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1. What/ with/ was wrong/ your/ bike? 

2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently:
watching matches machine kitchen
3. way./ the beautiful/ scenery/ I can enjoy/ on the 
4. My favorite story is “The Little _____”.
5. from loud/ The sound waves/ sounds/ go/ far. 
6. He has been out of work ___ a long time. (during since for through)
7. They ___ late for school.
never go are never never are don’t go
8. Hoa twice/ The teacher calls/ still taking/ but she is/ to her friend. 
9. We have P.E. lessons at the ___.
10. A: He has a temperature. –B: ____.
He should play video games more. He shouldn’t brush his teeth.
He should drink too much water. Hs shouldn’t stay in bed.
11. make children/ watching cartoons/ Kids love/ because they/ feel happy. 
12. What is Linh ____ing to do tomorrow?
13. What subject do you like __? (most best English in)
14. It is not good for Peter to see the honor film because he is ___ young.
15. Mrs. Ngoc always __ me when my parents go out.
takes care of looks on likes takes out
16. -______ - Mary is friendly and hard-working.
What does Mai look like? What do you think of Mai?
How’s Mai today? What does Mai like?
17. It’s cool in f___l?
18. I hope the ___ can repair our car quickly.
mechanic reporter architect dentist
19. I was really/ again/ yesterday./ see Mark/ happy to 
20. the city/ of the countryside?/ Does your/ grandmother live in 
21. “She spent half a day sewing a new dress for her doll.” The sentence means ____.
It takes her half a day sewing a new dress for her doll.
It took her half a day to sew a new dress for her doll.
Sewing a new dress for her doll cost her half a day.
She sewed a new dress for her doll and the time was half a day.
22. My brother ___ karate at Hanoi Sports Centre.
make makes do does
23. Students have to learn how to _______t the nature.
24. – Did you enjoy your trip? – Yes, of course. I had a w_________ time.
25. listening to/ can sing/ all famous songs./ pop music. She/ Linh enjoys
26. _____ attention and listen to the conversation.
27. The teacher/ still taking/ but she is/ to her friends./ calls Linda twice 
28. He’d like/ in his/ to play table tennis/ free time. 
29. You should wear _____ when going out at noon.
30. We should _____ more trees to reduce air pollution.
31. My sister’s birthday is in J__y.
32. Choose the odd one out: History Literature Subject Science
33. – What p______ did you see last night? – I saw “MasterChef Junior” on Fox Life
34. Where _____ you last Sunday? (did was were do)
35. doll/ lovely/ a / it is! / What 
36. We are learning ___ animals and plants ____ French.
for/ in about/ in to/ of about/ of
37. The weather today is ____ better than yesterday.
more much so very
38. shoes./ The children/ find/ in their/ presents 
39. You/ should be/ COVID-19./ at home to avoid 
40. She goes to school ___ days a week, from Monday to Saturday.
41. begin/ learning English?/ did/ you/ When 
42. What do you do in the evening? – I usually ___ homework with my sister.
play watch make do
43. – How do you practice your English listening skills? - ____ watching American TV
44. fennec fox/ desert animals, the/ underground all day./ sleeps/ Like other 
45. leaves school./ after she/ a teacher/ to be/ Diana wants 
46. Don’t climb the _____. It’s very dangerous.
47. the washing/ for helping/ up./ Thank you/ me do 
48. He often wears a white shirt, black trousers and a ____ of gray shoes.
49. He _____ a big dragon in his dream.
50. each day/ It takes her/ her homework./ to do/ two hours 
51. more listening/ English/ is much/ than Maths. 
53. Thai Nguyen Province is ___ north Vietnam. (inon to from)
54. My brother ___ because he ___ the bed when ___.
hurt/ rolls off/ slept hurt/ rolled off/ sleeping
hurted/ rolled off/ sleeping hurted/ rolls off/ sleeping
55. I would like ____.
pair of shoes dong puzzles a goggle to make some coffee
56. Ba: “___ do you visit your uncle?” – Nam: “Every two weeks.”
Why How often When How long
57. your computer/ Is/ smaller/ than her computer? 
