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Sixto Paz Wells


Opening our eyes to

another reality


We continue sharing the books of the 3 most renowned contactees of today: Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez and
Fernando Mostajo.

Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez and Fernando Mostajo. But before sharing

sharing I want to advise you something very important: IF YOU CAN BUY THE ORIGINAL BOOK, IT WOULD BE BEST

ORIGINAL BOOK, IT WOULD BE BETTER, as in this way you are contributing to the

the economy of the mentioned authors; but if the case is that you cannot acquire a copy, then and only then

a copy, then and only then can you download it from SCRIBD with the LINK I have sent to most of the

LINK that I have sent to most of the brothers and that you can find on their wall

as well as my own (My Facebook is:

Returning to the note. I say; if there is something in common between the 3 mentioned (the SRF trio) it is

that; they are all aware that GROUP PHYSICAL CONTACTS ARE COMING and each of them

and each one of them in their own particular way and mission are contributing so that "the

that "those who have to go through this experience, will be reunited as soon as possible...".

as soon as possible...". In this direction (coming physical contacts) my contribution today is to

to share Sixto Paz's book "Extraterrestrials. Opening the eyes to another reality".

from the study of which you will know that it was in 1947 that the modern era of UFO's began

with the case of the civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold, who saw nine very strange objects in broad daylight above the

daylight over Mount Rainier in Washington. Later on,

in 1952, when the waves of UFO sightings were increasing in major US cities, the

major cities in the United States, the government came under pressure and instituted Project Blue Book

instituted the Air Force's Project Blue Book of UFO research, which coincided with the beginning of the UFO era.

coincided with the dawn of the contactee era; just as a Polish-born, naturalised American

American naturalised Pole, George Adamski, claimed to have come into direct

direct communication with a being from the planet Venus called Orthon.

But it was in Peru, in 1974, that the era of contact groups began, the channelling of telepathic messages to

channeling of telepathic messages through psychography, and it is not that there were not contacts and contactees

contacts and contactees did not exist before 1974; but it is from the experience of the Rama group

experience of the group Rama sin "h" in Peru in that year, that it was seriously publicised
seriously, spreading as a massive phenomenon, thanks to the dedication of the brothers Sixto Paz and Charlie Paz,

Sixto Paz and Charlie Paz, who later travelled to Brazil to continue spreading Rama's

to continue spreading the universal message of Rama Misión. Today, there are

countless cases of people all over the world who have observed or are observing the UFO phenomenon and

the whole planet the UFO phenomenon and many of them have had contacts or direct encounters with

direct encounters with extraterrestrials, although few are those who have had direct

have any memory of it.

Unlike the past age of Pisces, we are now in the age of transition to Aquarius; the time when the

time when information begins to be released openly, and what better time than the written and televised media.

the written as well as televised media are beginning to touch very seriously on the subject of the possibility of

the possibility of physical contacts with ETs, which was prophesied by many in the past.

prophesied by many in the past era. Physical contacts in greater numbers, both individual and group, are

and the Rama, or Rahma, has to be prepared to face this fact.

to be prepared to face that fact; that is why I am inclined to share this book by Sixto Paz, in which

I am therefore inclined to share this book by Sixto Paz, in which, except for Sixto's insistence to take the credit for

the press for the first demonstration of the reality of physical contact in Rama.

in Rama (It was not him but his brother Charlie Paz, today Veronica Paz, who was in

Chilca with the Spanish journalist J.J. Benítez); it is a synthetic study that helps us to understand the evolution of the
UFO phenomenon and the

understand the evolution of the UFO phenomenon and the contactees.

to understand what is the responsibility that comes from the contact with ETs.





INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 10


of UFOs ................................................................................................. 13

THE BIBLE AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS. The Bible and its history ........... 43


Second World War and the foo-fighters. The beginning of the

The beginning of the UFO era, The Kenneth Arnold case, The Roswell case,

The Majestic-12 ................................................................................. 110


Information Release Act, The "phantom" planes ... 127

THE SILENCE CONSPIRACY, The "Men in Black", The MK-Ultra, The intoxication of the

MK-Ultra, The Information Intoxication .............................................. 144

EVIDENCE OF ITS REALITY. The witnesses. Ruling out

possibilities. Advanced technology. Astronauts and

UFOs. The crop circles .............................................................................. 150

EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT. The contactees. The extraterrestrial

message. The Xendra ................................................................... 185


Contactist Sects. Abductions and mutilations ............................ 259

GLOSSARY ............................................................................................... 269

There will come a time when diligent and prolonged research will bring to light things that are hidden today.

(...) A time will come when our descendants will be astonished that we were ignorant of things we did not know.

will be astonished that we were ignorant of things that are so clear to them.

Seneca, Natural Questions. Book 7

Of all illusions, the most dangerous is to think that there is only one reality.


Paul Watzlawick

We are not the reality, but only a reflection; we are not the light, but only a glimmer.

Subcomandante Marcos


All this visible universe, said Lucretius two thousand years ago, is not unique in nature, and

we must believe that there are in other regions of space, other lands, other beings and other men.


Camillo Flammarion. The plurality of inhabited worlds.

It was on a hot, clear day in June 1947 that the modern era of UFOs (flying objects) began.

modern era of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) began. On that day

the high-profile case of the civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold, who saw nine very strange objects in broad daylight in

nine very strange objects in broad daylight over Mount Rainier, Washington.

Washington. Arnold, a well-known businessman, stood to lose a lot by

Arnold, a well-known businessman, stood to lose a great deal by telling; however, in his enthusiasm and without
measuring the risks, he

openly. A few days later, corroborating his experience, the spectacular accident occurred and the
spectacular accident and subsequent discovery of a crashed UFO in the town of Roswell, New Mexico.

of Roswell in New Mexico, precisely near an important military base.

military base. Later, in 1952, when the waves of UFO sightings were increasing in the most important cities of the

in major U.S. cities, the government came under pressure from the press and the

government was pressured by the press and the public at large to set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the

to set up a commission of enquiry for the public. For this reason, the

Project Blue Book of Air Force UFO research was instituted, coinciding with the beginning of the UFO era.

coincided with the dawn of the contactee era, when a Polish-born, American-nationalised

American-born Pole, George Adamski, claimed that he had come into direct

direct communication with a being from the planet Venus called Orthon.

He then provided a multitude of data, messages and powerful photographs,

as well as some unusual film footage, which to this day have not been objectively disproved.

objectively disproved.


After several decades, in 1974, the era of contact groups began:

collectives of people who began channelling alleged telepathic messages simultaneously, confronting each other

simultaneously, confronting their receptions with each other and having group sightings and encounters.

group sightings and encounters, with which they corroborated the authenticity of claims and

authenticity of the claims and experiences. All this brought about a certain

transformation in the figure of the contactee, who was no longer the main or only channel, the centre of attention
and the

or sole channel, the centre of attention and even a sort of modern prophet, in order to share responsibility and

responsibility and turn the reception into a collective experience of preparation and growth, in which the

collective experience of preparation and growth, where the message, not the messenger, is the

most important. But it should be made clear that it is not that contacts and contactees did not exist before

and contactees, and even contact groups, but that it is from the experience of the Rama

the experience of the Rama group in Peru in that year, when, through the press, present in the

the press, present in the sightings, it was seriously publicised, spreading as a massive

spreading as a massive phenomenon. This modification in the way of

helped to avoid mentalism and reduced the danger of the game of the egos, massifying the opportunity to

the opportunity for channelling, and by having many people simultaneously receiving the same answers to the same

people simultaneously receiving the same answers to the same questions.

questions. Certainly, everything has its risks, and on the subject of contacteeism
the possibilities of error are also very great, so that all the more reason for great care, discipline and

all the more reason for the utmost care, discipline and seriousness in handling it.

The great contribution of contacteeism and the contact group is, as we said,

that it has universalised the experience, taking it out of the domain of a few initiates or chosen ones

or chosen few, having made its practice, message and teaching accessible to all, and

serving as a cornerstone for the verification of the UFO phenomenon as a real, investigable and, at the same time,
researchable fact.

a real, researchable and, above all, repeatable fact; an intelligent phenomenon of extraterrestrial and corroborative

of extraterrestrial origin and corroborated through scheduled meetings by appointment, of which

scheduled encounters, to which many journalists and military personnel have been impartial and objective

many journalists and military personnel.


Over the course of more than three decades, seven scheduled encounters were channelled, organised and
conducted by the Rama Mission.

seven scheduled meetings with the press were channelled, organised and carried out by the Rama Mission.

This has demonstrated that extraterrestrial contact is real.

group, but contact in general is a reality.

As a contactee and as an integral part of the contact phenomenon I can say about

myself that I had had the opportunity and the privilege to be born in the home of a great UFO researcher, a great

a great researcher of the UFO phenomenon, as was my father José Carlos Paz García, now deceased.

García, now deceased. I had been brought up in a family environment stimulated by my mother's

spirit of curiosity and adventure of my mother, the Mochi, inherited in turn from my grandfather, a chemist and
archaeologist who collaborated

my grandfather, a chemist and archaeologist and collaborator of the famous Julio C. Tello. My father

had come to experience this reality firsthand and knew authorities in the field and other people who had

authorities on the subject and other people who had experienced the same thing. All this has

enriched me internally and the circumstances of life have motivated me and allowed me to dedicate myself

and life circumstances have motivated me and allowed me to dedicate myself nowadays to the dissemination and
research in

the message that comes from the visit of beings from other worlds and everything related to the

worlds and everything related to their presence here, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Today there are countless cases of people all over the world who have observed or are currently observing the

the UFO phenomenon all over the planet, and many of them have had the possibility of direct

possibility of direct encounters, of which few have any memory. Also

There are also a multitude of cases of bedroom visitors, which sometimes are often anthropomorphic
holographic anthropomorphic images or strange spherical, cylindrical or pyramidal luminous objects,

cylindrical or pyramidal, or simple lights no bigger than a fist and others the size of a football.

the dimensions of a football. It is also worth noting

that there is an exponential increase in the number of experiences in dreams, i.e. during the so-called

that is, during the so-called astral travels, are increasing exponentially.

Today we can no longer see the UFO phenomenon as something isolated and outside the context of the whole

the context of the whole human process, but as something that is a fundamental part of our own evolution.

fundamental to the understanding of our own evolution on the planet.

Today we can associate all that is known and is being rediscovered in order to understand


this reality, such as the fact that 1947, when the modern era of UFOs began, was not just any year.

UFOs, was not just any year. It was the beginning of Aquarius, symbolised by the young waterboy

water carrier Ganymede, abducted by Zeus to take him as a cupbearer to Olympus. A

case of abduction handed down through Greek mythology.

Unlike the age of Pisces, when there was little information, we are entering

Aquarius, the time when information begins to be openly released.

what better time than when the Dead Sea Scrolls are found and UFO research begins.

UFO research begins. But 1947 was not only a year of discoveries and unusual findings.

unusual discoveries, it was a year of prophecy and prophesy. The Mayans had two calendars

one solar and the other lunar, and every 52 years they coincided on the same date;

then there was a cosmic alignment and something extraordinary was expected to happen.

something extraordinary was expected to happen. The Nahuatl or Aztecs inherited these calendars, in such a way
that every four

that every four cycles of 52 years, that is, every 208 years, something very important had to happen.

something very important had to happen. In 1531, a long cycle of 208 years was completed, the date on which

Tonantzin appeared there on the hill of Tepeyac (Virgin of Guadalupe).

Guadalupe). Precisely in 1947 a long cycle was completed, so something important had to happen.

happened, and it did, generating a chain reaction of events.

chain reaction of events.

For all these reasons, it is my intention to humbly contribute to this study, in the light of

who contemplates the subject not from the outside, but rather from the inside, from the vision of the contactees,
where everything

vision of the contactees, where everything makes sense, where everything tells you something, and where the

where the clues to interpret abound, with the aim of not convincing or proving anything, but only to illustrate and
to convince or prove anything, but only to illustrate and inform about what I consider to be a truth that is being

is being expressed forcefully every day.




We saw in the sky what looked like a mass of scarlet clouds, similar to terrible flames of a burning fire.

a burning fire. From this mass came flashing forth many flashing objects and tremendous roars (...) and

tremendous roars (...) and hundreds of wheels of fire were seen.

Karna Parva. Hindu epic poem.

What are UFOs?

They are unidentified flying objects that have been observed in the sky,

over land and under water or emerging from water throughout history by all kinds of people.

by all kinds of people. All the myths and legends of ancient peoples

speak of them and describe them as wheels, discs, flying chariots, dragons, the glory of God, and so on,

the glory of God, and so on. We must always take into account the possibility

that many of the observations of UFOs would fit into the explanation of cosmic, atmospheric and

cosmic, atmospheric or meteorological phenomena: meteors, whimsical clouds, aurorae borealis, etc.

clouds, northern lights, mirages, light refraction, thermal inversion or observation errors.

observation errors. Nowadays we could add space debris,

misinterpretations of terrestrial spacecraft or balloon probes, and even fraud.

even fraud. But even so, discarding a large percentage of cases, we find a significant volume of them that

a significant volume of them that point to an intelligent phenomenon and a superior alien technology.

intelligent phenomenon and superior alien technology. Moreover, in the past

there was no possibility of being confused with aerial devices of terrestrial origin,

since they did not exist.

Can it be said then that the UFO phenomenon is an intelligent phenomenon?

Certainly, since many observations defy the laws of physics known to us and, by interacting

known to us and, by interacting with the landscape and the witnesses, show intelligent behaviour and reveal an

show intelligent behaviour and reveal a kind of willingness to manifest themselves by gradually

to manifest themselves by gradually attracting attention, gradually tightening communication with human beings.

communication with human beings.

If some of the UFOs are extraterrestrial craft, what should we call them?

Precisely the term agreed upon by researchers is nowadays the

ved" (directed extraterrestrial vehicle), as opposed to the traditional "UFO" (unidentified flying object).

unidentified flying object).

How long have extraterrestrials been visiting us?

Since time immemorial. In the caves of Asia, Europe and America, inhabited by primitive humans

inhabited by primitive man, as well as in petroglyphs scattered around the world, we see shapes, forms, shapes and

all over the world, we see shapes, drawings and ideas expressed that make reference to the

reference to the visit and presence on Earth of gods or envoys of the gods from heaven.

from heaven. Popular traditions such as the sacred books also

strange and spectacular spacecraft, chariots of fire, flying dragons, flaming shields

flying dragons, shields with flaming wheels... To this should be added some paleontological and archaeological

paleontological and archaeological evidence that does not stand up to logical interpretation from the

logical interpretation from the current parameters of science.

Is there any reference to the presence of UFOs descending from the sky in legends of the origins of the

sky in legends of the origins of mankind?

Yes, there are plenty. Let us take a South American case. For this we refer to

the Spanish chroniclers of the conquest in the New World, Avendaño and Cieza de

León, and we find the following:

"The deluge had wiped out the human species. To repopulate the earth, three eggs came down from heaven

three eggs came down from heaven: one of gold, one of silver and the third of copper. Out of the

of gold the curacas [kings and nobles], from the silver the ñustas [noble maidens] and from the copper the rest of
the people.

from the copper one the rest of the people. Pachacámac [the creator of the earth], after the flood, repopulated the

flood, repopulated the earth, sending four stars, two males and two females, and from one pair the

from one pair were born the nobles and kings and from the other the common people. At

ordered the return of the progenitor stars to the sky, he commanded that the curacas


[chiefs] to become stones that should be the object of worship. Manco

Capac, among them."

(Luis E. Valcárcel, Historia del Perú Antiguo, Tomo II, pp. 389-390).

As we can see, in both legends, the word "repopulate" is mentioned, which refers to cataclysmic

reference to previous cataclysmic destructions and to having given the planet a new chance.

planet a new opportunity.

Are the Nazca lines evidence of an extraterrestrial presence in the past?

Yes, of course they are. The Nazca petroglyphs are a puzzle to scientists, who thought they saw in them

scientists, who initially thought they saw only ceremonial trails (ceques) leading deep into the

(ceques) leading into the desert; and then, also, a gigantic astronomical calendar, where a gigantic

astronomical calendar, where the solstices and equinoxes were recorded.

But would it make sense that it was just a calendar scattered over 350 square kilometres?

and especially now that new, much more complex figures have been discovered at a great distance from the first

much more complex and ancient figures have been discovered on the flattened mountain peaks of the

flattened mountain tops in the locality of Palpa, also in southern Peru.

There are many of us who see in them an evident sign of an extraterrestrial presence.

extraterrestrial presence. From a small plane we can fly over the lines, tracks and figures, and then we have before
us the

and then the mystery unfolds before us. The whole

landscape of the southern Peruvian desert, marked by those huge glyphs that give us the

glyphs that give the clear impression of being a real "astroport".

"astropport": a place marked for the embarkation or disembarkation of someone from the sky.

coming from the sky.

And even a reminder that, those who came promised to return when mankind developed its aeronautics and

mankind developed its aeronautics and astronautics and was then able to give them

then able to give them their rightful interpretation by association of ideas or by comparison with what we have

we have achieved. It is true that extraterrestrial spacecraft do not have a

landing gear, so they don't need airports, but underneath that



desert area there is a large concentration of iron ore that could be related to the use of magnetic fields.

related to the harnessing of magnetic fields.

The Nazca lines, in addition to being a spectacular astronomical calendar (which is not ruled out), are also

which is not ruled out), are a stellar map that would mark the origin of the cosmic visitors that thousands of years

cosmic visitors who arrived in the area thousands of years ago. They would also be

a kind of diagram of the lines of force that operate throughout the planet Earth (like currents or

Earth (as energy currents or highways), as well as pointing in the direction of the most important

to the most important mineral deposits in this part of the world.

Are there other similar figures in other parts of the world?

As I was saying, older and more spectacular ones have been discovered in the
area of Palpa, north of Nazca. We also found figures and designs in the

Atacama desert (Chile), in the north of Mexico, in Ohio in the south of the United States and in the south of

and in the south of England, near the most important megalithic monuments.

megalithic monuments.

We are not at the centre of creation, but are we the centre of life in the universe?

Are we the only inhabited planet or planet with intelligent life?

Our planet is 149,532,000 kilometres away from the Sun, eight minutes

light minutes in scientists' unit of measurement, called the astronomical unit (AU).

(AU). We are in a solar system with nine planets, a number of satellites or moons, and infinity.

satellites or moons and an infinite number of asteroids, and we are continually visited by many

comets, which enter deep inside and then wander away.

The distance between the Sun and the most distant planet, Pluto, is about 40 AU.

more distant comets but which, as I said, are part of our home in the Solar System are about 100,000 AU away.

Solar System are about 100,000 AU. This gives us the diameter of

our system. Our star is one of about four hundred billion in the galaxy.

billion in the galaxy; and our system is one in a hundred billion. Our

galaxy is 100,000 light-years across. In order to be able to encompass such large

large sizes, the parsec and kiloparsec are now used.

A parsec is equivalent to 200,000 AU and a kiloparsec is equivalent to 1.0 parsecs.

Thus, we could say that our galaxy has a diameter of 33

kiloparsecs. Our galaxy is just one of hundreds of billions of galaxies, many of which are

galaxies, many of which are clustered around a main galaxy. The

distances are also measured in light-years, which is the distance that light travels in one year, approximately nine
trillion and

a year, approximately nine and a half trillion kilometres. Our

Our system is thirty-three thousand light years from the centre of the galaxy.

even at the centre, but at the periphery!... and the galaxy closest to us, which is M 31, is M 31.

us, which is M 31, also called the Andromeda Nebula, is two million light years from us.

two million light-years away. In our galaxy, just as in the

in the universe, there are blue, violet, red, orange, white, yellow, yellow, brown stars..., proof of this,

brown..., proof that diversity is the norm. The Creator did not lack

imagination to conceive and nuance, so we necessarily have to open our minds to diversity and to the

to open our minds to diversity and similarity, without necessarily hurting our religious susceptibility.

hurt our religious susceptibility.

But is the universe empty or full? And, if it is full, what is it full of?"

Scientists have recently discovered that the universe is not empty, but full.

but that it is full, they just don't yet know what it is full of. But the contents have been

described as dark matter, cosmic dust and clouds of organic molecules.

There are countless stars surrounded by clouds of gas and dust containing organic molecules.

organic molecules. According to the theory of panspermia (life is dispersed throughout the cosmos).

dispersed throughout the cosmos), some scientists believe that life on Earth could have come from Orion, Orion's

Earth may have come from Orion, as organic molecules have been discovered there that have the same structure as
organic molecules.

molecules have been discovered there that have the same structure as those on our planet. This theory

theory of the origin of life outside our world has already been put forward by Nobel laureate Francis Creek.

Nobel laureate Francis Creek.

In such a vast universe, where distances and time are nothing, where

Earth is less than a grain of sand on an immense beach, and it is not the only beach, why should we

is not the only beach, why should we be the only intelligent living beings?


Religions teach us that we are the centre of God's creation, is this so?

Is this so? It has only been five hundred years since it was demonstrated in a sensible way that we were not the only

that we were not the centre of the universe. Today, what we are finding most difficult to accept is that we are not
the centre of the universe either.

is that we would not be the centre of creation either, nor the origin of life itself.

origin of life itself.

If life exists in other parts of the universe, is it more or less advanced than ours?

than our own. There is everything, higher and lower life, places where life has not yet been

life is not yet consolidated and others where it has already ended or passed to levels incomprehensible to us.


Are extraterrestrials better than us or different?

Some are technologically more advanced. But that does not make them better,

it simply places them in a higher state of evolution. It's like the older brother

older brother in college: he's not better than you because you're in elementary school.

primary school. If beings from other worlds have always been coming to Earth from other worlds,

why do they come and where do they come from?

They come to study us, to learn through us, and some of them to

remember evolutionary processes that they forgot or neglected. There are those who require
experience the recovery of feelings and emotions, and to live as part of their evolutionary process, compassion and

compassion and charity through humanity as part of their evolutionary process.

They come from many different places, for life is sprinkled throughout the universe.

Only the most advanced visit us, because those who are like us or in inferior conditions cannot leave us.

Inferiority cannot leave their environment. They come from planets

from stars known to us such as Betelgeuse, Belatrix and Rigel in Orion,

from the star Wolf 424, from the star Zeta Reticuli in Ursa Major, from Sirius B in Can Major, from Alpha in Centauri,
from Alpha in Centauri, from Alpha in Centauri, from Alpha in Centauri.

Can Major, Alpha in Centaurus, etc.

What scientific efforts have been made to try to contact extraterrestrial civilisations?

extraterrestrial civilisations?

In 1960, Dr. Otto Struve and Dr. Frarik Drake of the Green Bank Observatory in the United States, by using the

observatory (USA), using radio telescopes, initiated the


search for intelligent life in space through Project Ozma. The idea

was to pick up radio signals from the cosmos and decode them using computers.

of computers. This programme was updated years later with the

SETI project, which uses huge equipment such as the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico.

Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. Interesting results had been obtained earlier when scientists such as Drs.

scientists such as Drs. Burke and Franklin of the Carnegie Institution picked up intelligent

Carnegie Institute picked up intelligent signals from an unknown source.

But looking for extraterrestrial radio signals, when radio waves travel at the speed of light

travel at the speed of light (very slowly for such vast distances) is like trying to communicate

like shouting to communicate with a village from a mountain, or that in this age of the cell phone, the fax and the

the mobile phone, fax or Internet, when closing an urgent transaction, you communicate with letters.

urgent transaction, you communicate with letters. In the case of the mountain, it is difficult to be heard.

and in any case any possible connection or reception would be more a product of chance than anything else.

and in the case of mail, there is not much certainty that our letter will arrive on time.

certainty that our letter will arrive on time, if it arrives at all. As

we are truly in a race against time, since human existence is ephemeral, we do not

human existence is ephemeral, we can neither wait too long, nor be on hold.

on tenterhooks. That is why there should be a more secure form of communication,

efficient and practical, beyond time and space, as well as a way of travelling that saves distances by

travel that saves distances by making time work for us.

Sceptics often argue for the implausibility of contact with someone

(who would have to be, according to them, the same as us; otherwise life and communication would be impossible),
because it would be absurd

communication would be impossible), because it would be absurd to cross such incredible distances. If everyone

If everyone had this mentality, we would never have reached the Moon, discovered America, or traded with Japan,

discovered America, or traded with Japan. In this respect, there is currently

theory that is gaining more and more strength thanks to quantum physics, and that is the one that suggests

physics, which suggests the existence in the cosmos of wormholes or cosmic folds, which are

cosmic folds, which would be a sort of space-time vortex that would allow space-time to be

would allow space-time to be folded, and thus make unthinkable journeys through the universe.

through the universe. So, what would happen if visitors had already come to the universe?



extraterrestrial visitors who have long known about these interdimensional passages and know how to traverse

how to cross them. This is the broad-minded and commonsensical question posed by many leading scientists and

scientists and leading researchers.

Why not consider the possibility that life in other parts of the universe started earlier?

And what about more than one of these civilisations, whose only merit would have been to have been

would have been to be ahead of us in time (they would not be better than us, but simply at a different time)?

but simply at a different point in evolution), could be visiting us?

be visiting us... and it could even be that some of them are guilty of our existence through a

our existence through a seeding of life, genetic experiments, hybridisation, shipwrecks, and so on,

hybridisation, star wrecks, colonisation and even deportation of undesirables to our world.

our world. In some cases they would be like the older sibling or the parent who

works abroad and sporadically visits the family. For this I will mention

some of the innumerable historical antecedents that could be gathered,

discarding those that can be obviously related to observation errors or climatic aerial phenomena.

observation errors or climatological aerial phenomena, meteoric phenomena, meteor showers,

thermal inversion, mirages, whimsical clouds or others, known today.


13000 BC. - The cave paintings that fill the caves of Dordogne (France)

show obvious objects with the same shape as the UFOs captured in today's photographs.

photographs (time would not be passing the same for them as for us).

12000 BC. - The Toro Muerto petroglyphs in Arequipa, southern Peru,

contain scenes where one can clearly distinguish space apparatuses and beings with scales.

beings with scaphanders can be clearly distinguished.

8000 BC. - Located in the Sahara Desert (Algeria), the Tassili paintings in the rocky massif of

the rocky massif of Jabbaren are a fascinating rock art site due to their abundant

fascinating because of the abundance of space figures wearing scuba diving suits and wide suits

in an attitude of weightlessness (the great Martian god, for example).

Also found here is the image of a group of women in single file

led into what appears to be a luminous sphere or ship by a humanoid being with a round head, who is

round-headed humanoid being, who is attached to the space craft by a kind of umbilical cord.

a kind of umbilical cord. This brings to mind the sixth chapter of the biblical

Genesis, when it speaks of the union of the "sons of God with the daughters of men".

the daughters of men".

6000 BC - Unusual cave painting in the interior of the Fergana caves (Uzbekistan).

(Uzbekistan), showing a being wearing a diving mask, a wide suit, gloves and slanted eyes,

gloves, and slanted eyes holding a disc with inscriptions, while to his right is a system

to his right is a binary system of two suns, an evident flying disc and the figure of a

and the distant figure of a being with antennae.

4200 BC. - The legendary king Osiris, who came from the sky (Orion) as the protector of mankind, ruled from the
sacred city

mankind, ruled from the sacred city of Abydos, but was killed by his brother Seth (another extraterrestrial).

his brother Seth (another alien?), who usurped the throne.


The son of Osiris, Horus, confronts his uncle in a stellar battle using obelisk-shaped ships.

obelisk-shaped ships called "ben-ben".

4000 BC. - In Mesopotamia, pockets of culture begin to appear in Mesopotamia, encouraged by the

the presence of divine or spatial beings who spread civilisation and who submerged themselves in the waters of the

the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. These beings were called

Apkallu, and one of them, very wise, was Oannes, whose body partly resembled that of a fish.

partly resembled that of a fish.

3500 BC. - The great Sumerian civilisation arises, whose gods, according to the translation

of their clay tablets, are extraterrestrial beings known as the An, who come from the stars of the sky in their

come from the stars in the sky in their shem or mu which means 'spaceships'.
They brought a high culture and founded city-states in a region rich in oil that bubbled up from the ground.

oil that bubbled up from the ground. But there are also the Annunaki, which are the

children of the Prince or those linked to those who were cast down from heaven (deported to Earth).

(deported to Earth), who from time to time make their presence known and try to boycott the

to boycott the An's plan.

3113 BC. - This is the date given by the Mayans in their codices and stelae for the

beginning of their civilisation. They claimed to be descendants of beings who came from the Pleiades and arrived
from the

from the Pleiades and came to Earth through a "great hollow reed" or "serpent's tail" (a hole

snake's tail" (a wormhole?).

3000 BC. - In northern Japan, statuettes called Dogu are made in ceramic and stone.

called Dogu in ceramic and stone, dating from the Jomon period, are made in northern Japan. Their

appearance is not that of simple warriors in armour, but of real cosmonauts in skullcaps.

cosmonauts with scuba diving suits and breathing tubes.

3000 BC. - The oldest examples of ceramic art in South America appear in Ecuador, with the

in South America with the Valdivia statuettes, which later evolved into the Jama Coaque, with a

to the Jama Coaque, with an obvious reference to extraterrestrial beings in space suits.

space suits.


2900 BC. - The first pyramid is built in Egypt. It is the stepped

structure of Zoser, designed by the priest and architect Imhotep as a series of superimposed

of superimposed limestone mastabas, like a stairway to heaven to connect with the gods.

connect with the (extraterrestrial?) gods.

2850 BC. - According to archaeology, which is based on data provided by the Greek historian Herodotus, the

Greek historian Herodotus, who in turn received it from the Egyptian priests,

The pyramids of Giza are a defiance of logic, as they are a monument to geometry and the

The pyramids of Giza are a monument to geometry and mathematics in the late Neolithic period. Today

We know today that all the great works of a civilisation are achieved neither at the beginning nor at the end, but in

at the beginning or at the end, but at the period of greatest expansion and development of a culture, which would
correspond to the

which in the Egyptian case would correspond to the 18th and 19th dynasties of the New Empire, but not to the

Empire, but not to the 3rd and 4th, with nothing later to compare them.

compared to them. Furthermore, the three pyramids of Cheops, Kefren and Mycerinos represent the

arrangement in the sky of the stars known as the three Marias or the three Kings of Orion's belt; and
Kings of Orion's belt; and they correspond proportionally in size and distance as observed 12 years ago.

and distance as observed 12,000 years ago, coinciding with the date when Plato's accounts of the

Plato's accounts of the sinking of Atlantis, which cannot be a mere coincidence.

mere coincidence. Recent geological studies on the erosion of the Sphinx stone, a monument of the

Sphinx stone, a monument attributed to the pharaoh Kefren, have led scientists to believe that it is thousands of
years old.

scientists to consider that it may be thousands of years older than what has always been

generally attributed to him.

2400 BC - Book XVII of the Sbao-hai-ching makes reference to a race of humans, the

Miao, who lost the ability to fly because they had confronted the Lord of the Skies, so they were

the heavens, for which they were exiled to Earth.

2346 BC. - Chapter VIII of the book Hsui-nan-Tzu describes the appearance in the sky of ten suns that made

the appearance in the sky of ten suns, which caused the emperor Yao to order his royal archer

Tzu-Yu to shoot down the other nine false ones.

2300 BC. - In the Japanese book Sei-to-kise it relates that, in distant Korea, a divine man from the heavens ruled the

divine man from heaven ruled a people for a thousand years.



2000 BC. - The Leningrad Papyrus 1115 tells the story of a shipwrecked man

who in his adventures is swept by the waves to an island inhabited by a fifteen-metre long snake which

a fifteen-metre snake that shone brighter than gold. The luminous reptile

tells him how he lost seventy-two members of his family when a star fell on the island.

a star on the island.

1800 BC - The book of Ramayana describes an airborne invasion from Ceylon and a duel between the hero Rama and

duel between the hero Rama and the armies of the demon Ravana with spaceships called "vimanas".

spacecraft called "vimanas".

1780 BC. - The Babylonian king Hammurabi received the laws of the god Shamash on a mountaintop.

on top of a mountain.

1479 BC. - In the Tulli papyrus, now in the Vatican library, an event is recounted.

Vatican library, tells of a UFO event that occurred during the time of Pharaoh

Thutmose III. The text reads; "In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day (...), in the year 22,
of the third month of winter, sixth hour

of the day (...), the scribes of the House of Life discovered that there was a

circle of fire approaching in the sky. It had no visible head

visible, but the breath from its mouth had an unpleasant appearance. Its body was

a rod in length [five metres] and a rod in breadth. It had no voice. The

scribes fell into confusion. Listening to the account, Pharaoh meditated, but

after a few days these things [discs] began to be more frequent in the sky.

in the sky. They shone brighter than the sun and extended beyond the limits of the pillars of heaven.

pillars of heaven. Pharaoh's army investigated with him. It was after supper.

Right there and then the circles ascended higher in the sky towards the south".

1457 BC. - Egyptian stele from Gebel Barkal of the 17th Dynasty found in the Bayuda Desert, now

Bayuda desert, now in the Museum of Khartoum, Sudan.

(in Khartoum, Sudan.) It recounts the pharaoh's campaign in Nubia, and how a star

appeared on the battlefield, attacked the enemies of the Egyptian ruler and then left at great speed.

and then left at great speed.

1400 BC. - The Mahabarata describes wars in which the aerial weapons known as vabarata were again used.

aerial weapons known as vimanas were again used and even mentions the

sexual contact of a young girl named Runti with the Sun god, from whom a very special son, Runti, was born.

was born a very special son,

1375 BC. - As one of the stelae from the foundation and boundaries of Tell

el-Amarna, the pharaoh Amenophis IV, known as Akhenaton, witnesses a close encounter with a UFO of which he is

close encounter with a UFO from which descends a human-like being dressed in white.

dressed in white. It moves him and motivates him to make fundamental changes in Egyptian society.

Egyptian society.

1300 BC. - Moses is said to have had close encounters of the third kind on the top of Mount

of Mount Orb at Sinai, with an object camouflaged within a cloud, but which is described in Exodus

which is described in the Bible's Exodus as "a sea of bronze and glass" and also "by day like a cloud and

also "by day like a cloud and by night like a flaming torch".

880 BC. - In the high reliefs on the walls of Assurbanipal's palace in Nineveh,

there are continuous references to winged gods and manned flying discs.

853 BC. - The prophet Elijah is swept away by a chariot of fire in front of an eyewitness, his disciple Elijah.

eyewitness, his disciple Elisha.

716 BC. - Romulus is said to have been carried from the Palatine Hill up to heaven

in a cloud, amid thunder and lightning.

687 BC. - Sennacherib's army, which was besieging the city of Jerusalem, was mortally wounded by an "angel",

was mortally wounded by an "angel" of God.

667 B.C. - In Japan, Emperor Kami-Yamato-Ihari-Biko told his court that he had been able to establish contact with
his ancestors.

that he had managed to establish contact with his celestial ancestors, who had descended from the sky in

had descended from the sky in flying ships.

630 BC. - In ancient Persia, the prophet Zoroaster received at Mount Sabalan

the laws of the god Ahura Mazda.

580 BC. - The prophet Ezekiel describes the glory of God, who descended before him at the river Kebar

the river Kebar, as if it were a spacecraft with a vertical take-off module.

vertical take-off spacecraft.

329 BC. - When King Alexander the Great of Macedon was crossing the Jaxartes River in

the river Jaxartes in the territory of India, two shields appeared in the sky.


shining silvery shields appeared in the sky and repeatedly broke through the columns of soldiers, causing great alarm
among the

soldiers, causing great alarm among the infantry, cavalry and elephants,

which caused a general disbandment.

322 BC. - During the siege of the Phoenician city of Tyre by Alexander's armies, it was observed in the blind

of Alexander's armies, a large shield was

the appearance of a large flying shield which moved in a triangular formation and circled around itself along with

and circled around itself along with four other small shields. From

Suddenly, from this large object a ray of light shot out and struck the walls of the fortified city and opened up a

the fortified city and opened a tremendous hole through which Alexander's troops could enter.

Alexander's troops could enter. After this intervention the strange objects left.


223 BC - In Book I of the Roman History, Dion Cassius recounts that in Ariminum

a light bright as day illuminated the night. It could be seen in many parts of

areas of Italy and was gradually transformed into three moons that illuminated while it was dark.

while it was dark.

222 BC. - During the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius, three moons (Pl.

three moons appeared in the sky (Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, books 21-22).

218 BC. - In the area of Amiterno, mysterious men appeared, dressed in white, claiming to come

dressed in white and claiming to have come from far away. Their presence was

accompanied by strange behaviour of the sun, which grew and then shrank.

shrinking. In Preneste, strange rays of light were observed descending from the sky.

sky. At Arpi a shield was seen in the firmament, in such a way that it looked as if the moon was fighting with the sun.
the moon was fighting with the sun, and at night two moons were seen. In those days, phantom ships were

ghostly ships were seen to appear in the sky (Pliny the Elder, Naturdlis Historia,

books 21-22).

217 BC. - In the town of Falerius, near Rome, the sky appeared to tear apart

showing a great fissure through which a strong light flickered (Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, books 21-22).

Old Man, Naturalis Historia, books 21-22).

216 BC. - In the work Prodigia, by the Roman writer Julius Obsequens (4th century AD),



in 216 BC, objects were observed in the sky over Italy that looked like ships floating among the clouds.

objects that looked like ships floating in the clouds were observed in the sky in 216 BC.

213 BC. - According to the Roman historian Titus Livy (59 BC), in 213 BC there was a sighting of an object that looked
like a flying altar in the sky.

a sighting of an object resembling a flying altar, accompanied by beings dressed in white, in 213 BC.

white-clad beings in the area of Adria, in the Gulf of Venice (Italy).

203 BC. - At Setie, 80 kilometres from Rome, a dazzling light appeared, like a torch moving

moving from east to west and accompanied by another object.

another object.

200 BC. - The Dogon tribe of Mali, who live on the Bandiagara plateau, some 500 kilometres from

500 kilometres from Timbulctu, firmly believe that they received their culture from an amphibious race of beings.

an amphibious race of extraterrestrial beings, called the Normo, who are said to have arrived in a

arrived on a kind of ark from a planet of a star (Sirius B) that revolves around another star known as Sirius B.

around another star known as Sirius, in the Can Major system.

170 BC. - According to a 16th century German account, in 170 B.C. a fleet of aerial ships was seen over the city of

fleet of aerial ships was seen over the city of Lanupium, 25 kilometres from Rome.

90 BC - In the territory of Spoleto, a golden-coloured globe of fire fell to earth from the sky.

earth from the sky. It was previously observed spinning and increasing in size.

It was then seen to rise and rise again, head east and obscure the solar disk with its size.

solar disk with its size.

66 BC. - The Roman historian Pliny the Elder, in book II of his Naturalis Historia

(23 BC), describes that during the consulship of Gnaeus Octavianus and Gaius

Suetonius, objects appeared in the sky in the shape of glowing beans, and then something like a spark

then something like a spark that came out of a star, fell to earth and then rose up and became so

then rose and became as big as the moon.

4 BC - Chaldean astrologers arrived in the town of Bethlehem, in present-day Israel, following a strange

Israel, following a strange star that could be seen day and night and which was seen indiscriminately

day and night, and which moved in such a way that it came to rest over the place where the baby Jesus was born.

where the baby Jesus was born (Gospel of St. Matthew).

70 A.D. - On May 21, a demonic ghost of incredible magnitude (...).

magnitude (...). Before twilight there appeared in the air over the whole country

[Israel] chariots and armed men moved through the clouds and circled the city.

encircled the city. (Flavius Josephus, War of the Jews*Book CXI)

193 - "Three stars were seen unexpectedly circling the sun, at the very moment when the emperor

Emperor Julian was in the presence of us, in the war.

us, in the war. These three stars were so different that the soldiers could not help looking at them and pointed them
out to each other.

could not help looking at them and pointed them out to the others". (Dion Cassius, Roman

Roman History, Book IXXIV)

200 - The Nazca culture produced in the pampa del Ingenio, 430 kilometres south of Lima (Peru), the

south of Lima (Peru), the largest astronomical calendar in the world,

identified by many researchers of the UFO phenomenon as an "astroport", as it was

as an "astroport", since the more than ten thousand lines, dozens of tracks and half a hundred gigantic

and fifty gigantic figures scattered around the area (only visible from the sky) would be the place

the sky) would be the place marked from space for the descent and ascent of extraterrestrial spacecraft.

extraterrestrial spacecraft (there is an iron stratum of more than 86 square kilometres at the site and precisely
underneath it).

square kilometres at the site and precisely below the lines).

Some of the lines point to the most important deposits of

deposits found in South America, and there are also those who claim that the lines, clues and

that the lines, tracks and figures are a diagram of the lines of force operating on planet Earth.

operating on planet Earth. Thus, if we were to place the designs on a planisphere, we would

on a planisphere, we would find the routes that the ships follow as they enter the

planet and as they move along the magnetic bands.

More ancient lines and figures have recently been discovered in the area of

Palpa (north of Nazca) that could be a thousand years older than those of Nazca.


312 - Emperor Constantine the Great defeats Maxentius at the Milvian bridge

Milvian Bridge after seeing a vision of a gigantic luminous cross in the sky, which he had engraved on the

which he had engraved on the banners of his legions.



392 - Strange lights were seen in the sky during the* days of Emperor Theodosius.

Theodosius. A glowing globe suddenly appeared in the middle of the night.

It shone brightly near the star of the day (Venus) and then circled the Zodiac.

dyakus. The brightness of its radiance was a little less than that of other glowing spheres that approached it.

spheres that gradually approached the first globe. The spectacle

was like a swarm of bees flying around the keeper of the hive,

and the light emitted by all these spheres made it appear as if they were crashing

violently crashing into each other. Later they all blended together into a single, majestic light, which emerged

majestic light, which appeared before the eyes of the witnesses like a horrible double-edged sword.

double-edged sword. The strange globe which was seen at first appeared as the handle of the broom and the other

broom handle and the other spheres were seen to merge with it. Its glow was fiie


398 - Something like a fiery globe and also like a sword shone brightly in the sky over the city of the

strongly in the sky above the city of Byzantium. It seemed as if it almost touched the

earth at the place of the zenith. Such an event had never been seen before in that place.

in that place.

457 - Over Brittany (France), a bright object appeared in the sky like a balloon.

appeared in the sky. Its size was enormous and below it hung a ball of fire that looked like a dragon.

looked like a dragon. From its mouth came two flames, one of which reached out of France and the other went
towards Ireland.

France and the other went towards Ireland, and ended up burning like lightning.

500 - The story of the wizard Merlin emerges as the son of a fallen angel (exiled?) and a princess.

extraterrestrial?) and a Welsh princess, which later involves the cycle of Arthur Pendragon.

Arthur Pendragon.

540 -The Pyramid of the Inscriptions is built over the crypt of a high

of the Maya nobility in the classical city of Palenque, in the present-day state of Chiapas, Mexico.

State of Chiapas (Mexico). Pacal is the priest-king depicted on a sepulchral slab.

a sepulchral slab weighing five tons, in which it seems that "the lord who came from the stars" is

who came from the stars" soars to the stars in a kind of spaceship.


583- On 31 January 583, in the eighth year of King Childebert, "he appeared in the morning hours of that Sunday

morning hours of that Sunday, a great incandescent globe appeared, descended with the
rain from the cloudy sky, which moved over a long distance, giving off so much light that it seemed to be midday.

It was so bright that it seemed like noon; once it had returned among the clouds

clouds, the darkness fell again".

584- St. Gregory, archbishop of Tours (France), relates in his Historia Francomm

how in the year 584 A.D. brilliant rays of light appeared in the sky that seemed to

seemed to cross and collide with each other. He also describes that some time later

golden globes were seen at various times flashing at high speeds across the sky at the

flashing at great speeds across France.

746 - In England, ships were observed in the sky in which strange men were seen.

strange men were seen inside.

776 - In the Laurissensian Annuals it is recorded that, during^ the Saxon siege of the city of Sigisburg, strange men
were seen in the sky.

of the city of Sigisburg, the Franks defeated the attackers, who fled when, in front of the

the besieged city, the Franks defeated the attackers, who fled when, before everyone's eyes, over the church of the
besieged city, the "glory of God" was manifested.

glory of God" manifested itself in the form of two red flying flaming shields, moving in the air and

red flaming shields moving in the sky.

793 - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reports that there were terrible omens in Northumbria that year.

Northumbria, which consisted of exceptional flashes of lux and fierce dragons that were seen flying

dragons were seen flying through the air.

796 - Thousands of people observed over England a number of luminous globes which were

which were christened flying dragons (Monk Roger of Wendover, Flores Historianum, Flores Historianum

Wendover, Flores Historianum).

800 - Emperor Charlemagne laid down very harsh laws for those who

who had any trade or relationship with those aerial spirits (cosmonauts) who came

(cosmonauts) who came to teach and invited people to climb into their space crafts.

space ships. These people were even tortured, as mentioned in the Patrologiae.

mentioned in Migne's Patrologiae, volume CIV.


840 - The archbishop of Lyon, Agobardo, narrated that he saw a crowd of people who were

stoning three men and a woman who claimed to have been invited to get into a flying chariot.

a flying chariot.

956 - In the county of Cloera, a mass was interrupted by the noise of the presence of an object seen outside.

presence of an object that was seen outside the church as it flew low in the sky.

low in the sky. People were seen inside.

960 - The Chinese writer Shen Kuo, who lived during the Sung Dynasty, described in his work a "shining object like a

described in his work a "shining object like a pearl" that moved, as if it was flying,

on the surface of a lake near Yangzhou, in the east-central province of Jiangtsu.

Jiangtsu province. According to the writer, the object was spotted so frequently that it

became an attraction in the area. From a distance it looked the size of a

the size of a fist and emitted a silvery light that illuminated the surrounding area, over an area of about five

about five kilometres.

1104 - Fiery torches, fiery darts and flying fires were seen in Switzerland.

and also stars were seen approaching that looked like swarms of butterflies and like worms.

butterflies and like fiery worms.

1113 - A group of religious from Laon (France) went on a pilgrimage from town to town in Wessex (south-west

town in Wessex (south-west England) carrying relics of the Virgin Mary who presided over miracles of healing.

Mary to preside over miracles of healing. In the seaside town of Christchurch,

Hampshire, they were astonished to see a dragon coming out of the sea and spewing fire from its nose.

fire from its nose.

1118 - A huge cross and a bright white moon appeared in the sky over France.

France, which was taken as a bad omen.

1150 - A luminous cross appeared in the sky at noon in England, just as Richard the Lionheart and *Philippe

Richard the Lionheart and *Philip of France were preparing to go to war against Sa- ladin.

war against Sa- ladin.

1170 - On 9 March 1170 at St. Ostwyth, Essex, south-east England, a luminous cross appeared in the sky at midday in
England, just as Richard the Lionheart and * Philip of France were preparing to go to war against Sa- ladin.



a great dragon was seen rising into the sky and turning the air into fire, which caused fires all around it.

which caused fires all around it.

1230 - One of the legends of the origin of the Incas tells of the emergence of Manco Capac and Mama O'Cana.

Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo on a golden throne (an osni or unidentified underwater object) from the bottom of
the lake

unidentified underwater object) from the bottom of Lake Titicaca.

1254 - At midnight on the first day of January, in the clear and serene skies of

France suddenly appeared a sort of gigantic craft of elegant design and marvellous colour.

elegant design and of a marvellous colour. Certain monks of the Abbey of St. Albans saw it for a long time and
described it as a

They saw it for a long time and described it as being all painted and built of metal plates.
made of metal plates.

1269 - In his History of Poland, Martin Cromer notes that on December 6, 1269, in the city of Kraków

1269, in the city of Kraków, at twilight, something strange and bright was seen in the sky.

something strange and bright in the sky. It was in the shape of a cross and circled in the air, illuminating the city with
a great light.

the city with a great light.

1271 - On 12 September 1271, a priest named Nichita was to be executed in the Japanese town of Nichita.

executed in the Japanese town of Kamamura, but a very luminous object appeared in the sky in the form of a

crescent-shaped object appeared in the sky and frightened those present. From

Thus the clergyman was saved.

1290 - On 20 October, the friars of Byland Abbey, Yorkshire, England, drew up a document

(England), drew up a document in which they testified to having seen a silvery object in the sky in the shape of a

in the sky a silvery object in the shape of a wheel that glided very slowly across the sky.

slowly across the sky.

1388 - In Henry Knighton's Chronicle of Leicester, it is said that in November and

December in the year 1388, a fire in the sky, like a wheel turning in flames or a round barrel

or a round barrel emitting fire from above, and others in the shape of a long and burning beam were

of a long and fiery beam were seen during the greater part of the winter in the county of Leicester, and

the county of Leicester, and also in the county of Northampton.

1388 - Over the monastery of Ragusa, in Italy, several luminous objects were observed flying in formation.

luminous objects flying in formation were observed over the monastery of Ragusa in Italy.

1389 - In the same Chronicle of Leicester, there is an account of the appearance in Leicester of a flying dragon during
the month of 1389.

flying dragon during the month of April.

1457 - On 7 March 1458, five objects were observed making evolutions around the moon.

around the moon, changing colour up to three times, until they finally disappeared.

they finally disappeared.

1461 - In his memoirs, the French duke of Bourgogne recalls that in

November an object as wide and long as the moon appeared in the night sky.

sky. It hung clearly visible for a quarter of an hour and then, suddenly, it turned, bent and buckled,

it turned, bent and rose into the heavens.

1468 - On March 8, 1468, in the sky above Mount Kasuga (Japan), a strange object appeared,

a strange object appeared which, when it moved, produced a noise similar to that of a wheel.


1479 - A very strange flying object was observed in the sky over Arabia, similar to today's missiles.
similar to today's missiles was observed in the sky.

1489 - The Spaniard Juan de Grijalba, while sailing towards the Yucatan (Mexico), saw an object in the sky that
looked like a wheel,

saw an object in the sky that looked like a bright star, which circled several times over the

and sailed away towards the coast, leaving a bright trail in its wake.

It remained motionless for about three hours and then disappeared.

1520 - In the year 1520 a great beam of fire was seen in Hereford (England).

which, as it approached the ground, burnt many things with the heat it gave off.

It then ascended into the sky and changed its shape to that of a flaming circle.

flaming circle.

1528 - During the siege of the city of Utrecht (Holland), it was observed in the sky

the appearance of something luminous, like a bright cross, but at the same time dark,

which terrified the population.

1535 - On 20 April 1535, five bright suns appeared over the city of Stockholm (Sweden).

five bright suns that made strange evolutions in the sky, alarming people.

people. Olaus Petri, a theologian and mathematician, at the time asked his friend

Gustav Vasa to capture the observed phenomena in a painting, which he



The painting remains to this day in the cathedral of the Swedish capital.

1547 - On 28 June 1547, the people of the town of Oettingen, in Bavaria, Germany, saw the phenomenon

(Germany) saw wheel-shaped objects appear in the sky, leaving a red trail in their wake.

leaving a reddish trail in their wake.

1561 - On the morning of 4 April 1561, blue, black and blood-red balls, together with discs and crosses of blood,
appeared in the sky.

blood-red discs and blood-red crosses, which emerged from two huge black cylinders, battled in

huge black cylinders, fought in the skies over Nuremberg (Germany). According to

contemporary engraving by the artist Hans Glaser, some of the spheres crashed in the

crashed on the outskirts of the city.

1566 - In the city of Basel (Switzerland), a repeat of what had happened five years earlier in Nuremberg took place
on 7 August.

years earlier in Nuremberg, and was witnessed by a large number of people. A war of round balloon-like objects

a war of round objects such as balloons or discs of different colours.

Samuel Coccius reported it in the city gazette.

1570 - In Benvenuto Cellini's biography, book I, it says: "We were returning to Rome on our horses.
mounted on our horses. Arriving in the suburbs of the city, late at night, we

evening, we turned in the direction of Florence and exclaimed with great wonder: 'O God of the

great wonder: "O God in heaven, what is that huge thing over Florence?

Florence? It was like a beam of fire, flashing and gleaming with great brilliance.


1571 - On the night of the 21st September 1571, a sign appeared in the sky which everyone thought was

all believed to be prodigious. The sky was calm, a cold north wind was blowing, and the stars were bright and clear.

and the stars were bright and clear. But suddenly," explains Fr.

Gugiielmotti explains on the basis of the testimonies gathered, "a large, gleaming torch appeared in the sky.

large and glittering, in the shape of a column, which remained in the air for a long time.

1577 - In his Histoires prodigieuses, Pierre Boaistuau recounts the event

event that occurred on 5 December 1577 at seven o'clock in the morning, a few miles outside Tübingen (Tübingen).

outskirts of Tübingen (Germany).

He wrote in his diary what James Everell, a member of the first Puritan church, told him.

Puritan church, told him. Everell was on his way to Charleston by boat on the Muddy River,

a tributary of the Charles, with two men. At ten o'clock at night they observed

a luminous sphere appeared above the treetops, coming and going.

The hardy Puritans were stunned, and when it was finally gone, they realised that it had

When it was gone, they realised that the boat had moved upstream on its own.


- On 10 May 1643, a great many people observed a luminous object in the sky over England, like a cloud*.

luminous object, like a cloud* but in the shape of a sword, heading north.

north. It was as bright as the moon. It began at eleven o'clock at night and disappeared at one o'clock in the

disappeared at one o'clock in the morning.

1643 - During the night of January 18, 1644, some people living in

Boston saw a strong light rise from the sea, which was followed by another light the size of the moon.

the size of the moon. This second one ended up merging with the previous one over Noddle Island (United States).

Noddle Island (United States). A frantic race then ensued between the two lights, which at times

the two lights, which at times seemed to play with each other. A week later

they appeared again.

1663 - On 15 August 1663, in St. Cyril of Robozero, a monastery near Moscow, the peasants Ivachoko Ries

Moscow, the peasants Ivachoko Ries- ki and Levka Fedorov, along with other people, reported that in the

others, reported that in the nearby lake of Robozero, two kilometres from the monastery, there were
kilometres from the monastery, intense flames had broken out at midday, located inside a circular

located within a circular space of just over a hundred metres in diameter.

diameter. A very strange bluish smoke was coming out of the place, and then from the interior of the

lake, two bright lights emerged. The phenomenon lasted for an hour and was repeated five hundred metres further

five hundred metres further on. It disappeared again and then resumed but with a dreadful noise and

producing a dreadful noise and intense heat. Coincidentally,

dead fish began to float and a strange colouring appeared in the water, like rust.

rust-like colouring appeared in the water.


1700 - In Japan, three round, moon-like objects appeared in the sky and remained motionless in the

remained motionless in the sky for four days. This caused

terror among the population.

1716 - In the month of March 1716, in England, the famous astronomer Edmond

Halley, who discovered the comet that today bears his name, observed a series of aerial objects in the sky.

sky a series of strange aerial objects. One of them illuminated the sky for

more than two hours.

1731 - On 9 December 1731, at five o'clock in the afternoon in the village of

SheíHeld (England), Tilomas Short saw a dark red cloud, underneath which was a luminous body

was a luminous body emitting intense rays of light. Suddenly it began

suddenly began to emit an intense heat that enveloped the whole atmosphere, making it almost unbearable.

unbearable. The same object was observed over Kilkenny (Ireland), but as a fireball

as a fireball, shaking the entire island. It was also seen in

Romania appearing from the west side as a luminous blood-red object, which hovered over the place.

over the place for two hours; it then split into two parts, which then turned into two parts, and then

then split into two parts which then came together again and left at great speed to the west.


1740 - In the state of New Hampshire (United States), in the valley of Contoocoock, the following were observed to

Contoocoock Valley, a number of luminous balls were observed to appear and at times

chased the farmers with curiosity, who fled in fear.

1783 - The British Gentleman's Magazine commented on the observation of the 28th

August 1783 in Dorset, Berkshire, Devon and Derby (in the south, north and west of England).

south, north and west of England) of a strange object that produced a tremendous noise, which was

which was called draco volans (flying dragon).

1790 - On 12 June 1790, on the outskirts of Alençon (France), peasants saw a flaming sphere that

a flaming sphere that gave off a shrill noise.

It descended slowly, moving like a pendulum, and came to rest on a hill, uprooting plants and plants

It descended slowly, moving like a pendulum, and landed on a hill, uprooting plants and causing a singular fire in the



1817 - In the town of Ipswich (England), a local astronomer claimed to have observed a very rare object that

observed a very strange object that remained motionless near the sun for three and a half hours.

three and a half hours.

1820 - During February 12, April 27 and September 7, 1820,

UFO formations were sighted in the Emburn area of northern France.

France. They moved very fast and made incredible right angles in the sky.

During that year, the French astronomer François Arago was also able to observe the same formations with his

with his telescope the same evolving UFO formations.

In the town of Saarbrücken (also in France), the descent of a strange torpedo-like object was observed.

a strange object resembling a grey torpedo.

1833 - A very luminous hook-shaped object was seen in the sky over Ohio (USA).

Ohio (United States). Also in November, another bright object was observed

over Niagara Falls was also observed in November.

1836 - A gigantic oval-shaped object was seen over Cherbourg (France).

appeared to rotate around itself in the sky.

1845 - A multitude of orange objects were observed over London which alarmed the population.

alarmed the population. During that same year, an Italian astronomer

observed a flotilla of disc-shaped objects over Naples. Also on the

the high seas that year, three gigantic discs were seen rising from the water and remaining

water and remained static for ten minutes in the sky.

1846- In Lowell, Massachusetts, a large, bright disc was observed, dropping a kind of "¡!

was observed in Lowell, Massachusetts, dropping a kind of ¡gelatin. In the same year, UFOs were reported

UFOs were reported in London and over Inverness, Scotland.

1847- In central Japan, clouds of fire appeared, circled and then disappeared.

circled and then disappeared.

1863 - On August 13, 1863, a luminous disc with a dome was seen over Madrid (Spain).

a luminous disc with a fiery dome or a colour similar to fire. This was
published the following day in La Gaceta de España.

1870 - On 22nd March 1870, the crew of the English sailing ship The Lady of the Lake

observed the appearance in the sky of an object in the shape of a circular cloud, with something

semicircle divided into four parts. The sighting lasted half an


In the same year, the observatory at Greenwich (England) observed a "flying torpedo", which also became a "flying

torpedo" which was also sighted in Belgium and Holland, while in Marseilles (France) a

Marseille (France) a gigantic red disc was captured for nine minutes.


1871- Again over Marseilles, but this time on 1 August 1871, a large disc was seen

a large disc topped by a dome above it.

1874 - On 6 July a very large object was sighted for six minutes in the town of Oaxaca (Mexico).

town of Oaxaca (Mexico). It was estimated to be about 120 metres long.

1878 - On 24 January, in the town of Denison (Texas), a luminous disc was observed in the sky.

luminous disc was observed in the sky which witnesses said looked like a saucer.

1879 - On 15 May, in the Persian Gulf, passengers on the ship Vulture witnessed the appearance of a luminous disc
in the sky.

witnessed the appearance in the sky of two gigantic luminous wheels, about 40 metres in diameter, spinning in the

metres in diameter, which spun around on their own in an evolving motion.

1880 - On 26 March 1880, in Galisteo (New Mexico), villagers were startled by a strange sound.

were startled by a strange sound coming from the sky. Soon after, a huge dark cloud

Soon after, a dark cloud of enormous size appeared in the shape of a cigar, with unusual

unusual behaviour as it appeared to be hovering; and, as it flew over the town, it showed

over the village, it showed strange symbols on one side and some small windows behind it, in which it

and some small windows behind it, in which beings seemed to be peeping out.

