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RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION could help him/her perform and produce economic

value for his/her employer.

1. Acquisition - Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection,
Placement HR – Arranging interviews coordinating hiring efforts, and
obj. To get the right person for the right job onboarding new employees.
2. DEVELOPMENT- Training and Development, HRM – Manage the people within a workplace to achieve the
Performance Appraisal, Coping with Changing organizations mission and reinforce the corporate culture.
Technology HRD - plan to help employees develop their abilities, skills
obj. To get the most from the employee and knowledge.
3. MAINTENANCE - Wage and Salary Administration,
Benefits and Services, Labor Management Relations, Human Resources (HR)
Collective Bargaining, Discipline Complaints and - term used to describe the individual who make up the
Grievances workforce of an organization. Name of the function within an
obj. To retain the best workplace organization charged with the overall responsibility of
4. UTILIZATION – Human Resources Planning and implementing strategies and policies relating to the
Career Development. management of the individuals.
obj. To instill loyalty among the employees - to implement and organization’s human resource
requirements effectively, considering labor laws and
OVERALL OBJ. Increasing Productivity regulations, ethical business practices, and net cost, in a
EVOLUTION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT manner that maximizes, as far as possible, employee
motivation, commitment and productivity.
 18TH Century – Human resources starts to be
interesting with the evolution of the large factories. Human Resource Management
Hired thousands of workers, who worked up to 16 - ensures that companies have the necessary talent required
hours a day. to operate effectively. Manages the recruitment and selection
 Soon, business realized that satisfied employees are of new employees as well as the training and development of
more effective and can produce more that new and current employees. It establishes and administers
depressed employees. Government started to compensation plans and employee benefit programs.
intervene to introduce some basic human rights and Central Functions of Human Resource Management:
the work safety legislation. Staffing, Training & Development, Motivation, and
 During the 1930s and the 1940s – began to be called
Staffing – refers to that function which locates competent
personnel departments (the word personnel is from
employees and getting them to work for the organization. The
an old French word that word that means “person”).
major activities of staffing consist of (1) strategic human
Responsible of hiring new workers and
resource planning, (2) recruitment, and (3) selection.
administering basic HR activities (appropriate pay
Aim of HRM - build, maintain and improve the relationship
and benefits).
between an organization and its employees to retain and
 Also gave rise to a new type of management
foster their talent. Another objective of HRM is to help build
function – Personnel management. Responsible for
career paths for people and solve problems that arise within
the implementation of different social and
an organization, from compliance to leadership.
workplace safety programs. Focused on the
 Human resource management emerged in the late ORGANIZATION
70s of the 20th centuries. Technology and the • Recruitment and Training – HR managers come up with
globalization have changed the rules of the game. plans and strategies for hiring the right kind of people. They
The structure of the workplace changed, and the design the criteria which is best suited for a specific job
leadership development begin to be popular. description. Other tasks related to recruitment include
Workforce is becoming diverse, corporate culture formulating the obligations of an employee and the scope of
cannot be country specific. This is a big challenge for the tasks assigned to him or her.
Human Resources which is global today.
 Today, most employee handbooks and declarations • Performance Appraisals – The team communicates with
of philosophy of companies especially state that the staff individually from time to time and provides all
“human resources/human capital are the greatest necessary information regarding their performances and
asset of the company”. defines their respective roles. It helps them execute the goals
 Human capital refers to the attributes gained by a with best possible efforts. Performance appraisals, when
worker through education and experience. These taken on regular basis, motivate the employees.
can help the worker develop competencies,
knowledge, and personality attributes that in turn • Maintaining Work Atmosphere – A good working condition
is one of the benefits that the employees can expect from an • Internally, businesses are impacted by turnover and
efficient human resource team. A safe, clean and healthy retirements. Externally, they are impacted by changes in
environment can bring out the best in an employee. A friendly technology, changes in the economy, and changes in the
atmosphere gives the staff members job satisfaction as well. industry and consumer demand that may require skills that do
not currently exist within the company.