58. Why do you go to ____?
59. ____ rice does your mom eat every day? – She eats 3 bowls of rice.
How many How much What Why
60. of/ he took/ out/ the package./ bread 
61. ____ straight across the road.
Don’t run Not run No run Can’t run
62. How much is ___ of cooking oil?
a packet a bottle a can a box
63. My friend ____ English on Monday and Friday.
not have isn’t have don’t have doesn’t have
64. – Where ____ you yesterday? – I was at home.
was are were is
65. – How does he usually go to school? - _____.
He usually go to school by bus. He cycles usually to school.
He usually walks to school. He usually goes to school by foot.
66. What time is “Phineas and Ferbs” ___? – at 8 on Disney Channel.
at from on in
67. A: Excuse me, could you please tell me where Ngo Gia Tu Primary school is? –B: Go
along the street. Turn right ___ the second corner. The school is next to the cinema.
68. park./ things to/ see around the/ There are a/ lot of 
69. I often read short stories ___ English to practice English reading skills.
70. My younger sister is cooking in ____ kitchen. She isn’t upstairs.
71. – John: “_____” – Marry: “That’s a great idea.”
72. Do you like playing sports? Can you buy me some apples?
73. Why don’t we go out for dinner? May I borrow your pen?
74. Her class will play ____ Class 5A in the final match.
75. What did you think ____ the film last night on TV?
76. in Vietnam./ There are/ beaches/ a lot of beautiful 
77. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently:
washed played learned agreed
78. Oh, I am sorry because I broke your cup. - ______.
No. I don’t like. You’re welcome. Thank you. That’s OK. Don’t worry.
79. to/ She usually reads/ practice reading/ English novels/ English. 
80. do/ you/ What time/ go to bed? 
81. you/ When/ are/ going to/ get married? 
82. He wants/ how to/ to learn/ use/ the computer. 
83. he wants./ door to/ help Nobita/ go everywhere/ Doreamon uses a magic 
84. Thanks ___ your help. I can’t finish housework without your support.
about for by with
85. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently:
tomb climb comb crab
86. cool/ rainy in September./ It’s/ usually/ and 
87. to school?/ cycle/ often/ Kate/ Does 
88. Reading books ___ an important role in ___ your vocabulary.
plays/ developing play/ develop play/ developing plays/ develop
89. There is a big ____ in our school yard.
90. Here/ the/ comes/ sun. 
91. birthday party./ Philip is going/ his classmates to/ to invite all/ his 10th 
92. My grandpa has a _____. He cannot stand up straight.
93. We go to school at ___ in the morning.
a quarter to seven seven to a quarter seven quarter a quarter seven to
94. something./ throat and say/ front of your/ Put your/ hand on the 
95. William lives in the ___ floor. (seven one fourth five)
96. Nick is bored ____ watching TV programmes again and again.
97. Is/ Museum/ here?/ near/ the History 
98. - ____ is the weather today? – It’s cold.
99. The main _____ of the film “Peter Rabbit” is an English rabbit named Peter.
100. find a flat./ living with/ until I / I am/ some friends 
101. Which sentences is correct?
When the water goes into houses, people should stay in their homes.
All people get on the roof of their house and wait for help.
You should drive your cars into the area to help people.
The police and fire fighters use boats and helicopters to rescue people.
102. – How are you? – Very well, ____ you. And you?
103. A: What does the cat ____? – B: Meow meow.
speak talk bark say
104. Where ___ you last Sunday?
105. There are _____.
3 bottles wine 3 bottles of wine 3 water of wine 3 wines
106. ___ you be free tomorrow afternoon?
Did Will Is Would
107. the forest./ hiking in/ goes/ my dad/ At weekend. 
108. It takes about two hours to get ____ the city by coach.
109. to the/ conversation and/ Listen/ the questions./ answer 
110. My house is next ___ Hanoi university 
111. Odd one out: train airplane spaceship helicopter
112. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently:
see meet beak great
113. are/ collecting comic books./ often/ interested in/ The girls 
114. at breakfast/ I drank/ of milk/ today./ two glasses ->
115. Would you like to drink a ___ of coffee? – Yes, please.
bar jar bottle cup
116. The weather is always ___ in the winter.
117. Earth./ tallest animal/ living on the/ Giraffe/ is the 
118. “ I often take my dog for a walk.” “ This sentence has the same meaning as ____”
I often walk with my dog. I often let my dog walk.