1881 This apparatus dropped various objects over the village, some of which seemed to be

which seemed to be oriental (like cups), but were accompanied by strange symbols.

symbols. The next day, a reporter from the Santa Fe Daily News reported the story.

the next day, a reporter from the Santa Fe Daily News reported the story.


The night of the sighting, UFO sightings multiplied in various parts of the Midwest and the Pacific.

parts of the Midwest to the Pacific.

1881 - In June 1881, two sons of the Prince of Wales (one of them the future
George V), along with other people who were sailing near the Australian coast, observed

the Australian coast, observed an object filled with lights in the sky.

1883 - On 4 May 1883, a luminous disc was observed over New Zealand, crossing the sky.

was observed crossing the sky.

On 12 August, Mexican astronomer José Bonilla, of the Zacatecas observatory, captured a light-filled object in the

Zacatecas observatory, captured a series of objects evolving around the Sun.

On 1 November, an object was seen over Turkey that was estimated to be about five times the size of the moon
when it was seen in Turkey.

times the size of the moon when seen on the horizon.

In the same year, on 17 November, Professor E.W. Mauder, from the

observatory in Greenwich, England, saw a strange object in the sky, which he described as a disc.

described as a disc that later took the shape of a cigar. Many, many

people also observed the "luminous cigar".

A round object was also sighted over Bermuda (United States).

was also sighted over Bermuda (USA).

1892 - On 22 November of that year, it was seen by hundreds of witnesses over San Francisco Bay (USA).

San Francisco Bay (United States) a strange cigar-shaped object with small side wings.

small lateral flaps. Its path followed northwest and it was also observed in other parts of California.

in other parts of California. On the 30th it returned to the area.

1893 - In the month of May 1893, the British ship HMS Carolim, which was

sailing between Shanghai and Japan, sighted a flotilla of flying discs for two hours.

two hours.

In France in the same year, a strange and very luminous object was sighted.

- On 30 March 1894 in Sioux City, Iowa (United States), a farmer was dragged several metres by an object thrown by
a flying disc.

several metres by an object launched from a UFO. This object

looked like a hook or anchor.


On 6 April, the Chicago Tribune reported that hundreds of witnesses in Omaha, Nebraska, had witnessed a

in Omaha (Nebraska) a metallic object four or five metres long.

metres long. The same newspaper reported that on 9 April, a multitude of witnesses saw the object

saw the object, but in the shape of an egg, moving towards Wausau, Wisconsin.


On 10 April, UFOs were observed in Galesburg and Elgin (Illinois). UFOs were also
UFOs were also sighted in Eldora and Newton (Iowa).

On 16 April, a UFO with red and green lights was sighted in Brenton (Texas), and a UFO was sighted over Washington

another over Washington D.C. flying at an altitude of only 200 metres.

1896 - In the month of April 1896, in Leroy, Kansas, Alexander Hamilton (who had been a member of the House of
Representatives in

(who had been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives), along with one of his sons and a

with one of his sons and a worker on his farm, went to meet a cigar-shaped UFO that was only a few miles away.

cigar-shaped UFO that was only about ten metres above the ground. They had been

awakened by the noise of startled livestock. And, as they approached to within 45 metres

they noticed that it looked like glass, that it was all lit up inside, and that it was huge.

and that it was huge, about ninety metres long. They reached

They even got a glimpse of the crew, who were strange creatures. But when they noticed the

the presence of the farmers, they left in the ship.

On 20 April, a similar object was sighted in Sisterville, Virginia. Then, on 22 April

April 22, railroad engineer Jim Hooton went to Texarkana, Texas, to await the arrival of the special train.

arrival of the special train. On the way, he sighted a strange craft and its occupants, apparently human, one of them

one of whom spoke to him.

1907 - On 2 July 1907, he was observed over the town of Burlington,

Vermont (United States), a dark torpedo-shaped object was sighted. From inside

a disc came out and both devices disappeared shortly afterwards.

1908 - On 2 July 1907, an object was observed over the town of Burlington, Vermont (United States),

Vermont (United States), a dark torpedo-shaped object was observed over the town of Burlington, Vermont (United
States). From inside

A disc came out of it and both devices disappeared shortly afterwards.


1910 - On 30 June 1908, a white cylindrical object entered the atmosphere and, as it changed its course

atmosphere and, changing course, ended up crashing in the Tunguska area of Siberia.

Tunguska area of Siberia, Russia. At the epicentre of the impact or site of the explosion, trees were charred or

trees were charred or uprooted and thrown up to fifteen kilometres from their original location.

kilometres from their original location. The shock wave, which set off seismographs

seismographs, reached 86 kilometres and the boom could be heard almost a thousand

kilometres away.

1910 - On 12 January 1910, in Chattanooga (Tennessee), thousands of people witnessed an object

witnessed the appearance of a cylindrical object moving at a speed of about 30 miles per hour.
speed of about 50 km/h; it was also sighted in Hunsville (Alabama), and was observed again on the 13th and 13th of
January 1910.

was also sighted in Hunsville, Alabama, and was observed again on 13 and 14 January.

On 21 September, about one million people saw a flotilla of UFOs over New York City.

flotilla of UFOs over New York City. They were disc-shaped and were observed for three hours.

observed for three hours.

In 1921, the Russian scientist Leonid A. Kulik organised an expedition to the site and was

was completely baffled, for if it had been a meteorite, it would have created a crater.

it should have created an impact crater; and there wasn't one.


Ships, discs, cylinders, spheres, cigars, cigars, cigars, torpedoes and UFOs in general have been observed by people

have been observed by people throughout human history.

It is not a new phenomenon, and has been interpreted according to the time by witnesses, who have ranged from

witnesses, who have ranged from the very simple to the highly educated.

As for the intention of the visitors, if they had meant to harm us

they could have imposed themselves on a defenceless humanity long ago.

Already we see that there have also been contacts, but spaced out and sporadic,

as if to avoid interfering, although they have often done so and in a very direct way.

very directly.



It is not easy to understand them, just as it is not easy to understand ourselves.

ourselves; and even more so when we know that there are many and very diverse civilisations coming

civilisations arriving, and with the most varied intentions.

The progress of humanity, which is still in its adolescence, both technologically and mentally

and mental adolescence, allows us to foresee a definitive encounter, which is very

but only to the extent that we reach a responsible youth on our own, that is to say, with changes

responsible youth; that is to say, with changes that will lead us to a planet without

borders, with respect and tolerance in religions, without poverty, hunger or inequalities.

inequalities. It seems impossible or far away, but I am an optimist and I firmly believe that it is not far away.

And they know it, and they believe in us! Now

all that remains is for us to believe in ourselves and give ourselves a chance.


the bible and extraterrestrials

And Moses went up, and Aaron, and Nadab, and Abith, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they saw the God of

of Israel; and there was under their feet as it were a paved pavement of sapphire, like unto the heavens

when it is calm.

(Exodus 24, 9-10)

Is the Bible an account of the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth?

With all due respect to the Holy Scriptures, and to the Holy Books of different peoples and religions, is the Bible an
account of the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth?

of different peoples and religions, in all of them we find evidence of the presence and manifestation of

evidence of the presence and manifestation of visitors from other worlds and dimensions.


The Bible is a set of books considered, by some of the most numerous and important religions of the world, as a

and important religions of the world, as inspired, but it is not the only one.

not the only one.

The Bible is presented to us as a record of the emergence of the human species,

as well as the partly historical account of the emergence and evolution of the people of Israel over thousands of

Israel over thousands of years, as well as portraying the myths, customs and mores of the peoples of the Near East.

customs of the peoples of the Middle East. The people of Israel underwent a

process of transculturation, assimilating many of the different contributions of other peoples with whom they

of other peoples with whom they coexisted and shared, which is also evident in their religious texts.

This is also evident in their religious texts. The Bible is therefore an accumulation of texts written at different times.

of texts written at different times, I consider that it contains a large number of references to the

a large number of references to the involvement of extraterrestrials in our world and in our development.

our world and our development.

Would this deny the existence of God?

Absolutely not. God is the Creator of everything, and the fact that aliens are involved in our world and in our
development would not deny the existence of God.


extraterrestrials more advanced than us may have been acting on Earth since ancient times does not deny the
existence of God.

Earth since ancient times does not deny the existence of God; on the contrary,

shows us a more omnipotent and vast God.

Life may well have begun elsewhere before it began here, thus calling into question the idea that life could have
begun elsewhere before here.

the idea that we would be the centre of creation and of life itself is called into question.
itself. But if this God is omnipresent, there need not necessarily be a centre.


The idea of God that we have today would have emerged from that contact with beings from space.

space. But not the idea of an extraterrestrial God, but of a universal, incomprehensible and incommensurable

incomprehensible and incommensurable force. Although the possibility always arises that

the messengers were mistaken for the message.

Would the angels be extraterrestrial beings?

The angels of the past would be the extraterrestrials of today, and this is evident when we

the development of these characters. But whether they have been

confused with angels or called angels ("angels", which means messengers*) does not deny the

messengers*) does not negate the existence of angels as such, for they would be

inhabitants of other dimensions and planes.

When will all this be openly known?

At the rate of world events, I could say that it won't be long before a great avalanche will occur.

a great avalanche of information released by governments and religions against their will, because it is

religions against their will, because they will no longer be able to hide it, and it will come to light by the action of the

will come to light through the action of very positive mechanisms that had foreseen this time, producing a collective

time, producing a collective awakening. In this sense, let us analyse this

fragment from one of the Dead Sea scrolls found in the late 1940s: "This will be for you the

40's: "This will be for you the sign of what is to come: when the offspring of wickedness shall be shut up, and the

wickedness is put away, wickedness will vanish before righteousness as darkness before light.

and as smoke vanishes and is no more, so wickedness will vanish forever.

and as smoke vanishes and is no more, so wickedness will vanish forever, and righteousness will appear as the sun,


the world's ruler.

All those who hold back the mysteries of rebellion will cease to exist, the world will be filled with knowledge, and the
world will be filled with knowledge.

will be filled with knowledge, and there will be no more folly in it". (Qumran, Book

of the Mysteries IQ27, 6-8).

To what extent would otherworldly beings have intervened or acted in our history?

our history?

I would say to the degree of direct interventions, and on some occasions, to the extent of

to design us, to regulate our lives, to punish our faults and even to the

mingling, mixing and hybridising with the terrestrials.

"I thought to myself at the time that [Noah's] conception had been the work of the Worldwatchers.

of the Watchers of Worlds and Guardians of Planets, or of the Nephilim [fallen angels or giants].

[fallen angels or giants]."

"I swear to you by the great Holy One, by the King of the heavens (...), that it is from you this

seed, from thee this conception and from thee the fruit produced (...) and not from any stranger or from

stranger, nor of any of the Watchers, nor of any of the Sons of Heaven."

(Qumran, Apocrypha of Genesis lQGn, 1 and 16)


The Bible is a book considered sacred and a source of inspiration for many of the human beings who have shaped

human beings who have made their mark on history. The word "bible" comes from the

Greek word biblon, which means 'book'; its origin is Phoenician, as it corresponds to the name of the ancient
Phoenician city

the name of the ancient Phoenician city of Byblos (modern-day Lebanon).

Phoenicians were exporters of culture across the Mediterranean Sea,

and with their goods they transported the alphabet and writing.

Originally the Bible was written in Hebrew, a mysterious language that did not record its

recorded its evolution but appeared from one moment to the next, complete with its twenty-two letters, all
consisting of

twenty-two letters, all consonants and no vowels.

numbers were not known, so that the letters also served for


The first nine letters thus stand for the numbers. Thus, the first nine letters stand for the units, the next nine for the
tens, and the

The next nine letters stand for the tens and the last four for the hundreds.

Thus, any word could be translated into numbers and vice versa, as if it were a coded language of codes.

a coded language of codes.

The Bible was the first book printed by Gutenberg, and today more than two million editions are printed every year
in the world.

more than two million editions are printed worldwide in all languages every year.

It is in itself a great encyclopaedia, containing everything from history, tradition, myths and legends to rules and

from history, tradition, myths and legends to legal rules, poetry, wonderful songs and prayers,

aphorisms, teachings on traditional medicine and cooking recipes.

and it is made up of many different but complementary books, written at different times by different authors.

different times by different authors.

The body of the Bible has been extracted from codices that are known today as the

Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus and Vaticanus. Since the Council of Trent (1546), the Catholic Bible has been

Catholic Bible is composed of 72 books, grouped into 45 books in the Old Testament

and 27 in the New Testament (from the rise of Christianity). The Jewish

Jewish Bible is divided into three groups of books: the Law, the Prophets and the Writings, and only accepts

accepts only 38 in total. In the Protestant canon, the 38 books of the Jewish Old Testament plus the 27 books of the
Protestant canon are assumed.

Testament plus the 27 of the New Testament. The first five

books, which Christians refer to as the Pentateuch and Jews as the Torah,

were attributed to Moses (14th century BC). Although we know today that it was rather

it was rather Solomon's scribes (10th century B.C.) who wrote them or compiled them from the oral tradition,
combining two

from the oral tradition, combining two traditions now known as the Elohist and the Yahwistic

and the Yahwist, which are constantly interwoven in the texts. But the

history of the people of Israel meant that much of this material was lost to the invasions of the

the invasions of the Assyrians and Babylonians, only to be combined again in the time of Ezra.

The New Testament is the contribution of the New Testament to the history of the people of Israel.

The New Testament is Christianity's contribution as the continuation of the history of God's chosen people.

of the history of God's chosen people, universalising the message.


It is divided into three sections: the historical books, the didactic books and a prophetic book, the Apocalypse.

The New Testament is divided into three sections: the historical books, the didactic books and a prophetic book, the
Apocalypse or Book of Revelation. Until 1945, there were

In addition to the so-called canonical books (officially accepted), 50 apocryphal books of the Old Testament were

apocrypha of the Old Testament and 60 of the New Testament, i.e. books whose originals have not survived to the
present day.

whose originals have not survived to the present day (of dubious originality and provenance), and of which the

and provenance), and of which only copies of copies have come down to us,

Slavic, Ethiopian and Armenian translations. But it was precisely in that year that

Gnostic Gospels of the infancy of Jesus were found in the caves of Nag Hamadi (Egypt).

Gnostic Gospels of the infancy of Jesus, originals from the 4th century A.D., were found in the Nag Hamadi caves in

the western shore of the Dead Sea, the scrolls of the Essenes of Qumran were accidentally

scrolls of the Essenes of Qumran, which contained not only Hebrew, ancient Aramaic and Greek originals of the
and Greek originals of the books considered canonical, but also originals of the known apocrypha and the

the known apocrypha and many that were not even known.

In the third century B.C., the pharaoh Ptolemy Philadelphus, in the magnificent and cosmopolitan city of Alexandria,

city of Alexandria, had commissioned 72 Hebrew sages from the local Jewish community to translate the

Jewish community to translate the Bible into Greek within an extremely short period of time (72 days), in order to

(72 days), to be kept in the city's famous library; from this came the "Seventy" version of the Bible.

Seventy" version (Septuagint): Then, in the 4th century A.D., St. Jerome translated the Holy Scriptures into Greek.

Jerome translated the Holy Scriptures from Greek into Latin, a translation known as "The Vulgate".

known as "The Vulgate".

The Bible, being a sacred text, admits several levels of interpretation, with a multiplicity of meanings.

multiplicity of meanings. But fundamentally, it is a book of history: the history of the

history of the people of Israel, a people who were contacted and who bore permanent witness to this contact with
other realities.

to this contact with other realities. It is a history that is largely

archaeologically verifiable, although many events are the product of oral transmission and the

the product of oral transmission and the passage of time have changed,

degenerated or have become more epic in character than they were originally.

than they were originally. With all due respect, I do not intend to make a study or an analysis


of biblical exegesis, nor of its theological character (and I take for granted that in certain texts such as Genesis and

that in certain texts such as Genesis, for example, it is not intended to be historical but metaphorical and moralistic).

but metaphorical and moralistic). My interest is only to raise the possibility that, beyond the obvious transphorical

that, beyond the obvious moral and spiritual background, the Holy Scriptures,

as a historical book, contain the evidence that we have been visited by beings from other worlds who have

beings from other worlds who have accompanied us in our history and to a certain extent are our past or their

are to some extent our past or their architects; and we, to some extent, are their future, inasmuch as we would be
their future.

their future, in that we would be a projection of their expectations, like a father with his children.

father with his children. This, as I have said before, does not overthrow our religious beliefs, nor does it deny the
existence of the

religious beliefs, nor does it deny the existence of God; on the contrary, it reaffirms it.

reaffirms it, since it would be demonstrating that we are not alone, that we have never been alone; and it would also

and it would also explain many hitherto incomprehensible aspects of the reading of the texts and of the

reading of the texts and the process of human evolution.

In the Bible we will find many terms that, despite the fact that some authors consider them and transcribe them as

authors consider and transcribe them as synonyms, they are not. For example, we have the term "Elohim",

we have the term "Elohim", which is translated as 'the gods* or us*.

But it is not the same as "Elyon" (The Absolute); or "El", applied to each of the Watchers (god or superior entity).

the Watchers (god or superior entity who comes from the stars); or "Adonay" or "Adonay or

Edpnay" (The Lord); or "YaJxvého Jehovah" (He is or He who is); or "El Sadday" (the

Almighty); or "Eli" (Father). and we also have "maTak or malakim" (Greek, angel or

Greek, angel or messenger), which means bearer or 'the incomprehensible side of

God'. All these terms are much repeated in the early books of the Old Testament, and go to be

Testament, and they will be part of the clue that leads us to the understanding of the extraterrestrial

understanding of the involvement of extraterrestrials in the stories.

But let us turn directly to the analysis of the texts.


Are we the result of a genetic manipulation sown by extraterrestrial life?

extraterrestrial life?


"Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.


(Genesis 1:26)


We know that God's designs are strange and stranger the means he uses.

He uses. We should not be surprised that the divinity often acts in an indirect but effective way ("God can write
straight in lines").

indirect but effective way ("God can write straight in crooked lines").

crooked"). The word "Elohim" at the beginning of the Jewish Bible, as I discussed earlier, is translated as 'we'.

earlier, is translated as 'we' or 'the gods', in the plural. Taking this small detail into account, I wonder what

this small detail, I wonder what would happen if we accept that other galaxies,

systems and suns came into being before our own, and that in some of these other cosmic homes

cosmic homes developed civilisations, which are not better than us, but more advanced, which are

are not better than us, but more advanced, at a different time of evolution; like the older brother in

evolution; like big brother in college and us in elementary school.

Could some of these extraplanetary cultures, according to their technological capabilities, reach us?

technological capacity, reach us? Of course they could, we live in a universe without limits.

The only limit is our ignorance. Someday our technology will allow us to
technology will allow us to reach other worlds and thanks to diverse knowledge, including genetics, we can

genetics, we will be able to accelerate at will (but ethically) the process of life, sowing our seed there.

and there we will be able to sow our seed or what we know and what we are.

When intelligent life emerges on these worlds, we will be like their gods to these beings

as their gods, and so we would have a moral obligation to make them understand that we are not gods, but that we

that we are not gods, but simply collaborators with nature.

nature. The point would be that they can understand us in that role, because when you are a child you see your
parents as

as a child you see your parents as if they were gods incarnate on earth and believe that they know everything or can
do everything.

that they know everything or can do everything, and this is obviously an error of perception.

perception. So, in order not to create dependency, we would leave,

promising to return someday; which happens to be the content of many of our peoples' myths and legends.

myths and legends of our peoples.


All this argumentation could help us to understand why we have been made in our own image and

made in our own image and likeness, as the scriptures say. Beyond the

symbolism of the spiritual image of a God with his values (creative capacity and capacity to love), of which we are

creative capacity and capacity to love), of which we would also be a reflection,

let us consider the possibility that this was a direct and tacit assertion:

"Let us make man in our image". God has no physical appearance, and in the

universe the rule is variety, so we would be talking about a sowing of beings in the

in the image and likeness of beings from other worlds with a humanoid appearance (there are others totally

others totally different) that, due to their similarity, maintain a certain close relationship with our

with our environment and climate.

Did several extraterrestrial crews come to our world to do specific tasks?

specific tasks?

"When Elyon distributed the nations, when he distributed the sons of Adam, he fixed the borders of the peoples
according to the number

the borders of the nations according to the number of the Beni'El, and the portion that was Yahweh's

to Yahweh was Israel".

(Deuteronomy 32:8-9)

"Elohim stands in the divine assembly, in the midst of the gods he judges: "How long will they

when will they judge unjustly and show consideration for the wicked?" (...)

I said to myself: "Gods you are, and sons of Elyon all of you! Yet you will die
like men, and, like any of the princes, you shall fall.""

(Psalms 82:1-7)


The Bible itself, in Deuteronomy and in the Psalms, clarifies the picture for us

the collective nature of Elohim, and how this name corresponds to a hierarchical rank.

corresponds to a lower hierarchical rank than one would have imagined. At

As for the Beni'El, they are the sons of God or the lesser gods (angels),

also called in the Apocrypha "Watchers and Guardians of Worlds".



The Hebrew people were originally not monotheistic but "monolatrous," which means that they recognised the
existence of others.

which means that they recognised the existence of other gods, but at the same time one main god with whom they

with whom they identified themselves, called Elyon (The Absolute). According to this, we would have

According to this, we would have confused the intermediate hierarchies and the intermediaries with the Creator of

and also our world would have been the scene, 'from its beginnings, of a systematic process of extraterrestrial

systematic process of extraterrestrial interventions in the manner of a genetic laboratory.

genetic laboratory. But we would not be for these beings laboratory rats,

but something like "test-tube babies", and our world would not be seen as a farm, but rather as a

as a farm, but rather as a cradle or a kindergarten, where they would be experimenting with us in ways and

they would be experimenting with us in ways and processes of learning. For

that they would be creating the conditions for learning or remembering things through us, things which in their

us, things that in their evolutionary process they have forgotten or neglected.

Were there extraterrestrials rebellious to a Higher Plan?

"You said in your heart, "I will climb the heavens, above the highest stars, I will raise my throne and sit upon my

I will raise my throne and sit upon the mountain of meeting, in the uttermost parts of the north; I will climb the
mountain of meeting, in the uttermost parts of the north.

I will scale the heights of the clouds, I will be equal to Elyon"."

(Isaiah 14:13)


"the gods" (Elohim or Beni'El) were supposed to meet periodically at a place called "the mountain of the

place called "the mountain of assembly" on the edge of Mount Sagon.

There they were to give an account to Yahweh of the progress of their government, and they could be

punished if they did not comply with the instructions. But it seems that from the beginning there were dissenters.

there were dissenters from the beginning.

Was the earth a great genetic laboratory?

"Then Elohim formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed in the breath of life, and man was formed as a

life, and man became a living soul".

Genesis 2:7)


Despite not claiming to be historical, nor to elaborate an anthropological treatise, the

Genesis is right in pointing out (what the theory of evolution has demonstrated) that

after everything created, man appeared and not the other way round. The human being is

the last in the evolutionary chain.

According to the scriptures, they are made from the raw material of the planet (dust from the ground), but the
human being is the last in the evolutionary chain.

(dust from the ground); but he is not only matter, he also possesses an individual soul and a spirit which is

individual soul and a spirit that is transmitted in another way. In our world, both processes

both processes of evolution and foreign intervention would have taken place in our world.

foreign intervention. Sometimes they would have taken place in parallel, sometimes simultaneously.


So Elohim took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it.

to cultivate it and to keep it. Then Elohim gave a command to the man, saying, 'Of every

tree of the garden you may eat freely, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for you
shall not eat of it.

and evil you shall not eat of it, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

you shall die without remedy".

(Genesis 2, 16-17)

"And they began to sin against the birds and the beasts and the creeping things and the fishes

then they devoured each other's flesh and drank each other's blood.

Then the earth accused the violent ones".

(Enoch 7:5-6)


The Genesis myth is not of Hebrew but Sumerian origin. Let us remember that

Abraham lived in Ur, a Chaldean city, together with his father Terach. There he was educated

in the cultural legacy of this ancestral people, where, as the Sumerian clay tablets from
Sumerian clay tablets, there was already talk of a garden, of a tree of knowledge, of the serpent, of the

knowledge, the serpent, the forbidden fruit (immortality) and the creator "gods".

creator "gods".

Let's imagine for a moment a laboratory ship landing somewhere in Mesopotamia or

Mesopotamia or Africa. It was a greenhouse ship in which seven


genetic engineers, called the Sowers of Life or Cosmic Gardeners (the Elohim), would have been

Elohim), would have been sent by the government of our galaxy, made up of twenty-four venerable

of twenty-four venerable wise elders (a council that is mentioned in Revelation and the

mentioned in the Apocalypse and which groups together all the most evolved worlds with the

evolved worlds with the ability to help and assist each other). The council would have con-

The council would have considered the time opportune to accelerate the process of life on this UR-category planet.

UR (one-star system) planet, known as Earth.

Accordingly, the degree of intervention would have increased from sporadic genetic experiments to sporadic genetic

sporadic genetic experiments to the direct action of monitoring and observing the generated

observation of the collectives generated. For this purpose, a group of ancestors would have been introduced into

laboratory ship to a group of our ancestors (Adam), warning them that they should be vegetarians (it is insisted that

they must be vegetarians (this is strongly insisted upon in the apocryphal book of

Enoch) and that they should avoid consuming certain plants counterproductive to the evolutionary process
(hallucinogenic plants

evolutionary process (hallucinogenic plants), because they would damage the organism (neurons of the brain) and

the brain) and would affect the subtle vehicles, modifying also the whole process of the natural

natural process of inner awakening (as the spontaneous development of the psychic potential would be blocked).

psychic potential).

"The serpent said to the woman: "You will not die, of course: for Elohim knows that on the day you eat you will not

knows that on the day you eat of that tree your eyes will be opened and you will become like gods, knowing good
and evil.

gods, knowing good and evil [you will have discernment]".

(Genesis 3:4-5)


It is natural for us to wonder that if Elohim was God, and God is all-knowing, why did he

why did he allow the serpent to be in the garden and tempt the woman? A
unless He Himself had prepared the trap. Obviously this cannot

because it contradicts the image of the divine essence. So, if it was not God,

who were these beings who were playing God, and what were their real intentions?

And why could they have been afraid that the human being would


What were they afraid of? What was it that we were not supposed to know?

we were not supposed to know? Neither God nor the serpent had anything to do with the actual event,

that would have happened because of stellar visitors hundreds of thousands (or millions) of years ago, therefore, the

years (or millions) ago, so let's leave the snakes alone. Here we are confronted

with an account that would explain that one of the seven sowers, identified with the serpent symbol,

identified with the symbol of the serpent (symbol of knowledge and wisdom, but also of medicine).

and wisdom, but also of medicine), would have behaved as an extraterrestrial doctor (perhaps an alien

extraterrestrial doctor (perhaps an ancient version of Dr. Frankenstein or Dr. Jeckyll).

Dr. Frankenstein or Dr. Jeckyll). This being would have prioritised scientific research in order to evaluate

what would happen with the consumption of those plants, but at the cost of the future of our ancestors.

our ancestors.

"You were a seal of perfection, full of wisdom and finished beauty; in Eden, a splendid garden, a splendid garden.

Eden, a splendid garden, thou didst dwell: all manner of precious stones were thy clothing (...), and

and gold was the gold of thy shoulder-strap and of thy neckline (...). You were a

cherub consecrated as a protector, I had established you as such; you were on the holy mountain of Elohim.

on the holy mountain of Elohim [you were one of us], and you walked in the midst of the stones of fire.

amidst the stones of fire. Thou hast been perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation, until it was discovered

of your creation, until iniquity was discovered in you. By the intensity of your

you have filled your inward parts with violence and sin, and I have cast you down from the mountain of Elohim.

mountain of Elohim.

(Ezekiel 28:11-16)

"It is Gadriel: (...) he is the one who seduced Eve.

(Enoch 59, 6)


This ill-fated character named Gadriel would have lent himself to the game of other

entities, located behind the scenes, to commit an intrusion that frustrated a cosmic

frustrated a cosmic project. For this, there would be extraterrestrial inhabitants of other planets and also
ultraterrestrial beings.

other planets and also ultraterrestrial beings, which would be entities that


dimensions and even parallel universes (I recommend to consult my book Guardians and Watchers of Worlds).

(I recommend consulting my book Guardians and Watchers of Worlds). It is curious to see how the description of

description of Gadriel's costume coincides very closely with what the Levite priests would later wear on behalf of

It is curious to see how the description of Gadriel's clothing coincides very closely with that which the Levitical
priests would later wear at Yahweh's behest.

"Then they heard the sound [of footsteps] of Elohim walking through the orchard in the evening breeze, and the

the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Elohim

within the grove of the orchard. Elohim then called out to the man,

saying, "Where are you? (...) Have you eaten of the tree of the tree which I commanded you not to eat?

I commanded you not to eat?

(Genesis 3, 8-11)


The story suggests the manifest presence of someone who occupies space and who is

The story suggests the manifest presence of someone who occupies space and who is oblivious to all that is going on
around him or does not necessarily know it,

This shows that it is not God who is being spoken of, but these visitors,

who see the project they had planned fail because of the bad behaviour of one of their companions.

Are the extraterrestrials afraid of us because of something we don't know about but that we could

but which we do not know but which we might come to know?

"Then Elohim said, "There you have the one who has become like one of us, knowing the good and the evil.

He [man] knowing good and evil! Do not go now and reach out your hand and take from the tree of life

from the tree of life, and eat of it, and live forever!" And Elohim drove him out. So he drove him out,

Elohim drove him out of the garden of Eden, and set him to work the ground out of which he had been

formed. When he had brought the man out, he placed at the east of the garden winged creatures and a

and a flaming sword, which turned every way, to prevent any man from reaching the

to prevent anyone from reaching the tree of life".

(Genesis 3:22-24)


The extraterrestrials come to fear the consequences of transgression and of our

character and curiosity; and they also fear us, since we are a corrected and improved version of them.

corrected and improved version of themselves. They then decide to abort that part of the

part of the mission, expelling our ancestors from the genetic laboratory.
The project is set aside; and humanity on Earth, left to its own devices in an aggressive and

and so fearful, or mistrustful, that the area is cordoned off with guards,

that the area is cordoned off with guards (robots?) and smart weapons.

What knowledge did they fear we might acquire? How might it harm them?

could it harm them? The key lies in our genetics, because the power of sound and

sacred geometry are able to restructure time directly affecting the interveners and visitors.

directly affecting the interveners and visitors.

"Then Elohim gave Cain a sign so that no one who found him would harm him.

found him. Then Cain departed from the presence of Elohim and settled in the land of Nod,

east of Eden. [There Cain met his wife.

(Genesis 4:15-17)


If Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel were the only ones on the face of the earth, who could

find Cain other than his parents? And where did Cain's wife come from?

Cain's wife? Furthermore, how can it be possible for Cain to walk away from God's presence?

if God is everywhere? Evidently we are not talking about God, but about

another entity misunderstood as such, and which is located somewhere in the landscape.

And what was this sign located on Cain's forehead?

Was it related to the blockage of the psychic potential or third eye?

On leaving the laboratory ship, our (now defenceless) ancestors who were the subjects of the experiment

(now helpless) encountered many other hominids with whom they began to mingle.

with whom they began to mingle.

According to the teachings received by the extraterrestrial contact groups, some

25,000 years ago, two great civilisations (the Orion beings and the Pleiades beings) would have been

Pleiades) would have been sent to our world as Watchers and Guardians to take back the

Guardians to resume the supervision of the evolutionary process of humanity.


Bdbzb- 54

Previously the supervigilance had been interrupted by disagreements and disagreements between the interveners.

disagreements between the extraterrestrial interveners. Earth and humanity

The Earth and humanity would have followed their own process, with its own very original characteristics,

which again attracted the attention of the Watchers, who considered that

that the unauthorised outsiders should be prevented as far as possible from interfering with the

process of human evolution. But one of these Orion Watchers of reptiloid appearance, named Satanel
reptiloid-looking Orion Watchers, called Satanel (aka Satan or Satan, not to be confused with Lucifer or Light), was

not to be confused with Lucifer or Luzbel, who would be an ultraterrestrial), wanted to interfere by controlling and
even preventing the

controlling and even impeding progress (but not exactly for the better).

This triggered such a tension that ended up in what we know as "the

war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness" or also called "the war of the angels".

the "war of the angels". This culminated in the deportation to our planet of the leaders of the dissent, the

the leaders of the dissent, who, accustomed to living thousands of years off our world, grew old prematurely.

of our world, aged prematurely here, died and became trapped in another dimension.

trapped in another dimension. Although not all Orions participated in the

dissidence, those who remained faithful to the Cosmic Plan were replaced by the beings of Sirius (Cannon).

by the beings of Sirius (Can Major), but were allowed to settle on the moons of Jupiter and take up residence there.

of Jupiter and to settle there in mining colonies, and remained as distant observers of the planetary process.

distant observers of the planetary process.


Was Enoch the first known case of abduction?

"As Enoch lived in accordance with the will of Elohim, he disappeared one day.



rather it was an invitation to accompany them, although there was no return.

Was there hybridisation and interbreeding with extraterrestrials in the past as all the legends of ancient peoples tell?

legends of the ancient peoples?

"There were giants on the earth at that time; and even after this, when the sons of God [the angels] came to the
earth, and the giants came to the earth,

when the sons of God [the angels of heaven] were joined to the daughters of men and begot children to them.

men, and begot them sons, who are the heroes, of old renowned men.

renowned men of old.

(Genesis 6:4)


The Bible makes a number of very striking statements here, such as the existence of giants, who are constantly
mentioned in the Bible.

existence of giants, constantly mentioned in Greek mythology and in the mythology of many other peoples.

of many other peoples; it also reproduces the widespread theme of the sexual relations of divine beings.

sexual relations of divine or celestial beings with human mortals.

For if angels are immaterial beings with the face of a girl and wings on their backs (as we have been
(as we have been led to believe), how can it be explained that it is openly stated here that they had sexual contact,
as we have been led to believe?

that they had sexual contact, like sailors leaving family from port to port?

family from port to port? This contact could not be possible if they were physical beings, nor could they have

physical beings, nor could they have children if the genetics were not compatible.

Reiterating the above, in the apocryphal book of Enoch it is said:

"So then, when the sons of men multiplied, there were born to them in those days fair and beautiful daughters

beautiful and fair daughters; and the angels, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them, and said among

and they said to one another, "Come, let us choose wives from among the sons of men, and let us

of men, and let us beget children". Then, Semyaza, their chief, said to them, "I fear

that you may not [really] want to do this work, and I will be responsible for a great sin.

for a great sin.

(Enoch 6:1-4)

"So they were all of them two hundred, and they came down upon Ardis, the top of

Mount Hermon [border of Syria and Lebanon]."

(Enoch 6:6)

"These and all the others with them [the angels] took wives; each one

chose one, and they began to go to them and to trade with them, and they taught them the charms and the

and they taught them charms and enchantments, and they taught them the art of cutting roots and the

roots and [the science] of trees."

(Enoch 7:1)


We come to be given the name of the leader of the Watchers (Pleiadians), which is.

Semyaza, and the number of those involved in the terrible transgression: two hundred cosmonauts!


But we are also told about the beginnings of magic, sorcery and

shamanism, which originally fell to women. Here we find

an interesting reason for the aversion and irrational fear which have led to the

fanaticism to persecute and kill in the most brutal way throughout history those who have preserved and handed

those who have preserved and passed on these arts and knowledge, with women always bearing the brunt.

women have always borne the brunt.

The neglect of women in our sexist society and their subjugation

would also be related to the fear of the potential development and activation of magic and psychic

and activation of magic and the psychic in them. It was necessary to prevent by all means
women from regaining their place and mastering such powerful arts.

"The Lord also said to Raphael: "Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into darkness; and open up the

and open the wilderness which is in Dudael, and cast him there.""

"And to Michael the Lord said, "Go, put in chains Semyaza and his companions who

have joined themselves to the women to defile themselves with them in all their impurity.""

(Enoch 10:4 and 11)


The idea of the fallen angels would not only be those who would have rebelled against the Cosmic Plan or the

against the Cosmic Plan or the government of the galaxy, but also of a group of transgressors who had sexual contact
with the

of transgressors who had sexual contact with terrestrials, something which was


forbidden by the visitors. The sexual contact would have been promoted from a distance by those

distance by those, exiles who required hybrid or mixed-race bodies in which to incarnate, as they were

in which to incarnate, as they could not have managed it directly. The

incarnating here would allow them to be on the verge of leaving their prison,

because as they were dying and being born, they could take over planetary power and control.

planetary power and control, although they would be subject to forgetting their previous processes (reincarnation).


"Destroy, therefore, all voluptuous souls and the children of the guardians, for they have oppressed men.

for they have oppressed men".

(Enoch 10:15)


Apparently, not all the offspring of aliens with humans turned out to be

heroic, for it is mentioned here that there were some who oppressed human beings, taking advantage of their

human beings, taking advantage of their advantageous situation, perhaps because of the knowledge they

knowledge they had and because of the needs they had.

"There I saw seven stars of heaven, chained together in that place, resembling great mountains, and burning like the

great mountains, and burning like fire."

"These stars are those who have transgressed the command of the Lord and they have been chained here until they
pass away.

chained here until the passing of ten thousand centuries, the number of the days of their sins.


(Enoch 21:3 and 6)


Here again it is mentioned that some of the punished beings would be of

Pleiadian origin.




What was seen in the sky at the time of the Biblical patriarchs?

"And it came to pass after that, that I saw another army of chariots [ships], upon which were men riding; and they
rode upon the winds [ships].

men riding upon them; and they were riding upon the winds [in the sky], from the east and from the

west to the noonday. The rolling of their chariots was heard."

(Enoch 57:1)


There is here a clear description of the appearance of manned ships arriving on the

Earth from the sky.


"So Elohim said to Noah, "I have decided the end of every creature, for because of you the earth is full of violence.

the earth is full of violence, and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

the earth.

(Genesis 6:13)


How strange that, "Thou shalt not kill" being one of God's most important commandments, it is said to be

of God, it is said that violence is to be done away with, but using greater and more terrible violence.

greater and more terrible violence. Besides, what is the fault of animals, for example, if

for example, if their behaviour is merely instinctive and natural? The destruction

announced to Noah (the flood) would be related to the legendary destruction of the Atlantis civilisation

the civilisation of Atlantis, which would refer to the same event.

"Elohim smelled the sweet smell and said in his heart, "I will not again curse the ground for man's sake, for man's

the ground again for man's sake, for the inclination of the human heart is evil

from his youth; I will not again smite all living creatures as I have done.

as I have done.

(Genesis 8, 21)


This kind of reflection is more typical of someone who is very human and temperamental and who
temperamental person who regrets after having messed up,

destroying everything in a temper tantrum, and contradicts the God of love that Jesus taught us and that

and compassionate, who loves life and human beings without despising them.

and human beings without belittling them. Evidently, he was not God.


Did mankind have developed telepathy in the past?

But Elohim went down to see the city and the tower that men were building, and he thought, "They

and thought, 'They are one people and speak one language; that is why they have begun this work, and now they
have begun this work.

that is why they have begun this work, and now for nothing in the world are they going to stop doing it.

We had better go down and confuse their language so that they will not understand each other.

that they may not understand one another".

(Genesis II, 5-7)


From the temperamental we move on to the malevolent, malicious and incomprehensible sabotage by someone (a

incomprehensible sabotage by someone (an extraterrestrial collective) who fears the progress of the

progress of the human being and that does the unspeakable to prevent it, even to the point of making him forget his
faculties and

to the point of making them forget their faculties and capacities. At that time, it would seem that mankind had
mastered the same language, telepathy.

language, telepathy, in such a way that we not only transmitted ideas but also emotions.

ideas but also emotions. Because of this, there was no deception, lying or hypocrisy.

Because of this there was no deceit, lying or hypocrisy, and this made us deeply knowledgeable.

The apology given in the story, that the united human being was offending the sky

because he was building a tower as a stairway to heaven, is just that: a simple excuse.

is nothing more than that: a mere excuse. The ladder was mental and spiritual, and there were

those who wanted to prevent us from reaching perhaps higher and faster than they did.

Moreover, the great fear that humanity inspired, it seemed, in the visitors, was that we would be integrated into the

was that we would be integrated in a common purpose, with an attitude of cooperation without competition, and so
it was

cooperation without competition, and thus being able to be independent.



The ziggurats of Mesopotamia were astronomical observation towers and centres of culture and knowledge
of culture and expansion of knowledge.

The analogies we find with similar myths and stories in other parts of the world make us take a closer look at the

Earth make the tower of Babel all the more interesting. For example,

in Puebla (Mexico), an ancient legend is mentioned that spoke of seven giants who were

giants who were saved from the flood because they had taken refuge on a high mountain.

mountain. Once they had descended into the valley, they decided to build a very large and high pyramid that would
reach up to the top of the mountain.

pyramid that would reach up to the sky to protect them from future disasters.

future disasters. In addition, this structure would serve to pay homage to the

to the god Tlaloc (god of the waters) and, as a stairway to heaven, to ascend and to be able to

and be able to speak directly with the gods. But the gods took offence

and threw fire on the building, scattering its builders, which is why it would remain

would remain unfinished to this day. This pyramid would be the gigantic

structure of Cholula.


Was Abraham a contactee with extraterrestrials?

"One day Elohim said to Abram: "Leave your land, your fathers and your father's house,

"to go to the land that I will show you. With your descendants I will form

a great nation, (...) and through you I will bless all the families of the world".

(Genesis 12, 2)


Abraham was a Semite of the clan of Heber, and is called by the visitors to fulfil a mission as a contactee.

visitors to fulfil a mission as a contactee; in order to do so, he must mobilise himself by his own

his own efforts to Canaan, with all the work that this entails. He will also

eventually beget more than one people (the Hebrew and the Arab), both of whom will be

will be committed to the spiritual guidance of mankind (correcting previous mistakes?), and will

previous blunders?), because, as the Bible says, the message will benefit



"Abraham went through all this region [of Canaan] until he came to Shechem, where the sacred oak of More is

is the sacred oak of More. The Canaanites were then living in that region.

There the Lord appeared to him and said, 'This is the land that I will give to your descendants.


(Genesis 12:6-7)
"At that time there was a great shortage of food in all that region,

and Abram went to live in Egypt for some time, for there was nothing to eat in the place where he lived.

food in the place where he lived. When he was coming to Egypt, Abram said to his wife Sarai, "Look," she said to

to his wife Sarai, "Look, I know well that you are a beautiful woman, and that when the

the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This woman is this man's wife.

Then they will kill me, and leave you alive to stay with you. For

so that it may go well with me and that I may not be killed because of you, please tell them that

you are my sister.

(Genesis 12:10-13)


Today, the religions that claim to be descendants of the patriarch

Abraham emphasise his faith and willingness to obey the will of the Lord,

following blindly a path to a promised land, where, as announced, "milk and water flowed and

as announced, "flowed with milk and honey". But soon after his arrival

But soon after arriving, he has to leave for Egypt because there is a great famine. Isn't it strange that,

if it was God who was involved, he would not have known that the region was in dire straits before

before he sent his chosen one? Why, if the relations with the Most High were

if the relations with the Most High were so good and close did he not solve the problems by sending

Or was he not God?

It seems that the visitors needed him in that place and at that time. But why that place?

What is so special about that place? The territory of Canaan (now

Israel) is a natural bridge between Asia and Africa.


With a vision of the future, it was known that this land was a necessary passage for the most important expansionist

the most important expansionist civilisations, so that it was a good place to locate a group

a good place to locate a human group genetically programmed to influence the mentality of others.

influence the mentality of other peoples with certain moral values.

Abraham was also a special person: in addition to being very intelligent, he was a born psychic and could

a born psychic and could relatively easily enter into mental communication (contact) with visitors.

(contact) with visitors.

But it is enough to know Abram or Abraham, an example of faith, well enough to be immediately disappointed by

immediately feel disappointed. For example, when he asks his wife to pretend to be his

his wife to pretend to be his sister so that he won't be killed in Egypt. How could he be killed if he is a chosen one?
Where is his faith? How is he able to expose his wife to prostitution with his wife?

his wife to prostitution in order not to be harmed himself? Besides, no matter how

sympathetic or beautiful as Sarah was (all covered in thick dark cloths like the Bedouin women of today, but not as

Bedouin women of today, smelling of everything, her skin cracked by the dust and the sun), how could she be

and the sun), how could she compare with the beautiful, slim, young and sensual ladies of the court of the

sensual ladies of the court of the Pharaoh's kareen, who freely showed their firm breasts, wore

their firm breasts, wore flowing robes that left nothing to the imagination, and smelled of perfumes of the

Well!.... Tastes and colours are not what authors have written about.

and thanks to Sarah, Abraham became rich, or richer than he was, for he received a lot of gifts from the

he was, for he received many gifts from Pharaoh.

I was saying that the strange thing is that Abraham came to feel helpless,

to the extent that he had to leave the Promised Land and in Egypt he was afraid of being killed.

Could it not be that the presence of Elohim (the visitors) was sporadic?

visitors) was sporadic (not all the time)? And, when they were not around, there was no

was no easy way to ask them for help and protection, or they were simply slow to come and act.

or simply delayed in coming and acting.... Strange, isn't it. "Behold, my covenant is

with thee [said Elohim], and thou shalt be the father of a multitude of nations.

your name shall be called Abram no more, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have called you


And I will multiply you exceedingly, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come out of you."

(Genesis 17:4-6)


Abraham, as we were saying, was genetically selected and programmed by

the extraterrestrials, in such a way that through him a human group was to emerge that would

human group that would act in the future as the spiritual guide of mankind. For

Therefore, later on we are going to find recommendations to avoid mixing the race, and even new

mixing of the race, and even further manipulations with unthinkable pregnancies.

In the apocryphal book The Testament of Abraham, the degree of familiarity and sympathy that the

of sympathy that the patriarch attained with the visitors, for it is said that before his death he was visited by a

before he died, he was visited by a messenger of Elohim, who invited him to a chariot of fire with cherubim and
transported him to the

and transported him to heaven where he was able to gaze into space.

He was then returned to his tent.

"The Lord appeared to Abraham in the oak grove of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance to his tent.
Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent, about noon.

noon. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing in front of him.

Abraham looked up and saw three men standing in front of him. When he saw them, he quickly stood up to meet
them, bent down to touch the ground with his forehead, and said

his forehead to the ground, and said, "My lord, please, I beg you, do not leave at once.

at once. If it pleases you, I will ask for some water to wash your feet and then rest for a while.

feet and then rest for a while under the shade of the tree. Since you have passed

I will bring you something to eat, so that you can replenish your strength before you continue

to replenish your strength before you go on your way. "Well, that's fine,

Abraham offered them curds and milk, and stood by to serve them while they ate under the tree.

Abraham offered them curds and milk, and was attentive to serve them while they ate under the tree. When they
had finished eating, the

visitors asked Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?". There, in the tent," he replied.

tent," he replied. Then one of them said, "Next year I will visit you again.

I will come back to visit you, and by then your wife Sarah will have a son.

In the meantime, Sarah was listening to the whole conversation behind his back.



Abraham, at the entrance of the tent. Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah had stopped having her
menstrual periods.

and Sarah had stopped having her menstrual periods. So Sarah could not

and thought, "How can I have this pleasure, now that my husband and I are so old?

are so old? But the Lord said to Abraham, "Why does Sarah laugh, and does she not believe that she can have a child
in spite of her husband's age?

Do you think she can bear a child in spite of her age? Is there anything so difficult that the Lord cannot do it?

can't do it?

(Genesis 18:1-14)


Does Abraham receive the Lord? How can this be possible, if in the Bible itself it is said that no one has

Bible itself says that no one has seen God or lived to tell the tale? One could

argue that he has not been perceived as he is, because no one could bear this vision.

vision. But if God is everything, we are always seeing him in his creation. Although

this is different, before Abraham there were three individuals, one of whom claimed to be the Lord or Elohim.

claimed to be the Lord or Elohim. One would have to ask which lord. Moreover, they eat,

they eat, drink and rest like any neighbour's child, and they don't have much sense of humour, which makes them
very human.
humour, which makes them very human. I would rather say suspiciously



"The people of Sodom and Gomorrah have a bad name, and their sin is so grievous that I'm going there now, to see
if I can't find out if they have sinned.

I am going there now, to see if indeed their wickedness is as great as I have been told.

I shall know. Then I shall know. Two of the visitors went on from there to Sodom, but

Abraham still stayed before the Lord. He came a little nearer to him, 7

he asked, "Will you destroy the innocent along with the guilty?"

(Genesis 18:20-22)

"At once they [the inhabitants of Sodom] began to mistreat Lot [Abraham's nephew

Abraham's nephew] and approached the gate to break it down, but Lot's visitors

[the angels] put forth their hand and drew him into the house, and shut the door, and made them blind.

the door, and made the men standing outside blind".

(Genesis 19:9-11)

"The Lord has already had many complaints against the people of this city, and therefore he has sent us

and therefore he has sent us to destroy it".

(Genesis 19:13)

"The Lord rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, and destroyed them and all who lived in them.

destroyed them and all who lived in them, and destroyed everything that grew in that valley (...).

(...) The next morning Abraham went to the place where he had been talking to the Lord.

the Lord; and he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and throughout the whole valley, and

valley, and he saw smoke rising from all the land, as from a furnace.

(Genesis 19:27)


Who would have taken the gossip to heaven that Sodom was like a city

How is it possible that these heavenly beings are so human and limited?

How is it possible that these heavenly beings could be so human and limited?

Does he not trust his celestial observers, and is he not himself able to see the

Is he not himself able to see from a distance, since he knows and sees everything? Or is it that the image of God that

is the image of God that we are given of someone who is old, short-sighted and somewhat sceptical?

somewhat sceptical? Evidently, and no offence is intended, this "gentleman" is nothing more

than some second-rate or lower league employee.

And what about destroying cities? What about the commandment not to kill again?
or does it only apply to humans or under certain circumstances?

circumstances? Let us take into account an interesting fact, and that is that these

weapons that produced a dazzling blindness in the people of Sodom.

of Sodom. In addition, the rain of fire that rained down on the area has many elements similar to those of an

many elements similar to those of a nuclear explosion with its respective atomic radiation.

atomic radiation.

It may be that, for the extraterrestrial plans, cities like Sodom and


These beings also make mistakes and arbitrariness, sometimes promising things that they do not hurry to deliver.

sometimes promising things that they do not hurry to deliver or do not hesitate to renege on. But beware!

there is everything up there as there is down here, and I know that there are very right and correct beings among
the extraterrestrials.

and correct beings among the extraterrestrials.


"After some time, God tested Abraham's faith. He called him by name, and he

and God said to him, "Take Isaac, your only son, whom you love so much, and go to your

whom you love so much, and go to the land of Moriah. When you get there, offer him as a burnt-offering

on the hill that I will appoint for you."

"But as he was about to take the knife to sacrifice his son, the angel of the Lord called to him from the

"Abraham, Abraham," the angel of the Lord called to him from the hill. "Here I am," he answered.

angel said to him, "Do the boy no harm, for I know that you fear God.

I know that you fear God, for you did not refuse to give me your only son.

(Genesis 22:2 and 9-12)


When Abraham arrived in Canaan, he found that the Canaanite peoples

the Canaanite peoples had the very fine custom of sacrificing their first-born sons on the top of the hills to their
gods, something

to their gods, which Abraham immediately rejected. However, when the promise of the birth of the

when the promise of the birth of the son is fulfilled, the patriarch apparently felt indebted to heaven for the

felt indebted to heaven for such a blessing. This feeling may have

have produced in him the typical mentalism by a play of his ego. If peoples who

If people who possess false gods are capable of sacrificing what they love the most, he, who loved the true God,
would not

God, would he not be capable of doing the same.

these beings that pushed Abraham to risk the life of his son, but he himself?
himself? If God knows people's hearts, how can he be testing or testing them?



If God knows people's hearts, how can he be testing or putting us human beings between a rock and a hard place,
distressing us?

It was not God, nor was it the aliens who made such a request.

But I am convinced that the angels ("ets") acted in discouraging Abraham on Mt.

Abraham on Mount Moriah from consummating such a crime.

Besides, it had cost them so much to programme this son that they could not allow his plan to be frustrated so

their plan to be thwarted so quickly.

"Rebekah could not bear children, so Isaac prayed to the Lord for her, and the Lord heard his prayer.

heard his prayer and Rebekah.

(Genesis 25:21)

"And Elohim appeared to him [Isaac] that night, and said, "I am the Elohim of your father; fear not, for I am the
Elohim of your father.

your father; do not be afraid, for I am with you, and I will bless you, and multiply your descendants

descendants for my servant Abraham's sake".

(Genesis 26:24)


The encounters continued to involve the patriarch's offspring, and to

maintaining the line of communication or connection. In addition, they followed the

births with help or intervention from above.


Did Jacob witness the descent of extraterrestrials to Earth? "And behold a ladder

ladder resting on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, angels of God were ascending and
ascending, and the

angels of God ascending and descending on it."

(Genesis 28:12)


If this narrative constitutes only a dream, it has its symbolic-spiritual relevance, although we cannot rule out the
possibility that it is a dream.

spiritual, although we cannot rule out that many dreams are really astral experiences.

astral experiences. But if it occurred as a vision of something material, then we have

the impression of what made the witness believe that it might be a dream; the testimony of an observation of the

testimony of an observation of the descent of beings to earth.

"Jacob went on his way, and angels of God met him.

When Jacob saw them, he said: "This is an army of God. So he called the place

Mahanaim the place [where God had made his camp].

(Genesis 32:1)


Apparently it was very common to meet the visitors, to the extent that it could be taken as something

that this could be taken as a relatively normal occurrence.

"So Jacob was left alone, and a man [an angel] wrestled with him until the break of day, as it were the dawn of day.

until the break of dawn, and when he saw that he could not overcome Jacob, he struck him in the

joint of his thigh and dislocated it. Then he said to him:

"Let me go, for it streaks the dawn." But Jacob said, "I will not let you

I will not let you go until you have blessed me. The personage asked him, "What is your name?

What is your name? He answered, "Jacob". And he said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob but

Israel, because thou hast fought with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

Jacob asked him, and said, "Tell me, please, your name.

He said, "Why do you ask me my name? Then the man blessed him

and Jacob called the place Penuel, for he said, "I have seen Elohim face to face, and yet I still

face to face, and yet I am still alive."'"'

(Genesis 32:22-30)


Now it turns out that one can have a good old-fashioned go at it with the angels and even with

with the angels and even with God and defeat them, without happily generating harmful cosmic consequences.

But what is really going on? Are they lacking in training in the higher spheres?

They don't make angels like they used to? Once again, the

obvious is that these beings, misconstrued as God or as angels (although they were messengers), are not

were messengers), are not all-powerful, and are not always protected or


supported by their paraphernalia. But some of them are still sufficiently "classy" (although they were messengers),
and not always protected or supported by their paraphernalia.

enough "class" (in spite of the blows) to maintain an atmosphere of mystery, speaking without saying much, with

mystery, speaking without saying much, with a cryptic attitude. In any case

these characters had very peculiar behaviours, or were misunderstood in many respects due to ignorance.

and if we go back to the point that no one has ever seen God, then we can say

that no one has ever seen God, Elohim was not God.
the bush and the pillar of cloud

Did Moses have a close encounter of the third kind on Mount Horeb?

"He [Moses] came to the mountain of God, which is called Horeb. There the Angel of the

Lord appeared to him^ in a flame of fire, in the midst of a bush. Moses looked

and noticed that the bush burned with fire but was not consumed.

Then he thought, "What a strange thing! I will see why the bush is not consumed.

bush is not consumed. When the Lord saw Moses approaching to look, he called to him from the bush, "Moses!

bush: "Moses! Moses!". "Here I am," Moses answered. Then God said to him:

"Do not come near. and take off your shoes, for the place where you are standing is holy." and

He added, "I am the God of your ancestors. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

and Jacob. Moses covered his face, for he was afraid to look at God.

but the Lord continued, "I have clearly seen how my people who are in Egypt are suffering.

Egypt. I have heard them complaining because of their taskmasters, and I know very well what they are suffering.

I know very well what they are suffering. That is why I have come down, to save them from the power of the

out of that country and bring them to a great and good land, where milk and honey flow like water.

flow like water. It is the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites...".


(Exodus 3:3-8)


The apparitions of the visitors are often surrounded by luminous or fiery manifestations, strange noises

of light or fire, strange noises and so forth; but on this occasion we



But on this occasion we are faced with a natural, real and actual phenomenon. The type of bush in question

has a concentration of oil in its branches which causes it to burn under certain

circumstances, even today, it burns but is not consumed. Could this have been exploited by the Elohim to

this exploited by the Elohim to attract the curiosity of Moses in a simple way, and for him to

Moses' curiosity, and so that once these beings were gone, each time the same phenomenon would occur again.

the same phenomenon would occur again, the people would feel the comfort of heavenly companionship?

heavenly company?

The people of Israel had been living in Egypt for four hundred years, and for a good part of that time under the

a good part of this time undeservedly in bondage. The million-dollar question is

question is: Why were the chosen people allowed to be enslaved and mistreated for so long, having been
Why were the chosen people allowed to be enslaved and mistreated for so long, having remained faithful to their
God? How is it possible that this "God" (that

God" (who cannot be, I reiterate, the-true God) tell Moses that he had clearly seen the

Moses that he has clearly seen the affliction of the people? Was it not clear before?

Why did it take him so long to notice and act? Furthermore, how is it

that he has come down? If he is God, he is everywhere and does not have to come down like a cosmonaut

like a cosmonaut orbiting the planet waiting for the best conditions.

conditions. But, if he were an extraterrestrial, it would explain why they would

left the village safely four hundred years ago, and, as time does not pass for them as it does for us, they

time does not pass for them as it does for us, they would return shortly afterwards (for them) and

find in crisis what they left behind.

The extraterrestrials knew that they should no longer intervene directly (even though they

they can, they shouldn't), because things change and humanity must evolve

on its own. In the past they did and it was more harmful than constructive. But

But we see that in certain aspects they continue with the same arbitrariness.

help one will harm the other; like, for example, taking land from some to give it to others.

to give it to others. This is neither just nor spiritual, because how can we be asked to do what we have been asked to

asked to do what even the heavenly hierarchies do not do or fulfil, as in the case of the

or do, as in the case of the commandments? "They will ask me:

What is your name, and then what shall I say to them?

And God said to him, "I am he who am. And you shall say to the Israelites, The Lord, the God of

your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you.

to you. This is my everlasting name; this is my name for ever".

(Exodus 3:13-15)


As if in a play on words, the Elohim did not answer directly, but rather

but rather threw out a riddle: "I am who I am". Up to this point, as I have already

the plural "we" had been used to refer to the divinity or to the Watchers (Elohim).

the Watchers (Elohim). Now the first person singular is used, but no name is given (Yahweh).

no noun is given (Yahweh or Jehovah is not a noun, it is like saying "the one who is" or "he is").

who is" or "he is"). Perhaps by doing this they were cleverly avoiding having to

to lie or to come up with something new and forceful, for which our ancestors were not prepared; and, perhaps

for which our ancestors were not prepared; and, thus, they got out of the problematic situation in which Moses was
Moses had got them into by demanding definitions.

"Alas, Lord," Moses replied. "I don't have a way with words and this is not just a

not just yesterday or now that you are talking to this servant of yours, but from long ago.

but from long ago. Whenever I speak, my tongue is always tongue-tied. But the Lord said to him, "And

Who has given a man a mouth, and who, if not I, makes him dumb or deaf or blind, or causes him to see?

or blind, or makes him able to see? So go, I will be with you when you speak,

and I will teach you what to say." Moses insisted, "Oh, Lord, please send someone else!

someone else! Then the Lord was angry with Moses and said to him, "Well, there is your brother Aaron.

there's your brother Aaron, the Levite! I know that he speaks very well. (...) You will

speak to Aaron as if it were I myself, and Aaron will speak to the people.

to the people.

