Initial Transverse Metacentre

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Initial Transverse Metacentre

4.1 Introduction

4.2 The initial transverse metacentre explained

4.2.1 The metacentric radius (BM)
4.2.2 Moment of inertia (I)
4.2.3 Calculating KM for box-shaped vessels

4.3 Metacentric diagrams

4.3.1 Producing a metacentric diagram
4.3.2 To determine the final KG required to complete loading with a required

4.4 Factors affecting KM

4.4.1 Effect of beam
4.4.2 Effect of draught

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
4.1 Introduction
When designing a ship, the factors that influence the height of the initial transverse
metacentre (KM) are of significant importance. It follows that the greater the value
of KM, the greater will be the GM for any given KG. KG alone is not the only
influencing factor on the ship’s initial condition of stability. It can be seen from the
change with draught; the same is true for any ship.

Since KM changes with draught, it follows that a particular KG value may give
adequate initial stability with respect to GM at one draught but not at another. The
factors influencing KM are discussed in this section.

4.2 The initial transverse metacentre explained

The initial transverse metacentre (M) is defined as being the point of intersection
of successive lines of action of buoyancy force (Bf) when the ship is in the initial
upright condition and subsequent heeled conditions within small angles of

The position of M is assumed to be fixed only when the ship is heeled within small
angles; a maximum value of 10° heel is often quoted as an approximate limit of
small angle stability, but invariably the limit will be smaller.

Figure 4.1 shows a ship heeled to a small angle.

Fig. 4.1 – Movement of the centre of buoyancy as the ship is heeled.

It can be seen that a wedge of buoyancy has been transferred from the high side to
the heeled side (bb1). The resultant movement of B to B1 at this instant is one that

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
is parallel to and in the same direction as the shift of the centroid of the transferred
wedge of buoyancy.

BB1 could be calculated using the formula:

BB1 = v × bb1
v is the volume of the transferred wedge of buoyancy;

bb1 is the distance through which the centroid of the wedge of buoyancy has
moved, and;

V is the volume of displacement of the ship.

Note that this formula is similar to the shift of a single weight formula!

4.2.1 The metacentric radius (BM)

If B is plotted successively as the ship is heeled within small angles, it may be
assumed that it follows the arc of a circle centred at M. This arc of movement of B
is described by the distance BM, termed the metacentric radius.

Fig. 4.2 – The metacentric radius (BM).

BM is calculated by the formula:

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
BM = I

I is the moment of inertia of the waterplane area (WPA) about a longitudinal axis of
rotation passing through the centre of the waterplane area; and V is the volume of
displacement of the vessel.

4.2.2 Moment of inertia (I)

The moment of inertia (I) of an area might be a difficult concept to visualise.

Imagine the relative ease or difficulty that a sheet of metal plate can be rotated
and the various possible axes of rotation about which it could be rotated. Consider
the following scenario.

A large rectangular ventilator duct has internal dimensions of 3.0 m wide (W) and
height 1.2 m (H). A steel plate having the same dimensions is to be fitted inside that
will need to be rotated to close off the duct in the event of a fire. The designer
wishes to select the axis of rotation for the plate that requires the least torque to
close it.

Torque may be defined as a twisting force that causes something to rotate about an
assumed axis of rotation.

The options for the various axes of rotation of the plate that are possible are
illustrated in figure 4.3, C being the geometric centre of the plate.

Fig. 4.3 – Possible axes of rotation.

The possible axes of rotation are:

• II passing along the longest axis through the centroid C;

• XX passing along the longest axis along the longest edge;

• ILIL passing along the shortest axis through the centroid C, and;

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
• YY passing along the shortest axis along the shortest edge.

The values of I applicable to rectangular areas can be calculated as follows:

The moment of inertia (I) about the axis II is given by:

III = WH3 = 3.0 × 1.23 = 0.432 m4

12 12

The moment of inertia (I) about the axis XX is given by:

IXX = WH3 = 3.0 × 1.23 = 1.728 m4

3 3

The moment of inertia (I) about the axis ILL is given by:

ILL = HW3 = 1.2 × 3.03 = 2.700 m4

12 12

The moment of inertia (I) about the axis YY is given by:

IYY = HW3 = 1.2 × 3.03 = 10.800 m4

3 3

This is illustrated in figure 4.4.

Fig. 4.4 – Values of I for the area of the sheet plate; note the units metres4.

Considering the area of the plate that is being rotated about the axes shown in figure
4.4, it is understandable that those axes that pass through the centroid of the plate
(C) in each direction will require the least amount of torque to rotate it.

