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14 °

Grand Elect Mason

2000 Edition
2 Fourteenth Degree

The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., has a ritual system of 33
degrees classified as follows:
Conferred in a Symbolic or “Blue” Lodge under the jurisdiction
of a recognized grand Lodge of Masons.
Conferred in a Lodge of Perfection.
Conferred in a Council of Princes of Jerusalem.
Conferred in a Chapter of Rose Croix
Conferred in a Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal
The 33° — Sovereign Grand Inspector General — is conferred
by the Supreme Council upon Freemasons of the 32° in recognition
of distinguished Masonic or public service. It cannot be applied for,
but is conferred by invitation only.


1. The Ineffable Degrees, 4°-14° inclusive, are linked historical-
ly with a system of 25 so-called “higher degrees” which flourished in
France in the 18th century and which came to be known as The Rite
of Perfection. In 1740, the first Ecossais (Scottish) Lodge — Parfaite
Harmonie — was organized in Bordeaux, the oldest and most influ-
ential Masonic center in France. There is evidence that some of these
advanced degrees had an ancestral source in England and Scotland. In
Grand Elect Mason 3

or about 1763, these degrees were brought to the West Indies by

Stephen Morin of Bordeaux, under a patent granted by the Masonic
authorities in Paris. Before the end of the 18th century, other degrees
were added until the Rite had a ritual structure of 33 degrees.
2. Henry Andrew Francken (1720-1795) deputized by Stephen
Morin, organized a Lodge of Perfection in Albany, N.Y., in 1767. This
was the beginning of what was to become the Ancient Accepted
Scottish Rite in the United States. Within a few years, similar groups
were formed in Philadelphia; Charleston, S.C.; Baltimore; Savannah;
Brooklyn and Troy, N.Y., and New York City. All of these groups
were independent, with little official connections or centralized super-
vision or control, except to agree that their authority came from
Jamaica and Stephen Morin.
3. On May 31, 1801, a Supreme Council of the Thirty-third
Degree for the United States of America was founded in Charleston,
S.C., in an effort to bring order our of Masonic chaos. Hence the
motto: Ordo ab Chao. A few years later (circa 1807) the name was
changed to The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite. The Supreme Council of 1801 has had a continuous existence as
the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction. In 1813, the
Supreme council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was orga-
nized in New York City. By mutual agreement the territorial jurisdic-
tion of each Supreme Council was adjusted in 1827.
4. These Supreme Councils made slow progress in unifying the
scattered degree-conferring groups and in standardizing rituals. They
were handicapped by pride in the local organization and leadership
jealousies; by the Anti-Masonic agitation (1827-1840); by the Civil
War, and by periods of financial depression. Until about 1845, rituals
were fragmentary — with little more than a title, a few words and
signs, an obligation and a lecture in question-and-answer form. It was
not until the Union of 1867 that the process of unifying independent
groups and competing Supreme Councils was completed in the
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
4 Fourteenth Degree


Based on the ritual research and notes of Ill. McIlyar H. Lichliter,
33°, Chairman of the Committee on Rituals and Ritualistic Matter
from 1944 to 1957.
This is the longest and most detailed ritual in the Francken “Rite
of Perfection” of 25 Degrees. In all essentials, including the esoteric
section, this is the source of all later rituals. More of this Francken
degree is perpetuated in subsequent revisions than in any other
The 14° was called “Perfection — the Ultimate Degree of
Symbolic Masonry.” It was conferred in a Lodge of Grand Elect,
Perfect and Sublime Masters.
The format of the degree included a review of all of the signs,
words, and lessons of the Ineffable Degrees; an Inquiry consisting of
four questions; an Obligation; a ceremonial of Anointing; the presen-
tation of a Ring; a Covenant of Fellowship; an Investiture, and the
revelation of the Sacred Word. Subsequent revisions of the Ritual of
the 14° (listed below) retained most of the essentials of the Francken
Ritual with comparatively few changes.
SUBSEQUENT RITUALS OF THE 14° (in the files of the Supreme Council):
Doszedarski Ritual 1805-1809
Enoch Terry Carson Ritual 1853
Albert Pike Ritual 1855-1865
Starkweather Ritual 1856
Laffon-Ladebat Ritual 1856
Hays Ritual 1860-1863
Revived Raymond Ritual 1866-1867
Union of 1867 Ritual
Rituals of 1867; 1871; 1894; 1917;1927; 1938; 1946.
In this revision of the ritual of the 14°, a new Prologue was
Grand Elect Mason 5

added and the Reception Ceremony shortened. The sequence of the

several portions of the degree was changed. Provision was made for
an alternate Ceremony of Anointing. Numerous rubrics were inserted
together with suggestions for the exemplification of the degree.
The major changes introduced in this ritual are:
1. A revision in the format of the “Examination.”
2. The use of the New Revised Standard Edition of the
English Bible for quotations.
3. A change in the sequence of the Obligation, Aroba and
4. A modification in wording to prevent confusion caused
when candidates have not witnessed all of the preceding
5. Removal of the investiture as recommended in the
Manual for Officers (1988).
This ritual basically adopted the Tentative Ritual of 1995 with
minor corrections and clarification of wording with the exception of
the investiture ceremony, which was returned to the degree.
6 Fourteenth Degree

