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Prepared to fulfill assignments as mid-semester exam grades in TEFL subjects and

learning media.
Lecturer : Marlin Kora, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Arranged by group 6 :

SRIANI TESA SEPTORY 1230658820321044

NELCY MURIOLKOSU 1230658820321061
SALOMINA LODARMASE 1230658820341039
WINDI SUN LUTURMAS 1230658820341049
YUSUP FATLOLONA 1230658820341060



1. Cover page

2. Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Background

1.2. Objectives of observation

1.3. Observation problem

3. Chapter 2. Observation method

2.1. Tools used

2.2. Evaluation Criteria

2.3. Data and observation time

4. Chapter 3. Contents

3.1. Description of the results of observations

3.2. Recomendation

5. Chapter 4. Closing

4.1. Suggestions

4.2. Conclusion

6. Attachment
Chapter I


1.1. Background

Observation of learning tools is the process of observing and evaluating the materials or tools used in
the learning process, such as lesson plans, learning media, modules, or other learning tools.

The development of effective learning tools is a key component in the educational process. In an
educational environment, learning tools include lesson plans, teaching materials, teaching methods,
and assessment of learning outcomes. Observation of learning tools is an action taken to observe,
evaluate and improve the quality of learning tools used by teachers or instructors.

Observation of learning tools is necessary for several reasons, including:

To ensure the quality of learning, this can help determine whether the learning tools used are
appropriate to the learning objectives and whether the teaching methods applied are effective. In
addition, there is teacher professional development. Observations can help teachers identify strengths
and weaknesses in their teaching, so that they can continue to improve the quality of learning. And

Adjustment of learning tools, Observations provide insight into what needs to be improved or
adjusted in learning tools to meet student needs. In addition, assessing the impact of learning.
Observation can help in assessing the extent to which students have achieved learning objectives and
whether learning tools have been successful in achieving these objectives.
Thus, observation of learning tools is an important tool in improving the quality of education and
teaching, as well as assisting teachers and instructors in their professional development.
The background to these observations depends on specific educational goals and contexts, and the
results can help improve students' learning experiences and the quality

1.2. The purpose of observation

The purpose of this observation is to understand how learning tools, such as lesson plans, modules,
learning media or learning materials, function in practice. This involves assessing the effectiveness
of learning tools in helping students achieve learning goals.

During observations of learning devices, observers can pay attention to aspects such as the device's
connection to the curriculum, the device's ability to stimulate student participation, and the extent to
which the device supports various learning styles. The results of these observations can be used to
identify necessary improvements in learning tools, as well as to improve the overall quality of
teaching and learning.
1.3. Observation Problem

This report is the result of observations carried out at Satap Tumbur Junior High School and Budi
Mulia Saumlaki Senior High School as part of our efforts to understand and improve the quality of
education in these school environments.

Therefore, the problems observed are as follows:

1. Learning models in schools, especially English learning

2. What version of lesson plans are implemented in schools

3. How active are students

4. Implementation of learning media

5. What are the student worksheet models

6. What language does the teacher use in the learning process

Chapter II

Observation Method

2.1. Tools used

The observation method is a strong approach in assessing the quality of learning in the school
environment. In this report, we will explain how observations were carried out to evaluate learning tools
and student activity. The main aim of this observation is to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of
teaching methods and student involvement in the learning process. In this section, we will discuss the
steps we took in carrying out the observations:

1. Data collection: Observers observe the learning tools used in the teaching process. This includes an
assessment of the lesson plans, teaching materials, teaching methods, and tools used by teachers.

2. Observation of the teacher: Observer records the behavior and actions of teachers during the learning
process, including the way the material is delivered, the interaction with the students, and the ability to
manage the classroom.

3. Observation of students: observers observe student activity during the lesson, record the level of
participation, involvement, and response to the material being taught.

4. Interview: Observers can conduct interviews with teachers to gain a deeper understanding of teaching
methods and the reasons behind the selection of certain learning tools.

5. Document analysis: In addition to direct observation, observers can also analyze teaching-related
documents, such as lesson plans and textbooks.

6. Report Preparation: The data collected from the observations is then used to compile a report on the
results of the observation. This report may include findings on learning tools, student activity, and
improvement recommendations if needed.

2.2 Evaluation criteria

As part of our efforts to promote effective and efficient teaching approaches, we have developed
evaluation criteria that help in assessing instructional media in the classroom. In this section, we will
discuss the details:

a. Teacher observation in the learning process.

