Elixer Second Year Mbbs Guide

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• Structured (Clinical) Essay-1×6=6

• Structured Essay-1×6=6
• Short notes-3×5=15
• Pharmacological basis-3×1=3
• Two Uses and two adverse effects-3×1=3
• Choose appropriate drug and justify-2×1=2
• Name the following(Two examples of each)-5×1=5

Page 3


INTRODUCTION, 1 Two advantages and disadvantages of iv route of 1 Aug 17
ROUTES OF DRUG drug administration
ADMINISTRATON 2 New drug delivery systems 1 Oct 16
3 Trans dermal therapeutic system 3 Sep 15
PHARMACO 4 First pass metabolism 3 Jul 19,oct 16
KINETICS 5 Apparent volume of distribution 3 Feb 19
6 Plasma half life and its clinical relevance 3 Feb 18,feb 16
1 Mar 14
7 Bioavailability 3 Feb 16
8 Microsomal enzyme induction 3 Sep 13
9 What is a prodrug and mention 2 examples 1 Sep 13
10 Kinetics of elimination 3 Apr 13
11 Hoffman elimination 1 Apr 13
PHARMACO 12 G-protein coupled receptors 3 Feb 20
DYNAMICS 13 Physiological antagonism 3 Aug 17
14 Drug antagonism 3 Feb 17,feb 15
15 Chemical antagonism with one example 1 Sep 14
16 ESSAY Ju 18
•Define a receptor. 1
•Discuss the various transducer mechanisms by
which the receptors act 5
PHARMACO 17 Tachyphylaxis with examples 1 Feb 18
THERAPY 18 Youngs formula 1 Oct 16
ADVERSE DRUG 19 Idiosyncracy 1 Feb 17
EFFECT 20 Pharmacovigilance 1 Sep 15
21 Teratogenicity 1 Feb 15


CHOLINERGIC 1 Physostigmine / Neostigmine in glaucoma
1 Feb 20
SYSTEM management
Neostigmine 3 Aug 17
Explain briefly why physostigmine is preferred
1 Feb 15
over neostigmine for the treatment of glaucoma
2 Treatment of smoking cessation 3 Feb 19
3 Atropine as antisecretory agent 1 Feb 19
Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of atropine. 3 Oct 16
Rationale for use of physostigmine in atropine 1 Sep 15
Atropine 3 Feb 15
Two uses and two adverse effects of atropine 1 Mar 14
4 Explain the rationale for the use of oximes in 1 Aug 17
organophosphorus poisoning
Treatment of organophosphorous poisoning 3 Sep 14,sep 13

Page 4
Drug treatment of anti cholinesterase poisoning 3 Apr 13
5 ESSAY Feb 19
• Enumerate the topical group of agents used in 2
the treatment of open angle glaucoma.
•Give examples 2
•explain the mechanism of one drug from each
group 2
A middle aged man posted for Appendectomy was
given an injection by the ward nurse before being
shifted to the operation theatre. Patient
developed dryness of mouth, difficulty in
swallowing and severe thirst.
•What is the drug that was injected 1
•Why the drug was given pre-operatively 2
•What are the other drugs which are given
pre-operatively 3
7 19 yrs old Saravanan was admitted to the Feb 19
emergency ward with the history of consumption
of poison after love failure. On admission, he had
profuse sweating, excess salivation, laboured
breathing & pinpoint pupil. He had thrown
convulsion once. His pulse rate was 45-50/mt.

•What is your probable diagnosis 2
•What is the line of management 1
•What are the specific antidotes. 2
•How they are useful
ADRENERGIC 8 Prazosin 1 Feb 20
SYSTEM 9 Explain the use of propranolol in thyrotoxicosis 1 Feb 18
Two uses and two adverse effects of propranolol 1 Feb 15
10 Dipivefrine 1 Feb 17
11 Carvedilol 3 Oct 16
12 Therapeutic uses of adrenergic drugs 3 Feb 16
13 Dopamine 3 Feb 16
Dopamine in cardiogenic shock 3 Sep 14
14 Amphetamine 3 Sep 15
15 Rationale of using terazosin in benign prostatic 1 Feb 15
16 Nasal decongestants 3 Sep 13
17 ESSAY Sep 14
•Classify beta blockers with one example for each. 2
•Mention the therapeutic uses and 2
•adverse effects of propranolol 2
•Enumerate β blockers. 3 Mar 14
•Explain any six uses and
•two contraindications of β blockers 1

Page 5
Read the clinical problem and answer the
following question: An elderly male aged 70
years was brought to the outpatient department
with complaints of difficulty in passing urine, poor
stream & post void dribbling. Examination
revealed that he had benign prostatic hypertrophy
(BPH) and his BP was 160/ 100 mm of Hg.
•What drug will you prescribe to take care of both
BPH & hypertension 2
•Explain the mechanism of action of the drug in
this patient
•What do you understand by ‘first dose effect’ of
Prazosin 2


1 Atracurium 3 Feb 20
1 Feb 18
2 Dantrolene in malignant hyperthermia 1 Feb 19
Rationale for use of dantrolene sodium in 1 Jul 18
malignant hypertension
Mechanism of action of dantrolene sodium Sep 14
3 Mechanism of action of pancuronium 1 Oct 16
Read the clinical problem and answer the
following questions:
After injection of succinylcholine i.v. to provide
muscle relaxation, the patient developed
prolonged apnoea.
•What is the probable reason for this. 2

•Can edrophonium be given as antidote. If yes, 2

why and if not why not.
•What is the line of treatment 2
30 years old man was admitted in emergency Sep 15
ward with acute abdominal pain. After diagnosed
with acute appendicitis, he was taken for surgery.
On the operation table, after administration of a
skeletal muscle relaxant, patient developed
difficulty in breathing and went in for apnoea.
•Which skeletal muscle relaxant is responsible for
this reaction.
•What is the reason for the apnoea. 3
•How will you manage the patient. 2

Page 6

1 Drug therapy of migraine prophylaxis 3 Feb 20
Prophylaxis of migraine Jul 18
2 Allopurinol 1 Jul 19,feb 19
3 Cetirizine 3 Feb 19
4 Uses of prostaglandins 3 Jul 18
Rationale for use of prostaglandin in acid peptic 1 Sep 15
Clinical uses of prostaglandins Apr 13
5 Sumatriptan 3 Feb 18
6 Mention two selective Cox-2 inhibitors 1 Aug 17
7 Second generation antihistamines 3 Sep 15
8 ESSAY Jul 18
•Classify NSAIDs.
•Mention the therapeutic uses and 2
•adverse effects of salicylates 2

•Enumerate four groups of non-steroidal Feb 15

anti-inflammatory drugs with the example for
•Describe the pharmacological actions, 2
•adverse effects and therapeutic uses of any one
of them 1+1

•Classify non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. 2 Sep 13

•List the uses of NSAIDs. 2

•Mention four differences between aspirin and
celicoxib. 2
Master. Vijay, 12 years had severe fever for the
past 3 days and he was under treatment with
antibiotics and analgesics. He developed severe
pain in the stomach after taking the analgesics and
he was admitted to the Hospital for severe
• List four groups of analgesics and antipyretics
that produces gastritis ,
•Mention the mechanism of action and
advantages of propionic acid derivatives 2
•Name two selective COX-2 inhibitors and its
advantages 2
10 Mr.George aged 45 years was on Sep 14
maintenance dose of warfarin 5 mg /day for
his ischaemic heart disease. Subsequently
he developed joint pains for which he
was administered tab. aspirin 300mg thrice daily
after food. One week later he was brought to

Page 7
casualty in a state of shock due to severe
haemetemesis. 2
•How will you explain haemetemesis in this
•How it could have been prevented. 2
•How will you treat the present emergency


ANTI 1 Clonidne 1 Jul 19
HYPERTENSIVES 2 Losartan 3 Jul 18
3 Ramipril 3 Sep 15,sep 14
4 ESSAY Aug 17
•Enumerate five groups of anti- hypertensive 2
drugs with examples of each.
•Discuss the mechanism of action, 2
•adverse effects and 1
•therapeutic uses of any one of them
ANTI ANGINAL 5 Beta blockers in angina 1 Feb 20
DRUGS 6 Calcium channel blockers 3 Jul 19,apr 13
Two uses and two adverse effect of nifedipine. 1 Feb 16
Rationale for use of calcium channel blockers in Sep 15
Two uses and two adverse effects of calcium Sep 14
channel blockers.
7 Rationale of low dose aspirin in post MI 1 Feb 18
8 Rationale of use of nitrates in angina pectoris 1 Sep 14
Nitrates in acute attack of angina Feb 16
9 Nicorandil 3 Apr 13
10 Rationale of combining beta blockers with nitrates 1 Apr 13
11 ESSAY Feb 17
•Classify drugs used in the treatment of angina 2
•What is the effect of nitrates on coronary blood 2
•Describe the mechanism of action and 1
•any two adverse effects of nitrates
A 50 year old male patient with type 1 diabetic
on insulin developed hypertension.he was given a
priscription of propanalol.answer the following
•is the use of propanalol is justified 2

•what should be the line of managment of hyper 2

tension in this patient
•what is the role of propanalo in myocardial

Page 8

13 Mr.Shankar, 54 years suddenly developed severe Feb 15

chest pain. He was a diabetic and admitted in the
ICCU with the diagnosis of acute myocardial
•List the drug to be started immediately after 2
acute myocardial infarction.
•Write the mechanism of action and two adverse 2
effects of fibrinolytics
•Name the analgesics used to relieve pain and its
rationale for the same 2
DRUGS FOR HEART 14 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor in 1 Feb 19
FAILURE congestive cardiac failure
15 Inodilators 1 Jul 18
16 ESSAY Feb 18
•Classify antihypertensive drugs. 2

•Describe the mechanism of action, 2

•uses and adverse effects of angiotensin
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors 1+1
A 50 year old man develops pedal edema and also
has difficulty in breathing. Echocardiography
confirms mild congestive cardiac failure. Answer
the following:
• What are the first line drugs in congestive 1
cardiac failure.
• What is the rationale for use of each of them in 2
congestive cardiac failure
• Mention the life style modification that you 1
would advise to this patient
• Add a note on treatment of digoxin over dosage
ANTI ARRHYTHMIC 18 Lidocaine / Propranolol to treat arrhythmia 1 Feb 19
DRUGS following myocardial infarction

1 Treatment of Status Asthmaticus 3 Feb 20
2 Montelukast / Salbutamol in acute bronchial 1 Jul 19
3 Ipratropium bromide 3 Feb 17

4 Bronchodilators 3 Mar 14

1 Human erythropoietin(Epoietin) 1 Feb 20

Page 9
2 Fibrinolytic drug 3 Jul 19
3 Tenecteplase 1 Feb 19
4 Clopidogrel 3 Feb 18,aug 17
5 Low molecular weight heparin 3 Feb 17
Heparin Feb 15
List two advantages of low molecular weight 1 Sep 13
heparin over standard heparin
6 Two differences between heparin and warfarin 1 Mar 14

1 Spironolactone in cirrhosis of liver 1 Feb 20
Spironolactone 3 Jul 18
2 Thiazides / Spironolactone in patients using 1 Jul 19
3 Furosemide. 3 Aug 17,feb 16
Rationale for use of furosemide in acute 1 Mar 14
pulmonary edema
4 Mechanism of action of loop diuretics 3 Feb 16
5 ESSAY Apr 13
•Classify diuretic agents. 2

•Describe the mechanism of action, 2

•uses and adverse effects of furosemide. 1+1


LOCAL 1 Combination of adrenaline with lignocaine in 1 Jul 19
ANAESTHETICS infiltration local anesthesia
2 Mechanism of action of lignocaine 1 Sep 15,sep 13
3 Rationale of using adrenaline with local 1 Sep 14,sep 13
GENERAL 4 Propofol 3 Feb 18, aug 17 feb
5 Pre anesthetic medication 3 Jul 18
Rationale for the use of glycopyrrolate in 1 Oct 16
pre-anesthetic medication.
6 Halothane 3 Feb 15,apr 13
7 Sevoflurane 3 Mar 14
ETHYL AND METHYL 8 Disulfiram / Fomepizole in methyl alcohol 1 Feb 20
ALCOHOLS poisoning
9 Fomepizole in methanol poisoning 1 Jul 19
10 Explain the pharmacological basis for the use of 1 Aug 17,sep 15
ethyl alcohol in methanol poisoning
Rationale of ethanol in methanol poisoning. 3 Feb 16
11 Mechanism of action of disulfiram 1 Apr 13
SEDATIVES AND 12 Diazepam 1 Jul 19
HYPNOTICS 3 Feb 15,sep 13
Uses of diazepam 1 Feb 17
Mechanism of action of diazepam. 1 Feb 16,mar 14
13 Flumazenil 1 Apr 13

Page 10
ANTI EPILEPTICS 14 Valproic acid 3 Feb 19
15 Lamotrigine 3 Feb 17
16 Carbamezapine 1 Sep 13
17 ESSAY Feb 20
•Enumerate the newer drugs used in the
treatment of epilepsy.
•Write the mechanism of action of any two
agents. 2
•Discuss the line of management of Status
Epilepticus 2

•Classify antiepileptic drugs. 2 Jul 19

•Describe the mechanism of action and adverse 2+2

effects of phenytoin
•Enumerate four groups of antiepileptic drugs 2 Oct 16
with examples.
•Mention four newer antiepileptics. 2
•Describe the pharmacological action, adverse
effects and therapeutic uses of any one of them 2
•Two drugs useful in absence seizures 1 Mar 14
• Explain the MOA of phenytoin 2
• List four uses of carbamazepine 2
• Mention two drugs used in status epilepticus 1
24 year old man brought to hospital with
complaints of unconsciousness, sustained
contractions(tonic) of all the body muscles
followed by periods of muscle contractions
alternating with periods of relaxations (clonic)
lasting to 1-2 minutes.
•What are the drugs which can be used 2
•Describe the pharmacokinetics and adverse
effects of any one such drug 3
•What is the treatment of status epilepticus 1
ANTI 19 Levodopa 3 Feb 20
PARKINSONIAN 20 Levodopa and carbidopa combination in 1 Jul 19
DRUGS Parkinson’s disease
21 COMT inhibitors 1 Jul 18
3 Oct 16
22 Why benzhexol used in drug induced parkinsonism 1 Feb 18
23 Flumazenil 1 Apr 13
24 ESSAY Sep 15
•Enumerate four groups of drugs used in
treatment of Parkinsons disease. 2
•Describe the pharmacological actions and
adverse effects of levodopa. 3
•What is the advantage of combining levodopa
with peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor and also
mention its dose 1

