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Statistical Treatments

and Significance
Range Formula (Scale)

Highest possible mean – Lowest possible mean / Number of Scale

Example: 5 Point Likert Scale 5 (SA) – 1 (SD)

5-1/5 = 0.8
Range and Description
5 Point Scale 4 Point Scale 3 Point Scale
4.20 – 5.00 Very High
3.40 – 4.19 High 3.25 – 4.00 VH
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate 2.50 – 3.24 H 2.32 – 3.00 H
1.80 – 2.59 Low 1.75 – 2.49 L 1.66 – 2.31 M
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low 1.00 – 1.74 VL 1.00 – 1.65 L

1. Analyze
2. Descriptive Statistics
3. Frequencies

4. Transfer the variable

5. Click Ok
Mean and SD

1. Analyze
2. Descriptive Statistics
3. Descriptives
Mean and SD

4. Transfer variables (all codes)

5. Options
Mean and SD

6. Unchecked Minimum and

7. Check Descending Means (do
not check comparative)
8. Continue
9. Click Okay

1. Analyze
2. Correlate
3. Bivariate
4. Transfer the Variables
5. Click Ok
Linear Regression

1. Analyze 6. Click Ok
2. Regression
3. Linear
4. Click or Move the dependent
variable in the dependent box
5. Click or Move the independent
variable in the independent box
Chi Square

1. Analyze 6. Check Chi-square

2. Descriptive Statistics 7. Click Continue and Ok
3. Crosstabs
4. Transfer the Variables in the
Row and Column boxes (either
is fine)
5. Click Statistics
Independent Samples T-test

1. Analyze 5. Transfer the 2nd Variable in the

2. Compare Means Test Variable box

3. Independent Samples T-test 6. Click Ok

4. Transfer Gender in the Grouping

Variable box
4.1 define groups
4.2 Key in 1 and 2, Click continue
To Interpret r-value

+R = y increases when x is increasing O.1/-0.1 – .25/-.25 very weak Relationship

-R = y decreases as x is increases .26/-.26 – .50/-.50 weak Relationship
.51/-.51 – .75/-.75 strong Relationship
.76/-.76 – 1.00/-1.00 very strong Relationship
To Interpret p-value

If the p-value is < or = 0.05 level of significance = Reject

If the p-value is > 0.05 level of significance = Accept
r-value in SPSS terms

Correlation (Pearson Correlation)

Linear Regression (R square)

Chi-Square (Pearson Chi-square)

p-value in SPSS terms
Correlation (Sig. (2 tailed))

Linear Regression (Sig.)

Chi-Square (Linear-by-Linear
Independent Samples T-test (Sig. (2

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