Ark of Covenant

Seven Branch
Candlestick ∴ ∴ ∴ Tables of
The Law

Curtain Curtain

• •
Pillar of Pillar of
Beauty Enoch
Deputy Master T.P. Master

Treasurer Secretary

Table of Altar of
Shewbread Incense

Hospitaler Orator

Altar of Brazen Laver


Master of Captain of
Ceremonies The Guard

∴ S. Warden J. Warden

• •
•••• •••

Guards Tyler Guards

• Signify Lights
Grand Elect Mason 7

In the 14°, the Lodge represents the Secret Vault under the
Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple of Solomon.
FURNITURE. The furniture of the Lodge should include:
Ark of the Covenant 7 Branch Golden Candlestick
Altar of Incense Altar of Sacrifices
Brazen Laver Table of Shewbread
Tables of the Law Triangular Altar
Gold Urns and Vases, Square and Compasses, Golden Triangle
with the Tetragrammaton, Cubic Stone, Bread and Wine, Silver Plate
and Silver Cup, Silver Hod and Golden Trowel, Holy Oil, Ceremonial
THE ALTAR, triangular in form, is furnished with the Great
Lights and a golden triangle on which is engraved the Tetragram-
PILLAR OF BEAUTY: Twisted column of pure white marble about
3 1/2 feet high, on which should be the Cubic Stone (painted Agate)
measuring about 6 inches on each face. On the upper face the trian-
gular Enochian plate of gold, set with precious stones, and engraved
with the Tetragrammaton.
PILLAR OF ENOCH: Marble pieces, with Enochian characters.
Found in the ancient ruins and put together (13°).
BRAZEN LAVER: Large brazen basin on pedestal, 3 1/2 feet high.
ALTAR OF SACRIFICES: Length and breadth equal to one-half the
height. Covered with gold. Gilded horn on each corner.
ALTAR OF INCENSE: Same size and shape as Altar of Sacrifices
but without gilded horns. On it, an urn with incense burning.
TABLE OF SHEWBREAD: On it 12 loaves of Shewbread, in two
piles of six loaves each. Cup with wine. Silver plates for broken
TABLES OF THE LAW — all traditional.
MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: Sound effects and special lighting.
8 Fourteenth Degree


APRON. White, watered silk, lined with white and bordered with
gold, triangular in form, and the Ineffable Delta in the center.
COLLAR. White, watered silk, bordered with gold, from which
is suspended the jewel.
JEWEL. The crowned compasses on the segment of a circle; on
the segment are engraved 3, 5, 7, 9; in the center is a golden sun with
nine points; on the reverse of the center is a blazing star of five
points, engraved with the Enochian characters.
SASH. Nine colors; blue, red, and yellow, (3); green and purple,
(5); white and black, (7); stone and flame color, (9); all intertwined
with olive green.
RING. Flat band of gold; on the outside a delta, enclosing a ;
on the inside the following inscription: “Whom virtue unites, death
cannot separate.” Also the name of the owner, and date of receiving
this degree.
Arranged according to the sacred numbers, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
3 lights in the North
5 lights in the South
7 lights in the West
9 lights in the East
THE FULL SUN should be displayed in the center of interlacing
triangles, in the East.
★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★
Grand Elect Mason 9


Thrice Potent Master Solomon Crowned Compasses
Deputy Master Hiram of Tyre Crowned Compasses
Senior Warden Adoniram Gold Trowel
Junior Warden Abda Sword of Justice
Orator Zadoc Gold Scroll
Treasurer Stolkin Gold Key
Master of Ceremonies Ahishar Staff or Baton
Hospitaler Azariah Winged Staff
Captain of the Guard Zerbal Gold Spear
Tyler Zabud Flaming Sword
The Officers of a Lodge of Perfection may be in costume or
wear dark business suits, tuxedos, or full evening dress. Solomonic
costumes are strongly recommended. The Collar and Jewel of the 14°
should be worn.
OFFICERS of a Lodge of Perfection in the 14° use their constitu-
tional titles. The setting of the Secret Vault with its holy vessels is
THE THRICE POTENT MASTER may reassign parts to equalize the
work or to use the special talents of individuals. Care should be taken
not to introduce so many participants as to destroy the unity and dig-
nity of the degree.
THE RITUAL does not prescribe a standard technique of exempli-
fication. There is opportunity for liberty in staging and dramatic
effects. In the Floor Work, the details of the Anointing, the Covenant
of Fellowship and the communication of the Grand Ineffable Word,
the exercise of a creative imagination is encouraged.
It is imperative that the sequence of parts as prescribed by
the ritual be observed.
ALL PASSAGES of Scripture are taken from the New Revised
Standard Version of the English Bible.
10 Fourteenth Degree

An early tradition of the Ineffable Degrees provides for a
“Sacred Word” in each degree from the 4°-14° inclusive. Each Sacred
Word, a substitute word for God revealing one of His attributes, was
intended to prepare the neophyte for the true Name of God symbol-
ized in the 13° and revealed in the 14° as the Grand Ineffable Word of
a Grand Elect Mason.
This tradition was revitalized on September 17, 1896, in the
“secret and confidential” minutes of the Committee on Rituals and
Ritualistic Matter. The Sacred Words were revised and interpreted.
(Manuscript Minutes, Supreme Council 1879-1914, pp. 273-275.) It
was assumed that each neophyte would witness all the degrees, 4°-14°
inclusive, in full ceremonial form and that these Sacred Words would
“give him a loftier realization of his Heavenly Father.”
Few Candidates now witness all these degrees in succession so
that the sequence of lessons is lost. The Supreme Council recognized
this fact and decided to restore to each ritual of the Ineffable Degrees
the traditional significance of its Sacred Word. Each Sacred Word will
be interpreted and emphasized in all revised rituals.
4° ELOHA God, God in man.
5° ADONAI My Lord, The Master of Life.
6° JEHOVAH Existing God. The God Who Is.
7° JAHVEH God Eternal. God of Wisdom.
8° YOD, YOD, YOD Triune-Jah J.J.J.
God of Glory and Praise.
God — The Guide or Leader.
God — The Protector.
9° ACHAR Disconsolate. Sorrow for a people’s sins.
10° OSEE God is our help.
11° AL-OM The God of Strength.
12° HAGIOS Holy, Consecrated.
Grand Elect Mason 11

