26 Jan

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3 FUN Daily Pronunciation Exercises // Accent Reduction Pronunciation Practice for

English Learners (youtube.com)

The goal should not be to have zero accent

The goal should be intelligibility
Intelligibility is the degree to which you are understood
by the listener
In other words
If your accent is preventing you from being understood
by others, then it might be a perfect time to do a little
bit of work on the pronunciation
However if your accent is not preventing you from
being understood by others then don’t worry about-it
Now I get it
As someone who speaks a few foreign languages
myself, I’ve worked hard over the years to speak with
as little an accent and with as correct pronunciation as I
could master and that includes not only pronunciation
but intonation and correct connected speech as well as
corrected stress on the words when possible
But again
Don’t worry too much about your accent if people can
understand you
With that, I’m sharing with you 3 super fun ways to
improve your pronunciation in English and again these
are exercises that you can do every day.
Let’s get right to it

I think my mask of insanity is about to slip

1. Part 1: Introduction
o Examiner: “Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

o Candidate: “Certainly. I’m a software engineer by profession,

but I also have a passion for writing. In fact, I’ve been working
on a novel for the past few months. It’s been a challenging
process, and I often feel like I’m losing my mind. I think my
mask of insanity is about to slip!”
2. Part 2: Cue Card
o Examiner: “Describe a time when you had to deal with a

difficult situation.”
o Candidate: “Well, I remember a time when I was working on a

group project in college. One of my teammates was being very

difficult and uncooperative, which made it hard for us to make
progress. I tried to keep my cool, but I was getting more and
more frustrated by the minute. At one point, I remember
thinking to myself, ‘I think my mask of insanity is about to
slip!’ But I managed to keep it together and we were able to
finish the project on time.”
3. Part 3: Discussion
o Examiner: “Do you think it’s important to maintain a positive

attitude in difficult situations?”

o Candidate: “Absolutely. I think it’s important to stay calm and

collected, even when things are going wrong. But sometimes it

can be hard to keep up that facade. For example, if you’re
dealing with a really difficult person, it can be hard to
maintain your composure. You might feel like you’re about
to lose your mind. In fact, you might even say, ‘I think my
mask of insanity is about to slip!’ But I think it’s important to
try to stay positive and keep moving forward.”

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