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What the FAQ – Equal Money System, Volume 1, Copyright © by Equal Life Foun-
dation, South Africa, . All rights reserved.

Book design and layout by: Leila Zamora Moreno

Compiler: M. H.
Cover designed by: A. G.

First Edition: June 2012


The content of each blog is the sole expression and perspective of its author, and not
necessarily that of Desteni, the Desteni members, the Desteni websites or the Equal
Life Foundation.

This book is not intended as a substitute for the advice of health care practitioners
or physicians.
Neither the publisher nor the individual author(s) shall be liable for any physical,
psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not lim-
ited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. You are responsible for
your own choices, actions, and results.

No blogs may be reproduced, shared or transmitted in any form, by any means (elec-
tronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior consent of the au-
Introduction 6

What I Thought When it was First Introduced to Me. 8
Equal Money System – What is the ‘Life Labor System’ 12
And where the Hell will we get the money to fund an EMS? 16
Will there be Prostitution in an Equal Money System and if so will it be free? 19
What about children born due to rape? Who will raise them? 21
All inclusive holidays will become an all-inclusive dignified life 22
Do i have to wait in line for bread? 25
How will my life change for the better in an Equal Money System? 27
What will happen to the media in an Equal Money System? 30
How will the under-educated people who have been living in poverty and starvation transition to live
in an equal money system? How will they be assisted? 32
Will Borders Still Exist in an Equal Money System? 34
Will my children be the boss? 36
How Will Children Learn, Without the Teacher-Student Dichotomy? 38
Cars In An Equal Money System – Who Will Make Them And Who Will Get Them? 40
Can I be the IDOLS winner in the Equal Money System? 42
Who will want to study in a system where we don’t ‘have’ to do anything anymore? 45
How will we make sure that products are made to last? 48
How long are leaders/decision makers in power and who put them in this position and how? 50
Will there be debt in an Equal Money System? 52
Will there still be advertisement in an Equal Money System? 54
How will pollution and protection of the environment work in the Equal Money System? 56
What will happen to people that have personality disorders that seek personal self-interest
above what is best for all? 59
What about dangerous jobs that require the workers to put their life at risk - will it be allowed? 62
Will cars be produced of the same model, the same brand in an Equal Money System? 64
Will we all have a tracking device in an EMS? 65
How do we make sure people don’t take more than they should? 67
Will God Still be Allowed in the Equal Money System? 68
Taking on Each Other’s Last Names: Will Surnames Exist in an Equal Money System? 70
What will happen to those who resist an EMS? 72
How will my life change for the better in an EMS? 74
Why not then simply going for resource based economy? 75
Will I Still Be Able to Buy the Things that I Like in An Equal Money System? 77
How do you keep an eye on underground ‘resistance’ groups who want greed back? 79
Who will build the roads and buildings in EMS? 82
If We Are Not Driven To Compete, Will The Sexdrive Also Diminish? 84
What if I don’t want to work for 4 years? 88
Life insurance in an equal money system 90
Can I pass money on to my children? 92
How will we prevent overpopulation? 94
Basic Income Grant (BIG) 95
What will happen to Pollution in an Equal Money System? 96
How would food be manufactured and produced? 99
The Road to Freedom is Through Voting? 101
The Prison Industry now and in an Equal Money System 104
How will it be decided which house a person gets? 106

Will David Icke Still be Able to Manufacture Conspiracies? 108
Will I have to pay for the daycare/nursery of my child? Does a daycare/nursery still exist? 110
How will land be distributed if not by ownership? How will it get decided which house a person gets? 111
What will Happen to the Media in an Equal Money System? 113
What would happen to a bully in EMS? 115
What will Motivate a person in an Equality system? 117
What will happen to the elite in an Equal Money System 121
Are you just going to print cash? 122
What will happen to people that don’t support the EMS but claim they subscribe to EMS?
What will happen to people who don’t participate? 123
What will happen to the Vatican and the Pope in an Equal Money system? 125
Gambling, betting and sports in an EMS 126
Can we move to any city we want? 127
Should a doctor get the same pay as other occupation/job? 128
Will we figure out the other 90% of the brain that is said we do not tap into in an Equal Money System? 130
What about families in an equal money system? 131
What is going to happen to Private Corporations and People’s Businesses? 132
My body is a Temple of RAW Purity 135
How will we clean up the oceans with all the plastic in them? 140
Will there be Euthanasia? 143
How much more is there to discover about ourselves and our world?
is there enough for a lifetime of wonder in a way that is best for all? 144
Who Decides the Prices of Products and Services? 147
Politics and Media in an Equal Money System 148
‘Farming the Unconscious’ – Headless Chicken Solution 150
Who decides the prices of products and services? 151
Will Events Be Celebrated In An Equal Money System? 152
How will we compete without trying to win? 153
What basic understanding will be required to be a parent in this world? 155
When things suddenly CHANGE VALUE | The most Valuable ‘Product’ in an EQUALITY System: A New Paradigm 158
What will be the most valuable Product in an Equal Money System? Will all things suddenly change Value? 161
Money isn’t everything? 162
Will stand-up comedians still be allowed to give degrading jokes in an equal money system,
or what jokes will be allowed? 163
Will women be forced to have an abortion because she was raped and now pregnant under EMS ? 166
Will we create a new language that is based on what is best for all? 167
Will Aliens bring us advanced technology once we exist as one as equal? 168
Will ‘health food’ still exists, like ‘bio-food’? Organic Food and the Equal Money System 170
How will ADHD and ADD be dealt with in EMS? 173
What happens to my credit card debt, my mortgage, and my personal debt? 175
Human Ingenuity will not save Humanity 176
Behind the ‘Made-in-China’ goods we Consume is the ‘Last Train Home’ 180
What happens to the clairvoyants and psychics? 184
Will Criminals Be Locked Up? What’s The Rehabilitation Procedure? 186
2012 - The bubble about to burst: Money 190
Will Prostitutes be Free in an Equal System? 192

About Desteni 195

Since 2007 a group of people have been forming who stand for a common principle: oneness &
equality of life within the realization that the value of life is LIFE. This group started examining the
state of the world and came to the conclusion: “What the F...!” – “This is unacceptable!” – “...’till here
and no further! – recognizing that the value of life has been disregarded and dishonored in most
ways within this accepted world system.

What was also seen is that paths of self-realization taken within this world can no longer disregard
the condition of the world as a whole – and that the process of self-realization and self-creation is, in
fact, embedded within the real conditions of this world and therefore must include the world – and
must be available to all.

What has been acknowledged is that it is not enough when oneness and equality as the principle of
creation as life is applied individually, it must also be applied globally as a new system that actually
supports life; it must be applied globally, as a new system that supports all life in all ways – a system
that supports all life equally. This is the Equal Money System.

In this Book – What the FAQ - Equal Money System – you will find a variety of perspectives and prac-
tical suggestions to questions likely to arise upon coming across the words: Equal Money System.
Feel free to submit any questions left unanswered once you’ve read this book. This is an on-going
effort of adapting and specifying the practical aspects of what life will be like in an Equal Money

Obviously, the more people who get involved, the sooner the solution will extend to the world arena
as an actual choice within the democratic principle of “one man one vote”.

Once you have done some research on the equal money proposal you will see that when Equal
Money is in place we will no longer vote for personalities but for the matters that matter;

therefore all living beings must be included and each and every one of us must have one vote in all
global matters. Technology has made a global village out of earth. It is time we use what is here for
what is best for all.

This book was written and edited by a large number of individuals throughout a process of research,
communication and exchange. You can find us at and meet us individually.
Meet us as a group at, and Also, follow
the World Wide Blogs we share daily and feel free to comment, contribute, and discuss.

Get informed – Get involved.

What I Thought When it was
First Introduced to Me
A. G.

I remember the first time I herd of Equal Money. I was in the Kitchen on the Desteni Farm and it was
Bernard who mentioned the point to me. I had initially gone for a visit to the Desteni Farm based
on the Material I had researched and the interactions I had with those involved with Desteni at the
time. I understood that I was getting acquainted with a “life changing” process, though this process
of change was not yet mentioned at all within the context of an Equal Money System. I was there on
the farm interested in learning more about myself and how to “change” and to learn more about this
process of equality and realizing ourselves as life.

My First reaction to hearing about this “Equal Money System” was in a way a “Non-Reaction” It was
so insignificant to me in that moment, that it was like a wisp of smoke that quickly disappeared into

I look back on this first initial reaction I had when hearing about an Equal Money System for the first
time and find it quite fascinating at how I was able to completely, disregard/dismiss this point of
having any value what so ever.

It took around 4 to 6 months of Bernard bringing the point of an equal money system into the daily
conversations around the farm until I started to see that “Ok this might actually be something real”

Even still, It was still very “distant” to me. I would not have anticipated being even where we are now
with the Equal Money System where in now I am getting a sense of how one actually take a point
that is not yet here and bring it here. Create it, Manifest it. Which is what is happening/what we in-
volved with Desteni are doing with an Equal Money System.

I initially had no idea what an equal money system was, and even more – I was NOT interested in
knowing about it at all. It was like I rejected it as having any value whatsoever.

I see that the reason I reacted the way I did to hearing about Equal Money Initially was because I had
only the context/ background of what I was taught during my life-time to assess/comprehend the
“validity” of something within the context of “what I understood this (being valid) to be”.

In terms of my accepted and allowed belief systems, “Money” was not something that I ever consid-
ered /saw/recognized as being a Solution For this world. In fact I was not even at a stage where I had
really considered actually taking on/ participating in a World Solution For ALL. This kind of “think-
ing” was still “foreign” to me so to speak. I was still existing how I was trained to exist. For myself.
Considering Me First, and not worrying about the rest of humanity because this world is just to big

anyways. Yes I was existing within the programming/ beliefs that I was given.

So In terms of self realization, self change and transcending the mind and consciousness and all
that – I believed this to be a strictly spiritual journey so to speak. One that was more of an internal
process and had not yet started to see the practical physical reality that I lived in and how the World
in all its systems, including the Money System worked together as “The System that determined the
experience of ourselves here on earth”

whenever an Equal Money System was Mentioned   – My programming “did not compute”.

This reveals an aspect of how I actually function as an human being.

It revealed that given the current context of myself in that moment, the only reference points I had
to process “Equal Money” were based on my already accepted beliefs, ideas, perceptions and thus,
I rejected it. I classified it in the “Money Category” which in itself in the context of how I had/have
constructed/designed my belief system was classified under “Not-Relevant”. Thus anything to do
with Money was “Not Relevant”

I realize now that Equal Money is not operating under the same rules that we are currently accepting
and allowing ourselves as humanity to operate under. Thus “Money” within the Context of “Equal-
ity” or “Equal Money” Is not at all comparable to “Money” within the context of our current world
which is based in on a whole entire different set of rules – Namely “Self Interest” and putting yourself
before the group as one of the primary principles our our current system/world

I realize now, that I “made up my mind” about Equal Money. Based on the Set of Rules that I was
used to. And that were not applicable to Equal Money. I also responded to Equal Money from the
perspective of an extensively limited understanding of reality. I had not even at that stage realized/
was able to see the power and control money has in this world and the atrocities that are being com-
mitted in the name of money. I believed to a certain degree that I was Free. I was Brainwashed, as
this is the only way I could have truly, authentically believed myself to be free in this world. I was in
a way just Living out my life until I die. Apparently Free in terms of what I was “seeing”.

I had separated myself from this reality to such an extent that I was not even beginning to see the
mess that we have created, let alone to be able to see an actual solution to fix it. Thus I ultimately
made a Decision about equal money based on a Delusion. Based on a Program that was not capable
of seeing what is really Here and Happening in this world.   I responded like a perfect Robot! Exactly
how I am programmed to Respond and See. Equal Money was in essence a New Program, and I sim-
ply could not compute and was using the only program I had at the time to classify, categorise and
attempt to make sense of Equal Money. And I so thoroughly without a doubt believed that my “take”
on Equal Money was Correct…That it’s just some “Nice Idea” that has no actual Validity in this World.

For the first while I would listen about what Equal Money was but it all just seemed so insignificant.
After about an Entire Year of being exposed to Discussions about an Equal Money System did I see,
“Ok this is not going away” this is real shit” Ok time to “get this point” So it took some time of Equal
Money being explained to me over and over again from multiple different perspectives and contexts
before I realized that this is something that “I want to understand” and that I must become my own
directive principle on this in terms of doing my own research and making sure I understand all the
points etc.

It has been around 3 years ago now when Equal Money Was First Mentioned to me. There is now
Hundreds, if not thousands of videos and documents available for research as well as a website, and
The First Two Volumes of The Equal Money Book has recently been completed and made available

Equal Money System has moved up my “priority list” from the perspective of “what I give value to” of
“How I organize and prioritize myself” with regards to “what I give attention to”. In the beginning it
wasn’t even on the list! Now it is The main point of focus in my life, along with other Desteni Process
related things, which at this stage is focused on the Point of Brining Forth an Equal Money System.

So it is from the perspective of my experiences that I understand why so many people are able to
disregard Equal Money so instantly and pass it off so easily as a silly Idea.

Because that is exactly what I did. Where now I find myself Writing this document about My Experi-
ence with this point to assist and support others to get to know a little more what an Equal Money
System is, as to direct myself to Facilitate the Emergence of an Equal Money System due to seeing
How such a system is a Key to changing this world, and changing ourselves, and our living expres-
sion as Humanity.

I am in the process of programming myself to understand what an Equal Money System is and how
to live in an Equal Money System.

Because the old program as our current money system was/is not working, The old program disre-
gards life. The Old program allows for millions of beings to die daily of starvation, while on the other
side of the world we have so much food that we can’t consume it fast enough.

The Old Program allows for a Money System (Capitalism) where “Slavery” is allowed to exist. Where
its apparently “Ok” for one with all the money to enslave others to doing slave labour. And that this
is apparently “just how the system works” all the while we are missing the point that this is NOT “Just
how the system works” but that this is How we have Created the System to work and thus we require
to correct it. To Create a New System with Rules that Support and provide for all equally. Thus a
World System, an Education System, A Monetary System, a housing system, a transportation system
based on The Principle of Equality – and Thus this is what an Equal Money System is.

It is time to Start Educating ourselves how this world really works and on how to function in a New
System with new Rules.

Thus I suggest for all to get started on Understanding Exactly How an Equal Money System will Func-
tion as it is going to take allot of people and allot of education to Bring this point into Manifestation.
Not by force, but by planning, by educating ourselves. By taking the Long Route so to speak.

So in terms of Equal Money – if you don’t “Get-It” Then good – That means you are “getting it” be-
cause based on the level of the current brainwashing of this world, it is likely that anyone that claims
to know exactly what Equal Money Is, Bull-shitting – Which is how to tell the Deceivers apart from
the ones who are actually interested in a Solution for this World – Deceivers will claim Equal Money
won’t work as if they “Know” How Equal Money is going to work. Those that are really interested will
go do the research within realizing that they are not yet Grasping what this Equal Money System is

all about.

It will take a process to really Grasp Equal Money. I find for myself Even after 3 years, I am still in the
“learning what it is” stage. This is not a quick fix, thus to not expect to just automatically “get – it” it
will take time. So lets get Crack’n

For More information about Equal Money System visit –

For the 2 latest Comprehensive books explaining the ins and outs of an Equal Money System, you
can find them at as well as other self supportive products.

Equal Money System –
What is the ‘Life Labor System’
M. H.

As the Equal Money System evolves into a practical solution that can be implemented globally, we
keep on perfecting our initial proposal of an Equal Money System. As we move, the group is busy
educating itself, learning, sharing and discussing the various current systems and how they function
today, to be able to see the greater picture and come up with solutions that support the principle of
‘What is Best for All’.

Within this Blog, I will briefly discuss the Labor System, the conscription system, the Life Labor Sys-
tem and the Credit system – those points have been discussed extensively during the last few years
but recently, we have realized that there is a better solution that stands within and as the principle
that is best for all, which is the Life Labor System. In the next blogs to come, I will expand on each
point to give a greater perspective on that which eventually, will turn our lives into LIFE in fact.

A note before I’ll start discussing the point of the Life Labor System – As we continue walking and
working towards a Life that is best for all, many points are being altered during the journey. It does
not make the previous points invalid; it means that there is a better solution that we are able to es-
tablish. As the group expands and more participants stand up with various solutions for the world’s
problems, I have no doubt that as humanity, we can and will change this world to a world that is best
for all. It takes time, self-will and patience however, slowly but surely, we will make it.

We have all attached and associated money with labor/work and we’ve attached and associated
money with Survival. In simplicity, we have attached/defined/associated Money as Labor/Work with
Survival. However, is that Life? Is that how we would like Life to be? Are we able to let go of that

we took it for granted that we require to work for most of our life, if not all of our life for the right to
survive, to exist, and we never even stopped for a moment to see that in essence, that doesn’t make
sense and it is not LIFE in fact.

The ‘why’ and ‘How’ we came to this current system is for another blog, and if you are still curious, I
suggest to visit and check out ‘Atlantis – the beginning’.
The question is What is able to be done to change this current world manifestation and How.

The Equal Money System we present is a simplistic common sense system, that considers the true
essence of what LIFE is and within that, we present the Life Labor System.
No, we do not require/need working all of our life to survive. We get to Live because we are ‘Here’,

and we have the ‘right’ to exists because we are ‘Here’ and not because we have or don’t have Money.
Through utilizing what is already here as the resources and technology, we are able to sustain Life
for All, Equally.

According to the amount of people in the world and according to all that is required to sustain Life
that is best for all, it will most likely be enough for each one of us to work for 4-6 years ONLY in our
life – the Conscription System.
Those would be the children that have just finished their practical education system and they will
be placed all around the world. And no, it won’t be military style or anything similar to that, it will
be effectively established, to assist and support those children with Life skills, with relationship skills
during which, we will make sure to support them with the sufficient entertainment so that in essence,
they will enjoy themselves, educate themselves and possibly meet their life partner while doing the
work/labor that is required to sustain the world in the best way possible.
I will expand on the Conscription System in the next blog. Here, I’m placing the basic structure for a
greater understanding of what is the Life Labor System.

Once they are done with their responsibilities of working and doing what is necessary to be done to
sustain a life that is best for all, they won’t have ‘work’ any longer for the rest of their life. BUT – I’m
sure that many would like to keep themselves busy, expand themselves as human beings and em-
power themselves with various things they are able to do and thus, many people would like to work
from the starting point of Self Expression, Self Enjoyment, Self satisfaction and the realization that
in order to sustain our lives as a group of Humanity, there are things that each can contribute that
would really make a difference.

Nowadays, none of those things actually exists because our starting point, as mentioned above is to
survive. Thus, those who work after finishing their Conscription Period, will not do it for extra Money/
Credit, but they will do it because they will see/realize that Life is Here, Life is worth giving to because
when one is giving, one receive.

We will each, have FREE access to everything that is available on earth, thanks to the ‘Distribution
System’ – whether it is the very best I-phone, the very best Health-Care, the very Best Internet con-
nection and etc, everyone will have the same access). We won’t have to do extra work to get such
things – it will be equally available for all.

Each one of us will have a card that will be connected to the ‘Distribution System’. In simplicity, the
Distribution system will be part of the Conscription System responsibilities in terms of distributing
the goods according to the information that is put-in the Distribution system via our Cards. In the
next blog to come, I will expand on the point.

To sum-up – Life Labor System is the living expression of the statement – Give what you would like
to Receive. It is about LIFE, not about survival. It is about Life, not about Greed/Profit. It contains
several systems (conscription, Distribution and etc.) that will make our lives worth living for the very
first time in the History of Mankind.

In the blogs to come, I will expand on the points of:
- The Conscription System and Extra ‘Volunteering’.
- The Distribution System
- Free access to Everything that is Available on earth

And where the Hell will we get the
money to fund an EMS?
Eleonora Gozzini

This question arises from a lack of understanding of what Money is and how it comes about in this

Money is an agreed commodity the value of which is based on a worth the same way it worked with
gold, by means of people’s perception and faith.

What does this mean, are we saying that Money is NOT real?

Yes, Money is NOT real, it’s an agreed commodity, which means, that whether you are aware or not
by your allowance and acceptance of the money system, you have agreed to the monetary system
as it is, where Money has become the value given to a country by calculating their worth in terms of
deposits and savings, and then, through a Central banking System which is privately owned, a paper
or otherwise currency is created, out of thin air, and put on the market as a legal tender, meaning
MADE LEGAL with the approval of a government.

So Money is the value given to the country where you live through assessing how much the country
worth is based on your Own deposit and savings and then money is printed by privates enterprises
under the guise of Central Banks and put onto the market as a LOAN to governments for which they
have to repay interest rates, this is how national debt is created.

Are we serious? Are you being screwed ? Yes !

By your own faith and value that you yourself allow and accept to give to Money within the current
Monetary System, value is created at the moment through people’s faith and perception of the Value
of Money itself.

So, by agreement, we could all stop to believe such lies and such worth and instead agree on a New
value and a New Worth for what Money should be from now on.

An Equal Money System will not require any funding, this is an old Money concept, an Equal Money
System will start brand New, with a value agreed by all of us which will be Life.

Life will be the moving current of the planet within an Equal Money System, Equal Money will be cre-
ated by each government under a world agreement as a form of support for everyone Equally from
Birth to Death.

At the moment you have to earn your Money, which means that Money has more value than ‘You as
Life’ do. Money is more than Life under the current economic system which is preposterous but it is
happening under our own eyes.

This will no longer be the case under an Equal Money System, each one will contribute their skills to
the system of the world as a mean of supporting Life, no longer as a Slave in a Labor Camp, and Life
will have an intrinsic value that will be manifested by Equal Money as a form of support for every-
one from Birth to Death, Money will be created out of thin air, just like now, and its value will be Life
based and there will always be enough to support everyone equally, because we will create enough
to cover each Life needs from birth to death.

How is this possible ? Remember, you are the one giving the current money system its power, you
have plugged into the energy wiring of the Money system through your emotions and feelings in
support of Money as a positive and desirable feature in your Life or as a negative through your Fears
of never having enough. Either way the polarity is what moves the current, exactly like within an
electrical wiring system.

Wouldn’t you like to unplug from such system and plug yourself into a System that supports Life
Equal and One for every living creature on the Planet?

The choice is yours, support an Equal Money System, support Life

The future is HERE already, the support is HERE already, Join us for a Future that will create Heaven
on Earth for Everyone Equally.

Will there be Prostitution in an
Equal Money System and if so
will it be free?
Reginald Diepenhorst

This is an interesting question, because prostitution as we know it will never ever exist in an Equal
Money System.

At this moment prostitution exists, because of mainly one reason: Money.

Some say it’s a way to make a quick buck, others say that they don’t have any choice then to sell their
body. Remember that choice does only exists when you have a valid alternative, which there isn’t for
the biggest part of prostitutes.

So let’s look at how prostitution will take shape in an Equal Money System.

If you were giving the choice at this moment to stop working and being able to live? Would you stop
doing what you are doing?

One out of Ten will answer Yes to this question. Why? Because those who work know they have to work
otherwise they’ll have a problem. And thus we can conclude that we all are slaves to the current con-
dition that is here, and that we in fact are all prostitutes within this system. We do it, because it pays.

So to come back to the point of going to stop what you are doing, this will also be so for most pros-
titutes. This is one aspect that will change.
Another aspect is that prostitution will be carried out a whole lot differently. At this moment, as
customer, is a customer, a source of income, which means that there is also no choice within your
customers. A customer picks you, you do what he/she wants, and then that’s that. Women and men
getting raped, humiliated, used as if they are just there existing to do as you please, just because you
have money. This is unacceptable and will not exists within an Equal Money System.

So now that I have shed a light on one of the many shadows of prostitution, let’s look
how prostitution will exist. As there are people who enjoy sharing themselves as intimacy.
For those who will be share themselves, will share themselves within and as the understanding of
support. There are many people uncomfortable with their sexual expression, in which case some
might offer support. Since prostitution will no more be perceived as the ‘service’ we see it to-
day, there won’t be any coupons or credits or anything that will measure this kind of exchange.

Those who will engage in this kind of support for our fellow human being, will have a say,
as this will be like an agreement within two people, and not one-sided as it currently exists as.

So prostitutes as we know it, will cease to exists. But what will arise is a new way of support to each-

Reginald Diepenhorst is a DIP Agent -

For more information with regards to ‘What is Sex’, Please visit

What about children born due to
rape? Who will raise them?
Ann Van den Broeck

First it has to be looked at whether the parent of the child can take care and wants to take care of
that child. If the parent cannot or does not want to give the proper care , then the child has to be
placed with parents who do. In an Equal money system, we focus on responsibility – not only towards
ourselves but also for our global society. Another’s child is equal in worth as your own child, all
children deserve a starting point where they are cared for and given the same possibilities as other
children. No child should grow up in a situation of being unwanted and discarded – we all know the
consequences of that on the behavior and personality the child will develop in its further life.

There will be less “unwanted” children in an equal money system, because people are
brought up to care, and with respect for life. The shallow consumerism system that pro-
grams people to be egoistic will not be there. In our current world system, many rape hap-
pens in situations of war and poverty. It rarely happens in a society where there are more
wealthy people. Thus, when war and poverty is eliminated, the rape will decrease dramatically.
Imagine all people being raised as you were (if you have had a good upbringing), and see the global
impact this would have.

Of course we realize this will take time, it will not all be fixed in one moment. Our global system and
all structures are vast, and thus it will be changed step by step.
So there will be facilities, as we have now, to take in “unwanted” children. Of course
with the starting point of equality. Children will be first be taken care of there, unless
they already have parents that want to take care of them (for example another relative).
Then, the children can be placed with parents, who will give them a home. These parents will also
be checked regularly to make sure they give the proper care. All parents will require to go through
parental training anyway. This will help our entire society, so that no child gets programmed in the
wrong way, and shaped because of that. There is a lot of harm done through bad parenting currently
and this has to be addressed.

Ann Van den Broeck is a DIP Agent -

All inclusive holidays will become an
all-inclusive dignified life
S. G.

One of the frequently asked questions about Equal Money: will there still be luxury, like spa resorts
and vacations? Asking such a question is based in the fact that one has money within our current
economic system, and one fears that Equal Money will take away all the extra’s that make life into
a more valuable life, according to one’s standards. We’re basically fearing to lose our wealth that
we through “hard work” gathered around us without considering the polarity where it is based in.
If we have a rich and wealthy life now, others will have a poor life as the opposite, simply caused
as a consequential outflow of the dualistic world we live in. We need to understand the principle
of having our fair share again, in order to see the imbalance within the current life standards. Equal
Money will therefore provide us with the basics of life such as, food, housing, healthcare, education,

Although the new economic system is called Equal Money we’ll no longer be concerned with money,
money as a piece of paper or a coin that now represents greed, power and self-interest, will be ex-
changed for Life. Which practically means that the basics are taken care of through administrative
action. Working will no longer be a means to gather wealth, working will be an investment within
your community, where work is an option and all that want to work, can choose the tasks that fit
them the most. That way work will be a way to give back to society and to do what you like the most
and not as a means to fuel self-interest. It’s not a surprise that there are people who will fear to lose
their freedom through wealth within an Equal Money System and no longer be able to do what they
please.The fear of living a life that is beneath their current living standard is extensive for those who
now have it all. While in fact all people on this planet within an Equal Money System, will live at a
living standard that equals a dignified life. Luxurious spa’s like they exist now can simply no longer
exist, since they run on inequality. Where would such a spa stand when we take away the starting
point of money? Would people still want to work in the same way as now within luxurious spa’s and
hotels? Now the majority of people that work within this industry, do so out of fear to have no other
job. They agree upon working conditions that can be seen as slavery when the measuring standard
is “what’s best for all”

It almost seems that the people who have money now, see the fact that in an Equal Money System
everybody has enough, will be something that will be paid out of their pockets. If we really want to
imagine how we will live in an Equal Money System, we have to stop the pictures of our current life’s.
We will no longer use our experiences/emotions/feelings we had attached to these pictures as a
blueprint for life in an Equal Money System. Things will not be the same, simply because things have
proven themselves to be invalid, not workable and ending us up with a destructed planet and half
the planet inhabitants to extinct.

When our basic needs in life are met, we are able to explore and expand ourselves within our world.
Spa resorts could become places where one could enjoy body massages to reestablish or tighten the
relationship with our bodies. Spa resorts do no longer have to be extravagant and express luxury,
they need to be practical for their purpose and easy to clean in order to keep the hygiene standard
high. It will be a place where we all can go and even gather and have a cup of coffee together and
share ourselves with one another.

Spa resorts in our current world express the amount of money one has. Women and men in devel-
oping countries will not talk about the hottest spa in town and about their mud packs/baths. They
have mud baths when the rain season starts and that’s not about expressing their amount of money,
no, that’s reality when you walk bare feed through the mud and sewerage dirt. Health risking situ-
ations instead of health centre luxury. Do we ever think about how lucky we are when we’re able to
visit a spa? Do we realize that because we’re able to enjoy and pay attention to our bodies, others
experience the play out of the other end of the polarity? When we keep scraping the money towards
ourselves there will be nothing left for others. Even when we keep printing more money, it will never
end up equally divided among all of us, as long as we keep being greedy. It’s plain simple, if we have
all, the others have nothing.

When our basic needs in life are met, we can go and explore other parts of the world. We could even
temporally swap houses with others and enjoy another environment for a set amount of weeks. It is
important to establish a home within a community where one is part of the community and where
one works with the community to get life standards to the highest level possible. Therefore exploring
other ways of working together by living a short period within another community will broaden our
horizon and the horizon of the community we’re visiting.

Going on sportive trips might be a good alternative for one’s health and giving the body the some
exercise. Doing a hiking trip and enjoying nature is something that still will be there in an Equal Mon-
ey System. Extreme sport trips where the thrill of the activity is used to preoccupy the mind to not
face oneself is something that will eventually fade away. When one is capable, after a re-educational
process, to take self-responsiibility and one sees that risking one’s own life in doing extreme sports
is only done, to suppress the feelings that one still needs to face in one’s life, it’s common sense to
no longer risk one’s life in this way. That goes the same for the companies that offer these trips, they
are now making money out of people that do not want to face themselves and therefore it’s not a
sustainable type of business within an Equal Money System.

Going on an all inclusive holiday being packed away in a human warehouse for 2 weeks, will no
longer exist in an Equal Money System. These holidays are holidays for the people that cannot afford
luxury vacations, but who see themselves as people who deserve to go on a holiday. Which makes
them as greedy as the owner of a yacht going to an exotic location. Holidays now are all about greed,
wanting more, being jealous and getting even on the one’s that have more. People that work all year
in a slave job to be able to take their family on a 10 days holiday or people that take loans in order
to be able to go on a holiday, just because they deserve it. Do they really?

Do we deserve to be packed away in “human warehouses” that are filthy and way too small? How did
it come so far that we’re willing to risk our health due to bad hygiene in these “warehouse” kitchens?
How come that we see a swimming pool that is like the size of a foot bath, as a sign of a luxurious
holiday, when it’s too small for the amount of people that want to get in it? Is that the dream we

like to go in debt for? Is that the dream we like to slave for all year round? That isn’t vacation, that
is bringing our back chat into existence. We see ourselves as less than the elite that go to these real
luxury resorts and we are jealous like hell. So we settle and take these third tier choices and brag
about it when we’re home. Never a picture of our “hotel room” just making ourselves more impor-

So that’s what we do now when we say we’re taking a holiday, it’s simply to brag about and to cre-
ate a picture of ourselves that consists of desires instead of reality. Do you think a third world family
even considers going on a holiday? I mean while we are busy making ourselves more while staying
in horrible holiday houses, there are people out there that do not even have such a place to live in.
That’s why we have to be stopped by Equal Money, to no longer make fools out of ourselves and
to realize that holidays only can be fun when we all have excess to another environment that is safe
and a healthy place to be in. How can we unconditional express and expand ourselves when we are
consumed by emotions and feelings of greed and jealousy while being on vacation?

Luxury like spa resorts and holidays will be here in an Equal Money System, but as explained, it will
serve other purposes than greed, jealousy and expressing the amount of money we have. Wouldn’t
it be heaven on earth when we all could unite, meet and really enjoy each other when we meet in
spa’s or on holidays.

Do i have to wait in line for bread?
Larys Kaziukonis

The idea of standing in a line for goods is mostly coming from memories of what has been happen-
ing in communism in some countries. Because in communism there has been time periods where
people had to stand in line to buy a lot of products, because there was not enough of them – there-
fore the way to get something was less about money – as people usually had the funds – but about
being first in the line. So that not money, buy your placement in the queue decided who gets the

Now to really understand that we should have a look at the source of the phenomena. Which for
instance where I live (in Poland) is never mentioned in the media. Usually communism is just bashed
for the long lines that people had to stand in – but the reasons why it did happen aren’t really ex-
plained. It’s used more as a way to blame communism and portray it as something evil and nasty –
like some baby eating monster. But anyway – the reason why people had to stand in these lines, was
because of the capitalistic countries (in case of Poland it was USA) putting economic sanctions on
the communistic countries. Which practically meant that a communistic country was unable to trade
with other capitalistic countries – because in this example USA has put sanctions, which meant they
will not trade, and have threatened that if any other capitalistic country would trade with Poland,
USA will also put economic sanctions on that country. So it is in a way, cutting a country from being
able to trade with any non-communistic country.

Therefore the “standing in line” phenomena, that happened a lot in communism was a result of the
capitalistic powers that were playing their power games, and were putting pressure on the commu-
nistic countries to force a change in government – which would benefit them. It’s a form of economic
war, where – as always – the people are suffering the consequences.

Therefore no – in an Equal Money System people won’t have to stand in line for bread. Meaning that
initially the distribution of food will be pretty much like it is today, so if you have to wait in line it will
not be any different then what we have today. But obviously we will be researching, looking for and
finding ways to take care of that, so that the purchasing of products will become more automatic,
and will not require anyone who will check what you bought (as a cashier) – so that you will be able
to ‘help yourself’. And that will become much easier, because stealing will not be much of a problem,
where everyone can get what they want. And buying will become more of just a process of getting
the goods you require in a manner where it is registered in a digital system, that you’ve got those

Because the most sensible solutions would be, that we would initially wear a card which would work
as our identification item. Meaning it will be a credit-card, ID, car license and all else in one. Through
which all the information regarding a person would be read, and through which a person would ‘buy’
the products they want. And in that buying will eventually become just the process of distribution
of goods, and the process of keeping a digital record of what have been distributed to whom and in
what quantity. Which will also serve as a feedback system for the logistic and management centers
that would be responsible for taking care that there is enough of goods available for all.

So therefore lines are not necessary. As standing in lines in itself is actually a result of bad manage-
ment. And like in the example of communism, or in the example of waiting in lines in the healthcare
system – standing in lines is a result of accepting bad management, or badly managed systems, or
systems that are flawed by their nature. Because if we’re talking about standing in lines, and the
healthcare system, the lines are simply to limit the number of people that get treated – because
there is usually limited money in the budget for a certain treatment, or diagnostic method. Therefore
people in the public healthcare are simply forced to wait in lines, so that those who have money can
pay for it themselves in private clinics. It’s just a way of forcing people (because if you’re ill, you don’t
have choice) to pay for the treatment themselves, through creating deliberately flawed systems that
force people to wait in line, and in that risking their health.

And obviously all that will not happen. Because money will not be the problem, and no one will ac-
cept flawed management structures, as the objective will be to do what’s best for all. Therefore the
management will also have to be best for all.

And if you think that there will not be enough people who will be taking care of certain jobs in an
Equal Money System – consider that a lot of jobs especially in terms of trade (which is our current
way of redistribution of goods) will not be necessary, as I’ve described above. Places like shops could
be big malls, where people help themselves (it’s already well established), and that will require work
is transportation of goods, and sorting them out so that people will be able to ‘buy’ them. And then
just an automatic way of creating a digital record of all the transactions through the card everyone
would be wearing. So that the cashier’s work would be done by each one individually. And we will as
in all other areas look for ways to do what is best for all – which here would mean to make it more
user friendly and automated.
Larys Kaziukonis is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Do i have to wait in line for bread?” Check out :
Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

How will my life change for the better in an
Equal Money System?
Scott Cook

Our experience of life changes for the better with the re-definition of much of what we’ve taken for
granted within and as ourselves, including and not limited to our ideas relating to self-expression,
self-awareness, happiness, work, free choice, education, love, and of course life. All these self-con-
cepts are to be deconstructed and redefined through common sense and within the realization that
what is best for all is obviously best for each one. This describes the ‘threshold’ between self-images
and physical reality that each of us faces on our own as we find that many of our old definitions were
based on a complete programmed self deception from which, rather than point fingers or throw a
tantrum, we stand and take self-responsibility for.

When financial security is no longer the primary motivation, the entire starting point of ‘self-expres-
sion’ changes through rediscovering who we are. No longer searching for something outside our-
selves as a source of inspiration, we snap out of the hypnosis to realize ourselves within and as this
world that was so elusive when we were trying so hard to impress each other. It was as if through
so many deliberate acts to escape from who we are in physical reality we only reinforced and com-
pounded this state of our own self-imprisonment, by defining self-expression as some act of ‘cathar-
sis’ or ‘liberation’ from a world that we perceived as separate from ourselves.

So within the redefinition of self-expression we realize that we express ourselves as who we are
within every moment, without necessarily packaging it up and projecting it outside ourselves as, but
through seeing that who we are doesn’t require approval or any other means of being turned on or
off like robots when we understand that who we are as life is constant, beyond the mental images
and presentation that we may use to explore ourselves and interact.

Our definition of ‘work’ will be completely redefined when we step out of the paradigm of having
to ‘earn a living’ through doing something that is often pointless busywork in support of a plastic
economy, each day until we are either too old or too dead, with brief moments of respite that we
called ‘free time’ that was spent looking for entertainment or whatever form of distraction it would
take to avoid facing who we are within having sold ourselves out as products of the system.

There is enough practical work that needs to be done considering the mess we’ve been creating and
compounding, so rather than laboring under the best interest of ‘corporate persons’ we can start
over from a new platform of being equally provided for, so that we may redefine work as something
that is integral with who we are to recreate and maintain a sustainable existence for ourselves. Within
this, ‘happiness’ is no longer defined according to the opposite of ‘misery,’ but with the realization of
how we direct ourselves as practical and worthwhile in the sense that each one benefits while sup-
porting each other as themselves.