Page 11
A patient suffering from schizophrenia was being
treated with haloperidol for the last four weeks.
Now he developed rigidity, tremor, hypokinesia,
and classical gait.
Answer the following
• what are the Cause of these symptoms in this 1
patient 2
• How will you treat it?
• Why levodopa is combined with carbidopa in 3
parkinsonism and mention its dose
MENTAL ILLNESS 26 Atypical antipsychotic agents 3 Jul 19
27 2 uses and 2 adverse effects of chlorpromazine 1 Sep 13
25 year old man had a gradual onset of delusions
and auditory hallucinations. He was taken to a
psychiatrist who started him on tab. Haloperidol 2
mg daily. A few weeks later although he improved
clinically he developed stiffness and rigidity of
upper and lower limbs
•Comment on the response of the patient to
haloperidol 2
•Outline the further line of management 2
•Name 2 atypical antipsychotics 2
29 Amitriptyline 1 Feb 20
30 SSRIs and their advantages 1 Sep 14,mar 14
Sarala, 28 years old lady was suffering from
depression. The physician prescribed tablet
fluoxetine 20mg/day for her. Answer the
•What is the mechanism of action of fluoxetine. 2
•What is the advantage of this drug compared to
tricyclic antidepressants. 2
•What can happen if this patient is administered
pethidine concurrently 2
OPIOID ANALGESICS 32 Naloxone / Nalbuphine in morphine poisoning 1 Feb 19
AND ANTAGONISTS 33 Rationale of using methadone in morphine 1 Jul 18
dependent therapy
34 Use of morphine in left ventricular failure 1 Feb 17
35 Two uses and adverse effects of Morphine 1 Oct 16
36 Why morphine is contra indicated in patients with 1 Feb 16
head injury?
37 Tramadol 3 Feb 15
38 Antidote in morphine poisoning 1 Mar 14
CNS STIMULANTS AND 39 Modafinil in night shift workers 1 Feb 20


GENERAL 1 Orphan drugs 1 Feb 20

Page 12
PHARMACOLOGY 2 Transdermal patch Jul 19,feb 18
3 Microsomal enzyme inducers Jul 19,mar 14
4 Prodrugs Aug 17
5 Drugs Causing teratogenicity Aug 17,feb 16

ANS 6 Vesico-selective anticholinergics 1 Feb 20

7 Drugs for open angle glaucoma Feb 19
8 Beta 2 sympathomimetics Jul 18
9 Drugs for Benign prostatic hypertrophy Jul 18,feb 17,
sep 14
10 Drugs for acute glucoma Feb 18,feb 17
11 Selective alpha blocker Aug 17
12 Anti muscarinc drugs Aug 17
13 Drugs used in myesthenia gravis Oct 16,apr 13
14 Drugs for OP poisoning Feb 16
15 Colinesterase reactivators Sep 15
16 Nasal decongestants Sep 15,feb 15
17 ACE inhibitors Feb 15
18 Drugs for anaphylactic shock Sep 14
19 Uterine relaxants Apr 13
SKELETAL MUSCLE 20 Competitive neuromuscular blockers 1 Jul 18
RELAXANTS 21 Centraly acting muscle relaxants Sep 15
22 Peripheraly acting skeleletal muscle relaxants Sep 13
AUTACOIDS 23 Disease modifiying antirheumatic drugs 1 Feb 18
24 Histamin releasers Feb 18
25 H1 receptor blockers Aug 17
26 Triptans Feb 17
27 Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Feb 16
28 Drugs for treatment of migraine Feb 16,feb 15,
Sep 14
29 Non sedative anti histamines 2014,sep 13
30 5 HT antagonists Apr 13
CVS 31 Drugs used for PSVT 1 Feb 20
32 Cardio selectve beta blocker Jul 19,sep 15
Sep 13
33 Calcium channel blockers Jul 18
34 Drugs for atrial fibrilation Feb 18
35 Drugs for hypertensive emergencies Feb 17,feb 16,
Sep 14,sep 13
35 Drugs for acute myocardial infarction Oct 16
36 Drugs for treatment of cardiac failure Oct 16,feb 15
37 Drugs for supraventricular arrhythmia sep 14,mar 14
38 Drugs for prophylaxis of angina pectoris Mar 14,sep 13
RESPIRATORY 39 Mucolytics 1 Feb 20
SYSTEM 40 Drugs for acute severe asthma Oct 16
41 Inhalational steroids Sep 15
42 Drugs adminsterd via inhalational route Sep 14
43 Bronchodilators(of two different group) Sep 13
44 Mast cell stablizers Apr 13
BLOOD 45 Low molecuar weight heparin 1 Feb 20,sep 15,
Apr 13
46 Plasma expanders Jul 19

Page 13
47 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Feb 19
48 Antiplatelet agents Feb 19,apr 13
49 Oral anticoagulants Jul 18
50 fibrinolytics Feb 18,feb 16
51 Drugs for iron deficiency anemia Aug 17,oct 16
52 Thrombolytic agents Feb 17
53 Drugs for hyperlipidemia Feb 16,mar 14
RENAL 54 Uricosuric agents 1 Jul 18
PHARMACOLOGY 55 Potassium sparing diuretics Feb 18
56 Inhibitors of renal epitheial sodium channel Feb 17
57 Ototoxic diuretics Feb 15
CNS 58 COMT inhibitor 1 Feb 19,apr 13
59 Leukotriene antagonist Feb 19,feb 17
60 Selective serotonine reuptake inhibitor Feb 19,jul 18
Aug 17,feb 17
61 Drugs for absences seizures Feb 18
62 Pre aneasthetic medication Aug 17,sep 14
63 Drugs for motion sickness Feb 16
64 Drugs for febriile convulsions Oct 16
65 Drugs for statusepilepticus Oct 16
66 Drugs for parkinsons disease Feb 16
67 I.V general aneasthetics Sep 15,sep 13
68 Drugs for treatment of methanol poisoning Feb 15,sep 13
69 Short acting agents for insomnia Feb 15
70 Drugs for relief of somatic pain Mar 14
71 Drugs for idiopathic parkinsonism Mar 14
72 Antidote in poisoning due to paracetamol and Sep 13
73 Drugs for drug induced parkinsonism Apr 13

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ANTIMICROBIAL 1 Antibiotic resistance 3 Jul 19
GENERAL 2 What is post antibiotic effect and mention one 1 Oct 16
QUINOLONES 3 Chloroquine 3 Feb 20,aug 17
1 Feb 19
Uses of chloroquine 3 Feb 16
4 Ciprofloxacin / Amoxicillin in urinary tract 1 Feb 19
infection in pregnancy
Ciprofloxacin 3 Feb 18,apr 13
Specify the important spectrum of 1 Feb 17
Mechanism of action of ciprofloxacin 1 Feb 15
5 Galtifloxacin 3 Sep 15
6 ESSAY Feb 20
•Classify fluoroquinolones. 2
•Explain the mechanism of action, uses and 1+2+1
adverse effects of fluoroquinolones.
BETALACTAM 7 Third generation / Fourth generation 1 Jul 19
ANTIBIOTICS cephalosporins in MRSA infection
4th generation cephalosporins 3 Aug 17
Second generation cephalosporins and its uses 3 Sep 13
8 Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid 1 Feb 19
9 Pharmacological basis for combining beta 1 Feb 17
lactamase inhibitors with beta lactam antibiotics
10 Mention anti pseudomonal penicillin 1 Sep 13
11 ESSAY Jul l 18
•Classify beta lactam antibiotics. 2
•Explain the mechanism of action, uses and 2+1+1
adverse effects of ceftriaxone
12 •Classify cephalosporins. 2 Feb 17
•Mention the mechanism of action, adverse
effects and uses of third generation 2+2
13 •Classify cephalosporins. 2 Feb 16
•Describe the mechanism of action and clinical 1+2
uses of ceftriaxone.
•Which drug can be combined with amoxicillin to
treat infection due to beta lactamase producing
staph. aureus 1
14 •Enumerate the antibiotics which act by inhibiting 2 Mar 14
cell wall synthesis.
•Mention the detailed mechanism of action of any

Page 15
one of them on bacterial cell wall synthesis. 2
•Add a note on beta lactamase inhibitors 2
A 50 years old lady complains of pain in the
throat and has been diagnosed to have
streptococcal tonsillitis. Answer the following:
•Name two appropriate drugs for it. 1
•Name two bactericidal and two bacteriostatic 1
•Explain briefly the mechanism of action of 2
•What are the adverse effects of amino glycosides 2
TETRACYCLINE & 16 Chloramphenicol/Ceftriaxone in typhoid fever 1 Feb 20
CHLORAM 17 Mention two differences between tetracycline 1 Apr 13
PHENICOL and doxycycline
18 CLINICAL ESSAY Aug 17,sep 13
A 20 years old pregnant women developed a mild
bacterial upper respiratory tract infection. She
was given cap. tetracycline 250 mg thrice daily for
3 days. Answer the following questions: 2
•Comment on the treatment for a mild bacterial
•Comment on the use of tetracycline in pregnancy 2
•If it were a severe infection what would be the
choice of antibiotic in a pregnant woman. 2
AMINO 19 Adverse effects of aminoglycoside antibiotics 3 feb 16
MACROLIDE AND 20 Clarithromycin 3 Feb 19
OTHER Mechanism of action of clarithromycin. 1 Feb 17
ANTIBACTERIALS 21 Specify the important spectrum of vancomycin 1 Sep 14
22 Azithromycin 3 Mar 14
23 ESSAY Apr 13
•Enumerate macrolide antibiotics. 2
•Describe briefly its mechanism of action and 1+2
mention four uses.
•Add a note on linezolid. 1
ANTI 24 Multidrug therapy for tuberculosis 1 Feb 20
TUBERCULOSIS Treatment of multi drug resistance tuberculosis 3 Jul 18
DRUGS 25 Rifampicin 3 Oct 16,sep 14
26 Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of 3 Sep 13
27 Mention four adverse effects of rifampicin 1 Apr 13
A 25 years old lady reported to the hospital with
complaints of low grade fever since 10 days and
weakness, fatigue, cough & expectoration since
one month. Sputum was found to be positive for
AFB and X-ray chest showed fibrotic changes in
the left upper lobe. 2
•What is the treatment regimen to be followed
for the patient
•Explain the mechanism of action and adverse 2
effects of Rifampicin

Page 16
•What would you advise if the lady was pregnant 2
29 A 28 years old woman having two children wanted Sep 15
to follow a contraceptive method. Patient was
advised to take oral contraceptive pills. She is a
known case of pulmonary tuberculosis for which
she is on Rifampicin 450mg. INH300mg and
ethambutol 300mg per day.
•What are the expected complications. 2
•Why 2
•What will you suggest 2
ANTILEPROTICS 30 Clofazimine 1 Jul 19,feb 16
31 Pharmacological basis for the use of thalidomide 1 Aug 17
in lepra reaction
32 Lepra reaction 3 Feb 15
1 Apr 13
ANTIFUNGALS 33 Griseofulvin 3 Feb 20
Griseofulvin / Miconazole in candida albicans 1 Feb 19
34 Fluconazole / Ketoconazole in fungal meningitis 1 Jul 19
Two differences between ketoconazole and 1 Oct 16
Fluconazole 3 Feb 15
Mention two uses and two adverse effects of 1 Sep 13
35 Itraconazole 3 Jul 18
36 Amphotericin B. 3 Feb 17
37 Uses of azole antifungal agents 1 Feb 16
38 ESSAY Feb 18
A 60 years old woman with diabetes complains of
thickening and yellowish discoloration of right big
toe. The physician diagnosed it as onychomycosis
of toe nail.
•What are the drugs useful in treatment of this
patient. 2
•Explain the mechanism of action and adverse
effects of any one drug 2+2
ANTI VIRAL 39 Oseltamivir 3 Jul 19
DRUGS 40 Protease inhibitors 3 Feb 19
Protease inhibitors in HIV infection 3 Feb 17
41 Low dose ritonavir 1 Jul 18
42 What are streptogramins and mention one use of 1 Oct 16
43 Interferon alpha 3 Sep 15
44 Mechanism of action of acyclovir 1 Apr 13
ANTIMALARIAL 45 Sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine in malaria 1 Feb 20
DRUGS 46 Artemisinin derivatives 3 Jul 19
Artemisinin based combination therapy (ACT ) in 3 Oct 16
47 Radical cure in plasmodium vivax infection 1 Mar 14
48 Treatment of multi drug resistant falciparum 1 Apr 13
49 ESSAY Feb 15
•Classify drugs used in treatment of malaria. 2

Page 17
•Explain the mechanism of action, adverse effects 2+1
and dose of any one such drug.
•Which drug is used for radical cure of acute vivax
malaria. 1
•Classify anti malarial drugs. 2 Sep 13
•Mention the adverse effects and therapeutic
uses of chloroquine 2+2
Mr. Ramu 40 years presented with H/o fever with
chills for the past two days and diagnosed as a
case of plasmodium falciparum malaria.
• Prescribe for acute attack of plasmodium 2
falciparum malaria.
• Mention the mechanism of action of any one 2
anti malarial drug.
• List two drugs for chemoprophylaxis of malaria 2
ANTI 51 Metronidazole and ceftriaxone for brain abscess 1 Feb 20
AMOEBIC DRUGS 52 Metronidazole 1 Feb 19
3 Aug 17,sep 13
Apr 13
Mention four uses of metronidazole 1 Oct 16
40 years old man who was on metronidazole for
amoebic dysentery went to a cocktail party where
he consumed alcohol. After some time, he started
developing symptoms like flushing, burning
sensation, throbbing headache, dizziness,
tightness in chest, vomiting.
•What is the reason for his symptoms. 2
•What are the other uses of metronidazole. 2
•What are the adverse effects produced by 2
ANTI HELMINTHIC 54 Mebendazole 1 Feb 20
DRUGS 55 Albendazole 3 Feb 18
56 Ivermectin 3 Sep 13