• Managing Disputes – Conflicts are almost inevitable. In such
a scenario, it is the human resource department which acts as 2. Forecasting Demand for Employees
a consultant and mediator to sort out those issues in an • This is estimating not only how many but also what kind of
effective manner. employees will be needed. This involves making a projection
in terms of the number of employees the form should have to
• Developing Public Relations – responsible in establishing make productive and competitive as well as determining their
good public relations lies with the HRM to a great extent. specific qualifications. It is necessary to have an indication of
They organize business meetings, seminars, and various future development to plan out necessary steps.
official gatherings on behalf of the company in order to build • Each industry is different, and each is impacted by different
up relationships with other business sectors. factors. Staying on top of industry, regulatory, governmental,
MAIN TRENDS IN THE HR PROFESSION and economic changes can help businesses improve their
• The role of HR in an organization is to serve as the success at forecasting demand for employees and building
systemizing, policing arm of executive management. human resource plan
• HR promotes the overall success of the organization, the 3. Analyzing the Current Supply of Employees/Inventory of
organizational mission, vision, values, goals and action plans. Manpower
• HR ensures that the business gets the most out of its
employees. • This is to determine how many and what kind of employees
• HR needs to provide a high return on the business’s the company currently have in terms of skills and training
investment in its people. This makes it a highly complex necessary for the future.
function – because it deals with not just management issues • Useful tools in analyzing current HR situation in the
but human ones as well. company include:
• HR inventory – stock taking of firm’s employees; head count
• Both a process and a set of plans. It is how organizations • Skills inventory – analyzing the individual skills and abilities
assess the future supply and demand for human resources. of all kinds of employees at all levels. A skills inventory in its
• Process by which a company ensures that it has the right simplest form is a list of names, characteristics, and skills of
number and kind of people, in the right places at the right the people working for the organizations.
time, doing the things for which they are economically most • Human Resource Audit – seeks to answer the question
useful. It is a method for determining future HR requirements “what has been and is happening to our HR?”.
and developing action plans to meet them.
4. Forecasting HR Supply
• The total stock of HR at any given time is the population
• HR planning helps in scheduling recruitment and selecting count. Past trends, patterns, and expected development give
effectively by providing information that determine how many us a picture of future manpower supply. An important
people are needed and the kinds of people needed for job element in the forecasting of labor supply concerns how many
openings. will leave. The length of service is an important indicator of
• A systematic planning of HR, a company can be better leaving. Availability of training resources will also affect the
assisted in attaining its goals and objectives. It can also be an future supply of labor as well as union attitudes and payment
effective means of planning the development and growth of policies.
its employees.
5. Reconciling HR Requirements and Supply Forecasts.
Six Distinct Phrases and Stages • Both HR requirements and supply forecasts may reveal gaps
which exist between employment and labor force; between
1. Situation Analysis and Environmental Scanning/Analysis occupations employed and occupations not employed;
of the Current Situation/Forecasting Supply of Manpower. between employees educated and/or trained and those not
educated and/or trained.
• The strategic plan must adapt to environmental • The main processes include: (a) assessment of performance
circumstances, and HRM is one of the primary mechanisms of present workforce; (b) Identification of possible
that an organization can use during HRM is one of the primary discrepancies and imbalances compared with production
mechanisms that and organization can use during adaptation targets; and (c) Identification of possible causes for such
process. imbalances and deviations.

6. Action Plan Development

• After analyzing both the supply and demand for future • Replacement chart – an HRM organizational chart indicating
workers, these two forecasts are compared to determine positions that may become vacant soon and the individuals
what, if any, action should be taken. Whenever there is a who may fill the vacancies.
discrepancy between these two estimates, the organization
needs to choose a course of action to eliminate the gap. Three stages of the employee cycle

a. Action decisions with a shortage of PRE HIRING – right number and type of people needed to fill
employees/planning for growth or expansion up the positions. (Target amount of people need to hire and
people that can fit to the position)
b. Action decisions in surplus condition/planning for
reductions. HIRING – recruiting and selecting stage (looking for perfect
• Recruitment – when HR plans indicate an under supply of candidate)
employees, firms can recruit personnel to staff jobs with POST HIRING – Carry out certain HRM practices and
anticipated vacancies. productivity programs. (Like seminars, webinars, training duty
• Training and promotion – instead of hiring new workers to and responsibilities of HR to train the new and hired
meet increasing demands, an organization may decide to employees.
improve the productivity of the existing workforce through
• Other options would be the use of overtime, additional
shifts, job re-assignments, outsourcing, or hiring temporary • Job are the building blocks of an organization.
workers. • JOB FAMILY – a groupings of jobs, usually according to
ALIGNMENT OF BUSINESS PLANNING and HR function (e.g. production, finance, human resources,
PLANNING marketing, etc.)
