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¥Àæ±ÉÆßÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ ¸ÀAUÀæºÀ - 01
10th Standard Max. Marks: 80

I. Multiple choice questions: 8X1=8 Ans.:(A) District Consumer Forum

1. The first princely state to accept subsidiary 6. The best example for the conventional en-
alliance is ergy source among the following is:
(A) Nawab of Awadh. . (A) Wind energy. (B) Tidal energy
(B) Nawab of Junagadh (C) Solar energy. (D) Natural gas
(C) Nizam of Hyderabad. Ans.:(D) Natural gas
(D) Sindhia of Gwalior 7 NITI Aayog is headed by the Prime Minister
Ans.: (C) Nizam of Hyderabad but the day-to- day administration is looked
after by
2. Goa was merged into Indian Union in
(A) President.
(A) 1951. (B) 1961.
(B) Secretary
(C) 1953. (D) 1963
(C) Deputy Prime Minister.
Ans.: (B) 1961
(D) Vice-Chairman
3. Dr. D. M. Nanjundappa Committee was es-
tablished with the objective to Ans. :(D) Vice-Chairman
(A) check communalism. 8. The Child Labour Prohibition and Control
Act was enacted in the year
(B) check regionalism
(A) 1988. (B) 1994.
(C) check illiteracy.
(C) 1986. (D) 2006
(D) check corruption
Ans. : (C) 1986
Ans.: (B) check regionalism
II. Answer the following questions in a sentence
4. “Truly the whole mankind is one” was de-
clared by
9. Why did Wellesley introduce Subsidiary Alli-
(A) Pampa. (B) Ranna.
ance ?
(C) Janna. (D) Ponna
Ans. :To bring the Indian kings under control.
Ans. :(A) Pampa
10. What was the immediate cause for the First
5. Rajesh purchased a TV worth Rs. Twenty- World War ?
five Thousand. It broke down within two
Ans.:The assassination of the Austrian Prince,
days. The TV company did not consider his
Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
complaint. He has to file a case in
11. What is Communalism?
(A) District Consumer Forum.
Ans. : Split of the community on the basis of
(B) The State Consumer Commission
the religion.
(C) The National Consumer Commission.
12 What is meant by Prejudice ?
(D) Taluk Consumer Forum
Ans.: Opinion about another person or commu- ● Defence Forces are pressed in to throw out ter-
nity even before he gets to know them. rorism
13. What is Kala Baisakhi ? ● Peace loving nation
Ans.: The rain that occurs in West Bengal due ● Against terrorism in world level.
to local temperature and winds during April 18 ‘Social stratification is not commonly ob-
and May. served in all countries.” Explain.
14. Why are mangrove forests of Gangetic Delta OR
called Sundarbans?
Explain the nature of Riots.
Ans.: The ‘Sundari’ trees are found in plenty in
these forests. Ans:
15 What is deficit budget? ● Income

Ans.: When the expenditure is more than the ● Education

income. ● Caste

16. Banks collect service charges from which ● Colour

type of bank accounts ?
● Sex
Ans. : Current Account.
● Job
III. Answer the following questions in two to
● Intellectual
four sentences/ points each: 8x2=1
● Low – high
17. What measures are taken by the Govern-
ment of India to remove illiteracy ? ● Opportunities

OR ● Rich-poor

What measures are taken to check terrorism ● Blacks- Whites

in India? ● Slaves -owners
Ans: OR
● ‘Sarva Siksha Abhiyan’ was launched in ● Destroying everything in their way
2001 Priority was given for education to physi-
cally challenged. ● Creation of chaos
● Women’s education and awareness ● Lead to large scale loss
● In 1988 National Literacy Mission was started ● Do not have any particular aim
● Sakshara Bharath ● Serious challenges for law and order
● Education is made fundamental right ● Provoking circumstances
● Right to Education, 2009 ● Uncontrolled behaviour
● Compulsory free education for 6-14 years ● Uncivilized behaviour
OR ● Riotous mindset.
● India’s policy is totally against terrorism 19. “The British used Indian Council Act of 1909
to divide and rule India.” Justify
● Central and State governments are venturing
to control Ans:
● Protect men and property ●The total number of central legislative mem-
bers was increased
● Anti-terrorist forces are set up
● The number of council members was also in- ● Hitting Odisha or West Bengal
creased in the provinces ● Occurrence in two periods
● Themembers for the legislature were allowed ● More frequently in October and November.
through election
23. Which factors led to the Green Revolution ?
● Separate representation for Muslims
● Separate Electorate College was created.
● Using high-yielding seeds’
20. What were the effects of the First War of In-
dian Independence ? ● Dr.Norman Borlaug an Agricultural Scientist
discovered high-yielding grains
●Achieved immense success in Mexico and
● The arrangement made by the Company with Taiwan
the kings were accepted
● Regulated supply of water
● Ambitious expansion plans had to be given up
● Protection from diseases
● A stable government had to be provided to In-
dians. ● High-yielding variety seeds
● Not to interfere in religious matters ● Fertilizers and pesticides are used
●Peaceful rule was not possible without sup- ● Irrigation facilities were expanded
port, trust, and confidence ● Used improved technology.
● New route to freedom movement. 24. What are the main objectives of Consumer
21. Irrigation is very essential in India. Why? Protection Act ?
Ans: Ans:
● Availability of water varies from region to re- ● Importance for safety and quality
gion ●Avoiding production and sale of dangerous
● Varies from time to time goods
● Rainfall in India is uncertain ● Prevention of trade malpractices
● Unreliable ● Supervision on quality, weights
● Unequally distributed ● Supervision on price
● Agriculture depends on irrigation. ●Compensating the consumers in case of any
problem arising as a result of trade
22. The Eastern Coast of India is more prone to
cyclones. Why? ● Creating
awareness to the consumers through
Consumer Education.
IV. Answer the following questions in six sen-
● Cyclones originate in the Bay of Bengal tences / points each: (9 × 3 = 27)
● Heating different in land and water 25. Krishnaraja Wodiyar IV was much interest-
● Humid ed in spreading education among his people.
● Unstable air masses Justify.

●Cyclones originate in the Bay of Bengal and Ans:

blow west- wards ● Interested in spreading education
●Sometimes they change their direction to the ● Abolished fees in primary schools
North- West
● Helped girls’ education ● Appeals before the government
● Established Mysore University ● Discussion about the problems.
● Scholarships to abroad education (Any six)
● I.I.S.C. in Bangalore was established. 28. Explain the role of IMF in solving the eco-
26. State the results of the battle of Buxar. nomic problems of the world.

Ans: Ans:

● Diwani rights over Bengal was given ● Trying to solving international economic
● Shah Alam-II granted for an annual fee of Ru-
● Promote world trade
pees 26 Lakhs
● Helpful to economic stability
● War indemnity of 50 Lakhs to be paid by Shu-
ja-ud-daula ● Sound balance of payment
● Pension to Mir Jaffar’s son ● Central Bank of central banks
● Entire administration over Bengal to British. ● Strives
to harmonize the economic relations of
27. What were the aims of Prarthana Samaj ? advanced and poor nations.