PEPTIC ULCER 1 Omeprazole 3 Feb 20
& 2 Sucralfate in gastric ulcer 1 Jul 19
GASTRO 3 Lansoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin in H. 1 Feb 19
ESOPHAGEAL pylori infection
REFLUX DISEASE 4 Peptic ulcer protective agents 3 Jul 18
5 Triple drug regimen in helicobacter pylori infection 1 Feb 18
6 Proton pump inhibitors 3 Feb 17,feb 15,
Mar 14
7 Non systemic antacids 3 Oct 16
8 Rabeprazole 3 Sep 15
9 Rationale for the combined use of aluminium and 1 Sep 15
magnesium salts in antacid preparations
10 Comment on the interaction between itraconazole
and omeprazole

Page 18
11 Omeprazole in peptic ulcer – Rationale 1 Apr 13
ANTIEMETICS 12 Ondansetron 3 Feb 19
Mechanism of action of ondansetron 1 Jul 18
13 Aprepitant 3 Feb 18
1 Feb 16
14 Mechanism of action of metoclopramide 1 Sep 14
Adverse effects of metoclopramide Mar 14
CONSTIPATION 15 Super ORS 1 Mar 14


THYROID 1 Radio active iodine 1 Feb 20
HORMONES & 2 Propranolol in thyroid storm 1 Jul 19
THYROID 3 Anti- thyroid drugs safe during pregnancy 1 Aug 17
INHIBITORS 4 Anti thyroid drugs 3 Sep 14
1 Apr 13
5 Drug used in thyrotoxic crisis 1 Mar 14
A 35 years old woman came with complaints of
heat intolerance, retraction of upper eyelid and
menstrual irregularities. Her T3 , T4 , FT4 & FT3
are elevated while TSH is suppressed. Answer the
• Which drugs can be administered to reduce the
thyroid activity in this patient. 2
•What is its mechanism of action. 2
•Which drug is preferred, if the patient is
pregnant. 1
•What is the route of administration of Iodine 131 1
DIABETES & 7 Insulin Glargine 3 Feb 19
ORAL Insulin analogues 3 Sep 13,apr 13
HYPOGLYCEMIC 8 Insulin used in diabetic ketoacidosis 1 Jul 18
DRUGS 9 Sulfonylureas in type II diabetes mellitus. 3 Feb 17
Comment on the drug interaction produced by 1 Sep 13
sulfonylureas and salicylates
10 Longest acting insulin given as once daily dose 1 Feb 15
11 Two advantages of human insulin 1 Sep 14
12 Alpha glucosidase inhibitors 3 Mar 14
13 ESSAY Jul 19
•Enumerate the newer insulin analogues. 2
•What is the advantage of using insulin analogues 2
over conventional insulin.
•How will you manage insulin resistance 2
14 •Classify oral hypoglycemic drugs. 2 Feb 18
•Explain the mechanism of action, 2
•uses and side effects of sulfonylureas 1+1
•Classify oral hypoglycemic agents. 2 Aug 17
•Explain the mechanism of action and adverse 2+2
effects of any one group

Page 19
•Classify oral anti diabetic drugs and 2 Oct 16
•explain the mechanism of action of any two
groups. Mention one insulin analog and 3
•list one advantage of it over conventional insulin 1
A 25years old insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
patient develops sweating, anxiety, palpitations
and tremors after performing vigorous exercise.
Answer the following:
•What is the cause of these symptoms. 1
•Would you prescribe beta blockers to this patient
if he develops hypertension and why. 2
• How will you treat diabetic keto acidosis 3
CORTICOSTEROIDS 16 Inhaled corticosteroids 3 Feb 20
17 Adverse effects of glucocorticoids 3 Jul 18
Mention two important uses and adverse effects 1 Feb 17
of glucocorticoids
Uses of glucocorticoids 3 Feb 16,sep 13
18 Mechanism of action of hydrocortisone 1 Oct 16
19 ESSAY Feb 19
•Classify corticosteroids. 2
•Describe the uses and adverse effects of
glucocorticoids 2+2
A 60 year old lady is suffering from rheumatoid
arthritis and has been prescribed prednisolone.
Answer the following:
• What is the mechanism of action of
glucocorticoids. 2
• Name two glucocorticoids which have no
mineralocorticoid activity 2
• Enumerate the adverse effects that you expect
in this patient 2
GONADAL 21 Oxytocin/Ergometrine in Postpartum Hemorhage 1 Feb 20
RELATED DRUGS 22 Bromocriptine 1 Feb 19
Two uses of bromocriptine 1 Feb 18
23 Raloxifene 1 Feb 19
3 Feb 18
24 Clomiphene citrate 3 Aug 17,sep 15
25 Post coital contraceptives 3 Oct 16
26 Mifepristone 3 Apr 13
27 Centchroman 1 Feb 16
28 Comment on the interactions produced by oral 1 Feb 17
contraceptive pills and rifampicin
Adverse effects of oral contraceptives 3 Feb 15
Two uses and two adverse effects of oral 1 Sep 14
contraceptive pills
Serious adverse effects produced by oral 1 Mar 14
contraceptive pills
29 Rationale of estrogen in hormone replacement 1 Sep 14
30 Rationale for the combination of oestrogen and 1 Sep 13

Page 20
progesterone in OCPs
A recently married woman comes to your clinic
with complaints of calf tenderness. She says she
has been using a tablet for preventing pregnancy.
•Classify hormonal contraceptives 3
•Enumerate the advantages, disadvantages and
precautions while using these drugs 1+1+1
32 Mrs. Mala aged 30 is a known epileptic was on Jul 19
treatment with Tab. Phenytoin for the past 3 yrs.
She was taking oral contraceptive pills for the last
6 months. She did not get her menstrual cycle for
the past 2 months. On investigation, her
pregnancy was confirmed
•What is the therapeutic problem 1
•Why she became pregnant in spite of taking oral
contraceptive pills 2
•Name 2 other drugs which will have problems 1
with phenytoin.
•Add a note on emergency contraception 2
DRUGS OF CALCIUM 33 Bisphosphonates 3 Aug 17,feb 15

IMMUNO 1 Tacrolimus 3 Jul 19
SUPPRESSANTS 2 Cyclosporine 3 Feb 16
3 Immunotherapy for Rh negative woman with Rh 1 Feb 15
positive baby
4 ESSAY Jul 18
Ramu, a 35 years old male is suffering from end
stage kidney disease. His brother has come
forward to donate his kidney for Ramu.
•What immunosuppressant drugs are required to 2
inhibit rejection of transplanted kidney.
•Explain the mechanism of action and side effects 2+2
of cyclosporine
DRUGS ACTING ON 5 Calcipotriol 1 Feb 20
SKIN& 6 Drugs for psoriasis 1 Jul 19
CHELATING 7 Penicillamine in Wilson’s disease 1 Feb 19
AGENTS 8 Desferrioxamine 3 Jul 18
9 Penicillamine 1 Feb 18
ANTISEPTIC& 10 What is an antiseptic and mention two examples 1 Jul 18
DISINFECTANTS 11 Antiseptics 1 Mar 14

1 Vinca alkaloids 3 Feb 20,mar 14
2 Methotrexate 3 Feb 19,feb 17
Oct 16,feb 16
Two uses of methotrexate 1 Jul 18

Page 21
3 Thalidomide 3 Feb 18
4 Why mesna is given simultaneously with 1 Feb 18
5 Rationale for the use of folinic acid in 1 Aug 17,sep 15
methotrexate overdose
6 Rationale for the use of combination of drugs in 1 Aug 17,sep 15
cancer chemotherapy
7 Anti malignancy drugs producing gouty arthritis 1 Feb 15
8 Taxanes in cancer chemotherapy 3 Sep 14
9 Cyclophosphamide 3 apr 13


ANTI 1 Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 1 Feb 20,feb 16
2 Anti scabeis agents Jul 19
3 Drugs useful in lepra reaction Jul 19,apr 13
4 Drugs effective in round worm infection Jul 19,oct 16
5 Drugs effectyive against both gram positive and Feb 19
gram negative organisms
6 Herpes virus infection Jul 18
7 Anaerobic infections Jul 18
8 Live attenuated vaccines Jul 18
9 Causing peripheral neuritis Jul 18
10 filariasis Jul 18,sep 13
11 Chloroquine resistant malaria Jul 18,sep 14
12 Four treatment of amoebic liver abscess Jul 18
13 Treatment of hook worm infection Feb 18,sep 15
14 Protease inhibitors Feb 18
15 Prophylaxis of rheumatic fever Aug 17
16 Post exposure prophylaxis of HIV (AIDS) Aug 17
17 Treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis Aug 17,feb 16
18 Topical antifungals Aug 17,mar 14
19 Treatment of acne vulgaris Aug 17,feb 17
20 Mycobacterium avium complex Feb 17
21 Treatment of amoebiasis(from different Feb 17,apr 13
22 Typhoid fever Feb 17,oct 16
23 Herpes zoster infection Feb 17
24 Anti retroviral drugs Oct 16
25 Antibiotics given only parenterally Oct 16
26 Chemoprophylaxis in tuberculosis Oct 16
27 Treatment of onchocercosis Feb 16
28 Burns infected with pseudomonas aeruginosa Sep 15
29 H1N1 viral infection Sep 15
30 Intestnal amoebiasis Sep 15
31 Dermatophytosis Sep 15
32 Brucellosis Sep 15
33 Treatment of ascariasis Feb 15
34 Treatment of extrs intestina amoebiasis Feb 15
35 Treatment of pneumocystis carnii Feb 15
36 Retro viral infetions Sep 14

Page 22
37 Urinary tract infections Sep 14
38 First line anti tubercular drugs Mar 14
39 fluoroquinolones Mar 14
40 Anti pseudomonal drugs Mar 14
41 HIV infectin Sep 13
42 Rheumatoid arthritis Sep 13
43 Multi bacillary leprosy Sep 13
44 Pseudomembranous colitis Sep 13
45 Helicobactor pylori infection Sep 13
46 Systemic anti fungal drugs Apr 13
47 Prevention of AIDS in the new born Apr 13
48 Chemoprophylaxiis of surgical site infection Apr 13
GASTRO 49 Laxatives 1 Feb 20
INTESTINAL 50 Anti secretory agents in diarrhoea Jul 19
DRUGS 51 Proton pumb inhibitors Feb 19,aug 17
52 Stimulamnt laxatives Feb 18
53 Antiemetics Feb 17,oct 16
Feb 15,sep 13
54 Peptic ulcer Oct 16
55 GERD Sep 15
56 Irritable bowel syndrome Sep 14
57 H2 bockers Mar 14
58 Prevention of constipation Apr 13
HORMONES 5 Newer insuins 1 Feb 20
AND RELATED 60 Tocolytics Feb 20,sep 14
DRUGS 61 Anti thyroid drugs Feb 19,jul 18
Oct 16,apr 13
62 Utrine relaxants Jul 18
63 Ovulaton inhibitors feb 18
64 Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists Feb 18
65 Insulin analogs Aug 17
66 Anabolic steroids Aug 17
67 Treatment of osteoporosis Feb 17,sep 13
68 Treatment of female infertility Feb 17
69 Uterine stimulants Feb 16,apr 13
70 Treatment of pagets disease Feb 16
71 Thyrotixic crisis Sep 15
72 Selective eostrogen receptor modulators Feb 15
73 Drugs causing hemolytic aneamia in glucose 6 Feb 15
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency patients
74 Aromatase inhibitors Sep 14
75 Bisphosphonates Mar 14
76 Selective eostrogen receptor modulators Mar 14
MISCELLANEOUS 77 Iron chelating agents 1 Feb 20
DRUGS 78 Drugs for psoriasis Jul 19
79 Antiseborrheic agents Feb 19
80 Parenteral iron preparations Feb 18
81 Chelating agents Feb 16
82 Gram negative septicemia Sep 14
83 Immuno suppressives in organ transplantations Sep 14
84 Calcineurin inhihibitors Mar 14
ANTI CANCER 85 Vinca alkaloids in cancer chemo therapy 1 Feb 19

Page 23
DRUGS 86 Anti tumor antibiotics Feb 18,feb 16
87 Monoclonal antibodies Feb 16
88 Cell cycle specific anti metabolites Feb 15
88 Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor Feb 15
gamma agonists

Page 24




• Structured (Clinical) Essay-1×10=10

• Short essay-2×5=10
• Short answer-10×2=20

Page 25


INTRODUCTION 1 Koch’s postulates 2 Feb 20
2 List four contributions of Louis Pasteur to 2 Jul 18,mar14
MORPHOLOGY AND 3 Bacterial spore and its demonstration 5 Jul 19
PHYSIOLOGY OF 4 Negative staining 2 Feb 19
BACTERIA 5 Bacterial growth curve 5 Feb 19
6 Fimbriae 2 aug 17
7 Bacterial flagellae 2 Feb 17,feb 16
8 Bacterial capsule 2 Sep 16,sep 14
STERILISATION AND 9 Clinical applications of autoclave 2 Feb 20
DISINFECTION Name four items sterilized by autoclave 2 Feb 19
Discuss about autoclave and its uses 5 Mar 14
10 Gaseous disinfectants 2 Jul 19,feb 17
11 Phenol coefficient 2 Jul 18
12 Bacterial spore and methods for its 5 Jul 18
disinfection 2 Sep 13
13 Radiation as a sterilization method 2 Feb 18
14 Tyndallisation 2 Feb 16
15 Pasteurisation 2 Sep 15
16 Sterilisation using dry heat 2 Sep 14
17 Incineration 2 Mar 14
18 Method of moist heat sterilisation 5 Sep 13
2 Apr 13
19 ESSAY Feb 18
•Define sterilization and disinfection. 2
•Name the best method of heat sterilization
temperature/s employed and holding periods. 2
•Describe the working of above instrument and
its applications in hospital and lab. 4
•What are the sterilization controls
used. 2
CULTURE 20 Enrichment media 2 Feb 20
MEDIA Enrichment media with examples 2 Feb 16,sep 14
Apr 13
21 Transport Media 2 Jul 19,aug 17
Sep 15
22 Enriched media 2 Feb 18
23 Robertsons cooked meat medium 2 Aug 17
CULTURE 24 Anaerobic culture methods 2 Feb 17

Page 26
BACTERIAL 25 Plasmid and it’s importance in drug 2 Feb 20
GENETICS resistance
R plasmid 2 Apr 13
26 Enumerate methods of gene – transfer in 2 Jul 19
27 Mention two methods of extra chromosomal 2 Jul 18
transfer of genetic material in bacteria
28 Mutation 2 Feb 17
30 Transduction 2 Feb 16,mar 14
31 Gene therapy 2 Sep 15
32 Bacterial conjugation 2 Sep 13
INFECTION 33 Compare exotoxin and endotoxin 5 Sep 15
2 Sep 14