Clearly, the designer should choose axis II, where I = 0.432 m4.

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
When considering the value of I for calculating BM, it is the waterplane area that is
considered, where, for a box-shaped vessel, W and H will be substituted for the
length (L) and breadth (B) of the waterplane area respectively.

For transverse stability purposes, the axis of rotation of the ship as it heels is a
longitudinal axis that is assumed to pass through the geometric centre of the
waterplane area, this being the centre of flotation.

Calculating I for the waterplane area will allow us to calculate BM.

Instead of the steel plate previously described, the transvers moment of inertia of
the waterplane area is considered to offer resistance to the ship being heeled.

4.2.3 Calculating KM for box-shaped vessels

It is convenient to consider the KM for a box-shaped vessel because the maths is
simple, however, the same principles will apply for ship shapes. KM is calculated by
the formula:

KM = KB + BM

For a box-shaped vessel on an even keel:

KB = draught

For a ship shape the KB will be slightly greater than half-draught because of the
curvature of the bilge.

Fig. 4.5 – KB for a box-shaped vessel and a ship.

BM is calculated by the formula:

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
BM = I

I being the moment of inertia of the waterplane area (WPA) about a longitudinal
axis of rotation passing through the centre of the waterplane area; and V is the
volume of displacement of the vessel.

The geometric centre of the waterplane area is the centre of flotation of the ship;
it is the point in the ship’s length about which the ship trims. This is discussed in the
sections that discuss trim.

To calculate the moment of inertia of the waterplane area for a box-shaped vessel
is very simple. Figure 4.6 shows the waterplane area of a box-shaped vessel having
a certain length (L) and breadth (B).

Fig. 4.6 – Waterplane area dimensions of a boxed shaped vessel.

C is the geometric centre of the waterplane area and II is the longitudinal axis about
which it is assumed to be rotated as the vessel heels.

In reality, it is the box-shaped vessel that will rotate about this axis as it heels,
however it is convenient to think of the waterplane area rotating about the same
axis instead!

For a box-shaped vessel: I = LB3


L and B are the length and breadth of the waterplane area respectively. I is in units
of metres4 (m4).

Since: BM = I

it follows that: BMBOX = LB3


HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
Therefore: BMBOX = LB3

thus: BMBOX = B2

The larger the waterplane area, the larger the moment of inertia (I) and the greater
the value of BM, and hence, KM which means that the ship will be less easily heeled
by external forces.

If the formula for BM is considered, it is the breadth of the waterplane area (B) that
is most influential. The broader a ship is, the more stable it will be for a given value
of KG.

To summarise: KM = KB + BM

For a box-shaped vessel: KMBOX = d + B2

2 12d

Example 1
A box-shaped vessel has length 76 m and breadth 12 m. It is floating at an even keel
draught of 3.6 m. Calculate the KM.

KM = KB + BM where KB = d and BM = LB3
2 12V

KM = 3.6 + 76 × 123 = 1.800 + 3.333 = 5.133 metres

2 12 × (76 × 12 × 3.6)

Alternatively: BM = B2 could have been used.


4.3 Metacentric diagrams

A metacentric diagram is a graph showing how the value of KM changes with draught.
KB and BM may also be shown.

4.3.1 Producing a metacentric diagram

Follow the procedure in the following example.

Example 2 (a)
Prove that the KM of a box-shaped vessel changes with draught as shown in figure
4.7 for the range of draughts 1.00 m to 15.00 m given that the vessel’s length is 100
m and breadth is 20 m.

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
Fig. 4.7 – Example 2.

Solution (a)
The values for KM are shown having been calculated using:

KM = KB + BM where:

KB = d and BM = B2
2 12d

Draught (m) KB (m) BM (m) KM (m)

1 0.50 33.33 33.83
2 1.00 16.67 17.67
3 1.50 11.11 12.61
4 2.00 8.33 10.33 KM decreasing
5 2.50 6.67 9.17
6 3.00 5.56 8.56
7 3.50 4.76 8.26
8 4.00 4.17 8.17
9 4.50 3.70 8.20
10 5.00 3.33 8.33
11 5.50 3.03 8.53
KM increasing
12 6.00 2.78 8.78
13 6.50 2.56 9.06
14 7.00 2.38 9.38
15 7.50 2.22 9.72

Table 8.1 – Example 2 (a).

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
From the values calculated, it is seen that as draught increases, KM reduces to a
minimum value and then increases again.