The initial letters of nine Sacred Words, 4°-12°, are used on a
Transparency which should be two feet square with three luminous,
interlaced triangles, forming nine beams. Blazing red star in center of
equilateral triangle. In corners of nine pointed star the letters —
E.A.J.J.Y.A.O.A.H. — the first letters of the nine Sacred Words of the
Lodge of Perfection.
In the 13°, the Sacred Word is a symbol – J.H.V.H., a Hebrew
tetragrammaton or four-letter word which is not pronounced. The
Sacred Word of the 14° is YAHWEH which is interpreted as God the
NOTE: The eleven Sacred Words and their interpretations are arbitrary
selections for ritualistic purposes.
12 Fourteenth Degree

Phonetic spelling, with the accented syllables
in capital letters.
Aroba ah-ROW-bah
Beth-el BETH-el (a holy place)
Jehovah je-HO-vah
Tetragrammaton tet-re-GRAM-ma-ton
(Pronounced with equal emphasis)
Yahweh YAH-way
Grand Elect Mason 13

If a shorter form is used, it must include the Official
Declaration. (See page 15). No opening ceremony is required if
the Lodge of Perfection has been previously opened.

Thrice Potent Master — Brother Junior Warden, where

is your station?
Junior Warden — In the West, on the right of the
Senior Warden.
Thrice Potent Master — Your duty?
Junior Warden — To preside in the absence of my
three superior officers.
Thrice Potent Master — My Brother, what is the hour?
Junior Warden — High twelve, Thrice Potent Master.
Thrice Potent Master — What do you understand by
high twelve?
Junior Warden — That the sun has gained its meridian
height, and darts its rays with greatest force upon this
Thrice Potent Master — It is time then, to profit by its
light. Let your badge, the sword, remind you, my Brother,
that while justice overtakes and punishes the traitorous and
guilty, it rewards the faithful and meritorious Brother.
Thrice Potent Master — Brother Senior Warden, your
Senior Warden — In the West, Thrice Potent Master.
14 Fourteenth Degree

Thrice Potent Master — Your duty?

Senior Warden — To assist the Thrice Potent Master at
all times in the discharge of his duties; and in his absence
and that of his Deputy, to preside in the Lodge. In token of
which, I hold this Trowel, the symbol of my office.
Thrice Potent Master — My Brother, what brings you
Senior Warden — My love of Masonry, my obligations,
and a desire for Perfection.
Thrice Potent Master — What are the proper qualities
for acquiring these?
Senior Warden — A forgiving spirit, reverence and
Thrice Potent Master — In what manner ought we to
conduct ourselves in this place?
Senior Warden — With the most profound respect.
Thrice Potent Master — Why do men of all conditions
of life assemble here on the level of equality as Brethren?
Senior Warden — Because the Triangle reminds us that
there is one Being superior to all — the Grand Architect of
the Universe.
Thrice Potent Master — Why is respect paid to the
Senior Warden — Because it contains the Holy Name
of Him who was, and is, and ever shall be; and represents
the Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty of the Universe.
Thrice Potent Master — Brother Senior Warden,
Grand Elect Mason 15

where is the station of the Deputy Master?

Senior Warden — At your right hand, Thrice Potent
Thrice Potent Master — His duty?
Senior Warden — To act as your confederate, compan-
ion, and deputy; to exhibit the fellowship of our Royal Art,
and the happy effects of our alliance with virtue and the vir-
Thrice Potent Master — Deputy Master, where is the
station and what is the duty of the Thrice Potent Master?
Deputy Master — In the East, Thrice Potent Master, to
superintend and govern this Lodge; to support and maintain
its laws and the constitutions of Ineffable Masonry.
NOTE: Begin here for the minimum form of opening.

Thrice Potent Master — ★★★ (All Rise) Brethren, I

am about to open a Lodge of Grand Elect Masons, by the
perfect numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9.
★★★ The 3 lights in the North are lighted.
★★★★★ The 5 lights in the South are lighted.
★★★★★★★ The 7 lights in the West are lighted.
★★★ ★★★ ★★★ The 9 lights in the East are lighted.

Thrice Potent Master — To order, Brethren, on the
Sign of Fidelity.
To the glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe; in
the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of
Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and
16 Fourteenth Degree

Last Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of

Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the
United States of America, and by virtue of the authority
upon me conferred, I declare the works of______________
Lodge of Perfection opened.
★ (All seated.)
Thrice Potent Master — You will now give your atten-
tion to the Prologue of the Fourteenth degree, Grand Elect
Mason. (Officers retire.)
The Prologist appears in the East. If there is a stage and a cur-
tain, he appears in front of the curtain under a spotlight.

Prologist — My Brothers, you now stand at the thresh-
old of the ultimate degree of the Lodge of Perfection, that
The moral lessons which are taught in the degrees of
the Lodge of Perfection are implicit in the teachings of
Symbolic Freemasonry. In the Scottish Rite, we endeavor to
present these lessons in a more complete, dramatic and
compelling manner, thereby emphasizing and complement-
ing the teachings of Symbolic degrees.
In this, the Fourteenth Degree, the final and climactic
lesson of the Lodge of Perfection is revealed, a belief in the
one everliving and true God and a deep reverence for His
Holy Name. It is a profoundly religious degree, not dealing
in a particular doctrine, but encouraging each of us to wor-
ship God at an altar of our individual choice. It is expressive
of the deep spiritual roots of the Ancient Accepted Scottish
Rite and of our constant endeavor to attain that perfection
Grand Elect Mason 17

of character embodied in our concept of a loving Heavenly

Father — a personal God.
We hope and pray that the ceremonies in which you
will now participate will be so indelibly imprinted on your
minds that each of you will firmly resolve to strive to live
as becomes a son of God.
Upon the completion of the Prologue, the spotlight fades out
and the Prologist retires. Gong is sounded in complete blackout
★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★.
While the gong is being sounded, the Thrice Potent Master and
Orator enter and take positions on either side of the apex of the
Triangular Altar. The remaining officers, except the Master of
Ceremonies, who remains at the door with the Exemplar select-
ed from the Class, place themselves in triangular form about
the Altar. At the conclusion of the gong, the spotlight picks up
the officers about the Altar.