(Exodus 4:10-16)

"When you come to Egypt, give all your attention to doing before Pharaoh the wonders that I have

I have given you the power to do. I, for my part, will make him stubborn and will not

him to be stubborn and not let the Israelites go out".




Moses is given the mission to address the people, but there was one small

problem: he did not speak Hebrew. He had been brought up in Pharaoh's house and was a stranger to the language.

alien to the language. The Torah and the Talmud (book of commentaries of the Jewish rabbis) try to save the
situation by saying that he did not speak Hebrew.

Jewish commentaries) try to salvage the situation by saying that the main problem was that

Moses was a stammerer (how embarrassing it was for the rabbis, in their nationalistic ego

nationalistic ego, to have to consider that their liberator did not speak the sacred language of Hebrew).

language of Hebrew). Nothing could be more ridiculous than the argument that he had

speech impediment. Besides, if it was really God who was involved,

he could solve the problem in a split second. The idea of using

Aaron as a translator I don't think the Elohim liked it much either,

they knew that it could happen (and did happen) that the whole thing would turn into a broken phone.

the thing could (and did) turn into a broken telephone. In the end, one was the message Moses received from the
Elohim, another was the message Moses received from the Elohim.

from the Elohim, one that he understood, one that he shared with Aaron, one that Aaron understood and one that
Moses understood.

one that Aaron understood, and one that he came to convey to the people (often manipulating it in a
(often manipulating it in a convenient way, since Aaron was not a very trustworthy person and his many

was not a very trustworthy person and his numerous weaknesses are


Why this double game of pressuring a poor Moses, who had a price on his head in Egypt (no matter how much he
had to pay)?

on his head in Egypt (even though he was assured that those who were persecuting him were dead) to

that those who persecuted him were dead), to lead the people out with signs and wonders, and then to harden
Pharaoh's heart?

harden the heart of Pharaoh? This situation does not make sense, even more so

when what was needed were not staffs that turned into serpents, nor were they

seasonal plagues that martyred people and animals (innocent of any guilt).

(innocent of any guilt.); but rather, and with common sense, to predispose people positively so that no one would be

positively predisposed people so that no one would suffer unnecessarily.

"On the way, at the place where Moses and his family were to spend the night, the Lord came out to meet Moses
and his family,

the Lord came out to meet Moses and wanted to kill him. Then Zipporah took a

stone knife and cut off her son's foreskin".

(Exodus 4:24-25)


Once again we are confronted with a character who has little that is divine and

much that is demonic. This behaviour is typically schizophrenic. On

one hand, Elohim sends him on a mission and, half way through (does he change his mind?), he stalks

opinion?), he stalks out to kill him himself. It really is a crazy thing to do.

Could it be that since the word or the term Elohim implies various types of beings and

crews, with collectives that often disagreed with each other in their actions, there were in this sense

their actions, there were in this sense conflicting opinions among them? This could

This could explain the contradictions, which were very dangerous for the humans who were in the

and as for circumcision, we cannot accept that it is the sign of God's chosen people.

the sign of God's chosen people, because long before that the Egyptians were already practising it.

Egyptians practiced it long before.

"Tell Aaron to take his staff and stretch out his arm over the rivers, streams, ponds and water reservoirs of the land,

and water reservoirs of Egypt; over everything that has water, so that it may be turned into blood.

and turn it into blood.

(Exodus 7,19)

Since the Exodus account was written several centuries after the events

it is not surprising that it has changed over time. Precisely, Solomon's

Solomon's scribes had only a vague recollection of the life of the enslaved people of Israel in Egypt.

enslaved people of Israel in Egypt. This would explain the emphasis on the ten plagues with which the

ten plagues with which the country was punished. These plagues were for the most part periodic events

events that usually occurred as a result of the rains in the heart of Africa and the floods of

Africa and the flooding of the Nile. The annual flooding involved the

The annual flooding meant the bogging down of the reddish silt over the whole territory and fertilised it. Every

every year, six months of the year, this happened.


Therefore, we can be sure that Moses never told Pharaoh that the river was going to turn to blood.

(I reiterate, it was the silt and red earth of the desert washed away by the flood), nor that the river would turn to

by the flood), nor that there would be a plague of frogs, mosquitoes, etc., because it was common and frequent at
the time.

common and frequent at the time.

What Moses would really have said to Pharaoh, in confronting him, was that this

year the rains would come early or late, which would mean famine in Egypt.

Egypt, and this would have been known beforehand to the meteorologists of the time: the priests of the

the priests of the temples, who made their astronomical measurements by observing the sky (the

astronomical measurements by observing the sky (the stars, among them Sothis or Sirius) or the river

with their famous "nilometer". But they failed to notice it and it happened just as Moses said.

Moses, and it was this that instilled fear in the king when he realised that behind him was a higher knowledge and

knowledge and power behind him.

"Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "Take handfuls of ashes upward, in the presence of Pharaoh.

upward in the presence of Pharaoh. The ashes will turn to dust and will spread throughout the land, producing sores

all over the land, causing sores on all the men and animals of Egypt.


(Exodus 9:8*9)


Could it be that, as an extreme measure, the Elohim (extraterrestrials) were

some kind of chemical or radioactive weapon which produced sores or blisters on the

sores or blisters on the people? Evidently this plague could not have been a natural thing, any more than the death
of the

natural, any more than the death of the firstborn. It seems that they had
overplayed their hand at being interveners.

Was the glory of God an alien mother ship?

"By day the Lord accompanied them in a pillar of cloud to show them the way, and by night in a pillar of cloud to
show them the way.

and by night, in a pillar of fire, to give them light. Thus they were able to

by day and by night.

(Exodus 13:21)



Typical UFO sighting: a mother ship, perhaps in the shape of a tube or large oval, wrapped in a cloud-like

tube-shaped or large oval, wrapped in a cloud-like camouflage.

There have been many cases of military and commercial pilots who have had such encounters.

encounters, which shows that they are still frequent and that they were not Dids.

were Dids.

"Set up your camps opposite this place by the sea. Then Pharaoh will think

Pharaoh will think, "The Israelites don't know where to go. They are lost in the desert.

But I will make Pharaoh stubborn and pursue them; then I will show my power in him and in him.

then I will show my power in him and in all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the


(Exodus 14:2-4)


Again this very dangerous double game, making one and the other suffer,

made no sense at all. It was much simpler to soften the hearts of the persecutors so that no one would suffer, or to
throw some

it was much easier to soften the heart of the persecutors so that no one would suffer, or to cast some

to distract or confuse them, or a sandstorm to drive the pursuers away without further

the persecutors without further casualties. But is it not the case that the story, rather than reflecting the facts, is
more a reflection of the

the scribes' and rabbis' confusion about the sometimes indifferent or limited behaviour of the

sometimes indifferent or limited behaviour of the Elohim?

"At that moment the angel of God and the pillar of cloud, marching in front of the Israelites, changed

the Israelites, changed places and moved behind them. So the

the pillar of cloud stood between the Egyptian army and the Israelites; to the Egyptians it was a dark cloud, but to
the Israelites it was a dark cloud, but to the Israelites it was a dark cloud.

It was a dark cloud to the Egyptians, but to the Israelites it gave light. So the Egyptians could not
the Israelites all night. Moses stretched out his arm

over the sea, and the Lord sent a strong east wind that blew all night and split the sea into two parts.

the night and split the sea in two. So the Lord turned the sea into dry land, and the Israelites crossed it on dry land.

the dry land the Israelites crossed it, between two walls of water, one on each side.



one on the right and the other on the left.

(Exodus 14: 19-22)


Again the reference is to the protection of the Hebrew people by the presence of the suspicious cloud or cloaked

the presence of the suspicious cloud or cloaked ship. Certainly they saw something,

and something was accompanying them, keeping their distance. What is interesting is to verify that

the same phenomenon is still occurring in different parts of the world, and at present it can be

and today it can be investigated as a UFO phenomenon. But, as for the biblical

biblical passage, we find that in the Hebrew text it does not say that they crossed the Red Sea, but the

Red Sea, but through the "sea of reeds"; and the fact is that at that time there was no Suez Canal, so there was no

Suez Canal, so the Mediterranean was not connected to the Red Sea. More

Rather, there was a strip of flooded and marshy lowlands, known as the "Sea of Reeds" after the

"sea of reeds" because of the type of vegetation that covered it; with the strong winds that sometimes

winds that sometimes blew there, there was a largely dry pass through which one could pass on foot, but not on

could be passed on foot, but not with the Pharaoh's chariots. Here we would again

here again the possibility of exaggeration and distortion, a product of the remoteness with which the

distance with which the events took place. Or the alternative of the

historical fact: the involvement of an extraterrestrial high technology capable of

produce what is claimed to have happened.

"There in the wilderness, they all began to murmur against Moses and Aaron.

And they said to them, 'Would that the Lord had caused us to die in Egypt! There we

there we sat by the pots of meat and ate our fill, but you have brought us into the wilderness to kill us.

but you have brought us into the wilderness to starve us all to death. Then the

Then the Lord said to Moses, "I am going to rain food from heaven for you. The people

The people shall go out each day and gather only what they need for the day.

(Exodus 16:2-4)
"At the time when Aaron was speaking to the Israelites, they all looked toward the wilderness, and the

looked toward the wilderness, and the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud.

And the Lord turned to Moses and said, 'I have heard the Israelites murmuring. Speak to them

Speak to them and say to them, 'In the evening you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall eat bread until you
are satisfied.

bread until you are satisfied. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God. That

quail came and filled the camp, and in the morning there was a dewdrops of water on the ground, and in the
morning there was a dewdrops of water on the ground.

morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. After the

dew had evaporated, something very fine, like frost, was left on the surface of the desert.

(...) and Moses said to them, "This is the bread which the Lord gives you as food.

as food.

(Exodus 16:10-15)


Although it is true that in the wilderness of Sinai there is often the

manna, a secretion of the Tamarix mannifera plant (from which the Bedouins still make manna today), is a common
occurrence in the Sinai desert.

Bedouins still make sweet cakes from it), the fact that it appeared in sufficient

sufficient for the large number of people that the people of Israel were supposed to be.

The same is true for the appearance of quails, which also occurred in the

quails, which also occurred in the area. But that it was just at that time

of great tension and unrest, and that it continued indefinitely for as long as the need to feed

the need to feed all these people on a daily basis, should give us pause for thought.

should give us pause for thought. It would perhaps have been relatively easy for space civi-

It would perhaps have been relatively easy for space-faring civilisations to open the holds of their ships and drop
food packages, as it is nowadays

food, just as food is now being dropped from aircraft in impoverished or disaster-stricken areas.

Why do it from such a simple, natural and practical perspective?

Why do it from such a simple, natural and practical perspective?

extraterrestrials but the true God, who also knows how to listen and help in the hardest moments of our lives?

in the hardest moments of our lives when faith begins to waver?

to waver? For one thing does not negate the other. God exists, just as life would exist

in other worlds and also other civilisations that visit us. It is all a matter of

of common sense and logic, but also of faith from the perspective of the


open perspective.
"Now I am convinced [Jethro, Moses' father-in-law] that Yahweh is greater than all the gods.

greater than all the gods.

(Exodus 18:11)


The Hebrew people, as we said earlier, were not originally monotheistic,

became so over time, moving from acknowledging the existence of other gods to focusing their attention on the
main God.

to focus their attention on the main God for them and their protector, Yahweh. But

But the existence of many gods also had to do with the continual visitation of different

visit of different crews of beings as Watchers and Guardians,

which was known to occur.


"At dawn on the third day there was lightning and thunder, and a thick cloud came over the mountain.

and a thick cloud rested on the mountain. A loud sound of trumpets caused everyone in the camp to tremble with

camp trembled with fear. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet Yahweh.

camp to meet Yahweh, and they stopped at the foot of the mountain.

The whole of Mount Sinai was smoking because Yahweh had come down to it in the midst of fire, and his

fire, and its smoke rose like the smoke of a furnace, while the whole mountain trembled stiffly.

the whole mountain trembled with fear. The sound of the bugle grew louder and louder.

Moses spoke, and Elohim answered him (...), and as Yahweh called Moses to the top of the mountain (...)

called Moses to the top of the mountain, Moses went up. Then Yahweh said to Moses:

"Go down, conjure the people lest they break forth to Yahweh to observe and

and fall from that many!

(Exodus 19:16-21)

"All the people heard the thunder, the lightning, the sound of the bugle and the smoking mountain.

and the smoking mountain: the people feared, and trembling, they stayed away" (Exodus 20:18).

(Exodus 20:18)




This is the first publicised case of the descent of a mother ship, which was

announced by appointment and with a record number of witnesses. Today, from the reading of the Sumerian

Sumerian tablets by Orientalist researchers, it is now clear that descents in Mesopotamia were commonplace and
Mesopotamian descents were commonplace and commonplace. Although the most

Although the most spectacular part of the contact was reserved for very few, as the curious were not allowed to

Could it be that these beings (the Elohim) did not want to be discovered as humans and mortals?

discovered as humans and mortals just like us?

It must be taken into account that the precaution of moving a certain distance away from the mountain could have
been due to the necessity of

the mountain could have been due to the need to avoid radiation, just as it is produced in close encounters when

encounters when one has to wait to be invited to come closer, as was the case with the

approach, as in the case of Moses.

"You shall not bow down to them [the images], nor serve them, for I, Yahweh, your God, am a jealous God.

God, I am a jealous God, who has punished the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, even to the third or fourth

the third or fourth generation to those who hate me, and yet I deal mercifully to the thousandth generation.

mercifully to the thousandth to those who love me and keep my commandments.


(Exodus 20:5-6)


It says "I am a jealous El." The word "El" was used to denote the Mesopotamian gods in ancient times.

Mesopotamian gods in ancient times. By saying "I am a god", he would be acknowledging that there are others (he is
one among many).

that there are others (he is one among several gods or guardians), placing himself at the same time in the category
of the others, but

in the category of the others, but at the same time marking his territory. Yahweh does not

as the true God of love, the Father of the Son of man, but he immediately

immediately unmasks himself to us as a being who is self-centred, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous,
jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous and jealous.

jealous, jealous, spiteful, threatening and conditional on his appreciation and help.

help. Apparently, there had been a sharing of responsibilities between the

between the extraterrestrials acting on earth as Watchers; between those who were assigned to the

assigned to the project of contact with Abraham and his descendants (the people of Israel), some of them were

people of Israel), one of them would have taken it to heart, would have been quickly

and, rapidly losing perspective and the pro- portion of things, by wanting to educate

and, quickly losing his perspective and the pro- portion of things, in his desire to educate, he even imposed an order
of terror.

He said, "Behold, I will send my angel before you, to watch over you on the way and to bring you to the place I have
prepared for you.
and bring you to the place I have prepared for you. Do not turn away from him; obey him, and do not be rebellious
to him, for he is working in my hands.

rebellious, for he acts in my name and will not forgive your sins.


(Exodus 23:20-21)


If God's message to the world and to his creation is love, and love in its supreme exaltation is the

exaltation is forgiveness, how can it be possible that it was said that if mankind did not behave well, it would not be

mankind did not behave well it would not be forgiven? And why should we forgive, when God or the

should forgive, when God or the visitors are spiteful? It gives the

It gives the impression that the law of the funnel is being applied to us.

"Then Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they looked upon the
God of Israel.

Israel, and they beheld the God of Israel: under their feet was as it were a pavement of sapphire tile.

of sapphire tile and as clear as the heavens.

(Exodus 24:9-10)

"When Moses had said this, he went up into the mount, and a cloud covered it. The

glory of the Lord came to rest on Mount Sinai, and for six days the cloud covered it.

covered it. On the seventh day the Lord called to Moses out of the cloud. The glory of the

The glory of the Lord appeared to the eyes of the Israelites as a devouring fire, on the top of the

the highest part of the mountain. Moses entered the cloud, went up the mountain, and stayed there for forty days
and forty nights.

forty days and forty nights".

(Exodus 24:15-18)


Moses is invited to enter directly into the immediate area of the ship, and the


The people witnessed this. But the ship remained covered to prevent the people from seeing its

people from seeing its shape and then being confused into thinking that God's divine form is that of a spacecraft in

divine form of God is that of a disc or oval-shaped spacecraft.


"Make a wooden chest (...). Cover it with pure gold inside and out, and

And put a border of gold around it. Make four gold rings for it, and put them on the four legs.

put them on the four legs, two on one side and two on the other. And make

and overlay them with gold, and put them through the rings on the four legs, two on each side and two on the other.
the rings on the sides of the chest, so that it can be lifted up with them, (...) and

them, (...) and place in the chest the law which I am about to give you. Make a lid of pure gold,

measuring one metre and ten centimetres in length and sixty-five centimetres in width, with two winged creatures

wide, with two winged creatures of hammered gold at the two ends,

(...) facing each other, but with their faces towards the lid, and their wings should be spread out above the

and their wings shall be stretched out over the lid, covering it with their wings".

(Exodus 25:10-20)


When one walks through the ancient Egyptian temples one comes across the depiction on the walls of the

the representation on the walls of the procession of the solar boat, in which the Egyptian priests carried the

priests carried the naos, which was a golden ark with two winged female beings on the lid.

winged female beings on the lid (the goddess Isis, guardian of the veils of hidden knowledge).

occult knowledge). According to Egyptian occultism, inside this ark were kept the Emerald Tablets.

the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, the inheritance of wisdom brought to Egypt by Thoth.

brought to Egypt by Thoth. The request to make an ark of the Hebrew Covenant similar to the Egyptian ark could

to the Egyptian ark, could have been a plagiarism of what was observed in Egypt, or a

genuine request to make something similar by the Elohim, who would be the same beings who have acted before.

the same beings who have acted before and now with the different peoples.

We know that Moses is an Egyptian name meaning 'son of', like



Ben in Hebrew. All Egyptian pharaohs used to use the name "Moses",

such as Amosis (Ammon-Moses, the son of Ammon), Thutmosis (Thot-

Moses, the son of Thoth) and even Rameses or Ramoses (Ra-Moses, the son of Ra).

Moses had been educated in the Pharaoh's house and was probably initiated into the high priesthood of the

initiated into the high priesthood of Amun, frequenting the sanctuaries of the temples where the ark of the

Did Elohim or Yahweh really order the Hebrew ark to be made?

had the Hebrew ark made, or was it simply an ingenious copy?

Let us remember that the Hebrew people come, as we have said before, from a long process of transculturation.

long process of transculturation throughout their history. It has been

for example, that some psalms attributed to King David (930 B.C.) are found almost verbatim in the papyri.

almost verbatim in the papyri that make up the Amenemope, a book of maxims and aphorisms from the

of maxims and aphorisms of the pharaoh Amenophis III (1450 BC). Perhaps, in the absence of
copyrightof copyright, it was considered popular wisdom that was copied and

copied and retransmitted out of its original context or with slight variations.

We also find that in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, it is expressly stated that they should not

that no images of any kind should be created, and the ark contravenes this.

The ark contravenes this. It was not to represent what is in heaven or what is on earth.

or what is on earth. So, if the recommendations were so strict,

the question arises: Why is the Hebrew ark required to have the two cherubim on the lid, if this in itself

on the lid, if this in itself is a transgression of the laws given by the source itself?


Evidently the ark was not a mere artifact of worship or adornment, it had an electrical charge.

electrical charge. Precisely in North American universities they have tried to reproduce it by

to reproduce it by applying the biblical instructions, and they have obtained an electrical voltage of hundreds of

of hundreds of volts. The capacitor consisted of the

The capacitor consisted of gold foils, one positive and one negative. There has therefore been speculation about

possible applications, including (among the more liberal researchers) that it could be part of a radio transmitter.

part of a radio transmitter.

changing moods and lack of patience

"But when the people saw that Moses was slow to come down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and

around Aaron, and they said to him, 'Well, make us elohim [gods] to march before us [after the manner of Egypt].

us [after the manner of Egypt]; for of this Moses, the man who brought us out of Egypt, we do not know what has
become of him.

Egypt, we do not know what has become of him". Aaron answered them, "Tear off the

the golden earrings that hang from the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and

bring them to me. (...) He took it in his hands, shaped it with the burin, and made it into a calf of gold.

and made it into a molten calf. Then they exclaimed: "These are your

elohim, O Israel, who have brought you out of Egypt!". When Aaron saw this, he built

an altar before it, and made a proclamation, saying, "Tomorrow there will be a feast in

Tomorrow there will be a feast in honour of Yahweh. The next day they rose up early, offered burnt offerings and

burnt offerings and presented peace offerings; then the people sat down to eat and drink, and then they

then they sat down to eat and drink, and afterwards they rose up to make merry".

(Exodus 32:1-6)

"I have looked at these people, and I have noticed that they are very stubborn.

Now leave me alone, for I am burning with anger and I am going to finish them off!"
(...) Moses then tried to appease the face of Yahweh, his Elohim, and said:

"Why, O Yahweh, should your anger be inflamed against your people whom you have

brought forth out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians be able to

the Egyptians exclaim, saying, "He has brought them out with malice, to slay them on the mountains, and to destroy
them from

and exterminate them from the face of the earth. (...) Remember Abraham


And Yahweh repented of the evil that he had indicated he would do to his people."

(Exodus 32, 9-14)


Truly disheartening was the degree of ignorance among the people, who were

very prone to unbridled primitive cults, but they also had a great deal of ignorance.


and bad-tempered this Elohim Yahweh; and the worst of it was that he was changeable and temperamental, so that

and temperamental, so that sometimes one did not know where one stood with him.

Any reader will realise that one who has such changeable attitudes and opinions obviously does not know

obviously does not know everything, nor can he know everything, and therefore cannot in any way be mistaken for

be in any way mistaken for God. We are dealing with a being who is perhaps

very advanced in certain respects and with a great deal of technological support for the time,

who, perhaps with the best of intentions, played God, trying to impose on the people a culture of life and an order of

people a culture of life and a moral order, but creating dependence on his egomaniacal and maniacal

egomaniacal and maniacal personality.

Another fact is the disastrous performance of the man who would later be appointed the high priest of Israel,

high priest of Israel, Aaron. When it came to judging infidelity, he was the first to side with Moab.

first to take Moses' side to protect himself, crossing over to the line of those who kept themselves pure.

line of those who kept themselves pure when he had been one of the promoters.

Was it because he was the brother of the leader Moses and that saved him from certain death?

saved him from certain death? But from there to becoming the high priest, despite being a

Despite being a weather vane in the wind, very accommodating, it shows us that there is a general tendency for the

tendency for the highest ecclesiastical authorities of the different religions to have these faults.
religions to have these shortcomings. If not, remember the performance of Annas and Caiaphas in the New

in the New Testament.


"Thou shalt make Aaron, thy brother, holy garments for honour and ornament (...).

These shall be the garments to be made: breastplate, ephod, robe, mantle, coat of mail, tiara, and

tunic, tiara and girdle. They shall make sacred garments for Aaron, your brother, and for his sons.

his sons; and use gold, and scarlet purple, and scarlet, and fine linen (...).

Moreover, you shall make the breastplate of judgment, (...) it shall be square, double, a handbreadth wide.

a span in breadth. And thou shalt garnish it with four rows of stones, (...).

stones (...). On the breastplate of judgment you shall put the Urim and the Thummin, to be on Aaron's heart.

on Aaron's heart.


(Exodus 28:2-30)

"Then Moses commanded Aaron and his sons to come near and wash them with the water.

Then he put the robe on him, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod on
him, and put the ephod on him, and put the ephod on him,

put the ephod on him, and girded him with the girdle of the ephod, and wrapped him in it. On it he put the
breastplate, and on it

he put the breastplate, and on the breastplate he put the Urim and the Thummin. He also put

on his head the tiara, and on top of the tiara he placed on the front of the tiara the golden plate, the diadem.

the diadem of holiness, as Yahweh had commanded Moses".

(Leviticus 8:6-10)


The ark being such a special and dangerous object, and the contacts with it and with the

and with the cloud, experiences that demanded the utmost care, we find the requirement for special

of special ornaments, on the part of the Elohim, in order to keep the priests isolated, to take advantage of the

to keep the priests isolated, to take advantage of the energies released there, to enter into connection and even to

and even to be able to have deeper consciousness expansions or deeper insights. For this purpose

for this we find the stones of Urim and Tummin, which are for divination and are placed

divination and are placed in a breastplate on the chest.


"Moses took the tent and pitched it at a distance outside the camp, and called it the tent of

camp, and called it the tent of the meeting with God. When anyone wanted to

to inquire of the Lord, he went to the tent, which was outside the camp.
when Moses went to the tent, all the people got up and stood at the entrance of their own tent.

the entrance of their own tent, following Moses with their eyes until he entered the tent.

until he entered the tent. As soon as Moses entered the tent, the

pillar of cloud came down and stood at the entrance of the tent, while the Lord spoke to Moses.

spoke to Moses (...) God spoke to Moses face to face, as one who speaks to a friend, and then Moses

with a friend, and then Moses returned to the camp. But his helper, the

young Joshua, son of Noah, never left the inside of the tent."



(Exodus 33:7-11)

"Let me see your glory," Moses pleaded. But the Lord replied, "I will make all my goodness

all my goodness pass before you, and before you I will pronounce my name.

I will have mercy on whom I will, and I will have compassion on whom I will.

But I make it clear to you that you will not be able to see my face, for no man will be able to see me and live.

no man shall be able to see me and live. And the Lord said, "Look, here beside me is a rock.

is a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a hollow of the rock and I will cover you with my hand until I
come to you.

I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and

you will be able to see my back; but my face must not be seen".

(Exodus 33:19-23)


The encounters that Moses had were very direct, whether with the

manifestations of Yahweh (the cloud, the fire, the shining ones...) or with Elohim

Elohim himself, inside the ship or at the foot of it. But this being, despite the

degree of trust and friendship he began to feel for this man, he did not want to show himself as he

to show himself as he was in order not to be discovered, so he resorted once again to the

spectacularity. Let's imagine for a moment a modern helicopter or an aeroplane evolving in front of a

plane making evolutions in front of an Amazonian Indian to boast of its power and encourage the

its power and encourage fascination in the ignorant.


"Why have you brought us up from Egypt to bring us to this bad place? It is not

place of crops, of fig trees, of vines, of pomegranates; not even of water to drink.

water to drink. (...) "Take the rod, assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and then

brother; then speak to the rock in their sight, and it will give water, and you shall draw water out of the rock, and
give water to the
water from the rock, and you shall give drink to the congregation and their livestock.

(Numbers 20:5-8)


Making unusual finds, but especially of underground streams of water, is known worldwide as a

is known worldwide as dowsing. cIt is often a psychic faculty that

psychic faculty that manifests itself in very sensitive or purposely sensitised people.

on purpose. As for the wand, which is usually made of wood or a stick, it is optional as the

optional because the ability lies within oneself. According to Dr. Yves Rocard,

of the Faculty of Sciences in Paris, "water, which is filtered through a porous medium

by the action of a pressure difference, gives rise to electrokinetic potentials (...).

(...) These potentials cause electric currents to circulate in the earth.

circulate in the earth.

These electric currents generate a weak magnetic field, perceptible by human sensibility.

human sensibility. Therefore, finding water in the desert is something real and proper to the phenomena of nature.

of nature's phenomena; but someone must necessarily have instructed Moses in the

instructed Moses about it.


"For only Og, king of Bashan, was left of the rest of the giants.

His bed was of iron, is it not preserved in Rabbath of the Ammonites? His

length is nine cubits, and the breadth thereof four cubits, according to a man's cubit.

man's cubit."

(Deuteronomy 3:11)


A bed four and a half feet long was an impressive thing and, unless a person liked looseness or

unless the person liked looseness or sleeping in close company, it was actually

for someone gigantic. But this is not the only case mentioned in the Bible. "In your

equipment they should always carry a stake, so that when they have to relieve themselves, they can make a hole
with the stake.

to make a hole with the stake and then, when you have finished, cover the excrement with earth,

then cover the excrement with earth. For Elohim walks among you, in the camp, to protect you and to give you

to protect you and to give you victory over your enemies, therefore,



your camp must be a holy [clean] place, so that God will not see any indecent thing in it, for
see anything indecent in it, or else he would turn away from you."

(Deuteronomy 3:13-14)


Elohim seems to have visited the Hebrew camp incognito.

the foul smells and filth, to such an extent that he threatened to leave if they did not

leave if they didn't install portable toilets. But what were these visits like? One

of the most frequent UFO phenomena today are the canopies, "cat's eyes" or luminous

eyes" or intelligent luminous spheres, which are often television cameras remotely controlled from

controlled remotely from extraterrestrial spacecraft to observe everything.

They are usually about thirty centimetres long; the largest ones are one and a half to three metres in diameter.

three metres in diameter. They are silver, red, orange, green, yellow or even completely transparent.

even completely transparent. They are usually housed in the base of short-range spacecraft (commonly called

(commonly called flying saucers), they are released at high altitude in the form of clusters.

They are released at a high altitude in the form of a cluster and can enter through the window of a house or a door.

through a door.

"He shone forth from Mount Paran, he came to Meribah of Kadesh, with the law of fire in his right hand.

fire on his right hand.

(Deuteronomy 33:2)


Balls of fire? Swords of fire? What is that which shines and illuminates beyond all possible mention?

Perhaps the observation of UFOs or spacecraft in the sky, or the observation of the

UFOs or spacecraft in which the Elohim came, or in which the one who was known as the

the one who was known as Yahweh?

"When Joshua was near Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and saw a man standing before him, and he had a sword, and
he saw a man with a sword.

before him, and he had a sword drawn in his hand.

Joshua went to him and said, "Are you one of us or one of our enemies?

He answered, "No, but I am now come as the Prince of the armies of the LORD.

Then Joshua fell on his face to the ground and worshiped him, and said to him, "What does my lord say to his

does my lord say to his servant?"

(Joshua 5:13-14)


Here the account mentions to us a close encounter of the third kind with a being.
(extraterrestrial infiltrated into the Hebrew lines) who is armed and who is going to take sides, i.e. who is going to
participate in the

that is, he is going to participate in supporting Joshua's hosts, which shows that these beings had a hard time

that it was difficult for these beings to stay out of concrete actions that favoured some

actions that favoured one or the other.


"Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took censers and put fire in them, and put incense on them.

and placed incense on it, and offered before Yahweh an irregular fire, which He had not commanded them.

which he had not commanded them. Then fire came out from before Yahweh and devoured them, and they died.

and devoured them; and they died.

(Leviticus 10:1-2)

"They carried away the ark of the God of Israel, but as soon as they had carried it away, the hand of the LORD came
upon them,

But as soon as they moved it, the hand of the LORD caused a great disturbance in the city and struck the people of
the city

of the city, both small and great, and tumours came out of them".

(I Samuel 5:8-9)

"Among the people of Bethshemesh [there was mourning], because they had searched the ark of the LORD

of the LORD, and killed seventy men from among them. Then the people were filled with

mourned because Yahweh had inflicted such a punishment on the people".

(I Samuel 6:19)

"And when they came to the threshing floor of Nakon, Uzzah reached out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of

God and took hold of it, for the oxen were about to overturn it.


The anger of Yahweh was kindled against Uzzah, and Yahweh struck him there for such negligence,

and he died there and then.

(II Samuel 6:6-7)


The radioactive properties of the ark of the Covenant and the voltage it was capable of

made even King David himself fear it.


"And he cast two pillars of brass; the height of each was eighteen cubits,

and a line of twelve cubits was around each of them (...). He also made two capitals

of cast bronze to be placed on the heads of the columns (...).

columns (...). There were braids like nets and cords like chains for the capitals which were

chains for the capitals to be placed on the heads of the columns; seven for each capital (...).

seven for each capital".

(I Kings 7:15-17)

"And the priests brought the ark of the covenant of Elohim into its place in the sanctuary of the house in the

the sanctuary of the house, in the most holy place, under the wings of the cherubim.


(I Kings 8:6)

"I have heard the prayer and the supplication which you have made to me, and I have

sanctified this house which you have built, and I have set my name there for ever, and my eyes and my heart have

and my eyes and my heart shall be there all the days of my life".

(I Kings 9:3)

"The priests could not enter the house of Yahweh, because the glory of Yahweh had filled it with the glory of

Yahweh had filled the house. All the children of Israel, when they saw the fire and the glory of the LORD

and the glory of the LORD came down upon the house, and all the children of Israel bowed down with their faces to
the ground.

(II Chronicles 7:2-3)



After the death of King David, the splendid, just and wise King Solomon ruled,

and he set about the laborious task of building the temple which his father had planned in his lifetime but could not

father had planned but could not realise. Solomon is a fascinating and unique character.

his story is surrounded by many extraordinary events and situations.

According to the rabbinical literature, among his innumerable treasures and possessions he had a strange and

possessions, he had a strange and gigantic eagle, with which he could soar to the skies at

to the skies at astonishing speeds. As for the temple he built

in honour of his deceased father, it was cubic in shape, was plated inside with gold leaf and had a strange

inside it was plated with gold leaf and had two impressive bronze columns wrapped with

by metal ropes, like coils. Inside the cube, the king had

the Ark of the Covenant, which began to behave like a radio set through which there was fluid communication.

through which there was fluid communication with Elohim. In the temple there was

physical presence, or perhaps just a hologram, was produced in the temple by the interaction of the ark with the
of the ark with the locale; many witnessed this. But as for the

transcendence of the temple itself, it is worth a little reflection: if the temple had really been for God and he had

had really been for God and he had blessed it, it would still be in place today, and no one and nothing would

and no one and nothing could have destroyed it. However, today

is a ruin, the epicentre of the greatest hatreds and lamentable fanaticisms.



"And when thou shalt hear a noise as of a march through the tops of the balsam trees,

then shalt thou be moved: for Elohim shall go out before thee to smite the camp of the Philistines.

the camp of the Philistines.

(II Samuel 5:24)

"And behold, Elohim was passing by, and a great and mighty wind was blowing and breaking the mountains

mountains and broke the rocks before Elohim (...). and after the wind an earthquake (...).

and after the wind an earthquake (...). and after the earthquake a fire (...). and after the fire a gentle hissing (...). and
after the fire a quiet whistling (...).


and delicate. When Elijah heard it, he covered his face with a cloak and went out and stood at the entrance to the

and stood at the entrance to the cave".

(I Kings 19:11-13)


The presence or arrival of the Elohim (or ships) is usually preceded by.

a noise similar to a march, to wheels in motion or to a strong wind.

In these quotations again we find the description of the sound and the manifestations in the

manifestations in the environment that betray the proximity of certain types of the visitors' ships.

of the visitors' ships. But this time the witness is the prophet Elijah.


"And it came to pass as they were speaking, and, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire came

horses of fire also came between them, and Elijah went up in a whirlwind into heaven.

whirlwind into heaven. Elisha saw him and cried out, 'My father, my father, my father, chariot of

Israel and his horsemen!" And he saw him no more.

(II Kings 2:11-12)


Elijah goes from witnessing an experience of the second and third type.

(a close and somewhat concerted sighting) to being part of an encounter of the fifth type, when he is
encounter of the fifth type, when he is snatched out of this world by a ship, as in the case of Enoch.

ship, as in the case of Enoch.


"And it came to pass the same night, that the angel of the Lord went out, and slew in the camp of the Assyrians

the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand, and when they arose in the morning, behold

in the morning, behold, they were all dead bodies."

(II Kings 19:35)

"But Hezekiah the king and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amos, prayed on that occasion and cried to heaven.

And Yahweh sent an angel, and he destroyed all the warriors, and they were all dead.


and the king of Assyria's camp, and the king of Assyria had to turn back.

and he turned back.

(II Chronicles 32:20-21)

"He cried in my ears with a loud voice, saying, "The executioners of the city have come, and

and every man has in his hand his instrument of destruction.

six men came from the way of the upper gate that looks toward the north, and each one

and each man had in his hand his instrument of destruction.

(Ezekiel 9:1-2)

"In the fierce battle five distinguished men appeared from heaven to the adversaries on horses with

men of distinction, on horses with golden bridles, who stood in front of the Jews.

the Jews. Two of them seized the Maccabees in the midst,

and, protecting him with their armour, preserved him unharmed, hurling arrows and thunderbolts at the

the adversaries with arrows and thunderbolts.

(II Maccabees 10:29-30)


When exterminating angels are mentioned we might think that this is a

romantic way of mentioning epidemics and terrible plagues, which have always decimated mankind.

decimated mankind. But what if it really had been the case that there were

angels of death, acting on commission? Then there is the description, already mentioned

mentioned earlier, of the presence of human-like beings using some kind of weapon.

some kind of weapon. These instruments of destruction do not suggest something

These instruments of destruction do not suggest something symbolic, but something real and concrete - high-tech
weapons, perhaps?

Although, as we have said before, it is not ethical to take an effective side

one or the other (we can avoid injustice and abuse, but not by abusing force in the attempt; otherwise, it is not

force in the attempt; otherwise, we would maintain the chain of injustice), there are times when direct action has

times when direct action far exceeded the limits of intervention by aliens.

intervention by extraterrestrials, intent on the survival of a genetically programmed human group

survival of a genetically programmed human group (the people of Israel) to fulfil a complicated

Israel) to accomplish a complicated task.




"Just the sight of Leviathan would make anyone faint with fear. If anyone provokes him, he becomes furious; no one
is able to stand up to him,

Who can stand up to him? Who will come out of it safe and sound?

No one in the whole world! I will not fail to mention his paws and his unequalled strength.

Who can remove the leather that covers him or pierce through his double protective armour?

Who can open his muzzle, with his hedge of terrible teeth?

of terrible teeth? His loins are rows of closed shields as hard as stone.

stone. So tightly pressed against each other that not even air can pass between them.

between them. So close and locked together that no one can separate them. Their sneezing

are like lightning; their eyes shine like the sun at dawn. From their

From their snouts come flames and sparks of fire escape. From his nostrils comes smoke

as from cauldrons boiling in the fire."

(Job 41:9-20)

"Again I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots came out from between two mountains.

mountains: and those mountains were of bronze. In the first chariot were horses

horses, in the second chariot were black horses, in the third chariot white horses, and in the fourth chariot by

white horses, and in the fourth chariot by grey horses."

(Zechariah 6:1-3)


The serpent Leviathan or the dragon reminds us of Kukulcan, the feathered serpent of the Mayans.

of the Maya, which is nothing more than a mother ship. Its

its structure is like a double (metallic) armour and its flanks or loins look as if they were

its flanks or backs look like shields (small ships in the shape of burnished discs).

discs). It is the typical elongated cylinder-shaped ship.

passage, as in the following one, the sighting of ships of different colours emerging from a larger one is again
different colours coming out of a larger one.

"In the meantime, the Lord had arranged a huge fish to swallow Jonah.

Jonah, and Jonah spent three days and three nights inside the fish" (Jonah 1:17).

(Jonah 1:17)


We are dealing with a case of an osni (unidentified underwater object). Jonah

rejects the Lord's request to go to Nineveh to preach the conversion of the people; and,

trying to flee from Yahweh, he is swallowed up by a ship that has both autonomy of flight in the sky and autonomy of

of flight in the sky and movement in the water. and for three days they try to convince him.

to convince him (they dialogue with him inside) that it is he (the human being represented in Jonah) who is the one

represented in Jonah) who must work out his own change through surrender and renunciation.

surrender and renunciation. There are moments when - in comparison to other

the extraterrestrials become very scrupulous in their interventions, to avoid dependency and to avoid

interventions, in order to avoid dependence and to avoid detracting from the human being (is it that they come
different with

human being (could it be that they come with different attitudes?). But they continue to

but they keep on pushing us.

If it had been a whale or a sperm whale that swallowed the prophet (which is not an easy thing to do, especially if it
is a whale or a

not likely to happen, especially in the case of whales), the animal's gastric juices would have swallowed him.

gastric juices of the animal would have killed him.

"For the Lord comes in the midst of fire, his chariots are like a whirlwind.

the fierceness of his wrath and the burning flames of his punishment".

(Isaiah 66:15)

"Then I saw a stormy wind coming from the north; out of a great cloud came a fire like lightning.

a fire like lightning, and all around it there was a great brightness. On

In the midst of the fire shone something like burnished metal, and in the very centre of it

there was something like four human-like beings. Each of them had four faces and four wings.

four faces and four wings (...) The appearance of the beings was as of burning coals, or as of something resembling

like burning coals, or like something like torches that went to and fro in the midst of them, the fire was glowing and

(...) I looked at these beings and saw that on the ground, next to each of them, there were four faces and four wings,

next to each of them was a wheel. All four wheels were the same and,

by the way they were made, they threshed like topaz.

It seemed as if inside each wheel there was another wheel (...) Above their heads there was a sort of a

(...) Above their heads was a kind of dome, shining like crystal (...). Above the

vault I saw something like a throne that looked like sapphire, and on that kind of a throne was someone who looked
like a man (...).

throne was someone who looked like a man".

(Ezekiel 1:4-26)

"I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who attend and enter before the glory of the Lord.

the glory of the Lord. The two of them were troubled and fell on their faces in fear. But he said to them:

"Do not be afraid, peace be with you; praise God for ever and ever. When I

when I was with you, it was not for my own sake, but by God's will.

(Tobit 12:15-18)

"I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head.

over his head."

(Revelation 10, 1)

"And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here".

in a cloud; and their enemies saw them."

(Revelation 11, 12)


The linking of angels with clouds, lights, shining, and fire that comes to

enemies has been repeated as a constant throughout the Bible.

Bible. But here we find passages which warn of the return of the ships, but for a more

but for more radical action or more direct contact.

The vision of Ezekiel, a deported priest in Babylon, on the banks of the river

led scientist Joseph Blumrich (NASA's advisor on spacecraft design) to outline how he

spacecraft design consultant) to sketch what the ship the prophet envisaged must have looked like.

The curious thing is that a spacecraft similar to the model made by the scientist,

was seen in 1980 flying over the area of Cocoyoc, in Mexico.





"In Zorah, of the tribe of Dan, there was a man whose name was Manoah. His wife

had never had children because she was barren. But the angel of the Lord appeared

to her and said, "You have never been able to have children, but now you are going to get pregnant and have a child.
and you will have a child.

(Judges 13:2-3)

"When the fire went up from the altar, Manoah and his wife saw the angel of the LORD

ascending toward heaven in the midst of the flames."

(Judges 13:20)

"The LORD indeed visited Hannah, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters.


(I Samuel 2:21)

"And an angel of the Lord, standing on the right side of the altar of incense, was seen of him.

Zechariah was frightened at the sight of him, and fear overwhelmed her. But the angel said to him, "Do not

fear, Zechariah, for your prayer has been answered.

7 your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John.

(Luke 1:11-13)

"In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee.

whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; the maiden's name was Mary.

(...) "Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.

He will be great, he will be called the Son of the Most High; the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,
and he will reign on the throne of his father David.

throne of his father David, he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and his kingdom will have no end.

and his kingdom will have no end. Mary said to the angel, "How will this be, since I know not a man?

man? And the angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will

of the Most High will shelter you under his shadow; therefore the child to be born will be called holy,

the Son of God".

(Luke 1:26-35)


Since Abraham his descendants have been contacted, intervened upon, supervised and

and even redirected again and again. We find along the way of the history of the

history of the people of Israel many impossible conceptions, such as the births of Isaac, Esau and Jacob

Isaac, Esau and Jacob, Joseph and Benjamin, Samson, Samuel, Mary the Virgin, John the Baptist and even Jesus

Baptist and even Jesus himself. If the intention was to maintain the original

genetic programme, they had to go to great lengths, because even though they were warned against mixing

warned not to mix blood, there was always interbreeding of the Israelites with neighbouring peoples.

with neighbouring peoples. Abraham himself had his first son with Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl.

Egyptian slave girl; Moses was betrothed to Sephora, a Midianite (between Arab and Egyptian) with whom he was
Arab and Egyptian) with whom he had children; the wife of Joseph, viceroy of Egypt, was an Egyptian, and he had
children with her.

Egyptian and had children with her. There are, then, many other examples.

But the purpose of such programming was aimed at creating the conditions

for Jesus to be born at the end of a long process.


"In that very land there were shepherds who spent the night out in the open, to keep the

in the open to keep their flock by night; and an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the splendour of the

and the splendour of the Lord enveloped them in light, and they feared with great fear.

fear. But the angel said to them, "Note, for I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be for all people.

great joy, which will be for all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour

David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, has been born to you this day in the city of David.

wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

the angel was joined by a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying:

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men of good will.

and it came to pass that, when the angels parted from them towards heaven, the shepherds

the shepherds said to one another: "Come, let us go to Bethlehem to see this event which the Lord has

to see this event which the Lord has made known to us".


(Luke 2:8-15)


The birth of Jesus was a momentous event in its simplicity and humility.

simplicity and humility, which involved both the simplest people of the time (the shepherds) and the high

(the shepherds) as well as the high heavenly hierarchies (extraterrestrials).

Let us remember this important symbolism, since Abraham and his descendants were originally shepherds, selected
by extraterrestrials.

were originally shepherds, selected by extraterrestrials to spiritually guide all mankind, and

spiritually guide the whole of humanity, and the figure of the Good Shepherd, who maintains

figure of the Good Shepherd, who maintains permanent contact with angels.

The fact that today we can relate many of the angelic apparitions to otherworldly beings does not deny the fact

with beings from other worlds does not deny the real existence of beings from other dimensions, or true angels who

dimensions, or true angels who do not possess a physical corporeality, and who also manifest themselves.

who also manifest themselves.


"And they [the Magi] set out on their journey; and suddenly the star which they had seen in the east went before

which they had seen in the east went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was.

where the child was. When they saw the star they were overjoyed."

(Matthew 2:9-10)


The star of Bethlehem that guided the wise astronomers and astrologers of Chaldea and Persia did not behave

Persia did not behave normally. It could not be a star since

it moved and even stopped at a certain point; moreover, it could be seen in daytime and nighttime indifferently.

day and night, which rules out the possibility that it was a comet, a planetary conjunction or a celestial phenomenon.

a comet, a planetary conjunction or a celestial phenomenon. This is a typical UFO sighting

typical UFO sighting, in which there is even a purpose: the direct signalling by these beings of a

of a place and an event, as it led the Magi to the place where the

led the Wise Men to the precise place and even indicated it with their

movements and their parking.



"There is nothing secret that will not be discovered, and nothing hidden that will not be known.

will not come to light.

(Matthew 10:26)

"In my father's house there are many places to live; if it were not so, I would not have told you that I would prepare
a place for you.

I would not have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you.

(John 14:2)

"I also have other sheep which are not of this fold."

(John 10:16)


The Gospels warn that there will come a time when all the mysteries will be unravelled

all mysteries will be unravelled and all secrets revealed, so that mankind will have a different view of life.

mankind will have a different view of life. It is also clearly stated that there are

other worlds and that we have brothers there, which gives life a beautiful and wonderful comfort.

wonderful comfort to life.


"After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John his brother, and alone
and he took them up on a high mountain [Tabor] alone, and was transfigured before them, and his face shone like
the sun.

and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

Moses and Elijah were seen of them, conversing with him. And Peter

and said to Jesus, "Lord, it is better for us to stay here; if you are willing, I will pitch three tents here, one for you, one
for Elijah, and one for Moses.

three tents here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah". While he was still

speaking, when suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them.

and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Listen to him!"


(Matthew 17:1-5)


A new close encounter reminiscent of the experiences of the Exodus (the light and

the cloud), but now the witnesses are three of the apostles, who see how Jesus comes into contact with two people

contact with two people who had disappeared between eight and thirteen centuries before.

They see how Jesus comes into contact with two people who disappeared between eight and thirteen centuries
earlier, taken out of this world. From this moment on, it becomes official that Jesus is the

that Jesus is the one who will culminate what was initiated through these characters.


"And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give

moon shall not shine; the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

and then shall appear in heaven the sign of the Son of man; and the Son of man shall be seen in heaven.

and the Son of man will be seen coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and splendour.

power and splendour. He will send out his angels with a sounding trumpet, and his elect will be gathered together
from the four winds, from the

from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

(Matthew 24:29-31)

"And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth the nations will be in

the nations shall be in anguish, perplexed at the noise of the sea and the waves; and men shall be mad with

men will be maddened with fear and anxiety at all that is to come upon the globe, for the forces of the

upon the globe, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Son of man coming in a cloud with great power and splendour. When

When this begins to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, for your deliverance has come.

for your deliverance has come.

(Luke 21:25-28)

We know that prophecies are always a warning of what can happen if we do nothing to prevent it.

if we do nothing to prevent it. But there are certain prophecies that, on the contrary, we must do the

But there are certain prophecies which, on the contrary, we must do our utmost to fulfil. In this sense, we

In this sense we see that there is talk of a very bleak future outlook, which would be


involving the return of Christ on clouds or ships, accompanied by angels or aliens.

Could it be that the increase of climatic and planetary changes, as well as the

and planetary changes, as well as UFO sightings around the world, is anticipating this defining moment?

is anticipating this defining moment? Time will tell...


"It was already about the sixth hour when there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, when it was
eclipsed by the eclipse of the sun.

and the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in the middle. Giving

a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"".

(Luke 23:44-46)


There has been much speculation concerning the alleged eclipse that accompanied the death of the Rabbi of Galilee.

death of the Rabbi of Galilee, unjustly crucified. But what if it was something

localised in such a way that it occurred only over that area (as in the case of Fatima, where the "dance of the

Fatima, where the "dance of the sun", a gigantic UFO that looked like this star, was sighted by more than 70 people,

was sighted by more than 70,000 people within a radius of 60 kilometres). It could

be that a large spacecraft, located between the sun and the Earth, cast its shadow over the whole of Jerusalem and

its shadow over the whole of Jerusalem and the surrounding area. This should not surprise us

be surprised, remember that Jian have been detected by geostationary satellites up to 450 kilometres in diameter

up to 450 kilometre diameter spacecraft flying over the Chilean Patagonia.


"The Lord Jesus, when he had spoken to them, was taken up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.

sat down at the right hand of God.

(Mark 16:19)

"And he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands, he blessed them.

and it came to pass that, as he blessed them, he parted from them and was taken up to heaven.

And they, when they had worshipped him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy."

(Luke 24:50-52)

"And when he had said this, he rose up while they looked on, and a cloud took him up, hiding him from their sight.

and as they were gazing steadfastly into heaven while he was going away, there came

He was going away, suddenly two men in white robes came up to them, and said, "Galileans, why do you

said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus, taken up

from you into heaven, will come back just as you have seen him go into heaven".

(Acts 1:9-11)


The apostles witnessed the raising in a physical body (regenerated with the

resurrection) of the person of Jesus into a cloud (ship), and also immediately contacted some of the

immediately contacted some of the crew members of that apparatus (the two angels).

two angels).


"I turned to see the voice that spake with me.

candlesticks of gold, and in the midst of the candlesticks one like a son of man, clothed in a long robe.

man, clothed in a long robe, and girded with a golden girdle about his chest; his head and his

his head and his hair as white as white wool, as snow; his eyes as a flame of fire; his eyes as a flame of

eyes like a flame of fire; his feet like burnished bronze, as in the forge, incandescent.

his voice like the roar of oceans; he held in his right hand seven stars, seven stars came out of his

seven stars in his right hand; from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his appearance was like the

his appearance was like the sun when it shines in its full strength".

(Revelation 1:12-16)

"As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks

the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lampstands of the
seven churches.

churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches".

(Revelation 1:20)

"After that, I saw a door opened in heaven; and the first voice which I heard, as of a trumpet, as of a

I heard, as of a trumpet speaking with me, was saying:


"Come up here, and I will show you what must come after this". Immediately

I immediately went into ecstasy: it turned out that in heaven there was a throne set with someone

sitting, and the one who was sitting was of the appearance of jasper and carnelian stone; and around the throne
there was a throne with a

carnelian; and around the throne there was a halo of an appearance like the
emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and sitting on the thrones were

twenty-four elders clothed in white robes (...) and before the throne there was

as it were a transparent sea, as it were crystal".

(Revelation 4, 1-6)


John, the beloved disciple, was deported by the Roman emperor Domitian to the small island of Patmos, on the

the small island of Patmos off the Turkish coast in 94 CE.

Christian era. There, the only survivor of the twelve apostles had more than a vision.

more than a vision: he experienced a tremendous close encounter, at first of the third kind (see the crewman) and

(see the crew member) and then of the fourth type, when he entered this other reality through an interdimensional

through an interdimensional door (Xendra). When he is informed about the seven

angels of the seven Christian communities (Churches), they were explaining to him that he had been

an extra-planetary being had been assigned to each of these communities to guide and protect them.

to guide and protect them, as is often the case today with extraterrestrial contact groups.

extraterrestrial contact groups. I say this without wishing to compare the contactee movements to a religion.

the contactee movements to a religion. I think there are enough

religions on the face of the Earth without inventing a new one - let alone in the light of beings who, while being

in the light of beings who, being material, are no better than us and also have a lot to learn.

have much to learn.

In his experience, John the Evangelist is brought before the very council of

the Twenty-Four Elders, or government of our galaxy, where he is instructed and warned of what may happen and of
what may

and warned of what can happen and what has already happened in our world.

world. The intention will always be to warn in order to correct.



As long as human beings have existed on our planet there has been contact with other realities, and that contact
need never end.

other realities, and that contact need never end. But only

best relationship with the higher hierarchies can only be re-established if we first re-establish contact with ourselves,
with nature and with the higher

we first re-establish contact with ourselves, with nature and then with others.

then with others.

There is a Cosmic Plan which has been changing as humanity has been

maturing and carving out its own future; but this plan also involves those other beings and dimensions.
those other beings and dimensions. The time has come, therefore, for us to assume our responsibility and to face up
to our own future.

The time has come, therefore, for us to finally take responsibility and face up to the

and face the deep knowledge of who we are, why we exist and where we are going.

and where we are going. But the answer, like everything else in life, lies within each of us, in that... other reality.

that... other reality.




And it came to pass, as they were speaking, that, behold, a chariot of fire drove them both apart; and Elijah went up
to heaven in a whirlwind.

and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind; and when Elisha saw it, he cried out, "My father, out of Israel and her

and he saw him no more." And he saw him no more.

(II Kings 2, 11)

Were there any sightings and experiences with UFOs during the First World War?


On 28 August 1915, in Suvla Bay in Gallipoli (Turkey), an extraordinary and mysterious event occurred.

extraordinary and mysterious event. According to three witnesses from the New Zealand Army,

it was clear and cloudless that day, but suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, and despite the wind it did not move.

which, despite the wind, did not move. It was dense in structure and even solid

in appearance.

At that moment the British and the Turks were fighting over Hill 60, which was completely mined.

which was completely mined. The New Zealanders, who were in trenches ready to go into action.

trenches ready for action, watched as the British 1st Norfolk Battalion marched up the hill.

Norfolk's 1st Battalion marched up the hill and marched up with all its equipment to take it.

to take it. Behind it awaited the Turks armed to the teeth. It was

was going to be a bloody slaughter. Then the cloud, which had remained still over the place, began to descend.

over the place, began to descend over the hill into a mist that enveloped it all.

and until the last of the 250 soldiers and 17 officers had entered it, it remained there.

17 officers entered it, it remained there. Then it began to rise, it became

compacted again - to a great height and then thinned out.

The entire battalion had disappeared. After the end of the First World War, the British

After the end of World War I, the British demanded that the Turks return the surviving prisoners.

but according to the Turks they had never fought the battalion there.

Where did all these soldiers go, and what became of them?

There are many authors who are suspicious of the account and of the witnesses, as they find it hard to believe that
267 men were

believe that 267 men were snatched from the face of the earth, just like that.

just like that. This could be the case of a time-space collapse that opened a dimensional portal for unknown reasons.

for unknown reasons a dimensional portal, through which all these men paraded in the pure triangle style of the

Bermuda Triangle style. Or it could also be that

at that time there was a mass abduction (abduction or forced abduction) to

abduction (abduction or forced abduction) by space ships, camouflaged as a dense cloud or fog.

cloud or dense fog.

From what we have experienced on the subject of contacteeism, the interpretation would be that extraterrestrial

interpretation would be that extraterrestrial beings opened a dimensional portal from a camouflaged ship, the same

camouflaged craft, the same one that descended upon the hill, to evacuate the British contingent

British contingent, who were heading for certain death. Had this been the case, today

all these people would be on an extraterrestrial base outside our planet, waiting for the

planet, waiting for time and conditions to permit their return.


But there were many cases of UFO sightings in the First World War that remain mysterious to this day.

World War I that remain mysterious to this day, as officially the possibility of UFO intervention is not accepted.

the possibility of intervention by extraterrestrial observers during our conflicts.

extraterrestrial observers during our conflicts.


There were two guards sitting opposite each other. The star came approaching from the south.

from the south. The event had never happened before. The star was placed above them and

neither of them could stand there

Gebel Barkal Stele, 18th Dynasty (1450 B.C.)

In 1947 the archives of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) were found.

between 1944 and 1945, there was an increase in the number of cases of Stuka fighter-bombers and

Stuka fighters and Heinkel bombers that had encountered or had been chased by strange

by strange luminous intelligent spheres and other objects.


These sightings, which existed even before the war, prompted Hermann
Goering commissioned a special investigation group which was called Sonder

Bureau No. 13, whose code name was Operation Uranus.

There was a case, dated 14 March 1942, in which it was reported that

over the Banak air base in Finland, the appearance of a strange and silent unidentified aerial object had been

strange and silent unidentified aerial object had been detected over Banak air base in Finland.

Captain Hauptmann Fishes then went out in his Messerschmitt 109

to intercept it. Arriving at an altitude of 3,500 metres, he was able to approach the object.

He then described it as a huge fusiform body (like a cylinder), without any lift plane.

no lift plane (no wings) and no visible openings or windows. Its

length was about one hundred metres, with a diameter of about fifteen metres.

metres in diameter. The object then rose vertically and disappeared at high speed.

What other important cases do the Germans cite?

On 18 December 1943, a UFO was detected passing by at an impressive (for the time) speed of 3,000 metres.

impressive speed (for that time) of 3,000 km/h over the German air bases at

Heligoland, Hamburg, Wittenberg and Neustrelitz. The same

The same craft was observed by two Focke-Wulf 190 fighter aircraft.

as a cylindrical object, with an apparently convex surface, and

composed of a multitude of rings on its body.

Was one of these observations ever made when important figures of the Third Reich were present?

important figures of the Third Reich were present?

On 12 February 1944, at the Kummersdorf test centre, in the presence of a number of Nazi hierarchs.

a number of Nazi hierarchs were present, among them Joseph Goebbels (Minister of Propaganda), Heinrich Himrich

Heinrich Himmler (Head of the Gestapo) and Hermann Goering (Co-Commander of the Lutfwaffe).

Commander of the Lutfwaffe), a rocket was being tested. The test was filmed

The test was filmed and, when revealed, confirmed the presence of a spherical object in the missile's trajectory.

spherical object in the missile's trajectory.

What did the Germans think these objects were?



The Germans thought these spheres were secret Allied weapons; and the Allies, who were also observing them,
thought they were secret Allied weapons.

the Allies, who were also observing them, thought they were secret weapons of the Germans.

secret weapons of the Germans. The Allies had therefore included them in the long list of the Vergeltungs

long list of Vergeltungs waffe (German retaliatory weapons) and called them krauts balls.
krauts balls, believing them to be just that: new Nazi secret weapons.