Example 2 (b)
If the KG were 9.00 m determine the following:

(i) the range of draughts at which the vessel will be unstable;

(ii) the righting moment when the vessel is heeled to an angle of 5° if the upright
draught is 3.00 m in salt water (RD 1.025).

Solution (b) (i)

Plot the values of KM with the X-axis labelled ‘draught’ and the Y-axis labelled ‘KM’
and ‘KG’.

Plot an assumed value of KG = 9.00 m on the graph; this will be a straight line!

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)




(m) 20



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
5.2 m Draught (m) 12.9 m

Fig. 4.8 – Example 2 (b).

For the vessel to be unstable the KG must be greater than the KM at the draughts
concerned. This occurs between the draughts 5.2 m and 12.9 m.

Solution (b) (ii)

At a draught of 3.00 m KM was calculated to be 12.61 m.

KM 12.61 m
KG 9.00 m
GM 3.61 m

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
GZ = GM × Sine θ

Righting moment = GZ × Displacement

WBOX = L × B × d × density

Therefore: Righting Moment = (GM × Sine θ) × (L × B × d × ρ)

Righting moment = (3.61 × Sine 5°) × (100 × 20 × 3.00 × 1.025)

Righting moment = 1935 t×m

4.3.2 To determine the final KG required to complete loading with a

required GM
The box-shaped vessel for which the metacentric diagram was drawn had a length
of 100 m and a breadth of 20 m. Consider the following example using the same
metacentric diagram:

Example 3 (a)
It is intended to load the vessel to a maximum permissible draught in salt water of
4.500 m.

What is the maximum displacement of the vessel?

WBOX = (L × B × d) × 
WBOX = (100 × 20 × 4.5) × 1.025
WBOX = 9225 tonnes

Example 3 (b)
The required GM on completion of loading is 1.20 m. What is the maximum
permissible KG?

From the graph the KM for a draught of 4.50 m is approximately 9.70 m (9.657 m by

KM 9.70 m
Required: GM 1.20 m
Maximum: KG 8.50 m

Example 3 (c)
The vessel is currently loaded to a displacement of 8465 tonnes and has KG 8.40 m.

What is the maximum Kg at which to load the final 760 tonnes of cargo to ensure
that the final GM requirement of 1.20 m is achieved?

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
In 3 (b) it was determined that the maximum KG required was 8.50 m.

Take moments about the keel in the normal way but let ‘x’ equal the Kg at which
to load the final 760 tonnes.

In the formula: FINAL KG (m) = Σ MOMENTS (t.m)


(The final KG is already known as 8.50 m!)

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 8465 8.40 71106
Load 760 x 760x
FINAL 9225 8.50 71106 + 760x

FINAL KG (m) = Σ MOMENTS (t.m)


8.50 = (71106 + 760x)


Solving ‘x’ will give the answer!

8.50 × 9225 = 71106 + 760x

78412.5 = 71106 + 760x
78412.5 - 71106 = 760x
7306.5 = 760x

Therefore: 7306.5 = x = 9.614 m


The maximum Kg at which to load the final 760 tonnes weight is 9.614 m to ensure
that the final KG does not exceed 8.50 m, thus ensuring that the final GM is at least
1.20 m.

Had the value of KM been calculated using the formula instead of taking it from the
graph a more accurate answer would have resulted.

Figure 4.9 shows a metacentric diagram for the SD14 general cargo ship on which
the SHIP STABILITY DATA SHEETS are based. Note that the values of BM are not
included in the actual Hydrostatic Particulars table provided.