Thrice Potent Master — Gather together unto Him
those who have made a covenant with Him by sacrifice, and
offer unto Him a tribute of praise with a perfect heart.
How excellent is Your loving kindness, O God, and
Your righteousness to the upright in heart. With You is the
fountain of life, and in Your light shall we see light. Let us
pray. ★★★
All officers, with the exception of the Orator, kneel on the Sign
of the Burning Bush. Left knee on the floor, the left hand on the
right knee, right hand beside left cheek, palm outward, as
though to protect the face from fire.
18 Fourteenth Degree

Orator — Almighty and Sovereign Grand Architect of
the Universe, in Whom our fathers placed their trust, and
from Whom we have gained all understanding, cleanse our
hearts and minds from all worldly thoughts and passions so
that we may concentrate on our worship of You in the beau-
ty of holiness.
Make us equal to our high trusts, disciplined in the use
of the freedom given us, just in the exercise of power, and
honest in admitting our weaknesses.
Bless this Lodge of Grand Elect Masons. Aid us to be
loyal to our high professions; and direct us in the work we
are about to do. Amen. ★ (All seated.)
All officers take their respective stations and are seated.
Spotlights are killed. House lights are brought up to a low glow.
If a choir is used, it starts singing. When finished, the Master of
Ceremonies gives the alarm.

★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★

Captain of the Guard — (Rises) Thrice Potent Master,
there is an alarm of 3, 5, 7 and 9 at the entrance of this
Secret Vault.
Thrice Potent Master — Brother Captain of the Guard,
who knocks as a Grand Elect Mason?
Captain of the Guard goes to door, checks for the cause of
alarm and returns.

Captain of the Guard — A Companion Master of the

Ninth Arch, who now wishes to be admitted to the Secret
Grand Elect Mason 19

Vault under the Sanctum Sanctorum, and to arrive at

Thrice Potent Master — Let him enter.
Master of Ceremonies escorts the Exemplar to the Altar to the
accompaniment of appropriate music. Spotlight follows and
then remains on the Master of Ceremonies and the Exemplar
during the lesson.

To be recited by the officers as marked, or by three officers select-
ed to provide the most pleasing contrasts in voices.

Thrice Potent Master — The LORD is in his holy temple.

His eyes behold, his gaze examines humankind. (Ps. 11:4)
Senior Warden — O LORD, who may abide in your tent?
Who may dwell on your holy hill? (Ps. 15:1)
Junior Warden — Those who walk blamelessly, and do
what is right, and speak the truth from their heart; who do not
slander with their tongue, and do no evil to their friends, nor
take up a reproach against their neighbors, but who honor those
who love the LORD. (Ps. 15:2-4)
Turn on candelabrum of three lights; bring up house lights to one-

Thrice Potent Master — Who shall ascend the hill of the

LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? (Ps. 24:3)
Senior Warden — Those who have clean hands and pure
hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not
swear deceitfully. They will receive blessing from the LORD,
and vindication from the God of their salvation. (Ps. 24:4-5)
Junior Warden — Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lift-
20 Fourteenth Degree

ed up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in.
(Ps. 24:7)
Thrice Potent Master — The LORD said, “I have conse-
crated this house, and put my name there forever; my eyes and
my heart will be there for all time.” (1K 9:3)
Senior Warden — Who is this King of glory? (Ps. 24:8)
Junior Warden — The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD
of hosts, he is the King of glory. (Ps. 24:8-10)
Turn on candelabrum of five lights; bring up house lights to one-

Thrice Potent Master — I wash my hands in innocence,

and go around your altar, O LORD. (Ps. 26:6)
Senior Warden — As for me, I walk in my integrity; my
foot stands on level ground; in the great congregation I will
bless the LORD. (Ps. 26:11-12)
Junior Warden — Keep your tongue from evil, and your
lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil, and do good; seek
peace, and pursue it. Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of
Israel: Amend your ways and your doings, and let me dwell
with you in this place. (Je. 7:3)
Turn on candelabrum of seven lights; bring up house lights to

Senior Warden — Who can say, “I have made my heart

clean; I am pure from my sin”? Surely there is no one on earth
so righteous as to do good without ever sinning. (Pr. 20:9) (Ec.
Thrice Potent Master — But one who confesses and for-
sakes their transgressions will obtain mercy. (Pr. 28:13)
Grand Elect Mason 21

Junior Warden — They shall love the name of the LORD

from the West, and His glory from the rising of the sun.
Turn on candelabrum of nine lights; bring up house lights to full.

Thrice Potent Master — From the rising of the sun, unto

the going down of the same, my name shall be great among the
nations, and in every place incense shall be offered to my
name, and a pure offering; for my name shall be great among
the nations, said the LORD of Hosts!
Junior Warden — He uncovers the deeps out of darkness,
and brings deep darkness to light. (Job 12:22)
Senior Warden — Sing unto God, sing praises to His
name, and bow down before him!
Deputy Master — (Approaches the candidate) My
Brother Master of the Ninth Arch, we welcome you to this
solemn degree, the zenith of our Lodge of Perfection. In it,
emphasis is placed upon the necessity for each of us to respect
and revere Almighty God and His Holy Name. You will note
that the word “Ineffable” is often used in this degree. You
should understand that this word refers to a Supreme Being
whose overwhelming splendor and magnitude cannot be ade-
quately described. Such should be our reverence for God.
None should enter here save those who truly seek perfection.
You have been chosen to represent your class and what
you will do is done for all whom you represent in this sacred
You can expect to be challenged by its spiritual overtones
and by its questions concerning your relation to God and the
22 Fourteenth Degree

place of His spirit in your life.