OR 29 List out the problems faced by the unorgan-

ised sector workers.
What were the demands put forward by the
moderates to he British Government? Ans:
● Not bound by any rules or regulations
● Less wages
● Service to mankind is service to God
● No job security
● Priority to spread education
● No fixed wages and allowances.
● The Deccan Education Society
● No Pension
● Encouraged widow remarriage
● Harassed by entrepreneurs
● Female literacy
● No vacation allowance.
● Intercaste marriage
● Interdining
30. Soil erosion leads to many problems. Justify.

● Discouraged child marriage Ans:

● Accumulation of silt in the river beds, causing
● Against casteism
● Against idolatry and Purdha system
● Changing direction of river’s course
● Orphanages, National schools.
● Storage capacity of the reservoirs get reduced
(Any six)
●Volume of water percolating down gets re-
OR duced
● Development of industries in India ● Natural springs dry up
● Reduction of military expenses ● Productivity is reduced
● Improvement in educational standards ● Fertility is reduced
● Studies about poverty ● Harm to vegetation
● Try to gave political education ● Drought.

(Any six) ● Help to control child marriage, dowry, caste
31. List out the major ports that are found in system
Eastern Coast of India. ● Help to building a clean and progressive soci-
OR ety.

List out the preventive measures for earth- OR

quakes. ● The net profit earned by the Reserve Bank of
Ans: India

● Tuticorin
●The net profit generated by the Indian Rail-
● Chennai
●The revenue generated by the Department of
● Vishakhapatnam Post and Telecommunications
● Paradeep ● The revenue generated by the Public Sector
● Kolkata Industries
● Haldia. ● The revenue generated by the Coins and Mints
OR ● Various types of fees and penalties etc.
● Restricting construction of multi-storied 33. Mention the characteristics of an entrepre-
buildings neur.
● Using very light materials for construction OR
● Ensure stability Banks provide a lot of services to its consum-
ers. Explain.
● Providing basic amenities
● Medical facility
● Creativity
● Food supply
● Dynamism
● Provide drinking water
● Team building
● Temporary shelter
● Problem solving
● Basic facilities.
● Risk taking
● (Any six)
● Commitment
32. What is the main role of women self-help
groups in rural area ? ● Innovation

OR ● Leadership

Which are the main types of non-tax reve- ● Achievement motivation

nues collected by Central Government? ● Goal orientation
Ans: ● Decision making.
● Organizing poor rural women OR
● Making them financially independent
● Avail of loans easily and engage in productive ● Credit cards
● Personal loans
● Mobilizing savings, repayment of loans
● Home and Vehicle loans
● Control exploitation of women and children
● Mutual funds ● China has annexed Tibet against Indian will
● Business loans ● 1962 India-Pak War
● Safe Deposit lockers ● China won the war
● Debit cards ● China’s claim over Arunachal Pradesh
● Trust services ● Maoists’ terrorism in the form of Naxalism in
● Signature guarantees India
● Our border is also not finally demarcated
V. Answer the following questions in about
eight sentences/points each: 4×4=16 ● Nuclear threat
34. The integration of Kashmir with Indian Un- ● Foreign trade challenges
ion is unique compared to other provinces. ● Military advancements.
36. “Agriculture plays a very important role in
Ans: Indian Economy.”Justify.
● King Hari Singh wanted to be independent Ans:
● Fearing a merger with India ● Agriculture is the main occupation of Indians
● Pakistan incited the tribals ● Played important role to develop civilization
● Decided that merging with India that had a ● Involved in different forms
democratic republican constitution was better
than merging with which had a religious con- ● Cultivating different crops
stitution ● Supplies the foodgrains
●King Hari Singh requested for help from In- ● Food to cattle
dian Government
● Raw material for industries
● Pakistani attempt failed
● Agriculture nurtures many industries
●Jammu and Kashmir merged with India with
● Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides,
certain conditions
●One part of Kashmir remained with Pakistan
● Agriculture supports many tertiary occupa-
tions like transport, trade, banking
● India complained to UNO
● Helps environmental balance.
● UNO ordered a ceasefire
37. Explain the political and economic causes for
●For these reasons the integration of Jammu the first war of Indian Independence.
and Kashmir is unique.
● (Any eight)
Explain the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre.
35. Relationship between India and China has
been strained in these days. Why?
Political Causes:
● Doctrine of Lapse
●India was the first country to recognize Chi-
nese Communist Government ● Many kingdoms lost their existence
● Indo-China relationship is based on Panch- ●Satara, Jaipur, Jhansi, Udaipur came under
sheel Principles British control
● Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai ● Cancelled the title of Nawab of Tanjore and
● Nawab of Oudh and other kings were striped
● Lakhs of soldiers became unemployed.
Economic Causes:
● Due to the industrial revolution Indian handi-
crafts and cottage industries suffered heavily
● Indian Craftsmen became unemployed
● Textile and wool industries became weak
● People lost their jobs
● British imposed heavy tax on Indian goods.
● Zamindari system exploited the farmers
● Inam lands were taken back
● Farmers faced many financial problems.
● Widespread protests against Rowlatt Act
● Protests turned violent
● Imposed military rule
● Banned all demonstrations
● Protesters had decided to assemble at Jallian-
wala Bag
● They were not aware of this ban
● 20,000 protesters had assembled
● Peaceful demonstration
● General Dyer without any warning attacked
the protesters with firearms
● 379 persons died
● Thousands were seriously injured
● This incident is called Jallianwala Bagh Trag-
VI . Draw an outline map of India and mark the
following :
a) 82 ½0 East longitude
b) Kochi
c) Vishakhapattanam
d) koyna

¥Àæ±ÉÆßÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ ¸ÀAUÀæºÀ - 02
10th Standard Max. Marks: 80

I. Multiple choice questions: 8x1=8 C)Hirakud Project

1. The Treaty that ended II Anglo-Maratha D) Nagarjunasagar Project
War is Ans : Bhakra-Nangal Project
A) Salbai Agreement 6. The Silicon City of India is
B)Lahore Agreement A) Mumbai B) Delhi
C) Bassein Agreement C) Chennai D) Bangalore
D) Madras Agreement Ans : D) Bangalore
Ans : C) Bassein Agreement 7. The service received by the people from
2. The credit of Constructing Bangalore-Mys- banks to safeguard their jewelleries and
ore Railway line goes to valuables, is
A) Jaychamaraja Wodiyar A)Savings Bank Account service
B) Krishnaraja Wodiyar IV B)Term deposit service
C) Chamaraja Wodiyar X C) Safe deposit Locker service
D) Raja Wodiyar D) Current Account service
Ans : C) Chamaraja Wodiyar X Ans : C) Safe deposit Locker service
3. The country supporting Indian claim for 8. The type of Budget placed mostly by devel-
permanent seat in U.N Security Council,is oping countries is
A) USA B) Britain A) Constant Budget
C) Russia D) France B) Deficit Budget
Ans: C) Russia C) Balanced Budget
4. The programme through S.S.A to bring D) Surplus Budget
back the Child labourers to school in Karna- Ans : Deficit Budget
taka is
II. Answer the following questions in a sentence
A) Come back to school each. 8x1=8
B) Drudgery to school 9. Who was the founder of the “ Nationl Fascist
C) Kali Nali Party” in Italy?
D) Nali Kali Ans : Mussolini
Ans : B) Drudgery to school 10. What is the importance of Teen Murti Bha-
van ?
5. The Multipurpose River Valley project bult
across the river Sutlej is Ans : War memorial of 3 Lancers
A) Bhakra-Nangal Project
11. When is Human Rights Day observed ?
B) Pampasagar

Ans: 10th December ● Malnautrition.