IMMUNITY 1 Compare and contrast active and passive 5 Feb 20
2 Innate immunity 5 Jul 19,Oct 16
3 Passive immunity 2 Feb 19
4 Define artificial active immunity with 2 2 Feb 18
5 Active immunity 5 Feb 17
2 Sep 13
6 Herd immunity 2 Sep 14
ANTIGEN 7 Super Antigens with examples 2 Oct 16,Feb 15
ANTIBODIES 8 IgG 5 Jul 18,aug 17
9 IgA 2 Feb 18,mar 14
10 IgM 2 Apr 13
ANTIGEN- 11 Immunofluorescence 2 Feb 20
ANTIBODY 12 Latex agglutination test 2 Feb 19
REACTIONS 13 ELISA –Types and Application 2 Feb 18
ELISA 2 Sep 15
14 Agglutination reactions 5 Feb 15
Agglutination type of reaction in antigen-antibody Apr 13
15 Opsonisation 2 Sep 14
COMPLEMENT 16 Complement Fixation Tests 2 Feb 17
SYSTEM 17 Hereditary angioneurotic edema 2 Feb 15
IMMUNE 18 Adjuvant 2 Jul 19,oct 16
SYSTEM AND 19 Thymus 2 Aug 17
IMMUNE 20 T helper cells 2 Feb 16
RESPONSE B lymphocytes 2 Sep 15,sep 13
Difference between T and B lymphocytes 2 Sep 14
21 Immunological tolerance 2 Feb 15
22 Immunological effects of TNF 2 Feb 15
23 Monoclonal antiboldies and its application in 5 Sep 14
clinical microbiology
24 Natural Killer cells 2 Mar 14
HYPERSENSITIVITY 25 Type I hypersensitivity 5 Feb 20,mar 14
Primary mediators of Type 1 Hypersensitivity 2 Feb 15

Page 27
26 Type IV hypersensitivity 5 Feb 19,Feb 18 Feb
IMMUNO 27 Phagocytosis 2 Feb 20
AUTO 28 Name four autoimmune diseases 2 Jul 18
IMMUNITY 29 Mention mechanisms of autoimmunity 2 Aug 17
30 Pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases 5 Sep 15
IMMUNOLOGY OF 31 Graft – versus host reaction 2 Feb 19
TUMOR AND 5 Oct 16

STAPHYLO COCCUS 1 Coagulase test 2 Feb 16,mar 14
2 Coagulase negative staphylococci Normal flora 2 Sep 15
3 Toxic Shock Sydrome 2 Sep 15,sep 14
sep 13
STREPTO COCCUS 4 Enumerate at least four differences between 2 Feb 20
streptococcus pneumoniae and
streptococcus viridians
5 Group B streptococci 2 Jul 19,aug 17
6 Name two important non-suppurative 2 Feb 19
complications of streptococcus pyogenes
7 CAMP reaction 2 Oct 16
NEISSERIA 8 Non gonococcal urethritis 2 Oct 16,sep 15
9 ESSAY Feb 20
A 4 years child presented with history of
fever, neck rigidity and altered
sensorium for the last 48 hours. He was
admitted in the hospital for evaluation. CSF
was collected
and examined for cell morphology, protein
and sugar. Answer the following:
•What is the probable diagnosis. 1
•Name the bacterial etiologic agents causing
this condition. 2
•How will you proceed with the lab.
diagnosis. 3
•What are the virulence factors associated
with this and describe the pathogenesis 3
•What measures can you take to prevent
this condition

Page 28
10 A 25 years old man came to STD OPD with history Feb 17
of white pus discharging through
urethra for the past two days. He gave history of
exposure about five days back. On
examination signs of urethritis were seen.
•Mention the probable diagnosis and the
causative agent. 2
•List the specimens to be collected and how it is
transported to the laboratory 2
•Briefly describe the laboratory diagnosis 3
•What are the complications 1
•How it is treated and add a note on its
prevention 2
CORYNE 11 Diphtheria toxin 2 Jul 19
BACTERIUM 12 Pathogenesis of diphtheria 2 Feb 19
13 Eleks test 2 Sep 13,apr 13
14 ESSAY Sep 14
A 10 years old boy was admitted in pediatric ward
with history of fever, toxaemia and
on examination. A white patch seen of fauces
which bleeds on removal. He was not
immunized properly. Answer the following:
•Explain the probable diagnosis and name the
causative agent
•Describe the laboratory diagnosis mentioning 2
the methods of sample collection
•What are the complications of the disease 4
•How is the disease treated 1
•Describe the method of prophylaxis briefly 1
Diagnsis :DIPHTHERIA 2
BACILLUS 15 Malignant pustule 2 Jul 18
16 Wool sorter’s disease 2 Apr 13
BACTERIA 17 Botulism 2 Jul 19
18 Clostridium difficile 2 Feb 19,apr 13
19 Nagler reaction 2 Feb 16
20 Prophylaxis of tetanus 2 Apr 13
21 ESSAY Feb 15
A young adult male met with an accident on the
high way and sustained severe injury
to the right thigh. On examination there was foul
smelling discharge and crepitus at
some of the areas.
•What is the probable diagnosis
•Name the etiological agents 1
•What are the specimens to be sent for the 1
•Describe the laboratory diagnosis briefly 4
•What is the prophylaxis. 2
Diagnosis :GAS GANGERENE 2

Page 29
22 Bacterides fraglis 2 Mar 14
BACTERIACEAE 23 Lab diagnosis of UTI 2 Feb 18
24 Enterotoxigenic E. coli 2 Aug 17,mar 14
Apr 13
25 Types of diarrhoegenic E.coli 2 Feb 16,feb 15
26 ESSAY Jul 19
A 25 year old female patient came to medical O.P
with history of high grade fever with chills rigor.
She also complaints of painful micturition. 1
•What is your provisional diagnosis
•Name four common bacteria causing this 2
•Describe in detail the sample collection
transport and processing for the laboratory 4
diagnosis of this condition
•Name four drugs used for treating this patient 2
•What are the predisposing factors for the above
condition 1
A twenty five years old lady presented with Sep 15
frequency in passing urine and pain during
micturition along with fever for the last five days.
Microscopy of urine showed plenty of
pus cells and bacilli . Answer the following:
•What is your diagnosis . 1
•Name of the common bacteria causing this
condition . 2
•What is significant bacteriuria . 1
•How will you confirm the diagnosis in the
laboratory. 4
•What are the screening techniques for the
presumptive diagnosis of significant bacteriuria 2
Diagnosis :UTI
28 Name four different bacteria causing 2 Jul 19
29 Widal test 2 Feb 20,aug 17
30 Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of enteric fever 5 Feb 17,feb 16
31 Pathogenesis of enteric fever 5 Sep 14
32 ESSAY Jul 18
A thirty two years old lady presented with Mar 14
complaints of step ladder type of high fever,
headache and coated tongue for the past ten
days. She had hepatosplenomegaly and
bradycardia. Blood count showed
leucopoenia.OR A 25 years old male comes to a
medical outpatient department with complaints
of high
fever with relative bradycardia for the past one
week, he has headache, coated tongue

Page 30
and hepatosplenomegaly. Answer the
following: 1
•What is the diagnosis of this condition
•Name the species of bacteria causing this 1
•Discuss about the pathogenesis of this disease 3
•How will you confirm the diagnosis in the
laboratory 3
•Name the vaccines used for prevention of this
disease 2
A male patient aged 20 years came with a history Oct 16
of fever for 15 days duration with
coated tongue and soft palpable spleen. Answer
the following:
•Mention the probable diagnosis and source of 1
•List the specimens to be sent for lab. diagnosis in 1
this case
•How will you proceed with lab. diagnosis in this 4
case .
•What is anamnestic reaction 2
•How the disease can be prevented 2
A 15 years old boy was admitted in ward with Apr 13
history of fever, malaise, anorexia and
adnominal discomfort. He had a coated tongue,
toxemia, relative bradycardia and
splenomegaly on palpation of abdomen.
•What is the probable diagnosis and name the
aetiological agent. 1
•What is the pathogenesis. 2
• What are the samples to be collected at
different stages of the illness. 2
•Describe briefly the laboratory diagnosis. 4
•What is the prophylaxis 1
VIBRIO 33 Lab diagnosis of cholera 2 Feb 18
34 Halophilic Vibrios 2 Oct 16,sep 15
35 Non agglutinating vibrios 2 Feb 17
36 ESSAY Feb 19
A twenty five years old man presented with
the complaints of frequent passage of
profuse, painless, watery diarrhea and
copious effortless vomiting for the past
twodays. He was severely dehydrated and his
stool was rice watery with flecks of
mucous. Answer the following: 1
•What is your diagnosis 1
•Name the bacteria causing this disease
•Mention the mode of transmission of this 2
•Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of this 4

Page 31
•List the preventive measures to be followed 2
to prevent this disease
A 40 years old male complains of effortless Aug 17
passage of loose watery stools for about
10 times in the past 24 hours. The stool is
colorless, watery fluid with flecks of mucus 1
resembling rice water. Answer the following: 1
• What is the probable diagnosis.
• What is the mode of infection for this disease. 3
• Describe the pathogenesis of this disease.
• Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of this disease. 3
•Describe specific preventive measures to
prevent this disease 2
A 24 years old man was admitted in medical ward Feb 16
with a history of diarrhea for the
past two days. On clinical examination he was
severely dehydrated. The macroscopic
appearance of the stool resembled ‘rice water’.
Answer the following:
•What is the probable diagnosis and name the
causative agent 1
•Mention the method of sample collection and 2
transportation of the sample to the
•What is the pathogenesis of the above disease. 2
•Describe the laboratory diagnosis.
•What is the prophylaxis. 4
Diagnosis :CHOLERA 1
YERSINIA, 37 Name causative agent &transmitting vector of 2 Jul 18
HEMOPHILUS 38 Satellitism 2 Feb 19,feb 18
Feb 17,feb 15
Mar 14,sep 13
40 Heamophilus ducreyi 2 Aug 17
BORDETELLA, 41 Lab diagnosis of brucellosis 2 Feb 18
BRUCELLA 42 Bordetella pertussis 2 Sep 13
43 BCG vaccine 2 Feb 19
44 Lab diagnosis of pulmonary TB 2 Jul 18
5 Feb 18,aug 17
45 Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of pulmonary TB Apr 13
ESSAY Apr 13
A 20 year old young male was admitted with
history of fever with evening rise of temperature
and cough since two months. Recently he
developed haemoptysis. X-ray showed features of
right lobe consolidation
•Mention the probable diagnosis and name the 2
causative agent.
•Describe briefly the methods of laboratory 4

Page 32
•What are the complications of the disease 1
•How the disease is treated 1
•What is the prophylaxis. 2
Diagnsis :TB
46 Mycobacterium avium – intracellular complex 2 Feb 15

SPIROCHETES 47 Relapsing fever 2 Jul 19

48 Rapid Plasma Reagin Test 2 Jul 19,oct 16
49 Leptospirosis 5 Feb 15
50 Lyme disease 2 sep 14
51 Pathogenesis and Lab diagnosis of syphilis 5 Apr 13
ACTINOMYCETES 52 Lab diagnosis of actinomycosis 2 Feb 18
MISCELLANEOUS 53 Helicobacter pylori 2 Feb 17,feb 16
BACTERIA 54 Lab diagnosis of helicobacter infection 5 Oct 16
55 Acinetobacter 2 Oct 16
Acinetobacter baumanni 2 Mar 14
56 Listeria monocytogenes 2 Sep 13
RICKETTSIACEAE 57 Weil Felix Test 2 Feb 20,feb 17
Mar 14
58 Q fever 2 Oct 16,sep 13
CHLAMYDIA 59 Lymphogranuloma Venereum 2 Feb 16
60 Chlamydial conjuctivitis 2 Apr 13
61 Tric agents 2 Sep 15
OTHER QUESTIONS 62 Give two exaples of atteunated vaccines 2 Feb 20
(applied&clinical) 63 Name two other pigment producing bacteria 2 Jul 18
64 Name four sexually transmitted diseases and the 2 Jul 18
causative agents
65 Extended spectrum beta lactamase 2 Aug 17

Page 33


GENERAL 1 Tissue cell line cultures 2 Jul 18,feb 15
PROPERTIES OF Continuous cell lines
VIRUS Tissue culture 2 Feb 16
2 General characters of viruses 5 Feb 17
3 Virus cultivation by cell culture method 2 Oct 16,sep 15
4 Eclipse phase in viral replication 2 Mar 14
5 Cytopathic effect 2 Sep 13
6 prions 2 Sep 13
VIRUS-HOST 7 Define inclusion bodies and give two 2 Feb 20
Inclusion bodies 2 Feb 19,apr 13
8 Gamma interferons 2 Sep 13
BACTERIOPHAGE 9 Life cycle of bacteriophage 5 Feb 19
10 Morphology of bacteriophage 2 Sep 13
POX VIRUS 11 Molluscum contagiosum 2 Feb 15
HERPES 12 EBV associated malignancies 2 Feb 20
VIRUS 13 Varicella zooster infection 2 Aug 17
14 Herpes simplex virus 1 2 Oct 16
15 Epstein barr virus 5 Sep 13
16 Infectious mononucleosis 2 Apr 13
PICORNA 17 Pulse polio programm 2 Feb 20
VIRUS 18 Vaccines used to prevent poliomyelitis with 2 Jul 19
immunization schedule
19 List two important differences between live 2 Feb 19
and killed polio virus vaccines
20 Prophylaxis of poliomyelitis 2 Feb 16
5 Sep 15
21 Coxsackie viruses 2 Sep 13
22 ESSAY Mar 14
A one year old child presented with h/o inability
to move the limbs associated with neck stiffness
following a bout of fever. Immunization history
was not available. O/E the child had flaccid
•What is the probable clinical diagnosis and name
the etiologic agent 2
•Describe the pathogenesis of the disease . 3
•How it is diagnosed in the lab and mention the
prophylaxis available 5
Diagnosis :POLIO
ORTHOMYXO VIRUS 23 Elution 2 Feb 20
24 Avian influenza 2 Jul 18
25 Draw the morphological structure of influenza 2 Feb 18,mar 14

Page 34
26 Antigenic shift in infuenza virus 2 Feb 17,apr 13
27 ESSAY Aug 17
30 years male admitted in hospital with h/o high
grade fever, head ache, nasal
discharge and cough and breathing difficulty.
Answer the following. 2
•Name the main group of viruses causing
respiratory infections
•Classify this group of viruses and describe the 2
morphology and antigenic
•What is antigenic drift and shift. Briefly describe 3
•How do you confirm the diagnosis 2
•Name two drugs used for treatment 1
PARAMYXO 28 Measles vaccine 2 Feb 19
VIRUS MMR vaccine 2 Aug 17,feb 17
Apr 13
ARBO VIRUS 29 Chikungunya virus 2 Jul 19,apr 13
30 Japanese encephalitis 5 Oct 16
31 Dengue hemorrhage fever 5 Mar 14
32 ESSAY Jul 18
20 years boy admitted in hospital with history of
high grade fever and severe back pain and joint
pain and bleeding gums. Answer the following.
•What is the probable diagnosis and the infecting 1
•Classify arbo viruses and the ones seen in India. 3
•Name the complications of above disease 2
•Briefly describe the lab. diagnosis and 2
prophylactic measures employed 2
A 14 years old boy presents with complaints of Feb 18
fever, headache, retro bulbar pain
maculopapular rash, pain in the back and limbs
for the past ten days. The fever is
typically biphasic in nature. Answer the following.