In this examination to determine the extent of your prepa-
ration for advancement, the Master of Ceremonies will answer
for you.
Deputy Master — My Brother, what is your desire?
Master of Ceremonies — To be made a Grand Elect
Deputy Master — Are you a Mason?
Master of Ceremonies — I am.
Deputy Master — Are you an Entered Apprentice Mason?
Master of Ceremonies — My Brethren all know me as
Deputy Master — Are you a Fellow Craft Mason?
Master of Ceremonies — I have seen the letter G, and
know the pass.
Deputy Master — Are you a Master Mason?
Master of Ceremonies — I have seen the sprig of acacia,
and understand its lesson of immortality.
Deputy Master — What lessons have you learned that
qualify you to seek to become a Grand Elect Mason?
Master of Ceremonies — I have journeyed through the
preceding degrees seeking to learn the qualities by which God
would have me live. I have learned the majesty of duty. I have
been shown that we can be destroyed when we fail in our
duties to God, family and country. I have seen the strength
which can be found in faith in ourselves, in each other, and in
Grand Elect Mason 23

God. I have been taught to render justice to all men. I have

sought to work diligently in whatever task has been allotted to
me. I have learned to consider the value and opinions of oth-
ers. I now realize that there will be a punishment for failure to
live by my obligations and that those who are faithful will
receive a just reward. I understand that mercy, love and for-
giveness are the foundation upon which the building of God
rests and that difficulties and dangers, however great, should
not deter me from progressing onward toward perfection.
Thrice Potent Master — My Brother, you have answered
well. You now stand at the threshold of the ultimate degree in
Ancient Craft Masonry. As a Grand Elect Mason, you will
enter an intimate circle of Brethren bound together by an eter-
nal covenant. You will be dedicated to solemn responsibilities,
and it will be your privilege to arrive at perfection and to
receive the Grand Ineffable Word.
Our lesson starts with Moses who received the Law from
God. This same law has been passed through the ages to David,
to Solomon, and to us, and we truly believe it will continue
until time shall be no more. Give strict attention to this lesson
from the Volume of the Sacred law.
House lights black out. Curtain opens on Moses holding the two
tablets of stone or shown on a screen. A member should be select-
ed who has a full, deep, and resonant voice who can render the fol-
lowing lines with authority. A shortened version (shown in capital
letters) may be used.
After each Commandment a choir or soloist may chant, “Lord
have mercy upon us. Incline our hearts to keep this law.”

Moses — I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD, who brought you out

of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
24 Fourteenth Degree



Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the
iniquity of parents, to the third and fourth generation of those
who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth
generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
LORD YOUR GOD, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who mis-
uses his name.
your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all
your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your
God; you shall not do any work — you, or your son or your
daughter, or your male or female slave, or your ox or your don-
key, or any of your livestock, or the resident alien in your
towns, so that your male and female slave may rest as well as
you. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and
the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty
hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God
commanded you to keep the sabbath day.


Grand Elect Mason 25





male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that
belongs to your neighbor.
Curtain closes and house lights come up full. Choir may sing:
“Lord, have mercy upon us and write all these Thy laws in our
hearts, we beseech Thee.”

Orator — (Standing East of Altar) God commanded

Moses to inscribe these Ten Commandments upon two tablets
of stone. It is our hope and prayer that they are imprinted upon
the tablet of your heart. There must be reverence for the char-
acter of God and for His Holy Name. There must be honor and
respect for others; fidelity to truth, chastity and honesty; and an
abhorrence of greed and envy.
When you first sought light in Masonry, my Brother, you
were asked, “In whom do you put your trust?” And you
answered, “In God.” It is to Him that you look for wisdom and
strength, that you may keep these Commandments, and walk
uprightly before God and man.
Thrice Potent Master — The Lord is in His Holy Temple.
Let all the earth keep silent before Him. Come let us bow
down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! ★★★
All Officers kneel on the Sign of the Burning Bush (as described

Orator — Almighty and Sovereign Grand Architect of the

Universe, let all the earth keep silent before You. There is no
26 Fourteenth Degree

other God like You in the heaven above, or on the earth

beneath, keeping covenant with and showing steadfast love for
Your servants.
To You, all hearts are open, all desires are known, and
from You no secrets are hidden. Search our hearts, we pray
You, and where there is evil, cast it away.
Bless us, O God, and bless the work in which we are
engaged; and may the alliance we are entering into be eternal.
May all Grand Elect Masons, like the Elect of God, put on
charity which is the bond of Perfection. May our loins be girt
about with the girdle of truth; and finally, having been faithful
in our course, may we behold the light ineffable, and may the
Lord be to us an everlasting Light, and our God our glory.
Amen. ★
Thrice Potent Master or Deputy Master — What does the
Lord require of us, but to do justice and to love kindness and
to walk humbly with our God.
Inquiry is made of all members of the Class.
The Inquiry preferably should be delivered by a person carefully
selected from the membership of the Valley at large who, it is felt,
can best deliver this important segment of the ritual effectively and
sincerely. Such a person should, of course, be included in the cast
of the degree and sit with the Officers in the appropriate costume
of the degree. House lights are taken down to a dim glow. Spotlight
picks up the speaker.

