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It was the battle for the liberation of the Spanish yoke. A historic moment for the life of
Ecuador. The story points to Marshal Antonio José de Sucre as the great manager of the
battle of Pichincha that gave way to a process of independence that would become concrete
on August 10 Independence of Ecuador.

After the liberation of Guayaquil, on

October 9, 1820, the country entered into a
profound refoundation of its identity and
after two failed attempts to free itself from
oppression, the great battle took place on
the slopes of the Pichincha volcano, hence
History remembers that episode as the
Battle of Pichincha.

It was in the year 1822, where Sucre decided to face the Spanish troops with 1,700 men
who with the passage of time became 3,000 thanks to San Martin.

The big day was about to arrive, it was the early morning of May 23 when the troops
silently go to the Pichincha to plan what would be the battle of freedom and triumph.

After mishaps and hours of waiting, on May 24 the battle takes place under a blazing sun.
Despite the casualties, the victorious soldiers climbed the top of the volcano.

Once on the summit they celebrated victory and with it one of the most memorable days for
the history of Ecuador was consecrated.

May 24 is considered a civic date for the heroes who offered their lives for freedom. With
the Battle of Pichincha, the political independence of Ecuador that marked the beginning of
the republican and autonomous life of Ecuador was sealed.


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