server, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a DNS server. Use the ID to specify the DNS server of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the DNS server the zone you want to sign belongs to.

Type ip Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DNS zone, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add a DNS zone. Use the ID to specify the DNS zone of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
Internal use. Not documented.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).

Part V. Application Services
Table of Contents
40. Application .............................................................................................................. 661
app_application_add ............................................................................................. 662
app_application_list ............................................................................................... 665
app_application_info ............................................................................................. 668
app_application_count ........................................................................................... 670
app_application_groupby ....................................................................................... 671
app_application_groupby_count ............................................................................. 673
app_application_delete .......................................................................................... 674
41. Pool ........................................................................................................................ 676
app_pool_add ....................................................................................................... 677
app_pool_list ........................................................................................................ 680
app_pool_info ....................................................................................................... 683
app_pool_count .................................................................................................... 685
app_pool_groupby ................................................................................................ 686
app_pool_groupby_count ...................................................................................... 688
app_pool_delete ................................................................................................... 689
42. Node ....................................................................................................................... 691
app_node_add ...................................................................................................... 692
app_node_list ....................................................................................................... 695
app_node_info ...................................................................................................... 698
app_node_count ................................................................................................... 700
app_node_groupby ............................................................................................... 701
app_node_groupby_count ..................................................................................... 703
app_node_delete .................................................................................................. 704

Chapter 40. Application


app_application_add — Add/Edit an application
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (name && fqdn)
• Edition: (appapplication_id || (name && fqdn))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the application, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add an application. Use the ID to specify the application of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the application.

Type Regular expression: [-_\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the application.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The name of all the GSLB servers associated with the application. You can specify one or
more names.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.


Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A


Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


app_application_list — List the applications
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database level of the server associated with the application. 0 indicates the server is
managed on its own, 1 indicates it is managed by a smart architecture.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The database path toward the server associated with the application, as follows: <server-
name>#. If the physical server is managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as
follows: <smart-architecture-name>##<server-name>.
The type of DNS server associated with the application. It is only returned for deployed ap-
The database identifier (ID) of the application.
The name of the GSLB server associated with the application. It is only returned for deployed
The name of the application.
The FQDN of the application.
The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application. It is only re-
turned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the application. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The name of the application. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The status of the GSLB server associated with the application, either OK (1), GSLB Stopped
(2), GSLB Invalid Credentials (4) or GSLB Timeout (5). It is only returned for deployed applic-
The number of nodes of the application.
The number of nodes of the application that are Inactive (down).
The name of all the GSLB servers associated with the application. It lists the name of each
server separated by a comma.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 40.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.


Message number Severity Description

The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the application and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
appapplication_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


app_application_info — Display the properties of an application
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the application, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add an application. Use the ID to specify the application of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database level of the server associated with the application. 0 indicates the server is
managed on its own, 1 indicates it is managed by a smart architecture.
The database path toward the server associated with the application, as follows: <server-
name>#. If the physical server is managed through a smart architecture, the path looks as
follows: <smart-architecture-name>##<server-name>.
The type of DNS server associated with the application. It is only returned for deployed ap-
The database identifier (ID) of the application.
The name of the GSLB server associated with the application. It is only returned for deployed
The name of the application.
The FQDN of the application.
The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application. It is only re-
turned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the application. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The name of the application. It is only returned for deployed applications.


The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The status of the GSLB server associated with the application, either OK (1), GSLB Stopped
(2), GSLB Invalid Credentials (4) or GSLB Timeout (5). It is only returned for deployed applic-
The number of nodes of the application.
The number of nodes of the application that are Inactive (down).
The name of all the GSLB servers associated with the application. It lists the name of each
server separated by a comma.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 40.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action

The class parameters applied to the application and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
appapplication_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


app_application_count — Count the number of applications
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


app_application_groupby — Group applications by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.


app_application_groupby_count — Count the number of applications grouped
by parameter(s)

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


app_application_delete — Delete an application
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(appapplication_id || (name && fqdn))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the application, a unique numeric key value automatically in-
cremented when you add an application. Use the ID to specify the application of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the application.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the application.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application, a unique
identifier automatically incremented when you add the server. Use it to identify the GSLB
server of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the GSLB server associated with the application.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 41. Pool


app_pool_add — Add/Edit a pool
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (name && type && lb_mode && (appapplication_id || (appapplication_name && ap-
• Edition: (apppool_id || (name && (appapplication_id || (appapplication_name && appapplica-

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a pool. Use the ID to specify the pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application, a unique
identifier automatically incremented when you add the server. Use it to identify the GSLB
server of your choice.


Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the pool.

Type Regular expression: [-_\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of the pool.

Type Fixed value: ipv4 || ipv6 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The load-balancing mode of the pool.

Type Fixed value: weighted || round-robin || latency Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The maximum number of active nodes with the lowest latency that must answer the queries
made to the application FQDN. You only need to set it if you set the lb_mode to latency.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The session affinity activation status.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The session duration, in seconds. You only need to set it if the parameter affinity_state is
set to 1.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes


A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


app_pool_list — List the pools
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database level of the server associated with the application the object belongs to. 0 in-
dicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates it is managed by a smart architecture.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The database path toward the server associated with the application the object belongs to,
as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is managed through a smart architecture,
the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-name>##<server-name>.
The type of DNS server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only returned
for deployed applications.
The name of the GSLB server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only
returned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application the object
belongs to. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The name of the application the object belongs to.
The FQDN of the application the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to. It is only returned for
deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the pool.
The name of the pool.
The type of the pool, ipv4 or ipv6.
Not documented. Internal use.
The load-balancing mode of the pool, either weighted, round-robin or latency.
The load-balancing mode of the pool, as displayed in the GUI.
The maximum number of active nodes with the lowest latency that must answer the queries
made to the application FQDN. It is only returned if the parameter apppool_lb_mode is set
to latency.
The session affinity activation status.
The session duration, in seconds. It is only returned if the parameter affinity_state is set to
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.


The number of nodes of the pool.
The number nodes of the pool that are Inactive (down).
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 41.1. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action


app_pool_info — Display the properties of a pool
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a pool. Use the ID to specify the pool of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database level of the server associated with the application the object belongs to. 0 in-
dicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates it is managed by a smart architecture.
The database path toward the server associated with the application the object belongs to,
as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is managed through a smart architecture,
the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-name>##<server-name>.
The type of DNS server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only returned
for deployed applications.
The name of the GSLB server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only
returned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application the object
belongs to. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The name of the application the object belongs to.
The FQDN of the application the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to. It is only returned for
deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the pool.


The name of the pool.
The type of the pool, ipv4 or ipv6.
Not documented. Internal use.
The load-balancing mode of the pool, either weighted, round-robin or latency.
The load-balancing mode of the pool, as displayed in the GUI.
The maximum number of active nodes with the lowest latency that must answer the queries
made to the application FQDN. It is only returned if the parameter apppool_lb_mode is set
to latency.
The session affinity activation status.
The session duration, in seconds. It is only returned if the parameter affinity_state is set to
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The number of nodes of the pool.
The number nodes of the pool that are Inactive (down).
The Multi-status information is displayed as follows: <number-of-instances>@<message-
number>@<multi-status-severity>@<module>. The different severity levels are:

Table 41.2. Multi-status severity levels

Message number Severity Description
The object configuration prevents the system from running properly.
0 - 16 Emergency
Action is required.
The object configuration is in critical conditions. Immediate action is re-
17 - 33 Critical
34 - 50 Error The object configuration failed at some level. Action is recommended.
The object configuration triggers error messages if no action is taken.
51 - 66 Warning
Action to be taken at your discretion.
The object configuration is normal but undergoing events that might
67 - 83 Notice
trigger errors. No immediate action required.
The object configuration is normal, operational messages (might inform
84 - 100 Informational you about potential incompatibilities with other modules, etc). No action


app_pool_count — Count the number of pools
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


app_pool_groupby — Group pools by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.


app_pool_groupby_count — Count the number of pools grouped by parameter(s)
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


app_pool_delete — Delete a pool
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(apppool_id || (name && (appapplication_id || (appapplication_name && appapplication_fqdn))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a pool. Use the ID to specify the pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the pool.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application, a unique
identifier automatically incremented when you add the server. Use it to identify the GSLB
server of your choice.


Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 42. Node


app_node_add — Add/Edit a node
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (name && hostaddr && (apppool_id || (apppool_name && (appapplication_id || (ap-
papplication_name && appapplication_fqdn)))))
• Edition: (appnode_id || (name && (apppool_id || (apppool_name && (appapplication_id ||
(appapplication_name && appapplication_fqdn))))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the node, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a node. Use the ID to specify the node of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application, a unique
identifier automatically incremented when you add the server. Use it to identify the GSLB
server of your choice.


Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a pool. Use the ID to specify the pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the pool.

Type Regular expression: [-_\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the node.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the node.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The weight of the node, it sets which node is used first within the pool. It must be an integer
between 0 and 255, where 0 sets a node as backup.

Type Regular expression: ^([0-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-9]|1[0- Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The administrative status of the node, managed (1) or unmanaged (0).

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Internal use. Not documented.

Type Fixed value: 0 || 1 || 2 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of health check of the node.


Type Fixed value: ok || ping || tcp || http || custom Maximum length N/A
Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


app_node_list — List the nodes
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database level of the server associated with the application the object belongs to. 0 in-
dicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates it is managed by a smart architecture.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The database path toward the server associated with the application the object belongs to,
as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is managed through a smart architecture,
the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-name>##<server-name>.
The type of DNS server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only returned
for deployed applications.
The name of the GSLB server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only
returned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application the object
belongs to. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.
The name of the application the object belongs to.
The FQDN of the application the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to. It is only returned for
deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the pool.
The name of the pool.
The load-balancing mode of the pool the object belongs to, either weighted, round-robin or
The load-balancing mode of the pool the object belongs to, as displayed in the GUI.
The database identifier (ID) of the node.
The name of the node.
The IPv4 address of the node.
The IPv6 address of the node.
The weight of the node, an integer between 0 and 255. 0 indicates a backup node.
The administrative status of the node. 1 indicates the node is managed. 0 indicates that is
unmanaged and ignored.
The operational status of the node:


The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The type of health check configured for the node.
The health check type, as displayed in the GUI.
The database identifier (ID) of the health check configured for the node.
The frequency to which the health check configured for the node is performed, in seconds.
The number of times, between 1 and 10, before the parameter appnode_status is set to 0
(inactive) due to the health check result. By default, it is set to 3.
The number of times, between 1 and 10, before the parameter appnode_status is set to 1
(active) due to the health check result. By default, it is set to 3.
The number of seconds, between 1 and 10, before the health check times out if the node is
not responding.
The rest of the health check parameters configured, when relevant.


app_node_info — Display the properties of a node
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the node, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a node. Use the ID to specify the node of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database level of the server associated with the application the object belongs to. 0 in-
dicates the server is managed on its own, 1 indicates it is managed by a smart architecture.
The database path toward the server associated with the application the object belongs to,
as follows: <server-name>#. If the physical server is managed through a smart architecture,
the path looks as follows: <smart-architecture-name>##<server-name>.
The type of DNS server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only returned
for deployed applications.
The name of the GSLB server associated with the application the object belongs to. It is only
returned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application the object
belongs to. It is only returned for deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.
The name of the application the object belongs to.
The FQDN of the application the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to. It is only returned for
deployed applications.
The database identifier (ID) of the pool.


The name of the pool.
The load-balancing mode of the pool the object belongs to, either weighted, round-robin or
The load-balancing mode of the pool the object belongs to, as displayed in the GUI.
The database identifier (ID) of the node.
The name of the node.
The IPv4 address of the node.
The IPv6 address of the node.
The weight of the node, an integer between 0 and 255. 0 indicates a backup node.
The administrative status of the node. 1 indicates the node is managed. 0 indicates that is
unmanaged and ignored.
The operational status of the node:
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.
The type of health check configured for the node.
The health check type, as displayed in the GUI.
The database identifier (ID) of the health check configured for the node.
The frequency to which the health check configured for the node is performed, in seconds.
The number of times, between 1 and 10, before the parameter appnode_status is set to 0
(inactive) due to the health check result. By default, it is set to 3.
The number of times, between 1 and 10, before the parameter appnode_status is set to 1
(active) due to the health check result. By default, it is set to 3.
The number of seconds, between 1 and 10, before the health check times out if the node is
not responding.
The rest of the health check parameters configured, when relevant.


app_node_count — Count the number of nodes
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


app_node_groupby — Group nodes by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.


app_node_groupby_count — Count the number of node grouped by parameter(s)
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


app_node_delete — Delete a node
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(appnode_id || (name && (apppool_id || (apppool_name && (appapplication_id || (appapplica-
tion_name && appapplication_fqdn))))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the node, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a node. Use the ID to specify the node of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the node.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the pool, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a pool. Use the ID to specify the pool of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the pool.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the application the object belongs to.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the application the object belongs to.


Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the application the object belongs to.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the GSLB server associated with the application, a unique
identifier automatically incremented when you add the server. Use it to identify the GSLB
server of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part VI. Guardian Services
Table of Contents
43. Policy ...................................................................................................................... 708
guardian_policy_add ............................................................................................. 709
guardian_policy_list ............................................................................................... 711
guardian_policy_info ............................................................................................. 713
guardian_policy_count ........................................................................................... 714
guardian_policy_groupby ....................................................................................... 715
guardian_policy_groupby_count ............................................................................. 717
guardian_policy_delete .......................................................................................... 718

Chapter 43. Policy


guardian_policy_add — Add/Edit a policy
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (name)
• Edition: (guardianpolicy_id || (name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the policy, a unique identifier automatically incremented when
you add the policy. Use it to identify the policy of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the policy.

Type Regular expression: [-_\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ Maximum length 40

Default value N/A Can be edited No

The description of the policy.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of all the Guardian servers associated with the policy. You can specify one or
more names.

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).


Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


guardian_policy_list — List the policies
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the policy.
The name of the policy.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The description of the policy.
The read only status of the policy. If set to 1, the policy cannot be edited.
The database identifier (ID) of the Guardian server associated with the policy. It is only returned
for deployed policies.
The name of the Guardian server associated with the policy. It is only returned for deployed
The database identifier (ID) of the policy. It is only returned for deployed policies.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.


guardian_policy_info — Display the properties of a policy
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the policy, a unique identifier automatically incremented when
you add the policy. Use it to identify the policy of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the policy.
The name of the policy.
The description of the policy.
The read only status of the policy. If set to 1, the policy cannot be edited.
The database identifier (ID) of the Guardian server associated with the policy. It is only returned
for deployed policies.
The name of the Guardian server associated with the policy. It is only returned for deployed
The database identifier (ID) of the policy. It is only returned for deployed policies.
The delay of creation/deletion status. 1 indicates that the object is not created/deleted yet.


guardian_policy_count — Count the number of policies
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


guardian_policy_groupby — Group nodes by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.


guardian_policy_groupby_count — Count the number of policies grouped by

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


guardian_policy_delete — Delete a policy
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(guardianpolicy_id || (name && (dns_name || dns_id))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the policy, a unique identifier automatically incremented when
you add the policy. Use it to identify the policy of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the policy.

Type String Maximum length 40

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Guardian server associated with the policy, a unique
identifier automatically incremented when you add the server. Use it to identify the Guardian
server of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Guardian server associated with the policy.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part VII. NetChange Services
Table of Contents
44. Network Device ....................................................................................................... 722
iplocator_netdev_add ............................................................................................ 723
iplnetdev_list ......................................................................................................... 727
iplnetdev_info ........................................................................................................ 731
iplnetdev_count ..................................................................................................... 735
iplnetdev_groupby ................................................................................................. 736
iplnetdev_groupby_count ....................................................................................... 738
group_iplnetdev_add ............................................................................................. 739
group_iplnetdev_delete ......................................................................................... 741
iplocator_netdev_delete ......................................................................................... 743
45. IPv4 Route .............................................................................................................. 745
iplnetdevroute_list ................................................................................................. 746
iplnetdevroute_info ................................................................................................ 750
iplnetdevroute_count ............................................................................................. 754
iplnetdevroute_groupby ......................................................................................... 755
iplnetdevroute_groupby_count ............................................................................... 757
46. IPv6 Route .............................................................................................................. 758
iplnetdevroute6_list ............................................................................................... 759
iplnetdevroute6_info .............................................................................................. 763
iplnetdevroute6_count ........................................................................................... 767
iplnetdevroute6_groupby ....................................................................................... 768
iplnetdevroute6_groupby_count ............................................................................. 770
47. NetChange VLAN .................................................................................................... 771
iplnetdevvlan_list ................................................................................................... 772
iplnetdevvlan_count ............................................................................................... 774
iplnetdevvlan_groupby ........................................................................................... 775
48. Port ......................................................................................................................... 777
iplocator_port_add ................................................................................................ 778
iplport_list ............................................................................................................. 782
iplport_info ............................................................................................................ 788
iplport_count ......................................................................................................... 793
49. NetChange IPv4 Address ......................................................................................... 794
iplnetdevaddr_list .................................................................................................. 795
iplnetdevaddr_info ................................................................................................. 797
iplnetdevaddr_count .............................................................................................. 799
iplnetdevaddr_groupby .......................................................................................... 800
iplnetdevaddr_groupby_count ................................................................................ 802
50. NetChange IPv6 Address ......................................................................................... 803
iplnetdevaddr6_list ................................................................................................ 804
iplnetdevaddr6_info ............................................................................................... 806
iplnetdevaddr6_count ............................................................................................ 808
iplnetdevaddr6_groupby ........................................................................................ 809
iplnetdevaddr6_groupby_count .............................................................................. 811
51. Discovered Item ....................................................................................................... 812
ipldev_list ............................................................................................................. 813
ipldev_count ......................................................................................................... 817
ipldev_groupby ...................................................................................................... 818
ipldev_groupby_count ............................................................................................ 820
ipldev_log_count ................................................................................................... 821
ipldev_log_list ....................................................................................................... 822

Chapter 44. Network Device

Network Device

iplocator_netdev_add — Edit a NetChange network device
This service allows to edit existing objects, specified using an existing identifier. A call can only
edit one object.

The value of all the parameters specified in input edits the corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

Edition: (iplnetdev_id || hostaddr)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a NetChange network device. Use the ID to specify
which device to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the NetChange network device.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Network Device

The 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange network device, either enabled 1 or dis-
abled 2.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to enable (1) or disable (0) the configuration versioning on the NetChange network
device you are adding.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the configuration you want to associate with the NetChange
network device.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to configure a scheduled refresh of the database of the NetChange network device
you are adding. The refresh frequency must be specified following the format
<minute>:<hour>:<date-of-the-month>:<month>:<day-of-the-week> where:
• <minute> accepts values between 00 and 59.
• <hour> accepts values between 00 and 12.
• <date-of-the-month> accepts values between 1 and 31.
• <month> accepts values between 1 and 12, where 1 is January, etc.
• <day-of-the-week> accepts values between 1 and 7, where 1 is Monday, etc.
All periods must be specified and separated by : . Each period also accepts a valid regex
pattern for datetime. Note that .* indicates any value of a period and allows, for instance, to
set a refresh once a year on December 21st at 0h00 with 00:00:21:12:.* .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to configure a scheduled refresh of the configuration versioning of the NetChange
network device you are adding. The refresh frequency must be specified following the format
<minute>:<hour>:<date-of-the-month>:<month>:<day-of-the-week> where:
• <minute> accepts values between 00 and 59.
• <hour> accepts values between 00 and 12.
• <date-of-the-month> accepts values between 1 and 31.
• <month> accepts values between 1 and 12, where 1 is January, etc.
• <day-of-the-week> accepts values between 1 and 7, where 1 is Monday, etc.
All periods must be specified and separated by : . Each period also accepts a valid regex
pattern for datetime. Note that .* indicates any value of a period and allows, for instance, to
set a refresh once a week on Monday at 2h30 with 30:02:.*:.*:1.

Network Device

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Network Device

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Network Device

iplnetdev_list — List the NetChange network devices
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Network Device

The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
The IP address of the NetChange network device.
The human readable version of the parameter iplnetdev_ip_addr.
The MAC address of the NetChange network device.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device.
The total number of stacks of the NetChange network device.
The name of the NetChange network device.
The synchronization status of the NetChange network device. 1 indicates that the device is
currently being synchronized.
The uptime of the NetChange network device, in seconds.
The name associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.
The contact associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.
The product name of the NetChange network device.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device.
The description and operating system of the NetChange network device.
Internal use. Not documented.
The last time the NetChange network device has been refreshed, in decimal UNIX date
The time that was required to refresh the NetChange network device, in seconds.
The status of the NetChange network device, either OK (1), in timeout (2) or misconfigured
The total number of ports the NetChange network device contains.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device that are currently active.
The OID associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.

Network Device

Internal use. Not documented.
The scheduled database refresh frequency configured of the NetChange network device.
The scheduled configuration versioning refresh frequency of the NetChange network device.
The serial number of the NetChange network device.
The slot number and slot serial number of used slots on the NetChange network device, as
follows: <slot-number>:<slot-serial-number>.This parameter only provides information for
used slots, empty slots are not listed.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
Internal use. Not documented.
The version details of the NetChange network device.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device that are not currently active.
The percentage of ports on the NetChange network device that are currently active.
The list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses configured for the interfaces of the NetChange network
device.The addresses are returned in hexadecimal format as follows: <ip_address_1>,<ip_ad-
dress_2>,etc. For more details, refer to the chapters NetChange IPv4 Address and NetChange
IPv6 Address.
The list of MIBs supported by the NetChange network device.
The 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange network device, either unsupported (0),
enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The port-security status of the NetChange network device, either unsupported (0), enabled
(1) or disabled (2).
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

Network Device

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

The SNMP version used on the NetChange network device.
The database identifier (ID) of the configuration associated with the NetChange network
The connection profile currently associated with the NetChange network device.
The revision number of the configuration associated with the NetChange network device.
The database identifier (ID) of the revision of the configuration associated with the NetChange
network device.
The time of the last edition of the NetChange network device configuration, in decimal UNIX
date format.
The time of creation of the NetChange network device configuration, in decimal UNIX date
The time during which the NetChange network device configuration remained unchanged
before the last configuration check, in seconds.
The date of the last configuration check, in timestamp format.
The configuration versioning status of the NetChange network device, either unsupported
(-1), enabled (0), disabled (1) or error (2).
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
iplnetdev_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

Network Device

iplnetdev_info — Display the properties of a NetChange network device
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a NetChange network device. Use the ID to specify
the device of your choice.

Output Parameters
The name of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
Internal use. Not documented.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
The IP address of the NetChange network device.
The human readable version of the parameter iplnetdev_ip_addr.
The MAC address of the NetChange network device.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device.
The total number of stacks of the NetChange network device.
The name of the NetChange network device.
The synchronization status of the NetChange network device. 1 indicates that the device is
currently being synchronized.
The uptime of the NetChange network device, in seconds.
The name associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.

Network Device

The contact associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.
The product name of the NetChange network device.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device.
The description and operating system of the NetChange network device.
Internal use. Not documented.
The last time the NetChange network device has been refreshed, in decimal UNIX date
The time that was required to refresh the NetChange network device, in seconds.
The status of the NetChange network device, either OK (1), in timeout (2) or misconfigured
The total number of ports the NetChange network device contains.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device that are currently active.
The OID associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.
Internal use. Not documented.
The scheduled database refresh frequency configured of the NetChange network device.
The scheduled configuration versioning refresh frequency of the NetChange network device.
The serial number of the NetChange network device.
The slot number and slot serial number of used slots on the NetChange network device, as
follows: <slot-number>:<slot-serial-number>.This parameter only provides information for
used slots, empty slots are not listed.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
Internal use. Not documented.
The version details of the NetChange network device.

Network Device

The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device that are not currently active.
The percentage of ports on the NetChange network device that are currently active.
The list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses configured for the interfaces of the NetChange network
device.The addresses are returned in hexadecimal format as follows: <ip_address_1>,<ip_ad-
dress_2>,etc. For more details, refer to the chapters NetChange IPv4 Address and NetChange
IPv6 Address.
The list of MIBs supported by the NetChange network device.
The 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange network device, either unsupported (0),
enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The port-security status of the NetChange network device, either unsupported (0), enabled
(1) or disabled (2).
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The SNMP version used on the NetChange network device.
The database identifier (ID) of the configuration associated with the NetChange network
The connection profile currently associated with the NetChange network device.
The revision number of the configuration associated with the NetChange network device.
The database identifier (ID) of the revision of the configuration associated with the NetChange
network device.
The time of the last edition of the NetChange network device configuration, in decimal UNIX
date format.
The time of creation of the NetChange network device configuration, in decimal UNIX date

Network Device

The time during which the NetChange network device configuration remained unchanged
before the last configuration check, in seconds.
The date of the last configuration check, in timestamp format.
The configuration versioning status of the NetChange network device, either unsupported
(-1), enabled (0), disabled (1) or error (2).
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device and their value: <class-
parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
iplnetdev_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

Network Device

iplnetdev_count — Count the number of NetChange network devices
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Network Device

iplnetdev_groupby — Group NetChange network devices by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Network Device

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

Network Device

iplnetdev_groupby_count — Count the number of NetChange network devices
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Network Device

group_iplnetdev_add — Add a NetChange network device to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (iplnetdev_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a NetChange network device. Use the ID to specify
the device of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the NetChange network device.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Network Device

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space associated with the NetChange network device.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

Network Device

group_iplnetdev_delete — Remove a NetChange network device from a group re-

This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (iplnetdev_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name))))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a NetChange network device. Use the ID to specify
the device of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the NetChange network device.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Network Device

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space associated with the NetChange network device.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

Network Device

iplocator_netdev_delete — Delete a NetChange network device
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(iplnetdev_id || (hostaddr && (site_id || site_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a NetChange network device. Use the ID to specify
the device of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address of the NetChange network device.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by hostaddr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device.
Use the ID to specify the space of your choice.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the space associated with the NetChange network device.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Network Device

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 45. IPv4 Route

IPv4 Route

iplnetdevroute_list — List the IPv4 routes
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Route

Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The total number of stacks of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The synchronization status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to. 1 indicates
that the device is currently being synchronized.
The uptime of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, in seconds.
The name associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The description and operating system of the NetChange network device the object belongs
Internal use. Not documented.
The last time the NetChange network device the object belongs to has been refreshed, in
decimal UNIX date format.
The time that was required to refresh the NetChange network device the object belongs to,
in seconds.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are currently

IPv4 Route

The OID associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
Internal use. Not documented.
The scheduled database refresh frequency configured on the NetChange network device
the object belongs to.
The configuration versioning refresh frequency on the NetChange network device the object
belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to and
their value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
Internal use. Not documented.
The version details of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are not
currently active.
The percentage of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are
currently active.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 route.
The IPv4 address of the route.
The prefix size of the IPv4 route.
The next router to reach the destination within the VRF.
The type of route:
• other indicates that the routing is not working, we do not know why.
• invalid or reject indicates that the route is invalidated or discarding traffic.

IPv4 Route

• local or direct indicates that the route originates from a local interface.
• remote indicates that the route has a remote destination.
• blackhole indicates that the route is discarding traffic silently.
The protocol via which the route was found.

Table 45.1. iplnetdevroute_proto possible values

Value Description
other No protocol is specified.
local Local interface.
netmgmt Static route.
icmp Result of ICMP Redirect.
egp Exterior Gateway Protocol.
ggp Gateway-Gateway Protocol.
hello FuzzBall HelloSpeak
rip Berkeley RIP or RIP-II.
is-is Dual IS-IS.
es-is ISO 9542.
ciscoIgrp Cisco IGRP.o
bbnSpfIgp BBN SPF IGP.
ospf Open Shortest Path First.
bgp Border Gateway Protocol.
idpr InterDomain Policy Routing.
ciscoEigrp Cisco Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
dvmrp Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol.
rpl Routing Protocol for LLNs [RFC-ietf-roll-rpl-19].
dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [RFC2132].
ttdp Train Topology Discovery Protocol [IEC 61375-2-5].

The name of the VRF, as set on the network device the object belongs to.
The Route Distinguisher of iplvrf_name. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be composed
of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each VRF.
The list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses configured for the interfaces of the NetChange network
device the object belongs to. The addresses are returned in hexadecimal format as follows:
<ip_address_1>,<ip_address_2>,etc. For more details, refer to the chapters NetChange IPv4
Address and NetChange IPv6 Address.

IPv4 Route

iplnetdevroute_info — Display the properties of an IPv4 route
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 route, a unique identifier automatically incremented
when the route was discovered on the device. Use it to identify the route of your choice.

Output Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The total number of stacks of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The synchronization status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to. 1 indicates
that the device is currently being synchronized.
The uptime of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, in seconds.
The name associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP

IPv4 Route

The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The description and operating system of the NetChange network device the object belongs
Internal use. Not documented.
The last time the NetChange network device the object belongs to has been refreshed, in
decimal UNIX date format.
The time that was required to refresh the NetChange network device the object belongs to,
in seconds.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are currently
The OID associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
Internal use. Not documented.
The scheduled database refresh frequency configured on the NetChange network device
the object belongs to.
The configuration versioning refresh frequency on the NetChange network device the object
belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to and
their value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv4 Route

Internal use. Not documented.
The version details of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are not
currently active.
The percentage of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are
currently active.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 route.
The IPv4 address of the route.
The prefix size of the IPv4 route.
The next router to reach the destination within the VRF.
The type of route:
• other indicates that the routing is not working, we do not know why.
• invalid or reject indicates that the route is invalidated or discarding traffic.
• local or direct indicates that the route originates from a local interface.
• remote indicates that the route has a remote destination.
• blackhole indicates that the route is discarding traffic silently.
The protocol via which the route was found.

