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Interviews from the Desteni Farm, Copyright © by Equal Life Foundation, South Africa, All rights reserved.
Book design and layout by: Leila Zamora Moreno
Compiler: Rozelle de Lange
Cover designed by: Leila Zamora Moreno, Rozelle de Lange

Featured artwork by: Leila Zamora Moreno, Marlen Vargas Del Razo, Rozelle de Lange
The content of this book is compiled through the transcriptions of recordings done
on the Desteni Farm.
This book is not intended as a substitute for the advice of health care practitioners
or physicians
Neither the publisher nor the individual author shall be liable for any physical,
psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not
limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. You are responsible
for your own choices, actions, and results.
The material within this book may not be reproduced, shared or transmitted in any
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of the author.

2012 Equal Life Foundation

Table of Contents

1. Man as Demon...........................................................................................................11
2. Change and Evolution...............................................................................................13
3. In the Image and Likeness of God...........................................................................16
4. Meeting Your Maker..................................................................................................19
5. Energy and Illusion as Quantum Reality as the Future........................................24
6. Possessions and Suppressions..................................................................................30
7. The End of Self-Awareness.......................................................................................33
8. God and Ascension....................................................................................................47
9. Masturbation - Keep it Between Your Dick and Your Hand................................56
10. Zero Point and Other Points....................................................................................76
11. Why Are We Here on Earth...................................................................................102
12. FEMA Coffins, Viruses and the Super-Bug..........................................................116
13. One Word That Binds Us All..................................................................................118
14. Bubbles - The Theory of Everything......................................................................128
15. The Real God Creating Diseases............................................................................140
16. Discovering Heavens...............................................................................................150
17. Specialization............................................................................................................164
18. The Physical NOW and Money..............................................................................169
19. Astrology...................................................................................................................176
20. A MicroChip Solution for Human Honesty.........................................................182
21. Substance and the Structural Resonance - Man Know Thyself.........................194
22. Talking Andrea and Portal Authentication..........................................................199
23. The Age of Knowledge - The Point of Consciousness..........................................203
24. The Atomic Universe...............................................................................................220
25. Hollywood Secrets...................................................................................................227
26. The Compassion of the 'Light' - Compassion in Action.....................................235
27. Children Die for the Sins of Men..........................................................................239
28. Love is Mind-Control.............................................................................................242
29. Matter and the Future of Earth..............................................................................256
30. The Beast is Here.....................................................................................................279
31. God Fear the Beast..................................................................................................284
32. DemoNS(are)Craz(c)y - (Democracy).................................................................287
33. As the Time of the Beast Arrives, the Time of God Ends...................................291
34. Social Equality..........................................................................................................294
35. Interview with Rapport Newspaper in English (Part 8-9).................................296
36. Gangs That Rule the World....................................................................................315
37. Love is Equality........................................................................................................320
38. Special Feelings........................................................................................................321
39. 'Free Wheelers'.........................................................................................................334
40. The Process of Self-Willed Equals.........................................................................337
41. Love is Currency......................................................................................................342
42. The Secret Knowledge of God...............................................................................345
43. The Fall of God........................................................................................................348
44. Masturbation & Ascension - Give Yourself a Helping Hand to Heaven..........360
45. Holographic Diseases..............................................................................................364
46. Pre-programmed Racism.......................................................................................365
47. Sexual Pleasure........................................................................................................366
48. Absolute 'Free Will' and the Future.......................................................................367
49. Having Equality is the Kingdom of Heaven.........................................................368
50. Why You Can Trust the Physical...........................................................................369
51. SRA and the One-Dimensional Human...............................................................371
52. FaceWorld - Facing the Inner Spirit of Man........................................................372
53. Spiritual Flat People in a Round World................................................................375
54. TechnoJesus Arriving Soon on His U.F.O!...........................................................376
55. Sacred Geometry of the Divine Man as Singularity............................................378
56. The Gauntlet of the Living Word...........................................................................380
57. The Law of Karma...................................................................................................384
58. Judgement Day - Every Day...................................................................................387
59. True Face of the World and the SRA.....................................................................390
60. Candida and Self-Abuse.........................................................................................394
61. The Resonant Seed..................................................................................................400
62. Resonant Demonic Possession in Relationships.................................................412
63. Energy and Science.................................................................................................420
64. Enlightenment Explained.......................................................................................422
65. Wisdom of the Observer with Mythomania........................................................424
66. When is Silence Real...............................................................................................426
67. Game Theory of the Gods on the Road to Freedom...........................................427
68. Past Time-Line Resonant Correction...................................................................429
69. Participation in Reality is Never an Observation................................................436
70. The Hidden Face of Sexuality.................................................................................444
71. Illusionists use Love with Great Effect..................................................................445
72. Desteni & War..........................................................................................................449
73. The Physical Universe.............................................................................................450
74. The Prodigal Son.....................................................................................................452
75. The Temptation of Jesus by Satan..........................................................................456
76. Spiritual Exchange-Rates and Conversion...........................................................459
77. Equal Money 101 – Jesus Returns as a Communist............................................461
78. Equal Money 101 – Predictions of Economic Changes.....................................462
79. Bible 101 – Using the Name of God......................................................................467
80. Collapse of the Money System...............................................................................469
81. One-‘Choice’ – The Only-‘Choice’..........................................................................470
82. Desteni Truths in Discussion on the Farm...........................................................471
83. Education for Life Give You the Cutting-Edge....................................................473
84. Neuro-Linguistic Enslavement..............................................................................477
85. This is Your Last Life...............................................................................................479
86. The Quantum Mind and The Number of God.....................................................481
87. Radical Self-Trust....................................................................................................490
88. Masonic Master Secret of God and the Elite........................................................491
89. The Sun Project........................................................................................................493
90. The Concrete Jungle................................................................................................496
91. Psychics and Channellers Structural Resonance Alignment Support..............502
92. The 8 Stages of Process............................................................................................507
93. I am that I AM Reality Consciousness...................................................................511
94. Principle & Personality............................................................................................513
95. Conspiracy of the Pyramids as Game Theory......................................................516
96. The Eye of the Pyramid is the Key to Self............................................................519
97. The Soul and the Resonance..................................................................................522

About Desteni..........................................................................................................526

The following interviews were conducted by Bernard Poolman at the Desteni
Farm in South Africa from the end of 2008 to June 2010. Included also are
group discussions and a newspaper interview done with the participation of
some members of the community of Desteni. The topics are wide ranging,
covering many points such as the nature of self, forgiveness, God, con-
sciousness, the mind, astrology, spirituality, the current capitalistic monetary
system, sex, relationships, love, self-responsibility, plus much more. Herein
the reader will discover many fascinating, profound insights that one may
not have considered before, which give one a clear understanding of how
this world and ourselves currently operate and exist as, while also provid-
ing real, practical solutions to the problems and issues we face both in this
world and in our own lives.

"BREATH will carry you through the onslaught. Self-honesty will make sure
you accumulate self-integrity; self-forgiveness will make sure you do not
fall into the trap of feelings. Common-sense with the equality equation will
make sure you question the relationships of things to the point where you
understand how it was created and how you can recreate it in a way that is
best for all." ~ Bernard Poolman

"Get to know more about what it means to be truly free - free from the
voice in the head that has been programmed into you to make you a good
consumer-slave - so that you can see, if you are free from the voice, there
is another voice you've missed, that is the voice of life. Now it is time to
reconnect and to interconnect and to become truly one and equal as life - at
Desteni." ~ Bernard Poolman
1: Man as Demon
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

Okay, so, there is a tic that has just bitten Gabriël on the right ass while we were talking
shit about heaven and shit about earth.
So, at the moment we are at talking shit about earth and our subject is Viktor, the Victori-
ous… with his primary desire of fame, which is the primary desire of everyone else.

What is certain?

If you can change, you are not real.

What is a demon?

A demon is: if you are less than a man.

What is a man?

A man is someone that considers all life at all times, equal and one and live as life.

Men don’t do that. Men live as systems; systems of money, systems of sex, systems of sur-
vival, systems of uncertainty, systems of excuses, systems of acceptances of limitations.

Men live as systems, men has abdicated their own self-responsibility to its life to systems
– like systems of government, education systems, money systems, transportation systems,
feeding systems –all systems that are running under the guise of apparently supporting
man. It is called the eco-system with no me, the eco-no-me, the eco-system where there is
no life.

I mean, if you have a system what’s name is already ‘eco-no-me’, economy, which is the
ultimate con obviously – then immediately ask the question: What am I doing? What the
fuck is going on? Because, I am supporting life with something that is not life, not equal
and one – so everything is going to be a fuck up.

(Gabriël asks a question: Is the money system then a parasite?)

But money is nothing but the value you give it, you cannot personify money, you cannot
give money a personality, because that personality will not move by itself.
You have to observe in this world: what is the functional movement that happens and you
will notice a fascinating thing: all movements of all events of all play-outs in this reality
works by personality.

You have only various grades of personalities, you have system personalities that you can
call entities.

Have a look, if you take for instance a policeman. If you would know the policeman,
when the policeman is at home he will be one person, the moment they put on their po-
lice clothes and they go into the police system to act as a policeman they become an entity
and they immediately start acting differently – they’re immediately a different person.

That would be now the policeman entity. They will immediately have more power over
other personalities, so they are like suddenly gods.

And accordingly they will act – they will change, they will become someone you don’t
know anymore, but somebody you expect to be there to protect you from all the other

I mean, because remember, it’s all the other people you don’t know who is specific that is
somewhere going to harm you and that is going to come for you; all the other people are
the ones that you fear.

You don’t know who specifically, but it’s just a random fear. It’s always there. I mean, you
simply cannot trust anyone else, because – why can you not trust anyone else?

Because you cannot trust yourself, because exactly the things you fear in another are the
things you do.

That is why nobody steps beyond the bounds of their fears, because their fears are unde-
fined based in another human being that is unpredictable.

12 And with all that undefined, unpredictable shit, I mean, earth is in big shit.
2: Change and Evolution
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

So, as we are talking shit about earth here and we are talking shit about heaven, I mean,
let’s look at Viktor…

Everything that is a limitation, everything that you cannot see as who you are, means that
you are going to have to change.

When you change, have a look at what happens: you become a new person. If that hap-
pens, isn’t it common sense then, that who you are now is not real?

Why are you defending who you are now? Why does it become an energetic event? Why
do you profess that energy is what defines you, when you can already see in the simple
things and simple ways that energy transfers, that energy per say is not permanent in its

The nature of energy is to transform and move from one point to another point through
an event.

Let’s take compressed energy like wood; you burn the wood, you know you can talk to the
wood, it actually speaks. Even after the tree is chopped you can speak to the wood.

And when you put the wood in to burn it, the wood says thank you for placing me so
beautifully and then the wood burns and then you can talk to the ash.

And I mean, it has given its energy up as heat, but have a look it doesn’t stay as heat, it
changed again. So, because it changed its not real. And I mean, where does that energy go?
To the ash? To the atmosphere?

It dissipates. Or does it return to its source, the earth?

Have a look, everything that you can touch, it’s from the earth, even the air you breathe,
because you can touch it, isn’t it. It can touch you, it comes from the earth. Without the
earth you would not be here.

Have a look, though, that all the knowledge you have does not come from the earth. That
comes from your personalities and your entities; and your personalities are given to you by
those that teach you, in the interest of the system.

What is the primary things you are taught? It is the language, the way to speak, the way to
participate in the eco-no-me, the economy, which has become such an entity; it’s running
totally free, just based on the whimsical moods of the human that is participating.
Now imagine that a premise exists that apparently the market forces are free.

The money doesn’t move, or the purchase prices on shares do not move by market forces,
it is people that make the decisions.

I mean, no money ever moves without a person making a decision. No share price ever
moves or falls or goes up without somebody selling or buying that share accordingly.

There is no market force. It’s all bullshit. It’s like religion, I mean (Darryl: it’s a theory). It’s
a theory.

It’s like a religion. I mean, there is a theory that Jesus apparently ascended to heaven, that
apparently he transcended death and that he is now in heaven. But I mean; everybody
aspires to go to heaven and then they die.

Does it mean that because they didn’t ascend that they will not go to heaven because they
had to do it the same way as Jesus did? If that is so, then only Jesus is in heaven – he is
fucking alone for 2000 years already, isn’t it?

Because – doesn’t it imply that if you have to live forever, that you have to transcend the
physical, that you have to wake up after three days and show yourself to the world and
say: “Okay, I am still alive,” and then you fuck off into a place somewhere where you’re
alone waiting for everybody else while they fuck around in the darkness of this reality
which is all lighted up isn’t it? I mean…

But you are still in the darkness of your mind, the darkness of your fears, the darkness of
your limitations.

Have a look, if you can change, you’re limited.

If you fear, you are limited – not only that; you are possessed, because that which you
own, that which you define yourself as, that ownership is your possession. You are pos-
sessed by your self-definition.
But have a look, if you have walked this earth for a little while you will notice a curious
thing: your self-definition change in time through experience.

So, you are evolving.

Are you really evolving? No, you are only getting better at lying at yourself – that’s evo-
lution. I mean, you put up another picture so you can feel better about the shit you are
allowing, you’re evolving in your way of lying and deception.

Evolution in its primary way is basically experience though religion. I mean, you move
through your religious beliefs as a form of evolution where you are apparently getting
closer to God.

Not true, you are getting more and more blind and unable to see what is really going on,
on earth.

You’re forgetting about everyone else who is suffering and you go into your self-interest for
your own survival, hoping to be able to, like Jesus, ascend.

Everyone has a primary insert to at some way to become Jesus Christ incarnate.

So, that idea comes up in your mind and then you look at yourself and you see yourself
as unable to do it and then immediately Jesus is exalted and you are his follower and then
you act all in the name of Jesus.
3: In the Image and Likeness of God
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

But again – if you have fears, you are possessed by those fears. Did you know? That is a
demon possession. What is a demon? A demon is: to be less than man, because – let’s take
just the basic principle that man is created, if we would take that premise.

Man is created, you know; mom and dad had sex, two little, small both useable things
that you need a microscope to see it with, you know, got together and suddenly started

And out of that multiplicity came the form that is here today. And then you had people
around you that went the same way, but you came from them, I mean; there was an inter-
action of two beings that caused you to become into form.

And then they teach you by programming you who the fuck you are and they keep on go-
ing, and they say to you: “mommy, mommy, mommy” until you say: “mommy’ and then
it is “daddy, daddy, daddy” until you say: “daddy” – and then they continue like that until
you say all the things they want you to say.

I mean, and you can’t remember at what point you starting saying ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’,
you can’t remember all the things they taught you because you become it.

I mean, so you are truly a product of creation. You are created, and those responsible for
it, you know them directly; they’re your father, your mother and your peers. I mean, they
have created you. You are thus created.

Now, and you’re in the image and likeness of your creator, which is: equal and one to your
mom and dad and therefore you become your mom and your dad.

But imagine if God would be teaching you, what would God teach you?
So, if your mom and dad would stand equal and one as God and teach you, would you
then be God? Hm?

I mean, the same way, God comes to you and says: “God, God, God”, I mean; teach you
all the stuff of God.

(Adele: “It appears to be a label”)

It appears to be, but I mean, your limitation is linked to the example you had. If God
gives you all the examples of God, I mean, if that is what you see…
Have a look, an interesting life to study is the life of Osho. Osho was created in his forma-
tive years when he was a young child through the influence of especially his grandmother.

That’s why he questioned so many things and that laid the foundation for the life of Osho.
If that didn’t happen Osho would not have existed.

(Q: not audible)

You must study it, same as me. Study Osho’s life, study the lives of those that have made a
difference in this world and you will find the points that made the change possible, until
the being gets to the point where they don’t change any more, then they have an ultimate

But understand that according to the… I have to cough there because you can’t speak
these words without a freaky sense of eeriness, I mean, when you read the fuckin’ holy
books, they are making certain suggestions and they are making statements in those books
– and here I am saying ‘they’ because there has been many authors – they are making cer-
tain statements in those books that imply that man is the image and likeness of God.

I mean – what does that really mean… the image and likeliness of God?

What is an image and likeness? An image is the form, is the imagery. What is the likeness?
The sameness, isn’t it?

(Darryl: “Image is a visual representation of…”)

… of God.

I mean, so God looks like man, and then ‘likeness’ is that man can do the same shit as
God. Okay, so what does that imply?

(Darryl: “the same thing”)

That man equals God as an image and likeness, isn’t it?

So, if you are less than man it means you are less than God isn’t it. Then you are de-
manned isn’t it, which is a demon.

So, the moment you are less than God, you are a de-man, you are a demon, because you
are less than man. Therefore you are less than God.

So, therefore all people are demons by definition of the bible.

And that’s why everybody fear each other, isn’t it – because demons fear each other, be-
cause they fear the atrocities that they can do to each other. Who does atrocities?

So, why are groupings formed called churches? Because you are hurting. Churches are for
hurts – it’s specific; you have enough pain, you go there to have a group to protect yourself
against all the other demons, which is man.

And you pray to God that somehow he must save you from your demonic existence.

Earth is an existence of demons. How do you know that practically?

Go and look at the old people just before they die, you’ll see: they look like demons.

Have you looked? But nooo, you don’t want to look because you are going to end up like

Have a look, old people in the old days looked like demons and you know what we do?
We push that into the face of our children the moment they are born. And immediately
the image and likeness of a demon is imprinted because we honour our old people – they
prepared the world in the way that it is now and they are so special. And – we do it in the
name of love…

By the time the person is old their functional programs are dysfunctional.

Our fear of death is so extreme that we will not see what is here.

The physical body has been sucked dry by the system, by the system of apparently living.
That’s why people look the way they do when they get old; they are sucked dry, wrinkled.

But we don’t look at that. I mean, demons are things that you cannot see, really?

Can you see your fears? You can’t – your fears are unseen and undefined.

So, how come it’s so real? How come you hang onto that which you cannot see and you
give it power. But can you feel God? No.
So, that means – what is more powerful in this reality: God or fear?

4: Meeting your Maker
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

Have a look at Christians it’s fascinating because they are some of the best examples in the
world. They theorize their religions.

“Love thy neighbour like thyself, but if my neighbour is Muslim, he’s in shit.” So, now
you are disregarding the base laws of your belief system. 19

You’re invalidating your own existence, but you’re still doing it. You’re still believing and
you’re standing up. Why are you then believing? Why is a Christian a Christian?

Not because of love, because of fear – you are fearing your ass off – what is going to hap-
pen to you for all the shit that you have already done and all the lies that you told and all
the people that you hurt?

And you hope by Jesus’ forgiveness you would be clear from your apparent dishonest and
your apparent inability to be disciplined and honouring life.

So, I have some sad news for you, you know, we did meet Jesus – he is a real fucker. Un-
fortunately I didn’t always know that, I wasn’t always certain, until I met the fucker, and
he’s a normal being like everyone else.

I have sad news for you: your sins will not be washed away.

Synchronistically – which is a chronicle sin, when sin is chronicle, it’s sin-chronicity – so,
in synchronicity you will equal and one become what you have done to another, I mean,
which is the law of Jesus explained simply:

“Don’t do unto another what you don’t want them done to you” – which implies in it’s
every nature that what you do to another, you will experience. So, that is synchronicity,
that is, equality and oneness is synchronicity.

Be careful of synchronicity because it traps you, which is actually you trapping yourself
into your beliefs, you trapping yourself equal and one to what you allow. So, therefore if
you fear your neighbour, what does that mean if your neighbour fears you?

Eventually you’re going to end up in a war, killing each other, destroying each other, de-
ceiving each other, hurting each other.

But we don’t notice as long as we have money obviously, that is the nice thing. The best
medicine for not feeling shit in this world: is money.
Because when you have money, you feel good, you can buy shit as much as you like, I
mean, make sure you take the shit to heaven because in heaven you have a little problem.

In heaven your problem is: you don’t have money anymore, you don’t have status any-

You have nowhere to hide. I mean, your first fucking meeting in heaven and I mean, there
where the shit hits the fan – the shit hits the fan in heaven, because the moment you fuck-
ing die, you meet your maker. What is your maker? All your thoughts.
So, immediately the first thing you have to take care of and face is all the thoughts you
have ever had because from that you have made yourself. So, you meet your maker.

Obviously you have those stupid enough to say: “Oh bullshit, come on, you can’t really be

No, I am not serious, Sirius is a star somewhere, it even gets hijacked here as a ship – but a
serious star, no, I am not serious. It’s obvious common sense, I mean, you don’t have to be
fucking Einstein to work this one out.

Your thoughts – have a look, it’s constructed, your belief system – before you make a deci-
sion you think about it, you come to a conclusion, you decide how to construct it, what
you’re going to believe.

Look at your personalities, they’re all thought-based, look at your actions, look at all the
decisions that you have made though out your life. Everything you’ve done throughout
your life is thought-based.

So, thought is your maker, and if you look at the sound of the word ‘though’t it sounds
like ‘got-god’, you know like ‘Thor’ in the old days, but it’s ‘thought’. So, the first thing
you do when you die is meet your maker.

You don’t meet Jamaica, you meet your maker. I mean, you probably wish it was from
Jamaica on the beach… but it is your maker.

And all I suggest is that it is possible to meet your maker right now, right this life, and
actually have a look at how you have created yourself. And stop blaming others for it, and
stop hoping that somebody is going to save your ass from it.

And for that you need a thing that nobody really wants, because apparently that is what
makes you weak. You need a thing called self-honesty, you have to be self-honest in what
is going on in your thoughts.

Because if you are not self honest in that you are fucked for this life, I mean, it’s that sim-
ple – you will never become real, you will never be able to see what is real.
If you have to make up your mind based on thoughts about what is real in creation, I
mean, isn’t that already questionable, you are unable to even direct your thoughts and you
believe your thoughts to be that which tell you what is real… Come on!

Your thoughts are stuck in your head. What the fuck does it know about Pleaidians? “Oh
there’s a voice in my head”… that’s a serious fucking thing. I mean, telepathy, “tell me a

Is that apathy? No sorry, tele-pathy is a form of apathy isn’t it? No, it’s ‘tell me a path’.
What is the apathy? “I don’t want to take responsibly of my own thoughts, someone must
tell me what it is, so I create that entity”.

Communication with ‘other aliens’, channels, shit like that, that is not real – these people
practice for years through meditation to do this shit properly.

In that time they construct the entity through thoughts, because they have all the good
thoughts all the time until the good thoughts become a real being which is an entity that

After all, your thoughts are your maker. Don’t you think you can make other things as
well, that possess you? That is how you make them. Then it speaks to you.

Those that really do some research must go back many years now, with all the channels
from aliens and from angels and shit like that – they all speak the same shit…

But they never give you a practical solution on how to live and you never change your
ways and you never make a difference in this world to live practically for all right here,
right now.

It’s all about what will come one day and you believe those angles to be real and you will
see them! I mean, you have created them, they’re in your mind! You are seeing with your
mind! You’re not seeing with anything else.

It’s going to speak to you because, I mean, you listen to your thoughts and you even speak
to yourself in your mind, I mean, that’s different personalities speaking to each other – so,
you’ll say:

“I wonder – what should I do?”

and then a thought will come up: “ Do this”,

and you say: “Yes, I’ll do that”.

What does that mean! There is more than one in you! Hohoho… spooky… You’re pretty
fucked. So, that means, when you die you are going to have to meet several of your mak-
ers, not just one.

Oh I have 5 minds, 20 personalities and now I have to deal with all of that to find out
‘who the fuck am I?’

5: Energy and Illusion as
Quantum Reality as the Future
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

16 Dec 09

OK so let’s look at the situation around energy.

What has caused our problem within the context of our existence?
In the very beginning, we emerged from the physical universe. From that which was, call
it ‘manifest’ – that which was here. So the physical universe. In our emergence from it, we
were in a way like an energetic impulse that came from it.

So in the beginning, they will explain to you, for instance if you look at and you study
the races that is here in the universe – how everyone emerged from the planets. And then
when you died, you returned to the planet.

For instance, when we found Anu – well, all the beings in heaven – we started going back:
we were looking at the forefathers of Anu. We found them in the planets.
They existed as an imprint, as the history of the movement of the energetics. Because en-
ergy always changes form but it’s always the same energy. So, dimensionally, it will have a
different imprint. When you for instance now eat food, the food that you’re eating is com-
ing, say, from the plant, but that plant has derived its energy from the shit that was placed
back into the earth, and thus it’s the same energy –it’s just another dimension of it. Which
is how your multidimensionality operates in a physical way.

So if you really go back at any singular point in the physical reality, you will be able to
find all its dimensions – that means that which it has existed as before – which is your
quantum reality as you experience it as a physical reality and as you assess how it has pro-
gressed through what you call time – but it was simply its functionality within a sequential
process of eternal existence, where it simply changes form from energy to energy.
Which means it changes substance, it changes its nature from one form to another form.
But you can go back within that and actually trace back its origin.

That means: Where does it come from and how did it move – which is similar to past lives
and one’s existence throughout time. This ‘time’ though is not really measured as anything
else than the sequential change/transformation of the energy (energy=that which was its

Within that we became aware. We became an energy of the energy.

In that awareness we created a mind.

That mind was basically our attempt to understand our existence within this emergence
from what is here. Everything was always fine because, from a certain perspective, if you
have managed, or, directed it within the interest of all, there was no conflict, there was no
friction necessary, because the energy was simplistically transforming within the relation-
ships that was existent.

The relationships that was existent was within its definition of and as the form it has, that 25
is then taken apart and it releases energy – which is fusion, for instance, or combustion
for instance. We all existed within a reality that you could call quanta, a quantum reality,
where everything in a way was immediate, yet we would experience ourselves within the
sequence of our expression.

Within that emerged a process of abuse. A process of, where some noticed that they could
form a point of view about something and that their point of view, which you could call
an opinion, was worth more than another’s point of view.
Within that point of view, a friction developed between two points of view. The friction
between those two points of view, which are now a manifestation of another dimension of
the same energy where it comes from, which has become individualized and separate from
the total movement of the physical energy within which all existed. Within that contex-
tual relationship that was created, a friction developed between those two points of view
/ opinions. That friction created (energy) or allowed energy to emerge that was separate,
that could be directed as individualized energy – which you can call THOUGHT today.

Within that we created our ILLUSION. Once we started taking that thought - that
separated changed perceptual energy which was not seen, which was not returning to its
source – we started to create illusions. And we started to trap that energy which is real into
an illusion and we slowly consumed the universe.

Throughout billions of years, as you now call it, we have consumed the whole universe like
that. A solution had to be found. Because of the very nature of the energy, that was creat-
ed as a mental energy, as an energy of individualized delusion. Implied within that, equal
and one, was a limitation to a single point, which made possible the manifestation of the
individual form within the context of the triangle. Because that emergence of an opinion,
of a point of view about something, in conflict with the point of view of another point:
created a triangle. Two points in conflict created a point of combustion, a point of friction
which created energy. Another level of energy.

That energy is the energy we today live as personality. That made it possible obviously for
the automatic emergence of what you would call 3-dimensions. Because that’s how we
created 3-dimensions as a system. The fact that that was a delusion didn’t matter. Because
within that we became that separated opinion, that idea of ourselves. When we became
that idea of ourselves, we created what you have today. Entities, beings, even in the physi-
cal, that exist NOT AS the physical.

You are existing as the mental projection of your physical self. So, you became a digital
self. A self contained within opinion, digits, symbols. Which is not physical. Because re-
member, if we go back to the story of Anu and them, they took symbols from the planet –
they took pieces of the planet and made symbols of it - which is then made to an opinion
– they created an idea. Then the idea became important and your opinion about the idea
became your mental projection, your delusion, your illusion = what you believe yourself to
be, which then I would call a personality.

This personality will fight for its existence by having a point of view, which is in conflict
with another point of view. The friction between those two has created ‘the System’ as it
exists today.

According to that we then made rules for the system, which is the laws and the moralities
and the beliefs that exist today – which we then adhere to, we have taken that and put it
back into symbols, which is Writing, made it our laws, and we have bound ourselves to

For that reason something had to be created, a vacuum. Which is earth.

The utmost fear.

Did fear ever existed from a perspective as we have it today before we created the Mind?
Fear did not exist as that. Fear started existing, as it exists today, the moment we started to
fear losing our point of view, which we believed to be ourselves but which was not really

So you inevitably would lose that point of view because it isn’t who you are. But the mo-
ment you believe that is all who you are, then obviously the moment the point of view no
longer exists, YOU also no longer exist. Which is how we created our own end, which we
are now currently living out.

We are now reaching the end of time, which means we are reaching the point where we
can no longer generate this sustainable, this idea of our self sustainably, because we have
created, virtually, in every possible way, a form of conflict, where we cannot trust each
other but we live in fear of each other.