• JOB CATEGORY – a groupings of job to generic job title or
LONG RANGE PLANNING Strategic Planning, Corporate occupation (e.g. managerial, sales, clerical. Maintenace),
Philosophy, Organizational Mission, Strength & weaknesses within or across job families.
Environmental Scanning, • JOB – group of positions that are similar position may be
involved, simply because no other similar position exists
• OCCUPATION – group of jobs that are similar as to kind of
• HR Planning should not occur in isolation. The size of an work are found throughout an industry. An occupation is a
organization’s workforce, including its occupational mix, category of work found in many firms.
should be based upon business plans. • POSITION – a groupings of similar types of tasks, constitute
• HR planning involves every phase of the company. It must the total work assignment of a single employee; there are so
translate company plans to HR requirements and evaluate the many positions as there are employees.
current performance levels of individuals and predict their • TASK DIMENXION – a groupings of similar types of tasks,
potential. It provides career management or charting: and sometimes called “duty”, “area of responsibility”, or “key
provides systems, forms, guides, and charts for matching job results area”
requirements with skills available. It encompasses everything • TASKS – coordinated and aggregated series of work
that concerns people – its cost, morale, leadership, elements used to produce an output.
productivity, forms of compensation, and conservation of the • ELEMENT – the smallest unit into which work can be divided
resource. It provides for the total human input required by without analyzing separate motions, movements, and mental
the company and assures a planned returned for its cost. processes.
• JOB ANALYSIS – the procedure used for
• Long-range Planning – this entails the mission and vision determining/collecting information relating to the operations
statement as well as formulating strategies to achieve them. and responsibility of a specific job. The end results are job
•Mid-range Planning – The plans may be stated in terms of description and job specifications.
sales, number of units produced, or some other index of • JOB DESCRIPTION – organized, factual statements of the
business activity. Achieving these goals and objectives duties and responsibilities of specific job. It tells what is to be
requires the proper mix of people. This includes projecting done, how it is done, and why. It is a list of job duties,
the number of employees needed for each job created to responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions,
achieve identified business goals. and supervisory responsibilities
• Short-range Planning – Budgets and economic forecasts are • JOB SPECIFICATIONS – a written explanation of minimum
frequently developed without a careful analysis of whether acceptable human qualities necessary for effective
the HR will be available to achieve them. Supervisors and performance, which are requisite education, skills,
managers should anticipate the number of employees and the personality, and so on.
specific training that would help employees acquire the skills • JOB CLASSIFICATION – groupings of jobs on some specified
needed to make them productive. basis such as kind of work or pay. It can refer to a grouping by
• Succession Planning – ensuring that another individual is any selected characteristics but preferably used most often in
ready to move into a position of higher responsibility. connection with pay or job evaluation.
• JOB EVALUATION – systematic and orderly process of 3. Questionnaires – the use of questionnaires is usually the
determining the worth of a job in relation to other jobs. The least costly method for collecting large amount of information
objective is to determine the correct rate of pay, in a short period of time. Advantages of using the
- All jobs may be analyzed and described in terms of specific questionnaire method include the information gathered is
job requirements (tasks, KSAOs (knowledge, skills, ability and quantitative in nature and can be easily updated as the job
other characteristics), job context) and competency changes. It usually includes questions asking the worker to
requirements (general and job spanning KSAOs) describe the kinds of experiences, qualifications, and attitudes
• JOB ANALYSIS – is the general process of studying and needed to perform the job. It also includes a detailed list of
describing these requirements. Separate approaches are activities performed and the importance of each activity or
needed for job requirements and competency requirements. the percentage of time spent in performing it.
• TASK STATEMENT – should focus on primary, current, 4. Employee recording/use of logbook – this is recording by
normal, daily duties, and responsibilities of the position (not job incumbents of duties, frequency of the duties, and when
incidental duties, an employee’s qualification or performance, the duties are accomplished. This can produce a complete
or temporary assignments). Relate or similar duties should be picture of the job, especially when supplemented with
combined and written as one statement. subsequent interviews with the worker and the supervisor.