Table 45.2. iplnetdevroute_proto possible values

Value Description
other No protocol is specified.
local Local interface.
netmgmt Static route.
icmp Result of ICMP Redirect.
egp Exterior Gateway Protocol.
ggp Gateway-Gateway Protocol.
hello FuzzBall HelloSpeak
rip Berkeley RIP or RIP-II.
is-is Dual IS-IS.
es-is ISO 9542.
ciscoIgrp Cisco IGRP.o
bbnSpfIgp BBN SPF IGP.
ospf Open Shortest Path First.

IPv4 Route

Value Description
bgp Border Gateway Protocol.
idpr InterDomain Policy Routing.
ciscoEigrp Cisco Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
dvmrp Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol.
rpl Routing Protocol for LLNs [RFC-ietf-roll-rpl-19].
dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [RFC2132].
ttdp Train Topology Discovery Protocol [IEC 61375-2-5].

The name of the VRF, as set on the network device the object belongs to.
The Route Distinguisher of iplvrf_name. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be composed
of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each VRF.
The list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses configured for the interfaces of the NetChange network
device the object belongs to. The addresses are returned in hexadecimal format as follows:
<ip_address_1>,<ip_address_2>,etc. For more details, refer to the chapters NetChange IPv4
Address and NetChange IPv6 Address.

IPv4 Route

iplnetdevroute_count — Count the number of IPv4 routes
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Route

iplnetdevroute_groupby — Group IPv4 routes by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv4 Route

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

IPv4 Route

iplnetdevroute_groupby_count — Count the number of IPv4 routes grouped by

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 46. IPv6 Route

IPv6 Route

iplnetdevroute6_list — List the IPv6 routes
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Route

Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The total number of stacks of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The synchronization status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to. 1 indicates
that the device is currently being synchronized.
The uptime of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, in seconds.
The name associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The description and operating system of the NetChange network device the object belongs
Internal use. Not documented.
The last time the NetChange network device the object belongs to has been refreshed, in
decimal UNIX date format.
The time that was required to refresh the NetChange network device the object belongs to,
in seconds.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are currently

IPv6 Route

The OID associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
Internal use. Not documented.
The scheduled database refresh frequency configured on the NetChange network device
the object belongs to.
The configuration versioning refresh frequency on the NetChange network device the object
belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to and
their value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
Internal use. Not documented.
The version details of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are not
currently active.
The percentage of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are
currently active.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 route.
The IPv6 address of the route.
The prefix size of the IPv6 route.
The next router to reach the destination within the VRF.
The type of route:
• other indicates that the routing is not working, we do not know why.
• invalid or reject indicates that the route is invalidated or discarding traffic.

IPv6 Route

• local or direct indicates that the route originates from a local interface.
• remote indicates that the route has a remote destination.
• blackhole indicates that the route is discarding traffic silently.
The protocol via which the route was found.

Table 46.1. iplnetdevroute_proto possible values

Value Description
other No protocol is specified.
local Local interface.
netmgmt Static route.
icmp Result of ICMP Redirect.
egp Exterior Gateway Protocol.
ggp Gateway-Gateway Protocol.
hello FuzzBall HelloSpeak
rip Berkeley RIP or RIP-II.
is-is Dual IS-IS.
es-is ISO 9542.
ciscoIgrp Cisco IGRP.o
bbnSpfIgp BBN SPF IGP.
ospf Open Shortest Path First.
bgp Border Gateway Protocol.
idpr InterDomain Policy Routing.
ciscoEigrp Cisco Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
dvmrp Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol.
rpl Routing Protocol for LLNs [RFC-ietf-roll-rpl-19].
dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [RFC2132].
ttdp Train Topology Discovery Protocol [IEC 61375-2-5].

The name of the VRF, as set on the network device the object belongs to.
The Route Distinguisher of iplvrf_name. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be composed
of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each VRF.
The list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses configured for the interfaces of the NetChange network
device the object belongs to. The addresses are returned in hexadecimal format as follows:
<ip_address_1>,<ip_address_2>,etc. For more details, refer to the chapters NetChange IPv4
Address and NetChange IPv6 Address.

IPv6 Route

iplnetdevroute6_info — Display the properties of an IPv6 route
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 route, a unique identifier automatically incremented
when the route was discovered on the device. Use it to identify the route of your choice.

Output Parameters
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The total number of stacks of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The synchronization status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to. 1 indicates
that the device is currently being synchronized.
The uptime of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, in seconds.
The name associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP

IPv6 Route

The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The description and operating system of the NetChange network device the object belongs
Internal use. Not documented.
The last time the NetChange network device the object belongs to has been refreshed, in
decimal UNIX date format.
The time that was required to refresh the NetChange network device the object belongs to,
in seconds.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are currently
The OID associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
Internal use. Not documented.
The scheduled database refresh frequency configured on the NetChange network device
the object belongs to.
The configuration versioning refresh frequency on the NetChange network device the object
belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to and
their value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

IPv6 Route

Internal use. Not documented.
The version details of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The number of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are not
currently active.
The percentage of ports on the NetChange network device the object belongs to that are
currently active.
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 route.
The IPv6 address of the route.
The prefix size of the IPv6 route.
The next router to reach the destination within the VRF.
The type of route:
• other indicates that the routing is not working, we do not know why.
• invalid or reject indicates that the route is invalidated or discarding traffic.
• local or direct indicates that the route originates from a local interface.
• remote indicates that the route has a remote destination.
• blackhole indicates that the route is discarding traffic silently.
The protocol via which the route was found.

Table 46.2. iplnetdevroute_proto possible values

Value Description
other No protocol is specified.
local Local interface.
netmgmt Static route.
icmp Result of ICMP Redirect.
egp Exterior Gateway Protocol.
ggp Gateway-Gateway Protocol.
hello FuzzBall HelloSpeak
rip Berkeley RIP or RIP-II.
is-is Dual IS-IS.
es-is ISO 9542.
ciscoIgrp Cisco IGRP.o
bbnSpfIgp BBN SPF IGP.
ospf Open Shortest Path First.

IPv6 Route

Value Description
bgp Border Gateway Protocol.
idpr InterDomain Policy Routing.
ciscoEigrp Cisco Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
dvmrp Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol.
rpl Routing Protocol for LLNs [RFC-ietf-roll-rpl-19].
dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [RFC2132].
ttdp Train Topology Discovery Protocol [IEC 61375-2-5].

The name of the VRF, as set on the network device the object belongs to.
The Route Distinguisher of iplvrf_name. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be composed
of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each VRF.
The list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses configured for the interfaces of the NetChange network
device the object belongs to. The addresses are returned in hexadecimal format as follows:
<ip_address_1>,<ip_address_2>,etc. For more details, refer to the chapters NetChange IPv4
Address and NetChange IPv6 Address.

IPv6 Route

iplnetdevroute6_count — Count the number of IPv6 routes
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Route

iplnetdevroute6_groupby — Group IPv6 routes by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

IPv6 Route

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

IPv6 Route

iplnetdevroute6_groupby_count — Count the number of IPv6 routes grouped
by parameter(s)

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 47. NetChange VLAN

NetChange VLAN

iplnetdevvlan_list — List the NetChange VLANs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange VLAN, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a NetChange VLAN.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange VLAN

The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange VLAN.
The name of the NetChange VLAN.
The status of the NetChange VLAN, either OK (1), inactive (2) or dynamic (3).
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The name of the ports associated with the NetChange VLAN, as follows: <iplport_name>,
<iplport_name>, ... .
The list of ports associated with the NetChange VLAN set with the mode Access.

NetChange VLAN

iplnetdevvlan_count — Count the number of NetChange VLANs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange VLAN

iplnetdevvlan_groupby — Group NetChange VLANs by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange VLAN

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

Chapter 48. Port


iplocator_port_add — Edit a port
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

Edition: iplport_id

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the port, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a port. Use the ID to specify which port to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The operational status of the port, you can set it to enabled or disabled.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The description of the port.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The configured speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). Set it to -1 to indicate
that the speed is automatically configured (auto).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The configured duplex mode of the NetChange port, either automatic (auto) half-duplex (half)
or full-duplex (full).

Type Fixed value: half || full || auto Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


The 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0), enabled (1)
or disabled (2).

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The port-security mode of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0), disabled (1), FirstN
(2), configureSpecific (4), 8021xAuthorized (5) or LimitedContinuous (6).

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The maximum number of MAC addresses allowed to access the port.The port-security mode
must be enabled.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The port-security action of the NetChange port. Possible values can be:
• For HP devices: disable (1), sendTrap (2) or sendTrapAndDisablePort (3).
• For Cisco devices: shutdown (4), dropNotify (5) or drop (6).
• For Juniper devices: none (1), drop (2), alarm (3) or shutdown (4).

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The VLAN tagging status of the NetChange port. Set it to 1 to enable VLAN tagging.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of the untagged NetChange VLANs associated with the
NetChange port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of the tagged NetChange VLANs associated with the
NetChange port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .

Type Regular expression: ^([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*)?$ Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The interconnection status of the NetChange port. 1 indicates that interconnection is enabled.

Type Fixed value: auto || yes || no Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.


• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


iplport_list — List the ports
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of all the NetChange VLANs associated with the NetChange
port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The list of the name of all the NetChange VLANs associated with the NetChange port, as
follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of the tagged NetChange VLANs associated with the
NetChange port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The operating 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0),
enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The port-security mode of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0), disabled (1), FirstN
(2), configureSpecific (4), 8021xAuthorized (5) or LimitedContinuous (6).
The configured 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0),
enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The interface number of the NetChange port, as follows: <slot_number>.<port_number>, or
<port_number> only when the slot number is 0.
The name of the port.
The description of the port.
The internal monitoring name of the port.
The type of the NetChange port.
The internal monitoring description of the NetChange port.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of the untagged NetChange VLANs associated with the
NetChange port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The VLAN tagging status of the NetChange port, either trunk (1), access (2), auto (4), mixed
(6) or tagged (7).
The VLAN trunking status of the NetChange port, either N/A (0), Trunk/Tagged (1), or Ac-
cess/Untagged (2).
The maximum speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). 0 indicates that the
port is not active.


The vendor name of the NetChange port.
The operating speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). 0 indicates that the
port is not active.
The configured speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). -1 indicates that the
speed is automatically configured (auto).
The operational status of the port:

Table 48.1. iplport_ifoperstatus possible values

Status Description
active The port is active, or up.
inactive The port is inactive, or down.
testing The port is up but no operational packets can be passed.
The port is inactive. These statuses are very rare. For more details, refer to the descrip-
tion of the MIB IF-MIB.
unknown The port status is unknown.
disabled The port was disabled.

The operating duplex mode of the NetChange port, either automatic (auto) half-duplex (half)
or full-duplex (full).
The configured duplex mode of the NetChange port, either automatic (auto) half-duplex (half)
or full-duplex (full).
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The slot number of the port.
The number of the port.
Internal use. Not documented.
The maximum number of MAC addresses allowed to access the port. the port-security mode
must be enabled.
The port-security action of the NetChange port. Possible values can be:
• For HP devices: disable (1), sendTrap (2) or sendTrapAndDisablePort (3).


• For Cisco devices: shutdown (4), dropNotify (5) or drop (6).

• For Juniper devices: none (1), drop (2), alarm (3) or shutdown (4).
The interconnection status of the NetChange port. 1 indicates that interconnection is enabled.
The interconnection status can be forced if the parameter iplport_staticinterco is set to 1.
The number of discovered items associated with the NetChange port.
The forced interconnection status of the NetChange port. 1 indicates that the interconnection
status returned in the parameter iplport_interco is forced.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the port, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The last time the port status has changed to Active, in decimal UNIX date format.
The aggregation status of the port. 1 indicates that the port is aggregated.
The database identifier (ID) of the aggregated port associated with the port.
The port power over ethernet status. 1 indicates that the port provides POE.
The maximum power over ethernet of the NetChange port, in watts.
The power over ethernet allocated to the NetChange port, in watts.
The size of the incoming bandwidth of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The size of the outgoing bandwidth of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The size of the incoming traffic in error of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The size of the outgoing traffic in error of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The name of the aggregated port associated with the port.
The database identifier (ID) of the port.


Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device the
object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).
The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange network device the port belongs to, either
unsupported (0), enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The port-security status of the NetChange network device the port belongs to, either unsup-
ported (0), enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The name of the NetChange VLAN the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange VLAN the port belongs to.
The class parameters applied to the port and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .


The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
iplport_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to and
their value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
iplnetdev_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .


iplport_info — Display the properties of a port
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the port, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a port. Use the ID to specify the port of your choice.

Output Parameters
The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of all the NetChange VLANs associated with the NetChange
port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The list of the name of all the NetChange VLANs associated with the NetChange port, as
follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of the tagged NetChange VLANs associated with the
NetChange port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The operating 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0),
enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The port-security mode of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0), disabled (1), FirstN
(2), configureSpecific (4), 8021xAuthorized (5) or LimitedContinuous (6).
The configured 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange port, either unsupported (0),
enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The interface number of the NetChange port, as follows: <slot_number>.<port_number>, or
<port_number> only when the slot number is 0.
The name of the port.
The description of the port.


The internal monitoring name of the port.
The type of the NetChange port.
The internal monitoring description of the NetChange port.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The list of the VLAN identifier (ID) of the untagged NetChange VLANs associated with the
NetChange port, as follows: <vlan_id>, <vlan_id>... .
The VLAN tagging status of the NetChange port, either trunk (1), access (2), auto (4), mixed
(6) or tagged (7).
The VLAN trunking status of the NetChange port, either N/A (0), Trunk/Tagged (1), or Ac-
cess/Untagged (2).
The maximum speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). 0 indicates that the
port is not active.
The vendor name of the NetChange port.
The operating speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). 0 indicates that the
port is not active.
The configured speed of the NetChange port, in bits per seconds (bps). -1 indicates that the
speed is automatically configured (auto).
The operational status of the port:

Table 48.2. iplport_ifoperstatus possible values

Status Description
active The port is active, or up.
inactive The port is inactive, or down.
testing The port is up but no operational packets can be passed.
The port is inactive. These statuses are very rare. For more details, refer to the descrip-
tion of the MIB IF-MIB.
unknown The port status is unknown.
disabled The port was disabled.

The operating duplex mode of the NetChange port, either automatic (auto) half-duplex (half)
or full-duplex (full).


The configured duplex mode of the NetChange port, either automatic (auto) half-duplex (half)
or full-duplex (full).
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The slot number of the port.
The number of the port.
Internal use. Not documented.
The maximum number of MAC addresses allowed to access the port. the port-security mode
must be enabled.
The port-security action of the NetChange port. Possible values can be:
• For HP devices: disable (1), sendTrap (2) or sendTrapAndDisablePort (3).
• For Cisco devices: shutdown (4), dropNotify (5) or drop (6).
• For Juniper devices: none (1), drop (2), alarm (3) or shutdown (4).
The interconnection status of the NetChange port. 1 indicates that interconnection is enabled.
The interconnection status can be forced if the parameter iplport_staticinterco is set to 1.
The number of discovered items associated with the NetChange port.
The forced interconnection status of the NetChange port. 1 indicates that the interconnection
status returned in the parameter iplport_interco is forced.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the class applied to the port, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The last time the port status has changed to Active, in decimal UNIX date format.
The aggregation status of the port. 1 indicates that the port is aggregated.


The database identifier (ID) of the aggregated port associated with the port.
The port power over ethernet status. 1 indicates that the port provides POE.
The maximum power over ethernet of the NetChange port, in watts.
The power over ethernet allocated to the NetChange port, in watts.
The size of the incoming bandwidth of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The size of the outgoing bandwidth of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The size of the incoming traffic in error of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The size of the outgoing traffic in error of the NetChange port during the last hour, in bps.
The name of the aggregated port associated with the port.
The database identifier (ID) of the port.
Internal use. Not documented.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device the
object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The status of the NetChange network device the object belongs to, either OK (1), in timeout
(2) or misconfigured (3).


The name of the class applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to, it can
be preceded by the class directory.
The 802.1X authentication status of the NetChange network device the port belongs to, either
unsupported (0), enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The port-security status of the NetChange network device the port belongs to, either unsup-
ported (0), enabled (1) or disabled (2).
The name of the NetChange VLAN the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange VLAN the port belongs to.
The class parameters applied to the port and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
iplport_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the NetChange network device the object belongs to and
their value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
iplnetdev_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .


iplport_count — Count the number of ports
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 49. NetChange IPv4 Address

NetChange IPv4 Address

iplnetdevaddr_list — List the NetChange IPv4 Addresses
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address configured for the interface of the network
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange IPv4 Address

The IPv4 address of the interface configured on the device, in hexadecimal format.
The address of the network the IP address belongs to, in CIDR format.
The IP address protocol version, IPv4 (4) or IPv6 (6).
The status of the IP address of the interface configured on the device, either active (1) or
inactive (0).
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the port the object belongs to.
The name of the IP address of the interface configured on the device.
The ID of the VLAN the IP address belongs to, as set on the network device.
The name of the VRF, as set on the network device.
The Route Distinguisher of iplnetdevip_vrfname. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be
composed of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each

NetChange IPv4 Address

iplnetdevaddr_info — Display the properties of a NetChange IPv4 Address
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address configured for the interface of the network
device, a unique identifier automatically incremented when the interface was discovered on
the device. Use it to identify the IP address of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv4 address configured for the interface of the network
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The IPv4 address of the interface configured on the device, in hexadecimal format.
The address of the network the IP address belongs to, in CIDR format.
The IP address protocol version, IPv4 (4) or IPv6 (6).
The status of the IP address of the interface configured on the device, either active (1) or
inactive (0).
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the port the object belongs to.
The name of the IP address of the interface configured on the device.
The ID of the VLAN the IP address belongs to, as set on the network device.
The name of the VRF, as set on the network device.

NetChange IPv4 Address

The Route Distinguisher of iplnetdevip_vrfname. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be
composed of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each

NetChange IPv4 Address

iplnetdevaddr_count — Count the number of NetChange IPv4 Addresses
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange IPv4 Address

iplnetdevaddr_groupby — Group NetChange IPv4 Addresses by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange IPv4 Address

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

NetChange IPv4 Address

iplnetdevaddr_groupby_count — Count the number of NetChange IPv4 Addresses
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 50. NetChange IPv6 Address

NetChange IPv6 Address

iplnetdevaddr6_list — List the NetChange IPv6 Addresses
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address configured for the interface of the network
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange IPv6 Address

The IPv6 address of the interface configured on the device, in hexadecimal format.
The address of the network the IP address belongs to, in CIDR format.
The IP address protocol version, IPv4 (4) or IPv6 (6).
The status of the IP address of the interface configured on the device, either active (1) or
inactive (0).
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the port the object belongs to.
The name of the IP address of the interface configured on the device.
The ID of the VLAN the IP address belongs to, as set on the network device.
The name of the VRF, as set on the network device.
The Route Distinguisher of iplnetdevip_vrfname. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be
composed of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each

NetChange IPv6 Address

iplnetdevaddr6_info — Display the properties of a NetChange IPv6 Address
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address configured for the interface of the network
device, a unique identifier automatically incremented when the interface was discovered on
the device. Use it to identify the IP address of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the IPv6 address configured for the interface of the network
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The IPv6 address of the interface configured on the device, in hexadecimal format.
The address of the network the IP address belongs to, in CIDR format.
The IP address protocol version, IPv4 (4) or IPv6 (6).
The status of the IP address of the interface configured on the device, either active (1) or
inactive (0).
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the port the object belongs to.
The name of the IP address of the interface configured on the device.
The ID of the VLAN the IP address belongs to, as set on the network device.
The name of the VRF, as set on the network device.

NetChange IPv6 Address

The Route Distinguisher of iplnetdevip_vrfname. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be
composed of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each

NetChange IPv6 Address

iplnetdevaddr6_count — Count the number of NetChange IPv6 Addresses
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange IPv6 Address

iplnetdevaddr6_groupby — Group the NetChange IPv6 Addresses by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

NetChange IPv6 Address

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

NetChange IPv6 Address

iplnetdevaddr6_groupby_count — Count the number of NetChange IPv6 Ad-
dresses grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 51. Discovered Item

Discovered Item

ipldev_list — List the discovered items
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the discovered item.
The database identifier (ID) of the port the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Discovered Item

The MAC address associated with the discovered item.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange VLAN associated with the discovered item.
The time at which the item has been discovered, in decimal UNIX date format.
The last time the item has been seen, in decimal UNIX date format.
The time and date, in decimal format, when the MAC address of the discovered item was
seen for the first time on a port, VLAN or network device.
The number of discovered items associated with the same NetChange port.
The name of the port the object belongs to.
The interface number of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item, as follows:
<slot_number>.<port_number>, or <port_number> only when the slot number is 0.
The description of the port the object belongs to.
The slot number of the port the discovered item is connected to.
The number of the port the discovered item is connected to.
Internal use. Not documented.
The port power over ethernet status of the NetChange port associated with the discovered
item. 1 indicates that the port associated with the discovered item provides POE.
The name of the class applied to the port the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The interconnection status of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item. 1 in-
dicates that interconnection is enabled. The interconnection status can be forced if the
parameter iplport_staticinterco is set to 1.
The forced interconnection status of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item.
1 indicates that the interconnection status returned in the parameter iplport_interco is forced.
The operating duplex mode of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item, either
automatic (auto) half-duplex (half) or full-duplex (full).
The type of the NetChange port.
The operational status of the port the discovered item is connected to:

Discovered Item

Table 51.1. iplport_ifoperstatus possible values

Status Description
active The port is active, or up.
inactive The port is inactive, or down.
testing The port is up but no operational packets can be passed.
The port is inactive. These statuses are very rare. For more details, refer to the descrip-
tion of the MIB IF-MIB.
unknown The port status is unknown.
disabled The port was disabled.

The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The human readable version of the parameter iplnetdev_ip_addr.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The serial number of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The vendor name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The total number of ports the NetChange network device the object belongs to contains.
The physical location associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to
for SNMP monitoring.
The contact associated with the NetChange network device the object belongs to for SNMP
The vendor details of the discovered item.
The name of the NetChange VLAN the object belongs to.
The status of the NetChange VLAN associated with the discovered item, either OK (1), inactive
(2) or dynamic (3).
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager interface associated with the discovered

Discovered Item

The name of the Device Manager interface associated with the discovered item.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device associated with the discovered
The name of the Device Manager device associated with the discovered item.
The database identifier (ID) of the VRF that the discovered item belongs to.
The name of the VRF, as set on the network device the object belongs to.
The Route Distinguisher of iplvrf_name. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be composed
of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each VRF.
The IPv4 address of the discovered item, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter iplip_ip_addr.
The IPv6 address of the discovered item, in hexadecimal format.
The human readable version of the parameter iplip6_ip6_addr.
The source of the discovered item, either ARP (1), DHCP lease (2), DHCP static (3) or IPAM
(4), in this discovery order of priority.
The name of the discovered item as automatically retrieved by NetChange if it is declared in
an A or PTR record in one of your DNS servers.

Discovered Item

ipldev_count — Count the number of discovered items
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Discovered Item

ipldev_groupby — Group discovered items by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Discovered Item

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

Discovered Item

ipldev_groupby_count — Count the number of discovered items grouped by paramet-

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Discovered Item

ipldev_log_count — Count the number of discovered items of a NetChange network

This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Discovered Item

ipldev_log_list — List the discovered items of a NetChange network device
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the discovered item.
The time at which the item has been discovered, in decimal UNIX date format.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Discovered Item

The last time the item has been seen, in decimal UNIX date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The interface number of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item, as follows:
<slot_number>.<port_number>, or <port_number> only when the slot number is 0.
The name of the port the object belongs to.
The number of the port the discovered item is connected to.
The slot number of the port the discovered item is connected to.
The MAC address associated with the discovered item.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the NetChange VLAN associated with the discovered item.
Internal use. Not documented.
The IPv4 address of the discovered item, in hexadecimal format.
The IPv6 address of the discovered item, in hexadecimal format.
The source of the discovered item, either ARP (1), DHCP lease (2), DHCP static (3) or IPAM
(4), in this discovery order of priority.
The name of the discovered item as automatically retrieved by NetChange if it is declared in
an A or PTR record in one of your DNS servers.
The name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The IP address of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The stack identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The product name of the NetChange network device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the NetChange network device the
object belongs to.
The vendor details of the discovered item.
The name of the NetChange VLAN the object belongs to.

Discovered Item

The name of the VRF, as set on the network device the object belongs to.
The Route Distinguisher of iplvrf_name. A unique 64-bits identifier, that can be composed
of IP addresses or AS Numbers, that differentiates every set of routes on each VRF.
The interconnection status of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item. 1 in-
dicates that interconnection is enabled. The interconnection status can be forced if the
parameter iplport_staticinterco is set to 1.
The forced interconnection status of the NetChange port associated with the discovered item.
1 indicates that the interconnection status returned in the parameter iplport_interco is forced.

Part VIII. Workflow Services
Table of Contents
52. Request .................................................................................................................. 827
workflow_request_add ........................................................................................... 828
request_incoming_list ............................................................................................ 833
request_incoming_info ........................................................................................... 836
request_incoming_count ........................................................................................ 839
request_incoming_groupby .................................................................................... 840
request_incoming_groupby_count .......................................................................... 842
request_outgoing_list ............................................................................................ 843
request_outgoing_info ........................................................................................... 846
request_outgoing_count ........................................................................................ 849
request_outgoing_groupby .................................................................................... 850
request_outgoing_groupby_count .......................................................................... 852

Chapter 52. Request


workflow_request_add — Add a request
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a request. Use the ID to specify which request to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the request, each request must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object of the request: dnszone for a DNS zone, block for an IPv4 block-type network,
subnet for an IPv4 terminal subnet-type network, pool for an IPv4 pool or ip for an IPv4 ad-

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the object of the request.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the object of the request.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of group that deals with the request. The accepted values are: group, DNS server
and VLSM space. If you do not set any value, the parameter is automatically set to group.


• Set it to group to assign it to a specific group of users, identified with the parameter re-
• Set it to DNS server to assign it to any group of users that has among its resources the
DNS server specified with the parameter request_target_name or the parameter re-
• Set it to VLSM space to assign it to any group of users that has among its resources the
IPAM space specified with the parameter request_target_name or the parameter re-

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the resource associated with the parameter request_target_type.
• If you set the parameter request_target_type to DNS server, you can specify the name
of a DNS server. Any group with the specified DNS server among its resource can execute
the request.
• If you set the parameter request_target_type to VLSM space, you can specify the name
of an IPAM space. Any group with the specified IPAM space among its resource can execute
the request.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the resource associated with the parameter request_tar-
• If you set the parameter request_target_type to group, specify the identifier (ID) of the
group of users that will deal with your request.
• If you set the parameter request_target_type to DNS server, you can specify the database
identifier (ID) of a DNS server. Any group with the specified DNS server among its resource
can execute the request.
• If you set the parameter request_target_type to VLSM space, you can specify the database
identifier (ID) of an IPAM space. Any group with the specified IPAM space among its re-
source can execute the request.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of resource associated with the parameter request_source_name. It is useless to
set it when adding or editing a request, it is automatically set to group.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

This optional parameter allows to specify the name of a group of users when creating a
Workflow request. It is useful if the requestor belongs to several groups. The rights of the
specified group are used when executing the service. Besides, all the users of the specified


group can edit the request. The group specified can be displayed in the GUI in the column
Source name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

This optional parameter allows to specify the database identifier (ID) of a group of users
when creating a Workflow request. It is useful if the requestor belongs to several groups.
The rights of the specified group are used when executing the service. This parameter serves
the same purpose as the parameter request_source_name.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the request manager, the user that deals with the request. It
is useless to set it when adding or editing a request, it is automatically set when the request
manager deals with the request.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last time the request was edited by a request manager. It is useless to set it when adding
or editing a request, it is automatically edited.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The last time the request was edited, by the requestor, a request manager or any other user
with sufficient rights. It is useless to set it when adding or editing a request, it is automatically

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The request status. By default, six statuses exist: accept, archive, cancel, finish, handle, new
and reject. It is useless to set it when adding a request, it is automatically set to new. This
parameter can also be returned and set with statuses that you or your administrator created.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value new Can be edited Yes

The action required in the request. The accepted values are: New, Modify and Delete. They
allow to ask for the addition, edition or deletion of the object specified in the parameter re-

Type String Maximum length 128


Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.


• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


request_incoming_list — List the incoming requests
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The name of the request.
The object of the request: dnszone for a DNS zone, block for an IPv4 block-type network,
subnet for an IPv4 terminal subnet-type network, pool for an IPv4 pool or ip for an IPv4 ad-
The database identifier (ID) of the object of the request.
The name of the object of the request.
The type of group that deals with the request. The accepted values are: group, DNS server
and VLSM space. If you did not set any value, the parameter is automatically set to group.
• When set to group, the request is assigned to a specific group of users, identified with the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to DNS server, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the DNS server specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to VLSM space, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the IPAM space specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.
The name of the resource associated with the parameter request_target_type, either a
group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The database identifier (ID) of the resource associated with the parameter request_tar-
get_type, either a group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The type of resource associated with the parameter request_source_name. It is always set
to group.
The name of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The action required in the request, either New, Modify or Delete.
The database identifier (ID) of the last user that handled the request.
The last time a user handled the request, in decimal UNIX date format.
The database identifier (ID) of the request manager, the user that deals with the request, it
is automatically set when the request manager deals with the request.
The last time the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request, handled
it, in decimal UNIX date format.