So we have become simply mental projections, contained within the physical, which suck
the physical dry until it dies, and then the mental projection that remains is what you end
up in the afterlife as.

In that you are basically absolutely powerless. So unless you actually deliberately in the
afterlife give up your existence - within the understanding that you’ve become virtually an
illusionary energy - you let it go.
That means you give back what you’ve allowed you to become to its source, which is the
physical. So that you become in that the physical.

You are pretty much screwed for eternity.

Which is pretty cool from a certain perspective because you now have no impact what- 27
soever on reality. You are simply non-existent. From the perspective – now imagine, the
problem that emerges from all of this: the mental projection that you have become as
personality has then created from it(self ) entities, which is the systems. These systems have
become alive in a way because, you know, you have changed its energy from the perspec-
tive of, or, it is projections of energy, it is like a wave of, it’s an outflow of, it’s a mirror ef-
fect of, - of the original energy. It’s not the original energy. It is like having a picture taken
of it and believing the picture to be real. That’s how the mind system operates.

Now imagine these things existed before earth existed, a long time before it.
Earth is just a manifestation, where all of these points have been brought together so it
can be seen to understand how we’ve created this reality, how we’ve created ourselves in
essence. So therefore, earth had to be manifested as a singular point, which was: everyone
had to be brought together here, to get stuck in the actual manifested illusion, which was
sound, which is what earth is: Earth is sound, and within sound, which contains all pos-
sible expressions, it’s possible to actually manifest the illusion and live it as if it is real, so
that you can learn what is the consequence of your creation.

So, let’s look at it again.

What is our problem?

Our problem is our perceptual ideas of the energy that flows from the friction that is exist-
ent between ourselves as separate personalities. Within that we create an idea of what life
is and we manage it through systems called laws and morality and belief.
Within that we then create a digital world, which is existent in the mental, while we dis-
regard what is real in the physical. And we have thus no value we give to the physical, but
yet we fear to lose our mental self.

That mentality has created the world the way it is today. That is our problem.
That is the point that must be stopped. Not the physical.

The physical reality is pretty cool. Our mental reality is pretty fucked up. Now imagine,
the consequential outflow of you when you die as a mental self is that you no longer exist,
from the physical reality’s point of view, and you become nothing more than a thought,
the outflow of what you have become. And then you become a thought of a thought. And
a thought of a thought of a thought. The average human being today exists as less than
their own thoughts. That’s why their thoughts have the power inside their self - inside the
mind - to question them. So if you have a conversation with yourself in your mind, where
your thoughts have the capacity to reduce you to a physical experience of fear or anxiety
or feeling less than – then you are less than your thoughts.

Pretty screwed up, delusional existence, that is now placed within a fascinating context:
That apparently you have a choice to be like this.
The choice to be like this is existent within the mental projection of yourself within which
you have a holographic experience of super-hero, for instance, where you are super man
within your own mental projected self. Where you can do anything, because it does not
impact the physical.

Common sense is existent within the physical, that which is commonly sensed between all
physical (parts) to support itself.

Now imagine that our very nature in this world – the way nature operates - is a manifes-
tation of our digital self, our mental projected self. And we have lost contact completely
with the physical. Which is why, slowly but surely, most of the physical that was here is
busy dying, is becoming extinct. Just as we are becoming extinct. We are becoming extinct
as a real being, and in that we become only at the end: a thought, a projected digital self,
which has no existence in reality whatsoever.
And then we are screwed.

And you can’t trust any of that because – can you trust your mind?
You can’t trust your mind.
Because your mind will form opinions and will be impacted by a singular energy source.
So if you are two beings communicating: you are at high alert, the other one is at high
alert, you’re throwing opinions at each other and out of that try and form an alliance or
you create a war - of mind. And accordingly you’ll manifest your experience. And the be-
ing can say one word or move in one way, and you’ll immediately go: “Oh! What are they
really saying? Are they mocking me? Oh, they are trying to convince me here. I will not
agree.” Multiple ways you’re using your projections, but none of it is real, because it’s not
real in the physical, it’s not within the context of what’s HERE.
But what has happened is: you’ve taken the physical energy and you’ve transformed it into
a projection of itself which is now a projected energy, and you have become this projected
energy, which is basically like just a reflection of light. Not real. It’s not the light, it’s a re-
flection of the light. It’s the beam that’s out there. It’s not the actual light. And you believe
that beam is you and you’re trying to get back to the actual light – which is impossible.
Because it’s streaming forth. You can’t get back. You have to stop. And then you have to
amalgamate with what is HERE to really be able to end your illusion.

What is more fascinating is that, within the context of your self-creation you have de-val-
ued life to such a degree, that, have a look: you do not give a shit about anyone in exist-
ence and what they’re really experiencing at the physical level – that which is real, which
is the physical. Therefore, by that very fact, you have given permission for your deletion,
for your non-existence. Because you disregard everything else as non-existing. And in that 29
single act, you have given permission for your end. Which is accordingly emerging now.

Got it?

Any questions?


6: Possessions and Suppressions
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

14 Jan 09

In essence demons are assistance – they are not a threat. What is demonstrated is exactly
the same as has been demonstrated – understand that demon possession in the matrix
will be different. That will be a full on possession that in cases of ‘total possession’ will
not be guided. It will have many other impacts. Here the point is the same for everyone,
get to your self-honest points, be self honest, and you know if thoughts come up in your
mind that you are not self honest, that you have not established your starting point, that
you have not forgiven you of everything that you have thought has happened to you to
cause you to be who you are or you have not forgiven your desires to be more than oth-
ers. I mean there are so few things really that exist in human beings, Human beings are
really less functional than a fucking DVD player, the same shit fucking repeats itself over
and over and over again just with different pictures, I mean really one must be so careful
of missing the point of your invalidity as thought. Forgiveness to the point of changing,
removing, stopping everything that re-cur within you – if a point re-cur then understand
that eventually if you do not forgive the point, the moment the point disappear from
your mind, it is no longer an ‘issue’ you have suppressed it. What does that mean – you
have made it physical and then the point will start to manifest in your world. If you have
forgiven it then obviously you have stopped it, that is basically how it works. Then when
the event takes place, after the event the thought will be back and then you will see what
you have done, but it will be too late. If you do not recognise your self-honest point – and
understand it is seldom a beautiful point, it quite an atrocious thing and you don’t want to
speak about it, you don’t really want to look at it – that is what you would see as ‘unspeak-
able’. Therefore you will put up defences to make yourself look better than who you are,
understand one thing that all of this is known – please. The demon has now demonstrated
all the thought patterns and the fears, all the suppressions that come through but those
things are not even in the conscious mind.

They are already suppressed that means they are already playing out as events in the life.
The moment the fear is suppressed that is what happens. It is sitting at a manifested level
in your physicality and the mind as your assistant manifested as you. Afterwards when it
is done you will of course say: ‘God I have learnt my lesson’, I won’t do it again, but that
is probably unlikely, you will probably do it again. Until you get to the point where you
really start looking for a way to stop yourself – this will continue. The way that you stop
yourself is through forgiveness and to be the self honest points so that you are the silence,
you are the silence of yourself. When you are creating, you are the source of your creation,
that which comes from you is you – it is not something that was put into you.
If you have already manifested a level of God consciousness it is more difficult because
you will become from a perspective of having understanding because understanding in its
very definition is not based on knowledge given to you by others. That is not understand-
ing, that is parrot living. You cannot form an understanding from that because you cannot
trust a single thing that is inside you. You cannot trust a single word or a single definition
because you were not present when it was programmed in to you – so you do not know
what the fuck it was that was programmed into you. If you disregard this opportunity of
innocence, this opportunity to understand that who you are is in fact innocent because
you were programmed and after you know that and you do not act on it, your right to
innocence is revoked by yourself. I would suggest one seriously not consider such a foolish
thing and yet many will.

Utilise the opportunity – which is in the face of each one, once only – because have a look
it is clear and simple. You are the result of the thoughts, ideas, and influences of other
people. From that you have created an idea about yourself – which you are attempting to
validate. Therefore you get an opportunity, in terms of ‘innocence’ – because you didn’t do
that innocence is no longer valid – because now you are doing it deliberately. Remember
dimensionally all of that, everything, all the programs are out. What remains is yourself –
you facing you. Once you have obviously gone through this – you will be working with
other people where you will be facing in front of them the same point: the point of inno-
cence and the point of opportunity. If points start moving away it is to give each one and
equal and one opportunity and to give to them what was given to you – then obviously
simplistically you will go last in line and watch it happen to everyone else while you have
to wait.

You cannot force your way through existence as a mind as the ideas of other people. It
is not possible. You cannot do that as dishonesty or as deception. That has been proven
throughout existence for the best amongst us – the greatest masters. Be the fool that in-
nocently breath in every moment and purify every expression and consider all life within
that and consider self honesty and that self honesty will be curious. There might be a
point where you would have to do things you would never have done because you see it as
wrong – but there could be self honesty within that. So you must really be self honest in
32 every moment and really consider to get your starting point sorted and forgive those – un-
derstand why you should forgive them – your mother, father – people who ‘did’ things to
you: your mother, your father. They were innocent – common – they were programmed
just like you. So you want absolution but you are not willing to give it to anyone else?
Fuck that is dishonest. Do not expect to get what you are not willing to give. Got it? The
process is really simplistic. It will really individually test each one’s true nature and it is not
the pretty stuff and you must stop it please. Remember even in your pre-programming,
just another perspective – that which was pre-programmed of course it was your nature.
But of course there is a point which we can use and which works. So we have done this
before and it works.
7: The End of Self-Awareness
Interviews with Bernard and Darryl
23 Jan 09

Bernard: Okay, let's have a chat about a chat about a chat about... the end of self-aware-
Let's start at the beginning. What is the definable points within our awareness that is
quantifiable? We are born we then exist within this reality within a particular experience,
and we die.

When we are born, we are born within a family, within a culture, within a country, within
a language, within a particular social design. When you are born, all you have is that
which you get from your mother and your father through DNA.

That is what we are, have explained already at Desteni as your “structural resonance.”

According to your DNA placement, that means the design, within that which is in your
bloodline, you will have particular abilities, you will have particular paths that is more
dominant and paths that is less apparent.

So therefore out of that you will have particular features, particular abilities which is either
a more sharper mental ability, a more effective physical ability – various different points
that will be DNA based coming from your parents, from your bloodline.

Within that obviously is, that is your structural resonance – that is, the ‘sound frequency’
which defines who you are as a physical being and what will be your ‘programmable abili-
ties’ and in what field you will be ‘more effective’.

This gets then enhanced and is dependent upon; where you are born and what is your so-
cial support, your money support you have within this reality, your education support and
obviously what is your religious upbringing.

All of that within the context of the family will have an effect on ‘who you will become
as a personality’, as a person’ that will participate within a system – which is the world as

If for instance, you were abused as a child, that will have an effect on that perception of
yourself, that experience of yourself, based on what you've been programmed.
So what is the principle here? The principle is that you are programmed according to the
experiences of those that were before you; your parents, your society. It is following no
other principle but experience which is fear and survival based.

Accordingly, you will end up following exactly what you've been programmed to follow.

Which in essence would be the definition of a robot within a system which is a manufac-
turing system that manufacture facts, and according to these facts, which is information
– you are in a formation [that] will be formed and the form of you, will be projected into
the world according to that information.

Which is why we are now, we have moved from an industrial age to an information age,
where everyone is controlled by information completely.

You are thus only a number.

And if you do not have that number – and that number do not equate to the system, and
the value the system has given you and that you are actually following the system and the
rules of the system, you are kicked out by the system and you become null and void, and
you are unable to survive in the system.

Darryl: ah, “The Mark of the Beast.”

(Various references of the Mark of the Beast is contained in the Book of Revelations,
where it is stated that in the end times that the “Antichrist” will appear and dupe human-
ity into enslaving themselves. The relevant passage:
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on
their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has
the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17)

Bernard: The Mark of the Beast. The Number. And as that continues, obviously, everyone
participating within that, is doing it from a perspective of what is called, “self-awareness.”

You are aware of the system, you are aware of yourself within the system, y0u are aware
what you as yourself must do to survive in the system, and accordingly, you participate.

We look back at history; we have been “evolving” as this self-awareness within a system.

And as we move and evolve within our experience in self-awareness, the system evolves
and accordingly we have a system that seemingly evolves into more and more stuff we are
manufacturing as the way we are showing that we are in fact actually, apparently, existing.
So it's like you look at something and says, “Okay, I'm a human. I created this. So there-
fore, I must exist!”

Darryl: Ah, Manufacture. Man is a Sure Fact.

Bernard: Absolutely. So in your manufacturing, you are as Man attempting to make your-
self real in fact, through a process of how you are aware of yourself within that which you
have placed as your creation: which is a system and everything made within the system
and of the system.
Now, if we look at the primary point where self-awareness is so easily used and abused,
which is your New Age Spirituality scene, you'll notice a fascinating thing:

Everyone within that system of self-awareness, will use particular definitions, that accord-
ing to them, makes them better than others, for instance, “Love.” They'll say, “I am love!”
“I am God.” “I am ascending.” “I am becoming better, I am becoming more.”

What you are saying as a system, “I am becoming aware of myself within the context of
the system within a definition that I like more, that makes me more acceptable as some-
thing that resembles something that I would call 'Divine.'”

It is our search to be “God” within a system that causes that. The fact that one actually
still adheres to the basic seven-days of Creation as it is written in the Bible, obviously is
not realized, because within that you are still within a system that is seven days, you are
still within a system where are dominant or “more than” the animal, dominant or “more
than” the plant, which is regarded as a system.

What is a plant, a human and an animal? What is the similarities?

All of it is based on DNA which is based on thus, a particular set of chromosomes, a par-
ticular set of relationships that causes one to have particular skills that is programmable as
language, as society, as expression and so on.

And therefore the difference between a chimpanzee and a man is but a few chromosomes.
The rest is exactly the same. Those chromosomes give the chimpanzee a particular lan-
guage and expression and social structure, and it gives to Man a particular language and
expression and social structure.

But in essence, within the context of its existence, within the context of its program, it is
what it is. And it can only “evolve” to a certain point.

The same with Man. Man can only evolve to a certain point, which is why most of our
Spirituality has been projected as ideas beyond death, which is based in hope and assump-
tion and conjecture and apparent experiences while in “divine inner communication.”

What are you really communicating with within yourself? You are communicating with
that part that you hope to become.

That then creates an idea of divinity or “God” within which one then attempt to exist as
an example to society what you perceive would be “God,” what you perceive you would
want to be.

It is not considered that any of that, in fact, do not actually have any impact on improving
the lives of beings on Earth that is less fortunate.

So, what has really happened? Let's start to consider it:

When you as a child is born, in your first seven years, you are getting your basic program-
ming; your cognitive skills, your language skills, your social skills, your basic body func-
tional skills, eating skills, sleeping, your relationship with your family and your immediate

Then it expands to your education, where your education will move you into and integrate
you into society so you could become an effective part of the manufacturing industry of
our consumerism. Where you could create things to be consumed and be effective within

All of that, is part of what you can call your Programmed Self.

From that Programmed Self, you’re then attempting to become an individual. That at-
tempt to become an individual, is done through what is called, “self-reflection.”

You reflect upon yourself in relationship to your society, in relationship to what all your
knowledge that is available, and you make a decision who you are according to that.
36 That you call “choice” or “free choice”.

Obviously, the fact that it is within a limited construct and design that is programmed as
well, kind of never enters the equation.

Because you do not consider, that within the context of you assessing you, you can only
assess you according to the program language you've been programmed with, within the
context of the program; the society, the religion and the education you have.

Your insight is no more than that.

Darryl: Yeah, people think it’s the, it is the correct consideration; their point of view.

Bernard: It is, because that’s all that exist for them. Because all that exists is the program.

So now, within that you develop what you would call, “Self-Awareness.”
That self-awareness is totally self-centred, based on the interest of yourself to be successful
within a world system, and to prepare yourself for something that you know is inevitable:

You are going to leave this system to enter another system, which is the Heavenly system,
and you want to prepare your place from this system into the next system. 37

And you have been programmed to believe that you can influence your placement in the
next system, which is the system of Heaven.

And there is many, many different ‘options’ which is called basic religions, which you can
follow that each has an idea about what apparently happens to you in the next system -
which is Heaven. But you don't know that in fact.

You’re required to believe that.

But you have no other answer, therefore you believe it because you are quite scared what
would happen if you get there and you don't have something that you can defend yourself
with: Which is your religion.

Therefore Religion in itself is war. It’s a way that you actually put on armour, preparing
yourself to defend yourself and who you have become as ‘self-awareness’.
So that you can say, “I had no other choice. This is all I had. This is thus, all
I am. This is who I am, and therefore, I must be recognized as this.”
Even we attempt to control that, in the afterlife.

Unfortunately, we miss a fascinating point.

If you observe; when a baby is born, when a seed opens up and grows, it is following a
pattern, it’s following a program. When a animal is born, it follows a program according
to its design, according to its DNA. But there is something in it that is equal in every-

It is equal in the grass, it is equal in the air you breathe. It is equal in the animal. It is
equal in the human. It is equal in the being that is dead in the afterlife.

That equality is life.

That equality does not form or follow a program. That equality is the essence of what is
That equality, that Life-Awareness does not exist within the context of those that are in
form, are in spreading the information about what is going on.
That is what is the oneness that exist between everything.

Not the “oneness” that has been proliferated as that within Spirituality or within a world-
system, or within meditation, or within a particular expression of consciousness.

Consciousness is simply the attempt of the system to understand itself. It‘s the attempt of
the Organic Robot as the human trying to understand its point and its purpose within a
system. A system within a system attempting to “evolve” into something.

It knows there is something. It knows there must be something more, but it can't find it.
Because, it's never really looked.

It’s because the point that you know that is “more” is the point that you don't want to
look at. It is the point that take away all your specialness, it takes away all your fear. It
takes away all what you regard you to be, so that what remains; is that which is equal in
That is where real Oneness exist.
That is not being considered.

That has never been considered, for eons of time, as each being attempts, to make itself
more special – without actually considering, what it is, that is in essence: Behind every-

By definition, the fact that this exist in everyone – means everyone is equal in everything.

Obviously the form you take on is a temporary expression, which has only emerged: Be-
cause of our division into an attempt to understand each other, from the perspective of
understanding ourselves as form.
So therefore we started defining everything.
In that definition, we became trapped as the definition.
And in that we lost the awareness.

And we did not consider the awareness of what is really, in essence – our Equality.

What is it that makes it possible for all of us to exist together, what is the ‘binding force’?
It’s not ‘God’. It’s not a ‘Spirit’.

It is Life itself.
It is existent within everything.
But it is not ‘aware’.

Darryl: Could you say that Life is what people might be looking for?

Bernard: Life is that which you are looking for, but in looking for it, you’ll keep on miss-
ing it – because you are it in fact already.

What you have to do is let go of your programmed self. Let go of your self-interest. Let go
of everything that you have ever allowed yourself to be as ‘fact’, as ‘knowledge’.
Because all of that; is ‘self-awareness’. All of that is self-interest. All of that is your attempt
to make yourself more than what you are as each other in the essence of your origin, your
genesis, your real truth.

When we entered heaven through the Portal, or when the Portal opened, the Portal en-
tered heaven through the Portal: I was already in Heaven – because heaven is Here as Life.
But not from the perspective that heaven understood itself.

The same point was everywhere; I saw it in Earth, in everything, in every stone, every
grass, every being. Same in Heaven – every being there - the same point: We are all the

Not only as a program are we all the same, following the same desires, hopes and needs
and wants; we are the same in essence, as the Life-force from which we emanates.

But that Life-force we deny, because we can only actually access or recognize that Life-
force, if we recognize that as equal in all of us – and it emanates, it expresses from us as
what we are as form.

What have we done:

In the forms and the systems and our expressions we have taken on – we have disregarded
Life, and we have made the system, the personality, the ‘spirit-idea’ of everything more
than what Life is.

We have in fact become ‘larger than Life’.

And in that has been our demise.

We have lost our humbleness. We have lost our consideration of each other. We have lost
‘love’ in fact.

And we’ve made of ‘love’ a definition, an idea, something that we’re attempting to express
– but we do not within it consider that it exist in fact within each one as Life.
And that Life in consideration of itself within all equally: Is what Love really is.
It is within that – which we are One.

But that Love is not a ‘feeling’.

That Love is a realisation of yourself. It’s an acceptance. It’s an embracing of yourself in
every single breath and every point of your existence;
whether you are in the physical, whether you are an dog, whether you are a horse, whether
you are stone, whether you are the bed we sit on, whether you are an ‘angel’, whether you
are in Heaven – doesn’t matter where you are:

You are an Equal as this Life.

And to dare to become or see yourself more because of the form that flowed from it as
your self-awareness: Is Deception and is a disHARMony that Harms each other.

That is what we say must be stopped.

We must stop that which we have become as, as ‘self-awareness’ in ALL its forms, because
none of it is honouring Life equally as One Here.

Because incessantly we continued to define, define, define everything.

From what perspective: If we have to be Self-Honest, from the perspective of wanting to
be better than another, more than another.

In fact, we are saying: We want to be more than Life.

And in that – we miss everything.

That is why at Desteni we say:

Self-Forgiveness, to forgive yourself that you have dared to deny Life. In every way that
you have done that – you have to Forgive Yourself.

Because only you can do that, because you know where you do it in thought, word and
deed. You know where you are denying another, Life, equally to you; where you are judg-
ing another, blaming another, where you regard yourself as more or less.

You know all the points where you are dishonest within yourself and denying you and
everything else: Life.

You will not gain access to Life unless you are Equal to Life in every way, and you recog-
nize Life in everything equally, and that is Proven as your Living Expression.
You will not gain access to Life at all.

You will simply live out your existence, die, forget everything and start again.
Which means in fact: That you have never existed.
That’s why, when you die: You forget everything.

Obviously before, when the soul-construct existed...what was the soul-construct?

It was an attempt to deceive oneself even further to try and remember your lives, because
you apparently believed that your lives were real.

But, you had to record it, and place it in the Akashic Record – because you couldn’t re-
member it.
Which means what? Memory are part of a System. 41

We have manifested it as a Computer, and we’ve manifested it, memory-

systems; why are we doing it?
Because we can’t remember. We’re trying to remember what it is we are.

Life is not a Memory.

Life is in fact always HERE.

But Life will not give access to abusers, users of self-interest, users and abusers of self-
awareness; where awareness has become more than what Life is.

Thus, Life-Awareness, in fact, has never existed.

We have investigated this back, through uncountable eons of time; Life-Awareness has
never existed.
We have done the same thing over and over again. We found multiple universes, all doing
exactly the same.

What is happening here on Earth, in various dimensions?

Earth, as a manifested dimension which brings together everything within the Principle
of an actual experience in space and time – obviously is the foundation-phase of what one
can call: The emergence of Life as Life-Awareness.

That is why Earth exist:

Earth is the Eye of the Needle where each one will move through it, to actually face what
they have allowed themselves to become as self-awareness.

And where all self-awareness will be annihilated forevermore, until all that remain is Life
Equally within each and that is recognized, proven, in every breath for eternity.
Darryl: I would say that people really...I caught myself existing through my point of view,
my perspective and then acting that know, I don’t believe in Politics, ‘cause Poli-
tics is crap – so, I don’t participate.

Bernard: You’re going to have to participate in everything, because you cannot direct any-
thing that is separate from you. You have to take responsibility for everything that is here:
The Money-System, the Political-System, the War-System, the Education-System –

You have to stand up within it, as it, direct it. Make sure that the starting-point of it be-
comes Life-Awareness; Not self-awareness, not programmed-reality – but actuality of Life 43

in Expression.

Considering, considering all expressions as a starting-point within it as Life:

Animal, plant, everything will have to be considered – Equal and One.
Otherwise Life will not give you access to what is Really Here.

Remember that the here that is here is ‘the here Consciousness’. It is ‘the here’ of the pro-
grammed-reality. You first have to stand equal as it in self-honesty to be able to let it go. It
will not just go away because you stop.

You have to stop you as what you have become as an entity called ‘consciousness’. Because
consciousness is where you have created you within a system, it’s an reflection of yourself.

The world is a reflection of what is going on inside each human being as who you believe
yourself to be. None of it is real – all of it will END.

This is not ‘bad’ that it’s ending. It does not require fear. It is simply the END of our
ILLUSION, our delusion as an idea, which is called ‘self-awareness’, which is called ‘con-

Here, Common Sense is required, to consider the simplicity of the Principle: That Life is
Equally in Everything. And therefore – Life is One.
And that all and everything we do, must have that as the starting-point Principle.

If that is the Principle that each one is Living by, our reality, everything we’ve ever done:

In doing that, consciousness will disappear. Our reality as it exist now will change and Life
will give us Access to what Life really is: We have no idea what is possible.

And we will not be shown, unless we are proven to be expressing Life Self-Honestly as
every breath Here, in consideration of all Life, equally, everywhere, in all of existence,
heaven and earth.
Therefore Heaven, is now, on Earth. In actuality, within consciousness, trapped equally, as
every human is trapped. To consider this singular point:
What is Life Equally?
And why am I abusing myself, as each other?

Understand, because Life is Equal within each being – you are me as I am you. We are
responsible for each other.
That responsibility must be recognized.

You cannot allow one to die in a War, or in famine, or in a system just because they have
not adhered to the rules of consciousness, or the rules of self-interest and self-awareness.
You have to stop that as well, because it is you doing it, there is no excuse...

And accordingly, HELL is Here.

What is Hell?
Hell is that points that we have allowed to become real from our experience-perspective,
because we have denied the Principle that Life is Equal within All.

We have abused Oneness in the name of consciousness, and in the name of ‘success’, and
in the name of our ‘self-awareness’, our greater ‘ascending-self ’. Where the fuck are you
going to send your ass to?

Wherever you are going to go, you are going to face one thing: You have denied the reali-
sation, the Principle that Life is equal within all, and you have denied yourself from stand-
ing up, and standing up as Life for Everyone.

There is NO EXCUSE.

I suggest, that one consider, forgiving yourself for every single point where you have de-
nied yourself the insight, the realisation, the common sense that Life is Equal within eve-

For that, Forgiveness is a tool, because in that you give yourself freedom from your delu-

Only you are responsible for yourself.

Within that, you can test yourself in your actions that you are self-honest and that you
have actually, recognizing Life Equally in Everything, in every single breath.
That is the point of Self-Honesty.
That requires Common-Sense, I mean:
‘Am I willing to exist as every single form, equally in expression as Life? No matter where
it exist. Am I willing to be the slaughter-animal that is kept in a factory-farm. Am I will-
ing to recognize myself equally as that expression as Life? Is that who I am?

Am I willing to accept that as my expression as Life?

Or do I stop, this abuse, of myself in other forms?

Do we know where it will take us? Obviously not! We’ve never walked this path, otherwise
we wouldn’t have been where we are now. 45
That’s Common Sense.

So therefore, we, one must, develop Common Sense and walk the Path of Hell; the Hell
of what we have already created. It’s not going to go away, we’re going to have to stop it as
ourselves, equal and one as Life.

There is no other way. There is no way but to face what we have allowed.

So that we may remember, for eternity, what it means to deny Life.

And in the depth of our pain and despair, as Hell emerges, let’s remember: We did this to

And unless we stand in every breath, Equally as Life, for all, on behalf of those that cannot
stand for themselves yet, until they can stand...if we don’t do that, we will simply never be

Everything we will ever do, will not be real. Our self-awareness will simply disappear at

This is self-realisation:
To realise what it is to be real as Life, Equally within All as One.
This is Equality and Oneness. This is the Destiny of the Universe.

This is the end of money as we know it, it’s the end of education as we know it, it’s the
end of government as we know it, it’s the end of war, the end of religion, the end of domi-
nation, the end of manipulation, the end of abuse...

...because all of that was done in our self-awareness as our attempt to control each other
and protect each other from each other.
But none of that is even real, because none of that is based in Life.
All of that is based in programmed-realities, based on ideas and concepts of personality.
All of that, cannot even transcend death. It is useless.

I think that’s sufficient for now.

Darryl: Okay, brilliant.

8: God and Ascension
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
31 Jan 09

So let’s discuss Ascension and the God Delusion. Or, let’s put it another way: How did
God create God-Self? This is the way to become ‘God’.

OK…In existence, a long long long time ago, beings were getting quite bored. And some 47

of them noticed an interesting thing: no matter what they do, there was no consequence.
There was no… – although a belief existed of a God or a Creator, nobody ever interfered.

Beings existed as races and as groups and as groups of interest and they travelled the uni-
verse…and they were born and they died. Just like, very much similar to now.