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
Draught (m) KB (m) BM (m) KM (m) Draught (m) KB (m) BM (m) KM (m)
10.00 5.25 3.44 8.69 5.70 2.95 5.68 8.63
9.90 5.20 3.47 8.67 5.60 2.90 5.77 8.67
9.80 5.15 3.49 8.64 5.50 2.85 5.86 8.71
9.70 5.10 3.52 8.62 5.40 2.80 5.96 8.76
9.60 5.04 3.56 8.60 5.30 2.74 6.07 8.81
9.50 4.99 3.59 8.58 5.20 2.69 6.17 8.86
9.40 4.93 3.63 8.56 5.10 2.63 6.29 8.92
9.30 4.88 3.66 8.54 5.00 2.58 6.40 8.98
9.20 4.82 3.70 8.52 4.90 2.53 6.53 9.06
9.10 4.77 3.73 8.50 4.80 2.48 6.65 9.13
9.00 4.72 3.76 8.48 4.70 2.43 6.79 9.22
8.90 4.67 3.80 8.47 4.60 2.38 6.92 9.30
8.80 4.61 3.84 8.45 4.50 2.32 7.08 9.40
8.70 4.56 3.87 8.43 4.40 2.27 7.22 9.49
8.60 4.50 3.92 8.42 4.30 2.22 7.38 9.60
8.50 4.45 3.96 8.41 4.20 2.17 7.54 9.71
8.40 4.39 4.00 8.39 4.10 2.12 7.71 9.83
8.30 4.34 4.04 8.38 4.00 2.07 7.89 9.96
8.20 4.28 4.09 8.37 3.90 2.01 8.10 10.11
8.10 4.23 4.13 8.36 3.80 1.96 8.29 10.25
8.00 4.17 4.18 8.35 3.70 1.91 8.50 10.41
7.90 4.12 4.23 8.35 3.60 1.86 8.71 10.57
7.80 4.07 4.27 8.34 3.50 1.81 8.95 10.76
7.70 4.02 4.32 8.34 3.40 1.75 9.20 10.95
7.60 3.96 4.37 8.33 3.30 1.70 9.48 11.18
7.50 3.91 4.42 8.33 3.20 1.65 9.75 11.40
7.40 3.85 4.48 8.33 3.10 1.60 10.06 11.66
7.30 3.80 4.53 8.33 3.00 1.55 10.37 11.92
7.20 3.75 4.58 8.33 2.90 1.50 10.72 12.22
7.10 3.70 4.64 8.34 2.80 1.44 11.08 12.52
7.00 3.64 4.70 8.34 2.70 1.39 11.48 12.87
6.90 3.58 4.77 8.35 2.60 1.34 11.87 13.21
6.80 3.53 4.83 8.36 2.50 1.29 12.34 13.63
6.70 3.48 4.89 8.37 2.40 1.23 12.81 14.04
6.60 3.43 4.95 8.38 2.30 1.18 13.38 14.56
6.50 3.38 5.01 8.39 2.20 1.13 13.94 15.07
6.40 3.33 5.08 8.41 2.10 1.08 14.64 15.72
6.30 3.28 5.15 8.43 2.00 1.02 15.34 16.36
6.20 3.22 5.24 8.46 1.90 0.97 16.22 17.19
6.10 3.17 5.32 8.49 1.80 0.92 17.09 18.01
6.00 3.11 5.41 8.52 1.70 0.87 18.21 19.08
5.90 3.06 5.49 8.55 1.60 0.82 19.33 20.15
5.80 3.01 5.58 8.59

Table 8.2 – Metacentric data for the SD14 cargo ship represented in the SHIP STABILITY DATA SHEETS.

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00

KB (m) BM (m) KM (m)

Fig. 4.9 – Metacentric diagram for SD14 represented in the SHIP STABILITY DATA SHEETS.

The metacentric diagram for a ship may be provided but is seldom used in

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
4.4 Factors affecting KM
Example 2 demonstrated the influence of draught on KM; beam is also very
influential on the stability characteristics of a ship and is considered at the design

4.4.1 Effect of beam

Consider two ships of different beam each heeled to the same angle of inclination
as shown.

Fig. 4.10 – The effect of beam on KM.

In the narrow ship a small wedge of buoyancy is transferred from the high side to
the low side (bb1) causing B to move to B1.

Initial transverse metacentre is at M.

In the broader ship, a larger wedge of buoyancy is transferred from the high side to
the low side (bb1) causing B to move out further to B1. Initial transverse metacentre
is higher at M.

If the formula: BB1 = v  bb1


is considered, the larger the volume of the transferred wedge of buoyancy and the
greater the distance through which the centroid of the wedge is caused to shift, the
greater will be the outward movement of B as the ship is heeled.

Thus: KM increases as beam increases resulting in broader ships possessing greater

initial stability.

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)
4.4.2 Effect of draught
Figure 4.11 shows a ship heeled at two possible draughts. Again, consider the
BB1 = v  bb1

Fig. 4.11 – The effect of draught on KM.

At the load draught the volume of the transferred wedge of buoyancy (v) represents
a smaller percentage of the total volume of displacement of the ship (V) than it
would at the light draught.

Thus: KM decreases as draught increases for the normal range of operational

draughts of a ship.

Previous consideration of the metacentric diagram demonstrated that KM is a

function of both KB and BM; KB increasing with draught and BM decreasing with

HR0L 35 4. Initial Transverse Metacentre (M) (MAR Rev. 26-04-2022)

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