Well Logging 2

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Well Log Analysis

Other Methods To Find Rw

Prepared by:
-mohammed ahmed hadi
-Karrar saad hatem

Supervised by: Dr. rwaida kaiser


The Introduction:
Rw: One of the most important parameters
needed to calculate hydrocarbon in place from
wireline logs is the resistivity of formation water
in a formation of interest.
There many methods to find Rw:

1-Direct measurement of a water sample.

2-Computation from chemical analysis of a water sample.
3-Using the SP.
4-Hingle cross-plot.
5-Pickett cross-plot.
6-The ratio method.
7-The Rwa method.

1-Direct Measurement of a water sample
Direct measurement of Rw from a water sample
requires two things: an uncontaminated representative
sample of formation fluid and a resistivity cell.

The measurement will be in ohm.m at a given

temperature. At 75°F (a normal ambient temperature).
Conversion of a resistivity measured at one
temperature to an equivalent resistivity at another
temperature can be performed by use of Fig.2.

The Resistivity of formation water is determined by
Resistivity cell equal 1.2 ohm-m at 75 F .
formation temperature (Tf)= 160 F

2-Computing From Chemical Analysis
The resistivity of the formation fluids depends upon
the concentration and type of salts dissolved in it.

Use the chart below to get Nacl equivalent

concentration and enter the previous chart to get the
resistivity of formation water.

Formation water sample with solids concentrations
of calcium (Ca) = 460 ppm, sulfate (SO1) = 1,400 ppm,
and Na plus Cl = 19,000 ppm.
Total solids concentration
= 460 + 1,400 + 19,000 = 20,860 ppm.

3-By using SP
One of the uses of (SP–Log) is determining formation water resistivity (Rw).

Note: If (bed thickness > 20 ft), don’t correct the reading of SP.
If (bed thickness < 20 ft), correct the reading of SP.
Use the charts below to get Rw

Solution of Rw from sp using equations Solution of Rw from SP using charts:
1. From the log heading, get the resistivities of the mud
filtrate (Rmf) at surface temperature.

2. Convert Rmf to formation temperature using chart Gen-9

(as shown before).

3. If Rmf is above (0.1) ohm-meter we will Convert Rmf at formation

temperature to Rmfe using:
Rmfe = 0.85 × Rmf (approximation)

If Rmf is below (0.1) ohm-meter at

formation temperature, use chart SP-2m to get Rmfe .\
4. Calculate static SP from log at zone of interest
A well is drilled with KCl mud. .
Rmf at formation temperature of 200°F is 0.28. 5. Enter chart SP-1 with static SP, formation temperature
and Rmfe to get Rwe at formation temperature
The SP development is -40 mV.
Calculate Rw at formation temperature, assuming 6. Enter chart SP-2m with Rwe and formation temperature
that connate water is an NaCl solution. to get Rw.

4-Hingle Cross-plot
The oldest of the resistivity-porosity cross plot
methods that can be used to determine water
saturation (Sw)

a significant benefit of Hingle's technique is that

a value for water saturation (Sw) can be
determined even if matrix properties (𝜌ma or
~Δtma) of a reservoir are unknown. This is also
true if a reservoir's water resistivity (Rw) is

5-Pickett cross-plot
is a visual representation of the Archie equation.
The Pickett Method is one the observations that
the true resistivity (Rt) is a function of porosity,
water saturation (Sw) and
cementation exponent (m).

Also used to estimate the amount of oil and gas

that can be recovered from a reservoir

It's a style of porosity resistivity plot is popular. It

is called a Pickett plot, and both resistivity and
porosity are plotted on logarithmic scales. Used
to analyze the properties of reservoir rocks,
particularly its porosity and water saturation.
Also used to estimate the amount of oil and
gas that can be recovered from a reservoir

6-The ratio method
The ratio technique is fairly easy to use because it eliminates the need to know every variable. The
equation for water saturation in the undisturbed portion of the formation is:

and in the zone invaded by the drilling-mud filtrate, the equation is:

If only 100% water-saturated zones are considered, then Sw = Sxo = 1

By taking a ratio of the two above equations, the need to know F is
eliminated, and

and, therefore,


2-If Rmf (at 80°F) = 0.15 ohm.m,

Tf = 175°F,
Rt = 2.5 ohm.m, and
Rxo = 1.5 ohmm,
find Rw at formation temperature.

Thank you!


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