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1. Demographic Characteristics
- Participants: 50 individuals aged 18-40.
- Gender distribution: 60% female, 40% male.
- Distribution across different locations (school, home, neighborhood).

2. Essential Oils Impact on Stress Levels:

- Lavender Group:
- Average stress level before activity: 7.2 (on a scale of 1-10).
- Average stress level after activity: 4.5.
- Peppermint Group:
- Average stress level before activity: 7.8.
- Average stress level after activity: 4.2.
- Statistical analysis: Paired t-tests indicated a significant reduction in stress for both groups (p
< 0.05), with no significant difference between Lavender and Peppermint groups.

3. Mood Enhancement:
- Lavender Group:
- Reported feeling relaxed (80%), calm (15%), stimulated (5%).
- Peppermint Group:
- Reported feeling relaxed (60%), calm (30%), stimulated (10%).
- Qualitative feedback: Lavender associated with relaxation, Peppermint with alertness.

4. Impact on Paper Airplane Task:

- Lavender Group:
- Average number of successful paper airplanes: 4.8.
- Peppermint Group:
- Average number of successful paper airplanes: 5.2.
- Qualitative observations: Peppermint group displayed a slightly higher average in successful

5. Environmental Psychology Impact:

- Lavender Group:
- Positive feedback on the calming and pleasant work environment.
- Peppermint Group:
- Positive feedback on the invigorating and refreshing work environment.
- Overall preference: Varied, with individuals favoring either calming or invigorating scents.

6. Overall Participant Satisfaction:

- Lavender Group: 90% satisfied.
- Peppermint Group: 85% satisfied.
- Qualitative comments: Appreciation for the overall experience and positive impact on well-

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