- should be a discreet, identifiable aspect of the work
assignment, described in one to three sentences. Procedures in Preparing Job Analysis
- typically contain three parts: the verb, object, and purpose 1. Examine the total organization and the fit of each job
2. Determine the purpose of job analysis
Job Analysis answers the following important questions: 3. Select the job to be analyzed
4. Collect data by using acceptable Job Analysis techniques
1. What tools, materials, and equipment are used to perform 5. Prepare Job Description
the tasks in the job? 6. Prepare Job Specification
2. What methods or processes are used to perform the tasks 7. Use the information from Step 1-6 for Job Design, Planning,
in the job? Selection and Training, Recruitment, Performance Appraisal,
3. What are the specific duties for the position? This puts the compensation, etc.
position in context and spells out broad responsibilities.
4. What are the critical tasks and key result areas of the STEP 1 : Examine the total organization and the fit of each job
position? The question helps to isolate the most critical STEP 2: Determine the purpose of Job analysis STEP 3: Select
activities that position holder is expected to perform. the job to be analyzed STEP 4: Collect data by using
5. What are the discrete outcomes of the job for which the acceptable Job Analysis techniques STEP 5: Prepare Job
person appointed will be held accountable and evaluated on? Description STEP 6: Prepare Job Specifications STEP 7: Use
6. What behaviors, skills, knowledge, and experience are the information from Step 1-6 for Job Design, Planning, Selection
most important to the program in achieving the key results and Training, Recruitment, Performance Appraisal,
and outcomes? This question focuses on the specific personal Compensation.
qualities that are necessary to best meet the job
requirements. Step 1- Provide a broad view of how each job fits into the
total fabric of the organization. This is to determine how the
data will be used in HRM planning. HR managers should
Competency based Job-Analysis decide what data needs to be collected, the best method of
Describing a job in terms of the measurable and observable collection, and the uses of the information in a
behavioral competencies an employee must exhibit to do a comprehensive HRM strategy.
job well. Writing a job based on competencies not on duties. Step 2 – identify the use to which the information will be put,
Emphasizes that an employee can do rather his/her duties. since this will determine the type of data to be collected and
how to collect data. This requires studying the organization
Methods used in Job Analysis charts, job descriptions, and work process charts.
1. Interview – job analysis information can be obtained by
interviewing the job incumbent or by group interviews with Step 3 – Since it is usually too costly and time consuming to
group of employees doing the same job or by interviewing the analyze every job, a representative sample of jobs needs to be
supervisor who is knowledgeable about the job. Interview selected. Review relevant background information such as
information is particularly valuable for professional and organization charts, process charts, and existing job
technical jobs that mainly involve thinking and problem descriptions.
solving. Organization chart shows how the job in question related to
2. Observation – Direct observation is especially useful when other jobs and where it fits in the overall organization. It
jobs consist mainly of observable physical activity. Jobs like should identify the title of each position and, by means of
those of a janitor, production workers, and drivers are interconnecting lines, show who reports to whom in the
examples of these. On the other hand, observation is usually hierarchy.
not appropriate when the job entails significant amount of Process charts show the flow of inputs to and outputs from
mental activity, such as the work of the lawyer, financial the job under study. Existing job description can provide a
analyst, and the like. starting point for building the revised job description.
Step 4 – this involves the actual analysis of job by collecting for accuracy and completeness
data on job activities, required employee behavior, education, 6. Prepare and review budget, revenue, expense, payroll
training, experience requirements, working hours, equipment entries, invoices, and other accounting documents
used, required job duties, process workflow, working 7. Analyze revenue and expenditure trends, recommend
conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform appropriate budget levels. And ensure expenditure control.
the job. This is done using acceptable job analysis techniques. 8. Explain billing invoices and accounting policies to staff,
The information collected Step 4 is then used in Step 5 and vendors, and clients
Step 6 to develop the job description and job specifications. A 9. Resolve accounting discrepancies
job description and a job specification are usually two 10. Recommend, develop, and maintain financial databases,
concrete products of the job analysis. computer software systems, and manual filing systems.
