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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assessor Internal
Unit 03: Professional Practice
Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a Training
Assignment title

Student’s name Mohamed Asif

List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction

criteria the Assessor
has awarded.

Do the assessment criteria awarded

match those shown in the assignment Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s
comments on the student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance? Y/N

• Agreeing actions? Y/N

Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 1 | 48

Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken

Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier

Programme Leader signature

(if required)

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 2 | 48

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID Mohamed Asif / E199654

Unit Title Unit 03: Professional Practice

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target
Pass, Merit & P1 P2 M1 D1
Distinction Descripts

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

Pass, Merit & P3 P4 M2 M3 D2
Distinction Descripts

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team
working in different environments
Pass, Merit & P5 P6 M4 D3
Distinction Descripts

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning
Pass, Merit & P7 P8 P9 M5 D4
Distinction Descripts

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 3 | 48

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date

Student Date

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 4 | 48

Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 03: Professional Practice
Assignment 01

Mohamed Asif
Student ID – E199654

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 5 | 48

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your
assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are
accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 points, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject,
Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual
sheets become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help
editing your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for
the compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text
boxes in the body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will
result in rejection of your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such
as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade.
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE
FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly
using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide
both in-text citation and a reference list.

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 6 | 48

10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your
grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from
the course

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Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any
of the assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program,
will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the
source in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a
binding agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this
document is not attached to the assignment.

Student’s Signature: Date: 19/05/2023
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 8 | 48

Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Mohamed Asif
Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Professional Practice

Academic Year 2022/23

Unit Tutor Miss. Kushani Fernando

Assignment Title Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a

Training Programme
Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You
are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please
provide in-text citation and a list of references using Harvard referencing system. Please note
that this is an activity-based assessment and your report should include evidences to the
activities carried out individually and/or in a group.

To carry out the activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups, comprising
maximum of 6 members.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

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LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication
skills to a target audience.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the
impact of team working in different environments.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and
its role within the workplace and for higher-level learning.


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Assume yourself as the event coordinator working in an event planning organization
specialized in delivering trainings on IT and soft skills. you have been appointed to design and
deliver a training event on IT /Soft Skills to an identified audience. You are required to
complete the project within 2 months and the training plan and resources should be finalized
as per the requirement of the client.

You are required to form a group of not more than 10 members in order to carry out the event.
The event will be headed by an event manager/ leader and each group member will be assigned
a set of tasks. While designing and delivering the event,

• the skills required to make the event successful

• challenges faced during the design/ delivery
• Critical evaluation of the problems, challenges faced and the methods used to overcome
• The need for continuously develop in a professional environment

Need to be thoroughly considered.

At the end of the event, produce an individual report by each member covering the
following tasks.

Task 1:

Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by designing a
professional project plan with following details.

• Roles appointed to group members and an evaluation of interpersonal skills of each

member that justifies the assigned role in the team.
• Goal and objectives of the project
• Evidence to the communication styles and formats used to communicate with the client
and the team members and the findings/ outcomes of the communications.
• Challenges/ problems identified and the plan to overcome them
• A professional project schedule with the activities, milestones and contingencies
identified to demonstrate the effective time management skills in order to plan the
training .

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Task 2

Research different problem-solving techniques that can be used to solve the identified
problems in task 1 and demonstrate how critical reasoning can be applied to identify a solution
to the identified problems in planning and designing of the training event.

Critically evaluate the solution methodology used to solve one of the identified problems and
justify how selected methodology helped you to successfully solve the problem and achieve
the project objectives.

Task 3

Work in your team by contributing your skills and knowledge to meet the project goal.
Critically evaluate your own role and contribution to the group for the completion of the
training event.

Discuss the importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by
referring to the role assigned to the group members and analyse how team dynamics among
your group members effectively helped to achieve the shared project goal.

Task 4

Discuss with examples, the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a

work setting by evaluating the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the
effectiveness of your employees in your organization.

Produce a continuous professional development (CPD) plan using the criteria identified above
with relevant to the responsibilities, required skills, performance objectives for the members
of your team. Review different motivational theories and discuss how they can be helpful to
improve the performance of the team members and meet the objectives of the developed CPD
plan. Justify how the developed CPD supports in building the motivation of your team.