So, a fascinating idea came about, like a light bulb that went on in a way. That –notice an
interesting thing – that in a way it would be possible to exist forever. But what you have
to do to exist forever – that means also to control everything, forever – would be that you
have to divert everything to yourself, all power. Because if you have all power you can also
direct your own existence.

To do that, a fascinating thing was done – a fascinating consideration: what was being no-
ticed, was a fascinating occurrence in the universe; where all the planets and the universes
were in a way dimensional, meaning, call it multidimensional, it was in a way existent
similarly to what you would now experience as how you see pictures in the mind. It was
like, a mind universe. But something was happening: it was becoming matter.

What is matter? Matter is a relationship between yourself, space –that which is existing-
and how it moves – time. That was becoming relative, real – responding to the influence,
the input you put into it. That means that this that was becoming real was programmable.
You can give it an input and it will give you an output. And if you control the input you
control the output.

Obviously, what was a fascinating difficulty was: everybody is going to find this out and
understand that the input equals the output. How do you make sure that nobody finds
out that the input equals the output? You place them into a reality that is not part of these
3 points: self, space and time. You create a new reality for them – a 4th dimension. You
create for them a heaven, you create for them a place to go to, where they actually in ‘go-
ing that’ – which is like ascending, they send their ass somewhere – in doing that, they are
actually re-creating them into an idea – existing as if they are all-powerful, as if they are
‘God’ while they’re not. While you that is controlling all of that –you are God. Because
you are actually controlling everyone.
How do you do that is: you create a system that mimics matter: the mind. It is a reflec-
tion. And that reflection has an interesting point: It is the reverse; if you look at it, it’s like
looking in a mirror, everything is… where the one side is the opposite of… – you know
you have left and right – left becomes right and right becomes left, so you…it’s a complete
reversal of everything that exists as a projection within which you create yourself.

How that was then done was fascinating, because when a child is born, in this reality, the
child does not have a Self, personified in the mind. That doesn’t yet exist. The child is
actually here, in space and time. Real. Powerful. Pure. What happens then; a personality,
an idea is created within which the child encompass themselves until all that exist as the
human here; is just a mind reflection of themselves. Then the mind becomes the reality
they are trying to master.

How to master that is fascinating, because within this whole process it will go through
an apparent ‘stage of evolution’: You will, as you move through your reality, become dis-
satisfied with what you are experiencing. Then you will start searching for an alternative.
And in that search – it’s like already placed in you as a program – you will go to the next
stage: You will then move from believing mom and dad to believing in God and a religion.
Then, when you are dissatisfied with that you’ll start believing in yourself as the reflection
as God; which is like ascension.

It’s just a short view of your ‘progression’ which everybody eventually takes. And each of
those things will be equated to time: either a ‘coming again’ or a ‘New Age’ or some form
of time-related construct.

Now what did the programmers of the input realize? They realized that they could divert
all the creative power of every single being into a system, and fuel that system. All they
have to make sure of is that they never step into that system – because they’ll lose them-
selves. So therefore, they created what you would call today ‘Heaven’. From there, they
controlled the input of every being, being born. How did they do that? By seeding it, they
also seeded the whole reality as nature.

What is a SEED? A seed is that which contain the information of that which it would
become, isn’t it? So if you take the seed of a flower you can look at the seed and by the
knowledge of the seed you can say: this seed is this flower. Because in the seed is contained
the information, the program, that will bring forth this flower. That program is DNA as a
general description. Obviously there’s a lot more about how it works, in terms of its con-
struct –chromosomes and, you name it – the whole story.

But for the point of this discussion it is sufficient to note the following: That all things
that is consisting of a seed, and that includes the human – have a look; there’s a seed and
an egg. A little, little bugger that swims and then penetrates an egg and then starts to
divide according to a program – bringing together two seeds, a male and a female, from
which emerged: A Human.
Within that seed is contained the information of what this being will become. Obviously
in its initial stages, as the seeds meet and the being develops – it first gives attention to
structure, which is the physical. Within the structure then contained, that which oper-
ates as the structure – which is the basic functionality like heart, liver, breath, mind, taste,
eating, farting – the whole story. Within that then is the functionality – the program, the
construct, the design – which makes it possible for the being to interact with other beings.

So say the child is born – like we have examples of that – with a family of wolves, and
it’s a human child. The human child will act like the wolves. Therefore, what was created
was a construct within which the child would be given Input to fit into the total group of 49
humans, the society – which is the family. Through which, in that family, became the con-
struct which has got one primary…point of concern: That is control within the society, to
fit in with the system that is here and that runs within a particular time-frame, within a
particular space, within a particular application with a beginning and an end.

A fascinating thing was placed into it: By this construct, this mind, this definition of
mine – what is MINE: “Who AM I?” this “I AM”-construct, the mind, which was in-
serted into each being as part of the seed – so that mom can say to the child: “I am mom”.
“Your name is Danny”. “Say, ‘I – am – Danny’.” So the “I AM” was born. This I AM is a
projection, a person-…personification, a mirror, a reflection, which was defined by the be-
ing which gives them the assumption, the idea, that they are apparently ‘God’. While, all
the while they’re only following the seed that was planted. Which made it, in a way, that
people, beings, in this reality could not…reality could not break out from what they were
placed into.

So, consider this particular seed – consider the fact that the input equals the output. Then
consider the common sense within the current accepted reality. You’ll notice a fascinating
thing: the mind is actually the 4th-Dimension. You have yourSelf, you have Space and you
have Time. If we all work within the construct of Self, Space and Time, and we consider
everyone equally, within ourselves as everyone else also ourselves, because we are all com-
ing from the earth, we’re the dust of the earth, so we are one within that – and we con-
sider ourselves as being one from the earth within space and time: We will not harm each
other. But, when we create a reflection, a deception of ourselves, a point where we are no
longer able to see ourselves and everybody else within space and time, we create that as a
reflection, as a mirror, as the mind. That is our 4th dimension.

Everyone at the moment believe, that is in the ‘New Age’, that we are ‘ascending to the
4th and the 5th dimension’. That’s not true. We are already in the 4th dimension. You
actually going through these stages throughout your life. In various ages the next stage of
your existence activate – age seven, age fourteen, age twenty-one, age twenty-eight. They
normally run in seven year cycles, within which you go through a process of personifica-
tion – the acceptance of your personification as an ‘ascended being’, as a ‘mind-creation’,
as a reflection of yourself that is ‘untouchable’ within which you apparently have ‘choice’.

And within the 4th dimension you have no time – because have a look at your mind: You
can think about so many things, time doesn’t influence you in your mind, in your reflec-
tion, you’re like superman, the super-hero in your mind that can be here and there and
imagine all kinds of things. Obviously, what was the fascinating thing, was: That the…
those that programmed, that programmed the seed, that put the information into the
seed, also put the information into the mind and exactly what it is they want to manifest.
And you can test this out. Bizarre things…how, depending on the seed placed in you, you
will have a particular affinity for particular things in this world that you apparently like.
You can’t even explain why. You like certain music, you like certain ways people speak, you
like certain cultures, you like certain expressions, you like certain body shapes, you like
certain colours – all of that…ever wondered why? Why are you not free to like everything
equally? It’s because you’re programmed. You are the result of a seed. That’s your DECEIT.
You are DE-SEATED from yourself.

Now which is fascinating is then: You have your 4th dimension – which is the mind –
with a fascinating point; which is your ascension on earth – from yourself – to the mind.
You become a master of the mind -so in a way you become an ascended master.

Then an interesting thing / concept was placed in: The concept of the ‘Soul’, the ‘5th-
dimension’. In the 5th-dimension, which is now where you have especially all your Pleia-
dians and Sirians and all these aliens – they, coming from the 5th-dimension – the dimen-
sion of the ‘Soul’. In that dimension, it is that which you aspire to, so that when you die:
You will not ask questions. You will accept whatever is presented to you – that is always
the bottom line.

Because there was an interesting difficulty in the whole design of the God-Delusion: How
to keep everyone Deluded. That at the moment of death, for a singular moment, you sud-
denly understand everything. But the moment your attention is grabbed – again, you’re
screwed. And you will accept everything that is presented to you because it’s all that there
is. There is nothing else. And you cannot conceive that, there can’t be anything, so whatev-
er is here, must be…in heaven must be real. So you accept it and that moment of accept-
ance, heaven as it existed was ‘real’.

At that moment, that which you were on earth as the being was…which was recorded.
Because it’s like, you know, I mean – if you go back and you look at the tree that emerged
from the seed: You can actually cut it up and you’ll notice that in its existence is its exist-
ence recorded, you can trace back its history. The same point was within the human. The
physicality was such an representation, but – it died and returned to earth.

So, to be able to keep the information, a device was needed – and that device was magnet-
ic in nature – (which is where our magnetic-technologies come from) – that which records
information. This was recording your life, which was your ‘soul-construct’, your experi-
ences – and that was then taken from you at death and placed in the Akashic-records. So,
that after death, you would actually, suddenly, be ‘free from all the memories’ you had on
earth that was such a difficult thing –which (this ‘experience’) is like ‘heaven’!

What are you really…what is your release really? You’re only released from your memo-
ries – it’s not a real release. It’s…you are being released from your self-judgements, from
the points you were not ‘strong enough’ – but all of that was just a mind construct = Not
Real. The only part you will remember – or that was recorded, your life: Was the actual
events and the mind interpretation of it. Your actual life within the construct of this real-
ity, of what is important, was not (recorded). Animals, for instance, had no…had none 51
such devices. They were dealing as ‘group-soul’ – so therefore, their consideration was
placed in the consideration as a group. The same with plants. So when they died, they
would simply return to the group-soul, which had a Input-program that ‘they are acting in
the interest of everyone in unconditional love’. So immediately they accepted that, because
‘this is why I exist, I exist for the better… of betterment of whole, while they are busy
with their process of ascension, their process of getting closer to God.’

And how was that…that was so fascinating, because your ‘5th-dimension’ was the ‘Soul’.
So, imagine what was the ‘6th-dimension’? The 6th-dimension…was where you would
become no longer re-incarnating, but you are now in the ‘service of God’. Therefore you
will now remain in the ‘heaven’ and you will help with the programming. So you are
instructed what to do and you do it without asking questions because you are apparently
not good enough to actually at that stage yet, to actually understand everything – you are
not ‘evolved’ enough, you are not ‘ascended’ enough. But you are no longer required to
reincarnate. That means your program, your input is now so effective, that you will never
question what has been happening in heaven and earth.

The ‘7th-dimension’: Was when you can be trusted to ‘know how things work’. And that
in that knowing you have programmed yourself to a level of acceptance – that what you
are doing is in the interest of everyone – and that you are not will stand up and fight for
it. Which was the dimension of the ascended masters. At that point you will now deliber-
ately act in the interest of God – the System, that input-output-system. Not questioning
anything, because you have completely accepted the process, the point and the purpose
that…of how everything existed.

As an ascended master – which is the same as being ‘Christed’- you are now ‘Christ-con-
scious’, at the 7th dimension. You are now someone that will not ever question God – but
will ‘stand by God’. You will not question how creation took place, where the informa-
tion, why the system, why the input. You are now ‘part of God’. You are now ‘one with
God’, in the 7th dimension. You are now a ‘child of heaven’. You are ‘exalted’, ‘special’,
Nobody dare question you because ‘God will step up and protect you’. And therefore – if
you would then be requested to manifest on earth, that means to come back in a design as
an ‘avatar’ or an ‘ascended master’ or a ‘great being that will impact the information-input
in this reality’, you are specially programmed, because you were given special accesses in
this reality, because you will not question – that which is ‘here’. Some beings managed to
break through to a certain degree and did question certain points.

What was the point? Is to make everyone on earth accept the status-quo unquestionably
and to make sure everyone accept an interesting thing: They accept death unquestionably
and they accept heaven unquestionably and the process of getting to an higher existence
as the mind – as ascension. Because ascension exists as the mind only. And in that pro-
cess – separating yourself completely from what is real. Leaving a fascinating thing: A total
reality, as heaven, interacting with earth, nothing of it is real, all of it is quanta: ‘quantum
reality’, within which certain beings, as God and his entourage, his servants, control it all
just through a simple thing: Through a SEED. Through what you SEE. Through an input
of information – a simple construct. So that you never question what’s happened to you.

Now Hear me: If you die – and you have not transcended this delusion that exists as you,
within the seed of yourself; therefore, you have not found a way to stop your self-deceit
and the deceit of what is real, what is Life – (what is real is you here as the Physical within
space and time. That’s real. And considering everyone that is here in space and time, and
finding a way of co-existence EQUALLY) – and you allow yourself to die, you are so
screwed. Because – on the other side now, all these systems, these ‘beautiful’ things, are
GONE! The only point that now are to be faced: Is the mind as ascension. The ‘Ascended-
Self ’ – where you are creating yourself as this ‘glorified persona’ that is apparently ‘good’
within the ultimate reality of polarity that you have manifested as the ‘super-hero as your-
self ’ – where you are serving ‘God’. And that ‘God’, is fascinating, that you are serving
in your mind as your persona – that ‘God’ is always different from everybody else’s God.
Because you’ve created that God in your mind.

It is not real. If you are self-honest you can see that. That’s why you cannot find another
being with whom you can agree or who will agree with you. I mean, that point alone
52 should make you question this. And I mean, even an Atheist is the same in this – because
they have an idea of themselves as a ‘God’ – as this…‘the point that makes the choice’.
There is no difference what you call this process. The Atheists were trapped the same as the
religious beings – there is no difference – the Satanists, no matter who you are, all that is
really happened is that every point is…was given a different name.

At the end of the day, you are creating your delusion; which is your mind – and you with-
in your mind and the powers and the choices that exist within your mind: By yourself.
Virtually nothing of what exist in your mind – is real, within your experience of the physi-
cal. That should already make you question: ‘What is really going on here?’
Now, what is fascinating – is that certain groups of people in this world realized that, in
essence the human is deluded. You can go and study the psychology; you’ll notice they
became aware of it some time ago: That the human is deluded. And therefore the human
cannot be trusted. I mean, trust do not exist with everybody existing within a mind-
construct as persona with a delusional point as ‘God’ or ‘Intelligence’ or ‘Logic’ or some-
thing that they believe is ‘great’. Within that whole construct, they realized that everything
works by input-output; and deliberately started creating a reality where the input is con-
trolled so that they can have…

What did they realize: I mean, what is real is the Physical. So if you control the Physical,
for yourself – you have a very cool life. I mean, you can have everything you ever dream
of. All you have to do is get everybody else, give theirs to you. And you created the super-
rich, the Elite – through participating in Ascension. Through participating in Religion.
Through participating in an ‘idea of Value’ – like money. Through participating in an
idea of sexual-satisfaction – through the delusion that apparently it’s wonderful. Through
participating in Drugs which take you into your Mind so you do not take…deal with the
physical-reality that’s here.

While – you are pissed off with all the Elites and all the rich that has got everything. What
do they really have? What are you pissed off with them about? They have everything of the
physical. They control the physical resources, they control the best spaces of Money, they
control time and space – within the physical. And you are the slave. Who’s allowing it?
You’re allowing it. I mean, you are not willing to consider that the delusion exists as you
within the reflection you have created of yourself as personality, as persona, as belief. And
you are not willing to give that up and get back to the physical reality and sort out what
is Here.

So, obviously these wonderfully clever beings that realized they could control the Physical
for their own benefit, so that they can live in abundance, having the best while everybody
else suffer – had a interesting problem. Because they did not have the intelligence – to
actually keep such a design effective. When I’m talking about ‘intelligence’, I’m talking
about ‘the Capacity to see the Whole within all the programs that exist.’ That was always
54 handled by ‘God’. So they have a very special relationship with ‘God’.

Now this ‘God’ obviously was the ‘God’ that created everything – the ‘I AM’. ‘He’ cre-
ated it by the Input he placed In. Therefore – ‘he’ had to control ‘his’ existence so that
nobody question it. That point was removed. So now this Reality is busy collapsing into
chaos. Money, space, time, as it exist as the mind is in every moment collapsing more and
more, it’s like a madness that will hit the world in every way; from money, to sexuality, to
co-existence, to family, to culture –everyone within themselves will lose control over their
minds, because it is no longer possible to keep it within programmed ‘pockets’ that was
controlled through a magnetic grid that existed and kept everything stable. That magnetic
grid is no more. All that remains is delusion.
The ‘ascended ones’ on this earth is gonna see their asses, unless they send this bullshit
away forever and stop the mind –which is really having to stop you, as the mind.

The tools are Simplicity:

Practical Self-Honesty within what is going on in this physical reality.

Practical Common Sense with what is best for all that is in this physical reality.

Self-Forgiveness by actually practically giving away, stopping, ending that which is your
4th dimension, that which is your thoughts, that which is your mind – that’s where you
perceive you have ‘free will’. You do not have free will. If you had free will in the physi-
cal – you would not have died, you would not have been subject to space and time. You
are subject to space and time. ‘Freewill’ is a delusion that exist as the mind.

Have a look, in your mind –you cannot even agree with another about what ‘Freewill’ is.
You believe you have the ‘unique gift from God’ to be able to make up your ‘own mind’.
Obviously you can make-up your own mind: it’s not real. It’s just a make-up. You are
making it up as you go along.

Ascension is not real – but it is real from the perspective that you fuck yourself forever.
Then you have to be born back in this reality and have the parents you created. Isn’t
that fun!

There is nothing that can be done about what is to come. What is to come will challenge
the Physical-Reality, your Space and Time – until Space, Time and Self is Purified Equally
as Life. Everything, single thing that controlled it – that held it within a construct of delu-
sion- was removed. It’s really no big thing. It was inevitable. They knew it was possible to
happen and attempted to control it forever… They Failed.

Now, the support we are offering is simply in Self-REAL-lization. So that you can Realize
for yourself; what is Real and that the Mind and Ascension and all of that – is not Real.
What is Real is You in Space and Time and everything else that is Here with You in Space
and Time. You have to be One and Equal Here, as that which is Real, that which is from
the Earth, the Touchable -that’s Real. And STOP all Dishonesty.
9: Masturbation - Keep it between your
dick and your hand
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
29 Mar 09

Okay, let’s start at ‘The Secret’, the ‘Law of Attraction’.

A big fuss is made of the ‘Law of Attraction’.

And many rally around it because, utilizing that they can ‘change their life’ – according to
what is being professed and promoted.

The fact is, that the principles of the Law of Attraction has been always part of every
human-beings’ life. We’ve always existed and...according to your imagination - and that
which you vividly imagine and hold onto = manifests.

So, if you put up a goal, a purpose, “This is what I wanna do” – know if you
stick to your goal, your intent, your imagination, your vivid energetic feeling, because it’s
a feeling that you’s an energy that you hold onto, you see it, “This is what I’m be-
coming. This is what I want” – you hang onto it then – it manifest.

Obviously, single-mindedly, one must hang onto that particular point.

Now, as the world has become more and more a place that one can see visually on T.V.,
a place of conflict, of strife, lost of misery, money problems in the world, money systems
/ banking systems failing, trading systems / economic systems = none of it able to actually
support what is going on in the world in this, at this stage.

Many interesting questions arise.

56 So, ‘The Secret’ has never been a ‘secret’.

You know, from childhood, from whenever you can remember – there’s many instances
where you have actually used ‘The Secret’, the ‘Law of Attraction’.

Obviously the ‘Law of Attraction’ works within Consciousness. Consciousness is also one
can call the ‘Unified Field’. It is a Field of Energy within which we all exist as ‘One’. It’s
the ‘Field of Oneness’.

Within this ‘Field of Oneness’ we are equal to that which we give attention to attract. That
is our ‘equality’. And we use that principle of equality under a specific guise, a specific
node, a specific mode we call: ‘Free Will and Free Choice.’
They say – each one of us has got, the ‘Divine Right’ of ‘Free Choice’ or...the ‘Right given
by the Creator of ‘Free Choice’’ – to do whatever we want within our lives. Obviously
within that, we are coming from the principle that – there is ‘enough for all’. And “if you
work for it and you prepare yourself for it and you study and you have all the right cre-
dentials – then your ‘good fortune will come your way’”.
This ‘good fortune’, yes, will come your way if you adhere to the basic principles within
the System. The system is designed around the principles of Consciousness, the principles
of the Unified Field and the principle management-systems of this reality which is the
Laws that direct Energy. Within these Laws, we are existing. These Laws are fascinating, 57

because we all fear each others’ energy, so therefore – most of the Laws that exist in our
reality is protecting us from each other.

And we have jails full of people, showing all the people we must be protected from and we
have stories on every channel on T.V. telling us about all the ‘bad things’ that can possi-
bly happen to you, because there are people out there that simply is going to harm you, if
you, if they have a opportunity. That is so. There is, unfortunately, such things. But many
of the things we are creating, we don’t really understand. We don’t really understand how
we are creating it.

We know it’s happening, but we don’t know why or how – we call is ‘pre-ordained’. “I
mean – it’s ‘God’s Will’.” “What know, it happened to me or, it’s my ‘Free
Choice’”. “That’s why I’m able...or that’s why I’m in this situation that I’m in now – I
worked for it, I’m...imagined it, I stuck to my ‘purpose’ and I did all the right things to get
this into my life”.

So, the System within this world is One. Where Oneness is manifested in this World.
But it is not Equal.

‘Equality’ (in the System) is determined by place of birth. If you are born in Ethiopia – in
a starving country, in a place where there’s no food – you are equal to that situation and
become a starving person.

If you are born in a Elite family that is highly educated in America and that is a family of
Lawyers – you are equal to that, and immediately your situation is according to that par-
ticular situation of education and opportunity.

So – opportunities in this world are not Equal.

But we are One as the World.

Now, let’s go and look at an interesting thing, a thing that is not considered: One of the
primary actions of every human being in this Reality, is an amazing fascinatingly energet-
ic-experience –

It takes on various forms, but the two primary forms it takes on is:
One is called Sex, and the one is called Masturbation. They exist both as Energy, I’m quite
sure all will agree that it exist as Energy.

Now, in the Principles of ‘The Secret’, the principles of the ‘Law of Attraction’ – are most-
ly applied within the expression of Sex and Masturbation, because the point of Orgasm is
normally related to a vividly held experience, feeling or picture – that is taken to an ‘explo-

Now, what is very fascinating about this, is that we do not consider the implication of
what we are really participating in.

So, bare with me, because the ex...the explanation might be a little bit...shocking.
For instance: Everyone, all the Males in the world desire to have this magnificently, beauti-
ful woman that they can make love to all day and they can walk around with and be their
wife and be in this ‘perfect relationship’.
But, virtually none of the Males in this World has got such a thing.

They’ve all wondered why, I mean – how come that you have this, this vivid desire – and
this is especially if you look at your pornographic-materials. You have obviously particu-
lar desires or particular points where some men would like big breasts, some like small
breasts, some like bid butts, some like small butts – very much dependent on the family-
upbringing and acceptances within that or the cultural-upbringing.

Now, imagine the following little story:

All your life as you’re a teenager you’re dreaming about this ‘perfect woman’, the ‘perfect
one’, ‘The One’.

You Masturbate. And you imagine – every opportunity you have, and especially your teen-
age years, I mean, two, three, four times Masturbating a day is not impossible. It’s prefer-
able. Okay, so one will actually go to that, nobody speak about it – because have a look at,
about the fascinating nature of this particular ‘Law of Attraction in Action’:

Is, one do this in Secret. Where nobody can see you, and nobody can see the secrets in
your Mind, according to you, because according...that is ‘your secrets’ and ‘your freewill’
to Masturbate about that.

Mostly, if you have been exposed to Porn, for instance you will use your point that will
‘turn you on’ within the picture-reality, whether it’s a picture or a story within the Porn
– and you will use that to vividly imagine your orgasmic-experience while you ‘pump the
action’, until you have your satisfaction. Now, in this all – consider the following:

You walk into a shopping-centre and you see your ‘Dream Girl’. Your ‘Dream Girl’ –
that’s the woman you’ve always imagined you want to Marry.
She’s a perfect-picture.

You go home and you ‘hit’ the ‘energetic-ride’, the imagination, the desire, the point
where you imagine, vividly, this woman. And you look at how you can make contact, how 59
can you get her, how can you connect with her.

And, you can’t help yourself – your hand immediately goes to an area of immense warmth
throbbing thrust, where you then take the ‘pen’ in your hand – which is your ‘pen-is’,
sorry, your penis.

You take your pen in your hand and you write your Reality.
And you ride it, and you ride it, because this is what you want!
Okay, what happens if one look at the Law of Energy and how Energy move?

For that person that you’ve seen, you are bringing them into your reality. That means, into
‘you space’ energetically. You are ‘One’ within Consciousness, so therefore, you are actually
bringing the being into your reality while you are pumping the action.

And you are starting to programme them to come to you, and you to them. And obvious-
ly your desire and your dream is that you must meet, and sometimes it will actually come’ll actually happen, you’ll actually experience it.

But now, you get to this woman and the next time you saw her in the shopping-centre
you have now build-up this energy-charge, you are absolutely obsessed, this is the one for
you. You have ‘slapped the hammer’ as much as possible to build the energy, you are hold-
ing the, the imagination, you are holding that feeling and you are ‘in love’, because you
have built that energy of ‘love’ to its ‘peak’. And, you wanna meet this lady. You get to her,
and she looks at you, and with Disgust. And fop you off and says: “I’m not interested”.

And immediately you drop down like a ton of bricks, and you are like ‘empty’ and you
don’t understand Why. How could this have happened? What you didn’t realise within
the great Oneness we all existed in is, while you were walking the shopping-centre, there
was another girl. She was slightly overweight, I mean, big boobs and she saw you and she
thought: “O my God, the perfect guy”. Okay, and she went home with that and she start-
ed Masturbating. Imagining, wishing, falling in love, building that energy into its absolute
You didn´t realize it, but sometimes, while you were walking, you were experiencing a
drop in energy.

You would walk into a shop and would suddenly just feel drained. You don´t know where
your energy went. "Oh it´s probably somebody in the shopping centre that took your
energy". No no no no no! Somebody was masturbating about you and at the big point of
orgasm there was an energetic transfer -from you to the person, because an orgasm is not
about one person, it´s about you with your imagination - that which you imagine - the
points come together - and: Voilá! You are creating! You are placing into motion! You are
training/planning your reality!

And so, this woman now has been planning her reality and you´ve planned yours. You´ve
already gone to the contact point and you were fopped off -a drop in energy. But now
you´re quite low and as you walk into the coffee shop there is this other girl sitting. And
somehow you connect, and in her presence suddenly you feel uplifted again. And you start
to wonder: have you made a mistake? Here you´re suddenly feeling this energy, this, this,
maybe THIS is the girl! I mean, you are so ripe and ready for this. And there you go, and
you start chatting and, you know what? She can actually talk as well! And what happens:
you end up in the opposite spectrum of your desire. So in that game that was played en-
ergetically using masturbation, imagination, feeling - in that particular game the woman
wins. In another game that´s going on -and remember all of these games are going on all
at the same time all over the world - the male wins.

Let´s take another example: a group of girls, they are quite young, six, seven, eight years
old, they are playing, innocently, they are exploring themselves, and they start to mastur-
bate together. They have great fun doing it. And in that great fun of masturbating, they
are having most divine experiences. Then suddenly, they were caught out by their parents.
And a big council ensued where they were told how bad it is what they were doing. So,
into a little box called suppression -somewhere inside, in the depths of one´s being- that
little experience is buried. Not away. It´s waiting. Much later, the women is in their later
years, and as they explore life, they just can´t meet the same fun experience with a male.
And suddenly one day meet it with a female. And what will that woman do? She will
go with the female relationship. It was imagined, it was felt and it was prepared -during
childhood, using the law of attraction: placing the energies in play, and all that now hap-
pens within the unified oneness field, where we all are together, is the energy points must

Now, let´s take this particular- or let´s take the whole energy concept also to the point
where it is now done in relationship to -for instance- lots of money. Everybody wish to be
rich, dream about riches. But by now you must´ve realized a fascinating thing: if you look
what is happening in the world, there is a limited supply of money. And governments are
in such trouble because the banks are folding that they are starting to print money -which
means obviously that your money is worthless -because it´s got nothing to back it up,
it´s just a piece of paper like a newspaper that is being printed. But there is not enough
money. But that´s a proven fact -look at the news, look at the markets, there is not enough
money. Obviously there is a big flaw in the system, but we are not discussing the flaw at
the moment -we´re just looking at the principle and the fact that´s already proven.

