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Module 4

Creative and Landing Pages

Friday, April 19, 13

Lesson 1

Friday, April 19, 13

4 Elements for a Successful Banner
• Headline

Body Copy
• Hero Shot

• Call to Action

Friday, April 19, 13

AIDA Formula
• A – Attention
• Crisp Text
• I – Interest
• Good Contrast
• D – Desire
• A - Action

Friday, April 19, 13

Examples of Good Banners

Friday, April 19, 13

Example of a Bad Banner

Friday, April 19, 13

Lesson 2

Friday, April 19, 13

Interruption Marketing

Friday, April 19, 13

Blend In vs. Stick Out
• Blend In • Stick Out

Friday, April 19, 13

Blend In vs. Stick Out
• Blend In • Stick Out

Friday, April 19, 13

Ad Images

• “Selector” Images
• Show Emotion

Friday, April 19, 13

Ad Images
• Colors that pop
• Button Images

Friday, April 19, 13

Ad Images
• Attractive Woman

Friday, April 19, 13

Ad Images
• Big Images
• Eyes Looking Out at You

Friday, April 19, 13

Ad Images
• Hand Written

Friday, April 19, 13

Ad Images


Friday, April 19, 13

Writing Banner Ad Copy
• First person… “How I lost 20lbs…”
• Benefit in headline… “How to Lose Weight”
• Avoid listing features… “6 module course…”
• Use emotionally charged words… “Humiliated, Embarrassed”
• Use numbers…”5 Signs you need…”
• Social proof… “As seen on…, Over 50,000 customers…”
• Special characters… “fitness & health”
• You/Your copy… “Save $$$ on your telephone bill…”

Friday, April 19, 13

Psychology in Ads
• Enter conversation in the
prospects mind
– Who are they?
– Why would they buy?
• Target desperate
– “I struggled for years…”

Friday, April 19, 13

Psychology in Ads
• Congruency
– LP copy repeats
– LP copy follows

Friday, April 19, 13

Psychology in Ads
• Fear of loss is
stronger than desire
for gain

Friday, April 19, 13

Psychology in Ads
• Curiosity
• Entertainment

Friday, April 19, 13

Psychology in Ads
• Curiosity
• Entertainment

Friday, April 19, 13

Psychology in Ads
• Common enemy… “Secrets *they* don’t want…

Friday, April 19, 13

Lesson 3

Friday, April 19, 13

Individual Workflow
• Use for ideas
– Find best ads in your market
– Find best ads outside your market
• Brainstorm concepts first
• Istockphoto for images
• Fireworks for layout & export at size <40Kb

Friday, April 19, 13

Write Copy in Excel
Headline Body Copy Call to Action

Lose Weight Fast Revolutionary new… Click Here

Get High School Slim 5 reasons why… Watch Video
How to Lose Fat The truth about… Get it Now

Write 15-20 ads. Choose 4-8 to begin testing.

Friday, April 19, 13

Copy First, Then Images
Text Ads Banner Ads

Friday, April 19, 13

Workflow with a Designer
• Send designer best ads from
• Send copy*
• Send ideas for illustration or images*
• Test first set of ads
• Provide feedback based on data

Friday, April 19, 13

Other resources
• Elance or other outsourcing sites
• Don’t expect to hire someone for everything
– Competitive intelligence
– Market knowledge
– Copy

Friday, April 19, 13

Software Resources

Friday, April 19, 13

Lesson 4

Friday, April 19, 13

Why use a landing page vs. home page?
• Make next steps immediately obvious
• Easier to test/optimize a single goal
• Better quality score if on Google
• Keep “message match” from ad to LP

Friday, April 19, 13

Basic Elements for Successful LP
• Headline

Call to
• Body Copy

Friday, April 19, 13

3 Types of Goals for any LP
• Lead capture (opt in)
• Click through (multi-step funnel)
• Sales page

Friday, April 19, 13

Click Through

Friday, April 19, 13

Quiz Opt In

Friday, April 19, 13

Long Form Opt In

Friday, April 19, 13

Video Sales Letter (15min-60min)

Friday, April 19, 13

Long Form Sales Page

Friday, April 19, 13

More Essentials
• Single Goal
• Strong Offer
• Congruent with Ads
• Fast Load Time ( tools)
• Be aware of traffic source rules
• Exit Pop

Friday, April 19, 13

Lesson 5

Friday, April 19, 13

Minimize Distraction (Single Goal)

Friday, April 19, 13

Above the Fold

Friday, April 19, 13

Video Landing Pages
• Done right… very likely to win
• Much harder and more costly to test
• May not be appropriate for mobile
• Test scripts first with PowerPoint, then move
to full production

Friday, April 19, 13

6 Principles of Persuasion
• Liking – humor, entertainment, down to earth
• Authority – Dr. recommended, Media mentions
• Scarcity – Limited time sale
• Consistency/Commitment –click through, opt in
• Reciprocity – free gift on opt in
• Social Proof – Facebook likes, testimonials

• “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert

Friday, April 19, 13

Friday, April 19, 13


Friday, April 19, 13

Social Proof

Friday, April 19, 13


Friday, April 19, 13


Friday, April 19, 13


Friday, April 19, 13


Friday, April 19, 13

Match LP Content to the Offer

Small Medium Large

commitment commitment commitmen
• Click • Free trial w/ credit • $297 product
through card
• Opt In • $27 product

Friday, April 19, 13

Match LP content to Familiarity

Most Product Solution Problem

Aware Aware Aware Aware Unaware

• On your • Retargeting • Weight • Plantar • Investing for

email list • Branded Loss Fasciitis retirement
• Already a Products

• “Great Leads” by Masterson + Forde

• “Breakthrough Advertising” by Eugene Schw
Friday, April 19, 13
Lesson 6

Friday, April 19, 13

Google Analytics (Data)

Friday, April 19, 13

Qualaroo (Data)

Friday, April 19, 13

CrazyEgg (Data)

Friday, April 19, 13

Optimize Press (Create)

Friday, April 19, 13

LeadPages (Create)

Friday, April 19, 13

Google Content Experiments (Test)

Friday, April 19, 13

Visual Website Optimizer (Test)

Friday, April 19, 13

Unbounce (Create + Test)

Friday, April 19, 13

Strategy for Landing Pages
• Learn as much as you can about visitors
• Design tests based on what you know
• Test BIG things first
– Video vs. Text
– Short Form vs. Long Form
– Headlines

Friday, April 19, 13

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