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Writing Process Survey

1. What is your current relationship with writing? What is your general attitude
toward writing?
I enjoy writing to a certain extent. I would not say that I enjoy writing as I consider myself
more of a numbers guy.
2. How does language influence your writing? Do you write in more than one
Language does not affect my writing currently. In high school I wrote a good amount of
papers in Spanish but I have not written anything in Spanish since I got to college.
3. Describe your “writing rituals.” What are the steps or actions you need to take
before you begin to write? Where do you write, and what tools do you use? In
what environment do you write best?
I normally need to go into a quiet space, put green noise in on my headphones, and then start
with an outline. I then write off of my outline and make the language flow better.
4. Describe your writing process. Do you outline? Make lists/notes? Write a whole
draft and then revise? Never revise? Do you write it in one sitting or in stages?
Do you procrastinate and wait until right before the deadline? Or do you start
early? Describe the stages you go through from the time you get a writing
task/assignment until the time you deliver it.
I outline, then I make a full draft, and then come back and revise it. I normally like to spread
out my writing over multiple days but sometimes I do end up procrastinating.
5. What is the easiest part of writing for you? What parts of writing do you enjoy?
I would say that the easiest part of writing for me is creating ideas in my outline. Ideas for
what I want to write about come to my head pretty quickly.
6. What is the most difficult part of writing for you? What parts do you resist doing?
I would say expanding on my ideas is pretty difficult for me. It normally takes me a while to
write and explain my ideas
7. How do you feel about writing? What emotions does writing create for you?
I do not particularly enjoy writing. However, once I get into the assignment, I appreciate and
enjoy reading my finished project.
8. How do you define “good writing?”
I would define good writing as a paper that flows well, is easy to follow, and uses sat words
to explain their point better.
9. List five things you’d like to change about your writing and/or writing process.
I would like to not procrastinate, Write better intros, write better conclusions, be able to
expand on my ideas better, and revise a little bit better.
10. If we define writing broadly to include text messages, emails, tweets, etc., do you
actually do a lot of writing? More than you realised? Does that writing “count”?
Yes, I definitely do a good amount of writing if those are considered writing. However, I do
not think that it counts as writing because most of the time when I am texting I am barely
typing in real words.

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