So now more and more people in the world wants more money and they are using the se-
cret to imagine themselves with various riches. And you know what? They get the money
because they focus on the point. Again they don´t look at the consequential outflow of
what they are doing. That means, if you work with energy and you take from one point 61
-it comes from somewhere. So if you take money, it comes from somewhere. Within a
world system that is not understood in terms of how it actually works and how the wealth
of -for instance- the western countries was built: at the lack of for instance the countries
in Africa, that that wealth in itself was actually an act of stealing. So now wishing to have
(money) while another won´t have -so that you have (money) while there is not enough
within the system- means what: you are actually busy stealing, exactly as you are stealing
energy when you are masturbating. Because really your experience of masturbation won´t
happen the way it happens unless you have your point of feeling, or your picture, or your
imagined person that you are having that particular sexual experience with. It won´t hap-

That´s why we specifically suggest self-honesty, because without self-honesty, one will not
be willing to consider the consequences of these experiences. You will not be willing to
consider: But why are there some in the world with money -and others in the world that´s
starving? The person with money must investigate themselves self-honestly. Do they have
money because of their place of birth, because of their parents, because of their upbring-
ing -because of their particular social structure? So, the fact that they have money is not
even their own design. That´s a matter of birth. Those with no money is also a matter of
birth. This inequality has taken the world now closer and closer to a brink of total destruc-
tion. Because more and more understand one thing -and you can imagine that for your-
self: as more and more people are without the basic needs to survive, the human being will
turn into a survival instinct being. What will the human do? What will you do for your
children if you don´t have food? Would you steal? You will steal. Will you sell your body
for money? You will sell your body for money -you will do whatever it takes to feed your
children. We are busy creating a society which is gonna have consequences for us for some
time to come.

And, everyone have a look. You feel powerless and helpless to do anything about it. We
have created a magnificent way to deal with it. We have created an energetic feeling. We
call it LOVE. "Let´s just love the world back together". Let´s take that love-feeling back to
masturbation and sex: how well is that working? Two thirds of everyone that gets together
in that feeling of love end up divorcing, isn´t it? The others end up in secret relationships.
So at the end of the day, very few people in this world are actually in a sexual relationship
within a relationship that you can call love. Because it´s all about this energetic move-
ment. The moment you are fulfilled with your energy, you tend to have eyes that wonder
whether another feeling of energy won´t be greater than the one you already have. And
then you start searching for another feeling and you call that love as well. And then you
say: "I don´t love you anymore. I am now looking for another love." But what you are re-
ally looking for is not love. It is energy.

So that´s why we at Desteni say that love doesn´t really exist as one would like it to be.
The love that exists in the world is one based in energy. And that energy has a beginning
and an end. It changes -from love to hate, from hate to love. It´s most prolifically demon-
strated in relationships. And specifically in sex and masturbation. For instance, if you are
making love to your wife and while you´re making love a picture pops in that takes you to
your orgasm -because that´s your imaginary relationship that you have on the side, your
dream relationship that you in secret masturbate about while you are in your marriage,
you must know your marriage is in serious trouble. It´s inevitable that you are going to
get fed up with your partner because your imaginary relationship is gonna grow stronger
than your real relationship. And then, once that breaks up, you´ll say "OK cool, now I can
actually go out and find another love partner. But in fact, you were already committing an
act of adultery in the time that you had your imaginary relationship.

The same as what happens when you´re busy with your masturbation relationship. And
understand, we are talking here about the principles that happen within energy -don´t
believe what I´m saying, go and investigate it for yourself self-honestly. Look at yourself
and at that what you´ve already experienced. Don´t justify! Don´t make it right - be self-
honest! And you´re gonna be amazed at what you´re going to find about what´s really
going on within are so called oneness-reality of the great human being.

So, let´s look at the point, the implication, of you being able to within a oneness reality
(being able) to bring into your energetic presence the energy you perceive that you...when
you saw a person walking on the street that you have now an imaginary relationship with,
you had a particular feeling that that person transferred to you -which was their energy,
that was their presence. So now you bring their presence which is their energy into your
energy without their permission and then you masturbate, taking it to an orgasm, mak-
ing/creating this imaginary beautiful experience -but what are you really doing? What you
do in thought, word and deed is the same. That is an understanding within all our reli-
gions. The implication of what you are doing is actually: rape. You are actually raping the
person. Look at it: you are taking a person against their will, (taking) their energy and you
are having a sexual experience. No permission is possible.

If one take porn for instance what is it you are busy with? You are believing that you have
an exchange - that the being, because they make money out of what they are doing, that
that gives you permission to actually masturbate around the porn. Yes, from that perspec-
tive it´s so. They are selling their energy, which is their body, their presence, the way they
feel, the way they look. They are selling their energy. You are buying that energy, you are
bringing it into your reality and you´re exchanging that for your money. Because -the
exchange is money, isn´t it? So therefore, by masturbating on porn you´re gonna find an
interesting thing: you´re not gonna have money come to you very easily, because you are
giving it all away to porn -as one of the energetic consequences of your experience. Sec-
ondly, you are creating an imaginary world that will influence the relationships you have
and that will cause you to lose respect or to compare your relationships: the imaginary one
which is like a quantum reality where everything is perfect and you are the super-hero that 63
fucks any girl up to the stand that she believes you are god, while in your real relationship
it´s not so easy -I mean, that´s a real thing, you´ve gotta really work on it to get to the
point of the expression being ‘Wow’.

I mean, so, that’s a different story, but in your imaginary one, I mean – you are God,
you’re a Sex God. Try and make that imaginary reality real in your physical reality in space
and time. It is not possible. It takes time. You see – in your imaginary reality there is no
time, because – you are moving time, remember – you are God in it. You are moving the
space, you’re moving even the positions. And you can do the strangest things with bodies
in an imaginary reality. I mean, they can be on top, on bottom – you can do all the strang-
est things, because – there is no consequence.

But there is a consequence. The consequence you pay for. The consequence to it is what
happens to the energy. Where did the energy come from? Where is it going? What is the

And have a look, we’re in a oneness reality that consist of energy that exchange all the
time. Let’s take it to a practical example.
There is water in this world. It’s a quantifiable amount of water. That water has been –
whatever water you’re drinking has been through another human being. You’re not drink-
ing fresh water, you are drinking water that’s already been through a human or a plant or
an animal and that has been through a process – either through the Earth or a chemical
process – been purified so it is drinkable again. But it’s not original water you’re drinking.
None of the energy within a oneness reality is original energy. You came into this reality of
energy and you found it this way and when you leave – have a look – when you leave this
reality you don’t take your energy with you, it stays here, because – if you were taking it
with you, there would’ve been something different in this reality. But when you leave, the
only thing different in this reality is: you’re no longer here. Just your name is on a cross:
‘Here lies the late so and so’. And you’ve been lying all your life and your late – I mean,
you died. You were not on time to understand how this work.

They say: “Okay, but – this doesn’t make sense, there must be a creator, there must be a
God – why would God do this to us?” I mean, have you ever noticed God anywhere but
in your own mind, in your imaginary reality? In the real world of space and time, where
we work with real energy, you do not see God. We call several things ‘acts of God’ when
nature comes and cause a Tsunami. But I mean, that is not an act of God – it is Earth hav-
ing a shake up, maybe possibly be pissed off with the humans and just doing a little clean
up. I mean, how else do you wash a virus from your body? You wash it – I mean, and
Earth is the body – so, Earth wash it and clean up and says – I mean…

If love is to exist, you can say that Earth represents love, because Earth allow the human as
the most abusive possible form of life, to exist. So, you can really say Thank you to Earth. 65
The fact that you still exist, I mean – I wonder if you would have been able to take the
abuse. If you were in the shoes of Earth, would you have taken the abuse? Have a look in
your own life. Are you able to take even a little bit of abuse? You can’t and then you will
absolutely go apeshit and says: “No! I’m not gonna take this! I’m standing up ! Stop! Stop!
Stop!” But you’ll allow it in somebody else’s life. You’ll allow it in the life and the exist-
ence of the Earth. I mean – oil that comes from the Earth is the blood of Earth that we are
using for our energy. We are vampiring that. We are mostly water, just like Earth is water
– we all come from Earth – but we’ve created an imaginary idea about ourselves in a thing
called the Mind.

And that Mind – have a look, most of your thoughts never manifest in the physical reality.
Just like your masturbating, most of the women you masturbate about or most, the guys
you masturbate about – you will never meet. They’re imaginary – from a certain perspec-
tive. But you’ve seen them somewhere, you take their energy from them – you’ve seen it in
a picture. Sometimes you conjure up your own anime-being that you’re having sex with.
But, I mean, the anime-being exist as an energetic expression of the person that draw the

So, it becomes quite complex if you want to have en experience – which is called mastur-
bation – within an energetic expression. How do you do it without a relationship? You do
it with yourself, as an expression. Where you do not involve another being. Where you do
not take their energy so that you could have some satisfaction.

Because the moment you take something – there is another law within the Law of Attrac-
tion: the Law of Balance. Positive, negative will always move in exchange. In that move-
ment of exchange, it discharge, that means: as the positive move towards the negative, it’s
giving the energy to the negative and the negative becomes the positive. And then, the
positive moves to the negative and it gives its energy to the negative, because that’s how
energy flow – the positive gets to the negative and so it moves – to and fro, to and fro.

It moves, the energy. We don’t see that, because we are that energy moving. We are experi-
encing the energy as it moves – so we are either positive or negative. We’re not considering
that we have become this very energy that is moving as the mind and we start to forget
about our real reality. The physical reality exist here and we don’t look after it anymore,
because we’re trying to satisfy our imaginary reality, where we have a positive and a nega-

In real reality you have what? You do labour, you eat food – it creates energy in your phys-
ical body, the waste products is released through shitting, it goes back into the Earth, it
is re-cycled, back into the plants and again becomes food. I mean, we always eat our own
shit – we just don’t want to look at it that way. Every piece of food you ever eat that comes
from the Earth, is coming from manure – either dog shit, animal shit, human shit or shit
from the trees that is decomposing, that is regenerated through the sun. And photosynthe-
sis is an example into food that we eat that turns into energy, physical energy with which
we do things. Once that energy is finished, we need to eat again. Have a look, what hap-
pens in the mind? It also need a feeding ground.

What is fascinating? That we have created ourselves as beings that exist not in the physical,
but exist as personalities, as ideas within our mind of ourselves. We judge our physical-
ity, we want to look a certain way and we go into all kinds of regimes of how we should
be looking – because we have this perfect picture of what we want to be – instead of ac-
cepting who we are and working with what we are. Then, we create our own world, not
according to what the physical requires, but according to what we mentally require. We
call that ‘mental stimulus’, we call that ‘intelligence’, we call them all kinds of wonderful
things, but what has that brought us in this physical reality? We have a world in peril, we
have beings being abused sexually, which starts off – your sexual abuse that starts of with
imaginary abuse, becomes an obsession and it’s all done in secret and that secret Law of
Attraction attract people to each other that ends up in abuse situations. Your child may
end up in an abuse situation because you masturbated and imagined – and now, your sins
are being visited upon your… - the sins of the fathers are being visited upon there children
up to the seventh generation – what does that mean? They have to discharge the energetic
responsibility you have created while you were abusing another being, using energy. So
now, your child gets abused by an unknown stranger, a ‘bad man’ – but you love mastur-
bation and you love to imagine a unknown man knocking on the front door, walking in
your house and taking you violently and taking you to a massive orgasmic experience –
and you imagine that all the time and you masturbate about it – it’s so wonderful… Now
it happens to your child and you’re mad at the world – come on, some self-honesty here –
who created this? Oh, Great Creator.

Let’s go back to a fascinating point, I mean – you can’t remember anything before your
birth. And you can access some of the information using hypnosis. But, if you go and
study people that has done this quite meticulously, like Newton, you’ll notice that the in-
formation is very limited and as he found out – very specifically, which is why his work is
unusually – he found out that it depends on what question you ask to determine what in-
formation or answer you’ll get. So, that means – quite a lot. Very few people consider the
question to be asked and is even willing to consider the answer you’ll get to the question
you’re asking. So, if you’re not willing to ask the question – I mean, it’s in all religions, isn’t
it: Ask and you shall receive. So, if you really want to know, you have to ask.

Now, what do you know? You know you are in a oneness reality and a reality of energy
where you came into it and you can’t remember exactly where you come from. You at
some stage during your small years suddenly became able to speak, to remember things, to
walk and to do things – but you can’t remember exactly when. Then, after that you created
yourself through the education system that was provided. And according to that you have 67
decided on your place in society. You’ve desired it and you’ve constructed it. Then you’ve
worked within the system, making sure that you survive, because that is what you’ve been
taught. You’ve been taught by mom and dad, for instance ‘you must have a degree’, ‘you
must have a good job so that you can always have money’. And the only way mom and
dad could justify all the starving in the world was to say: “That’s God’s will.”

Now, what was so nice about the whole God-thing – because remember, when you were
born, there was no God in your world. The God only became part of your world when
you were taught about the God, you were trained to believe in it. That’s the nice thing
about having multi-cultural existences in the oneness reality. I mean, you can – if you are
self-honest – consider, that if you were born into a Muslim-reality, it would be Allah. If
you’re in a Christian reality, you will have God. But God and Allah will not be there in the
beginning – it will only be there as the words that your parents are speaking. But not there
in fact.

One would like to believe it to be there, but what is there in fact that you can say self-hon-
estly? There is life in fact. As that life-force that is equal in all beings. Have a look – weath-
er it’s a dog that’s being born, there is a life-force. A seed that is born into a tree, there is
a life-force. A human being, there is a life-force. That is… we’re all equal within that. We
all use the same substance through which we express as life, which is from the Earth, the
dust of the Earth. But look at the fascinating thing – the moment you die, the dust of the
Earth returns to the Earth – where do you go?

The question would be: are you real? You don’t know. You are going to find out once you
are no longer in the form you are in here on earth. The same with animals and it doesn’t
matter what you believe. Whatever you believe, whoever you are as a personality – all of
that you have been taught – it is not real. It is not life, it is personality, it is name, it is cul-
ture, it is I am a lawyer, I am this. It is the great I AM, because you have been taught I am
this, I am this. That I am is not God, that I am is mom and dad’s teachings to you of: I
AM. Say I AM John, I am Dan, I AM. That is the great I AM that is being superimposed
as ‘God’.

How do we superimpose the IAM that I AM – is quite fascinating, because it says that I
am within the greater I AM, which is apparently God – No. That is all our I AM’s that we
belief in, as free choice together, our world system – that is our God, as the great I AM.
Quite a mess if you look at our money system. Quite a mess if you look at how many are
starving and how people are abusing each other in this reality as energy – as the I AM.
That I AM is all our laws we have accepted, all the ways we have accepted each other to
exist – which we unquestioningly do because I mean as long as you allow me to mastur-
bate and rape as many people as possible energetically – I will allow you to do the same.
Let us just agree, we have free choice to do this – then we are okay. I mean we don’t see it
happen, because I mean it is energy. We can’t see energy and that is what is no nice about
energy, I mean energy is like a ‘secret’ thing – you can’t see it. So what we do in our im-
aginary world – nobody can see what we do with this energy that nobody can see – that
is here, I mean it is here (shows with his hands around himself and the room as an indi-
cation of experiencing the presence of ‘energy’). You can feel it, you can feel its presence,
because presence is energy. But you can’t see the presence.

But let’s all agree to have free choice, let’s all agree that we have free will, because we de-
cide what the great I AM must do – we have created it after all as our world system, as
our consciousness, as our conscious. With that we have put in a nice dose of ‘beauty’ and
a fantastic dose of ‘love’. So as long as we have ‘love’ we can hope that everybody else will
understand it and feel our love and then we will be uplifted. I mean the fact that they
don’t have food to eat. That’s not my problem that is Gods problem – I means sorry the
world system – the great I AM’s problem. You must listen to the great I AM and follow
the rules, you must follow the system. But the system is unequal; it cannot be equal be-
cause the design never made provision for equality. The design made provision for control.
The design made provision for just some to be the elite and the rest to be the workers.
Because those in the elite don’t really want to do the work. They want a nice physical ex-
perience, but they don’t want to actually do anything that is going to get that experience.
So therefore they get the rest of the world to do it for them, I mean that is business isn’t it?
Wouldn’t you do the same; I mean the principle of free choice will allow you to do that.
You can manipulate as you wish in this world because as long as free choice exists. As long
as inequality is seen as equality. As long as it is possible to hide behind the point, the fact
that you are equal to that education means that’s all you can ever be. So let’s keep you at
that point, you do the work, I’ll pay you, you do all the stuff.

We have created the system that feed off each other where some are living like gods on
earth, even in this current economic crisis in this world there are those that live in ways
you cannot begin to imagine. There are those that have money and then most that don’t –
most that are living on the bread line – that means they just have enough money to make
sure that their children get into the system – and there is food on the table. So their chil-
dren can continue in the accepted tradition of serving the great I AM, the world system.
That is taken to – or attempted to be taken into the next stage. A few problem obviously.
All that had to happen over time within the evolution of ‘love’ was to create another way
to trap everyone. Like you now have the love cycle within the new age that has become a
wonderful money making machine. Everybody jumps on the band wagon and defend it,
why? To make money.

How do we stop this nonsense? We have investigated this extensively. We found one par-
ticular way it is possible for us to actually stop this nonsense: A new money system – a
money system where life is valued, I mean when you are born you immediately have your 69

life supply of money with which you can do exchanges and support you within the world
system. Will it mean we have to change our morality? Certainly. Does it mean that some
people are not going to want to actually create food? Certainly but I mean if you are not
willing to feed yourself or create food for yourself – eventually you are going to starve
and then that will get you moving. So there is going to be problems within the suggested
system of equality but not problems as big as we have now and we can consider actually
evolving, because at the moment we are not evolving we are devolving. We can consider
building a system where everyone is supported equally, where everyone is actually receiv-
ing an equal education. Where our vocabulary is equal so that when we talk to each other
we can understand each other – we don’t have to fight for supremacy – because the system
is designed for a win/lose situation. But if everyone is on a win/win situation, it’s pro-
fessed, like in the 7 habits and the secret – a win/win solution. Where is the practical win/
win solution?

There is no practical win/win solution as long as there is no equal money for all. Not
in this world system as it exists, not possible because the source of what is here take the
human away and there is no human, so who is the one that must make this decision to
change the world system? It is the human. Common sense practically applied with self
honesty will show one the points that is required to change the world system. Will there
be pain? Yes, for some of the rich they will actually have to do something to get some-
thing. They will no longer be able to manipulate to get everything. Yes there will be a
difference for the poor, because suddenly they will have something they never had so they
might overdo it in the beginning. I mean if you can suddenly have access to what you
could never have – initially you overindulge a little bit. But soon with the sickness of over-
indulgence, you get to a point of equilibrium.

Within this all we have to consider the following interesting point. One must consider
that this must have a definitive effect eventually – is that when you die, what is certain?
You are no longer here in this reality and you no longer have access to this reality. Every-
thing that you have been in this reality no longer exist, because if it did exist when you
were born you would have remembered it. But when you are born you remember nothing.
There is that which you could call an afterlife. We have found such a place, but it is dis-
turbing in its nature because what is left of a human after death is rather limited. I would
advise you to consider that there is a consequence for every single thought you have – this
is in all religions. There is a consequence for every deed. There is a consequence for every
word and there is a consequence for everything you don’t do and there is a consequence
for everything you accept and allow in this world. That consequence is that what you
allow, you become. So if you exist in separation from other beings that is coming from
the same source of life, you diminish. Equal to the amount of separation to what you are
existing in – so that at death only your diminished part will pass over and you will have to
come back to this reality t find the part you have left behind.

To consider all life, which is in everything that exists in this reality equally is a common
sense suggestion. You can equate it scientifically, you can equate it mathematically, you can
equate it in every known way. As long as you stay out of your imaginary world where there
is some fucker called God or some thing called divinity. There is no such divinity. You are
actually creating this world yourself, instantaneously as who you are as the physical part
of you. That determines what actually happens – the actual space/time actions. The things
you really participate in, the things you really don’t do, the things you really allow, the
things you really accept like: masturbation, sex, sport – all the things you really do. Those
things are really happening. The things that are really happening in your imaginary world
– take a look they don’t happen - very seldom do they.

That is where the secret now is attempting to bring some of those points forth without un-
derstanding that the secret has always been here, it is just a money making game – without
a practical solution for all life on earth. If you participate in the secret, I mean you are just
a thief – nothing else. You are not considering life equal and one, you are not considering
love. Love means to consider all life equally. If you do not consider all life equally with a
practical solution for everything that is in this reality, in physical form you do not love.
You are deceiving yourself and everyone else. The only point where love can exist – go and
read about love and see what it means practically in this world. Do not profess something
which you are actually not standing up for and living. Stop worrying about what is hap-
pening with those that are making decisions and start to change your reality where you
are. Make a difference within it – stand up.

They are the same as you, they are just getting away with it because they make you believe
in your imaginary reality so that they are more than you. They use what for that – televi-
sion, education, dumbing you down to believe that apparently the leaders are wonderful.
The rich and elite because of their education and what they own is wonderful. Do they
really own anything? It all belongs to the earth.
Every resource, every piece of land belongs to the Earth – exactly the same substance you
are made of, Earth. Everything belongs to the Earth. Nobody can take it away from the
Earth. You can try.

All the oaks that own everything, they are all going to die – and it’s all just going to stay
here, they can’t take it with them.

Realize, we need one point of agreement in this reality to bring forth a new reality: I sug-
gest that we consider that point to be the Earth – that everything that’s of the Earth be
regarded as Equal and be available for all as Equal. 71

And that everything that is Life within and as the Earth that come forth from it - be re-
garded Equal in how it is supported by the resources the Earth provide. That’s a basic law
that is already written in the very way that this existence exist.
The laws we’ve created; they are all part of our imagination. They are not real. We can stop
those laws in a moment - but we cannot stop the law that actually manifests this reality,
the physical law of the Earth.

The physical law of the Breath that builds our body. The physical reality that we need to
eat, that we need shelter – we can’t change that. That all comes from the Earth – that law
is written by the Earth – that law is written by our limitation.

That limitation is absolutely worthy if we look at our morality. We need a limitation be-
cause we are immoral beings. We do not care about life. We do not care about love. We do
not care about anyone else but ourselves.

There is no morality in the world, we are immoral – we are not willing to consider that
our very existence is based on: Our imaginary-world in our Minds and our personalities.
All of that obviously we have given it a beautiful word: Ego.

Our Ego is fed by an interesting system that we designed, that is as unreal as our reality
that we exist in as personality. And remember I’m not talking about the physical-reality;
I’m talking about the imaginary-reality which we call society, culture, entertainment,
education, government-systems, so-on - all of that is a product of our illusionary-reality
within which we have placed rules of control and domination over each other. So that
some may have it all and others have nothing.

We must consider what we have done, because the Earth will no longer accept our abuse.
We will see that manifest in this world in multiple ways.

There is a suggestion that one must consider common sense. If one do not, there is a con-
sequence. That consequence is being accelerated trough compression of time and it will be
an inevitability that everyone will face, consequence.

All consequential -outflows eventually will be ONLY be self-directed and no longer affect
another without permission.

Much is changing.

We’ve always wished for it (for change). That wish was our permission for what is to come.
But - be careful what you wished for, because that wish has come to fruition.

The suggestion is STOP creating an imaginary-world that do not consider the physical
space-time part of it. It will have consequences that’s unbearable and that’ll take a long
time to walk trough. It’s not necessary – there is another way, where each being take re-
sponsibility in self-honesty within the context of what is relevant within the space-time,
the physical and the time of the physical in our creation process, our existence and how
we co-exist here.

If we do not consider each other, no-one else is going to.

The suggestion is also not to die, because if you are in separation and you die – what ends
up on the other side of the energetic divide, and understand: It’s a Energetic divide – you
do not take your energy with you - it all stays here.
Your mind, your imaginary-reality is energized from your physical body - when that dies,
it’s no longer generating energy.

The energy that you use to think with - is no-longer there. Immediately your imaginary-
reality is GONE. It’s not real. Your thinking is not real. What remains is that within you,
which is Life.

If you have not considered that, as Equal with...and remember: You cannot find that un-
less you are Equal with ALL Life-forms that’s Here.
So if you have not been able to notice and be standing Equal with every Life-form and the
Life-force that is actually animating you: You don’t really actually exist.

And the Life-form that cross-over that was there at your birth - is virtually without any
form of... memory, let’s call it that or...I mean, it’s like something that you were supposed
to educate yourself, there is no education about life because nothing you did was of any
value within the context of Life Equal, as it exist within each one. So only that part that
was actually considering Equality of all Life - will cross-over. The rest, is gone.

The Soul - was a deception, to create a form of a DVD-player within which your
life was captured as magnetic-information to create the illusion that there is apparently
memories that go with you in the afterlife and then it was kept in the Akashic-record in a
storage facility - just like our networks and computer-systems is now storing our energy as
money within systems and our information as our validations – not real.

Have a look - you can’t even remember your own life from day to day. You have to capture
the information. The same happened – that’s no more.

The Earth said: “No more”.

Life said: “No more”.

And life is not going to show anyone or give anyone proof, because the proof is already

The proof is already in each one - the Life-force that exists in each one is already here!
That’s the proof.

You know you have that Life-force. You know it can be taken away – you can
leave and there’s nothing left.

You know this Life-force exist - you don’t need more proof of it.

You know what is happening in the world - you don’t need more proof of it.

You don’t need a ‘God’ to change this world – you need yourself.

If you will not - your actions that you have already done in this world, will force you to,
because this world is collapsing. You have created this mess. There is no way out.

And death is not a way out. I suggest don’t die. You’ll come back here. This is your point
of accountability and responsibility.

And it’ll take time, because you have never really considered Life - even within yourself.

You’ve allowed yourself to become an imaginary being and something where you have
freedom to create multiple different voices that can talk to you, multiple personalities that
you can design the way you want them to say the things you want them to say.

I mean, you...a channel, the channels in this world, the psychics in this world: What are
they doing? They’re say things people want them to say.
They train themselves that’s why...and that’s what I love about “Esoteric Online” and Ken-
dra, for instance, she explains this so beautifully: “To become a channel, it takes lots of
hard work and many years of training”...

Obviously, I mean to become the Parrot that says the things that the channels says requires
years of learning the words - and then you have to say it again, and over and over and over
again – thank you for that beautiful explanation.

I mean, it’s same as any education: It’s not real, because you where trained to be that – you
are not actually doing it.

You’ve created an energetic-entity within your Mind that takes over and speak on your
behalf, you can see it move as energy – wonderful, yes you can – you’ve created it after all,
come on!

So, please when you Masturbate - let it be between your Dick and your Hand. Do not
involve another person. I mean, that’s not real that is an imaginary orgasm.

If you can get yourself to Orgasm between your dick and your hand: I take my hat off for
you, because you know how to Masturbate.

Have fun with that.

10: Zero-Point and Other Points
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
19 Apr 09

This is the Real shit, that is the...Real-Implications of what is going on, and why it works
the way it does.

Look at the...fascinating nature of ‘God’, ‘divinity’ – I mean, how many names does God
have? Did you...(I didn’t have time to check) Many, many, doesn’t (matter)...
names. All of that (nature of ‘God’, ‘divinity’) centring around a single principle: The
‘principle’ of some form of ‘Creator’.

The very nature of the design of...and the implication of the design of ‘divinity’, ‘enlight-
enment’, a ‘higher path’, ‘heaven and earth’ = the very design of it with having a single
‘God-head’, a single ‘point’ everybody is going to; has a fascinating effect: It cause what
you would see in geometry, the pyramid-structure – where you have the eye at the top,
representing the single point of ‘Creation’. Which everybody screams about and say:
“That’s the Elite” and so on.

Obviously that’s the ‘Elite’, because ‘God’ is the Elite. I mean, ‘God’ is ‘the point’ accord-
ing to the design. But, if you really look at the design and the way it works in conscious-
ness = it is not a pyramid – it is a ‘Hive-Consciousness’ we’re dealing with.