So in an Equal Money System there will be no more need for ‘busywork’ within the current starting
point of vice and mutual self deception within culture and society. ‘Work’ becomes something we
simply do without requiring motivation when we see that it supports each of us as all of life, rather
than who we were as a collection of images in a box. After so much dedication to striving for profit,
the only debt that we owe is literally to ourselves as what we are self-responsible for, not to be con-
fused with the characters we created of ourselves as a copy of a copy and so on amongst so many
other billions.

When ‘happiness’ and ‘work’ are put together in the same sentence and people automatically pull
out their reference of what’s been depicted in this world as ‘communism,’ it illustrates the stigma
attached to the version of equality that we developed/inherited from our textbook education and
family systems. Once we allow ourselves to question who we have been within and as these systems,
we can finally begin to cross the threshold of self-images and become who we are, without fear of
the future based on who we supposedly were in the past according to our filtered memories.

Going into ‘education’ will no longer be from the starting point of wanting to achieve a certain status
quo or self-definition after a period of accumulated semesters and grade points. Learning will em-
phasize practical application, rather than being limited to a battery of exams that are supposed to
define a person’s qualifications based on their capacity to regurgitate information. So in the broader
sense of the term, ‘learning’ loses its hidden reference of competing or seeking financial security
within the context of an abusive system, and it becomes redefined within the context of practical
self-development, as in creating the most efficient and sustainable existence for ourselves as pos-
sible. Anything that anyone wants to learn will be available to all.

Within the redefinition and recreation of ourselves as equals and living a common sense practical
existence in support of each other, ‘free choice’ becomes redefined within these terms, so that what
we have to choose from is no longer limited to the ‘least worst’ from the presented selection that I
can afford in order to sustain myself in the box I ‘live’ in, or what suits my predesigned preference.
Everything we require is here to be shared equally as no one literally ‘owns’ anything in physical real-
ity. It is quite pointless to have a system that is arranged so that the best is reserved for those in the
disposition to afford it, while those with such limited funds are left with cheap products designed to
fail, the throwing-away of which just go on to contribute to the garbage disposal that we’ve been
turning this planet into. The debate of ‘who deserves to be able to afford what’ is also pointless
within the consideration of this as well as within the reality that we cannot continue to exist as an
‘intelligent species’ with any self-integrity by disregarding others as ourselves as unworthy of exist-
ence or as negligible.

When we are finished with allowing abuse, war, atrocity within and as ourselves as participants in the
current outflows and consequences, through which we don’t have much of a future if we allow it to
continue, then we can stop our participation in the charades of economic instability so that each one
can climb out of the box we’ve been ‘living’ in, so that with all life supported equally we can then
explore the vastness of what is here, beyond imaginary boundaries and self-definitions.

When we remove this mental addiction to ‘financial security’ then what remains of who we are is
who we have always been beneath the accumulated layers of self-defined programming and self-
suppression which has always left others out of the equation. It will take time, and we begin by tak-
ing self-responsibility for the current mess by no longer contributing to it through first understand-

ing how we’ve allowed ourselves to be such allowing participants. Here we stop this participation in
old habits, and learn to forgive ourselves though a process of self recreation and being honest with
ourselves so that we can self-honestly say that we know what it means to ‘live.’

What will happen to the media
in an Equal Money System?
Manuela Jungmann

The media in our current political and economic system is a tool that is used to influence the masses
in order to generate profit for those in power. Media channels spread across all different forms of
communication whether is it magazines, television, internet or radio, and wealthy media corpora-
tions, owned by a few, are able to enforce their agenda in a number of ways. The tactics used to
‘bend’ the truth can reach from disseminating information that is ‘pro’ a specific issues while the
same media conglomerate supports the distribution that is apparently anti-establishment. All the
while creating confusion among members of the public, which then allows those who control the
media to do just that – to pull the strings that emphasise the priorities of a preset agenda.

There are many examples that can be given in how the media abuses each of the channels that carry
news and information to the public. No topic escapes manipulation, whether this is done directly
through distortion, or selectively emphasising, or even by withholding aspects of the item in ques-
tion all together, or it is done by purposefully given a lot of attention to irrelevant topics. For example
the clothes a celebrity is wearing, which serves to divert and distract from more important issues that
affect millions of people’s lives.

Media corporations pump huge amounts of money into ‘public relations’ to create a machine, which
packages news and information with absolute precision with the aim to misrepresent our shared
reality. This approach calls for ever new innovations in how to manipulate and deceive the public.
Among the latest of these innovations must be those who are paid by big media conglomerates to
blog under false pretense, to spread the propaganda of the preset money agenda. In a nutshell, the
way the media operates in the current political and economic system is a form of warfare.

How is this going to change in an equal money system? First of all, let’s establish the key points from
which it is fairly easy to envision what the role of the media will be in the future. We know that all
members of the community are equal, and have equal news and information that needs to be dis-
tributed. We know that in an EMS there is no leadership and thus news and information must come
directly from those who are working at the source of the situation or are directly involved with the
topic to be reported upon.

This makes it quite clear that the primary role of the media is to facilitate distribution of news and
information which is generated by the community. Thus, the overall function of EMS media is regu-
latory in how news and information is best funnelled through the various communication channels
that are globally and equally available to all. As humans we exist in time which makes our interaction
sequential. Therefore EMS media will also concern itself in assisting with the prioritising and catego-

rising of news and information so that the individual member can easily navigate the volume of news
and information produced by the community. Another concern for EMS media will be to provide a
platform for the transmission of communication in different languages, this needs to include trans-
lations services or other support that will make sure that news and information coming in will be
accessible in all different languages equally.

News and information is left untreated by the EMS media, it is neither evaluated, nor censored, nor
ameliorated as that is the responsibility that lies with each member to decide what is best for all.
However, EMS media will consist of several committees that enable members of the public to give
feedback on news and information which will then be immediately taken on by the committee, and
upon investigation solutions will be implemented. It will also be the responsibility of each member
to flag any news item or piece of information that they do not deem as standing in the principle of

Another committee will be formed to consider how the distribution works, while those on the com-
mittee will be placed in temporary positions and rotated on the basis of elections. The total number
of committees necessary to run the media machine will emerge from the actual implementation of
the EMS, including the technology that makes up the forms of media as well as the distribution.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “What will happen to the media in an Equal
Money System?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1

Manuela Jungmann is a DIP Agent -

How will the under-educated people who have
been living in poverty and starvation transition
to live in an equal money system? How will they
be assisted?
Ann Van den Broeck

Those who already have the necessary skills to provide for the basics of living, shall utilize them to
provide for the common good, while the under-educated are given the opportunity to develop these
skills as well.

They will be lifted from starvation and deprivation, and be placed in a world system where suddenly
they have food every day, drinkable water, warm clothing and time to express and develop them-
selves. The Equal money system opens up education for all, worldwide. Thus they will be trained the
necessary skills they require or want to do.

Not everyone will be required to do the same, people like to do different things. What will be neces-
sary is a system that first maps out what is required for all to live a fully functional life, what are the
basics for all. Those things have to be filled in first of all, to make sure the system is stable. Then the
“spare” can be filled in, by what people choose to do. No one will be privileged to be “more” than

The basic requirements will be provided for, by a conscription period of a limited amount of time,
where each citizen of the world plays his/her role for that time being. After that time they can do
what they choose to do as long as it does not harm the common good.

When I say “time”, I am not talking about working forced until you are 65 like many in our current
system. I am talking about 4-5 years of your life.

The requirements will already be drastically reduced because there will be no more profit system,
which require the creation of useless crap items that require massive production and consumption
and energy.

The poor will be supported on all levels where it is able. It will be a gradual process by first allow-
ing them to at least LIVE. Currently , they cannot. They have to be helped physically first, because
many of them require urgent medical attention and proper nutrition. Only when that is taken care
off, they can develop more skills, and be trained by those who have the required skills. As soon as
that in place, people can teach skills to each other while practicing together.

So there is:
Educational services / schooling
Training by experience / by other citizens
Training through books and media sources
training at the job site through practice

Ann Van den Broeck is a DIP Agent -

Will Borders Still Exist in an
Equal Money System?
M. F.

Why do borders exist in the world today?

Borders exist because different countries / governments have been established over time, and each
country has its own contained economic system and things like natural resources and land which
the country ‘owns’, or which are privately ‘owned’ by individuals or corporations. Countries are con-
nected through trade agreements and military alliances for example, but the primary ‘purpose’ of
each individual country is to protect itself / protect what it ‘owns’, and utilizes borders to protect
and control the functionality of its specific economy for instance, by controlling the number of im-
migrants and preventing ‘illegal immigrants’ from ‘taking jobs’.

So, really the ‘reason’ for borders as they exist in the world currently is based on ‘security’ and
‘control’. I mean this is very easy to see in the example of Israel and Palestine, where you have two
‘separate’ groups that each perceive they have ‘claim’ to the land, and so the border represents the
‘edge’ of what a specific group of Human Beings have been able to establish their ‘claim’ over - and
because each ‘group’ believes they have the ‘right to protect and assert ourselves because this is
who we are’, you end up with countries acting a lot like bumper cars. This was especially prominent
activity if you look at history during the period within which people were still doing a lot of conquer-
ing and ‘expansion’ - basically ‘laying claim’ to land, in the name of whoever had the most money,
which was usually kings and queens, and then drawing ‘borders’ around the edge of the land that
had been claimed.

However, the whole accepted idea that Human Beings must ‘claim’ and ‘own’ certain land for what-
ever reason whether religious or because of resources, obviously has resulted in the manifestation
of continuous war and conflict - where the ‘interests’ of one ‘separate group’ of Human Beings as a
‘Nation’, conflict in some way with the interests of another ‘separate group’, and each is attempting
to preserve its ‘hold’ over land and resources that fulfill its interest, whether that interest is religious
or more related to natural resources.

But, are borders necessary to exist? In the Equal Money System there will be no borders as they exist
now. Borders will not be necessary because there will be nothing to defend or protect. Defense and
protection currently only exist as the protection of Self Interest - as in the Self Interest of a particular
nation including its dominant religion, and its economy. In the Equal Money System the only ‘econo-
my’ that will exist will be a global ‘eco-system’ ordered in a way that is Best for All. The EMS includes
ALL beings on Earth as the one, basic ‘world social group’ and is based on the Common Sense that
no matter who you are or where you are, the same support must exist everywhere - everyone must
have access to the same support systems so that everyone is able to live equally effectively. And

through the use of technology and existing infrastructure, each member of the world society is able
to be kept track of to ensure everyone is always provided for and that no abuse exists. People will
no longer have the need to go to a different country to find ‘better opportunities’, because in the
Equal Money System there is ONE system within which everyone Equally has opportunity to develop
an effective life. Thus eliminating the need for ‘economical borders’ and also ‘governmental borders’
because there will exist no ‘governments’ - there will exist an administration based on ensuring ef-
fective functioning of the system and effective support for All on Earth, where decision making is
based on what is Best for All.

Land will not be ‘owned’ by anyone - because the land is not here to ‘own’ and be controlled for
profit and power over others. The land that is Here, is to be used by us as Earthling as One - not to
be owned.

It is our responsibility to participate with each other, the animals, and with nature in a way that is
best for all and Honors Life, Honors the Earth that provides Earthlings with resources which can be
used by Human Beings to effectively support not only ourselves, but also Animals and Nature. The
Human’s Self Interest will not be allowed to influence how land is used - because the Human does
not have that right - that is merely EGO based on an accepted Self Separation from Life - where one
values one’s self as an individual above Life as Equal and One Here in All.

Since everyone in the Equal Money System is included within the same system worldwide - there
is no need for borders from the perspective of travel, because one’s identity will be known wher-
ever you go and things like smuggling and other money related ‘travel crimes’ simply will not ex-
ist - because there will no longer be a ‘profit to be made’ from such things, because profit will not
exist - because money will not have value - LIFE will have value, there thus will not exist an ‘exterior
/ separate’ manifestation as actual ‘currency’ with value unto itself, that is able to be abused / con-
trolled / stolen / used to manipulate others. Travel will be something anyone can do, and there will
be no ‘cost’ involved. You will thus be able to live in an area you find to be the most effective for you
in terms of what you choose to do with your life - whether you choose to participate in a career, or
create a specific thing, or provide a service to people - or just explore.

There will be different cultural areas on Earth, depending on where you go geographically, as there
are now - so ‘borders’ will exist from the perspective of different cultural and geographical areas -
not as ‘governments and nations that own land and claim a certain area’ and then have a line drawn
around it’.

Borders, like everything else in the Equal Money System, will be based on Common Sense practical
considerations of what is Best for All as that which values Life Equal and considers Humans, Animals
and Nature as Earthlings Here living on our Home called Earth, not on opinions and beliefs and ideas
and definitions created by Human Beings who have been shaped in fear, division, and self interest
by Separation.

Will my children be the boss?
Blaž Cegnar

Children today are definitely not treated equally. Usually parents treat them as their “rightful prop-
erty” and so they think and believe they can do with their kids whatever they feel is right, even if that
means religion and/or cultural brainwashing and abuse, violence or whatever the parents do with
their kids behind the closed doors in their homes. Of course all this situations are mostly the result of
lack of money and poverty, which also often leads to family alcohol problems, or parents not being
able to be with their kids as they have to work all day. And the fact that a lot of times people have
kids unexpectedly when they are not ready yet and have no idea about how to be a good example
for their kids in order to teach them how to be a self-honest, trustworthy, doing-what-is-Best-for-All
human being.
In an Equal Money System all these and other problems will be addressed and eventually taken care of
in a way that is best for all. First of all, no one will have to work all day to get money for their children
as children will also get their equal money and so, parents will actually be able to spend time with
their kids. Alcohol will eventually not be allowed anymore in an Equal Money System as it is used to-
day purely for denying ones self-responsibility and to make excuses, and a lot of accidents and family
abuse happens because of it. Alcohol is not best for all in no way what so ever and if you cannot live
happily without it, you will be helped by professionals that actually care about you and they will assist
you in becoming a healthy, trustworthy, equal human being that doesn’t need drugs to be “happy”.

So the point is that we will learn how to be equal with children and how to actually listen to them and
hear what they are saying and we will learn from them as much as they will from us “adults”. Not like
today, when parents enforce their beliefs onto their children no matter what, as they are afraid that
a child won’t survive if they don’t do so. This is completely unacceptable. So, this is the time where
we can all look at ourselves in self-honesty and see if we act as superior when we are with children
or do we act as their equals? If you believe that you have to be superior in order to enforce what you
believe is right onto them, then of course you will be scared of the idea of treating your children as
your equals, and you will probably even see this as if your children will be the boss. So, in this case
you obviously fear that you won’t be able to control your children which leads to abuse anyways
because your starting point is control and domination, instead of equality, where you teach your kids
by being a practical example to them. When money is not a problem, we will all have a lot of time to
raise the children and learn how to do it in a way that is Best for All.

So, start dealing with your fears right now (we have a lot of tools to help you with), because in an
Equal Money System your children will be as much of a boss to you as you will be to them, because
no abuse will be tolerated and if a problem will occur where it will be obvious that you are incapable
of treating your children with equal dignity, an intervention will happen and you will be assisted to
make the necessary self-corrections that need to be done, so that you will know and understand how

to raise your children without abuse. This is what is best for all and this is what everyone of us would
want if our parents would abuse us as children.

Blaž Cegnar is a DIP Agent -

How Will Children Learn, Without
the Teacher-Student Dichotomy?
Kimberly Kline

In an Equal Money System, the education system will be an entirely different concept than it is in a
profit-based system where money is valued over life. Education will no longer teach us how to “serve
the system, work for the elite, lie and cheat” (Bernard Poolman).

It will instead be an equality-based education which will teach us to take self-responsibility, consider
the whole and value all Life. When the end-goal of an education is to make money to survive in the
world, as it currently is, then the rules you are taught are the rules of a system of inequality, competi-
tion and survival of the fittest- the effects of which, those who are lucky enough to get an education,
will usually never have to experience or consider.

In an Equal Money System, the correction of this kind of separation, negligence and apathy
will be part of the curriculum as the end-goal of an equality-based education will be to produce
considerate and decent human beings who care about their fellow man and the plant and animal
kingdoms. This consideration, decency and care will take place within the understanding that do-
ing and being such not only benefits oneself and the entire planet, but also future generations to
come. This type of consideration, respect and understanding cannot be imparted upon individuals
as knowledge and information being passed along from one being to another as within the current
teacher-student dichotomy. You cannot simply be told to be apathetic, you can’t memorize respect
for all life and you cannot regurgitate equality and oneness as stagnant concepts. These are con-
cepts which require living application and understanding through self-will, self-application and self-
direction over time.

In an equal education system, teacher and student will be equals, teaching and learning from each
other as a living real-time education. The teacher will stand as the living example, from a starting
point of equality and oneness and within self-expression, to assist and support the student within
their own self-expression, to become a self-responsible being that cares. The teacher will live as an
example of one that does unto others only what he would want done unto him, and who loves his
neighbor as himself because he understands what it is to be a whole being within the bigger whole
which he is one with and equal to.

Within all topics covered throughout one’s education, the responsibility to learn will come from self.
The student will be taught self-responsibility through his own living application, and will therefore
become an example to him/herself of the self-expansion and self-expression which can only come
from taking complete self-responsibility, self-mastery and self-direction.

Students will not be ‘forced’ to learn within a rewards-punishment principle, nor will they be taught

to compete with their peers as within our current system of the ‘survival of the fittest’. Students will
learn self-support, and through self-support will understand what it means to assist and support
others as self. Students will see the benefits and common sense in the advancement of the group,
as a group of self-willed equals, wherein evolution is an act of direction within the principle of doing
what’s best for all. The accumulative effect of this action will lead to a world of peace and security
and a future of certainty and advancement, and this is the environment students will create, walk into
and develop within during and throughout their education.

The teacher will not be held as superior and the judge of the student’s progress, nor will he or she
be the one to determine whether or not the student has actually learned. The student will prove to
him/herself whether or not he or she has become a living statement of the material through his or
her actions words and deeds, consistently over time, at the same time proving him/herself to be a
self-honest and trustworthy individual that cares. The student will, from the beginning of his and her
education, learn how to explore self-expression within oneness and equality, so that his peers may
do the same, and so that as he grows he understands how to consider himself within the context of
the whole.

Kimberly Kline is a DIP Agent -

For more information with regards to Life coaching education program, visit the ‘Desteni I Process’

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Will Education be an Obligation?” Check out :
Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

Cars In An Equal Money Sys-
tem – Who Will Make Them And
Who Will Get Them?
V. P.

There will still be cars in an Equal Money System, yet there won’t be an array of different brands,
standards, price classes and variations – there will be one single type of car – the best car available;
the conscription force of the Equal Money System will be responsible of building the cars.

Whether each and every citizen of an Equal Money System will have his or her own car is still not
certain, the question that will be asked, and answered in order to determine such a point will be, is
it necessary? Is it what’s best for all? There won’t be the same urge in an Equal Money System for all
to have their own car – the reason being that in an Equal Money System interaction, communication,
and neighborly love between humans will expand – as such fewer will want to drive around in a car
all the time, when there is more fun things to do.

Though at the moment, what’s certain is that there will be cars, and these cars will be located at
various logistic points, where you go and get your car, when you’re in need of one. As such, you’ll
get yourself the car you acquire, and then you’d be free to go where you wanted to go – around the
world? Or to your mothers uncle in the neighbor town? That is up to you.

Obviously the cars with the least environmental damaging wastages will be used – and cars will be
made to give the best protection possible to it’s passengers, as accidents will still happen, though in
an Equal Money System, accidents will be less devastating – as all cars will be the best when it comes
to protection.
Further, all alcoholic beverages will be banned – which will have a major effect on the car traffic; less
people will die by the hands of drunken drivers – as drunk driving will be seen and understood for
what it really is – attempt at murder – as you by your full senses, by drinking, take a decision that
will decrease your ability to drive a car, and such rise the likelihood of you harming someone – that
is murder if you then kill someone, or at least attempt at murder when you don’t.
Thus, in an Equal Money System, you’ll be protected from being harmed due to a decision that isn’t
in anyway your own – such as a drunk harming you, or your family – through driving recklessly and
without any consideration. You had no part in the decision to drink – and as such the decision to
drink isn’t a free choice, as it wasn’t free for all – but for those that become affected, and harmed by
such a decision – they never made that choice. Alcohol will as such be banned as the devastating and
dangerous drug that it in-fact is.

As for the choices to be done in terms of what role cars will play in our future – and how this point
will become more specifically placed, this will be a decision made by the group as one – wherein
humanity come together and make a decision upon the basis of what is best for all – considering all
the relevant points.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Cars in an equal money system – who will make
them and who will get them” Check out: Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System –
Volume 1 Interviews

Can I be the IDOLS winner in the
Equal Money System?
Rozelle de Lange

Let’s take a look at the totality of what we accept and allow as humans when we allow a competition
such ‘IDOLS’ to exist in this reality. It’s all about fame and fortune. The major point here is that all who
participate within this game of the possibility to become famous, is the desire to become magically
rich within this process, given if you are the one who is left standing at the end of the competition.

Aah… Competition. Yes this is also one of the major points within this, and it is not limited to competitions
such as IDOLS, but can be recognized as one of the main driving forces within the world. We compete in the ul-
timate game of survival, and those who don’t ‘make it’ are left dying from starvation (to give but one example).

So within an equal money system competition will no longer exist, because everyone will be
equal within this world in the sense that all will have equal access to the resources of this earth;
everyone will have food to eat; everyone will have an equal opportunity to live a dignified
life – so there will be no need to compete just so that you can stand at the winning end look-
ing down on all of those who didn’t make it. And this is the symbolism that a singing compe-
tition such as IDOLS represents. It exists plainly because this is what exists within the world.

With the point of competition being removed, we could still have a similar point such as
IDOLS minus all of the hopes and dreams to be famous and rich, because fame and for-
tune won’t exist. We could have a similar point such as idols exist with the intention to sup-
port those who sing to be able to exercise their singing expression. NO COMPETITION.

For all those who hope to be an IDOLS winner, they are just busy participating within a capital-
istic dream. It’s time for us to stop dreaming and get back to the physical reality so that we can
sort it out so that we are able to live in a world where EVERYONE is able to express themselves.

We will have so much fun once this point of competition is removed from our reality. Just im-
agine how many people are in this world who have great singing voices, but we will nev-
er be able to enjoy their expressions with them because currently one needs money in or-
der to have an opportunity to participate within one’s sharing of one’s self-expressions.

So no, you won’t be able to be an IDOLS winner in an equal money system because there will be
no games of competition where you have winners and losers. It is not an expression which ac-
cumulates what is best for all, so naturally it will be removed. We will however be able to have
points, similar to idols, where individuals are supported within improving their self-expressions.

To find out more about this new system which is being shaped to serve and support life, read the

Rozelle de Lange is a DIP Agent -

Who will want to study in a system
where we don’t ‘have’ to do anything
Lindsay Craver

The idea/perception that one won’t ‘have’ to do anything in an Equal Money System must first and
foremost be debunked in order to fully answer this question, as some get the impression that they
can just ‘do whatever they please’ in an Equal Money System and not have to participate anymore if
they don’t want to – which isn’t the case, but to a certain degree it is. Let me explain:
Yes, one can ‘do whatever they please’ as a point of exploring self-expression – though, the starting
point will be within the context of what is best for all. So, yes – we will no longer ‘have’ to do things
that we don’t enjoying doing for the sake of getting a paycheck in order to survive. Yet, the belief
that no one will want to study because they no longer ‘have’ to for money purposes will be quite the
contrary, as currently, if one were to take a look at how this world is functioning, there are innumer-
able people here who beyond anything else would enjoying studying, but because they were born
into a family of poverty, they are unable to even receive menial education. Instead, they are made to
work from quite a young age, and do so until their death. That’s it. No room for self-exploration. No
room for self-investigation. No room for education.
This point of education/studying is something that those with money take for granted extensively,
and due to taking it for granted, we often don’t even take the time to question the education system,
in general.

The entire point of ‘studying’ will be completely changed within an Equal Money System, as educa-
tion will no longer be from the starting point of creating more system-organic-robots to go into the
‘work force,’ or classrooms set up in boxes with teacher in front and students fed knowledge and
information to regurgitate onto placement tests with no actual practical application. Education will
be practical, common sense support that is best for all; where each has the opportunity to have fun,
explore themselves and this world – equal and one – so as to expand and develop beyond the limi-
tation we’ve placed on ourselves – to become our fullest potential as human beings - as Earthlings.

So, it’s important that when one is investigating the Equal Money System, to look beyond the current
confines of what we perceive ‘living’/’reality’ to be; as this is not living, nor is it reality at the moment,
but only a system of enslavement, which most don’t even dare realize.

Thus, we must walk the actual Living Solution into reality, step by step, and let go of all that we’ve
believed is ‘the way it is’ so we can look at what we’d like to create here on Earth with fresh eyes.

It’s certainly not a point that no one will want to study to become doctors, etc. as we will have ac-

cess to only the best technology and services – available to ALL. We will no longer be limited due to
lack of money/funding, have to cut-corners, push harmful pharmaceutical drugs, or actually create
diseases in order to bring in profit. That is obviously not a system of health, but HELLth.

We can use many of the buildings that will be vacated due to no longer being relevant, such as cer-
tain factories, resorts, or corporate buildings to create universities for study. There will be plenty of
space to construct the optimal conditions where education will be a hands-on learning/exploration
point of expression.

So, yes – no one will ‘have’ to study beyond the necessary requirements for a proper basic education
– yet, the real question to be asked is:

why wouldn’t you want to study when the resources and ability to have a expansive, cool, explorative
educational experience are at your fingertips?

Lindsay Craver is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Who will want to study to become a doctor?”
Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

How will we make sure that
products are made to last?
M. H.

There are so many lies no one wants you to know and here is another one – “Planned Obsolescence”
or “Built-in Obsolescence”.

Planned obsolescence in industrial design is a policy of Deliberately planning or designing a prod-

uct with a limited useful life, so it will become non-functional after a certain period of time (1).

According to Investopedia on Sep 21th 2009 the definition of ‘Planned Obsolescence’ IS:

“A manufacturing decision by a company to make consumer products in such a way that they become out-of-
date or useless within a known time period. The main goal of this type of production is to ensure that consum-
ers will have to buy the product multiple times, rather than only once. This naturally stimulates demand for
an industry’s products because consumers have to keep coming back again and again. Products ranging from
inexpensive light bulbs to high-priced goods such as cars and buildings are subject to planned obsolescence
by manufacturers and producers. Also known as “built-in obsolescence”.

In today’s Economic system, the starting point of every business is to generate profit for the owners
and shareholders. Products that are made to last are simply not profitable.

Planned obsolescence is a method that is running around for more than 60 years for one reason – to
manipulate the consumer to buy more products without knowing what lies behind ones line of deci-
sion making. And so, slowly but surely we have become

There is only one winner in this game and those are the owners and the shareholders of the com-
panies that produce the products while the biggest loser is Earth that is being destroyed by our
tendency to buy new products and toss the old products without any consideration of the conse-
quences our disposals has on earth.

For example, In 2003, over 63 million working PCs were trashed, In 2004, that number jumped to 315
million so imagine how much PCs are now being trashed, in 2011.

Nowadays, there is specific engineering science to design the products to have short shelf life span
wherein the moment the warranty expires, the products become non-functional. How many of us
experience that phenomenon? Isn’t it a form of criminal act? Criminal abuse?

So how are we going to make sure that products will be made to last in an Equal Money System?

Common sensically speaking – When you take out the starting point of making profit than the incen-
tive of planned obsolescence diminished.

In an Equal Money System, the incentive would only be LIFE as what support all Life for the best that
life can bring about and thus, what drives people is the realization of what’s best for all as a value that
sustain Life and as such, products will be made in consideration of all and everything, which from
that equation – the products will be made to last.

In other words, we will make sure that products will be made to last simply by removing the profit
making incentive wherein, greed will not be the influence key of making a products but rather we
will be able to ‘feel’ that the products will be made out of love as the consideration of Life that are
best for all. Products will be only be produced by those who LOVE what they are doing and thus, are
doing it for the sake of all and not for the same of money making.

The products will be produced by the very best raw materials, in the best possible quality one can
get and through the least damage that can be made onto earth.

So – to stop the abuse, to stop the consumerism manner that destroys this earth, to stop the lies no
one ever wanted you to know so that one can profit out of your blindness – Join us and be a part of
the change.

To Read more about the Future of Money – read our monthly FAQ blog books.


Computer Electronics : Blu-Ray”. 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-20.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “How will we make sure that products are made
to last?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

How long are leaders/decision makers in
power and who put them in this position
and how?
Barbara Staengl

In the Equal Money System there will be no leaders or decision makers. Ultimately we will all ‘lead’
and decide together.

This will require of us to be equal in our living of ourselves as self-responsible beings. Thus we will
require an education system that allows for information being presented according to the principle
of equality and oneness. In fact the information as such will be of equality and oneness wherein we
can see and realize where we historically have not been acting on the principle of best for all, how to
change the outflow of this as manifested consequences, and to reveal where we are still not firmly
based in ‘best for all’ to eventually be able to stand at last, walking and aligning ourselves with the
physical, with reality and thus changing what is here as us as the world – leading ourselves to equal-
ity and the oneness of all Life.

So actually, a pre-requisite for real equal and one leadership and decision-making will be a de-
programming of and as ourselves of how we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be. We have to
re-program ourselves to be worthy of life, to actually be Life. So education will be critical to enable
ourselves as a group of equals to make educated choices that are based on the best of all, thus we
will make sure that an effective and adequate education system is in place.

Obviously this means there will be an interim phase, a transition period - being the time when equal-
ity is not fully established. It will take time for all people to realize that they can work and contribute
from the starting point of realizing that we are all part of Life and thus what is best for all is also best
for me = Oneness and Equality.

Within an Equal Money System a Constitution will be laid out, the stipulations/statements/words will
be investigated, and placed so as to be statements of and as Life as Equality and Oneness as Best for
All that are able to stand for Life in eternity. This will be agreed on within Commonsense. Once that
is established on the principles of Best for All, there will be a voting system.

All voting and decisions will be taken via an online voting system where all people in the world will
have the opportunity to participate. Thus, once equal money is in place it will be an essential objec-
tive to enable everyone to have access to computers and internet. Necessarily, with education not
having been embraced to the degree necessary to make an informed/educated decision based on
the principle of equality and oneness, explanations will be presented beforehand.

Before the actual vote will be able to be placed, cross-referencing will be done to ensure what can
be voted on is best for all. The positioning of the people that will be involved in the presentation of
the decisions to be made, will be from all walks of life, all forms of professions, and will be replaced
on a regular basis and they will be appointed by a group that will be involved in education specifi-
cally, and that will be part of the moral code of what is best for all within society, so that the decision
presentations are made in ways that is acceptable and in a language that is understood by all, and
that brings about the opportunity for all that decide to also give input if they have a point that re-
quires expansion or see a way how a point could be better implemented in a way that is best for all.
A decision may not be implemented until a solution is found to make sure that all living things are
in fact protected to the best of our ability.

There will be no possibility of information being distorted and spin-doctored through deliberate
influence and manipulation as the basis of this on monetary self-interest/profit, which will have no
place in the Equal Money System. There will be no motivation for corruption and deception, thus the
general tendency to mislead will lessen. Through placing an effective education system these points
will slowly, but surely be deprogrammed. Within ‘Equal Money’ we will not sign our life away to capi-
talistic businesses, government or country and the consequence of enslavement therein.

One will not only place one’s vote for something, but will be able to make the decision, the vote real
by working together to manifest what is being voted for. Thus the vote will have a contingency – it
will have the consequence of opportunity, of the beings’ involvement to actually bring what is voted
on about, to bring it into reality, instead of indirectly contributing to abuse and the enrichment and
advantage of few as it is currently allowed and accepted.

The points that are necessary to be established will reveal themselves in and as the relevant moment
of the unfolding of what-is-here. We will use what is here while changing what is here until it is fully
aligned with what is best for all. Thus there is no plan that is enforced by dictators/rulers/leaders.
People who have specific skills or understanding can apply by making themselves heard to support
perfecting the decision making process - thus eventually there will be a team that works with the
management and logistics, who will for example ensure that education is provided so that all the
information is presented in a way so that everyone understands it. So we will all be the leaders - and
lead and make the decisions together.

Join us, to prepare yourself for an age where life is valued.

Will there be debt in an Equal
Money System?
Scott Cook

All debt within the current system will be forgiven, and the construct of debt itself will cease to exist
as we realize that in reality we must all have equal access to what is here as the earth’s resources. We
realize we had allowed ourselves to be driven/motivated/possessed by a system that we perceived
as separate from and greater than ourselves, while being divided amongst so much trivial political-
economic speculation rather than focusing on a practical solution of complete monetary reform that
would maintain equality as life’s actual value.

Within the context of being born into the current delusion of having to ‘earn a living,’ debt has been
considered from a certain perspective as ‘normal’ or to be taken for granted, since it has always been
here as far as we’re concerned, and existing as the opposite of prosperity, which can be redefined as
a condition of having all basic necessities for living a dignified life provided for so that one may enjoy
life without the constant manipulation, abuse and self-delusion relating to money.

Imaginary ‘market forces’ will no longer be a factor in this reality for economists to speculate on to
the entertainment of many without proposing a definite practical solution, much less considering
what is best for all. Through dependence on government and banking systems as a separate entity
from each one of us, divided amongst itself while finagling the ‘collective’ through mass media with
political rhetoric suggesting ‘progress’ or justification for war and taxation, ensuring that future gen-
erations will be born into indentured debt slavery, we realize how we have allowed this to manifest
as an outflow of our own participation in this abusive world system we were born into.

The entire system has been based on the ‘freedom’ of human beings to be able to deceive, manipu-
late, and abuse themselves and each other through a wide variety of means, and the first step we
take toward stopping and changing what we see projected onto the ‘world stage’ is to realize that
we were never separate from it at all, so within that point we can go on to deconstruct the entire ac-
cepted and allowed mis-creation of ourselves as layer upon layer of accepted belief, self-definition,
and insecurity, all of which we can trace back to the system itself, which we also realize we are one
with because the consequences of it are here, and through forgiving ourselves for the debt that we
basically owe ourselves as each other as equals, we can establish a new concept of money that can
circulate equally in a sustainable economy.

Through this system, we no longer accept any obfuscating ‘fine print’ that would allow the perpetua-
tion of abuse through secret minds and private banks that offer something as nonexistent as ‘credit,’
and proceed to create money (as debt) out of thin air. So the value we give it is equal to life itself,
through the understanding that everything we need is already here in abundance for us to share

amongst ourselves. Within the context of a sustainable existence for the world and all other spe-
cies here, the deception of debt is exposed for what is it and left behind as part of our Dark Age of
Inequality and general lack of common sense.

The ultimate manifestation of debt is poverty and starvation, as the consequences of ignorance and
disregard toward life while those of us with money had been attempting to climb an elusive social
ladder in order to exist in a separate compartment of existence to feel like we are ‘worth’ something.
So the forgiveness of debt as self also implies seeing the world system hierarchy with it’s manifested
polar extremes (from elitism to starvation) for what it has always been- an unsustainable, parasitic
system of self-annihilation that is not only abusive within humanity but toward all other species that
are here equal and one with each one of us as well.

An Equal Money System requires a willingness to change in the context of self realization which
means taking apart and dissecting our egos and self concepts, which will likely prove the most dif-
ficult for those at the top of the imaginary hierarchy. We no longer place value and life as separate
from ourselves as something to attain like a blinding light at the end of so many tunnel-visions of
debt, and within the single principle of equality and oneness, and the birthright of each one here to
live a dignified existence, the bondage of ‘debt slavery’ will simply not exist.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “What will happened with my Debt in an Equal Mon-
ey System?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

Will there still be advertisement
in an Equal Money System?
Blaž Cegnar

There will be no brands in an EMS and no profit driven competition, so there will be no need to per-
suade someone to buy something from you or anyone. This means all the commercial pollution and
advertisement that we have today - with all the jumbo posters and flashy signs and boards and TV
commercials, radio commercials, internet spam etc. - all will be gone.

There will be no need for commercials and advertisement as we know them today as they are mostly
just blocking the view anyway. But of course in an EMS there will still be lots of new products coming
out if people will want to have them and you will be able to get informed about them on demand,
for example, by simply going on-line and searching through a database where information about all
the products in the world will be stored for convenience and education.

Imagine how cool the Internet will get without all the annoying commercial banners, pop-up win-
dows etc. and also the speed with which Internet operates will increase as its bandwidth today is
mostly (ab)used for commercial spam. Of course you will also be able to go into a hardware store or
any other kind of store where you can just browse through everything and find what you need and
then try it out practically before you buy.

Everyone will have an equal access to all the products and there will be enough of them for every-
one. And as noone will try and make money with products, you won’t get scamed and will be able
to try things before you buy them and if you don’t like it, you’ll be able to propose how to make
them better. No deception, no bullshit exaggeration in product descriptions, no need to compare
hundreds of similar products to decide which one is better - because all products in an EMS will be
made at the highest possible quality.

Of course there will also be television, but without all the commercial breaks and annoying adver-
tisement. Instead of that, there can be special programs for example, where new inventions and new
products are being shown and presented and you’ll be able to see how they work. But the only pur-
pose of the program will be to inform you that such products exist and how to use them.

Today obviously, everyone wants to sell you something and so they brainwash you with all the mind-
control deceptive commercials that only try to get you to buy the products, although the product
itself is a complete waste. Everyone will get a lifetime guarantee for most of the products as they
will be made to last for a lifetime or even longer anyway. So as you can see, there will be no point in
making a commercial and so all the advertisement brainwash will disappear.

Blaž Cegnar is a DIP Agent -

How will pollution and protection of
the environment work in the Equal
Money System?
Manuela Jungmann

Many aspects of pollution in the environment are known facts, there is no mystery that basic pollu-
tion hinges on how we conduct ourselves within the economic system, what we create and maintain
through our participation. With known factual information on the one hand, we notice that on the
other hand that we have lost our common sense. Thus, the guidelines that common sense offers,
in how to practically live in this world, have been overridden because we abide by consumerism
and profit-driven behaviours. To illustrate this point we only have to go to some of the most banal
aspects of our material world, such as the dimension of packaging. It is a ‘dimension’ because there
are multiple perspectives that can be taken when looking at how we deal with packaging and why.

From a common sense point of view packaging should only be done when necessary, when the
circumstances are such that a practical solution will necessitate the packaging of an item. However
we are so challenged through our habits within a capitalistic system that we can no longer decipher
when something really needs to be packaged and when not. Through habitual acceptances we no
longer question the incentive and no longer use common sense.

