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Conditions of Stability
3.1 Introduction

3.2 Stable condition

3.3 Neutral condition

3.4 Unstable condition and angle of loll

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)
3.1 Introduction
A ship may become unstable if the centre of gravity (G) is allowed to rise too high.
There are a number of possible causes of this, principal ones being the loading of
too much weight high up in the ship and the effect of introduced free liquid surfaces
caused by slack tanks. Free surface effect is introduced in section 9, the effects of
which must be clearly understood.

This section simply discusses stability and instability in terms of the relative
positions of G, B and M. In the following descriptions of the different conditions, G
is assumed always to be on the centreline; the effect of list is not considered at this
stage. The container ship in the figures is shown to be heeled to 15° for the purpose
of explanation, but we have already stated that the metacentre (M) is only assumed
to be in a fixed position for small angles of heel.

3.2 Stable condition

A ship is in a stable condition of stability if, when forcibly heeled by an external
force in still water to a small angle of inclination, it returns to the upright when
the external force is removed.

Consider a ship initially upright in still water, the positions of G and B are shown
where the initial transverse metacentre M is above G, see figure 3.1.

KM - KG = GM; which has a positive value.

Fig. 3.1 - Stable condition.

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)
The ship is heeled by an external force to a small angle of inclination. Consideration
of the lines of action of weight force (Wf), acting downward from G, and buoyancy
force (Bf) acting upwards from B1 through the initial transverse metacentre (M),
shows that the ship will return to the upright condition when the external heeling
force is removed.

In this stable condition the righting lever GZ is acting to right the ship, being
positive. G is below M so the initial GM is positive.

3.3 Neutral condition

A ship is in a neutral condition of stability if, when forcibly heeled by an external
force in still water to a small angle of inclination, it comes to rest at an
indeterminate angle of heel within small angles of inclination.

Consider a ship initially upright in still water, the positions of G and B are shown
where G is at the same height as the initial transverse metacentre M, see figure 3.2.

KM - KG = GM; which has a value of zero (GM = 0!).

Fig. 3.2 - Neutral condition.

The ship is now heeled by an external force to a small angle of inclination.

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)
Since the ship has zero GM, the lines of action of Wf and Bf remain in the same
vertical; there is no horizontal separation between them when the ship is heeled
within small angles of inclination. Thus, righting lever GZ will not exist.

The ship will settle at an indeterminate angle of inclination within small angles.

Figure 3.3 illustrates the ship heeled beyond small angles where the centre of
buoyancy (B) has moved outboard of the centre of gravity (G). This causes a positive
righting lever to take effect to return the ship back to some indeterminate small
angle of inclination once the external force is removed.

Fig. 3.3 - The ship attains positive stability when heeled beyond small angles of inclination.

When heeled beyond small angles, the initial transverse metacentre (M) no longer
applies - hence the term initial. At these larger angles of heel M can be assumed to
be at some indeterminate position on the line of action of buoyancy force (Bf) at
any instant (M1); it just depends where the point of intersection of the lines of action
of buoyancy force are at a particular instant as the ship is in the process of heeling!
M1 might not even be on the centreline.

3.4 Unstable condition and angle of loll

A ship is in an unstable condition if, when inclined in still water to a small angle, it
continues to incline further.

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)

Consider an unstable ship that is upright in still water (if this was possible) with G
and B as shown. The initial transverse metacentre (M) is below G.

KM - KG = GM; which has a negative value.

Fig. 3.4 - Unstable condition.

The ship inclines to a small angle.

Consider the lines of action of Wf and Bf. They are acting in such a way as to cause
the ship to heel further over. GZ is a capsizing lever!

The question that comes to mind is: will the ship capsize?

Possibly! As the ship continues to heel further the centre of buoyancy (B) will move
outward as the underwater volume of the ship changes shape.

Provided that the centre of buoyancy can move sufficiently outboard to attain a new
position vertically below G, then the capsizing lever will disappear and the ship will
come to rest at an angle of loll, see figure 3.5 (a).

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)
Fig. 3.5 (a) Fig. 3.5 (b)
The ship at angle of loll. Note that by definition If the ship is heeled beyond the angle of loll
this must be a large angle of heel as the line of GZ becomes positive; M is now a moving
action of Bf no longer passes through M (the metacentre (M1).
initial transverse metacentre).

If the ship is heeled beyond the angle of loll by external forces, the centre of
buoyancy (B) will move outboard of the centre of gravity (G). This creates a positive
righting lever (GZ) that will act to return the ship back to the angle of loll, see
figure 3.5 (b).

It is to be noted that the ship acquires a new positive GM at the angle of loll. This
must be true, since the righting levers become positive when heeled beyond the
angle of loll.

A ship lying at an angle of loll is in a potentially dangerous situation. If wind and/or
waves were to cause the ship to roll through the vertical, it would, in theory, come
to rest at the same angle of loll on the other side. However, the momentum of the
ship as it rolls over may be sufficient to cause it to capsize. In any event, cargo shift
would be likely which would cause the situation to worsen further. It has so far been
assumed that the centre of gravity of the ship remains on the centreline.

The effects of ‘free liquid surfaces’ in slack tanks are a principal cause of instability
in ships. This, and other likely causes of instability, are discussed in detail in later

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)
Fig. 3.6 – A Ro-Ro ship at a dangerous angle of loll; the ship had to be saved by a salvage team after all
the crew were evacuated.

HR0L 35 3. Conditions of Stability (MAR Rev. 26-4-2022)

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