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Tok Gggcovatng circumitences pretent ae? QL Peititing— niawur eniy = He used a pickiock enter Mae room +} Bide. WERE 2. Abuse of Physi calAstrenatn — RAO took advortege of his Superior strenayn wine Dida i asleep. 3. Commiyed ducing night Wire — Fide tok advortaye of the Wight me mercy Fini mizing Ye occrtvena Wey Somat Might see_him in vre auk, Wachee faulilenins tre Commissins The Gime. 4. Causing, omorney wrong Wot NEL [Cary TE Hee commmiccien ay the CRE fee ack of Pido of crabbing Dida and thereatter Took her jewelry. _—_ Toa. —_— We appoprete yenaity to be impoied tder re \ndererminete Sentenu law ts Prision Noyor Gs Whe wininvin term whose period is wyon Nac discrefon oF We couts to twelve (12) years and one day te fourteen ea and cages Prontns of Recwsion Jemyoral in its minimum period Gi She Maximum Sern. 8. Yes. The penalty will be the came. | Avice (0 of the Revited Preval Cone, yowites for the supletory application ty speciat ows. f \n twis case, fhe prescnbed penalty of fe Foe iNegal possession of dvugs veer RA UGS is (epsearnt Loy a term at \2yeor, laey 4 20 years, tre pessty picecrived or YH epplicatien of yenetties uedee BIC May be Sogpheresly applied. tren answer would be te Some. D : Yes. The prosecutor i¢ correct in fiting the case aginst Light Yagon. oo Under Hoe Anh - Fencing Law, Anose Z whe _bvy or sei) _o property obtained bY —— < moos _of tnefth robbery gt feos are . considered violators of The Anis ~ Fencing law. Light Yagami, havirg been bought The stolen Phone 7 from kyu ic Wable . under Wwe Arb - Fencing Law. . Trerefre, The protons coeuk, ee So _ Sn ee N A. C The Genalty for _commex Enoe is Me wWaximum period ot Whe most serous offense commnted. 8. We types of compey cries ave: 1 Compoung Crime — (bis when _a Single at or \ess grave Offences, 2, Complex Criewe Proper = It is when Hneve is another offense commited Waris Nelessory for the execution of He blher_othense. SS ————__ Vv as nn : Tre penatty 4 be imposed is _Prision Moyor GS THe Pinimum term of sentence whose penvdic vies 1 tight aur Ke discteten ot We Court 4 Been tay yecrtzond Sevenreen " foe Ch one Ci) dey — iy gary ond £64 months me mcdiven of Reclusion Temporalin is wipienm period ar The mevimum term of cenyenca- (n_this cope, rere Are two aggravating ard we mribgatiag circumstances. Wor 400 aggeevatng Ore abuse ob Superior cwength f+ Killing 4 As -yer Bld won and that i was Commilyed in The Nighttime. The tneee two mifigtting Cirdue hanua are Nouaray Suirtnder and contesnth and sutticent provocation on the gat fhe okhendey gory: Wereen the pope perntly is Prision Mayor upon the Cover's discretion | yearns od lay fF - Years acd Aenontng *} Rectvsion Teingorat in 1 medive ened. ei a i. Twat tne wrong done be elibererely Owgurentea by CAVING OCC wong wor _nece £5 2% bo ib commission, do. “Tray tre cir be commited with the od ok pecsont under \S years of age or by means 0 a meyer vebiag qnotovized wateruety, Gitchip OF other Srilar Means a. Twat asmeers ty the commission of the crive, @ wall roof, floor, door of window be woken) “igs That tre rime be commibted atten on untewful cating Thee is unlowful entry when on cntrana «is MKKEOKO Ln a woy hot fareracd For We purpose. AT. Ther means be_empoy ed of deewnttenus be brovaht avout trat wovla add ignominy to tre _ natura €ftcas v4 . bne Crime) “lye That Tne crime is commikted with te echery. “there U Aveacnery when Hoe Otte der Commits by employing means, — any st we Games oa airs petsons Vy Ome UG method’ of forme init cxemekon That tend _eivectiy od A specially + inguer ty execuben without fist h himeat z Yhat_might arise Sram Yee detence he offended poy ee mi get yiake. is, That advantage be taken of superior steerath or means be cmpttyea te weaken tee actense. WW. ‘Taet_craly , ford or disguise be_enmpry ed. 13, Tey the acy Was Commi tied with evident pre mudifation 5 1g. Tha the crime