Extensive packaging is done on all levels of consumption. The multidimensionality of this challenge
is easily seen all around us, and the types of manifestations of this phenomenon range far and deep.
I will illustrate this with two examples which pinpoint a mixture of careless action in handling pro-
cedures and seductive selling techniques. Clearly this is just one aspect under the topic of pollution
and protection that would change in the approach to what is best for all in the Equal Money System.
Observation for the packaging phenomenon in our societies can be readily collected when entering
a grocery store. I often see William’s Christ pears wrapped in plastic bras to keep them from get-
ting bruised. I ask myself how would this piece of fruit need to be packaged if the transport was not
about getting these fruits rapidly from A to B? Because the paying customer at location B is eager to
have these pears and will go to the competition if they do not get here on time. What if there could
be an improvement in the method of getting these pears to the consumer a tad slower but with less
packaging because the people in the middle will not have to rush so much? That way they can con-
duct their actions with a little more care of the content rather than wrapping the content into ‘bullet
proof’ packaging so that they can throw it around.
Similarly, when I walk by the displays of plastic wrapped apples in packs of four, I ask myself whether
this heavy shrink wrap is necessary because the population is unable to count to four, and therefore
cannot be trusted in picking out four apples from a heap of apples, or is that the seller wants to be
sure that all apples find a shopping baskets so that they can avoid being left with unwanted and

damaged apples for which they incur the cost? Then what about those new age products where
sage leaves are wrapped more elaborately and costly than the monetary value of the sage leave it-
self? Where the content matters so little because the seduction of the packaging is what sells in an
ever growing and competing market.

This small window into a sliver of our packaging dimension paints a grim picture. We don’t care that
plastic is polluting the oceans and killing sealife, we have entire plastic islands floating around in
the Pacific Ocean that are a result of our lost common sense. The bottom line is that we have ac-
cepted something so absolutely stupid that we rather insist on our limitations instead of changing
our approach; or else why wouldn’t we just collectively stand up and say ‘stop’ by voting for an Equal
Money System where such stupidity is cured forever.

Let me now explore this topic from the perspective of the Equal Money System. The first rule in the
Equal Money System is that we do what is best for all. We know that the Equal Money System spells
the end of behaviour for profit. In other words we do not need 100 consumer products, or materi-
als as building blocks for products, that are identical in what they do but are produced with varying
overhead costs, which supposedly regulate price, planned obsolescence and general effectiveness
for a larger margin of profit. None of that.

We further know that in an Equal Money System, we make the best possible products and materials
because they will last a life time and therefore we do not need new versions or better design. Right
from the start this will reduce much pollution, waste, and energy use because what happens in our
capitalistic system is that the multiplications of consumer products with different, ever cheaper pro-
duction methods and materials causes much waste, pollution and use of energy.
We are also not in a rush in an Equal Money System, because we no longer need to compete, which
means we can investigate the best production methods with the least waste production, or we can
make sure that the waste we produce can be easily integrated into existing eco systems as food for
living organisms. Only after all this has been established then the consumer product, or material for
the creation of a product, enters into circulation. Even before this cycle of investigation has begun
which entails all steps from creation to decomposition or deterioration of the product, investigations
will be conducted that evaluate if the product is even necessary at all.

Protection of the environment will be a build-in mechanism in the sense that we do not create prod-
ucts for consumption that then require us to protect the environment. By having the starting point
of what is best for all before we begin with a production cycle or even with the selection process
of putting a product or material into circulation, we know that it is necessary and we know that the
ingredients have gone through rigorous testing on interactions with the environment.

Many solutions we have in our high-tech world are quite low tech. Let me whip out my latest exam-
ple that left me flabbergasted standing in our kitchen next to the washing machine. We were trying
to hook up a washing machine, and as we already had many problems with water and plumbing we
were careful to conduct research to be sure we were not jeopardising a successful connection. How-
ever, one little glitch happened anyway, so that we ended up needing a plumber to come and fix it.
To connect a washing machine one may not solely rely on the DIY products that are being sold to
tighten the connection between the tubes of the water system with those of the washing machine.
Professional plumbers use strings of hemp – yes, basic hemp that has been around for hundreds of
years to make the connection so tight that no water escapes. It was a remarkable sight to see the

tubes of one of our modern machines wrapped in stringy, hairy, brown hemp threads.

To summarise, three main guidelines can be put forth that will make pollution a non-issue in the
Equal Money System:

Simplicity – we do not reinvent the wheel. We can use ingredients from nature that do the job and
have done the job for centuries. My example here was hemp used in tightening water connections
because the hemp swells up from the humidity and creates a water proof connection. There are plen-
ty of other examples of this nature. The waste is minimal because the hemp is a perfectly integrated
bio-organism that will deteriorate as food for living organisms in existing eco systems.

Need – money in the Equal Money System is not an issue. When the need for a product or material
has been identified and approved as what is best for all, it will be created. It will be created from the
best and most efficient production methods that integrate in the environment without polluting it.

Research – extensive testing from the creation cycle and the deterioration cycle of a particular prod-
uct before it goes into circulation. As it is the only product of it’s kind because we no longer have
product multiplication, how the product unfolds in use by the community can easily be monitored
and any effects can be recorded and immediately be dealt with. Though this is not to say that there
should be any effects at all because the more care has gone into researching the above mentioned
cycles the less it is necessary to monitor the product. Monitoring will be done by those who use the
product, a form of feedback in what they experience, which puts this responsibility of ongoing care
for what we have created into the hands of the individual.

Finally, with these guidelines the protection of the environment from the point of pollution is not
necessary because – in common sense- it is taken as a precaution that we do not pollute the envi-
ronment in the first place by having procedures and mechanisms in place before we create anything
that can pollute our world.

Manuela Jungmann is a DIP Agent -

What will happen to people that have
personality disorders that seek personal
self-interest above what is best for all?
Lindsay Craver

Firstly, let’s take a look at: “personality disorders that seek personal self-interest above what is best
for all” as there are still many/most that believe their “personal self-interest” especially within the
context of “the pursuit of happiness,” is a “right” one has to achieve/attain. Yet, if we investigate our-
selves and this world self-honestly, we are able to see the outflow of such actions, which accumulate
to and equate an outcome of complete spitefulness and disregard.
When our sole “purpose” in this world is only to fulfill our personal wants/needs/desires and through
this do not even take a moment to stop and consider the consequence, as who/what is effected, we
are separating ourselves from ourselves, each other, and this world as a whole – which, plain and
simple, is abusive and will not be tolerated in an Equal Money System.

This entire point of “free choice” has been exhausted, as anyone who has a shred of common sense
and ability to see beyond their conditioned mind will be able to realize that “free choice” does not
exist when it robs another of their “free choice” and ability to move themselves.

For example:

The businessman/corporation who is willing to pollute the waters, the air, the Earth, which are here
for all, in order to turn a profit so as to have a comfortable life for himself/herself where they and
their family are secure. Yet, what about those whose ability to support themselves comes from that
water, as in fishing, but now the fish are dying off due to this pollution and they are now not able to
provide for their family? Where is their “security”? Was it their “free choice”?

Where is the “free choice” and ability to be “happy” for those who were born into a family of absolute
poverty; where, because of those who only seek personal gain in the form of profit turn their back on
ensuring proper food distribution in order to create rules and regulations that do not allow individu-
als/families to simply grow their own food – save their own seeds?

These examples are clearly in alignment with sociopathic behavior and as such, will require proper
rehabilitation. By “proper rehabilitation” I do not mean sticking people in a padded room and pump-
ing them full of tranquilizers and drugs, as we do today. No. That also, in itself, is sociopathic. Proper
rehabilitation where an individual is placed in a facility, cared for and walked through a process of
self-discovery so as to actually see/realize/understand the point of self-responsibility for all that is

here, as themselves, is what is required.

Those that are not able to see beyond their self-interest will go through a process of training which
will include: self-forgiveness, self-honesty, self-correction, along with practical common sense living
to become effective beings that are able to be trusted with/as life. They will be assisted/supported
by those that have already walked this for themselves and thus are able to stand as pillars of support
within/as the principle of what is best for all.

This type of rehabilitation is observably not being carried out by the psychologists/psychiatrists of
this world currently, as most are only concerned for their personal self-interest and profit gain, as
well, and as such are “assisting” others from a starting point of separation, as they themselves have
not yet realized what is best for all. Many have become mere drug dealers; middlemen getting a
cut from pharmaceutical companies by pushing as many drugs as possible onto their “patients,” be-
cause they themselves have not yet acquired the patience to breathe, slow down, and consider the
consequence of these actions within the “big picture” context, which in turn only serves to further
perpetuate illness in this world, and oneself. Therefore, most psychologists/psychiatrists of today will
indeed find themselves in these types of facilities so as to receive proper training to be able to sup-
port others within what is best for all.

Those who even after walking a process of extensive rehabilitation, are still not able to see/realize/
understand and ultimately Live what is best for all, will simply remain in the facility where they are
no longer able to exert their nastiness onto this world, and will continue being cared for until their
eventual death.

It is vital to understand the basic, simple point that what is best for all, is also what is best for self.
“Happiness” and the actual fulfillment of one’s self-interest cannot and will not be real until it is real
for all.

What has been placed above will all be carried out within a democratic process as an agreement
reached by the people, where it will be decided when it is necessary for one to receive specific cor-
rectional training in order to ensure trust and safety is in place here, and that life is not compromised
in any way.

Therefore, what is best for all will become law, and when one steps outside that law, there will be a
process to be walked for one to be able to re-join their community so as to ensure each are able to
be self-responsible and live the point of loving one’s neighbor as oneself.

In order to get this world in order, as a place where all can live in dignity, we must correct the dis-
orders, as it is indeed absolute insanity to believe that we can exist in a bubble of self-interest where
we disregard and spite others, and then on top of that go and label our bubble “happiness,” “com-
fort,” and “security.”

Putting the group, as in “the group of life here on Earth” above our self-interest and ensuring that
each and everything that is here is considered and provided for unconditionally, is what is required,
as that is when self-interest is actually realized; that is when “free choice” is real.
Lindsay Craver is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “a person that do not correct themselves when
they have support from the professional psychologists within an equal money system?” Check out :
Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

What about dangerous jobs that require
the workers to put their life at risk -
will it be allowed?
Niklas Nydahl

One has to first look at the reason why certain jobs are dangerous today and also if these jobs are
really fundamental for life. So let’s have a look at two examples of some of the most dangerous jobs
in the world:

1. Truck Driver and Deliveryman

The high fatality rates within this work group is due to stressful conditions and many hours of over-
time work – it’s not unusual that a truck driver works for 15 hours in a row without even stopping
for something to eat. This is due to increasing competition in the field and in its turn increasing
demands on fast delivery. On top of drivers being pushed beyond their limits employers are cutting
back on safety and the equipment is not as well maintained as it should be – all for an increase in
monetary profits. In an Equal Money System safety, proper training and dignified working conditions
will obviously be top priority and competition and the demand for profit will no longer be determin-
ing factors. As the consumerism system ends only life supporting products will be manufactured and
delivered to the different instances in society that require these items. Production will obviously be
more locally focused, as the motive to maximize profit within placing factories in nations where you
can lower costs by exploiting slave workers will no longer be relevant, and the long distance delivery
routes thus no longer an issue.

2. Coal Miner

Working in a coal mine is inherently dangerous. Methane gas trapped in coal seams escapes into
tunnels and mine shafts and can cause enormous explosions either instantly killing miners or caus-
ing cave-ins trapping the miners. Safety regulations and training varies from country to country and
from company to company. China is considered to be the nation that has the highest fatality rate
within this work field (6,995 deaths was recorded in 2002). Coal is primarily used as a solid fuel to
produce electricity and heat through combustion. The enormous energy “needs” we hear various
“experts” talking about are not based in actual real needs, but in keeping the capitalist consumerism
machinery running. Within an Equal Money System the focus would shift from producing products
that accumulate the most profit to sustainability, necessity and life supporting items – and as re-
search no longer would be profit driven alternative energy sources that doesn’t harm or abuse the
earth that currently is and has been deliberately ignored and denied because these methods of pro-

ducing energy aren’t generating enough profit could be properly developed and implemented. Also,
who would want to work as a coal miner if it wasn’t for a desperate need for money?

In conclusion most jobs that are dangerous today are dangerous because of the current system
where money has a higher value than life and priority thus is profit over safety. Furthermore many of
these jobs are also to a large extent or completely unnecessary and only exist because of a demand
that is based in mass consumerism and “free-will” and not what is actually required to sustain the
physical existence. Then of course there are jobs that are inherently dangerous that still has to be
done, such as fire-fighting for instance (however it has a rather low fatality rate compared to many
jobs - 4.4 fatalities per 100,000 in the US compared to 18.3 in the truck driving work area). Fire pre-
vention within researching safer machinery, flame safe material and improved warning systems to be
implemented everywhere will also be priority, as well as including basic fire prevention in the basic
practical common sense training of each human being.

Niklas Nydahl is a DIP Agent -

Will cars be produced of the
same model, the same brand in
an Equal Money System?
Barbara Staengl

Models as such will not exist in an Equal Money System. There will be no need for different models
and brands as we will have the best, most efficient and most suitable version of a car for the respec-
tive area of use.

For example if we are considering inter-city travels by car, car pools will be an option with cars that
have efficient motors that have a long performance life, for example Diesel motors; if the car is
needed for intra-city use it will most probably be a hybrid version. The same reasoning goes for the
consideration of producing only one and the same model or brand in an Equal Money System.

Why limit ourselves? The starting point for this consideration will not be profit as it currently is. Profit
will not be possible in an EMS and thus there is no need for variety from that perspective. However,
with respect to what is practical and enjoyable without harming the environment unduly having
some variety is acceptable and will be supported and implemented, given there are people who are
willing to work together to create and produce this option.

Thus, if you want a specific kind of car, you can place the suggestion online for everyone to see, it
is evaluated by placement of votes especially by those who educated in this and those who would
be affected by it – to determine whether it is in line with the principle of best for all, i.e. not harm-
ing anyone, then one can continue with the implementation and production process. Depending
on the specifics of the respective idea, there may be a pool of interested people following this on
the internet, as decision making is public for everyone to partake in, and so further support in the
follow-through by mechatronics and engineers will be available.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “How will we make sure that products are made
to last?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

Will we all have a tracking device
in an EMS?
Scott Cook

There is nothing new about the Old/New World Order, as it’s been here for centuries in some form
or another within and as each one of us, and all that has really ever changed is the scenery. So at
this point in the evolution of technology we face the manifestation of the ‘tracking device,’ which has
stirred some anxiety toward the future of our ‘individuality’ and ‘free will.’

Some of us already carry tracking devices in the form of cell phones and plastic cards, and initially
it will be similar in an Equal Money System as a means of credits and ensuring each of us will be ac-
counted for equally. Eventually the DNA within and as ourselves that has always been here will even-
tually become part of a logistic system through which each of us will be accounted and provided for.

Through the use of credits, there will be no way to accumulate wealth as we will no longer be bound
by profit or even the idea of a separate, inherent value within a paper bill or coin, as the credits will be
a ‘one-way use’ form of money rather than a medium of exchange. A tracking device will obviously
be used for the tracking of any possible abuse.

There are some basic fears that fit in with the question of identity within this current system, and the
benefits of a tracking device can be explained through the exposure of such fears.

Fear of the loss of privacy implies a fear of the loss of ‘individual autonomy’ or ‘identity’ within the
current system. Within this fear we have to consider the definition of an ‘autonomous individual’
in the context of who we are in relation to this world and existence. According to how we’ve been
conditioned, it seems to imply the right to one’s beliefs, to work in order to be able to acquire all the
things one wants/needs, to find ‘love,’ to feel secure or even powerful, well-insured and so forth. We
allowed the system to install us with an ideal illusion of existence that is planned-out for each of us
to follow from birth to death.

Fear of the loss of ‘individuality’ implies a fear of equality and realizing that you’re one and equal to
everyone else within and as the imaginary hierarchy, where no parts are separate from the whole.
‘Individuality’ and ‘free will’ count for absolutely nothing as each contribute to the same dead end
for ourselves and other life forms as well, so within this there is nothing to lose except our system-
based self-images that never existed in physical reality in the first place.

Yet our likes and dislikes have already been dictated to us through the system as our respective cul-
ture, family, media, and environment. So with regards to fear of being controlled or manipulated, we

have to consider how we’ve allowed ourselves to be conditioned throughout our lives down to the
intricate details of every little thing we allow ourselves to react to within and as our minds from one
moment to the next.

The entire point of control, regardless of who wields it, is fear, and concerning the insecurity toward
a separate and elusive ‘Big Brother’ entity that monitors you constantly and has all your information,
such transparency already exists. Since everyone’s basic needs are provided for in an Equal Money
System, such abuse as ‘identity theft’ would be virtually obsolete, and these power games will be
easily traced to the source through the tracking system.

Concerning the popular reference of the tracking system to the ‘mark of the beast 666’ from the bi-
ble story of Revelations, one has to realize that as consumers within the current system, we’re already
‘marked,’ as it were, through our birth names and social security numbers required to buy or sell or
even ‘exist’ within the system, in which we are taught to believe we have ‘free will/choice.’ A tracking
device as it relates to the Equal Money System is based on the starting point of equality and what is
best for all, thus any paranoid reaction to it is based on the self-centered, isolated concept of ‘free-
dom’ that we have been indoctrinated with.

Whatever the case may be, we are stuck here with each other and everything else on and of this
planet. We’re already self-responsible for the monetary prison we have created, and we take the
responsibility to deconstruct it within and as ourselves as a prerequisite toward a system where eve-
ryone is supported equally, with no one left out of the equation. The insecurity of being monitored
can’t compare to the reality of those currently unable to afford basic necessities. The only practical
solution is to face ourselves and walk through our self-created mental prison to ground ourselves in
physical reality and recreate ourselves as who we are within a system that supports all equally and
unconditionally. Within the principle of equality we can explore who we are beyond the limitations
of our mind or any trivial desire to be ‘free’ of reality, with no one left out of the equation.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Will we all have micro - chip implants” Check
out: Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

How do we make sure people don’t
take more than they should?
Niklas Nydahl

The Equal Money System is based on the principles of Self-Honesty, Self-Responsibility and the real-
ization that what is best for the collective is also best for me – and obviously if those principles are
disregarded and abused correction in line with what is best for the whole is required. It’s obvious that
the over-excessive use of resources in the rich part of the world isn’t sustainable and that we have
to re-align our life style to what is practical and best for all. Though, what needs to be understood
is that greed is a symptom of the current system where lack and thus fear of survival is intrinsic. It is
the current conditions of survival that has formed us into greedy and self-interested beings and thus
the condition of absolute equality, where no single one will lack accessibility to the basic necessities
required to live an effective life in dignity, will form us into beings that consider the whole. Further-
more education will be focused on the common sense understanding that what is best for the group
is also best for the individual and that if the individual is harming the well-being of the group the
individual is in fact harming itself.

The Equal Money System will be based in practical needs instead of mental wants and be strict in the
control and distribution of necessities and thus make sure that everybody gets what they require.
The whole distribution net is already effectively in place, with everything from transport vehicles to
warehouses and infra-structure – the only difference is that the power will shift from corporations
that are only considering their own profit to a centralized network of administrations that will serve
the collective interest.

The idea that you’re somehow more “accomplished” and “fulfilled” with the amount of things you
own is solely a product of consumerism brainwashing through media and advertisement and not
based in the actual physical needs/requirements. The desires or “dreams” we call “ours” are not really
ours, but in fact the desires and “dreams” the consumerism system has imprinted us with to make us
into effective consumer robots – since the fulfillment of all these ideas require money. And as long as
you have money you have the “free choice” to over-consume and be as greedy as you wish no matter
what the consequences. The dismantling of the consumerism machinery will release humanity from
this “spell” and allow us to realize the importance of physical necessity and cooperation over mind
and energy based desires.

Niklas Nydahl is a DIP Agent -

Will God Still be Allowed in the
Equal Money System?
M. F.

In the Equal Money System, the idea of ‘God’ will be something that someone may choose to par-
ticipate in for sentimental purposes. The idea of ‘God’ will no longer have any influence on how any
part of the system functions. The idea of ‘God’ will no longer be allowed to be used to manipulate
people. Everyone will have access to support to learn the tools of Self Honesty and Self Forgiveness,
to understand and free yourself from delusional fears and ideas and beliefs. These tools have already
been proven by Destonians to be effective as evidenced in the multitude of writings and videos giv-
ing first hand experience of how we as human beings are able to forgive ourselves, stop fear, self
interest, and limitation, and change ourselves into beings that in fact love our neighbor and do what
is best for all, and require no idea of ‘God’, and no religion - because we actually honor Life as Equal
and One in All.

In the Equal Money System - with the end of poverty, starvation, war, corruption, crime, pollution - it
will be obvious that religious was only ever a self delusion used to manipulate ourselves with fear
and hope, to hide from our responsibility for ourselves and the Earth. It will be obvious also that the
church requires money to exist - places like the Vatican require money to exist, and use money to
create a ‘larger than life’ image to manipulate and control people. In the Equal Money System the
entire point of the ‘struggle of life’ will be removed, as this is largely based on the fight for survival
within the money systems as they exist. This will thus remove the primary reason that people pray
and ‘turn to god’ for an answer to their problems.
You will no longer need to ‘pray to God’ to end the problems of the world, or ‘pray for Jesus to re-
turn’, or ‘pray to god to please bless me and my family and keep us safe’, or ‘pray to god’ to help you
with your debt or other money troubles, because Equal Money will solve the problems of poverty,
hunger, war, debt, crime, prostitution, most major health problems, pollution, gambling, jealousy,
envy, covetousness, and will show how when we simply Honor each other as Equals as Life, taking
responsibility to contribute to what is Best for All, and when we apply Self Forgiveness to stop our
accepted fears and limitations - that we in fact do not require any idea of ‘God’. When you forgive
yourself - you do not need ‘God’ to forgive you. When we end the problems of the world with Equal
Money, we can forgive ourselves that we ever allowed and accepted ourselves to be slaves to an idea
of ‘God’.

In the Equal Money System it will be seen that the idea of ‘God’ was one of the primary points of self
delusion that kept us from seeing that we are able to create Heaven on Earth.

In terms of the more ‘new age’ idea of God as a more general ‘creator’, or ‘source’ - again this will be
something that one can choose to participate in for sentimental purposes if it is not used to try and

manipulate others and participate in a way that is not Best for All. But as a former ‘lightworker’, and
‘spiritual person’, when I began stopping my mind through specific self application with Self Honesty
and Self Forgiveness, and living Here as Life as All as One as Equal - it became obvious that all ideas
of ‘God’ are a projection based in one’s own accepted and allowed Self Separation from All as One
as Equal as Life. ‘God’ will thus be able to be used as a way to identify who still accepts themselves
as being separate from Life.

Taking on Each Other’s Last
Names: Will Surnames Exist in an
Equal Money System?
Lindsay Craver

Surnames will exist in an Equal Money System, yet will be from a starting point of practicality within
organization, not status or class as it is today, and has been throughout history, where one’s surname
is given significance beyond simply letters placed side by side to create a word. Instead, surnames
have been used as a polarity game to either wield power/prestige over others, or create inferiority/
shame in relation to ‘guilt by association’ where the entire point of ‘bloodline’ has come to define
‘who we are.’

Thus, we’ve limited ourselves significantly just through this one single point, by/through defining
ourselves in relation to others based on a surname, instead of standing here, equal and one, as Life.
We’ve allowed ourselves to place ourselves and others in boxes; compartmentalize, judge, and spite
ourselves and others in relation to culture, race, family, class, heritage, and so on - all rooted in a
surname, which we’ve held to be important and meaningful, as we’ve believed it is suppose to tell us
about where we’ve come from, and where we’re supposedly going.

Through surnames we seek to clone ourselves in order to ‘carry on the family name’ which is an ego
point and also coincides with fear of death, wherein we believe that we can ‘live on’ in our children,
and to a certain degree we do, as we ‘spread our seed’ - the sins of the fathers, passing down the
same systems of enslavement, conditioning, and preprogramming generation after generation, ad

In an Equal Money System, one’s surname will simply be a point of practicality in terms of keeping
an orderly database of information, which will keep track of each individual’s Equal Money credits,
and other practical points, such as voting, delivery services, working in groups, etc. Obviously if we
have a database filled only with first names, and there’s 5,000 Matthews, that will be impossible to
keep organized.

In regards to marriage and surnames, where the wife has traditionally taken on her husband’s sur-
name, and whether or not this will be the case in an Equal Money System: that will be a decision that
each partnership can agree upon and decide in terms of practicality, not as a symbol or status, or a
women ‘giving herself away’ to a man, but a point of what is best for all within common sense living.
So, it makes sense to keep one surname between a family so the children all have the same surname,
along with the parents – however, if there is a practical reason to do it otherwise, and the decision
is clear, the point can be directed accordingly, as well as cross-referenced to ensure there isn’t any
compromising involved.

So, it’s to work with what is here, and drop all the emotional/energetic significance we’ve attached
and attributed to these points so that we move ourselves commonsensically, and not filter our
world/reality through an archaic lens that only serves to separate us further from each other, instead
of bring us together to share ourselves unconditionally – no matter if our surname is DeFranco, Mc-
Donald, Hitler, Smith, Bush, or Garcia.

We are all equally here, breathing the same air, sharing the same Earth, no matter what our name is.

Lindsay Craver is a DIP Agent -

What will happen to those who resist
an EMS?
Barbara Staengl

Honestly, how could anyone resist the prospect of ‘trading in’ working for your whole life, in a strug-
gle for survival that for some starts already at birth in countries where there is not enough to eat
or even in industrialized countries where there is not enough to pay for health care, shelter or even
food; this struggle runs like a red thread through our lives – so trading such a life in for working only
for 4 years of your life and then being financially free and able to follow your heart’s desire for your
whole life! Not seeing the potential in this for humanity and the world as a whole and the solution
to most, if not all our grievances and problems is quite unbelievable to say the least.

To those hesitating/resisting: Most certainly there will have been those times in your life that you in
fact had that desire, that thought, that you in fact made statements to such an end and now that we
are proclaiming this to actually be feasible within a system of Equal Money entailing equal distribu-
tion, financial security and an equal chance toward life for all equally - wherein you will be part of a
system that is best for all, wherein you will therefore not lack - see, you’ll still have sufficient and all
you will lose is your ability to be greedy. How wonderful will it be to no longer have to misrepresent
yourself, no longer have to create all kinds of advertising and presentation to convince people to
buy your brand, your performance, your skills. You will, in fact, be free to explore what you truly love.
Maybe you start inventing, maybe you will start a family as you will have time and all your needs
taken care of, maybe you will travel the world and get to know your fellow beings on the other side of
Earth or your neighbor, or you can decide to study all the things you’ve always wanted to investigate
and then and implement your knowledge together with others sharing the same interest. There are
endless possibilities of life-enhancing ‘enrichment’ that will be open to you for the taking.

Enterprises, businesses or corporations will eventually become part of the global logistical system
for the distribution and support of all equally. Only those parts will be left in service that are relevant
to this distribution and that are critical for logistics. The rest will be turned either into some form of
entertainment as buildings or into homes where people can stay, if the basic income grant has not
yet solved the housing crisis around the world. This will be part of a decision making that will involve
everyone and you as brainchild/founder/owner will be part of the decision and thus your reasons/
fears will be considered and addressed, however, see, if your fears are more important then what is
best for all, there is obviously a psychological problem.

Consider that by virtue of a system that was unequal, you have profited and protected your profit
at the expense of others, which was an act of greed, and in fact is a criminal act currently. So being
wealthy is by no means is a valuable or an acceptable situation.

Realizing how one accepts and allows oneself within and as such a placement of greed and self-

interest, one would see that the support of Equal Money should come as a matter of forgiveness,
as a matter of seeing the mistake, the abuse, as an act of benevolence. This is highly unlikely for the
super-wealthy and mega-rich; the money system will collapse and things will escalate and get out
of control. The solution that will be presented by the current powers would be a basic income grant,
and they will realize they have to give people something, but what they will be giving will not be
enough. But it will be enough to prove that an equal money system is the eventual and actual an-
swer, so therefore first basic income grant, the BIG answer, and then the biggest of all, Equal Money.

Best to join us because you can’t stop us. Where there are the rich, there will always be the poor. Thus
the poor will always be here as the shadow of the glory of wealth until Equal Money is established,
thus bringing an end to this life-sucking polarity we’ve created, where both rich poor are slaves are
one in their enslavement to m-one-y.

Resisting implies that re-education is overdue. It is time to understand that we are actually all one
and equal within and as life. Let’s let deeds follow!

Despite all these obvious and not so obvious advantages, there will still be beings who will resist a
system that is best for all, as they do not see themselves coming out on the top of things as they
might actually be used to. Thus, these people will be supported to adapt to the new system in seeing
how they are being self-dishonest and separating themselves from who they really are as life. This
will require time for some, for others it will be something they will readily embrace, knowing ‘what is
best for all is best for me too’.

How will my life change for the better
in an EMS?
Mats Bjørnsti

Now, if you take a look at how the world is subject to the money system right now
you can see that without money life would be impossible to enjoy. Because you´ll
have to be a slave for your survival and goods it does not take much effort to realize that an overall
improvement is possible.

In the EMS all people will have free access given to the internet, computer, cellphone, transport,
housing, electricity, food, education, clothing, healthcare, etc. That´s how life will dramatically im-
prove for everyone. No uncertainty, no stress.

So having the EMS as a basic foundation support for all you can start to consider
how amazing life can become. No more bills/taxes, no more struggling to pay loans, no more high
class, middle class, low class. Utopia? Oh yes

Life will be about reaching the best outcomes in all we do, life will be lived within the principles
of what is best for all. No longer working in separation of each other but as a team, as one family
moving as an entity towards perfection in every way through the principles of equality and oneness.
Opportunities will be equal for everyone, you will be able to express and work with what you want
without the influence of money.

Why not then simply going for
resource based economy
Blaž Cegnar

A little something about money: As we know from history, money was invented from a practical
reason, because it was easier to carry around a bag of coins that you could trade for anything you
wanted, instead of carrying around 10 bags of potatoes, if you were a farmer, and then hoping that
the seller of a product you want will by chance agree to trade it with you for your potatoes. So,
money in itself is just a great tool that makes buying things easy, if it is used the right way. Definitely
much easier than trying to figure out how to pay for products with raw things that are first of all,
hard to carry around with you.

The resource based economy is an economy where any kind of money/credit is a no-no and all the
products and goods would simply (?) be distributed to everyone and mostly produced by machines.
The problem with this is that a resource based economy still considers our planet and nature as a
resource for humans to exploit and deplete, as if the human is the most important thing. You see,
trying to solve the problem with technology alone isn’t going to solve anything, because technology
has never been the real problem. But the human on the other hand... Now we’re getting really close
to the core of the problem. We need a big slap in the face, time to wake up and stop dreaming! Now,
why is technology not a problem? We can go to the Moon but not take care of the 1 billion starving?
Time for humanity to redefine advancement... Realize that within an Equal Money System we look at
and work with redefining ourselves to be one and equal with nature and all that is here and to con-
sider everyone equally, where we work in accordance to what is Best for All, not just humans. Give
what you would like to receive. This is a process of realigning self that every one of us will go through
as we gradually transform the world system of abuse into a system of support that is Best for All Life.

Many that suggest the resource based economy will try to argue that money is the root of the
problem, the root of all evil and that whenever money will be used, it will lead us back to the same
point of greed. This only shows that one does not understand and realize that money in itself is just
a tool and that we as human beings are the root of all evil. Therefore, as we humans has shown to
ourselves, we need extensive support in self-honesty, education and self-correction, so that we will
realign self according to what is Best for All. This means that we will gradually have to implement a
system that will offer such support to all and that will transform the capitalistic, profit-driven system
of abuse into a Life supporting system, where all live equally and according to what is Best for All.
The first necessary step for this is an introduction of a Basic Income Grant that will still work accord-
ing to the rules of capitalism, but will at the same time allow people to stop worrying about survival,
so that we can start educating ourselves and working toward the solution that is Best for All. We
will get money for the BIG from the corporations and any other resources that generate high profits
and give it back to the people where it actually belongs in the first place. But this is just a temporary
solution that will enable us to do the next thing, the real thing that’s even bigger: to implement an

Equal Money System.

All we have to do to make the EMS work is to realize that equality and practical common sense is
what is Best for All and to transcend our fears that are based on our ideas and beliefs about our-
selves. This will enable every one of us to make the necessary practical self-correction, meaning,
every one of us will start practically living the solution that is Besto for All. With this we will remove
all the accepted and allowed preprogrammed patterns and self-limitations and reeducate ourselves
to live here in this moment, to consider practicality and create self-certainty that we will always do
what is practically Best for All Life. For this to happen, we have to get self-honest and apply self-
correction and forgive ourselves for all the abuse that we accepted and allowed as ourselves and as
our world. Humans are the core of the problem and no one can correct you, you can only correct
yourself with self-direction.

Our goal is to make sure that everyone is treated equally and with dignity, not just human beings (!),
and to prevent all abuse. Thus we have to make sure that the basic necessities for a dignified life -
like food, shelter, cloths, water, electricity etc. - are distributed and available to everyone equally. The
easiest and the most practical way to do this in the current reality (capitalism) is to implement BIG,
where all will get an equal amount of money for the basic needs. This will diminish the pure fight for
survival which will give us time to implement an actual all-new system that is Best for All: the Equal
Money System. You have to realize that money in an Equal Money System will work very differently,
because all money will be digital and there will be no profit/trade. The system will work according to
the information you provide for the system and will mostly work automatically, thus eliminating the
chance of someone abusing it. And as everyone will get equal money, any even slightest anomalies
will be immediately recognized and taken care of, so no one will be able to abuse through money.

I suggest everyone to consider what is already here and how we can use what is already here in a
way that is Best for All. There is no point in having an idea that sounds great, if there is no practical
way to implement it and if it would never work anyway, because it doesn’t recognize the real prob-
lem, which is us, human beings with our preprogrammed self-limitations and self-dishonesty. We
firstly have to consider what is HERE and implement practical solutions that are Best for All Life in a
way that is practically achievable and in a way where every individual can help by becoming a living
example of the practical solutions. This is what we learn through the Desteni’I’Process, how to firstly
help self to become a practical example of the solutions that are Best for All. So, realize, we have
to firstly correct ourselves and apply our self-correction in our everyday life in order to bring about
a permanent change that is Best for All, because all our actions accumulate. Thus every one of us
has to get self-honest and go through one’s individual process of self-forgiveness and practical self-
correction. And at the same time, everyone has to learn how to work in a group of equals, where all
work together to bring about the change and the system that is Best for All Life - the Equal Money
System. And this is what Desteni group is. And know this: even the Equal Money System is not our
final goal, but it is the most important step in creating Heaven on Earth for Everyone Equally. Get
involved, become self-directive and stand as an equal. Be equal to Life in Oneness and Equality and
stand with the group as an example of what Life really is and what it actually means to care about
Life and what is Best for All. No one can do it for you.

Blaž Cegnar is a DIP Agent -

Will I Still Be Able to Buy the
Things that I Like in An Equal
Money System?
V. P.

In an Equal Money System you won’t be able to buy anything, as nothing will be for sale, as money
won’t be the prime objective of each man, woman and child – that life will be instead. As such, due
to life being the prime objective of each citizen, products that support life, and that people enjoy,
and see to be cool, will be available to all – thus no need to buy them, you’ll have them regardless.

Thus, you will actually have more power in an equal money system, in terms of being able to bring
into your world, that which you want to have, as the amount of things you acquire won’t anymore be
limited by your buying power – you’ll instead be able to get those things that are supportive to life,
as life is the sole value in an equal money system. Thus – that which you need in order to make your
life experience more fulfilled – will be supplied – as simple as that.

Though there will obviously be a principle that limits, and constricts one’s ability to own and acquire
new things – and that is the principle of what is best for all; because if it’s found that a product harms
life – then this product won’t anymore be allowed. Though, some harm will be allowed – the least
amount of harm possible – as harm is unfortunately a bi-product of the fact that we exist on a living
planet, as such there will always be a little bit of harm – though this will be minimized to the greatest
extent possible.

People that love to invent will develop and create new products – and the new inventions will be
shown at messes around the world, and if a sufficient amount of people like and want to have a cer-
tain product – then it will be created; from this perspective we’ll still be buying things. Though the
current limited, and inferior procedure of creating new things, wherein a new thing is only created
if it can sell sufficiently – and enough attention can be mustered through deceptive commercials –
won’t anymore exist. Products will now be made that are in-fact cool – and these products won’t
need any deceptive commercials, as they will be cool and enjoyable things to own – for real.

Also – the things that are produced will maintain a completely different standard quality wise than
what we’ve been used to – the things we acquire will last us a life time, as they will be designed to be
sturdy, and to effectively serve their purpose – not created in order to make a profit, wherein money
will compromise the standard of a product, as less labor is placed into the creation of the product;
and such deceptive tactics as planned obsolescence is used to drive the need of consumption.

Consumption and profit will not be the goal of an Equal Money System, instead the goal will be to

give each human being the best life that they could ever have – the most enjoyable and fun time
they could ever experience – money will be out of the picture, as the constant search for profit – and
instead life will become the guiding value and principle of all decision making.

Equal Money will truly bring the age of entertainment, as various products to a new level – protect-
ing and keeping safe the environment, while at the same time supplying human beings with the
tools to enhance and fulfill their life experiences – it will truly be heaven on earth, for all participants

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Will I Still Be Able to Buy the Things that I Like
in An Equal Money System?” Check out: Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System –
Volume 1 Interviews.

How do you keep an eye on
underground ‘resistance’ groups who
want greed back?
Rozelle de Lange

Before I get to the ‘how to’ part of this blog post, let’s take a quick look at what secret societies are
in essence.

There are many definitions which have been put forward for the term “secret society” but in short
the term is used to describe fraternal organizations that may have secret ceremonies and means
of identification and communication, ranging from college fraternities to organizations described
in conspiracy theories as immensely powerful, with self-serving financial or political agendas.

... ‘with self-serving financial or political agendas’ – obviously it’s clear that this point of serving only
ones own self-interest instead of considering and serving the whole world equally, will not exist
within an equal money system. OK so then how do we make sure that this won’t happen? Or as the
question poses, how will we keep an eye on these underground groups? It’s quite simple really when
you see the common sense within what is really at play when looking at secret societies. A point that
not many people see/realize or even consider is the fact that secret societies/underground resistance
groups exist out of fear.