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Mohamed Asif Professional Practice P a g e 13 | 48
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................... 15
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 16
1. Task 01 ....................................................................................................................... 16
1.1 Event Plan ........................................................................................................... 16
1.2 Group Members and Their Roles ........................................................................ 17
1.3 Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................... 19
1.4 Meeting with Team members .............................................................................. 21
1.5 Challenges we met .............................................................................................. 22
1.6 Project Schedule .................................................................................................. 23
1.6.1 Gantt Chart ........................................................................................................ 23
1.6.2 The Agenda........................................................................................................ 24
2. Task 02 ....................................................................................................................... 25
2.1 Problem Solving Techniques ................................................................................... 25
2.2Application of critical reasoning for the design and delivery of event ..................... 28
2.3 Evaluation of the event ............................................................................................. 29
3. Task 03 ........................................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Team Dynamics........................................................................................................ 31
3.1.1 Importance of Team Dynamics ......................................................................... 31
3.1.2 Team Dynamics in terms of roles of members in a team .................................. 32
3.2 My contribution to the Team .................................................................................... 34
3.2.1 Working in a team ............................................................................................. 34
3.2.2 Critical evaluation of my role and contribution to the team .............................. 34
3. Task 04 ....................................................................................................................... 39
4.1 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) ......................................................... 39
4.2 Motivational Theories .............................................................................................. 39
4.3 Development plan for team members ...................................................................... 40
4.4 Role of CPD and Development planning in Building Motivation ........................... 44
4.5 Evidence Criteria used to measure Effective CPD................................................... 45
Referencing ........................................................................................................................ 48

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our lecturer Miss. Kushani Fernando for
giving me full support throughout this module known as professional practice. Next, I
would like to thank all my friends and parents who assisted me in completing this
assignment successfully. I also would like to thank chat GPT by openAI and all the other
online resources I used in this assignment. I am overwhelmed in all humbleness and
gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all who have helped me put these ideas into this

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1. Task 01

1.1 Event Plan

My team and I have been entrusted with the responsibility of designing and delivering a
training event that focuses on IT and Soft Skills. In response to this task, we engaged in a
series of collaborative brainstorming sessions. After careful consideration, we determined
that our target audience would be junior students pursuing a diploma in ICT.

Our chosen workshop theme centres around "Exploring the Hardware Components of a
CPU." Our approach involves a multifaceted learning experience. Firstly, we intend to
deliver a comprehensive theoretical presentation on the various components of a CPU,
providing attendees with a strong foundational understanding.

Recognizing the value of practical knowledge and the importance of enhancing soft skills
and teamwork abilities, we have incorporated a dynamic group activity into the
workshop. This activity entails dividing the participants into smaller groups. Each group
will be given a disassembled CPU and will work collectively to reassemble it. Through
this hands-on exercise, participants will not only gain valuable practical insights but also
cultivate their ability to collaborate effectively within a team.

In essence, our event plan encompasses both theoretical learning and interactive
application, ensuring that participants gain a well-rounded understanding of CPU
components while simultaneously fostering their soft skills and teamwork capabilities.

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1.2 Group Members and Their Roles

In my capacity as the team leader, it was my foremost responsibility to ensure the

seamless execution of this event. To achieve this, I undertook the task of allocating
distinct responsibilities to each team member. This strategic division of roles was
based on a thorough assessment of their individual skills and capabilities.

By carefully analysing the strengths and aptitudes of each team member, I assigned
them specific tasks that aligned with their unique abilities. This personalized
approach not only optimized the team's overall efficiency but also capitalized on the
diverse skill set within our group.

In essence, my role encompassed the discerning identification of tasks and the

subsequent delegation of these tasks to team members, taking into account their
individual competencies. This approach aimed to harness the collective talents of
the team and contribute to the successful realization of our event.

The information about our team members and the roles they played in this event are
as follow

Responsibilities &
Name Role Skills
Critical Evaluation
• Leadership • As the team leader I was
• Problem responsible for all the
solving duties. I made the
• Flexibility presentation and presented
Mohamed Team
• Interpersonal about Optical Drive. I
Asif Leader
Skills think I did well as the team
leader. My communication
and Presentation skills
should be improved.
Hansaka Project • Communication • Hansaka did a pretty good
Fernando Manager job as the project manager.

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• Presentation I appointed him to this role
skills due to his extra ordinary
• Leadership Communication skills and
• Cultural management skills. He
awareness presented about
Motherboard and Central
Processing Unit.
• Creative • Ishan is a guy who gets
Thinking crazy and different ideas
• Negotiation which usually works well
Ishan Creative
• Problem in the end. He presented
Malitha Thinker
Solving about Graphics Processing
• Conflict Unit.
• Networking • Navodya is good team
• Time worker who can connect
Navodya Management with anyone. She did
Malshani • Problem presentation about PSU.
Solving She recorded our team’s
• Adaptability progress.

• Presentation • Methmi has some good

Skills presentation skills and she
• Communication hosted our workshop. She
Methmi Presentation • Decision did the presentation about
Bhawana Specialist Making RAM. Methmi is a person
• Interpersonal who is up for any task. She
Skills also brought a CPU for the
• Active listening • Pragashini is a good team
• Empathy worker. She did the
Analyst • Team work presentation about
• Time HDD/SSD. And also, she
Management was responsible for

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collecting feedbacks from
our audience.