The request status. By default, six statuses exist: accept, archive, cancel, finish, handle, new
and reject. This parameter can also be returned and set with statuses that you or your admin-
istrator created.
The name of the class applied to the request, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The time the request was added, in decimal UNIX date format.
The last time the request was edited, by the requestor, a request manager or any other user
with sufficient rights, in decimal UNIX date format..
The time the request was deleted, in decimal UNIX date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the last user that handled the request.
The name of the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request.
The class parameters applied to the request and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
request_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


request_incoming_info — Display the properties of an incoming request
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a request. Use the ID to specify the request of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the request.
The object of the request: dnszone for a DNS zone, block for an IPv4 block-type network,
subnet for an IPv4 terminal subnet-type network, pool for an IPv4 pool or ip for an IPv4 ad-
The database identifier (ID) of the object of the request.
The name of the object of the request.
The type of group that deals with the request. The accepted values are: group, DNS server
and VLSM space. If you did not set any value, the parameter is automatically set to group.
• When set to group, the request is assigned to a specific group of users, identified with the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to DNS server, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the DNS server specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to VLSM space, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the IPAM space specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.


The name of the resource associated with the parameter request_target_type, either a
group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The database identifier (ID) of the resource associated with the parameter request_tar-
get_type, either a group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The type of resource associated with the parameter request_source_name. It is always set
to group.
The name of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The action required in the request, either New, Modify or Delete.
The database identifier (ID) of the last user that handled the request.
The last time a user handled the request, in decimal UNIX date format.
The database identifier (ID) of the request manager, the user that deals with the request, it
is automatically set when the request manager deals with the request.
The last time the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request, handled
it, in decimal UNIX date format.
The request status. By default, six statuses exist: accept, archive, cancel, finish, handle, new
and reject. This parameter can also be returned and set with statuses that you or your admin-
istrator created.
The name of the class applied to the request, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The time the request was added, in decimal UNIX date format.
The last time the request was edited, by the requestor, a request manager or any other user
with sufficient rights, in decimal UNIX date format..
The time the request was deleted, in decimal UNIX date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.


By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

The name of the last user that handled the request.
The name of the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request.
The class parameters applied to the request and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
request_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


request_incoming_count — Count the number of incoming requests
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


request_incoming_groupby — Group incoming requests by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.


request_incoming_groupby_count — Count the number of incoming requests
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


request_outgoing_list — List the outgoing requests
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request.
Internal use. Not documented.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The name of the request.
The object of the request: dnszone for a DNS zone, block for an IPv4 block-type network,
subnet for an IPv4 terminal subnet-type network, pool for an IPv4 pool or ip for an IPv4 ad-
The database identifier (ID) of the object of the request.
The name of the object of the request.
The type of group that deals with the request. The accepted values are: group, DNS server
and VLSM space. If you did not set any value, the parameter is automatically set to group.
• When set to group, the request is assigned to a specific group of users, identified with the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to DNS server, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the DNS server specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to VLSM space, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the IPAM space specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.
The name of the resource associated with the parameter request_target_type, either a
group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The database identifier (ID) of the resource associated with the parameter request_tar-
get_type, either a group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The type of resource associated with the parameter request_source_name. It is always set
to group.
The name of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The action required in the request, either New, Modify or Delete.
The database identifier (ID) of the last user that handled the request.
The last time a user handled the request, in decimal UNIX date format.
The database identifier (ID) of the request manager, the user that deals with the request, it
is automatically set when the request manager deals with the request.
The last time the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request, handled
it, in decimal UNIX date format.


The request status. By default, six statuses exist: accept, archive, cancel, finish, handle, new
and reject. This parameter can also be returned and set with statuses that you or your admin-
istrator created.
The name of the class applied to the request, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The time the request was added, in decimal UNIX date format.
The last time the request was edited, by the requestor, a request manager or any other user
with sufficient rights, in decimal UNIX date format..
The time the request was deleted, in decimal UNIX date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the last user that handled the request.
The name of the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request.
The class parameters applied to the request and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
request_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


request_outgoing_info — Display the properties of an outgoing request
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a request. Use the ID to specify the request of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Workflow request.
Internal use. Not documented.
The name of the request.
The object of the request: dnszone for a DNS zone, block for an IPv4 block-type network,
subnet for an IPv4 terminal subnet-type network, pool for an IPv4 pool or ip for an IPv4 ad-
The database identifier (ID) of the object of the request.
The name of the object of the request.
The type of group that deals with the request. The accepted values are: group, DNS server
and VLSM space. If you did not set any value, the parameter is automatically set to group.
• When set to group, the request is assigned to a specific group of users, identified with the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to DNS server, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the DNS server specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.
• When set to VLSM space, the request is assigned to any group of users that has among
its resources the IPAM space specified with the parameter request_target_name or the
parameter request_target_id.


The name of the resource associated with the parameter request_target_type, either a
group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The database identifier (ID) of the resource associated with the parameter request_tar-
get_type, either a group, a DNS server or a VLSM space.
The type of resource associated with the parameter request_source_name. It is always set
to group.
The name of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the group the user that created the request belongs to.
The action required in the request, either New, Modify or Delete.
The database identifier (ID) of the last user that handled the request.
The last time a user handled the request, in decimal UNIX date format.
The database identifier (ID) of the request manager, the user that deals with the request, it
is automatically set when the request manager deals with the request.
The last time the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request, handled
it, in decimal UNIX date format.
The request status. By default, six statuses exist: accept, archive, cancel, finish, handle, new
and reject. This parameter can also be returned and set with statuses that you or your admin-
istrator created.
The name of the class applied to the request, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The time the request was added, in decimal UNIX date format.
The last time the request was edited, by the requestor, a request manager or any other user
with sufficient rights, in decimal UNIX date format..
The time the request was deleted, in decimal UNIX date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.


By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

The name of the last user that handled the request.
The name of the user that created the request, i.e. the administrator of the request.
The class parameters applied to the request and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
request_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


request_outgoing_count — Count the number of outgoing requests
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


request_outgoing_groupby — Group outgoing requests by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.


request_outgoing_groupby_count — Count the number of outgoing requests
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Part IX. Device Manager Services
Table of Contents
53. Device Manager Device ........................................................................................... 855
hostdev_add ......................................................................................................... 856
hostdev_list .......................................................................................................... 860
hostdev_info ......................................................................................................... 863
hostdev_count ...................................................................................................... 865
hostdev_groupby ................................................................................................... 866
hostdev_groupby_count ......................................................................................... 868
hostdev_delete ..................................................................................................... 869
54. Port and Interface .................................................................................................... 871
hostiface_add ....................................................................................................... 872
hostiface_list ......................................................................................................... 876
hostiface_info ........................................................................................................ 879
hostiface_count ..................................................................................................... 882
hostiface_groupby ................................................................................................. 883
hostiface_groupby_count ....................................................................................... 885
link_hostiface_add ................................................................................................ 886
link_hostiface_list .................................................................................................. 889
link_hostiface_count .............................................................................................. 891
link_hostiface_delete ............................................................................................. 892
hostiface_delete .................................................................................................... 894

Chapter 53. Device Manager Device

Device Manager Device

hostdev_add — Add a Device Manager device
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (hostdev_name)
• Edition: (hostdev_id || hostdev_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a device. Use the ID to specify which device to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Device Manager device, each device must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length 4000

Default value Can be edited Yes

Device Manager Device

The database identifier (ID) of a space you want to associate with the Device Manager device.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address you want to associate with the Device Manager device, in hexadecimal format.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP address you want to associate with the Device Manager device, in decimal format.

Type IPv4 address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of a NetChange network device you want to associate with the
Device Manager device.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Fixed value: 1 || 2 || 3 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Device Manager Device

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).

Device Manager Device

The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Device Manager Device

hostdev_list — List the Device Manager devices
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device.
The name of the Device Manager device.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Device Manager Device

The name of the class applied to the device, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device associated with the Device
Manager device.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the NetChange network device associated with the Device Manager device.
The IP address associated with the Device Manager device.
The human readable version of the parameter hostdev_ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the Device Manager device.
The name of the space associated with the Device Manager device.
The total number of ports on the Device Manager device.
The number of ports on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The percentage of ports on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The number of ports on the Device Manager device that are currently free.
The total number of interfaces on the Device Manager device.
The number of interfaces on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The percentage of interfaces on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The number of interfaces on the Device Manager device that are currently free.
The class parameters applied to the device and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
hostdev_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .

Device Manager Device

The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

Device Manager Device

hostdev_info — Display the properties of a Device Manager device
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a device. Use the ID to specify the device of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device.
The name of the Device Manager device.
The name of the class applied to the device, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device associated with the Device
Manager device.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The name of the NetChange network device associated with the Device Manager device.
The IP address associated with the Device Manager device.
The human readable version of the parameter hostdev_ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the Device Manager device.

Device Manager Device

The name of the space associated with the Device Manager device.
The total number of ports on the Device Manager device.
The number of ports on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The percentage of ports on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The number of ports on the Device Manager device that are currently free.
The total number of interfaces on the Device Manager device.
The number of interfaces on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The percentage of interfaces on the Device Manager device that are currently active.
The number of interfaces on the Device Manager device that are currently free.
The class parameters applied to the device and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
hostdev_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

Device Manager Device

hostdev_count — Count the number of Device Manager devices
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Device Manager Device

hostdev_groupby — Group Device Manager devices by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Device Manager Device

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

Device Manager Device

hostdev_groupby_count — Count the number of Device Manager devices grouped
by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Device Manager Device

hostdev_delete — Delete a Device Manager device
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(hostdev_id || hostdev_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a device. Use the ID to specify the device of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Device Manager device.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

Device Manager Device

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 54. Port and Interface

Port and Interface

hostiface_add — Add a Device Manager port or interface
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (hostiface_name && (hostdev_id || hostdev_name)
• Edition: (hostiface_id || (hostiface_name && (hostdev_id || hostdev_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface, a unique numeric key
value automatically incremented when you add a port or interface. Use the ID to specify
which port or interface to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a device. Use the ID to specify the device of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Device Manager device.

Type s Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Device Manager port or interface, each port or interface must have a unique

Type s Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to indicate if the object is either a port or an interface.

Port and Interface

Type Fixed value: interface || port Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The MAC address you want to associate with the Device Manager port or interface.

Type MAC address Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The IP addresses you want to associate with the Device Manager port or interface, as follows

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of a space you want to associate with the Device Manager port
or interface.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The list of IPv4 addresses you want to associate to the Device Manager port or interface, in
hexadecimal format, as follows: <ip_address>, <ip_address>,...

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The list of IPv6 addresses you want to associate to the Device Manager port or interface, in
hexadecimal format, as follows: <ip_address>, <ip_address>,...

Type List of strings separated by ; Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of a NetChange port you want to associate with the Device
Manager port or interface.

Type =>0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type s Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Port and Interface

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type s Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.

Port and Interface

• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Port and Interface

hostiface_list — List the Device Manager ports & interfaces
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device the object belongs to.
The name of the Device Manager device.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Port and Interface

The name of the class applied to the device the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device associated with the Device
Manager device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface.
The name of the Device Manager port or interface.
A way to indicate if the object is either a port or an interface.
The name of the class applied to the port or interface, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface linked with hostiface_id.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port linked with hostiface_id.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port associated with the Device Manager port
or interface.
The database identifier (ID) of the Custom Database entry associated with the Device Manager
port or interface.
The MAC address associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The time at which the Device Manager port or interface has been added, in decimal UNIX
date format.
The last time the Device Manager port or interface data was reconciled, in decimal UNIX
date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The vendor details of the client associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The name of the NetChange network device associated with the Device Manager device the
object belongs to.

Port and Interface

The activation status of the NetChange network device associated with the DM port or inter-
• If set to 1, the NetChange network device is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the NetChange network device is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on
the context.
The name of the NetChange port associated with the DM port or interface.
The activation status of the NetChange port associated with the DM port or interface.
• If set to 1, the NetChange port is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the NetChange port is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
The IP address associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The human readable version of the parameter hostiface_ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The name of the space associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The DM device and port or interface to which the object is manually linked, as follows:
<hostdev_name> ( <hostiface_name> )
The DM device and port or interface to which the object is automatically linked, as follows:
<hostdev_name> ( <hostiface_name> )
The number of IP addresses associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The class parameters applied to the port or interface and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
hostiface_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the Device Manager device the object belongs to and their
value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
hostdev_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

Port and Interface

hostiface_info — Display the properties of a Device Manager port or interface
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface, a unique numeric key
value automatically incremented when you add a port or interface. Use the ID to specify the
port or interface of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device the object belongs to.
The name of the Device Manager device.
The name of the class applied to the device the object belongs to, it can be preceded by the
class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange network device associated with the Device
Manager device the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface.
The name of the Device Manager port or interface.
A way to indicate if the object is either a port or an interface.
The name of the class applied to the port or interface, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface linked with hostiface_id.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port linked with hostiface_id.
The database identifier (ID) of the NetChange port associated with the Device Manager port
or interface.

Port and Interface

The database identifier (ID) of the Custom Database entry associated with the Device Manager
port or interface.
The MAC address associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The time at which the Device Manager port or interface has been added, in decimal UNIX
date format.
The last time the Device Manager port or interface data was reconciled, in decimal UNIX
date format.
Internal use. Not documented.
The vendor details of the client associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The name of the NetChange network device associated with the Device Manager device the
object belongs to.
The activation status of the NetChange network device associated with the DM port or inter-
• If set to 1, the NetChange network device is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the NetChange network device is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on
the context.
The name of the NetChange port associated with the DM port or interface.
The activation status of the NetChange port associated with the DM port or interface.
• If set to 1, the NetChange port is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the NetChange port is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
The IP address associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The human readable version of the parameter hostiface_ip_addr.
The database identifier (ID) of the space associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The name of the space associated with the Device Manager port or interface.

Port and Interface

The DM device and port or interface to which the object is manually linked, as follows:
<hostdev_name> ( <hostiface_name> )
The DM device and port or interface to which the object is automatically linked, as follows:
<hostdev_name> ( <hostiface_name> )
The number of IP addresses associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The class parameters applied to the port or interface and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
hostiface_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the Device Manager device the object belongs to and their
value: <class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
hostdev_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

Port and Interface

hostiface_count — Count the number Device Manager ports & interfaces
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Port and Interface

hostiface_groupby — Group Device Manager ports and interfaces by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Port and Interface

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

Port and Interface

hostiface_groupby_count — Count the number of Device Manager ports and inter-
faces grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Port and Interface

link_hostiface_add — Link two Device Manager devices using their ports and/or inter-

This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: ( (hostiface1_id || (hostiface1_name && hostdev1_name)) && (hostiface2_id ||
(hostiface2_name && hostdev2_name)) )
• Edition: (link_hostiface_id || ( (hostiface1_id || (hostiface1_name && hostdev1_name)) &&
(hostiface2_id || (hostiface2_name && hostdev2_name)) ))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface link, a unique numeric
key value automatically incremented when you add a link between a device and a port or
interface. Use the ID to specify which port or interface link to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DM port or interface you want to link with hostiface2_id.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DM port or interface you want to link with hostiface1_id.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DM port or interface you want to link with hostiface2_id.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DM port or interface you want to link with hostiface1_id.

Port and Interface

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the device to which belongs the DM port or interface you want to link with hos-

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the device to which belongs the DM port or interface you want to link with hos-

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the link between two Device Manager devices is set automatically (1)
or manually (0).

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.

Port and Interface

• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Port and Interface

link_hostiface_list — List Device Manager ports & interfaces
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface, a unique numeric key
value automatically incremented when you add a port or interface. Use the ID to specify the
port or interface of your choice.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Port and Interface

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface link. Use the ID to specify
the port or interface link of your choice.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface.
A way to determine if the link between two Device Manager devices is set automatically (1)
or manually (0).
The name of the Device Manager port or interface.
A way to indicate if the object is either a port or an interface.
The MAC address associated with the Device Manager port or interface.
The time at which the Device Manager port or interface has been added, in decimal UNIX
date format.
The name of the Device Manager device.
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device the object belongs to.

Port and Interface

link_hostiface_count — Count the number of links between Device Manager devices
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface, a unique numeric key
value automatically incremented when you add a port or interface. Use the ID to specify the
port or interface of your choice.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Port and Interface

link_hostiface_delete — Delete a link between two Device Manager devices
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(link_hostiface_id || ( (hostiface1_id || (hostiface1_name && hostdev1_name)) && (hostiface2_id
|| (hostiface2_name && hostdev2_name)) ))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface link, a unique numeric
key value automatically incremented when you add a link between a device and a port or
interface. Use the ID to specify the port or interface link of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DM port or interface you want to unlink from hostiface2_id.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the DM port or interface you want to unlink from hostiface1_id.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DM port or interface you want to unlink from hostiface2_id.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the DM port or interface you want to unlink from hostiface1_id.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Port and Interface

The name of the device to which belongs the DM port or interface you want to unlink from

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the device to which belongs the DM port or interface you want to unlink from

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the link between two Device Manager devices is set automatically (1)
or manually (0).

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Port and Interface

hostiface_delete — Delete a Device Manager port or interface
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(hostiface_id || (hostiface_name && (hostdev_id || hostdev_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager port or interface, a unique numeric key
value automatically incremented when you add a port or interface. Use the ID to specify the
port or interface of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the Device Manager device, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a device. Use the ID to specify the device of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Device Manager device.

Type s Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the Device Manager port or interface.

Type s Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Port and Interface

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part X. VLAN Manager Services
Table of Contents
55. VLAN Domain .......................................................................................................... 898
vlm_domain_add ................................................................................................... 899
vlmdomain_list ...................................................................................................... 902
vlmdomain_info ..................................................................................................... 904
vlmdomain_count .................................................................................................. 906
group_vlmdomain_add .......................................................................................... 907
group_vlmdomain_delete ....................................................................................... 909
vlm_domain_delete ............................................................................................... 911
56. VLAN Range ........................................................................................................... 913
vlm_range_add ..................................................................................................... 914
vlmrange_list ........................................................................................................ 918
vlmrange_info ....................................................................................................... 921
vlmrange_count .................................................................................................... 923
group_vlmrange_add ............................................................................................. 924
group_vlmrange_delete ......................................................................................... 926
vlm_range_delete ................................................................................................. 928
57. VLAN ...................................................................................................................... 930
vlm_vlan_add ....................................................................................................... 931
vlmvlan_list ........................................................................................................... 935
vlmvlan_info .......................................................................................................... 938
vlmvlan_count ....................................................................................................... 941
vlm_vlan_delete .................................................................................................... 942

Chapter 55. VLAN Domain

VLAN Domain

vlm_domain_add — Add/Edit a VLAN domain
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: vlmdomain_name
• Edition: (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify which VLAN domain to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain, each VLAN domain must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The description of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The VLAN identifier (ID) of a VLAN, a numeric value between 1 and 4094. Use the ID to
specify the first VLAN in the VLAN domain.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

The VLAN identifier (ID) of a VLAN, a numeric value between 1 and 4094. Use the ID to
specify the last VLAN in the VLAN domain.

VLAN Domain

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The type of virtual network used by the domain. Set it to 1 to use VXLAN or 0 to use VLAN.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 0 Can be edited No

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.

VLAN Domain

The inheritance property can be set to:

• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

VLAN Domain

vlmdomain_list — List the VLAN domains
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain.
The name of the VLAN domain.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

VLAN Domain

The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN domain.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN domain.
The description of the VLAN domain.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN domain, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The type of virtual network used by the domain, VXLAN (1) or VLAN (0).
The class parameters applied to the VLAN domain and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vlmdomain_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

VLAN Domain

vlmdomain_info — Display the properties of a VLAN domain
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain.
The name of the VLAN domain.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN domain.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN domain.
The description of the VLAN domain.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN domain, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The type of virtual network used by the domain, VXLAN (1) or VLAN (0).
The class parameters applied to the VLAN domain and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

VLAN Domain

The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vlmdomain_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

VLAN Domain

vlmdomain_count — Count the number of VLAN domains
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

VLAN Domain

group_vlmdomain_add — Add a VLAN domain to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

VLAN Domain

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

VLAN Domain

group_vlmdomain_delete — Remove a VLAN domain from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

VLAN Domain

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

VLAN Domain

vlm_domain_delete — Delete a VLAN domain
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

VLAN Domain

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 56. VLAN Range

VLAN Range

vlm_range_add — Add/Edit a VLAN range
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (vlmrange_name && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name))
• Edition: (vlmrange_id || (vlmrange_name && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify which VLAN range to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN range, each VLAN range must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The description of the VLAN range.

Type String Maximum length 128

VLAN Range

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The VLAN identifier (ID) of an existing VLAN you want to set as the first VLAN in the VLAN

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The VLAN identifier (ID) of an existing VLAN you want to set as the last VLAN in the VLAN

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The overlapping restriction status of the VLAN range. Set it to 1 to prevent VLAN ID overlap-
ping in the range.

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

VLAN Range

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.

VLAN Range

The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

VLAN Range

vlmrange_list — List the VLAN ranges
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

VLAN Range

The name of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN domain the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The type of virtual network used by the domain the range belongs to, VXLAN (1) or VLAN
The name of the VLAN range.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN range.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN range.
The description of the VLAN range.
The overlapping restriction status of the VLAN range. 1 indicates that when creating VLANs
in the range, their IDs should not overlap.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN range, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The class parameters applied to the VLAN range and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vlmrange_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .

VLAN Range

The class parameters applied to the VLAN domain the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vlmdomain_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

VLAN Range

vlmrange_info — Display the properties of a VLAN range
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify the VLAN range of your

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range.
The name of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN domain the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The type of virtual network used by the domain the range belongs to, VXLAN (1) or VLAN
The name of the VLAN range.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN range.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN range.

VLAN Range

The description of the VLAN range.
The overlapping restriction status of the VLAN range. 1 indicates that when creating VLANs
in the range, their IDs should not overlap.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN range, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The class parameters applied to the VLAN range and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vlmrange_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the VLAN domain the object belongs to and their value:
<class-parameter1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vlmdomain_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<classparam2>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&... .

VLAN Range

vlmrange_count — Count the number of VLAN ranges
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

VLAN Range

group_vlmrange_add — Add a VLAN range to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (vlmrange_id || (vlmrange_name && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdo-

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify the VLAN range of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

VLAN Range

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN range.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

VLAN Range

group_vlmrange_delete — Remove a VLAN range from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (vlmrange_id || (vlmrange_name && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdo-

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users which resources you are editing, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to
specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify the VLAN range of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

VLAN Range

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN range.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

VLAN Range

vlm_range_delete — Delete a VLAN range
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(vlmrange_id || (vlmrange_name && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify the VLAN range of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN range.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

VLAN Range

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 57. VLAN


vlm_vlan_add — Add/Edit a VLAN
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (vlmvlan_vlan_id && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name))
• Edition: (vlmvlan_id || (vlmvlan_vlan_id && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify the VLAN range of your

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN range.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a VLAN. Use the ID to specify which VLAN to edit.


Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN, a unique numeric key value within a VLAN domain.
Use the ID to specify which VLAN to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN, each VLAN must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).


The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


vlmvlan_list — List the VLANs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The type of the VLAN (free or used).
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The name of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN domain the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The type of virtual network used by the domain the VLAN belongs to, VXLAN (1) or VLAN
The name of the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range the object belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN range the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN.
The name of the VLAN.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.


For free VLAN IDs (type free), it returns the first VLAN of the range of VLANs that are not
assigned yet. The last VLAN in that range is returned in the parameter free_end_vlan_id.
For free VLAN IDs (type free), it returns the last VLAN of a range of VLANs that are not as-
signed yet. The first VLAN in that range is returned in the parameter free_start_vlan_id.
The class parameters of the VLAN.
The inheritance property and propagation property of the parameters returned by
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters of the range the VLAN belongs to.
The inheritance property and propagation property of the parameters returned by vlm-
The class parameters of the domain the VLAN belongs to.
The inheritance property and propagation property of the parameters returned by vlmdo-


vlmvlan_info — Display the properties of a VLAN
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a VLAN. Use the ID to specify the VLAN of your choice.

Output Parameters
The type of the VLAN (free or used).
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The name of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN domain the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the VLAN domain the object belongs to.
The type of virtual network used by the domain the VLAN belongs to, VXLAN (1) or VLAN
The name of the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range the object belongs to.
Internal use. Not documented.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the first VLAN in the VLAN range the object belongs to.


The VLAN identifier (ID) of the last VLAN in the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The name of the class applied to the VLAN range the object belongs to, it can be preceded
by the class directory.
The description of the VLAN range the object belongs to.
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN.
The name of the VLAN.
The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN.
The name of the class applied to the object.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
For free VLAN IDs (type free), it returns the first VLAN of the range of VLANs that are not
assigned yet. The last VLAN in that range is returned in the parameter free_end_vlan_id.
For free VLAN IDs (type free), it returns the last VLAN of a range of VLANs that are not as-
signed yet. The first VLAN in that range is returned in the parameter free_start_vlan_id.
The class parameters of the VLAN.
The inheritance property and propagation property of the parameters returned by
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters of the range the VLAN belongs to.
The inheritance property and propagation property of the parameters returned by vlm-
The class parameters of the domain the VLAN belongs to.


The inheritance property and propagation property of the parameters returned by vlmdo-


vlmvlan_count — Count the number of VLANs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


vlm_vlan_delete — Delete a VLAN
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(vlmvlan_id || (vlmvlan_vlan_id && (vlmdomain_id || vlmdomain_name)))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN domain, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN domain. Use the ID to specify the VLAN domain of your

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN domain.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN range, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a VLAN range. Use the ID to specify the VLAN range of your

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN range.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VLAN, a unique numeric key value automatically incremen-
ted when you add a VLAN. Use the ID to specify the VLAN of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


The VLAN identifier (ID) of the VLAN, a unique numeric key value within a VLAN domain.
Use the ID to specify the VLAN of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VLAN.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part XI. VRF Services
Table of Contents
58. VRF ........................................................................................................................ 946
vrf_vrfobject_add .................................................................................................. 947
vrfobject_list .......................................................................................................... 950
vrfobject_info ........................................................................................................ 952
vrfobject_count ..................................................................................................... 954
vrf_vrfobject_delete ............................................................................................... 955
59. VRF Route Target .................................................................................................... 957
vrf_linkvrfimportexport_add .................................................................................... 958
link_vrfimportexport_list ......................................................................................... 961
vrf_linkvrfimportexport_delete ................................................................................ 963

Chapter 58. VRF


vrf_vrfobject_add — Add a VRF
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (vrfobject_name)
• Edition: (vrfobject_id || vrfobject_name)

Input Parameters
The name of the VRF, each VRF must have a unique name.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Route Distinguisher (RD) Identifier (ID) of the VRF. Following RFC 4364, the RD ID
format must respect one of three types:

Table 58.1. RD ID types and formats

Type RD ID Format
0 <integer between 0 and 65535>:<integer between 0 and 4294967296>
1 <IPv4 address>:<integer between 0 and 65535>
2 <integer between 0 and 4294967296>:<integer between 0 and 65535>

Any other format returns an error.

Type Regular expression: (([0-9]+)|((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0- Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The description of the VRF.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes


The database identifier (ID) of the VRF, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify which VRF to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:


• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


vrfobject_list — List the VRFs
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VRF.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The Route Distinguisher (RD) Identifier (ID) of the VRF. It can be of type 0 (<integer between
0 and 65535>:<integer between 0 and 4294967296>), 1 (<IPv4 address>:<integer between
0 and 65535>) or 2 (<integer between 0 and 4294967296>:<integer between 0 and 65535>).
The name of the VRF.
The description of the VRF.
The name of the class applied to the VRF, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The class parameters applied to the VRF and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vrfobject_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


vrfobject_info — Display the properties of a VRF
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VRF, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify the VRF of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VRF.
The Route Distinguisher (RD) Identifier (ID) of the VRF. It can be of type 0 (<integer between
0 and 65535>:<integer between 0 and 4294967296>), 1 (<IPv4 address>:<integer between
0 and 65535>) or 2 (<integer between 0 and 4294967296>:<integer between 0 and 65535>).
The name of the VRF.
The description of the VRF.
The name of the class applied to the VRF, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The class parameters applied to the VRF and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
vrfobject_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<class-
parameter2>=<inheritance>&... .


The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


vrfobject_count — Count the VRFs
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


vrf_vrfobject_delete — Delete a VRF
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(vrfobject_id || vrfobject_name)

Input Parameters
The name of the VRF of your choice.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VRF, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify the VRF of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.


The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 59. VRF Route Target

VRF Route Target

vrf_linkvrfimportexport_add — Add a VRF Route Target
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: ((src_id || (src_rd_id || src_name)) && ( dest_id || (dest_rd_id || dest_name)) )
• Edition: ((src_id || (src_rd_id || src_name)) && ( dest_id || (dest_rd_id || dest_name)) )

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VRF used as the source for the Route Target, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify
the VRF of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the VRF used as the source for the Route Target.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Route Distinguisher (RD) identifier (ID) of the VRF used as the source for the Route

Type Regular expression: (([0-9]+)|((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0- Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VRF used as the target for the Route Target, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify
the VRF of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

VRF Route Target

The name of the VRF used as the target for the Route Target.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The Route Distinguisher (RD) identifier (ID) of the VRF used as the target for the Route

Type Regular expression: (([0-9]+)|((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0- Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the target VRF retrieves the routes of the source VRF (1) or not (0).