Inquirer — (To all the Candidates) Before we obligate

you in this degree, my brothers, we expect from each of you
absolute honesty and sincerity. Come not to us with false or
Grand Elect Mason 27

feigned professions on your lips or with lukewarmness or

indifference in your soul.
To test your worthiness to receive the Sublime Degree of
Grand Elect Mason, and that you may know what manner of
man you are and whether you are worthy to enter our fellow-
ship; we shall ask you certain searching questions. We charge
each of you to listen attentively, and to decide for yourself
whether you will endeavor to conform your life to the ideals
and principles of this degree.
We ask neither public confession nor affirmation. We do
not seek to know what answers you may make in the privacy
of your own soul. Without evasion or mental reservation you
will now answer these questions — not to me, not to these your
Brethren — but silently, at the bar of your own conscience, and
in the presence of Almighty God.
An impressive pause

Since you were made a Mason have you endeavored, at

all times, to be charitable to your Brethren, in thought and in
deed; and have you always tried to deal honestly and fairly
with all men?

Have you been loyal and faithful in your obligations to

your family, and have you set an example of honor and integri-
ty in your own home?

Are you guilty of any fraud or deceit for which you have
failed to make adequate reparation; or have you done wrong to
any person without seeking to make amends?
28 Fourteenth Degree


Do you use the Name of God carelessly, irreverently, or


Will you earnestly seek to realize your duty to God, to

worship Him according to the dictates of your own conscience,
and to advance His kingdom among men?

Will you seriously endeavor so to speak and act that no

discredit may fall upon Freemasonry?

(Speaking slowly and solemnly) Your answers to our

questions are between you and your God. What your answers
were, and what resolutions you may have made, we do not
know, but we trust and we believe that, never, never in all your
lives, will you forget this solemn moment.
Freemasonry cannot enforce its ideals. We cannot compel
our Brethren to live in harmony with the lofty principles taught
in our degrees. All that we can do is to entreat you — Nay, —
MORE! WE CHALLENGE YOU! — We challenge you to
obey what cannot be enforced, and to be loyal to that which
you know to be right. My Brethren, the honor of Freemasonry
is in your keeping!
Inquirer resumes station and is seated. House lights up full.
Grand Elect Mason 29








This chart illustrates the formation at the Altar. Originally a Lodge of

Perfection was limited to 27 members who gathered about the Triangle, with the
Officers at the apex. This general formation is still in use but with no numerical
limit. Overcrowding should be avoided.
The chart represents a typical arrangement for the ceremonies. Each Lodge
of Perfection should develop its own floor plan, adapted to local conditions.
30 Fourteenth Degree

(Note: The Aroba is an ancient cremony of friendship and is nei-
ther Holy Communion nor the Feast of the Passover.) Each Thrice
Potent Master is free to determine the method of observance. The
broken loaf and the single cup may be used, or the bread may be
passed on plates, and individual cups used for the wine.
Soft music during the Ceremony.

Thrice Potent Master — You will now, my Brother, par-

take with me and with these Brethren about you assembled, of
the ancient Aroba — a pledge or covenant of friendship — by
eating and drinking together.
In that ancient custom there was a division made of the
parts, and the persons entering into the alliance partook of
them as an agreement and surety of their mutual league of
In accordance with that custom, I now divide this bread.
(Breaks the loaf and distributes it.)
Eat of the same with me and with these Brethren. (All par-
Drink also of this cup, that we may learn thereby to sup-
port each other in time of need, by a mutual sharing of what we
possess. (All participate.)
If your Brother be in need, then you shall relieve him.
Give of your bread to feed the hungry, and of your wine to
cheer the heart of the sorrowful; and remember to pour the oil
of consolation into the wounds that sorrow, sickness or afflic-
tion have caused in the heart of your fellow traveler.
Grand Elect Mason 31

Soft organ music.
Thrice Potent Master picks up (or is handed) container of oil and
trowel to be used in the anointing ceremony.

Thrice Potent Master — (Approaches exemplar for

anointing) I will now, my Brother, anoint you as the pious
Aaron, the penitent David and the wise Solomon were anoint-
ed; and impress you with an ardent zeal for the honor and glory
of the Grand Architect of the Universe, to the end that you may
always live in His adorable presence, with a head disposed to
contrive (touch trowel to head) — a heart to feel (touch trowel
to heart) — and a hand (touch trowel to hand) to execute all
those things which are well pleasing in His sight.
The Exemplar having been anointed, the Thrice Potent Master now
returns to the apex of the triangle of candidates and proceeds to
anoint each individual as the following lines (23rd Psalm) are spo-
ken by an assigned officer. The officer and the Thrice Potent
Master should time the anointing and the lines so that they are
completed at the same time.

Officer — The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He

makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still
waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his
name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I
fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff —
they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence
of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup over-
flows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole
life long.
After the anointing the TPM continues.
32 Fourteenth Degree

Thrice Potent Master — Behold how good and how

pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like
the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the
beard, even Aaron’s beard; that went down to the skirts of his
garments; as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descend-
ed upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded
the blessing, even life forevermore.
Ointment and perfume make the heart glad; so does the
sweetness of a man’s friend by hearty counsel. Let him reprove
me, it shall be as oil upon the head; let not my head refuse it.
It is not given to man to attain perfection; but, if he hon-
estly strives for that goal, his record will appear as an inter-
ceding angel, when he stands naked and alone, before that
great and final Tribunal, in whose judgement there will be no
error and from whose sentence there will be no appeal.
Gather into your minds these lessons, and engrave upon
your hearts these commandments, so that when temptation
shall be your lot, you will recall these scenes among your
Brethren and by them be strengthened to resist temptation, and
go forth, and sin no more.
Our labor of duty and love will soon be ended; as the
lightning writes its fiery path across the dark clouds of Heaven,
so does the glory of God shine through the clouds of mortality
which surround us, to light our paths of service to our Brethren
with the Ineffable Light of His presence in our hearts. So mote
it be!
If rings are not to be presented to each member of the class, the
Thrice Potent Master should direct that the class (except for the
Exemplar) be returned to their seats but remain standing.
Grand Elect Mason 33

Thrice Potent Master — (Approaches the apex of altar
and addresses the Exemplar) My Brother, you will kneel at this
Altar, place both hands on the Holy Bible, Square, Compasses
and Delta and assume your obligation as a Grand Elect Mason.
Exemplar kneels. Officers remain in straight line across the apex.
House lights down to one-half. Spotlight on the assemblage about
the Altar.

