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Bicaz Canyon

Bicaz Canyon is a particularly picturesque geographical area of Romania located in the central part
of the Hăsmaș Mountains, in the northeast of the country in Neamț and Harghita counties. It is only
20 km away from Bicaz city. It is bounded on the north and northwest by the Suhardul Mare and to
the southeast by the Suhardul Mic. These canyon connect Transylvania with Moldova and are
located more precisely in the central part of the Hăsmaș Mountains.
The origin of the lake is explained from
two legends. One tells of the collapse of the
mountain over the flocks of sheep with
shepherd, the color of the lake coming from
the blood of the past lives. Following the
collapse the Red Lake was formed. The other
legend is the story of a beautiful girl,
kidnapped by a outlaw and taken to the rocks
of the Suhard Mic. Released by the spirit of
the mountain, the girl finds her death together
with the wonderful villain since her release.
They were killed by the collapse of the rocks,
which eventually led to the formation of the
The Bicaz Canyon is guarded by Mount Bardoș (to the north), Piatra Poienii Mountain (to the
south) and Piatra Surducului Mountain (to the east) and is part of the Bicaz-Hăsmaș Gorge National
Park. The Bicaz gorge is composed of several sectors: the Gate of Hell , The porch of Hell and the
Neck of Hell. The limestone walls of the cliffs hide caves of great beauty (Black Cave, Cascada
Cave) and oats (Licaș, Three Entry Avenue). All the small watercourses tributary to Bicaz turn in
turn other keys such as: Lapoșului Gorge, Șugăului Gorge, Bicajelului Gorge.For the route you can
admire the Altar Stone - a rocky massif of 1120 m altitude, the rocky massif Piatra Pinteștilor (847
m) and Piatra Arșiței (835 m). Among other more outstanding rocks in the area we mention Piatra
Surducului, Stone Gate and Bardosului Piles.The canyon is guarded by the peaks: Killer, Stone of
the Altar (Tower of the Bardoș), Suhard.
Curiosities History
The specialists say that along the eight kilometers The Bicaz Canyon were formed
of the Bicaz Canyon, these are formed four kilometers due to erosion caused by the
of limestone, on the sector the Great Canyon, and four Bicaz River and its tributaries
kilometers in the Bârnadu Conglomerates, on the Small and extend over a distance of 8
Canyon sector, and at their eastern end, Bicazul cut in km, between Red Lake and
the limestone massifs Surduc-Munticelu. Bicazul Ardelean.

Nistor Ștefania, Liceul Teoretic ,,Avram Iancu”, Cluj-Napoca, România

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