How were these objects defined?

They were, according to the pilots, like glowing balloons with intelligent behaviour and impossible

intelligent behaviour and impossible sudden movements. They called them foo-fighters

(fire fighters or phantom fighters), a name derived from the French word feu (fire), for

French word feu (fire), because of their sudden appearances and disappearances. Also

They were also called krauts jireballs (German fireballs), as it was customary for the Allies to call them krauts

among the Allies to call anyone of German descent a krautsa and anything that had to do with Germans a kraut.

that had anything to do with Germans.

What important sightings did the Allies record?

On 23 November 1944, pilots of the 415th US Night Fighter Squadron, based in Dijon, Germany, recorded a number
of important sightings.

based in Dijon, France, claimed to have observed several balls of "red fire" that were

several balls of "red fire" flying at high speed to the north of Stras-

burg, over the Alsace-Lorraine region. Radar could not pick them up, but they were

but they were visible to the naked eye, appearing and disappearing. Four days

four days later, a large sphere, but of an orange colour, was sighted by an American fighter over the German

over the German town of Speyer, south of Mannheim.

According to the pilot, Lieutenant Henry Giblin, the object approached them at about 500 metres above their

approximately 500 metres above their aircraft, flying at about 400 km/h. Did they have these objects?

Did these objects or spheres behave intelligently or merely naturally?

merely natural?

On 22 December 1944, another aircraft from 415 Squadron, piloted by Lieutenant David McFalls, Capt.

David McFalls, picked up the presence of two luminous or phosphorescent orange-coloured balloons.

orange-coloured phosphorescent balloons, with intelligent behaviour, which could be deduced from their

could be deduced from their movements. This occurred over the town of Hagenau,

in the same region of Alsace-Lorraine.

Were the encounters peaceful or was there at some point a sense of stalking or a belligerent

of lurking or a belligerent attitude?

On 24 December 1944, there was the case of a US bomber being chased by an American formation

was pursued by a formation of fifteen luminous objects, which was confirmed by two P-47 fighters.

confirmed by two P-47 fighters that approached and saw the spheres of light.

Also in December 1944, Major William D. Leet, a B-17 bomber pilot, encountered a
B-17 bomber pilot, encountered an amber-coloured discoidal object following him over Austria.

amber-coloured discoidal object following him.

Were these sightings recorded in the war only over Europe or did they also occur elsewhere in the world?

occurred in other parts of the world as well?

In 1945 foo-fighters appeared in the Pacific, and were observed by both American and Japanese pilots.

American and Japanese pilots, who described them as luminous

luminous spheres of a red colour and up to a metre in diameter. They used to

They used to follow them as if in curiosity, and then darted away.

Were the UFOs observed during the war also observed in cities far away from the conflict?

cities far away from the conflict? After the war was over, it became known that on 25

February 25, 1942, over the city of Los Angeles (California), it was reported that a foo-fly formation was

a formation of foo-fighters was observed over Los Angeles, California. They were photographed dodging

the light beams of searchlights and anti-aircraft guns, which had mistaken them for Japanese aircraft.

mistaken for Japanese aircraft.

What conclusion could we draw from all this?

Within the UFO phenomenology, there are caneplas or "cat's eyes", a kind of television camera controlled by a

sort of remote-controlled television cameras.


They usually come in the belly of extraterrestrial spacecraft, which release them over the cities and countryside, in a

cities and countryside, in the form of clusters, distributed in such a way that everything they observe is

everything they observe is projected on internal screens that the ships have.

have. So, without the spacecraft descending, they know what's happening

down thanks to these flying spherical cameras. They usually measure from thirty

centimetres to a metre and a half in diameter, and they come in different colours: red,

orange, yellow, white, blue, green, silver or simply transparent.

There are other objects, also in the form of energy spheres, but they are smaller.

smaller (sometimes mistaken for lightning or ball lightning): they are called energy synchronisers.

energy synchronisers. They can be the size of a fist or a ping-pong ball, and can be

and are sometimes as tiny as a laser pointer. It seems

act with an intelligence of their own and have specific jobs, such as healing people or entering someone's body.

people or enter someone's body to stimulate the activation of extrasensory perceptions.

extrasensory perceptions.

During the Second World War, mankind was permanently under observation, and even more so when they
observed, and even more so when we developed nuclear energy and detonated it with bombs.

by means of bombs.


If it happens that historical testimonies do not fit with certain already formulated laws, it must be remembered that
the law is not the same as the law,

it should be remembered that the law is nothing more than the consecration of experience and experimentation,
and that

and that, consequently, the laws must bow to the historical facts and not to the facts of the

and not to the facts of the law?

Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision

What was Kenneth Arnold's experience?

On 24 June 1947, 31-year-old Kenneth Arnold, an American civilian pilot and a highly respected businessman

American civilian pilot and well-respected businessman, was flying overhead in

under a splendid sunshine, flying over Mount Rainier in the state of

Washington State, assisting in a salvage effort of a C46 cargo plane of


C46 cargo plane, which was missing. It had taken off from

Chehalis bound for Yakima, about 175 kilometres to the east.

It was at an altitude of 2,800 metres flying a single-engined

Cali Air three-seater, when at 3 p.m. he noticed a whitish flash of blue light on the horizon.

blue light on the horizon. Suddenly, there were nine flashing objects in front of him,

metallic glow, travelling in formation, snaking like the tail of a Chinese comet, from the

of a Chinese comet, coming from Mount Baker.

How large were the objects and how fast were they moving?

He estimated that each of these objects had a diameter of about fifteen metres,

and he was surprised that they had no tails and were oval in shape. His

observation lasted approximately three minutes.

Arnold timed how long it took for the objects to cover the distance

between the summits of Mount Rainier and Mount Adams (75 kilometres): one minute and 42 seconds.

42 seconds, which meant they were travelling at a speed of about 2,700 km/h.

approximately 2,700 km/h.

What did the pilot do when he returned to the airport?

On his return to Yakima airport, he reported that what he had seen looked like

"like a shoe heel" and that it was moving "like a saucer that was bouncing on the surface of the water".

to bounce on the surface of the water". Hence the name "flying saucer", or
flying soucer* coined by William Bequette, a reporter for the Associated Press. According to

the airport authority, Arnold may have seen guided missiles coming from Moses Lake Air Force Base.

from the Moses Lake base.

Were there similar sightings elsewhere on the same day?

Arnold's sighting coincided with sightings of similar objects on the same day in several states in

same day in several states across the country by police officers, firefighters and all sorts of other




What can we conclude from this case? When the witnesses are qualified people

qualified people such as Kennedy Arnold, who had more to lose than to gain by

experience (besides, there were many other witnesses on the same day in different parts of the world), the
authorities have no choice but to accept that

different locations), the authorities have no choice but to accept that what was observed was a UFO phenomenon.

what was observed was a UFO phenomenon.


There is great violence in the heavens.

(Matthew 11:12)

What was the Roswell case?

On July 2, 1947, on the farm of farmer William Mac Brazel, located 120 kilometres northwest of the city of Roswell,

kilometres northwest of the city of Roswell (New Mexico), an unusual event occurred.

unusual event. There had been a very violent storm and suddenly an explosion was heard.

suddenly heard an explosion that bore no resemblance to thunder. This caused the farmer

the farmer to go out into the vicinity to find out what had happened.

had happened. Arriving at a nearby place, he noticed a large amount of debris scattered in a large area.

of debris scattered over an area of about two kilometres. Much of it was

like very thin sheets of metal (like tinfoil), which could be folded up and returned to their

and returned to their original shape without showing any wrinkles, and could not be broken, even with a hammer.

break, even with the heaviest hammer.

What did Brazel do with the fragments he found?

Brazel collected some pieces and took them to the sheriff of Chavez County,

George Wilcox, who in turn called the Roswell Air Force Base to find out if there had been a plane crash or if they
had been

had been any plane crashes or if they had any news of anything. The
base denied any knowledge and sent Air Force Intelligence Major Jesse Marcelo

Jesse Marcel, Air Force Intelligence Major, to go with Brazel to go around the area

to go around the area and see what had happened.

When did the Air Force arrive at the scene of the incident?

Marcel arrived on the scene two days after the incident, on the 4th of July, US Independence Day.

Independence Day in the United States. There he picked up some fragments that caught his

attention, such as some with strange symbols that did not belong to either Russian or

neither Russian nor Japanese and looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics. It should be remembered that the Second
World War had

World War II had recently ended, and the American military was highly sensitised and prepared to recognise

were highly sensitised and trained to recognise other languages. He noticed

that none of the fragments were burnt and that the thinner plates could not be burnt either.

could not be burned either. The thicker remains could not be bent or collapsed.

sink. He then loaded the material into his Jeep and headed for the base; but first he stopped by her house, where he

but first he stopped by his house, where he gave some fragments to his son and showed them to his wife and

and showed them to his wife and neighbours.

What was the reaction at the air base?

Upon seeing them, the base commander and head of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Airfield, Col.

Colonel William Blanchard, the base commander and head of Roswell Army Airfield's 509th Bomber Group, was so
excited that he

he had the area cordoned off. He then commissioned the base's public relations

public relations officer Walter Hault to inform the press of the discovery.

of the find* On July 8, 1947, the release published in the Roswell Daily Record stated

Record read: "The Air Force captured a flying saucer on a ranch in the Roswell region.

Roswell region".

Who were the first to publicise the case as being of extraterrestrial origin?

extraterrestrial origin?

It was the Air Force itself, through its own members, that released the news to the press.

the press; and through the press, to the world.

Roswell Air Force Base was very important, as it had been the site of the

Manhattan Project for the atomic bomb. In addition, Jesse Marcel was a senior

intelligence officer and was familiar with languages like Japanese and Russian, and with all the weapons and

and with all American weapons and inventions. He was not a delusional or

delusional and suggestible.

The San Francisco Chronicle of 9 July 1947 reported the following:


"The numerous rumours concerning flying saucers became a reality yesterday

became reality yesterday, when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth

Eighth Air Force Bomber Group, Roswell Army Air Field,

was fortunate enough to come into possession of a disc thanks to the cooperation of one of the local farmers and a

local farmers and the Chavez County Sheriff's Office".

When was the rest of the spacecraft found?

Between 4 and 8 July, most of the spacecraft, which apparently crashed and then bounced off the ground, was

apparently crashed and then bounced back to end up about four kilometres southwest of the first impact, in the

southwest of the first impact, in the plains of San Agustin, near Corona (Coronado).

(Coronado). When the Air Force arrived on the scene, after scouring the entire area, they

area, they found a group of people, among whom was the civil engineer Grady Landon

civil engineer Grady Landon Barnett, who with six archaeology students,

his professor Dr. Buskirk and some onlookers, stood in front of the wreck.

the wrecked aircraft. The military forced all of them to maintain discretion with regard to what they were seeing.

about what they were seeing. They were later ordered to remain silent

for reasons of national security. But time does not stand still, and many of those involved have dared to speak out.

of those involved have dared to speak out, even if they do not necessarily agree on all the details, as it has

not necessarily agree on all the details because so much has happened since then.

since then.

Is it still possible to collect testimonies today?

Among the testimonies that can still be found today is that of the youngest of the Anderson family's children

Anderson's youngest son, Gerald, who at the time was only five years old.

years old. The members of this family had seen the disc-shaped object, half-buried, when they saw it.

half-buried, disc-shaped object when they had gone out in search of the supposedly

meteorite that had fallen in the area. The object was silver to leaden grey.

leaden grey. It was partially destroyed, about 35 metres in diameter and

the bodies of four humanoid beings lay in the wreckage, three outside the craft and one inside.

and one inside.


Landon Barnett also gave his testimony years later, in which he mentions

that the beings he saw outside the craft had large pear-shaped heads,
slender bodies, long limbs and small statures (one meter twenty).

They were dressed in one-piece suits, with no buttons or zips.

What was the response of the government and the Pentagon to all this?

The Pentagon, upon learning how much had happened at Roswell and how quickly the news had been

the news had been circulated, they went into overdrive and ordered through Brigadier General Ramey that the first
fragments of the

General Ramey, that the first fragments found by Jesse Marcel and

Brazel himself were taken to Fort Worth Air Force Base in Dallas, Texas,

There the pieces were exchanged for hot-air balloon debris and the person of Marcel was sacrificed, forcing him to
be dismantled.

Marcel's person was sacrificed, forcing him to deny himself and make a fool of himself in front of the assembled

the assembled press, because he had to say that it had been a mistake and that they had been too hasty in

had been too hasty in giving an opinion. As if it was so easy to

to confuse an alien spacecraft with a weather balloon or something.

There has been much speculation that the cover-up was due to the fact that the supposedly recovered balloon was
part of the

the supposedly recovered balloon was part of the secret Project Mogul, but this makes no sense at all because we
are talking about 1919.

makes no sense at all because we are talking about 1947 and there were no stratospheric balloons but rather

stratospheric balloons, but rather simple balloons that had proven their

inefficiency with similar ones launched by the Japanese against the United States at the end of the

United States at the end of World War II. This was the beginning of the

policy of withholding information or censorship of information.

What other important witnesses were involved in the case?

Another witness was the Roswell coroner and owner of the local funeral home,

Glenn Dennis, who was telephoned from the air base to inform them on how to preserve crashed bodies

how to preserve crashed bodies that had been left out in the desert, exposed to the heat and

desert, exposed to heat and predators, for several days. This was without

at any time that they were extraterrestrials. They even went so far as to ask for

four coffins of one metre twenty, which he did not have.



He was so disturbed by this enquiry that he immediately went to the base, where he was known and sometimes

He was so disturbed by this enquiry that he immediately went to the base, where he was known and sometimes
requested, which allowed him to enter the chaos
He managed to see the trucks full of trucks. He managed to see the trucks full of

and the ambulances with the black rubber bags of ice that he had recommended.

he had recommended. At that moment he met a nurse friend who spoke to him quickly and violently.

nurse friend who spoke to her quickly and violently, describing the creatures she had seen in the operating room.

she had seen in the hospital operating theatre. He was then roughly

by the military police, who not only pushed him into their car, but also threatened/demanded that he be

threatened him/demanded for his own safety that he keep quiet.

What were the beings described to Glenn Dennis like?

Only once again was he able to speak to his nurse friend, who more calmly recounted what had happened and

could narrate what had happened and detail the appearance of the beings with a drawing on a napkin.

a napkin. They had only four fingers on each hand, with small cavities, perhaps for sucking on the fingertips.

perhaps for sucking on the fingertips, with the middle fingers longer and no thumb.

no thumb. The heads were large, as were the eyes; the mouth, small and slit-like.

slit-like. The nose was only two holes. Likewise, the ears were

ears were small and the ears also had two holes, two canals and not one like us.

like us. One of the bodies was intact, while the others were quite mangled and already smelled bad.

were quite mangled and already smelled bad.

Were the aliens at Roswell autopsied?

Today we know that, after an initial autopsy or necropsy was performed on the bodies, they were sent along with
their bodies.

necropsy, the bodies were sent with the spacecraft to hangar 18 at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and from there, some time later, the bodies were re-

and from there, some time later, they were taken to the basement of the CIA headquarters in Virginia to be

finally placed at the famous Area 51 in Grom Lake, Nevada.

Is the autopsy that was shown on television in 1995 the real image of the Roswell alien?

extraterrestrial from Roswell?

No, because it is not possible that 350 witnesses could have been mistaken in their description of the

occupants of the spacecraft. Furthermore, the whole story of how Ray Santilli, a director of music video clips in
England, claims to have

music video clip director in England, claims to have accessed the footage and taken it out of the United

out of the United States is far-fetched, fanciful and inconsistent.

The Roswell case would be factual, what would not be factual is the supposedly televised autopsy.


Why did the spacecraft crash at Roswell, and was it the only one to crash?

It has been wrongly implied that the alien spacecraft that crashed at Roswell crashed in
crashed at Roswell was either crashed because of an electrical storm or because it was interfered

interfered with its movement by a U.S. experimental radar. But that would not be

the truth, any more than the possibility of a mere accident. The Roswell spacecraft

Roswell spacecraft was rather shot down by another extraterrestrial spacecraft.

In 1991 the space shuttle Discovery filmed, during its orbit to the planet, the presence of a luminous object.

planet, the presence of a luminous object at an angle and how seven other objects suddenly

seven other objects suddenly burst in and blocked the path of the first one, launching a

a kind of missile or beam of light that forced it to make an incredible turn and move away.

There are testimonies and records of at least thirty-six spacecraft crashing on our world in the last fifty years.

our world in the last fifty years, such as in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah in the United States

and Utah, in the United States; in the Zone of Silence and near D.E., in Mexico; and

in Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Russia and South Africa, among other places.

On the basis of all this, we can affirm that there would exist ships from certain

civilisations that watch over the Earth in the form of Watchers and Guardians, who would have

would have established a sort of planetary quarantine so that not just any civilisation can act arbitrarily on our

civilisation could not act arbitrarily in our world.

and when the time comes, if they have to act in a firm manner and not only by deterring, they do so.



For many years I lived with a secret imposed on all astronautical specialists.

astronautical specialists. I can now reveal that every day in the United States our radars pick up objects of shape and

radar picks up objects of a shape and composition unknown to us. There are

thousands of eyewitness reports and a number of documents to prove it, but nobody wants to make them public.

wants to make them public.

Statement by Astronaut Gordon Cooper at the UN In the late 1970s, a group of researchers and

1970s, a group of researchers and scientists, grouped together under the name of

Citizens with a Right to Know, pressured the U.S. government through a lawsuit to release

through a lawsuit to release classified information that was crucial to uncovering the reality of the

the reality of the UFO phenomenon and the possible existence of extraterrestrial visitors on our planet.

extraterrestrial visitors on our planet. The ruling went against the

government in the mid-1980s, leading to the release of hundreds of classified documents known as the

hundreds of classified documents known as the "Majestic Papers".

Majestic documents". The government, through the CIA, acknowledged that it had more than nine thousand
files on the subject, although it was only willing to release a few hundred of them.

hundreds of them. But those that were released were mercilessly blacked out

mercilessly blacked out, and it was not possible to see the date, to whom they were addressed, their

who signed them. Only a few could be read. It was clear

that they had committed to releasing documents, but they never said in what state they were

state they were going to do so. Shortly before the government lost the release of information trial and was in the

and was uncomfortably obliged to bring to light its sensitive and compromising inconveniences.

and compromising secrets, some U.S. film and television directors began to

and television directors in the United States began to inexplicably receive classified microfilm material in the mail.

classified material on microfilm from the CIA by ordinary mail.


Much of this information is difficult to verify and could be part of the well-known information poisoning campaign.

campaign of information poisoning (which includes truths, half-truths and lies, together and

truths, half-truths and lies, mixed and matched). Suspiciously, among the

documents provided, all of which are now legible, were interspersed with those that were officially

officially released and which could be read from the outset, perhaps so that they could be trusted and

to be trusted, accepting everything. The information provided spoke of the existence of a group

the existence of a secret government group that was in charge of the recovery, analysis and monitoring of the

the recovery, analysis and follow-up of all cases involving UFOs.

UFOs. Precisely in 1987, these documents came into the hands of producer James Shandera.

producer James Shandera, who revealed what was already known through other means: the existence of the

was already known: the existence of Majestic-12. The documents dated 18 November 1952

November 1952 were marked TOP SECRET and contained the detailed report of the operation.

contained the detailed report of the Majestic-12 operation, prepared for President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

According to all this, on 23 September 1947 the person responsible for the

Air Technical Intelligence at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Lt.

Nathan Twining, sent a communication to the Commanding General of the Air Force in Washington, D.C., on 23
September 1947.

Air Force in Washington D.C. In that document he stated that "the flying disks

were real metallic objects that were similar in size to aeroplanes".

This was in reference to the UFOs found in New Mexico. He also stated

that they produced a strange buzzing sound as they moved and that they travelled at higher speeds than our
faster than our aeroplanes.

On 24 September 1947, following reports received on the Roswell case, the President of the United States, in the
wake of the

Roswell case, the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, considered, on the recommendation of people
very close to him, the

on the recommendation of people very close to him, including senior military officials, that there was

military commanders, that there was a need to form a group to investigate the Roswell case to the best of its ability.

to investigate the reality of the UFO phenomenon to the best of its ability, in order to try to use its

technology for the benefit of the country's armed forces.

the country's armed forces. But it would have to be a top-secret commission, since no one other than the military
could be involved.



the president and the members of the commission would not know of its existence in order to prevent the benefits
of this investigation from

the benefits of this investigation escaping from the government's hands and falling into foreign hands.

the government's hands and falling into foreign hands. The commission itself would be in charge of hiding its
existence, its members, its

its existence, its members, the material and information it handled, and it also managed to

and also managed to ridicule, deny and hinder the public investigation of the UFO phenomenon.

public investigation of the UFO phenomenon. This commission would be called

Operation Majestic-12 or Magic-12 (MJ-12), because it was made up of six

military commanders and six scientists working for the government. The

The staff member was Dr. Vannevar Bush, who was also in charge of the investigation of the mechanisms of the

The members of the Majestic-12 were the first to be appointed to the Majestic-12 team.

The original members of Majestic-12 were:

- Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, first director of the CIA.

- Dr. Vannevar Bush, chairman of the National Commission on Defense and Research and also chairman of the

and Research Commission and also chairman of the Office of Scientific Research and

Development during World War II

- Admiral James Forrestal, Secretary of Defence and formerly Secretary of the Navy

Secretary of the Navy

- General Nathan F. Twining, commander of Air Material Command,

Wright Field

- General Hoyt S. Vanderberg, Chief of Military Intelligence for the War

War Department during World War II

Dr. Detler Bronks (physician), researcher in biophysics, president of the Academy of Sciences and John

Academy of Sciences and John Hopkins University, and also a member of the Scientific Committee of the National

the scientific committee of Brookhaven National Laboratories.

- Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, Director of the Departments of Aeronautics and

Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

- Sidney W. Souers, Executive Secretary of the National Security Congress,

advisor to President Truman and later Director of the CIA.

- Gordon Gray, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the CIA's Psychological Strategy Board.

Strategy Board of the CIA.

- Donald Menzel, astronomer and Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University.

Harvard University

- General Robert M. Montague, commander of the military area which includes

White Sands Proving Ground (missile base).

- Dr. Lloyd Berlcner, executive secretary of the Committee for Research and

Research and Development

All of these individuals were provided with sightings of a series of documents classified as FOR EYES.

classified as FOR EYES ONLY and were shown the evidence collected from Rosemary's

evidence collected from Roswell.

In the reports of this commission, the Roswell spacecraft is defined as "reconnaissance", and it is stated that the
Roswell spacecraft were

reconnaissance", and stated that the crew members were humanoids who would have

evolved in a different process than terrestrial Homo sapiens. Dr. Detler Bronks

Detler Bronks then proposed the term "extraterrestrial biological entity" (EBE).


The spacecraft did not have the typical components of our technology and it was impossible to determine its
operating system.

impossible to determine its operating system; it was proposed that it could be an amplifier of psychic power.

amplifier of the psychic power of the occupants (when considering the increased cranial capacity), so it was

cranial capacity), so it was thought that it could have come from outside our solar system.

solar system.

As part of Majestic-12's function was to conceal information, Dr. Menzel, an illustrious astrophysicist, was asked to
help the Majestic-12 to hide the information.

Menzel, an illustrious Harvard astronomer, set about disproving and denying the existence of UFOs by claiming that

existence of UFOs by claiming that they were nothing more than natural phenomena, observation errors or lies.

natural phenomena, observational errors or lies of hysterical people. He went so far as to set out
his position in several books and in countless lectures around the world.

The first of the Majestic-12 members who wanted to do away with mystery and secrecy was Secretary of Defence

the secrecy was Secretary of Defence James Forrestal, a personal friend of President Truman Forrestal, who was

President Truman Forrestal to whom he reportedly proposed to speak plainly to the


the public, despite the consequences, because he considered that the American people should not be lied to

the American people (keeping them in ignorance was tantamount to deceiving them).

to deceive them). But he was removed from office and committed to the hospital in

Bethesda Hospital, where he was said to have committed suicide by throwing himself from a high floor of the
building. At

He was apparently eliminated in order to prevent it from becoming known that the government had the

evidence of the flying saucer visitation of extraterrestrial origin.

Majestic-12 has been withholding information, intimidating witnesses, destroying or disappearing evidence,

destroying or disappearing evidence through members of the CIA,

FBI and NSA (National Security Agency), who were given specific orders from the presidency.

from the presidency. These people are what we know today

as the real "men in black".

For decades, this commission, project or operation Majestic-12 has

investigated and concealed information concerning the existence of extraterrestrial visitors, and their

extraterrestrial visitors, and its members have been changing, integrating

Henry Kissinger and George Bush (father) when he was director of the CIA.

of the CIA.

The main researcher, disseminator and verifier of the Majes tic documents, Canadian physicist Stanton Friedman

Canadian physicist Stanton Friedman, considers, after a great deal of analysis, that a large part of the

that a large part of the documents are authentic. In this sense, it is possible that

possibility that they are in fact entirely true and that they were released from the form that was

the way it was done in order to purposely create scepticism and rejection; or

simply because there are some people who are really interested in the release of the information.

information to be released because the time has come.


Hidden in the UFO phenomenon, there must be data once considered to be of important military interest.

of important military interest. Of course, if UFOs are, as it is said, very fast and manoeuvrable devices, the military

The military has an obligation to find out how they work.

Cari Sagan, The World and Its Demons.



What was Project Sign?

On 30 December 1947, in the aftermath of the extraordinary Roswell case and the increase in UFO sightings in the
United States, the

and the increase of UFO sightings on U.S. soil, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal commissioned the

Secretary of Defence James Forrestal commissioned the Air Force to set up a commission to study UFOs.

a commission to study UFOs. This investigation was called Project Sign

(signal or sign), and its purpose was to follow up on sightings of

of sightings of unidentified flying objects in order to pinpoint their characteristics and to

characteristics and extract the common denominator in the observation experiences.


What happened to Captain Mantell?

On 7 January 1948, Captain Thomas Mantell, 25 years old and already an experienced fighter pilot

experienced fighter pilot, was flying as a squadron leader in his plane, an F-51 Mustang fighter.

his plane, an F-51 Mustang fighter, with three other planes accompanying him on a training flight, when he was
informed that he was

training flight, when he was informed from Godman Field base, in Kentucky and near Fort Knox, that he had been

Kentucky and near Fort Knox, that a UFO was flying over the area that they were to intercept.

they were to intercept. It was 13.45 p.m. and the sky was cloudy with cirrus clouds, but with some clear areas.

with some clear patches.

"For several hours, residents of Madisonville, Owehsboro and Irvington had been observing a UFO in the area.

Irvington had been watching a strange object that looked like a huge glowing ball about a hundred metres in

huge glowing ball about a hundred metres in diameter. The UFO had also been

detected by military police at Fort Knox and had appeared on the radar screen at Godman Air Force Base, which was

radar screen at Godman AFB, prompting Colonel Hix to order a ground pursuit.

ground pursuit.

When the squadron's pilots were able to observe the aircraft, it resembled a giant metallic teardrop or

a giant metallic teardrop or an ice cream cone.

and played cat-and-mouse with the planes, speeding up and then stopping to let them catch up.

to catch up. As fuel became increasingly scarce, Mantell ordered the remaining pilots to return to base.

to return to base, that he would continue alone, for which he requested clearance.

It was 3.15 p.m. when he reached an altitude of 6,000 metres, and 45 minutes later the wreckage of his plane

minutes later, the wreckage of his plane appeared 140 kilometres from the base, at the

Franklin, on the border with the state of Tennessee. They were

strangely fragmented and scattered over a very large area, but no trace of blood was found on the

but no trace of blood was found in the cockpit and no trace of the pilot (although it was later said that he had been
rushed away).

(although it was later claimed that he had been rushed away for burial).

According to witnesses on the ground, they saw the plane explode in mid-air.

What did the official report say?

The official Air Force report said that, because he had no

oxygen mask, the veteran pilot had suffered from anoxaemia (lack of oxygen in the blood), the cause of which was

oxygen in the blood), which caused him to lose control of his aircraft and crash.

The UFO was explained by the argument that the crash was due to the pilot's chasing the UFO.

the pilot was mistakenly chasing the planet Venus or had crashed into a Skyhook.

crashed with a Skyhook (experimental balloon probe). Both explanations do not

with ground observations, Mantell's experience, and the speed required for a Mustang fighter to fly at the

the speed necessary for a Mustang fighter to chase a balloon probe.

Was Mantell attacked by aliens?

No, it seems that Mantell's plane, which was on manoeuvres, was the only one that was armed and would have
received orders

that was armed and would have received orders to bring the object down,

firing if necessary. His shots would have hit the ship's energy field

energy field of the aircraft (a force field), producing a shock wave that eventually destroyed the aircraft itself.

ultimately destroyed the aircraft itself.

How did Project Sign begin?

Project Sign officially began on 22 January 1948, just one week after the US Air Force (USAAF) had launched the

after the Air Force (USAF) was officially created as an autonomous institution.

as an autonomous institution. The purpose, as we said, was to evaluate sightings, which were occurring; and, in the

and, in the Mantell case, they had all the elements to investigate thoroughly.

to investigate in depth.


The Project Sign research centre was established at the Wright Patterson base, where the

Patterson, where the Intelligence Division of Air Command was concentrated.

There, all the information supplied by the other air bases was gathered, evaluated and then distributed to the other
air bases.
evaluated and then distributed to interested government agencies. At that time

At that time, Dr. Allejn Hynek, a professor of astronomy at Ohio University, was hired as a consultant.

astronomy at Ohio University, known as Dr. Allejn Hynek, known as "Swamp Gas" because he always wielded

because he always wielded that explanation for any case of UFO sightings.

UFO sightings. At first he was a total sceptic, but over the years he would radically change his position.

he would radically change his position.

What are the most important cases?

Among the cases that were studied was that of 24 July 1948, when two civilian pilots (Clarence

civilian pilots (Clarence Chiles and John Whitted), war veterans flying a DC-3 transport

crewed an Eastern Airlines DC-3 transport from Houston to Boston,

observed at 2.45 a.m. on a full moon night a reddish object approaching them on a collision course.

approaching them on a collision course at a speed of approximately 1,000 km/h, which

passed over them. It was cigar-shaped, wingless, silent, about thirty metres long, and could be seen

thirty metres long, with a double row of illuminated rectangular windows on the sides, reminiscent of the

rectangular illuminated windows reminiscent of magnesium light. From the rear, the

the rear, the object emitted a jet of orange flames that extended some fifteen metres behind the fuselage.

some fifteen metres behind the fuselage.

What were the consequences of studying these cases?

These cases led the members of Project Sign to theorise that they were not Russian aircraft at all, but that they were
in fact Russian.

Russian devices at all, but possible extraterrestrial technology,

which the Chief of Staff, General Hoyt S. Vanderberg, considered ridiculous.

Vanderberg, considered it ridiculous. Recall that this general was part of the Majestic-12 and was to discredit or

was to discredit or flat out deny all extraterrestrial evidence.

In the final report, called Status of the Situation, it was acknowledged that UFOs did not represent a danger to the
security of the United States.

posed no danger to the security of the United States.



What did Project Grudge consist of?

Project Grudge (a word meaning 'grudge') came into being on 11 February 1949 as a continuation of Project Sign.

1949 as a continuation of Project Sign, but this time the witnesses were to be studied in depth.

in-depth study of the witnesses. The evil intention (inquina) was to try to dis-

The malice (inquina) was to try to discredit the witnesses in the public eye, by demonstrating their inability to
interpret their observation, based on their
inability to interpret their observation, on the basis that UFOs definitely do not exist.

definitely do not exist.

One of the Air Force officers summoned by the Air Technical Intelligence Command (ATIC) for the relevant studies

Intelligence Command (ATIC) for the relevant studies was Captain Edward

Ruppelt. His research work was carried out in collaboration with Dr. Alien

Hynek (who was reintegrating himself into the research); although both took their work seriously, it was not

Although both took their work seriously, it did not have much impact, for the die was cast. The

The project was a "hoax", a smokescreen, for it had been designed to disprove the

was a smokescreen, for it had been designed to disprove whatever truth the inquiries might

the investigations might yield. It was to deny and ridicule, never to confirm.

How long did the project last?

The project lasted six months, and it came to the contradictory conclusion to the original

original intentions that, of the 434 cases studied, 23% defied any coherent and reasonable explanation.

any coherent and reasonable explanation. But-the explanation the government wanted to give

the government was that ^^observations of these supposed UFOs could be due to

psychological disturbances on the part of the observers, because flying saucers could not or should not exist.

flying saucers could not or should not exist in the government's interests. It was

official research was recommended to be curtailed, because the very existence of the

studies encouraged people's fantasy.

The forced and imposed conclusions of the project were forwarded to Gen.

James Samford, Director of Air Force Intelligence, and on December 27, 1949, the completion of the

1949, the completion of the project was officially announced and the publication of


its last press release, which hinted at the Air Force's total ignorance of the

the Air Force's total ignorance of an elusive and at the same time totally irrelevant phenomenon.

At the end of September 1951, Project Grudge was reactivated, and Captain Ruppel was once again entrusted with

Captain Ruppelt was again commissioned to take over its direction. The officer

officer took the opportunity to ask the Pentagon to require all air bases to report sightings that they had seen.

air bases to report any sightings they had, and that US embassies around the world should also

U.S. embassies around the world to also keep them abreast of UFO activity in other countries.

activity in other countries. Ruppelt again enlisted the support of

Professor Hynek for the project.


What was Project Twinkle all about?

ATIC continued its research, despite the farcical findings of Project Grudge.

of Project Grudge, but this time on the multitude of cases of observations of luminous spheres, many of which were

of luminous spheres, many of them of a greenish colour, which were manifesting themselves

over much of North America; they were called green fireballs.

firebalh (green fireballs). The interesting thing is that they were mostly captured by

Most of them were captured by qualified personnel. These cases were an update of the World War II foo-figbters.

figbters of World War II.

The new project was called Twinkle and the research fell to Dr. Lincoln La Paz, a scientist and astronomer.

Dr. Lincoln La Paz, a scientist and astronomer from the Institute of Meteorics in New

Mexico, known to be yet another UFO sceptic. To this end, three tracking stations were set up in Va.

three tracking stations were set up in Vaughn, New Mexico, to establish routes, direction and

establish the routes, direction and origin of the glowing balls. But the

phenomenon was elusive to the Air Force, as observations were occurring everywhere but where they were

everywhere but where the researchers were, as if they were purposely avoiding them.

were deliberately avoiding them. For this reason, it was necessary to move the

to Holloman Air Force Base, where they were captured and even found to be exploding without

Some were even found to explode without the investigators subsequently being able to find them.



It could be that they were the so-called "ball lightning", concentrations of spherical energy that for a few seconds

spherical energy concentrations that for a few seconds travelled across the sky (easily mistaken for extra-terrestrial

terrestrial spacecraft) and then exploded, leaving the smell of burnt ozone in the air.

burnt ozone. But this could explain some cases, not all.

By 1951 the apparitions had intensified so much that the observations lasted longer than normal and

observations lasted longer than usual and often presented an intelligent behaviour.

behaviour. This puzzled the researchers so much that Professor

L. P. himself declared that they could not be a natural phenomenon: they corresponded to an enigma that would
one day be solved.

that would one day be solved.


What were the events leading up to Project Blue Book?

On 25 August 1951, a series of sightings began that are now a landmark in UFO research.
milestone in UFO research, especially because of the professional quality of the witnesses,

mostly university professors. On that date, the following was observed over

Albuquerque (New Mexico) a large flying object in the shape of a boomerang,

full of lights. Also, over the town of Lubbock, four professors of the

University of Texas observed a formation of hang-gliding lights evolving in the sky.

evolutions in the sky.

On 31 August, a student at Texas Polytechnic University, Cari Hart,

photographed the same light formation, which was witnessed by many, many others who had already

many, many other people who had already noticed that during that month the observations were

observations were repeated at regular times during that month. The photos show about twenty

luminous objects arranged in a V-formation. After analysis, it was said to be an unexplained phenomenon,

it was said that it was an unexplained phenomenon, although there were those who claimed that it could be a
reflection of light.

could be the reflection of light on the breasts of migratory birds. And how did they manage to

to illuminate themselves? In this respect, Dr. Menzel, a scientific advisor to the government, put forward his own
theory (by

government science adviser, Dr. Menzel, came up with his own (otherwise far-fetched) theory: they were lights that

reflected from the ground by a phenomenon of thermal inversion and refraction.

The increase of sightings worldwide and over the United States

prompted the Air Force, in March 1952, to elevate Project Grudge to the status of an independent agency, called
Project Grudge.

to the status of an independent agency, called Project Blue Book, although it always maintained

(Blue Book), although it would always retain control over it. The staff of the

project was housed in the premises where the Foreign Technology Division also operated.

Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio.

Dayton, Ohio. It was there that all the advances, inventions or contributions developed by other countries were

other countries were developing.

Who was in charge of Project Blue Book?

Captain Ruppelt was still in charge of the UFO research with his scientific advisor

Professor Hynek, his scientific advisor, travelling to every place indicated as a sighting area to interview

to interview witnesses, collect samples and carry out all kinds of studies.

studies. This obviously multiplied the work.

What happened in July 1952 over Washington?

From 19 to 29 July 1952 there were a series of momentous

sightings which were witnessed by countless witnesses over a very sensitive area of the

very sensitive area of American territory: its own capital city! Starting

on the 19th, when at 11.40 p.m. seven targets or objects appeared on the radar screen of the

radar screen at Washington D.C. airport that looked like aeroplanes. This

was witnessed by the nine air traffic controllers who were in the tower at that time, including

tower at the time, including Harry Barnes. The objects were moving at a

speed of between 160 and 210 km/h, with movements distinct from those of an aeroplane, and were

They were also detected at Andrews Air Force Base, where one of the objects was

one of them was captured turning at a 90° angle without slowing down,

something impossible for our technology. The objects were also observed

from the ground by military personnel.

That night, several civilian pilots saw some of these lights in the air, such as S. Pierman, a civilian pilot who saw the

the lights in the air, such as S. Pierman of Capital Airlines and Edward Dermott. Despite the fact that two fighter
planes were

two fighter planes were sent to intercept them, they did not find the lights.



They had to return to their base.

On 26 July, radar signals were repeated at the airports and at St. Andrews base.

Andrews. It was 10.30 p.m. when the signals multiplied outrageously, as did the repeated

as did the repeated reports from commercial airline pilots.

commercial airline pilots. Then the air raid alarms went off and panic ensued over the US capital.

over the capital of the United States.

Unidentified objects had begun to appear in formation over the most important public buildings and monuments in
the United States.

Washington's most important public buildings and monuments, especially in off-limits areas such as the White

especially in off-limits areas such as the White House and the Capitol. At that time, interceptor aircraft, composed of

interceptor aircraft, composed of formations of F-94s, were scrambled, but although they managed to see the UFOs

they caught sight of the UFOs they could not even get close to them, due to their great speed and manoeuvrability.

speed and manoeuvrability.

The spectacle of luminous objects was over after a few hours, but the scandal came next when the

scandal came next, when General Samford declared at a press conference that they did not know what the

that they did not know what the phenomenon was due to, but they were sure that it did not pose a threat to the

that it was not a threat to the country, and they could not exclude the possibility that it was extraterrestrials or
extraterrestrials or aliens.

On 11 September 1952, the deputy director of the CIA's Department of Scientific Engineering, H.

Department of Scientific Engineering, H. Marshall Chadwell, addressed a document to the principal director, which

director which stated, among other things: "The UFO problem exceeds the level of individual departmental

individual responsibilities of the department and is of such importance that it deserves the

merits the competence and action of the National Security Council".

What did the Robertson Commission consist of?

During the same month of September, the CIA bizarrely recommended to the

Air Force to set up a commission to make an official pronouncement on the UFO issue because of the large

the UFO issue because of the great national concern about it. This commission

was composed of five leading scientists and was headed by physicist H. P. Robertson (hence its name).

(hence the name). The CIA reserved its oversight. The commission had at its disposal

The commission had at its disposal all the Project Blue Book material and its members, who reported their findings.

reported their findings. In just three days, the commission acted more like a jury than anything else, finding the

more like a jury than anything else, finding unreasonableness in the best-studied and inexplicable cases.

cases that were inexplicable. The final conclusions were:

First: There are no hostile signals behind the UFOs.

Second: There is no evidence that they are an alien terrestrial or extraterrestrial power.

extraterrestrial power.

Third: People must be educated to learn how to interpret aerial phenomena and not to interpret them.

aerial phenomena and not to confuse them, and also not to give a mystical connotation to UFOs.

mystical connotation to UFOs.

Finally, the ambiguity of the conclusions, the haste of the analysis and the lack of respect for previous studies

of respect for previous studies demonstrated the need to throw dirt on the topic, distracting the

by distracting public opinion with contradictory positions.

In 1954, the Blue Book Project published Special Report 14 with the collaboration of the Batlle Memorial Institute.

the Batlle Memorial Institute, in which a statistical study was made of more than

3,200 cases of sightings from '47 to '52, with a number of cases explained and others without known

and others with no known explanation.

In any case, Ruppelt remained at the helm of the Blue Book, until it appeared that

members of Majestic-12 considered that he knew too much, as he had taken his work very seriously and had

taken his work very seriously, and had scrutinised and accessed all the files of the previous

archives of the previous projects with excessive fidelity to the truth. For this reason, he was forcibly
For this reason, he was forcibly committed to the Bethesda hospital, the same hospital where Forrester is said to
have committed suicide.

Forrestal is said to have committed suicide. According to the death certificate, he died of a fulminant illness.

his relatives were not allowed to see his body, and he was hastily buried.

and was hastily buried. There was yet another victim of the policy of

concealment of information.

Hynek left the project when he realised that unexplained cases were being

kept or hidden without thorough study. He was sure that the only

possible explanation was that a good part of them would be spacecraft.


The sceptic had become convinced!

Project Blue Book continued with Major Quintanilla at the helm of the staff and the

but after the Robertson Commission put the brakes on the project, the only thing he was doing was collecting

Commission, he was merely collecting sightings and filing them away. When

interpreted important cases, blunders were made that led to its progressive discredit.

to its progressive discredit. For example, she said that in certain cases the

UFO sightings corresponded to constellations that at the time could not be visible in her hemisphere.

visible in her hemisphere at the time.

In February 1966, the O'Brien Committee considered the Project Blue Book to be unserious

lacking in scientific rigour, and demanded the formation of a new body with university backing that would

body with the backing of a university that would truly dedicate its research to the clarification of the

research to the elucidation of the UFO subject, not its cover-up.

In April 1966, the committee met to evaluate the Air Force's involvement up to that time, and the

the Air Force, and Major Quintanilla, who had been called upon to answer several questions

after answering several questions, gave his point of view and stated that the

UFOs, as extraterrestrial craft, did not exist and were not worth studying further.

worth studying further. Quite different was the position of Hynek, also present, who

explained how he had been shifting his scepticism and that the subject required further

deeper analysis. For this reason, he suggested relieving the air force of the task of

of research and leave it definitively to the scientists, but with freedom of action.

action. This led to the confrontation between Quintanilla and Hynek.

What did the Condon Commission consist of?

In 1966 the UFO reports of Project Blue Book, collected over twenty-one years, had already exceeded

over twenty-one years, already exceeded 12,000, of which some 659 were considered "unexplained".
considered "unexplainable".

That year, the Air Force was forced to find a university that would be willing to do in-depth research on the subject.

the subject, authorising it to delve into the archives of the Blue Book.

the Blue Book archives. Several universities declined the invitation, including

Harvard, North Carolina and Berkeley, as well as the Institute of Technology.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Air Force took the opportunity to point out that the rejection was due to
the low importance and seriousness of the

the importance and seriousness of the subject; but it also refused to let Dr. Hynek, of the University of North

Dr. Hynek of Northwestern University or Dr. MacDonald of the University of Arizona to make the

the University of Arizona, to take over the research as too biased in favour of the subject.

too biased in favour of the subject. However, the rejection of the

institutions was not really out of disinterest, but rather because the exi

The behind-the-scenes demand was for the CIA to control and direct the research. The

The intention was that, regardless of the results, people had to be convinced that there was nothing behind it.

people that there was nothing behind it, discouraging interest in the issue.

For all these reasons, the Air Force chose Professor Edward Condon, the head of the

University of Colorado's Physics Department and a member of the Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, chairman of

for Laboratory Astrophysics, chairman of the committee that would include twelve scientists.

scientists. The requirements were that the scientist be someone of high prestige and renown, and that he or she

and understanding of and support for military and governmental needs, which included hypocrisy.

governmental needs, which included hypocrisy, cynicism and lying. Condon

Condon had them all. Only a short time before he had expressed his total disbelief and,

as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, had participated in the Manhattan Project.

Manhattan Project.

To what extent did the commission investigate thoroughly?

The commission never investigated anything on the ground where the cases took place, and it

always showed mockery and contempt for the subject and the other investigators,

treating the issue as a psychological and sociological phenomenon.

The Condon Report met with the approval of the National Academy of Sciences

and was published on 31 October 1968 under the title Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, with the title

unidentified flying objects, with 1,465 pages including explanations,

illustrations and photos. Thirty-six other researchers also contributed data to the report.

thirty-six other researchers also contributed data to the report. The final conclusions were:
First: There is nothing on the subject of UFOs that has contributed anything significant to scientific knowledge.

to scientific knowledge.


Second: Further study of UFOs is not warranted.

Third: The Air Force has handled reports of UFO sightings correctly and has never

Third: The Air Force has handled reports of UFO sightings correctly and has never concealed its findings.

Fourth: There should be no mistaking the discretion in reporting and investigation, which was

investigations, which sought a more thorough study, with secrecy.

Fifth: Therefore, UFOs do not represent a danger to the security of the United States, and UFOs do not represent a
danger to the security of the United States.

United States, and UFOs do not exist.

Logic tells us that if they do not exist they do not represent a danger, but not the other way around.

First they do not represent a danger and then they do not exist? Is there a mistake in the order of these conclusions?

Or do they hide another meaning?

It is curious that, on the same day that the Condon Report was presented, one of the scientists of the

scientists of the commission who had been replaced before he published a book of denunciation.

book of denunciation. In it, Dr. David Saunders, a professor of psychology,

accused Dr. Condon of a cover-up and of failing to reflect in the report the 30% of unexplained

30% of unexplained cases studied by the commission, imposing only his own prejudices.

only his own prejudices.

The Condon Report was the death knell of the Blue Book Project, which was officially dismantled on 17 December

officially dismantled on 17 December 1969.

But how could it be said that there had never been any concealment of information, nor had there ever been a
policy of secrecy and concealment?

there had never been a policy of secrecy and cover-up, if there had even been two governmental

two government laws were passed and are still in force today (AF 200-2 and JANAP-146).

and JANAP-146), which fines 10,000 dollars and ten years' imprisonment for anyone who discloses proven

10,000 and ten years in prison for anyone who discloses proven information about UFOs?

One of the scientists who fought hardest against the Condon Report and the policy of

cover-up policy was Dr. James McDonald, who soon died in suspicious circumstances.

suspicious circumstances. Believe it or not, he is said to have committed suicide.



The more some people try to hide the truth, the more interest they arouse in others to find out the truth.
they arouse the interest of others in finding out.

The tenacious efforts of organisations such as Citizens with the Right to Know and Citizens Against the

to Know and Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) has put public pressure on the UFO government to

public opinion to bring the US government to face the uncomfortable situation of being

uncomfortable situation of being prosecuted for releasing information considered classified on the UFO

considered classified on the subject of UFOs.

Thanks to the support of congressmen such as Pete Dominici, Harrison Smith and John Glenn, the balance of power

and John Glenn, the scales tipped towards the publication of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which declassified a large number of official documents and made

official documents were declassified and previously inaccessible information became

previously unattainable, but which only represents the tip of the iceberg.

Most of the released documents are blacked out, concealing the date, who they are addressed to, what they contain
and even what they contain.

who it is addressed to, what it contains and even who signed it. This shows that,

even when documents are declassified, they always remain secret as part of the

secrecy as part of the policy of concealment and the conspiracy of silence by various

of silence for various interests.

We find that, for every serious document that circulates, there are three or more

that are apparently authentic but contain half-truths and lies that contradict the real one or

lies that contradict the real one or confuse it, creating such a chaos of information that in the end only the

that in the end only governments get to know what is what. For

For example, when in the early 1980s there appeared alongside the well-known researcher Charles Berlitz an

researcher Charles Berlitz, a stranger named William Moore, who collaborated with him on a book

collaborated with him on a book about the Roswell case, initially contributing real and unknown classified

initially with real classified information that was unknown at the time.

then unknown classified information.


Then, together with other pseudo-investigators, he released such far-fetched information as the existence of a

such as the existence of an alleged extraterrestrial pact between the U.S. government and the "aliens".

government and the "Greys" from a planet in the star Zeta Reticuli.

star Zeta Reticuli. Today this person and some others, defenders of his concepts, have been discredited.

his concepts have been discredited by the discovery of their clear links to government intelligence systems and the
with the governmental intelligence systems and by unmasking them as "information

"information intoxicators".

Grey" extraterrestrials do indeed exist and they come from a variety of different

Some of them are linked to the so-called "fallen angels".

Some of them are linked to the so-called "fallen angels" or deportees of antiquity and they want to

help them to free themselves and escape from here. But they all come with bad intentions.


As a conclusion we can say that all that glitters in the subject of ufology is not gold.

ufology. We must be suspicious of everything and everyone, trusting more in our own judgement, intuition,
intuition, intuition, intuition, intuition and intuition.

intuition, common sense and logic.


I believe that the so-called flying saucers are craft from other worlds and that they are piloted by super

piloted by super intelligent beings who have been watching the Earth for a long time.

for a long time.

Hermann Oberth, father of astronautics

One of the versions used by governments to explain the phenomenon of UFOs is that they are nothing more than

UFOs is that they are nothing more than secret weapons in the experimental phase.

Certainly, new high-tech weapons, almost unknown to the ordinary citizen, are appearing every day.

The UFOs are certainly new high-tech weapons, almost unknown to the ordinary citizen, which have even confused
the experts.

to confuse even those in the know. But there is still a big gap between our technology and UFOs.



For many, many years, the existence of a secret UFO project was denied by U.S. military spokesmen.

the existence of a secret experimental project for the creation and manufacture of Stealth aircraft.

experimental project for the creation and manufacture of Stealth aircraft.

phantom aircraft). As a result, their unusual shapes and sporadic appearances created an environment in which

the right atmosphere so that, later, when the prototypes were presented to the press, they were

prototypes were presented to the press, it was said that all UFOs seen in the second half of the 20th century were
secret weapons.

of the 20th century had been secret weapons in the process of testing. Especially

this was the star argument at the fiftieth anniversary in 1997 of the modern UFO era.

of the modern UFO era.

The repeated scandal of so-called researchers trying to get close to the secret military base at Area 51.
the secret military base at Area 51, Groom Lake (Nevada), where the triangular aircraft were being

testing of the triangular planes, and the scenes of confrontation with the authorities (it was obviously a military base

authorities (it was obviously a military base and cannot be entered without authorisation) contributed to the

the atmosphere of mystery that would later lead to the discrediting and ridicule of the

later to be discredited and ridiculed.

When the time came for the official presentation of the planes, it became clear that they were not UFOs and that
they would never be seen again.

that they were not UFOs and that there were never any little grey men at that base who

working side by side in an alleged infamous pact with the US government, as some investigators or alleged

government, as some investigators or alleged witnesses claimed.

It was just another secret project by the armed forces of the most powerful country on Earth.

most powerful country on Earth. A false alarm like many others. Evidently

everything was planned this way to discredit the subject and the real researchers.

researchers. Most experimental aircraft have a flat surface, which gives them a faceted and triangular

surface, which gives them a faceted and triangular appearance,

a technical feature that makes them undetectable. For example, the Lockheed F-117

the small Lockheed F-117 and the B-2 bomber, both of which use Stealth technology.

Stealth technology; the small, revolutionary Lo-Flyte, also known as the Waverider; and the already

as the Waverider; and the retired SR-71 Blackbird.


New experimental projects are currently underway, such as the so-called

Project Aurora (also at Area 51), with ever larger and more sophisticated devices said to be coming

sophisticated devices that are said to reach speeds estimated at Mach 5, for which the maximum

which requires a delta-wing shape as much as possible. This is reminiscent of the

originally described by Kenneth Arnold in 1947, when he sighted nine objects of this shape over

nine objects possessing this shape over Mount Rainier in Washington, or those of the Lubock case in Texas.

those of the Lubock case in Texas.

Stealth aircraft fly in a straight line at speeds of up to 6,000 km/h

thanks to their hypersonic thrusters using hydrogen or liquid methane.

And, while they have been seen around military bases in the United States, Britain and northern Europe, they have
been seen in the vicinity of military bases in the United States, Britain and northern Europe.

United States, Britain and northern Europe, and have been used in the Persian Gulf war.

Persian Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, they are not to be confused with triangular UFOs.

not to be confused with static triangular UFOs, some of which are the size of football fields or even the size of
the size of a football field or even larger, such as the one that appeared in

Phoneix (Arizona), 4 kilometres long, sighted for three days in a row in 1997.

in 1997. They defy the laws of known physics, produce no noise, stop, accelerate through the

stop, accelerate in the air from a zero point and perform movements, often zigzagging or zagging

movements, often zigzagging or tracing right angles. Moreover, they appeared

when it was not even remotely conceivable to design something similar.

It should also be recalled that between 1989 and 1991, many people sighted triangular objects in the Belgian sky.

of Belgium; the pilots of the latest generation of fighter jets did not describe them as airplanes, but as

described them not as aeroplanes, but as untraceable platforms gliding in the sky.

impossible to follow, gliding through the air.

A number of UFO crashes have been reported, and this has allowed for the

technology, which has generated new patents that have revolutionised the field of aeronautics.

revolutionised the field of military aeronautics, without detracting from the inventive and creative

inventive and creative capacity of the human being.

In conclusion, it could be said that this type of technology may account for

many, but not all, cases of UFO sightings.



And at the same time it presents us with new questions, because on 22 January 1999, UFOs appeared over the city
of Lima (Peru).

incredible and gigantic rectangular platforms appeared over the city of Lima (Peru).

gigantic rectangular platforms, totally anti-aerodynamic, appeared over the city of Lima (Peru).

observed daily for more than a month even by the journalists of the TV channels, who climbed up to the roofs of the

television channels, who climbed on the roofs of their own buildings. These objects

evoked Arab, Persian and Hindu legends of magical rectangular flying carpets.

rectangular flying carpets. We may also recall that a medieval engraving

engraving attests that on 14 April 1561, in the German city of Nuremberg, an object appeared

Nuremberg, a gigantic triangular object appeared, several kilometres long (similar to the one in Arizona)
accompanied by a

(similar to the one in Arizona) accompanied by many other objects in the form of discs, spheres and cylinders.

and it cannot be attributed to the United States what happened in Nuremberg, because it is not

the United States for what happened at Nuremberg, because in the 16th century this country did not even exist as a
nation project.

as a nation project. So, in view of the similarity of the forms, the question arises

question: who copied from whom?



They are mysterious men dressed in black who look like intelligence and espionage agents of big governments.

agents of intelligence and espionage of big governments, bursting into the lives of witnesses to

UFO sightings, forcing them to retract their statements, threatening them and even

making them forget

After an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed in Roswell in July 1947, the U.S. government initiated, through the

government of the United States initiated, through its intelligence mechanisms and organisations in charge of
security and

and organisations in charge of security and control (NSA, CIA and FBI), a whole

cover-up policy that consisted in creating a smokescreen around the issue.

all kinds of cover-up mechanisms were used, including the repeated denial of the seriousness of the

denial of the seriousness of the testimonies. Silence was also used

complicit and compromising silence, systematic ridicule of the situations, investigators and witnesses, as well as the

of situations, investigators and witnesses as well as the concealment and destruction of important evidence.

evidence and its destruction. It has gone so far as to forcibly intimidate and kill key witnesses or

and the assassination of key witnesses or renowned communicators.

We have spoken before about Project Majestic-12, with senior military and scientific advisors to the government.

military commanders and scientific advisors to the government, which would be in charge of studying the

to study the findings with the intention of using them for the benefit of the U.S. military, as well as the U.S.

the United States armed forces, and also to initiate a policy of cover-up, silencing and

and distortion of the issue, using all possible means.

Therefore, this top-secret commission gave orders through the president of the time for the

president in office for the security and control entities to act energetically in compliance with the

and control entities to act energetically in compliance with the instructions given. These characters, who

could appear anywhere and always in the fashionable attire of the 1950s and 1960s (black or grey suits

50s and 60s (black or dark grey suits, sunglasses, white shirts and ties in the colour of the suit), and who could not be
seen in the

colour of the suit), and who would be nothing more than government agents, were called "men in black" (MIB).

"men in black" (MIB).


The particularity was not only that they acted as Mafia thugs or as Gestapo agents in the

Gestapo agents in Nazi Germany, but that in many cases they were able to intervene with a certain mastery of space.

a certain mastery of space-time, both by appearing and disappearing without a trace, and by entering and leaving
and un-appearing without a trace, as well as entering people's minds and dreams.

people's minds and dreams. This demonstrates that they have received special training to

their functions, which goes beyond the traditional and rather enters into paranormal psychic development.

paranormal psychic development.

There are versions linking the MIBs to the secret world government of the Illuminati, which explains why they have
been trained to perform their functions.

Illuminati, which would explain the sort of timelessness and possible presence of these shadowy characters in

these shadowy characters in other epochs.

Not that one wants to become paranoid about these issues, but as the universal law or principle states: "To all men
and women, to all men and women, the law of the universe must be applied.

universal law or principle: "Every force is opposed by an opposing force of equal intensity".

intensity". If truth is strong and powerful, capable of transforming and awakening consciences, there is also an
opposing force.

consciences, there is also an opposing force interested in keeping humanity in the state of ignorance and

humanity in the state of ignorance and unconsciousness in which we live. For this reason, UFO

for this reason, UFO researchers and even contactees must be very careful of the lurking and

be very careful with the lurking and the risk of spreading our truth, which not only exposes our

truth, which not only exposes our prestige but also our lives and those of our relatives.

our families.


Due to the increase in the waves of sightings, which reached their scandalous peak with the

scandalous climax with the UFO sightings in Washington in July 1952, the American government

1952, the US government, through its central intelligence agency, the CIA,

put together a top-secret project called MK-Ultra, also known as "psychic warfare", with sub-secret messages

psychic warfare, with subliminal messages, suggestion, hypnosis, manipulation of individuals and the masses,
psycho-warfare and

manipulation of individuals and the masses, psychotronic warfare...

All of this would have been previously experimented by psychologists in the concentration camps of the

concentration camps of World War II, under experiments sponsored by the SS.

by the SS.


At the end of the war, all these psychologists and experiments were assimilated by the Allies, especially the United

by the Allies, especially the United States and Britain.