I often go with my dog. I often go jogging with my dog.
119. Vietnamese students couldn’t go to school ___ COVID-19.
through because of due because
120. Pick put the word which has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:
Australia Vietnam Japan England
121. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the greatest m________.
122. Hoa is nervous because she has ____ friends at her new school.
123. Go ______ ahead.
124. In Britain, school always ___ in September.
begin begins began beginning
125. easy for/ With very/ light/ birds to fly./ bones, it’s so 
126. ____ don’t we go for a swim? – It’s very hot today.
127. ____ up late is not a good habit. (stay staying stays stayed)
128. Lemon juice and yogurt taste _________.
129. You/ feed the/ must not/ animals at the/ zoo. 
130. asked/ The teacher/ student her/ name./ the new 
131. in./ are/ The jungles/ live/ difficult to 
132. people went/ festival./ to the sports/ Too/ many 
133. The weather today is hot____ than yesterday.
134. Ha Long Bay is one of the _____ attractive place in Vietnam.
135. Apples are very good ___ you. (at for of with)
136. There is a h____ mountain near my house.
137. take/ Did you/ the/ out/ garbage? 
138. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently:
giving singing playground kangaroo
139. Frank is _____ in his bed. He had a hard working day.
140. I am reading the story “Snow White and Seven _____”.
141. What’s the ____ of the chicken? – It’s about 1 kilogram.
142. tree/ To climb/ the/ dangerous./ is so 
143. and dry/ It is cool/ November/ from/ to April. 
144. What is/ of your/ the name/ favourite/ film? 
145. environmental/ I find it/ hard to/ raise people’s/ awareness. 
146. What is the ____ of Mekong river? (tall length high long)
147. the three./ This book/ of/ interesting/ is the most 
148. my sister/ I/ chatted with/ yesterday. 
149. biggest lakes on/ North America/ Lake Superior in/ Earth./ is one of the 
150. My grandfather/ taught/ to/ ride my bicycle./ me 
151. The Nile River is about 6,700 kilometres ______.
152. Marry is c___king in the kitchen at present.
153. delicious/ restaurant in/ seafood at a/ the evening./ My family had 
154. What are you doing, Lily?
I am looking for Doreamon comic book. I looks for Doreamon comic book
I look for Doreamon comic book. I looking for Doreamon comic book.
155. Because he rode too fast, he f____ off his bike.
156. the right/ come from/ You can/ of left ear./ hear when sounds 
157. Lan is good/ dancing./ and/ at both singing 
158. chores./ hour to do/ It will/ take me an/ the household 
159. The supermarket is ____ the post office.
160. eyes from/ your/ dust and dirt./ protect/ Eyelashes 
161. First, go p____ the traffic lights, then take the first left on Green Street.
162. by/ I learn 5/ English vocabularies/ heart/ each day. 
163. John was in hospital because he ____ his leg.
164. What will the weather be like in _____ Vietnam?
165. the “ Road to Mount Olympia”./ winning/ My father/ congratulated/ me on 
166. is/ and/ Our flat/ big/ beautiful. 
167. for Hindus/ in the world./ a very/ big festival/ Diwali is 
168. A: What do many countries celebrate Teachers’ Day for? – B: For _____ the teachers for
their teaching.
169. every day./ and trees/ waters flowers/ My grandfather 
170. mother in front/ morning./ of Da Nang/ I saw you/ supermarket yesterday 
171. I play video games on____ a week.
172. He prefers listening to music ___ playing sports in his free time.
than rather than to better than
173. What’s the ___ like in the spring? – It’s warm.
weather summer season flower
174. in the/ studies/ library after/ school./ She always 
175. tired./ your eyes/ too much/ Using the computer/ can make 
176. What’s your primary look ____? (love so like at)
177. three times a week/ while Tony/ I have Math/ has it/ every school day. 
178. It is_____.
a cup of rice a bowl of rice a bar of rice a jar of rice

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