So in an equal money system if such groups are found (and they will be), then the individuals within
such a group will be supported to see what their fear actually manifests (which would accumulate
a world as it exists today) and they will be shown how their fear harms others. Then with regards to
ensuring that secret societies no longer continue, it’s really simple – we will take away the cause of
secret societies, which is fear. Equal Money will take away the fears the beings have because they
won’t have anything to fear as they will have everything they require to live a life without fear. TAA
DAA! – Equal Money is a real magician to be in state to take away fear, not only on an individual level
but on a collective level as well (World Wide).

There will be no more secrets in an Equal Money System because secrets only exist to deceive one
another so that one can profit from it one way or another, which is the whole backbone within eve-
ryone’s life’s quest to be the ‘winner’ in this win-lose reality we live in. In an Equal Money System

So this is the way in which we will ‘keep an eye’ on such groups – they will be taken and given sup-
port and assistance to see for themselves what their fear manifests as a living consequence for oth-

ers and then they will detach themselves from their own fears by realizing that the very fears they are
holding onto are but a distance ghost of the past, as there will be no real reason to ever fear again
in an equality system.

Equal Money = Commonsense

Equal Money = No Fear
Equal Money = True Freedom

To find out more about this new system which and to assist in speeding up the process of imple-
menting it - join the forums at DESTENI and EQUAL MONEY and the FAQ’s regarding all of the ques-
tions I’m sure you have within you about the Equal Money System.

Rozelle de Lange is a DIP Agent -

Who will build the roads and
buildings in EMS?
Marek Sniager

In an EMS we will have a 4-years contribution program of “ everyone participating for everyone” -
which means that everyone after the accomplishment of the basic understanding / equality educa-
tion will going to contribute with equal basic participation of 4-years of labor for the benefit of all
society .

This contribution will be divided accordingly to human beings and with the help of the best current
technology provided as the support for everyone equally, not only for the ones with money back-

And so even the ‘apparently difficult’ or ‘dirty’ jobs one can say - will become whole different human
being’s experience and the points of interest will become quite different comparing to our current
view of things and decision makings to start one’s job.

Currently in our capitalistic / money driven society we have many construction building companies
which are surviving and functioning within the realms of competition between each other and in
order to make an effective income - our current companies are using materials and techniques for
doing their jobs based on the profit , competition and greed.

If we look at material used currently - we can see that there has been nearly in all cases used the
material of very poor quality even though we do have and are able to use the best material there is /
exist. And therefore in order to make money in capitalistic , money driven society - the manufactur-
ers and builders do use the precisely engineered materials which will only last for so long , and that
they can save money to enhance and support their greed and ignorance / self interest / survival.

The results of current construction building / manufacturing systems and techniques are but a com-
plete waste of earth’s resources and this ignorant way of treating the materials and the capitalistic
abuse of Earth’s unconditional support to all of us will not be accepted / allowed in an Equal Money

It is year 2011 and all of our decisions are profit based and therefore the selection of one’s job is
dependent only on the factor of “How much money will I get for what I do”… This wont be anymore
the factor / starting point of one’s decision to start the job in an EMS and therefore the question:
contribute with their participation to the society this way…

PS: ‘I am sure that many boys , girls , man or woman would like to experience , educate themselves

and contribute in creating homes and streets if we look at the possibility of one’s expression and
enjoyment of being creative in this way for example. I am sure that there will be many of us who
would like to do exactly this kind of job - this kind of contribution .. To support oneself’s and within
that all others - one and equal..

Thank you

investigate EMS - discover what we are in fact capable to create - for us ..

Marek Sniager is a DIP Agent -

If We Are Not Driven To Compete,
Will The Sexdrive Also Diminish?
Kimberly Kline

What drives the ‘sex drive; in our current reality? Or better yet, how does the context of our current
reality permeate everything we do because it’s all we know?

The context of our current reality is survival, competition, power/domination, and ego. Have a look
at how these concepts relate to sex and/or the sex-drive.

With regards to survival, consider the need to pay one’s way to survive- sex is bought and sold as a
commodity wherein many men and women sell their bodies in order to buy food, shelter and cloth-
ing. In another form of survival, men and women seek wealthy or wealthier partners to marry in
order to have financial security, which is another form of prostitution, wherein security in the form of
‘securing one’s place’ in the world, is given in return for a sexual relationship.

There’s also the concept of spreading one’s seed as procreation in order to have the bloodline and
DNA survive past the death of the creator, whether it’s a conscious choice or not, to carry the family
name and genetic traits- survival of the fittest. We can also consider giving birth to many children
to have extra hands in order to work and provide for the survival of the family, or parents having
children to ensure there will be someone there to help them survive in their old age.

These are examples of sex driven by survival, which are fear-based and demonstrate very little, if any
regard for the quality of the relationship between the two beings involved- there is no certainty that
it is an arrangement made within mutual willingness, consent and equality, or whether the dignity,
integrity and honour of both beings is taken into consideration at every stage of the act. In an Equal
Money System, the need for survival will be removed from our lives and reality because we will be
provided for and our futures will be certainties as the security of the human being will be guaran-
teed. Children will be born into a world where they will get care when they need it, food when they’re
hungry, support in their old age, education, shelter and clothing- all unconditionally as a basic right
to life. Sex in an Equal Money System will be a mutual exploration of sexual expression, with no ul-
terior motives. Physical touch will only be driven by curiosity, innocence and unconditional caring.
Therefor the starting point of the sex-drive will change, as no one will ever have to compromise their
bodies or sexuality for reasons of survival.

With regards to competition: we are born into a world where our fellow man is our competition. We
are taught in school that we must compete with our peers; we must strive to be the best and per-
form better than the others so we can excel and be noticed in order to compete in the job market.
Once employed, we must remain competitive to maintain an endless income for our entire lives. We
must also compete for our sexual partners, to get the most beautiful, the most successful, the most

popular, the hottest, the sexiest and the richest. We must try to be beautiful and sexy, rich and suc-
cessful in order to compete for the best mates. The sexual relationship which is produced by this
type of reality does not generally take into account who the being is first and foremost. This type of
relationship is fraught with judgment, judgment which is created by the external environment which
changes from place to place and within time. This fluctuation indicates that these judgment based-
decisions are not based on anything real, but rather superficial externalities which are shallow and
devoid of the foundational support required to support each other within a relationship, to experi-
ence the personal growth and expansion that is Life. In an EMS competition among beings will be
removed and replaced with equality, therefore the drive for sex will be a part of this personal growth
and expansion which will be a shared self-intimacy of unlimited depth between beings, and not a
shallow and unstable competitive drive in a world of constant and increasing competition.

Power and domination find their place within the sex drive when a man is driven by his superiority
over a woman, to dominate and have power over her physically or psychologically. Or when a woman
uses her sexuality to manipulate a man ‘like putty in her hands’, wherein she takes advantage of him
with her sexual prowess, in a form of power or domination, to have him do for her as she pleases.
Power and domination can also be played out within ‘mind games’. Superiority and inferiority can be
established within an intellectual capacity and carry over into the sexual aspect of the relationship.
Power and domination are very much inherent in our current systems- the behavior of states on an
international level is created by the behavior of individuals, like a magnification of what mankind
has accepted and allowed itself to be and become. Unfettered use of power and dominance without
any moral or principled restraint is the behavior we are exposed to in so many ways, it is what we
know and are taught as the rules of this reality, where it is ok for one state to rape a weaker state
of its resources- human or environmental- simply because it can. In an Equal Money System, this
behavior will be seen for what it really is: a disorder and a disease, one that only leads to the reality
we see today: one of war, terror, suffering, starvation, rape and murder. This type of disorder will be
studied and treated effectively, as resources will not be squirrelled away by the wealthy, but rather
distributed equally and diverted to the effective study and treatment of the disorders which today
plague humanity and create profit for the powerful and dominant. The desire for sex that is driven
by power and domination is abusive in nature and will not be tolerated in an EMS, it will be treated
as a dysfunction and any being afflicted will be supported to understand the inherent equality that
exists between all beings, wherein no one has to right to have power over, or to dominate, any other
being in existence.

A sex-drive based in ego is one which is based in the mind of pictures and images, fetishes and the
desire for more. It is the ego that watches porn and feeds its desires through the images and ideas
which are created by beings compromising their bodies for profit. Porn-sex is not real, it is not based
in anything real and it only serves to manipulate the ego as fantasies of wanting create ‘something
more’ out of sex. The egoist desire to have more, to be more, and to create something more than
what is actually here or actually present within the act of sex is totally unnecessary- it diminishes the
reality of sex, which is two beings, two bodies, two equals sharing simple touch. Sex driven by ego
takes place in the mind rather than in the physical, where the act is actually occurring. When one is
participating in ego one is not present and aware of the simplicity of the physical act taking place,
and the mutual enjoyment with another human being. In an Equal Money System, ego will have no
place as the physical reality will determine what is real, what is relevant and what requires attention.
Ego is not real, therefor it is irrelevant. The ego of the individual serves nothing and no one but its
own existence, while it consumes and suppresses its human-host. In an Equal Money System we will

learn to value the physical and not the ego-based desires which are currently manipulated to drive
consumerism. The only real value in the world is the physical reality we exist within, and that reality is
willing and able to provide for us all equally. It is the human systems which have been super-imposed
on top of this reality which have destroyed our physical environment (including how we treat and
perceive our physical body), our oneness with it, our equality to it, and our enjoyment of it.

Kimberly Kline is a DIP Agent -

What if I don’t want to work
for 4 years?
Kim Amourette

Someone who would ask this question would do so only out of spitefulness and has clearly not in-
vestigated the Equal Money System, because if you compare the four years of mandatory labor (four
years in an entire lifetime that is) to the lifelong (slave)labor in and of the current system it isn’t dif-
ficult to see which system is best.

Also if you were to state that you do not want to work for four years in an Equal Money System -
you will most likely be sent to have psychological assistance/aid - because within this statement you
show that you lack all ability to see what is best for all living beings and you are incapable or unwill-
ing to place yourself in the shoes of another being, as it will be very effectively elaborately explained
exactly how an Equal Money System works and why the four years of labor are required for each

These four years of labor within the lifetime of each being is what is required to make sure that all is
in place to provide the basic necessities for the survival and comfort of each living breathing human
being - so within the giving of these four years of labor, each being will show their respect to life and
will show who they are as a being. If you state that you are unwilling to give up four years of your life
to the benefit of all then you are showing/revealing yourself as a selfish, ignorant being.

Though we will assume that no one is that ignorant or stupid - and that all will understand why the
four years of mandatory labor is needed - because if we did not have this system of mandatory la-
bor that serves as the back bone of the Equal Money System then that would mean that we have to
return to ‘the alternative’ which is what we have now, as a system that does not care about you be-
cause it only supports the selfish nature of the individual and so it will leave you to rot if you cannot
keep up with the money-flow in the system (if you cannot perform the slave-labor to earn money

Now the other point of ‘What if I can’t do the mandatory four years of labor in an EMS?’ - quite un-
like what we have now as our current system, the EMS will be one where your life is not measured
by your ability to perform/work, as its main focus point is to look at how we can all live here in the
most optimal way - so you will not be left to rot. Obviously, if you cannot work because of illness or
disability, then simply you cannot work and so you won’t have to work.

The EMS is based on common sense, and this means the sense that we all have as to seeing what
needs to be done so that all get what they need - instead of what we have now which is laws and
rules that apparently we must rely on to know what to do in this chaotic complex society.
Because of the laws and the rules that we have now, we have become completely disconnected from

what is real as common sense, as we feel as though the world is for some reason too big and com-
plex and difficult for us to grasp and understand. This is however but a mindset that we have been
taught that only serves the elite as the rich and powerful to be able to stay in power - and common
sense is their worst enemy because if you were to look at this reality in common sense then you’d
see that there is a lot of bullshit going on.

So, what we have today is people often faking sickness or disability to get paid by the health insur-
ance and to in this way have their personal benefit from the system - not considering what impact
or consequences their actions may have on others within the system, and this is possible because
there is no common sense what so ever in this world currently - as all that is being promoted by our
system of capitalism is selfishness.

This will change in the EMS that drives/thrives on common sense, because all will be made aware of
how exactly our system works - all will get to know the how, what, where, when and who of every-
thing that we do and that needs to be done in the system. So, no more hidden agenda’s that result
in a very complicated network of rules, laws and ‘values’ wherein we cannot see the point of it all
anymore and tend to give up on common sense because we feel so overwhelmed by it all. And in
this way, when everything is out in the open and honest and people are not supported in their dis-
honesty as selfishness anymore, each one will see their place in the system and the way in which they
in fact support its functioning and within this we all will take up our responsibility within enabling the
EMS to exist - because we realize that if I as each human being do not take responsibility and move
myself within the EMS to support it, it will not be able to support me.

Each being will take up their responsibility in the system, and therefore each one will be supported
by the system - those who work and those who don’t work equally.

Kim Amourette is a DIP Agent -

Life insurance in an equal money
Joseph Kou

Why do people buy life insurance?

Life insurance is a way for people to hedge themselves and protect themselves from the inevitable
death that awaits us all – but it is not protection against dying, because regardless of whether or not
you have life insurance or not, you will eventually die just like everyone else. What you are actually
trying to protect yourself from is financial burden in case you no longer have the ability to work and
bring in income to support your family and in case your death results in charges that your loved ones
may not be able to afford.

Insurance can be seen as an attempt to buy ‘certainty’ – to buy ‘peace of mind’ so that one can be
‘sure’ that things will be okay at least for one’s own family – so that even after one is dead one is still
able to serve the purpose of ‘providing for the family’.

This has been accepted and allowed because we have given away the intrinsic value of life in favor
of an economic system in which we must PURCHASE our living – which implies that our inherent and
natural value as living beings is null and void and that ‘value’ is an attribute of the money system
instead of value being that which we simply ARE, by birthright. So instead of money being a tool for
support of living, living has become the means to support the money system.

We have actually allowed ourselves to buy into a system in which we spend the majority of our lives
working and trying to purchase that which is ours by birthright, at the expense of the precious and
irreplaceable amount of time we have to experience ourselves, express ourselves, and LIVE our lives
in a way that is purposeful and dignified.

In an Equal Money System all will be given the insurance to life – not on the day they die, but at the
very moment of their birth – from the moment their experience here on earth begins, they will enter
a world in which they are fully supported until their very last breath – which is the condition into
which all of us would want to be born into – and the condition into which we would want our children
to be born into – world in which one’s death does not cause financial stress upon a family – a world
in which life is not about working and trying to buy another day of existence – but rather where each
day is an exploration and expansion of the human expression in partnership with the expression of
all life that is here on earth.

In an Equal Money System we all become our own life insurance, knowing that so long as we agree
to live in a way that causes no harm or abuse to others, we are fully supported in every way possible
until the moment we breathe our last breath.

I say no more to living in constant fear and paying for protection from future debt as a result of a
money system that is inherently defective. I say no more to people having to pay money each month
to insurance companies who will gamble the money in the stock market in order to make more profit
and only pay out when a person dies. I say no more having to work past our productive years in order
to support our family or to afford medical care as our bodies become drained of life without even
getting the chance to really live.

An Equal Money System will forever remove the insurance industry – along with the fear and un-
certainty of life that it markets, and will restore the inherent value of life for all, and all will be born
already insured and guaranteed a life without worry or stress due to money.

Joseph Kou is a DIP Agent -

Can I pass money on to my children?
Kim Amourette

No - because have a look at this question, it is coming from the current state of mind wherein par-
ents constantly fear for and worry about the survival of their children in this reality, because the cur-
rent system does not unconditionally support each living being in the world.

There is always the fear of ‘falling without’, of losing money, and the fear of ‘my children not having
enough money to survive and live a dignified, comfortable life’. So motivated by this fear, parents
and grandparents will start hoarding and saving money like crazy, to pass it all on to their children
when they die, so they can feel assured that the child is being taken care of in this world.

Believe it or not, but this fear will exist no more in an Equal Money System - these worries about
money and the future that we’ve gotten so accustomed to will have ceased to exist, because each
and every being that is born into this world will be unconditionally provided for and supported. So
from that perspective, the perspective of money and survival as ‘the future’, saving and hoarding up
money won’t be necessary anymore.

There will be a conscription system in place - wherein each being will have to work for 4 to 6 years,
as what is required to get our basic necessities met. One can still work after that of course, though
not from the perspective of ‘getting’/’earning’ more than another because that would only come
from the starting point of desiring to in some way feel ‘better’ or ‘more powerful’ than others. What
we have today is that people will deliberately work a lot to earn a lot more money than other people
so they can use that money to control all other beings, because that is the nature of money in the
current system - a tool of power and control that puts some in the position of ‘master’ and others in
the position of ‘slave’.

In the Equal Money System, if one wishes to work more then it will be within the realization of
contributing to the system of what is best for all, which is working within and as the expression of
gratitude as in being grateful for life and for the life-supporting system that is here that would not
be possible without the equal contribution of all - instead of wanting to work more from the start-
ing point of abusing the beings in the system (which is pretty much the basic design of our current
monetary system - the enabling of abuse).

Also a house, which is part of the basic necessities for every human being to live in dignity in this
world, will not have to be passed on to the children through means of a will - it will happen automati-
cally because the basic principle of the EMS is that each being has the right to a roof over their head.

Kim Amourette is a DIP Agent -

How will we prevent overpopulation?
Niklas Nydahl

The idea of overpopulation derives from scarcity based economics and is not the main alarming
issue the “experts” in media would have you believe – an idea we are even using to justify the exist-
ence of starvation with. In reality there‘s neither a shortage of space nor a shortage of food. Modern
day technology allows us to produce much more food than what is used on much less land than
what was required before. Using modern day irrigation technology food can furthermore be pro-
duced in arid locations that before were considered impossible. In Britain only 20 million tons of
food is thrown away yearly from homes and supermarkets – half of all the food produced on farms
(the same proportions applies to most Western countries) – which is equivalent to half of the food
import needs for the whole of Africa.

According to the World Food Programme the key causes of hunger are:

• Poverty
• War
• Over-exploitation of the environment
• Poor agricultural infrastructure

which are all outflows of the current unequal money system. The only thing that stands in the way of
feeding the whole planet is thus the current monetary system which dictates that if you lack money
you also lack access to all the necessities you require to support your physical existence with. Reduc-
ing the population of earth would obviously not solve the problem of inequality, since the capitalistic
system is a system that is based on polarity and lack. The ongoing speculation from index traders
on the international food market, causing the food prices to rise dramatically, throw about 100-250
million people into starvation each year – adding to the already 1.3 billion starving people on earth
in the name of market “freedom”.

Is it fair and reasonable to put a price tag on earth’s resources that is given to us unconditionally?
Is it fair and reasonable to be able to profit on and make vital resources inaccessible for a large part
of the world’s population? We live in a world of abundant resources that only a few have access to,
and the only thing “missing” in order to distribute those resources equally is money. Isn’t the solu-
tion obvious?

Let’s feed the world:

Niklas Nydahl is a DIP Agent -

Basic Income Grant (BIG)
Sandy Jones MacGillivray

According to Wikipedia as of this articles date BIG, a Basic Income Grant is “…an unconditional
government-insured guarantee that all citizens will have enough income to meet their basic needs.”

It will take several years of re-education before an Equal Money system is possible in this world. As
everyone will agree, many, many people are suffering horribly on earth currently. So to alleviate the
suffering and allow people the opportunity to get out of a `survival` mentality, BIG will be sufficient
to stabilize ones life. In fact the Basic Income Grant is suggested and recommended by those who
advocate for an Equal Money System.

Once a person no longer has to focus just on survival as in shelter, food, clothing, water one can
expand ones awareness to just how extensive the abuse has become on earth. With a basic income
grant cost such as and including: rent, mortgage, electricity, heat, clean water, food, health care,
clothing and transportation would be covered. This is not an equal money system but a first step
towards what we will create as actual heaven on earth.

With the implementation of BIG, there will still be rich and poor, better than less than, charity, polari-
ties of all kinds, war, abuse from those ìn power who have the wealth, no power to stop the trillions
of dollars allocated to space programs, the war machine ie. fighter jets, the latest hollywood film in
which the ‘star’ gets paid 10 million dollars, the baseball player signed on for 50 million dollars per
year, deception, profit and loss.

Yet, it is difficult to impossible to ponder let alone participate in a solution when you are trying to
survive . Perhaps you have others who are depending on you for their survival as well, children,
elderly parents. You get up at dawn, work you ass off, come home to other important obligations
and fall into bed knowing you are trapped, there is no money left (you`re behind in bills, debt= the
biggest evilest scam of all time) for you to take a vacation with your family, buy something for the
home or children.

It`s time we look at this : money is not real, its an idea, designed for trade. Well then we can re-design
it since it is not working best for all . It only supports the few with a life worth living.

We all breathe the same air people, we are all born with nothing on our backs. We all need to eat
and we all shit! Equally. We`re just making it up as we go along. Stop. Lets re-think, re-design, WTF,
how is your faith and love working. I say: don`t shut up, stand up, stand-up now!

Sandy Jones is a DIP Agent -

What will happen to Pollution in an
Equal Money System?
Kim Amourette

Obviously Equal Money is not going to be a ‘magical solution’ - like a ‘magic wand of Equality’.

We will still be faced with what we have allowed ourselves to create in the capitalist system of con-
sumerism and ignorance, which is a lot of pollution.

Because we have been literally completely disregarding any and all consequences of our actions in
this world with regards to nature and the animal kingdom and even our own physical bodies - within
our ‘struggle for survival’ in the capitalistic system wherein we were too caught up with being able
to earn money to live to even consider really stopping for a moment and looking around us at what
we are in fact creating and allowing to be created as human beings collectively.

When we will actually have the opportunity/time to stop and look around us at the world, which will
be the case within the Equal Money System - we might be shocked at seeing our creation - seeing
our ‘history’ of who we were/had allowed ourselves to become within the capitalist system, that will
be showing in all the polluted oceans, the died out infertile lands due to ‘single-crop farming’, the
fields of ‘electronic waste’, and obviously Global Warming.

We will still have to face these unpleasant manifested consequences that is the result of what the
‘human endeavor’ has been so far - though in the Equal Money System, everything will be put to
work to first of all stop any further pollution of earth as our environment. Because we will be thor-
oughly investigating, researching and experimenting all possible ways and solutions to create a hu-
man society that truly exist in ‘balance’ and ‘harmony’ with nature. We will not be looking at money
anymore from the perspective of simply going for the least expensive option, which is the case
however in our current society wherein that is always the most environmentally unfriendly option.

In the EMS - energy production will not be a private corporation of an individual or a few individu-
als that aim to get rich off their ‘product’ so they wherein they sell their ‘invention’ at a high price,
making it nearly impossible for most people to use this energy production technique. Instead, all
energy production research, manufacturing and distribution will be by and for everyone within the
realization that we only have one planet so we cannot afford to be selfish and use earths resources
as if they are ours to exploit.

Energy must and will be free for all as how it always should have been - and all decisions concerning
the usage of the resources of earth should be known and agreed upon by all, to make sure that no
abuse is being inflicted because we are all here so it is not acceptable that we all are paying the price

for what a couple of greedy human beings are doing where they are being allowed by the capitalistic
system to exploit and abuse earth in the name of personal profit.

then, secondly - we will be looking at how we could possibly even restore earth to its original expres-
sion, how we could for example clean out the oceans, the soil and the air. So we will be able to enjoy
and express ourselves here on earth for the first time - within and as mutual respect and freedom.

Which will be so much fun.

Kim Amourette is a DIP Agent -

How would food be manufactured
and produced?
Sylvia Gerssen

A frequently asked question about an Equal Money System is: How would food be manufactured
and produced? It’s obvious that in a new system where money is no longer the starting point for life,
food will be used to sustain our bodies. Therefore the production and manufacturing of food will be
done on a scale that provides every one on this planet their fair share of food. Money and therefore
profit will no longer fool around with the food markets, where certain parts of our planets have more
than their fair share and throw the excessive food away, in relation to the parts of our planet where
humans starve and die of lack of food. These atrocities which are the outflow of greediness and at
the same time eating on an emotional level, will no longer exist in an Equal Money System. It’s unac-
ceptable that we have food, and others have none, for no apparent reason than our fear to lose our
comfortable wealthy life.

Getting to know through experience what your fair share of food is, is going back to the drawing
table in order to understand yourself. To face yourself and therefore to decide in self-honesty and
in the best interest of all how much your body, your physical needs to be healthy and be in the best
shape possible. The moment we all understand what we require, which types of food we need, we
can produce the right amounts. At that moment food can be logistically transported and reach all
those that need it without wasting the food.

Most of the food manufacturing will take place on big farms. Within our current system we also have
big farms, but big farms from a starting point of profit. The Equal Money farms are there to provide
quality food for all and it will be a place for youngsters to live and to dedicate 4 years of their life
to provide food for everyone. This way all youngsters will give their time and labor to produce food
in order to receive food for the rest of their life’s. Most systems now have youngsters who join the
army for a certain amount of time, to serve their country. What would you rather like to do, produc-
ing food and serve humanity or killing human beings to get hold of crude oil and make the wealth
of your country even more wealthy?

These farms will be a place where youngsters can live together without peer pressure, but instead
have peers to cross reference and to mirror themselves. They can have fun among each other work-
ing and serving the whole of humanity at one time. Developing themselves into self-responsible hu-
man beings with the necessary support and assistance available. Furthermore they have the ability
to work with nature and see what it takes to get food on the table. It’s all about understanding the
world around you to become self-responsible instead of ignorant of life.

The food itself no longer needs to consist of cheap and health risking ingredients. Money doesn’t ex-
ists in an Equal Money System, so producing cheap to gain more profit is no longer needed. We can
do research on the foods that are working with our bodies, find out which foods will work against our
bodies and in what quantities we should consume them. Having variety within our diet is important,
variety in a sense of how the food looks is of no value anymore. Growing a water melon in a square
shape in order to give it away as a present has nothing to do with nutrients. Growing purple basil,
because it fits the color of your dish, is of no value other than making profit with food. Making caviar
into luxury food only for the wealthy is silly, caviar is fish eggs, don’t let us make more out of it.

Taking advantage from food and speculating on food will no longer be possible, because it doesn’t
honour life. Food will be manufactured on the farms, enough for everyone. Though one can always
decide to start producing one’s own food. Unless this is done within common sense, where overpro-
duction is shared with others and not wasted, one is still in line with “what’s best for all”. The same
goes for considering all consequences of one’s actions while producing food and not only looking at
one’s own situation and happiness. When one start having chickens for eggs and a cow for milk, one
needs to investigate what these animals require in order to produce and live in equality with you, the
receiver of their produce. Exploiting animals even on a small scale will be seen as unacceptable and
there will be interventions to assist this being with caring for his/her animals.

Exploitation of animals like chickens, cows, piggs, sheep, goats, rabbits etc for meat will no longer
be happening. When we really only supply for the demand that exists, the meat production will de-
crease extensively. When we only eat animals who are old and had a happy life, the meat industry
would shrink back to acceptable proportions. The preparation of meat will be different compared to
now, meat from an old animal is though. So we need to research different types of preparation and
sustainability of this type of meat. We already know that we could eat far less meat than most of us
do now, which would also decrease the amount of meat for consumption. Consuming meat for as
long as it is needed should be in the best interest of all and that also implies in the best interest of
the animals.

Therefore our world, when it comes to food, will change in an Equal Money System. We will bring
back the value of life and include all within the process of manufacturing food. We will no longer
accept and allow ignorance when it comes to our food sources and no longer ignorance when it
comes to nurturing our bodies with food. Food will not be a way to eat oneself through emotions
and feelings of which one doesn’t want to face oneself. That’s abusing food and abusing oneself
and therefore unacceptable. Food will be food again and has its own value/place within a system of
equality and oneness, the value of life.

Sylvia Gerssen is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “How would food be manufactured and pro-
duced?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

The Road to Freedom is Through
Lindsay Craver

“The road to freedom is through voting?” – at first glance, especially when taking the context of this
current system into consideration, one would probably be more likely to retort: “yeah right, my vote
doesn’t count!” or “voting is useless, nothing ever changes. It’s just the same shit, different leader”
etc. These are understandable responses, yet one must look at the point of:

WHY doesn’t my vote count?

WHY do I see voting as useless?

WHY doesn’t anything ever change, no matter who leads a country?

WHY does the process of voting not make me feel more free, but only more enslaved?

In these very questions are the answers that will provide insight into why the current system of vot-
ing is not effective, and how we as humanity can and must stand up to take back our one vote.

Each of these questions can be answered in one shot, with one word: self-responsibility – because
the real questions that beg to be asked; the questions that we all must ask ourselves are:

WHY am I not taking self-responsibility for all that is here?

WHY have I abdicated my freedom to a ‘leader’ instead of being the leader of my own life?

WHY have I accepted and allowed myself to believe that for anything to change, someone else must
do it for me, or that someone else must do it first?

WHY have I blamed others for what I alone am responsible for?

WHY have I turned a blind eye to the abuse in this world?

WHY have I not done whatever must be done to ensure all life here on this planet is able to live in
freedom and dignity?

WHY have I suppressed my feelings of shame for the state of myself and this world, as a reflection of
myself, and instead projected anger onto politicians/those in “power”?

WHY have I given away my freedom, my power to be the self-directive powerhouse of my life, in
order to “live” a life where I must rely on others to make decision for me?

This is the type of self-investigation that is required in order to explore deeper the entire point of
“WHY” so that one can come to the “HOW” to stand up and begin to take self-responsibility for our-
selves, and this world, as ourselves.

Understand, politicians, and those that we perceive to be “in power” didn’t create this world all
by their lonesome, obviously; it was created by each and every single one of us participating and
agreeing in each and every breath we’ve breathed here to continue this system; this system where
starvation, murder, apathy, torture, child trafficking, animal abuse, extreme poverty, war, corporate
control over food resources, absolute atrocity, and unimaginable abuses are allowed and can be
readily seen…if one dares.

There is no excuse.

We are co-creators in all that we do, whether that be in perpetuating this current money system
which is clearly not best for all, or whether that be in providing solutions that will ensure all are cared
for and given unconditionally the ability to enjoy and move themselves freely in this one life.

Therefore, once we see/realize/understand that it will take each one of us standing up within our-
selves as “one man, one vote” we will be able to simply do what must be done - it won’t exactly be
“simple” – no – but that decision that self makes, will be in one simple moment of breath; one mo-
ment of an absolute commitment to stand within the statement:




So, it’s not a point of trying to ‘go against’ anything; it’s not a point of blaming anything, resisting
anything, or dropping out of anything - as that is not a sustainable solution because it is only self
fighting against self from a starting point of an energetic reaction, which will eventually burn out.
We’ve seen this happen throughout history. This way of so-called ”change” is still an abdication of

The point is to work with what is here. Thus, we use the democratic systems that are already in place
– yes, the word “democracy” has been abused extensively. Yet, who has abused this word? Each of us
has. Thus, we must redefine democracy by/through taking back our power, our self-responsibility, to
vote – and to vote for that which is best for ALL.

To believe that we can just vote – just push a button and pull a lever – and then our responsibility as a
human being living in a democratic system is done, is precisely why we have a world as we do today.

Again, we must use what is here to change what is here.

Before an Equal Money System will be implemented, the Basic Income Grant (BIG) will be voted in.
BIG, which is a system that has already been, and is currently being tested in Africa, Germany, and
the United States, includes these primary points:

• provide everyone with a minimum level of income,

• enable the nation’s poorest households to better meet their basic needs,

• stimulate equitable economic development,

• promote family and community stability, and

• affirm and support the inherent dignity of all.

So, once BIG is in place, and a good deal of financial, emotional, and physical weight/burden that
has crippled so many is lifted, we will begin to see that an Equal Money System is the next common
sense point, as it is indeed what is best for all.

To be clear, both BIG as well as an Equal Money System will only be seen/understood through each
of us walking “the road to freedom” through a process of self-realization in regards to what it is to
be an effective, self-responsible, caring being who is able to be trusted with/as Life. The point of
“BEING the change we want to see in this world” is relevant here, as that is indeed what we must do,
because if we take a proper look at history, we will see clearly that change through any other means
is not actual change that is lasting, but is change that exists as a mirage for a moment, until the same
abuse that was only dormant reappears with an even greater vigor for destruction.

In each moment of breath we are casting our vote. We are either voting for Life, as what is best for
all, by/through standing for a solution that will ensure freedom and dignity, or we are voting for our
own limitations; we are voting for a system where God is money and the perception that there is
nothing that can be done about it - we are then thus voting for our demise.

So, ask yourself:

What I am voting for in this very moment?

Will my one vote in this moment set me, and this world as myself, free?


Will my one vote in this moment further enslave me, and this world – as me?

Lindsay Craver is a DIP Agent -

The Prison Industry now and in an
Equal Money System
A. B. T.


“Wont the places where you keep offenders be a lot bigger than the rest of the population and who
will watch over this?


Firstly it is important to have a look at the context in and through which the question is asked, be-
cause that has a great impact on how the question will be answered. We shall present here two dif-
ferent perspectives on the context in which the question is asked and answer accordingly.

1. ) The person asking this question is picturing something in their mind largely based on having
seen news about for example the regime of North Korea or memories of movies they’ve seen such
as “Children of Men”, “I Robot” and books such as “1984″ – (of which all are excellent depictions of
the extremity of where mankind has ‘evolved’ and is ‘evolving’ to.)

The person is imagining that the rules or laws in an Equal Money System will be so ‘strict’ that there
will end up being more ‘offenders’ than active or legal citizens. Obviously if this was so and if the
Equal Money System was a fascist regime, we could end up with a large population of “incarcerated”
people. In a fascist regime they would most likely be sentenced to work camps where they would
provide products for the “elite” minority population on the other side of the fence. This obviously has
nothing to do with an Equal Money System and such a question is asked out of fear based on a reli-
ance on the collective drive of fear through dependency on movies/media to interpret one’s reality.

2.) The question is based on not understanding that the Equal Money System is actually going to
be an entirely new way of living, which means that we will also not act from within and as the same
patterns as we are now. So for example regarding the question “Wont the places where you keep
offenders be a lot bigger than the rest of the population and who will watch over this? ” - it is clear
that this will not be relevant in an Equal Money System.

When people don’t have to fight each other to survive, when they don’t have to scheme and deceive
each other, they commit a lots less crime. Most crime is in fact due to economic inequality, where
those that do not have or who are excluded from the general participation in the system, will do
what ever they can to get by, even if it means committing crimes. And ironically so, the people who
do not understand this behavior or way of living, is in fact people who already has money.

Therefore people will not offend nearly to the same degree as they do not in an Equal Money Sys-
tem. Most that become criminal will then do so due to genetic dispositions that are effecting their
mental states. They will be supported to re-align themselves to live as equals and if not, they will
be supported to live a dignified live within the frame of ensuring that they are of no harm to others.

When we look at the prison system, the way the prison system is currently existing, it is actually ex-
panding exponentially especially in the US. According to a article from Global Research, ”no other
society in human history has imprisoned so many of its own citizens.” as the American and then in-
crease in private prisons has gone up from only 5 private private prisons ten years ago to now being
over 100. Why is this? Because someone is able to profit from the incarceration of others. Because
prisoners provide as an almost free workforce and the owners get tax subsidies and political sup-

“The private contracting of prisoners for work fosters incentives to lock people up. Prisons depend
on this income. Corporate stockholders who make money off prisoners’ work lobby for longer sen-
tences, in order to expand their workforce. The system feeds itself…”

People make money on enslaving other people as they have been for thousands of years. This is
what will change in an Equal Money System. This is exactly why we are pushing for an Equal Money
System. So to ask if it will not be “worse” in an Equal Money System, if there will not be more offend-
ers, shows that the person asking the question, has been effectively brainwashed to believe that was
is here now is cool and should not be changed. Mean while, billions of people are suffering at the
hands of other peoples greed.

We can clearly see that the scenario that was presented within the initial question directed towards
an Equal Money System, is actually depicting exactly what is going on in our societies today. It is not
the Equal Money System we should fear as being fascist and locking people up with out just cause
– it is the fact that we are already doing this, yet turning a blind eye to what is going on, right here,
right now. What we fear, is what we are already living – yet it is also what we have separated our-
selves from in abdication of self-responsibility – it is therefore we feel powerless and afraid of being
“taken over”, yet not realizing that we already are.

How will it be decided which house
a person gets?
Jessica Smith

In an Equal Money System, based on choosing what house you want will be entirely based on what
actual responsibilities do you wish to take on. Through actually taking responsibility of all the shit
that is being created within making a mess in your house, which too bad for all of us that have ac-
cepted/allowed laziness there will be no more cleaning services available for us in essence, thus, that
would imply separation of self for accepting/allowing someone else to take on the shit that you cre-
ated because of not having enough, ‘energy,’ for actually taking on what mess you created. Which is
actually an interesting analogy for the all of us, as ONENESS and EQUALITY; seeing/realizing that we
have created so much mess, but not wanting/needing to take on this mess for wanting someone else
to actually do it for us and abdicating self-responsibility, which is what we’re doing through creating
a simple physical mess for wanting/needing to have someone else take on the mess for us.

Thus, housing will be entirely based on how much literal shit we wish to take on for actually taking
responsibility and creating no slaves, which will be something for each of us to take on. Sizes on
houses will diminish considerably for those that don’t want to take on such an enormous amount
of mess, which is so cool for actually seeing/realizing that we have so much shit that we self-created
on ourselves, as ourselves.

Housing will be based on the housing of life and not the housing of money, which will bring a relief
to those that have been living in inequality. Housing will be distributed from actually re-using the
current buildings that is based on abuse, which be transformed into something entirely that is based
on all life-forms. People’s placement of living has never been looked at what is practical and what
this person needs, rather than living within this desire of want.

Within an Equal Money System living conditions will be based on what is best for ALL and not the
value of money for self-interest. One will only work for four years and that will only be how much
they will be expected to work in order to live somewhere that is practical and not abusive and based
on the living principle of experience for what is best for the masturbation of the mind and not see-
ing/realizing that maybe everything we have valued is shit.

Another point to consider from my perspective of actually taking into account that housing will be
much more practical, from the perspective of not having a house mainly for maintaining this reputa-
tion that I’m, ‘rich and fabulous.’ Thus, buying extravagant things based on merely self-creating this
persona of ‘wealth and superiority,’ when that is merely a mask of inferiority for abusing/using what
is completely unnecessary for simply making one feel important and less empty, within the realms
of mind-personality.