•What is the probable diagnosis and the

causative agent 1
•How the disease is transmitted. Name two other
diseases transmitted in the 2
same way.
•Name the investigations for specific diagnosis 2
and test for complications
•Name two complications of this disease 3
•What are the preventing measures to be
employed 2

Page 35
19 years old female patient complaints of fever Feb 15
biphasic in nature with severe bone
pains in the back and limbs. She had maculo
papular rash and developed
haemorrhagic manifestations. Answer the 1
• What is the probable diagnosis. 1
•What is the transmitting vector for this disease.
•Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of this disease 2
• List two complications of this disease 4
•Mention the preventive measures to prevent
this disease 2
RHABDO 33 Negri bodies 2 Jul 19,sep 13
VIRUS 34 Rabies vaccines and latest schedule for 2 Jul 18
Name the non-neural vaccines for preventing Feb 18
rabies and pre-exposure prophylaxis
Non-neural vaccines for rabies Feb 15
35 Prophylaxis of rabies 2 Oct 16,apr 13
ESSAY Feb 16
A 27 years old male was admitted in intensive
medical care unit with drooling of saliva and fear
for intake of liquids since morning. There was a
past history of dog bite on his right leg ten days
• What is the provisional diagnosis 1
•Discuss briefly about the pathogenesis of the
above clinical condition. 4
•Describe the laboratory investigations to
confirm the diagnosis 2
• Explain the prophylaxis of this condition 2
HEPATITIS 36 Markers of hepatitis B virus and lab. 2 Jul 19
VIRUS diagnosis of hepatitis B infection
Lab diagnosis of Hep B infection 2 Jul 18,jul 17
5 Sep 14
Serological markers of Hep B 2 Feb 16
37 Enumerate enterically transmitted hepatitis 2 Mar 14
38 ESSAY Feb 20
A 45 years old patient was admitted to the
hospital with history of loss of
appetite,malaise and jaundice of one month
duration. He also gave history of blood
transfusion In the past. On laboratory
examination he was found to be positive for
HBsAg. 1
•What is the etiological diagnosis 2
•What are the various clinical features 2
•Discuss various routes of transmission of

Page 36
•Describe the laboratory diagnosis of the 3
•What are the prophylactic measures of this 2
A 40 year old male patient was admitted in the Feb 17
hospital with fever ,loss of appetite ,nausea and
yellowish discoloration of sclera and urine.
History revealed that he had received blood
transfusion 2 months back
•What is the most probable diagnosis ? 1
•What are the modes of transmission ? 2
•How will you confirm the diagnosis in the
laboratory? 4
•Mention the prophylaxis for this. 2
•Add a note on carriers of this condition 1
MISCELANEOUS 39 Aseptic meningitis 2 Feb 17
VIRUS 40 Slow virus diseases 2 Feb 17
41 Viral diarrhoea 2 Oct 16
42 Viral hemorrhagic fever 2 Feb 16
43 Name 4 diarrhoea causing viruses 2 Sep 15
ONCOGENIC 44 Name 4 oncogenic viruses and malignancy caused 2 Feb 18
VIRUSES 45 Oncogenic viruses 2 Aug 17
46 Papilloma virus 2 Sep 14
HIV 47 Four opportunistic infections seen in AIDS 2 Jul 19
patients and causative agents
48 Lab diagnosis of HIV infection 5 Aug 17
49 Significance of p24 Ag 2 Mar 14
50 ESSAY Sep 15
A male patient aged 35 years came to STD
outpatient department with a history of
exposure and is complaining of intractable
diarrhea of one month duration with loss of
weight and prolonged fever. Answer the
• Mention the probable diagnosis 1
•Describe the morphology of the virus causing
the disease 2
•How will you proceed with laboratory diagnosis 3
in this case
•Discuss the other modes of transmission 2
•How the disease can be prevented 2
A 35 year old man presented to the medical OPD Apr 13
with a history of intractable diarrhea for the past
one week. He gave past history of multiple
exposures six months back. On clinical
examination he was emaciated and oral thrush
was present.
•What is the provisional diagnosis. 1
•Mention the different routes of transmission in
this condition. 1

Page 37
•Explain the pathogenesis of the above clinical
condition. 2
•Describe briefly the laboratory investigations.
• What is the confirmatory test. 3
•Mention any four important 1
opportunistic infections associated with 2
this disease
OTHER QUESTIONS 51 Give two examples of antiviral drugs 2 Feb 19
(applied&clinical) 52 Live atteunated vaccines 2 Sep 15
53 Hospital aquired infectins 2 Feb 15

SUPERFICIAL 1 What are dermatophytes and give examples 2 Feb 20
MYCOSES Dermatophytes and lab diagnosis of 5 Jul 19
Dermatophytes 2 Oct 16,sep 14
laboratory diagnosis of dermatophytosis 2 Feb 16
2 Tinea capitis 2 Feb 19
3 Piedra 2 Feb 16
4 Tinea versicolor 2 Apr 13
SUBCUTANEOUS 5 Rhinosporidiosis 2 Feb 19,feb 15
6 Mycotic mycetoma 2 Jul 18
7 Mention four fungi causing subcutaneous 2 Feb 18
8 Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of mycetoma 5 Sep 14
9 sporotrrichosis 2 Sep 13
SYSTEMIC 10 Enumerate four dimorphic fungi 2 Feb 19
MYCOSES 11 Dimorphic fungi 5 Feb 17,oct 16
12 Histoplasma capsulatum 2 Feb 16
OPPURTUNISTIC 13 Cryptococcus neoformans 5 Feb 20,jul 18
MYCOSES Cryptococcosis 2 Feb 18,oct 16
Feb 16
Lab diagnosis of Cryptococcus 2 Jul 17
14 What is germ tube test 2 Jul 19,sep 15
15 Penicillosis 2 Jul 19,sep 15
16 Lab diagnosis of Aspergillosis 2 Jul 18
17 Aspergillosis 2 Aug 17
18 Mucromycosis 2 Apr 13
19 Oppurtunistic fungal infections 5 Feb 18
2 Feb 17
20 Candida infection 2 Aug 17
sep 13
Lab diagnosis of candidiasis 2 Jul 18
5 Feb 15
sep 13

Page 38
21 ESSAY Feb 19
A 52 year old female with history of long
standing uncontrolled diabetes mellitus on
treatment presents to OPD with white
patches in the oral mucous membrane.
Scrapings obtained from the lesion showed
gram positive budding yeast cells. Answer the
•What is the clinical diagnosis and the
probable etiologic agent. 2
•What are the other clinica manifestations
caused by this organism. 3
•Describe the laboratory diagnosis of this
clinical condition. 4
•What will be the appropriate line of

SPECIFIC FUNGAL 22 Otomycosis 2 Feb 20,feb 15 mar
23 Mycotic poisoning 2 Sep 15
24 Mycetism 2 Feb 15
25 Mycotoxins 2 Sep 14,apr 13
OTHER QUESTIONS 26 Name four anti-fungal agents 2 Feb 20
(applied&clinical) 27 Epsilometer OR E-test 2 Feb 17
28 Eijkman test 2 Feb 17
29 Presumptive coliform count 2 Feb 15
30 Normal flora of skin 2 Sep 14

INDRODUCTON 1 Define definitive host. Give two examples 2 Feb 20
Define definitive host with an example 2 Feb 19
AMOEBA 2 Extraintestinal amoebiasis 2 Jul 18
3 Free living amoebae 2 Feb 17
4 Naegleri fowleri 2 Sep 14
5 Acanthamoeba 2 Mar 14
FLAGELLATES 6 Giardia lamblia 2 Feb 19
Giardiasis 2 Feb 18,apr 13
Cyst of Giardia 2 Mar 14
7 Name causative agent and transmitting vector for 2 Feb 18
Kala azar 2 Feb 17
8 Trichomonas vaginalis 2 Feb 15
SPOROZOA 9 Asexual life cycle of plasmodium vivax 5 Feb 19
(malaria) 10 Laboratory diagnosis of falciparum malaria and its 5 Jul 18
11 Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of 5 Apr 13

Page 39
faciparum malariae
12 Life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum 2 Feb 16
13 ESSAY Jul 19
A 52 years old man presents with the
complaints of intermittent high fever, rigors
and headache for the past 6 days. He gives a
history of fever on alternate days and on
examination has hepatosplenomegaly.
Answer the following.
•What is the diagnosis of this condition 2
•List the species of the causative agent
•Name the definitive and intermediate hosts 1
•Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of this
condition 4
•Enumerate the important preventive
measures to prevent this disease 2
A 45 years old male complaints of intermittent Sep 14
high grade fever which was cyclical and
associated with rigor and chills. On examination
he has hepatosplenomegaly. Answer
the following: 1
•What is the probable diagnosis.
•List the species of organism which can cause this 2
type of disease
•Discuss briefly the pathogenesis of the condition 3
•Discuss in detail the laboratory diagnosis of this
disease 4
A 30 years old man presented with history of Sep 13
fever, chills on and off; O/E patient had
hepatosplenomegaly, pallor++. A peripheral
blood smear helped in the diagnosis.
•What are the probable diagnosis and the 2
etiologic agent.
•Describe the life cycle of this agent. 4
•How the disease is diagnosed in the laboratory
Diagnosis :MALARIA 4
MISCELLANEOUS 14 Toxoplasmosis 2 Jul 18
SPOROZOA & 15 Intermediate and definitive host for toxoplasma 2 Mar 14
16 Cryptosporidium 2 Oct 16,sep 14
Mar 14,apr 13
TREMATODES 17 Egg of schistoma hematobium 2 Mar 14
CESTODES 18 Draw a labelled diagram of hydatid cyst 2 Jul 19
Hydatid disease. /cyst 2 Oct 16,sep 15 sep
14,mar 14
5 Apr 13
19 Name causative agent, infective form and 2 Feb 18
complications of neurocysticercosis

Page 40
20 Cysticercus celluosae 2 Aug 17,feb 16
21 Life cycle of taenia solium 5 Sep 13
NEMATODES 22 Name four intestinal nematodes 2 Feb 20
23 Non bile stained eggs 2 Oct 16
24 Tissue nematodes 2 Feb 17
25 Eggs of nematodes 2 Feb 15
26 Hook worm 2 Jul 18
27 Draw the diagram of enterobius vermicularis 2 Feb 20
egg with labeling
28 ESSAY Oct 16
Mother of a small child was complaining about
passing half an inch pale white motile
worms in stool.
•What is the probable diagnosis. 1
•What sample will you collect from the patient. 1
•What do you expect to see in light microscopy. 4
•What would be the child’s symptoms. 2
•What are the complications expected 2
29 Mention two important complications of 2 Jul 19
ascaris lumbricoides infestation
30 Ascariasis 2 Aug 17
31 Ascaris lumbricoides. 5 Feb 16
32 Pathogenesis and complications of ascariasis 5 Feb 15
33 Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of 5 Feb 20
Laboratory diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis Feb 18
What are the clinical features, laboratory Aug 17
diagnosis and treatment of filariasis
Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Feb 16
lymphatic filariasis.
34 DEC provocation test 2 Jul 19
35 Bancroftian filariasis 2 Feb 19
36 Microfilariae 2 Feb 15
37 Cyclops 2 Feb 19,oct 16
38 Life cycle of dracunculis medinensis 5 Mar 14
39 Larvae migrans 5 Sep 15
40 Cutaneous larva migrans 2 Sep 14
OTHER QUESTIONS 41 Name 2 parasites which cause iron deficiency 2 Feb 18
(applied&clinical) anemia.
42 Opportunistic parasitic infection 2 Aug 17
43 Name 4 parasites causing water borne 2 Feb 15

Page 41


aspects of hematology will be included in paper II only)



• Structured Essay- 1x8=8

• Structured(case study) essay-1x6=6
• Short notes- 4 x 4 =16
• Short answers- 4x2=8
• Answer in single sentence- 4 x0.5=2

Page 42


CELL INJURY, 1 Define and classify necrosis. Describe 4 Feb 20
CELLULAR morphology of coagulative necrosis
ADAPTATIONS AND Types of necrosis with examples 4 Jul 18
CELLULAR AGEING Define necrosis ½ Oct 16
2 Metaplasia 2 Feb 19
4 Feb 16,oct 16
½ Feb 18,jul 18,
Mar 14
3 Dystrophic calcification 2 Feb 19
Differences between dystrophic and metastatic 4 Feb 18
Dystrophic calcification with examples 4 Feb 16,sep 13
Examples of Dystrophic calcification ½ Mar 14
4 Role of free radical in cell injury 4 Feb 19,sep 14
Free radicals 4 Feb 17
5 Define gangrene ½ Jul 18,feb 16
Types of gangrene and describe gas gangrene 4 Aug 17
6 Differentiation and anaplasia 4 Jul 18
7 Hyperplasia ½ Aug17,mar14
8 Autophagy ½ Feb 17
9 Define atrophy ½ Sep 15
10 Apoptosis 4 Mar 14
Mechanism of apoptosis 2 Mar 14
11 Endogenous pigments 2 Mar 14
12 Hypertrophy 2 Apr 13
13 Abscess ½ Apr 13
14 Fatty liver 4 Apr 13
15 Lipofuscin ½ Apr13
•Define necrosis.
•Describe the various types of necrosis with 1 Feb 16
suitable examples. 4
•How does it differ from apoptosis. 3
17 •Define reversible and irreversible cell injury 1
•What is the pathogenesis of irreversible cell
injury 3 Feb 15
•Define and describe the type of necrosis and
gangrene 4
INFLAMMATION 1 Chemical mediators of acute inflammation 4 Feb 20
AND HEALING Cellular events in acute inflammation 4 Jul 19
Cardinal signs of inflamation ½ Feb 16
2 Factors influencing wound healing 2 Feb 20
3 Granulation tissue 2 Jul 18
4 Chemotaxis 2 Feb 16
5 Healing by secondary intention 2 Feb 16