12. What has Mahatma Gandhi considered un- 18) How is social stratification different from
touchability as ? country to country ?
Ans : A stigma on the Hindu society A black OR
spot of Hindu society Why was silent valley movement organized ?
13. Which is the least recorded rainfall area in Ans:
India ?
● Cast system
Ans : Ruyli of Rajasthan
● The white and black in colour
14. What is female foeticide ?
● As rich and poor
Ans : The foetus is killed in the womb itself
● Employment (Occupation)
15. What is direct tax
● Intelligence
Ans : The tax paid by an individual directly
● Religion
16. Which department issues the National Sav-
ing Certificates ? ● Colour

Ans : Post offices `● Education

III Answer the following queations in two to OR

four sentence points each : 8x2=16 ● Environment destruction
17) What are the functions of the UNESCO ? ● Animal species
Ans: ● Wild animals threat of Bio
Promotion of sciences, education, culture and ● Wild-life protection diversity
Technical education
● Submerging of agriculture lands
● Information technology
● Destruction of forests
● Creative mind
19) What were the results of third Anglo-Mar-
● Cultural studies atha war ?
● Environmental Ans:
● Assists state and non-state institutions. ● Abolished the Peshwa post
OR ● Granted pension to Peshwa
What are the main features of colonial ruled ● Pratapa-Simha-Satara state
economically backward nations?
● Surrendered Baji Rao II
● Suppressed Maratha
● Lack of food
● Surrendered Peshwa of Maratha
● Lack of capital
20) How was Goa liberated from Portuguese?
● Lack of technology
● Lack of medical facility
● Endless struggle
● Lack of higher educational amenities
● Suppressing the movement
● Low per capita income
● Liberation movement
● Unemployment

● Satyagraha struggle ● Increasing the production
● Indian army intervened ● Increasing the employment
● 1961-Captured Goa ● Reducing the economic disparities
● Goa a Union territory. ● Ensuring economic stability
21) What are the factors essential for growing ● Modernizing the economy.
tea ? IV. Answer the following questions in six sen-
Ans: tences/points each : 9x3=29
● Temperature of 21’C 25. Mention the causes and results of the battle
● Rainfall of 100-200 cms/annum of Plassey OR What were the terms to be fol-
lowed by the states accepting Subsidiry Alli-
● Fertile soil with rich organic ance ?
● Sand-mixed black soil Ans : Reasons
● Hill slope area ● Misuse of Dastaks
● Altitude of 1200 to 2400 metres ● Mending of fort without permission
● Assam West Bengal. ● Black room tragedy
22) What are the importances of communication ? Outcomes:
Ans: ● Brought out the immorality
● Learn the various incidents ● Lack of unity
● Awareness of the policies of the Government ● Greed of businessmen
● Creating awareness ● Mir Jaffar became the Nawab
● Educating people about agriculture and indus- ● Exclusive rights of trade
● War indemnity
● Development of skill knowledge
●Rupees seventeen crores and fifty lakhs in-
● Trade,communication and business demnity
● Strengthen the unity,integration and stability. OR
23) ‘Entrepreneurship’ is a ? ● Keep the British army
Ans: ● Bear the expenses of the army
● Ability to create and build something ● The wages of soldiers
● Kanack of sensing the opportunity ● Appointed a British Resident
● Contradiction ●Could not appoint European without the per-
● Attitude of seeking opportunity mission
● Take calculated risks ● Agreement pact the permission of Governor
● Dirive setting up of benefits
● Internal, externa aggression
● Organised,and purposeful.
26) How are Himalayas useful for Indians ?
24) What are the objective of Five –yaer Plan?
● provide protection

● obstructing the cold winds Explain briefly the significances of public
● Birthplace of rivers finace

● Facilitate hydro –electric power Ans:

● Priority to agriculture
● Home of plants and animals
● Priority to the small scale industry
● Treasure house of minerals
● Helpful in budgeting
● Tourism
● Helpful in the growth of country
● Religious centres, EX . Badari Kedar
● Use of natural resources
● Checks S. W. Mansoon get rainfall
● Increasing the production to maximum level
● Hill stations.
OR ● Equal distribution of wealth
How are we preventing soil in recent day ? ● Controlling public expenditure
Ans: ● Balancing the three sectors of economy
● Contour ploughing ● Controlling prices
● Construction of bunds ● Solving unemployment
● Terraced agriculture 28) What are the steps followed to open a bank
● Prevention of deforestation account ?

● Encouragement of afforestation Ans:

● Decide the type of account
● Control of livestock grazing
● Approach the bank officer
● Planned use of water
● Fill up the proposal form
● Construction of check dams
● Give reference-Adhaar.PAN.other ID cards
● Scientific agriculture etc.
● Submit to the banks
27) Mention the role of panchayat Raj institu-
tions in rural development. ● The officer will verify the form
Ans: ● Initial deposit
● Road development OR
● Drains,drinking water What are the objectives of Consumer Protec-
● Streetlights,toilets
tion Act ?

● Schools , Hospitals Ans:

● Market Yards-Basic Amenities ● Importance for safety quality

● Avoiding sale of dangerous goods
● Primary , middle school education
● Prevention of trade malpractices
● Adult education, technical education
● Vocational training programme ● Supervision on quality

● Health,hygiene facilities ● Supervision on weght.mesures and price

● Agriculture,cattle-rearing
● Compensating the consumers
● Awareness to the consumers
● Give the consumers education.
29) Explain the reforms propagated by Prartha- ● Foreign policy of USA is for curbing terror-
na Samaja ism Good relationship of foreign trade
Ans: ● Supported science technology
● Priority to spread education ● Supported the space education
● Developed the education field ● Strengthening UNO
● Encouraged widow remarriage 32) How can we solve the problem of unemploy-
● Encouraged female literacy ment in India which has very high popula-
tion ?
● Inter Caste marriage
● Eating together Intredining
● Population control
● Opposed child marriage
● Encourage cottage industries
● Opposed caste system
● Agricultural development
● Opposed idol worship
● Industrial development
● Opposed purdah system
● Educational reforms
30. Mention the causes for the failure of the first
war of Indian Independence? ● Five-year plans

Ans: ● Encourage vocational education

● Did not spread to whole country ● Rural development programme

● Self interests ● Employment guarantee programme Informa-

tion technology
● Not planned
33.) What are the precautionary measures for cy-
● Lack of modern weapons clones ?
● The unity among the British forces Ans:
● Lack of unitry in the Indian soldiers ● Evacuation of people from dangerous low ly-
● Lack of direction/ledership ing areas
● Lack of war strategies ● Ready-keeping boats, hclicopters , other trans-
● Lack of discipline
● Re-routing trains, buses
● Lack of aims
● Keeping food
● Native rulers loyalty for British
● Keeping portable water, clothes
31) Explain the relationship between India and
U. S .A ● Ready by keeping medicines and medical fa-
● Rehabilitation centres
● Mutual national interests after 1947
● Temporary shelters
● Indian maintained non-alignment strained
● Shifting to safe places
● Helped Five-year Plans
V. Answer the following questions in about eight
●Supported India during Chinese aggression in
● Helped Pakistan in the Indo-Pak War

