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WAP to calculate simple interest

2. WAP to calculate area of triangle using Hero’s formula
3. WAP to calculate area of circle.
4. WAP to convert Farenheit to celcius and vica versa.
5. WAP to swap two numbers using third variable
6. WAP to swap two numbers without using third variable.
7. WAP to find greatest of 3 numbers using nested if-else.
8. WAP to find greatest of 3 numbers using logical operators.
9. WAP to give grading to students based on their marks.
10. WAP to check whether the given number is even or odd.
11. WAP to check whether the entered year is leap year or not.
12. WAP to create a simple calculator using switch case.
13. Write a C program to find sum of all natural numbers between 1 to n.
14. Write a C program to print all even and odd numbers separately from 1 to 100.
15. Write a C program to check whether a number is Prime number or not.
16. Write a C program to calculate sum of digits of a number
17. Write a C program to count number of digits in a number.
18. Write a C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
19. Write a C program to calculate factorial of a number.
20. Write a C program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not.
21. Write a C program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms.
22. WAP to print the following patterns:
23. WAP to swap two numbers using
(i) Call by value
(ii) Call by reference
24. WAP to find factorial of a number using recursion.
25. WAP to print Fibonacci series using recursion.
26. WAP to find sum and average of the elements of an array.
27. Finding smallest and largest element in an array.
28. Find the transpose of a matrix.
29. Adding two matrices.
30. Multiply two matrices.
31. WAP using string functions(strlen, strcmp, strcpy, strcat, strrev)
32. WAP to check whether the given string is palindrome or not without using string function.
33. WAP to calculate length of a string without using string function.
34. WAP to implement structures.
35. WAP to count number of characters, new lines and tabs in a given file.
36. WAP to copy the contents of one file into another.
37. WAP to implement insertion sort.
38. WAP to implement bubble sort.
39. WAP to implement selection sort.
40. WAP to implement linear search and binary search.

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