Page 43
6 Primary wound healing 4 Oct 16
7 Transudate and Exudate 4 Feb 15
8 Causes of impaired wound healing 4 Sep 15
9 Vascular changes in inflammation 2 Mar 14
10 Define granuloma 4 Apr 13
11 Microscopic appearance of granuloma 2 Sep 13
12 Define chemotaxis ½ Sep 13
13 Essay Feb 18
•Enumerate the types of wound healing. 1
•Describe the mechanism of wound healing and
factors influencing it. 3+2
•Add a note on fracture healing. 2
14 •Enumerate three major components of acute 2 Feb 17
•Discuss in detail vascular events in acute
inflammation. 4
•Add a note on endothelial and leucocyte
adhesion molecules. 2
•Define inflammation. 1 Aug 17
•Discuss the vascular and cellular events in acute 3+4
•Define inflammation. 1 Sep 14
•Explain the sequential vascular changes in acute
inflammation. 4
•What are the outcomes of acute
inflammation. 3
15 •Define granuloma. 1 Sep 15
•Describe the morphology of a classical
granuloma. 2
•Discuss the evolution granulomatous
inflammation. 3
•Mention three examples of granulomatous
diseases 2
IMMUNO- 1 Hypersensitivity reactions 4 Feb 20,feb 18
PATHOLOGY Type 3 hypersensitivity reaction 4 Jul 18
Type I hypersensitivity reactions 2 Aug 17
Mediators of immediate hypersensitivity 4 Feb 17
Delayed hypersensitivity reactions 2 Feb 15
2 Physical and chemical nature of amyloid 4 Feb 19
3 Immunological basis of transplant rejection 4 Jul 19
4 Spleen in amyloidosis 4 Feb 16
5 Anti nuclear antibodies 2 Oct 16
6 Pathogenesis of CNS lesions in HIV infection 2 Feb 15
7 HIV associated changes in immune function ½ Sep 15
8 Anaphylaxis ½ Sep 15
9 ESSAY Feb 19
•Define AIDS. 1
•Describe the etiopathogenesis and 3
•lab diagnosis of the same 4
10 •Discuss in detail the mechanism of recognition Jul 18
and rejection of allografts. 5
•Add a note on morphology of kidney in various

Page 44
types of rejection. 3
11 •Define amyloidosis. 1 Sep 13
•Explain gross and microscopic features of organs
involved in secondary amyloidosis. 4
•Mention the special stains for amyloid. 3
12 CASE STUDY Feb 18
A 30 years old male truck driver presented with
history of fever & cough since 3 weeks,
progressive fatigue and weight loss of about 10
Kg during the last 6 months. O/E: He had
generalized lymphadenopathy, warts on hands
and genitals. CNS: Neck stiffness +, Kernig’s sign
positive. RS: Crepitations +. He died after 2 days. 1
•What is your diagnosis
•Explain the etiopathogenesis of the condition. 3
•What is the probable cause of death
Diagnosis :HIV
13 30 years old female complaining of fever, Augf 17
butterfly rash on face, pain in knee joint, chest
pain and having photosensitivity. Answer the
•What is provisional diagnosis 1
•Discuss the etiopathogenesis 2
•What are the specific diagnostic criteria 2
•Describe the morphology of kidney in this
INFECTIOUS AND 1 Lepromatous leprosy 2 Feb 19,feb 18
PARASITIC Classify leprosy 2 Apr 13
DISEASE 2 Viral hemorrhagic fever 2 Feb 17
3 Ghons complex 4 Feb 17,sep 14
4 Draw Langhans giant cell ½ Feb 16
5 Miliary TB 4 Oct 16
6 Actinomycosis 2 Feb 15
7 Oppurtunistic infections 2 Mar 14
A 60- year old male presented with history of
fever, cough and weight loss since two months.
Chest X-ray showed cavitary lesion in the right
apical lobe and ESR 120 mm / hr. Answer the
•What is the provisional diagnosis. 1
•Discuss etiopathogenesis and morphology of
the same. 4
• Mention the laboratory investigations 1
9 A 14 years old boy presented with fever, Feb 16
cervical lymphadenopathy, rashes, mild
hepatomegaly. No bleeding manifestation. TC:
20,000 cell/mm3 ; predominantly lymphocytes
in peripheral blood. Answer the following:

Page 45
•What is your provisional diagnosis 1
•What are the confirmatory tests 2
•What is the 2
•What is the etiologic agent 1
10 35 years male had low grade evening rise of Sep 14
temperature, loss of weight, cough and weakness
Answer the following:
•What is your probable clinical diagnosis. 1
•What are the investigations required for the 2
•What is the microscopic finding. 2
•What is the etiology of the disease 1
Diagnosis :TB
HEMODYNAMIC 1 Virchow’s triad 2 Feb 18,sep 14
DISORDERS 2 Lines of zahn ½ Jul 18
(CIRCULATORY 3 Morphology of infarction 4 Feb 17
DISTURBANCES) 4 Fate of thrombus ½ Aug 17,oct 16
5 Pathogenesis of renal oedema 4 Sep 14
6 Septic shock 4 Apr 13
7 Essay Feb 20
•Define thrombosis. 1
•Explain the pathophysiology and
morphology of thrombosis. 5
•Add a note on the fate of thrombus 2
8 •Define shock. 1 Oct 16
•Mention four types of shock. 2
•Describe the morphological changes in various
organs in shock. 3
•Add a note on pathogenesis of septic shock 2
9 •Define thrombosis. 2 Mar 14
•Describe the pathogenesis and pathology of
arterial and venous thrombosis 3+3
10 •Define an embolus. 1 Apr 13
•What are the types of emboli. 3
•Discuss the etiopathogenesis, morphology and 3+1
complications of embolism.
11 CASE STUDY Feb 19
50 year old male presented with altered
sensorium, cyanosis, oliguria, weak rapid pulse,
tachypnea and cool clammy extremities. Answer
the following:
•What is the provisional diagnosis. 1
•Discuss the etiopathogenesis 3
•Mention the organs involved and describe the
pathology in the lung. 4
12 A 50-year old male suffered fracture of left Jul 19
femur in road traffic accident and was treated. 10
days later, he suddenly collapsed and died.
Answer the following questions.
•What is the diagnosis. 1

Page 46
•Discuss the etiopathogenesis of the same. 3
•What are the postmortem and morphological
findings 2
13 50 years old male presented with chest pain and Feb 17
palpitation. On admission he was severely
dyspneic. On the 2nd day of admission he
developed hemiplegia. Answer the following:
• What is your diagnosis 1
• Explain the pathogenesis of his dyspnea. 3
• What is the likely cause of his hemiplegia. 2
due to atrial fibrillation
14 A 45 years old male was admitted with Feb 15
complaints of yellowish discoloration of eyes and
distension of abdomen since 15 days. USG
abdomen shows contracted liver with loss of
architecture and splenomegaly. Patient is a
chronic alcoholic since 15 years. Answer the
• What is your most probable diagnosis. 1
•Describe the gross and microscopic features of
the organs involved. 2
•Name the laboratory investigation to be done
in this case and the expected variation in this
values 2
•List three complications of the above condition.
Diagnosis:CHIRRHOSIS 1
15 A 55 years old man presented with generalised Sep 15
edema and shortness of breath.On examination
he has distended jugular veins. He gives previous
history of rheumatic heart disease.
•What is your diagnosis. 1
•Describe the gross and microscopic features of
liver, spleen and lung. 3
•What is the pathogenesis of edema in this case
16 50 years old female underwent abdominal Sep 13
surgery and was bedridden for 10 days. She
suddenly developed dyspnoea and collapsed. She
died a few minutes later. Answer the following:
•What is the diagnosis.
•What are the postmortem findings relevant to 1
the diagnosis.
•What is the etiopathogenesis 2
•What are the preventive measures. 2
NEOPLASIA 1 Outline the differences between benign and
malignant tumor
4 Feb 20
Benign and Malignant tumors 2 Aug 17
Pathways of cancer spread 2 Feb 17

Page 47
Mode of spread of malignant tumors with 4 Sep 13
suitable examples
2 List two tumors caused by Epstein-Barr-virus ½ Feb 20
Name four carcinogenic viruses 2 Oct 16
EBV induced tumors in humans 2 Sep 14
3 Viral oncogenes 4 Feb 19
Oncogenes 4 Mar 14
4 Two radiation induced disorders ½ Jul 19
Radiation and cancer 4 Feb 16
5 Dysplasia 2 Jul 19
½ Feb 17,feb 15
6 Chemical carcinogenesiS 4 Feb 18,sep 15
7 List two tumor markers ½ Feb 18,sep 13
9 Cytology in diagnosis of cancer 4 Aug 17
16 ESSAY Jul 19
•Define metastasis. 8
•Describe the pathways of spread of tumors
with examples.
•Explain mechanism of metastasis.
DISORDERS 1 Scurvy ½ Feb20,aug 17
2 Lesions in vitamin A deficiency 2 Jul 19
Manifestations of Vitamin A deficiency Feb 15
3 Manifestations of vitamin D deficiency 2 Feb 18
4 Skeletal changes in rickets 2 Jul 18
½ Feb 16
5 Blood and bone marrow changes in lead 2 Feb 17
6 Rickets 2 Sep 15
1 Mention four inherited disorders ½ Feb 20
2 Klinefelter’s syndrome 4 Feb 19
3 Name four autosomal dominant diseases ½ Feb 19
4 Barr body ½ Feb 19,sep 14
5 Turner’s syndrome 2 Jul 19
4 Aug 17
6 Fetal hydrops ½ Jul 18
7 Balanced translocation 2 Jul 15

1 Urinary casts 2 Feb 20,jul 18
4 Mar 14
½ Sep 14
2 Anticoagulants used to preserve blood in blood 2 Feb 20
3 List two indications for bone-marrow aspiration ½ Feb 20
4 Erythroblastosis foetalis 4 Feb 19
5 Exfoliative cytology 2 Feb 19,feb 15

Page 48
6 Bombay blood group ½ Feb 19
7 Special stains for fat ½ Feb 19
8 Hematocrit 4 Jul 19
9 Cysticercosis 2 Jul 19
10 Indications for Direct Coomb’s test ½ Jul 19
Direct Coomb’s test ½ Jul 19
Coomb’s test 4 Sep 14
11 Nutmeg liver ½ Jul19
12 Causes of heavy proteinuria ½ Jul 19
13 CSF findings in pyogenic meningitis 4 Feb 18
2 Oct 16
2 Sep 14
14 Tests done in faeces 2 Feb 18
15 Enumerate two causes of proteinuria ½ Feb 18,mar 14
16 Name parasites seen in peripheral blood smear ½ Feb 18
17 Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) 2 Jul 18
½ Sep 13
18 Reticulocyte count 4 Jul 18
Normal reticulocyte count ½ Feb 16
18 Pap smear 2 Aug 17
19 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 4 Feb 17,feb 15
2 Feb 16,oct 16
20 Types of blood grouping 2 Feb 17
21 Blood and bone marrow changes in lead 2 Feb 17
22 Enumerate two anticoagulants ½ Feb 17,feb 15
23 Two basic forms of extra cellular matrix ½ Feb 17
24 Frozen section 2 Aug 17
25 PCV ½ Aug 17
Two uses of PCV tube ½ Sep 14
26 Principle of Benedict’s test ½ Feb 16
27 Blood transfusion reaction 4 Oct 16
28 Staining of peripheral blood film 4 Feb 15
29 Define fixed specific gravity. ½ Feb 15
30 Microscopic examination of urine 4 Sep 15
31 Transfusion transmitted diseases 2 Sep 15
32 Principle of reagent strip test for glycosuria ½ Sep 15
33 Characteristics of normal seminal fluid 2 Mar 14
34 List two salient CSF findings in TB meningitis ½ Mar 14
CSF in tuberculous meningitis 4 Apr 13
35 Semen analysis 4 Sep 14
36 Ketonuria 2 Sep 14
37 Leishmans stain 2 Apr 13
38 Lipoma ½ Apr 13
39 Aim of Rothera’s test. ½ Apr 13
40 How do you screen a blood donor. Mention the 4 Sep 13
screening tests performed.
41 Uses of buffy coat 2 Sep 13
42 Renal causes of haematuria 2 Sep 13
43 Define oligospermia ½ Sep 13

Page 49
44 CASE STUDY Oct 16
A 5 years old boy was admitted with history of
oliguria, facial edema and dark colored urine.
His BP was 140/100 mm of Hg. Answer the
following: 1
•What is your provisional diagnosis.
•What are the laboratory findings in urine 2
examination in this patient
•How do you examine urinary sediments and 3
describe the sediments seen in urine
45 A 30 years old man presented with tiredness and Mar 14
numbness of feet. Investigations showed Hb 6
g/dl TC 3500/c.mm. MCV 104fl . Answer the
•What is your diagnosis 1
•Describe the peripheral blood picture 3
•What are the causes of this condition 2
46 40 yrs old female complained of easy fatigue and Apr 13
dyspnea. PCV 25% and Hb 5gm/dl. MCV 40 fl,
MCH 10 pg, MCHC 18 g/dL. Reticulocyte count
0.5%. Answer the following:
• What is your diagnosis 1
•What is the etio-pathogenesis of this condition 3
• What are the laboratory findings 2