1.3 Goals and Objectives

The objectives and goals of our training event are


1. Educational Objectives
• To provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the
fundamental hardware components that constitute a Central Processing Unit
• To enhance participants' theoretical knowledge about CPU architecture,
functions, and interactions among components.

2. Practical Objectives
• To offer participants hands-on experience in assembling and disassembling a
CPU, fostering practical skills and familiarity with hardware components.
• To ensure participants gain confidence in working with hardware, cables,
and connectors.

3. Soft Skills Objectives

• To improve participants' teamwork and collaboration skills by engaging
them in a group activity where they must collectively assemble a CPU.
• To enhance participants' problem-solving skills as they work together to
troubleshoot and successfully assemble the CPU.
• To promote effective communication and active listening among participants
during the group activity.
• To provide an opportunity for participants to practice time management and
organization within a group context.

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1. Knowledge Acquisition
• Participants should acquire a solid theoretical understanding of the key
hardware components within a CPU, such as the motherboard, processor,
memory, and storage devices.

2. Practical Application
• Participants should be able to successfully assemble and disassemble a
CPU, demonstrating practical skills in handling hardware components,
cables, and connectors.

3. Teamwork and Collaboration

• Participants should actively engage in group activities, working together
cohesively to accomplish the task of assembling a CPU within a set

4. Problem-Solving Abilities
• Participants should develop the ability to identify and address issues that
may arise during the assembly process, finding solutions as a team.

5. Soft Skills Development

• Participants should enhance their soft skills, including communication,
active listening, time management, and organization, through the group

6. Confidence Building
• Participants should gain confidence in their practical skills and ability to
work collaboratively, contributing to their overall professional

7. Knowledge Retention

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• Participants should retain the theoretical knowledge gained during the
presentation, enabling them to apply this understanding to real-world

8. Positive Experience
• Participants should leave the event with a positive impression, feeling
engaged, motivated, and empowered to apply their newfound knowledge
and skills.

By achieving these objectives and goals, our training event will provide participants
with a well-rounded educational experience, equipping them with both theoretical
knowledge and practical skills while fostering important soft skills necessary for
their future careers in the field of ICT.

1.4 Meeting with Team members

We conducted regular team meetings to assess our progress, exchange knowledge,
and provide assistance to our fellow team members. These meetings occurred
intermittently, taking place through a combination of online and in-person formats.
During our physical meetings, we gathered at the classroom on a weekly basis to
discuss our project.

In order to facilitate ongoing communication, we established a dedicated WhatsApp

group where we engaged in discussions and shared relevant information.
Furthermore, to conduct online meetings, we utilized the group's capabilities for
voice and video calls, conducting discussions and updates remotely.

Below, you'll find a selection of screenshots capturing the essence of our meetings.

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In essence, our team employed a mix of physical and online interactions, utilizing
both in-person classroom gatherings and virtual WhatsApp discussions and calls to
ensure efficient communication and collaboration throughout the project.

1.5 Challenges we met

Throughout the course of our project, we encountered a series of challenges that
required thoughtful resolution. Initially, our teams comprised 7 members each.
However, due to circumstances, two individuals from the other team transitioned to
a different batch, leaving them with only 5 members. As a result, a collaborative
decision was reached to transfer one member from our team to the other, ensuring a
balanced distribution of resources and expertise. A joint brainstorming session
between the teams facilitated this smooth transition.

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One of the noteworthy challenges we confronted was the constraint of time for
event preparation. Recognizing this limitation, we engaged in a productive dialogue
with our lecturer to discuss the situation. Through this dialogue, we were able to
secure additional days, affording us the necessary time to adequately prepare for the
event and ensure its success.

Another significant hurdle involved sourcing the CPUs required for the interactive
group activity during our workshop. Lacking these CPUs within our team, we faced
the complex task of acquiring them. In response, a proactive strategy was employed.
By utilizing the reach of social media, specifically WhatsApp status updates, we
initiated a request for CPUs from within our network of friends. This approach
yielded successful results, as we were able to obtain the required CPUs, effectively
resolving this crucial challenge.

In essence, our journey was punctuated by challenges that demanded adaptive

solutions. The seamless integration of team members, proactive communication
with instructors, and creative problem-solving through social networks collectively
enabled us to overcome these obstacles and ensure the achievement of our project's

1.6 Project Schedule

1.6.1 Gantt Chart

Effective project scheduling is a crucial element when orchestrating an event, as it

enables us to meticulously monitor our advancement and sustain the necessary pace
for task completion. To streamline this process, we meticulously crafted a Gantt
chart that spanned the entirety of our event, commencing from the project's initial
planning stages. This strategic utilization of the Gantt chart proved immensely
beneficial, furnishing us with invaluable insights and guidance throughout our
event's execution.