Objects to observe:
1. Learning Materials : what topics are the teacher teaching, according to the curriculum or not?
2. Learning objectives : are they clear and measurable?
3. Teaching methods : does the teacher use a variety of methods appropriate to the material?
4. Class management : how is the class management, is it disciplined?
5. Learning evaluation : how does the teacher evaluate student understanding?
b. The learning model applied
1. Models
2. Methods
3. Teaching materials
4. Student learning outcomes
c. The implementation of lesson plan based on the curriculum
1. Learning objectives : are they clear and appropriate?
2. Subject matter : is it appropriate to the curriculum and grade level?
3. Learning methods : are they effective for the materials and objectives?
4. Use of technology
d. How active the students are
1. Student attendance : the number of students present in class
2. Participation : the extent to which students are active
3. Group work : how students interact in groups
e. Implementation of learning media
1. Type of media used
2. Media quality
3. Availability of access
4. Media effectiveness
f. Student worksheet model
g. The language used by teachers in the learning process

2.3. Data and observation time

Name of school : SMP satap Tumbur
Class observed : 7th and 9th grade
Number of students :11 people and 15 people
Observation and interview time : Friday, October 27 and Monday, October 30, 2023

Name of school : SMA Budi Mulia Saumlaki

Class observasi :-
Number of students :-
Observation and interview time : Friday october 27 ; Monday october 30 ; Tuesday 29 October and
Friday 3 November 2023
Chapter III


3.1. Description of the results of observations

A. SMP satap Tumbur

I. 9th grade
a. Learning materials : tenses (past Continuous Tense)
b. Learning goals : students are able to make sentences in past tense form
c. Learning method : group discussions, and presentations
d. Class management : discipline
e. Learning evaluation : teacher conducts evaluations using the question and answer method
f. Learning model : project based learning (PBL)
g. Teaching materials : textbooks and dictionaries
h. Curriculum used : K13
i. Use of technology : -
j. Type of media used : print media
k. Media effectiveness : this media really helps teachers and students in the learning process
l. Availability of media access : lack of printed media such as books and dictionaries
m. Language elements used by teachers : 50% English 50% Indonesia
II. 7th grade
a. Learning materials : part of speech (Article)
b. Learning goals : -
c. Learning method : question and answer
d. Class management : discipline
e. Learning evaluation : through Q and A
f. Learning model : project based learning (PBL)
g. Teaching materials : e-book
h. Curriculum used : K13
i. Used of technology : yes (handphone)
j. Type uf media used : 3D, physical object
k. Media effectiveness : this media really helps teachers and students in the learning process
l. Availability of media access : good
m. Language elements used by teachers : 75% Indonesia 25% English

B. SMA Budi Mulia Saumlaki

The results of the observations showed that the implementation of observations at the school was
hampered by various obstacles faced. One of the main obstacles is the unavoidable number of school
agendas, which causes limited time to carry out observations. In addition, it was found that subject
teachers who were supposed to be the subject of observation were rarely or never present at school.
This makes it difficult to carry out observations related to the teacher. Apart from that, the subject
teachers also do not have devices learning necessary to support the observation process.
These obstacles have a negative impact on the implementation of observations and affect the quality of
data that can be collected during the observation process.

3.2. Recommendation

From the results of observations regarding learning tools at SATAP Tumbur junior high School, we
found problems regarding limited media and learning resources for the learning process. For this
reason, we recommend several media to help simplify the learning process, namely:
1. Graphic Media
a). Picture
Images can be used to illustrate concepts, ideas, or information that are difficult to understand
with words. This helps students understand the material better. Example: Show pictures or
illustrations of situations or activities that are taking place. Students can observe the pictures and
try to make sentences in Present Continuous Tense based on what they see.
b). Flashcards
Flashcards are cards that usually contain short information, such as words, pictures, or numbers,
which are used to assist in the learning process and remembering information. Learning media are
tools or materials used to facilitate the learning and teaching process, and flashcards are an
effective example for this purpose. Example: Make flashcards with frequently used verbs in
Present Continuous Tense. One of the cards can contain a verb, while the other contains a picture
or sentence that describes the current situation

2. Physical object media.

a). Word Puzzle
Create a word puzzle with pieces of words and types of words that must be paired for parts of
speech material.

The media recommendations are seen from the results of observations of learning devices where access
to learning is very limited.
Chapter IV


4.1. Suggestions
a. Increase the presence of subject teachers
b. Learning device support
c. Additional resources
d. Teacher training
e. Periodic monitoring and evaluation

4.2 Conclusion
a. Improve teacher attendance monitoring systems, provide incentives or rewards to teachers who
attend regularly, and work with teachers to overcome obstacles that may hinder their attendance.
b. Ensure that all teachers have access to the necessary hardware and software, and provide the
technical support necessary for teachers to integrate technology into their learning tools.
c. Allocate additional budget to purchase textbooks, teaching devices, or additional educational
materials as needed. Seek to utilize external resources such as donors or sponsors.
d. Organize training programs that focus on developing teacher teaching skills, by adapting the
training curriculum according to teacher needs.
e. Implement a regularly scheduled monitoring and evaluation system to identify challenges that may
arise and to ensure the implementation of suggestions and solutions proposed in observation reports.

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