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Personal Technologv Plan

Masters in Education
Michigan State Universitv
1oseph 1. Schmidt

I believe that teaching is the most Iundamental proIession in the world today. As the old
saying goes, 'Teaching is the proIession that teaches all other proIessions. Even more
Iundamental than the responsibility any teacher has to their content, however, is the
responsibility they have towards their students. Each day students are put in the care oI certiIied
proIessionals with the expectation that they nurture those students content, social and emotional
needs while preparing them Ior the technologically savvy world that awaits them.
I believe that the global community is a rapidly making its way to our doorstep, and that
technology is both the reason, and the answer. The modern world is dependent on technology,
and I think students should be taught how to use that technology. In the classroom, teachers
should be using word processors, presentation tools such as powerpoint and prezi, Iilm and
sound editing, social media, and engaging with 'the cloud. There is a common misconception
that jobs in the Iuture will require intricate understanding oI technology, but the truth is that
todays jobs already require that understanding. For that reason I ensure that technology plays a
vital role in my classroom.
I believe that creating instruction that is differentiated and challenging to students is
essential. There are a variety oI types oI learners in the world, as well as a variety oI levels oI
learners. One great way to make content easy to selI pace and to provide multiple options Ior
enrichment is by moving the learning to the internet. A classroom should be accessible to each
and every student within its Iour walls and beyond, and thats exactly what the internet allows.
1oseph 1. Schmidt
Creating a classroom where the material is presented in a multitude oI ways makes learning
interesting and compels students to participate. This can be done by presenting material in
lecture, video, reading, and many other Iorms. Making sure that the challenge presented by that
material is Iair and interesting to its recipients ensures that students will strive Ior success.
I believe that while learning is something that can be done by an individual, meaningful
learning is usually done in a community. Community learning on the internet can sometimes be
more diIIicult and unIamiliar, but it is very possible. I believe collaboration is important, be it
sharing together as a whole class or within smaller groups. Collaboration can help students pick
up new material that they may have missed, identiIy and correct misconceptions, and bring in
thoughts and ideas that may have otherwise gone unmentioned. This can be done in class with
discussion, but it can also be done eIIectively using discussion boards. One unique beneIit is the
board stands as a lasting tribute to the learning.
I believe in educating the whole child. While I teach social studies, I also teach math,
science, language arts, and computers. I believe that being able to navigate technology is a
Iundamental skill. Much oI what I do revolves around use oI language and technology, and thus
teaching the skills needed to perIorm such tasks is also part oI who I am as a teacher. As
technology changes and grows, so too will I, and my students.
1oseph 1. Schmidt