People’s placement of living has never been looked at what is practical and what this person
needs, rather than living within this desire of want. Because one can look at this world through
housing placements and come to the conclusion that people today are completely unpracti-
cal and since the wealthy have money they will buy the most extravagant and most abusing re-
sources that are completely unacceptable. So when looking at our current living conditions
we must note that when bringing about an Equal Money System others won’t abuse these liv-
ing conditions by see/realizing that what they wanted within desire was entirely abusive.

An Equal Money System will be platform for all us to consider what realize what we have accepted/
allowed, by actually love thy neighbor as thyself. Within Oneness & Equality there be no animos-
ity for not seeing someone else as ourselves. Everyone will be forgiven, everyone is ourselves, thus
we forgive ourselves for what we have accepted/allowed for generations and generations, time for
implementing an Equal Money System where there actually will be Heaven on Earth, only better.

Nobody will be left behind.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Will I own my own house?” Check out : Bernard
Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

Jessica Smith is a DIP Agent -

Will David Icke Still be Able to
Manufacture Conspiracies?
Leon Perry

David Icke is a writer and a speaker known for his views on who and what is really controlling the
world. David Icke claims that who and what is really controlling the world are reptilian humanoids.
This conspiracy theory has created attention from a worldwide perspective.

David Icke’s views about the world were slightly different from the general population’s views about
the world and the operations thereof. From a starting point of view on one of David Icke’s perspec-
tives, David Icke claimed to be the son of God — which triggered David Icke to become famous for
his perspectives on the world that we live in. The theory was that we are all one within an infinite
consciousness, and that what is known as “David Icke”, “Michael Jackson”, “Oprah Winfrey”, “Bill
Gates”, etc. — are just different points of observation of that consciousness. Thus, if one takes this
consciousness to be God, or use the term ‘God’, then we are all sons and daughters of God.

A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or
organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the
products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public. If we take current system that
is existent today, it thrives on knowledge and information as power, and thus, within that possession
of knowledge and information — the more it is with withheld from the public, the more powerful an
individual is — from the perspective of ‘status’ and decision-making. Thus, the current system feeds
off of knowledge and information to give it the ‘life’ that it needs to exist by taking away advantages
from others and having them work in order to obtain it for the generation of income. Therefore, con-
spiracy theories are the effect of attempting to ‘debunk’ the ‘essence’ of the ‘man-made equilibrium’
that is the equilibrium of/as the system’s infrastructure as how we exist within/as it.

In an equal-money system, all knowledge and information will be available to everyone because
within an equal-money system, all monetary supply will be distributed equally to all. Thus, the with-
holding of knowledge and information from others for profit and power will no longer be necessary.
This will naturally eradicate the existence of conspiracy theories because conspiracy theories are the
effect of the withholding of knowledge and information from the mass. This, in turn, will give all the
opportunity of obtaining direct knowledge and information about any subject that is available. It is
what is best for all.
Leon Perry in a DIP Agent -

Will I have to pay for the daycare/
nursery of my child? Does a daycare/
nursery still exist?
V. P.

In an Equal Money System you won’t have to pay for anything, ever again – all that you require and
need in order to live a fulfilled and effective life, will be there, supplied for you, unconditionally – that
is in living action the benevolence and support as principles that the Equal Money System is based
upon; in short – what is best for all, will be available to all – regardless.

As such – if it’s best for all that a nursery and daycare still exist – this will be available. As I see it – the
daycare is a cool place for a child to spend time in, it’s fun to meet other children, and it’s exciting to
play and have fun in the supportive environment of nurses – that are able to watch over, and social-
ize with the children.

Currently, most parents place their children at a daycare, and nursery due to the fact that they have
to earn money each day, and spend several hours at work – this will not be so in an Equal Money
System, because here you’ll not need to anymore fight, struggle, and spend your time slaving away
at a job – as all that you need to live an effective and fulfilled life will be supplied too you uncondi-
tionally – you won’t anymore need to earn your right to live – your right to a fulfilled and complete
life-experience will be here as a fact simply because your born.

Thus, children will spend more time with their parents instead of being at a daycare or nursery – yet
the nursery and daycare will still exist as a center of interaction and socialization between children,
as well as parents – where newly made parents can meet and discuss their experiences and learn
from each other.

Further – the nursery can exist as a place of education to the parents, where nurses or daycare per-
sonnel, as people that truly enjoy and live to express themselves together and with children, are able
to share their insights and realizations in regards to how to effectively support children – the daycare
will be as a point of coming together for both children and parents, wherein all can have fun, interact,
and have a good time together.

Though, nursery as a place where you dump your children, to get to be alone at work, won’t any-
more exist – parents will now have time to be parents instead of slaves.
As such the children, as well as the parents, will truly be supported and assisted to develop a cool
relationship with each-other, and at the same time expand and grow themselves to become more
fulfilled and worthy beings – truly satisfied with themselves and the life that they lead; as beings that
are in-fact living self-perfection in every breath, expressing themselves as life as who they are.

Viktor Persson is a DIP Agent -

How will land be distributed if
not by ownership? How will it get
decided which house a person gets?
Markus Modin

Here common sense must be applied, as you will not really own anything and you won’t be entitled
to anything that you can’t manage your self. You will only be entitled to what you can take respon-
sibility for. So land and housing will be based on responsibility.

Take for example a family unit. A family unit will receive according to their requirements and needs.
Each one will be entitled to the necessary utilities for an effective and healthy life. And in terms of in-
dividual needs, it all depends on how much responsibility you are willing to take. No one will receive
more then they can handle, which means that there will be no slaves to clean for the rich people. Rich
people will have to learn to live practically and according to self-responsibility and stand as equal to
the rest of humanity. In-fact; there will be no more rich people, there will only be equals.

Of course some will initially have to stand in administrative/leadership positions, but they will still
not have anything more or less then what you have. Everyone will be completely equalized, despite
labor position.

Within an equal money system all houses will eventually become smaller, as people will start to use
resources according to need and requirement and not according to greed and self-interest. The self-
interest will be rational and reasonable according to need and requirement.

Castles for elite families will be completely unacceptable and the individuals that are in administra-
tive positions/leadership position will have to stand as examples for everyone else, through living
according to what they take responsibility for them self’s. This means; that all the worlds leaders will
be forced to live like everyone else, so that the people can make sure that the individuals placed in
leadership positions are there - standing one and equal, and not for control self-interest or greed. It
will be a requirement for leadership position.

The distribution and sharing of land will be assessed according to what is best for all, which includes
the earth it self. The whole accepted outlook on nature will change radically; nature or land will no
longer be understood as something under the ownership of man, but rather as resource to be uti-
lized in a supportive manner that is best for all, including nature.


For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Will I own my own house?” Check out : Bernard
Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

What will Happen to the Media in an
Equal Money System?
June Roca

What is the role of the media here in this current economic system?

Obviously, it is here because of profit and is here to support the lies of the elite. The advertisements
which are being paid to the television stations, magazines and newspapers by the elite - are the life-
blood of the media. If they are told to lie by them, they will do just that to keep their job. The power
being vested to the elite because they have more money, while poor people become their maids or
drivers, supports inequality in this current monetary system.

Advertising, marketing and sales are just tools being used to support consumerism in capitalism.
The media is behind all these, brainwashing people in a subtle way, through subliminal messages in
print or multi – media. This creates a world run by the media and people are being impulse to buy
things because people believe the lies being said in radio and in television. Actors and actresses are
also being used to support consumerism, creating ideas about the perfect body image, so people
will desire to buy products they endorse in the media.

In an equal money system, there is no one to profit from what is being said. There will be no elite,
so there will be no one bribing the media to distort the truth. Therefore there will be no lies in the
media. It will be used to expose people abusing the system. Media men will not be enslaved by
their need to keep their jobs because there will be equal money for everyone, No one will work in
exchange for money but will work to assist all to live life in dignity. They will not be able to impulse
people through print and multi-media; rather they will use the media to work for what is best for all.

In an Equal Money System, people in the media who will lie and distort the truth will be sent for
correction and will be supported so he/she can correct himself/herself, because it tacitly implies that
the person has a mental illness – possibly fears that make him tell lies. Most of the time it is not him
that suffers the consequences, it is others. As parents, we also do not want our children to lie, so let
us live that same truth and not lie. If we lie our children and our children’s children will suffer the
consequences. Why suffer, live in fear and lie when we can create a world where we see each other
as equals – and enjoy life?

It is really awesome to live in a world where life is truly honored and where the media is here to let
everyone know about how people assist each other and in different ways. I can also see that if there
is any correction going on somewhere, the media will also let everyone know about this.

June Roca is a DIP Agent -

What would happen to a bully in EMS?
Mats Bjørnsti

A bully in EMS will be rehabilitated to equalize him/her self. That means for example if a being is
spiteful, bullying another like we see all around us today. People trying to be more then and better
then another mentally abusing themselves and others. Or acting violent towards another / abusing
animals, rape, causing havoc, stealing etc.

This will indicate that the being needs assistance immediately and will be dealt with accordingly in
specificity of the issue. This is where proper assistance, self-forgiveness and living the corrective ap-
plication comes in to prove as a statement that the being has acknowledged his/her problem and
dealt with it properly under the supervision of people who passionately and willingly support cor-
recting mental disorders.

Then when they are rehabilitated they get to go back to society as an equal human being.

This will be a physiological rehabilitation place where people will be forced to come to correct their
abusive behavior. Now in an EMS where all people is treated equal and live as equals a bully/abuser
will be easy to detect and will be exposed and dealt with as soon as it´s noticed any form of indica-
tion to a form of disorder.

As more and more people realize themselves as life and see for themselves what humanity has ac-
cepted and allowed within their mind it will be great effectiveness in preventing issues abusers might
cause against life. No bully is allowed to thrive in the EMS.

What will Motivate a person in an
Equality system?
B. B.

While we have been conditioned to be motivated through Reward and Punishment in the current
capitalist system, a new system of equality based on the value of life will assist and support the hu-
man being in discovering SELF-MOTIVATION.
This will be a process that will emerge from the point of letting go of fear of survival, letting go of
competition and spitefulness, and instead focusing on LIFE, on self-exploration, self-expression and
the discovery of our real interests, talents and abilities. This will bring forth the incentive of self-mas-
tery, a process of growth towards ‘excellence’, because everybody will have in fact equal opportuni-
ties in life and for the first time in the history of mankind we will have the actual CHOICE to be and
become our own ‘dreams and desires’.

There seems to be a ‘fear’ related to ‘laziness’ that people utilize to argue against an equal money
system, saying that people are too lazy to ‘do the work’ without the incentive of money, reward and
power. This however can only stem from the fear of not having the slaves doing the work for you –
because obviously an equal money system will mean the end of all slavery and the removal of hierar-
chy, thus the removal of the ability to exploit and abuse life for one’s own self-enlightened interests!

Laziness is a by-product of capitalism – a by-product of our bipolar education-system where one is

either rewarded or punished, and driven to compete against each-other because we have allowed
a world system where only the ‘fittest survive’. A system so cruel, that it drives many young people
to giving-up and withdrawing from the world – a reaction that often escalates into aggression or
depression (the latter being a form of what we call ‘laziness’).

Let’s look at how ‘Laziness’ is linked to the current accepted system.

‘Laziness’ is in a way the opposite polarity of ‘motivation’ in this system. The people that do not nec-
essarily ‘buy into’ the rewards and punishments that are meant to drive us and motivate us – end up
being aggressive or depressive, both often associated with ‘laziness’.
But those that are ‘lazy’ are not born ‘lazy’. Rather, ‘laziness’ is a form of reaction, a rather passive
one, in the context of a system that offers no ground, no room for unconditional Self-Expression
And if no personal solution is found to transcend one’s reactions and resistances towards the system,
the ‘lazy person’ will become that ‘laziness’ with rather uncool consequences, as in most cases there
is a form of ‘depression’ and/or ‘aggression’ underneath the ‘laziness’ that is seen on the surface.

In an system of equality and life support, ‘lazy people’ will, with time, start recognizing that those
around them are actually having fun and that there are in-fact ways and opportunities to do what
one enjoy.

When life and the basic needs of Everyone are unconditionally taken care of, when the system no
longer manipulates with ‘reward & punishment’, people will start to let go of fear, let go of resist-
ances, and start exploring life and discovering within themselves ‘who they are’ and what they really
enjoy. I am certain that no-one is ‘too lazy’ to live self-expression, because that is simply You living
and expressing You.

When the suppressed ‘blame’ and ‘judgment’ or ‘apathy’ and ‘depression’ that are linked to ‘laziness’
are no-more – as there will be no abuse system to react to – people will more and more realize that
there’s nothing to ‘fight’ against, there’s no-one judging and no-one punishing them – and thus they
will ‘get out of bed’ simply to Live and have Fun.
When Life is realized and supported and fear/anxiety is slowly but surely recognized as an unnec-
essary habit, inner changes take place that allow the individual to breathe and ground themselves,
trust themselves and get to the joy of Self-Exploration and Self-Expression.

A point directly related to ‘motivation’ is the point of Responsibility:

‘Laziness’ often ‘develops’ when our ‘loving’ parents insist on doing everything FOR us. That may be
‘practical’ for a moment, but in the long run, this gives us the impression that we’re ‘unable’ to stand
on our own two feet or even that we are ‘not worthy’ of ourselves, ‘not worthy’ of life.
This belief results to an accepted yet denied self-definition as ‘unworthy’, whereby ‘laziness’ is a way
of ‘depression’, a way of ‘giving-up’, a way of saying “fuck you, I ‘m not gonna lick your ass” because
“I don’t wanna be a puppet on strings”.

Sooner or later every child faces the world, the system, and is then suddenly ‘asked’ to do things,
‘find a job’, ‘earn money’ and the whole story. Obviously most people experience resistances towards
doing what is ‘normal’ in the System, because in the current accepted system that is based on profit
instead of life, work implies in fact enslavement!
An example: Often you’ll find that the Children of ‘rich’ or ‘loving’ parents will want to become ‘art-
ists’, in an attempt to find and determine their own Expression, their own Worth, their own meaning
of life.
In this current System however, artists too are forced to subscribe to greed and ‘licking asses’ for
profit. They will accept the money-system as it is just to be able to survive. ‘Art’ has become a tool of
this System of consumerism – it ‘wants your soul’ and it will ‘pay for it’.
This ‘inevitability’ breaks the individual’s self-determination and messes with one’s self-worth as ex-
pression of life, as one suddenly finds oneself having one’s ‘worth’ determined by so-called ‘experts’
– and thus self-worth cannot be sustained in the current system without a price to pay.

This is unacceptable: it implies that Freedom of Expression and Uniqueness of Being is not equally
recognized and honoured as Life.
Coming back to the point of Responsibility, what can be seen in common sense is that Responsibility
in fact brings personal freedom. But in this current world system, due to the way the Systems works
(family, school, jobs, money etc.), ‘responsibility’ has become something that is feared, denied, dis-
What is not seen is that in this current system we are robbed of our self-responsibility – it is taken
away from us BY the Systems and replaced with something that you ‘have to do’ because apparently
you have no-choice, otherwise you just won’t make it in this world; And this threat, this manipulation
is then called ‘responsibility’.

SELF-Responsibility is actually the point where one is in fact Moving Oneself to grow, to expand, to

do what one Really wants to do, what one enjoys, what one is equal to and one with as an Expres-
sion of oneself. Within such self-movement, one is able to live Self-Acceptance, Self-Worth, Self-
Enjoyment – unconditionally! – simply because ‘I am Here’, this is who I am, I express.
This self-movement entails self-motivation – as one does not require a carrot on a stick to drive, per-
suade or lure one into doing/being something that will apparently give one ‘worth’, ‘value’, or ‘earn’
the respect of one’s world.
An Equal Money System will support LIFE; it will support SELF-Worth, because it will support self-em-
powerment and self-responsibility, and within this: actual Freedom of Expression and Self-Determi-
nation are made possible within the context of interconnectedness as Life in Equality and Oneness.
A new equality system based on the value of life will support Self-Motivation because it will equally
recognize the Uniqueness of each Individual as a Living-Expression.

Self-Motivation is thus a point of Self-Responsibility.

The symptom of ‘laziness’ as we know it in the current world system is in-fact stemming from lack
of responsibility.
Within this, the ‘judgment’ that is often addressed to ‘lazy people’/‘laziness’ is only making things
worse, because it is not addressing the root of the problem – which is the accepted system and the
fact that the systems of the world (as family, school, job-market etc.) take-away the Individual’s Self-
Responsibility and replace it with the ‘Rules of the Game’, whereby if one doesn’t participate, one is
‘cut-out’ and will have to struggle to survive, without any support from the system.
Self-Responsibility on the other hand is a self-empowering expression that implies Self-Worth and
Self-Trust. These are ‘Living-Values’ that are deliberately mutilated within the current system of abuse,
exploitation and ‘survival of the fittest’, to take the power away from the people, away from self/the
individual, and place it in the hands of this system of profit, greed, and the ‘survival of the fittest’ –
which is in this current system only those with MONEY.
In an Equality-System – MONEY as we know it will not exist. We will have equal chances, equal op-
portunities, thus the opportunity to an equally fulfilled and abundant life with equal power. Con-
structs such as ‘working for survival’, ‘becoming what is expected from you’, ‘pleasing to be ac-
cepted’, ‘needing to be valued’ – will vanish. An Equality-System will provide the structural support
and the foundation for each-one to be able to explore and discover Self as Life and thus as Equal in
Value and Worth. We will inevitably learn what Self-Responsibility really entails and with that actual
Self-Trust and Self-Enjoyment will unfold.
From this will be born the motivation to live and express as well as to contribute to the world through
who one really is and what one really enjoys doing – because that which we enjoy doing, we do well!

In a world where work is not enforced under the threat of ‘life and death’, in a system where working
or not-working is not connected to reward or punishment: Work will be love made visible, as we will
literally be giving ourselves to ourselves, giving life to life, birthing a new world and discovering what
it means to Live. The pleasure and the fun that will emerge from such freedom of movement and
expression will be incentive enough for anyone to live and express: and thus to contribute to society
as a whole in the best possible way.
Bella Bargilly is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “What about rewards for great performance
within an equal money system?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money Sys-
tem – Volume 1 Interviews.

What will happen to the elite in an
Equal Money System
Wei Wu

The elite is a result of the current system that we are all equally responsible for – a system of profit
and greed, a system of evolution – ever losing, within which we become less and less and less within
abdicating ourselves for survival. The elite has as much power as we give them. We are all equally
responsible for the current status of the world as it exists through our acceptance and allowance of
who we are within our participation in the current system. Thus we created this world as the image
and likeness as what we accepted and allowed ourselves to be as separation, abuse and inequality.

Within the equal money system, the foundational principle is what is best for all. Thus we will estab-
lish a system that values life and remove survival from the equation of each one’s life. We honour
each other as who honour ourselves and we actually practically live the principle of ‘love thy neigh-
bour as thyself’. No one will have power and control over another and thus elitism will end in the
equal money system.

As each one will face what we accepted and allowed within the system of inequality, so will the elite.
The accepted self-definition of the elite as being apparently more than other human beings and the
practice of power and control over others thereof through whatever means is actually a dishonour
of who they really are as life and thus an acceptance of self-abuse and self-limitation, which requires
assistance and correction. They will be re-educated with the value of life and realize that what is best
for all is also what is best for themselves. The resources that are provided by the earth and nature and
the products that are produced by human thus will be available to all equally to benefit all equally.

Since we all accepted and allowed and participated in the current system and are thus are all equally
responsible for what is here in this world, it is not valid to judge and blame the elite for why the world
is what it is and use that as justification to seek revenge. Revenge only brings more revenge. The only
way to stop the cycle of harming each other is forgiveness. Forgive each other as ourselves and make
sure we do not create such harm and abuse ever again.

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “What will happen to the elite in an Equal Money
System?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews
Wei Wu is a DIP Agent -

Are you just going to print cash?
Sandy Jones MacGillivray

No, in an equal money system there will not be cash that is printed. There will not be trade as you
think of it now, I give physical money and you give me a cell phone or laptop. There will be no con-
cern, nor exist, profit and loss as that was part of the abuse and deception that exist in this current
system. Indeed, there will be no `value` placed on anything: people, animals, plants, products as
the value is life-equally- and is not questioned. All that exist here on earth requires no beliefs ideas
attached to it, that can be manipulated and twisted with giving a certain `value`as this is what has
caused extensive suffering and abuse here. This has to end. No one has to `work at a job` or earn
money` to receive all they need. The value of you as life is intrinsic, it needs no defense or justification
as all deserve to have a life where they are free to explore and express themselves, not just some.
There will a system of logistics on a computerized card, similar to your credit or bank card now, that
keeps track of all you have been given, which will be all you require to live a healthy, dignified ex-
istance. This is a system of accountability so for example if you have a computer or cell phone the
system would have a record of this so no one abuses and takes more than they need.
Products will be made to last, everyone will have the best quality as nothing less will be tolerated
to be manufactured, grown, etc. Of course replacement and repair would be provided as needed,
common sense.
We will live as equals so I would not work at making a laptop or tablet that was not of the quality I
would want for myself and my family. I would not take more than I realistically need because I have
no need to hoard or fear lack in the future as there will not be a `cost`as in dollar amount I need to
come up with for this product or service. There could be a situation where one does require more
than one laptop or cell phone for their family, area where they `create`say manufacture a product. So,
in common sense this would be provided.
To ensure no abuse is taking place there would be , as there is now, a system to check, investigate,
Sandy Jones is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “How will we make sure that products are made
to last?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

What will happen to people that don’t support the
EMS but claim they subscribe to EMS? What will
happen to people who don’t participate?
Joseph Kou

In this reality it can clearly be seen that our lives and the quality of our existence is determined pri-
marily through the system of accumulation – wherein the things we continually participate in, con-
tinually support and feed, continually accept and allow as ourselves, are the things that end up as
our actual experience of reality.

For example – a person who makes the claim that they are all for an Equal Money System, and will
speak about the Equal Money System, and make a show of supporting the Equal Money System, but
are not in fact actually doing the research or moving themselves to actually be a part of the neces-
sary change that will make an Equal Money System a reality, then this person will be accumulating
for themselves a reality in which their words cannot be trusted, and their lives will be a reflection of
that dishonesty.

One cannot ‘fake’ their participation in the actual physical reality – one can only ‘fake’ their experi-
ence of themselves – one can only lie to oneself and hope that others will buy the same lie when
it comes to whether or not we are actually living up to the statements that we make – and when it
comes time to see who has actually moved themselves, actually lived the support they have pledged
in words in favor of an Equal Money System, it will be clear and simple to see by the accumulation
of one’s actions, who in fact meant the words they spoke and who among them were only speaking
out of ego.

This does not mean that those who did not support and EMS will be denied access to equality – this
means that those who did not actually participate and demonstrate their understanding of why an
EMS is necessary will require further assistance so that they can in fact see for themselves what EMS
is really about, so that they can actually participate as a self directed expression of themselves be-
cause they too have come to the same understanding that was had by those who stood up. The EMS
will not be forced upon anyone – it is not about controlling people into behaving a certain way – it
is about all of us agreeing on a solution and assisting those who do not understand the solution or
perhaps have not clearly seen the problem for what it is, to be able to see that same solution for

Some may require to see a practical and living example of people standing up and fully support-
ing the EMS before they allow themselves the ‘courage’ and self will to do the same. Others may

have to face the manifested consequence of this reality falling apart and having their lives turned
upside down before the realize that the value systems that they have given priority to did not sup-
port equality or what is best for all, and may eventually, after much pain, come to the realization of
an EMS as the solution – which is what this world is busy with at the moment – supplying the ‘stage’
upon which such drama can unfold for all to come to the same understanding.

Still there may be those stubborn enough, fearful enough, to not allow themselves the opportunity
to actually stand up and change themselves and the world, despite the support and assistance that
will be available and despite making a show of supporting the EMS. For these individuals who would
give up heaven for the illusion of ‘individuality’ and self interest, their wish will be granted – they will
not be ‘forced’ or made to participate in an EMS – they will be left to collect what they have accumu-
lated – which was nothing but empty words. These individuals will have a harder time because their
words were not trustworthy and their character is in question. Such individuals must then prove that
they are worthy of equality and that they will not allow themselves to again spite and compromise
that which is best for all. If such individuals do not change, then it is clear that their starting point for
supporting an EMS was not about oneness and equality and setting up a system that is best for all,
and thus it will be clear that these individuals were abusers and deceivers who will have no place in
a society of self willed equals.

In an EMS nobody will be simply locked up and forgotten about – those who show themselves to
be a threat to what is best for all and require specific support in order to change will be kept safe
for their own protection while being further assisted until they can successfully re-integrate with the
rest of society.

Joseph Kou is a DIP Agent -

What will happen to the Vatican and
the Pope in an Equal Money system?
Gabriël Zamora Moreno

At the moment the Vatican is literally a state within a state – an entity with it’s own government and
its own ‘guard’– where the pope holds the ‘power’ of an ‘absolute monarch’ – combining executive,
legislative and judicial power, which makes him the last remaining ‘absolute monarch’ in Europe.

Therefore within an Equal Money system – from a legal perspective – the Vatican will be ‘dissolved’,
just like all other borders and nations.

The papacy will be ‘deleted’ as a position because it is not best for all but only best for the few. The
pope will be asked to ‘step down’ and stand equal.

In an Equal Money System everyone is supported from birth till death – this will show humanity that
they are actually able to take responsibility for their own world – and that there is no need to stand
inferior to some imaginary God one apparently need to feel protected and cared for. Humanity will
be supported by their neighbor – and through the labor one give – one will always equally receive.
And through the Equal Money System Humanity will be their own God.

The whole system will be geared towards empowering each one to stand as a self-responsible equal.
Equal in knowledge, equal in understanding, equal in money, equal in power, equal in self-dignity
and self-respect. With the tools of self-forgiveness and self-honesty it will be shown that there is no
part of reality that self is unable to take responsibility for – and thus, that there is no need for Gods
and religious institutions. The focus will be physical reality and the development of effective com-
mon sense to live and interact in a way that is best for all.

The buildings in the Vatican will have to be assessed as to what can be done with them. If it is practi-
cal then I would suggest the interiors be converted to habitations that are part of the basic support
for all.

This will show that greed and inequality are no longer accepted and that all Life must be honored

Gabriel Zamora Moreno is a DIP Agent -

Gambling, betting and sports in
an EMS
Mats Bjørnsti

Gambling, and betting has one purpose, gaining profit! It has become a billion dollar business for
corporations. Selling you the dream of winning allot of money so that you can live happily ever after
while being able to afford whatever you have wished for. Now this only happens to a handful of peo-
ple when you look at the big picture but it is always the corporations who win on it all in all.

So gambling will not exist in an EMS because the need for profit will not exist.
Not only that but the purpose of gambling money for the sake of wishing/wanting and hoping to
win will not be relevant or necessary as it is nothing to gain from it.
It has only kept people addicted to the dream of winning money. Becoming a slave to that dream
while giving your money away.

In the EMS when you already have everything you need and want available to you so it will be no
point in trying to hit the jackpot to live a better life. Gambling and betting has become so popular
that it is available everywhere through slot machines, lotto, poker and sport´s such as football. You
can even play on your computer online. That´s why so many people gamble money because every-
one wish they could win allot of money.
The whole system is all about money, simply unacceptable. So what´s left in an EMS is playing games
and sport for pure enjoyment and fun. No more gambling and betting with and for money ever
again, no need for it. Equal money is all we need to fulfill our lives the best possible way. Read all
about it!
For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Gambling and betting and sports?” Check out :
Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

Can we move to any city we
Barbara Seme

Within an Equal Money System we will structure cities that will support humans, ani-
mals and plants. Everyone will have access to everything one needs. Infrastructure will be
also designed in the optimum possible way. Therefore cities will be safe, supportive and
very practical environments to live in. Because of all that, many people won’t have a rea-
son to move to another city, because life will be enjoyable and fulfilled where they already live.

But for some of the people it will be more practical to live somewhere else, for example people that
would like to research life in the oceans or some that would like to research mountains and glaciers.
There are also people with health problems and for some of them it is good to live in an environment with
specific climate. Therefore they will be able to move to another city, which will be best for their needs.

Very simple way to move somewhere else is simply to exchange your house with someone who lives
where you would like to go. So, you can find someone who would like to move where you live and
you will be able to give him or that family your home and you will be able to move into their house.

In an Equal Money System everyone will be taken care of. Problems that people have today, when
they have to move to another city or even another country, won’t exist in an Equal Money System.
Today many people have to move, because they lost their job and they can’t find any in their home
town, some people have to move because they can’t find a school where their child will have proper
care, many people even have to move because their country doesn’t have a proper health care or
because of the war, poverty, hunger. Migrations that are happening today are answers to the abuse
that we allow by supporting the capitalistic system. This problem went even so far, that those that
are able to move somewhere else are the lucky ones, many people don’t even have a chance to leave
their city or country. Support an Equal Money System, stop the abuse that is happening today and
help us create real heaven on Earth.

Barbara Seme is a DIP Agent -

Should a doctor get the same pay
as other occupation/job?
Bathon Kieng

I would like to rephrase this question into a proper way where it’s in alignment with Equality & as an
expression as life.

2. Should a doctor be supported to have an optimum expression as life as every other expression as
life that’s existing within this world?

The first question comes from the current money, political, & social systems of inequality where we
have created value b/c the doctor has the ability & higher education so, there for he/she is more
valuable. Hence we’ve left out, disregard, inconsiderate those who are not doctor and has created a
different scale of values for life which is a result of ‘judgmental value’ of high & low level of physical
& social support for LIFE which is unacceptable.

But if we ask from a perspective from Equality which is the second question then I would say that a
doctor should be supported to the optimum expression as life in terms of physical, social support as
any other individual with different skill, ability, & expression as life. As this way is a noble way and it
will support every human beings equally as a doctor to have an optimum expression as life.

Our current view of the doctor is more valuable b/c we believed that he/she has more skills there
for he/she is able to save lives. But then again does a electrical mechanic who’s has different abil-
ity, skill, expression as life is maintaining and fixing that electrical generator which is supplying the
power supply to the hospital equipments to maintain and sustain all the lives within it. Isn’t it also
the same for the individual who’s maintaining & preparing the equipment and surgical supplies who
has different ability, skill, & expression as life providing his/her technical skills to keep, maintaining
the equipments from being contaminated from dangerous germs, bacterial, virus which also will save
the lives of patients that are under-going or recovering from their operation. The point is each and
all should be physical supported to optimize their abilities, skills, & expression as life equally no mat-
ter who they are or what skill, ability they possess. Let not one be under supported as an expression
as life b/c it’s detrimental to the success of an operation as a whole within a system of support.

Equal Money System will be able to support all expression as life equally within this world & will not
judge which skill, ability, & expression as life. We then can truly live the message of the US constitu-
tion’s where ‘All men are created equal’, thus all men should be physically & socially supported as
equal as an expression as life.

I ask you to see if this is not a noble way to support all expression as life as equal?

Please support Equal Money System


For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Who will be the rubbish remover in an Equal
Money System?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1

Will we figure out the other 90% of
the brain that is said we do not tap
into in an Equal Money System?
K. P.

Well, the idea that we use only 10% of our brains is a myth that has been perpetuated for the sake of
implying that there is some sort of unused potential within the human brain or mind that we don’t
currently utilize. This has been used for example by psychics who imply that the ‘unused’ portions
of our brains would contain psychic or other mystical powers. Scanning of brain activity in the brain,
which is electrical activy, shows that much of the brain is indeed utilized, though not all at once- be-
cause the brain is compartmentalized and different parts are ‘in charge of’ certain functions.

Accidents have shown that brain damage to any parts of the brain can impair one’s ability to func-
tion, which implies that most of the brain is indeed used. Some theorize that this claim came about
because we don’t use the entirety of our brain all at once, but the brain has assigned different parts
to oversee specific functions, so such a claim makes no sense.

In an Equal Money System, we won’t have incorrect claims being passed around as valid. There sim-
ply will be no reason to, as currently the manipulation of information and of people’s understanding
of how existence functions is done for the sake of self-interest at the expence of another, and this
won’t be accepted in and Equal Money system. This is not the kind of thing we’ll allow, as we see
what kind of a world it leads to- one where misunderstanding and abuse are rampant.

Our Science has been notorious for this, holding onto information that is incorrect for various rea-
sons, at the expense of the greater good. It’s no secret how current scientists will hold onto their
beliefs in the face of something that challenges it. The main reason for this being job security. As
a scientist you get funded to work and research in a particular area of science and if that area of
science is found to be false, there goes your funding and your job. In an Equal Money System ‘job
security’ will be irrelevant, because you’ll already have ‘life security’- your needs for your survival will
be guaranteed for life, as it should be- thus you’d never find yourself faced with the choice of having
to go against common sense, of having to spite life and be dishonest, in fear of losing your ‘financial
security’. In this current system most of us have had to compromise ourselves and maybe others for
the sake of financial security in order to survive and try to have a dignified life.

In an Equal Money System, we’ll be able to ensure everyone has access to education as well, and
also that that education is actually effective and correct. Thus everyone will be able to keep up to
date with scientific discoveries so that everyone can have an equal understanding of how this world
operates, in order to best function within it. No longer will information be hoarded as it is now, and
many do not even have access to even the most basic education.

What about families in an equal
money system?
Laura Núñez Orjuela

There is still going to be families, but what will change is that they wont have to survive. It will be a
communion based on support. Each member equally supported.
No more having children only for expanding ego and for having someone that takes care of parents
when they’re old. That will end when all resources are given equaly.

Also separation between families will cease to exist, at the moment one is protecting ones family and
ones owns, fearing to loose family members and properties, but when all of this is not anymore a
problem we will change in our treat with others and trust in our neighbours as in ourselves.

Everyone will clean their own house, because cleaning for others to earn money will end.
The dynamics will change completely, because in the current economic system, what parents teach
to children is how to survive, to compete and to win, where girls are taught to marry for money and
boys will stop their search for power, everyting goes around the money and consumerism game.
Children obey adults because they don’t have an income, so they accept all belief systems and struc-
tures that they see, to not opose their parents, who keep them alive giving them: money.

And why are kids being born into this World? Now it’s not a good moment for that. Parents are not
supporting their kids moment by moment, because they have to spend many time earning money to
survive. So in an equal money system, this will change also, families will have time to spend together
and to raise the children, so they will have more time to enjoy their lifes.

Equal money will be given to all from birth to death for dignified life. And instead of separate and
isolate family constructs, we will become one big global family.

What is going to happen to Private
Corporations and People’s Businesses?
Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Why do people become ‘business people?’ To make a living. What happens when you no longer
have to ‘make a living’ through having to work due to sheer survival? You’ll be able to actually con-
sider what You would like to spend your lifetime on.
Corporations, enterprises and businesses are systematic entities that have been created from the
starting point of producing, manufacturing or providing a service wherein the driving force is pri-
marily the profit that results from such economic activities. What should’ve been the single act of
producing that which we require to live effectively has become something more than ‘giving and
taking’ in equal terms. Instead, it’s become a good way of earning substantial amounts of money
through the surplus acquired at the moment of selling the product. That’s capitalism: capitalizing
and placing value upon all that is here to become a ‘product’ which can be bought and sold, entail-
ing some extra-benefit as a result of such transaction.

What has stemmed from this profit-driven economic activity of production and sales? The natural
order of this world that includes all resources as the prime matter of everything that can be currently
sold, has been disregarded, abused and violated because Money has become the most important
aspect in a human being’s life. We’re all responsible of having accepted and allowed the inherent
separation that we’ve created of money as a barrier that defines our ability to have access to every-
thing that is here, and getting that ‘access’ has become a matter of survival that has been conducted
with our consent until now. This is the first point that will change within the transitional phases to-
ward an Equal Money System.

One of the first moves will be to expropriate all the resources from the current private holders which
are mostly the owners and investors within transnational corporations. This process will allow the re-
sources to be sold as usual – though the profit earned will be now (re)distributed to everyone as the
Basic Income Grant which is the initial phase that will be implemented within the current capitalist
system toward an equal society. This will be the ‘beginning of the end’ of such monopolies around
the world having control over certain resources for the sake of money and power.

Once we establish the Equal Money System, we’ll de-capitalize nature, resources and basically eve-
rything that is here for that matter. All industries, corporations and businesses will go through an
evaluation process wherein we will determine through the logistics and data of what is actually used
and required in this world, including the continuation of such factories, industries and/or businesses.
This will be the first step toward the end of all corruption and monopolization wherein the already-
built infrastructure will be used to produce and provide, thus ensuring equal access for all as there
will be no point of separation between people and accessibility to such resources/products created
according to the current rules of the system.

What will happen to those who own such corporations/ businesses? They will be able to receive
equal access just like everyone else, and all that will change is their ability to control and create
profit out of what once was their private property. There will be no ‘private property’ and no-thing to
capitalize, thus ‘working’ will become a single aspect to simply create and maintain the requirements
in place here in this world, while no one will be able to benefit from it in any superior/unequal way.
What drives people to create business and such high-standard corporations at the present time?
To be dead-honest: ambition and greed. The desire of money has become the single driving force
within this system, thus businesses and corporations have become abusive and deceitful because
everything and anything is done to obtain ‘the most’ out of such opportunities to make money,
which also leads to the detriment of quality in such products and services. The damage done as part
of these greed-driven/profit-driven corporations is now apparent through the deplorable conditions
that people often work in, while industrialization has led to even greater alienation and disregard of
human lives being the actual force that allows the entire machinery to move. We must now focus
on establishing life itself as the first and foremost value, as it includes everything that is here. Within
this, no more abuse of animals, plants, natural resources and human labor will result from any form
of production activity.

There will be no need to ‘sell’ per se, as nothing will be ‘for sale’ or have a ‘price tag.’ Everything will
be equally available here as part of this world. We’ll simply have to establish the parameters of what
is required to produce as ‘basic needs,’ and any other points that will require further investigation
to create and develop things that may have never existed due to money having been the limitation.
For example, this would include things that can make our life-experience actually enjoyable and ful-
filling in all ways, without being something exclusive or only attainable for some. We already have
the necessary infrastructure for that, so we’ll keep this in place and gear it towards new best-for-all
quality standards where the least harm is inflicted through creating, developing, and producing our
needs and new creations.