34) British education brought effects on Indians. ●Strongly believed the political independence
Justify was meaningless without social Independence
Ans: ● Studied caste system
● Modernity in Indians ● Planned to eradicate the caste system
● Thought of secularism ● ‘Mahad’ Kalaram temple movement
● Democratic attitudes ● Attended the Round table Conferences
● Scientifically thinking systems ●Differences of opinion surfaced between Gan-
● Nationalistic ideals dhiji Harijans

● Impetus to local literature ● Demanded a separate electoral constituency

● Impetus to Indian Languages
● Diwan of Baroda province
● Facilitated the unity
●Worked for the Mumbai Legislative Council
● Created the educational classes Viceroy of Executive Council
● Scrutinized the working of government ● Did not join Congress party
● New social reform movements ● Organised Bahishkruta Sabha
● Critical opinions of various issues ● Swatantra Karmika party established
● Patriotism and nationalism development ● Posthumously awarded the ‘Bharat Ratna’
OR 36) What are the measures taken to increase Lit-
“Krishnaraja Wodiyar IV’s contribution is eracy by the government in India? (Repeat-
more for the development of Mysore prov- ed)
ince ” Justify ? Ans:
Ans: ● Sarva Sikshana Abhiyan in 2001
● Dewans advisory council for development ● Provides education Mission
● Reforms of the Gold mines (KGF) ● Educate physically
● Established the colleges ● Priority for women awareness
● Constructed Marikanive ● In 1988 National Literacy Mission
● Reserve the railways ● Sakshara Bharath Programme
● Established the hospitals ● Article 21A declared education as fundamen-
● Hydro-electric project at Shivanasamudra tal right
● Electricity was supplied to Kolar Gold mines ● Right to Education 2009
● Supplied electricity to Bangalore ● Compulsory free education for the age be-
tween 6 to 14 years children
● Abolished fees of primary education
● Programmes launched for illiterates to liter-
● Helped girls edication
● Started the university Mysore
● RTE-2009
35) “Dr B.R.Ambedkar was a great social re-
37) What are the measures taken for conserva-
former” Justify
tion of forests in India ?
● Cutting down dried-up abrasing trees cause
forest fires
● Protects aginst diseases
● Planting saplings
● Sowing seeds
● Guarding illegal cutting of trees
● Avoiding grazing
● Motivating public to plant
● Implementing the social forestry projects
● National parks
● Biosphere reserves
● Control mines Wildife Sanctuaries
VI Draw an outline map of India and mark the
following :
38 : a) Damodar Valley b) Bhadravathi
c)Kandla d) Bangalore

¥Àæ±ÉÆßÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ ¸ÀAUÀæºÀ - 03
10th Standard Max. Marks: 80

I. Multiple Choice : 8x1=8 (A) in the area of vertical rays of the sun
1. In 1453 the City of Constantinople was cap- (B) near to the sea
tured by
(C) in a very high altitude
(A) the Arabs (B) the Ottoman Turks
(D) influenced by South-West Monsoon.
(C) the Italians (D) the Portuguese.
Ans. : (C) in a very high altitude
Ans. :(B) Ottoman Turks
6. Article 21 of our Constitution says.
2. Quit India Movement provided leadership
(A)It is the duty of the government to support
to non-Congress leaders.
the educational interest of Scheduled Castes
Identify the Non-Congress leader from the and Tribes
following :
(B)It provides for the establishment of Minority
(A) Kasturba Gandhi educational institutions
(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (C)It provides that social justice and people’s
(C) Jayaprakash Narayan welfare is the duty ofthe State Government

(D) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. (D)It provides education as the Fundamental
Right of every child.
Ans.(C) Jayaprakash Narayan
Ans. : (D) It provides education as the Funda-
3. The Prime Minister of India who signed the mental Right of every child.
Panchsheel Principles with China’s Premier
Chou En-Lai was
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru 7. The non-tax revenue collected by the govern-
ment among the following is
(B) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(A) Goods and Services Tax (GST)
(C) Indira Gandhi
(B) Various penalties
(D) Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
(C) Import-Export taxes
Ans. : (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(D) Stamp duty.
4. “Balika Sanghas” for the empowerment of
girls have to be found and maintained by Ans. :(B) Various penalties

(A) Child Right Protection Units 8. Entreprende which means to.

(B) Children Gram Sabha (A) Undertake some activity

(C) Child Protection Committee (B) Undertake measures to rise economy

(D) Anganwadis. (C) Rise GDP of our country

Ans. : (D) Anganawadis (D) Organize factors of production

5. Dras near Kargil has recorded the lowest Ans:- A.Undertake factors of production
temperature, because it is II. Answer the following questions in a sentence

each : 8×1=8 any agreement/pact.( any four )

9. Who implemented ‘dual government’ in 18 How was Goa liberated from Portuguese in
Bengal ? 1961 ?

Ans. :Robert Clive Ans:

10. How did Governor-General William ● Sustained protest

Bentinck support Raja Rammohan Roy’s ●Arrival of Portuguese army from Africa and
fight against Sati system ? Europe
Ans. :Brought in a law prohibiting Sati System ● Satyagrahis declared exit of Portuguese in
in 1829 1955
11. When is Human Rights Day celebrated ? ● Take over of Goa by Indian military in 1961.
Ans. : 10th December 19 Explain the functions of the UN Security
12. What is female foeticide ? Council.

Ans. : An attempt to stop the natural growth of Ans:

a female foetus or aborting forcibly. ● Solve global problems peacefully
13. The Tropical Deciduous Forests are also ● Deploys U.N. peace keeping force
called “Monsoon Forests”.Why ?
● Selects the judge of International Court of
Ans. : shed their leaves during spring or early Justice
● Suggests the nomination of Secretary Gen-
14. Why is petroleum is called liquid gold? eral.
Ans: Petroleum is very precious in both druing 20. How does social stratification exist in differ-
peace and war. ent forms ?
15. What is Green Revoultion? Ans:
Ans :-Drastic increase in food grain produc- ● Primitive society
● Slavery
16. Why is March 15, 1962 an important day in
● Estate system
the history of World Consumers’ movement ?
● Varna system
Ans. : U.S. President John F. Kennedy adopted
a legislation comprising of four rights. ● Caste system.
III. Answer the following questions in two sen- 21. Distinguish between Eastern Ghats and
tences each : 8 × 2 = 16 Western Ghats.
17. How could the British place Indian states Ans:
under their control through Subsidiary Alli- Eastern Ghats Western Ghats
ance ?
Mahanadi Valley to — Tapi Valley to
the Nilgiri Kanyakumari hills
● Keep the British army Not continuous — continuous
● Bear the expenses / wages of army Not very high — high
● Appoint a British Resident Separated by river — not separated
● Not to appoint any other Europeans valleys
— more rainfall
● Permission from the Governor General for
22. What are the causes for soil erosion ? ● Periodicals
Ans: ● Social / religious reformation movements
● Deforestation ● Fresh thinking
● Overgrazing ●Influence of freedom struggles across the
● Shifting cultivation world
● Appreciation for their rich tradition.
● Faulty methods of cultivation
● Using top soils for bricks, tiles etc. 26. Explain the Rebellion of Bedas of Hulagali.

● Floods OR

● Landslides. Explain the aims of Arya Samaj.

