Give Reasons For The Following-1

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1.Sodium and potassium is kept under kerosene.

Because they readily reacts with air and water.

2.Red light is used in danger signal lights.

Because red light will scatter less and has more wavelength.

3.Sky appears black for astronauts.

Because due to absence of atmosphere.

4.Light get dispersed in prism.

Because each colour has its own refractive index.

5.Aluminium oxide is an amphoteric oxide.

Because it reacts with both acid and base to form salt and water.

6.Guitar string is made of metal.

Because metals are sonorous.

7.AC is prefered over DC.

Because AC can be transmitted to long distance without much loss of energy.

8.Copper is added to gold.

Because gold is soft to make it hard copper is added.

9.Split rings are used in motor.

Because it reverses the direction of current.

10.Convex mirror is used as rear viem mirror of vehicles.

Because to get full sized diminished erect image.

11.Concave mirror is used in headlight of vehicles.

Because to get narrow parallel beam of light.

12.A layer of zinc is coated on iron articles.

Because to avoid rusting of iron.

13.Chemical equations should be balanced.

Because to follow the law of conservation of mass.

14.Silver chloride and silver bromide is stored in dark bottles.

Because to avoid decomposition reaction.
15.Plaster of paris is kept in moisture proof container.
Because to avoid POP to become hard mass called gypsum.

16.Gold is used in making jewellery.

Because gold is most malleable and ductie metal and is lustorous metal and it is less
reactive metal.

17.Reaction of some compound or elemnts with HNO3 ,hydrogen is not released.

Because HNO3 is a strong oxidising agent so it oxidises hydrogen to water.

18.Respiration is exothermic reaction.

Because energy is released.

19.Photosynthesis is endothermic reaction.

Because energy is absorbed

20.Stainless steel is used in making surgical instruments.

Because it will not get rust and avoids infections.

21.Sulphide ore or carbonate ore is converted into oxide ore.

Because it is easy to get metal from oxide ore than sulphide or carbonate ore.

22.Magnesium ribbon is cleaned before burning.

Because to remove oxide layer of magnesium.

23.Potato chips packets is flushed with nitrogen.

Because to avoid oxidation/rancidity.

24.Baking soda is used as an antacid.

Because it neutralises acid present in the stomach.

25.Metals surface becomes dull when exosed to air for a long time.
Because due to oxidation.

26.Methane is the simplest form of hydrocarbon.

Because it has least number of carbon atoms.

27.Copper is used to hot water tanks but not steel.

Because copper is less reactive than iron , it will not react with hot water , cold water and

28.Concave mirror is used by dentist.

Because to get magnified image of teeth.
29.Curd is not kept in copper or brass vessel.
Because curd reacts with copper/brass to form poisonous salts which is harmful to our

30.Metals are electropositive.

Because metals have the ability to lose electrons.

31.Gallium will melt when kept on our palm.

Because it has low melting point.

32.Sodium chloride is an ionic compound.

Because it is formed due to sharing of electrons between metal and nonmetal.

33.White silver chloride turns grey in sunlight.

Because due to decomposition reaction.

34.During electrolysis of water few drops of dilute H 2SO4 is added to water.

Because water is poor conductor of electricity to make it good conductor dilute H 2SO4 is

35.Thermite reaction is used in welding railway tracks.

Because this reaction is highly exothermic reaction.

36.The bulbs are filled with chemically inactive nitrogen and argon gases.
Because these gases helps to prolong the life of filament of bulb.

37.The resistivity of a wire of length ‘l’m is same as the restivity of wire of length’2l’m.
Because resistivity depends on nature of material but not on length of the wire.

38.Magnetic field lines donot intersect eachother.

Because at the point of intersection there will be two directions which is not possible.

39.Arteries have thick wall.

Because to withstand pressure of flow of blood.

40.Veins have valves.

Because to avoid back flow of deoxygenated blood.

41.Mucus is secreted in stomach.

Because to protect the inner lining of stomach from HCl.

42.Iodisied salt is recommended in our diet.

Because to avoid a disease called goitre.
43.Breathing rate is faster in aquatic animals than in terrestrial animals.
Because the amount of dissolved oxygen present in water is less in water than in the

44.In mammals oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood flows separately.

Because due to presence of inter ventricular septum
Because separation provides efficient supply of oxygen.