be _Committcd by muers of inunacrtion Bre _ Yeisen, Expo ston Strand ing eka vetrel of intCmhoml domane Knevetey derail ment_of locomotive of any other avtitie involving great wcrc ord tiny VW, ‘That tre Orie cummithed be Wh conside wtion of pce, teword | of promse? Jor “That the Stender was previously punished fora Carre which tne law attaches an equal of greeter penalty of foe two or more ceimes te which W_artaunes 4 Iighter eralty | A ve calvisy Ug gine who, at te tine of RS tat EC one crime bey been previnusty commons by Same HWE % ris code- _ Tat tne Chime be commithed with tee 25a of aveud mon Of persons who inswee of attecd impuni J_Twar_ tre cite be committed in the oc cation of cortle qcaten, SWipwre OK carthaverke , epidemic of any olny CalAmi oe misforwre ) GC. Trat Ana care be committed in _the_nighthine. or ia an urinhaided pie of by A bend, Wliencyer sven CRoupstanus faalitate tne Cormmis Hon A the ewe j gE Whenever mote Ste Saree aveed male fous OA ATR pe shail have aurea one it shall be Avera + hove bun conned by bendy S. Thar Yre cre be Committed in tre palace ot the Creel Executive or in Wis_ presen 0¢ whea public _aurkonhes ore engaged in the hiscnore of Srey duties pe in 2 plex _dediGted Fue cetiqnous worship) 4 Wat tee ath be Committed with cluse st comhacn or pbviovs ungrere ful nett 3, That Fre our be Committed with inguth O¢ in dusvegord pk the Vespech due +e a person 89 alapvaret Wis fank, Se oF 84x, 8¢ teat UY be commited tn The cRita_* ery V4 the latter has not given ——pere-caion g- Tat te crime be commitred jn Contempt of 0” with Ingvik te public authon Res) {That oaventage be taken by He sttenter of Wis ic pou bon. ra Yes Awitl grant tre Epovi cation for Probarien. Apnying the indeterminate Sentenu Law, We corer penalty bbe imposed is thar of Areetts Meyor atthe minimum yer whose period is upon Ine discresicn of We court to Priston Correcciona in 49 meximum period Years, Lmontyy ond | day - b years ay the marimnum term. The Prokaton Law allows agplication by offender whese menirnven tern of Perarty dover Mot txardd byeos. \n tis case, Amic's peratty docs not txceed years. Tre fire, Me application ge Probation Shovid be grented. TO Me following ave disqualifird ottendert i. Those Whose penalty exceed six We) years a. Those who commired cames a OWNS Natio hal secunty* EE romans CAMEL agoins national seevetys 9. Whose prevously Convicted § Mol [vd DE a Senvence mE than Six Cb) monty ondfer & Fine Of mort__tron P1000. 005 | Y. Those who were on tn probation | §. Most alveaay cevvi y ha Sertence at He Re of thy gy Yoval st_tre_ lew. oO -_ ————o —_ No. The defense of prescription ic wot Senable- Under ye Revised Penal Code. prescription ta Crime commences TP UA atter the discover of the crime andis inereu pred winen an intention has been Gled. (n this case, the period ot preseiphen in Widing $e 1S years, lefty te United (tates f° bnece Yaors ond Was chord five yes Yreea ter. Trerefore, tre defense of plescriprson of & Cima is bol _tenable. [When toe sentence is death of reauiiia Terenas _ Weeny & Habitval_deringvents G. Es capecs f Whe Seems of tre Corditionat yordon TL. Violating of | 3. Imprisonment eb \ess Yen \ year 5 a. Reedy coniured upon appre vot ot Fhe lew j 2 Pestietro of Suspencion | ee Yes. Gerald Anderson We considered 6 og yecigivist. ! ere * A Vecdivist is one who at Whe ime of Wis teal for one come , Wes beer yreviousty convened by, Final judgerent ef another Came tebracta fre Come Khe of this Code. Asie arden looks forward, ik extinguishes caminal fiabiity bys Ve dbes wor remove the fat that The otsenderis_quity. \n tris CaS, Geni Andercon who was Conwicrtd of tape bus Subsequently qrertea abs avy pardon who late OR wat Connurd mth homiode jc a recdi wth. Merpre, Gerad Anderson ic Vecidivir. 