23 “Self help groups have increased the dignity Ans:

and autonomy of women.” How ? ● British banned the usage of weapons in 1857
Ans: ● Bedas kept guns
● To share meagre resources ● Part of custom
● Obtain external support ● Rebelled when were asked to surrender the
● Undertake joint business firearms

● Manage accounts and bank transactions ● Bedas of Manturu, Bodani, Alagundi joined

● Take up income generating activities ● British army entered Hulagali

● Earn, spend and save at their willingness ● Bedas were suppressed

● Loans and subsidies ● Rebells were hanged till death.

● Alround development. OR
● All Hindus should believe one formless God
24 What are the problems faced by the consumers?
Ans: ● Rejected caste system

● Cheating by the cells ● Encouraged intercaste marriages

● Over charging ● Equality of men-women

● Exploitation by the agent ● Should study vedas and ancient texts.

● Adulteration False weights and measures. 27 “The Second World War was the most devas-
tating war.” How ?
IV. Answer the following questions in six sen-
tences each : 9 × 3 = 27 Ans:

25. “The new thinking and perception emerged ● More than 30 countries participated
because the British Education created a new ● Great economic depression
generation of Indians.” How ? ● Great hardships in Europe and USA
Ans: ● Life standard of people dropped
● Developed modernity, secularism, democratic ● Industrial / agricultural growth stagnated
attitude, rationality,
● Unemployment
● Nationalistic ideals
● Millions of people died
● Impetus to local literature / languages
● Use of atom power
● Destruction of many towns. communication ?
28 What are your suggestions to eradicate com- OR
munalism being an internal problem of India Mention the factors that influence the locali-
? sation of industries.
Ans: Ans:
● Uniform civil code ● Develops resources
● Equality among citizens ● Agricultural progress
● Secular values ● Industrial progress
● National interest ● Widen the market
● Foster the faiths of all people ● Increase internal / external trade
● Check communalism ● Provides employment
● Support the integrity, equality and fraternity ● Raises income / standard of living
● Respect to cultural diversity ● Encourages tourism
● Commitment for secular society. ● Helps defence.
29 Differentiate between the labourers from or- OR
ganised sector and unorganised sector.
● Raw materials
● Power
Organised Sector Labourers
● Transport and communication
● Legal provisions
● Market facilities
● Specific work
● Capital
● Employment security
● Labour
● Fixed wages and allowances
● Water supply
● Fixed time duration
● Ideal climate
● Mandatory to pay taxes
● Government policies.
● Medical facilities
31 List out the precautionary measures of earth-
● Paid leave quakes.
Unorganised Sector Labourers Ans:
● No legal provisions ● Avoid human settlement
● No specific work ● Earthquake resistant buildings
● No employment security ● Use high quality building material
● No fixed wages and allowances ● Avoid high rise buildings
● No fixed time duration ● Restrict over underground water mining
● No tax provisions ● Restrict urban growth
● No medical facilities ● Avoid large dams / reservoirs
● No paid leave ● Stop deforestation / heavy quarrying.
30. What is the importance of transport and
32. What are the key features of Panchayat Raj War of IndianIndependence of 1857.
system in India ? Ans:
Ans: ● Restricted to a small part of India
● Three tier structure of Panchayats ● Concentrated on the rights of kings / queens
● Direct / periodic elections ● Not planned
● Reservation ● Disunity among soldiers
●Provision of financial, administrative, budget, ● Lacked direction and leadership
audit responsibilities
● Lacked discipline and organizing skills
● Provision for executive / support staff
● Lacked military strategies, planning capabili-
●Strict procedure for dissolution and formation ties, soldiering skills
of Panchayats.
● No definite aim
33. Mention the financial services provided by
the post offices. ● Indian kings loyal to the British
OR ● Plundering and other crimes by the sepoys.
List out the main functions of an entrepre- 35. Illustrate the concern for social equality of
neur. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
Ans: OR
● Post Office Savings Bank How did radicals further intensify the Indian
Freedom Struggle ?
● Issue of National Savings Certificates
● Kissan Vikas Patra
●Political freedom without social freedom is
● Monthly Recurring Deposits meaningless
● Postal Life Insurance ● Strategies to destroy caste system
● Pension payment ● Mahad and Kalaram Movements
● Money Transfer ●Suggested means to unshackle the bondage of
● Postal Banking. downtrodden in the
OR ● Round Table conferences
● Plans business activities ● Separate electorate constituencies for un-
● Organises factors of production touchables

● Takes decisions employment etc. ● Bahishkruta Hitakarini Sabha

● Co-ordinates things ● Swatantra Karmika Party

● Introduces new methods ● Published PrabudhaBharatha,Janatha,Mooka

nayak and Bahishkruth Bharatha.
● Handles budget
● Justice for farm labourers
● Bears risk
●Legal guarantee against untouchability in the
● Gives directions to the business firms. constitution.
V. Answer the following question in about eight OR
sentences each : 4 × 4 = 16
● Spread Swadeshi movement throughout the
34. Explain the causes for the failure of the First
country ● 65% of people depend on agriculture
●Tilak declared ‘Swaraj is my Birth Right, I ● Economic progress
would definitely get inback’. ● Source of livelihood
● Aim was complete freedom ● Source of food and fodder
● Organised common people ● National income and revenue
● Employed religious celebrations to organise ● Supports tertiary sector
● Influence on political and social situation
● Ganesha, Shivaji, Durga celebrations
● Supports industries.
● Tilak published Kesari, Maratha

● Influenced common people to protest
38. Draw an outline map of India and mark the
● Radical writings following :
● Tilak published Geetharahasya a) 23 1/20 North Latitude
● Lal, Bal, Pal, Aurabindo Ghosh — Prominent b) Govinda Sagar
c) Mumbai High
● Criticised and opposed the British
d) Tuticorin.
● Opposed partition of Bengal
● Took issues to the door steps.
36. Describe the relationship between India and
China from Sindhu RiverCivilisation till re-
cent times.
● Goes back to Mesopotamia and Sindhu river
● Acceptance of Buddhism in China
● Business relationship between rulers
● Discussion of China’s silk in Kautilya’s
● Panchasheela principles
● Tibetian crisis
● War in 1962
● Border disputes
● Arunachal Pradesh dispute
● BRICS Nations.
37 What is the importance of agriculture in our
country’s economic progress ?
● Ancient occupation

¥Àæ±ÉÆßÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ ¸ÀAUÀæºÀ - 04
10th Standard Max. Marks: 80

I Multiple Choice : 8×1=8 Ans. : (A) — 1098

1. The war that ended with the treaty of Salbai 6. The correct pair among the following is
(A) Andhis — West Bengal
(A) Second Anglo-Maratha War
(B)Kalbaisakhi — Punjab
(B) Second Anglo-Sikh War
(C) Mango shower — Tamil Nadu
(C) First Anglo-Maratha War
(D)Coffee Blossom — Karnataka.
(D) First Anglo-Mysore War.
Ans. : (D) — Coffee Blossom — Karnataka
Ans. : (C) — First Anglo-Maratha War
7. NITI Ayog is headed by the
2. In 1938, The President of Haripur Congress
(A)Chief minister
Session was
(B)Finance minister
(A) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(C) President
(B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(D) Prime minister
(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans. :(D) Prime minister
(D) Subhash Chandra Bose.
8. “Spark plug’’ is the economy engine is
Ans. (D) — Subhash Chandra Bose
(A) Businessmen (B) Architecture
3. The main objective of the French Revolution
of 1789 was the (C) Trader (D) Entrepreneur
(A) establishment of U.N.O Ans:- (D) Entrepreneur
(B) protection of Human Rights II. Answer the following questions in a sentence
each : 8×1=8
(C) prevention of Foreign Invasion
9. Hyderabad Province had to keep a British
(D) establishment of League of Nations.
contingent in its province after 1798. Why ?
Ans. : (B) — protection of Human Rights
Ans. : Nizam of Hyderabad had signed subsidi-
4. Narmada Bachao Andolan was led by ary Alliance
(A) Medha Patkar 10. Why was Ramakrishna Mission ( Muth )
(B) Dr. Shivaram Karanth founded ?