Businesses and Corporations will cease to exist as hierarchical systems, as they have been the epit-
ome and base foundation of how capitalism has led to an extreme polarization of society through a
monetary system in which only a few get the most on top, while those at the bottom of the pyramid
do most of the work while rarely ever seeing any acceptable remuneration in their pockets. All of
that will be gone forever. No more abuse will exist in any way whatsoever as no one will have more
‘power’ than another in order to enslave them to do anything. All work will be self-willed as part of
the force that creates something that is required by all equally, which includes yourself.
At this point we are able to brainstorm and develop creations that will enhance our living experience
on Earth. It will be an actual opportunity to express and invent without the involvement of money,
without the involvement of monopolies to threaten within our creativity and the ability to share our
work/creations with others without having any mercantile relationship involved. Life will not be for
Sale, but only for giving and receiving in equal ways, just like a tree provides its fruit for us while we’ll
make sure it’s got the necessary water and conditions to continue its lifecycle.
Marlen Vargas Del Razo is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “What will happen to the Elite?” Check out : Ber-
nard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

My body is a Temple of RAW Purity
A. B. T.

Here we are looking at the Dark Side of the statement: ”Your body is a temple”. The statement comes
from the bible that in Corinthians 6:19-20, states:

”19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have
received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with
your bodies.”

According to this statement, are bodies are not our own and we ourselves exist, with our bodies as
”purchases” with which we owe god our life. But who is this ”god” we are worshiping, when we wor-
ship in the temple that is our bodies?

For a long time I have been fascinated by and interested in the RAW food movement and recently I
decided to experiment with eating raw food myself. I decided not to go completely raw as I could see
that my body requires a form of substantial food as well besides raw fruits and vegetables. I started
out by reading about raw food and watching YouTube videos about the RAW food movement. Then
I went to the supermarket and bought lots of fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. It is winter here in
Sweden and we do not have a lot of access to lots of different kinds of fruits and vegetables and as I
left the supermarket I noticed how expensive this food was; for some of the foods I even had to drive
to the other end of town to go to an Asian supermarket.

The food recommended by the RAW food movement is often not something we have easy access to
where I live and as such is very expensive and this is one of the reasons why as I share later on, that
it is evident that being a rawfoodists is elitist. From a certain perspective there is nothing shocking
about this, as all of us who have access to internet, education, food and water, by definition forms
part of the world elite. But for a rawfoodist or a vegan that have seen themselves as ”pure”, this might
be a somewhat bitter pill to swallow. Because it challenges our entire foundation of how we have
defined and placed ourselves in the world and in our realities.

The reason why I wanted to eat differently is because I can see and feel that how my body has been
responding to the food I have been eating, has not been cool. So I wanted to try out raw food to
see if my body would be supported by it. Losing weight in the process would definitely not be un-

In experimenting with raw food, I have mostly been eating smoothies. My partner and I just got a
new blender so it was a cool way to start using it. Besides this I have had a couple of eggs once in
a while, rice cakes with peanut butter and coconut and then 1-2 daily meals with rice, stirred veg-
etables and chicken.

Generally my body has responded quite well to this new way of eating. I have added lots of green

vegetables to the Smoothies and the first days I felt really great about eating all this “healthy food”.
As I started digging deeper into the raw food recipes and seeing testimonials from people on You-
Tube, I started realizing that my version of the “raw food diet” was in fact a kiddie version that might
be more supporting for my body than the food I had eaten before, but which was not the “real” raw
food diet.

Going into a health food shop, can be a very luxurious experience and I often fantasized that if I
had a lot of money I could shop all I wanted in a health food shop. There are rows and rows of spe-
cial protein powders, seaweeds and seeds with names such as “Sun warrior liquid light” and “Incan
golden berries”. It literally requires an entire education in nutrition to know what to buy and how to
support one’s body.

One of the primary points that people living on a raw food diet take pride in, which is also one of the
experiences that come with frequenting the health food shops is purity.

I remember when I had a lot of vegan friends that I was always fascinated and in awe of their self-
discipline and how pure they seemed. I felt dirty in comparison. This have now turned into a (west-
ern) global movement. The entire principle of raw food has to do with purifying the body and in the
raw food logic; to purify the earth. The desire for these people is to cleanse their bodies and ensure
that they don’t get any toxins or parasites inside themselves. The food has to be organic, cruelty free
and amongst vegans it is believed that eating animals is the same as eating fear, because of the hor-
rendous conditions the animals have lived and died under.

It is by now well known that there are heavy metals and toxins in our food. Animals are fed with
antibiotics which we then consume as we consume the animals. Food is transported across vast
distances around the earth to provide all cities in the capitalistic system with an array of different
nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. In the RAW food movement original foods that previously have
been withdrawn from the mainstream market are remerging (such as spelt or Irish moss), while foods
that until now have been eaten only in the distant tribes of the rainforest of the east and south are
brought to the supermarkets of the west and North (an example is the popular goji berries).

So what is the problem with eating RAW?

Through my research in the RAW food movement, I came across the term “Orthorexia”. It is a non-
medical term for people who become so obsessed with eating natural and pure that they literally
risk their own health to do so, often causing malnutrition and diseases. It is fascinating that people,
in order to eat that which they believe is good, end up abusing themselves instead.

What is interesting about the RAW food movement in relation to this point is that it is generally sup-
ported by the exact same system that promotes and supports junk food. These are the two extreme
polarities, where some people live their life eating food from McDonalds, while others rigorously
stick to food from health food stores. Both points can be addictive and dangerous, because what
one is supporting is an idea of what is best to eat rather than actually considering what will support
the body in fact.

From a certain perspective, this entire world is toxic in the way we as human beings live together is
toxic; in our relationships, family-structures and world-systems and most certainly in how we exist in

our own minds.

There is no escaping that. No matter how raw you go, no matter how far “off the grid” you move, no
matter how much love you channel – there is no escape from what is here.

And this is the real Dark Side of the RAW food movement: while individuals focus on purifying them-
selves through purchasing expensive products to cleanse their bodies, there is an entire world that
is suffering and that is not being cared for in the same way these individuals “care” for their own
bodies based on this principle.

We can have a look at it from another perspective: why is it so important to be pure? The direct
answer is: to avoid death – to prolong death as long as it is possible and to avoid suffering on one’s
own body. This is then made into a noble gesture towards supporting “mother nature”, while the
starting-point is and have always been: self-preservation.

Being a rawfoodist is elitist. The movement is emerged from the elite, it is only the elite that are inter-
ested in and can afford to live this lifestyle of purification. And that is what money buys: the illusion
of freedom and happiness. The rest of the world has no choice but to eat what is available.

I have had many discussions with vegans about the starting-point for being a vegan. And often veg-
ans (and other activists) will take it personally, when the point of self-interest is exposed: that “I do
this, because it makes me look good in my mind’s eye and in the eyes of others. It makes me look
like a good person that has self-discipline.” And even though most will not admit it, the fact that it is
trendy to be a rawfoodist, is yet another sign that it is in fact elitist.

The point that can be so hard to realize for oneself in self-honesty, is that one is not who and what
one had believed oneself to be, for example a pure, benevolent, tolerant, all-loving human being. To
see that for oneself, one simply has to look inside one’s own mind at the thoughts that one partici-
pate in throughout one’s day, towards others as well as oneself.

Now, for those that have not encountered the RAW movement (or veganism) before, this might
seem completely absurd, but it is in fact no different from other religions and activist groups, where
the real motivation behind our participation is self-interest.

The starting-point of the deception of perceived “purity” and benevolence starts within the mind.
We create these fantasies about who we are, where we are always, at all times the center of our own
attention. We can twist and turn any information so that it fits the image we would like to have and
hold about ourselves.

What is the true nature of rawfoodists for example? Exactly the same as everyone else now transfig-
ured into a fancy (and politically correct) way of white-washing one’s hands off the blood that is shed
as this world bleeds in pain. Everyone does whatever they can to escape facing the reality of what is
here in self-responsibility. Otherwise, we would simply take that self-responsibility.

So while one is busy “purifying” one’s body, one still exists within a toxic and parasitic reality and
state of self, where all that matters is one’s individual happiness and satisfaction – and because of
this, this delusion – one is in fact NOT supporting one’s body or doing what is best for one’s body,

because one is acting based on a personalized idea that has it’s starting-point in justifying the inter-
est of self in the mind. Rawfoodism is thus a religion of self-interest, where the individual pretends to
care about the whole, but in one’s deeds (including thoughts) are doing the exact opposite.

If we want to be Pure in fact, we got to start with stopping the parasitic and deceptive nature of self
– where self has become a religion, which purpose is to “raise” the individual above the suffering that
exists on earth. It is simply not possible. It is not possible through spiritualism and ascension and it
is not possible through accumulating profit in the capitalistic system. It is also not possible through
the raw movement that is in fact not purifying “mother earth”, but in fact supporting the status quo,
in total self-deception.

To be pure, we got to make sure that all life is pure. This goes for the clean water we wish to drink, the
plants and fruits we eat, we products we apply on our skin and the medicine we take when we are ill.

Through an Equal Money System, we CAN in fact make the entire world pure, from the perspective
of living based on principle instead of profit, where the driving force of humanity is to support what
is best for all life and not only self, in self’s little cocoon of a mental reality. This will ensure that all
products and resources are carefully created, transported in consideration of what is in fact best for
all life in the process. It is in fact the dawn of a new age where a live of purity in how we live with and
on the Earth is practically possible.

Imagine if all the vegans and rawfoodists and animal rights activists saw the common-sense in what
we are presenting: that the world that they have fought so hard for, is actually within reach – not as
something that will happen by itself, but as something we directively can create for and as ourselves
in this very life-time. Imagine how these activists could use and apply their knowledge and com-
passion in a way where they don’t have to “fight the system” to stay pure, but instead can focus on
creating the very best solutions for all life.

Because afterall, the word RAW in reverse spells WAR and that is exactly what many of these activists
have been doing: fighting the system, fighting the abuse and the toxins and parasites – without real-
izing that it is us ourselves that are the starting-point of the abuse and that are the original parasites
on this earth.

There are no shortcuts. There is no “easy” way out. There is but one way and that is to face the fact
that what is here on Earth is our own creation and that the starting-point for that exists within and
as each of us, vegan or not vegan, spiritual or not. When everyone dare themselves to care – to face
this point in self-honesty; that they too are responsible for what is here – it becomes evident that
we cannot simply let the “ship sink” while we go living “off the grid” in some remote paradise (in our
minds.) Because no matter where we go, we have the system with us, as us and as such it is only by
transforming our very own human nature, that anything – ANYTHING – will change in this world.

An Equal Money System will provide for a basic platform from which we can begin doing that. We
will reset the game of survival to an equilibrium that will ensure that the fight to survive at all costs
and the fear of not surviving will stop – so that we finally can start living and breathing and face what
is here as ourselves.

Being a rawfoodists or a vegan is cool if one does it from the starting-point of supporting one’s

physical body. But when these and such points are turned into religions of self-interest, where all one
cares about is one’s idea about how life should be, it becomes redundant and self-deceptive.

The ”raw food good” is not pure or benevolent – in fact is the same god that owns all our lives: the
good of money and mind through which we have purchased our ”right to live” in survival, fighting
each other in fear.

Instead of the body being a temple where we worship the “higher powers” of our own mind and
wallet as god, let the body be that: a body, here, physically breathing, living, existing, equal and one
with all that is here.

Documentaries about the RAW food movement and Orthorexia:

80/10/10 diet warning

Documenting Orthorexia in Santa Cruz, CA 2009-2010

Health Food Junkies

How will we clean up the oceans with all
the plastic in them?
S. G.

A frequently asked question about the Equal Money System is: How will we clean up the oceans with
all the plastic in them? To answer this question it’s important to understand how we came to this
point where we need to consider how to clean up the oceans. It took us many, many years to get to
this point of pollution. Therefore we cannot expect a quick fix as a possible solution and maybe not
even a 100% way to clean up the oceans. We fucked up big time to satisfy our consumerism hunger
and the waste we produced with this urge, almost like a addiction, is now floating on our oceans
as plastic islands. These floating plastic islands are the plastic pollution that’s in fact in our face.
Birds and fish are the living examples of our passion for pollution, when they’re lying dead and de-
composed on the shores of our beaches with bellies full of lighters and caps. The less prominent in
the face plastic pollution, are the millions of plastic Nano particles causing damage to the flora and
fauna of our sea life. A type of pollution that is easily ignored since we can’t really see it. Nevertheless
both types of plastic are causing tremendous harm to our sea life and our ecosystem.

Plastic as an invention was patented in 1856 and in 1866 it was already a mass product. It was a
convenience product that was introduced to us in a dosed manner till the point we’re at today, the
point of no return. How would society look like when we removed all plastic products? Life as we
know it today would come to an end. We would no longer have plastic drink bottles, jars, microwav-
able packaging, milk jugs, food packaging, floor tiles, shower curtains, bottle caps, containers, car
bumpers, sex toys, packaging foam, CD boxes, cups, plates, cutlery, fibers, toothbrushes, electronic
equipment, lenses, traffic lights, cell phones bodies, furniture, cushioning foam, electrical switch
housings, lighters, toys and way too many things to write down. Without plastic we would time travel
backwards into the stone age. Why, we can ask ourselves, how did we come to this point of no return
when it comes to our plastic consumption? Simply because we didn’t stick to the one golden rule of
only taking your fair share.

With plastic also consumerism came into existence, more and more products to choose from and
then we fell in love with the feeling of free choice. Free choice awaked the greediness inside of us to
buy more and to possess more. Justifying it with making modern stressed life more convenient. We
were not willing to look into the possible consequences of the over consumption of plastic. We were
not willing to let go of plastic that had invaded our life’s slowly but surely. Plastic stands for progress
and improvement of life and in a way we became plastic, while identifying ourselves with the free
choice it is representing. Plastic invaded our life’s as a slowly creeping disease that contaminated us
inside with greediness and free choice, which finally reflected into our outside world as this massive
pollution we know now.

Plastic in itself isn’t the cause of our pollution, plastic isn’t a bad thing. Plastic is made out of the
substance of the earth, just as we are made out of the substance of the earth. Plastic became a prob-
lem in the hands of our minds. Crude oil, the same substance plastic consist of, is the main reason
to start wars. Also crude oil isn’t a bad thing when used in moderation to serve all that need it. It’s
us that need to change our attitude towards possessions within our worlds. Oil is from the earth and
therefore for all to benefit from. As long as we keep finding ways to make profit from substances that
aren’t even ours to begin with we will never clean up any ocean. First we need to clean up ourselves
and then we will find ways through sincere and independent research to clean up the oceans from
all the plastic pollution.

Recent research found out that the biggest problem right now are the plastic nano particles within
our oceans. They also found out that these particles came into our oceans through washing our
clothes. Every time we wash our synthetic clothes, either in a washing machine or by hand, plastic
nano particles are getting loose and wash away with the soap water into our sewer system. Once
at the wastewater treatment system these plastic nano particles go through the treatment system
and end up in our rivers and oceans. Even developing countries where women wash their second
hand synthetic clothes in the river cause this plastic pollution. So it’s everywhere, day after day and
as long as we keep washing these synthetic clothes we keep feeding the pollution. In order to stop
this pollution we need to take our self-responsibility and look into solutions for this invisible, but real

Throwing away our plastic waste is more visible when it ends up floating in rivers and oceans. We
all know these pictures of plastic islands, where the poorest of the poorest people still try to make
a living through sorting out this waste. Animals mistakenly eat bottle caps, lighters and other small
plastic items which they confuse with real food. Did you ever consider while waving your arm into
a position to throw your plastic bottle away into nature, which horrible consequences that one act
could have? Did you ever consider cleaning your own shit, instead of leaving it there where you
decided you no longer needed it? Did you ever consider that you were messing with one of your
number one surviving substances while polluting the ocean?

Polluting the ocean is the take off for polluting water, water, that substance of which 70 % of your
body consist of. Water that we need as much as oxygen to survive as a human being on planet earth.
Don’t we see, that by simply throwing away plastic items or washing synthetic clothing, we’re ready
to accept and allow our own destruction? How sick can we be? Speaking about the illuminati who
want to eradicate most of humanity, while we are doing it ourselves by simply not taking any form
of self-responsibility for our actions. Who is deluded here? Who is pointing his finger in the wrong

In order to clean the oceans in an Equal Money System we need to educate ourselves first. Correct-
ing ourselves and understanding ourselves and our actions within our world, to become responsi-
ble inhabitants on planet earth. A commonsensical being will not pollute the very substance he’s
depending on in order to live. We need to stop this addiction to ignorance within an Equal Money
System, then we can stop the pollution ourselves and investigate ways to clean our ocean water
again. The water we have is all we have, we’re living in a closed system where water evaporates and
comes down again in the form of rainfall/snow. We can fantasize about getting new water from
other planets, but what is the use of this when we cannot even be hold responsible for keeping our
own water clean.

Do you want to learn how to become a self-responsible being? Join us at

Do you want to be part of the solution to end the mess the world is in? Join us at

Do you want to read or listen to the solutions we already came up with? Go to

Will there be Euthanasia?
Sandy Jones MacGillivray

What is euthanasia? According to Wikipedia, as of the date of this article November 16/11, euthana-
sia refers to, ‘…the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.’ Also ‘
…the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human …‘ As well, referred to as; physician
assisted suicide, mercy killing, right-to -die, living wills.

In an equal money society, we will base our principals on what is best for all, in all ways. We will take
responsibility for the equal care of one another as never before, no longer abdicating this responsi-
bility onto a ‘higher power’ God figure. We will look at each individual human being’s ‘case’ or physi-
cal health situation and make a common sense decision. So the answer would be yes, sometimes,
appropriately, carefully the option of euthanasia will be investigated and chosen. Other times it will
not be chosen.

Is the being conscious? Did they communicate what their wish was with regards to the end of their
life, prior to being uncompassionated? Are they in terrible pain? What is the likelihood of recovery?
These are some of the issues that will be taken into consideration. No one will be compromised,
forced to do something they don`t want, de-valued as life, be expendable.

It will not be as controversial a topic/issue in an equal money system as there will be no suspicions as
to other’s motives to have a ‘loved’ one die/gone. There will no life insurance, as all are taken care of
from birth to death equally, there will be no need for insurance. There will be no inheritance/fortune
left as all is owned equally, no one ‘owns’ land or buildings, as in homes or businesses, but occupies
a home for free while they are here. So, no one will `benefit` from anyone passing on.

In an equal money system society we will provide, for free, a `therapist` psychologist who can assist
with making a decision such as this by talking with the patient firstly, if possible, and then with the
doctors and family. All points will be carefully considered with utmost compassion, nothing else will
be acceptable or allowed. We will live by the principal `Do unto others as you would have them do
unto you` and `Love they neighbour as thyself`. We will live by the principal that we are literally one
and equal.

Sandy Jones is a DIP Agent -

How much more is there to discover about
ourselves and our world? is there enough
for a lifetime of wonder in a way that is
best for all?
Joseph Kou

Have we really seen it all?

The world as it currently exists now is in a condition in which we are not actually able to investigate,
explore, and express ourselves in relation to what it means to be HERE, together on this world, in this
physical reality which we share with all life.

The world as it currently exists now is in a condition in which we are all busy with one thing and one
thing only – survival. This point of survival has taken precedence over all other activity and the main
method to achieve survival in this world is to accumulate and generate money – which means that
for the great majority of humans on earth we must spend most of our lives working and participating
in a system that forces us to work and labor for the benefit of a small elite at in which our share of
the benefit is negligible and in many cases not even enough to sustain us to be able to live a digni-
fied life.

We live on a physical planet upon which there is enough food for all – yet we allow more than half
of the human population to go hungry or starve to death. We have the technology and resources
to provide effective and clean energy to all – but instead we sequester these technologies through
endless copyrights and patents filed by large corporations that require us to remain dependent on
energy sources that are expensive and rapidly being diminished. We live in a world where there are
floating islands of plastic and waste and yet we are told that we must increase our consumption in
order to keep the economy growing.

As children we are not taught what it means to be HERE, alive in our bodies – rather we are immedi-
ately trained to read, write, and perform the tasks that we will require to do when we become ‘of age’
to enter the work force. Schools are not here to assist us in developing who we are – they are rather
training facilities for the next generation of workers who will continue the current system. We are
taught to compete with each other and we are taught that only those who ‘win’ will receive dignity
and support while the ‘losers’ are ignored or chastised.

We grow up in societies that inform us of how we are to think, what we are to believe, and what we
are expected to become and do with the time that we have on earth instead of living in societies
that support and assist us in developing who we are as a point of self creation and self responsibility.

We have existed here for so long – but we are still strangers on this world – not understanding our-
selves or how this reality truly operates and instead relying on theories and beliefs created in our
attempt to make sense of a world that evidently is not operating within common sense.

But we do not have to remain this way. Where we were once limited by the resources and technol-
ogy of our time in the past, we now have the capability to radically shift our way of life from that of
survival and separation into that of exploration and mutual support. We do not have to be aliens
upon our own world or strangers to our own reality – we do not have to remain fearful of each other
or distrusting of ourselves. We can free ourselves from the slavery of debt and survival if we can
agree that all life is precious and that there is indeed more to life here than what we have accepted
and allowed ourselves to believe, and that together, as one, as equal, we can make a decision that
will forever change the way we exist as life on this planet and embark on journeys of discovery and
expression that will not only enrich our experience here, but enrich the quality of life for all.

By shifting our starting point and aligning ourselves to what is best for all – we place ourselves in
a new direction – one that moves away from the self destruction and fear our current way of life is
producing, and leads toward an expansion of ourselves as life in ways never thought possible before.
When all people, at all times, operate from the understanding of what is best for all, then all people
are fully supported in every way and assisted in every way, at all times. Imagine what we could do –
what we could create – what we could discover when we stop limiting ourselves. There is a universe
of potentials and possibilities to be explored – more than enough for all of us – but we MUST let go
of our fear of one another and set up a system that considers all life equal and ensures that all life is
supported in it’s expression in a way that is best for all. The first step into a new universe of possibili-
ties begins with an Equal Money System.

Joseph Kou is a DIP Agent -

Who Decides the Prices of Products
and Services?
Leon Perry

In an Equal Money System, there will be no prices of products or services. Prices of products and
services exist because we have given value to money, but the value of money will become valueless,
and value will be given to ‘life’ — which will be the only value of mankind. Everything within the
Equal Money system will be a ‘service’ to life, and everyone will have equal access to all parts of life.
So if there is something that you want within the Equal Money system, you will be able to receive it
at no financial cost.

All commodities that will exist within an Equal Money system will exist because there will be people
who will actually love to produce the commodity rather than be forced to produce it because of
profit. Basic labor will be part of a conscription system where the youth will be integrated into a
society management system where the production of food and related products and services are
implemented. Within this field of upbringing, the youth will socially interact with their peers, have
fun and parties, and have the opportunity to truly explore what it means to be human in an environ-
ment that is not money-motivated. It will be the era and time in a youth’s life where they are able to
make life decisions — having the opportunity to exist within world where all choice is possible. And
this is what the conscription system within an Equal Money system will offer for them.

The Equal Money system will also decide what commodities exist and doesn’t exist — because within
the current system, there are products that exist only for the accumulation of profit. Since profit will
not be the determining factor of where and how one is positioned within the world, and the motiva-
tion of a person’s livelihood, there will be a drastic repositioning of mankind and a renovation of all
commodities. Every commodities will be determined whether it is a commodity that will be neces-
sary to exist within an Equal Money system, and that will be determined either directly or within time
within the Equal Money System.

Leon Perry in a DIP Agent -

Politics and Media in an Equal Mon-
ey System
Gabriël Zamora Moreno

In an Equal Money System ‘politicians’ as such will not exist – but there will be positions that need
to be taken where a certain level of responsibility is required. These positions will be filled based on
democratic elections – and the best way to describe such a function would be that of an ‘adminis-
trator’ rather than a ‘leader’. An important aspect of such a function is that one will only be allowed
to do it for 1 term – which would be 1 or 2 years, after which a new administrator is elected to take
over your function, after which one will not be allowed to pose as candidate for administrator again.
This is to make sure that there is never any possibility for misuse of power – and it also makes clear
where the focus must lie: on the principle, not on the personality.

Remember that in an equal Money System everyone will be supported from birth to become a fully
self-responsible and effective living being. Hence there will be no requirement for leadership as it
exists today – because that is in fact based on separation where the majority have abdicated their
responsibility towards their reality and towards the whole world to a select group of people, to have
them be responsible, and who are then given carte blanche to abuse in the name of ‘the common

In an Equal Money system great responsibility will be expected from everyone – because only when
taking responsibility for oneself and one’s world – can one really be an honorable being. Therefore
the current system of politics and entertainment is a system that promotes dishonor, limitation and
slavery. To give away one’s responsibility is an act of fear – because one is unwilling to face that self-
is in fact responsible. Is it then such a mystery that in today’s world everyone blames the politicians
and the elite? Blame is much easier than taking responsibility – and it also indicates that self is still
unwilling to take responsibility and will divert all attention from this fact through blaming another.

In an Equal Money System such behavior will not be accepted – and all will be supported to face
their inner demons and learn to take responsibility for themselves and their reality. What is currently
being tested and explored within the Desteni I process is already showing that it is possible for a be-
ing to take directive charge of themselves and their lives – and that one can learn how to stop ones
self-obsessed way of existing and that it is possible to live in a way that is considerate of others as
equal as self.

In an Equal Money system there will be no separation between ‘politicians’ and ‘the public’ – because
everyone will simply be empowered to take responsibility wherever they can. This will in turn make
the media as it currently exists obsolete because the media has mainly existed as a tool or a medium
that stood in between the public and the politicians – creating an alternate reality of ‘news’.

In an Equal Money system the administrators will not have to be worried about what the media will
say about them – as the media will no longer be an institution based on manipulation, gossip and
profit, but instead be a collaboration of people, based on real interest and passion, on how to orga-
nize and disseminate information locally and all around the world. Within this the emphasis will be
to allow for all perspectives to equally be heard and equally be accessible. This will be done through
giving everyone in fact equal access to the same technology that allows for such communication to
exist. The way to do that is by giving everyone Equal Money from birth to death. No more margin-

In an Equal Money system a ‘politician’ will simply be a servant – a guardian of the system – who
makes sure that in the first place the Equal Money System keeps running, so that everyone is at all
times supported, and secondly ensures the administration of all the collective decision making pro-
cesses on how the system can be improved.

Practically this means that he or she will have to administer online forums that are accessible to all
and anyone. In these forums suggestions will be shared in a structured manner so that each partici-
pant is able to asses whether what is said is best for all or if it requires improvement to be able to
stand as a the solution to a problem or as a viable alternative to an already existing approach. This
means that there will be communication regulations one have to adhere to, to make the process as
effective as possible. For instance one will have to explain the problem, why or where the current
solution is not yet best for all – and how the new solution is superior to the old one in that it solves
more problems and is more beneficial to all participants.

Hence one must understand that all political decisions will be made in complete openness where the
process of how a decision was made can completely be traced back in all its steps.

The role of the media in this regard will be limited – as there will be no more ‘secrets’ to reveal or hid-
den plots to expose. Hidden politics will simply not be allowed. Everything must always immediately
be shared in a public forum so that there is full transparency at all times.

If you are interested in a future where everyone has an Equal say and where all Life is Equally valued
– I would say don’t wait and join us.
Gabriel Zamora Moreno is a DIP Agent -

‘Farming the Unconscious’ – Headless
Chicken Solution
Cathy Krafft

“The realities of the existing systems of production are just as shocking.” from the article ‘Farming
the Unconscious’

If the article; ‘Farming the Unconscious’ seems ‘unthinkable’ to anyone, I can only submit that the
act of thinking and the direction thereof as ‘the mind of consciousness’ is exactly how ‘Farming the
Unconscious’ is even considered in the first place.

How is it that we don’t, or rather, we won’t consider the consequences of what we accept and allow
in the name of money for profit to exist within our world? How is it as a humanity we are unable to
detect our own evil thoughts and ways? Are we really so brainwashed and stupid that we aren’t able
to see our own slavery within a system that disregards life in the name of personal gain and greed?
There are so many atrocities in this world yet people have difficulty accepting a solution that will
bring an end to them.

I challenge everyone to ask themselves how come an Equal Money System is the Solution for Our
World. It’s the easiest question in the world to answer if one will stop and breathe and take a self-
honest look at the horrendous amounts of suffering we’re allowing every day within our world. Life
is a hellish nightmare. There are no fairy-tales being had unless you’re filthy rich and are paying
someone to grant you your fairy-tale wish.

It’s quite insane that we’ve been conned to such a degree that we aren’t even able to understand
how with Equal Money we are actually giving ourselves real freedom as heaven on earth. The old
programming of believing we get heaven only after we’re dead doesn’t really make sense any more
than the belief of dying and going to hell. After all, hell is already here and if hell is already here
then heaven is possible here as well. For those who say hell isn’t here on earth then go on back and
bury your head because you’re either filthy rich and/or are existing as The Enslavement of Man by

Understand the facts of this world and who are within them – Visit Desteni Forums for the details and
investigate and support an Equal Money System.

Cathy Krafft is a DIP Agent -

Who decides the prices of products
and services?
Wei Wu

There is an interim before equal money system called BIG (basic income grant). In the BIG age, prod-
ucts and services still exist and are related to the basic income. In the equal money system prices of
products or services will no longer be relevant because life will be the only value. Prices indicate that
one will have to buy the right to life. In the equal money system each one is born with the right to
life and taken care of automatically and thus one does not need to strive to get money to buy the
right to life as in the current system where if you do not have money you will die. Thus we will be no
longer be driven by survival but start to actually live, explore and enjoy ourselves.

In the equal money system the basic principle is what is best for all. Everything will be in the service
of life. Thus all the resources provided by the earth and nature will belong to everyone and will be
applied effectively to make sure that everyone could have the best life possible.

You will also have access to new things that people come up with, which they do a labour in the form
of love to honour other human beings or themselves. These products will be presented on a global
scale. If there are enough people willing to work with it or enjoy it, it will be manufactured and made
available to all those who want it equally.

In this way you will participate in decision making on whether you want the product or not. The basic
labour in the equal money system will be done through a conscription system where young people
will work in a society management system. They will learn how to produce food and related products
and services in a commune-style where they can have fun and parties, interacting with their peers,
becoming a fully developed human beings and developing a healthy social structure.

Wei Wu is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “Who decides the prices of products and ser-
vices?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews.

Will Events Be Celebrated In An
Equal Money System?
June Roca

Christmas is being celebrated every year. It is a time for family celebrations, vacations, parties and

Talking about Christmas gives me a chance to look at the other side of the coin – that which is
not about fun and parties. I am talking about the men who cut the trees so we can have a beauti-
ful Christmas tree inside our house with all the trimmings during Christmas time. These men earn
money out of cutting pine trees. People will do anything to earn money.

We live 364 days in a year so we will be able to celebrate Christmas for just one day. We see our-
selves shopping for the best food, clothing and gifts during this day. We see ourselves travelling
great lengths just so we can be with the family during this event. The amount of money spent dur-
ing Christmas is alarming. The amount of food wasted during organization and/or company parties
during Christmas is not being considered while some do not have food to eat in an ongoing basis.
Some poor people receive some alms from the wealthy during Christmas but this only happens one
day in a year. Where will the poor get their food for the rest of the year? That is the question we
have to ask.

Yesterday, my partner and I went to a store here in Dallas and I saw real Christmas trees cut at the
bottom part – removed from its root. It’s the tree’s life-support. This is being done just to decorate
people’s homes to celebrate this yearly event. When Christmas is over, I see the same trees littering
the sidewalk. The store I mentioned has an award for saving the environment displayed on the wall.
A blackboard outside the store reads: We plant 2 trees for every tree we cut. We justify the killing of
trees by planting new ones. Do we kill our elder children when we are giving birth to new ones? No,
that will be cruel and stupid, yet we apply this death principle to trees. This is the degree of inequality
in our world. We have to stand up and say, “This is unacceptable”.

In the Equal Money System, we will celebrate Christmas but we will stop cutting trees. Every human,
animal and plant are being given nourishment by the earth and it does so unconditionally. As we re-
ceive from the earth, so we give to all equally . In an equal money system we are going to celebrate
life with our family and neighbors because we see fun in living life as equals who support each other
to ensure we all have a happy and fulfilled life.

June Roca is a DIP Agent -

How will we compete without
trying to win?
S. G.

One of the most frequently asked questions about an Equal Money System is: How will we compete
without trying to win? The answer to this question starts with understanding what competition is
all about. Competing to win is a desire of one’s ego to be better or to be seen as better than others.
It’s a mechanism and often a pattern that consists of comparison. Comparing yourself with your col-
leagues and seeing yourself for instance as a better employee. Then whenever the first job offer oc-
casion appears within the company, you will most likely compete with your colleagues to get the job
and define yourself as the winner when you get the job. We can see this winning as a bad or a good
habit or we can see it for what it is. It is a pre-programmed survival skill that we as capitalistic society
stimulate within children and later on within ourselves as adults. Without consciously understanding
it, we see competition as an acceptable behavior. Competition in sports, as students, within physical
beauty, our status within society, games, it’s everywhere within our society.

Currently and in the past when we’re young we learned how to compete with almost everything
around us to show to our parents and later on to ourselves how good we are. We compete with our
siblings to win the attention or love of our parents. Competing with our friends to gain self trust and
feel good about ourselves and see ourselves as better than our friends. Competing at school with
our peers to win the position of most favorite or most smart pupil. Competing at sports to win a
game or to score as the best. When we enter puberty we compete with our peers about girlfriends
and boyfriends, about who kissed or had sex first and of course competition about our looks. All to
win the other sex and lure them into a relationship so you can compete with your friends about who
has the first relationship. Did we ever wonder that due to the fact that we win, others have to lose?

We simply go along with this polarity of winning and losing and we know that we feel shitty when
we end up as the loser. Nevertheless we continue our drive to win whatever we can win to feel good
and be at the better end of the polarity. No one ever decided to not play the game of winning and
losing, because when we no longer participate within this game we quit and are therefore the loser.
To eliminate competition from our skills, we need to understand that we do not need to be more
than another in order to feel good about ourselves. Self-trust is something that needs to come from
inside, as a self-movement and not due to putting down another in order for you to rise as a winner.

In an Equal Money System, competing should be a tool to measure your skills. Something to use as
a reality check. Then when you do not get the job you wanted you can see that your skills, for that
job you applied for, were not yet in alignment with the real job. Therefore another who had the re-
quested skills, took the job in the best interest of all. This way you can grow more to get ready for
such a job in the future. This way no one needs to feel less or as a loser, it was just a reality check
whether you were ready or not.

The whole point of competition needs to be taken on in an Equal Money System, starting from the
point of growing up. When your family and society around you no longer stimulate you to constantly
measure yourself according to others, you can start developing self-trust just by taking on life at
your pace. Education, sports and peers should be there to cross reference where you are within your
process called life, without measuring yourself with a fictional standard of so called peers. We need
to be taught to live within the physical reality and not within a fictional world up in our minds, where
things are not cross referenced with reality. When we learn how to trust ourselves already at a very
young age, imagine how much time there will be left to really improve ourselves instead of simply
de-programming ourselves. Making an Equal Money System possible, being actually practically part
of this solution, is giving our future children the opportunity to no longer deal with all the problems
that derive from feeling or being a loser.

Imagine a world where girls do not desire plastic surgery, because they see their body image as who
they are and not as having too small breast and not being able to win a man. Imagine a world where
teens do not go to their shrinks, because they feel worthless when they compete with their peers and
see themselves as less. Imagine the decrease in suicide. Imagine the decrease in criminality. Imagine
the stability within families where mom is no longer competing with the fictional girlfriends of dad
and the daughter isn’t copying this behavior of mom. Where dad is no longer competing with his
son to show the family how young he still is. All to no longer win the role of winner and not seeing
that they were all along losing track of reality.

Winning is for losers and is not at all in the best interest of all. Winning is for the view and therefore
a case of specialness that doesn’t serve all. Winning in an Equal Money System is superfluous. We
all do what needs to be done, from a point of self-movement that comes forth from self-trust. We
can use others to cross reference reality, but we can no longer measure ourselves according to ideas
and opinions about others. Whenever I’m better at a task than you are, you can use this experienced
information to improve yourself within your possibilities. How great would it be, what a gift would
it be, when you can cross reference yourself with others within our physical reality without having
feelings of jealousy and comparison. We do no longer need to win in order to survive when we all
have a basic income from birth to death. Join us and join the solution to stop winning and inequality.

What basic understanding will be required
to be a parent in this world?
Scott Cook

Considering that a child is a parent’s reflection of their self, an equality-based starting point must be
established. This implies the ending of any fantasies, future-projections, or self images one might
have regarding what kind of relationship they would want to have with the child or what kind of child
they would prefer. Such preferences are created out of separation, inequality, and abdication of self-
responsibility, thus ensuring another repetition of ‘the sins of the fathers’ which has brought us to
what we currently face in this world as ourselves, which leaves much to be corrected.

‘The sins of the fathers’ can be defined as the cycle of behavioral patterns passed on from one gen-
eration to the next, and this includes the entire host of everything spiteful, deceitful, ignorant, and
abusive. All such patterns and reactions are to be brought back to oneself, i.e., not to be projected
onto anyone, including oneself, in the form of blame or resentment. Such projection defeats its own
purpose of claiming to find a solution through an experience of vindication within oneself, which is
nothing other than an addictive, energetic waste, and must not be allowed to continue but should
be made into a subject of self-investigation.

Each of us is equally responsible for the state this world is in, as much as we want to hide in a box
and pretend it’s separate from us, and that ‘someone else’ will take care of it. Rather than hiding or
existing in constant denial and reaction to every trivial thing in our vicinity, we stand within ourselves
and face what we have become, so that we can re-create a world that is sustainable for everyone
and all forms of life.

Parents, like everyone else, must be willing to let go of much of what they have held dear, including
the lifelong addiction to a self-suppressing personality and the self definitions that comprise it. This
means going beyond everything we’ve been taught to believe, and therefore grew to accept as who
we apparently are by our own families, friends, culture, religion, media, school system, work system,
and environment. Within this, one must understand our relationship to money, and how everything
we experience, desire, project, and do out of what we have been entrained to believe in as ‘free will’
is literally nothing other than programming that has kept us bound to a survival-based system of
buying and selling that we’ve come to accept as somehow ‘fair.’

When we look at how this relates to family dynamics, we can see how children have been groomed
for a life of competition or survival within the system, while any questions they might have about
their existence go unanswered by the adults who are either speechless or have a prepackaged an-
swer for everything, such as to be found in religion or patriotism, both of which have been used by
human beings to deceive themselves into feeling good about the world they live in, but neither of

which provide a practical solution to anything.

