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LT18DMath: Discrete Mathematics Review Panel

The purpose of the spreadsheet is to find the relevant proposals for each panellist so that the responsibilities of the assesm
You should indicate your expertise in the field and the willingness to review the proposal based on the topic.


Applicant Research field(s)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Applied mathematics; Pure

mathematics; Communications
Amoros Carafi, Laia AALTO engineering

Hannula, Miika J HY Mathematics

Jääsaari, Jesse TY Pure mathematics

Mathematics; Pure mathematics;

Kakavand, Marzieh AALTO Applied mathematics
Kohl, Florian AALTO Pure mathematics; Mathematics

Peltomäki, Jarkko TY Pure mathematics

Academy Research Fellow

Mathematics; Communications
Freij, Ragnar AALTO engineering; Computer science

Mathematics; Applied mathematics;

Theoretical computer science;
Kulikov, Vadim AALTO Systemic and cognitive neuroscience

Pure mathematics; Theoretical

Kuusisto, Antti HY computer science

Mathematics; Pure mathematics;

Saarela, Aleksi TY Theoretical computer science

Mathematics; Communications
Westerbäck, Thomas AALTO engineering; Computer science

Mathematics; Theoretical computer

Virtema, Jonni HY science
Pure mathematics; Theoretical
Yang, Fan HY computer science
Academy Project funding for early-career researchers
Mathematics; Theoretical computer
Halava, Vesa TY science; Philosophy

Mathematics; Theoretical computer

Hirvonen, Åsa HY science

Kubjas, Kaie AALTO Mathematics; Statistics

Academy Project Funding

Ernvall-Hytönen, Anne-Maria ÅA Mathematics; Pure mathematics;

Matala-aho, Tapani OY Applied mathematics

Laihonen, Tero TY Mathematics; Applied mathematics

Vilonen, Kari HY Pure mathematics

Väänänen, Jouko HY Mathematics; Theoretical philosophy

AALTO = Aalto University
HY = University of Helsinki
OY = University of Oulu
TY = University of Turku
ÅA = Åbo Akademi University

t so that the responsibilities of the assesment can be divided in a fair way and every proposal will be given a good quality review proce
proposal based on the topic.

Consortium Topic

Algebraic and number-theoretic methods for

security in wireless communications

Logical approaches to probabilistic

conditional independence

Analytic Number Theory of Automorphic


Generation of Effective and Optimal Codes

Lattice Polytopes in Algebra, Combinatorics,
and Mathematical Physics

Interplay of Words, Geometry, and Number

Theory: The Rauzy Quest for Rational

Topological methods in applied coding


Mathematics and logic of enactive agency

with applications to unsupervised
reinforcement learning

Theory of computational logics

Algebraic methods in combinatorics on


New methods in algebraic combinatorics

with applications in network coding, machine
learning and quantum computing.

Logical approach to quantum mechanics and

Dependence logic and its applications in no-
go paradoxes in sciences
The hidden variables of the ABC of Logic --
Non standard models and their impact on
completeness, consistency, computability
and definability.

Descriptive quantum complexity theory

Algebraic geometry of hidden variable

models in statistics

Merging Diophantine, lattice and Merging Diophantine, lattice and saddle

saddle point methods point methods

Information retrieval and location in sensor


The Langlands program for real groups and

Springer theory

Plurality vs. uniqueness: dependence logic

and set-theoretic aspects
Confidential Confidential

proposal will be given a good quality review process.

Ready to review with support from an expert

Preferred application to review

Ready to review
Application keywords Public description

Our society relies on wireless communications over unreliab

(IoT) provides new challenges in order to guarantee reliable
for what is known as physical layer security, since traditiona
In addition, the progress taking place in the field of quantum
RSA, obsolete, since the "hard" problems they are based on
algebraic number theory, lattice, well-rounded, theta series, based cryptography appears as a new scenario where new a
flatness factor, wireless communications, wiretap channel,
lattice-based cryptography, physical layer security, internet of We propose the use of algebraic and number theoretic tool
things, 5G networks (existence and non-existence results) and
x from a practical o
The laws of dependence and independence properties have
mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists alike.
interaction laws seem to escape simple characterization. Th
probabilistic conditional independence both in terms of axio
an investigation of a novel logical formalism called probabili
framework for modelling probability properties.
The second part of the research plan investigates depende
dependence, logic, team semantics, probability, conditional amount of inaccurate information. Our aim is to develop inn
independence, uncertainty, database information in prevalentxdata models.
In the proposed research project we study analytic number
study three different objects related to these automorphic f
the other is the attached L-function. It is a striking problem
these sup-norms and the attached L-function (on the critica
Automorphic Forms, Exponential Sums, L-functions, Maass goal of the research is to obtain non-trivial bounds for these
Cusp Forms such forms against various other oscillating
x objects. This yie
It is now well understood that classical codes are highly sub
codes have been recently developed, each optimized for a d
data storage. Current distributed storage systems use variou
Coding theory, Error-correcting codes, Network, Distributed modern storage codes. Using erasure coding in data storage
storage, Erasure channel. investigations will be on constructing
x new codes which impr
Polytopes generalize objects such as cubes, tetrahedra, and
areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. Lattice pol
unifying thread in the research project at hand.