(C) Kusuma Soraba Ans. :To carry the messages and thoughts of
Ramakrisna Paramahamsa
(D) Sundarlal Bahuguna.
11. What is the main objective of Food and Agri-
Ans. : (A) — Medha Patkar cultural Organisation (FAO) ?
5. The telephone number of child helpline is Ans. :To fight against poverty Malnutrition and
(A) 1098 (B) 1090 hunger all over the world.
(C) 1089 (D) 1097. 12. Why was a protest organised against Kaiga

Nuclear Power Plant ? ● 1 lakh 20 thousand Tibetian refugees are in
Ans. : Nuclear radiation would lead to defor- India
estation, environmental pollution and spoil nu- ●Major famines destroyed Indian Financial Se-
merous species in the ecosystem. curity still India showed humanitarian concern.
13. How is Laterite soil formed ? 19. Why is Security Council considered as the
Ans. :Tropical areas under the conditions of Cabinet of UNO ?
high temperature and rainfall Ans:
14. Today India of export of mica is has reduced ● Strives to solve global problems peacefully
Why? ● Deploys UN peace keeping force
Ans:- Because of avalability of substitute for ● Selects the Judges of International Court of
mica. Justice
15. How is per capita Income of a country calcu- ● Maintains peace and order
lated ?
● Suggests the nomination of Secretary General
Ans. :Total national income is divided by total for UNO.
population in a given year.
20. Child trafficking affects the holistic develop-
16. Why is March 15th of every year observed ment of children. How ?
as World Consumer Rights Day ?
Ans. : On that day, John F. Kennedy gave the
American Consumer four basic rights. Division of Labour is more useful. How ?
III. Answer the following questions in two sen- Ans:
tences and four points each : 8 × 2 = 16 ● Exposed to physical and sexual exploitation
17. What factors made the Europeans to discov- ● Infected with sexually transmitted diseases
er a new sea route toIndia ?
● Undergo unwanted pregnancy
● Abortions
● Ottoman Turks captured constantinople
● Drug addictions and murders
● Spain and Portugal were attempting to break
the monopoly ofItalian traders ● Forced pregnancies.

● Kings started encouraging enterprising sailors OR

to find a new sea route to India ● Helps to gain skill, deep knowledge and train-
● New Scientific inventions. ing

18. Refugees have become a huge problem since ● Class system is emerged
the partition of India.Substantiate. ● Emergence of business and Industrialization
Ans: ● Helps to invest more and earn more profit
● 6 million refugees came to India in 1947 ● Leads to specialization
● Lakhs of refugees came to India between ● Helps to get more profit.
1947 and 1971 21. How are the Eastern Coastal plains different
●10 lakh refugees came to India as a result of from Western Coastalplains of India ?
Bangla Vimochana Movement in 1971 Ans. :Eastern Coastal Plains
● Tibetians had arrived to India as refugees dur- ● located in eastern side Near to Bay of Bengal
ing Nehru’s time
● Wide and flat plain ● Land became a commodity
● Has lagoons Western Coastal Plains ● Many Zamindars had to mortgage their lands
● located in western side ● Agriculture sector became commercialized
● Near to Arabian sea ● Money lenders became strong
● Narow plain ● Farmers and Agricultural labourers did not get
● Have no lagoons regular works

22. Classify the following underpersonal com- ● Farmers were born in debt, lived in debt and
munication of Mass Communication and died in debt
then write them : ● Tax was paid more than they produce in farms
Post ( letter ), Television, Fax, Radio ● Had to pay tax even during droughts and
Ans. : Personal Communication Mass Com- floods.
munication — Post ( Letter ) , Fax —, Radi, 26. Third and Fourth Anglo-Mysore wars re-
Television duced the strength of TippuSultan of Mys-
23. The goals of Public Expenditure lead to an ore. Justify.
all-round development of thecountry. Sub- OR
stantiate. The contribution of Annie Besant to Indian
Ans: Culture and Politics is unforgetable. Justify.
● Economic development Ans:
● Promote Industry, trade and commerce ● Cornwallis destroyed Bengaluru Fort
● Agricultural and rural development ● The alliance of British destroyed the fort of
● Balanced regional growth Srirangapattan during night

● Build socio-economic overheads ●Tippu Sultan signed treaty of Srirangapattan

which had unfavourable conditions
● Promote full-employment
● He was forced to part with half of his kingdom
● Maximize Social Welfare.
● He was forced to pay 3 crore rupees as war
24 Name the different types of Bank Accounts. damage fee
Ans: ● He had to pledge two of his sons as a guaran-
● Savings Bank Account tee against the payment
● Current Account ● He was forced to release war prisoners
● Recurring Deposit Account ● He opposed Subsidiary Alliance
● Term or Fixed Deposit Account. ●The united army of British attacked Sriranga-
patna and destroyed
IV. Answer the following questions in six sen-
tences each : 9 × 3 = 27 ● Fort once again
25. British Revenue system affected Indian Ag- ● British killed Tippu Sultan in 1799.
riculture. Substantiate. OR
Ans: ● Annie Besant had knowledge of Vedanta phi-
● A new class of Zamindars was created losophy
● The farmers became landless slowly ●She advocated the Indian culture is more su-
● She started reformation movement of Hindu- ●Supported to start steel plants at Bhilai and
ism Bokaro
●She did a comparative study of Hinduism and ●Supporting to become permanent member of
Buddhism Security Council.
● She translated Bagavath Geetha to English 29. In recent days, the problem of untouchabil-
● She was called Shwetha Saraswati ity is declining. Justify.

●She started Central Hindu College to provide Ans. :

education for all ● Article 17 prohibits untouchability
● She started New India and Commonweal pe- ● Untouchability Offences Act is implemented
riodicals ● Protection of Civil Rights Act
● She started Home Rule League Movement ● Universal right to vote and participate in elec-
● She was active in the Freedom struggle tion
●She became first Women President of Indian ● Reservation in the field of Education and em-
National Congress. ployment
27. What were the effects of Second World War? ● Specific responsibilities for state Government
Ans: ● Reservation in politics
● Maximum deaths and injuries. ● Article 25 Right to enter public temple.
● Caused social and political changes. 30. The areas under forest are declining in re-
● UNO founded. cent years. Why ?