When we look back, most of us can recall how we were often condescended to and patronized, and
ultimately confused at the conflicting messages and hypocrisy of our parents. We wouldn’t have
known life any other way, so we simply accepted what we were told and what we grew up within
as ‘the nature of the way things work.’ Memories were accumulated throughout the experiences of
growing up, and within this a personality was developed based on polarities of what is apparently
good or bad, right or wrong. This tunnel vision of ‘personal history’ became something we would
find a way to hold dear in some form or another through an entire host of symptoms including
and not limited to sentimentality, regret, resentment, guilt, shame, denial, self-hate, narcissism, and
so on. These memories form part of an arsenal that people will then use against each other and
themselves in every conceivable way to ensure that they never find it within themselves to step out
of the pre-programmed time-loop of themselves as history repeating until it reaches its inevitable
end. The solution to this includes learning to stop oneself within all participation in agreements of
mutual personality/memory bondage, so that we can stand together on equal terms and focus on
‘the greater picture.’

Parents must investigate their definition of the word ‘love,’ since there is more abuse, destruction,
manipulation, and delusion in the world relating to this elusive ideal than any other word in our vo-
cabulary. Love has been commonly perceived in terms of beings who originally believed themselves
separate from one another, then apparently must seek out and find that self-separated part of them-
selves in another which they will then define themselves accordingly in order to attain an experience
of false security, comfort, intimacy and being ‘whole.’ This implies a fear of being alone, incomplete,
financially insecure or socially stigmatized for failure to comply with the popular delusion of what is
collectively regarded as ‘love.’ Before getting into an agreement with another, self-intimacy should
be developed through introspection and learning to forgive and correct oneself for how one has
participated in the current system.

We need to look at this word that we have so adamantly ‘lived’ by and taken for granted and re-
define it so that it encompasses all forms of life in this world, which are currently at the mercy of our
own ignorance. In our past, it has been used in the microcosmic context where, for example, each
family system might have supposedly been able to experience a surrogate illusion of oneness and
security within a house in a particular neighborhood, with the stipulation of having to ‘earn a living,’
along with the political promises of a bright future and the religious promises of an even brighter af-
terlife. Within this, the children grow up until they are supposedly then ‘free’ to ‘follow their dreams’
and create a family system of their own. However, those ‘dreams’ and sense of security are more
elusive now than ever before, and positive thinking will not improve anything here.

The current family system promotes a form of tunnel vision in which a family is supposed to feel
secure as long as they have money, which has been the ‘force’ that binds human beings within the
pipedream of love and the security of a family system, within which the beings perceive themselves
as separate from, and often in competition with, all the other family systems. In short, the definition
of ‘love’ needs to be expanded to encompass all forms of life in the world.

The school systems in this world have had more to do with priming children for a system that func-
tions well to the financial benefit of the very few, and less to do with the material that is presented

on the surface. Therefore, education will be much more practical and effective, and the subject of
the parent-child relationship within this equality-based context will be established as part of the
basic curriculum, regardless of whether anyone has any intention of bringing a child into the world.
So everyone will have the necessary understanding to provide and care for children if it becomes
their responsibility at some point, and this includes the realization that we are to be living examples
of what is best for all, so that ‘the sins of the fathers’ no longer continue to influence or play-out
through anyone in this world.

With the improvement of education and the factor of money having been removed as the starting
point for anything, it goes without saying that the experience of a family and of life in general will be
completely different from what we currently familiar with. We have grown so used to manipulating
each other in order to get what we want that it has literally become our ‘second nature,’ and in this
tacit agreement we behave like we wouldn’t know it any other way. As we shake off the illusions and
take into account the consequences of our thoughts and actions, we realize that we simply can’t be
allowed to continue as we have been.

The decision of bringing children into the world is to be seen in the context of the whole, and this
encapsulates the points that must be agreed upon by the parents. Rather than serving as a micro-
cosm/cult of secrets, manipulation and gossip amongst all other family systems that have all been
struggling within the same delusion, the family system should serve as a platform of support for the
child to stand equal to everyone else. Within this, we can learn from each other on an entirely new
level that doesn’t involve strife, abuse, suppression, competition and manipulation, therefore love,
free will, free speech, and self expression become possible.

When things suddenly CHANGE VALUE | The
most Valuable ‘Product’ in an EQUALITY System:
A New Paradigm
B. B.

Why CHANGE, and why VALUE?

In the world as we know it that has emerged from the money-system and its ‘evolution’, VALUE
is placed not in life, but in profit – as can be seen everywhere in the paradigm of consumerism
and planned obsolescence.

Consequently, ‘educated’ through the current accepted world system people learn to place VALUE
in that which will preserve ‘my own’ – be it possessions, family, nation, race, belief-system, ideology,
religion, political party or any construct of ‘survival’ in this world.
And regardless of what ‘values’ a group/grouping is committed to and follows – whether left wing
or right wing, ‘light’ or ‘dark’ or middle road – it all comes down to self-interested, separatist ideas
conceived to preserve a group/grouping against the rest.

We kill in the name of our ‘values’ – the ‘values’ we’ve been indoctrinated with – while we disregard
the real actual value that we all have in common and that enables us to be here and breathe in the
first place: Life.
Self-preservation, self-interest, self-image: the price to pay is no less than life itself. What we call ‘life’
is in fact a slow death, murder, suicide. We compromise the life that we are for ideas of grandeur,
specialness, ‘value’, while we in fact de-value and degrade life – ourselves, the planet.
In a world where money buys ‘life’, we pay with our lives for something that is not even worth liv-
ing, while half the world is even left to suffer and starve so that a select few can have that which is
deemed as ‘valuable’.

“Thou shalt not worship false idols ... Thou shalt have no other gods before me” – Yet this is exactly
what we are doing within and through this world system we have accepted and continue to allow as
if there is no other way.
Our false idols and fake gods are many: power, status, image, dominion, supremacy, fame, fortune –
all of it boiling down to one thing, one ‘ring of power’ that enslaves all: MONEY.

The real ‘god’ is patient: Life moves on, breath by breath, and confronts us individually and collec-
tively with who/what we have become and the things we are accepting, allowing and giving permis-
sion for to exist in the world as we know it. Life has only one principle, one command, one question:
Who are you in the face of life? Who are you in the face of it all, in the context of everything that
exists? Do you worship ideas, projections, illusions – or do you value and regard life as all as one as

In an equal money system, LIFE will be the only value – the ‘highest’ value, yet common to all living
things. Equality is the transcendence of separation and the way to real Oneness.

In an equal money system, money will not exist; Only life will exist. And Life will determine the way
of life – not money. We may utilize ‘tools’ to express and apply and distribute our equality as the
abundance of life – but the CONsumerism CULTure of isms and schisms will be no more.

Life as the highest value implies that all life will always have the best of everything available and
provided – anything that is of support in terms of self-expression, self-discovery, self-growth. Explo-
ration of life, communication, freedom: that is the real pursuit of happiness. No price tag, no strings

Everything that the planet provides is given to all and must be applied and utilized in ways that best
serve all, and the planet as a whole. The sun shines equally for all. Why then is the son of the sun so

It is time to re-evaluate and re-form the accepted value-system which we allow to determine life
based on the money that has become god, deciding who lives and who dies!
It is time to self realize life as oneness in equality – and acknowledge in every living being the value
of life equally!

An equal money system is a holistic approach to reality, and this time in the history of mankind it
will no longer be a philosophical or metaphysical approach, but a pragmatic practical  approach that
considers and regards all things of the earth, all things of life, including the human – each one. A new
paradigm wherein the human will truly, finally, self realize life as oneness and equality and thus take
responsibility for life as the highest value.

Given the evolution of the human consciousness, one would have expected that we become Custo-
dians on Earth and take care of ourselves and each-other, the plants and the animals kingdom in a
way that is best for al. Yet we have allowed fake ‘gods’ and ‘values’ to keep us divided and separated
from life.
And while we pursue delusions of grandeur and supremacy, we are in fact inferior in the face of it
all. Deep down inside we exist in fear – fear of each-other, fear of ourselves, fear of life, fear of living
fully and giving our all.
It is time to re-consider what life/living can be! It is time to consider the value of equality in all practi-
cal matters of humanity – because (and isn’t it ironic...) equality is in fact the way to freedom, the way
to real value as life, the way to life itself as who we all really are.

In an equal money system – which could all the same be called Equal Value system – we can bring
forth a new way of life, where life is valued in all practical ways of co-existence. We can live together,
not against each-other, and base our existence on real, actual value – the value of life.
The value of life is life.
And in this, all things of the earth breathing the same air and containing the same water: are equal.
No more blood over water; no more profit over life; no more fear over love.

An equal money system will assist and support Man to be Kind – in fact! – so that earth can be saved
and the desteni of mankind transformed through actual self-will and directive principle, truly in the
image and likeness of ‘god’. And as we stand-up and prove our worthiness in life through standing
as equals of life and acting in the best interest of ALL, respecting the real value that is life and which
we all have in common: the ‘real god’ will be pleased and all things will be peaceful; and life will be
born and living will be love made visible.

Because the most valuable ‘product’ in a system of equality that is based on the value of life: will be
LIFE itself.
And thus only life will ‘profit’: the animal kingdom, the plants, the waters and the air that we breathe;
each Self as life as Equals, and All together as the planet as One.
A Win-Win ‘scenario’ with the best quality of life for all life.

Investigate the equal money system as proposed by desteni – a group of people standing-up for life
in oneness and equality in all practical ways matters of existence. The Future of Money 2020 is the
end of slavery, the end of separation, the end of exploitation, the end of all abuse.
Get informed, and get involved: be One vote for LIFE in time to come – Start here and now, Get-up,

What will be the most valuable Prod-
uct in an Equal Money System? Will
all things suddenly change Value?
Kristina Salas

The major point one can see that change in Value in an Equal Money system are actually 2 things.
Life and Money. Currently Money hold more value then Life - as Money is the one that Ensures Life.
Life is less valuable than Money as you are not ensured Life just by being Life - by being born, you
require Money. Seems a bit backwards, eh?

In an Equal Money System Humanity as a Whole will change what is Values - as All will be given an
equal amount of money to support One’s basic Necessity in Life - to be alive. Life will no longer be
considered a Product that is bought and sold but is Honored as Life - simply by Being Here - Life is
Valuable. Money will thus reflect that which is valuable in Life - which is Life. Currently Money = Life,
and in an Equal Money System Life = Life, and money will be the means in which we support each
other Equally.

As far as anything else in this World that we currently consider to be ‘of value’ - will be reconsidered
within Common Sense. The Value of Life is What is Best for All - if All are supported Equally - Con-
sidered Equals - have an Equal Life Support - than we are Living a Life of Value. Anything that does
not support what is Best for All ( and this includes the animals and plants and the earth - our envi-
ronments, ALL LIFE) then it is not of value to anyone or anything. Only products that are Best for All
- that support Life here on earth will be of Value.

Wouldn’t this be common sense? Why have products that are ‘valuable’ that only give to some or
support some and not all - then this value is imaginary as it is not what is Best for All and thus only
harms. In an Equal Money System Common Sense as What is Best for All is the most Valuable prod-
uct we Have - as we are once and for all Caring for All as One as Equal - and thus Valued Equally. All
will be supported as Valuable - as All are as Life.

Kristina Salas is a DIP Agent -

Money isn’t everything?
K. P.

Money isn’t everything? Yes and no. In this current system- money is everything- without money, you
literally have nothing, not even the ability to live and breathe here, as your physical body requires
support and without money, you have no access to that support, and you die. But life shouldn’t be
all about money, which it is because not all are guaranteed enough money to have access to their
needs, and for the majority of humanity, most of one’s time is spent doing whatever one can to get
the money that is needed. Life has become ‘all about the money’ and not about actually living.

Many people will use this phrase however, as an excuse to not change the current system and to
attack the Equal Money System, which uses money, saying “Money isn’t everything.” But obviously
they’ve missed the point that money has become everything, as explained above. They also haven’t
understood that ‘money’ in the Equal Money System, will not be the same as what money is today,
as it will be simply a tool for fascilitating the movement of resources to where it’s needed, and not
have any intrinsic value in itself. Thus money will no longer be a thing that can be abused for the
sake of profits at the expense of others. Since everyone will have the necessary money they require
to acquire their needs, people’s lives will no longer be consumed by the need to find ways to acquire
money- thus the Equal Money System will effectively make it so that money isn’t everything. Because
obviously, that’s not all life should be about. Life should be about living to our fullest potential with-
out allowing abuse in any way.

In order for us to be able to live as though ‘money isn’t everything’- we have to change how we value
money so that indeed, it isn’t everything. In the Equal Money System money will become the tool
which it was always ‘meant’ to be, but allowed to be abused at our expense, at the expense of life.
Until we change our system to one of life support rather than one controlled by profit and greed,
we’ll continue to be ruled by money and the pursuit of it and never really be able to live and be what
we could be- the real custodians of the earth, our home, and give ourselves a life in which we’re free
to live in the way that all life benefits equally.

Will stand-up comedians still be allowed
to give degrading jokes in an equal money
system, or what jokes will be allowed?
Tim Gormley

In short. There will be 100% freedom of speech in an equal money system. No censorship whatso-


So why will censorship not be required? Well, let’s look at why censorship exists in the first place.

In the world we currently live in today, censorship passes as a form of protection for an individual
or group of people. Speaking or showing certain words, images, acts, thoughts, concepts or ideas
can actually conjure up powerful enough emotions and thoughts inside of us, that we feel that we
need to have protection against them. Each and every word, picture, thought, idea and concept we
consider to be offensive and not constructive to our society carries a heavy hidden burden of past
memories along with it, like a ball and chain. At some point in time, you, me and all of us decided
that, yes, this is offensive and I don’t like this word being used because it makes me and others feel
terrible. Take for example the word nigger. It is quite possibly considered the most offensive, repres-
sive, degrading word used in the English language. It brings up so many bad memories (none that
anyone has actually ever had) in people, that the mere sound will errupt violence and cast shame
on anyone using it. All becasue of the negative connotations we’ve attached to it. Not long ago we
watched Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) all but kill his stand-up comedy career at an L.A.
show, where he went on a tirade dropping ‘N’ bombs all over the audience. People were livid and in
utter disbelief. It didn’t take him long at all to clear out that room and send people home in disgust.
If you’re curious check out the video.

But one thing you you’ll notice within his rant, is that there are a few short sporatic moments where
he actually takes a step back from the tirade and seems like he subtly lays down a little peace and
even tiny bit of perspective on how we treat words, taking a little word like Nigger and turning it into
a monster. 0:25 – 0:36 & 2:03 – 2:08.

So would the word nigger be considered so offensive today if an equal money system were to have
taken the place of our current money system 400 years ago? Maybe, and it’s impossible to know for
sure, but I doubt it. For starters, an equal money system has no slaves. All are equal, with equal ac-

cess to opportunity. And without African slavery, the word nigger completely disappears, losing its
negative connotation and the heavy burden that it carries with it. Turning Kramer’s offensive tirade
into a evening that leaves you scratching your head. The word nigger would have no revelance and
connection to hatred and degradation.

Here’s a few other videos you might enjoy that provide some perspective on words and how we give
them so much power over us.

1) Richard Pryor and George Carlin -

2) Dave Chapelle -

3) George Carlin -

4) “The word Fuck” -


Degradation in Comedy, or Better Yet, Degradation Period

So what about other degradations in comedy. Will any degradation exist in jokes, or for that matter
anywhere at all, in an Equal Money System?

Now, for starters, it’s well known that as a general rule that it’s much easier to get a laugh if you de-
grade yourself before others, which is why fat people can usually get a laugh out of skinny people
doing a fat joke. But that aside, if you look closely at the people that regularly practice degradation
of other people, you’ll see that they live in a fantasy world where they’ll always need to be a leg up on
their neighbor. Their whole world revolves around being better than the next guy and stepping on
anyone that presents themselves as a threat to their dominance in a perpetual cycle of competition.
Why do these people want to be on top? Because our current money system is designed so that all
of the shit rolls downhill. It’s better to be high and dry, then wading through a mess of crud at the
bottom of the barrel. So with that these people will be constantly climbling, trying to better their
position in life and continuously reassuring themselves that they deserve to be on top. So much to
the point where they start putting down others, because they see that people will let them get away
with it, and it gives them a little power boost and a slight edge. Nobody wants to give the promotion
to the loser. And those people may appear to be on top when they put others down, but know that
deep down they are attempting to grab catch a short burst of satisfaction in seeing others suffer, all
simply to mask the fact that they truly feel like shit within themselves, because they know that they
can’t feel satisfied with just themselves. It’s a pretty deabilitating mindset. They’ll constantly need
reassurance that they are the man (or woman) within their fantasy world, only to ignore the truth
that they are fully unsure of themselves and lost without the self-satisfaction of degrading others.
And as much as they would like others to think otherwise, they will still live in a constant state of fear
of “what if’s” and negative self judgements all to mask this insecurity. To them, the grass will always
appear to be greener on the other side of the fence, and as a consequence, they’ll attempt to water
the shit out of their grass, fertilizing and fertilizing to the end of time, just to be better than their
neighbor. And it will never be good enough, so one day they’ll break down and just take a big shit

on that lawn next door. All so they can feel satisfied that their shit lawn that they despise so much
doesn’t stink as much as the now not so green grass on the other side of the fence. But what they
don’t realize is that it’s just a fence. A couple of planks of wood and some screws. What they don’t
see, is that without the fence that perfect green lawn they’re after is also theirs too.

With a starting point of equal money and equal opportunity for all, this competition and separation
will completely disappear, taking degradation along with it. And without the demand for degrada-
tion, there is no harm done and therefore no need for protection and censorship of jokes. Finally
Freedom. You might even actually get to watch Eddie Murphy’s Raw or Delirious on basic cable.

Comedy and Realizations

Comedy at its core is a biased caricature of an everyday situation, with enough added twist and cha-
risma on a perspective to make an audience realize something. If you look closely, every good joke
will contain a savoury bite of realization to enjoy, and what a comic is so great at doing, is pulling
apart that tightly wound straight jacket people wear, so they can let goand embrace these realiza-
tions. Sometimes people resist, and refuse to let go, but if they blindly label a joke as demeaning or
degrading, they will miss the entire point.

Take for example, the classic 1990’s yo mama jokes. Yo mama’s so fat, they paint lines on her so they
can tell if she’s walking or rolling down the street. Now, some may take offense to that. But a good
listener will recognize a few practical realities, such as yes maybe mama should lose a few pounds
so she people don’t have to paint lines on her again and maybe she could even fit back through
the front door. And through that practical realization, pops all important suggestions to mama, like
maybe to slow up on the triple helping of deep-fried bacon wrapped cheese burgers or maybe she
should cut back on that pork and beans sundae. Because then, she’ll be able to self-actualize herself
out of the joke and back into her house again. This is only just one very practical example of how a
comic can make a profound impact on someone’s life.

Ok, so this is just me trying to be funny, which doesn’t usually work out so good, but all humour
aside, an Equal Money System will take down all class and social barriers (the proverbial neighbor’s
fence) that create a deceivingly complex world of competition, racism, degradation and hatred, and
leave in its place more freedom and possibilities. And with these, comics will then no longer have to
shed light on the terrible ironic circumstances that we currently live in, FINALLY giving them a chance
to get back to the jokes that really matter.

Will women be forced to have an
abortion because she was raped and
now pregnant under EMS ?
June Roca

Coercion or force will have no place in an Equal Money System.

When mothers choose abortion in this current monetary system – it is because they cannot give the
baby everything he/she needs to live in dignity. For the mother to get help to sort out her issues she
needs money. There’s support being given for rape victims in some wealthy countries but one has to
qualify to receive those and will have to sign many documents and stand in long ques. In third world
countries, there is no help available for rape victims. The most they can do is cry. After the tears have
dried, the mother will have to get food, shelter and clothing for the baby and herself. When the baby
has grown, she is faced with another problem , and that is, educating the child.

I grew up in a small town where the poor can’t even afford slippers to shield their feet from the hot
sun, what more buy books needed in school and food to fill their empty stomach? This is not the way
to live. We have to stand up and do something. It is not too late. In an Equal Money System every-
one will be given everything they need from birth to death so they will live life in dignity. When the
mother considers aborting the baby, one of the consideration can be the mother’s health. Abortion
will be necessary if it will endanger the health of the mother in any way. It will also be necessary when
we find out that the baby is physically deformed before birth – so there will be research on how we
can abort the baby – from the starting point of what is best for all.

The mother and the baby will get all support that they need to live in dignity. This will be available
to everyone in an Equal Money System. Will the baby be able to live a happy and fulfilled life when
she’s born into this world?

This is only possible if the baby is physically healthy. The physically deformed will be diagnosed be-
fore birth to see whether or not abortion of the mission to come to this world is an option and we
will research how this will be done.

June Roca is a DIP Agent -

Will we create a new language that is
based on what is best for all?
Laura Núñez Orjuela

The language is the base of communication. So, In an equality system we will have to get education
to have the same language, equally understood, every definition of every Word, so that everyone is
able to understand the same.

There’s no need to stop learning and utilizing the mother tongues.

An equal education must get in place, with the same skills to read and write effectively so that each
one functions in the best way possible, to make decisions on what is best for all.

So we can see that the future of the World is dependant on it’s effectiveness, on a specific vocabulary
that has clear definitions.
For that, the child must have the tools given by their parents on how to take their own power.

This will take time as it took time to create the actual use of language, with the current consequences
of abuse and manipulation existent.
Therefore, we must first accelerate the process of equality through stablishing a Basic income grant,
to make everyone have the same support.

With the use of new Technologies that help in rapid learning of a language, and with the
The physical can learn rapidly, and is capable of learning a language very quickly.
We have to start being aware of the words we speak, because is for not doing it, we have created a
World were is even difficult to understand ourselves, we have many definitions. We have played with
the ignorance.

Much of this word usage manipulates through the creation of “specialized” language, mostly used
in sciences, where one must learn the specialized vocabulary in specific disciplines. This creates the
illusion of one not being able to understand or to participate, because it’s like having “no common
sense”, but the truth is that this specialized vocabulary takes the power away from the individual.
So yes, a common vocabulary with clear definitions in a common language will be the base of un-
derstanding us and will become our tool for self expression as living words.

Will Aliens bring us advanced technol-
ogy once we exist as one as equal?
Wei Wu

For us to exist as one and equal, we require to implement and live in an equal money system (EMS).
The EMS is based on the principle of what is best for all. Within the principle of what is best for all
is the understanding that what is best for all is what is best for self thus it is the consideration of
all equal and one as self. Living in the EMS based on the principle of what is best for all is thus the
practical realization of us existing as one as equal.

At the stage of implementing the EMS, such points as aliens and their advanced technology are not
relevant. The problem on earth is a human problem. We have to take self-responsibility to sort out
the shit we created on earth. If aliens with advanced technology do exist they would also want to en-
trust the advanced technology to a trustworthy species which can take self-responsibility, wouldn’t
they? I mean, the point of ‘once we exist as one as equal’ is also a requirement that we as a human
species be trustworthy, which can only be so through taking full self-responsibility, being fully ac-
countable for our own creation.

The EMS ensures that we as a human species can be trusted as we live as one as equal and be re-
sponsible for ourselves and all as ourselves. In the EMS everything is based on the principle of what
is best for all. Thus before implementation of an technology it will be first investigated to make sure
that it indeed is what is best for all which entails that the technology is not abused in any way what-
soever. Obviously that is not the case in the current system where there are technologies used with-
out proper consideration of consequences or advanced technologies that can benefit all being sup-
pressed due to profit and greed. In the equal money system, those current advanced technologies
that are best for all can already be implemented. And the development of science and technology in
EMS will no longer be controlled by profit but determined by what is best for all. Thus our scientific
and technological endeavour could go even much faster than it does right now, allowing advanced
technology to be developed and implemented for the best benefit of all.

Only when we as a human species becomes trust-worthy as in the EMS do the points of alien and
their advanced technology become relevant. Then we can investigate these more advanced points of
whether aliens actually exist or whether they will bring us advanced technology. I mean, it is really up
to the aliens if they do exist. But human species living in the EMS is definitely a species that is worth
having contact with and being trustworthy of being revealed to those advanced technology as they
know the technology will be used for what is best for all.

Wei Wu is a DIP Agent -

Will ‘health food’ still exists, like ‘bio-
Organic Food and the Equal Money System

Marlen Vargas Del Razo


“Bio isn’t exactly better” is what this paper’s headline reads here.
When we go to the supermarket, we can see all the parallel foods existent next to your ‘regular type’
branded as ‘Bio’ or ‘Organic’. I noticed an interesting thing which was the considerably higher prices
in all things organic/bio in all the products.

When standing in front of the milk shelf, I saw that ‘bio milk’ was up to a euro higher than your
regular kind. In that moment, I realized how the entire commercial trickery presented a seemingly
casual ‘choice’ – yet, we’ve got to know how we’ve been impulsed through the media to believe that
there is a way to eat ‘healthier’ by consuming bio/ organic products which are apparently produced
through ‘strict measures’ wherein no pesticides, additives, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) or
chemical fertilizers were used in their production.

The current ‘health-scare’ relating to food comes from the realization of the amount of chemical
procedures involved in producing the food that we eat.
Following an emerging ‘new age’ era of being ‘environmental friendly’ as part of the ‘becoming
green’ campaign that has gained momentum over the past decades, the capitalist move was to
create a new set of products that would satisfy this need to have foods that could support human
beings in feeling ‘more safe’ when eating due to the considerations that have been promoted/ com-
mercialized as part of ‘going green’ lifestyles en vogue.
This campaign became nothing else but a great money-making trend that has disregarded one of
the most basic facts which is: everything here on Earth is organic. Since everything grows from the
Earth, the only point to be looked at is how this ‘Green Revolution’ came to be.

The ‘revolution’ emerged as a response to the industrialization of agriculture, which is inherently

tied to the requirements of the amount of production that capitalism creates and promotes without
considering the actual process required to produce; this implies using the fastest, cheapest possible
means of both tools/prime matter as well as labor force for which agriculture is one of the worst
remunerated activities in this world. We can take the example of the farmers in India who have been
involved in endless payrolls wherein they’ve opted to kill themselves due to being unable to pay their
debts linked to a transnational monopoly like Monsanto and thus, having no food to eat while be-
ing literally surrounded by it. This is one of the consequences of how such ‘green revolution’ sought
to avoid being a part of the commercialization of buying products that were GMOs and deciding to
pay more to be apparently clean from this and other outflows of the industrialization of agriculture.

In essence, the desire for bio/ organic a.k.a ‘healthy’ food stems from this and other series of events/
actions wherein we are simply facing the fears relating to eating what we’ve created as the accept-
ance of living in a world where everything is determined by money itself, never actually caring for the
well-being of humanity or any other living being in any way whatsoever.

There is also a convenient aspect of information added upon this to suit the green-market holders
without having the most basic point in place whenever we go for the idea of ‘going green’ and ‘eat-
ing organic’: everything here is of the Earth, so ‘organic food’ implies all food as everything else.
The special conditions only exist currently as what should be the usual way of growing food; though
due to the profit-making aspect of it, we’ve created it into a separate point wherein the rest of the
food is seen as ‘harmful’ due to the conditions wherein money-making is the driving force to pro-
duce food.

The bottom line is that both organic-bio and ‘regular food’ are currently driven by money-creation,
so whether or not it is ‘less contaminated’ it’s still not an practical solution that can be available for
everyone and it is in fact supporting an exclusive market for those who can afford it. So, it’s a juicy
aspect that only benefits some, and there’s no actual common sense in buying and supporting these
types of foods which, at the end of the day, are the same as all of the other foods.

So – how will all this separation between foods cease to exist within the Equal Money System?
Because money won’t be the motivation to genetically modify organisms, nor will the overall pro-
duction be limited and determined by money itself. We will be making sure that the best standards
for food production are in place wherein we’ll erase the divide between ‘regular’ and ‘bio-organic’ to
finally implement a single way of harvesting food that’s naturally good to eat.

We’ll certainly require the experts on this in terms of how to treat any plague or create pesticides
that are not toxic per se. All of this is currently part of the monopolized food industry which can be
boiled down to mainly one single word: Monsanto –and so develop ways to grow food effectively
without greed being in the way of placing people’s food at risk by wanting to make an extra buck,
because that will simply not be possible.
There will be more people involved in food production, which won’t be out of a necessity to ‘get by’
and survive, but through actual consideration of making sure that the production takes place in the
terms of what’s best for all, as well as for themselves. Learning how to grow our own food will also
become part of the basic Living Education, that’s never been existent as part of a regular curriculum
in schools before.
This one example of how all current nice tags that sell well will cease to exist, as food will be organic,
bio and regularly grown within safe conditions wherein no health-scare will exist, since money won’t
be the driving force that is currently disregarding people’s lives in the name of profit. We’ll literally
stop only existing as ‘organic robots’.

As an additional point of support, I’ve re-uploaded this video that was originally uploaded in the
DesteniProductions channel based on an article that we came across a couple years ago, and I made
a video pointing out the common sense aspects on what ‘organic food’ is. Nevermind the title, as
it was meant to simply create an audience for the video. Through the publishing of it, we saw how
strong the organic food ‘belief system’ has become and thus, realized how important it is to support
others in realizing the common sense aspect of food in this world, as well as the actual cause behind
this current hype. Yes, you got it: Money and Fear.

Both are sorted out in the Equal Money System

Everything’s Organic as Everything comes from the Earth

Food will stop being a profit-driven industry and instead become part our living care that we’ll work
for – therefore, we’ll make sure it is the best for all in Equality.

Link to video:

Marlen Vargas Del Razo is a DIP Agent -

How will ADHD and ADD be dealt
with in EMS?
G. G.


Within an equal money system, children with any disorders will be treated within the health care
system with any physical remedies needed, but also what will be more understood is the make up
of self. How our thoughts, emotions, and patterns within our living day to day life are creating and
effecting our physical and mental wellbeing in adverse ways. These disorders will be walked through
with the common sense of children learning that there impulsiveness or hyperactivity as seen with
ADD/ADHD is able to be controlled through there own self will and transcended to not be effected
or moved by this energy any longer through self application within self honesty and self forgiveness.
Also, parents will be more readily available to care, prepare, and walk with their child to help develop
self and self understanding of the relationship of themselves with all the life around them, which is
in oneness and equality. They will see that they can be at peace and not need this point of attention
or impulsiveness to live as they seek desire and satisfaction, but be with themselves and be satisfied
here stable.

The desires and patterns of satisfaction that is trying to be met through the ADD/ADHD child is
based on the need for others to give them what they want because they believe they can not do it
themselves, but in fact they will learn that indeed they can do it themselves. These children can in-
deed direct themselves in the best outcome for themselves as well as all other life here. This will be
a process of re-education, reform within working situations for parents, and understanding of self as
creator of all that one live in there life and accept this as so. Once we accept ourselves as creator of
all that is here within our lives as well as this world, we then will have the ability to change ourselves,
because we see the ‘whole’ of the problem and can walk in common sense to solve it.

Ultimately, the child in this case diagnosed as ADD/ADHD will have to will themselves to walk this
point of focus, self control, self discipline, and self stability as they unravel there mind dimensions,
release these possessions through self forgiveness, and walk themselves into the freedom of be-
ing a being who direct themselves and have no point that direct them. Parents will be more readily
available as they will have time on hand to work with all the necessary needs a child will have when
walking these rather strong points of mind possession that is experienced with ADD/ADHD, and give
practical common sense assistance to the child when it is needed. This being possible due to them
not having to make a living to survive in the system because in an equal money system money will
not be a survival point any longer. Life will be guaranteed and the parents can be where they are
most needed, and what is most important for the sustenance of ourselves, the raising of the children.

Children will be priority and be taught from the get go that they will be responsible for themselves
and how they live, and all diseases and disorders can be walked to a resolution through self will and
self application by self realizing that we are the creators of ourselves through how we live, breath,

speak, and act towards our world, and thus create who we are within literally each breath we take.
This realization being paramount as life will start to walk the self corrective solution to align with
all other life here, and live it best for all instead of self interest wants and desires. This will take time
and dedication through consistent self application to be an example for the children to come and
especially those who are diagnosed with a disorder or disease.

Within time though and alignment to the physical as self here one and equal to all life, disease can
and will be cured through and by self with obviously all necessary support for the physical, if nec-
essary, such as medicine, herbs, or certain diets for example, but walking the transcendence within
and as self movement. We will look at disorders and disease in a whole new light in an equal money
system because much has been latent in this current system to the capacity and capabilities of the
human at full potential. Lets walk and live, and become who we all are as life one and equal and
explore the breath of life as never before realized in true joy and freedom for all without dis-ease or

What happens to my credit card debt,
my mortgage, and my personal debt?
Ajda Straus

In an Equal Money System all debt will be forgiven. In todays world we have to borrow money from
banks for example - we have to take out a loan if we want to have our own house, car and other
things which are almost necessary to have in our lives. We need those things right away and we can’t
wait 10, 20 or 30 years on a street, without a warm place to stay in for example and then move into
a new house when we raise enough money to buy or build a new one.

We have to take a loan. So because of that (and there are also a lot more examples in real life), we
are all the time in debt. We pay our debts all our lives and when something is finally payed, a new
loan comes up because the products are made to last only for a certain amount of time and then
they break, don’t work properly any more. But we still need a certain product so we have to go and
buy it again.

We have to start fresh, therefore all debts will be erased in a new system. It is not right to pay for
something because the system was made in a way to force people to go into debts. We didn’t have
any other options but to go with the system in order to survive in it. In an Equal Money System, we
won’t struggle to survive, we will live like kings and queens; everybody will have what they need and
no one would have to worry about money.

Ajda Straus is a DIP Agent -

For Bernard Poolman’s perspective on the question “What will happen to my debt in an equal money
system?” Check out : Bernard Poolman – What the FAQ – Equal Money System – Volume 1 Interviews

Human Ingenuity will not save Humanity
A. G.

I was watching a Documentary today called “Collapse”. The documentary brings forward the insights
and observations of Michael Ruppert, a police officer turned independent reporter who is noted to
have predicted the current economic collapse. During the series of questions asked to Mr Ruppert
as he outlined his version of the plight of the world to come, that being, one of inevitable collapse,
the interviewer nearing the latter stage of the interview prompts with a question, in response to this
dire picture being painted before his eyes by Mr Ruppert...

“What about Human Ingenuity?”

This is not the first time I have come across a statement of this nature. This kind of statement is of-
ten used to spark Hope within ourselves as their being some light at the end of the tunnel. Like for
instance ‘when all is said and done, human beings are just to smart or intelligent to die off’, or that
somehow, someway human beings will “find a way”

So when looking at this world and the state of the economy and things like global warming and
mass starvation and poverty and war and destruction, and diminishing natural resources around the
globe, this point of “Human Ingenuity” comes into play as that which somehow has any sort of value
as an actual point of consideration.

I can hear these words now being proclaimed in some presidential hopeful’s campaign speech. ‘We
will find a way, we have to much integrity, to much passion, bla bla bla bla yes we can bla bla bla’.

I have a question.

Why is it that we wait for the last possible second to get off our butts and do something about the
consequences that we have created through doing absolutely nothing for so long.

How can we even utter the words “Human Ingenuity” when taking a look at the world that we have
created and went along creating which has cause so much destruction on the planet and ourselves
and basically everything on earth.

Human Ingenuity is a catch phrase.

Human Ingenuity is only required when both wings have been torn off the plane and the engine has

Human Ingenuity is the same thing as saying we need a Miracle. Although it suggests some kind

of intelligence level also of the human being which I cannot help but question simply based on the
world that we have already created for ourselves.

The Idea of Human Ingenuity is indicative of the mentality that we as Humanity have developed /
accepted as our main approach to living life.

It is like a Miracle Fix.

Like winning the Lotto

Like finding that perfect relationship to finally make you happy
Like getting that one breakthrough at work that will put you where you need to be
Like being saved by God
Like Ascending
The Orgasm

It is a fixation on a singular event that will somehow fix everything and make everything all better.

When things are broken and falling apart and you have no actual solution – That is when you resort
to “Human Ingenuity” And I mean it is interesting because “Human Ingenuity” Implies some kind of
Solution, yet in itself there is no practical plan. It is just simply “Human Ingenuity” It is the perfect
catch phrase to fill the gap and distract the voter when in fact, There Is No Plan! There is no solution,
no one actually knows what to do and thus resorting to bringing up the whole “Humans will find a
way” bull-shit, and that Human Ingenuity will save us.

One reason I noticed this point today when the interviewer making the interview mentioned it is due
to my participation with Desteni over the last 4 years.

I realized that we at Desteni are not depending or relying on human Ingenuity.

Well first of all because Human Ingenuity is just pretty words used to deceive ourselves into thinking
things will be ok, and we can just relax and go back to what we were doing. Human Ingenuity is not

When for instance you stand before a piece of Architecture or even stand back and gaze at an entire
city with all its process’s and workings and structures, subway lines, road/ traffic system, massive sky
scrapers , houses and all these interrelated systems working together to form the this Metropolis
you might resort to calling it a feat of Human Ingenuity, when in fact it is not. It did not Magically
Appear in one poof of smoke. It took years and years and years to build. Step by step, brick by brick.
And on a fundamental level, it is based simply on common sense! Common Sense that does not take
a mastermind to create. It is more basic than that.

I have found so many times in my life that when standing on the outside looking in, things appear
complicated. Complicated to the degree that I myself feel inferior and unqualified. But once I actually
decide to take on the task and place myself in the task, I find that it really just boils down to practical
common sense. Like Real Basic Shit! 1’s and 0’s.

So Here we are at this stage in our evolution and this phrase of “Human Ingenuity” pops up. Yet it
is deceptive, because Human Ingenuity as how it is believed to exist, never created anything. In Fact
It was a series of simple common sense steps done 1 at a time on a real basic level that anyone can
do, and that accumulated over time into a more “complex” construction.

So from this perspective Human Ingenuity is actually indicating that we as Humanity have psycho-
logically impaired ourselves, and are actually existing in a delusional state of mind. Because if one
actually look to see how things get done in this reality, It is not magical at all. Thus anyone using this
whole idea of Human Ingenuity, I suggest this is indicating that they are in fact mentally unstable
as they are not seeing how this reality is actually functioning but have succumbed to believing that
something which actually took many small basic steps through time and space to develop, actually
manifested somehow magically in one moment as a feat of Human Ingenuity.

At Desteni we are not interested in magical solutions, or should I say magical delusions. We are not
interested in this delusional idea of human ingenuity, as I have found for myself that it is much more
practical to simply focus on one step at a time, keep it simple, and to apply oneself in this way. (See:
‘Equality Equation’)

At Desteni we are proposing an Equal Money System. This System is not just going to Magically Ap-
pear one day and it will NOT be a feat of human Ingenuity. It will be a feat of basic common sense
and practical step by step application.