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Figure 1

1.6.2 The Agenda

Event Time Done by

Welcoming the Audience 10:30 A.M – 10:32 A.M Methmi
Introduction of workshop 10:32 A.M – 10:35 A.M Asif
Presentation 10:35 A.M – 10:55 A.M All team members
Group activity 10:55 A.M – 11:15 A.M Done by audience with
the help of all team

QnA Session 11:15 A.M – 11:20 A.M Asif

Feedback 11:20 A.M – 11:25 A.M Audience

The group activity required a bit more time and therefore we couldn’t
finish the event according the agenda. We took 1 hour and 5 minutes to
complete our event.

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2. Task 02

2.1 Problem Solving Techniques

Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem;
identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a
solution. (American Society for Quality, 2019)

There are many available techniques used to analyse and identify problems. Using these
methods will help us to understand what is the problem and to identify the methods to
solve them. Here are some important and vastly used problem solving techniques,


Brainstorming is a method of generating ideas and sharing knowledge to solve a

particular commercial or technical problem, in which participants are encouraged to think
without interruption. Brainstorming is a group activity where each participant shares their
ideas as soon as they come to mind. At the conclusion of the session, ideas are
categorised and ranked for follow-on action. (wiki, 2019)

To ensure a productive session and one to which all present contribute, there are several
brainstorming rules,

• Encourage novel and innovative ideas, however odd they may first appear
• The quantity of ideas is more important than quality, so while ideas are
shared with the group they are not discussed or criticised in detail; this is
reserved for a later stage
• Build on the ideas put forward by others
• Every person and every idea have equal worth
• Each idea generated belongs to the group rather than the individual who
thought of it

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Brainstorming is one of the methods that was used to solve above identified problems we
faced. We had a brainstorming session with the other team during our class break and had
a discussion about the problems. During the session we analysed the problem that was
faced and identified different assumptions from different members. The problem we
encountered was that there were only 5 members in the other team and they wanted one
member from our team to make the members of each team 6. We agreed to send one of
our members to the other team. We also considered the counter arguments made by the
other team and came to a conclusion. They made a counter argument that they specially
wanted a boy from our team so that each team will have 3 boys and 3 girls each. The
problem was solved after one of the boys who was in our team came forward to change
his team. This problem was successfully solved via this brain storming session.

SWOT Analysis

Swat analysis is another method to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. Identifying these four factors will help us to solve the problems we face. Here is a
SWOT analysis of our team.

Strength Weakness
• Coordination within team members • Less communication
• Team Dynamics • Most of the team members didn’t
• Helping nature of Team members have time to do their part of
• Willingness of the team members to assignment as they go to work.
complete this task • Lack resources needed for workshop
Opportunity Threat
• We used WhatsApp status to find • Team members had a fear of public
resources speaking
• We got some extra time for the • The other team who did the
preparation of workshop. workshop

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5 Whys

This is a method to find the root cause of the problem by asking why repeatedly. By this
method we can critically evaluate from the problem up to its root cause. We used this
method to find why our workshop was not so well organised.

➢ Why did our workshop was not so well organised?

o Because we couldn’t do a rehearsal of our workshop.
➢ Why couldn’t we do a rehearsal?
o Because the presentation was not completed and we didn’t have time to
meet for a rehearsal
➢ Why was the presentation not completed and we didn’t have time to meet?
o Because the team members didn’t have time to do the presentation and we
only met on Saturdays.
➢ Why didn’t they have time to do it and we only met on Saturdays?
o Because we had other assignments to do and on the weekdays our team
members go to work.

Like this we found out that we didn’t have time as we work on the workdays and also, we
had other assignments to complete. Like this by asking why repeatedly we can find the
root cause of the problem.

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2.2Application of critical reasoning for the design and
delivery of event

Critical reasoning is the process of analysing and evaluating information, ideas, or

arguments in a systematic and logical way to determine their validity, reliability, and
soundness. We applied it into our event planning as follow.

1. Analysis: Breaking down information into its components to understand the structure
and content.

• We break downed the workshop into several parts like the presentation, the group
activity, QnA session and Feedback

2. Evaluation: Assessing the strength of evidence, identifying assumptions, and detecting

flaws or inconsistencies.

• We assessed our team using SWOT analysis.

3. Logic: Applying rational thinking and deductive/inductive reasoning to draw


• Every decision we made was done by logical thinking.

4. Objectivity: Approaching information without bias or preconceived notions.

• We had an objective of providing theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge

about CPU

5. Problem Solving: Using critical thinking skills to solve complex problems effectively.

• We used many problem-solving techniques like brainstorming, 5 why method to

solve the problems we faced.

6. Inference: Drawing logical and well-supported conclusions from available information.

• We drew conclusions for the workshop from the information that we are going to
conduct the workshop for Diploma students.