● Cold war began. Ans:

● Asian and African nations got freedom. ● The expansion of agricultural land

● India got freedom. ● Construction of roads and railways

● USA used Nuclear Weapon on Japan. ● Irrigation projects

● Nuclear Arm race started. ● Industrialization

●Britain, France lost many colonial establish- ● Urbanization

ments. ● Over grazing
● USA & Russia became the rival countries. ● Forest fire
28. India and Russia have cordial relationship. ● Insects and diseases
Explain. ● Illegal cutting of trees
Ans: ● Unscientific cutting of trees.
● Non-Aligned movement of India 31. Majority of Iron and Steel Industries are
●Good relationship in the fields like Economy located in Odisha and WestBengal regions.
Politics Science etc. Why ?
● Opposed China’s invasion OR
● Supported Goa Liberation Movement Human activities caused floods and land-
● Supported Tashkent Agreement slides. Justify.

● 20 years Peace Pact was signed Ans:

● Supply of iron ore ● Supply of cooking coal ● Reduces concentration of wealth
● Supply of hydel power ● Promotes export trade
● Rail transport ● Port facilities ● Changing technology.
● Plenty of water supply V Answer the following question in about eight
● Cheap labour ● Capital and local market. sentences each : 4 × 4 = 16

OR 34. Explain the main programmes of Non-Co-

operation Movement.
Floods :
● Deforestation ● Faulty irrigation
● Boycotting schools, colleges and courts
● Faulty agricultural practice
● Boycotting elections
● Breaching of barrages ● Rapid urbanization.
● Returning all the honours and medals
Landslides :
● To local bodies membership
● Deforestation
● Boycotting all the Government functions
● Construction of roads and railways
● Boycotting all foreign goods
● Construction of dams and hydel projects
● Encouraging Handlooms and Khadi
● Mixing and quarrying.
● Opening National Schools
32. Mention the key features of Panchayati Raj
● Achieving unity among Hindus and Muslims
● A three-tier structure of Panchayat System ● Eradicating untouchability

● Direct and periodic elections ● Women empowerment

● Reservation of seats ● Encouraging production of Khadi.

● Provision of financial and administrative re- 35. Explain Political and Administrative reasons
sponsibilities, budgetand audit for 1857 revolt.

● Provision for executive / support staff OR

● A strict procedure for dissolution of Panchay- Explain the age of Liberal Nationalism dur-
at ing Freedom movement.

33. How does an Entrepreneur help in economic Ans:

development of a country ? Potilical Reasons :
Ans: ● Doctrine of Lapse was implemented
● Promotes capital formation ● many Indian kings had to lose their kingdoms
● Provides large scale employment ● Satara, Jhansi, Jaipur came under British
● Increases GDP ● British abolished the kingships of Nawabs
● Increases per capita income ● They dethroned Mughal emperor and many
● Brings new products and services other kings

●Enables to avail better quality goods at lower ● Many soldier became unemployed
prices Administrative Reasons :
● Promotes development of industries ● New Civil and Criminal Laws were intro-
● There were lot of partiality 37. What are the requirement essential to culti-
● English became court language vate wheat and sugarcane ?

● Judgement was given in favour of the English Ans:

● People did not like the new laws. Wheat :

OR ● Temperate region

● Faith in rule of British and Judiciary ● 10° to 15°C temperature

● Prayers and request with in legal frame work ● 50 to 70 cm annual rainfall

● Alluvial and loamy soils
● Political awareness among the people
● Public meetings discussions on various issues ● Northern plains are best

● Submission of memorandums Sugarcane :

● Development of industries ● Irrigation is essential

● Cutting down of military expenditure ● 21° to 26°C temperature

● Providing better education ● 100 to 150 cm annual rainfall

● Implementation of poverty alleviation pro- ● Heavy loamy and black soils

grammes ● South India is best suitable.
● Study the ill effects of the British rule in India VI. 38. Draw an outline map of India and mark
● Explained drain of resources into England the following :
through Scientific statistics a) 82 1/2 East Longitude
● Dadabhai Navoroji explained ‘Drain Theory’ b) River Narmada
●W. C. Banerjee, M.G. Ranade, Surendranath c) Bhakra Nangal Project
Banerjee, Dadabhai d) Mumbai High.
●Navoroji, Gopala Krishna Gokhale were im-
portant leaders
36. In recent days, situations are supporting
women to achieve betterment.How ?
● Women and Child Development Department
● Improved status, better health, education
● Curbs child marriage
● Dowry Prohibition Act
● Compulsory education
● Stree Shakti, Women self help groups
● Establishment of Women’s Commission
●Attempts are made to provide reservation in
Legislature bodies
● Reservation in Local bodies
● Reservation in Government recruitment.
¥Àæ±ÉÆßÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ ¸ÀAUÀæºÀ - 05
10th Standard Max. Marks: 80

I. Multiple choice : 1X8=8 (C) it has its headquarters in Paris

1. The reason to create “Separate Electorate (D) that India has got permanent membership
College’ in 1909 was to recently
(A) provide separate representation for Mus- Ans. :(B) it is like cabinet of U.N.O.
lims 7. Black soil is suitable for dry farming as it
(B) create separate constituency for Europeans (A) is formed in heavy rainfall region
(C) provide separate representation for Sikhs (B) has less moisture retention capacity
(D) reserve some seats for Christians (C) has high moisture retention capacity
Ans. : (A) provide separate representation for (D) is formed from weathering of crystalline
Muslims rocks
2. The First Anglo-Mysore war ended with the Ans. : (C) has high moisture retention capacity.
(A) Treaty of Mysore 8. An example for direct tax is
(B) Treaty of Madras (A) Value added tax
(C) Treaty of Mangalore (B) Central excise duty
(D) Treaty of Srirangapattana (C) Stamp duty
Ans. (B) Treaty of Madras. (D) Service tax
3 Who started the newspaper ‘New India’ is Ans.: (C) Stamp duty
(A) Raja Rammohan Roy II Answer the following In one word or sen-
(B) Mahatma Gandhi tences: 1X8=8
(C) Annie Besant 9. Why was Shuddhi Movement started ?
(D) Dayanand Saraswati Ans.: Reconversion of people who had con-
verted to Islam and Christianity from Hindu-
Ans. : (C) Annie Besant
4. U.N.O. adopted the Human Rights Declara-
10. Why did Indian soldiers oppose the use of
tion in the year
Royal Enfield rifles / guns
(A) 1945 (B) 1950
Ans. :The bullets were used for the guns
(C) 1947 (D) 1948 smeared with the fat of pig and cow.
Ans. (D) 1948 11. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is called Iron Man
5. The correct statement related to U.N.O. Se- of India’. Why?
curity Council is Ans. : Successful in the integration of princely
(A) it has 15 permanent members states in Indian Union / Federation

(B) it is like a cabinet of U.N.O. 12. What is Disarmament ?