11. Supervise the input and handling of financial data and
Writing Job Descriptions reports for the company’s automated financial systems
• The purpose of job description is to establish the level of 12. Interact with internal and external auditors in completing
difficulty of a specific position for the purpose of establishing audits
pay levels. 13. Perform other duties as maybe assigned by the general
• The first and immediate product of job analysis is the job manager from time to time.
description. This is basically descriptive and constitutes a
record of existing and pertinent job facts. Knowledge and Skill Requirements
• Suggested contents are given as follows: 1. Knowledge of finance, accounting, budgeting, and cost
1. Date written control principles including generally accepted accounting
2. Job Status – full-time/part-time including salary principles; knowledge of financial and accounting software
3. Job identification – The identification section includes such applications; ability to analyze financial data and prepare
information as job title, department, division, plant, and code financial reports, statements, and projection. This is normally
number of the job. acquired through a combination of the completion of
4. Job summary – A brief one or two-sentence statement bachelor’s degree in accounting, three to five years of
describing the purpose of the job and what outputs are accounting experience, and successful completion of CPA
expected from job incumbents. exams.
5. Working relationship, responsibilities, duties performed – 2. Work requires willingness to work a flexible schedule.
Relationship statement shows the jobholder’s relationship
with others inside and outside the organization. These include Working Conditions
supervision received (to whom the job incumbent reports) Working conditions are normal for an office environment.
and supervision exercised (who reports to the employee). Work may require occasional weekend and/or evening work.
6. Authority of incumbent – defines the limit of the Pre-requisites to Effective Recruitment
jobholder’s authority, including his/her decision-making • The organization must have undertaken job analysis. Various
authority, direct supervision of other personnel, and job descriptions and job specifications must have been
budgetary limitation. completed.
7. Competency requirements – education and experience • Organization must also have identified “key result areas” (or
including special skills required to perform a given job. KRAs) for the various jobs. KRAs are useful in setting
8. Working conditions – a list of the general working objectives for the recruit.
conditions involved with the job, location, and other relevant
characteristics of the immediate work environment such as Factors affecting Recruitment
hazards and noise levels. The extent and intensity of recruitment efforts vary from
organization to organization. These efforts will depend on
Summary of Duties various factors which are as follows:
Apply principles of accounting to analyze financial information
and prepare financial reports by compiling information, 1. Size of the organization.
preparing profit and loss statements, and utilizing appropriate 2. Employment conditions in the community where the
accounting control procedures. organization is located.
3. The effectiveness of past recruitment efforts.
PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES 4. Working conditions, salary, and benefits packages offered
1. Prepare profit and loss statements and monthly closing and by the organization; and
cost accounting reports. 5. The growth of the organization.
2. Compile and analyze financial information to prepare The Process of Recruitment
entries to accounts, such as general ledger accounts, and
document business transactions Recruitment is a process consisting of the following steps:
3. Establish, maintain, and coordinate the implementation of 1. Preparation of the HR plan.
accounting and accounting control procedures 2. Keeping contact with recruitment sources inside and
4. Analyze and review budgets and expenditures outside of the organization.
5. Monitor and review accounting and related system reports 3. Manager notifies HR department about a job opening that
needs to be filled. accessible to all employees. The use portals may not be
4. The recruitment officer and the manager review the job applicable for small organizations, one must always take note
description and job specification of the job to be filled. that to fill an opening, it is better to look at the current
5. Internal sources are checked; employees first.
6. External sources are contacted; a. Transfer - means shifting an employee from one job to
7. Candidates are selected; and another, typically of similar nature, without any change in his
8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the recruitment efforts. rank and responsibility. The purpose of an employee transfer
is to enable him to get well-versed with the broad-based view
Recruitment Planning of the organization which is essential for the promotions in
This plan is an effort to quickly fill the HR request with an b. Promotion - the most common form of internal
individual who first satisfies the job specifications. recruitment wherein the employees are moved to the upper
1. Formulating a recruiting strategy levels of the organization with more responsibility and
- This is a choice between internal and external recruiting prestige. When the higher-level positions fall vacant
strategy. companies recruit from within the organization to capitalize
- Comparison of Promotion Within (internal hiring) versus one of the following benefits:
External Hiring • The employee is familiar with the working of the
2. Searching for job applicants – The applicant search may organization.
traditional recruiting methods or using e-recruitment. • Less cost is incurred as compared to hiring the person from
3. Screening Applicants – Applicants should be screened to the external sources.
eliminate individuals who are obviously unqualified. • The chances of selection are bright since the performance
4. Maintaining an applicant pool – Applicant pool consists of card of the individual is readily available with the firm.
individuals who have expressed an interest in pursuing and • It boosts the morale of the employee.
who might be feasible candidates for the position. • The others in the organization also get motivated to work
harder to get.