7. Questioning: Challenging assumptions and seeking deeper understanding through

thoughtful questioning.

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• We questioned ourselves within the team regarding our progress.

8. Evidence: Relying on reliable and relevant evidence to support or refute claims.

• We recorded evidence for the meetings we conducted and the workshop using
screenshots and photos.

9. Communication: Expressing ideas clearly and persuasively based on well-reasoned


• We communicated within our team using WhatsApp, video calls and physical
meetings. Also, we communicated with our audience with the help of

10. Decision Making: Making informed choices by weighing pros and cons using critical
reasoning skills.

• We analysed the pros and cons of each decision with the help of team members
via meetings

2.3 Evaluation of the event

The overall success of the event can be evaluated by examining the application of critical
reasoning and thinking in achieving the end goal. In this context, critical reasoning and
thinking encompass the ability to analyse, synthesize, and make informed decisions based
on a thorough understanding of the situation. Let's assess how well these skills were

1. Topic Selection and Planning:

Critical reasoning was evident in the thoughtful selection of the workshop topic,
"Hardware Components of a CPU," aligning it with the target audience's level of
understanding. The planning process, including the recording of a Gantt chart and making
an agenda, showcased a well-structured approach that demonstrated logical sequencing
and allocation of tasks.

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2. Adaptation to Challenges:

The team exhibited strong critical thinking skills when confronted with challenges such
as team member adjustments and time constraints. The decision to transfer a team
member and the proactive communication with the lecturer to get some additional time
reflected an agile and well-reasoned approach to problem-solving.

3. Resource Management:

Successfully getting CPUs through a social network demonstrated resourceful thinking.

Using WhatsApp status to request CPUs showcased creative problem-solving and a
practical application of critical reasoning to address a critical need.

4. Content Delivery:

The theoretical presentation on CPU components showcased the team's ability to distil
complex information into an accessible format. Critical reasoning was evident in the
structured delivery of content, enabling the audience to comprehend intricate concepts

5. Group Activity and Soft Skills Enhancement:

The integration of a group activity to assemble disassembled CPUs was a testament to

critical thinking. It not only provided hands-on experience but also fostered teamwork
and collaboration, aligning with the broader objective of enhancing soft skills.

6. Audience Engagement and Feedback:

The evaluation of the event's success hinged on the ability to get the audience engaged
and gather feedback. The implementation of interactive elements showcased an astute
understanding of how to sustain interest and encourage participation.

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In summary, the event's overall success can be attributed to the effective application of
critical reasoning and thinking throughout the planning, execution, and evaluation stages.
The team's ability to make sound decisions, adapt to challenges, and strategically address
various aspects of the event underscores the integral role of these skills in achieving the
end goal.

3. Task 03

3.1 Team Dynamics

Team dynamics refers to how people in a group work together and interact with each
other. It's like the "chemistry" of a team – how team members communicate, collaborate,
and get along. It's about understanding each other's strengths, weaknesses, and roles in
order to work well together and achieve the team's goals. Good team dynamics lead to
effective teamwork and a positive working environment.

3.1.1 Importance of Team Dynamics

Team dynamics play a vital role in determining whether the event is successful or not.

Importance in Success:

Good team dynamics, where team members communicate well, support each other, and
work together smoothly, can lead to a successful workshop. When team members
understand their roles, share ideas, and collaborate effectively, they can plan and execute
the event efficiently. This helps in delivering engaging content, managing challenges, and
creating a positive experience for the participants. Team members with strong dynamics
can solve problems together, adapt to changes, and ensure that the workshop runs

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Importance in Failure:

If there are issues with team dynamics, it can lead to a less successful workshop. Poor
communication, conflicts, or lack of cooperation might result in disorganization,
misunderstandings, or even mistakes during the event. If team members don't work well
together, it could impact the quality of the presentation, the group activity, or the overall
experience for the participants. Team dynamics that don't support effective collaboration
can lead to challenges that might hinder the success of the workshop.

With good coordination, communication and support within our team, we were able to
build good team dynamics within our team which eventually lead us to the success of the
event. As the team leader I made sure that our team members understood each other very
well and made them believe that our team is always there for them.

In simple words, team dynamics determine whether the team works well together like a
smoothly running engine or faces difficulties that can affect the quality and success of the
event. It's like how a soccer team needs good coordination to score goals – a workshop
needs positive team dynamics to achieve its goals successfully.

3.1.2 Team Dynamics in terms of roles of members in a team

Let's analyse the team dynamics based on the roles each group member plays and their
effectiveness in achieving shared goals for each role:

1. Leader - Mohamed Asif:

The leader is like the captain of the team. I (author) guide the group, set the direction,
and make final decisions. My effectiveness depends on how well I listen to others, keeps
the team motivated, and ensures everyone is working together towards the same goal.

