Field Bichena Town WSSP

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To: - Loan Financed WaSH Projects Coordinator

Water Development Fund

Cc: - CEO of Water Development Fund
Appraisal and Loan Development fund Desk Head
From: - Project Monitoring Team
Sub: - Sending Field Monitoring Report on the RAMSE Project

It is well remembered that a team of experts from AfDB Program has undertaken
field monitoring of Adama and Bichena town Water Supply and Sanitation Project
from June 09 - 24/2023.

WDF monitoring team has conducted the field monitoring work with an exhaustive
discussion and evaluation of the project progress with project’s client, consultant
and contractor and performed the remote appraisal, supervision and evaluation
(RAMSE) project which is a partnership of the African Development Bank’s IT
department (CHIS), it’s regional office and the world bank’s Geo-enabling initiative
for monitoring and supervision and Ko Bo Tool Box teams.

Monitoring Team Members

• Henok Tefera, AfDB focal Person
• Fikadu Hagos, IT technical Specialist

The Four Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program (4TWSSIP)
aims to improve the health and socio-economic development of the residents of four
beneficiary towns through increased access to sustainable water supply and
sanitation services and improvement in service delivery. The four beneficiary towns
are Adama in Oromiya Regional State, Mekele in Tigray Regional State, Bichena in
Amhara Regional State and Gode in Somali Regional State of Ethiopia.

In order to facilitate and speed up the implementation of the projects under

construction stage, Site visiting, monitoring and evaluation the status of project’s is
important. It is also important to assess the physical progress and any challenges
that encountered through the implementation of the projects.

The Bank needs to build up the profile of the 4-AfDB projects. Therefore, as the
assigned Ko Bo Toolbox team for the four town projects, we need to collect and
organize the overall project status for each town with Geo referenced data.

1. Bichena Town WSSP
1.1 Project’s background
✓ Client: - Bichena Town Water Supply & Sanitation utility
✓ Consultant: - Lalibela study, design, and supervision works PLC.
✓ Contractor: - Abebe Negash GC with Belt General Business PLC.
✓ Contract Signed Date: - Sep 29/2021
✓ Project site handover done on: - Oct 08/2021
✓ Project commencement date: - Oct 08/2021
✓ Contract Period: - 365 days (1 year)
✓ Contract Completion Date: - September 29/2023 GC
✓ Extension period approved: - N/A
✓ revised completion date: - N/A
✓ Contract Value = 70,295,603.03 ETB & USD 702,161.59
1.2 Major Component works
Civil and Installation works
✓ Borehole Civil Works
✓ Bore Hole Collectors pipe work
✓ Transmission Main
✓ 200m3 wet well
✓ Access Road Construction
✓ Auxiliary Buildings: 1 Pump House, 1 Generator House, 7 Generator Shade, 13
Guard House with EEPCO Switch Board House,
✓ Sanitation facilities
Supply of pipes & fittings
✓ Supply of transmission and collector pipes and fittings
✓ Installation of transmission and collector pipes & fittings
✓ Supply & installation of electro-mechanical equipment
1.3 Works executed by the monitoring team
✓ Visited the source site (project well field)
Basically, the water source of the project is from 3BHs. More or less, the civil
works around the source are completed and remained with some finishing works.
But installation of pumps and related accessories is still pending. Though all
electro-mechanical equipment’s are on board. Major works done are:

• Guard house and control rooms are completed remained with installation of
lighting system
• All the transmission lines from the 3BHs, to the collection chamber are
laid and buried; the remaining work is connecting the line with the pumping
system in the collection chamber.
• On one of the BH sites, the stand by Generator house and the seat has
already been completed as well.
• The 100m3 collection chamber and the pump house and the seats for the
three surface pumps which boosts to the service reservoir has already
been completed.
• The fence work and the gates, on all the sites are also completed.
• Public toilets in the selected areas of the town are also completed.
• As we said above, all the electromechanical equipment’s are on board and
waiting to be installed.
✓ Discussed with the Deputy Utility Manager, contract’s representative and
consultant’s representative
• In the presence of all representatives from contractor, consultant and the
client (the utility), we made on site discussion on the project progress,
remaining works and on the date when the remaining works will be finalized.
Currently, the physical project progress is 95.2%; which is
remarkable from the overall achievement point of view. But the
final work, i.e., installation of electromechanical works and joining
the system is not started yet.
Project coordinator from contractor side, Mr. Yizedin said that
they are mobilizing the installation crue and finalizing crane rent
used in the installation of the pumps. And agreed to commission the
whole work by the end of June 30/2015 E.C.
The utility deputy manager Mr. Haymanot raised his doubt on the
contractor’s performance; which is basically, an indication on the
lack of organization of the contractor’s crue. This is directly
related to on the capacity to finalize the work. Therefore, this
concern is basic and needs our follow up.
The consultant’s representative on the site, Mr. Shibabaw told us
that they have already given work order and tried to push, forward,

the contractor to finalize the remaining work. But the contractor
is hesitating to do so. We have asked whether they took any
contractual and administrative measures but they did not. From
this we can conclude that a work that has traveled this all
milestone should not be stopped at the verge of completion by
contractor’s hesitation. Therefore, all stakeholders of the project
have to put an eye on the project till completion.

Conclusion and recommendation

• However, the work progress so far is FAIR when comparing with the time
elapsed. Up to date the time elapsed is days 625 days or`171.2% and the
project physical progress is 95.20%.
• Therefore, to complete the construction of Bichena Town water supply
project on the specified time duration, the contractor is advised to provide
all the required staff members, materials and equipment’s on the project
site, by developing Simultaneous crew and use revised action plan a crushed
schedule for remaining works and conduct the construction activity as per
the schedule.
• Proper follow up is mandatory from all stakeholders.
• The consultant and the region have to force the contractor to finish up
the remaining works and make the project active for beneficiaries after
the month of June.


Booster station

Generator house at BH-2


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