Ans. :The process of elimination of specific ● Started the activities of theosophical society
arms step by step. ● Aroused pride in Indian culture through her
13. Which state of India has the largest area un- lectures
der forests? ● Attempted to establish equity
Ans.: Madhya Pradesh. ● Attempted to spread universal brotherhood
14. Which are the forests found in river deltas of 20. What are features of Fascism?
eastern coast of India?
Ans. : Mangrove forests
● Ultra-nationalism
15. Why was the 73rd Constitutional Amend-
ment Act enacted in 1993 ? ● Ideas of destroying the other national forces.
Ans. :To bring uniform Panchayat Raj Institu- ● Patronising violence
tions. To decentralise the administration. ● Racial superiority
24. When is the ‘World Consumers’ Day’ cel- ● Expansion of national boundaries
● Support of human executions.
Ans:15th March every year
21. In spite of the border dispute between India
III. Answer the following questions in two to and China, how have the strengthened their
four sentences each: 8X2=16 relationship?
17. The battle of Buxar had helped the British to Ans:
get many benefits. Substantiate.
● India and china have established good trade
Ans: relationship after1980.
● Secured ‘Diwani rights’ ● BRICS a group of countries was established
● Got all the rights over Bengal in 2015
● Got 50 Lakh from Nawab as war expenditure ● panchasheel principle.
● Took over the entire administration of Bengal 22 . Why is Mob violence an anti-social activity ?
●Secured right of revenue collection through Ans:
Dual Government. ● Destroys public property
18. How did Subsidiary Alliance control Indian ● Creates confusion
provinces ?
● Spreads rumours
● Results in major deaths.
● Keep the British army in his kingdom
● Creates a serious law and order situation.
● Bear the expenses of the army and wages of
● Communal violence, racial violence, caste
● Having a British Resident in his court
23. What are the importance of coastal plains?
● Permission to appoint Europeans
● Permission to sign agreement or pact.
● Foreign trade
19. Which are the reforms brought about by An-
● Natural harbour
nie Besent?
● Fishing
● Salt making
● Navigation ●Fresh thinking in the minds of educated Indi-
24. Why does the climate of India vary from one ans.
region to another ? ● Influenced the Freedom struggle
Ans: ● Helped to understand rich tradition.
● Location 26. What were the problems faced by India after
● Water bodies. independence?

● Relief features Ans:

● Monsoon winds ● Rehabilitation of refugees

● Ocean currents. ● Communal riots

IV. Answer the following questions in 5 or 6 sen- ● Formation of government

tence each : 3X 9 = 27 ● Integration of various provinces
25. The 18th century in Indian History was” the ● Production of food
Century of Political problems”. Justify. ● Development of agriculture
Ans: ● Growth of industries.
● French and English involved in Indian Poli- 27. Unemployment has become a huge problem
tics in India. Why?
● Death of Aurangzeb OR
● The Moghul empire weakened Explain the aims of United Nations Organi-
● The Moghul lost political control over South zation.
India Ans:
● Political struggle in Carnatic region. ● Huge population
● Death of Chikkadevaraya Wodeyar ● Improved technology
● Political challenges in Mysore state for suc- ● Shortage of natural resources
● Over dependency of agriculture
●The Nawab of Arcot, Marathas and Nizam
were fighting each others ● Ruined Cottage industries.
● Anglo-Mysore wars were fought. ● Lack of skill based education.
The British education system created a new ● Safeguarding peace and security
generation of Indians with progressive atti- ● Fostering co-operation
tudes. Justify.
● Improving faith in the human rights
● Exploring co-operation to solve problems
● Nationalistic ideals were developed.
● Providing recognition to agreements and con-
● Local literature and languages were devel- ditions.
● Striving to build mutual trust and co-opera-
● Periodicals started emerging tion.
●New social and religious reformation move- 28. Explain the legal provisions brought to erad-
ments emerged icate untouchability in In.

OR ● Helps in development of Tertiary Sector.
Explain the characteristics of Organised La- Natural forces:
bour Sector. ● Erosion of a sea cliff
Ans: ● Earthquakes
● Ans. The Article 17 of Constitution Human forces:
● Untouchability Crime Act, 1955 ● Deforestation
● Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976 ● Construction of roads, railways and dams
● Universal rights to vote and participate in ● Construction of reservoirs and hydel power
election projects.
● Reservation in education and employment ● Mining and quarrying.
● Special responsibility for State Govern- 30. What are the goals / objectives of public ex-
ment-1989 penditure?
OR Ans
● Enrolled as per the law ● Promote faster economic developmets
● Fixed wages facilities ● Promote industry, trade and commerce.
● Employment security ● Promote agriculture and rural development
● The relationship is legally guided ● Promote balanced regional growth
● Extra payment for overtime work ● Build socio-economic overheads
● Mandatory to pay taxes ● Promote full-employment
● Pay special facilities. ● Maximize social welfare.
31. List out the functions of an entrepreneur.
29. Explain how the industries help in economic OR
development of a country.
List out the advantages of opening a bank
OR account.
Explain how both natural and human in- Ans:
duced forces cause landslides.
● Prepares various plans for business
● Organises factors of production
● Reduces the reliance on primary product
● Takes decisions
● Reduces imported goods
● Co-ordinates things effectively
● Increases national income
● Introduces new methods
● Increases per capita income
● Handles budget of his concern
● Earns foreign exchange.
● Bears risks and uncertainty
● Creates job opportunities
● Gives directions.
● Increases G.D.P.
● Improves living standard of the people
● Facilitates safe custody of money
● Reduces pressure on agriculture
● Helps in making payments
● Helps in collection of money 35. The protests organised by the farmers are
● Helps to get advances and loans. important in National Freedom Struggle.
● Helps in smooth financial transactions
● Helps to get safe deposit locker facility..
● Influenced by the Congress and Marxist ide-
32. Explain briefly the significance of Rural de- ologies
● Farmers rebelled against the British planters
Ans: and Zamindars
● Development of the country ● Opposed the Indigo cropping in Champaranya
● Creates more demand for industrial products. ● Protested against land tax
● Creates demand for service sector. ●Gandhiji influenced activities of Champaran-
● Creating more employment. ya and Kheda
● Support to service. ● Farmers of Tebhaga, Malabar opposed the
● Promotes small scale and cottage industries
●Non-co-operation Movement, Tax refusal and
33. Explain the Significance conservation of for- Quit India movements were supported
● Protests organised by Kisan Sabha
●Farmers of Telangana protested against Za-
● Protect the habitat of wild animals. mindars and Razacks
● Causes of rain. ●The farmers of Bengal rose against the za-
● Prevention of soil erosion. mindars
● Protects bio-diversity. ● The farmers of Maharashtra protested against
● Provides forest products. low wages.

● Increase fertility of soil. 36. What are the suggestions to improve the po-
sition of women?
● Gives clean air.
V . Answers the following in 8 to 10 .
● Women education.
34. Explain the method of resisting the British
power by Dondiya Wagh. ● Prohibition of Child Marriage Act

Ans: ● Dowry prohibition Act

● Built Army ● Stree Shakti

● Captured Bidnoor and shivamogga forts ● Self – employment .

● Attempted to capture Chitradurga. ● Mahila Mandalas

● Encouraged by palegars ● Yuvathi Mandalas

● French extended support. ● Women self -help groups

● Successful in winning the support of French ● Women co- operatives

● British followed army of Dondiya ● Women Commissions

● British attacked from all the directions. 37. What is meant by soil Conservation? List
out it’s methods.
● Dondiya died fighting.
• Prevention of soil erosion and protecting the
fertility of the soil is known as Conservation of
Soil conservation methods
● Counter ploughing.
● Prevention of deforestation
● Encourage afforestation
● Control of livestock grazing
● Planned use of water
● Construction of check dams
● Construction of bounds around The agricul-
ture land.
● Development of terraced agricultural fields.
VI. 38. Draw an outline map of India and mark
the following:
a) Indira Col
b) River Kaveri
c) Delhi.
d) 23 ½0 North latitude


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