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2. Project Manager - Hansaka Fernando:

Hansaka Fernando is like the organizer and planner. He makes sure tasks are assigned,
deadlines are met, and everything is on track. His effectiveness is in coordinating team
members, making sure everyone knows what they need to do, and adjusting plans if

3. Creative Thinker - Ishan Malitha:

Ishan Malitha brings new and imaginative ideas to the team. His effectiveness is seen in
how well he encourages innovative thinking, offers solutions to challenges, and helps the
team see things from different angles.

4. Presentation Specialist - Methmi Bhawana:

Methmi Bhawana is responsible for making information look appealing and easy to
understand. Her effectiveness lies in creating clear and engaging visuals that help the
audience grasp the content of the presentation.

5. Coordinator - Navodya Malshani:

Navodya Malshani ensures that things run smoothly. Her effectiveness is in organizing
schedules, making sure everyone is informed, and handling logistical details to keep the
team on track.

6. Analyst - Pragashini Ravindran:

Pragashini Ravindran digs into data and information to provide insights. Her
effectiveness is in studying details, finding patterns, and helping the team make informed
decisions based on facts.

The team dynamics are crucial because each member's role contributes to the overall
success. An effective leader guides and motivates, a capable project manager keeps things
organized, a creative thinker brings new ideas, a presentation specialist makes content
appealing, a coordinator ensures smooth operations, and an analyst provides valuable
insights. When each member works well in their role, the team collaborates effectively,
leading to the achievement of shared goals in the workshop.

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3.2 My contribution to the Team

3.2.1 Working in a team

Working within a team involves collaborating with others to achieve a specific objective
or goal. Teamwork is about individuals pooling their skills, knowledge, and efforts to
collectively accomplish something that might be challenging or complex. Effective
teamwork requires open communication, coordination, and a shared commitment to the
common goal. By working together, a team can combine their strengths, compensate for
weaknesses, and ultimately achieve more than they could individually.

3.2.2 Critical evaluation of my role and contribution to the team

We were divided into teams, and initially, our team didn't have a leader. I took the
initiative to create a WhatsApp group for our team and added the members. Due to this
proactive step, the other team members appointed me as the team leader unanimously.
From that point onward, I took on full responsibility for the team. While I possess some
strong leadership qualities and a good understanding of my team members, there are areas
that I recognize need improvement.

For instance, my communication skills, especially in public speaking, need refinement. I

decided to seize this opportunity to work on enhancing these aspects. I organized multiple
meetings both in person and through WhatsApp calls. I utilized our WhatsApp group as a
primary means of communication. During these meetings, we collectively decided on our
workshop topic, "Hardware Components of a CPU." I assigned specific roles and
responsibilities to each team member, including taking charge of the presentation.

I personally undertook the responsibility of creating the presentation, which required

thorough research into CPU hardware components. I also proactively learned advanced
presentation techniques to make the content engaging. To facilitate the group activity in
the workshop, I located a CPU through a WhatsApp status from my network of friends.

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Once I obtained the CPU, I disassembled it to study its parts using online resources and
learned to reassemble it as well.

I maintained an active and engaging environment in the WhatsApp group by

communicating regularly with our members. I orchestrated the creation of the event
agenda and ensured that every member was on track with their assigned tasks. A few days
before the event, I provided clear instructions to team members about their respective
roles and responsibilities during the presentation.

On the day of the event, I arrived early to disassemble the CPU parts. Just before the
event began, I conducted a quick rehearsal with the team to ensure a smooth flow. During
the event, as the team leader, I introduced the workshop, explained the Optical Drive
component (which was my designated part for the presentation), guided the audience
through the group activity of assembling the CPU, and facilitated a Q&A session. The
workshop concluded with expressing gratitude to the participants.

In this manner, I successfully led the team through the workshop, making significant
contributions. Here are some images showing my contribution to the event.

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Figure 2Presentation

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Figure 3 Guiding the audience during group activity

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Figure 4My Team

Figure 5 Searching for a CPU

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3. Task 04

4.1 Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Continuous professional development, often called CPD, means learning and improving
your skills and knowledge even after you finish school or college. It's like keeping
yourself up-to-date and getting better at your job or what you're good at. It can involve
taking courses, reading, practicing, or even learning from others. CPD helps you stay
really good at what you do and keeps you ready for new things that might come your
It is important because it keeps you sharp and ready in your field. It's like exercising your
brain and skills to stay strong. By learning new things and improving what you already
know, you can do your job better and be ready for any changes that might happen. CPD
helps you stay on top of things and become a pro at what you do.
Continuous professional development, is like a booster for your learning. It helps you
grow and get better at what you know and do. When you keep learning and practicing,
you become more skilled and knowledgeable. CPD adds new layers to your abilities,
making you more confident and capable. Just like a plant needs water and sunlight to
thrive, CPD gives you the nourishment to flourish in your work and keep adapting to new
challenges. CPD doesn’t have to be big. Even small, regular efforts to learn and grow can
make a significant difference over time.