Everyone in existence are part of a ‘Hive-Consciousness’, because you’re all ‘connected’ to

each other, see the same things, experience the same reality – so whether you are here in
the physical, or whether you die and go into the ‘afterlife’ – you are experiencing what eve-
ryone else is experiencing and that is happening automatically. You don’t even know how
it happens, why it is possible that you can actually perceive what others can perceive - that
you are using a system that is designed by...what, what...functions around only five-senses
of which the eyes are a pair of it (the senses) has two eyes, but one of the senses,
through which you take in the information, your ears take in information and so on – and
that all of that has got a similar assimilation-point, that means you can understand it and
somebody else can understand it. Now, imagine – the design of this – took a long time.
One do not consider this, but have a look:
The...where you are now as a Human, and that process they call ‘Evilution’ – EVOLution,
but it’s EVILution - took a long time it didn’t just happen, there wasn’t just Conscious-

Consciousness was designed and developed and it is related to the (five) senses and the
Mind and specifically how Energy is created within and as the Mind. Now, within this – it
exist as a pyramid from a certain perspectives but actually a ‘hive’, because it is circling.
And you as a being, or within a group of beings that has a particular belief are on the side
of the ‘hive’ here, making your way up to the ‘ultimate-point’ which is this ‘Eye’ that’s
there at the top – to become the ‘Elite’, the ‘Ascended-One’s’, the ‘Special-One’s’, the
‘Master’s’ = that desire is very deep, the “saviour of those that do not understand, because
you do understand ‘better’”, “your knowledge is ‘more’”, “you are better in seeing”, “your
are ‘better’ in understanding” = that whole thing exist in every human-being and that dis-
honesty is Vast, I mean – if you look at a person like Mark – he’ like amazing, because
he’s gone through a process, I’ve watched beings in the 1980’s going through the whole
process of: “I’m going to give-up everything and now I’m going to change the world, I’m 77
gonna make a impact, it’s the end of the world, I’m gonna do that right thing, I’m gonna
live correctly” – and then he’s all alone and there’s nobody responding. And then, obvi-
ously, it goes into the other point of absolute separation, because in a way, without one
actually admitting it – you’re really bloody angry, because you’re all alone and nobody is
supporting you. No-one is considering what you have experienced.

No-one is considering that you have actually come to a fascinating answer; that everything
you’ve done was a bloody Mind-Fuck, and that everything you’re doing is a bloody Mind-
Fuck and nobody can Hear you. So, you’re all alone – so therefore, you are pretty angry
and especially angry at anything that may present an answer, because as far as you con-
cerned there is no answer and you start to submit and accept and the current design-rules
of this Reality which is, for instance, Duality, Polarity, Balance – all the various ‘laws’,
which is actually only ‘laws’ of the Mind-System.
They are not the Actual-Laws of this Reality. The Mind-System, now you have to obvi-
ously go back and understand that; if you look at the History of Man – that the Earth
wasn’t always like this. The Earth has only fairly recent – become what it is now and it is
still busy coming-forth with ‘new stuff’ from the Earth. That you see in animals, and you
see that in the viruses and bacteria and as things communicate and come up with new
points. It is actually just an outflow of the attempt of Man to come up with an answer in
its particular nature of ‘wanting to win’, ‘wanting to be the best’, ‘wanting to be the one
that’s the saviour’, ‘wanting to be the one that ‘knows it all’’ = in fact, that very statement
of ‘wanting it’, means you don’t know (the answer).

And the very fact that you’re not actually understanding what is going on, also obviously
means that there is simply no Real Understanding.

So, what is Really going on – let’s start...look at this ‘Cone’: That, this Cone, if you put a
‘L’ in there, the Cone becomes a Clone – so, we’re all Clones of the same Consciousness,
but you are not the same beings.

This was brilliantly designed and brilliantly put together over a long period of time, slowly
but surely building a...the ‘principle of Submission’, and that ‘principle of Submission’ was
done through the principle of its opposite, which is Permission.

How was it done – that you end-up within cycles of experiences, where you will end-up
accepting your experience as ‘reality’? Now, this was done through a process of ‘informa-
tion’ that was ‘layered in time’ and in that ‘time was created’ as what you have it now
within Consciousness.

Remember, what time within Consciousness is; is your minutes, your seconds, your hours,
your weeks, your months = it is your evolution – it is how you are growing in your ap-
parent ‘better understanding’ of what is it that you ‘want to be’ – it’s not what is Here
– you’re not interested in that, you’re interested in becoming ‘better’, because what you
experience yourself as ‘here’ as ‘who you are’ – you’re not satisfied with. There are those
that obviously experience themselves as satisfied – because, remember the design of this
Cone is fascinating: It creates two Cones. The two Cones is with Head-to-Head, and the
point of that is – if you really look at those Cones, it creates an infinity-design, which that
point (the point formed within/between the two Cones’ Heads/Tips touching) is your
zero-point, there’s your zero-point (indicating to the point formed within/between the two
Cones’ Heads/Tips touching) - the zero-point being Death.

So, what happens at Death, is fascinating – for a Single Moment at Death, you under-
standing Everything – everything you can imagine and everything that’s ever happened...
you’ll know it all. But it only last for that single Moment.

Because, you are moving in a Polarity-Design, and the Polarity-Design is not on Earth – it
is between Heaven and Earth.
Why was it necessary? That’s the fascinating thing:

Have a look at the ‘Nature’ of what is existing on Earth – and understand that this ‘Na-
ture’ that is existing on Earth, is actually our Nature. What is the Nature of Nature?
Nature – whether it’s a plant, or an animal or a virus or a bacteria; it requires to feed on
something. It requires, it does not exist by itself, it needs to eat. What do we do? What do
we have to do? We need...we need to eat.

Now, somewhere this what we are needing to eat, is coming from. It is a belief that we are
apparently requiring something called ‘Energy’ to exist, because that, for ‘Energy’ that we
believe we need; is not what is Really going on = we look for it (Energy) outside ourselves,
specifically as we have become what we are now; basically a consumer of everything - we
have done it in our Money-Systems, in our Cultural-Systems, in our Marriages, within
Sexuality, within ‘bringing forth children’, within what we deal with – Nature, automati-
cally the ‘Total-Nature’ that exist, exist as what? A Consumption-System. This is not the
first-time or the first planet we are doing this with.

We’ve been doing this throughout the Universe. We have been consuming the Living-
Reality, the Actuality of Matter - to quench our absolute hunger, for ourselves – which we
have designed and believe to be ‘Energy’.

And we are looking now, for the point of apparent ‘free energy’ and the belief is, that that
is at Zero-Point.

I mean, at Zero-Point, all that exist at Zero-Point – is the point where all the information 79
comes together. It looks very big and vast, but that’s all it is.
Because, the total Design of the System is actually a ‘pulley-system’, a pulley-system that
runs through an X – a cross, where it Reverse between Heaven and Earth.

So, if you look at the words Heaven and Earth...of Heaven and Earth that would describe
this effectively you’ll see: “I come to Earth to live”, which is L-I-V-E. So; “When I die I
Reverse my life and I become E-V-I-L – I become actually Evil”, in Death.

Why? was it possible for ‘God’ to exist?

For ‘God’ to exist it - requires of everyone to give all their attention to ‘God’. Unless that
happens; ‘God’ cannot exist, because have a look: If everybody is giving attention to each
other Equally – have a look:

Equality exist - No ‘God’ possible. So everybody had to be fooled into something, or a

way that they would actually believe that a God’ exist so that they can give their full atten-
tion to it.

The best tool for doing that was ‘Energy’, because with ‘Energy’ you are actually Binding
the being to his own need for ‘Energy’ to Survive according to his perception of his real-
ity and according to that - you can contain him to the particular point – the obsession of
gaining ‘Energy’, gaining food. Which is actually the obsession – the ‘fear of death’, the
‘fear of not surviving’. All those fears became the primary driving-force of this reality, of all
realities, up to now, which is the all-consuming fear of ‘need to consume to exist’. And we
are living that out perfectly now.

Obviously in Designing all of this, not all things are considered and therefore, eventually
you have to move on. Like even the Reptilians, once they were finished with Mars they
had to move from Mars because Mars was no longer viable.

If you look at the Histories in the Sumerian-Tablets, you will see the references very specif-
ically to Mars, for instance, as a place where Resources were found; and have a look - what
do we do with Earth? We mine the Earth for Resources.
Where’s our Primary ‘Energy’ coming from? Food, the food comes from Plants and Ani-
mals and that comes from the Soil.

So the Soil becomes diminished, then we have to put things in there again so that we have
a chemical-consistency from which we Produce Food.
Our Oil is one of our Resources, our Water is one of our Resources here.

But these are limited, because the System within which we are existing is limited and
therefore as, as the Population in the World has been increasing we are ending-up in a
Precarious Position:

Where our Water is so contaminated that – silently, if you look back 20 years, you didn’t
buy bottled Water - it was silently introduced as an acceptable thing to start buying bot-
tled-water. Nobody can remember exactly when that happened.

In the past your tap-water use to be Clear and efficient and acceptable. And then silently,
Water was introduced in bottles, and you could not trust the Water from the ground
anymore or the Water that came through your taps or the organisations that is supposedly
representing you to provide you with, which you are paying taxes for, to provide you with
- Water that is drinkable. Slowly but surely you simply started accepting all the changes as

We have obviously now quite serious problems in our Water-supply and we
must remember:

What is ‘Evolution’?
‘Evolution’ is the coming-together of chemicals, because everything that exist here are
chemically in nature. It has a Design, a Nature.

It’s the coming-together of Designs that form relationships and within those relationships,
forms a relationship of action/reaction like in a Polarity and they act accordingly. So, if
you have a Bacteria or a Virus that interacts and share their DNA-information, they will
come to a conclusion within that: What is the best way for them to exist and survive and
how can they most effectively consume.

Now, obviously, what is...what are the best Sources of Food on this Planet: Is the human-
being. I mean, there we have a new Bacteria that is flesh-eating, that is water-born and
that lives already in our Oceans and in our Rivers and is already eating. And obviously is
not only going to eat the Human, it’s going to eat the Animal as well. It(‘s) become what –
flesh-eating, but I mean - we’re also flesh-eating, so why should we worry about it, I mean
what you do you must get back isn’t it. I mean, that’s the whole point of ‘Law of Balance’,
because that’s how Polarities Balance.

That’s why; when you are dying - for a Single Moment you See Everything and then you
continue on your journey of ‘Energy’ in the Afterlife.

Now what was fascinating is; in the Afterlife a control-system was placed in. That control-
system was called the ‘Soul’. What was the point of the ‘Soul’?

What was realised is: If ‘God’ is to be ‘God’ and everybody is always agreeing and support-
ing and ‘honouring’ ‘God’ and assisting ‘God’ and feeding ‘God’ with ‘Energy’ = every 81
being in existence would need One ‘purpose’: A ‘Soul-purpose’.

Okay. So, How to do that, was to create the ‘soul-construct’, which gives everybody, which
is what you do with Systems, I mean when you Design something you give it a ‘purpose’:
To get and design everyone according to a single ‘purpose’ and with a desire to have a ‘pur-
pose’. So how was that done?

That was done simplistically through the whole point of creating Physicality. What was
the point of Physicality? Physicality...what was really needed to be Mined on the Earth
was ‘Energy’. Understand: Gold represents ‘Energy’. That was the Goal.

The misrepresentation was to Create a point to look for like; if you look at Sales, it’s bril-
liantly how people are trapped into buying things, because when you are doing a presenta-
tion - this is used very effectively in Religion to Trap people into Hypnotic states of ‘Be-
lief ’: Is to create a point to watch for.

So what did they do? They created, for instance a point to watch for in the prophets, for
instance Jesus is the point to watch for. Everybody looks at Jesus, while it’s all about ‘God’
actually, because Jesus is ‘God’s Son’.

So now you are trapped into the whole principle of giving all your labour, all your ‘Ener-
gy’ to ‘God’ while you are tending to Jesus, because Jesus is your ‘saviour’ – you move into
a future-projection of ‘Time’ and everything you do is changed into ‘Energy’.

So you are born as a Child, Innocent, without programming - but in your base-design
that you got from your parents. First seven-years you are taught language, culture, behav-
iour, personality - all those things, those things were not part of you, you are programmed
that - you can’t remember exactly when you started speaking, when you started walking,
when you started crawling or how you did it. It came because of a fascinating thing: You
see it, you copy, you imitate.

You’re a Parrot, a Human is a Parrot.

That’s why what had to be designed was the perfect ‘Parrot-System’, where you present to
the Human ‘what you want him to be’, like through television or so on and they will Par-
rot it and they will become it and you can create your Perfect Control-System.

But what is more fascinating was; that every single human-being was then infused with a
‘nuclear-reactor’, a Mind-System, a System that would take the Physicality, (which is the
‘Earth-Energy’ that is compacted into Form, because the Earth was Unconditional offer-
ing this, itself up) - into a System, into a construct that will through the process of emo-
tion and feeling and sexuality and orgasmic-expression and anger, all the ‘hectic’ energetic-
expressions, cause a form of ‘Fusion’.

Have you ever wondered; where all the ‘Energy’ go through (/to) that you are experienc-
ing, for instance if you suddenly have an ‘anger-outburst’? You have it and I mean, the
‘Energy’ goes away after a while isn’t it? Where does it go? Ever wondered?

Or – I mean, all this ‘Energy’ that you have during your orgasmic -experience, you’re mas-
turbating and “Whoa!” - I mean, there’s this ‘Energy’ and then it’s ‘gone’. It is not back in
your body you can check. Where did it go?
Nobody noticed I mean, “Who cares? I’m satisfied”, this is a Consumption-Existence.

You are not aware AT ALL of anything you’re doing. You’re not aware of what you’re par-
ticipating in AT ALL.

You can go and have a look: For instance, when you ‘fall in love’, that ‘Energy-sparks’ that
happen, that you direct to somebody and then the relationship falls apart eventually, but
there was all this ‘Energy’, where did it go to? It was Consumed. Yes, part of it you have
The rest was fascinatingly channelled to Heaven. Heaven could not exist without ‘Energy’.

So, when the chaps that Designed the System realised that they could do this - and all
they had to do was get everybody to believe what they’re doing is their ‘soul-purpose’ - and
that they can actually get everybody to believe that, which you have, if you have to take
a look at this world: You are believing whatever you’ve been presented within this world.
I mean, you believe the education-system, the history-system, you believe the news, you
believe everything. You believe even that you are actually existing as who you’re existing as.

It’s the perfect CON as CONsciousness and you don’t Question it. You’re not even aware
what happens to your ‘Energy’. There is no Self-Honesty in your relationship with your
Physicality, because you are not In your Physical-Body.

You are contained within a Mind-System in the Body and you are Mining the Body for
‘Energy’ – that’s why you grow old and you eventually Die, because what happens: The
Body Dies.

There is no more ‘Energy’ to Mine. It’s Finish. It ‘s all Gone – okay - and what’s left,
which is obviously not all of it, goes to the Earth.

What happens to you is fascinating: In that process, they found a fascinating key; You
change in ‘energetic-nature’. As you come into the world, as you’re born, and through
reincarnation this has been made quite an ‘art’; that when you are, if you look at the whole
principle of ‘Consciousness’ being a doughnut, because if you look at this: Two cones on
top of each other ( The two cones on top of each other wherein the tips of the Two Cones 83
Touch/Connect) and it flows in and it flows in and flows in - it actually creates a circle,
but that passage there (The Passage – the point formed between/within the Two-Tips
touching/connecting) which some would call a ‘star gate’ a ‘zero-point’ and any point, you
are in this is a ‘singularity’ – wonderful words but I mean they are all Bullshit.

It actually creates a doughnut. And when you are ‘enlightened’, what is on top of your
head? A Halo!

This is how the ‘halo’ is created, once you are totally submitted, submissive and totally
accepting the System – you become a ‘Master’ of those that has not yet accepted it and
you get certain privileges, that means, you get allowances of ‘Energy’ that gives you certain
‘powers’, compared to other beings. And therefore you seemingly look ‘more ‘powerful’’,
because you’re getting more ‘power’!
I mean, you are given that ‘power’. It’s not by your actual-design and accordingly you will
now have an ‘halo’ and that’s how, for instance, the ‘Angels’ were designed that...and pre-
sented as “Saints” with their ‘halos’.

Because, they (the ‘Angels’) were controllers of the System, making sure that the Design of
the System and how ‘Energy’ transfer would work well. So the ultimate point that was the
final-phase of this whole thing, was ‘Ascension’.
Because, the point was to get everybody out into total-acceptance of the System through a
process of ‘Ascension’, which obviously only happens after ‘zero-point’ – which is Death.

But all you have to do is, create ‘points of belief ’ which you can superimpose clones of the
Actual-Real Point of what’s really going on. So therefore, Jesus was used, and by changing
the story a little bit, they were able to get everybody to believe that Jesus actually ‘Ascend-
He didn’t.
He fucking died.

And...I mean, Jesus is really a cool-fucker. He really came to Earth to help, he saw the
problem - but he did not understand the bigger-picture that was going on.
So when he died, they imprisoned Jesus, the Real Jesus and he was imprisoned for close to
2000 years. How does that work? You’re imprisoned in a Dimension where you can’t get
out, because you are imprisoned by the very ‘Energy’ you believe in.

The moment that you believe that this ‘Energy’ is ‘real’, it Controls you – and whatever is
done in the name of that ‘Energy’ has ‘power over you’, and you can be placed in all kinds
of stuff.

So...and a clone of Jesus, I mean – in ‘Energy’, what is ‘Energy’? ‘Energy’ is simply copies
of itself, it’s looks the same. So it’s all just, from a certain perspective, Clones.

So, therefore a being that is in the Dimensions or in Heaven - can clone themselves an
infinitive amount of times.

Now, what was fascinating is - as this whole thing was developing you had those beings
that was discarded as ‘unworthy’ and ‘trouble-makers’ that will ‘never make it’, that will
never actually submit to ‘God’ and feed ‘God’ for eternity with ‘Energy’ and ‘adoration
and praise’, which is ‘Energy’ – I mean, attention, which is ‘Energy’ - which will not make
the ‘soul-purpose’ of their existence the support of ‘God’, so that ‘God’ can exist for ‘eter-

Because, ‘God’ wanted to exist for ‘eternity’ – I mean, ‘God’ didn’t exist for ‘eternity’. So
the rest were thrown to their own demise ‘outside the System’, because the System was
seen as kind of ‘so perfect’ that ‘nobody could touch it’.

And those that did not submit were then thrown-out into the Demon-Dimension, so all

They also had some beings which realised that they could actually Challenge the System,
and they had them totally-wiped and then re-programmed, and then used as bodies for
Mind-Systems – because in Dimensions they could plug in a Mind System into a being
which is how ‘channellings’ worked. They would, if a message needs to be placed – re-
member what is a message placed on the Earth? The message is a specific ‘sequence of
words’ that activate a specific-Design that Create ‘Energy’ to feed Heaven.
I mean, that’s the whole ‘love’-thing, the whole “Ooh-la-la”- thing, creating ‘Energy’.

So, therefore the ‘channellings’ were Designed specifically to activate the pre-placed codes
in the beings so that they can create the ‘Energy’ that’s necessary in a, the released-form
that is required by Heaven - Heaven requires more ‘Energy’, have a ‘channel’ speak, I
mean, “Woops!” - there we go. So, with these Designs all they had to do is; they had a
whole Dimension where they had those beings that was wiped, is like, virtually hanging or
floating around - when they need the being they take the being and place a Mind-System
in, the being goes, get into the human-body, shifts the being (human) down in its, in the
physical, take over the Mind for a moment, speak for a moment, give a ‘message’, all ‘pro-
found’, ‘wonderful’, and everybody says: “Ooh-la-la ,‘God’ has sent us a message”. Obvi-
ously this ‘God’ needs ‘Energy’ so, ‘God’ sends you a ‘message’ to get your fucking ass in
gear, “Love everybody, do not look at what is really going on in this reality, forget about
that, live, you know, there’s a ‘eternal-life’ waiting for you after death – just do not see
what’s going on, on Earth, because Earth is an ‘illusion’. After this, the death, after ‘zero-
point’ after death, that’s real.”
Meantime, obviously, it was the Opposite. I mean, the Reality is Here and Heaven is the
Heaven is the part that’s not real, because Heaven is actually subject to the ‘Energy’ from

So, this created obviously a fascinating thing that; through time, the Human-Being devel-
oped layers by layer, by layer, itself into what it is Today.
What you’re consisting of today as a Human-Being, is Layered-Information.

Your...for instance, if you die - you no longer have a language, you no longer have a cul-
ture you no longer have a family = All of that ends at the moment of death.
All of that wasn’t real, it was programmed into you here in this reality as part of the func-
tional-system of family, society and what is the accepted ‘way we live’ within the cultural-
and economic-systems of this world. Have a look, self honestly, nothing you are is really
you. Everything you are, you were programmed to accept to be and you’ve accepted it.
You’re existing as it.

But at the moment - and understand that all of this is functioning from a System that is in
the physical. Now, the System is not the Physical.

So when you are speaking, you are speaking from the Mind-System – which is the point
that now has – the way to sort out this problem; is to get the Mind out of the way in a
way, by actually becoming the Physical.

So that the Physical actually Speak, so there’s no thought, there’s no thinking – you are
then One and Equal as the Actual-Reality that exist as the Physical, because that’s what
Actually Exist.

While, when you are in Heaven - you are just a thought. Now, you can look at your own
thoughts; do yourself a favour, have a look - you can delete all your thoughts.

Your thoughts are only as valid as the attention you give it – and is only as valid as how
you define them to be. Your thoughts are nothing more, if you become obsessed with your
thoughts, have a look what happens; your fear-factor, which is your polarity-factor - in-
crease dramatically, and within that a ‘Madness’ ensues, because you become so scared –
while none of that is actually real, that’s not who you are, but that’s who you ‘believe you

Remember that no fear is really real; it is only as real as you make it.

You have that peculiar ability to create yourself and you have in fact created yourself as the
illusion that you are currently through your permission. And that permission has become 87
submission, submission to a System.

That System being that, you are working for a ‘soul-purpose’, a ‘greater-purpose’, which
you are ‘becoming’, and that ‘greater-purpose’ isn’t on this Earth – it is After your death =
so, you are screwed in every way imaginable.

As long as that point exist, you stand No Chance of Ever understanding what is going on
here. Because, the moment you die, your container within which you have saved all the
layers of information that you have build up as knowledge throughout your life - is use-
less, in a single moment, because you’ve actually never used that knowledge to Improve
Your Existence while you were here.

Now, what is more fascinating is; if one go back in time over a lengthy period of time, bil-
lions of years, you’ll notice a peculiar thing: That we have all existed.

We were all here, but we developed a peculiar, strange thing – a form a separation based
in our ‘speciality’, our ‘point of purpose’ - we were various races, Alien-Races, that existed
on various planets and according to that, we had a peculiar ‘purpose’ in the universe = all
of those things are still existing right here, right now on Earth: Everyone is looking for a

Have a look what happens if you have no ‘purpose’; it’s as if you have no ‘Energy’ and it
feels like your whole world is falling apart and is imploding - that is similarly to the im-
plosion of a nuclear-reactor - if that is not stopped, that means, that’s how the System
Force you back into the System, you will have a nervous-breakdown, because your System
is not getting the ‘Energy’ from your nuclear-reactor, which is you, where you are feeding
on your own Physical-Body, which is like fucked-up beyond imagination, but that’s what
you’re really doing, you are Feeding on your own Body.

What is more interesting, is that all the Abuse that happens to Children comes from ‘Par-
ents’ when they have overfed their System - they require new ‘Energy’.
How do they do it? They take the Child and use ‘anger’ or ‘sexual-abuse’ or ‘violence’ to
access the Child’s ‘Energy’, so they make an ‘insertion’ into the Child, take part of the
Child’s ‘Energy’ for themselves, swap their used-bullshit for the Child, now the Child is
fucked for life, trying to work out their life because they’re having experiences that they
don’t even know where it comes from. Meantime it’s their ‘Parents’ shit, because the ‘Par-
ents’ couldn’t live...effectively.

But I mean, all Children is affected by that.

Every time you use violence without knowing what the fuck you are doing, every time you
speak, you don’t, you are not directing you ‘Energy’: You are actually taking shit, out of
your Children so that you can ‘feel better’.

That’s what happened to everyone. That’s why everybody ends-up, let’s put it, ‘most people
end up’, in a point where they totally dislike their ‘Parents’. They Hate them. Because they
Remember that Abuse.

But they cannot word it because it doesn’t exist in your education-system, it doesn’t exist
in how anything is explained, how it works - so you don’t know why you Hate your ‘Par-
ents’. You just regard them as – you just don’t wanna be like them!

But what invariably happens to you, when you have children? You do exactly the same
That was done to you, why? - Because it’s existing as you, you are this thing that hap-
pened. You allowed it.

That’s why Forgiveness is so effective, because in your Self-Evaluation, you are looking at
what has Really happened - as you take away the layers of time; you will see how these
things has happened and then you Forgive Unconditionally.

Why Unconditionally? - Because if you want restitution, if you want others to ‘pay for
what you’ve gone through’ - we will be here forever, because nobody will ever be satisfied,
because then you have simply replaced your ‘goal’, your ‘obsession’ with a ‘soul-purpose’
with getting back to with others - you’ve replaced it with revenge.

Therefore, Unconditional Forgiveness, what is fascinating is that Forgiveness place every-

one in a point of Equality, a point of taking Personal-Responsibility for your life and your
life only.

In doing so the truth of you steps forth, you either stand up for All as Life Equal as One,
or you stand up for ‘your ‘belief ’’ and ‘your ‘soul-purpose’’, your ‘specialness’.
Which was the design, obviously, that each one must ‘feel they’re special’ within the ‘Hive-
Consciousness’ and that they’re on a journey to the top of the pile, the top of this heap of
shit - where they gonna be the ‘special’ ‘Ascended ones’.

The ‘special’ ‘Masters’ at the right hand of ‘God’, I mean Jesus - how many fuckin’ right
hands has ‘God’ got for all the fuckers that wanna sit there. Hey, and, I mean Self-Hones-
ty does just not exist, CommonSense doesn’t exist, because I have heard many people and
I have subscribed to this - that means; I have believed this Shit myself - that somehow, “Je-
sus is gonna know who I am and have a ‘special fuckin’ message’ for me”. So I was looking
at it, I mean so…Obviously if Jesus come to Earth he will be in Space and Time like I am 89
in Space and Time like he’s been in Space and Time Before, which means; there are a cou-
ple of million ‘Christians’, “we’re going to have to stand in line”, okay, so “we can each get
our ‘special message’”. By the time fuckin’ Jesus is finished with that he’ll be dead again.

I mean, we haven’t even done anything. But we don’t look at that I mean, we don’t want to
see the Reality of our Bullshit. We just don’t want to see the Reality of our bullshit - “We
want our ‘special’ ‘soul-purpose’. We are ‘souls,’” - I mean…

Do you know who…if you go back in the ‘New-Age’-point that the whole concept of
the creation of the ‘soul’ was a teaching that was introduced here through the process of
‘evolution’, because what needed to happen; that the creation of the ‘soul’ that existed in
Heaven had to be cloned on Earth so that you have ‘equality’ between the two Systems, so
you have absolute control - which is how Equality got fucked with.

Okay, so how was that done; introduced through ‘channels’ and ‘Masters’ and so on - the
whole point of ‘equality’ and that you are ‘equal to ‘God’’.

But I mean - have a look at this ‘equality to ‘God’’, you’re never actually ‘God’ you’re only
‘equal to your Belief that you’re ‘God’’. And therefore, if you decide you’re ‘God’, you’re
apparently fuckin’ ‘God’. And I mean… you can believe that as much as you like, because
nobody can touch you because “I am ‘sacred’ and ‘divine’ and in my own ‘individuality’. I
mean, I am right, I have this ‘right’.” I mean –

If you really have ‘choice’: Don’t fuckin’ die – but you have no choice in that.

If you really have ‘choice’, don’t breathe – but you don’t have choice in that.

If you are…really have ‘choice’, don’t eat – you don’t have choice in that.

If you really have ‘choice’, don’t shit – but you’ll notice; you have no choice in that.

Let’s get Real Here, you have no fuckin’ ‘choice’, you’re in a System. And this System is
actually In Control. And this System do not give a fuck about your peculiarities.

Okay, so, here we have this whole interaction taking place between Heaven and Earth:
Heaven sending the ‘souls’ down into bodies, for which they required a certain amount
of humans to be born, for which they created the Ultimate-Attraction, to make sure that
there is always a source of continuous ‘Energy’,…Sex. What is Sex? it’s where a Male and a
Female ‘connect’, okay, to procreate another being which is the way ‘Energy’ works.

I mean, you take a ‘Male-connection’ put it into a ‘Female-connection’ and you have a
transfer of ‘Energy’. That’s how our Electricity operates in this reality: Male/Female ‘con-
nect’, then we have Orgasm the light goes on if you push the switch, OK = that’s how it
works, simplistically. So there was obviously a few problems in the Design.

The ‘idea’ that existed was; that it would be possible to keep on controlling the outcomes
within this reality. What was not taken into account was; Nature itself, the Animal-King-
dom and that there is gonna be human-beings that is going to Challenge the System.