Page 50



RBC 1 Bone marrow findings in megaloblastic anemia 4 Feb 20
Megaloblast 2 Feb 19,mar 14
DISORDERS Lab diagnosis of Megaloblastic Anemia 2 Sep 15
2 Complications of blood transfusion 4 Jul 18
3 Heinz bodies ½ Aug 17
4 Etiology of aplastic anemia 4 Feb 17
5 List two causes of extra medullary 2 Oct 16
6 Principle of Sickling test ½ Feb 15
Sickle cell anemia 2 Mar 14
7 Name two hemoparasites ½ Mar 14
8 Lab diagnosis of thalassemia 2 Apr 13
A two years old female child presented with
pallor, growth retardation and history of
repeated transfusions. There was malocclusion of
jaws with skull X ray showing “hair on end
appearance” and hepatosplenomegaly.
Answer the following 1
•What is your diagnosis
•What is the etiopathogenesis of this condition 2
•What are the peripheral smear findings 2
•What are the bone marrow findings 1
10 An 18 years old lady presented with fatigue. Oct 16
Investigations: Hb5 g/dl TC 10,000 /cmm
platelet count 1.8 lakh/cmm. MCV 60 fl MCH 20
pg. Answer the following:
• What is your morphological diagnosis.
• Describe the peripheral blood picture 1
• Name the conditions in which this blood picture 2
is seen
•How will you differentiate the above two 1
conditions with laboratory tests
11 A young boy aged 3 years was admitted for Feb 16
compliants of yellowish discoloration of eyes.He
has past history of repeated blood
transfusions.On examination severe pallor and
splenomegaly present.X ray showed crew cut
appearance.Peripheral smear showed microcytic
hypochromic RBCs. Answer the following :
•What is the most probable diagnosis. 1
•Describe the various lab investigations to

Page 51
establish the diagnosis. 3
•What is the pathogenesis of the disease 2
PLATELET 1 Lab diagnosis of hemophilia A 4 Jul 19
DISORDERS 2 Hemophilia 4 Feb18,feb 17
3 Lab diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenic 4 Oct 16
4 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 4 Sep 15
5 Target cell ½ Sep 15
6 Clotting time ½ Mar 14
7 Two haematological evidences of DIC 2 Apr 13
WBC 1 Agranulocytosis ½ Jul 19
2 Blood and bone marrow picture in multiple 4 Jul 18
3 Auer rod ½ Jul 18,apr 13
4 Leukemoid reaction 2 Aug 17
4 Sep 13
5 Peripheral smear findings in chronic lymphocytic 4 Oct 16
6 Mott cell ½ Oct 16,sep 15
7 Lab investigations for diagnosis of acute leukemia 4 Feb 16
8 Russel body ½ Sep 14
9 ESSAY Aug 17
•Define acute leukemia. 1
•Classify acute myeloid leukemia. 3
•Indicate the importance of cytogenetics in acute
myeloid leukemia. 3
•Draw the blood picture in acute promyelocytic
leukemia. 1
10 CASE STUDY Jul 19
A 60 year old male patient was brought to the
hospital with history of weakness and lethargy
since 6 months. On examination he had mild
pallor and massive splenomegaly extending up to
the umbilicus. He had no palpable lymph nodes.
Lab reports showed a total WBC count of 1.5 lakh
cells/ mm3.
•What is your diagnosis
•Discuss the lab diagnosis of this condition 1
•Name the molecular test that you would do to 4
confirm your diagnosis 1
A 50 years old male presented with weakness, Feb 15
pallor and massive splenomegaly. Blood
examination revealed marked increase in the
total count. Answer the following:

• What is the probable diagnosis. 1

• What are the peripheral smear findings. 2
• What is the genetic abnormality. 1
• What are the different stages of disease
progression. 2

Page 52
45 years old male presented with splenomegaly Mar 14
and anemia. His total WBC count was 1.5 lakhs
per cu mm with myeloid precursors of all series
in peripheral blood. Answer the following:
• What is your diagnosis. 1
• Describe the peripheral blood and bone
marrow findings. 4
• What is the cytogenetic abnormality 1
A 53 year old male presented with pain Apr 13
abdomen. Investigations: Hb 8g/dl TC
70,000/cmm DC N 55 L 10 myelocyte 15
metamyelo 10 band 1 eosino 6 baso 3 platelet
count 5.8 lakh/cmm. Answer the following:
• What is your diagnosis. 1
• Describe the peripheral blood picture and bone 4
marrow findings in this condition
•Name the cytogenetic abnormality associated 1
12 Five years old boy presented with recurrent Sep 14
fever, generalized lymphadenopathy,
hepatosplenomegaly and severe anemia. His
total WBC count was more than a lakh with
numerous blasts. Answer the following:
•What is your diagnosis. 2
•Describe the types of blast with diagram. 2
•What is the bone marrow picture in this
condition. 2
LYMPHO 1 Burkitt lymphoma 2 Jul 19
RETICULAR 2 Types of Hodgkins lymphoma 2 Feb 19
SYSTEM 4 Aug 17
3 Reed Sternberg cell ½ Mar 14,sep 13

CARDIO 1 Types of aneurism 4 Feb 20
2 Morphology of atheroschlerotic paque 2 Jul 19
VASCULAR 3 Rheumatic carditis 2 Feb 19
SYSTEM 4 Vegetations of heart valves 2 Jul 18
4 Subacute bacterial endocarditis 4 Feb 18
Vegetations in bacterial endocarditis 4 Feb 16
6 Berry aneurysm 2 Feb 18
½ Feb 17
7 Aschoff nodule ½ Feb 16
Aschoff body 2 Feb 15
8 Migratory thrombophlebitis ½ Sep 15
9 Atheroma of aorta ½ Sep 13
10 Enzyme study in acute MI 2 Sep 13
11 ESSAY Sep 15

Page 53
•Define rheumatic fever. 1
•Describe the etiopathogenesis and 3
• pathology of rheumatic heart disease 4
12 •Define infarction. 1 Sep 14
•Discuss the etiopathogenesis, morphology 3+3
•complications of myocardial infarction 1
RESPIRATORY 1 Morphology of lobar puemonia 4 Jul 18
2 Mesothelioma 2 Feb 17
3 Etiopathogenesis of bronchiectasis 4 Oct 16
Bronchiectasis 4 Sep 15
4 Emphysema 4 Feb 15
5 Curschman spirals ½ Sep 14
6 Lung abcess 2 Mar 14
7 ESSAY Feb 19
•What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1
•Name the types of COPD. 1
•Describe the etiopathogenesis and 3
•morphology of emphysema of lung 3
KIDNEY AND 1 Diabetic nephropathy 2 Feb 20
Glomerular lesions in diabetic nephropathy 4 Jul 19
LOWER 2 Etiology and morphology of chronic 4 Feb 19
URINARY glomerulonephritis
TRACT Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. 4 Sep 14
Acute glomerulonephritis 4 Mar 14
3 Myeloma kidney 2 Aug 17
4 Gross features of polycystic kidney 2 Sep 15
5 Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor) 2 Feb 15
4 Sep 13
6 Renal cell carcinoma 4 Apr 13
7 ESSAY Jul 19
•What are the manifestations of nephritic 2
•Discuss the light microscopic findings in post
streptococcal glomerulonephritis. 5
•Add a note on the findings on
immunofluorescence 1
8 •Discuss in detail the etiology and pathogenesis Jul 18
of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis.
•Add a note on morphology of kidney in post 5
•streptococcal glomerulonephritis
9 •Classify tumors of the kidney. 2 Oct 16
•Discuss the gross and
•microscopy of the most common renal tumor in 3
adults 3
10 CASE STUDY Feb 18
A 50 years old man came with complaints of
painless hematuria and pain in the right
flank since one month and gave h/o loss of
weight of about 10 Kg. in the last 6
months. O/E: A right sided flank mass is

Page 54
palpable on bimanual examination.
•What is your diagnosis. 1
•Explain the etiopathogenesis of the
condition. 2
•Describe the morphology of the lesion 3

GASTRO 1 Inflammatory bowel disease 4 Feb 20
2 Barret esophagitis ½ Feb 20,feb 19
TRACT 3 Define early gastric cancer ½ Feb 20
4 Microscopic features to distinguish Crohn disease 4 Jul 19
from ulcerative colitis
Morphology of Crohns disease 4 Aug 17
Gross and microscopy of ulcerative colitis 2 Feb 15
Etiopathogenesis of ulcerative colitis 4 Sep 13
5 Helicobacter pylori gastritis 4 Jul 18
Helicobacter pylori ½ Feb 18
6 Warthin tumor ½ Feb 18
7 Salivary gland tumors 4 Feb 17
8 Pre cancerous lesions of intestine ½ Feb 17
9 Leukoplakia ½ Feb 16,feb 15
10 Carcinoid 2 Feb 14
½ Apr 13
11 ESSAY Sep 13
•Classify tumors of stomach. 1
•Describe the etiopathogenesis of carcinoma
stomach. 3
•Describe the gross and microscopic features of
carcinoma stomach and explain its modes of
spread 4
12 CASE STUDY Aug 17
A 49 years old male complaints of abdominal
pain after taking food. He has a previous history
of hematemesis. Answer the following
•Indicate two differential diagnosis in this patient 1
•Mention the diagnostic test which may be
useful in this patient 2
•Enumerate two etiological factors that can be
implicated in this case 1
•Discuss briefly the progress of this disease, if
13 A 72 years old male presented with changes in Sep 15
the bowel habit, bleeding per rectum, loss of
weight, fatigue and weakness of six months
duration. After endoscopic biopsy of colon, a
left sided hemicolectomy was done. Answer the
•What is the probable diagnosis.

Page 55
•Describe the etiopathogenesis. 1
•Describe the gross and microscopic features of 2
the resected colon
•Mention the serological marker which is 2
increased 1
LIVER 1 Gall stones 2 Feb 20
Types Gall stones ½ Feb 19
BILIARY TRACT Gall stones types and complications 2 Feb 17,feb 16
AND Pigment stones ½ Sep 14
PANCREAS 2 Mallory body ½ Jul 19,aug 17
3 Pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis 4 Feb 19
4 Hepatoblastoma 2 Jul 18
5 Grey hepatisation ½ Feb 18
6 Chronic active hepatitis etiology and microscopic 4 Feb 17
7 Etiopathogenesis of cirrhosis 4 Feb 16
Causes of Cirrhosis ½ Mar 14
cirrhosis ½ Apr 13
8 Cholelithiasis 4 Sep 15
2 Apr 13
9 Chronic Venous Congestive liver 4 Sep 14
10 ESSAY 2 Feb 18
•Define and classify cirrhosis. 3+3
•Describe the pathogenesis and morphology of
alcoholic liver disease.
MALE GENITAL 1 Testicuar tumors 4 Jul 19
2 Histomorphology of classical seminoma 2 Jul 18
SYSTEM AND seminoma 2 Oct 16
Microscopic appearance of seminoma 2 Sep 15
3 Mention two pre cancerous lesions of penis ½ Aug 17
4 ESSAY Feb 20
•Classify tumors of the testis. 3
•Discuss the etiopathogenesis and 2
•describe the gross and microscopic picture of
the most common malignant tumor of the testis
FEMALE 1 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 Feb 20
4 Mar 14
GENITAL TRACT 2 Endometriosis ½ Feb 19,jul 18
oct 16
3 Cystic teratoma 2 Feb 18,sep 14
Teratoma 4 Oct 16
4 Pap smear 2 Aug 17
5 Hydatidiform Mole ½ Oct 16
4 Apr 13
6 Clinico-pathological features of leiomyoma 2 Feb 16
7 Krukenbergs tumor 2 Sep 15
8 Dermoid cyst of ovary 2 Feb 15
9 Premalignant lesion of carcinoma cervix ½ Sep 13

Page 56
10 ESSAY Feb 15
•Classify the tumors of the uterus. 2
•Discuss the pathology of leiomyoma. 3
•Add a note on secondary changes in 3
11 CASE STUDY Feb 17
55 years old female presented with
postmenopausal bleeding and foul smelling
discharge. Per vaginl examination revealed
unhealthy, indurated ulcerated cervix. Answer
the following.
• What is the provisional diagnosis of the lesion 1
•Mention the prognosis of the lesion 2
• How do you establish the diagnosis 2
• Describe microscopic picture 1
THE BREAST 1 Pagets disease of breast ½ Feb 20
2 Sep 15
2 Two prognostic factors in breast carcinoma ½ Jul 19
Prognostic factors of carcinoma of breast 4 Feb 18
3 Duct cell carcinoma in situ of breast 2 Aug 17
4 Calssify tumors of breast 2 Oct 16
5 Mention two advantages of FNAC over biopsy ½ Sep 15
6 Fibroadenoma breast 2 Sep 14
7 ESSAY Feb 16
•Classify breast tumors. 3
•Mention the risk factors and pathogenesis of
breast cancer. 3
•Describe the gross and microscopic features
of infiltrating duct carcinoma 2
A 50 years old female presented with painless
lump in right breast since 6 months, gradually
increasing in size. On examination: A firm to hard
lump fixed to underlying structures and skin was
present. Ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes were
palpable. Answer the following:
•What is the clinical diagnosis 1
•Describe the etiological factors and morphology
of the lesion. 4
•Name two prognostic factors 1
A 48 years female nullipara presented with hard Jul 18
fixed lump of size 6x4x4 cm in the upper outer
quadrant of right breast with right axillary
lymphadenopathy. Answer the following
•What is your diagnosis.
•Enumerate four histological types. 1
•Discuss in detail six prognostic and predictive 2
MUSCULO 1 Malignant tumors of bone 4 Feb 20
2 Osteoclastoma 2 Jul 19,feb 17

Page 57
SKELETAL 3 Chronic osteomyelitis 4 Feb 19
2 Sep 14
SYSTEM 4 Involcrum ½ Jul 18,apr 13
5 Rheumatoid arthritis 2 Feb 18
6 Sequestrum ½ Feb 18,sep 15
7 Pathogenesis of gout 4 Aug 17
Gouty arthritis 2 Feb 17
8 Benign tumors of bone 4 Aug 17
9 Osteoporosis ½ Feb 16
10 Four conditions associated with development of 2 Feb 16
Osteosarcoma 4 Feb 15
11 Ewings sarcoma 4 Sep 13
12 ESSAY Mar 14
•Classify bone tumors. 2
•Describe the etiopathogenesis and 3
•clinico-pathological features of osteosarcoma 3
13 •Classify bone tumors. 3 Apr 13
•Describe the gross (including x-ray appearances)
and 3
•microscopic features of the most common
malignant bone tumor 2
ENDOCRINE 1 Pheochromocytoma 4 Feb 19
2 Enumerate four thyroid neoplasm ½ Jul 18
SYSTEM 3 Medullary carcinoma of thyroid 4 Feb 18,feb 15
4 Renal pathology in diabetes mellitus 4 Feb 17
5 Hashimotos thyroiditis ½ Feb 17
6 Pathology of graves disease 4 Feb 16
7 Papillary carcinoma of thyroid 4 Sep 14,apr 13
8 Pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus 2 Sep 13
NEURO 1 Verocay body ½ Feb 19
2 Mention two types of meningiomas ½ Aug 17
PATHOLOGY Meningioma 4 Feb 15
3 Name glial tumors ½ Feb 17,sep 13
DERMATO 1 Mension two pre malignant lesions of skin ½ Feb 20
2 Malignant melanoma 2 Feb 19,oct 16, feb
4 Mar 14
3 Basal cell carcinoma 4 Sep 14
2 Apr 13