Each Candidate will place his right hand over his heart
and say, “I,” pronounce his name in full, and remain silent until
I bid him speak.
I, _______________________________, do hereby most
solemnly promise and vow to all my Brethren, wheresoever
dispersed, that I will faithfully remember that we be Brethren
in an eternal covenant. That, so far as lies within my power, I
will aid with my counsel and my purse all worthy Grand Elect
Masons in sickness and distress, upon their appeal to me. That
I will help a Brother in danger, stand by him in ill report and
slander, advise him when he errs; and that I will comfort him
in sorrow and misfortune, as a true and worthy Brother should.
I further promise that, as I communicate with others, the
words of my mouth will reflect the true character of my mind
and heart. That I will seriously endeavor to refrain from the use
of careless, irreverent or profane words so that my example
will inspire others and so that the Holy Name of God will be
ever glorified and never defiled through my mouth.
That I will worship the Grand Architect of the Universe,
reverence His Holy Name, and endeavor faithfully to keep His
34 Fourteenth Degree

The Class will repeat after me: So help me God and keep
me steadfast. Amen.
My Brother at the Altar, you will seal your vows by kiss-
ing the Holy Bible three times and rise to your feet.
Senior and Junior Wardens arise and stand East of the Altar with
the appropriate Apron, Collar, Jewel, and Sash.
Senior Warden — I shall now display the Apron, Collar
and Jewel of a Grand Elect Mason: The COLLAR is emblem-
atical of ardent zeal, affection and charity. The crown upon
the JEWEL is a symbol of the royal origin of the degree. The
extended compasses denote the broad knowledge of The
Grand Elect. The sun in the center teaches us that our
actions should be as open as the blaze of the noonday sun,
and our charity as diffusive as its beams.
The APRON is white, lined with white and bordered
with gold. The white is to remind us of innocence and of
that purity which was required for an entrance into this
place; the gold, of that wisdom which should characterize
all Grand Elect Masons. Its form is supposed to be the true
form used by the Perfect Masters at the building of the
Temple, and alludes to the golden triangle or delta of
Enoch, which adorns the center.
Junior Warden — The SASH represents the ancient
Girdle of a Grand Elect Mason. It was used of old to bind
up and strengthen the body, and enable man to persist in his
labors. It is, therefore, an emblem of activity, promptness
and perseverance.
The nine colors in the SASH are arranged according to
Grand Elect Mason 35

the mystic numbers of this degree, 3, 5, 7 and 9, and are

thus explained:
The blue is an emblem of friendship; the red, of zeal;
the yellow, of wisdom. The green is a beautiful emblem of
hope, and of that immortal part of man which never, never
dies; the purple of dignity and majesty; the white of purity
and innocence; the black of seriousness and modesty of
demeanor. The next color is that of stone, which denotes
firmness and durability and is an emblem of constancy,
fidelity and decision of character — qualities which should
be possessed by those who attempt to walk in the footsteps
of our Grand Master, Hiram Abif. The flame color is
emblematical of ardent affection and charity, the peculiar
traits of a Grand Elect Mason.
The various colors united in this one SASH are expres-
sive of that unity, and the olive interwoven, of that peace
which should link us together as Brethren. May the virtues
they represent shine in your heart and life!
All return to their stations and are seated.

Where a suitable stage is available, the curtain opens, set with the
Ark of the Covenant, the Seven Branch Golden Candlestick, the
Table of Incense and other articles of the Temple. Where a stage is
not available, these articles should be suitably displayed. The
Thrice Potent Master, standing East of the Altar, faces East with
arms upraised.
If the ring is not being presented to the candidate to keep, the fol-
lowing is to be given.

Thrice Potent Master — My dear Brother, a gold ring

such as I now display, is a symbol of the alliance you have here
36 Fourteenth Degree

contracted with virtue and the virtuous. The inscription in the

ring reads: “Whom virtue unites, death cannot separate.” The
ring itself is an emblem of eternity and, with the inscription,
symbolizes the eternal nature of that covenant into which you
have now entered.
If the ring is presented to the candidate to keep, the following is to
be substituted.

Thrice Potent Master — My dear Brother, a gold ring

such as I now present you, is a symbol of the alliance you have
here contracted with virtue and the virtuous. The inscription in
the ring reads: “Whom virtue unites, death cannot separate.”
The ring itself is an emblem of eternity and, with the inscrip-
tion, symbolizes the eternal nature of that covenant into which
you have now entered. You are never to part with it while you
have life, nor at your death except to leave it to your eldest son,
your wife or your dearest friend. Not to be worn by such per-
son, except he be a Grand Elect Mason, but to be kept as a
Master of Ceremonies conducts Exemplar to his seat, all candi-
dates are directed to be seated and the officers return to their sta-
tions and are seated.

Deputy Master — My Brothers, at the threshold of the
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite you began a journey whose
goal has been to seek perfection, where the true name of God
would be revealed.
You have now reached that goal, for by PERFECTION we
mean the completion of a symbolic journey toward a more per-
fect knowledge of the One, Living and True God and of His
Grand Elect Mason 37

will for men. In the ancient tradition, as the candidate pro-

gressed through the sequence of degrees, he learned that the
Sacred Word of each degree was a substitute name for God,
revealing one of His attributes.
But one Name stands above all — transcendant and
resplendent — and in the Thirteenth Degree, as a Master of the
Ninth Arch, it is the candidate’s high privilege to discover the
symbol of that True Name — four Hebrew letters, engraved on
a triangular plate of gold, set in a cube of agate.
Here the Tetragrammaton is displayed.