The idea was to develop a psychic or mental weapon capable of driving entire groups of people to suicide in

of people to mass suicide (the Jim Jones case was in French Guiana; David Koresh in French Guiana; David
French Guiana; David Koresh in Waco, Texas; the Heavens Gate in California; the New Order of the Solar

Order of the Solar Temple in Switzerland and Canada; the followers of Shoko Asahara in Japan; the suicide

Japan; the Suicide Church of Uganda, and others), and also that he was able to make innocent, simple and

innocent, simple and easily suggestible people to murder targeted people, without them being

people, without them being aware of it afterwards (the alleged assassins of John F. Kennedy, Bob Kennedy, Bob
Kennedy, John F. Kennedy's

John F. Kennedy, Bob Kennedy, John Lennon..., who had no recollection of being the perpetrators).

the perpetrators of the attacks). They would end up covering up for the real culprits with their presence.

the real culprits by their presence. Experimentation, as we can see, would have been the

experiments, as we can see, would have been the order of the day without any scruples, just as when the atomic
bombs of the Manhattan

atomic bombs of the Manhattan Project were dropped in the southern United States, with young soldiers

of young soldiers doing their military service in the area without any radiation protection and without knowing

radiation protection and without knowing what they were being exposed to. It is known

that plutonium was even sprayed for experimental purposes on fields and civilian populations near the

and civilian populations near the bases to evaluate the results.

Mk-Ultra was intended to use all modern weapons of suggestion and information control to bring the masses of

control to make the human masses think that extraterrestrials do not exist or, if they do exist, that they are

exist or that, if they do, they are all evil invaders who abduct people, rape them and even act

people, rape them and even act in the style of the "chupacabra". Many of those who

believe they have been abducted, kidnapped and raped by extraterrestrials, have not been physically

physically, but mentally. And not by extraterrestrials, but by earthlings who play with their

terrestrials who play with their minds by appealing to suggestion from a distance. For

Therefore, and as a highly recommended suggestion, we should do our utmost to strengthen our will and control our

to strengthen our will and to control our mind through meditation and all kinds of practices

meditation and all kinds of practices that will lead us to a better mastery of ourselves.

of ourselves.



When information escapes all control and it becomes impossible to continue to conceal what has been

It is impossible to continue to conceal what was once considered secret.

change tactics. If denial and concealment are no longer possible, then lies and deception are used to divert attention
from what is

and mislead to distract attention from the core issues, especially when what is leaked could produce not
leaked could lead not to the end of the world, but to "the end of the system".

This is precisely what governments do: they use unscrupulously

information poisoning.

We have already said that there are several ways of hiding information: the first is to deny it; the second is to remain

denying it; the second is total silence, without comment; the third is to mock the subject with

the third is to make a mockery of the subject with films, commentaries, and even people who

people who are willing to make a fool of themselves in public (delusional people who believe they are aliens or claim
to be

extraterrestrials or claim to be extraterrestrials), or linking witnesses to major scandals that are morally offensive or

scandals that morally offend or shock public opinion; and the fourth is to circulate half-truths, half-truths, half-truths,
half-truths, half-truths and

to circulate truths, half-truths and lies, but all jumbled together in such a way as to contradict and

contradicting each other and thus generating mistrust and total disbelief.

total disbelief.

Therefore, for every true information that circulates, there is a great deal that is

is not. Let us take the case of the Internet, which was originally intended to be the

way to guide human beings along paths of accurate and correct information. Today

Today, beyond the armies of killer viruses capable of destroying not only the information in computers, but also the

the information in computers, but also the entire machine, there is also the amount of

the amount of information rubbish that circulates as if it were true, both on the subject of UFOs and UFOs.

on the subject of UFOs as on many others. We are living in a time

in which in order to access the truth we must know how to combine and use our instinct, our intuition and our

instinct, intuition and intelligence.


In short, to be able to discern the part of truth in everything, we must not only use our logical reasoning and
intuition, but we must also be able to use our instinct, intuition and intelligence.

logical reasoning and prior knowledge, but also intuition and instinct.

but also intuition and instinct.




I turned to see the voice that spoke to me, and when I turned I saw seven golden candlesticks, and in the midst of
the candlesticks one

candlesticks of gold, and in the midst of the candlesticks one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe
clothed in a long robe and girded with a golden girdle about his chest.

his head and hair, white as white wool, like snow; his eyes, like a flame of fire; his feet, like a flame of fire; his feet,
like a flame of fire,

like a flame of fire; his feet like burnished bronze, as in the forge,


(Revelation 1: 12-15)

As we have seen in the historical background of the UFO phenomenon, the observation of strange

observation of strange lights or objects in the sky, discarding all kinds of atmospheric, climatic, climatic and

atmospheric, climatic or cosmic phenomena, or errors of misinterpretation in the observation, is as old as the

in the observation, is as old as mankind. Let us also remember that

cases during the First and Second World War are counted by dozens,

and they involved not only large numbers of soldiers, but also high-ranking officers.

and even if we write off a good number of these sightings, given the possibility of

and even if we write off a good number of these sightings, on the chance that they were secret weapons,
misunderstood or simply

misinterpreted or simply defined as UFOs, we are still left with a very large number of sightings with no logical

observations with no logical explanation whatsoever.

Observations of the UFO phenomenon have been increasing, as has the quality and ability to capture the images.

quality and ability to capture the images thanks to personal video. But it is

the qualified witnesses who, with their ability, prestige and personal trajectory, guarantee the

personal trajectory endorse the seriousness of the cases. We could cite countless

stories, but a button is enough to prove it.


In June 1947, as we saw earlier, a serious and experienced civilian pilot and well known businessman, Kenneth
Arnold, was

well known businessman, Kenneth Arnold, sighted nine flying objects over Mt.

over Mount Rainier in Washington State. His

His observations were corroborated by a multitude of witnesses, including police and firefighters from

police and firefighters from at least four states in the country. Arnold

Arnold could lose all credibility and damage his public image by telling the press.

the press. Yet he did.

In July of that same year, Intelligence Major Jesse Marcel, Major William Blanchard and Lt.

Major William Blanchard, and Public Affairs Lieutenant Walter Haulth, all from the Air Force

Haulth, all of them from Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico, were involved in the rescue of an

involved in the rescue of a UFO which they themselves described and defined to the press as an alien spacecraft.
to the press as an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Subsequently, more than

more than three hundred and fifty witnesses, among them the local Roswell coroner, Dr. Glenn

of Roswell, Dr. Glenn Dennis.

In January 1948, Captain Thomas Mantell, in his plane accompanied by a squadron of fighter jets, flew the

squadron of fighters, Godman Air Force Base radar and ground personnel witnessed at noon the

witnessed at midday the appearance and pursuit of a UFO.

On July 4, 1950, Daniel Fry, an expert on intercontinental missiles at White Sands Air Force Base in

White Sands Air Force Base (New Mexico), had a close encounter of the third and fourth type with a UFO.

fourth type with a UFO, making direct contact with the crew members.

In August 1951, four professors from Texas Tech University (including W.L. Ducker, a professor at White Sands Air
Force Base in New Mexico) had a

including W.L. Ducker, head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering,

and A.G. Bert, Professor of Chemical Engineering) observed a formation of glowing lights over the city of Lubbock.

Lubbock a formation of bright lights in a semicircle flying at high speed.

speed. This was repeated for three weeks (about fifteen to thirty lights).

In July 1952, UFO squadrons hovered for three days over public buildings in the northern capital of the United States.

over the public buildings of the American capital; they appeared on airport radar screens

radar screens at airports, they were observed and chased by jet fighter planes in full view of the

jet fighters in full view of the world.


Eventually General John Samford appeared before hundreds of journalists and declared that radar echoes could

declared that the radar echoes could have been a thermal inversion phenomenon.

reversal phenomenon.

In May 1952, photographers for the leading Brazilian magazine O Cruzeiro

magazine photographed a spectacular UFO in the Barra de Tijuca area near Rio de Janeiro.

Janeiro. According to the Brazilian Air Force, the object is real and evident.

In January 1958, from the training ship Almirante Saldana of the Brazilian Navy's Instituto

Hydrographic Institute of the Brazilian Navy, the photographer Almiro Barauna, a specialist in underwater
photography, was able to

specialist in underwater photography, was able to photograph what the entire ship's personnel were

a flying disc hovering over the island of Trinidad.

In July 1959, Australian priest William B. Gilí and thirty-eight students were observing at the Bogota mission.

students at the Boinai mission in Papua (New Guinea) observed a circular object with a domed

circular object with a dome on top, which descended to a height of about 100 metres and inside which
100 metres and four crew members could be seen inside it.

In August 1961, Major German Titov, aboard the Vostok 2 capsule, sighted several strange lights and managed to
photograph them.

several strange lights and managed to photograph six of them.

In May 1962, the American astronaut Malcom Scott Carpenter, in the Mercury Project's Aurora 7 spacecraft, sighted
several strange lights.

Aurora 7 spacecraft of the Mercury Project, managed to see and photograph during orbit an elongated object

elongated object releasing smaller ones.

Also in May 1962, Air Force Major Joseph Walker was able to

from the X-15 experimental aircraft several UFOs accompanying him during one of his flights.

during one of his flights.

In 1963, astronaut Gordon Cooper, from the Faith 7 spacecraft, captured onboard strange

strange interferences on board, with receptions of unknown languages. The

The message could not be translated, at least officially.

he spotted a strange green light (like a disc) with a reddish tail flying in the opposite direction.

in the opposite direction.

In June 1963, while the Russian spacecraft Vostok 5 and 6 were orbiting the Earth, the

astronauts Valeri Bikovsky and Valentina Tereshkova (the first female astronaut)


reported to the control centre that they were observing a UFO that was overtaking them in orbit.

was overtaking them in orbit.

In April 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora, who was on patrol in the town of Socorro, New York, reported to the
control centre that he was observing a UFO overtaking them in orbit.

in the town of Socorro, New Mexico, heard a rumbling sound, which prompted him to turn off the road and arrived
at the

off the road and arrived at the spot where an object had landed. It was

It was shiny and perpendicular to the ground, and he saw two short people in suits with

two short people in suits like those of mechanics, but white.

When the object left, it left behind footprints and a smoke that Sergeant Chavez could see.

Chavez, Zamora's superior officer, could see.

In September 1964, at Vandenburg Air Force Base in California, Air Force Lt.

Robert Jacobs watched and filmed with his staff as a UFO destroyed the cone of the

UFO destroyed the blank atomic cone of a U.S. missile.

The year 1965 was prodigal for UFO sightings during spaceflight, as attested to by astronomical

Astronauts Ed White, James McDivitt, James Lowell and Frank Borman testify.

In August 1965, Rex Heflin, a highway inspector driving near the Santa Ana (Calif.) freeway, saw UFOs in space.

the Santa Ana Freeway (California), managed to photograph a hat-shaped object which in broad daylight

in broad daylight bobbing on the motorway.

In 1965, Colman von Keviczky, a former UN Information Service photographic technician, submitted a series of
photographs of a hat-shaped object in broad daylight.

Service, presented a series of initiatives to the Secretary General to set up a commission of inquiry into the UFO

commission of enquiry into the UFO phenomenon. These were rejected. Atmospheric physicist

atmospheric physicist James McDonald (who later turned up dead and was claimed to have committed suicide) was

suicide) also urged the Secretary General to openly investigate the subject.

of openly investigating the subject.

In May 1968, Dominican Father Antonio Felices managed to observe from a schoolyard in Valladolid, Spain, the

schoolyard in Valladolid (Spain) in broad daylight, with his telescope and the naked eye, along with other clergy.

with the naked eye, along with other clerics, the appearance of a triangular object that they calculated to be a
thousand metres

calculated to be a thousand metres long and to have a belly at its base. The UFO was perceived

also by the astronomers of the local observatory, who corroborated its

its size.



In July 1969, the Apollo XI astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins, witnessed

Michael Collins, witnessed the presence of UFOs in lunar orbit and on the ground of the satellite.

satellite's floor. Recently, the alleged audio of those interrupted minutes during the

minutes interrupted during the moonwalk broadcast, when Neil Armstrong claims to be seeing beings

Armstrong claims to be seeing beings watching him. This

This apparent release of information was followed by an Internet claim,

accompanied by images, that the moon had never been landed on and that rather everything from Apollo XI and

rather that the whole Apollo XI and subsequent flights were part of a hoax to divert funds and keep the

to siphon off funds and keep people fooled. The moon was indeed reached, despite these disinformation.

Moon, despite these misinformations. What is said has the very bad intention that, if there are doubts about

that, if there are doubts about the moon landings, there will also be doubts about the observations or possible

observations or possible UFO contacts of the astronauts.

In September 1973, the governor of Georgia and future president of the United States, Jimmy

United States, Jimmy Carter, reported seeing along with twelve other people from the Leary Lions Club in Leary,
of the Leary Lions Club a luminous object the size of the moon when seen on the horizon.

we see it on the horizon. The object came as close as a hundred metres and then disappeared.

metres and then disappeared.

In February 1974, twenty people gathered in the desert of Chilca to attend a sighting of a luminous object.

Chilca desert to attend a sighting announced by appointment, where, according to the messages received

psychographically received messages, an extraterrestrial spacecraft would appear.

The sighting took place as it did and all the attendees were strongly

shocked by the event. A few days later, a group of members of the Peruvian Air Force, led by a group of

Air Force of Peru, led by researcher Carlos Paz Garcia, attended a similar meeting, announced through new

meeting announced through new messages channelled by the same young people.

same young people. Then a cylindrical object of about 150 metres long was observed in the sky.

metres long was observed in the sky.

In the month of June 1974, seven people witnessed and participated in the

experience of the Xendra south of Lima, i.e. the opening of a dimensional gateway that

dimensional door that teleported them out of our world into another reality.

On returning from the experience, they realised that only fifteen minutes had passed, although the experience inside

minutes although the experience within the light was that of having spent several days. In the month of

August, twenty-five people gathered in the desert of Chilca observed the descent of an extraterrestrial craft

the descent of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but only four of them approached it and contacted the

and made contact with the crewman, a humanoid being two and a half metres tall.

metres tall.

In September 1974, the Navarrese journalist Juan José Benítez, of the EFE

news agency (Spain), went to the desert of Chilca in the company of a group of young Peruvian

Peruvian youths who claimed to have been in contact with extra-terrestrials.

rrestrials. There he saw the appearance in the sky of two UFOs making

evolutions in the air, just as the supposed messages claimed. A new and spectacular chapter in the

a new and spectacular chapter in UFO research, especially in the aspect of contactee

in the aspect of contacteeism, since the evidence had been a concerted test.

evidence had been a concerted test. This not only proved that the contact was real and could be verified, but also
that it could be predicted.

but also that it could be foreseen, fulfilled in the presence of unbiased and objective witnesses.

of impartial and objective witnesses.

In 1975 Juan José Benítez again attended a convocation of the contact group

Mission Rama contact group, but this time on a beach north of Lima and in the company of another EFE journalist.
another journalist from the EFE agency, Fernando Mújica. They both attested to the appearance of several objects.

tiguaron la aparición de varios objetos en el cielo haciendo evoluciones.

In. 1977, the Prime Minister of the Caribbean island of Grenada, Eric Gairy (assassinated during the US invasion of

during the US invasion of the island), promoted the creation of a UN body to investigate the

UN body to investigate UFOs. These and similar proposals

were always blocked by the U.S. government, which was pushing very hard within the institution.

was lobbying very hard within the institution.

In April 1977, a Chilean army corporal, Armando Valdés, along with a group of soldiers, saw a UFO descending from

group of soldiers, saw an intense light descending on some hills in the Putre area of Arica (Chile).

Putre, in Arica (Chile). Corporal Valdés asked to be covered and managed to penetrate inside the light.

into the light, from which he emerged fifteen minutes later with his beard still on his head.


The beard grew and his watch was five days ahead of schedule.

In August 1977, journalists from the local media were invited to the desert south of Lima to witness a

journalists from local media to witness a scheduled sighting of a UFO.

a UFO sighting. Those present were shocked by the sighting, which came true as reported.

as reported. But inexplicably they decided to remain silent for fear of discrediting themselves and the

fear of losing face and losing their jobs.

In December 1978, journalist Quentin Fogarty, an Australian television reporter, along with other passengers on
board the

Australian television reporter Quentin Fogarty, along with other passengers on the plane he was on, witnessed a
UFO sighting that managed to

the appearance of a UFO which managed to be filmed.

In mid-1985, in Peru, a new invitation was extended to national journalists, who went to the desert

national journalists, who went to the desert and verified the appearance of more than one

an unidentified object in the sky making evolutions. Small and

small and discreet press articles mentioning this event.

During the month of August 1988, a world contact meeting was held, to which different groups from many countries
were invited.

to which different groups from many countries were invited in the Peruvian desert.

More than four hundred people attended. Among them, eight people of different nationalities had physical contact.

of different nationalities had a physical contact with a being that manifested itself to them during a show of ships
and canoes.

during a show of ships and kangaroos over the camp.

In March 1989, forty journalists from eight countries were summoned by the extraterrestrial contact group

extraterrestrial contact group Rama Mission in the desert of Chilca, Peru, to witness an encounter with a

Peru, to witness a scheduled meeting by appointment. At 9 p.m. on

26th, a banana-shaped object appeared at an altitude of 80 metres and was watched for several minutes.

metres and was watched for several minutes, filmed and photographed by several journalists.

several journalists.

In August 1995, about two hundred people gathered on the beach Las Brujas, south of Lima, among them

including journalists from various national and international media, gathered on Las Brujas beach in the south of
Lima in August 1995.

national and international media. They all witnessed a

multiple sightings of five objects over a period of several hours. Police from the local

Police from the local towns arrived on the scene after the lights had gone out on the various


the objects, which ended up on the beach where the people were gathered.

the beach where the people were gathered.

The journalist from Agence France Presse who was present at the event described what happened with the following

The journalist of the agency France Presse who attended the event defined what happened with the following
headline: "Contact with UFOs confirmed in Chilca".

In February 1996, during a meditation meeting open to the public on the beach of Chifca, organised by

Chifca beach convened by the Rama Mission, the Uruguayan journalist A.

Marchant, from the radio programme Musicalísimo in Montevideo, had an early morning encounter of the third

encounter of the third type with a being more than two metres high.


In 1996 Nick Pope, former spokesman for the British Ministry of Defence, conducted an investigation into the
possible reality of the phenomenon.

research into the possible reality of the UFO phenomenon and came to the conclusion that it is of extraterrestrial

conclusion that it is of extraterrestrial origin.

In August 1997, at El Paraíso beach, at kilometre 139 of the Panamericana Norte highway (Peru), several UFOs were
spotted on the beach.

Panamericana Norte (Peru), several journalists were called by the contact group Misión Rama for a new

contact group Rama Mission for a new encounter with extraterrestrials that was not limited to

limited to mere sightings, but to much more direct experiences,

known as "interdimensional passages", which were experienced by the reporters.

To all these cases, selected among the innumerable that exist, we should add all the observations and follow-ups
that were

observations and monitoring made by civilian and military pilots, radar operators, scientists in

radarists, scientists in astronomical observatories, airports, military bases, etc., which have been

military bases, etc., which are usually commented on discreetly for fear of discredit or discredit.

fear of discredit or censorship, or which are ignored by the press, which is parameterised to serve the

the interests of the groups in power.

In conclusion, we can affirm that the UFO phenomenon has such a

volume of observations by qualified witnesses that any possibility of fraud, deception, misleading

possibility of fraud, deception, malice, error or confusion is ruled out. Despite the fact that

the governments of the great powers, because of vested interests, do not want to admit it, it is in itself the number

The problem of modern science is in itself the number one problem of modern science.



Moreover, as a matter of common sense, we cannot think that there is a public conspiracy behind all this.

behind all this is a conspiracy of the public, ready to lie at any cost to put, just because

to endanger the established order or civilisation for the sake of it. It is

Rather, it is an intelligent and enthusiastic openness of the people to the other reality of encountering

other reality of encountering other civilisations. No one owns

of the truth, and science has already demonstrated throughout history its provincialism, its limitations and

its provincialism, its limitations and ignorance on many subjects, and sometimes a dangerous dogmatism.

dangerous dogmatism.


There are more phenomena in the sky and on Earth, Horatio, than you can possibly imagine

in your philosophy.

William Shakespeare (17th century)

The phenomenon of unidentified flying objects is vast. On

December 1993, the EFE news agency published that, during the whole year of 1993, about

of 1993, around 6,000 UFOs had been detected from astronomical observatories in Taiwan.

tronomic observatories between Taiwan and China (Formosa Strait). That is, ruling out

all possibilities of space debris, meteors, thermal inversion, ball lightning, lightning, lightning, cloud

ball lightning, lightning, whimsical clouds, secret weapons, missiles..., there were still thousands of unexplained

there were still thousands of unexplained cases, all of them detected by the scientists on a small portion of the
How will it be then on the rest of the planet?

There are so many possibilities for confusion that it is important to be thoroughly informed in order to be able to

It is important to be well informed to be able to rule out what is from what isn't. Knowledge will give us the true
entrance to the real world.

Knowledge will give us the true entrance to that reality that seemed to some to be unattainable.

some people unattainable. Therefore, the explanations given below are based on the research carried out by

have arisen from research carried out by scientists, often with a clear intention of denying things.

a clear intention to deny things a priori without an exhaustive investigation,

I therefore advise you to take them with caution.


There are still many natural phenomena that are still unknown, and therefore we must be

we must be attentive before pointing them out lightly as extraterrestrial spacecraft.

extraterrestrial spacecraft. Thus, among the natural phenomena which can be cited as

possible reasonable explanations for the UFO phenomenon, are:

Lenticular clouds: These are clouds that are generated obliquely to the direction of the wind, in the direction of the

direction of the wind, at altitudes between 2,000 and 7,000 metres.

metres. They usually appear in banks, forming ovals, lentils or even discs.

discs, which could lead us, in a moment of poor visibility, to confuse them with a sighting

mistaken for a UFO sighting. They may also appear solitary,

as well as well-defined cloud lenses, which are also called lenticular cumulus clouds.

lenticular cumulus clouds.

Lenticular clouds usually occur with a higher density than other clouds, with a somewhat higher bloom than other

clouds, with a somewhat darker bloom and even with a different light refraction.

refraction. At dusk, they often take on a reddish hue that attracts attention.

Thermal inversion: This phenomenon occurs when masses of air at different temperatures come into contact at very
low altitudes.

temperature come into contact at a very low altitude. This phenomenon generates

optical illusions or mirages that can easily lead to confusion.

confusion. For example, if the headlights of a car are projected forwards and upwards on a slope

up a slope and the sky is foggy, the observer on the other side of the hill will see two

of the hill, two luminous ovals of an unknown nature appear in the sky.

If the same car drives forward at night, with high clouds reflecting in the sky, the light

passing through the warm and humid air mass, called the "inversion layer", to cooler layers.
inversion layer", towards cooler layers and the density difference often deflect the beam and reflect it elsewhere in
the sky.

and reflect it somewhere else that it would be impossible to reach directly. At

As for mirages, they are produced by climatic conditions that mobilise layers of cold and warm air, creating

layers of cold and warm air, creating the mirror effect, so that objects,

structures or light sources that are not visible on the horizon because of their remoteness are

projected onto the sky as a close-up but inverted image.


Can solar: This is a rare phenomenon in which sunlight reflected on crystals in the atmosphere produces the

crystals in the atmosphere produces the effect of the appearance in the sky of shining discs, which move and then

moving and then disappearing at a certain speed or fading into the sky.

the firmament.

Climatic lights: These consist of the formation on the horizon above or between cloud banks of

or between cloud banks, of moving luminous patches, usually coinciding with twilight.

coincides with twilight. These spots could have their origin in extraplanetary


Andean glows: These are those glows or flares that are usually observed over the mountains, caused by

observed over the mountains, caused by the difference in electrical potential between the mountain ranges and the

between the mountain ranges and the atmosphere.

Barisal cannons, sound bombs and ball lightning or globular lightning: This is the name given to the strange

These are strange explosions that may be caused by underground rumblings due to the movement of tectonic plates.

underground noises due to the movement of tectonic plates, which release energy that sometimes

sometimes manifested in luminous spheres. They can also be the effect of

the explosion of the so-called ball lightning, which, like a flash of lightning, appears and disappears

disappear violently, sometimes covering part of the sky and then exploding with a strong

and then exploding with a loud detonation, leaving the smell of burnt ozone in the air.

These globular rays may emerge singly, in groups, or joined together.

They are also called plasma spheres, which are the product of ionised gases due to very high temperatures caused by

very high temperatures caused by electromagnetic forces or high-frequency electric fields.

high-frequency electric fields.

Fatuous fires: This phenomenon is usually associated with decomposing matter and is related to the presence of

related to the presence of swamps. They are usually observed as a cold light

cold light with a disorderly behaviour. The combustion of putrefied or decomposed

decomposed or putrefied substances with the soil can also cause the appearance of light globes, which are very

of globes of light, which are very sensitive to variations in air for their movements.

Dr. Alien Hynek, in the first years of UFO research, was a

a recalcitrant sceptic and considered that all cases of observations,


wherever they occurred, were due to gas emanations from the marshes, whether or not there were

from marshes, whether or not there were marshes in the study area.

San Telmo Fires: These are electrical discharges that appear before or after large storms, affecting the

after major storms, affecting the tops of trees, the masts of boats, the edges of the

masts and the edges of houses, giving them a bluish, phosphorescent colouring.


Meteorites or aerolites: Space is not as orderly and clean as one would like to imagine.

but, on the contrary, it is a place where emptiness does not exist and where there is a lot of cosmic dust.

and where there is a lot of cosmic dust and fragments, remnants of planets and dead stars.

stars. These fragments cross space as debris that endanger space travel and planetary navigation.

endanger space travel and inhabited planets like ours.

Recalling the story of the Titanic iceberg, let's think of comets as just that: large space icebergs.

just that: large space icebergs. If we stop and think about the number of

impacts on the Moon and the planet Mars (and some on our own world), we can see how dramatic

world), we see how dramatic, difficult and dangerous life in the cosmos is.

But still beautiful and perfect.

Between 10,000 and 100,000 impacts are recorded every second on our planet.

The fragments travel at a speed of between 10 and 70 kilometres per second and become luminous bodies between
90 and 90 kilometres per second.

become luminous bodies between 90 and 120 kilometres high.

Meteorites, also called shooting stars, can be as small as grains of sand or as large as grains of sand.

as small as grains of sand or as large as a house or a building. When they enter

into the atmosphere at high speed, they burn up completely or partially and generate a beautiful multicoloured trail

beautiful multicoloured trail depending on the chemical composition of the fragment.

fragment. For example, a rocky fragment weighing one gram could be enough to generate for a few seconds an

enough to generate for a few seconds a glow in the sky comparable to that of a first-magnitude star.

comparable to that of a first-magnitude star.

Sometimes meteorites are of apocalyptic dimensions and can be mistaken for alien spacecraft.

mistaken for extraterrestrial spacecraft in trouble.



This explanation has been given to the 1908 phenomenon in Tunguska (Siberia), where strangely enough

(Siberia), where strangely the meteorite strangely left no crater, as it exploded low to the ground.

exploded low to the ground, as in the case of nuclear explosions.


Fireballs: These are the simplest resource for scientists when they have no way of explaining the

to explain the appearance of a UFO that defies the laws of physics known to us, whose behaviour is intelligent.

known to us, whose behaviour is intelligent, lasts longer than we know it, and is a

and constitutes compelling and compromising evidence. If they do not know

what they are, scientists shut down all speculation by emphatically stating that they are nothing more than "aliens".

that they are nothing more than "strange fireballs". Then these same scientists

deny the existence of observations that have passed all investigations and have withstood all

and have withstood all rational explanation.


Space debris: In the early 1990s, there were officially almost 6,000 objects in the sky of

nearly six thousand large Earth-origin objects orbiting in the sky, with the risk of violent re-entry.

risk of violent re-entry into the atmosphere and the consequent danger to public safety.

to public safety. Their re-entry is due to the loss of altitude as their speed slows down due to the

slows down due to friction with the thin gases in the stratosphere.

stratosphere. This brings them into contact with denser layers of air,

rendering them incandescent. The object leaves a trail in its wake, and, depending on the degree of friction, it could

depending on the degree of friction, it could disintegrate completely before it reaches the

ground. Space debris can be a beautiful and bizarre spectacle of colours, which can be accompanied by

colours, which can be accompanied by fragmentation and explosions.

Probe balloons, hot-air balloons, weather balloons and hoax balloons: It is often very easy to mistake a balloon for an

to mistake a balloon for a UFO if one does not take into account a number of factors,

such as wind direction, luminosity and behaviour.

A balloon probe is a balloon made of polyethylene and inflated with helium, equipped with a radiosonde.

a radiosonde which, as it rises into the atmosphere, transmits signals that provide valuable

signals that provide valuable meteorological data. It can reach an altitude of

45,000 metres, swelling more and more due to the lower atmospheric pressure.

It eventually explodes, but the measuring equipment is spared, which is detached and descends in a

and descend in a small parachute.

A weather balloon can last from a few hours to several days in the air,

depending on weather conditions, and can reach a size of a hundred metres at its peak.

hundred metres at the time of its greatest expansion (the Slcyhook).

Sometimes the confusion is caused by homemade joke balloons, handmade balloons made for

made by hand for parties, constructed of a material that does not burn,

plastic and balsa wood, and which are usually lifted by candles that heat the air inside.

inside them heat up the air. There are times when it is believed that the object is

smaller ones, when it is only the fragments or the candles and the wax inside them that are

and the wax inside them that fall.

It was even claimed by the U.S. military that the UFO that crashed at Roswell

that crashed in Roswell in 1947 had been nothing more than a balloon from Project Mogul launched that same day.

Project Mogul balloon launched that same day to measure the impact of Russian nuclear tests in the atmosphere.

of the Russian nuclear tests. This was a far-fetched explanation, as it did not

the contributions of witnesses who reported an explosion, the amount of metal sprayed in the area, and the

the amount of metal scattered in the area and the existence of bodies and a large metallic disc-shaped object.

metallic object in the shape of a disc.

Aeroplanes, blimps and even helicopters: We have already seen how many errors of observation can occur when
one does not take

observation errors can occur when one does not take into account some important factors such as noise, which

important factors such as noise, which is usually reduced when flying over a large city; movement, taking

over a large city; movement, taking reference points together so as not to confuse us with stars

the commercial routes usually travelled at certain times of the day; and the position of the

and the position of the observer in relation to the observed object, which may lead us to

observed, which can lead us to believe that the object is stationary and is not moving, when it is actually

moving, when in fact it is coming straight towards us.


Later on, we will talk about triangular phantom planes and helicopters that do not

helicopters that produce no noise and could be mistaken for UFOs or extraterrestrial craft.

UFOs or extraterrestrial craft from the Second World War onwards. But how can the above observations be

But how can the above observations be explained by people's ignorance of what UFOs were?

people's ignorance of what airships, balloons or biplanes were?

Even if we try to deny and explain away, there are too many cases and too many specialised witnesses who have

specialist witnesses who have observed anti-aerodynamic objects that defy the known laws of physics.
defy the laws of physics known to us and could not have been so easily mistaken.

could not have been so easily mistaken.


I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles [UFOs] with their crew members are

visiting our planet and they come from other planets.

Major Gordon Cooper

As we have already said, UFOs are unidentified flying objects,

so named since the late 1940's by Captain Edward Ruppelt of the

Edward Ruppelt of Project Blue Book; although today, after the overwhelming evidence, there are those who

evidence, some call them "ved" (directed extraterrestrial vehicles).

directed extraterrestrial vehicles).

Obviously, for science, the UFO phenomenon is an unknown quantity that is difficult to explain

and understand due to the current limitations of our technology. Much of

Much of our knowledge is based on observation from where we are in space, except for the few

in space, with the few exceptions of probes sent out of the Solar System.

outside the Solar System.

Another limitation is the obvious concealment of information by the armed forces of the governments of

by the armed forces of the governments of the major nations. All this makes it

difficult to put together a jigsaw puzzle of thousands of pieces, or to get a picture of the projected

of the projected picture when only ten or fifteen pieces are in hand.




At present, about sixty different civilisations are said to be arriving on Earth.

Earth. According to the statistics, we can define the usually observed forms of UFOs worldwide.

observed forms of UFOs all over the world. These are: disc, ball, boomerang, cone,

banana, haltera (two spheres joined by a tube), rhombus, doughnut, teardrop, oval,

lantern, bell, bell, pan, torpedo, cylinder, fusiform, tubular, domed and balloon, depending on the use and

balloon, depending on use and origin.

Among the most common shapes is the elongated, cylinder, cigar, blimp or torpedo shape, which corresponds to
those of the

torpedo, corresponding to the "mother ships" or "mother ships", which carry a large number of the

carrying a large number of the smaller objects or discs. They can be

They can measure from a hundred metres to kilometres in length. These would be the true
interplanetary spacecraft, while the discs or saucers would be short-range objects measuring between eight and fifty
metres long.

measuring between eight and fifty metres in diameter, with a capacity of one to fifteen crew members.

one to fifteen crew members. The discs move through the atmosphere, floating above the Earth's magnetic

terrestrial magnetic bands like a ship on the ocean currents or a river, following the lines of the

on a river, following the planet's lines of force as if they were highways.

Some of the discs reveal a dome at the top.

The spacecraft have autonomy of movement both in the air and underwater, hence the term "the

hence the term "osni" (unidentified underwater object).

Large mother ships land on the ocean floor, and from there, in the form of underwater bases, they release the

as underwater bases, they release short-range craft to carry out their research.



The manoeuvres of these objects, as we have said, often defy the laws of physics.

physics: the position of the spacecraft can vary significantly in a matter of seconds.

seconds; after a violent impulse, it can move in a rectilinear or zigzagging fashion, both upwards and downwards.

zigzagging, either upwards or downwards. These movements are often

accompanied by variations in the colour and illumination of the object.

It is interesting to see how these objects take advantage of incoming space debris or meteors to enter the Earth

or meteorites to enter undetected or unidentified,

camouflaging with them.

Among the best-known forms of movement are:

Rectilinear: Following a defined line.

Right angle: A characteristic that identifies a high technology, impossible to reproduce today.

impossible to reproduce today. The object comes horizontally and suddenly describes

a right angle without any difficulty.

Zigzagging: Making a broken line or going up and down tracing angles.


Spiral: Turning in circles upwards or downwards like a whirlpool.

Oscillating: Pendular movement, to one side and then to the other, like a


Dry leaf: Dropping, as if floating in the sky.

Orbiting: Describing an orbit around a point.

Contouring: Following the geography of the terrain, for example when flying over the contours of mountains.
contour of mountains.

Ascending: In a vertical climb.

Descending: In free fall, vertical plunge or controlled descent.

Breakthrough: Seemingly stationary and then a violent upward or lateral movement.

violent upward movement.


UFOs develop incredible speeds from a zero point or simply accelerate while performing all kinds of manoeuvres.

simply accelerate while performing all kinds of manoeuvres. This speed

and capacity of displacement allow the same object to be seen in the south of Chile, in the north of Peru, in

Chile, in the north of Peru, in Central America and then over Mexico in a matter of minutes.

a matter of minutes. But it is the mother ships that would reach speeds

near or even faster than the speed of light; they could enter through cosmic folds, a sort of cosmic

cosmic folds, a sort of interdimensional tunnels that would allow them to shorten


distances and travel through the time and space of this vast universe.


Generally, during the day, these objects are usually seen in a grey

or golden, reflecting the sunlight and showing their metallic fuselage.

Some seem to blend in with the landscape as if they were a large mirror; others use the

use the technique of cloud camouflage. In the evening or at night, they are

often seen illuminated with red, green, blue, white, yellow and blue lights, sometimes following their circular outline,

sometimes following their circular, rectilinear or oval outline. During

during sightings, they often make colour variations that appear to follow some kind of

communication pattern.

Sometimes there is a single light that envelops the object and makes it impossible to define its shape.

the shape of the object; at other times, they are a group of lights that become separate,

independent and then coming together again later, as if they were a kind of linking pieces.

pieces that link together to form a larger object.

In addition, there are ships that project beams of light to the ground that last for long periods of time.

that are maintained for a long time.


Many of the UFOs observed emit no sound at all, while others go beyond the murmur of the

others range from the murmur of a gentle breeze to the roar of a kind of fire engine siren.
of a fire brigade siren. In the countryside of southern England, UFOs have been filmed making strange

UFOs have been recorded making strange figures in the landscape (Oliver S. Castle, 1996),

sound effects, something akin to high-frequency vibrations or buzzes, have been recorded in the countryside of
southern England.

frequency vibrations or buzzing sounds that have even been recorded by the BBC in London when journalists

London when journalists entered some of the crop circles.


In many cases, witnesses have claimed that the object appeared to be of one piece, with no rivets or rivets.

one piece, without rivets or joints, and that it even transformed itself by varying its shape.

shape. One hypothesis is that its structure would be made of 100% magnesium, so that only the cohesive

only the molecular cohesion of the element itself would be involved.


They have reversible electromagnetic energy and do not use physical fuel, but rather the energy and magnetism

energy and magnetism which is in the planets, which is found between the worlds, in their orbits, in their orbits.

worlds, in their orbits and in space itself. They create their own gravitational

gravitational field around the ship, as if it were a small planet.

The spacecraft use the energy present in the universe. They don't need

stations, they just glide on the fuel, on all that vast amount of energy that the stars emit

energy emitted by the stars, which tends to clump together to form

energy highways that criss-cross the entire universe.

Some spacecraft have a landing gear, like a vertical descent module-like leg, while others land in the

while others land directly on the ground.


Spacecraft, depending on their location and function, have two types of


1. when the spacecraft is acting within planetary orbit, it uses the Earth's

magnetic fields and regulates the planet's rejection, which acts as a giant magnet.

giant magnet. It has a source of electrodynamised ionic particles

which gives it the anti-gravitational force within a polarising field.

2. When the spacecraft travels in space, outside the orbits, it takes advantage of the

the gravitational pull of the stars and the energy in space, formed by the currents or lines of force at

by currents or lines of force in the form of galactic highways. As in the

the universe there are shortcuts, which are the "wormholes", these are well

to shorten distances and to be able to travel through time and space.


UFOs can affect the landscape in many ways. One of these is

one of them is when the spacecraft, for various reasons, leaves or enters an interdimensional tunnel.

interdimensional tunnel; it produces a loud boom, although sometimes it is a dull thud and sometimes there is no
apparent noise.

and sometimes there is no apparent noise. If this happens at ground level, everything around the place, including
animals and

the place, including animals and people, is involved in the space-time distortion.

space-time distortion.



Symptoms of this can be the sensation or the actual fact of "lost time",

the sudden modification of the environment, transitory variations of the landscape,

and so on.

Other times the craft, when descending, leaves a burnt circle on the ground, or

simply marks including those of the landing legs. The marks left by a landing craft should not be

not to be confused with the signals left by a landed spacecraft, which, because of its higher rate of

radiation causes certain fungi to grow inordinately, with the shapes of crop circles in crop fields.

crop circles made from a distance as ideograms.


Extraterrestrial spacecraft have the particularity of being able to hover over our cities, not only without being

not only undetected by our radars, but also invisible when they want to be

but also by becoming invisible when they want to. On 5 March 2004, a

C26 Merlin aircraft of the Mexican Air Force carrying eight high-ranking military commanders, which was tracking the

commanders and was scouring the area for possible drug and contraband planes.

and smugglers in Campeche, in the south of the country, witnessed at 5 p.m. the presence

5 p.m. of the presence of an object estimated to be the size of a fifteen-storey building.

fifteen-storey building. Following this, as many as eleven objects appeared, most of them smaller than the first, in
groups of up to eleven.

smaller than the first, in groups of three, which moved for half an hour around the plane.

hour around the plane. They were picked up by FLIR, the FLIR infrared camera system that

infrared camera system that picks up any moving or static object that emits heat, and they also

they also appeared on the radar screen. But the unusual thing is that, although

they came very close, they were never observed with the naked eye by the military.

They were invisible!

According to the Mexican meteorological service, on that day, the visibility conditions were

visibility conditions were ideal and there was no chance of any atmospheric phenomena that could have

atmospheric phenomena that could easily be mistaken.

Another interesting case is that of the GOES-8 geostationary satellite, which in 1999

photographed from planetary orbit over Chilean Patagonia the presence of an oval-shaped

presence of an oval object 450 kilometres in diameter that was undetectable from the ground.

was undetectable from the ground. This information led to the knowledge that the Meteosat satellite had captured
an object in orbit over Chilean Patagonia.

Meteosat satellite had picked up a similar object over the United States six years

years earlier, in 1993.


I have been asked and I answer publicly that I firmly believe in the existence of UFOs.

existence of UFOs; they are something different; something that comes from another civilisation:

Commander Eugene Cernan, Apollo XVII

Since the observation of UFOs is a recent phenomenon, who better than astronauts to vouch for it?

astronauts to vouch for it? They have the opportunity to leave the

Earth's atmosphere and contemplate the vast infinite with all its mysteries. At

In this sense, we can be sure that there has been no American or Russian space mission that has not had some

or Russian space mission that has not had some kind of encounter with or observation of strange

objects, orbiting around the Earth or on their way to the Moon.

The experiences of the observations started with astronaut John Glenn on

20 February 1962. On his trajectory around the planet, he saw several luminous bodies as he left the

luminous bodies as he emerged from the shadow cone between Australia and the Indian Ocean. The

The observation was perfect, because the Project Mercury Friendship 7 space capsule was equipped with a

Mercury space capsule was equipped with a position regulator that allowed the astronaut to position himself at an
angle of view.

to position himself at an angle of view.

The second encounter was on 24 May 1962, when the American astronaut Scott Carpenter from the

American astronaut Scott Carpenter from the Mercury Project's Aurora 7 spacecraft took several photographs of an
unidentified object,

took several photographs of an unidentified object, from which other smaller objects were emerging.

smaller objects.

On 16 May 1963, the third observation took place. The witness was Maj.

Gordon Cooper, who was followed from Earth by a multitude of tracking stations scattered all over the world.

tracking stations scattered around the planet. At 8 p.m., Australian local time, Cooper
alerted that he was being escorted by an object emitting a green light and


had a sort of red tail; the strange thing was that it was circling the Earth in the opposite direction of the Earth's

The strange thing was that it was circling the Earth in the opposite direction of the Earth's rotation.

From the stations the UFO was tracked and this was reported by NBC news, which was reporting on the

NBC news, which was reporting the flight. After the flight, scientists at

ATIC scientists speculated that the UFO might have been the Markowitz-Johnson asteroid because of the "counter-
rotational" sense of the

Johnson because of the "counter-revolutionary" feel it carried.

Military astronauts were subject to permanent censorship by NASA or the government, so they did not

government censorship, so they could not comment further on their encounters.


And final reports followed a confidential course to ATIC.

Next, with Project Gemini, the U.S. space agency

intended to leapfrog the space race by docking a two-seater manned capsule with a

a manned two-seater capsule with an Atlas Agena B rocket. On 8 April 1964, the flight of the

Gemini I flight was being closely followed by radar from the ground when four

four UFOs burst onto the screen, approaching at speeds unimaginable at the time.

unimaginable for the time (40,000 kilometres per hour according to experts).

The four UFOs slowed down as they approached and positioned themselves two above the Gemini, one above the
Gemini, one above the Gemini and one above the Gemini.

above the Gemini, one below and one behind, accompanying it throughout its orbit.

orbit. This lasted for about one hour and fifteen minutes. Then, just as they

they had appeared, they disappeared.

In June 1965, astronauts Ed White (the first American astronaut to walk in space) and James McDivitt (the first
American astronaut to walk in space) and

in space) and James McDivitt of the Gemini IV photographed and filmed a mysterious metallic object over Hawaii.

Hawaii a mysterious metallic object. It had some sort of long arms

arms coming out of its structure. According to NASA, it could have been the satellite Pegasus.

On 4 December 1965, astronauts James Lowell and Frank Borman, aboard another Gemini capsule

another Gemini capsule, number VII, also spotted a UFO during the second orbit of their

second orbit of the flight, which was to last a record fourteen days. The

object, consisting of two lights, accompanied them, but NASA tried to close the case by claiming that it was a part of

The object, consisting of two lights, accompanied them, but NASA tried to close the case by claiming that it was a
part of its own rocket.


The object, consisting of two lights, accompanied them, but NASA tried to close the case by claiming that it was part
of its own rocket.

On 18 June 1966, Gemini X astronaut John W. Youhg reported the observation during the descent manoeuvre.

during the descent manoeuvre to the planet, of two bright red objects accompanying him.

red glowing objects accompanying him.

On 12 September 1966, the Gemini XI capsule also witnessed the appearance of UFOs.

appearance of UFOs. In orbit 18, astronauts Gordon and Conrad saw a glowing object hovering in the distance.

bright object that hovered in the distance and appeared to be watching them.

During the flight of Gemini XII in November 1966, astronauts James Lowell and Edwin Aldrin (Edwin Aldrin and James
Lowell) saw a glowing object in orbit 18.

Lowell and Edwin Aldrin (the second to set foot on the Moon) reported seeing four UFOs very close to their orbit.

UFOs very close to their orbit.

On 22 December 1968, during the Apollo VIII flight, the astronauts Frank

Borman, James Lowell and William Anders witnessed something astonishing - the

appearance of an incandescent object that burst out of nowhere. It was in the shape of a

It had the shape of a disc and was positioned parallel to the spacecraft. It then enveloped the

astronauts a terrible sound and the object's lights became intense and dazzling, until it was gone,

dazzling, until it was gone.

As they were about to enter the moon's orbit, another, larger circular UFO, also incandescent, appeared.

circular UFO appeared, also incandescent, which itself was producing an unbearable

buzzing sound. This was accompanied by heat waves and strange glares, which

pushed the Apollo spacecraft out of its path. Then the object disappeared. Happily,

the astronauts were able to return to their original course. According to many radio amateurs,

who reportedly picked up part of astronaut Lowell's transmissions, they reportedly

observed lights and strange structures on the Moon.

On the historic flight of Apollo XI, aboard a Saturn V rocket, as it left Earth's orbit, the

Earth's orbit, the astronauts were able to observe a strange, gigantic and lovingly

strange, gigantic, amorphous luminous object (a mother ship?). Then, on

the Moon, astronaut Michael Collins reported two objects that accompanied the Moon lander's

accompanied the landing of the Eagle lander (LEM) and was able to film them.

Once on the lunar soil, the other astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin

witnessed the appearance of strange, intelligent lights (caneplas) coming from nearby craters.

from craters near the landing site.

The television broadcast of the Moon landing on 21 July 1969 reached receivers all over the world with a

worldwide with a convenient delay that allowed for any censorship manoeuvres both in the

any censorship manoeuvre in both the images and audio.

would have happened.

There are a number of unofficial documents that relate the alleged dialogue the astronauts would have had with the

astronauts would have had with ground control. Many of these

versions, collected by the German researcher Otto Binder and by the magazine II

Giornale dei Misten magazine, are based on interceptions made by radio amateurs who intercepted the transmission
or by

intercepted the transmission or by scientists from various nations who tracked it on tracking

tracking on NASA-equipped tracking antennae worldwide.

One such version of the dialogue reads as follows:

NASA: What's going on there? Control calling Apollo XI. APOLLO: These "babies" are

huge, sir. Huge! Oh, my God! You wouldn't believe it... I'm telling you, there's

another spacecraft here, positioned on the other side of the crater! They're on the Moon,

watching us!

NASA: What's the matter with you people? What the hell is going on? APOLLO: They're on the


NASA: What's wrong?... Control calling Apollo, APOLLO: Roger, Roger...

[Roger, Roger]... We're fine, but we've discovered the presence of

visitors. Yes, they've been here for some time judging by their

facilities. NASA: Mission Control speaking: Confirm last message...

APOLLO: I'm telling you there are other spacecraft here. They're side by side

side by side, in a row, on the far side of the crater.

NASA: Repeat, repeat!

APOLLO: Let's examine the orbit... We want to go home... in 625 and a fifth. The

automatic clock is set. My hands are shaking so much I can't.


NASA: Can you film?

APOLLO: Damn it! The damn cameras are malfunctioning up here.

NASA: You guys get anything?

APOLLO: We don't have any more film. We've got three shots of the UFOs or whatever.

whatever it was; they may have veiled the film.

NASA: Mission Control... This is Mission Control. Are you guys about to leave? What's all the fuss about?
is the fuss about? Is it about UFOs? Explain...

APOLLO: They're still perched here on the Moon, watching us.

NASA: Get pictures! All possible pictures of the UFOs. Are you still


APOLLO: Yes, the mirrors are all in place... But those beings may come

tomorrow and take them away... Whatever their form, those were spacecraft...

There is no doubt about it.

On November 15, 1969, during Apollo XII, astronauts Richard Gordon, Charles Conrad, and Alan Beau

Gordon, Charles Conrad and Alan Bean communicated to Houston that they were being

accompanied first by one object and then by two very bright objects. On landing on the

on the Moon in the Intrepid module, they picked up strange transmissions of incomprehensible sounds and

incomprehensible languages. On 24 November, as they flew over India on their way back to Earth, they observed a
clear object.

Earth, they observed a clear object projecting a red beam.

During the flight of Apollo XIII, strange events occurred that jeopardised the mission.

endangered the mission.

With Apollo XIV, strange voices were heard filtering into the transmissions from outer space.

transmissions and were coming from outer space; it is believed that they did not belong to any Earth language.

any terrestrial language. During this mission, spacecraft would have been filmed perched on the Moon, as attested
to by

on the Moon, as attested by the Spanish pilot and journalist José Antonio Silva.

Silva. Silva, in the important programme En familia (1989), on Televisión Española, recalled having been at the

recalled having been at the Fresnedillas observatory and radio telescope in Fresnedillas

(Spain) right at the time of the events, witnessing both the

the event and the interest on the part of the US military to conceal it.



Russian astronauts have also witnessed such accompaniments, among them German

including German Titov, who in August 1961 was followed on his orbital flight on the

in his orbital flight in the Vostok II spacecraft by a cylindrical object.

It should be remembered that, in the early years of the Soviet space race, astronauts were sent to

astronauts were sent to train in the Himalayas to develop psychic faculties that not only

psychic faculties that would not only allow communication with the ground in the event of a breakdown of the

radio systems break down, but also eventual telepathic communication with beings from other worlds.
telepathic communication with beings from other worlds.

On 12 August 1962, the astronaut Pavel Popovic, on the Vostok IV spacecraft, saw

a series of luminous particles approaching him in formation.

By mid-June 1963, an orbital docking flight of two Vostok spacecraft, the Vostok IV and the Vostok IV, took place.

two Vostok spacecraft, V and VI. The first one was commanded by Valery Bykovsky and

the other by astronaut Valentina Tereshkova. Both witnessed the

approach of a third ovoid-shaped object of unknown origin.

Astronauts Yuri Romanenko and Georgi Grechko, from the Salyut VI spacecraft, filmed several UFOs that jumped out
at them.

filmed several UFOs that met them.

On 6 April 1979, astronaut Victor Afanasyev, in the Soyuz spacecraft, witnessed with his crewmates the appearance
of a UFO.

with his companions the appearance of an object about forty metres long, which had something

long, which had something resembling small wings. It approached them during the orbit at very close range, but the

very close to them during orbit, but their footage was censored.

On 5 May 1985, Commander Kovalenko of the Soyuz VI spacecraft observed the appearance of a cylindrical object
over South Africa.

over South Africa the appearance of a cylindrical object, which then transformed into two luminous spheres.

two luminous spheres.

On 25 March 1989, the Soviet probe Phobos II managed to take some astonishing photographs of the surface of

photographs of the surface of Mars showing an ellipsoid shadow of about 27,000 square metres.

ellipsoid shadow about 27 kilometres long. It also captured the presence of

a gigantic cylindrical object between the moons of the red planet.

In 1991, during the docking process of the shuttle Atlantis with the

space station, several luminous objects are observed for a long time around the station.

around the station.

On 15 September 1991, the astronauts of the shuttle Discovery capture with their cameras the presence of a
luminous object.

the presence of a luminous object at an angle of entry to the planet with their cameras.

the planet, and observe how it is intercepted by seven other objects that close in on it and throw it

and launched something resembling a missile, which precipitated its retreat at an incredible exit angle.

at an incredible angle of departure.

On 3 September 1993, the Meteosat satellite was able to photograph over North America the presence of a

America the presence of an oval object hundreds of kilometres in diameter.

in diameter.

In November 1996, the astronauts on the shuttle Columbia witnessed an extraordinary event

an extraordinary event: the entry into the planet of gigantic discoidal objects one after the other, one

discoidal objects one after the other, which could be filmed.

On 8 November 1999, the geostationary GOES-8 satellite managed to photograph a gigantic discoid object

over the Chilean Patagonia a huge discoidal object of 450 kilometres in diameter.

kilometres in diameter.

In 2004, the Spirit probe managed to photograph from the surface of the planet Mars the presence in the sky of the

the presence in the Martian sky of a large cylindrical object and then another dark spherical object a little

dark, spherical object at low altitude over the nearby hills.

In conclusion, we could say that the astronauts would not only have witnessed the presence of these objects, but
also the presence of a large cylindrical object in the Martian sky.

witnessed the presence of these objects, which they themselves qualify as advanced extra-terrestrial technology, but

advanced extra-terrestrial technology, but they would also have acted as diplomatic agents of the great

diplomatic agents of the great powers, receiving the message that the encounter with more advanced and

the message of encounters with more advanced cultures and dialogue with these beings.

We could venture that the consequences of this continuous dialogue have been the great changes that have been

the great changes that have been taking place in our world since the mid-1980s and that point to the

the 1980s and which point to the need for a détente that would avert the danger of the annihilation of the

of the annihilation of the human species on Earth.



In the face of the constant visits of extraterrestrial ships, science will deny, then doubt and at last say

and finally it will say: It is true! and our wisdom is left behind, Centuries are watching and watching us!

behold and watch!

Benjamin Solari Parravicini, Prophecies (1959)

In the late 1970s the first crop circles appeared in Australia.

crop circles appeared in Australia in the late 1970s. They were circular footprints on the ears of wheat, in which the
common pattern was

the common pattern was that the plants appeared reclining, not flattened, spiralling upwards towards the

flattened, spiralling towards the centre of the figure. The bent stalks were

intact and with a greater vitality than the plants outside the figures.

In the early 1980s, these circles began to appear over the fertile fields of southern
in the fertile fields of southern England, in the Wiltshire, Hampshire and Salsbury areas, among other places, and

and always in close proximity to the most famous megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge, Avebury and

such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Sillbury Hill. They also arose in close proximity to

prehistoric figures that are scattered across the landscape, with gigantic designs of people and

gigantic designs of people and horses covered in white limestone at a steep angle.

limestone, at an angle of inclination that allows them to be visible from the sky,

as in the case of some of the famous Nazca figures and lines. These

circles were already known in the Middle Ages when they appeared at harvest time and were called "circles

and were called "fairy circles", because they appeared inexplicably from one moment to the next.

inexplicably from one moment to the next, accompanied by a strange buzzing sound in the air.

in the air. At that time, people were warned of the danger that it was dangerous for

to enter these magical circles, as the person who did so could disappear and become a prisoner in the

disappear and be imprisoned in the world of gnomes, fairies and elves.

elves. At the beginning they were circles of about three to eight metres in diameter,

they gradually gave way to ever larger, more complex, more beautiful, and more and more complex figures.


enigmatic, appearing overnight or suddenly with perfect symmetry.


A myriad of explanations have been put forward as to their origin and raison d'être, such as that they could be
natural phenomena.

that they could be natural phenomena resulting from geomagnetism or climatic phenomena.

geomagnetism or climatological phenomena (tornadoes or whirlwinds). This

would explain some circles, but what happens when they are complex figures such as circles within circles, triangles

circles within circles, triangles, squares or more elaborated shapes?

and there is no possibility of mistaking them for a hoax perpetrated by pranksters, as in real cases the vegetation

in real cases the vegetation appears affected by a strange radiation or magnetism, and the grains suffer from

magnetism, and the grains suffer inexplicable alterations, such as, for example, mutations in their crystals,

mutations in their crystals.

The figures always appear in fields of cereals such as wheat, barley and oats.

But the phenomenon evolves: over time, changes in the designs have been recorded.

modifications in the designs from simple circles, to circles within circles, to circles connected

circles, to circles connected with axes, Celtic crosses, galactic spirals, to highly complex and elaborate pictographs,

to highly complex and elaborate three-dimensional pictograms.

We said that many of them resemble planetary orbits and have been related to the orbit of comets such as the
orbits of comets such as Hale-Bopp or the orbits of Jupiter's moons, which could be warning us of dangers in the

could be warning us of dangers or signalling their origin.

One of the most important researchers of the designs, and the one who discovered their

transcendent message was the British engineer Colin Andrews.

But they have also been investigated in depth by Ornar Fowler, Pat Delgado,

Michael Hesemann and the indefatigable Lucy Pringle. The figures have been multiplying

not only all over Europe, but also in Asia and now also in America.

America. Starting with three a month, they now produce almost a dozen a month, with sizes reaching

monthly, with sizes reaching up to 240 metres in diameter. On

some cases it has been possible to observe and even film the very moment in which strange luminous or

strange luminous or metallic spheres (caneplas or foo-figthers) appear,

fluttering around the area, repeating the figures or imprinting them on the landscape.



with magnetic energy in fractions of a second; all this accompanied by a loud noise in the

loud noise in the environment.

As we said, there have been many attempts to explain the circles,

They are said to be the product of wind eddies, the consequence of terrestrial magnetic forces or, as

magnetic forces or, as the scientist Terence Meaden said, "plasma whirlwinds".

whirlwinds". But none of these explanations convinced anyone, as the figures became increasingly complex and

increasingly complex and elaborate.

When the British Parliament arranged for a significant sum of money to be made available for serious research on

money for serious research into the crop circles, on the chance that they might be a symbolic language.

that they might be a symbolic and geometric language from probable extraterrestrial intelligences, it was

extraterrestrial intelligences, two elderly, retired Englishmen, Doug Bower and Dave

Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, from Southampton, said they had been making the figures for 15 years.

been making the figures themselves for fifteen years. The year was 1991 and, according to their

they had been building this giant jigsaw puzzle because they wanted to make fun of the

because they wanted to make fun of the UFO reports.

But how could it be that these two old retired men were visiting all over the south of England, entering the UFO
camps in the south of the country?

England, entering other farmers' fields at night and in the dark, and doing not only the

and made not just circles, but gigantic and complex figures of extraordinary beauty, at the risk of
gigantic figures of extraordinary beauty, at the risk of being found and the farmers not sharing their sense of

share their sense of humour? Evidently, this explanation smacks of

information poisoning, since, by asking the two elders to make a design in front of the BBC cameras, the

design in front of the BBC cameras, the most they could do after endless hours of work was to

after endless hours of work crushing and breaking spikes was a badly made circle and nothing more.

and that was in the daytime.

Once again we are confronted with the politics of cover-up, as many people heard the

people heard the unbelievable confession of these old men and, without further investigation, closed the case,

the case was closed.

What explanation was there then for the same figures appearing simultaneously in France, Turkey, Afghanistan,
Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan,
Afghanistan, Afghanistan.

in France, Turkey, Afghanistan, Japan, Japan, Australia, the United States and Mexico?

and Mexico, and that they kept appearing in England, each time more aesthetically beautiful and with impossible

aesthetically more beautiful and with impossible designs.

I have had the opportunity to be in the south of England several times and to see the

and contemplate the crop circles, and they really are like gigantic mandalas, that is,

activators of the human consciousness, sort of patterns that activate

information recorded in the subconscious or in the unconscious. Even if one does not

clearly what all the figures mean, one feels with inexplicable intensity that they represent a lot and that one has to

intensity that they represent a lot and that it has to do with the present moment of humanity and the planetary

of humanity and the planetary changes. Another interesting detail is

that, when one arrives at the places where they are appearing, one feels extraordinary currents of energy

extraordinary currents of energy that would be none other than the lines of force of the planet, which

planet, which shows that it is not by chance that they appear in one place or another.