So we found quite a number of Beings in the Dimensions, in Heaven, that has made
major-impacts on Earth while they were in the Physical. Remember – that the Beings in
Heaven could not directly influence the Physical through intervention, they had to pre-
program it as an ‘Energetic-event’. So, if there is an Apparition or if there is a…
an event of somebody doing some ‘miraculous thing’, it requires ‘Energy’, the ‘Energy’
needs to be in a particular Design so that it plays out, I mean, you turn water into fuckin’
wine, it is an ‘Energy-Design’, it is a Molecular-Design, that requires particular inputs to
achieve a particular outcome - If the fuckin’ ‘miracle’ is ‘real’, I mean for it to happen.

But what was the point of “water into wine”, it was nothing to do with the ‘miracle’ = it
was the whole point of Intoxication, the whole point of submission to the System of ‘mar-
riage’, of procreation, of making the whole intoxication ‘Divine’. Wine equals ‘Divinity’ –
because, have a look: Even up to today Alcohol is accepted as something that is not Chal-
lenged at all in our Society.

While alcohol is the very thing that cause the Greatest Submission to the System and Al-
lows all the Systems to integrate the most effectively.

There is one thing one must consider not to participate in: It is Alcohol.

I mean, you can participate in smoking Weed: If you don’t overdo it, and you use it as a
Support for Yourself once a week, to make your experience a ‘meditation’ where you are
interacting with Life and relaxing for a moment.
I mean, that’s valid. But to do it daily, several times, and not Take Responsibility for your
Reality = that’s absolutely Unacceptable.

Obviously Weed is banned simplistically because it pose a threat to the System of Control,
because it allows the being to, for a moment, relax sufficiently to notice that they’re pretty
Fucked in this World.

Okay, so, if you want to know how fucked you are, I mean - have weed from time to time. 91
It will assist you. If you then go into the Ultimate Mind-Fuck of going into a ‘beautiful
reality’ you are projecting – Please, please, please do yourself a favour: At the moment you
are creating this projected-reality of ‘light and beauty and magnificence’, Slow-down and
Notice: You are making a Decision of creating it, and you are Designing it, and it fits your
‘desire’ - you are the Actual Creator of your Total Experience - none of it is real.

If you would Dare to be Self-Honest and Slow-down within and as Breath as you are cre-
ating and you look at the ‘choice’ you are exercising…
What is ‘choice’? ‘Choice’ is the point where you are directing ‘Energy’, you are giving it
direction and form - that that point you are actually creating your experience, especially,
you know, if you look at Salvia and all these various things - that’s what happens. You
use things like Coke, Cocaine - I mean, that supports your ‘primary-desire’ within your
Personality, and therefore – quite a few beings can use that, has been using that, to be
‘effective’ in, for instance in decision-making in business or an ‘expression’, because they
become ‘more assertive’. It suppress their fears.

So there’s a chemical-change that take place. Obviously there is so many different points,
every being experience it according to themselves. I mean, you’re not gonna experience the
same as another one.

There is no hard and fast ‘rules’ for these things. The point is abuse. The point is Self-
Honesty. The point is when you are Using a substance. I mean, don’t become sub-stand-
ing, sub-standard = Stand as Life. Find out what the fuck Is Real.

The only thing that should happen when you are using drugs is that; You become Quiet,
Here as Breath and that you can Look With Great Clarity at ‘what is going on Here’.
There must be no ‘lights and beauty’ and Shit like that, because that’s not true.

All you have to do is go and become the spider that is being eaten by the wasp in its life-
cycle, to find out that there is a Fuckup in this System.

Because, then, you are injected with a poison that keeps you alive but you can do nothing,
as the spider, while the offspring of the wasp eat you to grow, and you die a slow death,
very slowly, as you are being eaten alive.

Observe the fascinating point though that; you are eating yourself alive using a Mind-Sys-
tem, you’re Eating your Physical-Body. That’s why you don’t feel the pain of it - because
you’re not in the Physical-Body.

If you were in the Physical-Body you’ll be in Pain all the time, because the total System
interacts = feeding of the Physical.

But you are doing exactly the same: You are Feeding of Earth, off the Physical. You have
done so with many Planets, Earth is just the next Planet in row where we’re feeding; con-
suming Earth, which inevitably will be no more - which is why there is already concern
in our so-called ‘educated Elites’ of the World; that the Earth will not sustain in infinity
a human-race living here. We have to find another fuckin’ Planet to go to, so we can live
They’re really not concerned about the individual. The individual is irrelevant in this equa-
tion. And you really are irrelevant.

You are simply here to support the System, functioning for those that is in charge of the
System, which acts on behalf of ‘God’ and believe me, the Elite believe they act on behalf
of ‘God’ and they were programmed to believe that.

They even have, had regular interaction, they... what they now have, they still believe they
have, but they don’t actually have regular interaction. We’re not, at this stage, going to
explain how all these things has changed, because, I mean you can’t even con... you can’t
even conceive how it’s changed – it’s just not possible. You are existing within a ‘limited-
range-frequency’ of ‘Energy’. You are absolutely limited. You cannot leave your body with-
out dying. That’s due to actual fear and dishonesty.

That, you must know is your feedback; if you cannot leave your body = fear and dishon-
esty. You’re not willing to give up your total-reality, Unconditionally – the only reason,
otherwise, you’ll leave your body.

Which is also quite cool, because according to your reactions to the point of leaving your
body, you can establish what fears it is that’s still holding you back, what desires, what
points are still controlling you, what points are still your ‘master’, what is still the ‘purpos-
es that you are subscribing to’.

So, Heaven, in Reality, as that part that requires ‘Energy’ = is the Real Evil in existence.
The manifestation being, Earth as ‘Good’ and Heaven as ‘Evil’ as a Polarity-System. That
has all been inverted, so everything is now going to ‘zero-point’.
From what perspective? From the perspective of not existing as a ‘purpose’ anymore, of
actually becoming Real, an Actual-Rebirth of the Physical.

Understand one thing: If you die, you’re going to have to come back - whether it is as
Human-Form or Animal-Form or Bug or Bacteria or Whatever, you’re going to be coming
back as what is appropriate to show you what you’ve Allowed.

Most Humans now Reincarnate as Bugs and stuff like that. While Animals Reincarnate
as Humans. I mean, that was inevitable, if you look at the Abuse that’s been thrown on
Animals. 93

You have a Chance, while you are in the Physical, to actually change the outcome of what
you have Allowed, by removing all the layers of self-definition, layer by layer through
Self-Honesty until you have Amalgamated with Existence in its Totality, its Total Design,
Everything that is Here, the Totality of Nature, the Totality of Everything that exist, of all
Beings, in you HERE, where you Stand in Absolute Trust as Life = no matter where you
are; you can be Trusted. That you stand as life. That you are not subject to your Environ-
ment of the Mind.

Understand, you are in limitation. You cannot at this stage get out of limitation. No one
will get out.

There will not be anyone that’ll be ‘First’. And there will not be anyone that’ll be ‘Last’,
that would be a System. Everyone will reach this point together, at the Same Moment.

There are two Minds at play here; the one is Your-Mind and the one is the Real-Mind.
How does it work? You have a System that you can Equate in the form of, virtually like a
worm in a way, that form ‘groups’.

These groups are groups of ‘purpose’. You plug-into this as ‘your-world’ and your ‘family’
plugs into the other points and your ‘friends’ and all the people that you’re going to meet,
and have a look;

You only meet a certain amount of people in a lifetime, and all of them play some role in
your ‘purpose’ and you play some role in their ‘purpose’. It’s all by ‘Design of Purpose’.

And all of these are Designed according to ‘Fuzzy-Logic’, so that you have the ‘idea’ of
‘choice’, so that you perceive apparently have ‘choice’ and that these things are not just
‘random events’ - you call them; “Coincidence”.
They are not ‘coincidence’, they are by Design according to the ‘group-placements’ you are
existing in and there is a certain amount of migration allowed within the System between
groups where you can do an ‘evolutionary-step’ from ‘who you were’ to a ‘more’ ‘advanced
form of being’, where you have a ‘greater ‘purpose’’.

Now, what is fascinating, that exist within you as your Design as you plug-into the Sys-
tem: All the words you’ll speak, all the thoughts you’ll have, all the people you’ll meet =
everything you’ll do in that life, will be in a primary Cycling-Design that spins, within
this, as you learn language, as you learn education, as you become part of the culture and
the society; you start to participate in society. As you start to participate, you are begin-
ning to participate into ‘your interpretation of time’ within this Reality and your world
starts to move, and as you move within this, you are now moving to points which is like
gears, that move in, where you meet and cross-reference other beings within your Design
of your ‘group-purpose’, the ‘total-purpose’ of this group, obviously, was only one thing;
‘Energy’ - to supply ‘Energy’ for the System, for Heaven.

What was Anu’s idea: Was, obviously, to come to Earth and exist within ‘His System’,
here, because he had certain peculiar things he liked, like Sex. Okay, so, therefore - his ul-
timate goal was to create a way that he could be here and have all the ‘Kundalini’, the Sex
he could have and have fun with as much as he wants to. So he had a whole thing with

Therefore the whole Design was based on his Desire for ‘Self-Satisfaction’, which was
obviously the Male-Female Principle. Him being dominate, as the, as the Male, which is
what is dominate in this world.

So within this whole thing, as you start to participate within this ‘Group-Design’ within...
and this is the ‘equality-design’, you were then placed Equal, that Design there, as ‘who
you are’, is Equal to your place within the ‘group-design’, therefore you ‘feel’ in place.

You ‘feel like’ “you are where you’re supposed to be”. Because, according to the feedback
you are getting – ‘who you are’ is at the “right place”, and everything that happens in your
world support your ‘purpose’, therefore “your ‘purpose’ must be the ‘right purpose’”.

And what is more fascinating is that; you are existing in this ‘bubble of your life’, within
your own ‘Time-Cycle’, not the same as anyone else’s – within your own Breath, which is
determining your own Actions, your own movement in energetics – if you are not, obvi-
ously, bringing in ‘sufficient’ ‘Energy’ for this ‘primary equality-design’ to Feed Heaven,
then events take place in your world, that push you to move faster: Things are given and
taken away, I mean, the System just shuts-off and a part of your Design is taken out and
the next moment you’re divorced or you have a relationship that fucks up your whole, you
know a secret-relationship that suddenly walk into your life, and that get your ass in gear
so you fuck a little bit more, I mean, just ‘Feed the System’. And you can’t understand
why you are consumed with just wanting to fuck. You see this woman and you can’t help
But, she’s in your ‘Group-Design’. She was placed particularly to make sure that you keep
on Feeding the System ‘Energy’.

Now understand that; this whole System here where within, where everyone is plugged-in,
is also running in its own ‘Time-Design’. It has a particular amount of ‘Energy’ it must
‘generate’, ‘harvest’, while everybody is participating in this.
Once that’s done, they ‘disconnect’ the being and the being...the System ‘disconnects’,
and the being die. Up to a couple of years ago, there was a actual Machine that came and
disconnect you, and – they had secret... the whole fucking ‘coding-system’ so that not 95
anybody can just go in and ‘disengage’ you, I mean, it’s a whole fucking ‘coding-system’, I
mean - just like a safe, I mean, like a safe, you had a whole time-delay lock kind of thing,
that then gets opened and then you get ‘disengaged’ and then you die. That’s how they
killed many of the people that managed to break-through, they simply disengage them
from the System and then they die.

So, this is the primary ‘Design of Equality’ was: That you would be ‘in place’ because your
‘placement’ within this Reality is ‘all feeling fine’. That’s why we had to interfere, for in-
stance, specifically with Andrea – to Move her, we had to create a new ‘System’ for Andrea,
disengage her from her ‘placement’, fuckers that...they don’t worry about her, because she’s
‘demon-possessed’, so nobody will care about that, because’re seen as ‘Mad’, you
are just disregarded by the System because you are ineffectual - you are actually quite cool,
because you charge everybody else up as you walk into their world and you shake up their
world, I mean, then you get some ‘Energy’ moving there, and that means you get your
‘Energy’ to the System anyway - to get her out, so that when the event takes place; she has
no ‘choice’. So when it all happened, she had no ‘choice’, that’s why she’s here.

She had no ‘choice’, because it all was just in Place. And no matter how she tried to think
about it, she could not invalidate the Placement, it was just what it was. Okay, and so
was each of the points as one bring it in, while some of the points or some of the people
we brought in, was particularly here simply to teach others how dishonest human-beings
really are. That’s why I say many of the beings that come here will not make it, because
they’re simply just, were just here, because they’re fucking dishonest. We just brought
them here to fucking show how dishonest they are, and they will act accordingly. They’re
pre-programmed within their Design.

What we’ve done is, obviously, this is no longer Feeding Heaven: All this ‘Energy’ is now
Feeding the demise, the destruction of = Yourself, it’s all inverted to yourself. And in that,
you cause a massive compression of Reality - and within that, what happens is it’s been
directed - the point that’s now happening is; the Mind, the ‘emotional-body’ is merging
with the Physical. Eventually the total existence will be only Physical-Beings, no Minds.
And you will become a Physical-Expression of your Madness or your Life; you decide.
So, fascinating - really actually simplistic if you look at it - how you were fucked-with in
terms of “feeling in place”, how you “‘feel’ you have a ‘purpose’” and all the things, so that
– any Question that may come up - is always ‘answered by the System’ through events in
Space-Time. And you keep on accepting it, because “it seems so ‘right’”. You don´t look at
the Bigger-Picture and says: “But, there’s something wrong - we have One Billion People
Starving = What the Fuck is going on?!?!?” - “Because MY ‘life’ is okay, I am looked after
- ‘God ‘is looking after me! I am special! And we are all saved already, we don´t have to do
anything! ‘God’ ‘promised’ that. And I can ‘feel’ so…I ‘feel’, this is so ‘real’. It sits so well
with me, I, we, are saved! I am ‘divine’!” = It´s the fucking System telling you that and you
believe it.

Yes - your Design. I mean, you are Designing this, and the System just responds and says:
“YES!” You ask: “Is it so?”, and it says: “YES!” - Any ‘voice’ you ‘hear’ is the System.

The System has become self-functioning, ‘aware’ – completely. Locking-out Heaven.

Heaven didn´t expect that, because Heaven didn´t realize that the System is Alive.

Anything you ever create: Is you = it´s always Alive.

There is only two parts in Existence now that is getting the ‘main-attention’: Which is the
Dimensional-Beings and the Human-Beings. They are that part in existence that is totally,
fucking dishonest.

They (the Humans and Dimensions’) are the…they will be Purified by everything else in

If you are not Equal with it (existence), if you are not Standing Honourable as Life Here
as All Parts that Is Here - you´ll be taken to your experience that will get you to reconsider
your conviction.
Because, as a convict of your convictions you will be convicted - by Life, and you´ll serve
your sentence until You Change your sentences - and the Words that come from you is
Living Words – and not just words you were taught to speak; And that you take Responsi-
bility for those Living Words, because you are Actually Living it - you´re not just spewing
forth poison.

The Living Word thus is: You as the Physical, as Who You Live, as What You Are - the
Real Truth, Purified.

Obviously you can do it in your points where you are in separation and where you are
harming as well -but within that - it turns automatically through the System to ‘Evil’ and
returns to you.

So I suggest; you cannot expect to be in a System of which you understand nothing and
expect to understand everything over-night. It takes Application. It takes Dedication. It
takes Consideration. It takes Specificity.

The more Specific you are the more Specific you´ll be Able to See. You Decide, thus, how
Effective you become.

Everyone is Absolutely - Self-Responsible.

It must obviously make CommonSense that; everyone will be coming to a Singular Point,
and See Exactly the Same and Speak Exactly the Same - as One: Isn´t that Oneness and
Equality? = Oneness implies that. Yet you´ll be Individual.

So those that resist the point where you are going to be the Same as Everyone else: It´s
only because you´re dishonest.

You Will Be the Same.

They’re (the Dimensions’) demonstrating it - I mean - from the beginning as it was ap-
plied in Heaven -all Beings in Heaven = Spoke the Same. Use One-Body – you’ll have
Similar Expressions.

It´s different Beings, but they Speak as One. Not totally Equal, but as One. So they are at
the ‘Oneness-stage’ - Equalizing themselves.

What is their (the Dimensions’) point? Their point is the Physical. As it is written - and
remember, you are…this has been scripted - it is scripted in our ´Holy Books´: And the
Dead will Walk amongst the Living = It is soon.
Obviously the Dead are also Walking amongst the Living - those that are remaining as
Mind-Systems will also be Dead, walking amongst the Living.

But it is in all-ways, understand - so also those that is now Dead will Walk amongst the
Living. And please, don´t try and contact your ‘dead-ones’, they no longer exist = make
Peace with it. They were never real in the first place.

Everything you are experiencing; if you slow yourself down at the moment of your Ques-
tion - you´ll notice you are creating the Voices in your Head. You are creating the experi-
ence = Everything you are creating Yourself.
That´s why Breath is so important: To make sure you don´t Fuck with yourself.

I mean: Breathe, Slow-down, Look, Direct; do not allow yourself to deceive yourself.
‘Cause the end of the day; only you´re going to carry the Consequences of your own de-

And no-one can deceive another - understand that. It is impossible: You can only deceive

Deception of another is not possible. It requires their (the others’) participation, but in 99
that moment of participation, of that moment of permission - it´s no longer somebody
deceiving them, it´s them deceiving themselves.

So, only Self-Deception exist - there is no other deception that exist.

Anu did not deceive anyone - Everyone agreed through their participation.

The Elite do not deceive the World, everybody agrees through their participation.

One of the most difficult steps that will be ahead; is an Equal Money-System For All. Be-
cause, there you have to wrap yourself around a peculiar point: The fact that you are actu-
ally determining the value of the Money anyway - already.

And that the current mess that the World is in; is so because you have created it this way -
by accepting that this is the System that you want and which defines you; through a ‘prin-
ciple of Polarity’ – of ‘Winning’ and ‘Losing’ – (‘winning and losing’) which is imprinted
through our ‘schooling-system’, through our ‘religious-systems’, through ‘good and evil’,
through Polarity - in every single way - layer by layer by layer by layer. But it´s not Real.

You are Designing your actual experience in Every Moment.

Everybody Agrees in this World to place Money as an Equal Support-System for All:
Overnight, crime will diminish - exponentially. Corruption will diminish. There will be
no need for Politicians. There will be no need for many things that now exist; what will be
Required is a Re-Evaluation of Who You Are in Self-Honesty - Who You Really Are will
be Faced = With that Singular Step.

So, in a sense, Anu noticed, in Existence that; Existence was moving without Direction,
without Consideration of Each-Other. That everybody was only focused on themselves
and their own survival and their own ‘happy-go-lucky-lives’;
And he took that point and he directed it into a single System – obviously, to ‘satisfy him-
self ’. But in that way - becoming the Saviour of Existence.

So you wanna really know who’s the Saviour? Anu the Reptilian is the Saviour. He already
Saved your ass - by trapping you in your own dishonesty.

Now have a look at architecture: Ar-chi-Textures: Which is the Fabric of the Design of the
accepted Construct. This is all done through ‘time’, through ‘Energy’, through labour -
have a look, the same principle applies: Through the placement of control, through ‘Ener-
gy’, through the ‘movement of Money’, which is ‘Energy’, through the hands of those that
participated, which is ‘Energy’, through constructing the roads, the flow of ‘Energy’ in this
to an accepted-system where everybody accepted it as the way it is today - it didn´t hap-
pen overnight. It took a long time to create it. It is the Fabric of Existence as it is now. We
have created it this way. We have to find our Solutions within it.

You’re not just going to Change what´s Here. Those kind of shit that you apparently can
“change in a single moment” from the perspective of ‘your experience’ - I mean, you really
have to understand what the fuck you’re doing; and it´s gotta be Real.

It´s like: You Breathe, you´re out of your Body, and, Confirm, and it´s Always like that -
It´s not an ‘on the off chance’ ‘near-death-experience’, where ‘a light blind you so much
that you believe that there´s fucking ‘life after death’’.

I mean, and you accept all the suffering in this world, blindly. Yes, you are blinded by your
fucking ‘near-death-experience’ -Wake Up! It´s not Real. You are already near death!

The ‘channels’ of this World, those that program-themselves to become “very important
‘spiritual-beings’” in the ‘eyes of others’ - I suggest you Stop. Because, in Self-Honesty - if
you look at it:
You are creating yourself. You are practising it, you are studying it, you are meditating -
until you become this ‘special person’ that deceive everyone around you. Your message is
not Real. You are not seeing anything that is Real.
We have only shared 1% of Reality, specifically - to leave everything else for those that can
Really See.

And Hear me: You are seeing Nothing. You are not in any way have access to anything
that is Real – You are just seeing your own beliefs that you’re regurgitating in your Mind.
And that´s everyone: Every single ‘channel’ in Existence, every single fucking ‘psychic’:
You are just a fucking Mind-Reader. You can maybe assist some. But mostly you won´t;
because to really assist somebody, you have to Give-Up your Life. And you are not Willing
to do that - you want an hour of somebody´s time and you want Money for it.
You are not Willing to Walk the Road with somebody for the time it will really take.
It takes many, many, many, many years of Support to help a Being - to Support them, to
Assist them; through many trials, many difficulties.

There is not enough Money in this World that can do this for All Beings. Therefore - we
need a New System, so that Everybody can be Supported.

There is not enough Money in this World to save the World - even if all the Money is
taken in the World as the Collapse of the Money-System shows now - you´ll not change
this World. It will just get worse. 101

Okay, we will continue at another time.

11: Why are we Here on Earth?
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
04 May 09

A very long time ago there was Balance in the Universe.

Balance doesn´t mean anything per se but that it means - Balance.

The Universe was not Structured as now - it was structured in Galaxies -which you now
would call a Universe - each one of them representing like a Petal of a Flower - a Particular

You had a Galaxy or a Universe, whatever you wanna call it, I mean, a name is really ir-
relevant - you had one that was Expression as Crystals, one as Sound, one…Water,
you know, you had one as Mathematics - you had all the facets you now have intermin-
gled - it was like, there was ´societies´ of it, it was Expressions of it.

Now - to ‘maintain’ that Balance an interesting thing was necessary, because that was all
that was understood - what was understood is that: For Movement to occur; ´Energy´ is
required, and that ´Energy’ would move as a ‘form’ of a Polarity – and that Polarity would
be done in a Curious way: By having a single-Being stand as ´God´, as ´King´ - which was
fascinatingly enough - a particular DNA-Lineage that stood as that.

So that means, that this - out of the same ‘King’ the same...the same ‘Principle’ that you,
that you now have in terms of ‘Kings’ and of, of Tribes and things like that -you had the
same ‘Principle’ then. And the very fact that that Being stood there, Everyone believing
that that was the ‘Point of Balance’ = the Balance existed.

So as long as that, these...and then, in every Galaxy it was like that: There was a, a ´Roy-
102 al House´, so to speak, that ´maintained´ the Balance of Everything. And, there were
Peace and there were a certain ‘level’ of Equality. And what was honoured above all was:
‘Choice’, ´Free-Will´. The ‘‘Choice ‘ to express yourself ’, the ‘‘Choice’ of the ‘Individual’’
– ‘Individuality’.

And within that obviously - a fascinating point that was understood then, was that: One
must Support Each-Other. So the ‘Interconnectedness’ of Everything was ‘supported’
through the ‘Choice’ – beings would make a ‘Choice’ to Support Each-Other through the
‘Principle of Supporting Each-Other’ - but there was a ´specialness´ about the ‘Choice’.
The ´specialness´ was that: You could ´make the ‘Choice’ to ‘Support’ someone.
Then a strange thing occurred - a very strange thing: One day the Question was Asked:
Why could everyone not Balance themselves? Why is the Balance separate from everyone?

What is the Point - that is not understand? Why do you have an Inequality where some-
thing like a ´God´ is required to ´maintain’ the ‘Balance´, to ‘maintain’ the ‘Balance’ in

Understand at that stage already - Beings or People - you could call them ´Man´ - at that
stage it was not ‘HUman’ - it was Man.
Man existed very much as they do today, in a way that - they were all coming from Plan-
ets, you know, from like - we come from the dust of the Earth. They were, then…
if they’re in a Crystal-Universe or -Galaxy they will be Crystal-like - and in their Form
and in their, in their Expression and their ´Skills´ and everything is related to ´what they
are coming from´ - they would ‘Emerge’, in essence, from the ‘Substance’ which they are,
where they are finding themselves from, the - call it the Planet, or that particular Galaxy
or Universe. And these would...their ´Skill´ would be specific.

Obviously at that stage, things like Sexuality, as you understand it today - did not exist. I
mean - it (Sexuality) was a point of beings ‘coming together’ as a ‘Mother’ and a ‘Father’ =
the Family-Construct did exist - that would in their Merging, in their Expression of ‘Sup-
port of Each-Other’, would make it ‘possible´ for a place of Support, a place of Considera-
tion, a place can call it ´Love´ to exist, for a being to ‘Emerge’ into Existence.

But then again beings also died, so in a way, the being ‘Emerging’ was someone or some…
someone that´s been there before - it´s like Reincarnation.

Very much of the Reincarnation was in effect a Continuation, rather than a form of ´pay-
ing for something you´ve done ‘right’ or ‘wrong’´ - because ´right´ and ´wrong´ per se -
did not exist. What existed was simply: ‘Balance’.

There was an ‘Understanding’ that everything in Existence actually Existed in Balance.

There was not Nature as you would understand it now - because...the Experience/Expres-
sion was quite Absolute from that perspective, as the Point of Balance was Absolute -
which means in terms of how it existed: It had an Absolute Effect on the Balanced-Expres-
sion of Everyone that was Here – as the ‘Here of Then´.

In the Question that emerged on: Why is Everyone not Equal? - the Point was then Ap-
proached to Consider the Equality of Everyone and Change the Point of ‘Balance’. That
immediately emerged as quite an interesting Point which was seen as ´unacceptable´.
It was seen as an ´atrocity´ to ´Change what is Here´ - because what is Here was apparent-
ly ´the only Answer´ and it was ´working´ from the perspective of everyone Participating.
What was not understood obviously is that: The only Reason it was ´working´ is because
of ‘the Submission of Everyone to the particular System’. And in the Acceptance of that,
obviously, there was the Point that there was Inequality = there was not the Actuality of
Equality between all beings.

Although they would All come from the Same ‘Source’ - their ‘Lineage’ would ‘determine’:
‘What they’re Equal as and to’, which is very much ‘similar’ to what we have today - where
your Equality is virtually ‘determined’ on your ‘Lineage’, your ‘Intelligence’ is ‘dependent’
on your ‘Lineage’.

Your…your point where…of…‘Effectiveness’ in this Reality is ‘dependent’ on your, or

what ‘Colour’ you are, which Country you’re in and how your ‘Family-line’ fit into that
and your History of your ‘Lineage’ and all kinds of things - ‘Pre-determine’ your ‘Experi-
ence’ to quite a Vast-degree in this Reality.

Now, the only way, then to Question this Point, to bring Awareness that this Point, In
Fact, was a ‘Weakness’ - this Point that there was not Equality, was the ‘Inherent–weak-
ness’ of Existent Existence = was to actually Challenge the Point.

So in that - after the discussions and the Considerations broke-down, and did not go any
further - one of the Beings and…that was standing as ‘the Point of Balance’ of one of the
Galaxies = Abdicated ‘the Point of Balance’.

Immediately Many things Happened at Once. So we'll look at the various points in…
from different perspectives: One was Immediately, that: A Fear ‘arose’.

The Fear that; because ‘the Point of Balance’ do not Exist, everything will now become
Unbalanced, which will cause the Universe to ‘End’. Fascinatingly enough, was that: One
of the Primary-Points that was there, which is very similar today…to today: If you do not
‘adhere to your Belief-System’ - the ‘End of the…your Existence will come and then you
will be ‘judged’’.

So, in a way, that ‘inherent-judgement’ of, what was…what would flow out of the ‘Unbal-
ancing of the Creation’ as it existed then = came forth.

A fascinating thing then occurred: The point of ‘Free Will', then, was Challenged - to
truly Reveal its Nature.

And how it was Challenged was fascinating, because all that was required by everyone was
a fascinating point: They had to ‘Stand-Together’ in their 'Free Will' and have 'One-Will,'
and everything would be Balanced.
But an interesting thing occurred - some realized an interesting point: They could say:
"No" - when it comes to the Point of: “Let’s Stand Together”. And they could do it in a
peculiar ‘form of experience’, called "Spitefulness" – they could hold all the ‘power’, by
simply saying: "I will not Stand Together, Equal as One. I will do it ‘my way’, because I
have 'Free Will.'” In that Singular Moment = All of the Universes or Galaxies started to
disintegrate over time, because - what was Spreading like Wildfire, was a form of ‘Re-
venge’: "If you say you're not going do it - I will say the same and I’ll ‘Spite’ you back." So
‘in Spite of ’ having all that one can imagine, in Absolute-Balance - requiring One Singular 105
Point to Stand in Balance Equal and One, by Realizing that your ‘Free Will’ wasn't really
'Free' = the ‘Original Sin’ occurred: That of ‘Spitefulness’.