Desteni has already put in place the Desteni I Process. The Desteni I Process is a Educational Platform
to support the Re-education of ourselves so that we can learn and understand how to live in this
world in a way that is based on common sense and in alignment with the earth we live on. Meaning
for instance not creating a world system that is in fact Contrary to the rules and laws of this reality
where we end up driving this planet into destruction because the dollar bill has become our God in-
stead of seeing/ realizing that we have basically extracted all the sustenance from within and as this
world to inflate our money supply where we are fixated on this idea that in the end, these billions of
dollar bills or numbers on a computer screen will save us when there is literally no food, water or in-
frastructure left standing. Because we have ignored the practical aspects of what it takes to maintain
a functional sustainable system to support physical life on earth. We are now Trapped in our own
Fear and Delusion and our only Solution we can come up with in or have conditioned ourselves to
believe in our paniced state of mind is “Make More Money” “Must Find a Way to Make More Money”

At Desteni we have already begun the process of Correction. And this starts with as mentioned, Edu-
cation. In Understanding the problem, in understanding where we went wrong, how we fucked up,
why the world is the way it is, why we are the way we are, why we are destroying our planet. Basically
Who we Are as LIFE.

So at Desteni we are interested in a complete and total re-engineering of ourselves as Human Be-
ings. This makes sense because if you look around, we have really really fucked this world up and
thus required to start over, to start from scratch and create a new world. So why not start the process
now, instead of just holding onto the sinking ship.

Over the last four years I have taken on this process of re-engineering myself. In investigating myself

to see how I actually function. I have also started to investigate for instance how the money system
function, how the political system function. What kind of steps, processes and know-how will be re-
quired to facilitate the implementation of a System that support life, that do not include such points
as war, starvation, poverty but instead take ALL life into consideration and provide a platform that
supports ALL the life that exist Here on Earth Equally

This literally has required a complete deconstruction of myself and my own belief systems and struc-
tures, though which I have come to start to see my own self interest and greed. And obviously mak-
ing the next logical observation of “How am I supposed to create a world of Equality, A world that
is best for ALL, A system that is effectively functional for life, when who I am existing as is actually
based on principles of greed and self interest”
Thus it has been a process of first starting with me and supporting myself through a process of
writing, self forgiveness and self correction to learn/discover what will actually be required of me to
support the emergence of for instance such as system as an Equal Money System.
So this world does not require “Human Ingenuity”
This world does not require a revolution
Or some form of Ascension to take place in 2012.
It requires a process of consistent and step by step, breath by breath corrections that will simply take
So do not wait, Investigate Desteni and the Destonians who have begun this process of self correc-
tion so that in 15 or 20 years down the road we aren’t sitting there in dire conditions wishing we
would have acted or done something about it sooner.

Andrew Gable is a DIP Agent -

Behind the ‘Made-in-China’ goods we
Consume is the ‘Last Train Home’
Cathy Krafft

Largest Human Migration in the World

The documentary; “Last Train Home”, is the story of Chinese migrant workers – of which there are
at least 130 million.   It explores the strain of one particular Chinese family as they struggle to make
ends meet and maintain a relationship with their children, all the while enslaved to the factory where
they work. We witness the largest annual Human Migration in the World – when every year during
the Chinese New Year, at least 130 million workers return from their jobs in industrial cities for visits
to their homes and families in the countryside.

There are around 7 to 10 million new migrants who leave their villages and/or rural areas for the cit-
ies every year. The migrants arrive by bus and/or train in the cities with their possessions crammed
into nylon sacks. In the cities they live in shanty towns, dormitories or public spaces and/or some-
times their home consist of the sidewalks. The largest concentration of migrants is said to be in the
Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province, where there is an estimated 10 million migrants, including
a half million child laborers.

Migrants living area

The average migrant worker earns approximately $100 a month and at least a third of it, they send
home to family. Families with at least one migrant worker are said to almost automatically be lifted
above the poverty level of $1 a day. Some workers don’t know how much they get paid and go years
without receiving any money. They work 12 hour days, seven days a week, and receive room and
board in a cramped dormitory with daily rations of rice and noodles, with $12 a month in spending
money and money docked from their pay when they are sick.

It’s insane to see what the migrant workers endure every Chinese New Year. Where for hours upon
hours they stand in a packed train station where the likelihood of being trampled is a high possibility

as they each one wait for a ticket and the ability to return home. The train ride home is a 2 day trip,
at least and, after a week at home – they then leave to return to the factory job until the Chinese New
Year arrives again and they are once again able to take time off to go home.

Train ride

Can you imagine it – you leave for work on a Monday morning knowing full well that you’ll not be
returning home for a year!? What this means for the migrant workers is that their children are left
with family members to care for them while parents leave for a year to work and earn enough money
for them all to survive.   When parents return from their year of work they admit they don’t know how
to communicate with their children except to remind them to study hard in school, in the hopes for
them a better life than they themselves are living.

An interesting point about this documentary is the way we are not given any direction in how to
feel about what is being shown. It’s very cool in that, it’s up to us to see for ourselves the systems
that we’ve accepted and allowed to exist within our world – and the human attempt to survive them
within a world where no one seems to notice, much less care about the struggles of their fellow hu-
man being.

As I watched the insanity unfold within the carefully orchestrated madness in order for these people
to simply survive – I noticed how my mind searched for answers with questions like, ‘why don’t these
millions of people just stop’? ‘Why do they continue to exist in such a way’?

Of course, this is a question for us all to ask ourselves. And, I’m aware of how ‘stopping’ is not so easy
in our Current Money System, because we require food and water to survive. So this way of life, this
is the migrants only means of surviving, and yet in the act of surviving – who is living? The Truth is,
we are All only existing according to the rules of a pre-designed program. We are the puppets, we
are the slaves…

Last train home

According to the 2010 census, China’s “floating population” – as defined as the ‘people who live
apart from their homes’, and as defined by China’s stringent ‘hukou’ or household registration sys-
tem – was from 144 million in 2000 to 261 million in 2010.

Now, it is said to be impossible to discuss the issue of migrant workers without understanding what
exactly a ‘hukou’ is. The ‘hukou’ was introduced in the 1950s as a tool of central economic planning.  
‘Hukou’ is basically a resident permit given by the government of China. Every family has a ‘Hukou’
booklet that records information about family members, including name, birth date, relationships
with each other, marriage status, address and your employer.   It is said that the ‘hukou system’ reg-
isters every Chinese citizen according to their household origins as either town dwellers or country

Before 1980, people were required to stay at the small area they were born (where their Hukou is),
and stay there until they die. They could not move around. They could travel, but there was no access
to job, public services, education, or even food.

Strangely enough – Migration to the cities has been described as “the most effective way for reduc-
ing the birthrate” and to improve life. Improve life for who? The rich?…

And, the ‘World Bank’ has called migration “a powerful force for poverty reduction.” That’s bullshit.
If even one single living being suffers in any way, and/or dies from starvation, then there’s one to
many of us who have more than our share of the pie!

In 2005, 200 million migrants around the world sent home $167 billion. That is twice the size of the
world’s development spending, and up from $31 billion in 1990.

Reports in late 2010 were that China will reform its household registration system and relax restric-
tions on permanent residence registration, or the ‘hukou’, in towns and small and medium-sized
cities.   However, in my research, I wasn’t able to see any difference made, as things are still existing
as they’ve always existed.   Without a permanent residence registration, one is not able to receive
public services, access to job benefits, such as a pension, nor are they able to receive adequate
education for their children. An update in statistics released by the Hubei branch of the All-China
Women’s Federation, there are about 1.4 million children left behind by migrant parents seeking to
earn a living.

The fact is, behind all of the ‘Made-in-China’ goods that each of us consume around the world, (In
the United States there are $366 Billion in imports annually) are the migrant workers, of which the
Chinese economy is so heavily dependent upon for export. They are the backbone of the country,
yet they are certainly not acknowledged as being so. Without them, the economy and the wealthiest
of those within the economy simply wouldn’t be.

Again, the point here is to see how we humans are obviously pre-programmed to accept our current
world mess and comply to the rules of enslavement.

It simply doesn’t make sense to continue to support any such a system that only provides a few (the
rich) with everything while the many have very little and/or are starving to death.   Because, without
those who labor day in and day out, working and struggling only barley to survive – without their
support – there simply wouldn’t be anything here to be had by those who have it all.

When a system is broken what happens then? When the brake system stops working in our auto-
mobiles what then? We have to stop and replace them.   The common sense here is that the current
systems within our world has reached way past broken to deadly.

We have to begin first with a Solution to replace our Current Money System to one of an Equal
Money System – in that single agreement we’ve already removed deadly to one where the value of
life is according to what’s best for all life. No one is forced to separate themselves from their children
in order to provide their children with food to eat.   No one is left behind to suffer and/or die need-
lessly in the name of profit and greed. With Equal Money – we stop ‘surviving’ – we begin ‘living’, as
All as One as Equal.

Cathy Krafft is a DIP Agent -

What happens to the clairvoyants and psychics?
K. P.

Clairvoyants and psychics exist mostly todays as jobs, in which a person is trying to make money in
order to survive. So they learn and train themselves in how to act as a clairvoyant or psychic, and
then perform this act in order to get paid. Just like most of us in this current system- we had to learn
to do something that we could possibly get paid for. Thus, in the Equal Money System, jobs that
were being done just for the sake of trying to earn some money from someone by putting on an act,
or by making them think you can apparently do something for them like supposedly tell them their
future, we’ll no longer be driven to do just to try to survive, because our survival will be guaranteed
within the Equal Money System.

Most of the reason people go to psychics and pay them to ‘read their fortune’, is because they want
to know what the future holds for them- why? Because their future is not guaranteed. You’re not
guaranteed security, so it’s a mystery what’ll happen to you- and either you’re going to succeed, or
you’re going to fail. And people want to know, and so pay money to others whom they believe can
tell them. Since in an Equal Money System your future is guaranteed for your whole life until you
die, there is no mystery of how well you’ll be doing- as you’ll already know you’ll be doing the best
as can be. You’ll have all you need and access to everything necessary to have the best life possible,
thus there’ll be no worry, no fear, no concern of what one might or might not suffer in the future, like
there is now. Where if you have an accident that leaves you severely injured, you have no guarantee
you’ll get the medical attention you require, or whether you’re business that you’re in debt for is go-
ing to succeed or be a failure. None of that will be relevant as your survival and well being and access
to your needs will be secure.

Thus those with jobs as clairvoyants or psychics won’t be able to get work anymore as clairvoyants
and psychics, and they won’t need to. They can spend their time how they’d like and not having to
put on an act to try and make some money to survive. People then will come to realize that psychics
and clairvoyants aren’t real or magical or have any powers or extra abilities in any sense, as psychics
and clairvoyants will no longer to perpetuate that myth for the sake of their job security. Psychics
and clairvoyants have simply developed their ability to read patterns, something that anyone could
develop if they chose. Thus, in an Equal Money System, clairvoyants and psychics will cease to exist,
as they’ll simply no longer be relevant in any way, and no one will want to deceive others if they don’t
have to, and if there’s nothing to gain from it, since they already have everything anyway.

Will Criminals Be Locked Up? What’s
The Rehabilitation Procedure?
M. F.

The first point to understand here is that the vast majority of crime will end almost overnight with
the Equal Money System. This is simply because the vast majority of crime - such as theft, muggings,
break ins, murder and violence, mafias, prostitution, smuggling, drug dealing, poaching, counterfeit-
ing, hacking, pirates, car theft, black market activities, etc, etc - is because of the need for money /
want of money / desire to control money.

In the Equal Money System all a person’s needs - and this includes all that which makes life on Earth
pleasurable, entertaining, and fulfilling - will be provided as a basic Human Right. This is done within
the Common Sense understanding that when a Human Being is deprived the basic necessities of life,
and made to become a slave that must work to survive under threat of poverty and loss, and made
to compete with its fellow Human Being to ‘attain to’ higher qualities of life through getting more
money, all kinds of problems are created, including all of the above mentioned ‘criminal activities’.

I mean it should be obvious Common Sense that to have a system of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’, results
in the manifestation of envy, jealousy, greed, corruption, desire for power and control - because, in
the current money system where some have and some have not - the more money you have, the
better life YOU can have, and you’ll do whatever it takes to keep what you have to prevent it being
taken away by someone else who doesn’t have what YOU have. So you have a basic Human Psy-
chology that consists of ‘Desire to have’, and ‘Fear to lose what I have’ - and this applies to even the
most basic of living necessities like food and water and clothing. I mean, there are places in the world
where children fight each other for a few grains of rice or a bit of water. And - we’ve always existed
this way. We’ve never had a system where all are provided for. So for centuries the Human Being has
been programmed to behave, think, feel, and perceive itself through the eyes of the logic of ‘how to
survive and get what I need and want’, and ‘how to prevent what I need and want from being taken

The current ‘Human Nature’ found throughout the world is based on this ‘survival logic’. I mean,
we have created ‘survival of the fittest’ through accepting that we must exist within a system where
some have and some have not. We have accepted it as ‘normal’ that we must exist with the fear and
anxiety of losing what we have, and the desire and want to get what we need.

And if you have a look at all the systems of culture, family, religion - it is all fundamentally based
upon the foundation of ‘how can I survive and protect what I have’. Entire nations have been built
upon this foundation - where the more money you can get, the more power you can have - the more
dominance of the Earth you can have, and the safer you will feel. This is why people go to war - it is

for survival of the fittest - the fittest being those who have gradually become the most wealthy and
powerful people, that pass on that wealth and power generation after generation.

And since the money systems of the world do not support everyone Equally with education and liv-
ing requirements sufficient to be able to always ‘follow the rules’, you have people that ‘break the
rules’ to be able to survive and exist in this world. And I mean, they are simply doing what we are
giving them permission to do - which is to act from the starting point of getting what they need to
survive and have a life. We give permission for survival motivated crime because we ourselves accept
it as normal to only act within our own desire to survive and have a life.

The real crime is the acceptance of a system that does not from birth to death support all Equally
to have an effective and dignified Life. The real crime is to accept a system in which money can be
abused to exploit and enslave those who have less than you, in order to get more for yourself. And I
mean, crime is a behavior manifestation found in both those without education / access to the sys-
tem, and those with education / access to the system.

You have things like the mafias and insider trading and all kinds of theft and corruption taking place
in the ‘higher realms’ of the system - amongst those who already have money. And why? Because
it does not matter how much money you have, or whether or not you are able to make money ‘fol-
lowing the rules’. There will always be crime in the current system within both the upper and lower
echelons of Society because the current conditioned Human Nature is to act in Self Interest to always
get and have more for yourself through finding ways to get and control Money. I mean, in a system
where you could suffer if you lose what you have, and where you must ‘earn’ even your basic survival,
you always need money and so you will always find the fastest, easiest way to get money to survive
and have a Life.

There is no ‘respectable’, or ‘honorable’ or ‘good’ way to live in the system as it currently exists -
because the entire system is built upon a foundation of inequality as the accepted way of life on
Earth. A foundation of valuing not Life - but valuing MONEY as this magic genie that, once you get
hold of it - THEN all your dreams and wishes can come true. And the rules we have accepted is that
you must exist under threat that your survival may be taken away, through making survival and liv-
ing something that must be constantly worked and labored for - and doing what? Doing work that
benefits only those who make a profit. And if you try and get money some other way, you will be
locked up in prison and called a criminal - locked up in a small box, labeled as a defective tool and
kept in storage. But has this ever stopped crime? NOPE, NEVER. Why? Because the problem is not
the ‘criminal’ - the problem is the System. The rules of the system support the continued existence
of crime, through supporting the continued struggle for survival.

In the Equal Money System - ALL crime related to money and surviving and getting the things a Hu-
man Being requires to have a dignified, pleasant experience on Earth - will CEASE to exist. Because
having an effective and dignified life will simply be a basic Human Right for All - and the system will
be ordered in such a way that facilitates access to everything one needs to live effectively. Labor and
work will no longer exist as enslavement to those with all the money who make a profit off of your
work - we will no longer have a system where someone is able to profit off another. We will have a
system where labor and work is structured in a way that supports what is Best for All - where part of
one’s work will consist of a relatively short period of time in one’s life contributing (in the way that
you are best suited to, and that you enjoy), to the maintenance and functioning of the system in

terms of the production and upkeep of the industries that will provide us with what we need to live
an effective life. And then things like ‘careers’ will be something that you choose to do because you
would like to do it and you’ve had the time and support in your life from birth to discover what you
are good at, and what is fulfilling for you.

I mean, things like theft simply will be irrelevant because everyone will have what they need, and will
no longer exist within either the ‘desire to get and have what you need’, or the ‘fear of losing what
you have’. The entire concept of ‘haves and have nots’ will cease to exist. Because all will have. Money
will not exist as it does now - it will be more of a system to monitor Earthlings to make sure everyone
has what they need. No one will ever go hungry, no one will ever need to ne jealous or envious of
the ‘stuff’ that another person has - because everyone will have the best of everything. Things like
selling drugs, prostitution, violence committed for money - none of these things will exist at all.

Those who are currently incarcerated for money related crimes will not remain in a box - they will be
placed in dignified living arrangements and receive Psychological support so that they are able to
be free of their past behavior patterns that were based in survival. Once rehabilitated, they will par-
ticipate in the world just like everyone else. I mean, most ‘criminals’ will re-enter society fairly quickly,
as many money motivated crimes were simply committed in a moment of desperation or anger
or other emotional state shaped by the conditions the person was experiencing within the current
money system, and in the Equal Money System, the entire ‘setup’ for such crimes will no longer exist.

Criminals who have severe Psychological dysfunction that is not necessarily related to money direct-
ly, will remain removed from the general society, where they are not able to harm others. However
they will not be kept in a box - they will be given dignified living conditions in which they will receive
Those who are rehabilitated and change themselves will re-enter society. Understand that in the
Equal Money System, severe Psychological dysfunction such as deliberately harming, raping, killing
etc - will be far easier to identify and manage, as all money related ‘crimes’ will no longer exist.

There will be no tolerance of abuse. Human Beings will be supported to learn to live to the fullest
as Life, in honor of Life, respecting our Equality as Life, striving to establish and create the best pos-
sible existence for All - and this includes Animals and Nature as well. This is actually simple Common
Sense. Those who would harm others as an act of spitefulness - including all current ‘world leaders’
that will be found guilty of crimes against life such as allowing poverty and starvation and war, will
be removed from society and given support to rehabilitate themselves and change. Self Forgiveness
is the most powerful tool of change available in the Universe. We will not spite those who have com-
mitted crimes. We will not harm those who have committed crimes. We as Destonians stand as living
examples of how we as Human Beings are able to change ourselves. We come from many different
walks of life, and have proven to ourselves that we are able to transcend extensive Psychological
problems such as anger, depression, violence, jealousy, greed, deception, etc. A prominent part of
the Equal Money System will be the support available to All, to learn the Universal Self Tools of Self
Honesty and Self Forgiveness ‘built into’ each of us, so that none has to remain trapped within the
patterns of the past, the patterns of fear, desire, envy, contempt, spitefulness, greed, self interest that
are supported to exist by the current money system.

Those who refuse support, and refuse to change, and attempt to harm and abuse others in the name
of their own Self Interest will simply remain removed from society, as they have made the choice to

not participate as Life, but to disregard Life.

It is suggested to begin the process of Self Change even before the Equal Money System is estab-
lished. Courses are available through Desteni I Process, within which one will begin walking one’s
process of learning to identify and transcend all that of one’s self that has been shaped and pro-
grammed by the current money system. Call it a process of ‘Self Rehabilitation to become Life’. Be-
cause, we have always only existed as ‘survival systems’, and have never experienced a world in which
we are supported to actually discover who we really are, here in this Existence. The Equal Money
System will facilitate the rehabilitation of Humanity to become Beings who honor Life, and create
Heaven on Earth. Eventually, within the Equal Money System those who refuse to change will eventu-
ally die, and gradually the past will fade away as we emerge into a New World

2012 - The bubble about to burst:
Joana Ferreira

The distraction we currently exist as has been accumulating. How many of us is looking for answers
in signs, in apparent coincidences, in numbers, in colours, in names, in light, always somewhere out-
side oneself, without ever considering to stop such separation?

Our existence is the result of an accumulation process: the accumulation of backchat, of memories,
of beliefs, of knowledge, habits, patterns, etc. Each one is being responsible for filling the bubble
that we survive in and everything around us is the reflection of those bubbles. Consequently, if we
are tired of the way we have been existing, then the economic system, the eco-system, the family
system, the education system and the health system is also about to burst...

Let’s take the example of money. Each one of us has established a relationship with money, either we
wanted it or not. Some may have a very friendly relationship, meaning that money is always there,
without worries; for others, money is synonymous of fear, like a constant alarm ringing in one’s mind;
perhaps for others the relationship with money is a game of emotions whereby people enjoy being
on the edge and feeling the adrenaline of wining and losing it.

Over the past month I have been realising how time is compressed in what my relationship with
money is concerned. The fear of taking decisions envolving money appeared when I started to live
by my own in France. Interestingly enough, I was not aware of this constant backchat about money.
Never realised how I was manipulating my decisions based on the fear of not having money in the
future. Looking at it now, I realise that perhaps this fear was already part of me: I don’t have rich pa-
rents and the trend in Portugal is to save money. So I got used to the feeling of guilt when spending

As I was saying, time is challenging my relationships with everything and money is not an exception.
The fear of taking decisions based on the fear of not being able to earn money in the future is a
complete self-sabotage and self-dishonesty - because within this backchat I am actually saying to
myself that I am not able to take decisions that will improve my life and that I am not responsible for
my direction. By deconstructing this pattern, I see that all I have to do is to Forgive myself for having
accepted and allowed to feed such ideas about myself (as a personality), to finally change how I deal
with my own self. The truth is: I have no choice rather than taking care of myself in self-respect and
being responsible for my actions and my existence in the world. Being stable within, as without.

Emotionally speaking, I realise how I still judge myself when thinking that I bought the wrong pro-
duct, or how I still get nervous when I am about to buy something, needing to check the product

over and over again (based on the fear of making a mistake!). On these moments I am completely
of the mind, in my bubble, disregarding everyone around me...

The interesting thing I see about the relationship with money is that I must make peace with money.
Everyone’s LIFE depends on it. So why am I against money itself?

Money is like an instrument we need to play music. It makes sense to be against the current money
system, since it is not allowing everyone to have the instrument required to play the music called
Life. But once everyone gets it, than everyone will be able to play THE music, to listen to everyone’s
music and to dance the music of LIFE.

The big picture is: Life on earth is dependent on each one’s bubble and each one’s bubble is
dependent on everyone’s bubble.

Therefore, before the bubble bursts without any awarning, we can prepare ourselves by changing
the system-relationship with have with money, with life and with our own selves. As you see, there is
no choice. We will face these patterns over and over again until we transcend it, by practically chan-
ging the words we speak and then living these same words.

Until now we have been experiencing the manifested consequence of such relationship since the
starting point has been of separation. From now on, we must allow Oneness and Equality to be the
key of our existence. Once we change our starting point, we will then realise that the whole money
system requires a big transformation.

We will ALL finally live in real freedom. We will see that bubbles are no longer required. We
already breathe the same air! Have you ever challenged you own accepted “truths”? Have you ever
thought that money can be the key to support everyone equally? Give it a try. All we lose is the idea
we have about the world-as-we-know-it and about ourselves. LIFE remains.

Will Prostitutes be Free
in an Equal System?
Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Prostitutes will be Free, yes. Free from having to work within the exchange of sexual services for
money to make a living in this world. This means giving an end to one of the oldest professions
throughout human history that have been linked to other various abusive conducts and lucrative
businesses in society such as human trafficking, sexual slavery, sexual exploitation and trafficking of
children, assault, ‘passionate crimes,’ drug-dealing and illegal immigration amongst other recent ad-
ditions and ‘developments’ such as sex tourism.

Aside from the monetary aspect, we can see how Inequality between genders is also part of how
such imposition can be created toward women within a generally male-dominant society, which has
also been linked to the abusive definition that women have endured as the ‘weak/feeble sex’ that has
been reduced to a sex-object position rather than that of an equal human being.
The fact that men have had to resort to pay for sexual favors – and that women have had to cover
such ‘requirement’ in the form of monetary transaction – reveals to what extent sexuality has been
exploited in this society, leading it to become a highly profitable and taboo business based on an
expression that should be equally lived as an integral aspect of being a human living being.

Part of the less visible forms of violence and violation of any possible ‘human right’ includes selling
women into fixed marriages to preserve bloodlines, trading women for cows in some cultures, selling
women around the world while perpetuating relationships of abuse and dependence with those that
manage them – either male or female in such cases. Another one is sex trafficking or ‘sex slavery’,
which often becomes a point of no return for women that resort to, or are forced to become a part
of, criminal organizations that are created due to the gigantic profit such activity represents. It’s been
said that this business has outgrown drug trafficking itself – that says a lot about what must be dealt
with at the individual level in terms of the requirement for sexual satisfaction and how money can
‘buy it all.’

Part of the most shocking aspect nowadays is the fact that it’s not only women who are the ones
selling themselves for profit, but young girls and boys form part of this hideous business in a forced
manner. We’ve accepted and allowed sex to become such a driving force in this world that we have
accepted and allowed this ‘profession’ as part of the ‘human nature,’ hence we’re all responsible.

Throughout history, abandoned children have often been raised as prostitutes and it’s common to
have heard stories of people selling their children due to not being able to give them a dignified life,
having given them away to people that would later trade them in the slave market where they are
usually led into child prostitution, which is escalating in numbers in countries already established
within which such sex-tourism takes place. Needless to say, the country I live in has become one of

them, unfortunately, and the governor of the state I was born in practiced such hideous acts with the
whole country knowing about it, yet nothing was done due to the position of power this character
held. It’s clear how this is all linked to power schemes that are highly profitable. This is not something
‘new’ at all – in the past, people in ‘powerful positions’ have also been able to choose ‘courtesans’
and escorts to perform the same tasks a contemporary prostitute does – probably the innovation
is using young women or children for it – It’s become a ‘secret’ ‘known’ to everyone and must be
stopped at all cost.

The UN estimates that approximately 80% of human trafficking is due to prostitution, and it’s still
a growing business. From this, it’s clear to see the lack of human integrity that exists within this
industry, as there has never been actual consideration for an overall reform to benefit everyone in
the world. This includes the prostitutes who have been called ‘criminals’ due to their last-resort job
being illegal in some countries, which augments the tendency to have violations to human integrity
as well as general abuse go unnoticed due to the justice system being unable to regulate something
that’s not yet legal. How come no one dares to question ‘Why’ such ‘profession’ has to exist in the
first place?

There is also another form of prostitution where money isn’t directly involved in the beginning. It
starts in the so-called ‘sex tourism’ where a native seduces a tourist – often from a country posi-
tioned superior to the native’s – establishing a sentimental link with the ‘buyer/ lover’ who then uses
this bondage to be able to leave their native country for the tourist’s. In essence, immigration with
the proper ‘legal benefits’ has become part of the motivation for people to seek better living condi-
tions through such softened forms of prostitution.
It is quite a retrograde measure, actually, that even though it’s been one of the oldest jobs in the
world, it’s still not accepted as legal in many countries, while it is only partially accepted in others,
yet illegal in terms of the rest of the activities that are involved with the entire sex-industry of pros-
titution: from advertising, drug dealing, slave trade, brothels, public trade and illegal immigration.
Part of that has also led to the current problems around the world in terms of STDs (sexually trans-
mitted diseases) of which prostitutes are also a critical subject of infection, despite the preventive
regulations that may be conducted in some countries. The nature of how such diseases occur will be
understood once we are able to see how we create and manifest what exists in this world as a point
of support that allows us to see what type of conduct we’re accepting as ‘normal.’

While money runs the world, sex is the parallel driving force as well as the main impulse that any
human being experiences at a physical level, which then becomes part of the ‘basic needs’ that are
required to be covered within the creation of an Equal World. Prostitution is the one activity/profes-
sion that links both sex and money in one – therefore, Equal Money will represent the end of the
money-trade, and what remains will be women who are actually supported while being able to live
without having to seek for such means of survival. They will also be able to choose a partner with
whom to engage into a proper and established relationship where sexuality will never be sold again,
while living sexuality as an integral development of physical expression in self trust that will not be
tainted by any power-game and/or forced imposition as it currently exists.

Along with ending such violent and criminal activities involved with prostitution, we’ll continue to
investigate the psychological aspect that leads men to seek for sex outside of marriage/ relationship
or pay for sex as a way out of having to establish proper relationships with another human being
based on mutual consent and agreement without any ‘money’ in between. This is so to effectively

prevent such patterns from continuing as part of the habitual ways that men specifically may often
engage in to satisfy sexual needs.

Prostitution is also a synonym of the largest slave trade in history, and the only reason why it might
decrease in some countries is due to the availability of non-commercial and non-marital sex in so-
called ‘open minded societies,’ while nevertheless morphing into further societal malfunctions and
irresponsible patterns such as ‘one night stands’ that also fail to measure the consequences of such
pervasive activities in our current society.
We’ve discussed how sexuality must become part of the basic education for every human being,
beginning with the most physical aspects at an early age wherein sexuality will never be a taboo
again, or be equated to something impure or prohibited as something that cannot be openly dis-
cussed. We’ve already seen the result of what happens when something is prohibited, banned and
turned into a ‘mystery.’ When proper information and education is suppressed in this area, it devi-
ates into conduct that is often led to create all types of paraphilias linked to violence against women,
including power-fixes such as murder relating to psychological self-abusive patterns wherein certain
traumas are linked to a self-believed dysfunction that is created and developed due to this apparent
inability to express and live an open and clear sexuality within their world, as well as other life experi-
ences that will be walked through with each person as part of the self support that will be available
for everyone through a process of self forgiveness and self correction.

We cannot really talk about an equal world without looking at this growing business wherein it’s
become one of the ‘easiest’ ways for women to support themselves, and often their children as well,
while they should be supported by the system they live in.
Therefore, part of the process of self-realization in an Equal Money System is to see how we’ve ac-
cepted these professions to exist based solely on money, along with the satisfaction of a physical as-
pect that should be lived as self-expression, rather than as a criminal activity that one has to pay for.

If we subtract money from the equation and add the proper information/ education on sexuality and
how it can be an actual key to live in the physical world, then what will remain is simply an under-
standing within human beings of how to establish proper conditions to explore and develop their
sexuality. All power games and abuse linked to physical encounters will cease to exist.

Marlen Vargas Del Razo is a DIP Agent -

About Desteni
What is Desteni?

Desteni is a group of people whose pas-

sion and profession is to work together on
solutions for the world. Quickly a dedicated
community emerged around Desteni and
together Desteni and its community have
produced and released 10 000 (and count-
ing) free videos and published countless
articles and blog posts on subjects ranging
from personal relationships, money, sexu-
ality, the mind, spirituality, the world and
how to identify and take on the problems
and issues presented within each topic.

Desteni has its own Social Network called, and has branched out its
community to various internet platforms
such as Facebook, video sharing sites such
as Youtube and has its own Leadership De-
velopment Forum for members who have
made it their life goal to developing solu-
tions for the world.

Below are the various projects and interests that the Destonians established with combined effort of
people all around the world:

Equal Life Foundation:

The main object for which the Company is formed is to undertake research and education in the ar-
eas of leadership skills development, psychology, food production and management, environmental
studies, educational curriculum software development, equal economic remodeling, global warming
solutions, group behaviour, and other areas related to the promotion and establishment of equal
rights on a global scale.

Destonians social Network is a social network focused on bring-

ing practical change to the world through its mem-
bers becoming effective, considerate and responsible
human beings. Members focus on investigating the
world we live in, how it functions and operates. What
it is that drives human beings each day. What are the
motivations, reasons and starting points for how we
exist within this world. Through this research practical
solutions are created, shared and applied by anyone
who is interested.

Desteni Wiki

Desteni Wiki contains material that will support one within and
through all aspects of life, ranging from understanding and being
able to direct one’s feelings, emotions, thoughts, relationships,
beliefs, society to world structures.

This is a one-of-a-kind resource presenting research and prac-

tical solutions to personal as well as global problems. The focus
is on wholeness, completeness and practicality of the solutions
and their implementation.

Desteni I Process

The Desteni I Process (short DIP) is a life

coaching training program designed af-
ter years of research and investigation.

This course has been developed for

people that are looking for education
that is not available at schools and
universities. This is a journey into the
deepest core of the human being as
it currently exists. You’ll learn how and
why you think, experience emotions
and feelings, make decisions and how
to align it all so that you’re in charge of
your life.

In general, through the DIP, one is learn-

ing and applying tools to remove self
doubts, overcome one’s limitations and
master introspection. In doing so, one is
able to expand one’s abilities and skills
to become an effective human being
within this world as it currently exists.

DIP is a system to not only assist and

support yourself through seeing who
and what you are,but it’s also a way to
make a monthly income through assist-
ing and supporting others to do exactly
the same – see and change themselves.

We provide coaching and mentoring to

help people attain financial freedom and live a better life.

Within the simple equation of 1+1=2, the DIP participants, slowly but surely stand as an example for
others as they are proving that real change is possible.

For more information visit The Official Desteni I Process Website

DIP participant testimonies:

“ When I first found out about self-forgiveness I thought it will be very easy to let go
of all the mind and behavior patterns that I limit myself with, but I soon realized that I
don’t understand how I created them at all. DIP gave me a really simple step-by-step
tools for correcting my patterns and with each lesson I understand more how my mind
works and how I created it. It is really amazing to learn how to be self honest and in this
explore self and realize self because with every removed mind limitation, I get more
relaxed, self-confident and aware of me as life here. The buddy system is also great as I
can always ask for help or extra explanation if I get stuck. Plus, everyone has an oppor-
tunity to build an income by helping others in the DIP. This course really gave me the
most effective tools for understanding self as how I became what I am now and how I
can change myself and improve my Life in a way that is best for all. There is simply no
other course I know of that would offer such a great support for self, nothing comes

even close.

Blaž Cegnar

“ The DIP course is pure awesomeness. The DIP course is assisting me to work
through patterns of limitations I created within my mind as thoughts/feelings/emo-
tions. The DIP course has assisted and supported me to realise my unlimmited po-
tential and is enhancing the quality of my life as I become the point of stability as
oneness and equality, no more fluctuating in energies as positive or negative reac-
tions. The DIP course is a golden platter of assistance and support in all ways that
are best. I am grateful for the DIP course. Having a buddy to support me as I walk
through the DIP course material is cool support that assists and supports pure awe-

someness in always. The DIP course is pure Awesomeness. Thank you DIP course.

M. M.

“ Within Desteni I Process online program I realized how deeply in our subconscious and
unconscious mind layers is rooted the cause for the evil in this world. However with
simple and structured tools for analyzing and removal of all points of separation I have
found that it is possible to change, slowly but surely, and become a being that sup-
ports all life as one and equal. Self change within is a must in order to change the world
system and stop all abuse in this world. Thus I invite everybody to join and stand up
for life as one big global group that will in time gain enough power to bring necessary
changes and manifest heaven on earth for all.

V. R. ”
DIP Sponsorship program –
We have a sponsorship Program for those individuals who are unable to make the monthly
course payment and yet, shown serious self dedication and willingness to change through
self support within bloging and vloging.

For information visit -

Equal Money Website

The Equal Money Website is
where Desteni publishes faq,
articles,videos,blogs and news on book
publications in relation to the Equal
Money System. The Equal Money Sys-
tem is Desteni’s response as a solution
for our current dysfunctional world eco-
nomic and monetary system. The EMS
is based upon fundamental principles
which are in alignment with basic Hu-
man Rights and Respect for all Life. To
find out more about the Equal Mon-
ey System, visit the website at http://.

Equal Money Forum –

The Equal Money Forum is the platform

of discussion and dialogue concerning
the Equal Money Solution. Here you can introduce yourself, discuss the material, share how money
has affected you, ask questions and publish any research you may have done on a particular topic.
See what books and movies people recommend for educational purposes and share your own.

Visit -

Have you voted yet?

Have a look at the Equal Money System Policies and place your Vote and be part of the
Research and Development in creating a world that values all Life.

Equal Life Store –
Check out our latest books:

Equal Money - Future of Money - Volume 1

Equal Money is an approach that has been for-
mulated in response to the humans proven in-
ability to take care of life on earth in all its forms.
Taking into consideration the state of the world
as it currently exists where war, abuse, exploi-
tation of resources and survival of the fittest is
accepted as human nature. The redesigning of
this nature has become the pivotal point that
will decide the future of the human race.

To educate yourself and understand the science

and mathematics of Equal Money is vital as the
simplicity of this new financial system will as-
tound you.

In this first volume you will be introduced to

a different way of thinking that will challenge
you. A few questions will be relevant to consider
within your reaction:

• Are you free enough within your self-defini-

tion to consider an answer for the world that
is in conflict with all the accepted paradigms
of human history?

• Are you aware of the urgency that is necessary in finding a new way to deal with the earth’s

• Would you agree with us as a starting point, that life has intrinsic value, that has not been affec-
tively protected and given opportunity to explore itself within a system that gives so abundantly?

This Volume is just a start and will not answer all your questions. There is a forum where you can ask
your questions. There will be many more volumes as the dimensions of life on earth is varied and the
variety must be considered in exploring what man can become, when what’s best for all becomes
a birth right. There are many videos that give guidelines as to how the Equal Money as a system is
envisaged to function.

We have made a commitment to ourselves as life to find and define a new system that functions
practically in a way that is best for all from birth to death. We invite you to participate in this grand
new journey.
Freedom Blogs - The birth of Practivism - Volume 1
Freedom Blogs Volume 1 is the first vol-
ume within the ‘Blog-Book’ series.

The ‘Blog-Book’ series contains examples

of practical living written by Destonians. It
is a hand-in-hand walk through the pro-
cess of Self-Change.

While reading, you will have a glimpse of

how someone walking the Desteni Pro-
cess, assists and supports self through liv-
ing Self-Forgiveness and Self-Honesty, to
change self to walk in principles that are
best for all living beings. You will find prac-
tical examples in facing self as the mind,
through self-introspection and self-direc-
tion to stop and change self as the living


• Fearing the Living Dead - Me

• The Name of my Game
• I can Run but I cannot Hide
• Funerals and Corpses
• The Family Unit
• Labels, Medicine & Pharmaceutics vs
• Morning or Mourning
• The Polar-I-Tree
• Defining Self
• Meditation - Medication
• Philosophy is Useless
• and many more on 172 pages...


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