ADVANTAGES HIRING FROM WITHIN (INTERNAL) • promoted to the higher levels of the organization.
• Provides greater motivation for good performance c. Employee Referrals – present employees are asked to
• Provides greater promotion opportunities for present encourage friends and relatives to apply. This is the most
employees often used recruiting tool in small organization.
• Improves morale and organizational loyalty 2. External Sources
• Enables employee to perform the new job with little loss of • Job advertisement – placement of help-wanted
time advertisements in newspapers, trade, and professional
• Familiar with the organization on how it operates publications, or on radio and television.
• Employment centers or agencies – agencies that charge a
DISADVANTAGES HIRING FROM WITHIN (INTERNAL) fee for each applicant they place.
• Promotes inbreeding (narrowing of thinking and state ideas) • Campus recruitment – a primary source of entry – level job
• Creates political in-fighting and pressures to compete candidates. This is usually coordinated with the university or
• Requires a strong management development program college placement center.
• Creates a homogenous workforce • Internships – for students with practicum or on-the-job
ADVANTAGES EXTERNAL HIRING training, this can help them in honing their business skills,
• Provides new ideas and new insights check out potential employers, and learn more about their
• Allows employee to make changes without having to please likes and dislikes when it comes to choosing careers.
constituent groups • Job fairs/special events recruiting – joining or sponsoring
• Does not change the present organizational hierarchy employment fairs.
•Online recruitment/e-recruitment
• Loss of times due to adjustment Alternatives to Recruiting
• Destroys incentive of present employees to strive for 1. Subcontracting/outsourcing – subcontract work to another
promotions organization loses of its control over work that is outsourced.
• No information is available if the applicant can blend with The company takes full operational responsibility for
the rest of the group performing that function rather than just supplying the
personnel. This is now the trend for most companies to avoid
Recruitment Sources recruitment of additional employees.
2. Overtime – used to avoid the incremental costs of
1. Internal Sources – the use of promotion from within taking recruiting and hiring additional employees for a short period
into consideration the advantages and disadvantages. of time.
Companies used job posting and job bidding to inform 3. Temporary help – use of temporary help services to fill the
employees of job vacancies. needs of companies on temporary bases. When the company
• For companies using IT, they have a portal which are is downsizing temporary employees create a flexible staff that
can be laid off easily recalled when necessary. be necessary for the performance of those tasks. Throughout
4. Employee Leasing – like temporary help agency but the job analysis process, measurement processes are used.
employees are not temporary. Leasing companies issue the
workers’ paychecks, take care of personnel matters, ensure Peron-job matching model – jobs are said to have both
compliance with workplace regulations, and provide the requirements and reward associated with them.
required employee benefits. - The person/job match seeks to align characteristics of
individuals and jobs in ways that will result in desired HR
Requisition outcomes.
• The purpose of this form is to establish a valid need for the
new position, indicate that funding and space are available, MEASURING INDIVIDUALS – Often organization seeks to
and provide a source document for posting the position. determine how well the person fits and matches not only the
• A job description, detailing all essential position functions, join but also the organization.
required education and experience, should be attached. MEASURING OUTCOMES - Outcomes of the persons-job
Human Resources should be available for assistance. matching process include factor such as job performance and
Administrative Manager - the Position Requisition will be retention.
forwarded to Human Resources to assess that special duties - To determine and track, the levels being attained on these
described are consistent with the position description and outcomes, measures of them must be developed and used.
grade; the education and experience specified are consistent MONITORING AND RECORD KEEPING - Integral of any staffing
with the position description and level. system.
- Once the new position description and level are approved, a ® Through these activates, the organization gathers and
new Position Requisition will be filled out, and the necessary records numerical information that may be used for
approvals obtained. numerous staffing related purposes.
Closed Internal Recruitment System – employees are not ® These purposes include determining how well staffing
made aware of job vacancies. The only people made aware of activates conformed to staffing policies and procedures,
promotion of transfer opportunities are those who oversee numerical tracking how applicant pools are reduced as
placement in the HR department, line managers with applicants proceed through the staffing process and
vacancies, and contacted employees. determining compliance with legal requirements.