45.Respiratory organs are inside our body.

Because to increase the area of absorption and they are fine and delicate.

46.Herbivore have longer small intestine.

Because it is very difficlt to digest cellulose.

47.Carnivores have shorter small intestine.

Because it is very easy to digest meat.

48.At night we must not sleep under a tree.

Because there is no photosynthesis occuring at night so it releases only CO 2.

49.Testis are located outside the body.

Because it produces sperms only if the temperature is less than our normal body

50.Use of CFC’s is banned in many countries.

Because CFC are one of the cause for ozone depletion.

51.A person after consuming alcholos walks clumsily.

Because alcohol affects the cerebellum due to lack of muscular balance and coordination
the person walks clumsily.

52.Carbon monoxide is highly dangerous when inhaled.

Because carbon monoxide has great affinity with haemoglobin of our blood and cuts off
The supply of oxygen due to which it is fatal.

53.The upper part of a box type solar cooker has a glass cover.
Because to prevent loss of heat due to radiation.

54.Aluminium and copper wires are used for transmission of electricity.

Because they have high conductivity and low resistivity.

55.Ferrous sulphate crystals loses its colour when heated.

Because it loses water molecules when heated.
56.Ionic compound conducts electricity at molten state.
Because due to movement of ions.

57.Silver articles becomes black after some time when exposed to air.
Because it reacts with sulphur present in the atmosphere to form silver sulphide which is

58.The characters acquired by an organism during its life are not inherited.
Because it will not include genes.

59.Reuse is better than recycle.

Because recycle requires energy.

60.Calcium floats over water during the reaction with water.

Because the bubbles of hydrogen gas which are formed during the reaction gets stick to
the surface of the metal.

61.Sodium hydroxide is an alkali.

Because it is a base which is soluble in water.

62.Copper cannot displace iron from iron sulphate.

Because copper is less reactive than iron.

63.In the atmosphere oxygen is available as O2 but not as O.

Because its valency is 2 and it can accept or share 2 electrons to form a bond.

64.Petals are coloured.

Because for exual attraction and protects the flower in bud condition.

65.Leaves of few plants modified into tendrils.

Because in some plants with weak stem leaves are modified into tendrils to get support
which grows horizontally.

66.Carbon tetrachloride(CCl4) does not conduct electricity.

Because CCl4 is a liquid it is a covalent compound and there are no free ions and it contains
only molecules.

67.Some of the characters of parents are seen in their offsprings.

Because characters are carried by genes during sexual reproduction.

68.Oxygen is necessary during respiration.

Because complete oxidation of glucose can take place only in presence of oxygen and
releases energy.
69.A coil made of alloy Nichrome is used in the electric heater cooker as a resistor.
Becauser it has high resistivity and donot easily oxidises easily at high temperature.

70.The bottom of some steel utensils used for cooking is copper.

Because copper is a good conductor of heat.

71.Even though Aluminium is a highly reactive metal it is used for making cooking utensils.
Because it forms a thick layer of Aluminium oxide which prevents further reaction.

72.Always paint doors and windows before using them.

Because to avoid rusting of iron and protects them from damage.

73.It is recommended to use air tight container for storing oil for long time.
Because to avoid rancidity otherwise it will gives bad smell and taste.

74.When the gas formed heating the limestone is passed through the freshly prepared lime
water turns milky.
It turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate which is insoluble in wtaer.

75.In practice the unit of kWh is used for the measurement of electricity rather than joule.
Because to measure heavy value of electrical energy unit joule is significantly small so kWh
is used.

76.Tungsten metal is used to make a coil in an electric bulbs.

Because it has high resistivity and high melting point.

77.Now a days MCB’s(miniature circuit breaker )is used in domestic circuit.

Because to stop the current in the circuit which suddenly increases due to overloading.

78.Pituitary gland is called master gland.

Because it controls all the hormones.

79.Pancreas is called mixed gland.

Because it secretes both enzymes and hormones.

80.Adrenaline hormone is called emergency hormone.

Because it helps the body to face emergency situation.

81.Thyroxine is called personality hormone.

Because this hormone regualtes the metabolism of fats , proteins and carbohydrates.
82.Aluminium oxide cannot be reduced by a reducing agent like carbon.
Because carbon is less reactive than aluminium.

83.Insulin is secreted by pancreas.

