Guía Semana 4

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Guía N° 3 Inglés: will/going to

Asignatura/ Módulo: Inglés Horas de trabajo: 2 horas Profesora: Camila Ancamil-Guillermo Castro
Alumno (a): Curso: 1° Fecha: __/ /23
Objetivo de Aprendizaje:
Reconocer expresiones de futuro Will / Going to y aplicarlas en contexto.
1.- Diferencias expresiones de futuro en textos cotidianos.
2.- Utilizar y aplicar las expresiones de futuro de acuerdo a su estructura y reglas gramaticales.

I. Read the text and answer the questions.


Jack got up and got dressed. Then, he looked at his toothbrush and he said, ‘In 2023, I
brush my teeth after every meal.’ The tooth brush fell over. Jack went downstairs and he
looked at his mother and he said, ‘In 2023, I will always be nice to you’, and his mother
at him.

When Jack arrived at school, he had no homework to hand in. He said to his teacher, Mr
Hicks, ‘Sir, in 2023, I will always do my homework.’ Mr Hicks smiled at Jack.

At lunchtime, Jack went to the canteen and he ate a burger and fries. He said to his
friend, ‘In 2023, I will stop eating fast food and I will eat healthy foods like chicken,
fish and salad.’ Jack’s friend smiled.

When Jack arrived home after school, he ate his dinner and then he logged on to his
computer and he started playing computer games.
He played for three hours and he said to
himself, ‘In 2023, I will not play computer
games all the time. I will play for only one
hour a day.’ He looked in the mirror and he
smiled at himself. You see, Jack made these
resolutions for 2022, but
he didn’t stick to them.

Maybe 2023? Come on, Jack, you can do it!

Make 2014 your year!

II. Tick the resolutions that Jack made.

1) I will stop smoking.
2) I will eat healthier food.
3) I will walk to school instead of taking the bus.
4) I will always be nice to my mother.
5) I will stop spending so much money on sweets and chocolate.
6) I will brush my teeth after every meal.
7) I will always do my homework.
8) I will keep my bedroom clean and tidy.
9) I will not spend so much time playing on my computer.
10) I will take the dog for a walk when my mother asks me to.

III. Circle the correct answer

1.Oh look! It is going to/ will snow soon.

2. Next summer I am going to/ will backpack around Europe.

3. Ring! Ring! I am going to/ I’ll answer it.

4. I think our team is going to/ will win the match.

5. In 2055 robots are going to/ will be our teachers.

6. Tonight we are going to have/ will have a birthday party for my brother.

7. Sponge Bob is going to/ will work at the Crabby Patty tonight.

8. My friends are going to/ will go to the movies tonight.

9. I doubt that he is going to/ will pass the English test.

10. He is going to/ will study for the test tomorrow.

11. Be careful! You are going to/ will drop the dishes.

12. During summer vacation we are going to/ will go swimming every day.

13. I’m sure that you are going to/ will find your lost ring.

14. I am going to/ will help you carry your books.

15. Look out! That dog is going to/ will bite you if you get near him.

IV. Fill in will or the correct form of be going to

1. Next Saturday we (attend) an NBA game.

2. I think the game (be) at the Olympic arena.

3. My father (buy) tickets tonight.

4. the Miami Heat (win) the championship?

5. The weather (be) dreadful tomorrow. But I doubt that it (snow)

in June.

6. We use the word(s) when we want to talk about predictions.

7. In 300 years people (travel) with flying cars instead of airplanes.

8. We use the word(s) when we offer to help someone.

9. I (lift) that heavy box for you.

10. I think that schools (not/use) books-

they (give) every child a tablet computer.

11. When we speak about plans we use


12. Later I (read) a science fiction book on my e-reader.

V. State if the sentences are true or false.

1. will is used for plans

2. will is used for predictions

3. am going to is used for plans

4. will is used for offers of help

6. will is used for something likely to happen

7. am going to is used after I think

8. will is used for decisions I make now

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