Page 58



• Essay-1×7=7
• Short notes-5x3=15
• Answer briefly-5x2=10
• Differentiate between-2x2=4
• Draw and label-2x2=4

Page 59



1 Differentiate between Perjury and hostile witness 2 Feb 20
2 Cross examination 2 Feb 19
3 Sep 14
3 Dying declaration 3 Jul 18,Aug 17
4 Perjury 2 Feb 18
5 Differentiate between Coroner inquest and police inquest 2 Feb 17
6 Police inquest 3 Feb16
7 Magistrate inquest 3 Feb15,Sep13
8 ESSAY 1 Jul 19
•Define inquest. 2
•Mention the different types of inquest held. 4
•Describe in detail about the magistrate inquest


1 Functions of Indian medical council 3 Jul 19
2 Privileged communication 3 Feb 19
2 Jul 18
3 Professional negligence 3 Feb 18
4 Medical maloccurance 2 Aug 17
5 Criminal negligence 2 Feb 17
6 Duties of a registered medical practitioner 3 Oct 16
7 Consumer protection act 3 Oct 16
8 Differentiate between Civil negligence and criminal negligence 2 Oct 16
9 Functions of state medical council 3 Feb16,Apr13
10 Ingredients of medical negligence 3 Feb 16
11 Infamous conduct 3 Feb 15
12 Vicarious liability 3 Feb 15
13 Informed consent 3 Sep 14,Sep 13
14 Contributory negligence 2 Apr 13

1 Differentiate between Contusion and post mortem staining 2 Feb 20,Jul 18
2 Algor mortis 3 Jul 19
3 Saponification 3 Jul 18
4 Differentiate between Rigor mortis and pugilistic attitude 2 Feb 18
5 Livor mortis 3 Aug 17
6 Draw and label Time since death graph 2 Oct 16
7 Maceration 2 Feb 16
8 Differentiate between Post mortem lividity and contusion 2 Feb 16
9 Differentiate between Somatic and molecular death 2 Feb 16
10 Cadaveric spasm 2 Feb 15, Mar14
11 Differentiate between Adipocere and mummification 2 Sep 14

Page 60
12 Changes of body in putrefaction 3 Mar 14
13 Suspended animation 2 Sep 13
14 Brain-stem death 2 Sep 13
15 Post mortem lividity 2 Apr 13
16 ESSAY 1 Feb 19
•Define death.
•Classify the changes that occur on the body after death and add a note 4
on the major postmortem changes. 2
•Enlist the factors which favour the adipocere formation

1 Draw and label Body incisions during postmortem examination 2 Jul 18
2 Exhumation 3 Feb 17
3 Aims of medico legal autopsy 2 Oct 16
4 Objectives of medico legal autopsy 2 Feb 16
5 Differentiate between Medico legal and pathological autopsy 2 Feb 15
6 Bloodless dissection of neck 2 Sep 14
7 Draw and label Skin incisions at autopsy 2 Sep 14

1 Temporary dentition 2 Feb 20
2 Draw and label Vertical section of incisor tooth showing physiological 2 Jul 20
3 Intersex 3 Feb 19
4 Differentiate between Human hair and animal hair 2 Feb 19
5 Hermaphroditism 2 Feb 18
6 Differentiate between Morphology of temporary teeth and permanent 2 Aug 17
7 Draw and label Four main patterns of finger prints 2 Aug 17
8 Draw and label Barr body 2 Feb 17
9 Dactylography 3 Oct 16,feb 16
10 Tattoos 2 Feb 15
11 Draw and label Types of finger print pattern 2 Feb 15,Apr 14,Mar
12 Differentiate between Male pelvis and female pelvis 2 Apr 13


1 Differentiate between True bruise and artificial bruise 2 Jul 19
2 Types of lacerations 3 Jul 18
3 Fabricated injury 2 Feb 18
4 Differentiate between Suicidal and homicidal cut throat wounds 2 Feb 18
5 Dowry death 3 Oct 16
6 Ectopic contusion 2 Sep 14
7 Color changes in contusion 3 Mar 14

Page 61
8 Differentiate between Ante mortem and post mortem bruise 2 Mar 14
9 Estimation of time since injury in contusion 3 Apr 13
10 Hesitation cuts 2 Apr 13

1 Entry wound in a fire arm injury 2 Feb 20
2 Draw and label Wound of entry of rifled fire arm in a contact shot 2 Jul 19
3 Draw and label Longitudinal section of cartridge of rifled firearm 2 Feb 19,Sep 14
4 Draw and label Longitudinal section of shot gun cartridge 2 Jul 18,feb 17,
5 Abrasion collar 2 Feb 18
6 Draw and label Cross section of shot gun cartridge 2 Aug 17
7 Tandem bullet 2 Oct 16
8 Draw and label Entry wound of rifled firearm from a close range 2 Feb 15
9 Calibre of a fire arm 2 Mar 14
10 Draw and label Entrance wound caused by rifled firearm fired from a 2 Sep 13
distance within the reach of flame
11 Differentiate between Entrance wound and exit wound caused by a 2 Apr 13
12 Draw and label Cross section of a rifled barrel 2 Apr 13

1 Fractures of the skull 3 Feb 20
2 Injuries seen in pedestrians in road traffic accidents 3 Feb 20
3 Signature fracture 2 Jul 19
4 Primary impact injury 2 Jul 19,feb 17,
3 Apr 13
5 Different types of intra-cranial hemorrhages 3 Feb 19,Mar 14
6 Contrecoup injury 2 Jul 18
7 Draw and label Intracranial hemorrhages 2 Feb 18
8 Coup and contra coupe injuries 3 Aug 17
2 Feb 17
9 Differentiate between Epidural hemorrhage and heat hematoma 2 Sep 13
10 ESSAY Feb 15
A 30 years old male comes to trauma center with history of head injury.
He does not remember the incident. After a couple of hours he loses
consciousness and his condition progressively deteriorates and he dies.
Answer the following: 2
•What is the likely diagnosis 3
•Mention the source of bleeding 1
•What is the medico legal importance of this condition 1
•What is the emergency procedure that needs to be done

1 Estimation of burns on a body 3 Feb 20
2 Differentiate between Burns and scalds 2 Feb 19,ju 18

Page 62
3 Joule burn 2 Jul 18,feb 17
4 Differentiate between Ante mortem burns and post-mortem burns 2 Oct 16
5 Filigree burns 2 Sep 14
6 Causes of death in burns 3 Sep 13


1 Draw and label Diatoms 2 Feb 20
2 Differentiate between Ligature mark seen in suicidal hanging and 2 Jul 19
3 Lynching 2 Feb 19
4 Cafe coronary 2 Jul 18
5 Diatom test 2 Ju 18
6 Sexual asphyxias 3 Feb 18
7 Draw and label Hyoid bone fractures 2 Feb 18,oct 16
8 PALTAUF'S hemorrhage 2 Aug 17
9 Internal finding in a case of death due to drowning 3 Feb 17
10 Pathophysiology of fresh water drowning 3 Feb 16
11 Traumatic asphyxia 3 Feb 15
12 Signs of ante mortem hanging 3 Sep 14
13 Differentiate between Complete and partial hanging 2 Sep 14
14 Draw and label Ligature mark pattern in strangulation 2 Mar 14
15 Neck findings in a case of death due to hanging 3 Apr 13
16 •Classify mechanical asphyxia. 2 Oct 16
•What are the types of hanging. 2
•What are the autopsy findings of hanging and mention its medico legal 2+1
17 A forty years old man’s body is brought for post mortem. An oblique Mar 14
ligature mark is present over the neck. Dried salivary stain over right
angle of mouth. Hyoid bone is intact.
Answer the following: 1
•What is your probable opinion regarding cause of death.
•Difference between hanging and strangulation. 3
•How will you differentiate ante mortem hanging from post mortem 3
Cause of death:HANGING
18 •Define hanging. 1 Sep 13
•Describe the post mortem findings in a case of death due to typical
hanging. 4
•Add a note on auto erotic sexual asphyxial death 2

1 Buggery 2 Feb 20
2 Draw and label Spermatozoa 2 Feb 20
3 Confirmative signs of pregnancy 3 Jul 19
4 False virgin 2 Jul 19
5 Signs of recent delivery in a dead body 3 Feb 19
6 Lugol’s iodine test 2 Feb 19

Page 63
7 Vaginismus 2 Feb 18
8 MTP ACT 3 Feb 17,oct 16
9 Impotence in males 2 Feb 17
10 Signs of virginity 2 Feb 16
11 Positive signs of pregnancy 2 Feb 16,feb 15
12 Lochia 2 Sep 14
13 Section 375 of IPC 3 Sep 14
14 Disputed paternity 2 Mar 14
15 Complications of criminal abortion 2 Sep 13
16 Draw and label Different types of hymen 2 Sep 13
17 Examination findings in a 14 year old victim of rape3 3 Apr 13
18 ESSAY Feb 18
A 16 years old unmarried woman was brought to casualty with
high temperature, tachycardia and dyspnea. On examination the
woman showed pelvic emphysema, wine coloured foul smelling
discharge from the vagina and died shortly while undergoing
treatment. Answer the following:
•What is the provisional diagnosis 1
•Causative organism 3
•Post mortem findings 2
•Medico legal aspects
19 •Define Section 375 IPC. 2 Aug 17
•Describe in detail about the procedure of examination of female
survivor of sexual assault. 2
•What are the material evidences to be collected from the 3

1 Still born baby 2 Feb 20
2 Caffey syndrome 3 Ju 19,feb 18
3 Spaldings sign 2 Feb 19
4 Autopsy findings in battered baby syndrome 3 Aug 17
5 Signs of a live born child 2 Oct 16
6 Sudden infant death syndrome 2 Feb 15
7 Rule of Hasse 2 Sep 13
8 Differentiate between Respired and unrespired lung 2 Sep 13
9 ESSAY Sep 14
A dead fetus was recovered from the dust bin. Crown heel length was 35
cms.Finger nail marks with contusions were noted in the neck. Answer
the following:
•Estimate the gestational age with reason 2
•Mention the ossification centers which are likely to be found in this
case 3
•Is this fetus viable or not 1
•What is the cause of death 1

Page 64

1 Mc Naughton’s rule 3 Feb 20
2 Feigned insanity 2 Feb 20
3 Delusion 3 Jul 19,feb 19
2 Feb 16,apr 13
4 Criminal responsibility in mentally ill person 3 Jul 18,feb 18
5 Testamentary capacity 2 Feb 15,apr 13
6 Hallucination 2 Sep 14
7 Procedure in admission of an insane person in a mental asylum 3 Mar 14
8 Impulse 2 Sep 13

1 Takayama test 2 Jul 19
2 Precipitin test 2 Aug 17
3 Benzidine test 3 Feb 17

1 Stomach wash tube 3 Feb 20
2 Vitriolage 2 Ju 19
3 Carboluria 3 Feb 19
2 Mar 14
4 Draw and label Hood and mouth parts of a cobra 2 Feb 19
5 Plumbism 3 Jul 18,sep 14
6 Management of methanol poisoning 3 Feb 18
7 Importance & Contraindications for gastric lavage 3 Aug 17
2 Oct 16
8 Findings in chronic lead poisoning 2 Aug 17
9 Magnans symptom 2 Aug 17
10 Differentiate between Arsenic poisoning and cholera 2 Aug 17,Mar14
11 Burtonian line 2 Feb 17,Mar14
12 Antidotes 2 Feb 17
13 Drugs of abuse and dependence 2 Oct 16
14 Draw and label Stomach wash tube 2 Feb 16
15 Chelating agents 2 Feb 15
16 Differentiate between Strychnine poisoning and tetanus 2 Feb 15
17 Mercuria lentis 3 Mar 14
18 Treatment of a case of cyanide poisoning 3 Sep 13
19 Manifestations in a case of datura poisoning 3 Sep 13
20 ESSAY Feb 20
A 30 years old female was brought to casualty with history of poisoning.
On examination following observations are noted. There was fine froth
around mouth and nostrils, smell of kerosene like substance and pupils
were constricted. Answer the following
•What is the most likely diagnosis 2
•What are the other conditions where fine froth is seen around mouth
and nostrils 2
•What material objects you preserve during autopsy to diagnose
poisoning 3

Page 65
A farmer Suddenly collapsed while spraying in the paddy field and Jul 18
brought to casualty. On examination he was unconscious, there was
tachycardia, excessive sweating and salivation. An unusual offensive
smell was emanating from his clothes.
Answer the following
•What is the probable diagnosis 1
•How do you manage 2
•Post mortem findings, if the patient dies 2
•What are the samples to be collected during the postmortem 2
examination and how will you preserve each.
21 A 25 years old male was brought to hospital with history of snake bite. Feb 17
The person has seen the snake and it had a hood on head. There were
two bite marks noticed in right ankle with swelling and ptosis were
observed in both eyes. Answer the following:
•What is the most possible snake in this case. 2
•How will you manage a case of snake bite. 3
•How will you identify a poisonous snake 2
Snake :COBRA
22 A 20 years old male was bitten on the foot by a snake while he was Feb 16
working in fields. He killed the snake and brought it to casualty along
with him. It had a triangular head and black diamond shaped patches on
the back. There was swelling and blood oozing from the site of bite.
Answer the following: 1
•Identify the snake 1
•What is the nature of its venom
•Mention the first aid management that can be given in such a bite 3
•What is the specific management to be given in this case 2
Snake :VIPER
23 •Define ‘Drunkenness’. 2 Apr 13
•Explain, how the state of drunkenness renders the driving of a vehicle 4
•What isWidmark’s formula 1

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