Because insulin will regulate the blood sugar level.

84.A concave lens is used to correct myopia.

Because this lens has the ability to diverge light rays to form an image at the retina.

85.In old age bifocal lens is necessary for some person.

Because to weakening of ciliary muscles and due to lose of flexibility of ciliary muscles
they cannot see both near and far object clearly.

86.You cannot enjoy watching a movie from a very short distance from the screen in a cinema
Because from a very short distance a blurred image is formed causig strain to the eyes.

87.We cannot clearly see an object kept at a distance less than 25cm from the eye.
Because ciliary muscles of our eyes are unable to contract beyond certain limit.

88.It take some time to see the surroundings clearly in a dark cinema hall when a person
enters from the bright sunlight.
Because size of pupil is small in bright sunlight but when a person enters a dark room he
Cannot see properly till pupil of our eyes expands.

89.Biogas plant is boon to farmer.

Because generated biogas is used as a cooking fuel and spent slurry is used as a manure
which is rich nitrogen and phosphorous.

90.Methane does not undergo addition reactions , but ethene does.

Because methane is less reactive whereas ethene is more reactive having double bond.

91.Carbon forms large number of compounds.

Because due to nature of covalent bond or due to catenation and tetravalency.

92.Hydrocarbons can be used as fuel.

Because they are highly combustible and they produce good amount of heat.

93.Nickel is used as a catalyst in hydrogention.

Because it has the ability to withstand reaction conditions.

94.Concentrated sulphuric acid is used as a dehydrating agent.

Because on heating alcohol it removes water from it to form ethene.
95.Alkaline potassium permogonate is used as oxidising agent to convert ethanol to aceic
Because it oxidises ethanol to ethanoic acid.

96.Bleaching powder is used as an disinfectant.

Because it kills harmful microorganisms.

97.Thermal power plants are generally setup near coal field.

Because transmision of electricity is more efficient than transporting coal or oil over the
Same distance.

98.Copper or brass vessels are cleaned with sour substances.

Because sour substance contains acid which reacts with copper/brass to from salt which is
washed away with water and get cleaned.

99.Sky appears blue.

Because the blue colour light is most scatterred by the fine particles in air and blue
colour is more sensitive to our eyes.

100.Sunrise and sunset appears red.

Because during sunrise and sunset the light has to cover long distance so longer
wavelength colour red light will travels longer distance.

101.Atomic size decreases as we move across the period.

Because as we move across the period number of valence electrons increases and hence
nuclear force increases and atomic size decreases.

102.Atomic size increases as we move down the group.

Because as we move down the group number of shells incereases and distance between
valence electrons increases and nuclear force decreases and hence atomic size increases.

103.18th group elements are called as zero group elements/noble gases/inert gases.
Because they are stable and their valency is zero.

104.Metallic property increases as we move down the group.

Because to less nuclear force the valence electrons are free and hence they conduct.

105.Metallic property decreases as we move across the period.

Because as we ove across the period nuclear force one valence electrons increases and
hence no electrons are set free.

106.The elements of group-2 are called alkaline earth metals.

Because their oxides are alkaline and occurs in earth’s crust.
107.The elements of group-1 are called alkali earth metals.
Because their hydroxides from acidic solutions on treating with water.

108.Hydrogen and alkali metals are kept in group -1.

Because both have only one electrons in their valence shell.

109.Food chains have only 4 or 5 trophic levels.

Because there is insufficient energy to support more trophic level at each trophic level
only 10% of energy is transferred.

110.Energy flow in a food chain is unidirectional.

Because as energy moves progressively through the different trophic levels there is no
longer available to the previous level.

111.We donot clean ponds or lakes ,but an aquarium needs to be cleaned.

Because in aquarium the decomposers are availbale in less number so it should be
cleaned often and often but ponds or lake contains more decpmosers which keeps it

112.We switch to alternate sources of energy.

Because availability of fossils fuels are limited ,they are renewable source of energy ,they
are ecofriendly.

113.Even though detergent is better than soap use of detergent is not recommended.
Because detergent is a non biodegradable and hence it causes land and water pollution.

114.Detergent is better than soap.

Because it cleans both in hard as well as in soft water.

115.Quick lime is added to field by farmer.

Because if soil is too acidic plants will not grow properly so neutralise the acidic soil a
base called quick lime is added.


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