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the source VRF sends its routes to the target VRF (1) or not (0).

Type Boolean: 0 || 1 || no || yes Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:

VRF Route Target

• Error: the service cannot be executed.

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

VRF Route Target

link_vrfimportexport_list — List the VRF Route Targets
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier of the VRF Route Target. It is composed of the database identifiers
of the target and source VRF it links as follows: <target-VRF-ID>_<source-VRF-ID> .
The object activation status:

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

VRF Route Target

• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
A way to determine if the target VRF retrieves the routes of the source VRF (1) or not (0).
A way to determine if the source VRF sends its routes to the target VRF (1) or not (0).
The database identifier of the target VRF.
The Route Distinguisher (RD) Identifier (ID) of the target VRF.
The name of the target VRF.
The database identifier of the source VRF.
The Route Distinguisher (RD) Identifier (ID) of the source VRF.
The name of the source VRF.

VRF Route Target

vrf_linkvrfimportexport_delete — Delete a VRF Route Target
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((src_id && dest_id) || (src_name && dest_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the VRF used as the target for the Route Target, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify
the VRF of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the VRF used as the source for the Route Target, a unique
numeric key value automatically incremented when you add a VRF. Use the ID to specify
the VRF of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by 128.
Deprecated, replaced by 128.
A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.

VRF Route Target

The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Part XII. Administration Services
Table of Contents
60. Services Management ............................................................................................. 967
service_list ........................................................................................................... 968
group_service_add ................................................................................................ 970
group_service_delete ............................................................................................ 972
61. Group ..................................................................................................................... 974
group_add ............................................................................................................ 975
group_list .............................................................................................................. 979
group_info ............................................................................................................ 981
group_count ......................................................................................................... 983
group_delete ......................................................................................................... 984
maintainer_group_list ............................................................................................ 985
62. User ........................................................................................................................ 986
user_add .............................................................................................................. 987
user_info .............................................................................................................. 992
user_service_list ................................................................................................... 994
group_service_list ................................................................................................. 996
group_user_add .................................................................................................... 998
group_user_delete .............................................................................................. 1000
user_delete ......................................................................................................... 1002
63. Custom Data ......................................................................................................... 1004
custom_db_data_add .......................................................................................... 1005
custom_db_data_list ............................................................................................ 1008
custom_db_data_info .......................................................................................... 1011
custom_db_data_count ....................................................................................... 1013
custom_db_data_groupby .................................................................................... 1014
custom_db_data_groupby_count .......................................................................... 1016
custom_db_data_delete ....................................................................................... 1017

Chapter 60. Services Management

Services Management

service_list — List the services
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the service.
The description of the service.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Services Management

The service default assignment. 1 indicates that the service can be executed by any group
of users by default. That is to say that any group of users created is granted access to the
service. 0 indicates that the administrators must grant the users access to the service if they
want to execute it. This only applies to services that can be added as group resource.
The service visibility in the GUI. 1 indicates that the service is listed among the services of
the properties page of a group of users. 0 indicates that the service is not visible in the GUI.
For instance, all the <*_count> services are set to 0 as the number of items is visible on all
the listing pages.
The name of the module the service applies to, either IPAM (ip), DHCP (dhcp) DNS (dns),
Application (app), Guardian (guardian), NetChange (iplocator), Workflow (workflow), Device
Manager (host), VLAN Manager (vlm), VRF (vrf), SPX (SPX), Administration (system), Report
(report) or Rights & Delegation (access).
The service type, either service, macro or internal. No user can execute or grant access to
the internal services as they are internal to SOLIDserver and run on their own when needed.
The service help command availability. 1 indicates that you can use the command <ser-
vice_name> help to get the list of input and output parameters. 0 indicates that the help
command is unavailable for the service.

Services Management

group_service_add — Add a service to a group resources/Grant a group access to a

This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (service_id || service_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the service. Use the ID to specify the service of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the service.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

Services Management

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

Services Management

group_service_delete — Remove a service from a group resources/Deny a group
access to a service

This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (service_id || service_name))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the service. Use the ID to specify the service of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the service.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Services Management

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

Chapter 61. Group


group_add — Add/Edit a group of users
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: grp_name
• Edition: (grp_id || grp_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify which group of users to

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The description of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to determine if the group of the user running the service is the admin group (System).

Type String Maximum length 64

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing group of users you want to copy the rights from.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


The name of an existing group of users you want to copy the rights from.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing group of users you want to set as the parent of the
group of users you are adding/editing.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of an existing group of users you want to set as the parent of the group of users
you are adding/editing.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by row_enabled.
The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Integer Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes


A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:


• Error: the service cannot be executed.

• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


group_list — List the groups a user belongs to
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users.
The name of the group of users.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


A way to determine if the group of the user running the service is the admin group (System).
The description of the group of users.
The name of the class applied to the group, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent group of users. 0 indicates that group of users has
no parent group.
The path toward the parent group within the database: <parent-group-name>#<group-
ID>#<group-name>#<group-ID>. If the group has no parent, it returns <group-name>#<group-
The level of the group of users, where 0 represents the highest level in the users hierarchy
Internal use. Not documented.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.
• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The class parameters applied to the group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
grp_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<classparam2>=<in-
heritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the parent group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_grp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-


group_info — Display the properties of a group a user belongs to
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify the group of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users.
The name of the group of users.
A way to determine if the group of the user running the service is the admin group (System).
The description of the group of users.
The name of the class applied to the group, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the parent group of users. 0 indicates that group of users has
no parent group.
The path toward the parent group within the database: <parent-group-name>#<group-
ID>#<group-name>#<group-ID>. If the group has no parent, it returns <group-name>#<group-
The level of the group of users, where 0 represents the highest level in the users hierarchy
Internal use. Not documented.
The object activation status:
• 0 indicates the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• 1 indicates the object is enabled and managed.


• 2 indicates the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.

By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.
The class parameters applied to the group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
grp_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<classparam2>=<in-
heritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:
tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .
The class parameters applied to the parent group and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance and/or propagation properties of the class parameters returned in the para-
meter parent_grp_class_parameters: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-


group_count — Count the number of groups the user belongs to
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


group_delete — Delete a group of users
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(grp_id || grp_name)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.


maintainer_group_list — List the groups of users used as Maintainer
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users.
The name of the group of users.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Chapter 62. User


user_add — Add/Edit a user
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: usr_login
• Edition: (usr_id || usr_login)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the user, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a user. Use the ID to specify which user to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_login.
The login of the user. A local user and a remote user cannot share the same login account.
This login cannot be an email address.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_description.
The description of the user.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_fname.
The first name of the user.

Type String Maximum length 255


Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_lname.
The last name of the user.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_email.
The email address of the user.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_type.
The type of the user, either local or remote.

Type Fixed value: local || passwd || pam || rule Maximum length N/A
Default value local Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_path.
A way to redirect the user your are adding/editing toward the web page of your choice when
they log in. Specify the URL of your choice.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_password.
The password of the user.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_www_settings.
The URL toward which the user should be directed after being authenticated, in URL format.

Type String Maximum length 255


Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of an existing group of users you want to set as the maintainer
of the user you are adding/editing. Members of the maintainer group are allowed to edit the
user information and classes. By default, the maintainer group is the admin group.

Type Integer >= 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of an existing group of users you want to set as the maintainer of the user you are
adding/editing. Members of the maintainer group are allowed to edit the user information and
classes. By default, the maintainer group is the admin group.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the class to apply to the object you are adding, editing or looking for. You must
specify the class file directory, e.g. my_directory/my_class.class .You cannot use the classes
global and default, they are reserved by the system.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value Can be edited Yes

The class parameters to apply to the object you are adding/editing. Specify one or several
class parameters and their value, both encoded in URL format: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by row_enabled.
The object activation status.
• If set to 0, the object is present in the database but ignored, i.e. it cannot be managed,
counted or listed. This status is applied on objects deleted from the GUI.
• If set to 1, the object is enabled and managed.
• If set to 2, the object is unmanaged, disabled or both depending on the context.
By default, row_enabled is set to 1 when an object is created.

Type Integer Maximum length N/A

Default value 1 Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).


Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A list of all the class parameters that you want to delete. The class parameters must be en-
coded in URL format and separated by a &: <class-parameter1>&<class-parameter2>&... .
Any parameter not specified is still applied to the object with its current inheritance and
propagation property configuration.

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The object class parameters inheritance property and propagation property, both encoded
in URL format. These properties are ignored if the class parameters you specify are not in-
cluded in the input parameter <object>_class_parameters.
Specify the class parameters name and the value of their inheritance property and/or
propagation property, both encoded in URL format. The parameters specified must be sep-
arated by a & and the properties by a comma: <class-parameter1>=<inheritance>,<propaga-
tion>&<class-parameter2>=<inheritance>&... . If the inheritance or propagation property is
not specified, its default value - set, propagate - is used.
The inheritance property can be set to:
• inherited: the object inherits the value of the class parameter from its container, it might
inherit it from from several levels above.
• set: the value of the class parameter is set from the object level, no matter the value of
this class parameter on higher levels.
• inherited_or_set: the value of the class parameter is either inherited from the container if
they both have the class parameter configured with the same value or set if this class
parameter was not defined on the container or had a different value.
The propagation property can be set to:
• restrict: the value of the class parameter is only used at this level.
• propagate: the value of the class parameter is propagated to the lower level(s).

Type String Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.


The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

In the example below, we call the service user_add with PHP (cURL) to add a new SOLIDserver
user. In our case, this user has to log in with the credentials sdsuser as login and theirpassword
as password, and we specified an email address: sdsuser@mydomain.tld .

Example 62.1. Calling the service user_add using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://solid.intranet/rest/user_add?".

"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;


user_info — Display the properties of the user running the service
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the user.
The login of the user.
The type of the user, either local or remote.
The URL the user is redirected to when they log in. If empty, there is no redirection.
The description of the user.
The first name of the user.
The last name of the user.
The email address of the user.
The URL toward which the user should be directed after being authenticated, in URL format.
The name of the class applied to the user, it can be preceded by the class directory.
The database identifier (ID) of the user maintainer group.
The name of the user maintainer group.
The class parameters applied to the user and their value: <class-paramet-
er1>=<value1>&<class-parameter2>=<value2>&... .
The inheritance property and/or propagation property of the class parameters returned by
usr_class_parameters: <classparam1>=<inheritance>,<propagation>&<classparam2>=<in-
heritance>,<propagation>&... .
The container(s) from which the object inherits its class parameters. The parameters are
separated by a & and followed by the type and ID of the container, separated by a comma:


tainer-type>,<container-ID>&... .


user_service_list — List the services a user can execute
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the module the service applies to, either IPAM (ip), DHCP (dhcp) DNS (dns),
Application (app), Guardian (guardian), NetChange (iplocator), Workflow (workflow), Device
Manager (host), VLAN Manager (vlm), VRF (vrf), SPX (SPX), Administration (system), Report
(report) or Rights & Delegation (access).

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The name of the service.
The service activation status. 1 indicates the service is active.


group_service_list — List the services a user can execute according to the groups they
belong to

This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The name of the group the user belongs to.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.


The name of the module the service applies to, either IPAM (ip), DHCP (dhcp) DNS (dns),
Application (app), Guardian (guardian), NetChange (iplocator), Workflow (workflow), Device
Manager (host), VLAN Manager (vlm), VRF (vrf), SPX (SPX), Administration (system), Report
(report) or Rights & Delegation (access).
The name of the service.
The service activation status. 1 indicates the service is active.


group_user_add — Add a user to a group resources
This service allows to add an object to the resources of a group. You can only add one object to
a group resource per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (usr_id || usr_login))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the user, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a user. Use the ID to specify the user of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_login.
The login of the user.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A


Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

In the example below, we call the service group_user_add with Python (Requests) to add a
user as resource to a group of users. The user sdsuser will benefit from the objects and rights
that the group of users regular is configured with.

Example 62.2. Calling the service group_user_add using Python

import requests

url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/group_user_add"

querystring = {"grp_name":"regular","usr_login":"sdsuser"}

headers = {
'x-ipm-username': "aXBtYWRtaW4=",
'x-ipm-password': "YWRtaW4=",
'cache-control': "no-cache"

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)



group_user_delete — Remove a user from a group resources
This service allows to remove an object from a group resources.You can only remove one object
from the resources of a group per call.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

((grp_id || grp_name) && (usr_id || usr_login))

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of a group of users, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a group of users. Use the ID to specify the group of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the group of users.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the user, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a user. Use the ID to specify the user of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_login.
The login of the user.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes


Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.

In the example below, we call the service group_user_delete with PHP (cURL) to remove a
user from the resources of a group of users. When the service is executed, the user sdsuser can
no longer manage the object or perform the services granted to the group regular.

Example 62.3. Calling the service group_user_add using PHP


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"cache-control: no-cache",
"x-ipm-password: YWRtaW4=",
"x-ipm-username: aXBtYWRtaW4="

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;


user_delete — Delete a user
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

(usr_id || usr_login)

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the user, a unique numeric key value automatically incremented
when you add a user. Use the ID to specify the user of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Deprecated, replaced by usr_login.
The login of the user.

Type String Maximum length 128

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.


The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Chapter 63. Custom Data

Custom Data

custom_db_data_add — Add/Edit a custom database entry
This service allows to add objects or edit existing ones. A call can only add or edit one object.
• If no identifier is specified, a new object is created.
• If an existing identifier is specified, the value of all the parameters specified in input edits the
corresponding objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters

• Addition: (custom_db_name_id || custom_db_name)
• Edition: custom_db_data_id

Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database entry, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a custom database entry. Use the ID to specify
which custom database entry to edit.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the custom database, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a custom database. Use the ID to specify the custom database
of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The name of the custom database.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Custom Data

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Custom Data

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

One of the 10 values you can associate with the custom database entry specified in the
parameter custom_db_data_id.

Type String Maximum length 255

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to overload your current operation. Flag the object you are adding/editing if you do
not want to edit an existing object that matches your input parameters (new_only) or if you
want to edit an existing object but not create a new one (edit_only).

Type Fixed value: new_edit || new_only || edit_only Maximum length N/A

Default value new_edit Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.
The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Custom Data

custom_db_data_list — List the custom database entries
This service allows to list the objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.
To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database entry.
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Custom Data

One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
The description of the custom database.
The name of the custom database.
The type of the custom data, either it belongs to the custom DB Vendor available by default
(system) or it belongs to a custom DB you created (read-only).
The read-only status of the custom database. 1 indicates that the custom database cannot
be edited.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value1.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value2.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value3.

Custom Data

The label to be displayed for the parameter value4.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value5.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value6.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value7.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value8.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value9.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value10.

In the example below, we call the service custom_db_data_list with PowerShell to display the
service help. Everything included before the variable $headers allows to skip the SSL certificate
checks, if you are using a self-signed certificate.

Example 63.1. Calling the service custom_db_data_list using PowerShell

add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult(
ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
return true;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Ssl3,
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11,

$headers = @{ "X-IPM-Username" = 'aXBtYWRtaW4='; "X-IPM-Password" = 'YWRtaW4=' }

$url = "https://solid.intranet/rest/custom_db_data_list"
$VRFs = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $url -Method Get -DisableKeepAlive
$VRFs | Format-List

Custom Data

custom_db_data_info — Display the properties of a custom database
This service allows to display the properties of an object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database entry, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a custom database entry. Use the ID to specify the
custom database entry of your choice.

Output Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database entry.
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database.
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter

Custom Data

One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
One of the 10 values associated with the custom database entry returned by the parameter
The description of the custom database.
The name of the custom database.
The type of the custom data, either it belongs to the custom DB Vendor available by default
(system) or it belongs to a custom DB you created (read-only).
Internal use. Not documented.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value1.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value2.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value3.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value4.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value5.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value6.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value7.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value8.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value9.
The label to be displayed for the parameter value10.

Custom Data

custom_db_data_count — Count the number of custom database entries
This service allows to return the number of objects.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Custom Data

custom_db_data_groupby — Group custom databases by parameter(s)
This service, like the SQL statement GROUPBY, allows to gather objects using the columns, i.e.
the parameters, specified in input. Unlike other services, the result is not a list of objects but an
aggregated result.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to sort the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
in this clause, except class parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Custom Data

To sort the result using class parameters, you must tag them first. For more details, refer to
the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause ORDERBY.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as follows: <parameter>='<value>'. The clause must be encoded in URL
You can add the optional keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after each
parameter. If not specified, ASC is used by default. The order of the parameters specified is
set using their value's name or ordinal number. Each parameter value is compared from one
row to the next. If all the parameters of the rows are equal, they are returned in an implement-
ation-dependent order.
The number of rows to skip in the service output.
The input parameter offset must be specified in lowercase.
The maximum number of results to be returned. Depending on the user resources and the
database content, it can return less results than the value you have specified.
The input parameter limit must be specified in lowercase.

Output Parameters
Your parameters
Any parameter specified in the input statement SELECT is returned.

Custom Data

custom_db_data_groupby_count — Count the number of custom databases
grouped by parameter(s)

This service allows to display the total number of results of the service *_groupby.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Input Parameters
A statement that allows to specify which column(s), i.e. parameter, is returned by the service.
To decide which parameter aggregates the objects returned, use the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows: SE-
LECT=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.
Each parameter can be associated with an SQL aggregation function: count, max, min, sum
or avg. The aggregation function syntax is the following: SELECT=<aggr.-
funct.>(<param1>),<aggr.-funct.>(<param2>) where the brackets are required.
If no aggregation function is used, the parameter(s) specified in the statement SELECT must
also be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
A clause that allows to filter the result. You can include any output parameter of the service
*_list of the object in this clause, except class parameters.
To filter the result using class parameters, you must tag them first . For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Clause WHERE.
The parameters and their value must be specified following the operators and syntax of the
SQL standard, as in the following examples : <parameter>='<value>' or <parameter> IS NOT
NULL. The clause must be encoded in URL format.
A statement that allows to aggregate the objects returned using the parameter(s) of your
choice. Any parameter specified in the statement SELECT without aggregation function must
be specified in the statement GROUPBY.
The statement can contain any output parameter of the service *_list, except class parameters.
If you specify several parameters they must be separated by a comma as follows:
GROUPBY=<param1>,<param2>,... . The clause must be encoded in URL format.
To include class parameters in the statement, you must tag them first. For more details, refer
to the section Including Tagged Class Parameters in the Statements SELECT and GROUPBY.

Output Parameters
The total number of objects matching your input parameters.

It is no longer possible to use the structure <object-name>_class_parameters like <value> directly in the clause WHERE.

Custom Data

custom_db_data_delete — Delete a custom database entry
This service allows to delete an object. A call can only delete one object.

To execute this service, users must be granted the permission to use it. The rows returned to
the user running the service depend on the resources granted to the group they belong to.

Mandatory Input Parameters


Input Parameters
The database identifier (ID) of the custom database entry, a unique numeric key value
automatically incremented when you add a custom database entry. Use the ID to specify the
custom database entry of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

The database identifier (ID) of the custom database, a unique numeric key value automatically
incremented when you add a custom database. Use the ID to specify the custom database
of your choice.

Type Integer > 0 Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

A way to bypass (accept) any enabled rule that would return warning messages. If the service
returns an error message, you cannot bypass the enabled rules.

Type Fixed value: accept Maximum length N/A

Default value N/A Can be edited Yes

Output Parameters
The status returned by the service after its execution. A successful operation returns 0. If the
operation fails it returns another number, detailed in the appendix Return Codes.
The message matching the errno returned.
The level of severity of the errno returned:
• Error: the service cannot be executed.
• Warning: the service execution can continue but an issue might have occurred.
• Notice: the service execution succeeded.

Custom Data

The input parameter(s) that caused an issue during the service execution.
The format that should have been used for the input parameter(s).
The value of the input parameter(s) that caused the error during the service execution.
The database identifier (ID) of the object you added or edited.

Appendix A. IPAM Cheat Sheet

Figure A.1. Some IPAM key services and parameters

Appendix B. IPAM Workflow Sample

Figure B.1. An IPAM orchestration scenario

Appendix C. DHCP Options
This appendix describes all the DHCP options that you can configure at server, group, scope
range and static level.

They are described following their Option category in the GUI configuration wizard:
• Most Used Options.
• Basic.
• Server Parameters.
• Lease Information.
• Host IP.
• Interface.
• Servers.
• BootP Compatible.
• DHCP Packet Fields.
• Microsoft DHCP Client.
• NetWare Client.
• NIS/NISplus.
• Miscellaneous.
• Vendor Nwip.
• Vendor MSFT Options.

Most Used Options

Table C.1. Most used DHCP options
Name Code Value type Description
domain-name 15 text (name) Domain name the client uses when resolving
name via DNS.
domain-name-servers 6 list of IP addresses List of Domain Name Servers (DNS) available
for this client These servers are listed by order
of preference.
routers 3 list of IP addresses List of routers for client subnet. These servers
are listed by order of preference.
default-lease-time N/A duration in seconds Default lease duration.
local-address N/A IP address The IP address that the DHCP server listens on
for DHCP requests, rather than listening on all
local IP addresses. Configure this option if the
server only clients are reached via unicast, such
as via DHCP relay agents.
max-lease-time N/A duration in seconds Maximum lease duration (unavailable for BOOTP
min-lease-time N/A duration in seconds Minimum lease duration.
one-lease-per-client N/A boolean If set to Yes, when a client sends a DHCPRE-
QUEST for a particular lease, the server auto-
matically frees any other leases the client holds.
ping-check N/A boolean Allows to check via ICMP request if the target
address is not used.

DHCP Options

Table C.2. Basic DHCP options
Name Code Value type Description
auto-configure 116 boolean Allows to ask whether, and be notified if, auto-
configuration should be disabled on the local
For more details, refer to the RFC2563 available
on IETF website at
broadcast-address 28 IP address Specifies the broadcast address for the interface
host-name 12 text (name) Client host name.
allow-booting N/A boolean Allows to decide whether or not to respond to
queries from a particular client. It must be set in
a host declaration.
By default, booting is allowed. If you disable it
for a particular client, that client cannot to get an
address from the DHCP server.
allow-bootp N/A boolean Allows to decide whether or not to respond to
bootp queries. By default, bootp queries are al-
authoritative N/A boolean Allocation and checking of IP addresses accord-
ing to the network segment where the DHCP
client is connected.
ping-timeout N/A duration in seconds Maximum timeout answer for a ping from the
DHCP server.
site-option-space N/A text (name) Allows to specify from which option space the
site-local options are taken. The site-local op-
tions are the ones with an option code between
224 and 254.
use-host-decl-names N/A boolean If set to Yes, the name provided for the host
declaration will be supplied to the client as its
vendor-option-space N/A boolean Determines from what option space vendor op-
tions are taken. Please refer to option 43
subnet-mask 1 IP address The subnet mask of the connected interface.

Server Parameters
All server parameter related DHCP options must be preceded by the name of the server they
apply to as follows: <server-name>.<option>

Table C.3. Available server parameters

Name Code Value type Description
adaptative-lease-time-threshold N/A number between 1 Regulates the allocated lease time within a
and 100, percentage range. When the number of allocated leases
rises above the percentage stated, all the DHCP
clients get the minimal lease time (min-lease-
time value). Once the number of allocated leases
drops back below the threshold, the server re-
verts back to normal lease times.

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

authoritative N/A boolean Allocation and checking of IP addresses accord-
ing to the network segment where the DHCP
client is connected.
leasequery N/A boolean Allows to specify if the server should respond to
DHCPLEASEQUERY packets sent by CMTSs,
i.e. send back lease information (creation/expir-
ation date...).
ping-check N/A boolean Allows to check via ICMP request if the target
address is not used.
ping-timeout N/A duration in seconds Maximum timeout answer for a ping from the
DHCP server.
storm-detection-check-request N/A number Specifies the number of requests that have to
be received in order to trigger the MAC address
black listing. Only MAC addresses associated
with an IP address are taken in account in the
black list. It means that the clients have to make
a DHCP request first with an IP address.
This parameter has to be used in conjunction
with the parameters storm-detection-check-sec
and storm-detection-ignore-sec.
If nothing is specified in the field, the default
value is 20. If you set a different value, it must
be between 1 and 65535.
storm-detection-check-sec N/A duration in seconds Specifies the period during which the system
allows requests. It then checks if it has more
than X requests in this time lap, then if it is over,
it blacklists the MAC for X seconds.
This parameter has to be used in conjunction
with the parameters storm-detection-check-re-
quest and storm-detection-ignore-sec.
If nothing is specified in the field, the default
value is 2. If you set a different value, it must be
between 1 and 65535.
storm-detection-ignore-sec N/A duration in seconds Number of seconds during which any DHCP re-
quest from the blacklisted device should be ig-
This parameter has to be used in conjunction
with the parameters storm-detection-check-re-
quest and storm-detection-check-sec.
If nothing is specified in the field, the default
value is 30. If you set a different value, it must
be between 1 and 65535.

Lease Information
These options concern the technical mechanisms on the client side of SOLIDserver DHCP protocol.

Table C.4. Lease information options

Name Code Value type Description
dhcp-rebinding-time 59 duration in seconds Time interval from address assignment until the
client transitions to the REBINDING state.
dhcp-renewal-time 58 duration in seconds Time interval from address assignment until the
client transitions to the RENEWING state.

DHCP Options

Table C.5. WINS/NetBIOS options
Name Code Value type Description
netbios-dd-server 45 list of IP addresses List of NetBIOS datagram distribution servers
(NBDD), defined by RFC1001 and RFC1002.
These servers are sorted by order of preference.
netbios-name-servers 44 list of IP addresses List of WINS servers or of Net-BIOS name
servers (NBMS). These servers are sorted by
order of preference.
For more details, refer to RFC1001 available on
IETF website at
and to RFC1002 at
netbios-node-type 46 number Type of NetBIOS knot described in RFC1001
and RFC1002. The value is represented by a
numerical code: 1 for B-node, 2 for P-node, 4
for M-node, 8 for H-node.
netbios-scope 47 text (name) Netbios-scope name value of NetBIOS scope
specified in RFC1001 and RFC1002.

Host IP
Table C.6. Host IP options
Name Code Value type Description
default-ip-ttl 23 duration in seconds Default lifetime that the client must use to send
a datagram on the network. Valid values
between 1 and 255.
ip-forwarding 19 boolean Allows to enable or disable IP forwarding, accord-
ingly the client should configure its IP layer for
packets forwarding.
For more details, refer to RFC1533 available on
IETF website at
max-dgram-reassembly 22 number Maximum size of datagram which the client must
prepare to assemble.
non-local-source-routing 20 boolean Allow the source-routing forwarding if the next-
hop is on a different physical interface from that
crossed by the datagram.
For more details, refer to RFC1122 available on
IETF website at
path-mtu-aging-timeout 24 second Aging time for the Path MTU Discovery defined
for the client.
For more details, refer to RFC1191 available on
IETF website at
path-mtu-plateau-table 25 list of numbers List of MTU sizes for the PMTU RFC1191. MTU
sizes are prioritized by the order and do not have
to be lower than 68.
policy-filter 21 2 IP addresses Specifies the filtering policy for the non-local-
source-routing. These filters are defined by a list
of destination and netmask IP address couplets
which specify the destination of entering routes.
Any "routedsource" datagram not figuring in the
list of filters is destroyed.

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

subnet-selection 118 IP address The DHCP server determines the subnet from
which the request originated.
For more details, refer to RFC3011 available on
IETF website at

Table C.7. Interface options
Name Code Value type Description
all-subnets-local 27 boolean Specifies if the IP interface must demand that
all subnets with which it communicates use the
same MTU as that used by the physical inter-
arp-cache-timeout 35 duration in seconds The timeout in seconds for ARP cache entries.
auto-configure 116 boolean Allows to ask whether, and be notified if, auto-
configuration should be disabled on the local
For more details, refer to the RFC2563 available
on IETF website at
broadcast-address 28 IP address Specifies the broadcast address for the inter-
face's subnet.
classless-static-route 121 list of IP addresses Allows to use the routers used by the IP protocol
to set up a packet transmission path between
two IP hosts (one source and one destination
host) through the router IP address, listed in the
routing table.
This option obsoletes the Static Route option
(option 33).
For more details, refer to the RFC3442 available
on IETF website at
default-tcp-ttl 37 duration in seconds Specifies the default TTL that the client should
use when sending TCP segments.
ieee802-3-encapsulation 36 boolean Specifies if the client must use Ethernet Version
2 encapsulation or IEEE 802.3 on its interface
if it is ethernet.
interface-mtu 26 number Size of MTU to use for this interface, it should
be at least 68 bytes.
mask-supplier 30 boolean Specifies if the interface must declare its net-
mask during an ICMP echo.
perform-mask-discovery 29 boolean Specifies if, for this interface, the client should
attempt an ICMP discovery to find its net-mask.
Note that using this parameter is not recommen-
ded, as the first response received is taken into
account and may be incorrect.
router-discovery 31 boolean Specifies if, for this interface, the client should
solicit routers by the "Router Discovery" mech-
For more details, refer to the RFC1256 available
on IETF website at

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

router-solicitation-address 32 IP address Specifies the address by which, for this interface,
the client must emit its solicitation requests to
the routers.
static-routes 33 2 IP addresses In the route interface's cache, the first entry in
the list is the destination address and the second
is the router's address. The default route
( is not tolerated here.
This option, introduced in RFC2132, was obsol-
eted by the Classless Static Route Option (option
subnet-mask 1 IP address The subnet mask for the network segment to
which the client is connected.
tcp-keepalive-garbage 39 boolean Specifies if the client must send a garbage byte
with a keepalive message.
tcp-keepalive-interval 38 duration in seconds The time to wait before sending a keep alive
message on a TCP connection.
trailer-encapsulation 34 boolean Specifies if the client must negotiate the use of
trailers with ARP.
For more details, refer to the RFC893 available
on IETF website at

Table C.8. Server options
Name Code Value type Description
cookie-servers 8 list of IP addresses Lists the cookie servers available for this client.
These servers are listed by order of preference.
For more details, refer to the RFC865 available
on IETF website at
finger-server 73 list of IP addresses List of Finger servers. These servers are sorted
by order of preference.
font-servers 48 list of IP addresses Lists the system-X Windows font servers avail-
able for this client. These servers are sorted by
order of preference.
ien116-name-servers 5 list of IP addresses IEN 116 name servers list for this client. These
servers must be sorted by preference order.
impress-servers 10 list of IP addresses Lists the Imagen Impress servers available for
this client. These servers are listed by order of
irc-server 74 list of IP addresses List of Internet Relay Chat server.
log-servers 7 list of IP addresses Lists the UDP log servers (MIT-LCS syslog),
available for this client. These servers are listed
by order of preference.
lpr-servers 9 list of IP addresses Lists the printer servers available for this client.
These servers are listed by order of preference.
For more details, refer to the RFC1179 available
on IETF website at
mobile-ip-home-agent 68 list of IP addresses List the mobile IP home agent.