Open Internal Recruitment System – employees are made RESEARCH AND EVALUATION - The maintenance and
aware of job vacancies. Usually this is accomplished by a job availability of staffing data lead natural into more formal
posting and bidding system. staffing research and evaluation activities.
- The activities are primarily concerned with rigorously
Targeted System of Internal Recruitment – both open and determining the effectiveness of specific staffing activities as
closed steps are followed at the same time. Jobs are posted, well as the overall effectiveness of the staffing system.
and the HR department conducts a search outside the job
posting system. Both systems are used to cast as wide a net as STANDARDIZATION - Is a mean of controlling the influence of
possible. The large applicant pool is then narrowed down by outside or extraneous factors on scores generated by the
KSAOs – seniority eligibility, demographics, and availability measure and ensuring that, as much as possible, the scores
of applicants. obtained reflect the attribute measured.
A targeted system has three advantages: a thorough search is 3 BASIC PROPERTIES
conducted, people have equal opportunity to apply for (1) The content is identical for all objects measured (e.g., all
postings, and hidden talent is motivated job applicants take the same test).
Measurement – the process of assigning number to object to (2) The administration of the measure is identical for all
represent quantities of an attribute of the object. objects (e.g., all job applicants have the same time limit on
the test).
Staffing - measurement is process used to gather and express (3) The rules for assigning numbers are clearly specified and
information about persons and jobs in numerical form. A agreed on in advance (e.g., a scoring key for the test is
common example in which management employs developed before it is administered).
measurement to determine a test score of each of them.
Types of Staffing Measurement
MEASUREMNT PROCEDURE – measure are methods or
techniques for describing and assessing attributes of objects A. PERSONALITY TESTS
that are of concern to us. 1. MINNESOTE MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY
- These assessments of attributes are gathered through the INVENTORY (MMPI) – test developers Hathaway and
measurement process McKinley used an empirical test construction
technique to develop the MMPI
MEASURING JOBS - - through job analysis, job requirements 2. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS INVENTORY (PCI) –
become specified in terms of tasks and the KSAO’s thought to This assessment employers know how a candidate’s
personality will affect their job satisfaction and
performance • Hands-on Performance Tests- are used to test
3. NEO Personality Inventory – a psychological people for capabilities
personality inventory, first published in 1990 as a • Situational Judgements Tests – people are asked
revised version of inventories dating to 1978. The know they would act in each situation. This may be
NEO PI-R consists of 240 questions intended to done with a multiple choice to enable automated
measure the Big Five personality traits: Extraversion, marking.
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and
Openness to Experience.
4. Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) – describes The Selection Process
normal, or bright-side personality – qualities that
describe how we related to others when we are at Why Selection Process is Important
our best.
5. Miner Sentence Completion Scale – a widely used 1. Performance always depends in part on employees. Those
predictor of managerial effectiveness – is who do not have the right skills will not perform effectively
investigated. The results indicate that the MSCS has and the overall performance in turn will suffer. The time to
the predicted pattern of correlations with other screen out undesirable performance is before they become
measures of personality, that the MSCS is positively part of the organization, not after.
related to various measures of managerial 2. It is costly to recruit and hire employees.
effectiveness, and that the MSVC is predictive of
those who will opt for a career in management. 3. Company objectives are better achieved by workers who
have been properly selected based in their qualifications.
6. Thomas Profile Analysis - is a validated, positive,
4. An incompetent worker is a liability to the company causing
non-critical behavior analysis tool that emphasizes
direct losses in terms of substandard performance and low
strengths and capabilities in the work environment.
productivity, and sometimes a potential source of problems to
B. ABILITY TESTS - To assess potential candidates in
management, his/her coworkers, and customers.
terms of their overall intellectual potential and build
a profile of their individual strengths and 5. Applicants have varying degree of intelligence, aptitudes,
weaknesses. and abilities.

MAIN TYPES OF ABILITY TEST USED IN SELECTION 6. Labor laws protect employees making it difficult to
terminate or dismiss and incompetent employee.
Test of General or Global Ability (“g” intelligence,
Selection Process
IQ) - measure a person’s ability to problem solve,
analyze, understand, and adapt to new situations or 1. Define the job before hiring an employee.
challenges This is where job analysis will come in handy. This will help
you prepare the job description and job specifications which
Test of Specific cognitive abilities (Abstract in turn define the recruitment strategy.
Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Numerical
Reasoning) - This attempt to measure the depth and 2. Review application form and credentials carefully.
nature of strengths and weaknesses in subject or job- This provides basic employment information that can be used
related areas. to screen out unqualified applications. Screen all applicants
• These involve high level cognitive processing, against a list of qualifications, skills, experience, and
complex problem solving, analytical reasoning, characteristics required by the job. Take note of the following
verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning, and information during your review of applicant form:
information checking.
 Employment gaps. These gaps include dates of
Test of Psychomotor Abilities and Specific Aptitudes employment listed only in years so that the actual
(vision, hearing, motor dexterity, artistic ability, day and month of employment ending are masked.
mechanical ability, management potential,  Spelling, grammar, and punctuations. Attention to
leadership potential etc.) details such as appropriate grammar, spelling and
punctuation do set a candidate above the pack.
C. WORK SAMPLE – A method of testing ability by Failure to shine in these details on their resume and
giving the candidate a sample of typical work to do application should be noted by the employer.
and evaluating their performance.  Evidence that a career has gone backwards or
plateaued. In a career that is progressing
• Job knowledge tests – focus on specific dimension successfully, an applicant’s resume should show
or content to determine current knowledge, such as evidence that job titles and job description have
a test of knowledge about the highway code. improved as the year progresses.
 Failure to follow directions. Failure to follow should be asked if they can perform those
directions is not just a waste of time but it can be functions.
harmful especially to job applicants because the o If possible, all candidates should be
employer might think the applicant does not have interviewed by the same people.
the ability to work in an organized and effective
manner. 4. Employment Testing. Employers often use tests and other
 Failing to include a cover letter. Submitting a high- selection procedures to screen applicants for hiring and
quality cover letter with your resume can spell the employees for promotion. There are many different types of
difference. Failing to include one would entail failing tests and selection procedures, including cognitive tests,
to demonstrate how would you stand out from the personality tests, medical examinations, credit checks, and
rest of the applicants. criminal background checks.

Resume - Reviewing a resume starts with a job description or  The use of tests and other selection procedures are
role so you know broadly what the job entails. It should show very effective means of determining which applicants
details about the qualifications and experience of the or employees are most qualified for a particular job.
candidate you seek to fill the job. o Cognitive tests assess reasoning, memory,
perceptual speed and accuracy, and skills in
Cover Letters - Job searching specialists and career
arithmetic and reading comprehension, as
counsellors recommend that job applicants write a
well as knowledge of a particular function
customized cover letter to accompany each resume sent to an
or job.
employer. A cover letter saves you time, connects the
o Physical ability tests/test of motor and
candidate’s relevant experience to the advertised job, and
provides insights into the candidate’s skills, characteristics, physical abilities measure the physical
and experience. ability to perform a particular task or the
strength of specific muscle groups, as well
Employment Application - Employers use the employment as strength and stamina in general.
application to gather consistent data about prospective o Sample job tasks (e.g., performance tests,
employees. While the format for resumes and cover letter simulations, work samples, and realistic job
changes from person to person, the employment application previews) assess performance and aptitude
collects consistent information in a uniform format from every on tasks.
applicant. o Medical inquiries and physical examinations,
including psychological tests, assess physical
3. Employment Interview. This provides the hiring supervisor or mental health.
the opportunity to review candidates’ qualification and o Personality test and integrity tests assess
determine their suitability for the position. It also provides
the degree to which a person has certain
candidates with the chance to learn about the position and its
traits or disposition (e.g., dependability,
requirements and present information on their skills and
cooperativeness, safety) or aim to predict
the likelihood that a person will engage in
certain conduct (e.g., theft, absenteeism).
 Preparation for the Interview Supervisors and other o English proficiency tests determine English
personnel in the departments who are involved in fluency.
the interview should prepare in advance for the
interview by: 5. Background investigation/reference checking. This is done
o developing a list of core questions which to verify the accuracy
will be asked of all candidates interviewed.
o reviewing the requirements for the position
and comparing them with the applications
and resumes of candidates; and
o taking note of areas in the person’s job
history where clarification is needed.
 Interview Format The interview should be the same
for all candidates.
o The same basic questions relating to the job
should be asked.
o Candidates should be allowed to see the
workplace if that is relevant.
o The essential functions and other
requirements for the position should be
described to each candidate; candidates

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