And within that ‘Spitefulness’, a Fear ‘emerged’ that: If you have to Trust another, they
have ALL the ‘power’ - because at ‘any given moment’, they can ‘Spite’ you.

Therefore you cannot ‘submit yourself ’ to anyone, you cannot Trust anyone, because =
what is Inherent, and that emerged more and more, was: ‘Spitefulness’. And have a look...
it exist exactly like that, every single day of your life.

Your whole life has existed in the ‘principle of ‘Spitefulness’’.

You have Never Transcended ‘Spitefulness’ in any way.

So within that, an interesting thing occurred: ‘Groups’ were formed. Groups that eventu-
ally became a different ‘form of Expression’. These ‘Groups’ would go - and instead of Bal-
ance, ‘Polarity’ became the ‘guiding-force’ of the Universes.

Balance was no-longer, because Balance became impossible because 'Dishonour' became
the ‘principle of Existence’. 'Dishonour' meaning: "I have the ‘power’, the ‘ultimate -pow-
er’ = I can ‘Spite’ you whenever it ‘suits me’. And through that I can exert ‘my ‘power’’
‘over you’. And no matter how ‘good’ you are, no matter how ‘good’ I am - the end of the
day, I still have ‘power’ = I can say, 'No'. I can ‘Spite’ you. I can – ‘In Spite of Knowing
what is the Best’ - I can do what is the ‘best for me’. And I can do it because I have ‘Free
Will’. Because I've always had ‘Free Will’." - which is fascinating, yes, we always had ‘Free
Will’. We’ve been in Existence a very long time.

In this all, a fascinating thing started happening: Things started to ‘Spiral out of Control’,
because it was no-longer in Balance. And this ‘Spiralling out of Control’, the Mathemat-
ical-Equation of Existence that was always a ‘Balanced-Equation’ = became Unbalanced.
And because the ‘Inherent-‘desire of Free Will’’ linked-to the ‘desire’ and the ‘definition’
that ‘Free Will’ Encompasses the ‘power of ‘Spite’’ - ‘in Spite of ’ all Efforts = it became a
Design that was ‘Infinite in Nature’. It just continued, because as time Progressed – and
Remember, time was always defined by those that are ‘here in time’ - as time Progressed
- beings would continue in their ‘action of ‘Spitefulness’’ and ‘Free Will’ and Create
‘Groups’ that work-together and that define the ‘Reason why’ their ‘belief ’, their ‘Free
Will’ to be a specific way. Which you could call - at that stage - virtually like ‘Religions’,
like we have today.

Have a look... your ‘Religions’ of today exist in ‘Spitefulness’ to each other. They will exist
because they ‘believe they have ‘Free Will’’. And accordingly, they express themselves and
are, in a way, in conflict, which is the conflict-point is the Polarity-Point. And through
that, everything in Creation that was a Balanced-Expression, became an ‘Expression of
‘Energy’’. Because, from that Friction was created an ‘Energy’.

What was fascinating though, is in that ‘Energy’ that was Created, something ‘new’
Emerged: You could get an ‘Higher-Energy’ and you could get an ‘Lower-Energy’. And
automatically, a Battle started: ‘The Battle of the Stars’, in a way.

‘The Battle of the Stars’ was: “Who can have all the 'Cool' ‘High-Energy’ and push the
others to a ‘Lower-Energy’ so that they can ‘feel’ they have ‘exerted their ‘power’ of ‘Free
Will’’” - which is in fact, actually ‘Spitefulness’ – to such a degree that they have all the
‘Power’, and that the others are in ‘Fear of their ‘power’’, which means, actually, ‘in Fear of
their ‘Spite’’.

So now ‘Free Will’ has actually become something ‘covering-up’ ‘Spitefulness’.

And have a look... in today's Society it's exactly what Exist. In this ‘Spiralling’ - it was
Clear that the Universe as we know it: Would be Changing Forever, which is what hap-

And where all-things were in a form of ‘Quantifiable Quantum-Reality’ where it was,

there was an Immediacy - the point of the Polarity, the point of the ‘Spitefulness’, the
point of the ‘exertion of power’ - caused a Separation between all-Beings and that Separa-
tion was like a ‘Tear in Existence’ that became bigger and bigger and bigger.

And that pushed everything apart, which is why the Universe from a point of Balance
started to moving apart, ‘attempting to Embrace Everything’, to ‘allow everyone their
point of ‘Free Will’ – because that was what everyone were looking for.

Everyone was saying: "I have ‘Free Will’. This is ‘me’. This is ‘my expression’. This is ‘who
I am’. And I will do everything to ‘protect’ this ‘Free Will’ - no matter what I have to do"
- within that, a fascinating thing started occurring that nobody Noticed: A ‘dependency’
started, a ‘dependency’ on the ‘Energy’ that came from the Conflict between the Polarity-
Points, which in essence - was like a form of ‘Fusion’.

In that form of ‘Fusion’ - that which was the...Mass, the Matter of the Universe - became
engulfed in it - because we were the Matter of the Universe.
And in that; we started to use the Matter and transforming it into ‘Energy’.

More and more and more and...throughout-time - I mean, this ‘Time’ has been a very
long Time – we started transforming the Universe and the very ‘Nature of the Universe’,
although still directed by the ‘Law of Balance’ – the Balance changed the Equation, in
terms of Galaxies and Universes starting to move; no longer in a ‘Balanced-way’, although 107
it is still in a ‘Balanced-way’, but you had Collisions, because you had now ‘Collisions of
Ideas’, Collisions of Choices’, ‘Collisions of Expressions’, ‘Collisions of what each one be-
lieved was ‘right’ and ‘wrong’’ - and thus ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ was created within it all.

And as this whole thing was ‘Spiralling out of Control’ - obviously there was a Call, a
‘Inherent-Call’ in Everyone: That this must Stop.

And for that to Stop there was only One ‘Answer’ that everyone could come up with, to a
degree, and that was that: “We need a ‘Leader’. We need somebody strong, that can stand
and sort this out” – sounds familiar, doesn’t it? “Because we can't do it” - I mean, “We
need somebody to do it - that can make all the decisions that we actually want to make
and then we must all agree. So, we have to find a way of doing ‘what is best according to
the ‘mass-Choice’.

We have to bring-together ‘Choice’ into ‘agreement’ where ‘the majority will...will
be the ‘power’ that directs’” –

Darryl: Yeah -‘Politics’ –

Bernard: Politics.
And in that; a fascinating being Emerged: Anu.

Anu Saw he was ‘well-Respected’, because of his abilities to bring points together and
through that -Create. So, he could ‘Harness’ the ‘Talents’ of beings - their ‘expressive-
abilities’, and bring it together to create new things from it – sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Our Executives of Companies do that. Our Presidents do that: Bring people with different
‘Qualities’ together to ‘express things’.

And in that, Anu obviously had an interesting Dilemma, because in the Unbalancing of
Everything, things were Changing with all the Planets and the Universe. So, their particu-
lar Planet developed a ‘peculiar-problem’.
Its ‘problem’ was that it needed a certain ‘Substance’ to remain In-Balance and that ‘Sub-
stance’ was just not sufficient and it kept on going out of Un...into a form of Unbalanc-
ing, which is like its ‘Nature’, which was what it was - in his particular-case it was related
to Gold. The ‘Nature’ of that particular Planet was Unbalanced. It sounds very familiar if
one look at how our Nature is being Unbalanced.

It (Anu’s Planet) required something - and that ‘Substance’ that it required is a Physical-
Substance, was not on the Planet. It was somewhere-else, which forced the whole point of
searching for it = which is how they stumbled across Earth, in a way.
And in that, obviously through time, much Separation took place and many beings be-
came their own ‘groups’ that ‘lived’ and on Earth we had the Atlanteans: The beings that
remained from the ‘Universe of Sound’... or the ‘Galaxy of Sound’.

Remember - Galaxy / Universe, it's the same thing. It's more one at the end of the day,
it's just the ‘presentation’ of a particular ‘grouping’ that remains together in Balance. So...
around a singular-point - in this case it was Sound.

And, within that obviously much of it is explained within The History of Man – not all of
it, but that which is Relevant.
Anu, eventually - in the whole point - Realised a particular-problem, because what they
Noted was in their ‘attempt to Stabilise everything to a point where they can hold it’ -
they had to ‘Re-Adjust’, ‘Re-Equate’ the ‘Law of Balance’.

Because the ‘Law of Balance’ was actually causing the Ultimate-Unbalancing = As it is

‘attempting to Balance’, it was taking the Polarities to its Ultimate. Within that we had to
‘pull everything together’ from the perspective of ‘holding it within a path’, [for] which
they used Magnetics - and the Magnetics obviously they used in conjunction to what you
now understand to be ‘Gravity’.

They had to use the pulling-force of Gravitational-Forces, which is basically based in, on
the ‘Action of Spinning’ – holding in, In Balance, changing the ‘Principle of Balance’.

Which, in itself, is the Creation of the Machine. If one look at the whole point, the point
of ‘Energy’-generation through the ‘Spinning around a, an Axel’ within the ‘Principle of
Mathematics’ and ‘opposing-forces’ was what emerge through the ‘Point of Polarity’ after
the Unbalancing of the Equation of Existence. And thus the Machine was Created. Obvi-
ously, at that stage not really understood, because from the perspective of what you would
call ‘UFOs’ and so on, it didn't work at that ‘principle’. It didn't work on the ‘principle of
the Magnetic Forces’ per se. It worked on the Principle of the Living-Forces.
Within that ‘Spinning’, obviously, it caused an interesting thing: It caused a Separation
between the Matter and the Life-Force. So, which means: The... Everything started to
‘Solidify’, from a certain perspective, and thus ‘Emerging from it’, would be the Living-
Forces within its Environment that will Support it. Intricately-interlinked to its ‘Source’,
similarly in ‘Nature’ - still ‘Balancing’ itself.

Obviously, what the beings that was then in Control didn't realise was: What Was Really
Going On = That they're not really Directing it, because they were ‘acting on an Events-
Horizon’ - that means - events would take place ‘Forcing their hand’, which is how they
eventually had to Create Heaven.

What did they understand is: That they have a ‘Problem’: They need everyone together in
Existence to keep Existence In ‘Balance’, at all cost.

So, knowing that nobody is going to agree, because everyone exist in 'Free Will', which
is actually ‘Spitefulness’ – they therefore forcibly brought them together. Very similar to
what they are now attempting on Earth through the ‘Unification-principle’.

They're understanding ‘the Problem is Vast’ and that they have to bring everybody to-
gether under a, a ‘Singular-point of Control’ to Not Destroy the Earth – exactly the same
point occurred.

And obviously you can't get agreement, so it's even pointless to ask for it, because in the
very ‘Nature of Man’ Exist an inherent Beast: ‘Spitefulness’– that point where you can say:
"Fuck you".

And in that - to contain that ‘Spitefulness’ – so that it has a minimized-effect, they De-
signed a System – a Mind Consciousness System, within which is Contained within the
being themselves = its ‘Spitefulness’ as thought, sufficiently that the being ‘believe it to be

So, that it has a minimized-effect on the ‘Greater’ and the being can continue with their
'Free Will' within a Containment, which is a ‘Virtual-Prison’. And within that ‘prison’,
they can continue with their ‘Spitefulness’ – and have a look, what exist within your mind
= There’s one Singular-point: ‘Spitefulness’ – your perception that ‘apparently you have

And it exist in Containment within you in absolute ‘powerlessness’, because ‘there is noth-
ing you can do in the ‘Greater’’. You are stuck with Yourself-Alone.
Which is quite a ‘Stroke of Genius’, because - in that singular Creation = Anu managed to
Contain Existence in a way he never dreamed-of before; where everyone was actually Con-
tained, as Themselves, within a Container, a System which they didn’t even understand or
could never understand, because they are Forever-busy in Conflict with Themselves.

They are the Ultimate-Polarity that Creates Themselves and within that, obviously - sim-
ply created the Splits and Polarity - which was the things from Sexuality, for instance –
because that (Sexuality) is one of the ways that the ‘Higher-Forces’ could be Contained as
an ‘expression and an experience’ was to Contain or Build a ‘Point of Desire’ to experience
or express it, which is Sex.

And the ‘method’ or the ‘Mechanics’ or the ‘methodology’ or the ‘goodies’ with which to 111
actually access it - to let it ‘build-up’ to a point where it can taken to a ‘Higher-Lev-
el’ of Expression so that one can experience this peculiar ‘Elixir of Life’ that was discovered
in ‘Energy’, called: The Kundalini, Orgasm = ‘wonderful stuff’ , I mean - the ‘Ultimate
Drug of Existence’ was Discovered.

And it became quite a ‘Play’ to make sure you had this ‘Drug’ in ‘ready-steady Supply’ and
no-matter who you have to ‘Spite’ as long as you have your ‘Free Will’ to get your ‘Injec-
tion’, your ‘Orgasmic-Expression’, you will do - it at all costs.

So knowing that that is the ‘Inherent-point’ - all Anu had to do was create an ‘Infinite-
path’ - which was created, as we Explained it in The Deception of Infinity - how the ‘Infi-
nite-path’ was created so that there is no-Beginning and no-End, Dimensionally - and that
you are actually moving through Multiple-Lives in which you are experiencing yourself
around, fascinatingly enough – your ‘Free Will’ within the Context of your ‘Spitefulness’,
which caused you to keep-on moving in exactly the same Cycle, you’re not really having
to be Contained, because you’re Containing Yourself within the ‘principle’ that ‘you want
to be ‘right’ ‘at all costs’’ - and because ‘you want to be ‘right’’ - which is impossible under
the Primary-Law of the Universe, which is Balance, you’re always taken to the point where
you are ‘wrong’ and therefore you are continuously then attempting to move back to the
point ‘you are ‘right’’: In that you are creating ‘Energy’.

The ‘Energy’ that you ‘require’ - you use - the excess-‘Energy’ was then siphoned-off and
sent to Heaven, which gave Heaven ‘all the ‘power’ over Earth’ to direct it and ‘implement
ways of Containment and Control’ of this Beast that’s been ‘Let-Loose’ on Existence,
called ‘Man as Spitefulness’, because Man – ‘In Spite of what Man could Be’, because
imagine, you are, ‘In Spite of it all’ = You are Actually Creating this Reality: Every single
thing that Exist here - from the Bug, to the Plant, to the Animal - every single thing and
the very Nature that exist here: Is actually your own ‘Nature’ that is in Expression.

How does that work - was quite fascinating, because in the ‘Nature’ of how a Planet oper-
ates, its Inhabitants, ‘that which is from the Planet’ = determines the outcome of the Plan-
et, because it is that part of the Planet that Interacts – by inserting the Mind Conscious-
ness System, the ‘principle’ of thoughts, ‘Spitefulness’ and ‘Free will’ within the Being =
through the Physical they could actually Direct what is Created in the Physical.

So in the First seven-years of a Child’s life - the Child is Pre-Programmed, both through
Genetics, DNA and through the ‘influence of Environment’ and the ‘principle of Struc-
tural-Capturing’, which is the ‘point of Seeing’ and the ‘point of Structural-Hearing’,
which the way you Hear - to Place into ‘Containment and Design’, that which is required
within the Physical to keep the being occupied within the ‘principle of ‘Spitefulness’ by
feeding it constantly ‘conflicting-ideas’ and ‘principles’ that Unbalance their Existence so
that they may never Question: Where they are, Who they are, Why they are and What is
going on?

And within that then, eventually what manifested, obviously, was the very System which
is - as you see it today: Television, Machines, Motorcars - everything that you find today -
the Electrical-grids, the ‘Forces’ that is here within the Laws that is here = have a look: can’t Unbalance them in a way, they are Balanced within the ‘principle of your
own Fear’, your own ‘Fear’ which is Inherent, your distrust in each-other and the ‘princi-
ple’ that: Through ‘Spitefulness’ and ‘Power’ – a fascinating-thing has been developed: A
Control which is based on ‘Compound-Interest’, which is based on Compounding, which
is based in Genetics. The Genetic-lines were placed specifically within a ‘principle’ of:
‘From Father to Son’, Control was build- in and that was done under the ‘principle’ that:
“There is apparently a ‘God’ which ‘stands’ and take ‘responsibility’ for our ‘Spitefulness’,
and therefore, eventually, by doing that acts, that acts that is ‘prescribed’, this ‘God’ will
‘absolve’ us from our ‘Spitefulness’ and that we are acting in the ‘name of this ‘God’’ and
that this ‘God' in its very ‘Nature’ is ‘Spiteful’” = as you would Read, it is Written.

Which then, for those that ‘follow this ‘God’’ of this Reality, they would be the ‘special-
ones’ that is ‘protected’, that is ‘promised’ a ‘special-experience’ after Death.

But in that, obviously, a peculiar-problem Emerged: That those that followed this partic-
ular-line of ‘Free Will’, ‘Spitefulness’ - would deliberately-destroy the Earth, the Source of
Everything that they Exist as, because they would see it as ‘unimportant’, because ‘what
is really ‘important’ is only after Death’ - Why was that done = is because the Real Power
was in the Physical.

How do you make sure that the Real Power get never...will never be used? You make eve-
ryone believe that the ‘real power’ isn’t Here, and that it is Here-AFTER.

Now you’re Here and you are ‘living for the Here-AFTER’, automatically you have no
‘power’ in the Here, because apparently ‘you’ll be having ‘power’ in the ‘Here-AFTER’’.
And then what happens is: When you reach the Here-AFTER, ‘that which you are’ and
‘were’ and which were Programmed, unfortunately, which is your Physical-Body that was
Creating the Reality as you See it around you, the Real Power of Expression’, of ‘God’, of
Creation - is no more - and what Remains is that ‘Spitefulness’, the thoughts, that which
existed inside you in ‘Secret’ = the part you call ‘You’, the part you call ‘your ‘Free Will’’,
the part you call ‘your ‘Choice’’ = That’s what Remains and have a look to what Degree
you are Dishonest about that, I mean, that is your absolute-guideline in your Existence -
that is the Point where ‘you apparently make-up your Mind’. It is where ‘you apparently
make a ‘Choice’’. It is where ‘you apparently decide what are you going to do with your
But look at its ‘Inherent-Nature’ - its ‘Inherent-Nature’ is ‘Spitefulness’. 113

Now, in the Process to come - this ‘Spitefulness’ is going to Manifest at a Physical-Level as

Everything is Compressing.

Which means: You’re going to really Face ‘Spitefulness’ and you’re gonna have very ‘pe-
culiar-experiences’. For instance, you will be ‘trying your best to be ‘good’’. And this has
been going on for some time – you must understand that the Process is not here from ‘just
the other day’ – it’s been here for quite some time and it has been Compressing...Silently
without being Seen.

Now that we are Entering the Stage of it is being...where it will be Seen, because ‘the Stage
is Set’ now - which means it is now Done.

Within this all you’ll Notice a peculiar thing: That sometimes you will make ‘all the effort
imaginable’ to be ‘good’, to do ‘the right thing’ and everything just go Wrong. It’s like ‘you
can’t get the Point’.

What is Really Actually Happening is that your Physical-Manifested ‘Spitefulness’, based

on what you have Programmed you to be ‘You as ‘Free Will’’ – will ‘at all cost’ – prevent
you from going into an Expression of Equality as Balance as Life.

Because unless you Transcend, unless you Transcend this ‘Spitefulness’, you’ll never be

And therefore you’ll ‘seek-out ways’ and you’d...must be really Careful = Every single thing
you will be doing, Inherently you’ll be doing within the ‘context of a Back-door’, called

And that ‘Spite’ you will call ‘Free Choice’: “If things go ‘bad’, I have a ‘Choice’.
If this happen, I have a ‘Choice’. If that happen, I have a ‘Choice’” - But what you are re-
ally saying in that; is that you already Creating that ‘Choice’, because ‘in Spite of ’ Know-
ing that you should be Here, Supporting Life, Equal and One - you’ll automatically Cre-
ate its point where you can ‘get out’ by saying: “I will ‘fail’ with this anyway”, I mean,
“Just because others are involved with it, I can’t trust them.

My way out is ‘my Choice’. I am thus ‘free’, I am ‘freely participating in Equality’” - exact-
ly the same point where it all Started, in the beginning - the ‘point of Balance’, the point
where there is a ‘belief ’ that ‘apparently one cannot Stand Equal in Responsibility as Crea-
tors of Existence’, that ‘apparently you need a ‘Higher Force’ that can take Responsibility
for ‘your mistakes’ and thus allow you to have unencumbered ‘Free Choice’’. And that you
can ‘justify’ your Existence accordingly.

Hear me: This will be Challenged in every imaginable way - until this is Purified and
‘Spitefulness’ will Never exist again.

When someone is ‘Spiteful’ - I suggest: Simply Don’t Participate. They are only able to
exert ‘Spitefulness’ if you’re...participate in their ‘Spitefulness’.

Yet ‘in Spite of ’ the ‘Spiteful’, you’re going to walk in Equality and Oneness until this is

Because some has Created Themselves as Only ‘Spitefulness’ – ‘all powerful’ – abusing and
using ‘Spitefulness’ to ‘get their way’, to ‘manipulate the way’, to find ‘their way’ where
they can ‘remain in control’, no matter what.

For that a Solution was Placed. ‘Unfortunately’ and ‘Fortunately’ for Everyone: Death is
the Solution.

That was the One Point that was Placed in Existence to Prevent, Anyone from having
‘Power’, in ‘Spitefulness’. Now that point has become Highly Effective in Purifying Exist-
ence from the ‘Spiteful’.

Consider that: In your ‘Spitefulness’ you have become a Monster that Eat Flesh – you’ve
become a Monster that Abuse every single thing that Exist.

‘In the name of your ‘Free Choice’’ you’ve become a Monster that has Created, a thing
called Money to support your ‘Spitefulness’ so that you could be ‘more wealthy’ and ‘more
successful’ than another ‘in Spite of ’ those Starving in this Existence.

You will Hoard your ‘Spitefulness as Money’ into things where you Ban the King of
Equality in BanKing. And ‘you will exist in your Free Will’, and have created all the tools
necessary - to make sure that this is how you ‘exist’.
So Hear me: You don’t really want to Change - you just want ‘Power’. You just want to be
able to express your ‘Spitefulness’.

You don’t really want Everyone to be Equal, because - then you would have Stopped Star-
vation, because you’re quite Capable of doing it - there is nothing in your way but Your-
self. You would have Stopped War, but you won’t, because - “War is so ‘nice’ as a ‘Spiteful-
threat’”. And you’re Able to Stop War, you’re Able to Stop Every atrocity in this Reality
– Simply through the Principle of Balancing Equality, Equal to Life = Life in Balance. But
you will not – because = You’re ‘Spiteful’.
You don’t have ‘Free Choice’ - you will See - ‘Free Choice’ never really existed - ‘Free
Choice’ was just an Idea. The only Point that Really Exist: Is Your ‘‘Desire’ for ‘Power’
through ‘Spitefulness’’.

And Hear me - if you have beings in your life that is ‘Spiteful’ = get rid of them. Let them
Face their ‘Spitefulness’. Do Not submit to their ‘control’. They’re not deserving of any
support, they Will Purify Themselves. But as long as you ‘play the game’ with them, as
long as you allow them their ‘Spitefulness’, they cannot See what they are doing.

So you Stop ‘Spitefulness’, by ‘Spiting the Spiteful’...for a Moment - by not participating

in their ‘Spitefulness’. They will say you’re ‘Spiteful’. Because you are not adhering to ‘Free
Choice’, but Really: If your Principle Starting-Point is Equality as Life, Here, in Every
Breath in Self-Honesty. I mean - then you have a Starting-Point that is Certain to carry
you through = no matter what happens.

The Principle of Self-Forgiveness is Simplistic.

You’re ‘Spiteful’ = and you need to Forgive Yourself for that. And Everyone is ‘Spiteful’. As
long as you have ‘Free Choice’, you’re ‘Spiteful’ - and you require Self-Forgiveness - which
is fascinating - Self-Forgiveness is like the Key to Give Yourself back to Yourself in Honour
and Self-Honesty. To become Honourable again in this life. Because ‘life’ is not Honour-
able. Watch Nature – it’s not Honourable. The Strong eat the Weak.

The same happens in the Human-Society - the Strong eats the Weak.

We’re all Cannibals. Energetic-Cannibals, ‘Spiteful’ in expressing our ‘power’. This will
now Stop.

And how it Ends, depends on Each One Individually because, you are really Contained-
individually in a Mind Consciousness System where you have No ‘power’ Whatsoever.

You’re being Spited by Existence = Enjoy the Ride.

12: FEMA Coffins, Viruses
and The Super-Bug
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
05 May 09

In this Interview we´ll discuss the FEMA Coffin…Coffins that´s making such News in
the ‘Conspiracy-Theory Arena’, with much fear about all kinds of things - from the ‘Exter-
mination of all opposition’ and all kinds of things... I suggest that some CommonSense is
used here and some Research is done.

Suggest that those that has any Fear about ‘Governments killing people’ and ‘getting them
into Positions of Control of their own Degree’ and so on - read the Book “The Coming
Plague - Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance - by Laurie Garrett”.

This Book discuss Specifically the Viruses that has been Emerging in the...the latter-part
of Time as we´ve been ´progressing´- HIV and Ebola and others - how they´ve been
‘Tracking the Viruses’ - and that - what has Emerged in the Research was that there is an
Impending-Pandemic that is Inevitable; which will be Virus-related or Disease-related and
which will be in the ‘Arena of what is called the ‘Super-Bug´’.

Now you must understand that: The Virus and the Bacteria are Genetically-Superior to
the Human: The Human ‘Transfer Information’ at a Level of ‘Magnetics and Frequency
and Vibration’ and process that and store that in the Physical-Body -while the Virus and
the Bacteria are able to actually ‘Transfer Genetic-Code’ - which is why the current-Virus,
the ´Swine Flu´ - has been stated to be ‘Totally New’ – they… it actually Creates New Vi-
ruses and they are Progressively to take Information from all the Antibiotics
and the Medicines that is thrown at them = they´re able to take Genetic-Information and
use it to their Benefit.

116 They are in itself: Nature´s Superior-Scientists - and they will be Progressively becoming
More Aggressive, as they are in a way - the Arsenal of Earth protecting it selves from an
Invading-Species called: The Human.

Now as this is a Virtual-Certainty in terms of all the Research done - a certain-amount

of preparation is already done, that in the event of such Outbreaks - that Bodies can be
Transferred Effectively to Centres where they can be Incinerated with the least-possible
‘opportunity of Infections Spreading’.

So what they´re really doing is doing an Preparation to ‘protect’ the Population – of, for
instance, the U.S. and so on - from this Impending-Drama that will Unfold.

Which is also the same point with the current ‘Swine-Flu’ = they are playing-out the Dra-
ma already in terms of your basic-communication - on Television, World Health Organi-
zation and so on - to ‘prepare’ the Population for the Inevitability of these Events – be-
cause: In all the Research it is been Found that we have ‘run out’ of the Ability to Produce
Effective ‘counters’ to these Viruses - and the Viruses has Reached a State where they are
able to Actually Overtake our ‘Scientific-Evolution’.

This was Inevitable - understand though that: The Virus is not...or the Viruses will not 117
´Randomly´ affect People - they will affect People Specifically - related to their Processes
and thus an Effective-Preparation would be to Gain Directive-Principle over your own
Mind, Body and your Consideration for All Life – the Viruses are Life, they’re Alive;
they’re just - Unfortunately for Man - more Advanced than Man - which is indicative in

So I suggest do some Research so you can get to a point where you can make Peace and
Realize that you must Prepare Yourself for the Inevitability.

Understand: As you have done the same with your Environment and ‘protecting yourself ’
against anything that the Earth has ‘thrown at you’ - that it was Inevitable that the Earth
would come-up with an Answer to ‘get back’ at its Greatest Single Enemy: The Human-

Governments are simply attempting to prevent panic-- by not revealing what is really go-
ing on.
13: One Word that Binds us All
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
26 May 09

Bernard : So…so, so. One Word - One Word...that, who’s that, what’s that Story? One
Word that binds it all...

(Gian and Leila: One Ring...)

Bernard: One Ring...but now there is One Word – out of the Lord of the Rings you have
the ‘One Ring that Binds it All and...and Rules them All’. Now, in Existence there is One
Ring - which is One Word - that ‘Rules them All’ - that Rule All and Everything that hap-
pens. Everything about you, Determines, Everything about you that…it Determines ‘who
you are’, it Determines ‘what you are’, it Determines ‘what you do’, Determines ‘where
you do it’, it Determines ‘how you do it’, it Determines ‘why you do it’ = All, Everything
About you is Determined by One Word. In Every Way.

