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Dear Ark Bhargava,

I am writing to you today to discuss a topic of immense importance and urgency: the
environmental challenges that our world is currently facing. Reflecting on these issues is crucial,
not only for our generation but for the future of our planet. Here are the major environmental
challenges that I believe we are confronting now:

Climate Change: Perhaps the most pressing issue of our time, climate change is driven by the
increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, primarily due to fossil fuel burning. This is a
major challenge because it leads to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and devastating
impacts on wildlife and ecosystems.

Loss of Biodiversity: We are experiencing a rapid decline in species diversity across the globe.
This loss of biodiversity is alarming because it disrupts ecosystems, which are vital for services
like pollination, water purification, and disease control.

Deforestation: The widespread clearing of forests, especially in tropical regions, is a critical

issue. Forests are crucial for carbon sequestration, maintaining biodiversity, and supporting
indigenous communities. Deforestation, largely driven by agricultural expansion, undermines
these essential functions.

Plastic Pollution: Our oceans and lands are increasingly polluted with plastics. This pollution
poses a threat to marine life, affects food safety and quality, and contributes to the overall
degradation of natural habitats.

Air and Water Pollution: Industrial activities, vehicle emissions, and other sources continue to
pollute our air and water. This is a major challenge because it directly impacts human health,
leading to respiratory problems, waterborne diseases, and other health risks.

Overfishing and Ocean Degradation: The unsustainable exploitation of marine life and
destruction of ocean habitats, like coral reefs, is alarming. It not only affects the marine
ecosystem but also the millions of people who rely on the ocean for their livelihoods and food.

Resource Depletion: We are consuming natural resources at an unsustainable rate. This

includes fossil fuels, minerals, and water resources, leading to scarcity and conflict.

These challenges are interconnected, and their impacts are far-reaching, affecting not just the
environment but also human health, economies, and social structures. Addressing them
requires global cooperation and a fundamental shift in how we interact with our planet.

As I reflect on these challenges, I am reminded of the responsibility we all share in safeguarding

our environment. It's not just about the world we live in today, but about the legacy we leave for
future generations.

Ark Bhargava

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