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Guidelines for Preparing B.Tech Dissertation

The dissertation material shall be arranged as per the order given below:
S.No Description
1 Cover page
2 Inside cover page (similar to cover page)
3 Certificate
4 Abstract
5 Acknowledgements
6 Contents
7 List of Tables
8 List of Figures
9 List of Symbols, Abbreviations or Nomenclature (Optional)
10 Chapters
11 References
12 Appendix


1.The project report should be submitted in A4 size

2. Paper, Typing, Format:

 Bond paper (A4 size) should be used for the preparation of the project report. Typing
should be done on one side of the paper with character font in size 12 of Times New
 Character font in size 16,14,12 to heading, sub heading and for normal
respectively without underlying
 The layout should provide a margin of 4 cm on the left, 3 cm on the top and bottom
and 2 cm on the right.
 The page numbers should be indicated bottom-right of each page.
 Project tittle should be indicated bottom left at each page
 Header and footer must be in each page from the starting page of first chapter to
throughout the report…
 Table names, screen names, figure names must be indicating as
Table chapter no-table no: tittle of the table at center of the page and bottom of table,
same pattern for screen and figures
· Should not underline the heading/subheadings and should not put colons (:) in
headings or subheadings
Arrangement of Paragraph in a Chapter:

· Each paragraph in a chapter should be properly numbered for example, 2.1, 2.2 etc., where
first digit represents the Chapter Number and second digit the paragraph number. There is
no need to indicate the number for the first paragraph in a chapter.

· Sub-paragraphs, if any indicated as 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc. i.e. first digit representing the chapter,
the second representing the paragraph and third representing the sub-paragraph.
· Don’t underline the headings or subheadings or side heading. Instead use the bold

Photographs/Figures and Tables

· The figures, photographs and tables occurring in a chapter may be serially numbered as
Fig. 1.1, 1.2 etc., where the first digit represents the chapter, the second digit represents
Figure number.
· The photographs may be represented as Photo 1.1, 1.2 etc., the first digit
representing chapter and the second digit represents Photograph number.
· The tables may be represented as Table 1.1, 1.2 etc., the first digit representing chapter
and the second digit represents table number.

· The graph should clearly indicate the points, which are used for drawing the curve or
All the letters in the graphs should be written with stencils.

Bibliography or References: As per IEEE format

Preliminary Pages
The preliminary materials consist of the Title Page, Certificate, Abstract,
Acknowledgements, Table of contents, List of tables, List of figures and other lists.
Preliminary pages are paginated separately from the rest of the text: (i), (ii), … etc.

The title page shall be counted, but shall not be numbered. Beginning with the page
immediately following the title page, place page numbers in lowercase Roman numerals
centered at the bottom of the preliminary pages. The Roman numerals are continued up to
the last page of the preliminary pages.

Cover Page
The cover page shall not be numbered, but it is counted (detailed format in next page)

Abstract: The abstract shall not exceed 2 pages.

Capitals, Bold, Font 18
TITLE Times New Roman

Dissertation submitted Italics, Font 12

in partial fulfillment of requirements Times New Roman
for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Bold, Font 16

Times New Roman
Technology in
------------------------------------------- (Specialization)

Name of the
Student1 (Regd. No:
Bold, Font 14
Name of the Times New Roman
Student2 (Regd. No:
Name of the
Student3 (Regd. No:

Under the guidance of

Name of the Supervisor


Bold, Font 14
Times New Roman
Department of --------------------------
(Affiliated to J.N.T.University, Kakinada)
APRIL, 2020

This is to certify that the project titled TITLE OF THE THESIS is a bonafide record of
the work done by

Name of the Student 1(Roll Number)

Name of the Student 2(Roll Number)
Name of the Student 3(Roll Number)

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in (Specialization)

of the Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous) affiliated to

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada during the year .

(Name & Signature of the Supervisor) (Name & Signature of the HoD)

Project Viva-voce held on

External Examiner


Page No.
Certificate i
Abstract ii
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Symbols and Abbreviations

1.1 Background 2

1.4 Organization of the dissertation






Format for Figures:
The figures occurring in a chapter shall be serially numbered as Fig. 1.1, 1.2 etc., below
the figure, where the first number represents the chapter, the second number the figure
number. The figure number shall be followed by an appropriate description. Insert figures
after they are cited in the text. Use the abbreviation “Fig. 5.3” in the text, and “Figure
5.3” at the beginning of a sentence. Use 10 point Times New Roman for figure labels.
Use words rather than symbols or abbreviations while writing figure-axis labels. As an
example, write the quantity “Distance, D (m)”, not just “D (m)”.

Fig. 5.3 Variation of rotational stiffness

Format for Tables:

The Tables occurring in a chapter shall be serially numbered as TABLE 1.1, TABLE 1.2
etc. above the Table, where the first number represents the chapter, the second number the
Table number. The appropriate Title should be given above the table. Insert tables after
they are cited in the text. Use 10 point Times New Roman for table.

Maximum and Minimum Stiffness Values
Translational stiffness Rotational stiffness
along the axes about the axes
(kN/m) (kNm/rad)
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
X-axis 9.9 10 8.68 35
Y-axis 9.9 10 3.09 28
Z-axis 101 104 42 50

List of Figures:
The details of all Figures, namely, Figure number and the caption or title shall be
provided in the List of figures exactly in the same order as they appear in the text.

List of Tables:
The details of all Tables, namely, table number and the title, shall be provided in the List
of Tables exactly in the same order as they appear in the text.

The dissertation shall be presented in a number of chapters, starting with introduction and
ending with Conclusions and Scope for further work. Each chapter shall begin on a fresh
page and shall have precise title reflecting its contents. A chapter can be subdivided into
sections, sub-sections etc. to present the content discretely and with due emphasis. The
font shall be 12 pts, Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing. The entire dissertation shall
be printed on only one side of each page.

In the text of the chapters, the reference shall be indicated as [16] where the number 16 is
the serial number in the list of References. Example: “According to Larson [16], the
material ………………… The font shall be 10 pts, Times New Roman with single line
Format for writing References:
Name of the author(s), Title of the publication (in italics), Name of the Journal, Year of the
publication, Volume, Issue Number, and Page(s).

A journal paper shall be:

[1] Nakamara, Y., and Ghodoussi, M., “Dynamic computation of closed-link robot mechanisms with non-
redundant and redundant actuators”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1989, Vol. 5, No.
3, pp. 294-302.

A conference paper shall be:

[2] Codourey, A. and Burdet, E., “A body oriented method for finding a linear form of the dynamic
equations of fully parallel robot”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Albuquerque, 1997, pp. 1612–1618.

A text book shall be:

[3] Hibbeler R. C., Mechanics of Materials, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, Delhi, 2011.

A website shall be:

[4] www.

Appendix or Appendices:
The appendix (or a series of appendices) shall be before References section. The appendix
includes material that may be helpful to the reader of the dissertation but may be too long
for inclusion in the text or footnotes. Reference shall be made in the text to the inclusion
of these materials in the Appendix. Each appendix is a separate subdivision of the text
and must begin on a separate page.

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