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(Female’s POV)

My recollection of the past could be more precise. Still, as far as I can remember, I believe I was only
four years old when my mother divorced my biological father and subsequently remarried, ultimately
securing my custody. There was something about my stepdad’s family that I never liked, and while
growing up, I started to avoid them more and more. Although I do not wish to insinuate that my
stepfather or his entire family was deplorable, a few individuals within that group made me feel highly
uncomfortable, prompting me to distance myself from them as much as possible.

I was eleven years old when my step-uncle, whom we'll call Jeff, suddenly started coming to our house
more frequently to watch NFL games with my stepdad. They would sit on the couch, drink beer, and
cheer for their favorite teams. However, something about Jeff's behavior made me uneasy as time

One evening, when my stepdad was passed out on the couch after too much drink, I went to the kitchen
to grab a glass of water when Jeff stood near the staircase. His eyes lingered on my body in a way that
made my skin crawl, and his smile was unsettling. As he started walking towards me, I felt a knot form in
my stomach. I was so scared that I ran back to my room and locked the door behind me, hoping he
wouldn't follow.

After that, I would see him more than usual, dropping at our house unannounced and flirting with my
mom while eyeing me. She didn’t pay much attention and would laugh at his weird remark about her
body. Eventually, his comments shifted to me as he would say stuff like my beauty takes after her, and
while my mom thought he was complimenting her, it was only unpleasant to my ears. I started to lock
myself in my room upon his displeasing presence, hoping he would stop coming.

A month later, when I returned from school one day, I was greeted by the sight of him sitting on the
living room couch, engrossed in yet another NFL game. As my eyes darted around the house, my heart
pounding in my chest, I realized no one else was present. The intensity of his presence made me feel
extremely anxious and scared. Trying to avoid his gaze, I hurriedly tried to walk to my room, only to be
startled when he asked if I wanted to watch football with him.

“I don’t watch TV,” I dashed to my room after saying that, but I could feel his gaze pierced on my back
before I disappeared into my room and locked it after me.
I received a phone call from my mother, notifying me that they wouldn't be coming home tonight and
that my uncle Jeff would be watching over me. Despite my attempts to persuade her that I would be fine
alone, she scolded me before hanging up the phone. Sitting in my room, I sighed deeply, wondering how
long I could go without food or water.

At approximately ten o’clock, I could no longer endure hunger and thirst. Consequently, I ventured out
of my room in search of a quick snack, and as I looked around, he was nowhere in sight, leading me to
believe that he had retired to the guestroom for the night. As I began to take out some food from the
refrigerator, I was unexpectedly startled by the sensation of someone firmly grasping my waist.

I jumped at the sudden unwanted touch, only to find Jeff standing there with a nasty grin. By the looks
of it, he seemed pretty drunk, and as I tried to get out of the kitchen, he grabbed my hand and pulled
me closer, making my body tremble with fear. His grip only got tighter as he touched me inappropriately
while I struggled to escape. I started to cry and begged him to let me go, but the evil smile on his face
only grew more prominent.

When he didn’t let me go, I bit him with my entire strength summoning to my teeth, which made him
angrier, and as he let me go, a slap followed to my cheek, making me fall to a distance. But before he
could do anything else, I sprinted to my room and locked it after me. I then started bawling as I dialed
Mom’s number. She answered after the fifth ring, and as I started telling her everything with my sniffles,
what she said in reply filled me with hatred for her.

My cries grew louder as I called my biological Dad, who instantly picked up my call and began worrying
as he heard me bawling. I told him everything, and he disconnected the call after saying he would be
here soon to pick me up.

About half an hour later, I heard the sounds of someone getting beaten through my room and prayed it
not to be my Dad getting beat up. A few minutes later, when he called me, I immediately unlocked the
door and rushed to his arms while crying my eyes out. I saw Jeff groaning on the floor from the corner of
my eyes as I followed my father outside.

I told him I wanted to live with him, and he promised to challenge my custody in court. The next day two
officers arrived at my dad’s house instead of my mom, informing us that she had filed a report that he
kidnapped me after assaulting Jeff. The officers asked me to come with them, but I refused and told
them everything that had transpired the night before as I showed them the bruises on my cheek. I also
told them what Mom said when I called her, crying for help. “What’s done is done. I’m sure it must be
because of something you did, so stay inside your room till we get back tomorrow.”
My father filed a counter-case against them upon my testimony, making my mom’s claims false since
she was not at the scene. While my mom did say, she said what she did to me for my safety since there
were no means for them to return immediately, her claims were still denied, and my Dad ended up
winning my custody.

A restriction order for Jeff was issued along with the trials of his crime, and as the investigation began on
him, it turned out it was not just me who became a victim of him. He was eventually sent to jail and
sentenced to twelve years in presence for all his convictions.

I despise football games now since they remind me of those unpleasant memories, and my dad makes
sure never to watch them in front of me. My mom still tries to meet me, but I cannot let go of my hate
for her, and I have no idea when I can forgive her, for the words she said that night continue to linger in
my mind whenever I think of her.

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