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Topic: ​Descriptive Writing

Teacher: ​Ms. Rukhsar Shaikh/ Ms. Sheeba Sultan

Grade/s: ​8 to 10

Time: ​10 minutes per student

Online Platform/s Used: ​Google Docs

Resources: ​None


● Create a Google Document with a question on it. For example: One

technique/skill learned in Descriptive writing.
● Share this document with the children over mail.
● Ask the students to write their names and then answer the question.

Aims/Objectives: ​Students get all the techniques of that particular topic for revision at
one glance with suitable examples.

To cover as many revision topics as possible.

Since, it is an open forum, students need to be quick to put in their comments.

Get the students to familiarise with online learning methodologies and give them a
practical experience of the same.

Teachers can use this as a teaching document.

The document below is one such activity done with our students of Grade 8.

Write down one technique/ one tip/skill you have learnt

for ​Descriptive writing.
Instruction: Write down your complete name before you write the
tip. For e.g.

​1.​ ​Rukhsar Shaikh- ​Use of sense of taste

E.g. The faint taste of salt on the breeze, reminded me of my childhood

Students continue from here:

2. Siddh Sakariya -​Do not move around much as it will make it a story​.
Avoid movement.

3.​ ​Arya​n Desai -​ Use of figurative language​ such as: Simile, Metaphor,
Hyperbole, etc
E.g. Our soldiers are as brave as lions.

4.​ ​Hritika Bhalekar -​Show, don’t tell

E.g.Telling:​The temperature fell and the ice reflected the sun.

Showing:​ Bill’s nose burned in the frigid air, and he squinted against the sun
rays reflecting off the street.

5.Delisha Sinha— use ​emotive adjectives​ for personification and better

imagery. E.g.: The vengeful waves hit the boat with great wrath.

6. Aryan Sheth- ​Use of the sense of smell.

E.g. The aroma of the freshly cooked meal entered my nostrils and
mesmerised me.

7. Herin Sanghvi-​ Use of powerful and effective verbs.

E.g. As I navigated my way through the corridors of the lonely mansion, I
realised that I wasn’t all alone there.

8. Sheryl Simpson - ​Use of Metaphor​.

E.g.-The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow
sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool.

9. Aarya Joshi- ​Use of simile-

E.g.- A water snake slipped along on the pool, its head held up like a little
periscope.Her tears trickled down from behind the glasses and trembled
along her jaw like raindrops on the edge of the roof.

10. Swarna Joshi - ​Use of Hyperbole-

E.g.- There was gravity in his manner and a quiet so profound that all talk
stopped when he spoke.

11. Deep Bhalekar - Use of imagery-

E.g.- Dropping like a dark star out of the sky that he had made with dark
blood spilling from his skull like a secret​.

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