In 1996, in the town of Olivers Castle, a group of researchers, who were permanently

the landscape were able to film clusters of strange luminous spheres that flit around the

strange luminous spheres hovering over the wheat fields in circular and spiral movements.

circular and spiral movements; within fractions of a second, a figure similar to an atom appeared

a large atom-like figure appeared in a split second. These spheres had appeared

as if they had come from another dimension, while a metallic noise was heard in the air, probably a

metallic noise, probably the ship that was in place but invisible to the human eye.

invisible to the human eye.

In the year 2000, among the designs that manifested themselves, a colossal figure appeared a mere 150 metres from
the site.

a colossal figure just 150 metres from the Chilbolton radio telescope. This gigantic

antenna is part of the Ozma-SETI project to search for extraterrestrial life.

is located in the town of Hampstead. There, right under the noses of the scientists

of scientists and military personnel, a design emerged consisting of concentric circles and lateral circles

and other lateral ones that cut them tangentially; it would be symbolizing the theory


of quantum physics of "wormholes", a sort of interdimensional channels through which

Theoretically, they would travel through time and space, folding the universe.

space by folding the universe. There was no doubt about it: it was not a fraud, as it would have taken a lot of time
and effort to

it would have required the efforts of many people over a period of days, which would not have

for several days, which could not have been concealed due to the proximity of the scientific facilities.

proximity of the scientific facilities.

The following year, in the first days of August, the following year, in the first days of August, the largest design in the
world appeared on the hill of

Milk Hili hill, the largest design up to that time and the one with the largest number of circles.

number of circles. A figure 240 metres in diameter and 409 perfect circles in a galactic spiral.

The figure has a diameter of 240 metres and 409 perfect circles in a galactic spiral that resembles the image of a
spiral nebula in the harmony of the spheres.

harmony of the spheres. Subsequently, on 17 August, there were again

The first was a gigantic face in the shape of a giant, gigantic face, which was the first to be seen in the vicinity of the
Chilbolton radio telescope.

The first represented a gigantic, three-dimensional face, the other a rectangular coded figure.

rectangular coded figure. The face was only visible from the sky and at high altitude, and gave the impression of a
huge, huge, three-dimensional figure.

The face was only visible from the sky at high altitude and gave the impression of an immense hologram.

resemblance to "the face of Sidonia", a supposed visage carved into a mountain, discovered by the Viking

discovered by the Viking probe in 1976 in the Martian area of Sidonia.


The other figure was a response to a message sent from Earth on 16 November 1974.

16 November 1974. In that year, Frank Drake of the Ozma Project, using the large

Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, sent a signal in binary-coded radio waves to Mi3, the

binary code towards My3, the Great Hercules Nebula, just 24,000 light-years away.

light years away. And, knowing that radio waves travel at the speed of light,
almost 300,000 krn/s, such a message would take 24,000 years to go and just as long to return, if it takes

same time to return, if someone were to hurry to reply, so the answer would reach our world in

answer would reach our world in 48,000 years, and who would be there by then?

by then?


If there really was a willingness to contact extraterrestrial civilisations,

whose only merit would have been to start before us, why not look for other, more efficient ways to connect?

other, more efficient ways to connect? The distances are so vast in space

space that trying to make contact with radio signals is like trying to communicate in today's

today, in the age of mobile phones and the Internet, with smoke signals or an uncertified stamped letter.

letter with an uncertified stamp. Obviously, it would be pointless. There has to

there has to be another way of establishing that communication, and indeed there is because

we live in a limitless universe, a way that allows us to send a message and have it arrive before we have

message and for it to arrive before it has been sent. But is this possible?

Of course it is! Only that we would be entering the delicate and still incomprehensible universe

of the fourth dimension, the realm of parapsychology or extrasensory perception.

extrasensory perception.

Let's take a case. A mother wakes up distressed because she dreamt that her son,

who lives some time ago in another city more than a thousand kilometres away,

drowned and was swept away by the waters of a river/Nothing had happened to the young man yet.

The young man had not been hurt yet, but twenty hours later the boy had an accident and, thanks to his

the mother in the distance managed to make a desperate call, he was rescued safe and sound.

safe and sound. She had a premonition, she received the message before it had even been


The message sent by Frank Drake was expressed as we were saying in code

binary code, that^, zeros and ones, and included the universal language of mathematics known on Earth, one to one.

language of mathematics known on Earth, from one to twenty; in addition, the basic elements for life here had been
added, such as

basic elements for life here, such as oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, etc., had been added.

nitrogen, etc.

Also the formulas of the sugars, the genetic code of the human being, the

average height (1.76 metres), our anthropomorphic form, the number of human beings we were in 1974 (1.76
metres), our

human beings we were in 1974 (about 4.7 billion individuals), as well as our location in the Solar System in 1974
(about 4.7 billion individuals).
our location in the Solar System in relation to the Sun (the third planet


of the system) and the source of the message, the Arecibo radio telescope with its 305-metre diameter dish and the

its 305-metre diameter dish and its nearly ten thousand megahertz power.

The answer arrived on Earth, but not after 48,000 years, but only 27 years

and not through a radio wave, but through an imprint in the cereal fields, where it can be seen in the

fields of cereals, where you can clearly see that they handle mathematics like us and have the same

mathematics as we do and have the same chemical formulae; but as far as the genetic code is concerned, the

genetic code is mutated, i.e. with variations in comparison to the terrestrial human.

variations in comparison to the terrestrial human. His stature appeared to be about one

was the typical small and big-headed being that we relate to the Zeta Reticulians of the Ursae.

reticulians of the Big Dipper. But not because all extraterrestrials are like that,

but because maybe they wanted to imply that they were extraterrestrials, and that's the idea we tend to have of

idea that we tend to have of them.

As for their place in their solar system, which, interestingly enough, was made up of

nine planets around their star, they were located on the third, fourth, and even the moons of their fifth planet.

moons of their fifth planet. Too much of a coincidence unless they weren't

were not answering us from their system, but from ours and were based here.


The following year, on 8 August 2002, another three-dimensional figure of a holographic type appeared in the
locality of the

holographic figure appeared in the town of Winchester. It was a gigantic image of a

grey reptiloid-like being enclosed in a rectangle, with the three stars of the Orion Belt.

stars of Orion's Belt under the chin and to one side, and a huge disc in digital writing, the first reading of which was

in digital writing whose first reading was: "The danger is not those who come from outside but those who are
already inside".

outside but those who are already inside". This first interpretation has since been

by some researchers and has ended up with an incoherent message, which is why

incoherent message, so I will stick with the initial reading.

The image suggests a being trapped in another dimension coming from Orion, that is to say one of the "fallen

one of the "fallen angels" who are in our world, constantly conspiring against the

permanently conspiring against mankind.


In August 2004, in the town of Sillbury Hill, a gigantic circular pattern, an agro glider, appeared.
glyph with obvious Aztec symbols appeared in the town of Sillbury Hill in August 2004. In the

centre were the two wings of the eagle, and around it, fretwork depicting Quetzalcoatl.

representing Quetzalcoatl. These same fretwork patterns are found on the base of the

the statue of the Aztec god Xochipilli, god of the flowers and brother of Xochiltquetzal

Xochiltquetzal (wife of Centéotl, god of corn), who is linked to the legend of the sleeping woman or the

legend of the sleeping woman or the awakening and rebirth of Mexico or of humanity.

humanity. It is interesting to see how the ancient gods have always been

linked with the teaching of the cultivation of cereals, both among the Egyptians,

the Mayans, the Aztecs and the Incas.

In the crop circles, as can be seen, there are confirmations of all the messages that have been received from

messages that we have been receiving in other ways, and these are signs that we are moving towards a

that we are moving towards a collective awakening. We are on the right

much of what is happening was foreseen for the good of all of us.

for the good of all.




At no time have astronauts ever been alone in space, there has always been a

constant surveillance by UFOs.

Seott Carpenter, Project Mercury Astronaut

To understand the UFO phenomenon, every researcher would have to take the risk of

the only way to get to know it in depth in the only way that will allow him to reach its real

dimension: by witnessing and participating in it. The thing is that ufologists or

UFOlogists do not want to cross the line between researcher and researched,

because they think that this would take away their seriousness or objectivity. But this is not the case.

You have to live to understand and recognise it.

Communication is the means by which a bridge of contact is established with other realities, a bridge of

other realities, a bridge of communication and help to mankind, thanks to which we can learn a lot from them and

thanks to which we can learn a lot from them and they can teach us and learn from us in turn.

from us, because nobody knows everything.

Contact today has changed. It is no longer the same as in the time of the biblical patriarchs.

the biblical patriarchs or the Egyptian and Mayan priests. Today, humanity is

technological adolescence and immersed in the process of definition and maturity, and we must
and maturity, and we must learn how to improve our communication with the planet, with life and with the

the planet, with life and with ourselves.

We are in the Aquarian age, characterised by excessive light; that is to say, if before

and disinformation, today, on the contrary, there is too much information, much of it from

information, and much of it of dubious origin and content (which in turn is another form of darkness).

is another form of obscurity), which makes it easy to confuse truths with half-truths and even with

with half-truths and even lies. Therefore, extraterrestrial

contact comes to fill the gap left by the insecurity of the knowledge that is being poured out and that

knowledge that is being poured out and that most of the time cannot be questioned.

questioned because, as is often claimed, they come from the purest initiatory tradition.

initiatory tradition. The advantage with extraterrestrial information on contact is that it is first-hand and can be

first hand and can be verified, questioned and felt.

The denial of analysis and the subordination to schemas prevents such sources of "truth" (i.e. the

sources of "truth" (esoteric, religious or traditional) can be taken as a given by any sincere

be taken for granted by every sincere seeker on the path; but, without totally dismissing them

but, without discarding them altogether, we shall try to reach those from which the fresh and natural spring

fresh and natural spring* This demands our conscious and leading participation in the unveiling of the

This requires our conscious and active participation in the unveiling of the deep truth, confronting it with what
already exists.


Contact, as we said, exists as the possibility of establishing a bridge of communication with beings from other worlds.

of communication with beings from other worlds or dimensions. The human mind

has no limit other than its ignorance. Therefore, once the apparent limits are transcended, everything is possible and

apparent limits, everything is possible and accessible.

Contact can be established in different ways:

Extraterrestrial contact: Contact with visitors from outer space, commonly called "extraterrestrials".

space, commonly called "extraterrestrials" or "aliens" because they are strangers, "humanoids".

aliens" because they are foreign, "humanoids" because they have a form similar to ours (those who have one,
because there are a variety of beings and

(those that do, because there are a variety of beings and forms) or "Big Brothers" among the contact groups,
because they recognise them as

contact groups, recognising in them a higher level of consciousness and spiritual advancement.

spiritual advancement.
This contact can be physical, mental or astral.

Physical contact occurs when one comes to observe the object, which may be the craft or some other device that

be the spacecraft or some other device that is detached from it (such as caneplas or

foo-fighters) or the crew members.

Mental contact occurs when it is telepathic, with a transmission of thought at a distance.

sometimes it may manifest itself in mental images, intuitions or sensations.

mental images, intuitions or intense sensations.


Astral contact is the experience in dreams, during an out-of-body projection.

out-of-body projection. These beings have conveyed to contactees that they will not neglect even dreams in order to
prepare them for this.

even dreams will not be neglected in order to prepare them for greater experiences.

In addition, there are many dreams that are true experiences in another dimension.

Intraterrestrial contact: This is contact with beings of terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin who live or have bases in
another dimension.

extraterrestrial beings who live or have underground bases in different parts of the planet.

planet. We now know that there are remnants of civilisations that have disappeared (such as the Lemurians).

civilisations (such as the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, the Mayans and even the Incas) living in a vast network of

living in a vast network of tunnels spanning the Amazon rainforest, the Andes, Central America, parts of Europe and

Central America, parts of Europe and Asia. There are also the intraterrestrial masters

of the White Brotherhood of the Inner Retreats, who would have been left in charge of the custody of certain

custody of certain archives of planetary history by a group of extraterrestrials, who originally descended from

extraterrestrials, who originally descended in the Gobi desert in Mongolia

(Mongolia) and constituted the city of Shamballa, the capital of the underworld of

Agartha. This contact could also be physical, mental or astral.

Interdimensional contact: This contact comes about when the communication is with beings that do not

with beings who do not appear in physical form, but in another dimension. There are

beings who do not have physical corporeality, because they never had it or needed it, or because they have
transcended it.

or because they have already transcended it. In the first case, they would be ultraterrestrial beings from the mental

mental universe, and in the second they would be ascended masters. In this contact

spiritual, mental, astral and in some cases physical experience is also at work in this contact.

physical, although what can be appreciated corporeally can be a mental projection.

mental projection.


Contacts are also referred to as "encounters" and are of five different types


Encounters of the first type: These occur when one comes to observe something strange in the sky that one does not
know what it is.

strange in the sky which one does not know what it is and which often defies the laws of physics.



Encounters of the second type: For example, when someone is driving down the road or at home and feels the

home and feels the compulsive urge to go to the window or the door and look in a certain direction, he or she

and look in a certain direction, and sees a strange object making evolutions in the sky with a

evolutions in the sky with intelligent behaviour. Here we can already

contact, because how else can we explain that kind of anxiety or restlessness that led to the

anxiety or restlessness that led the witness to observe.

Encounters of the third type: They occur when someone feels the restlessness to look in one direction or another
and, in addition

in one direction or another and, in addition, feels compelled to go to a specific place,

where he or she observes a strange object descending and its crew.

crew. It may be the case that one sees the craft, but does not perceive the crew, but rather sees the

crew members, but rather sees a kind of luminous sphere (canepla) in the field or entering his room.

field or entering one's room. Also considered as a close encounter

of the third type is the sudden appearance of a being but projected, as if it were only an image or hologram.

an image or hologram. These kinds of projections or close encounters are intended to

to provide the person with some kind of general message.

Encounters of the fourth type: These occur when not only the craft descends, but also the crew members invite the

the witness is invited by the crew members to get on board; in some few actual cases, the witness is forcibly

forcibly take the person (abduction) for some kind of study. Recor-

We should note that there are many and varied civilisations visiting our world, and not all of them come with good

world, and not all of them come for good purposes. But it could also be the case that an abduction

abduction is a kind of probing and evaluation of the (well-intentioned) human being through

(well-intentioned) human being through sampling techniques, and that the traumatic nature of the

The traumatic nature of the experience means that people do not consciously remember anything afterwards.

Encounters of the fifth type: These are encounters that take place when the witness or contactee is invited to come
up to the
contactee is invited to board the spacecraft and also accompanies the visitors from Earth.

from Earth. This trip can take place in a ship or in a Xendra or interdimensional door.

interdimensional gateway.




Contact with the Elder Brothers is usually channelled through telepathy,

with subsequent physical corroboration. But contact can occur in a number of ways, accepted as part of the
dynamics of the process of interaction with the Elder Brothers.

accepted as part of the dynamics of the process of interaction with the Guides.

Guides. These are:

Psychographic: Also called automatic writing, this involves writing simultaneously with

simultaneous with reception. Someone receives the message mentally and, if he or she is

relaxed, they may feel the compulsive need to transcribe what is rushing into their mind.

What comes rushing into his or her mind. The mind decodes the incoming message

in the form of ideas, but you pick them up as if they were speaking in your ear.

Telepathic: This is the direct form of communication, without the receiver feeling the need to write in writing.

person feels the need to simultaneously write down the content of the message.

the message. It would be good to write down what is received immediately and not leave it to memory, which is
often imprecise.

memory, which is often imprecise.

Physical: In encounters with ships, kangaroos or crew members, one often receives messages mentally.

mentally receive the messages. Although we know that these beings can

speak, they have their own language and it is easy for them to learn ours. The

advantage of telepathy is that not only ideas are transmitted, but also emotions.

emotions. You feel what is being communicated to you.

Astral: That is, in dreams. It is considered a valid and real form of contact,

as long as we know how to differentiate real dreams from purely imaginative ones.

imaginative ones. In astral travels these beings usually communicate with us mentally.



It is the Elder Brothers who communicate with us and not we with them.

They are the ones who make the greatest effort to come down to a frequency at which we can pick them up.

The Elder Brothers are the ones who make the greatest effort to come down to a frequency at which we can pick
them up.
We only need to sensitise ourselves, by predisposing ourselves through the

preparation that has been suggested from the very beginning (extrasensory perception).

extrasensory perception).

To attune ourselves to the Guides, then, there is no greater secret; and although

and while anyone could receive the contact (if they have not already had it as an inspiration or in dreams), not
everyone could

inspiration or in dreams), not everyone could maintain it, for this requires a greater preparation and continuous

It requires a greater preparation and a continuous and constant inner work. But there are

some requirements that have to be taken into account by everyone who attempts a reception.

a reception, and these are:

1. The person attempting to receive the message must be balanced and healthy, physically, mentally and spiritually.

and healthy, both physically, mentally and spiritually. See

nervous, temperamental or depressive people should be prevented from receiving messages within the groups.

within the groups.

2. The future antenna should be objective and analytical, and above all, disciplined, because discipline

disciplined, because discipline strengthens the will and the will reduces the margins for manipulation, error or

margins for manipulation, error or mentalism.

3. The person who tries to receive the message will have to develop humility

in the most sincere self-criticism, in relation to his aptitudes, actions and the quality of his possible messages.

and the quality of his possible messages; in addition, he must be open to the criticism of others,

always considering the possibility of error.

4. The antenna should constantly remember that the reception of messages

does not constitute a hierarchical rank within the contact mission, but is an aid to the group, as a service to others.

a help to the group, as a service to the plan.

5. The antenna preparing to channel a message will have to work hard with his or her egos through

The antenna preparing to channel a message will have to work hard on his or her egos through self-observation,
avoiding the so-called

(outcroppings of the subconscious) can plague his or her receptions.

receptions. He must therefore be disciplined, sincere and truthful.

6. The future receiver will seek to develop discernment, to know how to choose.


the best place and time for the reception of a communication when he/she feels the urgency or the interest

when he/she feels the urgency of the communication or there is an interest in attempting it.

7. The person trying to receive messages will have to assume a consistent behaviour, i.e. he or she will

consistent behaviour, i.e. be guided by the truth and forcefulness of the message, and
and forcefulness of the message, making it his or her own and being an example of it.

8. The antenna should include qualities such as: honesty, fairness, integrity,

responsibility, spirituality and positivity.

9. The Future Antenna should have the support and trust of the members of the group.

members of his or her group. If this is not the case, he/she will refrain from attempting receptions.


We have talked about the requirements of any antenna, which, in the end, requires

not only to have confidence in its reception, but also to inspire confidence in others.

and now it is our turn to mention the requirements that make a message consistent.

message, which, by familiarising ourselves with them, will allow us to make the respective analyses.


So, the guidelines that must be taken into account in the analysis and study of

The guidelines to be taken into account in the analysis and study of messages, after having verified the requirement
of the good receiving antenna, are:

1. That every true message must be coherent and logical. As the extraterrestrial Guides are

As the extraterrestrial guides are evolved beings, they can explain with clear, precise, simple and succinct concepts,

concepts, simple and in a succinct and summarised way, great truths, so the communications do not necessarily have
to be very long.

communications do not necessarily have to be very long, complicated, or too long.

too long, complicated, or too long.

2. Real messages are positive and offer alternatives. The messages

are neither catastrophic nor pessimistic. Precisely because these beings know the Universal Laws, they know that
one can create with one's mind and with

of the Universal Laws, they know that one can create with the mind and with the word what he or she

and they will never give a fatalistic character to things, when the future is always variable.

future is always variable.

3- The message must necessarily be universalistic, that is to say, of a universalistic character and of a universalistic



and not personalistic, in such a way that, wherever it is read, the person or group that has access to it, the

person or group that has access to it can feel it as if it were addressed to them.

addressed to them. To be considered valid, the message will have to have a universal character.

universal; in this way, it will be useful to everyone who reads it.

4. The messages do not create or encourage distinctions, but rather seek an orderly

that is convenient for the work of the mission. Nor may there be found in the content of the communications
nor can there be found in the content of the communications any flattery or disparagement of anyone.

messages maintain full respect and high ethical standards, understanding, tolerance and love,

tolerance and love.

Communications are timeless; this means that some or all of them are not exhausted.

or all of them in general, is not exhausted in a single reading, but each time it is read, it brings more

brings more knowledge, thanks also to a broader awareness on our part.

our part. It is essential that the messages, when they are included in the archives,

have been previously worked on, not only in their analysis, but also in the extraction by themes of those parts

thematic extraction of those parts considered to be timeless, which need to be handled with greater continuity.

be handled with greater continuity.

5. The messages always have an uplifting content, applicable to everyday life, which makes the

The messages always have an uplifting content, applicable to everyday life, which makes the communication an
inexhaustible source of optimism,

hope and practical advice, and at the same time of transcendent guidelines that encompass the spiritual and mental
life of the being.

the spiritual and mental life of the being.

6. All communication is corroboratable, i.e. it can be confirmed

by tangible and concrete manifestations of the nearness of the Guides.

Although this is so, what we seek through confirmations is to verify that the contact exists, but not whether the
contact exists or not.

that the contact exists, but not whether the communication is well received, for this will be corroborated by

This will be corroborated by subsequent analysis on the part of those called upon to make it. A

for example, proves that there was contact, but not that the message is well received, which is checked

This will be verified, as we have said, from the analysis.

7. We are aware that the Guides, even with the best of intentions, could not and would not be willing to

and would be unwilling to encourage dependence and lack of security in us.

us. For this reason they manifest their presence when they must, but not all the time.

all the time.

Communications, when they are real, always bring something new, not just a summary of previous messages.

a summary of previous messages. But they also complement each other,

as a continuation of everything that came before, without being alien to the context of the process.

That is why they cannot contradict everything that has been given and verified before, but rather

necessarily help to explain it better by adding additional elements.

What new submissions may contain is information that

provide greater understanding or change the way we understand what we have been given before.
what we were given before and which, because of prejudices, we could not grasp as we should have done.

We were unable to grasp it as we should have.

Mentalism is always present in all communication, but thanks to experience and care, it can be

experience and the care that is taken to reduce its margins, although they do not

completely annulled or discarded. There are innocent and

There are innocent and unimportant mentalisms, such as overly flamboyant and flowery greetings or farewells with

the attribution of a certain contact as the most important guide, thereby seeking to elevate the message in an
unconscious way.

the status of the message in an unconscious way.

We should also remember that communication is something very important and serious, which we should not play

We must not play with it, because the dividing line between enlightenment and madness,

between reality and illusion, is often very subtle. We have, therefore,

first the commitment to ourselves to be truthful and not to deceive ourselves, and then the commitment to others
not to deceive ourselves.

then the commitment to others not to mislead anyone.

The communication, once received, whether in a group or alone (if the message is given in circumstances where no
one else can

circumstances in which no one can corroborate its receipt), should be analysed by the

should be analysed by the person who received it, corrected if necessary, or cleaned up, so that the wording is

so that the final wording expresses exactly what the Guides meant it to convey and is readable by the reader.

The final wording should be written in such a way that it expresses exactly what the Girl Guides/Girl Scouts wanted
to convey and is easy to read and understand. Communications,

communications should therefore be understandable without having to have the receiver present to explain them.

This will make them easier to read in any part of the world.



And if, in order for the communication to express the original meaning of the idea conveyed, it is necessary to
develop any of the ideas expressed,

the original sense of the idea conveyed, it is necessary to develop some of the ideas expressed by adding sentences
and several lines, this will be permitted.

lines, this shall be permitted; and if there is any sentence which is not understood or interpreted by the recipient, he

interpreted by the recipient, it may be omitted from the final wording, for if such a concept is important, the

If such a concept is important, the Guides will give it again through another reception and another antenna.

and another antenna.

Therefore, communications, before they begin to circulate freely among the groups, must have been

the receiving antenna and then handed over to the communications analysis group.

then handed over to the communications analysis group, who, according to the receiver's

the receiver's trajectory will qualify whether the message should be studied or not. If the

message withstands the multiple analyses, it will be redacted once again, but now

official circulation, with the endorsement of the group, thus sharing the responsibility for the writing between the
writer and the recipient.

responsibility for what is written between the one who received it and those who analysed it.

Finally, we would like to recall that, as far as communication is concerned, it is of no use to be self-confident.

It is no use being self-confident if you do not inspire the same confidence in others.

and, conversely, it is no good for others to believe in the messages you receive if you do not believe in them yourself.

messages if one does not believe them oneself. Trust is based on the coherence and consistency of the person in
relation to the

consistency and consistency of the person in relation to the message and on the constant preparation

and the constant preparation he or she maintains, which will be guaranteed by the support of the

The Elder Brothers to ensure that he does not fall into error.


Just as human curiosity leads us to seek and always seek beyond, how many before us, from other worlds, from
other worlds, have been contacted.

before us, from other worlds, have been doing so and have found us?

To be contacted means to communicate, to strengthen links, to establish a bridge between beings and dimensions,
to learn to

beings and dimensions, learning to be a channel of information, of a superior knowledge that will guide the lives of

of a higher knowledge that will guide the lives of those who allow themselves to be guided by this revelation.


What is an extraterrestrial contact?

An extraterrestrial contact is the experience of engaging in some form of

communication with beings from other worlds who are evidently more advanced than we are, who

have not only developed the technology to overcome the incredible distances of space, but also the technology to
overcome the

distances of space, but also the ability to transcend psychic barriers.

psychic barriers. This contact may be of first, second, third, fourth or fifth

depending on the intensity, closeness and degree of interaction with the witness.


Who can become a contactee?

As we said, contactees are those persons who have come into

communication with visitors from other worlds either physically, mentally or astrally, i.e., physically

or astrally, that is, in dreams; and as there are the testimonies of millions of people from all walks of life,
professional backgrounds and

of millions of people from all walks of life, professional backgrounds, sexes and races in all corners of the world.

the planet in this respect, we can say that any person could establish such a contact.

could establish such a contact. We know that the contact has been mostly

by extraterrestrials, since it is more up to these beings than to us to make it happen.

it depends more on these beings than on us. It is they, the "visitors", who

select those they wish to contact, although this does not mean that one cannot predispose oneself to contact.

that one cannot predispose oneself and make things easier for oneself.

What do these beings look for in the people they contact?


These beings are looking for people who are simple, sensitive, courageous and open-minded, which

means broad criteria, at the same time that they have a vocation of service and are willing to channel and share a
message of reflection.

and willing to channel and share a message of reflection for humanity. But they are not

only address ordinary people, they have also done so with the military, scientists and astronauts,

scientists and astronauts.

Extraterrestrial contacts are as old as mankind, as in the past there were selected

in the past there were people who were selected for it. Examples of such contactees are

the biblical patriarchs (keeping the distances and without wanting to make further comparisons with the

comparisons with the present-day contactees), who saw in the spacecraft crew members the

of the spaceships to the messenger angels of God or, mistakenly, to God himself.

himself. We also have the Ensi or Patesi of the Sumerians, who were the people who not only connected with the

people who not only connected with the An (gods), but also acted as their representatives.

as their representatives.

Do all extraterrestrials who visit us seek to communicate with mankind?


Not all arrivals seek contact. Some of the visitors from other worlds have always

worlds have always been interested in communicating with us, because through contact with humanity they

through contact with humanity, they carry out research, learning and confrontation with their own processes.

confrontation with their own processes. On many occasions, their work has gone

beyond mere observation, intervening directly (sometimes even taking sides during terran wars).

taking sides during terran wars), and have manifested themselves with effective and forceful

effective and forceful assistance by preventing natural disasters or helping to prevent them, while
while they have been allowed to act by higher hierarchies.

In doing so, these beings grow spiritually by experiencing certain emotions that are alien to their

emotions that are alien to their current reality, oriented more towards mental development.

In the exchange, we mean for them a whole anthropological, ethnological and sociological adventure,

ethnological and sociological adventure.


These beings tend to choose for their contacts those people with whom they will establish a fluid communication at

communication at different levels; for this reason, they cannot be just any people, but sensitised, sensitive people
with whom they

people with a special vocation to devote themselves to a planetary cause and who are willing to

to a planetary cause and willing to commit to a message of growth and improvement, living and

growth and improvement, living it and sharing it with others, even at the risk of exposing their own

even at the risk of exposing their own image or even their lives.

Why, if extraterrestrials are supposedly interested in convincing us of their existence, do they not present
themselves in a way that

existence, do they not present themselves in a more direct, forceful and massive way?

Certainly there have been direct and forceful public manifestations of UFOs in the past that have

public demonstrations of UFOs in the past that have been recorded by the press and conveniently

conveniently forgotten, such as the well-publicised cases of the UFO surge over the city for several days.

the highly publicised cases of the UFO surge over the city of Washington for several days in July 1952 or the

descent of a craft in broad daylight in a public park in Voronez, 500 kilometres south of Moscow, in

kilometres south of Moscow, in 1989. But it seems that these beings do not want to convince us that they exist.

want to convince us that they exist (otherwise they would have manifested themselves in other ways by now).

their interest seems to be oriented towards convincing us that, just as we exist, they also exist as we do.

that, just as we exist, we must continue to exist beyond stupidity, foolishness and

stupidity, foolishness and selfishness.

Obviously these beings act according to different parameters than we do,

but we could also think that they do it with responsibility and judgement, in such a way that they consider they
should not

that they consider that they should not force our processes or interfere any more than they have already done in the

more than they have done in the past. What is desirable is to indirectly encourage the awakening of human

indirectly encourage the awakening of human consciousness in order not to detract from our evolution or to
produce, by

in our evolution and not to produce, by a direct manifestation, a crisis.

crisis. In the past, their relationship to us was like that of an adult to a child.

to a child. When one is a child, one sees the adult as if he were God himself incarnated on Earth.

on earth. He thinks he is all-knowing and all-powerful. But when you reach

adolescence one realises that this is not so, and even comes to believe that the adult does not know anything or is

knows nothing or is old-fashioned.


Today, humanity is in the midst of technological adolescence; for this reason, the relationship cannot be the same.

relationship cannot be the same. They know that they must respect our space and the

and the moment of definition in which we find ourselves, so they withdraw and wait for the right moment to

and wait for the opportune moment to manifest themselves, which should not be interpreted as aggression.

This should not be interpreted as aggression. They do not believe that we can harm them, but rather their fear is
that we can harm them.

their fear lies in the fact that they may harm us by defending themselves from our aggression, or that their

our aggressiveness, or that their overt presence could be the trigger for our self-destruction.

our self-destruction.

How can an experience of contact be established?

I was saying that they communicate with us and not the other way around, i.e., that the

extraterrestrials select people and induce contact in those people because they know that the experience is a
confrontational one.

because they know that the experience is a confrontation with another reality that will lead them to question
everything they believe.

will lead them to question everything they thought they were sure and certain about. The trauma of the

experience can severely affect a person's life and cause them to lose touch with reality.

contact with reality. In addition, the human mind has blocking mechanisms

mechanisms that make one forget traumatic experiences that would be difficult to cope with.

difficult to cope with. So many people have experienced a contact but do not remember it.

experienced a contact but do not consciously remember it.

Sometimes it is not the experience itself that is traumatic, but rather the fear of disbelief and rejection by the

disbelief and rejection by family members and those closest to you, which can lead to terrible anguish.

This can lead to terrible anguish because they have no one to tell. We all

We all tend to fear rejection and ridicule, so we try to avoid what is beyond us.

that is beyond our control. However, there are also cases in which the person has been able to cope with the
experience and the disbelief of some people.

experience and the disbelief of some, but not the fact that others believed him or her.

and not being able to cope with the fame and popularity generated.
It happens that certain individuals who enter into more cultured environments, or who are fanatics or

fanatics or simply gullible, feeling believed, respected and even admired for what they do,

respected and even admired for what they have experienced, they lose their point of equilibrium and are dragged
into mythomania, mythical

into mythomania, exaggerating or varying at will the content of the


of what they have experienced and diluting the truth.

The contact can take place alone or in company, in a house or in the countryside,

day or night, consciously or in dreams. We said that this contact

could be physical, mental or astral, for there are other spaces and dimensions as real as these.

as these. Let us remember that we live in a universe of possibilities, and not all dreams are the product of the

dreams are the product of imagination, there are dreams that are real experiences in other planes and dimensions of

real experiences in other planes and dimensions of consciousness.

One of the best known forms of contact is that which is established mentally in a telepathic way.

mentally in a telepathic manner. These beings have developed their mental power

mental power and therefore induce the person at the desired frequency to tune in from a distance.

desired frequency to tune in. The telepathic communication can flow

in the person as a voice speaking in the ear or in the mind, as images and ideas that come rushing

ideas that come rushing in, or as an irrepressible desire to write (psychography).

(psychography). This communication is like talking to someone on the phone, no one can force you to answer.

can't force you to answer; rather, it requires that you make yourself aware and facilitate things with the right

and facilitate things with the right attitude. Because of their higher level of evolution, these

beings do not force communication and respect our free will.

How can we define the different types of contact?

Close encounters of the first type, we were saying, occur when the witness

witness observes by chance the presence of a strange object which he does not know what it is and

that catches his or her attention.

Encounters of the second type occur when something motivates the observer to look in a certain direction.

the observer to look in a certain direction, or the person contemplates the

presence of an object or craft at some distance that interacts with him or her,

responding or manifesting in such a way as to make those inside feel that they are aware that they are being

are aware that they are being observed and that it is in their interest to be observed.

interested in being observed.

Close encounters of the third type lead the witness to watch the descent of the

The third type of close encounters lead the witness to see the descent of the craft or to contemplate the appearance
and presence of the being, which usually approaches the



The fourth type of encounters are established when the witness is invited by the ship.

Encounters of the fourth type are established when the witness is either invited to

the ship or, on the contrary, is taken against his or her will, as in the cases of abductions.


Encounters of the fifth type refer to when people are invited to accompany the crew members of the ship.

accompany spacecraft crews off Earth for certain periods of time, which can be hours or

periods of time, which can be hours, days, weeks, months or years.

What are the characteristics of a real contact experience?

A real contact selects a normal, healthy person, although it could be the case that the witness reacts to the

the witness may react badly to the experience and the consequences of the experience and suffer from the

consequences of the experience and suffer an imbalance. Contact is usually a gradual

experience that may start with a follow-up of the individual from the womb, the mother's womb, the child's

womb, childhood or adolescence, with sporadic manifestations.

A real experience of contact has a useful and transcendent purpose, both for them and for us.

for them as well as for us, which is why it requires the preparation of the person

not only to be able to cope with the experience itself, but also to be able to make the most of the teaching and the

to be able to make the most of the teaching and to understand the underlying message and to be able to

to be able to share it with others.

Any true experience requires a good antenna to receive the messages, and who is a good antenna?

who could we say is a good antenna? - It is someone who is physically healthy, mentally and spiritually stable and

mentally and spiritually stable and balanced; a person who is disciplined, interested in his or her own inner contact,
who has a good

The person is disciplined, interested in his or her own inner contact, which leads him or her to master or recognise
his or her own ideas and thoughts.

own ideas and thoughts. A good antenna is someone who is open to advice,

objective and with a critical spirit, who has the discernment to know how to choose the right moment to predispose

the right moment to predispose the contact and to try to create the conditions to receive it.

conditions for reception.

The contact itself must provide coherent and logical information, positive messages that offer
positive messages that offer alternatives despite their apparent catastrophism;

messages that are universal, so that everyone can understand them according to their level of understanding.

according to their level of understanding.

Any true message must be timeless, i.e. it must not be exhausted in a single reading, but must have a richness
behind it.

reading, but that its richness transcends time. True messages

do not contradict themselves nor are they a repetition of things that are already known.

new things or deepen previous ones. And the most important thing is that the contact

contact should always be checked so that it does not become an act of faith and can wrongly lead to a kind of

and can wrongly lead to a kind of pseudo-religion.

Is contact always with extraterrestrials or can other entities manifest themselves?


Contact can be established with entities of all kinds, from extraterrestrial to intraterrestrial.

extraterrestrials to intraterrestrials or interdimensional beings, and all these contacts can be verified in some way.

can be verified in some way.

What are extraterrestrials like?

We have said that the universe is so vast and the possibilities so great that nature has had no shortage of

nature has not lacked the imagination to create life, and we have to be prepared to connect with that reality.

prepare ourselves to connect with that reality. He also said that about

sixty civilisations are visiting us with the most varied intentions and in different guises.

different appearances. Those who most resemble us, or can assume an appearance like ours, are the ones who

appearances, are those who seek direct contact, because they know that we judge by appearances.

they know that we judge by appearances, and if we see someone different, we may think they are bad simply
because they are

we may think that they are bad simply because they are different or produce rejection in us, and then our attitude

in us, and then our attitude would be aggressive.

It seems that anthropomorphism is the most commonly distributed and most commonly

experienced by nature in this part of the universe, which is consistent with the reports of

reports of the number of witnesses worldwide. The arrivals are

those who are more advanced than we are, because if they were equal or inferior to us, they could not

conditions they would not be able to get out of their environment and come closer and most of them are more
advanced than us.

most of them are more advanced not only technologically, but they are more advanced than we are.

morally and ethically, because if they came with bad intentions they would have destroyed or conquered us long

would have destroyed or conquered us long ago.

The most common classification of extraterrestrials is:

The short big-headed ones: They measure between eighty centimetres and one metre and a half in height.

They have an inverted pear-shaped head, they are bald, with big eyes, mongoloid or simply mongoloid,

with large mongoloid or simply black eyes without eyelids, which occupy a third of their face.

third of their face. Their nose and mouth are small and their arms

usually extremely long, with four fingers on each hand. The colour of the

skin colour can be white, grey or greenish. They are usually dressed in one-piece suits

or metallic scales and sometimes wear hoods. There are varieties that

are brighter and appear to float, and have been modelled in some popular films.

some very popular films.

These little guys are often called Martians or Zeta Reticulians, and are elusive or elusive.

elusive or elusive; they participate in sample collection and have no interest in direct contact with groups, although

in direct contact with groups, although they are often linked to cases of abductions, abductions and

abductions, abductions and examinations of people and animals.

Intermediate stature: They are between 5'6" and 5'7" tall and resemble both the

and look so much like terrestrials that they could be infiltrating our midst.

us. They are black, white, oriental and coppery. In contacts

they appear in full suits and even with a kind of torch in their hand. From

from this height usually come some with a reptiloid appearance and that lead us to think that if millions of years ago

If most of the dinosaurs had not become extinct millions of years ago, these would have

dinosaurs would have evolved by shrinking in size and anthropomorphizing.

anthropomorphised. Evidently, on other worlds, nature was kind to them.

beneficent to them.

The tall ones: They measure between one metre seventy and three metres in height and are seen as often as the

as often as the small ones. They usually come from Orion and have an oriental aspect; the Pleiadians and the

oriental in appearance; the Pleiadians and the Centaurians, on the other hand, are Nordic whites; and the

those of Sirius in Can Major are coppery and black.


Those of this height and human appearance are usually the most likely to come into contact with earthmen.

They are the most likely to come into contact with earthlings, and they even speak our languages. A

In this regard, the case of Voronez (Russia) in 1989 is famous, with the
appearance in a public park of beings three metres high.

When we refer to giants, we must also mention those that

from a planet of the star Proxima Centauri, called APU, with a white appearance, short platinum hair of

white appearance, short platinum hair and up to two metres fifty in height.

height of up to two metres and fifty metres. They also tend to be communicative and friendly both mentally and


Zoomorphs: Those who have an animal appearance but an intelligent behaviour.

intelligent behaviour. A wide variety of beings have been observed with these

characteristics have been observed.

Androids: They are usually the type of visitor that avoids direct contact and only makes repairs or chooses

repairs or picking out samples to take with them,

always staying close to the spacecraft. Their appearance can vary

but usually, as in the case of the short ones, they are big-headed and big-eyed,

though uglier than the former, and they may grow larger or smaller.

They avowedly avoid human contact.

The beings of light: We have already talked about the caneplas and the magnetic synchronisers, which are those

magnetic synchronisers, which are those spheres of light that measure from a few centimetres to more than a metre
and a half.

centimetres to over a metre and a half; but there would be some of these intelligent spheres

but there would be some of those intelligent spheres that come in plasma ships, manned by very advanced,
disembodied beings from

disembodied beings from other dimensions. They come to establish mental and physical

mental and physical contacts with specific people whom they select in various ways.


Projected images: Some of the extraterrestrials observed in the contacts are not even present, just

contacts are not even present, we just see a mental or holographic projection to facilitate the

holographic projection to facilitate the conditions of contact.


These projections can even register in our own room.

room. They often appear to people who may have had some connection with extraterrestrials in previous lives.

connection with extraterrestrials in previous lives, and the idea is to remind them of things.

remind them of things.

Are some contactees more important than others?

No, each one is as important as the other, but not more important than the other. Almost
we could almost say that all the experiences complement each other for the sake of the total

overall interpretation of the phenomenon. Each contactee and contact group has

contributed something important through his or her own experience, which is always unique, with new elements,
even if he or she has

unique, with new elements, even if there are many others that are repeated with other contactees.

other contactees.

Can a contactee lose his contact after having had intense experiences?


To have contact depends more on them than on us, but to maintain it is exclusively our responsibility and merit.

exclusively our responsibility and merit. Regardless of whether or not

we have had beautiful and transcendental experiences, if there is no constant inner work, the contact can be lost.

constant inner work, contact can be lost. Afterwards it is difficult to recover it,

but not impossible.

If a contact fails, is it because those who chose it as a channel made a mistake?

No, because for that there is the free will of each one. Space beings

can see good wood in someone, but it depends on what each person is willing to do and how far they want to go.

is willing to do and how far they want to go.

Are there special or ideal places to establish contacts?

It doesn't depend on the place, but on the readiness of the people, that the contact will come about.

contact, but certainly there are always places that are more likely to facilitate contact, either by

to facilitate contact, either because of their solitude, because of energetic or magnetic conditions or because of the

magnetic conditions or because of the minerals that prevail in the area.

Why are Chilca, Marcahuasi, Nazca and Cuzco in Peru special places for contact?

for contacts?


The Andes Mountains are moving very powerful energies from our world in this time of activation of the

world in this time of activation of the planetary vortexes. For this reason, it is not

It is no wonder that the whole of America, from Alaska to Antarctica, is a place of passage and manifestation of
ships, which are

manifestations of the ships, which use the currents of telluric energy as corridors or

corridors or highways,

Are there countries where these beings appear the most?

The waves of UFO sightings have multiplied on a planetary level, but especially this can be seen in Mexico in

especially this can be seen in Mexico since 1991, where the wave has lasted until today, intensifying and

has lasted until today, intensifying day by day.

What are UFO waves?

They are the continuous and constant apparitions of objects in specific areas of our world during certain periods of

specific areas of our world during certain periods of time. .....

Who were the first contactees of the modern UFO era?

There have been many contactees throughout history, and I would venture to say that there have never been

I would go so far as to say that there have never been no contactees; but we can emphasise the best known cases.

on the best known cases.

Daniel Fry

On the night of July 4, 1950, Daniel Fry, an expert on intercontinental missiles at the

at White Sands Air Force Base, New Mexico, was driving his car to nearby Las Vegas.

his car towards the nearby town of Las Cruces. Suddenly he noticed the presence

suddenly noticed the presence of a luminous object landing in the desert.

his scientific curiosity led him to get closer; he was then able to contemplate the

metallic structure of the apparatus. Suddenly he heard a voice saying:

"Don't touch the hull of the ship, it is still hot".

He asked if this was because the device was radioactive; he was told that it was not, and was warned that it had a
radioactive field.

and warned him that it had a field protecting it, and then the same voice invited him to enter the

into the ship. He entered and found himself in a control room, where he sat down and came into contact with a
being called Alan.

and had contact with a being called Alan, who shared a lot of information with him and even

information and even invited him on a whirlwind tour of the United States,


connecting cities at impressive speeds. On the way out, he was struck by the

presence of a door or hatch that had the symbol of a snake coiled in a tree, which was

The contact was repeated several other times, and he was reminded of the scene of the serpent in Paradise.

The contact was repeated several times and this being transmitted to him concepts such as energy, gravity, time and

gravity, time and space. But it also communicated to him transcendental ideas about

the need for spiritual growth to reorient earth science towards the peaceful progress of peoples.

the peaceful progress of peoples.

George Adamski

Adamski was a professor of philosophy and science in Poland until 1939, from where he emigrated to the United

emigrated to the United States. In 1946 he worked as a restaurant manager at the foot of Mt.
at the foot of Monte Palomar. In his spare time, as an astronomy enthusiast, he used two telescopes to

astronomy, using two telescopes to scrutinise the skies over California.

He managed to capture his first photographs of UFOs in the summer of 1951,

coinciding with a major surge in the region. But it was in 1952 that he had his

first contact. On 20 November he set off for the California desert in the company of several friends.

company of several friends. They headed down the road to Desert Center,

through rocky, arid terrain. Once they stopped and

They took out their binoculars and spotted an elongated object in the sky.

From that object came a smaller object, about twelve metres in size, which descended vertically.

vertically. From within it emerged a being of human form, beautiful, young, hairless, with long blond hair, with long,
blond hair,

with long blond hair, green eyes and a height of five feet seven inches.

height. He was wearing a shiny brown suit, with a belt of about twenty

centimetre belt, and floppy boots attached to the suit.

This being communicated first with signs and then mentally. Adamski

interpreted that it came from Venus and that they were concerned about the danger posed by our misguided

of our misguided science. After the contact ended and the

being left in its ship, the witnesses evaluated the incredible experience. They were at the

with Adamski were Alice Wells, Lucy McGinnis, Albert Bailey, Dr. George


Williamson and the wives of the latter two.

In the early hours of 8-9 December, he headed out into the desert alone again,

following directions received telepathically. Suddenly he saw in the sky a

light moving from east to west, stopped high in the sky, hovered vertically above him and descended

above him and swooped down; it approached him and opened a door through which the same being, called Orthon,
came out.

out of which came the same being, called Orthon, who invited him to board the ship. Inside, he asked him to

to take a seat and had a dialogue with him.

During this contact, the extraterrestrial told him that the Grand Council approved of a

demonstration and proof of contact, which would take place on the 25th of December at 12 noon on the

December 25 at 12 noon at Edwards Air Force Base in California, where several craft would appear.

several ships would appear. Adamski was to send the invitation to three personalities.

was accompanied by certain evidence that removed any doubts.

On the day of the rendezvous, an important official of a news agency, a high

a news agency, a senior ecclesiastic of the Methodist Church and a close relative of President Truman.

close relative of President Truman. At the appointed time, a bright spot appeared in the sky and began to grow

luminous dot appeared in the sky and began to grow larger on the horizon. Behind it came four other

high in the sky and in an east-west direction. Then they began to descend

dizzyingly increasing in size. The craft were about twelve metres in diameter and

diameter and startled the witnesses, as their metallic structure and even windows were clearly visible.

The metal structure and even windows could be clearly seen on them. After a while, a fighter plane appeared

fighter plane appeared and the UFOs left.

Adamski's contacts continued and brought back interesting photographs and film footage that could not be

and film footage, which could not be proved to be false. But, in the opinion of the

sceptics, they are too good to be true.

According to the extraterrestrials who connected with Adamski, their presence has to do with the need to

to do with the need to make the governments of the world react so that they change their attitude and no longer

change their attitude and stop exposing our planet to self-destruction.

Adamski was received by Pope John XXIII in a special audience and communicated the message of the

message from the extraterrestrials. On April 23, 1965, he died and was buried by


the U.S. government at Arlington Cemetery in Virginia, where heroes are buried.

national heroes are buried.

Eugene Siracusa

Eugenio Siracusa, a postal worker from Catania (Sicily) born in 1919 to a modest family, had reached his thirtieth

family, had reached the age of thirty-three and was waiting for a bus to arrive at 6 a.m.

arrival of a bus at 6 a.m. The place was shrouded in a thick fog that made it difficult to observe.

made it difficult to observe. Then, through the mist, he caught sight of a mercury-white circle of light.

mercury-white circle of light, which, as he got closer, became more and more intense.

became more intense. Within the light he began to make out the presence of a spinning top-shaped object.

shaped like a spinning top. The object hovered over the spot, still in mid-air, and suddenly

The object stopped above the place, still in the air, and suddenly threw a beam of light that bathed Eugenio from
head to toe.

Then this same beam became subtler and subtler until it disappeared.

The object turned around and spun away.

After this experience, very important changes began to take place in his life.

in his life. He began to move away to achieve introspection, frequenting solitary places.
solitary places. His conversation was so elevated that the family was lost without being able to follow him.

follow him in his thoughts.

Although he continued to work, he felt a voice mentally communicating so many things to him, giving him the

mentally many things, giving him ever more complex explanations of all the earthly sciences.

about all the earthly sciences.

One day he felt the need to climb the volcano Etna, which he did at night in his Fiat 600.

600. As he approached Mount Manfré (1,370 metres), he stopped the car and continued on foot.

on foot. There was a powerful force directing him towards the top of the crater. When he reached the

halfway up the slope, he noticed in front of him the silhouette of two individuals in silver suits shimmering in the

silver suits that shone in the moonlight. They were tall and blond, wearing shiny wrist and ankle bands.

glowing wrist and ankle bracelets, a luminous belt and a kind of medallion or badge on their

medallion or badge on their chest. Eugenio felt very afraid. Then one of the

then one of the beings threw a beam of green light at him, which instantly calmed him down.


The other addressed him in Italian saying: "Peace be with you. We have been waiting for you.

We have been waiting for you, keep in your mind all that we are going to tell you". That voice seemed

metallic, as if coming out of a machine. Then they gave him a message,

raised their hands in a gesture of greeting and left for their ship.

The message contained an invitation to nuclear disarmament and world peace. It emphasised

emphasised the need to unite human beings around common goals and values, respecting and tolerating

common goals and values; respecting and tolerating differences.

Eugene had many contacts with a being from the fifth dimension named

Adoniesis, and with others like Woodok and Link, who took him in one of their ships to what he called the "Black

which he called the "Black Moon". There they told him about the origin of mankind and about the

genetic experiments, such as hybridisation, that have taken place throughout history.


Over the course of several decades, this great Italian contact shared through the institution he created, the
Fraternità Città Cittadina, the

institution he created, the Cosmic Fraternity, many transcendental messages and teachings for humanity, which

teachings for humanity, which are still being disseminated today by his disciple Giorgio

disciple Giorgio Boiigiovanni.

It is important to remember that we contactees are normal people who have lived extraordinary experiences, who
have not

who have lived extraordinary experiences, which do not make us better than the rest
but they commit us to be consistent with the message we transmit. For

that we cannot forget that, as imperfect humans, we often make mistakes, but that these do not

We often make mistakes, but these should not invalidate the positive contributions.

María del Socorro Pérez, "María".

In 1968, a Mexican mother of nine children had a very interesting experience.

very interesting experience. She claimed to have had the opportunity to come into contact with very evolved beings.

contact with highly evolved beings. As a consequence of this she set about

her teachings and knowledge, which have been analysed by scientists from various branches of science.

analysed by scientists from various branches of knowledge and have been amazed at their depth and transcendence.

and have been astonished by its depth and transcendence.

Among the things she recounts, Maria tells us of the time when she was working as a



office worker and was introduced to a man who told her that he came from Tibet and that his mission was to
communicate with her.

mission was to communicate with her.

This person told her that he was in contact with lamas from the riverbanks who had, in turn, contact with

contact with extraterrestrials. He explained to her that humanity was about to

to start a new cycle. For this, 15,000 people in the world had been selected to prepare for the change.

the world to prepare it for the change.

Later, a being appeared to her in a supermarket car park, who said his name was Amriz and that he was

who said his name was Amriz and who told her that he was waiting for her.

from that moment on, he transmitted to her an endless amount of data and information.

From that moment on, he transmitted a great deal of data and information to her, and through the many doctors
who collaborated with her, Maria became acquainted with "electronic medicine",

electronic medicine", which would be a revolutionary therapy for all the diseases that afflict human beings.

and at various congresses and forums, she has brilliantly supported it with her own

and at various congresses and forums she has supported her knowledge with unheard-of brilliance in front of

specialists from all branches of medicine.

The useful and practical message of this great Mexican contactee is to re-establish the physical, mental and spiritual
health of the

physical, mental and spiritual health of humanity and of the planet itself,

the most responsible use of the teachings of the masters from space.

Enrique Castillo Rincon

Enrique Castillo Rincón, a Costa Rican telecommunications engineer, who worked at the Costa Rican

working at the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), was in 1963 with two other colleagues on the

with two other colleagues on the Irazú volcano, some 60 kilometres from the capital, San José, in 1963.

lometres from the capital, San José, when he had the opportunity to observe several objects evolving in the sky.

objects evolving in the sky.

As a result of this experience, he became very motivated and began to study the phenomenon,

until August 1973, when he began to have a series of telepathic communications with supposed extraterrestrial

telepathic communications with supposed extraterrestrial beings who summoned him on November 3rd of that
year, at 8 p.m. on

of that year, at 8 p.m., at a place north of Bogota (Colombia) called La

Calera, near a lagoon, to make him participate in a physical verification.

Then two huge ships emerged, squirting water from the lagoon, rose up and passed over his

They rose and passed over his head. He was startled and felt an intense heat embrace him.

an intense heat embraced him.

The two objects observed looked like soup plates, with a diameter of about 45 to 50 metres.

to 50 metres in diameter. As they moved forward, they turned off their lights and one of them parked in a stream
and launched

parked in a stream and threw beams of orange light sideways. From these beams

beams came down two beings wearing space suits with scuba suits. They

They approached him and said, "Brother, we are here, don't be afraid, we are your friends.

We are your friends.

These individuals were about six feet tall. They talked to him and then

then retreated in the direction of his apparatus. The craft rose, hovered over Enrique and emitted a beam of light.

Henry and emitted a beam of light; he felt a needle-like sensation in his body and was

and he was lifted inside, where he was subjected to a kind of fumigation, and then he was taken to another part of

then he was taken to another part of the apparatus.

Inside he met a person who introduced himself as Ciryl Weiss.

This surprised Enrique, because it reminded him of a Swiss citizen he had met in Caracas in 1969 with that name.

Swiss citizen he had met in Caracas in 1969 by that name. He then revealed to him that his

real name was Krishnamerk; then he met other beings (Cromacan, Krenza and Krulula),

Krenza and Krulula), who claimed to come from what we know as the Pleiades.

Pleiades. He was inside the ship for eight and a half hours. That same
month he repeated the experience, although this time the contact took place in the Eastern Plains of Colombia and
lasted for twenty-five hours.

Eastern Plains of Colombia and lasted twenty-six hours.

A year later he had contact again, but in Venezuela. In the area known as

as El Junquito, near Caracas, he was lifted onto a ship and from there taken to Alto Peru

to Alto Peru (Bolivia), where he met with twenty-three other people from different parts of the world who had been

different parts of the world who had been transported in the same way as he was.

as he was. There he received important messages about the purpose and plan of the extraterrestrial

intervention on Earth, which aims at the awakening of the consciousness of the need for change and the

consciousness about the need for a change and an expansion of minds towards a new world.


other realities.


This is the story that involves me directly, Sixto Paz Wells, son of a well known researcher of the UFO phenomenon in

well-known researcher of the UFO phenomenon in Peru, José Carlos Paz García Corrochano, founder of the

Corrochano, founder of the Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary Relations (IPRI),

an entity belonging to the World Federation of Aeronautics.

In 1973, when I was seventeen years old, I accompanied my father to a lecture he gave on the UFO phenomenon at a
group in Peru.

on the UFO phenomenon at a yoga group, which connected me to that

This got me involved in that environment and quickly got me involved in the subject of meditation.

The following year, on 22nd January 1974, I attended a lecture on

telepathy organised by my father and given by a doctor from the Police Hospital in Lima, Dr. Víctor

Police Hospital in Lima, Dr. Víctor Yáñez Aguirre, a member of the Theosophical Society and a high-ranking

and a high degree of Freemasonry. When I heard about the possibility of communication with

beings from space, I wanted to try to make contact. In the evening, after returning from the

conference, we tried to receive a telepathic message of extraterrestrial origin with my mother and my sister Rose

with my mother and my sister Rose Marie in the living room of the house. I was very

I was very excited about the doctor's conclusions, which stated that if there were beings from other worlds in the
universe whose

otherworldly beings in the universe whose only merit was to have started out before us, they might not only be

before us, they might not only be visiting us with their spaceships,

but they might suddenly also be trying to communicate mentally and


That night, after countless slow, deep breaths, accompanied by relaxation and concentration,
accompanied by total relaxation and concentration, I felt the compulsive need to open my eyes and write.

compulsive urge to open my eyes and write down what I was picking up in my mind. I was

conscious, far from any trance, and then I channelled a psychograph.

In the supposed message, a being called Oxalc, who claimed to come from Ganymede,

one of Jupiter's moons where there is no natural life but artificial life controlled by extraterrestrial

extraterrestrial technology, claimed to be willing to set up a


communication. I did not immediately believe this to be real, although I later collated the sensations I

I later collated the sensations also picked up by my mother and sister, who had experienced a similar process.

who had gone through a similar process.

The next day we repeated the experiment with the participation of about twenty people, acquaintances and friends
from the neighbourhood.

people, acquaintances and friends from the neighbourhood. A second communiqué was received

The improvised group was invited to verify the reality of the contact,

by means of a sighting announced to take place on February 7th of that year at 9 p.m. and at the end of the day.

at 9 p.m., 60 kilometres south of Lima, in a place called Chilca, in the middle of the Peruvian coastal desert.

Peruvian coastal desert.

The same people were present at the departure, and all of them were able to witness, at the appointed time, the
appearance of the

the appearance of a luminous object which followed a contouring trajectory over the peaks of the

contouring over the tops of the hills, until it stopped for a few seconds and then turned around

seconds and then turned and descended closer. We could see a

lenticular-shaped metallic object, full of lights, with half a dozen small windows, which was

windows, which came to hover about 80 metres above all of us.

We were overwhelmed with awe, but at the same time we caught it in our minds, as if it were speaking to us.

as if they were speaking in our ears, voices telling us: "We are not coming down right now because they don't know
how to get us down.

We don't go down right now because they don't know how to control their emotions. There will be a

There will be a preparation, a time and a place".

We shared this first confirmation with my father, who didn't believe us right away, but agreed to accompany us with
my father.

immediately, but he agreed to accompany us along with friends of his from the Air Force to one of these meetings.

Air Force to one of these meetings. On that occasion we witnessed the

appearance in the sky over the desert of Chilca of a craft about 150 metres long, cylindrical in shape and

long, cylindrical in shape, which was slightly tilted on one side and then straightened up, turning

then straightened up, turning and moving slowly like an airship. My

father was strongly impressed.

Within a month there were eight of us, boys and girls, channelling the psychographic messages.

psychographic messages. Besides Oxalc, other beings manifested themselves, such as: Kulba, Sampalc, Sampalc and

such as: Kulba, Sampiac, Anitac, Meth, Erjabel, Oscim, Antarel... both male


as well as women. And, every time we went out to the field when we were invited for sightings, we had observations
of one of them.

sightings, we had observations of one or more objects by day and by night.

Sometimes it was a single one that split into several or that released a cluster of small spheres (caneplas) that

small spheres (caneplas), which fluttered around us. |

June came and the group had grown a lot. There were fifty or sixty of us and we used to go out all together.

We were fifty or sixty people and we used to go out together. So in the messages we were told

We were told in the messages to go in groups of no more than seven, affinity and attunement groups, to prepare us
for physical contact.

to prepare us for physical contact. The group didn't like the fact that we were divided

into small collectives, but we had to accept it because they were the "Guides",

So, it was my turn to be in the first group of seven and we went into the desert. We left

the vehicle in which we had arrived in a nearby town called Papa Leo XIII and from there we left

Leon XIII and from there we went walking through the desert to La Mina, an abandoned quarry where we had

abandoned quarry where we had already had observations. We set off

all together as a block and I was chatting with one of the companions; but I suddenly realised that I was

I suddenly realised that I was walking alone and that I was already at La Mina, about two kilometres down the road.