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

nis-servers 41 list of IP addresses Lists the IP of NIS servers available for the client.
The servers can be sorted by order of prefer-
nisplus-servers 65 list of IP addresses Lists the IP addresses of NIS+ servers available
for the client. The servers can be sorted by order
of preference.
nntp-server 71 list of IP addresses Lists the NNTP news servers. These servers
are sorted by order of preference.
ntp-servers 42 list of IP addresses Lists the NTP news servers. These servers are
sorted by order of preference.
pop-server 70 list of IP addresses Lists the POP3 message servers.These servers
are sorted by order of preference.
resource-location-servers 11 list of IP addresses Lists the resource servers available for this cli-
ent. These servers are listed by order of prefer-
For more details, refer to the RFC887 available
on IETF website at
leasequery N/A boolean Allows to specify if the server should respond to
DHCPLEASEQUERY packets sent by CMTSs,
i.e. send back lease information (creation/expir-
ation date...).
smtp-server 69 list of IP addresses Lists the SMTP message servers.These servers
are sorted by order of preference.
streettalk-directory-assistance- 76 list of IP addresses Lists the IP addresses in order of preference for
server STDA servers available to the client.
Streettalk-server 75 list of IP addresses Lists the StreetTalk servers. These servers are
sorted by order of preference.
tftp-server-name 66 list of IP addresses Name of the TFTP server to use when the
Sname field is used to carry Options.
www-server 72 list of IP addresses Lists the WEB servers.
x-display-manager 49 list of IP addresses Lists the X Window XDM system servers. These
servers are sorted by order of preference.

BootP Compatible
Table C.9. BOOTP compatibility options
Name Code Value type Description
boot-size 13 number Length in block of 512 bytes of the boot image
file for this client.
bootfile-name 67 number Name of the boot file to use when the File field
is used to carry options.
cookie-servers 8 list of IP addresses List the Cookie servers available. These servers
are sorted by order of preference.
For more details, refer to the RFC865 available
on IETF website at
domain-name-servers 6 list of IP addresses Lists the domain name servers (DNS), available
for this client. These servers are listed by order
of preference.

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

extensions-path 18 path Name of the file containing additional options to
be interpreted. The format is described in
For more details, refer to the RFC2132 available
on IETF website at
impress-servers 10 list of IP addresses Lists the Imagen Impress servers available for
this client. These servers are listed by order of
merit-dump 14 path Path of file in which the client must copy the
memory image in the event of a crash. This path
is constituted by a set of NVT ASCII characters.
resource-location-servers 11 list of IP addresses Lists the resource servers available for this cli-
ent. These servers are listed by order of prefer-
For more details, refer to the RFC887 available
on IETF website at
root-path 17 path Path of the disk route for this client. This path is
constituted by a set of NVT ASCII characters.
filename N/A file name Name of the boot file to use when the field is
used to carry options.
next-server N/A IP address Allows to specify the IP address of the server
from which the initial boot file (specified in the
filename statement) has to be loaded. Server-
name should be a numeric IP address. If no
next-server parameter applies to a given client,
the DHCP server's IP address is used. Some
clients prefer to receive the server name in the
server-name option.
server-name N/A text (name) Allows to inform the client of the name of the
server from which it is booting.This name should
be the same as the one provided to the client.
swap-server 16 IP address The IP address of the client's Swap Server.
time-offset 2 duration in seconds Time offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal
time-servers 4 IP address Time server available for this DHCP client.

DHCP Packet Fields

Table C.10. Packet fields options
Name Code Value type Description
dhcp-client-identifier 61 text A unique identifier for DHCP clients. It allows to
identify clients using the option value rather than
their MAC address.
dhcp-parameter-request-list 55 list of numbers Used by a DHCP client to request specific option
type values from the DHCP server. Each option
type is requested and listed by a number value
containing a valid or recognized DHCP option
code for the server.
dhcp-rebinding-time 59 duration in seconds Specifies the time interval from address assign-
ment until the client transitions to the REBIND-
ING state.

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

dhcp-renewal-time 58 duration in seconds Specifies the time interval from address assign-
ment until the client transitions to the RENEW-
ING state.
dhcp-server-identifier 54 IP address The identifier is the IP address of the selected
user-class 77 text Information on the client class.
vendor-class-identifier 60 text Allows to identify the vendor type and configura-
tion of a DHCP client.
vendor-encapsulated-options 43 provided by the Allows to use encapsulated options provided by
vendor your vendor. The option can contain a single
vendor-specific value or one (or more) vendor-
specific sub-options. The configuration set for
each vendor is saved in a class. All the vendor
classes are kept separately in the DHCP server
configuration and trigger a unique response for
each vendor.

Microsoft DHCP Client

Table C.11. Microsoft DHCP client options
Name Code Value type Description
dhcp-lease-time 51 duration in seconds Allows to let the clients ask for the lease time of
the IP address they are allocated with a request
dhcp-rebinding-time 59 duration in seconds Specifies the time interval from address assign-
ment until the client transitions to the REBIND-
ING state.
dhcp-renewal-time 58 duration in seconds Specifies the time interval from address assign-
ment until the client transitions to the RENEW-
ING state.
dhcp-server-identifier 54 address The identifier is the IP address of the selected
domain-name 15 name Specifies the domain name that client should
use when resolving hostnames via the Domain
Name System.
domain-name-servers 6 list of IP addresses Specifies a list of Domain Name System name
servers available to the client. Servers should
be listed in order of preference.
domain-search-list 135 list of domains In some circumstances, it is useful for the DHCP
client to be configured with the domain search
list. Note that Microsoft Windows 200x, XP do
not support a list of domain search.
netbios-name-servers 44 list of IP addresses List of Net-BIOS name servers (NBMS). These
servers are sorted by order of preference.
For more details, refer to RFC1001 available on
IETF website at
and to RFC1002 at
netbios-node-type 46 hexadecimal The NetBIOS node type option allows NetBIOS
over TCP/IP clients which are configurable to
be configured as described in RFC1001 and
RFC1002. Available values are: 0x1 = B-node;
0x2 = P-node; 0x4 = M-node; 0x8 = H-node .

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

netbios-scope 47 name Specifies the NetBIOS over TCP/IP scope
parameter for the client as specified in RFC1001
and RFC1002.
routers 3 list of IP addresses Specifies a list of IP addresses for routers on
the client's subnet. Routers should be listed in
order of preference.
www-proxy-server 252 URL Allows to automatically configure proxy settings
for the client's browser. Type in the URL of the
server that stores the information.

NetWare Client
Table C.12. NetWare client options
Name Code Value type Description
nds-context 87 text Specifies the initial NDS context the client should
nds-servers 85 IP address Specifies one or more NDS servers for the client
to contact for access to the NDS database.
Servers should be listed in order of preference.
nds-tree-name 86 name Specifies the initial NDS context the client should
nwip-domain 62 name Allows to convey the NetWare/IP domain name
used by the NetWare/IP product.
autoretries 8 provided by the Specifies a list of Quote of the Day servers
vendor available to the client. The servers should be
listed in order of preference.
autoretry-secs 9 provided by the Specifies a list of LPR servers available to the
vendor client. The servers should be listed in order of
nearest-nwip-server 7 provided by the Specifies a list of MIT-LCS UDP servers avail-
vendor able to the client. The servers should be listed
in order of preference.
nsq-broadcast 5 provided by the Specifies a list of Name servers available to the
vendor client. The servers should be listed in order of
nwip-1-1 10 provided by the Specifies a list of Imagen Impress servers
vendor available to the client. The servers should be
listed in order of preference.
preferred-dss 6 provided by the Specifies a list of DNS servers available to the
vendor client. The servers should be listed in order of
primary-dss 11 provided by the Specifies a list of RLP servers available to the
vendor client. The servers should be listed in order of
Slp-directory-agent 78 address IP Specifies the location of one or more SLP Direct-
ory Agents.
Slp-service-scope 79 scope Indicates the scopes that a SLP Agent is con-
figured to use.

DHCP Options

Table C.13. NIS/NISplus options
Name Code Value type Description
nis-domain 40 name Specifies the name of the client's NIS domain.
The domain is formatted as a character string
consisting of characters from the NVT ASCII
character set.
nis-servers 41 list of IP addresses Lists the IP of NIS servers available for the client.
The servers can be sorted by order of prefer-
nisplus-domain 64 name Specifies the name of the client's NIS+ domain.
The domain is formatted as a character string
consisting of characters from the NVT ASCII
character set.
nisplus-servers 65 list of IP addresses Specifies a list of IP addresses indicating NIS+
servers available to the client. Servers should
be listed in order of preference.

Table C.14. Miscellaneous DHCP options
Name Code Value type Description
Avaya-96xxx 242 ascii string Private use options - Useful for Avaya 96xxx
(Refer to vendor documentation)
Mitel-DSCP-Priority 133 unsigned integer Allows to set the IEEE 802.1D/P Layer 2 Priority,
between 1 and 6 useful for Mitel IP phones. For more details, refer
to vendor documentation.
Mitel-IP-PHONE 130 ascii string Allows to set a discrimination string, useful for
Mitel IP phones. For more details, refer to vendor
Mitel-RTC-Controller 129 IP address Allows to set the IP address of the call server,
useful for Mitel IP phones. For more details, refer
to vendor documentation.
Mitel-TFTP-Server 128 IP address Allows to set the IP address of the TFTP server,
useful for Mitel IP phones. For more details, refer
to vendor documentation.
Mitel-VLAN-ID 132 unsigned integer Allows to set the VLAN ID, useful for Mitel IP
between 1 and 4094 phones. For more details, refer to vendor docu-
default-url 114 ascii string Specifies the default URL to present in a web
For more details, refer to the RFC3679 available
on IETF website at
dhcp-max-message-size 57 unsigned integer Used by a DHCP client or server to specify the
maximum size of DHCP message it is willing to
accept. The minimum legal value is 576 bytes.
For more details, refer to the RFC2132 available
on IETF website at
dhcp-message 56 ascii string Used by a DHCP server to send an error mes-
sage to a message DHCPNAK to a client in the
event of a failure. The option can be used by the

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

client in a message DHCPDECLINE to indicate
why the client declined the offered parameters.
For more details, refer to the RFC2132 available
on IETF website at
dhcp-message-type 53 unsigned integer Used to convey the type of the DHCP message
via an integer. Expected values: 1 (DHCPDIS-
For more details, refer to the RFC2132 available
on IETF website at
dhcp-option-overload 52 see RFC Allows to indicate that the DHCP fields sname
or file are being overloaded when used to carry
DHCP options. Specify it if the returned paramet-
ers exceed the usual space alloted for options.
For more details, refer to the RFC2132 available
on IETF website at
dhcp-requested-address 50 IP address Allows DHCP clients to ask to be assigned a
particular IP address in their request (DHCPDIS-
For more details, refer to the RFC2132 available
on IETF website at
domain-search 119 list of domains DNS domain search list.
For more details, refer to the RFC3397 available
on IETF website at
name-service-search 117 see RFC Name Service Search. For more details, refer
to the RFC2937 available on IETF website at
nwip-suboptions 63 see RFC The NetWare/IP option code will be used to
convey all the NetWare/IP related information
except for the NetWare/IP domain name.
For more details, refer to the RFC2242 available
on IETF website at
always-broadcast N/A boolean Allows to force the DHCP server to always
broadcast its responses to clients by setting this
flag to on for the relevant scope.
To avoid creating excess broadcast traffic on
your network, we recommend limiting this option
use to as few clients as possible.
always-reply-rfc-1048 N/A boolean If set to Yes, he DHCP server responds with an
RFC-1048-style vendor options fields even if the
BOOTP clients do not follow the RFC1048 when
sending their requests.
boot-unknown-clients N/A boolean Allows to decide whether or not to dynamically
assign addresses to unknown clients.
Dynamic address assignment to unknown clients
is allowed by default.
An unknown client is a client that has no host

DHCP Options

Name Code Value type Description

client-updates N/A boolean Allows to decide whether or not to honor the cli-
ent's intention to do its own update of its A re-
This is only relevant when doing interim DNS
log-facility N/A ascii string Causes the DHCP server to do all of its logging
on the specified log facility.
min-secs N/A unsigned integer The minimum number of seconds since a client
between 1 and 255 began trying to acquire a new lease before the
DHCP server responds to its request.
remote-port N/A unsigned integer Causes the DHCP server to transmit DHCP re-
between 0 and sponses to DHCP clients upon the UDP port
65535 specified in port, rather than on port 68.
stash-agent-options N/A boolean If set to Yes for a given client, the server records
the relay agent information options sent during
the client's initial DHCPREQUEST message
when the client was in the SELECTING state.
The the server behaves as if these options were
included in all subsequent DHCPREQUEST
messages sent in the RENEWING state.
update-optimization N/A boolean If set to false, the server will attempt a DNS up-
date for that client each time the client renews
its lease, rather than only attempting an update
when it appears to be necessary.
This will allow the DNS to heal from database
inconsistencies more easily, but the cost is that
the DHCP server must do many more DNS up-
We recommend enabling this option, its default
setting, as it only affects the behavior of the in-
terim DNS update scheme, and has no effect
on the ad-hoc DNS update scheme.
update-static-leases N/A boolean Causes the DHCP server to do DNS updates
for clients even if these clients are being as-
signed thei IP address using a fixed-address
This can only work with the interim DNS update
It is not recommended because the DHCP
server has no way to tell that the update has
been done, and therefore will not delete the re-
cord when it is not in use.
vivco 124 binary V-I Vendor Class, or Vendor-Identifying Vendor
Class. For more details, refer to the RFC3925
available on IETF website at
vivso 125 binary V-I Vendor-Specific Information, or Vendor-
Identifying Vendor-Specific Information. For more
details, refer to the RFC3925 available on IETF
website at

Vendor Nwip
All NetWare/IP Domain Name options below apply to servers, so when configuring these options,
make sure to list all the servers in order of preference. For more details, refer to the RFC2242
available on IETF website at

DHCP Options

Table C.15. Vendor Nwip options

Name Code Value type Description
autoretries 8 provided by the Specifies a list of Quote of the Day servers
vendor available to the client.
autoretry-secs 9 provided by the Specifies a list of LPR servers available to the
vendor client.
nearest-nwip-server 7 provided by the Specifies a list of MIT-LCS UDP servers avail-
vendor able to the client.
nsq-broadcast 5 provided by the Specifies a list of Name servers available to the
vendor client.
nwip-1-1 10 provided by the Specifies a list of Imagen Impress servers
vendor available to the client.
preferred-dss 6 provided by the Specifies a list of DNS servers available to the
vendor client.
primary-dss 11 provided by the Specifies a list of RLP servers available to the
vendor client.

Vendor MSFT
Table C.16. Vendor MSFT options
Name Code Value type Description
default-routers-ttl 3 list of IP addresses A list of 32 bit IP addresses for routers on the
client's subnet. The routers should be listed in
order of preference.
disable-netbios 1 provided by the The subnet mask for the network segment to
vendor which the client is connected.
release-on-shutdown 2 provided by the The offset of the client's subnet in seconds from
vendor Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Appendix D. Return Codes
This section contains the API (Application Programming Interface) return codes for SOLIDserver.
For each return code, the following information is provided:
This number corresponds to the number returned by each web service.
Indicates the level that generated the return code. The possible severity codes and their
meanings include:
• Error: the web service processing cannot continue.
• Warning: the web service processing can continue, but problems might develop later. You
should be cautious.
• Notice: the web service processing can continue, but an issue has been detected.
Explains the circumstances under which this return code might be generated.

Table D.1. SOLIDserver return codes

Code Level Description
60000 Multistatus 60000: Communications-interrupted.
60001 Multistatus 60001: Partner-down.
60002 Multistatus 60002: Recovering.
60003 Multistatus 60003: Starting up.
60004 Multistatus 60004: Server management via SNMP can only be in read-only. We recommend to
update to SSL.
60005 Multistatus 60005: This server type is no longer supported. To manage a Microsoft server, create
a "Microsoft DHCP" server.
60006 Multistatus 60006: The shared network is not saved in the DHCP server configuration until it is
associated with at least one scope.
60007 Multistatus 60007: The shared network is not saved in the DHCP server configuration until it is
associated with at least one scope.
60008 Multistatus 60008: The prefix delegation is not saved in the DHCP server configuration until it
belongs to a shared network associated with at least one scope.
61000 Multistatus 61000: Zone type incompatible with Hybrid.
61001 Multistatus 61001: Hybrid servers cannot manage authoritative and recursive zones.
61002 Multistatus 61002: Hybrid does not support forward on authoritative servers.
61003 Multistatus 61003: Hybrid does not support forwarders on authoritative servers.
61004 Multistatus 61004: Hybrid server with authoritative zones cannot be recursive.
61005 Multistatus 61005: RR type incompatible with Hybrid.
61006 Multistatus 61006: Server type incompatible with Hybrid.
61007 Multistatus 61007: TSIG keys not supported on Hybrid recursive servers.
61008 Multistatus 61008: Hybrid servers do not support views.
61009 Multistatus 61009: Hybrid does not support forwarding configuration on authoritative servers.
61010 Multistatus 61010: Zone type incompatible with Route 53.
61011 Multistatus 61011: RR type incompatible with Route 53.
61012 Multistatus 61012: Route 53 servers do not support views.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

61013 Multistatus 61013: At least one character in the value of the record is not supported by Route
53 servers.
61014 Multistatus 61014: Only TLD zones are replicated on Route 53 servers.
61015 Multistatus 61015: Maximum number of AWS zones reached.
61016 Multistatus 61016: Maximum number of RRset per AWS zone reached.
61017 Multistatus 61017: Maximum number of records per RRset per AWS zone reached.
61018 Multistatus 61018: This RPZ zone cannot be replicated on one of the physical servers of the
61019 Multistatus 61019: The syntax of the BIND include file is incorrect.
61020 Multistatus 61020: RRL is not supported on this version of BIND.
61021 Multistatus 61021: RRL is not supported on this DNS server.
61022 Multistatus 61022: The zone name does not comply with AWS format.
61023 Multistatus 61023: The server has no GSS-TSIG key.
61024 Multistatus 61024: Server management via SNMP can only be in read-only. We recommend to
update to SSL.
61025 Multistatus 61025: This server type is no longer supported. To manage a Microsoft server, create
a "Microsoft DNS" server.
61026 Multistatus 61026: The zone has records configured with geolocation routing policy. You cannot
edit or delete it from our GUI.
61027 Multistatus 61027: The zone has records configured with routing policy or health check option.
You cannot edit or delete it from our GUI.
61028 Multistatus 61028: Hybrid servers must be managed via a smart architecture.
61029 Multistatus 61029: Maximum number of Azure zones reached.
61030 Multistatus 61030: Zone type incompatible with Azure DNS.
61031 Multistatus 61031: RR type incompatible with Azure DNS.
61032 Multistatus 61032: Maximum number of RRsets per Azure zone reached.
61033 Multistatus 61033: Only TLD zones are replicated on Azure DNS servers.
61034 Multistatus 61034: Azure DNS servers do not support views.
61035 Multistatus 61035: Maximum number of records per RRset per Azure zone reached.
61036 Multistatus 61036: The architecture contains views.They are not supported by one of its servers.
61037 Multistatus 61037: The architecture contains zone types not supported by one of its servers.
61038 Multistatus 61038: The architecture contains RPZ zones. They are not supported by one of its
61039 Multistatus 61039: The architecture contains record types not supported by one of its servers.
62001 Multistatus 62001: A node was disabled due to the health check result.
00004 Error Missing parameter(s) [$parameters].
00005 Error Bad parameter(s) [$parameters=$param_value].
00006 Error Permission denied. [$msg] Contact your administrator, either to obtain the relevant
rights to perform the operation, or to ask him/her to perform it for you.
00010 Error Parameter '$parameter' too long ($max_size max).
00011 Error Object '$obj_name' already exists.
00012 Error Bad parameter format ($parameters) ($param_value).
00013 Error Value cannot be changed (parameter: $parameter, previous value: $prev_value,
new value: $new_value).
00014 Error Invalid license.
00015 Error Internal protocol error (too many values).

Return Codes

Code Level Description

00016 Error Syntax error at line "$line" near "$token". The file "$file" was not correctly imported.
00018 Error Too many connection attempts with invalid credentials. Retry later.
00019 Error Please specify some data before performing the search.
00100 Error Failed to perform your action. (action: $action, object: $object).
00101 Notice Object added (object: $object).
00102 Notice Object deleted (object: $object).
00103 Notice Object modified (object: $object).
00104 Error Object already exists.
00105 Error Cannot modify the parameter.
00106 Error This value already exists.
00107 Error The operation is impossible on this object (name: $object_name, type: $object_type).
00108 Error Cannot find object (error 108).
00109 Error The same action is already in progress.
00110 Error $message.
00111 Warning $message.
00112 Notice $message.
00200 Notice The action was successfully completed.
00201 Notice "$file" was successfully deleted.
00202 Error File "$file" already exists.
00203 Notice Class "$file" copied.
00204 Error Unable to edit the class "$file": it is already used. This class cannot be deleted, dis-
abled, moved, used as a template or no longer used as template for as long as it is
applied to a resource.
00205 Notice Class "$file" renamed.
00206 Notice The class "$file" was successfully duplicated.
00207 Notice Class "$file" has been moved.
00208 Notice Initialization completed.
00209 Error The class "$file" already exists.
00210 Error Classes located inside 'Library' directory can not be handled.
00211 Error This class can not be moved or added to the Library.
00212 Error Enabling a space class as a template is not allowed.
00213 Error Enabling an IP address class as template is not allowed.
00214 Error The backup archive is corrupted or invalid. The restoration process will be aborted.
00215 Notice The following key is never used: [$key].
00216 Error Unable to perform this operation from the Hot Standby: the database is in read-only.
Perform it from the Master appliance.
00217 Error Unable to export the PDF file: the number of columns is limited to 40.
00219 Error Unable to export the data in this format: a PDF file cannot contain more than
$max_pages pages.
00400 Error Could not set an appropriate failover channel to the network $subnet_name
($space_name / $subnet_addr), because $failovers were found. You will have to
update it manually in the networks listing.
00402 Error The failover channel "$dhcpfailover_name" cannot be applied to the network "$sub-
net_name" ($subnet_addr). In the space "$site_name", this network has already
been configured with the failover "$old_dhcpfailover_name".

Return Codes

Code Level Description

00403 Error The advanced properties of the DHCP scope "$dhcpscope" of the server "$dh-
cp_name" cannot be replicated to the IPAM: at least one of the existing networks
matches it.
00404 Error The advanced properties of the type A DNS RR "$hostaddr" ($ip_name) cannot be
replicated to the IPAM: at least one IP address matches it.
00405 Error The advanced properties of the DHCP static "$hostaddr" linked to the MAC address
"$mac_addr" cannot be replicated to the IPAM: at least one IP address matches it.
00450 Notice Migration done.
00501 Error SNMP agent timeout: $hostaddr.
00502 Error "SNMP Bad Value" on the device: $hostaddr.
00503 Error "SNMP No such object" on the device: $hostaddr.
00504 Error "SNMP Wrong type" on the device: $hostaddr.
00505 Error "SNMP Generic error" on the device: $hostaddr.
00506 Error "SNMP Authorization error" on the device: $hostaddr.
00507 Error SNMP agent timeout for $hostaddr: Failure in sendto (Host is down).
02202 Notice User enabled (name: $usr_login).
02203 Notice User disabled (name: $usr_login).
02204 Notice Group enabled (name: $grp_name).
02205 Notice Group disabled (name: $grp_name).
02206 Notice Objects add/delete to groups.
02207 Error Cannot copy right admin group.
02208 Error User without group cannot connect to SOLIDServer, please contact your administrator.
02209 Error Group already exist (name: $grp_name).
02210 Error User already exist (login: $usr_login).
02211 Error Cannot change parent group: group loop.
02212 Error Cannot delete admin group.
02213 Error Cannot delete a parent group.
02214 Error Cannot find user.
02215 Error Cannot delete ipmadmin user.
02216 Error Cannot change non local password.
02217 Error Cannot find group or user.
02218 Error Cannot find group or space.
02219 Error Cannot find group or network (block).
02220 Error Cannot find group or network (subnet).
02221 Error Cannot find group or pool.
02222 Error Cannot find group or network (block v6).
02223 Error Cannot find group or network (subnet v6).
02224 Error Cannot find group or pool v6.
02225 Error Cannot find group or DHCP server.
02226 Error Cannot find group or DHCP scope.
02227 Error Cannot find group or DNS server.
02228 Error Cannot find group or DNS view.
02229 Error Cannot find group or DNS zone.
02230 Error Cannot find group or class.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02231 Error Cannot find group or service.
02232 Error Only users in the admin group can connect to SOLIDServer.
02234 Notice The group "$grp_name" was successfully added.
02235 Error Unable to edit the rights over the class "$class_name": the class is disabled.
02236 Error Unable to edit this class: rights over the classes "default" and "global" cannot be
02237 Error Unable to find the group or VLAN domain.
02238 Error Unable to find the group or VLAN range.
02239 Error Unable to find the group.
02240 Error Unable to find the autnum.
02243 Notice The right $service_name was successfully granted to the group $grp_name.
02244 Notice The right $service_name was successfully denied to the group $grp_name.
02245 Error Unable to change the password: it does not comply with the required password
02300 Notice Ping OK ($hostaddr).
02301 Error Ping timeout ($hostaddr).
02400 Notice The rule "$rule_name" was successfully enabled.
02401 Notice The rule "$rule_name" was successfully disabled.
02402 Notice Rule initialized (name: $rule_name).
02403 Notice Rule deleted (name: $rule_name).
02405 Error Cannot initialize disabled rule.
02406 Error Unable to add the rule "$rule_name": this rule name is already used.
02501 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for a new scope.
02502 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for scope deletion.
02503 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for a new option.
02504 Error The server didn't answer in time to the request for option deletion.
02505 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for a new static.
02506 Error The server didn't answer in time to the request for static deletion.
02507 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for a new range.
02508 Error The server didn't answer in time to the request for range deletion.
02509 Error Static already exist (name: $dhcphost_name, address: $dhcphost_addr, DHCP
server: $dhcp_name).
02510 Error Range overlap [$range_name].
02511 Error Cannot change DHCP static IP address on a Microsoft DHCP server.
02514 Error Can't delete a group with statics.
02515 Error Unable to edit the server "$dhcp_name", it is in read-only: Microsoft DHCP servers
with agent are no longer supported.
02520 Error You must first select DHCP ranges.
02521 Error You must first select DHCP scopes.
02522 Error You must first select DHCP leases.
02523 Notice DHCP server deleted (name: $dhcp_name).
02524 Notice DHCP group deleted (name: $dhcpgroup_name).
02525 Notice DHCP failover channel deleted (name: $dhcpfailover_name).
02526 Notice DHCP range deleted (name: $dhcprange_name).