4.2 Motivational Theories

Here are few motivation theories and their impact on team performance explained in
simple words:

1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

This theory suggests that people are motivated by different needs, like food, safety,
belonging, self-esteem, and personal growth. In a team, if these needs are met – like
everyone feeling safe, respected, and valued – team members are more likely to work
well together and be motivated to achieve their goals.

2. Expectancy Theory:
This theory is like a "what's in it for me" idea. It says that if team members believe their
effort will lead to good performance, and good performance will lead to rewards, they'll

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be motivated to work hard. So, if team members see a clear connection between their
efforts and good outcomes, they'll give their best.

3. Goal-Setting Theory:
Imagine your team sets specific, challenging goals. This theory says that when people
have clear goals to work towards, they'll be more motivated to put in effort and do their
best. Goals give them a target to aim for and a sense of accomplishment when they reach

4. Self-Determination Theory:
This theory is about wanting to do things because you genuinely enjoy them. When
team members feel like they have a say in what they do, feel competent in their roles, and
have good relationships with others, they'll be motivated from within to work hard and
contribute their best.

5. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory:

This theory talks about what makes people happy or unhappy at work. If the team
provides good working conditions, fair pay, and other basic needs (hygiene factors), it
helps prevent dissatisfaction. But to really motivate the team, things like recognition,
meaningful work, and opportunities for growth (motivators) are important.

So, these theories remind us that when team members feel valued, have clear goals, see a
connection between effort and outcomes, and enjoy what they do, they're more likely to
be motivated and perform well as a team.

4.3 Development plan for team members

Development Goals and Objectives:

1. Leader - Mohamed Asif:

- Provide clear guidance and direction to the team.
- Foster a collaborative and supportive team environment.
- Make informed decisions that benefit the team and project.

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Performance Objectives:
- Improve communication skills to effectively convey ideas and instructions.
- Enhance conflict resolution abilities to address challenges within the team.
- Develop delegation skills to distribute tasks efficiently.

Required Skills:
- Effective communication
- Decision-making
- Conflict resolution

2. Project Manager - Hansaka Fernando:

- Plan and oversee project activities.
- Monitor progress and ensure tasks are on schedule.
- Coordinate team efforts and resources.

Performance Objectives:
- Strengthen organizational and time management skills.
- Enhance leadership capabilities to motivate and guide the team.
- Develop risk management skills to handle unexpected situations.

Required Skills:
- Time management
- Leadership
- Risk management

3. Creative Thinker - Ishan Malitha:

- Generate innovative ideas and solutions.
- Contribute to brainstorming sessions and problem-solving.

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- Inspire creativity within the team.

Performance Objectives:
- Develop critical thinking skills to analyse ideas from different perspectives.
- Cultivate adaptability to embrace change and new challenges.
- Improve presentation skills to effectively share creative concepts.

Required Skills:
- Critical thinking
- Adaptability
- Presentation skills

4. Presentation Specialist - Methmi Bhawana:

- Design and deliver engaging presentations.
- Visualize complex information in a clear and compelling manner.
- Support the team in conveying information effectively.

Performance Objectives:
- Enhance visual communication skills for impactful presentations.
- Develop proficiency in presentation software and design tools.
- Cultivate attention to detail to ensure polished presentation materials.

Required Skills:
- Visual communication
- Presentation software
- Attention to detail

5. Coordinator - Navodya Malshani:

- Facilitate smooth communication and collaboration among team members.

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- Organize and manage logistical aspects of projects and events.
- Ensure resources are allocated efficiently.

Performance Objectives:
- Strengthen organizational skills to coordinate multiple tasks effectively.
- Develop interpersonal skills to foster teamwork and resolve conflicts.
- Enhance problem-solving skills to address unexpected challenges.

Required Skills:
- Organization
- Interpersonal communication
- Problem-solving

6. Analyst - Pragashini Ravindran:

- Analyse data and provide insights for informed decision-making.
- Conduct research to support project goals.
- Collaborate with the team to offer valuable perspectives.

Performance Objectives:
- Improve data analysis skills to extract meaningful insights.
- Develop research skills to gather accurate and relevant information.
- Cultivate teamwork skills to effectively contribute to discussions.

Required Skills:
- Data analysis
- Research
- Team collaboration

Development Plan Timeline:

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- Ongoing: Regular team meetings to share progress, knowledge, and provide mutual
- Monthly: Participate in workshops or online courses related to specific skill
- Quarterly: Engage in peer mentoring and knowledge-sharing sessions within the team.
- Bi-annually: Conduct performance reviews to assess progress and set new development

By following this development plan, each team member can enhance their skills,
contribute effectively to the team's goals, and collectively achieve successful outcomes.