5 nm accompli js one who bly knowe abot the criminal resavtion wy tHe ar OF tie conspirators, while consyirator alveedy knew the Criminal pe colviton ot WL begunning of Sire, fn accomplice is not involved in_the Conspiving of te criminal Ves OWURON | A CONcpicepe is present when the Criminal rerelution war _Coaspi ira An acarpiice werety concur in tht Chmirar resplyhon while a Consywatye is Tre, Gurnor vt Tre Gamincl resolution, In both initencs there isa Comunity OOOO on ic eyes ; ottender , Gs Yw personal Ciminal Nabilil 1. Upon Ye acat_o e Vioviliies at & ecun) Viabilikey, only when Tre vtbender ated poor the Kinal jvdg ment, a By ane sty | 4. By absolve perdon; s By ples eciption of CMe Gc. By presexprvs of vy) 4. By mariage sttended wowen te offender vaaer AtKde ZUU of te Revited feral Code. ee TT oes Ooanrnrrr—rvrvrvrvrvr— eee F ———— SS yw Tinidora's Giminal liability is eytinquiched becaule vader bre Revised ___ Renal Cede, dcotn extinguishes cima Ar 40 Tinidora's av Habis} iC alse exnguisinea because her death was prior te a hmal jvdgment or while ber aypea\ Wat SRI pending. Therefee, orn Tinidora’s criminal ard Givil_Wiabiikey ae _exkagvishd. a aaa a No. Senators Calengcuiong’s ack is not aoe Moluntonsy surrenders The requisites for Voluntary suicender is that the surrender is spontaneous, Wet ond that the surrender be made 4 persons in of Wit agents, Un bis case, Sener Culena tutorg '5 Surrender was bot Spontaneous Gonside ting that a week hay lapsed from ty tre the warrants} Gitesy Way WSCA | and tre fur Yrer far that he Sunrendteed becouse of te door: ee@mer Fecommerdation frat he envy has Six months leh live Machre no Voluntary Svive nder is presen. > ~~ \ That the requisites Wccessory i jushly on ar of Cxempr frm carnal Viabitidy ore not avveraent Q. Wey wtkendec i$ vader gO Pe Mriner be SHAN GE proces dedooping iin cescnbed in tne greceding ne) [8 yeon A age oF PVEr Jo. Any Ye acme He rovssiens Sp Arbon We 3. That he _oetender lod no intertindy Commit 50 rove Svong, 44, Trt sufficient yrovecation of threat bn Fre _gertet the offended _peity, Immediately preceded the ech) S._Yray e_ou_Ve commited in fae immediate viedi cation o_afeve obtence Ab Hu he Comentying thefelony 4 hig Spouse ascenarts dercend Ants of veichver by attinity witnin AMG Came degrees y G. “Mat of heving auicd upon an impulse 60 yowectun as NawvCally would have gredveed pasion or dbfy sation’, Te Mat the ottender Volwatarily Suwenaered “re Wises & to & person in authority | or Ws agents oF they he velunradly dontcised hie gilt bere the Court prot tre resepration OF eid Ou far tre _Plote Cvkon + 4. Thay tre offender js deat ord AUmb blind oF ster: wece ysical aeGecs which try vertu bis - Pang ramuni cation With fellow benass subtering come ot aUpon, defense CO 4. Suon ines of the vbtender as would diminish big thy tere Vt Me wall=poot OF He St bender, without however. dcogvieg bin of Consciousness of Wis acts: te. sralhy, ary dyer circum ize ok Siniler netvee or onmloqovt # hese Ave monkoned, | ee ww Luigi is_exconpl from “Criminal Watbility. “the Revised Penal Cede proviaer that access Over Meye_who_Aave ot The principal ave exemph from crmingl Viability txcopt these provacd in paragraph | oF Arka 19 of the Revised Reney Code. TTT TT TTT In tis case | Lyigi who is 04 accessory by reason of por. Doh Arba (A ot the RPC who accisred wm the Concealment Of the body ch He Crime dn prevent th discovery Hheedt iS exempled dint te 4 rp who are YUakves vider Arriag 20 ot rt Revited Rewal Code, not hai: eT Peblea_ oe assisted feather prot AK cKme. Thuehere, Ligh is exempra from win 5 4 the Crimes mitted habitval det; vn covers _prysicl injuries, theft, fobbery, Citata | eng fay ification; in recidivism , Me Chimes comminread ore ebro) in the fare he of we RIC. Asp tre periea of Kee fahabitve det mayen Hoe pevivd of Fine 1s Yen (10) years , mnie in 5 a oy mr an recidivism, teat tre crene_is_Commivd. ak tere Real judgments a te the penalty , beth ave seatenud to Fre avium bere ot impasoneent, i es SSS >

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