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02527 Notice DHCP scope deleted (name: $dhcpscope_name).
02528 Notice DHCP static deleted (name: $dhcphost_name).
02529 Notice DHCP ACL deleted (name: $dhcpclass_name).
02530 Notice The DHCP ACL entry "$dhcpsubclass_value" was successfully deleted.
02531 Notice DHCP lease deleted (name: $dhcplease_name).
02532 Notice Scope modified (name: $dhcpscope_name, modified parameter: $parameter).
02533 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_name copied.
02534 Notice Static $dhcphost_name copied.
02535 Notice The DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully added to the static.
02536 Notice The DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully deleted from the static.
02537 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_name moved.
02538 Notice The DHCP scope "$dhcpscope_name" was successfully added.
02539 Notice The DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully added to the scope.
02540 Notice The DHCP range "$dhcprange_name" was successfully added.
02541 Notice The DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully added to the range.
02542 Notice DHCP range option deleted (name: $dhcpoption_name).
02543 Notice Option $dhcpoption_name modified (value: $value).
02544 Notice DHCP server synchronized (name: $dhcp_name).
02545 Notice Added group to the static $dhcphost_name.
02546 Notice The DHCP static "$dhcphost_name" was successfully added.
02547 Notice Option $dhcpoption_name modified on static $dhcphost_name.
02548 Notice Failover channel modified on range $dhcprange_name.
02549 Error The start address ($new_start_addr) is greater than the end address
($new_end_addr) on the range "$dhcprange_name".
02550 Warning Could not modify the range $dhcprange_name: rolling back to the previous range
02551 Notice Static $dhcphost_name modified.
02552 Notice The ACL "$dhcpclass_name" was successfully added.
02553 Notice The entry was successfully added on the ACL "$dhcpclass_name".
02554 Notice The option was successfully added on the ACL "$dhcpclass_name".
02555 Notice The option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully added to the entry of the ACL
02556 Notice The DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully added to the server.
02557 Notice The shared network "$dhcpsn_name" was successfully added.
02558 Notice The option definition "$optiondef_name" was successfully added to the DHCP server
02559 Notice The DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name" was successfully added to the range.
02560 Notice Option $dhcpoption_name modified (value: $value).
02561 Error ACL not configured for this DHCP server (name: $dhcpclass_name).
02562 Error Shared network not configured for this DHCP server.
02563 Error DHCP scope already exists (address: $dhcpscope_addr, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02564 Error DHCP range already exists (address: $dhcprange_addr, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02565 Error Cannot find a DHCP server or a DHCP scope.
02566 Error Cannot find DHCP server.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02567 Error DHCP ACL already exists (name: $dhcpclass_name, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02568 Error Cannot find a DHCP server or an ACL.
02569 Error The DHCP ACL entry already exists (value: $dhcpsubclass_name, ACL name:
$dhcpclass_name, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02570 Error Cannot find DHCP a server or a group.
02571 Error DHCP group already exists (name: $dhcpgroup_name, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02572 Error Cannot find the DHCP server of failover channel.
02573 Error DHCP failover channel already exists (name: $dhcpfailover_name, DHCP name:
$dhcp_name, type: $dhcpfailover_type).
02574 Error Can't find DHCP server or shared network.
02575 Error Unable to perfom the operation: a shared network named "$dhcpsn_name" already
exists on the DHCP server "$dhcp_name".
02576 Notice The failover channel "$dhcpfailover_name" (type: $dhcpfailover_type) was success-
fully added to the DHCP server "$dhcp_name".
02577 Error DHCP failover port already used (port: $port, failover channel name: $dhcpfail-
02578 Error DHCP server already used as secondary for a failover channel (DHCP name: $dh-
02579 Error Cannot set this DHCP server as secondary: it is already used (DHCP name: $dh-
02580 Error Can only create shared network on EfficientIP DHCP (DHCP name: $dhcp_name,
type: $dhcp_type).
02581 Error Can't find DHCP server or server option.
02582 Error Can't find DHCP scope or scope option.
02583 Error Can't find DHCP ACL or ACL option.
02584 Error Unable to find the DHCP ACL entry or DHCP option.
02585 Error Can't find DHCP group or group option.
02586 Error Can't find DHCP range or range option.
02587 Error Unable to find the DHCP static or DHCP option.
02588 Error Can't find DHCP scope (address: $dhcpscope_addr, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02590 Error Can't find DHCP range (address: $dhcprange_addr, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02592 Error Can't find DHCP static (name: $dhcphost_name, address: $dhcphost_addr, DHCP
server: $dhcp_name).
02594 Error Can't find DHCP ACL (name: $dhcpclass_name, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02596 Error Unable to find the DHCP ACL entry (value: $dhcpsubclass_value, ACL name: $dh-
cpclass_name, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02598 Error Can't find DHCP group (name: $dhcpgroup_name, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02600 Error Can't find DHCP failover channel (name: $dhcpfailover_name, DHCP server: $dh-
02602 Error Can't find DHCP server or option definition.
02603 Error DHCP option definition already exists (Name: $dhcpoptiondef_name, DHCP server:
02604 Error Can't modify standard option definition (name: $dhcpoptiondef_name).
02605 Error Can't delete standard option definition (name: $dhcpoptiondef_name).
02606 Notice The option definition "$dhcpoptiondef_name" was successfully deleted from the
DHCP server "$dhcp_name".

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02608 Error Can't find DHCP option definition (name: $dhcpoptiondef_name, DHCP server:
02609 Error Can't modify used option definition (name: $dhcpoptiondef_name).
02610 Error Can't delete used option definition (name: $dhcpoptiondef_name).
02611 Error DHCP server name already exists (name: $dhcp_name).
02612 Error Smart DHCP server cannot be used as secondary in failover channel.
02613 Error Scope overlap [$scope_name].
02614 Error DHCP static not in scope (address: $dhcphost_addr, DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02615 Error Can't find DHCP server, scope or range.
02616 Error Can't find DHCP lease.
02617 Error Can't delete a children DHCP server.
02618 Error Can't delete a SMART DHCP server with children.
02619 Error Too many DHCP servers selected.
02620 Error Failover channel not configured for this DHCP server.
02621 Error Range overlap [$dhcprange_name].
02622 Error Too many failover channels set for this smart architecture (DHCP smart server:
$dhcp_name, smart architecture: $vdhcp_arch).
02623 Error Can't delete a DHCP failover currently used by a DHCP scope (Failover name:
02624 Error DHCP server address already exists (address: $hostaddr).
02625 Error Can't change DHCP server name (name: $dhcp_name).
02626 Error Can't change DHCP server type (from: $from, to: $to).
02627 Error Unable to edit the DHCP option "$optiondef_name": the format of its value is invalid
02628 Error Can't find this DHCP option definition on this server (option name: $optiondef_name,
DHCP server: $dhcp_name).
02629 Notice The DHCP server "$dhcp_name" was successfully added.
02630 Notice The DHCP group "$dhcpgroup_name" was successfully added.
02631 Notice The DHCP lease "$dhcplease_name" was successfully added.
02632 Error DHCP server is in read-only mode (SMART DHCP member).
02633 Error Invalid IP addresses (DHCP scope address: $dhcpscope_addr, DHCP range address:
02634 Error Specified DHCP scope size is invalid (too small).
02635 Error Line $line could not be parsed.
02636 Error Unable to delete the ACL "$object_name": you cannot delete an already used ACL.
02637 Notice DHCP group deleted (name: $dhcpgroup6_name).
02638 Notice DHCP failover channel deleted (name: $dhcpfailover6_name).
02639 Notice The option definition "$dhcpoptiondef6_name" was successfully deleted from the
DHCP server "$dhcp6_name".
02640 Notice DHCP range deleted.
02641 Notice DHCP scope deleted (name: $dhcpscope6_name).
02642 Notice DHCP static deleted (name: $dhcphost6_name).
02643 Notice DHCP lease deleted (name: $dhcplease6_name).
02644 Error Your DHCP server is in stateless mode.
02645 Error Cannot change DHCP server into stateless mode, you have to delete all ranges and
statics first.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02646 Error The DHCP static with the IP address $dhcphost_addr should be located outside the
range $dhcprange_start_addr - $dhcprange_end_addr.
02647 Error The option $optiondef_name is not supported on the object $option_type.
02648 Notice The DHCP scope "$dhcpscope_name" is now Unmanaged.
02649 Notice The DHCP scope "$dhcpscope_name" is now Managed.
02650 Notice The DHCP range "$dhcprange_name" is now Unmanaged.
02651 Notice The DHCP range "$dhcprange_name" is now Managed.
02652 Notice The DHCP static "$dhcphost_name" is now Unmanaged.
02653 Notice The DHCP static "$dhcphost_name" is now Managed.
02654 Notice The DHCPv6 scope "$dhcpscope6_name" is now Unmanaged.
02655 Notice The DHCPv6 scope "$dhcpscope6_name" is now Managed.
02656 Notice The DHCPv6 range "$dhcprange6_name" is now Unmanaged.
02657 Notice The DHCPv6 range "$dhcprange6_name" is now Managed.
02658 Notice The DHCPv6 static "$dhcphost6_name"s now Unmanaged.
02659 Notice The DHCPv6 static "$dhcphost6_name" is now Managed.
02660 Error Unable to convert the DHCP physical server into a smart: the MAC address "$mac-
addr" of the static "$hostname" is invalid.
02662 Error The lease no longer exists.
02663 Warning DHCPv6 option definition ignored: $optiondef_name ($option_code).
02664 Notice The DHCPv6 scope "$dhcpscope6_name" was successfully added.
02665 Notice The DHCPv6 range "$dhcprange6_name" was successfully added.
02666 Error Unable to add/edit the DHCP server "$dhcp_name": the SNMP parameters cannot
be saved.
02667 Error Unable to add the option definition "$dhcpoptiondef_name".
02669 Notice The DHCPv6 group "$dhcpgroup6_name" was successfully added.
02670 Notice The DHCPv6 static "$dhcphost6_name" was successfully added.
02671 Error Unable to add the range: it contains $range_size addresses (max. size:
02672 Error Unable to rename the ACL "$dhcpclass_name" of the server "$dhcp_name": you
cannot edit an ACL name.
02673 Notice The option definition "$optiondef_name" was replaced with a similar option
($rep_optiondef_name) on the DHCP server "$dhcp_name".
02674 Error Unable to add the option definition "$optiondef_name" (code:"$optiondef_code",
type:"$optiondef_type") on the DHCP server "$dhcp_name": this code is already
defined for the option "$rep_optiondef_name" (code:"$rep_optiondef_code",
02676 Error Unable to find the DHCP lease.
02677 Error The DHCP lease already exists.
02678 Error Unable to find the DHCP failover.
02679 Error The synchronization of the DHCP server "$dhcp_name" failed: connection timeout.
02680 Error The synchronization of the DHCP server "$dhcp_name" failed: invalid credentials.
02681 Notice The DHCPv6 ACL "$dhcpclass6_name" was successfully deleted.
02682 Notice The DHCPv6 ACL entry "$dhcpsubclass6_value" was successfully deleted.
02700 Error "$member_name" is a smart architecture. It cannot be managed by the server
02701 Error "$dhcp_name" is a physical server. It cannot manage other physical servers

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02702 Error "$member_name" is a physical server. It cannot be managed by another physical
server ($parent_name).
02704 Error Unable to switch to partner-down a failover in "$dhcpfailover_state": only the state
communication-interrupted can be switched to partner-down.
02705 Error Unable to add the static: another one with the same name already exists on this
DHCP server.
02706 Error Unable to perform this operation: you must synchronize the DNS server first.
02708 Warning The DHCPv4 server is already managed by an appliance ("$serial" at "$hostaddr")
and was last synchronized "$time" second(s) ago. Click on OK to force management
from the new appliance.
02709 Error Unable to add/edit the DHCPv4 server ("$hostaddr"): it is unreachable.
02710 Error Unable to add the DHCPv4 server ("$hostaddr"): it does not match the selected type
(EIP DHCPv4 / EIP DHCPv4 Package).
02711 Error Unable to add the DHCPv4 server ("$hostaddr"): the enrollment failed.
02712 Warning The DHCPv6 server is already managed by an appliance ("$serial" at "$hostaddr")
and was last synchronized "$time" second(s) ago. Click on OK to force management
from the new appliance.
02713 Error Unable to add/edit the DHCPv6 server ("$hostaddr"): it is unreachable.
02714 Error Unable to add the DHCPv6 server ("$hostaddr"): it does not match the selected type
(EIP DHCPv6 / EIP DHCPv6 Package).
02715 Error Unable to add the DHCPv6 server ("$hostaddr"): the enrollment failed.
02716 Error Unable to perform the operation: the prefix "$prefix" is invalid, it must be between 1
and 128.
02717 Notice The prefix delegation "$dhcpprefix6_name" has been successfully added to the
DHCPv6 server "$dhcp6_name".
02718 Error Unable to add the prefix delegation: the prefix is too large for the selected range.
02719 Error Unable to add the prefix delegation: it overlaps another prefix delegation.
02721 Error Unable to edit the prefix delegation: it cannot be found.
02722 Error Unable to add the prefix delegation: it already exists.
02723 Notice The prefix delegation has been deleted.
02724 Error Unable to add the prefix: it overlaps a DHCP range.
02725 Error Unable to add the range: it overlaps another prefix delegation.
02726 Error Unable to edit the prefix delegation /$dhcpprefix6_prefix: the range is too short. It
should be large enough to delegate at least one /$prefix_min.
02727 Error Unable to add the prefix delegation: this DHCP server type/architecture does not
support this feature.
02728 Error Unable to edit the type of DHCP server/architecture: at least one prefix delegation
is configured. This feature is not supported by the new server/architecture.
02729 Error Unable to edit the shared network of the scope (v6): it contains at least one prefix
02730 Error Unable to delete the scope (v6): it is associated to a shared network containing at
least one prefix delegation.
02731 Error Unable to perform this operation: you cannot edit the DHCP option 43 in the Option
space "dhcp".
02732 Error Unable to add the selected servers to the smart architecture "$dhcp_name": Microsoft
servers cannot be managed with other server types.
02733 Error Unable to add the server to the smart architecture "$dhcp_name": you cannot manage
more than 32 Microsoft servers in one smart architecture.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

02734 Error Unable to change the role of the servers of the failover channel "$dhcpfailover_name":
you cannot edit the role of Microsoft servers without updating the Peering name.
02735 Error Unable to add the option definition $dhcp_option_code: it already exists in the Option
space "$dhcp_option_space" of the server "$dhcp_name".
02736 Notice The DHCP shared network "$dhcpsn_name" was successfully deleted.
02737 Notice The DHCPv6 shared network "$dhcpsn6_name" was successfully deleted.
02738 Error Unable to delete the shared network "$dhcpsn_name": it is associated with at least
one scope.
02739 Error Unable to delete the shared network "$dhcpsn_name": it is associated with at least
one prefix delegation.
02807 Error Unable to connect.
02828 Error Remote server timeout.
03501 Error Access to request $request_id is denied.
03502 Error You're not administrator of request $request_name.
03509 Error This action is not possible on the selected request ($action $request_name).
03512 Error The request $request_name can't be archived.
03515 Error Unable to archive the request: the specified subdirectory, $subdirectory, does not
03550 Notice The state of the ticket "$name_ticket" was successfully edited ($type_ticket).
03600 Error You're not allowed to combine or divide an SPX assigned network.
03602 Error It is not allowed to combine SPX assigned networks.
03603 Notice Adding send mail reactivate.
03604 Notice Deletion send mail reactivate.
03605 Notice Confirmation of overflow AW.
03606 Error This AutNum already exists.
03607 Error Unable to add the IPv6 network: you cannot set an network (inet6num) with a prefix
greater than /64 in the RIPE database.
03615 Error Unable to add the IPv6 network: the network (inet6num) prefix cannot be greater
than the Assignment size prefix in the RIPE database.
03616 Error Unable to add the IPv6 network: its prefix does not match the Assignment size set
on the parent network (inet6num) in the RIPE database.
03617 Error Unable to add the IPv6 network: two levels of network (inet6num) are already set
with the status AGGREGATED-BY-LYR in the RIPE database.
03618 Error Unable to add the IPv6 network with the status AGGREGATED-BY-LYR: it cannot
belong to a network (inet6num) set with the status ASSIGNED in the RIPE database.
03619 Error Unable to add the IPv6 network with the status ASSIGNED: it cannot belong to a
network (inet6num) set with the status ASSIGNED in the RIPE database.
03620 Warning You can set this terminal IPv6 network (inet6num) with the status AGGREGATED-
BY-LYR, but terminal networks are usually set with the status ASSIGNED. In the
IPAM, a terminal network cannot contain other networks. Do you really want to pro-
03621 Warning You can remove the class of this IPv6 network, but this does not delete the network
(inet6num) from the RIPE database. Do you really want to proceed?.
03622 Warning You can edit this IPv6 network, but this change may only apply locally. In the RIPE
database, network (inet6num) prefixes greater than /64 are not supported. Do you
really want to proceed?.
03623 Warning You can edit the status of this IPv6 network, but this change may only apply locally.
In the RIPE database, the status of an existing network (inet6num) cannot be edited.
Do you really want to proceed?.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

03624 Warning You can edit the Assignment size of this IPv6 network, but this change may only
apply locally. In the RIPE database, the Assignment size of an existing network (in-
et6num) cannot be edited. Do you really want to proceed?.
03625 Warning You can edit the Assignment size of this IPv6 network, but this change may only
apply locally. In the RIPE database, the Assignment size prefix cannot be lower than
the network (inet6num) prefix. Do you really want to proceed?.
03626 Warning You can edit this IPv6 network, but this change may only apply locally. In the RIPE
database, the prefix of the network (inet6num) must match the Assignment size set
on the parent network (inet6num). Do you really want to proceed?.
03627 Warning You can change the status of this IPv6 network to AGGREGATED-BY-LYR, but this
change may only apply locally. In the RIPE database, there can only be two levels
of networks (inet6num) set with this status. Do you really want to proceed?.
03628 Warning You can change the status of this IPv6 network to AGGREGATED-BY-LYR, but this
change may only apply locally. In the RIPE database, a network (inet6num) set with
this status cannot belong to a network (inet6num) set with the status ASSIGNED Do
you really want to proceed?.
03629 Warning You can change the status of this IPv6 network to ASSIGNED, but this change may
only apply locally. In the RIPE database, a network (inet6num) set with this status
cannot belong to a network (inet6num) set with the status ASSIGNED Do you really
want to proceed?.
03700 Error Bookmark already exists.
03701 Error You cannot delete a bookmark that you do not own.
03710 Error The Smart Folder already exists.
03711 Error You cannot delete a Smart Folder that you do not own.
03720 Error Gadget already exists.
03721 Error You cannot delete a gadget that you don't own.
03722 Error This gadget cannot be deleted.
03723 Error You cannot modify a gadget that you don't own.
03724 Error This gadget cannot be modified.
03725 Error This gadget cannot be Visible to all users.
03726 Error Unable to find the gadget and/or user.
03727 Error The gadget "$dashlet_label" has been successfully disabled.
03728 Error The Quick Wizard gadget already exists.
03730 Error The Quick Wizard already exists.
03731 Error You cannot delete a Quick Wizard that you do not own.
03740 Error Alert already exists.
03741 Error Unable to edit the alert definition: only the user who created it or users of the group
"admin" can perform this operation.
03800 Error There is no other Active Management server found. Therefore you can not switch
this appliance to another state. You first need to add a new Active Management
03801 Error The selected member(s) could not be deleted because the local management con-
figured in RMAP can not be alone.
04001 Error The registry database item does not exist.
05001 Error The network "$start_ip_addr - $end_ip_addr" has no parent network.
05002 Error Unable to add the network "$subnet_name_to_create" ($subnet_start_addr_to_create-
$subnet_end_addr_to_create) in the space "$site_name": it overlaps the network
"$subnet_name" ($subnet_start_addr-$subnet_end_addr).
05004 Error Can't find a network for that address.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

05005 Error This address already exists (address: "$hostaddr", name: "$ip_name", space:
05008 Error Pool overlap [$pool_name].
05009 Error Pool is read only.
05010 Error Can't delete default space.
05011 Error Network already exists (address: $subnet_addr, name: $subnet_name).
05012 Error Pool already exists.
05014 Error Name already exists as an alias.
05015 Error Can't delete IP address in read only pool.
05016 Error IP address does not exist.
05017 Error Can't delete orphan addresses container.
05018 Error Can't delete orphan networks container.
05019 Error Can't find a network for this pool.
05020 Error Can't delete a space with children.
05021 Error Can't delete a space with VLSM networks.
05022 Error Invalid network size.
05023 Error The address and the size of the network are not coherent.
05025 Error You can't split orphan network.
05026 Error An identical IP address already exists in the destination network.
05027 Error A network in the target space prevents the migration.
05028 Error A pool in the target space prevents the migration.
05029 Error A network with the same IP address already exists in the target space.
05030 Error Impossible to migrate the network: you cannot migrate orphan networks or addresses.
05031 Error A VLSM network can't be migrated.
05032 Error Multiple IP addresses match, you must first select a space.
05033 Error The specified network does not exist.
05034 Error Multiple networks match: you must first select a space.
05036 Error You can't split SPX allocated network.
05037 Error You can't split a VLSM network.
05038 Error You can't split this network, it creates a network overlap.
05040 Error You can't migrate VLSM network.
05041 Error Unable to migrate the network to another space: it contains at least one non-terminal
05042 Error The network overlaps another network.
05043 Error The target network is not empty, a child network already exists.
05044 Error The target network is not empty, a pool already exists.
05045 Error The target network is not empty, an address already exists.
05046 Error The target network does not exist.
05047 Error This address already exists in the target network.
05048 Error $block_name cannot be converted to VLSM (no parent id).
05049 Error Critical error: could not query the database.
05050 Error Could not find a free IP address.
05051 Error You haven't selected a parent VLSM space.
05052 Error The selected split value is too big.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

05053 Error Unable to merge the network "$subnet_name" ($start_addr - $end_addr) in the space
05054 Error Can't split unmanaged networks.
05055 Error Unable to merge the network "$subnet_name" ($start_addr - $end_addr) in the space
"$site_name": you cannot merge unmanaged networks.
05056 Error Can't delete default space.
05057 Notice Generated name: $name ($hostaddr).
05058 Error Can't change parent space using VLSM networks (blocks).
05059 Error Can't change parent space: space loop.
05060 Error You must first select networks.
05061 Error Space name already exists.
05062 Error Not enough free addresses for migration.
05063 Error Can't find a space.
05064 Error Permission denied to add/modify VLSM network (block).
05066 Error Can't delete parent space (name: $site_name).
05069 Error Can't find a space or a network.
05070 Error Can't find network.
05071 Error Permission denied to delete VLSM network (block).
05072 Error Can't unmanage an orphan networks.
05073 Error Unable to find network or pool ($start_addr - $end_addr).
05074 Error Can't find space or IP address.
05075 Error Can't find IP address.
05076 Error Can't find IP address or IP address alias.
05077 Error IP address alias already exists.
05078 Error Can't find IP address alias.
05079 Error Permission denied to modify this space.
05080 Error Restricted permissions: the rights granted to your group do not allow you to add
parent spaces. You can only add child spaces.
05081 Error IP address overlaps another IP address in VLSM network (address: $hostaddr).
05082 Notice Network managed.
05083 Notice Network unmanaged.
05084 Error Cannot unmanage network (block).
05086 Error Network already managed.
05087 Error Network already unmanaged.
05088 Error Unable to unmanage non-terminal networks, no matter their type (block or subnet).
05089 Error Cannot create pool in VLSM network.
05090 Error Cannot switch to terminal network, you have to delete pools first.
05091 Error Cannot switch to VLSM network, you have to delete pools first.
05092 Error The network you are creating overlaps assigned IP addresses from two or more
lower spaces.
05097 Error The network you are creating overlaps assigned IP addresses from the upper space.
Please release IP addresses from the upper space before creating your network.
05098 Error Can't change network address or size.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

05099 Error Unable to import the non-terminal network "$subnet_name" because it can be deleg-
ated in more than one VLSM sub-space. Importing imbricated networks requires to
have only one sub-space per level or to import networks one level at a time.
05100 Warning IP address name already used. DNS and DHCP configurations based on this name
can be impacted (Space: $site_name, Address: $ip_addr).
05101 Warning MAC address already used. (Space: $site_name, Address: $ip_addr).
05102 Error Permission denied to create object in a template space.
05108 Error The specified MAC address doesn't correspond to the chosen Device Manager inter-
05109 Error In the $site_name space, the IP address $hostaddr has a MAC address.
05110 Error In the $site_name space, the IP address $hostaddr is not linked to any Device
Manager interface.
05111 Notice The link between the IP address $hostaddr (of the $site_name space) and the Device
Manager interface has been successfully removed.
05112 Notice The IP address $hostaddr from the $site_name space has been successfully linked
to the Device Manager interface.
05113 Error In the $site_name space, the IP address $hostaddr is already linked to an Device
Manager interface.
05114 Error Unable to merge the selected networks: you cannot merge terminal networks with
non-terminal networks.
05115 Error Unable to add the pool: $pool_addr includes a DHCP static.
05116 Error Unable to add the terminal network "$subnet_name" ($subnet_start_addr - $sub-
net_end_addr): it contains other networks.
05120 Error Unable to split the network "$subnet_name" ($start_addr-$end_addr) in the space
"$site_name": you cannot split a network containing pools.
05121 Error Unable to replicate the range "$start_addr - $end_addr" (DHCP server: $dhcpserver)
to the IPAM: no space can receive it.
05122 Error Unable to replicate the scope "$start_addr - $end_addr" (DHCP server: $dhcpserver)
to the IPAM: no space can receive it.
05123 Error Unable to replicate the static "$static_ipaddr" (DHCP server: $dhcpserver) to the
IPAM: no space can receive it.
05124 Error Restricted permissions: the rights granted to your group do not allow you to delete
parent spaces. You can only delete child spaces.
05129 Error Unable to add the network "$subnet_start_addr - $subnet_end_addr" ($subnet_name):
you cannot allow network reparenting between two spaces.
05130 Error Unable to unmanage a network containing pools.
05131 Error Unable to split the network "$subnet_name" ($start_addr-$end_addr) in the space
"$site_name": you cannot split a network that overlaps unmanaged networks.
05132 Error Unable to migrate to another space: you cannot migrate an unmanaged network.
05135 Error Unable to add the pool "$pool_name" ($pool_start_addr - $pool_end_addr): it is
configured with DHCP replication but contains IP addresses that are not configured
to replicate.
05136 Error Your DHCP configuration is invalid: the IP address "$hostaddr"/"$name" (space:
"$site_name") does not correspond to any existing lease or static even if it belongs
to a pool configured with DHCP replication.
05138 Error Unable to edit this parameter: site_is_template cannot be edited.
05139 Error Unable to delete the space "$site_name": it is linked to $nb_linked_dhcpscope DHCP
05140 Error Unable to delete the space "$site_name": it is linked to $nb_linked_dhcpscope6
DHCPv6 scope(s).

Return Codes

Code Level Description

05141 Error Unable to delete the space "$site_name": it is linked to $nb_linked_dnszone DNS
05142 Error Unable to delete the space "$site_name": it is linked to $nb_linked_iplnetdev
NetChange network device(s).
05143 Error Unable to find the pool.
05144 Warning A CNAME with the same name as the alias "$alias_name" already exists in the DNS.
Do you really want to proceed?.
05145 Error Unable to add the terminal network "$start_ip_addr - $end_ip_addr": the space
"$site_name" has no block-type network to receive it.
05146 Error Unable to add the network "$subnet_start_addr - $subnet_end_addr" in the space
"$site_name": its parent network is in read-only because it was retrieved by an
Ecosystem rule.
05147 Error Unable to add the IP address "$hostaddr" in the space "$site_name": its parent net-
work is in read-only because it was retrieved by an Ecosystem rule.
05148 Error Unable to unmanage a network retrieved by an Ecosystem rule.
05150 Error Unable to add the alias "$alias_name" ($alias_type): this name is already used for
the IP address.
05151 Error Unable to clean the IP address "$hostaddr" in the space "$site_name": it is already
valid, no cleaning required.
05601 Error The VRF "$vrfobject_name" does not exist.
05606 Error Unable to find the VRF Route Target "$src_name/$dest_name".
05607 Error Unable to find the Target RD of the VRF Route Target (ID: "$dest_rd_id", name:
05608 Error Unable to find the VRF Route Target Source RD (ID: "$src_rd_id", name:
05609 Error Unable to edit the VRF Route Target: no Import or Export parameter was set.
05610 Notice The VRF was successfully deleted.
05611 Error The VRF "$vrfobject_name" already exists.
05612 Error The VRF RD "$vrfobject_rd_id" already exists.
05613 Error Unable to add the VRF Route Target: the Source and Target RD cannot be identical.
05614 Notice The VRF "$vrfobject_name" ($vrfobject_rd_id) was successfully added.
05615 Notice The VRF Route Target "$src_name/$dest_name" was successfully added.
05616 Error Unable to import the VRF Route Target "$src_name"/"$dest_name": it already exists.
05617 Error Unable to apply the template class "$template_name": another object is already using
05618 Error The specified space does not exist.
05619 Error Unable to change the class parameters' inheritance source for the network "$sub-
net_name" (IP address: $subnet_addr; space: $site_name): this operation can only
be performed on VLSM block-type networks.
05620 Error Unable to add the IP address: it belongs to a pool replicated in the DHCP, so you
must specify a MAC address and tick the box "Create a DHCP static" to add it.
05621 Error Unable to edit the IP address name: the box "Use IPAM name instead of DHCP client
name" is not ticked. Either tick it again and edit the name or wait for a client to connect
and update the IPAM.
05622 Error Unable to migrate the network $subnet_name: it already belongs to the target space
06000 Error Unable to find the VLAN domain "$vlmdomain_name".
06001 Error Unable to add the domain "$vlmdomain_name": it already exists.
06002 Error A VLAN domain cannot be reduced.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

06003 Error Unable to delete the domain: it contains ranges or used VLANs.
06004 Error Cannot find the VLAN domain or range.
06005 Error Unable to add the range "$vlmrange_name": it already exists.
06006 Error Unable to add the range: the VLAN IDs are outside the domain.
06007 Error Unable to resize the range: two ranges cannot overlap used VLANs.
06008 Error Unable to reduce the size of a range containing used VLANs.
06009 Error Unable to find the VLAN Range "$vlmrange_name".
06010 Error Unable to delete the range: it contains used VLANs.
06011 Error Cannot find VLAN Domain or Vlan.
06012 Error Cannot find the VLAN.
06013 Error Unable to add the VLAN "$vlmvlan_vlan_id": it already exists.
06014 Notice The domain was successfully deleted.
06015 Notice The range was successfully deleted.
06016 Notice The VLAN was successfully deleted.
06017 Error Unable to delete the VLAN: it is already Free.
06018 Error Unable to add, edit or resize the range: the overlap restriction was set. It overlaps
the range "$vlmrange_name" (ID: $vlmrange_start_vlan_id - $vlmrange_end_vlan_id).
06019 Notice The VLAN range "$vlmrange_name" was successfully added.
06020 Notice The VLAN domain "$vlmdomain_name" was successfully added.
06021 Notice The VLAN "$vlmvlan_vlan_id" was successfully added.
06022 Error This VLAN ID belongs to several ranges. Please select the "VLAN range" of your
choice in the drop-down list.
06023 Error This VLAN ID is either used or does not belong to the selected VLAN domain or
08000 Error No SNMP Agent answered on $hostaddr.
08001 Notice Network device $hostaddr refreshed ($name).
08002 Notice Network device imported (address: $hostaddr).
08003 Error Invalid/Missing parameter [selected_query/selected_oids].
08004 Notice Network device deleted.
08005 Notice Interconnection port forced to yes.
08006 Notice Interconnection port autodetected.
08007 Notice The port description was successfully edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08008 Notice Port status modified.
08009 Notice MAC addresses purged.
08010 Error The network device does not exist.
08011 Error The network device "$hostaddr" already exists.
08012 Error The network device port already exists.
08014 Warning The network device "$hostaddr" seems to already be present, with a different IP
address ($netdev_addr).
08015 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: you cannot delete the VLAN
"$iplnetdevvlan_number" from the device "$iplnetdev_name", it is already used.
08016 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: you cannot delete the dynamic
VLAN "$iplnetdevvlan_number" from the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08017 Error Unable to perform this operation: the service "$service_name" is not supported on
the device "$iplnetdev_name".