My current technology uses personal are varied widely. I have Ior two years used a smart
phone Ior purposes oI making telephone calls, sending text messages, emailing, and surIing the
net. More recently I have begun using apps that allow me to utilize more social Iunctions on my
cellphone. I spend an abundance oI time on the computer. With my computer I use social media
to keep in contact and up to date with the world around me. I also Irequent news outlets. For
personal entertainment I watch television, and at inIrequent times dabble in photography and
gaming. For travel I sometimes use GPS devices and hand held media Ior mobile entertainment.
To keep in contact with parents and colleagues I have utilized various email systems, as
well as websites. Additionally I am also a quick learner when it comes to grading and attendance
programing. To date I have worked with parent connect and powerschool. My skills have come
in handy Ior myselI, parents, and Iellow staII members. When working at BradIord Academy I
was the team leader in regards to Powerschool questions. The work which separates myselI Irom
many oI my peers so Iar has been that oI building interactive websites. I have three Iull websites
to date: a proIessional portIolio, a page about 7
grade social studies, and a page Ior high school
US History. My pages are made Ior students, parents, and Iellow educators to take part in and
observe my teaching and techniques. I include pictures, schedules, readings, videos, activities,
reviews, quizzes, and more.
Technology is very important to todays students. As I mentioned earlier, I think it is
important to create a class space online. In the past, many students have checked our schedule
using my sites, caught up on late or missing work, practiced previous material, and in many
cases used the site to contact me. I Irequently would get messages Irom students with questions.
It was convenient because they could use the page links to direct their questions, and I could use
the links as helpIul guides to answer them. While teaching middle school, I had the luxury oI
using a smart board, document camera, classroom computer, multiple Iully stocked computer
labs, and a lcd projector. I enjoyed using these tools because it allowed me to be very visual with
my students at all times, even when Iollowing a more teacher directed route. Having a Iull
complement oI computers allowed me to allow each student to work independently and at their
own pace. In addition to completing computer based projects, students completed individual
computer based assessment.
My high school experience was not as technology rich, as I had none oI the tools I had
previously used. HalIway through the year I was given an overhead projector. I created many
technology templates, such as Iacebook templates, and used them in an attempt to mimic modern
technology. Very late in the year I was on occasion granted the right to use a projector the HS
had borrowed Irom the elementary (the school was a k-12 charter). I also had limited access to a
laptop cart consisting oI 12 somewhat Iunction-able computers. This experience was
disappointing, but highlighted my desire to use technology even more. Students crave
technology, and are instantly intrigued by the prospect oI experimenting with the unknown.
Todays students were raised with technology. They are what many call, 'Digital Natives.
When given a choice Ior how to demonstrate their acquired knowledge, quite oIten they choose
to do so with technology. The reason Ior this is because it is a language they are Iluent in. I have
had students create prezi presentations Ior me, powerpoints, papers, songs, and videos using
computers. One thing to remember regarding technology is that students will not use it unless
they know how to. A good example would be creating videos. I gave an assignment where there
were several ways students could choose to present their material, one oI which was video. Only
one group choose to show a video. The next time around, I gave a brieI tutorial on how to create
a video, and sent a mass email oI links to view in order to get an overview. The next time around
seven students choose create videos. When considering there were 120 students, that doesn't
sound like many, but it did represent a growth rate oI 700. Students in my classroom are
sometimes tasked with creating Powerpoints. On many occasions, I have actually used student
generated work to present material, Ior example a character Iocus powerpoint on FDR was used
to review FDR prior to an exam. Finally, I have had students incorporate the use oI word
processors to write reports, and various internet search engines to compile and correctly cite
work. In the Iuture I want to expand upon the technological resources I ask my students to use in
their work.

As a student in the Masters in Teaching and Curriculum program, and also working
towards a personal goal oI earning a certiIicate Ior teaching with technology, I have two major
goals: obtaining skills to enhance my students learning through technological incorporation, and
increasing my own personal eIIicacy as a teacher.
Enhance my Students Learning with Technology
Broaden scope Ior types oI
presentations I encourage students to
I am continuing to learn about new
technologies. I will begin to teach
my students about how to use new
technologies as I learn, encouraging
them to try it as well.
Through course work (CEP 810-812
and TE 831), I will continue to build
upon these skills as I add weapons to
my arsenal. They will be put to use
when I return to the classroom.
Use Google Docs in the classroom I already use Google Docs oIten in
my personal and proIessional liIe, I
will not ask students to use it aIter
modeling it Ior them and walking
them through the process oI creating
an account.
Google Docs will be put to use when
I return to the classroom.
Begin using the internet Ior original
lessons (as opposed to review)
I have my own website(s)
( ;
com ; )
but I use it more to present materials
others should already know. I want to
begin to trust my students learning,
and ask them to go to the site to view
material Ior the Iirst time.
Through course work (CEP 810-812
and TE 831), I will continue to build
upon these skills as I add weapons to
my arsenal. They will be put to use
when I return to the classroom.
Bring Student input Ior technology
Allow students to introduce me to
technology, and invite the discussion
into the classroom
I will try to make this regular
practice when I return to the
Increase Personal EIIicacy with Technology
Enhance ability to Ioster online Practice dialog with peers through Through course work (CEP 810-812
discussions masters courses, and start new
students on the internet immediately.
and TE 831), and when I return to
the classroom.
Learn about new internet based
Through course work (CEP 810-812
and TE 831), blogging, Iriends, and
educational platIorms.
Use Social Media to connect
classroom with outside world
Create a teacher twitter, and maintain
proIessional Iacebook.
Immediately, and intensely when I
return to the classroom.
Become Iamiliar with handheld
electronics such as iPads, iPhones,
iPods, etc.
Read about technology through tech
blogs, engage peers in regards to
their technology, and experiment
with new technology when given the

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