Aqa Gcse Theme e Crime and Punishment Quiz 3

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AQA GCSE Theme E - Crime and Punishment (Quiz 3) Score:

1. "With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and
struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear" - Matthew 26:51
When Jesus was arrested one of his disciples cut off a servants ear in anger. How did
Jesus respond?
A Thanked the disciple and encouraged others to hurt those arresting him

B Rebuked (showed extreme disapproval) the disciple and healed the man

C Took the sword from the disciple and removed the other ear from the servant

D Started a fight

E Shouted at the servant

2. How should a Muslim respond to people they have caused harm to?
A They should forget about it and move on

B They should learn from their mistakes

C They can use their free will to act as they want, eve if this causes harm to others

D If they have caused someone harm they should be honest and try to repair the damage they have

E They should ask God for forgiveness and repent

3. Which of these is the correct definition of prison?

A punishment of the offender by ending their life

B the ability to make decisions freely

C punishment that makes offenders work in the community for free

D punishment of an offender by causing them physical harm

E a secure building where offenders are kept for a period of time

4. Which of these statements is not true about prison?

A It is illegal in the UK

B It is a punishment for a variety of crimes

C The punishment is a loss of liberty - they do not have a choice how and where to spend their time

D People are locked in cells, fed and allowed exercise and interaction at set times

E Trusted offenders can get work

F Some offenders are allowed to take part in education or training

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5. Which of these statements is not true about Corporal punishment?
A Offenders are punished by inflicting physical pain

B It is illegal in the UK

C It is used in some Muslim countries and can include caning, being whipped or having limbs (hands)
cut off

D People are locked in cells, fed and allowed exercise at set times

E The punishments usually take place in public

F Some people view this punishment as a breach of human rights

6. Which of these statements is not true about Community service

A This is a punishment for minor crimes

B Allows offenders a chance to reform

C Includes community payback such as cleaning graffiti from buildings

D Can include treatment for addictions, counselling or educational opportunities

E This punishment is illegal in the UK

F In some cases this does involve "restorative justice". This is where the offender meets and apologies
to the victim.

7. Shariah law does not include community service

A True

B False

8. "Criminals should not be treated well in prison" - Why might a Christian

disagree with this statement
A Prisons should be humane and civilized. People should disagree with the actions the person has
committed not the person. If someone is treated well they will reform and change their lives.

B Prisons should be inhumane and uncivilized. People should disagree with the actions the person has
committed and punish the person. If someone is treated well they might reform and change their

C Prisons should be a place of punishment. People should not have it easy if they have hurt someone

D Prisons should not be soft but should be a place criminals are kept alive and given time to think.

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9. Which of these is not a Christian teaching about forgiveness?
A 70 x 7 - "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who
sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but
seventy-seven times ! " (Matthew 18:22

B The woman caught in adultery - “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at
her.” (John 8:7)

C The lost/prodigal son - "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours" (Luke 15:32

D The Lord's Prayer - "and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us"

E An eye for an eye - "if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24eye for eye, tooth for
tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot" (Exodus 21:23)

F Jesus on the cross - "forgive them father, they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 22:34)

10. Which of these quotes is not about forgiveness in Islam?

A "Lying is an evil greater than drinking wine" - Quran

B "The angels glorify and praise their Lord and seek forgiveness for those on the earth. Verily, Allah is
the Forgiving, the Merciful" -Quran 42:5

C "Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant" - Quran 7:199

D Pardon each other's faults and [God] will grant you honor" - Hadith

E "Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not wish that God should forgive you? God is most forgiving
and merciful" - Quran 24:22

11. Which of these is the correct definition of the principle of utility

A The idea that life is holy and sacred because it was given by God

B The idea that an action is right if it makes the most people happy

C The idea that an action is right if it leads to good consequences

D The idea that something maybe morally right in one place but not another

E The idea that an action is right if it makes you happy

12. Which of these is the correct definition of consequentialism?

A The idea that life is holy and sacred because it was given by God

B The idea that an action is right if it makes the most people happy

C The idea that an action is right if it leads to good consequences

D The idea that something maybe morally right in one place but not another

E The idea that an action is right if it makes you happy

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13. Which of these is the correct definition of the sanctity of life?
A The idea that life is holy and sacred because it was given by God

B The idea that an action is right if it makes the most people happy

C The idea that an action is right if it leads to good consequences

D The idea that something maybe morally right in one place but not another

E The idea that an action is right if it makes you happy

14. Which of these is the correct definition of moral relativism?

A The idea that life is holy and sacred because it was given by God

B The idea that an action is right if it makes the most people happy

C The idea that an action is right if it leads to good consequences

D The idea that something maybe morally right in one place but not another

E The idea that an action is right if it makes you happy

15. Which of these is the correct definition of hedonism?

A The idea that life is holy and sacred because it was given by God

B The idea that an action is right if it makes the most people happy

C The idea that an action is right if it leads to good consequences

D The idea that something maybe morally right in one place but not another

E The idea that an action is right if it makes you happy

16. In which of these countries is the death penalty (capital punishment) legal?
A The UK

B California

C Greenland

D Australia

E China

17. In which of these countries is the death penalty (capital punishment) illegal?
A Egypt

B The UK

C Botswana

D Indonesia

E Japan

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18. Which of these is not an argument in favor of the death penalty (capital
A It protects society as kills those willing to hurt others

B Innocent people die

C "An eye for an eye"

D Retribution is justified for people who commit the worst crimes

E It deters people from committing crimes because they know what will happen to them

F Criminals cannot re-offend

19. Which of these is not an argument against the death penalty (capital
A "Do not take life, which God has made sacred, except by right" - Quran 6:151. It is acceptable for
people who have murdered or raped someone.

B Innocent people die

C Wrongdoers should be reformed NOT killed

D Statistically capital punishment is not a deterrence as countries with the death penalty have more
murders than areas that don't

E God gave life and only he has the authority to take it

20. Which of these countries uses Corporal Punishment?

A Slovenia

B Ireland

C Germany

D Latvia

E Iran

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