First, using these lattice polytopes, we want to examine the

interactions between neighbors. Using lattice polytopes, we

Second, we propose to use lattice polytopes to examine sym

Third, we want to understand some properties of lattice pol


Lattice polytopes, Ehrhart theory, Coxeter groups, Potts Lastly, we propose to create a special family of lattice polyto
model, order polytopes, graded algebras lattice polytopes. x
There is an unexpected interplay between three seemingly
combinatorics on words, toral translations, diophantine This can be described as a "dictionary": certain results and c
approximation, simultaneous approximation, continued combinatorics and vice versa. The research project aims to e
fraction, Sturmian words, Arnoux-Rauzy words, Rauzy fractal, expected that this new volume of the dictionary helps to un
Tribonacci word word-combinatorial phenomena x by number theory.

Coding theory, Matroid theory, Simplicial complexes, Order

complexes, Distributed storage systems, Private information
retrieval, Network coding To be filled in x
New sciences of the mind propose that our cognition (perce
bodies and the way they are situated in the world. Our visio
our surroundings depends on the length of our hands and le
of this, enactivist, view of the mind. We focus on the enactiv
include team semantics and dependence logic, Markov chai
cognitive science, enactivism, machine learning, markov testing and applying these ideas to machine learning and ar
chains, computational modelling, enactivist foundations? Canx we design better unsupervised
This project investigates the possibilities of automated reaso
impossible to fully automate all mathematical reasoning, an
sufficiently restricted frameworks where automatization can
related theory.

The goal is to identify different automatic frameworks, or lo

with than weaker ones, so there is a trade-off between expr
First-order logic, description logics, computational complexity better understand the strengths
x and weaknesses of differen
Combinatorics on words is an area of mathematics that stud
computer science. In this research project, several importan
attention is paid to questions about word equations. For exa
discrete mathematics, combinatorics on words studied. x
At a time when there an intense research and demand of ne
mathematics. Traditionally coding schemes are replaced by
computing causes new problems to be solved. In this projec
applications to network coding, machine learning over big d

LRW-lattices, matroids, polymatroids, cyclic flats, submodular Matroid theory, an area in algebraic combinatorics, plays an
functions, lattices, combinatrorial coding theory, machine LRW-lattices is a generalization of matroids which can be us
learning, big data, quantum computing, Clifford algebra and information theory, which cannot be done by matroids. LRW
network coding
quantum mechanics,_x000D_ team semantics,_x000D_ problems in different areas of mathematics.
dependence logic,_x000D_ finite model theory,_x000D_ Probabilistic team semantics has recently been recognised a
computational complexity,_x000D_ hidden of this project is to explore and develop this observation. M
variables,_x000D_ possibilistic models,_x000D_ probabilistic logical languages in the same spirit as descriptive complexit
models x and give new insight about noti
characterisations will clarify
dependence logic, team semantics, no-go theorems, social This project aims to unveil the common logical core in the fo
choice theory, quantum foundations, database theory dependence logic, a non-classical
x logic born in Finland in 20
The project is to revisit three fundamental completeness th
established by 1936. We will call them The ABC theorems o
(A) provability, (B) computability and (C) model theoretic va
By dissecting the actual proofs of the ABC theorems, we dis
theorem's import is only modulo certain key hidden assump
Completeness, truth, meaning, semantics, consistency, non According to our diagnosis of the three theorems, the key li
standard model, incompleteness, unsolvability, quest in this foundational project:
computability, infinity, absolutely unsolvable problem,
absolute infinity, ordinal definability, Skolem, Henkin, Post, (Ur-Question) Is first order model theory and its essential us
Woodin, Turing content(meaning) and (C2) mathematical x truth?
The project utilises methods from logic to shed light on the
quantum computation, complexity theory, descriptive logics, whose expressive powers capture complexity classes
complexity theory quantum computers can outperform x classical algorithms.
Algebraic statistics lies on the intersection of algebraic geom
models in statistics can be characterized and studied throug
are widely used in statistics. Hidden variables usually repres
and often their statistical behaviour can be explained by geo

applied algebraic geometry, algebraic statistics, hidden The main objective of this project is the study of hidden var
variable models, phylogenetic algebraic geometry, latent related to identifiability, semialgebraic descriptions, and ma
class models, restricted Boltzmann machines, nonnegative theory for small hidden variables models without making sim
rank, maximum likelihood estimation, EM algorithm fundamental in its own right and to yield insight into more g

Our aim is to merge methods using Diophantine approximati

methods in number theory, and these can often be applied
solutions. Good approximations are crucial in several proble
instance, in estimating exponential sums. Saddle point meth
lattices, transcendence measures, saddle point methods, applications in number theory. All the objects considered du
modular forms, exponential sums, linear forms, be considered or via the structure of the object. To mention
approximations, explicit bounds, theta functions, arithmetic various transcendence measures and estimates for linear fo
quantum chaos, lattice codes will also investigate the use of lattices in coding theory.
The proposed project consists of two partially overlapping t
Information retrieval, error correction, location, sensor advanced memories and the second one is locating objects
networks combinatorial coding theory and graphx theory.
This research project in mathematics explores deep questio
groups are important both in number theory and in physics.
and Hodge theory, a research program proposed by the PI a
groups. The irreducible unitary representations are the build

About 50 years ago Langlands proposed a fundamental rese

Real groups, representation theory, Langlands program, mathematics. In this project we explore this program from t
Hodge theory, Springer theory, character sheaves Langlands functoriality in this context.
Dependence is ubiquitous in the sciences and everyday life.
that it manifests itself only in a multitude, not in a single eve
gene. Parking is easy depending on the day. Such facts are
there are facts such as 2+2=4 which seemingly could not be
the focus of this novel project. We develop a logic of depen
mathematical logic, dependence logic, team semantics, set choice and quantum mechanics. We also pursue a program
theory, independence, generalized quantifiers Spaces, and a novel application
x of dependence logic.
Not ready to review

No opinion

Conflict of interest

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