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Launch your Organic Marketing

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This document is made EXCLUSIVELY for Kavita’s paying clients.

As stated in the contract you signed when you joined our program, you are not allowed
to share this or any other content we give you with anyone except your partner or staff.

We take the unauthorized sharing and distribution of our intellectual property very
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What You Need

● Gone through the overview & understand the process

Things covered:

● Optimizing your Organic Funnel

● Launching your FB group
Pitfalls To Avoid
● Overthinking it - Just model what we do
● Overcomplicating it - Simple scales & feels better
● NOT doing it consistently

Optimizing your Organic Funnel

What you need: A Facebook account

Check settings of your profile:

● It has to be public (Settings → Privacy)

Creating Your Cover Banner

● Canva Template for cover: Here

Important Note while creating your FB Profile Banner:

● The 3 pointers in the cover should be around the biggest pain points
of your target market.
● Your caption for the banner should always be optimized.
EX: Click on the link below to join 👇

I've been preparing to mentor a much bigger audience this year and have A LOT of
knowledge to share around starting & scaling a Coaching Business from Scratch.⁣


PS: If you want to work with me, Shoot me a DM & I'll hook you up

Pro Tip: Use urlgeni to create a custom link for your group so that mobile
users can directly open that link in the app.

Optimizing your Name

About → Details about you → Add a nickname

Optimizing your Intro Section

Profile Username

● Settings & Privacy → Settings → General profile settings

Profile Cleanup
● Remove any recently shared posts
● Remove any irrelevant posts
● Tag relevant photos to appear in ‘featured’

Do’s & Don’ts for Posting on Profile

✅ Follow the Organic Calendar

✅ Think before you post

✅ Post as much value as possible

✅ Take extra care with spelling and grammar
❌ Share posts to your profile

❌ Post images with no caption

❌ Post the same post in multiple groups

Profile Optimisation Checklist

Cover Banner
Cover Banner Caption
URLgeni Link
Name section
Intro section
Profile Cleanup

Launching your FB Group

What You Need

- Offer completed

What’s Covered

- Creating your Facebook group name

- Creating your cover banner
- Group Settings & Description
- Create Welcome Post, Said Yes & Membership Questions
- Criteria For Member Requests
- Turning group requests into booked calls
- Setting up workflows inside your FB group

Pitfalls To Avoid

- Not following the frameworks

Creating your FB Group Name

● Keyword research
● See Facebook search results of competitors & optimize it accordingly
● The template for a group name is - "(Niche)(Getting Desire)
Community - (Topic), (Topic), (Topic)

Example: Women Over 40 Getting Fit - Diet Tips, Exercise, Mindset


Example: Coaches Wanting To Scale To $10K -HT Offers, Organic Leads,

HT Sales Closing

Creating your cover banner

● Create new fb group banner (Canva) - Template
● Keep brand consistency with your profile

Group Settings
- Customize your group (View this in your FB Group Settings)
Change Group to Private
Add Location
Add Tags
Change Web Address to new FB Group Name
- Manage Membership (View this in your FB Group Settings
Who Can Join The Group > Only Profiles
Who Can Approve Member Requests > Only admins and
Who Is Preapproved to Join > Nobody
- Manage Discussion (View this in your FB Group Settings)
Who Can Post > Anyone in the group
Approve All Member Posts > On

Create Welcome Post, Said Yes, Membership Questions & Description

● Templates - Link
● Example Posts - Welcome Post, Said Yes

Criteria For Member Requests

● Accept if they answer yes to all of the below questions
● Decline if they answer no to all of the below questions
- Have they answered all the questions?
- Are they your desired niche?
- Does their profile look legit?
- Have they been on Facebook longer than a year?

● Investigate further if you answer yes to all but they haven’t filled in the
questions by accepting them and sending this message

‘Hey [name]! Just approved you into my [group name] Facebook group
great to have you in! Curious, is there anything specific you are looking
to learn?
Setting up workflows inside your group
● Turned group requests into booked calls DM script
● Using 2 steps to generate leads/group requests
- Create training inside group → create 2-step on profile → send
DM to join group
- Create 2-step inside group → tag inside training post → follow
up with DM to book call

Group optimization Checklist

Group description
Group settings
Welcome Post
Said Yes Post
Membership Questions

● Complete all the steps and send your profile & group link to review in
your private chat.
● After you complete all the steps make sure you post your win in the
messenger group.
- Hey Kavita! I just launched my organic marketing & now I am
ready to go all IN! Let’s do it! 🚀

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