La Mina, about two kilometres ahead of the others. As I could not

explain this strange case of teleportation, I turned around and tried to go back the way we usually

back the way we usually came, to look for the others so that they could explain to me what had happened.

to find the others and get them to explain what had happened. On my way back, I saw nearby, on the right side,
behind a hill

I saw a strange glow behind a hill. I thought it was my companions

I thought it was my companions with their lanterns, which reassured me and made me move forward faster and

faster and safer. However, when I passed on the other side, I came across a golden crescent on the ground.

golden crescent on the ground that pulsed, as if it was beating. Then I realised

I then realised that it was a ship that had descended and that I was alone;

I didn't think twice: I turned around and started to run. But as I

I had an unpleasant feeling that I was being watched, so I stopped and looked back.
I stopped and looked back. From inside the luminous dome there was the silhouette of a person with a raised arm
and a

and in my mind's eye it was clear that they were saying to me, "Come!

They were saying, "Come!



I was petrified with fear and told them that they could not force me to do it.

Three times I felt them urging me to come closer, and all three times I said no. I said, "Come!

I said no. Then I saw the being turn around, step into the light and disappear into the light.

disappeared into the light. I was afraid of losing the experience, I reacted by walking as fast as I could

and went towards the dome; when I was very close to it, something made me raise my eyes to the sky and I
observed a

I looked up at the sky and saw an oval object with white lights on its belly at a height of about 500 metres.

500 metres high. It seemed to me then that there were two ships there, one in the sky and one on the

one in the sky and one on the ground, so I reached out my hand and arm, advanced towards the light and entered it.

I entered it. I sensed immediately that it was not solid. I immediately felt

sensations of nausea, vomiting and dizziness, as if my whole body was on fire.

burning. The light was so intense that it forced me to close my eyes, but when I could see, I realised that I had

I could see, I noticed the presence of a person in front of me. He was about

He was six feet tall, with a broad face, prominent cheekbones, slanting eyes,

straight hair that reached his shoulders. He looked like a burly Mongolian or Oriental,

and was wearing a suit, like a light-coloured overalls, with boots. He made gestures with his hands

and at no time did he move his lips to converse, yet I caught him in my mind's eye as if I were

I caught him in my mind as if he were talking in my ear. He was telling me that he

was Oxalc, the same being who had communicated with me from the beginning, and that what I had passed through
was the same being who had communicated with me from the beginning.

that what I had passed through was a Xendra, a dimensional portal through which I would accompany him to

through which I would accompany him to Morlen, that is, Ganymede, the largest moon of Jupiter, and that the time I

that the time I would live there would not correspond to the time here.

After a few steps through the light we came out into a place other than the desert of

Chilca. At the bottom of a valley between the mountains was a city composed of gigantic domes or domes.

gigantic glass domes, where everything was rounded and there were no angles.

angles. According to Oxalc, angles more easily concentrate people's tension and aggression, and they

and aggressiveness of people and cut off the flow of energies, making them unhealthy.
unhealthy. In the sky, the presence of Jupiter (the largest planet in the Solar System) could be observed for about
fifteen to fifteen minutes.

of the Solar System) about fifteen to eighteen times larger on the horizon than the Sun is seen

than the Sun is seen from Earth.

In a matter of seconds I was six hundred million kilometres away from our planet.

our planet.

Oxalc told me that they are not native to our planet, but come from distant planets in our solar system and that they
are not natural to our solar system.

distant planets in our solar system and that they have arrived thousands of years ago from ours to their current

our own to their current location on the moons of Jupiter, where they have adapted life artificially by creating a

artificially by creating a microclimate and a microatmosphere over their

cities, which extend mostly underground. They have settled

there forming mining colonies.

He told me of a government in our galaxy consisting of a council of twenty-four elders (the Council of

twenty-four elders (the Council of the Confederation of Worlds), below which are intermediate hierarchies.

which there are intermediate hierarchies, made up of genetic engineers, or

Sowers of Life, Guardians and Watchers, and finally Instructors. This

This council recommends, approves or denies intervention in certain places in the galaxy.

of the galaxy.

He also showed me on a screen that looked like a gas screen, suspended in the air, of a green colour with flashes of

green with orange flashes, a series of images of what they thought the future might look like.

what they said the planetary future might look like, with the relevant warnings for us to commit to the

We must commit ourselves to reversing the future.

I could see men, women and children in that city walking the streets;

I could see how they lived, their sports, their arts, their organisation, their universities, their great food warehouses

their universities, their large food warehouses in the form of greenhouses, since they are vegetarians.

they are vegetarians. In short, I consider myself to have spent several days with them, perhaps four or five.

four or five; but when I came back through the Xendra it had been scarcely fifteen minutes, it was still

fifteen minutes had passed, it was still dark, and my companions, who had already arrived at the

They saw me peering out of the light in awe.

Two weeks later, the seven of us returned to the desert and entered a new Xendra together.

new Xendra; and then, in the following weeks, there were many companions who experienced the

and then, in the following weeks, there were many companions who had the same experience, alone or in groups,

in that area of the desert.


Five months after the first sighting, the ship descended in the same place.

place. It was disc-shaped, with vertical take-off command module-type landing legs.

vertical take-off. Its structure was metallic, with no rivets visible on the surface, and it appeared slightly translucent.

It appeared to be slightly translucent, as shadows were visible on the inside.

inside. Together with three companions, we were able to approach the crewman, who

He came down from the craft before our very eyes. He was a very tall being (two and a half metres).

humanoid in appearance, with short platinum hair and wearing a silver suit with a kind of black breastplate.

with a kind of black breastplate on his chest. Communication with him was

telepathic and, through it, he informed us of his willingness to carry out a permanent contact experience with us,
which was

us a permanent contact experience to be called Rama Mission,

with the objective of awakening the consciousness of humanity and showing it that we are

in a definitive and defining time, that the world is not going to end but to transform, but from our own

transform, but from our own individual transformation. Only through

through the power of love can things be reversed, understanding love as respect, understanding, forgiveness and

as respect, understanding, forgiveness and tolerance for nature, for each other and for ourselves.

each other and ourselves. This being told us that on our next

next outing we should go to a place in the mountains called Marcahuasi, a plateau in the western

plateau in the western Andes that is more than four thousand metres above sea level, where we would

above sea level, where the experiences would continue. There, these beings

There, these beings appeared again and told us, in a communication that I received, that they would

would open the means of diffusion so that the message would reach all those who had been prepared beforehand.

had been prepared from before. We did not know what they meant by "prepared in advance".

prepared in advance". Besides, who would listen to a group of young people like us?

Who would take us seriously?

When we returned to Lima after a few days in the mountains, we found ourselves in my parents' house with my

my parents' house with the Spanish journalist Juan José Benítez, the author of the

Benítez, currently the author of such well-known books as the Caballo de

Trojan Horse, Lucifer's Rebellion and Official Documents. This journalist, at the time

unknown at the time, was just another press correspondent for the EFE news agency in


news agency in Spain, and he had been sent to Peru to cover the unusual news of the
a group of Peruvian teenagers claimed to be in contact with each other. The agency

had learned of it through its correspondent in Lima, Enrique Valls. It turns out

In a synchronous manner, as soon as we left for the mountains, my father found himself in the streets of Lima.

father met Valls on the streets of Lima. He asked him about some

news on the subject, and my father confided to him the experiences we had been having for months.

had been going through for some months. From that meeting onwards, our

activity had repercussions in Spain and in all the Spanish-speaking countries where it was broadcast.

it was broadcast. The agency immediately consulted the seriousness of the source and sent Benítez to the

Benítez was sent to Peru.

The life of this journalist changed radically when he saw for himself our experiences.

our experiences for himself, when he went with the group to the Chilca desert on 7 September 1974 and saw two
UFOs appear.

September 1974 and saw two UFOs appear, as had been announced to him in advance through the psychic message.

the psychographic message received by my brother Charlie.

For Benítez it had been two UFOs (unidentified flying objects) making

evolutions in the sky over the place, but for us they were VEDS (directed extraterrestrial vehicles).

directed extraterrestrial vehicles).

Such was his impression that on his return to Spain, he not only made his testimony public

through all the Spanish press and television, but he also published his first book (Ovnis, Ovnis, Ovnis, Ovnis, Ovnis,
Ovnis, Ovnis).

his first book (Ovnis, S.O.S. a la humanidad), which recounts everything that happened. At

the following year, Benítez returned to Peru in the company of another journalist from the EFE agency, Manuel

Manuel Mújica, and both attended with the group a new scheduled meeting, but this time in Peru.

scheduled meeting, but this time on a beach north of Lima, where there was a new sighting announced for the
following year.

a new sighting announced to the press, from which another book emerged: Cien mil kilómetros tras los

book: Cien mil kilómetros tras los UFOnis (One Hundred Thousand Miles After UFOs).

Twelve years had to pass before I was able to physically climb inside a spacecraft, in April 1986.

of a spacecraft, in April 1986. It was my wife Marina who received an important

message in which these beings summoned me to the desert, confirming a series of presentiments about it.

series of presentiments about it.



I was accompanied by other people in Chilca when, suddenly, a luminous object appeared in the sky, projecting a
beam of light that

luminous object appeared in the sky, projecting a beam of light that fell obliquely on me.
on me. No matter how much I stretched out my feet, I could not touch the ground and was suspended in the air.

and it wasn't even a minute later when a sort of hatchway of about a foot was closing underneath me.

a kind of hatch about three metres in diameter closed underneath me. As the

intensity of the light and after being deposited on this kind of giant lid with three concentric circles, I was

three concentric circles, I realised that the light was coming from a pyramidal crystal suspended in the ceiling.

pyramid-shaped crystal suspended from the ceiling. I suddenly found myself in a circular, domed room

vaulted, with red lights all around. The floor was like a mirror, and I could see nothing else or anyone.

anything else or anyone else.

Suddenly, a bright oval door opened in front of me and I approached it;

It was a kind of ramp that led up sideways. When I reached the

I didn't dare to look immediately, my back was turned to the wall.

I had my back to the wall. When I made up my mind, I could see inside a hexagonal room with long white desks and
screens on the right and right

white desks and screens to the left and right. In front of me, and in the centre

of the room, I saw two cylinders, each one a metre and twenty feet high, dark from the middle down and

from the middle down and transparent from the middle up, and blunt. Inside

Inside were a number of small cylinders with fragments of metal inside them.

The ceiling was orange with inverted pyramids with wide bases, and the floor was padded and mustard yellow.

was padded and mustard yellow. I remembered that they avoid angles; however, that room was full of them.

However, that room was full of them. I made my way to the left side and

I stood in front of the desks, which were filled with shiny circles. On

the wall, the screens appeared at various levels and were slightly concave instead of convex; I walked to the left side
and stood in front of the desks.

convex; and at the bottom of each of them were a multitude of symbols.

Seeing no image on the screens, I touched one of these glowing discs or buttons on the desks, hoping for an answer.

buttons on the desks, hoping for a response, but nothing happened. I only had

immediate sensation of having touched dry ice; moreover, my finger got stuck and I couldn't remove it in that

stuck in that feeling between cold and burning, and I started to feel cramps in my arm and my

my arm cramping and aching.

At that moment I thought what would happen if those beings came into the room and found me with my hand stuck
to the ice.

and found me with my hand stuck in their controls. It was enough for me to

I only had to worry more about them than about my finger for me to remove my hand;

then, frightened, I went to the centre of the room and demanded why they did not

I was invited to see them. Immediately a door with a bright light opened next to it.
immediately a door with an intense light opened next to it, and in front of this light appeared the silhouettes of four
beings, one tall and

four beings, one tall and stout and the other three smaller and thinner but with prominent heads.

with prominent heads. All I could do was step back and raise my hand in greeting.

raise my hand in salute. They remained motionless until suddenly the tallest

suddenly the tallest one (about six feet tall) began to advance towards me; he was wearing a shiny suit with

towards me; he was wearing a shiny suit with a cap that covered his whole body except for his face and hands.

except for his face and hands. He stopped a short distance away and began to

spoke to me in perfect Spanish, vocalising carefully, and asked me to be afraid.

to be afraid. Next, the other three smaller, big-headed beings moved around the room.

They had shiny costumes similar to the other being's, but their heads were quite large, their

but their heads were quite large, their faces milk-white, and their large, dark eyes occupied the

dark, large eyes took up a third of the face; the nose was only two

holes, and the mouth small with the upper lip covering the lower, so that they looked as if they had no mouths at all.

so that they seemed to have no mouth. One of these beings passed very close to me

me and I perceived that it had no life like ours, but was a kind of android or robot.

android or robot. It was holding in its hands a rectangular, metallic object that initially made me think of a box.

initially made me think of a box, but then I realised that it was more like a sort of plate book.

rather it was a sort of book of metal plates with rings at one end.

The symbols in it were the same as those that appeared underneath the screens.

The more normal looking being, looking like the people of Ganymede, made me realise that this book was part of the

that this book was part of the history of our world, that we were the consequence of the

we were the consequence of the seeding of extraterrestrial life, because on Earth there had been genetic

there had been genetic experiments, hybridisation and interbreeding, and that there had been


star wrecks and even deportation of aliens; therefore, if we did not take into account the extraterrestrial

alien factor was not taken into account, our story would have no head or tail.

head. On that occasion I was inside the ship for about an hour.

The following year, in 1987, I was invited again, and the craft appeared in broad daylight, which was witnessed

daylight, which was witnessed by the thirteen other people who were with me.

thirteen other people who were with me. This experience occurred at the end of January and I stayed for three and a
half hours.

and a half hours. I remember accompanying these beings to the interior of an underwater base off the coast of

off the coast of Lima, where I was able to talk to those who are in charge of the connection with our group.
in charge of the connection with our group.

Then the experience was repeated on 30 March of the same year, but on that occasion they gave me a suit like the
one I was wearing.

but on that occasion they gave me a suit like the one they were wearing; on the inside it looked like plant tissue and
on the

and metallic on the outside. These beings made me sit in an armchair

inside the hexagonal room of the ship, where I was sucked in, and I contemplated how the shape of the

how the shape of the object inside was changing and the angles were becoming diluted. I saw

I also saw how all the screens came together and threw the image of the entrance into a larger cylindrical

a cylindrical spacecraft that travelled the incredible distance from Earth to Ganymede in about three hours.

Ganymede in about three of our own hours. At first I felt a

shock to the uncovered parts of my body (face and hands), but then all unpleasantness disappeared.

but then all unpleasant sensations disappeared. Apparently I had

I had apparently been aligned with the lines of force that cross this part of the galaxy. I was

I was taken to Morlen, where I remained until the 31st.

On that moon I was taken to a city at the bottom of a canyon, which they call the

Fellowship. Here are located about twelve thousand people who have been rescued from places like the triangle.

rescued from places like the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon's Triangle in the Pacific and from wars, conflicts and

in the Pacific and from wars, conflicts and major disasters, and who are being prepared for

prepared to be returned to our world. For these people, time has not

and, I was told, as of August 1987, they were going to start to be reintegrated into our world.

they were going to begin to be reinserted, but in a covert way, to help the planetary

planetary change and make it easier for humanity to access the information that will help them


information that will enable it to free itself from the lurk of the dark forces conspiring against it.

humanity. On that occasion I was able to dialogue with them and their instructors. Finally,

when the time came, they sent me back in a ship as well.

The contacts have continued with extraordinary experiences such as the contact with the real time of the universe,

contact with the real time of the universe, new journeys in Xendras, receptions of the pyramid crystals of the

of the pyramidal Cesium crystals (objects projected from the ships, which are received in a

received in a plasma state and materialised in the palms of the hands as small square-based pyramids

as small pyramids with a square or triangular base) and other physical encounters that have

physical encounters that have involved partners from groups all over the world.

around the world.

Throughout the contact process, the international press has been called upon seven times to witness the

international press to attest to the authenticity, reality and relevance of the experiences, as well as to the message

the experiences, as well as the message, received and transmitted, which fundamentally seeks to sow hope in the

The message, received and conveyed, essentially seeks to sow hope in humanity for a positive future for the planet

positive future for the planet, since prophecies are warnings to be modified, subject as we said, to the

subject, as we said, to the effort of our own personal and collective transformation.

personal and collective transformation.

The fifth time the press was invited, in March 1989, forty journalists from eight countries joined us in the desert.

forty journalists from eight countries and eighty representatives of our groups from all over the command attended
with us in the desert.

our groups from all over the command. Among those invited were Leticia Caliava

of Channel 51 Telemundo of Miami, Beatriz Parga of the Miami Herald, Hugo Chavez

of Color Visión of the Dominican Republic, José Cray of Channel 23 Univision of Miami, Edilberto Alvarado of the

Miami, Edilberto Alvarado of Lima's Expreso newspaper and Rolando Veras of Canal 2 of Buenos Aires (Argentina),
among others.

of Buenos Aires (Argentina), among others. They were able to see, film and photograph the

extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The last occasion on which the press was summoned, the seventh, was in August 1997 at Paraíso beach in

1997 at Paraíso beach, at kilometre 139 of the Panamericana Norte highway.

At that time, journalists such as Rosario Abrahams of the Lima newspaper Expreso, Cecilia


Novoa of the Quito daily Hoy, Alicia Escribano O'Connor of La Nación de Buenos

Aires and Eulalia Madriguera of Connecticut Television in the United States,

among others, had not only sightings, but also very direct experiences that were previously only

experiences that were previously only reserved for contactees, such as the reception of the Cesarean

reception of the Caesium crystals and the Xendra passage.

I will now relate part of one of the last experiences that I have had, which occurred on the 10th of October, 2009.

I will now relate part of one of the last experiences I have had, which occurred on October 10, 2003.

A gentle wind was enveloping the camp in the mountains of Constanza, in the centre of the Dominican Republic.

the centre of the Dominican Republic. We had just finished a meditation practice

had finished a meditation practice and the group had left their chairs to head to the tents and

tents to get more shelter before it got dark.

before it got dark. It was 5 p.m. and, unlike the previous day, the cold weather had become inexplicably warm.

had become inexplicably warm and pleasant.

Thirty-seven of us were gathered in the camp set up at the foot of some yellow hills.

at the foot of yellowish hills, covered with green pine forests and tall grasses.

pine forests and tall grasses. We were more than 2,200 metres above sea level,

and the temperature was between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius. It had been a day and a half since

a day and a half ago we had started a world contact meeting in the Dominican Republic.

Republic, the first of its kind on the beautiful and warm Caribbean island.

Caribbean island. We had climbed those mountains despite warnings of a terrible storm.

that a terrible storm was due to hit the area just at that time.

those days.

During the morning, a persistent rain and fog had taken turns to make their presence felt, but from four o'clock
onwards, we had to go up to the mountains.

but from half past four in the afternoon onwards (as the messages received indicated) the weather changed

the weather changed radically, the sky cleared up,

the sky cleared, allowing us to receive the caresses of a luminous sun that, against all odds, bathed the area of the

sunset bathed the area in pastel colours.

We had been working on all the known breathing practices,


relaxation, concentration and meditation, chains of healing, irradiation....,

keeping a fast of purification and sensitisation since the day before. On

a dynamic had finished and we were getting organised, and then we saw from the camp some 300

we spotted from the camp some 300 metres away a thick fog that was advancing with suspicious speed at a

with suspicious speed at ground level. As we reached the widest part of the valley

of the valley, the mist rose slightly, as if hitting an invisible wall, and concentrated, taking on the form of a

concentrated, taking on the exact shape of a silver-grey crescent, instantly changed its colouring and became

instantly changed its colouring and became brighter. At that moment, I interrupted my dialogue with one of the

I interrupted my dialogue with one of the companions and said that we had to get closer to investigate.

to investigate. As no one else spoke up, I quickly headed towards the formation with the intention of verifying the

formation, with the intention of verifying the reality and the forcefulness of the possible

experience that was being prepared there, in order to then extend it to the whole group.


I walked lightly in spite of the muddy road and, as I got closer, the whole luminous dome was gathered up,

the whole luminous dome gathered and headed towards me, enveloping me in a sort of whirlwind.

sort of whirlwind. At that moment I saw a very tall man in a dark suit walking towards me.

dark suit who walked towards me, which was also observed by the people in the camp.
people in the camp.

Although everything happened very quickly, I could see in front of me and between the trees a

and, above the forest on the right side, the presence of a ship with a canopy.

the right side, the presence of a ship in the shape of a silver disc and something luminous.

luminous. At that moment I was lifted slightly above the ground, carried violently obliquely towards

violently taken obliquely towards the ship, entering its interior at a dizzying speed.

dizzyingly. Apparently the very tall being had climbed up with me, and hence the

effect of the light, unbalanced, unlike any previous experience.

Once inside, I found myself in a circular vaulted room, slightly dark, but not very large.

dark, but not very large; on the one hand I had the feeling of narrowness and on the other I could see that the decor
of the place was

the other I could see that the decoration of the place was that of a starry sky with



Suddenly, I saw four people in front of me. Three of them were very

similar to each other, both in appearance and in their clothing; the fourth was different, a giant of more than two
metres/ two

different, a giant of more than two metres/ standing on the far right, who stood uncomfortably hunched over.

stood uncomfortably hunched over. He was dressed in dark clothes, with a

silver breastplate on his chest, with silver hair not "very long. The

three others were about my height, had close-fitting blue clothes, their faces were triangular, with a triangular

triangular faces of a soft orange colour, with very light and slightly feline eyes.

light and slightly feline. Their ears were not very big, but quite long, so that their ears were

long, so that their lobes came down over their shoulders. His hair was

abundant and very thick.

I then recognised in them Sampiac, Anitac and Titinac of Venus; and the fourth one, which

I do not know why I was slow to recognise, was Antarel, of the planet Apu from


Sampiac took the initiative of the dialogue, which was established telepathically. This

This is what I remember being told:

-What you are experiencing is a consequence of the work that the groups have been doing at the meeting on Mt.

the groups at the Mount Shasta meeting and the effort that has been going on in the Dominican Republic at the

the Dominican Republic over the years. This can

happen here, in California or in Chilca, because now they are the same.

"All the places are being activated and connected to each other by dimensional portals, which open up
portals, which open every time they get in tune with the vibration of the planet and become consciously

planet and become aware in relation to real time and alternate time.

"We see maturity in some and that pleases us; and there are more and more, though not all, who understand the

those who understand the urgency and importance of the moment. If they were

If they were aware of the gravity of events they would not even be able to sleep at night.

sleep at night.

-Certainly," said Anitac, in a soft but confident voice that I could sense in my

The time is coming when mankind must discover the key that once signified that

key which once signified that forgotten continent which you


known to you as Lemuria.

Eighty thousand of your years ago, the iemurian adventure began, and there was a very special moment when the
black race

very special time when the black race, native to the planet and the one especially adapted to its

specially adapted to its requirements, evolved rapidly and was in the best condition to restore and

and was in the best condition to restore and bring about the synchronisation of the times.

But there were not lacking among the extraterrestrial civilisations involved as

seeders who felt that, since humanity had arrived at this condition without the express supervision of the

condition without the express supervision of the confederation, as we would say, on their own and with the

dependence on and use of hallucinogenic plants (shamanism), they could not be allowed to achieve the

the leap, because the consequences were unpredictable and could be dire.

unforeseeable and could be dire....

-There really was fear and insecurity, a marvellous symptom of the degree to which

and which shows that the Cosmic Plan is being fulfilled," said Titinac.

said Titinac.

-Our civilisations are based on almost absolute control of situations.

When they escape from mental mastery, based on our ability to make foresight, we feel lost," said Titinac.

We feel lost," commented Sampiac.

-The last period of Lemuria, known as Mu, about 12,000 years ago,

marks the point at which the final destruction of Atlantis ends up damaging the evolutionary

the evolutionary process of that other part of the planet, taking with it what was left.

what was left. The time comes, therefore, when additional information is revealed to them, complementary to that
which they have

information to which you have gained access through the efforts of your pilgrimage in this incarnation.
in this incarnation. The time has come to know and to understand more and better. Thus

We are thus in a position to be able to confide to you that one of the first incarnations of the Master

Incarnations of the Master Jesus took place in Lemuria.

"As you well know, once the synthesis of the energies of nature is produced, from the collective soul of the

the collective soul of the planet, an individualised spirit emerges, accompanied by the first

individualised spirit emerges, accompanied by the first part of its cosmic name, representing that

The first part of its cosmic name represents that explosion of light and sound which accompanied its condensation.


From that moment on, a process of multiple incarnations begins until, in one of these incarnations, awareness is

In some of these incarnations, the consciousness of the spiritual path is realised, and then a sort of second birth
takes place.

a sort of second birth, which is accompanied by the second part of the name, the

second part of the name: the cosmic completion.

"The incarnation, in which the real being of the Master Jesus became conscious of the spiritual path and began his
successful advance on the spiritual path.

The incarnation, in which the real being of the Master Jesus became conscious of the spiritual path and began his
successful advancement towards mastery, occurred during

Lemuria, and he was then of black race," Anitac apparently remarked,

for he gave a delicate smile and I felt his energy.

-Those who are aware and awakened will become more and more relevant and will stand out in their society in such

will stand out in their society in such a way that people will be aware of their

will be on the lookout for their approaches; this will be hastened by the unveiling of more and more compromising

more and more compromising information. There will be a sense of unease and confusion in humanity, so that
people will

and confusion in humanity, so people will go to those who have the clarity to guide them and the peace to

to guide them and the peace to comfort them," said Titinac,

-This meeting is a watershed! What is happening here must be

explained to the press so that it can act and function as a bell that can awaken consciences.

awaken consciences. Don't worry, because they will know what to say and everything will

will provoke important consequences.

"People have to know that these things are happening on their land, on their island, not in a far away place; and that
it is precisely these things that are happening on their land, on their island, not in a far away place.

and that they happen precisely when there are very strong seismic and social movements.

social movements.

"As the times of change approach, the upward vibration will bring all kinds of physical and psychic movements.
physical and psychic movements, hence the increase of seismic activity on the island and on the

on the island and on plates all over the planet. But we have already foreseen this and we want to

help and avoid terrible catastrophes. You have to do your part

by preserving your peace and harmony in spite of everything.

"The synchronisation will be preceded by climatic changes, unusual phenomena and a lot of chaos, anarchy and

much chaos, anarchy and violence, sown, as you well know, on purpose to justify the mass elimination of peoples

The synchronisation will be preceded by climatic changes, unusual phenomena and much chaos, anarchy and
violence, sown, as you well know, on purpose to justify the mass elimination of peoples and races by sowing



Sampiac sentenced.

-Now their chains and labours will be more useful than before in creating a balance," Titinac added.

balance," added Titinac.

-Remember, whatever you allow to happen will happen. We

We know what can happen by statistical deduction, by calculation of probabilities and by systematic observation.

and by systematic observation. Moreover, we have studied the prophecies we have received in

the prophecies received and elaborated by Earth's own human beings," said Anit said.

on Earth," said Anitac.

-But weren't these prophecies revealed by you? -I asked rather intrigued.


-No! They really come from the deep love of God, to which you can more easily connect than we can," he replied.

you can more easily connect with than we can," Sampiac replied.

-Not even you, who are women, have more developed intuition and sensitivity in your civilisation?

sensitivity in your civilisation? -I asked again.

-We have long tended to think and reflect on all things, becoming more mental than men themselves.

more mental than the men themselves," said Titinac, a little embarrassed.

-In the coming months and years before the great shift, you will have access to the most important of the akashic

the most important of the Akashic record, so open your minds and prepare your hearts for the great mission.

hearts for the great mission. It will not be easy for you to have the maturity to accept what you will have to

It will not be easy for you to be mature enough to accept what you will learn, for there were periods in the planetary
process when, having been

There were periods in the planetary process when, the Earth having been left out of the plan, it was used and groups
of people were
and human groups were subjected to servitude in order to take advantage of natural resources and to exploit

natural resources and to exploit human emotional energy.

-You are going to have to be strong and not forget what is expected of you, because what you will

you will learn will move you and in some cases even disgust you," interjected


-You will still go to unimaginable places and will have many beautiful and powerful experiences, although you will
not necessarily

experiences, although they won't necessarily always have to move physically, because as they get closer and closer

physically, because as the boundaries between the dimensions draw closer, the interdimensional

interdimensional thresholds will be the order of the day.

"Now go back Tell-Elam and tell everyone that it is you who must attain and maintain a higher vibration so that all
will be in a higher vibration.

higher vibration to make it all happen. It will not be easy if you do not

attitude and if you do not strengthen your unity and combat the dis-

the breath with which the dark forces try to weaken you every day," said Sampiac.

said Sampiac.

Then a beam of blue light burst from an inverted pyramidal crystal that hung from the ceiling, bathing me in a soft
blue light.

from the ceiling, bathing me in a gentle energy, and a hatch opened beneath my feet to reveal a

a hatch opened beneath my feet, giving me a distant view of the forest from a great height. Enveloped

in a strange force, I was quickly lowered down accompanied by the other very tall

very tall being, who remained on the ground of the place at a distance of about twenty metres from me.

metres away from me.

My heart was pounding. It had happened so much and so fast. I still couldn't

I could not yet organise my thoughts, and everything that had been entrusted to me seemed very important.

very important. I then noticed that I was accompanied by Antarel, who had approached me.

who had come up to me. I asked him what was next, and he told me

to prepare the others so that each one could live his own according to his preparation and attitude.

preparation and attitude. So I said goodbye, turned around and returned to the camp with a strong tachycardia.

back to the camp with a strong tachycardia and without being able to recover from such intense


I knew that we were close to great achievements, but the next steps would depend on our initiatives and

would depend on our initiatives and preparation, on our conviction and attitude and on our

and attitude and the control of our moods and emotions, so easily exploited by the dark forces.

exploited by the dark forces.

Throughout all these years, we have been receiving, from the extraterrestrials, transcendental

extraterrestrials, transcendental but at the same time difficult to handle information. Among

Among other things, they have taught us that our planet Earth died 1.2 billion years ago as a result of the

Two hundred million years ago because of the impacts of meteoric rain, that it did not


not only extinguished life on our planet but also killed it off.

ten-kilometre-diameter meteorite that 65 million years ago hit the shores of Merida, Mexico.

the coast of Mérida, in the Yucatán, which left a crater 250 kilometres in diameter and which would have
precipitated the

diameter crater that would have precipitated the extinction of a good part of the dinosaurs, or the meteorite that

dinosaurs, or the meteorite that left a 400-kilometre diameter crater in Antarctica 200 million years ago.

Antarctica 200 million years ago. The destruction of the Earth happened much earlier.

much earlier.

According to this information, a group of extra-planetary civilisations would have

received authorisation from the cosmic hierarchies to travel through time and space, within a Plan that

and space, within a Cosmic Plan, to reach our planet before the Earth died.

the Earth died. For the extraterrestrials, time in the universe is like a spiral, so that for the extraterrestrials

spiral, so that for them our planet disappeared but the universe continued; and, by intervening

universe continued; and, by intervening here, they created a paradoxical alternate time,

supposedly irreconcilable, which would never have to meet with real time.

time. However, since the moment extraterrestrials have interacted so closely with us, with some of them coming

with us so closely, some of them even hybridising with human beings, there is now the possibility

mankind, there is now the possibility of the two times coming together, both the real time of the universe and the
alternate time of the universe.

real time of the universe and the alternative time in which we find ourselves,

becoming one. This would happen on 22 December 2012, just as the Mayans predicted when the

predicted by the Mayans when they spoke of the "turning of time" or the "synchronisation of time".

"synchronisation of time". This would mean a planetary dimensional ascent into the fourth dimension.

This would mean a planetary dimensional ascent into the fourth dimension.

Nostradamus do not speak of the end of the world, but of the end of time; and for there to be an end of time, there
must be an end of time.

for there to be an end of time there has to be more than one time.

On 4 August 2001, in the village of Alton Barnes, in the south of England, a crop circle appeared in the village of Alton
Barnes, in the south of England,

a crop circle was found showing the orbits of the planets of our solar system, but instead of our own solar system.

solar system, but instead of our world, there was nothing! Then, on 23 June 2002 in West Overton
June 2002 in West Overton, also in England, another crop circle of two spirals running parallel to each other was

two spirals running parallel to each other from one point, which would be


related to the two times.

Talking about real time and alternative time is not so crazy at a time when important scientists are talking about real
time and alternative time.

time is not so crazy at a time when leading scientists talk about more than one time and astrophysicists have

astrophysicists have discovered stars older than the Big Bang.

According to this, in a few more years, and after impressive and

incredible climatic, geological, social and cosmic changes, as well as a great release of information, we are

release of information, the present-day Earth is expected to take the place of the dead or missing Earth in the real

dead or vanished Earth in the real time of the universe. For us it would be

as if we had always existed, but this would affect the other extraplanetary civilisations

extra-planetary civilisations, as our presence in their reality would generate a chain reaction of unforeseen

a chain reaction of unpredictable changes.

Recently, a new World Contact Meeting was held in

Cuzco (Peru) in August 2005 following communications from extraterrestrial Guides.

extraterrestrial Guides. The meeting brought together 189 representatives of the world's groups and was held in the

The meeting brought together 189 representatives of groups from around the world and took place at the Huaypo
Lagoon, more than 3,600 metres above sea level, and in the archeological

and in the archaeological zone of Moray. During the departure from Huaypo, messages continued to be

messages continued to be received and all that has been learned over the years could be applied.

all that has been learnt over the years. We received Cesium crystals and there was the sighting of two ships over the
lagoon and the

two ships over the lagoon and of other objects in the sky; and, during two consecutive

two consecutive early mornings, brothers from El Salvador and Spain, among others,

observed, very close to the camp, the hovering of between six and seven ships at low altitude.

at low altitude.

Something similar happened in Moray, in the context of an incredible atmosphere and environment,

which resembles that which surrounds the crop circles in England, because the site is made up of concentric circles,

concentric circles (terraces or terraces apparently used for crop experimentation) which descend

terraces) that descend into deep enclosed valleys in the form of volcanic cones.

valleys in the manner of volcanic cones. We worked with meditations, cosmic names, crystals

the cosmic names, the crystals, the healing chains and planetary irradiation,
putting into motion what the messages were asking for.


During the meeting in Moray there were also important experiences supported by sightings.

supported by sightings. One of these was that of the Xendras, deep within the main set of circles where the
messages called for.

one was that of the Xendras, deep within the main set of circles, where the teachers and Guides manifested
themselves to various

manifested to various people and gave them specific guidance for what would be our next journeys, emphasising the

the importance of the integration of all in the pursuit of one purpose.

all in pursuit of a common purpose and goal.

Moray is a very special place, we would even say magical, as important rituals have been held here to contact the

important rituals of contact with Mother Earth have been celebrated here since ancient times, which the indigenous

that the local indigenous people have kept up to the present day.

During the Inca period this place would have been a sort of laboratory for experimentation and adaptation of crops.

experimentation and adaptation of crops* Now it was used by us to experiment with a mental and energetic

experience a mental and energetic sowing.

Paco Padrón and Operation 23

Francisco Padrón Hernández, a radio and press journalist, carried out a great work of spreading the

of broadcasting the UFO theme on Radio Nacional de España, from Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Tenerife. Motivated by the news coming from South America of UFO contact groups, he encouraged

contact with UFOs, together with a group of his friends, he organised a series of

of supposedly extraterrestrial messages received through the quija.

On 23 October 1975, on the beach of La Tejita, in the south of Tenerife, they went to fulfil an appointment received
two years earlier.

an appointment received two months in advance. There were several

including Emilio Bourbon and José Luis González. At around nine o'clock in the

night, there was a great silence and all the instruments they had brought with them to take

to take measurements began to behave like madmen. At twenty past nine o'clock

twenty a great light appeared that illuminated the night as if it were daytime and, in front of all of them, a great

and, in front of them all, a great object like a spotlight, very white, spread a beam of light that enveloped them.

which enveloped them. After a few moments the light went out. When they checked the time, it did not

the time did not correspond to what they had experienced and it seemed as if they had lost an hour.

an hour had vanished. Those beings had come to the appointment, but something had happened that they did not
consciously remember.

they did not consciously remember.


A photographic record was kept of this observation. Some time later, Paco commented

that for various reasons he had fallen into a depressive pit and had taken refuge in alcohol, but this had only

alcohol, but this only made him more depressed. So he wanted to end his life.

He took his car, headed towards the Teide volcano and, at a bend in the road, he left the

and, at a bend in the road, he went off the road and fell into the abyss. The strange thing is that the next day

the next day he turned up with the car intact at the door of his house. Needless to say, he never

he never drank again. Some time later, the psychiatrist Jiménez del Oso made him undergo a hypnotic regression in
which the patient

hypnotic regression in which the patient told of having been suspended in the air by a beam of light from a ship that

of light from a ship that prevented his suicide. What could also be ascertained

was that the wheel tracks were on the edge of the abyss.

This great man and best friend had a mission: to awaken consciences, and these beings helped him to do it.

and these beings helped him to do it.

Edward "Billy" Meier

Billy Meier is a Swiss farmer with deep spiritual and metaphysical inclinations.

metaphysical inclinations. As a teenager he spent a long time in an ashram (a community dedicated to meditation).

(meditation community) in India. He states in his memoirs that

when he was seventeen years old a craft descended near his house and he saw in it a being called Sfath, human in

called Sfath, human in appearance and very old. It accompanied him until he was sixteen years old

until he was sixteen, with sporadic appearances, to instruct him in the universal laws and principles.

universal laws and principles.

In his adolescence, another character appeared, Asket, who claimed to come from the DAL universe, a parallel

DAL universe, a parallel reality that would be difficult for us to understand, as the parameters of space and time are

parameters of space and time are different. She took it upon herself to motivate him to

to travel in the east and to cultivate himself internally.

On his pilgrimage he had an accident that cost him an arm. But this did not limit him

him in any way, but rather it strengthened him even more in many other aspects of his life, where he

aspects of his life, in which he performed admirably.

In January 1975, in Hinwell, in his native Switzerland, he entered the


contact with an extraterrestrial woman, European in appearance and about 5'7" tall, named Semjase, who was

Semjase, who claimed to come from the Pleiades, from a planet called Erra in the Tayrathian system.
called Erra in the Taygeta system. She instructed him in cosmogony and extraterrestrial science, and told him

science and told him that his civilisation belongs to a confederation of evolved planets.

evolved planets.

These beings explained to Meier their willingness to collaborate with uh a change of

mentality of mankind that respects our free will, so that in a short time we will be able to

that in a short time we can fraternise in harmony with them and that there can be a more fluid

exchange of information.

Among the experiences told by Billy Meier is the one in which he recounts having

being taken up in a spacecraft to watch the docking of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft in space, which was

Apollo spacecraft in space, which he was able to observe at close quarters. It should be remembered that in

space travel on Earth, it has been claimed that astronauts have witnessed UFO sightings.

witnessed UFO sightings and even telepathic communications.

Billy Meier has provided some of the most spectacular and important

photographs and footage of UFO sightings in broad daylight, which have not been totally disproved.

have not been totally disproved. He has even handed over audios and fragments of

metal with alloys impossible to find on Earth. But there is an

permanent discussion regarding the evidence, because of its clarity and because there are statements from close

statements from close family members accusing him of fraud for having found, according to some

Some journalists claim that scale models were found in his garage.

This is very difficult to believe. Logically, a person who receives hundreds of people in his house every day, as he

hundreds of people, as is the case with Billy Meier, after he has managed to commit an alleged fraud, is not going to

after having succeeded in a supposed fraud, is not going to keep the scale models used in his house

at the risk of someone finding them in his garage. This case is not without controversy and controversy.

controversial and controversial, but at the same time interesting because of its message and consistency.

message and consistency.


I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles [UFOs] that visit the Earth with their crew come from other planets that

crew come from other planets that enjoy a higher technological level than the one we have reached.

(...) We should also decide (...) that the best way to deal with these visitors is to be friendly with them.

to deal with these visitors is friendly. It is possible that in order to be

We should also decide (...) that the best way to deal with these visitors is a friendly one.

demonstrate that we have learned to resolve our conflicts by peaceful means and not by war.

not war.
Gordon Cooper, Mercury Project astronaut in a letter to the UN (1978).

In the messages received by contactees there are many points of agreement,

which should come as no surprise to anyone, since extraterrestrial beings are supposed to have a more or less

have a more or less unified view of the world situation. The strange thing is not

that the information coincides, but that it differs; this assumes that someone is getting it wrong or that the source

This implies that someone is getting it wrong or that the source deserves mistrust.

Certainly, not all the information among the various contactees and contact groups coincides because, as is often the

contact groups will not coincide because, as is often the case, it passes through the filter of one's own cultural
background and prejudices.

cultural background and one's own prejudices; there are always nuances, and variants and distortions of one's own

and distortions of the people who channel them. For this reason

for this reason a whole process of learning the art of channelling is necessary,

to be able to let it flow as well as possible.

Below we offer some extracts from messages received, where you can appreciate the essence of what these
messages are saying.

The essence of what these beings transmit can be appreciated:

"The great mission of humanity is to become capable of communicating with itself and with nature, being

and with nature, being love and giving it. A big part of it is to remember and

and regaining their faculties and skills from when they were children. It must be done with

conviction, with faith in change and with hope for a future that is to exist as a projection of positive, constructive
minds and

as a projection of positive and constructive minds.



The mission they must undertake is the effort of gradual improvement, oriented towards the attainment of higher
and higher levels of evolutionary advancement.

The mission they must undertake is the effort of gradual improvement, oriented towards the attainment of higher
and higher levels of evolutionary advancement. A mission

based on radiating hope by the example of life.

The mission of all of you goes beyond the responsibility of the rulers of great nations.

of the rulers of great nations, for you are called consciously and responsibly to give encouragement amidst

to give encouragement in the midst of the greatest desolation, to stand firm when all falter.

to stand firm when all around you are fainting; to keep and live faith when all doubt in a planetary future.

in other words: to be light in the darkness.

Work for change. Take on individual and collective responsibilities.

you will be supporting the plan that has resolved to face the darkness with the light of hope from all of you.

hope of all of you.

You will in the near future be the instructors of the new humanity, so retrace the steps that will lead you to the new

retrace the steps that will lead you to increase intuition and sensitivity.

sensitivity. The information you need will be coming to you as your receiving antennae complete their work.

your receiving antennae become predisposed and balanced by letting go of fear and doubt.

fear and doubt.


"The human being has in himself the seed of his own help, he does not see it when he selfishly thinks only of his own

selfishly thinks only of his own comfort.

Whoever does not learn to face challenges will not make progress in any field, be it material or spiritual.

material or spiritual.

The greatest of all challenges is now open before you, the challenge of self-knowledge, of the discovery of your own
inner potential.

the discovery of your own inner potential, which, extracted and materialised in a life focused

and materialised in a life focused on commitment could help you to discover your mission to be loving and giving.

discover your mission to be love and to give love.

There is a dramatic urgency, and they must strive to ensure the survival of humanity by

of humanity, while maintaining the sacred roots of your race.

and that will only be possible if they teach by their example to have faith in what is best for all; faith in humanity
itself and in the mission they have.

humanity itself and in the mission at hand.

Nothing will be impossible for them if they awaken their conscience. And even what has been

prophesied will be subject to their mental power governed by love.

For there is really nothing definite:

"Believe in hope and you will create hope", and this does not mean that we are not objective about the planetary

objective about the planetary future. We know that the outlook for you is

difficult, and it is getting more complicated, but the challenges are in relation to your ability to overcome.

your capacity to overcome.

Remember that humanity is a corrected and improved version of many other worlds....

other worlds... It is the end of a long process that has involved many, an important part of a Cosmic Plan.

It is the end of a long process that has involved many, an important part of a Cosmic Plan subject to a great cosmic
Astar Sheran".

"Now is the time when time is now.

The human being has a limitless potential that enables him not only to anticipate events through what you

events through what you know as premonition and foreknowledge, but also through his

precognition, but also your prior knowledge of things can help you to modify the future.

help you to modify the future.

The future is the very law of cause and effect, so that everything is the consequence of the actions and decisions you
have taken before.

the actions and decisions you have taken in the past. If they want to change the

future, they have to create new causes that will generate new effects that will displace the old ones, and any

effects that displace the previous ones, and any modification, no matter how small, will bring about a different

will bring about a different future. But you have to believe it to create it.

Prophecies are not given not to be fulfilled but not to be fulfilled.

We refer to the negative prophecies, because in the case of the positive ones, on the contrary, it is necessary to
collaborate in order to

on the contrary, it is necessary to collaborate in order for them to come to pass. Every prophecy is a

warning of what can happen if nothing is done to change it.

We speak to you in hope because it is all in your hands.

We will not be able to intervene as long as you yourselves have not made the great effort to change things or to
change them.

the great effort to change things or to ensure your own collective survival.

And you will not know what you are capable of until you try.


Once you take the step we will step in.


"Beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, our message is a wake-up call for humanity to change and react.

humanity to change and to react to the great destructive effect that has been accumulating as a consequence of

accumulating as a consequence of a myriad of causes summarised in selfishness and unlovingness.

selfishness and lack of love.

The warning, which became topical in the 1940s of this century, has

century, has begun to bear fruit in the 1980s, as we are delighted to see transcendental

the people of the world who are striving to achieve solidarity, peace and peace in the world.

solidarity, peace and justice.

There is an awakening of consciousness that has even escaped our predictions.

We are surprised and at the same time amazed that it is now possible to talk about changing the future.
changing the future. Until the end of the 1970s we could only recommend to be prepared to face it as best we could.

to face it as well as possible and to survive the events that were unfolding or that were

events that were unfolding or that you yourselves were allowing to happen.

Beloved brethren, you must not be overconfident, but you must take advantage of the fact that the balance of
power is now in the balance.

gaining ground now that the scales are tipping towards the light; and the real moments of darkness, of lack of

of darkness, of lack of faith and hope, as well as of great confusion, which can manifest themselves

and hope, as well as of great confusion, which may manifest themselves at a moment's notice.

It is certain that the mass of mankind must and will be guided, for means and resources of all kinds will be made
available to them to

of all kinds will be made available to them so that they can spread the message of hope for humanity as no one else
has done before.

the message of hope for humanity. This year [1990] will bring changes in

countries that did not seem to need change, and in those where it was thought that change would never come.

change would never come. Dictatorships will end and only the people of

each city will choose to govern themselves. Dark forces will strike in the middle and end of the year, but they will

the end of the year, but they will only hasten positive definitions. Be vigilant for

this year begins with serious events, but they will be the window of hope and the door to a new day.

hope and the doorway to the new day: the new humanity.


The Apocalypse is about to be spun conveniently for the spiritual man; for a revelation is about to be spun for the
spiritual man.

The spiritual man; for one revelation is opposed by another, which is established when there are those who react,
and there are few who react.

Those who react, and there are few who are needed for this, you know.


"Seek not experiences before you have achieved the experience of change. No

This does not mean that you will not experience them, for without seeking them you will have them.

The problem is that, if your mind is going after it, you will not realise what you have in your hands and what is at

The problem is that if your mind is going after it, you will not realise what you have in your hands and what is
happening around you.

Inner search, peace and balance will bring you outer consequences,

as corroborations of effort.

The decade of the 1990s will be a critical one for the forces of darkness, who will continue to lose their agents of
negativity, the
The 1990s will be critical for the forces of darkness, which will continue to lose their agents of negativity, which are
being confronted,

suppressed or transformed into the positive.

This is a difficult but important decade, for changes will occur and humanity will err on the side of

humanity will sin in ignorance of them. We know that the capacity exists

to correct this as we go along; and it will be corrected with your help.

The decade will bring with it the relentless internal and external warfare of some very important religions with
themselves and with others.

religions with themselves and with others with whom they have long been at odds.

with others with whom they have long been at odds.

It ushers in a decade of changes of unforeseeable consequences, which will require first of all your

and confrontational capacity, as well as the channelling of energies.

and the channelling of energies. You will be able to do much and know more if you know how to

to keep up the work of permanent change. From the 1990s onwards, what was hidden and

The hidden will begin to be known and the fear in the religions and in man will grow.

Inconvenient discoveries will begin to be made in the field of anthropology;

they will continue with physics, then they will continue with chemistry. The crisis of discovery will be accentuated

will be accentuated by momentous archaeological discoveries in the Middle East, which will astonish

The crisis of discovery will be accentuated by momentous archaeological discoveries in the Middle East, which will
astonish their discoverers and distress the experts.



The changes will be sought to be reversed, but this will be impossible; and political, religious and social changes will

political, religious and social changes will multiply.

The religious authorities will suffer a progressive loss of power and control over the internal crisis of the

over the internal crisis of the communities. The following will be seen in the religious sphere

surprising and unimaginable attitudes, and everything will happen from this decade onwards.

As a consequence of the human process, the needle of the clock in the Caribbean will go backwards and then

will go backwards and then positively forward, so that it will quickly be overtaken by

will be overtaken by oblivion, intolerance and sadness.

Anything can happen in this decade, and among its possibilities is the one that

that perhaps nothing more serious than what has happened will happen, and that a general

a general turning of the tide.

In South America, internal forces are clashing, leading to all sorts of attitudes, some of them very violent.

of attitudes, some of them very violent. The military will be pushed into wanting to

The tragedy will be great and it will not succeed.

But at what cost?

The people will unite, maturing and changing their way of thinking and acting.

and acting. For the first time there will be hope for justice, and peace will soon follow.

peace will soon follow.


"You are reaching the moment of maturity necessary to fulfil your great mission.

great mission. During the time that has passed, you have learned to become sensitive and to mentally create
different conditions.

mentally create different conditions; today that predisposition is necessary to continue.

to continue. Today you know what it is to be guided. Do not fail to live it, for days of great darkness and confusion

days of great darkness and confusion await you on a global level.


"This decade humanity will change the concepts it held as unalterable and rigid scientific structures will fall.

and rigid scientific structures will fall, because every day more and more will be known and more quickly will be

more and more quickly it will become common knowledge; it will no longer be possible to hide information, and this

information can no longer be hidden, and this will result in a questioning of everything and everyone.

Our ships will leave obvious and noticeable traces in the United States, as well as in many of the great nations.

as well as in many of the great nations. This will mark the proximity of the

final rendezvous.

Problems will increase in number, but they will be quickly solved;

some at the very moment of their occurrence, for indeed earth's time is speeding up.

time of the earth is accelerating, adapting itself to the time of the surrounding universe.

surrounding it.

The world economy is on the verge of a great collapse, but the inner positive planetary government will seek to
control it.

positive inner planetary government will seek to control and assist the effect to be reversed.

The world economy is about to undergo a great collapse, but the positive inner planetary government will seek to
control and assist so that the effect will be reversed, and surprisingly your countries will suffer the least.

Religions will crumble, observing how every day the questioning is increasing; and the despair of the world will be

and desperation will bring the climax of religious civil wars.

religious civil wars.

In a short time the great dictatorships will suffer the deadliest blows, as the peoples increase in consciousness and in
peoples increase in conscience and in union. Nothing will remain of totalitarianism and


The geological and geomagnetic changes that the planet will undergo will be many and continuous.

the planet will register, affecting the coasts with the anomalous behaviour of the tides.

tides; all this will happen because of the increasing proximity of the asteroid and the comets that the

comets that the global tension is attracting like a magnet. The

telluric energies will be stirred and volcanic activity will continue to increase.

will continue to increase. At the same time, human behaviour will also be affected.

The dominance and control you maintain will be that of others.

If you prepare, you will have power and authority over people to help them.

This decade will be used by the Plan to stir public opinion with events of all kinds that will

events of all kinds to sensitise public opinion to the need for change,

but events that turn out to be negative will have a positive and unsuspected outcome.

positive and unexpected outcomes.


All of this we say to you so that you will increase your planetary aid and meditation chains, receiving and

meditation, receiving and channelling energies to the places on the planet that need it most.

most in need.


"Each year will be more important in terms of approaches and events linked to the release of information.

and events linked to the release of information, so that your task will increase in the dissemination and

and orientation of the people, giving guidelines towards the understanding of the moment that is about to come.

understanding of the moment that is about to unfold. This year will mark irreversible

irreversible transformations in the landscape will bring about sweeping and far-reaching changes in political, social
and religious

political, social and religious, for the implementation of an ever more hopeful future, even though the

hopeful future, even if the process to get there will continue to be hard and violent.

and it will be in the religious sphere where many changes and declarations will be

and declarations that will be increasingly compromising and revealing, thus shaking the very foundations of its

and will shake the foundations of their traditional structures.

Now our presence and movements around the globe are acting as an indirect aid that is acting as an indirect aid that

as an indirect aid that is putting pressure on your society from outside and inside the Earth, for it has

Earth, for the time has come for the turning of time to occur and begin to stabilise.

time to begin to stabilise the planet.



In addition to announcements about future events and philosophical and spiritual messages that are

spiritual messages that number in the thousands, there have been many concepts transmitted by the Elder Brothers

by Elder Brothers or extraterrestrial Guides about cosmogony and planetary processes.

planetary processes. As we were saying, according to them, our planet Earth died out

one thousand two hundred million years ago, as a result of a meteoric rain that put an end to life.

with life. For this reason, a group of extraterrestrial civilizations received the

cosmic hierarchies to travel through time and space to reach here and to other planets.

space, and arrive here and on seven other similar planets before they died in order to



to carry out a very special project: to create the conditions for the emergence of civilisations with psychic potential.

civilisations with a psychic and spiritual potential capable of becoming masters of their own masters, and guiding

and spiritual potential, capable of becoming masters of their own masters, and thus of leading highly developed
civilisations out of a stagnant

highly developed civilisations out of an evolutionary stagnation by having advanced mentally at the

mentally at the cost of sacrificing emotions and feelings.

According to this information, we would find ourselves in an alternative time,

different from the real time of the universe, in a sort of space-time paradox.

For space beings, time in the universe is like an upward spiral, so that in the universe we are in an alternative time,
different from the real time of the universe, in a kind of space-time paradox.

For space beings, time in the universe is like an upward spiral, so that at a certain point in history our planet died but
the universe continued.

planet died, but the universe continued; thus, these intervening civilisations came before

civilisations came before the Earth died, prevented this from happening and created an alternate time.

and created an alternative paradoxical time so that our time has been intertwined with the

time has been intertwined with real time but without the possibility of the two meeting.

the two to meet. However, since the moment that extraterrestrial civilisations have intervened

civilisations have intervened (with deportations, hybridisations or shipwrecks),

the possibility has arisen that the two times can be reconnected. This

would occur in the next few years, coinciding with the Mayan and Hopi Indian prophecy of the "turning of time".

Hopi prophecy of the "turning of time" or the "synchronisation of times", and also with the Nahuatl prophecy of the

the Nahuatl prophecy of the "sleeping woman" who must give birth. We call all this

we call it "the great planetary birth".

Certainly, sixty-five million years ago, a meteorite of almost ten kilometres in diameter struck the

kilometres in diameter hit the coast of Merida, Mexico, and left a crater of two hundred and fifty million metres in

crater two hundred and fifty kilometres in diameter. This triggered the violent transition

from the secondary to the tertiary era and extinguished some animal life;

but, according to the extraterrestrials, the total destruction occurred much earlier and was just that:

total! To speak of a real time and an alternative time would perhaps seem crazy.

When scientists try to date the antiquity of the universe, they do so by means of the

the Doppler effect, which is the redshift of light that makes it possible to measure the speed with which galaxies

the speed at which galaxies are moving away from each other.

According to this, it has been calculated that the universe is between ten and fifteen billion years old.

billion years old. But what scientists can't figure out is why, when they look in a certain direction

why, when they look in a certain direction in the universe, they find certain stars that are older than the universe.

certain stars that are older than the Big Bang, which is impossible. No

there shouldn't be stars older than the creation of the universe. Unless

we are looking through a window into another reality, and we ourselves are in another reality.

are in another reality ourselves.

Recent discoveries in quantum physics have led scientists to suggest the existence of parallel times, which would not

suggest the existence of parallel times, which would not be so far from everything suggested in extraterrestrial

suggested in extraterrestrial messages.

According to this, from the year 2003 onwards we would be in a definite "countdown", so that we would be in a

countdown", so that by the year 2012 we would expect the long-awaited synchronisation and the collective

synchronisation and the collective birth of humanity into a new state of consciousness.

state of consciousness; that is why each year would be symbolically like a month of gestation prior to that "great

gestation prior to that "great birth". Thus, the year 2003 would be year nine, corresponding to the first month of
gestation prior to the "great birth".

And what does the first month of gestation look like?

month of gestation? It is the month of dizziness, nausea and vomiting. And, if we remember

that year was a year to vomit, because it started with the accident of the space shuttle Columbia, which

space shuttle Columbia, which was launched on 16 January, was to spend sixteen days in space and was

sixteen days in space and, when it was only sixteen minutes from landing, it exploded.

minutes from landing, it exploded. Inside were an Israeli serviceman and six American astronauts,

number repeating the code 16 (which, according to numerology, represents falsehood and lies).

and lies). The wreckage of the spacecraft fell in Texas, a centre of oil power, and precisely in a place called Palestine.
precisely in a place called Palestine. A few weeks later, the nation's president appeared on television

the president of the most powerful nation on Earth on television, explaining that they had the evidence to prove

that they had the evidence to prove that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which is why he was threatening the
world with

destruction, so he threatened the world that if the United Nations did not do something about it, he and his allies

and his allies would invade the country to act unilaterally against international terrorism.

against international terrorism.


And indeed they did, cruelly killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and maiming many more.

and maiming many more. Two years later it was proven that the

Two years later it was shown that the evidence was false and that these weapons were never there. However, they

seized the oil, which was the real motivation.

It is interesting to see how in the ninth chapter of Revelation there is a reference to

the Iraq war, the weapons used and those who were actually involved in it, which would be no other

involved in it, which would be none other than the "satanic forces", a group of beings deported from Orion who

beings deported from Orion who would pull the strings of the world by manipulating leaders to prevent

to prevent humanity from coming into the consciousness necessary for the reconnection of the times.

reconnection of the times. Revelation itself speaks, not of the end of the world,

but of the "end times" (therefore, there must be more than one time).

On 23 April 2003, a message appeared on the snowy slopes of the Iztaccihuatl volcano in Mexico City.

Mexico City a message appeared on the snowy slopes of the Iztaccihuatl volcano in Mexico City. Part of the snow had
melted, and in the lava

huge letters emerged which were interpreted as ancient Hebrew or Aramaic.

Aramaic. The images, made public on television, revealed, according to Jewish rabbis and Kabbalists, that

Jewish rabbis and kabbalists consulted, that what could be read there from right to left read: "Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine,
Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine.

to left read: "Nine, gave birth or will give birth, crater, dragon". Evidently, it was

evidently referring to the ninth year of the countdown, prior to the great planetary

the danger that the natural forces of the planet will be awakened and this will cause the

awakened and this would cause terrible disasters. Although the reference to the

dragon could also be related to the satanic and tenebrous forces that from that year onwards would manifest
themselves in

from that year onwards were to manifest themselves more blatantly. The year 2004 corresponded to the
year eight of the countdown, the second month of gestation and the eighth chapter of Revelation, which
contemplated the

Apocalypse, which envisaged the arrival on Earth of two meteors, one of which was to hit the islands of the

one of which was to hit the islands of the sea, causing great mortality. The

scientists detected a meteorite they named Tutatis, which was coming dangerously close to the

dangerously close to the Earth, and by the end of September it could have hit the

but fortunately this did not happen, because so many groups and individuals joined together in chains of

but happily this did not happen, and so many groups and individuals joined together in meditation chains to protect
the planet that


the positive effect of it all was seen.