Return Codes

Code Level Description

08018 Error The service "$service_name" failed: the device "$iplnetdev_name" has returned an
SNMP error ($snmp_error).
08019 Error The VLAN "$vlan_name" (ID: $vlan_number) is already associated with the port
"$iplport_name" as access/untagged VLAN on the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08020 Error Unable to delete the VLAN "$vlan_name" (ID: $vlan_number) from the port "$ipl-
port_name" on the device "$iplnetdev_name": you cannot delete access/untagged
08021 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: 802.1X is either disabled or not
supported on the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08022 Notice The VLAN "$iplnetdevvlan_name" was successfully deleted.
08023 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: the SNMP write community is not
set on the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08024 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: you cannot configure 802.1X au-
thentication if the port "$iplport_name" is in auto-negotiation on the device "$iplnet-
08025 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: you cannot delete the default
VLAN from the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08026 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: you cannot configure untagged
VLANs on the device "$iplnetdev_name" because the required MIB is not supported
by this device or the port current mode is not compatible.
08027 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: the port "$iplport_name" does not
support the speed "$port_speed" on the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08028 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: the port "$iplport_name" does not
support the duplex "$port_duplex" on the device "$iplnetdev_name".
08029 Error This VLAN already exists.
08030 Error Unable to edit the VLAN "$vlan_name": it is reserved by the device "$iplnet-
08031 Error Port-security configuration is not supported or disabled on the device "$iplnet-
08032 Error Unable to configure the port "$iplport_name" on the device "$iplnetdev_name": you
cannot enable both Port-security and 802.1X authentication on a port.
08033 Notice The port speed was successfully edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08034 Notice The port duplex mode was successfully edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08035 Notice Port-security was successfully enabled on the port "$iplport_name".
08036 Notice Port-security was successfully disabled on the port "$iplport_name".
08037 Notice 802.1X was successfully enabled on the port "$iplport_name".
08038 Notice 802.1X was successfully disabled on the port "$iplport_name".
08039 Notice The Trunking/Tagging mode was successfully edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08040 Notice The Access/Untagged VLAN was successfully edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08041 Notice The Trunk/Tagged VLAN list was successfully edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08042 Error Unable to edit the Trunking/Tagging mode: the device "$iplnetdev_name" does not
support the mode "$tagging_mode".
08043 Notice The Port-security maximum number of secured MAC addresses was successfully
edited on the port "$iplport_name".
08044 Error Unknown VLAN: the VLAN ID "$vlan_number" cannot be found on the device "$ipl-
08045 Notice Port-security mode was successfully modified on the port "$iplport_name".
08046 Notice Port-security action was successfully modified on the port "$iplport_name".
08047 Error The port doesn't exist.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

08048 Notice The device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr) is already being refreshed.
08049 Notice The port "$iplport_name" was successfully added.
08050 Notice The network device "$iplnetdev_name" was successfully added.
08501 Error The service "$service_name" failed: the device "$iplnetdev_name" has returned an
SNMP timeout error. Check your SNMP configuration.
08502 Error The service "$service_name" could not complete: the device $iplnetdev_name has
returned an SNMP 'bad value error' (on the object "$obj_name", with the value
08503 Error Copy of "running.conf" to "startup.conf": in progress.
08504 Error Copy of "running.conf" to "startup.conf": failed.
08505 Notice Copy of "running.conf" to "startup.conf": successful.
08506 Notice Interconnection status successfully changed: the port $port (device: $device) status
is set to $mode.
08507 Error Unable to refresh the selected device(s): you did not set any refresh type.
08508 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
the operation failed.
08509 Error The configuration file version control is disabled for the device "$iplnetdev_name"
08510 Error Unable to set the connection profile: the device "$iplnetdev_name" (vendor: $iplnet-
dev_vendor; IP address: $hostaddr) is not supported.
08511 Error Unable to refresh the configuration of the device "$iplnetdev_name" (vendor: $iplnet-
dev_vendor; IP address: $hostaddr): it has no connection profile.
08512 Error No configuration revision for the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr).
08513 Error Unable to add the configuration revision for the device "$iplnetdev_name"
08514 Error The configuration revision "$rancid_revision" already exists for the device "$iplnet-
dev_name" ($hostaddr).
08515 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
invalid password or key.
08516 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
invalid login.
08517 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
failed connection.
08518 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
connection refused.
08519 Error Unable to save the configuration files: operation in progress.
08520 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
invalid "enable" password.
08521 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
unsupported method.
08522 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
it does not support versioning.
08523 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
connection failed (timeout).
08524 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
missing password.
08525 Error Unable to delete the connection profile "$rancid_profile_name": it is attached to the
network device "$iplnetdev_name".

Return Codes

Code Level Description

08526 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
host key has changed.
08527 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
host unreachable.
08528 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
host key mismatch.
08529 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
connection closed.
08530 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
missing "enable" password.
08531 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
EOF received.
08532 Error Unable to save the configuration file of the device "$iplnetdev_name" ($hostaddr):
device status is not OK.
08533 Error Copy of "running.conf" to "startup.conf": failed (timeout).
08534 Notice Snapshot report: [IP address: $device_ip] [.pcap file: $dump_file] [File size: $filesize
MB] [SNMP version: $snmp_version] [sysObjectID: $sysobjectid] [sysDescr: $sys-
descr] [Vendor: $vendor] [Number of packets: $nb_objects] [Number of ports:
$nb_ports] [Number of VLANs: $nb_vlans] [Number of MAC addresses discovered:
$discovered_mac] [Cache ARP: $arp].
08535 Error Unable to analyze the device with this SNMP version.
08536 Error Incomplete snapshot: missing object ($obj_name).
08537 Error Unable to analyze the device snapshot.
08539 Error Error: $errmsg.
08540 Error No port discovered on the device: $hostaddr.
08541 Error No sysobjid found on the device: $hostaddr.
08542 Error Unable to add/refresh the device $hostaddr: $errmsg.
08543 Warning The route of the device "$iplnetdev_name" was ignored: a network was already added
for another route with the same address and prefix ($iplnetdevroute_ip_addr/$iplnet-
08544 Error Unable to add the subnet-type network for the device "$iplnetdev_name": the route
IP address is set to "default".
08545 Error Unable to add the subnet-type network for the device "$iplnetdev_name": the route
prefix is above the limit ($iplnetdevroute_ip_addr/$iplnetdevroute_prefix).
08546 Error Unable to add the subnet-type network for the device "$iplnetdev_name": the route
refers to non-terminal network ($iplnetdevroute_ip_addr/$iplnetdevroute_prefix).
08547 Error Unable to add the subnet-type network for the device "$iplnetdev_name": there is
no block able to receive it ($iplnetdevroute_ip_addr/$iplnetdevroute_prefix).
08548 Error Unable to add the route "$iplnetdevroute_ip_addr" of the network device "$iplnet-
dev_name" as subnet-type network: the route has a prefix /"$iplnetdevroute_prefix".
08549 Error The VLAN ID "$iplnetdevvlan_number" of the network device "$iplnetdev_name"
was ignored: this ID has already been created in VLAN Manager for another VLAN.
09000 Notice Object deleted ($type).
09002 Error Unable to cancel the operation "$service_name": it cannot be cancelled.
09003 Notice The operation "$service_name" was successfully cancelled.
09004 Error Unable to cancel the operation "$service_name" ($params): the operation "$par-
ent_name" ($parent_parameters) must be cancelled first.
09005 Error Unable to cancel the operation ""$service_name"": an error occured (error: $error,
parameters: $params).

Return Codes

Code Level Description

09006 Error Unable to cancel the operation "$service_name" ($params): it was performed by
another user.
09100 Error Unable to perform this operation on "$stat_type" analytics: an error occurred.
10000 Notice The custom data was successfully imported.
11001 Error The report data is not valid.
11002 Error The report file is not valid.
11003 Error The report format is not valid.
11004 Error The report extension is not valid.
11005 Error Can't open report file.
11006 Error You must first select reports.
13000 Error Unable to perform this operation: you cannot delete the local SOLIDserver.
13001 Error Member is not local.
13002 Error Member is in another HA group.
13003 Error Local member have no IP address configured.
13004 Error Too many SOLIDserver appliances configured. HA is designed to set a two-appliances
13005 Error Impossible to switch the remote SOLIDserver to Hot Standby: the local database is
in Read-Only.
13006 Error Impossible to switch the local SOLIDserver to Hot Standby.
13007 Error This SOLIDserver is already one of your remote appliances.
13008 Error The remote SOLIDserver is not configured locally yet.
13009 Error The IP address used to declare and enroll the remote SOLIDserver does not match
the one it is configured with.
13010 Error Unable to reset this Master SOLIDserver to Standalone: it is currently associated
with a Hot Standby. You need to disable the High Availability configuration before
going any further.
13011 Error Impossible to restore a backup of this SOLIDserver. It is currently configured in High
Availability. You need to break the High Availability setup before going any further.
13012 Error Unable to switch the remote SOLIDserver to Hot Standby, the database replication
13013 Error Unable to switch the remote SOLIDserver to Hot Standby, the connection was inter-
rupted (Timeout status).
13014 Error Unable to find the local SOLIDserver.
13015 Error Unable to find the remote SOLIDserver.
13016 Error Impossible to add a remote SOLIDserver that is not configured locally.
13017 Error Impossible to add a SOLIDserver that is already managed remotely.
13018 Error Impossible to add a SOLIDserver that already manages one or more SOLIDserver.
13019 Error Impossible to add a remote SOLIDserver to the list: the local SOLIDserver is managed
13020 Error The remote SOLIDserver stopped replicating.
13021 Error Unable to add the local SOLIDserver.
13022 Error Unable to add the remote SOLIDserver.
13023 Error The remote SOLIDserver is unreachable.
13024 Error The remote SOLIDserver version is not supported.
13026 Error Unable to enroll the remote SOLIDserver: the configuration failed.
13027 Error Unable to enroll this SOLIDserver: it is currently being upgraded.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

13028 Error Unable to upgrade the remote SOLIDserver: the file containing the local version details
cannot be found.
13029 Error Unable to enroll the remote SOLIDserver: the local and remote appliances have dif-
ferent architectures (one is a 64-bit and the other 32-bit).
13030 Notice Remote SOLIDserver deleted ($member_name).
13032 Error Unable to push the local LDAP/Radius authentication configuration to $member_name
($member_hostaddr): this remote SOLIDserver is upgrading. Try again once the
upgrade is over.
13033 Notice The local LDAP/Radius authentication configuration was successfully pushed to the
remote SOLIDserver $member_name ($member_hostaddr).
13034 Error Unable to enroll the remote appliance as Hot Standby: the enrollment is locked.
13035 Error Unable to switch the local SOLIDserver to Master: $errmsg.
13036 Error Unable to launch the upgrade: the Hot Standby is unreachable.
13037 Error Unable to upgrade the Hot Standby: the maintenance period has expired.
13038 Error Unable to upgrade: the maintenance period has expired.
13039 Error Unable to upgrade the Hot Standby: an error occured.
13040 Error Unable to upgrade the Hot Standby: its license is not valid or missing.
13041 Error Unable to upgrade: the license is not valid or missing.
13042 Error Unable to upgrade the remote SOLIDserver "$name" ($ipaddr): its license is not
valid or missing.
13043 Error Unable to upgrade the remote SOLIDserver "$name" ($ipaddr): its maintenance
period has expired.
13045 Error Unable to switch the local SOLIDserver to master: $member is being enrolled as Hot
13046 Error Unable to switch the local SOLIDserver to master: $member is already switching.
13047 Error Unable to enroll the remote SOLIDserver as Hot Standby: $member is already en-
13048 Error Unable to enroll the remote appliance as Hot Standby: the database encryption
cannot be activated on this appliance.
13049 Error Unable to enroll this SOLIDserver as Hot Standby: the database encryption key is
13050 Error Unable to enroll this SOLIDserver as Hot Standby: the database encryption key file
is corrupted, please try again.
13051 Error Unable to switch the local SOLIDserver to Standalone: "$member" is already
switching its role.
13052 Error Unable to perform the operation: the SOLIDserver "$member" it is currently being
13054 Error Unable to perform the operation on the SOLIDserver "$member": an error occured.
13055 Error Unable to upgrade "$name": you cannot upgrade the local SOLIDserver using the
option "Upgrade remote SOLIDserver".
14401 Error Invalid user/password.
14404 Error Command not supported on this server.
20001 Error Cannot find master zone ($dnszone_name).
20002 Error Cannot choose the master zone.
20003 Error Invalid RR.
20004 Error The server didn't answer in time to the request for a new RR.
20005 Error The server didn't answer in time to the RR deletion request.
20006 Error There is more than one zone available for delegation.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

20007 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for a new zone.
20008 Error The server did not answer in time to the zone deletion request.
20009 Error The server did not answer in time to the request for a new ACL.
20010 Error The server did not answer in time to the ACL deletion request.
20011 Error Cannot delete the last NS RR.
20012 Error DNS zone already exists.
20016 Error Unable to add the resource record "$rr_name": it cannot belong to the DNS zone
20020 Error You must select DNS zones.
20021 Error You must select DNS records.
20022 Error Cannot migrate a SOA or NS RR.
20023 Error You must select a DNS master zone.
20024 Error The zone does not exist.
20025 Notice DNS RR deleted (name: $value1, zone: $dnszone_name, view: $dnsview_name,
server: $dns_name).
20026 Notice DNS zone deleted (name: $dnszone_name, view: $dnsview_name, server:
20027 Notice DNS view deleted (name: $dnsview_name server: $dns_name).
20028 Notice The DNS server "$dns_name" was successfully deleted.
20029 Notice DNS zone enabled (name: $dnszone_name, view: $dnsview_name, server:
20030 Notice DNS zone disabled (name: $dnszone_name, view: $dnsview_name, server:
20031 Notice DNS zone synchronized (name: $dnszone_name view: $dnsview_name server:
20032 Notice The DNS server "$dns_name" was successfully synchronized.
20033 Error There is no view for this DNS server.
20034 Notice The record "$rr_name" ($rr_type) was successfully added in the zone
"$dnszone_name" of the server "$dns_name".
20035 Notice The zone "$dnszone_name" ($dnszone_type) was successfully added on the server
20036 Error You must select a slave DNS zone.
20037 Error This server is not an EfficientIP DNS server.
20039 Notice DNS zone added.
20040 Error You must select a slave/stub DNS zone.
20041 Error The DNS zone is empty.
20042 Notice DNS refresh.
20043 Notice DNS notify.
20044 Notice DNS retransfer.
20045 Error The value to Replace was not found.
20046 Notice DNS cache flushed.
20047 Notice The DNS querylog command has been toggled.
20048 Notice DNS view "$dnsview_name" added.
20049 Notice DNS key "$key_name" added.
20051 Error The target zone $dnszone_name does not exist and you have not granted external
domain management.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

20052 Notice The DNS ACL "$dnsacl_name" was successfully added.
20053 Error The RR A $rr_name in the zone $dnszone_name does not exist.
20054 Notice DNS view updated.
20055 Error DNS key is used ($object_type $object_name).
20056 Notice DNS ACL deleted.
20057 Notice DNS KEY deleted.
20058 Error DNS ACL is used ($object_type $object_name).
20060 Error DNS name already exist.
20061 Error RR name already used (name:$rr_glue zone:$dnszone_name type:$rr_type).
20062 Error Cannot delete a child DNS server.
20063 Error Cannot delete a SMART DNS server with children.
20064 Error Cannot change the RR type.
20065 Error DNS server name already exist (name: $dns_name).
20066 Error DNS server address already exists (address: $hostaddr).
20067 Error Cannot change DNS server type (from: $from, to: $to).
20068 Notice The DNS server "$dns_name" was successfully added.
20069 Error DNS server is in read-only mode (SMART DNS member).
20071 Error The filter validation not allowed this RR "$rr_name".
20072 Error You do not have the right to handle this IP address "$ip_address".
20073 Error You do not have the right to handle this IP address pointed by this RR CNAME or
the RR A does not exist.
20074 Error The filter ban not allowed this RR "$rr_name".
20076 Error Could not find the specified DNS server.
20077 Error Could not find the specified DNS zone.
20078 Error Cannot delete the ACL "$dnsacl_name".
20079 Error Cannot delete the parameter "$param_key", it doesn't exist.
20080 Error The specified parameter cannot be deleted as it doesn't exist.
20081 Error Cannot delete SOA.
20082 Error Unable to send the RNDC command: only BIND servers support it.
20084 Warning Existing A RR with same hostname (RR: $rr_value1).
20085 Warning Existing A RR with same IP address (shortname: $rr_glue , zone name:
$dnszone_name , server: $dns_name).
20086 Error Views are not supported on this kind of DNS server.
20087 Error Invalid property name.
20088 Warning The option "$option" is not supported for the object "$objectname" ($type).This option
will be removed from the database.
20089 Error The ACL "$name" is not properly configured.
20090 Notice The DNS zone was successfully added.
20091 Notice The DNS view was successfully added.
20092 Error The DNS RR $rr_name already exists.
20093 Warning The DNS option $option is not supported.
20094 Warning The DNS option $option is not supported on the view $dnsview_name.
20095 Warning The DNS option $option is not supported on the $dnszone_type zone

Return Codes

Code Level Description

20096 Error Unable to add the record "$rr_name": this name is already used for a CNAME/DNAME
20097 Error Unable to move a DNS server from one smart to the other: you cannot move the
server "$dns_id" from the smart "$old_vdns_parent_id" to the smart
20098 Error Unable to replace the A RR value with "$value1": the new value must be a valid IP
20099 Error Unable to replace the A RR value: the new value must be a valid IPv6 address.
20100 Error Unable to edit the ACL "$acl_name": you cannot edit a predefined ACL.
20101 Error Unable to add the zone: "$zone_type" zones are not supported on "$dns_type"
20111 Error Unable to add the zone "$dnszone_name": you cannot manage more than 32 RPZ
zones in one view or server (with no view).
20112 Error Unable to add the record: the parameter $parameters ($param_value) is not supported
on $rr_type records.
20113 Error Unable to perform this operation: you cannot change a server "$from_type" to
20114 Error Unable to add the "$rr_type" record (value: "$rr_value") in the zone "$zone_name":
you cannot add more than "$rr_limit" records in one RRset.
20116 Error Unable to convert the DNS server "$dns_name" into a smart.
20117 Error This resource record does not exist.
20118 Error Unable to convert the zone "$dnszone_name": the SOA record is missing.
20120 Error You cannot delete the keytab "$object_name": it is used by the DNS server
20121 Error Unable to disable the GSS-TSIG key: it is still used by a zone.
20122 Error This DNS server does not support GSS-TSIG.
20123 Error This zone does not support GSS-TSIG.
20124 Error Unable to edit the update-policy: no keytab is selected on the server "$dns_name".
20125 Error Unable to edit the update-policy of the zone "$dnszone_name": GSS-TSIG is not
enabled on the server "$dns_name".
20126 Error Unknown DNS view.
20130 Error The engine of the DNS server "$dns_name" does not support RRL.
20132 Error Unable to convert to master the zone "$dnszone_name" in the smart architecture
"$dns_name": no matching zone was found in the physical server(s).
20133 Error Unable to send the RNDC command: smart architectures do not support it.
20134 Error Unable to edit the server "$dns_name", it is in read-only: Microsoft DNS servers with
agent are no longer supported.
20135 Error Unable to convert the smart architecture: it contains too many servers ($count instead
of $expected).
20189 Error Unable to import the archive: the ACL "$dnsacl_name" already exists.
20190 Notice The option "$param_key" was successfully added with the value "$param_value".
20191 Error Unable to add the view "$dnsview_name" on the server "$dns_name": views are not
supported on "$dns_type" cloud servers.
20192 Error Unable to add/edit the record "$rr_name" on the server "$dns_name": you cannot
add or edit "$dns_type" NS records on "$dns_type" cloud servers.
20193 Error Unable to add this Amazon Route 53 server: "$dns_name" already exists.
20194 Error Unable to add the record "$rr_name": "$rr_type" records are not compatible with
"$dns_type" Cloud servers.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

20195 Error Unable to add the zone "$dnszone_name": "$dnszone_type" zones are not compatible
with "$dns_type" Cloud servers.
20196 Notice The NS record "$ns_value" was successfully replicated on the smart server.
20197 Error Unable to replicate the NS records: "$dns_name" is not a Cloud server.
20198 Error Unable to replicate the NS records: "$dns_name" is not a smart server.
20199 Error Unable to delete the records from the server "$dns_name": you cannot delete NS
records from a Cloud server.
20200 Error Unable to add/edit the DNS server "$dns_name": the SNMP parameters cannot be
20201 Error The DNS ACL does not exist.
20202 Error Unable to remove "admin" from the list: this ACL is mandatory for allow-update.
20203 Notice DNS server modified (name: $dns_name).
20204 Error The synchronization of the DNS server "$dns_name" failed: connection timeout.
20205 Error The synchronization of the DNS server "$dns_name" failed: invalid credentials.
20206 Warning The DNS server is already managed by an appliance ("$serial" at "$hostaddr") and
was last synchronized "$time" second(s) ago. Click on OK to force management
from the new appliance.
20207 Error Unable to add/edit the DNS server ("$hostaddr"): it is unreachable.
20208 Error Unable to add the DNS server ("$hostaddr"): it does not match the selected type
(EIP DNS / EIP DNS Package).
20209 Error Unable to add the DNS server ("$hostaddr"): the security enrollment failed.
20210 Warning Unable to merge the zones content: the source zone "$dnszone_name" is empty.
20211 Warning The record "$rr_name" (type: $rr_type, value: $rr_value) will be deleted from the
zone "$dnszone_name" (server: $dns_name, view: $dnsview_name).
20212 Warning The record "$rr_name" (type: $rr_type, value: $rr_value) will be added to the zone
"$dnszone_name" (server: $dns_name, view: $dnsview_name).
20213 Error Unable to add the Azure DNS server "$dns_name": the specified Azure account is
already used.
20300 Warning You can add the view "$dnsview_name" to the smart architecture "$dns_name", but
views are not supported by at least one of its physical servers. Do you really want
to proceed?.
20301 Warning You can add the zone "$dnszone_name" to the smart architecture "$dns_name",
but this zone type ($dnszone_type) is not supported by at least one of its physical
servers. Do you really want to proceed?.
20302 Warning You can add the RPZ zone "$dnszone_name" (type: "$dnszone_type") to the smart
architecture "$dns_name", but RPZ zones are not supported by at least one of its
physical servers. Do you really want to proceed?.
20303 Warning You can add the record "$rr_name" to the smart architecture "$dns_name", but this
record type ($rr_type) is not supported by at least one of its physical servers. Do you
really want to proceed?.
20304 Error Unable to add the view "$dnsview_name" on the smart architecture "$dns_name":
views are not supported by at least one of its physical servers.
20305 Error Unable to add the zone "$dnszone_name" (type: $dnszone_type) on the smart archi-
tecture "$dns_name": this zone type is not supported by at least one of its physical
20306 Error Unable to add the RPZ zone "$dnszone_name" (type: "$dnszone_type") on the smart
architecture "$dns_name": RPZ zones are not supported by at least one of its
physical servers.
20307 Error Unable to add the record "$rr_name" (type: $rr_type) on the smart architecture
"$dns_name": this record type is not supported by at least one of its physical servers.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

20308 Error Unable to add the view "$dnsview_name" on the server "$dns_name": views are not
supported by "$dns_type" servers.
20309 Error Unable to add the zone "$dnszone_name" (type: "$dnszone_type") on the server
"$dns_name": this zone type is not supported by "$dns_type" servers.
20310 Error Unable to add the RPZ zone "$dnszone_name" (type: "$dnszone_type") on the
server "$dns_name": RPZ zones are not supported by "$dns_type" servers.
20311 Error Unable to add the record "$rr_name" (type: "$rr_type") on the server "$dns_name":
this record type is not supported by "$dns_type" servers.
20313 Warning The view "$dnsview_name" is not supported by the server "$dns_name".
20314 Warning The zone "$dnszone_name" (type: "$dnszone_type") is not supported by the server
20315 Warning The RPZ zone "$dnszone_name" (type: "$dnszone_type") is not supported by the
server "$dns_name".
20316 Warning The record "$rr_name" (type: "$rr_type") in the zone "$dnszone_name" is not sup-
ported by the server "$dns_name".
20317 Error Unable to generate the report: you must select a smart architecture.
21100 Error Unable to find the Guardian policy.
21101 Error Unable to delete the Guardian policy: it is in read-only.
21102 Error Unable to edit the Guardian policy: it is in read-only.
21103 Error Unable to delete the Guardian policy: you cannot delete a policy instance.
21104 Error Unable to delete the Guardian policy: it is associated with one or more servers.
21105 Error Unable to duplicate the Guardian policy: you cannot duplicate a policy instance.
21106 Error This Guardian policy already exists.
21107 Error The server is already associated with a Guardian policy.
21108 Error Unable to associate this policy with the selected server: it does not exist, does not
support the policy or is not in your resources.
21109 Error Unable to edit the Guardian policy: deployed policies are read-only.
21110 Notice The Guardian policy was successfully deleted.
21111 Notice The Guardian policy was successfully created.
21201 Error Unable to delete the trigger: it belongs to a read-only Guardian policy.
21202 Error Unable to find the Guardian policy.
21203 Error Unable to find the Guardian trigger.
21204 Error Unable to delete the Guardian trigger: it belongs to a deployed policy in read-only.
21205 Error This Guardian trigger already exists.
21206 Error This position was already assigned to the Guardian trigger "$name".
21207 Error This position can only be assigned to a default Guardian trigger.
21208 Error Unable to add or edit the Guardian trigger in a deployed policy.
21209 Error The rule syntax "$rule" is invalid: $syntax_error_msg.
21210 Notice The Guardian trigger was successfully deleted.
21211 Notice The Guardian trigger was successfully created.
21212 Notice The Guardian trigger is now Managed.
21213 Notice The Guardian trigger is now Unmanaged.
21303 Notice Guardian clients flushed.
21304 Notice Guardian cache flushed.
21305 Error Unable to edit the Guardian parameter "$param_key": its value ($param_value) has
an invalid format.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

22100 Error Can't read file '$file'.
22101 Error Archive file is unreadable, and may be corrupted.
22102 Error Can't find file '$file'.
22103 Error Invalid domain name: $value.
22104 Error Invalid TTL value ($param $value).
22105 Error Invalid RR type ($param $value).
22106 Error Unsupported file format ($extension).
22107 Error Missing value ($param).
22109 Error No master server specified for zone $name.
22110 Error Invalid value ($param $value).
22111 Error Invalid address.
22112 Error IP address is outside a network or pool.
22113 Error Size must be greater than zero.
22114 Error Missing address.
22115 Error Range is outside scope.
22116 Error Pool is outside a network.
22117 Error Network is outside a parent network.
22118 Error Invalid MAC address ($value).
22119 Error Size is too long ($param: $value).
22120 Error The RR is not in the current zone.
22121 Error Incorrect values: "$dump".
22122 Error Invalid gateway.
22200 Error The column is not present in the CSV file.
22201 Error A mandatory parameter ($param) is missing.
22202 Error Invalid DHCP option code ($code).
22203 Error Invalid client identifier $client_ident).
22204 Error No DHCP static identifier.
22205 Error Bad name format for static "$static_name".
22206 Error Unable to activate the license on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): a license is already
22207 Error Unable to perform the operation on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): no license was
22208 Error Unable to activate the license on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): the appliance is
22209 Error Unable to activate the license on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): the license is in-
22210 Error Unable to activate the license on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): this operation is
not supported.
22211 Error Unable to activate the license on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): the license has
22212 Error Unable to activate the license on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr): the license has
not started yet.
35000 Notice The IPv4 address was successfully imported.
35001 Notice The IPv6 address was successfully imported.
35002 Notice The IPv4 network "$block_name" was successfully imported.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