This Tetragrammaton, or four-letter name, is one of the

most widely recognized and deeply revered symbols known to
man. These four Hebrew consonants, Y.H.V.H., cannot be pro-
nounced as a word but, in this mystic form, the Ineffable Name
was revealed to Moses at the Burning Bush.
In later years, men were not content with a symbol but
were eager for a word which they could orally communicate.
By inserting the initial vowels of Adonai and Elohim, two
ancient names for God, they were then able to pronounce the
Ineffable Name of the Grand Architect of the Universe.
Returns to station.

Thrice Potent Master — ★★★ To order, Brethren, on the

Sign of Fidelity.
All rise, and stand reverently during the communication of the

Thrice Potent Master — (To Candidates) — You are now

ready, my Brothers, for the full unveiling of our Mysteries. In
the Ineffable Degrees we steadily climb onward and upward
38 Fourteenth Degree

toward broader horizons, loftier planes of thought, nobler con-

ceptions of Deity. We are inspired by that creative Mind that
made man, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life —
of life immortal and eternal, a spirit — a soul — a living spark
from that great, infinite, central splendor that men call — God.
The Secret Master is taught that, as respecting God, His
Name is Himself and Himself is His Name. To a Grand Elect
Mason, the Name of God is the character of God, His very
nature and personality as He revealed Himself to Moses on
Sinai — merciful and gracious, abundant in goodness and in
You will soon be permitted to pronounce this Name which
the ancient Hebrews were unable to utter, and we charge you
— as Grand Elect Masons — never to use the Holy Name of
God carelessly, irreverently, or profanely. We bow in adoration
before the majesty and glory of God, thus reflecting, as in a
mirror, that which we ourselves should be — men created in
His image and likeness.
Thrice Potent Master — We shall now communicate to
you the Grand Ineffable Word of a Grand Elect Mason. Brother
Senior Warden, you will pronounce the first syllable.
Senior Warden — Y A H (Yah, as in ah).
Thrice Potent Master — Brother Junior Warden, you will
pronounce the second syllable.
Junior Warden — W E H (Weh, as in way).
Thrice Potent Master — With solemnity, and in a spirit of
reverence, I will utter the Word and you will repeat it at my
command. YAHWEH.
Grand Elect Mason 39

Thrice Potent Master — SPEAK THE WORD!

All — Y A H W E H
After the Word is spoken, the Officers turn toward the East, and on
a sign of adoration — hands lifted above the head, palms inward.
Appropriate lighting and sound effects.

Thrice Potent Master — (Slowly, reverently and with sus-

tained emphasis. Officers still at the sign of adoration.) O
Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth.
You have set Your glory above the heavens, and Your
majesty encompasses the world.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your
dominion endures throughout all generations.
You shall be our God for ever and ever: Our Guide even
unto death.
Blessed are You, God of our fathers. To You be endless
praise. Amen and Amen.

Thrice Potent Master — Brethren, be seated.

All are seated. Curtain closes on the Tetragrammaton. House lights
come up to full. Thrice Potent Master moves to a central position
to address all candidates but not to exclude the brethren in the

Thrice Potent Master — There is no magic in a word,

however sacred. Its meaning must be understood. We interpret
the name YAHWEH to mean “God the Speaker,” the God who
reveals Himself to His children and makes His will known to
man. He speaks to us in the Sacred Writings of all the great
40 Fourteenth Degree

religions which believe in the One, Living and True God. He

speaks to us in the inspired words of the great Teachers and
Prophets of the ages. He speaks to us in the humble lives of all
who have learned the lesson of Love. He speaks to us in the
still, small voice of Conscience, in the secret recesses of our
own souls. This God, whom we call YAHWEH, and whom we
worship, is the infinite Counselor of finite men who put their
trust in Him and reverence His Holy Name.
Remember, my Brethren, your heart is a temple wherein
God may dwell. See to it that this Holy House is not profaned
by unhallowed thoughts or that which is unclean. Live worthi-
ly the high profession you have made, and let your life reflect
the love of God, that the world may be better and happier.
My Brethren, let your soul become BETH-EL — The
House of God! We welcome you among the Grand Elect.
Thrice Potent Master — ★★★
Lights on candelabrum of three are extinguished. House lights are
taken down to three-quarters.

Thrice Potent Master — ★★★★★

Lights on candelabrum of five are extinguished. House lights are
taken down to one-half.

Thrice Potent Master — ★★★★★★★

Lights on candelabrum of seven are extinguished. House lights are
taken down to one-quarter.

Thrice Potent Master — ★★★ ★★★ ★★★

Lights on candelabrum of nine are extinguished. House lights are
taken down to a mere glow.
Grand Elect Mason 41

Curtain opens on stage dimly lighted with blues and whites.

Preferably behind a scrim the choir in white can be discerned in a
kneeling position, backs toward the audience. Up-stage center,
barely discernible is a figure in white costume — especially cho-
sen for his voice.
Thrice Potent Master — Let us assemble in the East.
All members of the cast approach the East facing stage, arms
raised in the sign of adoration: Choir softly sings an appropriate
number — then hums same. Voice speaks.

The Voice (Alternate: Thrice Potent Master) — From this

place of quiet and consecration, we return to a world torn by
strife and filled with tragedy. In this hour of trial, we as
GRAND ELECT MASONS must play an important role. We
HAVE the TRUTH that makes men free. Let us go forth, trust-
ing in God and highly resolved to play our part as men and as
Masons. Verily the gates of Hell shall not prevail against us.
In the world men know Masonry only through the lives of
individual Masons. Let us live, act and speak in such a way that
all may know the high ideals for which we stand.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make
His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may the
Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give
you peace, now and forevermore.
Slow curtain.

Thrice Potent Master — (Facing audience with right

hand raised) — To order, Brethren. (Followed by declaration.)
House slowly blacks out. Blackout continues until after the cast
has retired.

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