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Wildcard Script

K: And we have a surprise for you too

Y: So , Are you guys ready for a surprise ?

K: “Happiness can be found even in the darkest times of all if

only one remembers how to turn on the light”

Y: These are the words of the famous writer J.K. Rowling.

K:That inspires us to look beyond the empty sea of darkness.
Y: And hold onto the ray of light and hope.

K:So, participants don’t get disheartened

Y: As we bring to you ,
K:Your Golden ticket to be back in the game
Y: Yes, hold your breath , as this is the time for the
“Wildcard Round : The Optimistic Insight”
K:Where you all will be tested for your optimism
Y: Your ability to look for the Golden door of light in darkness
K:This round needs you to bring out positive from the negative,

Y: So, without wasting much time, let’s proceed to the rules of

this round.

(Rules in English by KRISH)

1. All the participants will be shown a set of 20 words in time
duration of 10 seconds for each word.
2. The words shown are conflicting which carries an essence
of negativity in them.
3. Participants have to use each word to form a sentence
presenting an optimistic sense on the piece of paper provided to
4. Participants must stick to a single language either Hindi or
5. After all the 20 words are shown, participants will be given
extra 10 seconds to write their answers.
6. After the allotted time papers will be collected.
7. Participants will be judged on the quality of the sentences
formed by them.
8. Use of words like not, no, shouldn't, never etc. In
sentences is strictly prohibited.
Ex- you can't make sentences like:
→we should not make enemies.
→we should not fight with one another

(Rules in Hindi by YASHIKA)

1. सभी प्रतिभागियों को प्रत्येक शब्द के लिए 10 सेकंड की

समयावगि में 20 शब्दों का एक सेट ददखाया जाएिा।
2. ददखाए िए शब्द परस्पर ववरोिी हैं जो उनमें नकारात्मकिा का
सार रखिे हैं।
3. प्रतिभागियों को प्रदान ककए िए कािज पर एक आशावादी भाव
प्रस्िुि करने के लिए प्रत्येक शब्द का उपयोि एक वाक्य बनाने
के लिए करना है ।
4. प्रतिभागियों को दहंदी अथवा अंग्रेजी में से ककसी एक भाषा का
ही चयन करना होिा।
5. सभी 20 शब्दों को ददखाए जाने के बाद, प्रतिभागियों को उनके
उत्तर लिखने के लिए अतिररक्ि 10 सेकंड ददए जाएंिे।
6. आवंदटि समय के बाद कािज़ एकत्र ककए जाएंिे।
7. प्रतिभागियों को उनके द्वारा बनाए िए वाक्यों की िुणवत्ता के
आिार पर आंका जाएिा।
8. नकरात्मक शब्द जैसे नहीं, नहीं करना चादहए, कभी नहीं आदद
शब्दो का प्रयोि वाक्य में करना सख्ि वर्जिि है
उदाहरण- आप वाक्य नहीं बना सकिे जैसे:
→हमें दश्ु मन नहीं बनाने चादहए।
→हमें आपस में नहीं िड़ना चादहए

(Examples in English by KRISH)

Words: Battle, kill
1. Battle of opinions between various people help us to see
problems with multiple view point.
2. The only way to get success is to kill laziness within

(Examples in Hindi by YASHIKA)


K:So get ready everyone as your Hogwarts express is now

arriving on your platform.

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