35003 Notice The IPv6 network was successfully imported.
35004 Notice The range was successfully imported.
35005 Notice The group was successfully imported.
35006 Notice The IPv4 pool was successfully imported.
35007 Notice The IPv6 pool was successfully imported.
35008 Notice The RR was successfully imported.
35009 Notice The scope was successfully imported.
35010 Notice The space was successfully imported.
35011 Notice The static was successfully imported.
35012 Notice The IPv4 network was successfully imported.
35013 Notice The IPv6 network was successfully imported.
35014 Notice The user was successfully imported.
35015 Notice The zone was successfully imported.
35016 Notice The IPv4 address and alias were successfully imported.
35017 Notice The RR "$rr_name" was successfully checked.
35018 Notice The zone "$dnszone_name" was successfully checked.
35019 Notice Line is correct.
35020 Notice The custom data was successfully imported.
35021 Notice Finished importing MS DHCP configuration.
35022 Notice The VRF "$vrfobject_name" was successfully imported.
35023 Notice The domain "$vlmdomain_name" was successfully imported.
35024 Notice The range "$vlmrange_name" was successfully imported.
35025 Notice The vlan "$vlmvlan_vlan_id" was successfully imported.
35026 Notice The VRF Route Target "$src_rd_id"/"$dest_rd_id" was successfully imported.
35027 Notice The license was successfully activated on the appliance "$name" ($ipaddr).
35100 Warning Ignoring all SOA.
35101 Warning Zone [$name] empty (no file associated).
35103 Warning Root zones are not handled.
35104 Warning This static name is already used: the new static will be named "$dhcphost_newname"
instead of "$dhcphost_oldname".
35200 Warning Multiple sizes have been specified in CSV file.
36000 Error The package "$package" version: $version was successfully added.
36001 Error Can't read contents file.
36002 Error Could not change directory.
36003 Error Can't create contents file.
36004 Notice The package "$package" version $version was successfully deleted.
36005 Notice The package "$package" version $version was successfully installed.
36006 Error The package "$package" version $version does not exist.
36007 Error Unable to delete the package "$package" version $version: it is already installed.
36008 Notice The package "$package" version $version was successfully uninstalled.
36009 Notice The package "$package" version $version was successfully uploaded.
36010 Error Unable to install the package "$package" version $version: it is already installed.
36011 Error Unable to uninstall the package "$package" version "$version": its is already unin-

Return Codes

Code Level Description

36013 Error Unable to install the package "$package": it contains one or several files that were
already installed with the package "$package_installed", version "$version".
36014 Error Unable to add the package "$package" version $version: it already exists.
36015 Warning The file $file you want to add does not exist.
36016 Error Unable to delete the package "$package" in version "$version": you cannot delete
an already installed package. Uninstall the package before deleting it.
36017 Error Unable to install the package "$package" in version "$version": you cannot install a
package containing system files such as "$path".
37000 Notice The RR was successfully copied.
37001 Notice The RR was successfully migrated.
38000 Notice The IP address was successfully migrated.
38001 Notice The network was successfully migrated.
38002 Notice The network was successfully split.
38003 Notice The network was successfully migrated.
38004 Notice The network was successfully migrated.
38005 Notice The pool was successfully migrated.
38006 Notice The IP address was successfully migrated.
38007 Notice The old network was successfully deleted.
38008 Notice The old network was successfully deleted.
38009 Notice The old pool was successfully deleted.
38010 Notice The old IP address was successfully deleted.
38011 Notice The IP address was successfully migrated.
38012 Notice The old IP address was successfully deleted.
38013 Notice The space "$site_name" was successfully deleted.
38014 Notice The network "$block_name" was successfully deleted.
38015 Notice The network "$subnet_name" was successfully deleted.
38016 Notice The pool "$pool_name" was successfully deleted.
38017 Notice The IPv4 address was successfully deleted (space: $site_name, parent network:
$block_name, network: $subnet_name, address: $ip_addr, name: $name).
38018 Notice The network $block_name is already a VLSM.
38019 Notice The VLSM network "$block_name" was successfully added.
38020 Notice The network "$block_name" was successfully added.
38021 Notice The network "$subnet_name" was successfully added.
38022 Notice The IPv4 pool "$pool_name" was successfully added.
38023 Notice The IPv4 address "$ip_name" was successfully added.
38024 Notice The alias "$ip_name" was successfully added.
38025 Notice The name of the IP address was successfullly edited: "$ip_name".
38026 Notice No change required on that IP address.
38027 Notice The IPv6 address was successfully deleted (space: $site_name, parent network:
$block6_name, network: $subnet6_name, address: $ip6_addr, name: $ip6_name).
38028 Notice The space "$site_name" was successfully added.
38029 Notice The IPv6 address "$ip6_name" was successfully added.
38030 Notice The network $subnet6_name has been successfully added.
38032 Notice The IPv6 pool "$pool6_name" was successfully added.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

38034 Notice In the space "$site_name", the pool "$pool_name" was successfully resized (former
range: "$old_start_addr-$old_end_addr", current range: "$start_addr-$end_addr").
38035 Error Unable to resize the pool "$pool_name" in the space "$site_name": it includes or
excludes already used IP addresses [former range of addresses: "$old_start_addr-
$old_end_addr", requested range: "$start_addr-$end_addr"].
38036 Error Unable to resize the pool "$pool_name" ($old_start_addr-$old_end_addr) in the
space "$site_name": the requested range of addresses ($start_addr-$end_addr) is
outside the network ($subnet_start_addr-$subnet_end_addr).
38100 Warning Errors preventing the migration of the network.
38101 Warning Unable to add the gateway addresses: the "Gateway offset" defined is outside the
new networks.
40000 Error There is not enough space to add this file.
40001 Error Max limit reached on this item.
45000 Notice The device "$hostdev_name" was successfully deleted.
45001 Notice The device "$hostdev_name" was successfully added.
45002 Notice The device "$hostdev_name" was successfully edited.
45003 Notice The interface "$hostiface_name" ($hostiface_mac) was successfully deleted.
45004 Notice The interface "$hostiface_name" was successfully added.
45005 Notice Interface modified.
45008 Error Device doesn't exist.
45009 Error Interface doesn't exist.
45012 Error The device "$hostdev_name" already exists.
45013 Error Interface already exists.
45015 Error The device name "$hostdev_name" already exists.
45016 Error The MAC address "$hostiface_mac" already exists.
45017 Notice Device imported.
45018 Notice Interface imported.
45020 Notice Device name modified.
45021 Error Invalid MAC address.
45022 Notice Interface managed.
45023 Notice Interface unmanaged.
45024 Warning The MAC address "$mac_addr" could not be imported.
45025 Error The ports and interfaces are already linked.
45026 Error Impossible to unmanage the device $hostdev_name, an IP address links it with the
45027 Error Impossible to unmanage the interface $hostiface_name, an IP address links it with
the IPAM.
45028 Error Unable to merge the devices "$hostdev_name" and "$tohostdev_name": at least
one interface links them.
45029 Error Unable to link the interface "$iface1_name" ($dev1_name) with the 'interface
"$iface2_name" ($dev2_name).
50001 Error The IP address overlaps another IP address.
50002 Error Virtual IP is not contain in any interface.
50003 Error IP address already used on interface.
50004 Notice SNMP community modified.
50005 Notice Ports configuration modified.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

50006 Notice Traps configuration modified.
50007 Notice Date modified.
50008 Notice SMTP configuration modified.
50009 Notice Versions modified.
50010 Notice Firewall configuration modified.
50011 Notice SNMP v3 configuration modified.
50012 Notice Virtual IP configuration modified.
50013 Notice Global configuration modified.
50014 Notice SSH password modified.
50015 Notice Static route modified.
50016 Notice Interface modified.
50072 Error SSH password too short.
50073 Error The specified passwords are not identical.
50085 Notice The status of the firewall has been modified.
50088 Notice Gateway modified.
50090 Notice Hostname modified.
50091 Notice DNS resolvers modified.
50092 Notice SmartHost relay modified.
50111 Error You can't delete a certificate which is used by a service (service: $object_name).
50112 Notice SNMP configuration modified.
50113 Error Can't create a virtual interface with no physical interfaces attached to it.
50114 Notice NTP updated the date of the server using the NTP located at $server.
50115 Warning NTP was not able to synchronize with $server (message: $message).
50116 Error No suitable servers were found. Could not update the date of the system.
50117 Error The service $service is disabled, cannot start it.
50138 Error Unable to delete the SNMP profile "$snmp_profile_name", it is used by $nb_devices
network device(s): $iplnetdev_name.
50139 Notice Configure DNS Guardian.
50140 Error Unable to configure the interface: you cannot set a VIP on its own, at least one other
IP address must be set with the VIP service to "None".
51000 Error Impossible to edit files that are not in Class Studio format.
51017 Error You can not add class using the name "global" or "default" (reserved name).
51018 Error You can not delete class using the name "global" or "default" (reserved class).
51019 Error The name of class file is already used.
51020 Error Class file can not be disabled.
51021 Error Moving "default" or "global" class files is forbidden.
51022 Error Class file can not be enabled - Already enabled.
51023 Error Could not find class "$class_name", please ensure that this class file exists.
51024 Error You cannot duplicate the classes "global" and "default".
52000 Error Could not connect to the Microsoft service. Please check the IP address and the
port the service is listening on.
52001 Error The Microsoft server didn't provide the expected information (protocol = $protocol ;
boot time = $boot_time).
52002 Error Could not create the given DNS resource record (name: $rr_name).

Return Codes

Code Level Description

52003 Error Could not delete the specified DNS resource record (name: $rr_name).
52004 Error Could not update the options of the Microsoft DNS server (operation that failed:
52005 Error Wrong or missing credentials.
52020 Error Could not connect to the WinDNS service (using SSL: $ssl // Server: $host_addr:$port
// Error: "$errmsg" ).
52021 Error Could not gather data of the server.
52022 Error DNS server not referenced (id = $dns_id).
52023 Error Missing or invalid DNS zone ID.
52024 Error Could not delete DNS zone "$dnszone_name".
52025 Error Could not retrieve zones list: $errmsg.
52026 Error Couldn't synchronize the zone "$dnszone_name". Error: $errmsg.
52027 Error Could not create zone "$dnszone_name". Error: $errmsg.
52028 Error Unsupported zone type.
52040 Warning Could not retrieve statistics from Microsoft service.
52041 Warning Could not retrieve Microsoft version (check the connection parameters).
52042 Warning Could not retrieve the information of the zone $dnszone_name.
52050 Notice The RR "$rr_name" was successfully added.
52051 Notice The RR "$rr_name" was successfully deleted.
52052 Notice Updated Microsoft server configuration (recursion: $recursion // global forwarders:
52053 Notice DNS zones up-to-date.
52054 Notice The DNS zone "$dnszone_name" was successfully deleted.
52055 Notice The DNS zone "$dnszone_name" was successfully synchronized.
52056 Notice Microsoft server updated to version "$version".
52057 Notice The Microsoft server is up and running.
52058 Notice Synchronization completed.
52100 Error Could not connect to server $host_addr:$port (using SSL: $ssl) . Error message:
52101 Error Could not get the status of the server.
52102 Error Generic synchronization error (line received: $text).
52103 Error The lease timestamp is incorrect: the lease will be ignored.
52125 Warning Server option not properly decoded:\ncode = $option_code\nname = $op-
tion_name\ntype = $option_type\nMS option = $ms_to_ms_option_value\nIPM option
= $ms_to_ipm_option_value\nVendor option = $option_vendor.
52126 Warning Could not find option $dhcpoption_name.
52127 Warning Could not find scope option $dhcpoption_name.
52128 Warning Unable to find the static DHCP option "$dhcpoption_name".
52150 Notice Updated WinDHCP version to $version.
52151 Notice Added $obj_name ($obj_type) from vendor $vendor to the server option definitions.
52152 Notice Deleted the static $hostname because it has no IP associated with it.
52153 Notice Flushing delayed delete IP.
52154 Notice The DHCP server ($host_addr) is synchronized (boot time = $boot_time // serial =
$serial // leases = $lease_counter).
52155 Notice Server option $dhcpoption_name deleted.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

52156 Notice Server option $dhcption_name modified on SOLIDserver ("$ms_to_ms_option_value"
to "$ipm_to_ms_option_value").
52157 Notice Server option $dhcption_name modified on MS ("$ipm_to_ipm_option_value" to
52158 Notice Created server option $dhcpoption_name on MS (value="$ipm_to_ms_option_value").
52159 Notice Server option $dhcpoption_name ("$ms_to_ipm_option_value") created in SOLID-
52160 Notice Server option $dhcpoption_name deleted in SOLIDserver.
52161 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_net_addr modified in MS.
52162 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_net_addr deleted in MS.
52163 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_net_addr modified in SOLIDserver.
52164 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_net_addr created in SOLIDserver.
52165 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_net_addr created in MS.
52166 Notice Scope $dhcpscope_net_addr deleted in SOLIDserver.
52167 Notice Delete scope option $dhcpoption_name on $dhcpscope_net_addr in MS.
52168 Notice Scope option $dhcpoption_name modified on $dhcpscope_net_addr
("$ipm_to_ms_option_value") in MS.
52169 Notice Scope option $dhcpoption_name modified on $dhcpscope_net_addr in SOLIDserver
("$ipm_to_ipm_option_value" to "$ipm_to_ms_option_value").
52170 Notice Scope option $dhcpoption_name ("$ms_to_ipm_option_value") created on $dhcp-
scope_net_addr in SOLIDserver.
52171 Notice Scope option $dhcpoption_code created on $dhcpscope_net_addr in MS.
52172 Notice Scope option $dhcpoption_code deleted on $dhcpscope_net_addr in SOLIDserver.
52173 Notice Range $range_start_ip_addr - $range_end_ip_addr modified in scope $dhcp-
scope_net_addr in MS.
52174 Notice Range $range_start_ip_addr - $range_end_ip_addr deleted in scope $dhcp-
scope_net_addr in MS.
52175 Notice Range $range_start_ip_addr - $range_end_ip_addr deleted from scope $dhcp-
scope_net_addr in SOLIDserver.
52176 Notice Range $range_start_ip_addr - $range_end_ip_addr created in scope $dhcp-
scope_net_addr in SOLIDserver.
52177 Notice Range $range_start_ip_addr - $range_end_ip_addr created in scope $dhcp-
scope_net_addr in MS.
52178 Notice Static $static_addr modified in MS.
52179 Notice Static $static_addr modified in SOLIDserver.
52180 Notice Static $static_addr deleted in MS.
52181 Notice Static $static_addr deleted in SOLIDserver.
52182 Notice Static $static_addr created in SOLIDserver.
52183 Notice Static $static_addr created in MS.
52184 Notice Static option $dhcpoption_name deleted on $static_addr in MS.
52185 Notice Static option $dhcpoption_code deleted on $static_addr in SOLIDserver.
52186 Notice Static option $dhcpoption_name modified ("$ipm_to_ms_option_value") on $stat-
ic_addr in MS.
52187 Notice Static option $dhcpoption_name modified on $static_addr in SOLIDserver
("$ipm_to_ipm_option_value" to "ms_to_ipm_option_value").
52188 Notice Static option $dhcpoption_name created ("$ms_to_ipm_option_value") on $static_addr
in SOLIDserver.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

52189 Notice Static option $dhcpoption_name created ("$ipm_to_ms_option_value") on $static_addr
in MS.
52200 Error Could not locate snmpwalk binary.
52201 Error Could not execute snmpwalk command ("$cmd"). Error: $err.
52202 Error Could not launch tcpdump process (command: "$cmd").
52220 Notice Dump finished.
52221 Notice Captured info about VLAN $vlan.
52300 Error Could not connect to the remote Microsoft server (IP: $ip).
53000 Error The minimum size for encryption is 384 bits.
53001 Error Could not generate DSA parameters for the key.
53002 Error Could not generate a DSA key.
53003 Error Could not generate the CSR file.
53004 Error A key file is missing in the imported archive.
53005 Error The selected SSL certificate is not usable.
53006 Error Unable to change the SSL certificate: invalid certificate (configuration rolled back).
53007 Error The import was cancelled: the private key is invalid.
53008 Error The import was cancelled: the certificate is invalid.
53009 Error The import was cancelled: the private key cannot be used with this certificate.
53010 Error Unable to create the SSL object: a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is invalid.
53011 Error Unable to create or import "$object_name": another SSL object already uses that
53012 Error Unable to generate the key: its size is invalid ($size).
53013 Error Unable to generate the key: the operation failed.
53014 Error Unable to perfom this operation: the key cannot be found.
53015 Error Unable to delete the key "$object_name": it is active.
53016 Error Unable to delete the key "$object_name".
53017 Error Unable to deactivate the database encryption.
53018 Error Unable to deactivate the database encryption: it is already deactivated.
53019 Error Unable to encrypt the database using the key "$object_name": the activation failed.
53020 Error Unable to activate the key "$object_name": it is already active.
53021 Error Unable to activate the key "$object_name": it must be saved before being activated.
53022 Error Unable to activate the key "$object_name": it is missing.
53023 Error Unable to import the selected key file.
53024 Error Unable to activate the database encryption: you must download the key file, saved
it in a safe place and compared it to the MD5 checksum.
53025 Error Unable to change the database encryption: the database is in read-only.
53026 Error Unknown cipher ($cipher).
53200 Notice The DNSSEC key "$object_name" was successfully deleted.
53201 Notice The private key was successfully added.
53202 Notice The CSR was successfully added.
53203 Notice The public key was successfully added.
53204 Notice The self signed certificate was successfully added.
53205 Notice Certificate applied.
53206 Notice The key $key_name was successfully invalidated.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

53207 Notice The key "$object_name" was successfully generated.
53208 Notice The key "$object_name" was successfully deleted.
53209 Notice The database encryption was successfully deactivated.
53210 Notice The key "$object_name" was successfully activated.
53211 Notice The selected key file was successfully imported.
53250 Error Could not generate requested DNSSEC key. Following output was sent: $parameters.
53251 Error Could not fetch key content ($parameters).
53252 Error Could not find DNSSEC key !.
53253 Error Could not update key metadata, key malformed.
53254 Error Could not find the corresponding key.
53255 Error Cannot edit / delete DNSSEC keys.
53256 Error Cannot sign the zone "$dnszone_name", only master zones can be signed.
53257 Error Key $key_name was already revoked.
53258 Error The key $key_name has already been deactivated.
53259 Error The key $key_name has already been activated.
53260 Error This key $key_name was invalidated. Please disable it first before enabling the new
53261 Error Cannot revoke the key "$key_name", it is currently disabled.
53262 Error Cannot purge the zone "$dnszone_name", it is currently used for DNSSEC.
53263 Error The specified DNSKEY already exists.
53264 Error The zone $dnszone_name was already signed for DNSSEC.
53265 Error Cannot change DNS server type, this server currently serves DNSSEC signed zones.
53266 Error Cannot change DNS server type, this server is currently configured to resolve
DNSSEC zones.
53267 Error Cannot directly delete DNSSEC-related records.
53268 Error Cannot delete last anchor, at least 1 must be specified.
53269 Error Cannot delete "$object_name", it is currently used by the system.
53270 Error It's impossible to delete KSKs. Please use the options of the Expert menu instead.
53271 Error You must select at least 1 DNSSEC key.
53272 Error Cannot invalidate the key "$key_name", only KSK keys can be invalidated.
53273 Error Cannot enable the out-of-date key "$key_name".
53274 Error Cannot add Trust Anchor from invalidated KSK.
53275 Error You can ONLY enable/disable KSK or ZSK keys.
53276 Error This DNS server ($dns_name) is already resfreshing.
53277 Error This action cannot be performed on non-signed DNS zones (zone: $dnszone_name).
53278 Error The minimal allowed validity for DNSSEC keys is 3 days.
53280 Error You cannot set the validity to $count days. The date range cannot exceed the year
53281 Error Invalid GSS-TSIG key.
53282 Error Unable to set the update-policy on the zone "$dnszone_name" (type: $dnszone_type)
on the server "$dns_name": no key was found.
53283 Error Unable to add the DS record: there is no delegation record (NS) with the same name
in the zone.
53284 Error Unable to revoke the $key_type $key_name: only ZSK can be revoked.
53285 Error The DNS key does not exist.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

53288 Error Unable to generate the DNSSEC $key_type key for "$zone_name": the value of
"$parameters" exceeds the maximum UNIX timestamp.
53289 Warning To avoid exceeding the maximum UNIX timestamp, the $key_type key validity period
has been reduced for the zone "$zone_name".
53290 Error Unable to execute the rollover of the KSK "$key_name": it has been revoked.
53291 Error Unable to revoke the KSK "$key_name" it is the only one protecting the zone: you
must first execute its rollover or generate a new one.
53292 Error Unable to add the Trust Anchor: its owner "$owner" does not comply with RFC 1034.
53301 Error Unsupported advanced property.
53302 Error TSIG keys are not supported.
53303 Error Unable to set the recursion parameter on the server "$dns_name" as long as the
box "Force Hybrid DNS compatibility" is ticked.
53304 Error Unable to add the view: you cannot add views on a Hybrid compliant DNS server.
53305 Error Unable to add the zone "$dnszone_name": you cannot add "$dnszone_type" zones
on this type of architecture.
53306 Error Unable to add the "$dnszone_type" zone "$dnszone_name": you cannot manage
authoritative zones and recursive zones on this type of architecture.
53307 Error Unable to add the record "$rr_name": you cannot add "$rr_type" records on this type
of architecture.
53308 Error The operation could not complete on the smart server "$dns_name": it is not supported
by at least one of the physical servers managed through the smart.
53309 Error The DNS server "$dns_name" must be managed through a smart architecture.
53310 Error Unable to switch to NSD/Unbound: the server configuration of "$dns_name" is not
compatible with Hybrid DNS. To generate the list of all the parameters that prevent
the switch, use the menu: Report > Hybrid DNS Engine incompatibilities.
53311 Error Unable to switch "$dns_name" to $destination: its engine cannot be switched to
Hybrid DNS.
53312 Error Unable to set the "forward" parameter in the zone "$dnszone_name": it is not sup-
ported on a stub zones or Hybrid configurations.
53313 Error Unable to set the parameter "forwarders" on the zone "$dnszone_name": it is not
supported on stub zones or Hybrid configurations.
53314 Error Unable to disable the Force Hybrid DNS compatibility option: you cannot disable it
when the smart architecture is managing at least one Hybrid engine.
53315 Error You must switch your Hybrid engine to BIND before adding them to a smart architec-
53316 Error Unable to add the zone: you cannot add a "$dnszone_type" zone as long as the
server recursion parameter is set to "$recursion".
53317 Error Unable to set forward related options on the server "$dns_name": you cannot config-
ure the forward or set forwarders on a server with no recursion if the box "Force
Hybrid DNS compatibility" is ticked.
53318 Error Unable to switch the server "$dns_name": you can only switch physical servers that
are managed through a smart architecture.
53319 Error Unable to perform this operation: you cannot set forwarding parameters on authorit-
ative Hybrid architectures.
53320 Error Unable to switch the engine of the DNS server "$dns_name".
53322 Error Unable to sign the zone: DNSSEC is incompatible with Hybrid servers.
53323 Error Forcing Hybrid DNS compatibility is only possible on smart architectures.
53324 Error Unable to add the record "$rr_name": its value contains $rr_value_length characters.
It cannot exceed 4000 characters.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

53330 Notice Unable to switch the server "$dns_name" to "$switch_to": you are currently using
this configuration. The server was not edited.
53331 Notice The server "$dns_name" DNS service configuration was successfully switched.
55000 Warning Some conflict detected.
55001 Warning To commit use $cmd.
57001 Error Unable to perform the command "force $rndc_cmd" for the zone "$dnszone_name":
it is not supported on "$dnszone_type" zones.
57100 Notice The directory was successfully synchronized.
57101 Notice The directory was successfully deleted.
57102 Error Unable to add a directory: it already exists.
57103 Error Unable to delete the directory: it was not found.
57108 Notice On IP address "$hostaddr", a session was found for "$identity" in the directory
57109 Notice No session found.
58002 Error Unable to restrict the class parameter "$tag_name": it is already propagated.
58003 Error Unable to inherit the class parameter "$tag_name": you are at the highest level of
hierachy you can only propagate parameters.
58004 Error Unable to inherit the class parameter "$tag_name": the parameter is restricted in the
parent object.
58005 Error Unable to inherit the class parameter "$tag_name": it was not found in the parent
58006 Error Unable to delete the class parameter "$tag_name": you cannot remove an inherited
58007 Error Unable to add/edit the resource because of the class parameter "$tag_name": an
inherited class parameter cannot be restricted in template mode.
58008 Error Unable to perform this operation on the VLSM block-type network $subnet_addr-
$subnet_end_addr (space "$site_name"): it can only be executed if the value Inher-
itance property is "Inherit", but the class parameter "$tag_name" is "Set".
58009 Error Unable to add/edit the resource: the default class parameter "$tag_name" cannot
be removed.
59001 Notice The application "$application_name" was successfully added.
59002 Notice The pool "$pool_name" was successfully added.
59003 Notice The application "$appapplication_name" was successfully deleted.
59004 Notice The pool "$apppool_name" was successfully deleted.
59005 Notice The node "$appnode_name" was successfully deleted.
59006 Error Application already exists (name: $name, FQDN: $fqdn).
59007 Error Unable to associate the application with the server "$gslbserver_name": it does not
support GSLB.
59008 Error Unable to associate the GSLB server "$gslbserver_name" with the application
"$app_name": the application "$name" (FQDN: $fqdn) is already associated with
this server.
59011 Error Unable to find the application.
59012 Error Unable to edit the application: deployed traffic policies are read-only.
59013 Error Unable to find the application or pool.
59014 Error Unable to add the pool "$name": it already exists in the application "$applica-
tion_name" (FQDN: "$application_fqdn").
59015 Error Unable to rename the pool: the application already contains a pool named "$name".

Return Codes

Code Level Description

59016 Error Unable to add the pool "$name": the application already contains a pool using this
protocol ($type).
59017 Error Unable to find the pool.
59018 Error Unable to find the pool or node.
59019 Error Unable to add the node "$name": it already exists in the pool "$pool_name" of the
application "$application_name" (FQDN: "$application_fqdn").
59020 Error Unable to rename the node: the pool already contains a node named "$name".
59023 Error Unable to edit the node: deployed traffic policies are read-only.
59024 Error Unable to delete the node: deployed traffic policies are read-only.
59025 Error Unable to edit the pool: deployed traffic policies are read-only.
59026 Error Unable to delete the pool: deployed traffic policies are read-only.
59027 Error Unable to delete the application: deployed traffic policies are read-only.
59028 Error Unable to find the node.
59029 Error Unable to add the node: the IP address "$hostaddr" already exists in the pool.
59030 Notice The node "$node_name" was successfully added.
59038 Error Unable to associate the GSLB server "$gslbserver" with the application "$name"
(FQDN: "$fqdn"): you reached the maximum number of applications associated with
one server.
59039 Error Unable to add the node "$name" in the pool "$pool_name": you reached the maximum
number of nodes in one pool.
59040 Error Unable to delete the DNS server: it is associated with a deployed application traffic
policy. Go to the module Application to dissociate the server from the application.
59041 Notice The node "$appnode_name" was successfully managed (pool: $apppool_name,
application: $appapplication_name).
59042 Notice The node "$appnode_name" was successfully unmanaged (pool: $apppool_name,
application: $appapplication_name).
59044 Error Unable to convert the DNS server "$dns_name" into a smart architecture: it is asso-
ciated with a deployed application traffic policy. Go to the module Application to dis-
sociate the server from the application.
59045 Error Unable to associate the application with the server "$gslbserver_name": it does not
exist or is not in your resources.
59046 Error Unable to delete the application "$name" (FQDN: $fqdn): it is associated with a GSLB
server that is not part of your resources.
59047 Error Unable to delete the pool "$pool_name": it belongs to the application "$applica-
tion_name" (FQDN: $application_fqdn) which is associated with a GSLB server that
is not part of your resources.
59048 Error Unable to delete the node "$node_name" (pool: $pool_name): it belongs to the ap-
plication "$application_name" (FQDN: $application_fqdn) which is associated with
a GSLB server that is not part of your resources.
59101 Notice No lease inconsistency was found.
59102 Notice Some lease inconsistencies were found, to repair them refer to the file $file (Admin-
istration/Local files listing).
59103 Error Unable to repair the leases: no failover channel was found.
59104 Error Unable to repair the leases: the download of the lease file of the server "$dhcp_name"
($hostaddr) was interrupted.
59105 Error Unable to repair the leases: the lease file downloaded from the server "$dhcp_name"
is corrupted.
80001 Error Unable to add the dashboard: it already exists.
80002 Error Unable to delete the dashboard: it does not exist.

Return Codes

Code Level Description

80003 Error Unable to delete the dashboard: it is not empty.
80004 Error Unable to delete the dashboard: default dashboards cannot be deleted.
80005 Error Unable to edit the dashboard: default dashboards cannot be edited.
81001 Error $parameters.


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