And, when no one expected anything else, on 26 December the terrible

tsunami that killed almost 300,000 people. An undersea earthquake

of more than nine degrees, that is, with an intensity unimaginable for the times we live in.

But the most curious thing is that there were several aftershocks afterwards, some of similar intensity, and none of
them of similar intensity, and none of them of similar intensity, and none of them of similar intensity,

some of similar intensity, and none of them produced a new tsunami.

Also strange was the radial effect of the tsunami from its inception, as if a stone had been thrown into a pond.

a stone had been thrown into a pond.

It later transpired that there had been a deviation of the earth's axis, something that could not have been caused by
that earthquake.

could not have been caused by that underwater earthquake. The extraterrestrial

extraterrestrial messages spoke of a meteorite hitting the Earth. If this is

If this were so, why didn't the governments of the major nations report the new danger?

Did they not see it, or was it not in their interest to warn of it? '

Imagine the rulers warned by their scientists and unable to do anything to prevent it.

to prevent it. The warning, according to their vision of things, would produce panic, world chaos

and a crash in the economy, which for many is more important than the death of a few hundred people.

The year 2004 was also a very special one.

The year 2004 was also very special. In May, the Mexican Air Force released

in May a film of more than half an hour of eleven UFOs captured in broad daylight and with excellent visibility.

daylight and with excellent visibility from a C26 Merlin military aircraft. The

footage had been recorded in March by radar and infrared camera over the town of Campeche.

the town of Campeche. And, after two months of exhaustive study,

ruling out any possible interpretation, they decided to release it, marking a milestone in UFO research.

milestone in UFO research, as the Secretary of National Defence assumed responsibility for the information.
responsibility for the information.

The year 2005 we relate it to year seven of the countdown, the third month of gestation that we identified in the

of gestation that we identify in the Apocalypse with the seventh chapter, which mentions the gathering

the gathering, from the four corners of the earth, of all those who are already awakening to the

those who are already awakening consciousness under the symbolism of having washed their robes.

their garments.


Indeed, this year there have been many gatherings of groups and individuals in magical and important places on the

and important places on the planet, obeying an inner call to pray and meditate for our world.

meditate for our world. The apocalyptic natural disasters of 2005

were also impressive, especially those concentrated in the United States.

the territory of the United States.

The year 2006 corresponds to the sixth month of the gestation and the sixth chapter of the

Apocalypse, which mentions terrible natural disasters, including major earthquakes, more meteors and

earthquakes, more meteors and wars, pestilence and epidemics.

the same words used by the American scientists when the first nuclear bomb was tested, "the

the first nuclear bomb was tested, "that the sky was curling up", so that the possibility of this kind of

the possibility of this type of weapon is contemplated. But prior knowledge of things gives us the

things gives us the ability to intervene by varying events with a positive attitude and creative

positive creative thinking and attitude.

What is expected to happen in the next few years before the great planetary birthing?

planetary birth? That the changes will continue, that a great deal of information will be released that will

collective awakening of consciousness, that great discoveries will be made and that the results of these discoveries
will be

discoveries are made and their results are made public knowledge, and at the same time that all this new

information expands our horizons and leads to a general questioning.

and lead us to a general questioning. In the coming months and years, so much will be known so fast, and not just
about life.

and not just about extraterrestrial life, that people are not going to know what to believe or what to think.

what to believe or what to think. And all this will be for the best, because the only thing that can free human beings
from the

human beings from the great manipulation is the truth.

So, when the times are reconnected, the Earth will take the place of the dead planet in real time, and for us it will be
the real time.
and for us it will be as if we have always existed. More

Rather, our presence will be the trigger for a number of changes in the other worlds and planets, but

other worlds and planets, but all for the better.



We live in a universe without limits. The only limit is our ignorance.

Among the least known contact experiences, but at the same time the most extraordinary and incredible, is that of
interdimensional doorways.

extraordinary and unbelievable, is that of the interdimensional doorways.

Xendra. The Xendra is a great concentration of energy, in the form of a dimensional space-time portal

dimensional space-time portal, capable of collapsing space-time and dematerialising a

dematerialise a person by annulling their molecular cohesion and atomic weight, projecting them elsewhere

projecting them to another place, even millions of kilometres away. This

experience can occur many times during the process of personal and collective preparation.

personal and collective preparation. This means that it is possible to relive it several times as there are, for the

There are several types of Xendra for this purpose, ranging from a physical experience to a mental projection or

physical experience to a mental projection or bilocation or conscious astral experience.

The types of Xendra are:

Xendra I: Interdimensional gateway for a single person accompanied by an extraterrestrial being or Guide.

extraterrestrial being or Guide. This Xendra is usually crescent-shaped, about ten metres in diameter and allows for a
physical experience.

metres in diameter and allows for a physical experience of dematerialisation, with the person's

disappearance of the person here and their projection to another place, which can be the interior of a ship, an

inside a ship, an intraterrestrial or underwater base or even another planet.

Xendra II: This is the one in which up to seven people can be introduced coordinated or accompanied by two
extraterrestrial beings.

or accompanied by two extraterrestrial beings. This experience is usually also

physical or mental projection or bilocation. It can be crescent-shaped

golden, oval, arch or bridge type...

Xendra III-IV "Ximbra": This is the one that admits up to twelve people at one time.

and is usually coordinated directly by the Confederation Council. This

Xendra varies in form, from something like a silvery greyish dome to a shimmering whitish or bluish cloud.

or bluish-white cloud, or a sparkling dome floating above the ground with a white surface.

the ground with a white surface. It can reach a diameter of more than ten
metres in diameter.


The Xendra Ximbra, unlike the other types of dimensional passage that exist,

facilitates a profoundly spiritual experience and cosmic integration.

Many people, for various reasons, cross the threshold, which is visibly evident, but do not remember it.

visibly evident, but they do not remember what they have experienced during this experience, so they must work on
their meditations and

They must work on their meditations and conscious retreats in order to remember it.


In the chapter on "The contactees", concerning the Rama Mission, I have already related in detail an experience of
Xendra in Chilca.

at length an experience of Xendra that involves me. In June 1974

seven of us, all young people between 18 and 20 years of age, set out for the Chilca desert, summoned by

Chilca desert, summoned by a psychographic message, in which we were asked to prepare ourselves for the

to prepare ourselves for physical contact.

That day I inexplicably got separated from the group, and I retraced my steps to look for the others so that they
could explain to me what had happened.

the others to explain to me what had happened. Then I noticed a strange

strange glow: it was a golden crescent on the ground that pulsed, as if it was pulsing.

pulsing. I felt that I was being watched and I saw that from inside the luminous dome came out the

silhouette of a person calling out to me. Terrified, I hesitated, but finally I approached the light.

I approached the light. When I was very close, something made me look up at the sky.

to the sky. Some four or five hundred metres above the dome, there was an object, like a lentil with a

object, like a lentil with little rotating lights at the base. I thought at that

moment that it was two ships, one in the sky and the other on the ground.

I moved a little further, put my hand and arm into the light and realised that it was not solid, so I

that it wasn't solid, so I went inside and regretted it too late.

I regretted it too late. I felt dizzy and nauseous and my body was burning. The light was so

intense that I was forced to close my eyes, but when I could look I saw a person standing in front of me.

person standing in front of me. He was six feet tall, stocky and stout.

He looked like a Mongolian or a burly Oriental. Suddenly he began to make

gestures with his hands and arms and I felt that he was talking to me. They came


I could hear images coming into my mind, but I could also hear him saying to me, "I am Oxalc, the Oxalc, the Oxalc:

-I am Oxalc, the same being who has communicated with you from the beginning. This
that you have passed through is a Xendra, a dimensional door, a threshold in space-time.

space-time. We, with our technology, are able to concentrate the energy in such a way that we are able to

energy in such a way that we are able to dematerialise a person, annulling their molecular

their molecular cohesion and some of their atomic weight, and project them to another place. You

You will accompany me to Morlen, to Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons.

you will live there will not correspond to the time spent here.

A few steps through the light we came out to a place other than the desert of Chilca. At

a valley between mountains we could see a city made up of gigantic domes.

gigantic domes. Oxalc told me that this was the Crystal City and that we were already in Ganymede, six miles away.

Ganymede, six hundred million kilometres from Earth. He explained that, unlike the Xendra

unlike the Xendra, which are artificial interdimensional gateways made possible by technology and mind power, the

by technology and mind power, on our planet and in space, there are often other but natural portals

other but natural portals often open up, which are often used to travel through them and

travel through them and shorten distances in time and space. I remembered

of the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon Triangle in the Pacific.

I think I spent four or five days there, getting to know their way of life,

seeing other beings and touring their facilities, but I don't remember eating or going to the bathroom.

eating or going to the bathroom. After that time, I was told that I had to go back and, in doing so, through the same

through the same portal of light, I appeared in the desert; a mere fifteen minutes had passed, just long enough for
me to

fifteen minutes had passed, long enough for the rest of my companions to see me emerge from the

to arrive and see me emerge from the luminous dome.

The group was very surprised. At that moment one of my companions, who

sideways, could see that the Xendra was only a few millimetres thick.

To him I had appeared out of nowhere. When they asked me where I had

I preferred not to tell them the details of the experience because I didn't believe it myself.

I didn't believe it myself. Two weeks later, the seven of us entered a new Xendra,

After two weeks, the seven of us entered a new Xendra and, subsequently, many other companions experienced the
same thing, alone or with others.


accompanied. These journeys have continued over the years in various countries.

The story of the first Xendra experience The account of the first Xendra experience was described in the first book by

Benítez, Ovnis, S.O.S. a la humanidad.


On April 25, 1977, a group of Chilean soldiers were in the town of Putre, near
Putre, near Arica, a town on the border with Peru. Corporal Armando

Valdés, of the Rancagua regiment, was with his detachment guarding the area

because of the constant movement of smugglers across the border. Suddenly he observed

an intense light coming down a hill in the middle of the desert. It was night and the

Corporal told the soldiers to cover him, that he was going to get closer to see what it was, assuming it was a

He assumed it was a movement of smugglers. Very bravely

he went towards the light and disappeared into it; after fifteen minutes he reappeared but in the middle of all the

but in the midst of all the soldiers. They never saw him come out of the light.

light, he had emerged suddenly. He remembered nothing, his mind was blank, although his beard

He remembered nothing, his mind was blank, though his beard had grown and his watch was five days fast.

The next two years in the life of Corporal Valdés were very hard, as he remained in military

he remained in military detention subject to intense interrogation.

His experience was very similar to my own, only with a reverse aspect: I

disappeared among my comrades and they saw me come out of the luminous dome;

whereas in the case of Corporal Valdés, he entered the light in front of everyone and they never saw him come out
of it.

never saw him come out of it, he simply appeared among them.


On 31 January 1997, ten people, among them members of our Lima groups (Nimer O'Neill, Nimer O'Neill, Nimer
O'Neill, Nimer O'Neill), were

our Lima groups (Nimer Obregón and his wife Carmen, Juan and Silvia Massa,

Elard and Cuckie Pastor, Pablo Manrique, Ricardo González, my wife Marina and myself),

we went to the Chilca desert for an incredible experience.


We had been summoned through the messages to know the real time of the universe.

of the universe. Days before, we had been receiving a series of parallel

communications had been received in parallel, specifying the date, the time, the exact place and who could go.

could go. For this, there had been a series of direct and indirect confirmations, so that the

indirect confirmations, so that the enthusiasm was very high.

We arrived with our cars at the ravine of Santo Domingo de los Olleros early in the afternoon.

Olleros, early in the afternoon. It was a sunny, cloudless summer day, and as soon as we

we parked in the middle of an open field in the middle of the Peruvian coastal desert, we started walking towards

Peruvian coast, we started walking towards a hilly area. As we

I had a hunch that the experience was going to take place at the foot of a certain hill, and that's how it happened.
I let the others know this. They were all surprised

at my assertion. After a while we had reached the place where we would meditate.

we would meditate. We settled in a hollow and began a series of practices with sacred words (mantra).

practices with sacred words (mantra).

After about an hour, despite the deep state we had reached, the general feeling was that someone had

general feeling was that someone had been walking around us.

around us. At that moment we observed the appearance of a solitary compact cloud of regular size, in the form of a

of regular size, in the shape of a loaf of bread and of a dark brown colour, which was above us.

which hovered over the ravine at a low altitude. We continued to meditate and,

when we opened our eyes again, the cloud was still in place, it had not moved or changed shape.

had not moved or changed shape. After a while it transformed into a perfect arrow pointing to where I had

pointing to where I had indicated. We then saw the appearance of luminous spheres

We then saw the appearance of luminous spheres that travelled around the place and came down from the hills.
And, when we remid

introspection, we had to open our eyes after a short while because, although it was getting

darkening, the valley was illuminating as if the moon was about to rise,

but the moon did not appear. Rather, the arrow-shaped cloud had turned into a perfect circle of cloud.

transformed into a perfect circle of cloud the size of the entire ravine and inside it a gigantic

inside it a gigantic equilateral triangle was perfectly distinguishable. It was

It was amazing to see all those formations in the sky at low altitude that had nothing to do with


natural. At that moment Silvia passed the word to all of us. At the south end

left end of the ravine a light had appeared, a little bigger than a star, which slowly

a little bigger than a star, which advanced slowly, slightly above the hills.

hills. Suddenly it stopped and slowly dropped a beam of light that descended obliquely over the hills.

descending obliquely over the place he had marked a few hours ago.

hours ago. I sat up and told my companions that I felt I had to go there, so I started to walk towards it.

so I started to walk and, as I advanced, I noticed that on the ground there were some luminous spots that appeared

I noticed that some luminous spots appeared on the ground that moved and joined together as I advanced, forming
a sort of

as I went along, forming a sort of path of light.

This area of the desert has an uneven terrain, so that even in the daytime and by looking where you walk, you can

and watching where you step, you have to climb up and down very carefully so as not to stumble over the stones

not to stumble over the stones that abound there. That's why I was surprised that I couldn't
I was therefore surprised without being able to walk without a torch as if I were walking on a well laid out pavement.

The night was certainly quite bright, but it seemed that I had found a perfect path.

found!) a perfect path. When I was halfway up the hill where the beam fell permanently

where the beam of light fell permanently, a strange fear came over me; perhaps it was something instinctive in the
face of

it was instinctive in the face of the unknown, despite all my previous experiences and the knowledge that these
beings are

previous experiences and the knowledge that these beings are well-intentioned. It was not so easy

to overcome the feeling, but I continued anyway.

Later I found out that Nimer Obregón, a great friend and companion of many experiences, had also joined me.

experiences, had also joined me and followed me; on arriving at that place, he had the same sensation

He had the same sensation, but he decided not to continue and returned.

I continued walking along that luminous path until it ended in a circle of light on the ground.

circle of light on the ground. Then I looked up at the sky and something like a gaseous cylinder fell on me.

like a brown gaseous cylinder, about three metres in diameter and two metres high.

and two metres high, which cut me off from the desert. Suddenly I felt a force

and underneath me a whirlpool of energy formed, gathering stones and earth together at high speed.

stones and earth at great speed and formed something similar to a mound where I was slowly deposited.

where I was slowly deposited.


Everything happened so fast that I had no time to react. Immediately I could

immediately I could see, outside the cylinder that enveloped me, the presence of a small metallic sphere of about
thirty centimetres.

of about thirty centimetres in diameter, orange in colour, which approached and entered where I was standing.

approaching and entering where I was. It moved forward and stood in front of me,

looking me up and down as if it were scanning me. I reached out my

my arm and my hand wanting to touch it, but it made an attempt to retreat backwards and I saw it transform or
project itself

I saw it transform or project, I'm not sure, in front of me a kind of door or window, and this was a

I'm not sure, a sort of door or window in front of me, and this in turn opens others with a sort of icons

icons similar to those of a computer program.

In the windows I saw images of each of the times that I had made

the place with the intention of opening interdimensional doors, in such a way that the nearest image was the one

the closest image was that of an encounter that had taken place in 1993, four years earlier, and

in 1993, four years earlier, which had been attended by a good number of people from the Peruvian and Colombian
people from the Peruvian and Colombian groups. I was not able to attend that meeting, but I had the images in front
of me

However, I had the images in front of me, but not as when one sees them in a video, but as if they were really there.

video, but as if they were really happening at that very moment. The

situation was so impressive that I brought my face closer and introduced my torso inside that door or window and I

and I got to look at the people on that exit. And they saw me!

they saw me! I was so startled that I jumped backwards and the image disappeared, and so did the sphere.

image disappeared, and so did the sphere.

When I reacted, I noticed the presence of two human silhouettes outside and to one side of the cylinder.

cylinder. I thought they might be the ones in the group and I went down the little hill through the gaseous mass.

gaseous mass. As I did so, I felt in my face and hands that I was passing from one density to another.

from one density to another. Outside I didn't see anyone, but a few steps away was the hill and I could see the

the beam of light that continued to fall and formed a golden semicircle.

golden semicircle. I went towards it, and when I was very close to that shining crescent, there appeared behind me

crescent, the two beings I had distinguished before appeared behind me.

I had seen before. One of them was very tall and the other had to climb up and down very steeply.


One of them was very tall and the other had to climb up and down with great care so as not to trip over the stones
that abound there. I was therefore

I was surprised that I could walk without a torch as if I were walking on a well laid out pavement.

sidewalk. It was certainly quite bright at night, but it seemed that he had found a perfect path.

I had found a perfect path. When he was halfway up the hill where the

hill where the beam of light fell permanently, a strange fear came over me;

perhaps it was instinctive in the face of the unknown, despite all my previous experiences and the knowledge that
these beings are

previous experiences and the knowledge that these beings are well-intentioned. It was not easy to overcome the

feeling, but I continued anyway.

Later I found out that Nimer Obregón, a great friend and companion of many experiences, had also joined me.

experiences, had also joined me and had followed me; on arriving at that place, he had the same sensation

He had the same sensation, but he decided not to continue and returned.

I continued walking along that luminous path until it ended in a circle of light on the ground.

of light on the ground. Then I looked up into the sky and there fell upon me something like a gaseous cylinder of a

a brown gaseous cylinder, about three metres in diameter and two metres high, which cut me off from the desert.

I was cut off from the desert. Suddenly I felt a force lift me up into the air and below me a
and below me a whirlpool of energy formed, gathering stones and earth together at high speed and forming

earth at great speed and formed something similar to a mound where I was slowly deposited.

deposited. Everything happened so fast that I had no time to react.

Immediately I could see, outside the cylinder that enveloped me, the presence of a small metallic sphere of about
thirty centimetres.

a small metallic sphere of about thirty centimetres in diameter, orange in colour, approaching and entering me.

orange in colour, which approached and entered where I was. It moved forward and stood in front of me, looking me
up and down.

in front of me, looking me up and down as if it were scanning me.

I reached out my arm and hand, wanting to touch it, but it made an attempt to retreat backwards and I watched it

backwards and I saw it transform or project, I'm not sure, in front of me a sort of door or window, some kind of

I'm not sure, a kind of door or window in front of me, and this in turn opened others with some kind of

icons similar to those of a computer program.

In the windows, I saw images of each of the times that there had been

the place with the intention of opening interdimensional doors, in such a way that the nearest image was the one

the closest image was that of an encounter that had taken place in 1993, four years earlier, and

in 1993, four years earlier, and which had been attended by a good number of people from all over the world.


people from the Peruvian and Colombian groups. I was not able to attend that meeting, but I had the images in front
of me.

However, I had the images in front of me, but not like when you see them in a video, but as if they were really there.

video, but as if they were really happening at that very moment. The

situation was so impressive that I brought my face closer and introduced my torso inside that door or window and I

and I got to look at the people on that exit. And they saw me!

they saw me! I was so startled that I jumped backwards and the image disappeared, and so did the sphere.

image disappeared, and so did the sphere.

When I reacted, I noticed the presence of two human silhouettes outside and to one side of the cylinder.

cylinder. I thought they might be the ones in the group and I went down the little hill through the gaseous mass.

gaseous mass. As I did so, I felt in my face and hands that I was passing from one density to another.

sity to another. Outside I saw no one, but a few steps away was the hill, and I could see the

the beam of light that continued to fall and formed a golden semicircle.

golden semicircle. I went towards it, and when I was very close to that shining crescent, there appeared behind me

crescent, the two beings I had distinguished before appeared behind me.
I had seen before. One of them was very tall and the other was about my height.

both dressed in shining suits and told me to enter the portal, so I did, and then I felt an explosion hit me.

and then I felt an explosion hit me and went through me and left me with the sensation of being

I felt like I was inside out, like I was a jumper with the seams on the outside.

Suddenly I appeared in a kind of hall with a glass-like floor and a starry sky, from where I could look at a

starry sky, from where I could look at the earth but as if my gaze was coming from the back of my head or from the
inside of my head.

I could look at the earth but as if my gaze started from the back of my neck or the inside of my head and I could see
backwards. I perceived through

I perceived through various images the characteristics of our planet, scenes of gigantic waves and

scenes came to me of giant waves crashing on the beaches of Hawaii, active volcanoes, terrible storms, storms

active volcanoes, terrible storms, heavy rains in the Amazon, diversity of plants and animals.

and animals. It seemed as if I were being told to observe the dynamics of a world full of life and

dynamics of a world full of life and in permanent transformation. Then I found myself immersed in tunnels of light

I was then immersed in tunnels of light through which I flowed at great speed from one side of the universe to the
other, looking at a diversity of planets and

universe, looking at a diversity of planets and worlds with and without moons, with two or more suns on the

or more suns on the horizon, green skies, red skies, violet skies..., where the common


common denominator was that they had calm oceans, without waves and without movement, incredible seas

incredible seas of red, silver and gold. I felt then the symbolism of

evolutionary stagnation in the face of the possibilities of our planet. When

When I returned from the experience through the light I had no idea how much time had elapsed, whether hours,
hours, hours or hours.

time had elapsed, whether hours or days. I was back in the desert

illuminated by that strange fluorescence, and I couldn't find the path any more, so I had to walk across

I had to walk across country, stumbling over every rock I could find,

going up and down slopes, until I got to where the group was.

Marina, my wife, was the first to spot me and to welcome me, and she could sense as well as the others

and she could see as well as the others that my body was glowing with phosphorescence. At

asked me if I felt that everything that was supposed to happen that night had happened, I replied that I felt that it
had happened.

I answered that I felt it had, and immediately the desert was extinguished.

It was instantaneous. Then we turned around and the object that was throwing the beam of light

the hill began to retract it, and then it moved forward, split in two before our eyes, and then left.
eyes, and then it was gone. At that point we gathered our things and began the walk to the cars.

we started the walk to the cars. And, by the time we had arrived and were

and we were preparing to go upstairs, having previously checked the clocks that read

10 p.m., the two luminous objects that had moved away burst into the sky above us.

sky above us. They were glowing lentils that split again, and as they passed over us, the two luminous objects shot
out of the sky.

and four objects passed overhead with a powerful flash that shocked us all.

shocked us all.

After a few minutes we reacted and took off. We moved on for about two or three

kilometres to where there is a fence of a farm that has to be raised to get through.

then someone looked at the clock again and realised that it was 12 o'clock at night.

it was 12 o'clock at night. There was no possibility of error or confusion. In about five

minutes two hours had vanished, we had lived the experience of "lost time".

"lost time". We calculated that, from there to home, it would take us between an hour and an hour and a half

hour and an hour and a half at the most, with traffic; but when we got there we realised that we had

but when we arrived we realised that it had taken us two and a half hours, which meant that we had been able to
drive for two and a half hours without stopping.


another hour had been lost on the way.

When the companions attended the next group meeting in Lima, they recounted the extent of the experience,

they recounted the extent of the experience. Then some of those who had been

on that outing in 1993 told of something they had experienced first hand and which, because they were not
believed, they were not able to tell the story of their own experience.

They had jealously guarded it for fear of not being believed. On that occasion,

while the group was getting organised at the site, they observed the materialisation of a luminous dome there and,

and, excitedly, they approached it and came to see a human silhouette peering out of the interior.

silhouette peeking out from inside, but only its face and torso. Thinking that

an extraterrestrial Guide, they paid close attention and saw that it was me. But

but as they knew that I had not been able to attend this outing, they were strongly

impressed and agreed among themselves to keep quiet about it. They had seen me peek out in 1993 from the

had seen me in 1993 since 1997!

Subsequently, when conscious backtracking work has been done to recall possible experiences during the lost time.

possible experiences during the lost time, the group has obtained a series of images of all of them together.

group has obtained a series of images of all of them together inside the spacecraft.



The dividing line between enlightenment and madness is so subtle that it is like a razor's edge.

razor's edge.

Religion is based on faith, and faith is the assurance of the unseen. Therefore, no testable phenomenon requires

no phenomenon that can be verified demands our faith, and therefore we have to remove it from the

we have to remove it from the religious realm. We should not make a religion out of

UFOs a religion, since we cannot believe in these beings as we believe in God.

God. Accepting the possibility of extraterrestrial life in a universe densely populated with stars is like accepting the
possibility of extraterrestrial life in a universe densely populated with stars.

densely populated universe is like knowing and assuming that there are Chinese in China.

Chinese people in China.

It is, so to speak, a matter of common sense to accept that it is quite possible that we are not alone in the vast

we are not alone in the vast universe and that there are many others, even superior to our current

superior to our present conditions.

The investigation of the UFO phenomenon leads to the establishment of a reality

through the search for tangible evidence, corroboratable facts and researchable situations.

situations that can be investigated. The subject of contacts and contactees meets all these conditions, because it
provides facts and situations that are subject to investigation.

conditions, because it provides facts and situations subject to investigation, and some kind of evidence that

evidence that requires the most serious and dispassionate analysis. All

This, as we see, distances the UFO issue from religion as such, but does not separate it from spirituality.


Today, the UFO phenomenon recognises the relationship with these beings throughout the history of mankind.

throughout the history of mankind, especially in times when ignorance and backwardness, in comparison with the

backwardness, compared to the visitors, led our ancestors to believe and trust them as gods.

that they were gods and to trust them, in such a way that they received their ethical, moral and even legal codes,

moral and even legal codes (as in the case of Hammurabi, king of the Babylonians,

who collected the code of laws from the god Shamash).

But we are no longer in archaic times and, although there is still a difference of

technological development and consciousness, we can no longer worship them because they are no better than us,
we can simply

because they are no better than us, they are simply in a different moment of evolution.

different moment of evolution.

The truth is that many people, disappointed by the traditional religions, sects and esoteric groups of
cults and esoteric groups, come to the UFO phenomenon looking for answers, and some of them trying to

answers, and some seeking to escape from the responsibility of having to realise themselves as human beings in the

to fulfil themselves as human beings in the everyday. We can take an interest in the subject

and delve deeper into it, but we must keep our feet on the ground and remember that we were born into this world
for a

we were born into this world and into this reality for a reason.

and as long as we don't do anything to improve our environment, as long as we don't help the world to change, we

we can't think about leaving here. Because it is also true that, if we have not

we have not learned to live in this world and reality, we do not deserve to go anywhere else.


At the turn of the millennium, we have experienced the rise of sects and a myriad of religions, and we have also
experienced the rise of a myriad of religions, and a myriad of religions.

myriad religions, and also all sorts of movements with all sorts of gurus and teachers who, rather than teaching

and teachers who, instead of teaching people to grow on their own, as a sign of the Aquarian age, seek to teach
people to grow on their own.

of the Aquarian age, they seek the submission and dependence of the faithful followers, and thereby harm them.

thereby harming them. As any generalisation is a bad generalisation, in this reflection

We cannot include in this reflection those wise teachers of schools which initiate in the liberation of the

liberation of the individual and who teach people to develop and find their own wings to achieve mastery.

wings to achieve mastery.

The UFO phenomenon has not been alien to this millenarian and messianic outbreak. On the contrary, it has

On the contrary, it has been a breeding ground for its own sects, the common denominator of which has been the

common denominator has been a lack of criticism, objectivity and analysis, as well as a lack of common sense.

common sense, compensating with an excess of fanaticism and indoctrination; but not by manipulative aliens.

by manipulative extraterrestrials, but by terrestrial rogues my tomatoes, who appeal to the cowardly

who appeal to the cowardly comfort of those who face problems by running away.

We have in this sense groups advocating evacuation, where everything points, yes or no, to the

or yes, everything points to the escape in space ships of the chosen ones, of the chosen ones by


the Elder Brothers and with this mentality everything revolves around leaving and not committing, or only

or to compromise only to save themselves selfishly. Poor aliens to whom the

aliens we blame our miseries on!

In previous chapters we mentioned that there was a secret project (the MK-UItra)

of the governments of the great powers to manipulate people mentally,

using suggestion and hypnosis from a distance; and it said that this project had been successfully used in the

successfully used in assassinations of important people and mass suicides of fanatical groups.

mass suicide of fanatical groups. One of the closest and best-known cases was that of the

Heavens Gate group, when a collective of individuals led by Marshall "Bo" Apple white

by Marshall "Bo" Apple white committed suicide in California in 1997, in the belief that the tail of the

that a mother ship was coming at the tail end of the Hale-Bopp comet to take the chosen ones away, and so
everyone should

the chosen ones, and so everyone had to hurriedly shed their bodies.

corporeal bodies.

Obviously it was crazy, but it is important to analyse certain aspects, such as the comet.

for example, the comet. Certainly the comet was coming closer to the

Earth, but a suspiciously doctored photo appeared on the internet, taken in 1995 by the

1995 by the University of Hawaii observatory and manipulated by who knows,

that showed things it didn't originally contain. But it was enough for

act as a trigger and hasten the fatal outcome. The person who

probably knew the effect this was going to have and did it on purpose, as a new experiment.

on purpose, as a new psychic weapon experiment known as psychotronics.


The truth is that Bo Applewhite never wanted his followers to verify anything he told them.

what he told them. Indeed, he always tried to prevent them from thinking for themselves.

He promised them a world of peace and happiness outside this earth, when, on the contrary, we must all work and
even fight.

Instead, we must all work and even fight to make this world the place of peace, justice and love that we all want it to

of peace, justice and love that we all desire. We must not shy away from challenges and be


The aliens, it is clear, do not lend themselves to our follies, nor do they encourage them.


They do not come to incite escapism and evasion of reality, as if we were rats abandoning ship.

rats abandoning ship. On the contrary, they want us to behave like the responsible sailor or captain.

like the responsible sailor or the captain who, until the last minute, does everything possible to keep the

impossible for the ship not to sink.

And please, let us not lose our critical spirit. Let us be brave and honest.

Let us seek the truth above all else, assuming our own responsibilities and without expecting anyone else to solve
our problems.

responsibilities and without expecting anyone to solve our problems or to promise us what is rightfully ours.
promise us what is ours to do.


The sons of God [the angels] were joined to the daughters of men and begot sons to them, who are

and begot them sons, who are the heroes, renowned men of old.

(Genesis 6, 4)

I thought to myself then that the conception had been the work of the

Watchers of Worlds and Guardians [of Planets],

(Apocrypha of the Genesis of Qumran)

What is an abduction?

It is the abduction of a person by extraterrestrial beings. No

not an invitation, nor a normal encounter of the third, fourth or fifth type, but an abduction by force and against

an abduction by force and against the will of the individual, either for the purpose of experimentation, research or

experimentation, research or procreation. The victim is usually taken

physically taken inside the spacecraft, although, according to eyewitness accounts through

through hypnotic regression, many of the traumatic experiences of this type occur in the

experiences of this type occur in the dream, in the astral body.

Mythology recounts many cases of abductions and abductions that are said to have occurred in the past.

such as that of the young Ganymede, the son of a Trojan king, who is abducted from the

king, who is abducted by the god Zeus or Jupiter and taken to Olympus as a water carrier.

water carrier; he would later become the symbol of Aquarius.



Why does this happen?

If we start from the fact that extraterrestrials exist and have been visiting us for various reasons since time
immemorial, and that they have been visiting us since time immemorial.

different reasons since time immemorial and from different origins, it would not be strange if there were

strange that there are some who behave like unscrupulous experimenters who follow technical

experimenters who follow sampling techniques with animals and human beings.

human beings.

So, are there good and bad extraterrestrials?

There are all kinds in the universe, just as there are on Earth. But let's not be too quick to

judge, because the perspective might be different if we were to understand all the reasons.

reasons. Although it cannot be ruled out that there is some kind of evil in the way a few extraterrestrial beings act.

a few extraterrestrial beings, let's think that some of them could be analysing us in order to
analysing us in order to help us later or as we go along.

As in the case of a group of doctors sent by the government to a school where young children are vaccinated

where young children are vaccinated and forced to parade in front of the X-ray screen.

the X-ray screen. The adults do not consult or explain to the children the purpose of such an action.

of such an action, they simply take it for granted that it is in their best interest. The

extraterrestrials' case with us could be equivalent.

What was the first recorded abduction in modern times?

We mentioned earlier the disappearance of 267 men of the British Norfolk Regiment in Gallipoli Bay.

Norfolk regiment in Gallipoli Bay during World War I in 1915, which proves that an alien abduction

1915, which shows that an abduction can be collective. Something similar happened in

1945 with the ten pilots and co-pilots of flight 19 over Bermuda.

In 1954, in Iran, a man named Ghasim Faili claimed to have escaped from a being

with a deformed head (perhaps wearing a diving suit) who wanted to take him by force into the

into a space craft.

What other important abduction experiences have been recorded?

There are many, such as the one that occurred in December 1954 to an Italian farmer from the

region of Campania, who was found two days after he disappeared. The

claimed to have been abducted by humanoid beings who later returned him.

returned him.

On the subject of abductions, "bedroom visitors" are continually cited.

visitors". Who are they?

They are those entities who take the opportunity to visit us astrally in our homes during sleep.

They can be extraterrestrials, angelic beings, disembodied people or astral lowlifes.

disincarnated people or astral lowers who want to share with us some knowledge, analyse us, or who want to

They may be extraterrestrials, angelic beings, disembodied people or low astral beings who want to share some
knowledge, analyse us or who for some reason need us. It is possible that many of the beings

that many of the beings we observe during our sleep in our bedroom may be other than low astral beings.

Astral beings, succubi and incubi, i.e. people who are trapped in another dimension and who are clinging to us.

trapped in another dimension and crying out for help or trying to use us in their desperation.


Has there been any sexual contact in some abductions?

As some of these civilisations are similar to us or assume that appearance, there have been some very

appearance, there have been very serious and well-researched cases of sexual contact. The

December 17, 1957, a 22 year old Brazilian farmer, Antonio Villas Boas, in the town of
Villas Boas, in the town of Ponta Pora, bordering Paraguay, was forcibly taken away by beings that looked like

by force by beings of humanoid appearance, not very tall, wearing dark suits and a kind of

dark suits and wearing a kind of scuba diving suit into a ship while he was driving his tractor and ploughing the fields.

driving his tractor and ploughing the field at night.

Inside the apparatus he was stripped naked in a room, smeared with some sort of

grease or Vaseline and forced him to have sexual intercourse with a strange, thin woman who came in naked.

woman who came naked into the room where he was. She had her hands

slightly webbed and emitted a kind of hoarse grunting sound. After the act was over,

she left the place and the other beings came in, washed him, dressed him, put him back on the tractor and left him in

and left him back on the tractor and drove off.

In which case is the scientific research nature of abductions best evidenced?


In the famous September 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, an American couple on their way to New York.

American couple who were on their way to New Hampshire in their car. Both were

abducted and taken inside a spacecraft, where beings from


They were both abducted and taken into a spaceship, where large-headed beings performed all sorts of medical
examinations. The couple later

remembered nothing, and only through hypnosis performed by psychiatrist

Benjamin Simon brought the images of this experience to consciousness.

Has there ever been a case in which the abductee was not brought back?

Precisely in 1962, Rivalino Mafra was abducted in the area of Duas Pontas,

near the city of Diamantina (Brazil). He was a gold prospector and, together with his son, he had

son, had observed the appearance in the sky of two luminous UFOs, which merged to form a single object.

together to form a single object; it approached their position and engulfed, through a

It approached them and engulfed, through a beam of light, the father before the helpless eyes of his son.

Rivalino was never found again.

It is said that in most cases of kidnapping, people do not consciously remember what they experienced.

Is there a documented case in which they do remember in detail what they have experienced?

remembered in detail

everything that happened?

In October 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, both workers in Pascagoula (Pascagoula, USA), were abducted.

Pascagoula (USA), were also abducted by a UFO,

but on their return they consciously recalled the experience. Subsequently

were later investigated by leading scientists, such as Alien Hynek, and it was concluded that their case was real.

conclusion that their case was real.

What famous abduction cases have recently been brought to the silver screen?


The 1975 case of American lumberjack Travis Walton was brought to the screen in the film Fire in the Sky.

screen in the film Fire in the Sky. He was taken to the interior of a

a ship via a transporter light beam. But, unlike the ex-

But unlike the previously reported experiences, these beings were not looking for him, but he came out to meet the
ship in a clearing in the sky.

the ship in a clearing in the forest despite his friends' insistence that he return.

insisted that he return. The whole group had just returned from cutting wood and saw the

wood and saw the forest lit up as if it was on fire. When they arrived

the diamond-shaped spacecraft. The experience of

being lifted up in a beam of light towards the apparatus was so intense and traumatic that it


Walton was so intense and traumatic that it took him a long time to consciously remember what he had

But, according to Walton himself, the film does not reflect reality, and he himself was surprised that the producer
and director of the film were

Walton himself was surprised that the producer and director turned his experience into an exaggerated and
terrifying scare story.

exaggerated and terrifying scare story.

Another case that has been made into a film is one that reportedly occurred in 1985 in the state of New York.

York: Whidey Strieber, a Hollywood screenwriter of science fiction and horror films, claimed to have been abducted
and kidnapped by a

Hollywood, claimed to have been abducted and subjected to repeated experiments by

by grey, big-headed, big-eyed beings. He did not remember

He remembered nothing, so it was necessary for a friend of his to perform hypnotic regressions to bring him back to

hypnotic regressions to bring his memories to the surface. This experience inspired the book and film

film Communion.

What is the best-known abduction experience and how did it happen?

As mentioned earlier, it is the experience of Betty and Barney's interracial marriage.

interracial marriage of Betty and Barney Hill, aged 41 and 39 respectively. She was a

social worker and he was a postal worker. In the early morning hours of 19-20 September 1961

September 20, 1961, they were near Groventon, on their way to New Hampshire, in their Chevrolet Air Belmont car.
Hampshire, in their '57 Chevrolet Bel Air car, and saw a dot in the sky. They went to

stopped on the road several times with the intention of observing with the aid of binoculars.

binoculars. When they arrived home there was a noticeable loss of time of several hours.

several hours. Due to the increase of nightmares about small and big-headed beings, the couple revealed through

the couple revealed through hypnotic regressions, carried out by a serious professional (the psychiatrist

serious professional (the psychiatrist Benjamin Simon), to have been subjected to all sorts of needle

needle analysis, similar to modern acupuncture procedures.

At a certain point, these beings showed them a star formation on a screen, which would

formation of stars, which would correspond to the Big Dipper, as if declaring that this is where they came from.

that this is where they came from.

What material evidence do abduction and abduction cases leave behind?

There have been cases where unbiased witnesses have seen on the same day, at the same time and in the same
place the same

same time and in the same place the presence of UFOs when the abductees


experience. But are the signs on the ground, on the roof of a car or the tampering marks on a car or the

the most noticeable are the marks of manipulation on the victims' bodies, which sometimes include implants.

include implants, the most noticeable and obvious.

Have there been cases of abduction in the Holy Scriptures?

Arguably, in the stories of Enoch and Elijah, there would be a mention of

abductions, although the conscious state and the prior acceptance of the individuals to the experience

the experience rule out the idea of abduction.

What is real and what is fake about abductions?

The UFO phenomenon is complex in that it involves other realities, and attempting to

to understand the psychology of extraterrestrials when we have not yet mastered our own is even more

our own is even more problematic. But on the subject of abductions, one can understand, but not justify, the

but not justify experimentation or research through human beings, even if right here on Earth.

human beings, even though there are terrible antecedents of manipulation and study at the expense of human
beings right here on Earth and in history.

dents of manipulation and study at the expense of the lives of others.

The reality is that we are not alone and different civilisations have been coming to our world since time immemorial.

world since time immemorial. Therefore, a few cases of abductions would be real.

abductions would be real. What would be false would be the number of cases that are claimed to exist.

exist. Most of them would be the product of psychosis conveniently created in the public, through the dissemination
of distorted and exaggerated stories or not.
public, through the dissemination of distorted and exaggerated or unsubstantiated stories.


Over time, the hypnotic regressions conducted by the

hypnotic regressions carried out by certain researchers of dubious objectivity or with a markedly

or markedly linked to an extreme position on the subject.

What are implants?

Implants are small objects placed in the bodies of abductees in order to perform some kind of manipulation on

to perform some kind of manipulation or tracking on them by returning them to their environment.


Can implants be detected by our medical devices?

With MRI and scanning equipment, they could be detected by our medical equipment.



detected, such as small crystals or chips placed in the body by extraterrestrials.

body by extraterrestrials; but others, being of an organic nature and well concealed, are difficult to detect.

covert in nature, they could hardly be detected.

What or who is the chupacabra?

It is supposedly an animal pressured out of its forest habitat by human population growth.

because of human population growth; or a mutant animal from the earth's genetics laboratories

from terrestrial genetics laboratories, which has escaped or has been released and is attacking

released and attacks livestock, leaving strange markings.

Another explanation would be a monstrous hybrid of extraterrestrial manipulation; or an extraterrestrial alien

manipulations; or an alien deported or shipwrecked on the planet. But

one of the most convincing theories is that the chupacabra is a conve- niently staged hoax, that it is not a

The most convincing theory is that the chupacabra is a cleverly staged hoax, that it does not exist as such and that it
is part of the governments' policy of

and that it is part of the governments' policy of scaring people away from "hotspots" for UFO observation.

hotspots for UFO observation. That is why the first cases arose in Puerto Rico and especially in

Puerto Rico and especially in the area near El Yunque, where secret military experiments were being conducted.

secret military experiments were being carried out there.

Cases of cattle mutilations have been spreading and increasing around the world, but it is also necessary to take into

the world, but it must also be taken into account that in those places where UFO activity increases

UFO activity increases, and after a short time, mutilated livestock appear with incredible

incredible perforations or extractions of organs and blood. Curiously, days before

days before, locals have observed the presence of strange black helicopters which, according to descriptions

which, according to the descriptions, would belong to some of the great powers interested in keeping the subject

interested in keeping the issue hidden and confusing.


Abduction: Abduction or abduction of a person by alien beings in order to subject them to all kinds of

subject them to all kinds of tests or experiments. Many animals and humans have been known to be

human beings are known to be taken against their will for such techniques as sampling, analysis or studies.

sampling, analysis or studies.

Wormhole: This is a term coined from quantum physics and carried over to astrophysics.

to astrophysics, used to refer to a sort of cosmic folds or shortcuts that would exist in

cosmic shortcuts that would exist in the microcosm and macrocosm to shorten distances in time and space.

distances in time and space.

Aura: Magnetic field that envelops the body of living beings and which was corroborated by the

Soviet engineer Semyon Kirlian in 1935 through the development of the Kirlian camera.

development of the Kirlian camera.

Sighting: The observation of a UFO. In the case of a

psychography involved, the capture of the object would be the confirmation that a prearranged contact has taken

contact has taken place.

Channel: A person acting as a receiver of a message from extraterrestrial or other plane entities.

extraterrestrial entities or from another plane or dimension.

Channeling: The action of receiving a message either through automatic writing or psychography, vasography

or psychography, vasography, psychophony, quija, etcetera.

Canepla ("cat's eye" or foo-fighter): This is the name given to the spherical object that is released by

The spherical object is released from a remotely controlled television camera;

can range in size from thirty centimetres to one and a half metres in diameter, and

usually metallic, white, orange or deep red in colour.

Chupacabras: A term coined in Puerto Rico by radio reporters for an animal-like creature that, according to

animal-like creature that, according to witnesses, began to appear in the vicinity of farms and ranches and

around farms and ranches and was linked to the mutilation of cattle and chickens.

and chickens. The appearance of cattle mutilations all over the world and in places where the animal was found.


The appearance of cattle mutilations around the world and in places where UFO sightings were frequent led to the
belief that extraterrestrials were involved.

involved; but, based on very serious research confirming the presence of black helicopters (very serious
the presence of black helicopters (very terrestrial), it has been possible to tie up loose ends.

There is little reality behind this phenomenon, but rather an intention on the part of the governments of the big

of the governments of the major powers to generate a psychosis to intimidate the public.

to intimidate the public.

Contactee: Anyone who can have a real and verifiable experience of contact or connection with higher entities,
whether it is a

contact or connection with higher entities, be they extraterrestrials, ascended masters, ascended masters

ascended masters,

Caesium crystals: Part of one of the most intense initiations in the contact experience.

contact experience. It consists of the reception of two crystalline structures,

which arrive in a plasma state, projected from a vessel close to the palms of the person's hands.

the palms of the recipient's hands. The crystals are visible to both the

and to others present at the site, and end up integrated into the chest when we cross our hands and arms over our

chest by crossing our hands and arms over the body. Their purpose is related to

to the need to stimulate sensitivity and the capture of new and powerful energies in the person, in order to

energies in the person, in order to enhance their paranormal faculties.

Christification: The process of becoming aware and remembering the personal and collective mission of every
human being.

The process of becoming aware and remembering the personal and collective mission of each human being to learn
and teach how to love.

Fourth dimension: The dimension or vibratory state that corresponds to the realm of the psychic faculties.

psychic faculties and extrasensory perception, where time and space can be transcended.

space can be transcended.

Close Encounters: A term coined by Dr. Alien Hynek to define the different types of

different types of contact that witnesses to an extraterrestrial contact might have.

extraterrestrial contact.

Satanic Forces: This name relates to a group of extraterrestrials who once acted as Guardians of the

acted as Guardians and Watchers of planet Earth, and who were later deported to our world.

were later deported to our world. They came from Orion and were

led by a so-called reptiloid-like being called Satanel.


They lost their privileged status and were confined on Earth thousands of years ago for having tried to

They lost their privileged status and were confined to Earth thousands of years ago for trying to boycott the Cosmic
Plan, and are now trapped in the fourth dimension.

They are now trapped in the fourth dimension. They act as an invisible force that
manipulative and shadowy rule through the weak-willed and weak-willed people, whom they

character and will, whom they control by linking them to material power.

Grey: The name given in modern times to extraterrestrial entities that come from a planet in the

who come from a planet in the star Zeta Reticuli, in the Big Dipper. Their

appearance is that of small beings (one metre twenty tall), anthropomorphic, with a bulky head, bulky arms, and a

with bulky heads, long arms and only four fingers on each hand. This type of

aliens are associated with abductions, although there are many races that fall under the

fall under the heading of "greys" and not all of them come with bad intentions.


Guardians and Watchers: They are that category of beings sent by the

Confederation of Worlds of our galaxy to the Earth, to watch over our planet from the

planet of the possible visit and intervention of malicious civilizations that could hinder our evolutionary process.

could hinder our evolutionary process.

Guide: This is the term used in contacteeism to refer to each of the major extraterrestrial beings.

extraterrestrial beings of a higher evolutionary level who participate in the work of directing and orienting the
contactees and

guidance and orientation of contactees and contact groups.

White Brotherhood: The inner positive planetary government. It was originally

originally consisted of thirty-two extraterrestrial beings from thirty-two different civilisations who were sent to the

civilisations, who were sent to Earth and descended in the Gobi desert (Mongolia) to act in a

(Mongolia) to act as guardians of planetary knowledge.

After founding Shamballá, the capital of the Intraterrestrial world of Agárthá, they

They were responsible for preparing people of different philosophies, religions and peoples, many of them remnants
of civilisations,

many of them remnants of vanished civilisations such as Lemuria, Atlantis, the Maya, the

Atlantis, the Mayas, the Incas..., to replace them and to take on the responsibility of being the

responsibility of being the depositaries of a knowledge that must be made available to human beings when they
show signs of

available to human beings when they show signs of maturity.


Illuminati: A secret world government in the service of satanic forces that manipulates mankind and leads it to

manipulates humanity and leads it towards self-destruction. It is a shadow government, i.e.

that is, it stands behind the great rulers, pulling the invisible strings that keep the chaos going.

invisible strings that maintain the planetary chaos. Its antecedents can be found

in Bavaria in the 18th century.

Implant: A small object that is inserted into the body of the abductee to be monitored.

abductee's body to be monitored or supervised from a distance by the aliens. At

In some cases, as this implant is of biological origin, it is difficult to trace.

Cosmic Gardeners: This is the name for a certain hierarchical level of beings from our galaxy who act on behalf of

our galaxy, who act on behalf of the Twenty-Four Elders as planetary

seeders of life on the planets of experimentation.

Blue Book: This was the name of the U.S. Air Force's project for the investigation of the UFO phenomenon in our

for the investigation of the UFO phenomenon for the press and the general public.

It was really just a smokescreen to give the impression that they really wanted to seriously investigate the
innumerable UFO phenomena.

serious about investigating the countless cases. It was closed scan-

Condon Commission.

Majestic-12: The name of the top-secret commission set up in President Truman's time.

Truman's time, composed of six scientists and six high-ranking military officers, to study the Roswell case and all the

study the Roswell case and all matters relating to UFOs, in order to exploit their technology for the benefit of their
armed forces.

technology for the benefit of their armed forces. This commission would go to great lengths

to hide the information from the public.

Matrix: This is the name of an apocryphal report that began to circulate in the mid-1980s in an attempt to

1980s with the aim of intoxicating UFO research.

It brings together many half-truths and lies about the descents of spacecraft,

accidents, secret pacts with governments..., making assertions so far-fetched that they are

implausible to the point of ridiculousness.

Rama Mission: It is the experience of contact that brings as a message the need for

human beings to discover the importance of communicating with themselves, with others, with life and with the

with others, with life and with the universe. Rama is the contact to establish a


bridge of communication with more advanced civilisations from which we can learn a lot.

learn a lot from. It brings a teaching and a philosophy of life that reminds us that we are creators of hope and future.

that we are creators of hope and of the future, that every human being must be a sun on Earth.

sun on Earth. The mission officially began in 1974 as a result of a psychographic message, which was

message, which was corroborated a few days later by a sighting of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

extraterrestrial spacecraft. From its inception, it was a collective experience, bringing together open minds.

open minds. It has been verified up to seven times by the international press who have attended scheduled
international press who have attended scheduled meetings.

Morlen: A term used by extraterrestrials to refer to Jupiter's largest moon, known to us as the

Jupiter, known to us as Ganymede.

Mothership: The large or mother ship that usually brings with it smaller or exploratory ships.

or exploratory spacecraft. This type of object is usually in the shape of a

torpedo, blimp, cigar, tube, multi-storey birthday cake, a rectangular, triangular, or oval profile, and a

rectangular, triangular or oval profile. They can range in size from hundreds of metres to

metres to kilometres in length.

Cosmic name: This is the personal vibratory key of each individual. It functions as

a key to access one's inner archive. This name is the same throughout all incarnations and

throughout all incarnations and can be received through dreams, in meditation or as a revelation from

meditation or as a revelation from the masters through channeling.


Indigo child: A term coined in metaphysics to define some of the children who were born in this age whose

born at this time and whose souls correspond to reincarnated beings from other worlds.

from other worlds. Their fundamental characteristic would be their superior intelligence, their

their precociousness, their inherent and genuine spirituality, as well as their impressive

maturity, which makes one think that one is in front of an old spirit in a young body.

young body.

Orbs: These are those almost translucent spheres that usually appear in photographs taken with a digital camera,
although they are also

taken with a digital camera, although they also appear in some analogue film photos.

film photos.


These spheres, captured by our increasingly sensitive and sophisticated technology, can be

can range from manifestations of thought, reflections in the humidity of the environment, flash bounces off the

reflections in the humidity of the environment, flash bounces off dust or particles, to real entities,

some of them even reproduce human faces. In 1952 the great

Argentinean psychic Benjamin Solari Parravicini prophesied about these spheres.

UFO: Acronym for "unidentified flying object".

Paititi: The legendary lost city of the Incas in the jungle of Madre de Dios (Peru).

(Peru). Its secret name was Quañachoai and it is linked to the legend of the return of Inkarri (Inca King Inca).

of Inkarri (Inca King), who became an otorongo (jaguar) when he entered the jungle.

Inside this city there is a temple that holds a large solar disc of a translucent and alchemical gold.
translucent and alchemical gold, which would function as a connection to dimensional doors in different

dimensional doors in different parts of the planet, related to archives of planetary history.

planetary history. This place would be functioning at present as a retreat of the White Brotherhood.

of the White Brotherhood, so not just anyone can enter there. Very

near these ruins, at the headwaters of the Sinkibenia river, there is also a very important extraterrestrial base.

a very important extraterrestrial base, called the Blue Base,

Planetary birth: The culminating moment in the process of the "synchronisation of the times"; the Mayans
prophesied the

the Mayans prophesied that it would occur between the 22nd and 23rd of December 2012, according to our

year 2012, according to our calendar. The definitive moment in which the two times, the real and the

and the alternative one, would end up merging into one.

Cosmic Pythian: An ultraterrestrial and extraterrestrial project that considered the necessity

to experiment on eight planets of UR category, in order to create the conditions for a civilisation to emerge

conditions for the emergence of a civilisation with a psychic and spiritual potential, capable of

to transform itself in a short time into a master of its own masters. The idea was to

to regain the right perspective and orientation towards genuine spirituality through feeling and emotion.

through feeling and emotion.

Flying saucer: Popular term used by the press with which UFOs became known after the first UFO case.

UFOs became known after the first officially reported case at the beginning of the modern UFO era (the

modern UFO era (the Kenneth Arnold case in 1947).


Psychography: The technique of automatic writing or simultaneous transcription of a telepathic message.

telepathic message. For the reception of the message to be valid, it must meet a number of requirements, among
them that

requirements, among them that it be done consciously, within a group, during a supportive meditation.

group, during a supportive meditation and with prior preparation.

Fifth dimension: This would be the state of consciousness corresponding to our soul (symbolised by an abbot).

soul (symbolised by an abbey or cathedral) and the memories of our previous lives.

previous lives.

Rahma: This is the deep vibration that reminds all of us that we were called to share the experience of the contact
that we were

called to share the experience of contact that every human being must be "a sun on Earth", "a sun on Earth", "a sun
on Earth", "a sun on Earth".

"a sun on Earth", which means to radiate by one's own example to help humanity to find hope.

humanity to find hope.

Real time: This concept indicates that there would be more than one time in the material universe, ours being an
alternative one.

universe, ours being an alternative one artificially created to develop a Cosmic Plan.

a Cosmic Plan. Twelve hundred million years ago, our planet suffered a meteoric disaster that extinguished our

meteoric disaster that extinguished life on it, which would have allowed extraterrestrial ci-

extraterrestrial civilisations to travel through dimensional portals to our past, and prevent the world from

past and prevent the world from dying, creating an alternate time and giving it a second chance.

giving it a second chance.

Inner Retreats: Refers to each of the secret places in the world where the Great White Brotherhood has deposited

Great White Brotherhood has deposited archives of occult knowledge that must be released and given to the

The inner retreats are the secret places in the world where the Great White Brotherhood has deposited archives of
occult knowledge that must be released and given to humanity at this time.

Rots: These are cylindrical objects of extraterrestrial origin of various sizes, often seen alone or accompanied in the

are usually seen in the sky alone or accompanied and sometimes carry with them the

Caneplas: They would be a kind of dispensers or dispensers of remote-controlled television cameras.

remote-controlled television cameras.

Magnetic Synchroniser: This is a spherical, intelligent object, similar to the caneplas, but smaller,

but smaller, measuring about the size of a fist or a ping-pong ball, although there is also talk of some magnetic

pong ball, although there is also talk of some as small as a laser pointer. It is

often seen as a green, yellow, red or blue light, and can be as small as a fist or a ping-pong ball, although some are
also said to be as small as a laser pointer.


through a wall to enter a room. These kinds of mini-spheres

activate a person's psychic potentials, as they sometimes come into such direct contact with the person that they are

contact with them so directly that they enter their body.

Alternate time: This is the paradoxical time that was created when a group of extraterrestrial civilisations received

extraterrestrial civilisations received authorisation from cosmic hierarchies to travel through time and space.

time and space and arrive on Earth before it suffered a terrible disaster that killed all life.

a terrible, life-ending disaster 1.2 billion years ago. At

When they arrived on our world, they had created a parallel time to the real time of the universe, which has been

universe that has been intertwined with it. This would be what is mentioned in the

Nahuatl (Aztec) legend of the two-headed serpent: at the end of time, one head must devour the other.
one head must devour the other, that is, both times would synchronise into one.

into one.

Ultraterrestrial: These are the beings that inhabit the mental universe beyond the seventh dimension.

seventh dimension. To this category belong the true angels,

archangels, thrones, principalities, cherubim, powers and dominations.

Precisely one group of these ultra-terrestrial beings are the so-called "hellel" or "shining ones", also called "shining
ones" or "shining ones".

"shining ones", also known as "Sons of God". They were the

parents who created the material universe on behalf of the spiritual universe.

universe. To this category belong entities such as Michael and Lucifer.

UR: Category of certain planets that exist in single-star solar systems.

UR: Category of certain planets existing in single-star solar systems. They are unstable worlds with a blue aura,
predestined for higher spiritual development, provided they arrive at a higher spiritual development.

spiritual development, provided they survive their own instability.

These planets tend to be highly biodiverse and quickly reach early adolescence, but it is difficult for them to

adolescence, but hardly reach responsible youth. They attract

easily attract the impact of meteors and comets, which can either seed life on them or wipe it out.

or wipe it out. As such worlds often go into convulsion and are destroyed.

and destroy themselves, they become the subject of special experimentation as natural laboratories.

as natural laboratories.

See: Acronym for "directed extraterrestrial vehicle".


Twenty-four Elders: Those beings who constitute the government of our galaxy.

galaxy. They are entities of the sixth dimension without physical embodiment, and group together the most evolved
planets of the

planets of the Milky Way, with the ability to help each other and others who are in the process of evolution.

others who are in the process of evolution.

Bedroom Visitor: In close encounters of the second type, the witnessing person often witnesses the

witness usually witnesses the appearance of a luminous or dark humanoid form in his or her bedroom.

luminous or dark humanoid form. This holographic figure may or may not be of extraterrestrial origin.

extraterrestrial or not. There are cases in which the presence is more likely to be that of

disembodied people, from family members to astral lowers, i.e. people trapped in another dimension or in need of

trapped in another dimension or who need to communicate with us. In the case

whether the image is light or dark, the internal sensation we have is very important to determine the real nature of
the images.

important in determining the real nature of the intentions of the presence.

Xendra: A dimensional threshold or portal created artificially by a combination of technology and extraterrestrial
psychic power.

technology and extraterrestrial psychic power, which allows those summoned to experience the

experience teleportation, which can be physical, mental or astral,

to another planet, to a base or inside a ship. It is usually in the shape of a glowing golden crescent

golden glowing crescent moon or a gaseous dome. Depending on the degree of intensity, three types of X

Depending on the degree of intensity, three types of Xendra are recognised, with the third type, called "Gimbra",
being the

"Gimbra" is the subtlest, producing conscious experiences of bilocation,

astral splitting or mental projection.

Zin-Uru: Mantra or key word or key which is capable of opening doors between dimensions and which was taught by

dimensions and was taught by Hermes Trismegistus or Thoth the Atlantean.


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