4.4 Role of CPD and Development planning in Building


CPD (continuous professional development) and development planning play a crucial role
in boosting the motivation of a team. They act like a roadmap and a source of energy,
driving team members to perform at their best. Here's how they do it:

Development planning outlines specific goals and objectives for each team member.
When team members know what they are working towards and have a clear path to
follow, it ignites their motivation. It's like having a target to aim for, which keeps them
focused and enthusiastic about their work.

CPD provides opportunities for team members to learn new skills and enhance their
expertise. When team members see that their organization values their growth and invests
in their development, it boosts their confidence and morale. It's like giving them the tools
they need to excel, which makes them eager to take on challenges.

CPD and development planning promote a culture of continuous learning. When team
members see that learning is encouraged and supported, it creates a positive environment
where they feel motivated to improve themselves. It's like creating a space where
everyone is excited to learn and grow together.

As team members develop new skills and achieve their goals through CPD, they
experience a sense of accomplishment. This sense of achievement fuels their motivation

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and boosts their self-esteem. It's like receiving a pat on the back for a job well done,
which encourages them to keep pushing forward.

CPD helps team members stay updated with the latest trends and changes in their field.
When they feel equipped to handle new challenges and embrace change, it reduces
uncertainty and anxiety. It's like giving them the confidence to navigate uncharted waters,
making them more motivated to face new situations.

Development planning tailors learning experiences to individual team members' needs

and interests. When team members see that their growth is taken into account, it shows
that their uniqueness is valued. It's like having a customized path to success, which makes
them feel appreciated and motivated.

CPD and development planning provide team members with clear direction, the tools
they need, and a supportive environment to learn, grow, and excel. This builds their
confidence, fosters a sense of accomplishment, and creates a positive atmosphere where
motivation thrives. Just like nurturing a plant with water and sunlight, CPD and
development planning nourish the team's motivation, helping it blossom and flourish.

4.5 Evidence Criteria used to measure Effective CPD

Effective CPD (continuous professional development) can be evaluated using various

evidence criteria to ensure its impact and relevance. Here are some key evidence criteria
that are commonly used to measure the effectiveness of CPD:

1. Learning Outcomes:

Evidence of effective CPD includes clear learning outcomes achieved by participants.

This could be demonstrated through assessments, quizzes, tests, or reflective assignments
that show how participants have gained new knowledge, skills, or competencies.

2. Application in Practice:

Successful CPD should lead to practical application in the workplace. Evidence might
include case studies, projects, or reports showcasing how participants have implemented
what they've learned to improve their work or solve real-world challenges.

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3. Change in Behaviour or Performance:

Effective CPD often results in measurable changes in behaviour or performance. This

could be indicated by improved productivity, efficiency, quality of work, or enhanced

4. Peer and Supervisor Feedback:

Feedback from peers, colleagues, or supervisors can provide valuable evidence of CPD
effectiveness. Positive feedback on improved collaboration, communication, or leadership
skills can highlight the impact of CPD on individual and team performance.

5. Self-Assessment and Reflection:

Self-assessment and reflective statements from participants can reveal their insights into
personal growth, learning progress, and areas of improvement. These reflections can
provide evidence of CPD's impact on self-awareness and development.

6. Achievement of Objectives:

CPD should align with specific objectives or goals. Evidence might include
documentation of completed tasks, projects, or achievements that directly relate to the
CPD undertaken.

7. Certificates and Qualifications:

Successful completion of accredited courses, workshops, or certifications is tangible

evidence of CPD. Certificates can demonstrate that participants have acquired new skills
or knowledge recognized by relevant bodies.

8. Contribution to Professional Development Plans:

Evidence that CPD has influenced an individual's professional development plan or

career progression can indicate its effectiveness in shaping long-term goals and

9. Peer Learning and Collaboration:

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CPD activities that involve peer interaction, such as group projects or collaborative
workshops, can result in shared learning experiences. Evidence might include reports or
testimonials highlighting the benefits of peer learning.

10. Impact on Team or Organizational Goals:

Effective CPD should contribute to team or organizational objectives. Evidence might

include reports, metrics, or presentations demonstrating how CPD has positively
influenced team dynamics, productivity, or overall performance.

In conclusion, effective CPD is substantiated by a combination of evidence criteria that

demonstrate learning outcomes, practical application, behavioural changes, feedback,
self-assessment, and alignment with professional objectives. Collecting and analysing a
range of evidence provides a comprehensive view of the impact and effectiveness of CPD

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American Society for Quality. “What Is Problem Solving? Steps, Process & Techniques |

ASQ.”, 2019,

[Accessed: 16 Aug 2023]

Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Brainstorming. [online] Wikipedia. Available at:
[Accessed: 16 Aug 2023]

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