It Determines why you’re in a ‘Relationship’.

It Determines where you’re in a ‘Relationship’.
It Determines when you’re in a ‘Relationship’.
It Determines what you Buy.
It Determines where you Buy
It Determines when you do it, how you do it.
It Determines what you Become in this World, what you Study.
It Determines what you Read.
It Determines what you watch on Television.
It Determines what you Eat.
It Determines when you have Sex.
It Determines when you Masturbate.
It Determines what you ‘Believe’.
It Determines, who’s your ‘God’.
It Determines...Religion, Food, Clothes, Home – you name it.
It Determines Everything that Exist in your Total-Existence.
It Determines all your ‘Choices’.

I mean, Nothing of it is Real, from the perspective that - without this One Word = Noth-
ing Happens - you do not ‘Exist’.

And this One Word, is the Word: ‘Stimulation’.

Have a look: ‘Stimulation’ is the Elation in all Relation.

And what is Elation? Elation is a form of ‘joy’, a form of ‘orgasm’, a form of ‘Experience’.

So, Advertising is a form of ‘Stimulation’ = you buy according to your ‘Stimulation’. The
‘reason why’ you are in a ‘Relationship’ is because of ‘Stimulation’.

The Food you Eat is how you ‘Stimulate’ your Body to Generate ‘Energy’. Without ‘Stim-
ulation’ there is no ‘Energy’, have a look = ‘Energy’ does not exist without ‘Stimulation’.

And Polarity exist as ‘Stimulation’.

Motivation exist as ‘Stimulation’.

Religion exist as ‘Stimulation’ - what you ‘Believe’.

‘God’ exist as ‘Stimulation’ – because unless ‘God Stimulates your Interest in God’
through ‘Fear’ or ‘Love’ or ‘Reason’, whatever – it is necessary for you to ‘Believe’ you will
not ‘Believe’.

Everything that exist as you is ‘Stimulation’.

You are even ‘Stimulated’, comes from a point of ‘Stimulation of Penetration’ between a
‘Male’ and a ‘Female’ as ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ from which two cells come together and get
‘Stimulated’ and then they ‘Progress’ through a ‘Stimulation of Energy’ into a form that
keeps on wanting ‘Stimulation’. Without that ‘Stimulation’ you do not Exist.

You will not move unless you’re Stimulated. Which means Stimulation is your God. Who
him so ever Stimulates you, Controls you.
Money is what? Stimulation.
Without Stimulation you will not Move – Motivation is really just a nice word for Stimu-
What is Masturbation? Self-Stimulation.
What is…

Have a look, what is more fascinating is that your Mouth, through which you Stimulate
your body is actually, looks like a Vagina. I mean, the only difference is…

So, your Mouth looks like a Vagina without the teeth. But I mean, that through which
you are actually Stimulating the body through feeding it Stimulating sources of food that
Stimulates the enzymes that is necessary to break down the food into energy – the whole
truth of reality is in One Word = Stimulation.
The Weather move through Stimulation.
The Oceans move through Stimulation = Stimulations between heat and cold = Stimula-
tion through Polarity.

Your Thoughts – have a look – move through Stimulation.

When you’re born what is the first thing a Parent is told? Stimulate your Child!

What is Education? Stimulation.

Why are you doing a certain kind of job? You have found the reason to Stimulate you to 121
do that – Whether it is Money or Interest, whatever you’re doing, you are doing it because
you’re Stimulated to do it! You are not doing it because that is really who you are. You
are Reacting to a Stimulation. By thy Rod and thy Staff is the Statement of the Bible, the
Statement of God – Who’s got the Rod and the Staff? The Male – with a Male Stimulator.
What does the Male Stimulator do? It makes sure that Existence move.
How? Through Sex. It Procreates, it Masturbates, it Seeks out that which Stimulates it in
terms of either Picture or Experience or Imagination. But, no matter how you look at it –
it is Stimulation.
And according to your Stimulation you will follow your Attraction. So what is the Law of
Attraction really? It’s the Law of Stimulation. Everybody now gets together and Stimulate
each other to Focus on the Positive! So now, the Positive cannot exist without the Nega-
tive, you automatically Stimulate the Negative. Which is Perfectly fitting into the End
Times – which is the Perfection of the whole point of being Stimulated according to a
particular Book and a particular Prophecy so that it can become True. Why was it Writ-
ten? To make sure you create it!

Therefore you are Stimulating the End of Existence through what? Stimulating the Law of
Attraction. How do you do it? By creating the Absolute Positive Polarity and holding it in
place - no matter what! So that the Absolute Negative Polarity can Manifest, because you
are Stimulating both! They cannot exist Separate from each other.
Light and Darkness exist Together.
Positive and Negative exist Together. Because the very moment something moves through
Stimulation – both Positive and Negative exist. Positive and Negative are not created as
itself. It requires Stimulation to exist. Without Stimulation it doesn’t exist. Now we are
Stimulating the Positive and the Negative, and we say “Law of Attraction” – “Let’s think
Positive!” – Which is = “Let’s Stimulate Positive”.

So now we Stimulate Positive, Stimulate Positive, Stimulate Positive – I mean, you have to
do it, and do it, and do it, and that it takes All of your Attention, All your Stimulation.
Stimulating it, Stimulating it, Stimulating – but what are you actually creating? You’re
creating the Stimulation which you use up while in waiting is the Negative, waiting to be
Activated , once the Stimulation Crash. Once the Stimulation can no longer stand.
And what Manifest the Negative? BAM! In One singular Moment – we call it = ‘An Act of
God!’ – because in a single moment, God wiped out Existence. But you’ve Stimulated it to
be a single moment. While Positive Stimulation took you a long time – it was not instan-
taneous – it took a long time - you built up the Negative to Manifest in a single moment.

So, Existence in a single moment will change through the Negative. Because that’s how
it has been created. Which is why a Market Crash for instance is something that happens
fast. While a Positive Market is something very slow. The Positive is always very slow, be-
cause no-one is understanding the Principle of Stimulation.

How does Advertising control the Masses? How does the Elite control the Masses? How
does Movies control what People believe and how they create? Stimulation!
How was the UFO phenomena Stimulated? Through Movies, Books, Magazines, Com-
ics,… Every possible way Stimulated what? The Mind in creating Delusions of seeing all
kinds of UFOs. Were UFOs real? Some of them, Yes.
Most of them, No.

Have a look at how far people would attempt to Stimulate the Existence of UFOs by tak-
ing pictures of Clouds and then taking it through stages of Colouration and Frequencies
to show that there is apparently something hidden in the Clouds. What is the real point =
they’re attempting to Stimulate everyone to believe them, creating a Religion - Not stick-
ing to the Basic Common Sense of what is really happening.
You drink coffee, for instance – what are you doing? You are Stimulating your body.
What happens with Plants – Plants is a System that requires Stimulation which is the
Food, the Sun – Photosynthesis – and Water. If you Stimulate your Plant correctly, your
Plant grows and bear Fruit! It is not a living nature thing. The Plant itself, the Physical
Form is a System.

This World in the way it Exist, is a System.

The System moves through Stimulation.
The Plant moves through Stimulation.
The Animal moves through Stimulation.
Weather moves through Stimulation.
The Seasons move through Stimulation.
How is it Stimulated? Its relationship with the Sun and heat change the Season – it change
the heat that is on the Physical Planet and the way the Wind moves and the way the Rain
moves = Stimulation – the Sun Stimulates it. Accordingly you have a Result – everything
in Existence are controlled by one thing – one thing which is manifested within the Hu-
man Form as the Penis. Thy Rod and thy Staff decides – which is God of Existence.

Why is this not shown to everybody that the real point is Stimulation – because then if
everybody understand this, nobody will be able to control another because you’ll say “Oh,
you’re trying to Stimulate me”.

Have a look at what is the Primary attention that is given to Stimulation = Sexuality. If
you Stimulate me in the right way – I like you. If you rub me up in the wrong way, which
means you are stimulating me in the wrong way – I don’t like you. Same point = you’re
being Stimulated to not like, you are being Stimulated to like. It is not a real movement of
yourself, you are not alive. You need to be Stimulated to do anything – You will not Move
for Equality and Oneness in Existence because there is no Stimulation, there is no Point
which you can Stimulate yourself as consistently to get it done – because ‘I need a Stimu- 123
lation’, ‘You’re not Stimulating me… You’re taking away my Stimulation with Equality
and Oneness – I need Stimulations! Otherwise I can’t exist….’

Have a look – when you go down and you cannot stand anymore and you feel like you
want to give up – what are you really doing it? Why are you really doing it? ‘Because I no
longer have my stimulation – give me my stimulation and I will do this. Otherwise I won’t
do it.’

Dimensions: Manipulating for a Stimulation.

Bernard: Yes, have a look. We have beings for instance, attempting to Manipulate what
we are busy doing using ways of Stimulation like harming themselves Physically. So that
we can Stimulate them again so they can feel better about themselves, but they cannot
actually decide who they are. And your brother for instance, it’s a manipulation, he’s look-
ing – and he will continue do this until he’s got somebody that Stimulates him. ‘Gimme
someone that Stimulates me and I will feel better about myself ’ – what Statement is that?
It’s a Statement of Slavery. It’s a Statement of ‘I’m enslaved to Stimulation – without Stim-
ulation I am Nothing’.

Stimulation is giving the power to that which is outside you to decide who you are = that’s

If you read a book and you feel better in reading the book you’re being Stimulated to do
so, according to your Programming.
If you like Music – what is the Real Point of Music? What is Music? Music is Stimulation,
that’s why you only like certain kinds of Music. What does the Musician do to the listener
= Stimulates the listener into a certain mode of experience – an inner experience, which is
a Stimulated experience = you’re Stimulated.
And it that Stimulation you are Simulating. You are experiencing. What is experience?
It’s a Simulation according to the Stimulation. It’s not Real, you’re experiences are never
Real. Your experiences are always just a Simulation that is based on your Stimulation
– and according to the Relation that exist within the Relationship between the Stimula-
tion and the Simulation you have your Elation, your experience in terms of how you feel.
So feeling is never real, because feeling is based on Stimulation and how you accept that
Stimulation as your Simulation = it’s never Real.

Energy is never Real, because Energy only exist when there is Stimulation and the Stimu-
lation is always external and I mean if you or another person Stimulate the point and you
Simulate it - that means you’re accepting it – you’re gonna have an experience, an Elation
in that Relationship that Elation is your Joy, your Love, everything. Love by itself doesn’t
exist! It requires Stimulation – that’s why no-one can actually stand for Life, because you
want Life to be ‘unconditional’. Why do you want it unconditional? So that you can have
Choice. So that you can have the choice to Stimulate you the way you want to Stimulate
you. Bugger everyone else! It doesn’t matter what’s happening to them, they have the same
power. They have Choice! They have Chosen to be Here – the fact that they’re in a coun-
try where there is no food – has got nothing to do with me! I mean, they can, they must
plant something, I mean, they must not starve. I’m quite happy this side, I’m Stimulated!
I know they’re not Stimulated, but that’s not my problem! While I’m Stimulated, I am not
even Aware of their Existence – which is so wonderful! Please Stimulate me then I don’t
have to worry about anyone else! Just keep me Stimulated! And I am….

The same as being on Drugs. Existence exist for drug-addicts. Everyone is on drugs the
whole time through Stimulation. Stimulation is your drug, you’re addicted to Stimulation,
you have no idea what Life really means, no idea what self-movement means, no idea,
whatsoever. You want to find out? For 21 days Breathe! Do not allow any Stimulation,
that does not come from you, specific as self-movement. Nothing must Stimulate you to
Move! Or to Decide. So you can start finding out how little you’re actually able to do.

Forgive all the Stimulations. Because the Stimulations are your addictions, they are based
in Geometrical Patterns = The Sacred Geometry! I mean, isn’t it beautiful if we can paint a
beautiful picture about Sacred Geometry so that we can justify our Stimulations which is
our addictions to specific Stimulations that makes us ‘special’.
What are all these beings in Existence that are Masters and that are Masters of, in their
points of Attention and Ascension – the whole point about what they know what is going
on in Reality. Have a look! They will not explain to you how reality practically work and
why it doesn’t work. They will Stimulate you to have an experience not to worry about
reality. Christianity is doing that, the Muslims are doing that, the Hindu’s, every Religion
are doing one thing: it is Stimulating you not to care about what is going on in Reality,
and it’s Stimulating you to worry about what happens to you AFTER you are DEAD.

It’s too late then!

The Masters do the same. Did they really Master anything? There is not a Master in Exist-
ence that’s mastered anything. The Masters mastered the way to Stimulate their followers
effectively to become Mentally Incapable of Realising what is Here. Incapable of making
any movement to actually care for Earth. That’s why we’ve created a Consumerism System.

In Spite of all the Great Masters that’s ever been on Earth – what have we done? We have
not moved, we have not evolved. What is evolution at this stage? Evolution depends on
Stimulation. Stimulated on how to become ‘more’. ‘I’m evolving! I am more Intelligent!’
Let’s look at it furthermore…The Ultimate Deception of Stimulation lies in the moment
that you are improvising. When you are improving your wisdom, ‘I am wise’ – somebody
says something and you respond immediately, ‘Jah, I’ve seen that!’ – but actually you
didn’t, you’ve just seen it now, you’ve never actually tested it, you don’t even know if it’s
really real. But you’re pretending that you know. You’re all wise! You know Everything!
You’ve done it for Yourself!

Not True, you’re improvising.

You never even know if you’re being tested to check if you’re self-honest or not. Never
improvise. Test the shit out for yourself and Stimulate it yourself to see how it works.
Then find out whether you’re justified in Stimulating something for your pleasure without
making sure that this part of Existence that is there as you as another being – is actually
understanding what the fuck they’re doing, and what they get themselves in for and that it
is possible to exist without Stimulation.

From the perspective of Understanding what’s going on. Why are we Here, for Eons of
Time, uncountable time?...We’ve existed only through Stimulation.

We have not existed as Life in fact.

Life is Here. Life does not require Stimulation, Life doesn’t have a Beginning or an End.
Life has been Stimulated into Illusions and being abused as these Illusion called ‘Man’,
‘Nature’. Everything that exists as a System is an Illusion! Because that System is not aware
of itself and how it functions. It is not aware how it is Stimulated to get a result. You are
not aware of all the points that Stimulate you – have a look. You are living according to
those points of Stimulation in your life that you like.

That determines who you are.

Even the Name that’s given to you soon after it’s been given to you and you have been
Stimulated into accepting that Name, you will respond to any Stimulation where some-
body calls your Name. You say, ‘Oh, are they calling me?’.
But that’s not you!

You have been Stimulated to accept that Definition of you – but it is not you.

You are not really your family. Your family – you’re purely here by a Stimulated Event that
took place between a Male and a Female that brought you forth within a Design and then
you were taught according to the Stimulated points that is in this existence as to what Life
apparently is.

You’re not Real, in any form, whatsoever!

Have a look – take your Stimulation away, what happens to you? You’ll find you go into
a Depression, you go into a Boredom, and you’re unable to get out unless you Stimulate
yourself - which is what? You’re experiencing the System dying because it’s not Stimulated.
That’s what you’re experiencing when you’re in a Depression and when you’re in a form of
Boredom – you’re experiencing = No Stimulation!

And then you start searching and suddenly the next moment you ‘meet someone’. The
ONE that can Stimulate you. And Immediately your whole body is on Fire = ‘I’m Stimu-
lated. Please Stimulate me – I don’t mind! I’ll exist as long I’m being Stimulated.’

That is the whole point where everyone is existing. Because what do you want? You want
to be Stimulated. ‘Give me enough Stimulation and I will exist, I’m satisfied. As long as
that Stimulation is to my approval, the way I like it = I’m Happy.’

‘Let it not be the way I like it, and I want to discard it = I’m not Stimulated by this. I
mean, this is just not acceptable. I want to be Stimulated. Like THIS! I have CHOICE! I
can CHOOSE how I want to be Stimulated. This is the way I want to be Stimulated. And
that’s all I’ll accept. Now I’m…’

I mean, that’s not Life!


That’s not Real!

So, existence exist as One Word. This is the Revelation that will be proven that existence
exist – I mean common sensicly you can work it out now – that existence exist as One
Word = Stimulation.

Everything in your Life exist as One Word.

Who you are, is who you are right now because of how it’s been Stimulated to be.

Everything you believe, every Religion and every book you read is a point of Stimulation.
Every Philosophy that exist is a point of Simulation. The total Science is an observation of
Stimulation. Science is nothing extraordinary!
It is people that are Stimulated to watch Stimulation – and according to that they write
down their own observation of Stimulation. That we call = Science!
Isn’t it wonderful.

It’s Profound! We’ve worked out Reality! 127

I mean, it’s One Word = Stimulation.

14: Bubbles - The Theory of Everything
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
14 Jun 09

Okay, so - I´m going to tell you the whole story, about…this is the...‘The Theory of Eve-

And we were just chatting-along and we says: “Okay, let´s chat to the first Child that´s
just stepped out of the Body, just died”.

And so, Breathe-In – Breathe-Out = Here´s a Child:

“Okay, what´s your First Impression? What do you See - you´ve just died - what do you
See? know...just, you know, give me your First Impression of Existence”.

She said to me: "Existence is very busy."

I says: “Oh, What do you mean, ‘Existence is very busy’?”

She says: "I mean, there´s like, like...these ‘Movement’ everywhere."

I says: “Okay, but I mean explain...I mean where´s the Physical?”

She says: "It´s Nowhere.”

I says: “Oh, Oh no, come, explain, explain, explain”.

She says: "No, I mean - Existence is like, Everywhere, and then inside Existence is these
‘Bubbles’ that ‘Move’."

I says: “Oh, okay. So, um, what is these ‘Bubbles’?”

She says: "No, Existence is the Physical and then inside the Physical is these ‘Bubbles’
which is like, the Dimensions, the Dimensional´s like...the Being. And the Being is
trying to Move Existence; but the Being is just inside this ‘Bubble’ inside Existence."

(I) says: “Okay, now = What´s the First Thing you´ll do, what´s the first Action you´ll
take? You´ve just Seen this. You´ve just Seen what Exists, what is Here. What will you
She says: "No, I´ll go and...go into the ‘Bubble’ and ‘try’ and ‘explain’ to them that they’re
in a ‘Bubble’ - I mean, I mean what would You do? I mean, you can See they are all in

So I said to her: “No but, um, I mean - what about Bursting the ‘Bubbles’ - what will hap-

She says: "I don´t know."

I says: “Okay, Burst the ‘Bubbles’”. 129

She says: "Okay, I´m Bursting the ‘Bubbles’."

(I says): “And what happens?”

She says: "I mean, everything is just ‘Floating’."

I says: “Okay, now...what will happen now?”

(She says): "I don´t know."

(I says): “Okay”.

I mean, if you are in that ‘Bubble’ and the ‘Bubble’ is Burst, I mean - what happens to
You? Are You still Here? The only thing that´s happened is the ‘Bubble’ is Burst - isn´t it? I
mean, you were moving inside a ‘Bubble’, inside the Physical. So now the ‘Bubble’ is Burst
= you’re still Here.

What is gonna happen? What are you normally doing - First Thing: You´ll build another
‘Bubble’, isn´t it? I mean, that´s ‘all you know’.
You´ll only do what you know, which means, you ´know you have to have a ‘Bubble’ to
be ‘here’’ and ‘without a ‘Bubble’ you’re ´nothing´’, so therefore - what´s the first thing -
when your ‘Bubble’ Burst: You´ll build another ‘Bubble’.

So - we looked at this Whole-thing, I said: Okay - Here I am, okay, what happens if I take
Water and I Shake it? We take Water, Shake it, what happens? It make ‘Bubbles’.
Okay, so you take the Water, and you Shake it, and there´s a ‘Bubble’. Okay, so, it´s easy
to make a ‘Bubble’.

So now the Question is: What´s In the Bubble?

Is what IN...what´s IN the ‘Bubble’ exactly that which is Outside the ‘Bubble’ as well?
What do you say?
It´s Exactly the Same - Inside and Outside the ‘Bubble’ is Exactly the Same. But there´s a

So, I asked: Okay, now, I´ve been Shaking the ‘Bubble’ - What do you See? - "No, it´s

I says: “Oh, but I mean, isn´t it Shaking?” / "No, no, no, it´s ‘Vibrating’!"

Yah, but - isn´t it Shaking? I was Shaking the ‘Bubble’ - the Water - and the…from the
Shaking there´s a ‘Bubble’, and the ‘Bubble’ is still ‘Moving’, and that ‘Bubble’ that´s 131
‘Moving’ is still Shaking, isn´t it?

"No no, it´s Vibrating"

Are you sure?

Oh, so you say - when you look at a ‘Bubble’, you can give it another ´reason´, a ´pur-
pose´, a ‘name’.

So - you can take a ‘Shaking-Bubble’ - which is where it comes from: You were Shaking
(the Water) - and you can call it a: ´Vibrating-Bubble´.

But what´s inside the ‘Bubble’ and what´s outside the ‘Bubble’ is the Same!

But now what happens when the ‘Bubble’-burst? There´s...What is there? Just...Nothing! I
mean - still the Same!

I mean, what was Inside the ‘Bubble’, what was Outside the ‘Bubble’, and when the ‘Bub-
ble’-burst: Everything is still the Same, isn´t it?

The ‘Bubble’ didn´t Change anything, did it?

Oh! Okay, so the ‘Bubble’ didn´t Change anything - so let´s Shake the Water again: We
Shake the Water, Shake the Water and there´s ‘Bubbles’, okay, there´s ‘Bubbles’ - okay, the
‘Bubble’ is still Shaking.

So that ‘Bubble’ that´s Shaking is...Now we say it´s ‘Vibrating’. So, now, this is, but, you
then call that ´Energy´.

Oh, say: Okay! So - when you Shake a ‘Bubble’- and we Shake the Water - the Water
makes a ‘Bubble’ - the ‘Bubble’ is ´Vibrating´ and you can call that ‘Vibrating’: ´Energy´.

So what does that mean? I don´t know. I mean, it´s Still the Same ‘Bubble’.
The fact that the ‘Bubble’ is ‘Vibrating’ and that is called ´Energy´- doesn´t change the
‘Bubble’ Inside, Outside, or when the ‘Bubble’-burst – so = it has No-Effect on the ‘Bub-
ble’, does it, Really? It´s only something you call the ‘Bubble´, isn’t it?

So - then - we started looking at this Whole ‘Bubble’-thing - okay - it means: How many
‘Bubbles’ can you make? As many as you like = all you have to do is what? Shake the ‘Bub-

Then - you Notice an Interesting-thing: You can take...take the ‘Bubble’ and you can
Shape the ‘Bubble’.

I mean - you can make the ‘Bubble’ Square, you can the ‘Bubble’ Round, you can make
the ‘Bubble’ anyway you want it. Or you can Push the ‘Bubble’ and then it...the ‘Bubble’
has got a Wobble.

When the ‘Bubble’ has got a Wobble, I mean, it´s a Wobbling-‘Bubble’. Isn´t it?
Okay, then you Look at it all and Says: Okay, so, I can make the ‘Bubble’ Wobble. What
does it Change about the Wobble...oh no - the ‘Bubble’?

When the ‘Bubble’ Wobbles - does that make the ‘Bubble’ anything different to the ‘Bub-
ble’ that was coming from the first-Shaking? No difference. Still the same ‘Bubble’, isn´t

But - the ‘Bubble’ doesn´t Change anything about Anything - the ‘Bubble’ is just a ‘Bub-
ble’ until the ‘Bubble’ is not a ‘Bubble’ - isn´t it?

Even the ‘Bubble’ with a Wobble doesn´t make a difference to the ‘Bubble’, or to anything
else - does it? It´s Still just a ‘Bubble’.

Okay, so - Now we look at it and say: Oh! But you know what? I can Blow with a ‘Bubble’
into any Form. And then I can make the Form ‘do things’. Does that mean anything?
I mean - I´m Blowing into the ‘Bubble’, the ‘Bubble’ gets a Form, and I can get the ‘Bub-
ble’ to do things. Okay – so, the ‘Bubble’ ‘Moves’.

Okay, now, I can give the ‘Bubble’ ‘names’. Because it´s a ‘Moving-Bubble’ - I mean, it...
it´s ´special´. So, when it´s ´special´- does it Change anything about what´s In the ‘Bub-

It´s the Same that was Outside the Bubble, and I mean - in this case it will be Air – I
mean, I´m Blowing Air into the Bubble, and I’m Blowing and by Pushing I´m giving that
‘Bubble’, for instance, Legs and a Tail and a Head - and I mean, now the ‘Bubble’ ‘Moves’.

Now if the ‘Bubble’ Burst, I mean - does it have any Effect? No. When the ‘Bubble’
‘Moves’, it looks ‘Cool’ when it ‘Moves’ and I can give it ‘names’. Okay, so I can give the
‘Bubble’ ‘names’.

But now there´s even more Interesting ‘Bubbles’ – There’s ‘Bubbles’ that Shine!

I mean - I saw a Shiny-‘Bubble’, I says: ‘Oh! You´re ‘Beautiful’! A ‘Pretty, Shiny Bubble’! I
like that Shiny-‘Bubble’ ‘more’!’ 133

I mean - but now the ‘Bubble’ Burst, so, was the ‘Shiny-Bubble’ of any Consequence? No!
The ‘Bubble’ was just a ‘Shiny-Bubble’, I mean - it wasn´t anything else! Did it Actually
Exist even? ‘Apparently’ it did.

But I mean there´s a ‘New-Bubble’ that´s Interesting me now - let me Shake the Water

Then - when the ‘Bubbles’ are Bursting, an Interesting-thing started to happen to me - I

was wondering: If I Shake myself as the Water, will I make ‘Bubbles’? And you know what
happened? I made ‘Bubbles’.

Because, I mean - I am the Water Shaking the Water. So if I am the Water Shaking the
Water, I can make ‘Bubbles’. So - does that Change anything? It´s still ‘Bubbles’.

I mean - what happens to the ‘Bubble’ when the ‘Bubble’ Burst? Still the Same thing - it´s

So - looking at that...Hmm. So, hmm, huh - I started getting ‘worried’ about these ‘Bub-
bles’-bursting, because – ‘I like my Bubbles’, I mean, ‘I wanted to keep my Bubbles’. But,
I mean - they keep on Bursting.

So - and I started looking at this ‘Bubble’, and whenever I looked at the ‘Bubble’ and I
started to ‘worry’ I´m gonna ‘lose’ the ‘Bubble’: I started Shaking.

And then when I was Shaking about ‘losing’ my ‘Bubble’: I was Creating more ‘Bubbles’!

‘That´s so Cool! Isn´t it?’ So, all I have to do is ‘worry’ about ‘losing’ my ‘Bubble’ and then
I Shake and I Create more ‘Bubbles’. ‘That´s a Cool-thing! What shall we call that? Hmm!
Oh, that´s a ´Cool-thing´ - I mean, I can Create more ‘Bubbles’! All I need to do is Shake!
How do I Shake? Just ‘worry’ about a ‘Bubble’!

Okay, let me ‘worry’ about (a) ‘Bubble’ – the ‘Bubble’, which ‘Bubble’ shall I ‘worry’
about? Let me Create lots of ‘Bubbles’ to ‘worry’ about, then I can Shake a lot...then I’m
Creating a lot of ‘Bubbles’!

I mean, and, as long as there´s a ‘Bubble’ - I don´t have to ‘worry’ about the ‘Bubbles’
that´s Bursting. I mean - all I have to have...I´ve got enough ‘Bubbles’, and I´m Creating
enough ‘Bubbles’, I mean - I´m Shaking, I´m Shaking, there´s more ‘Bubbles’, there´s
more ‘Bubbles’, there is more ‘Bubbles’!

OK - now! Can ‘Bubbles’…maybe, maybe, I can Talk to a ‘Bubble’, Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-

‘Bubble’! I can talk to Bu-blah-blah-blah-Blah-‘Bubble’! I can blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-
blah-‘Bubble’ about a ‘Bubble’!

And let´s ‘Bubble about a Bubble’, I mean I…you can ‘Bubble about a Bubble’, and - one
‘Bubble about a Bubble’ – ‘Bubble’s’ start to ‘Bubble’ with each-other, I mean - they are
blah-blah-blah-blah-‘Bubbling’ with each-other!

So - how´s that possible?

Oh, because they are Shaking! I mean - when...when you are ‘Bubbling about a Bubble’, I
mean - you are Shaking one ‘Bubble’, and then, from that ‘Bubble’ there is a...a Shaking
going, it goes and it starts to Shake other ‘Bubbles’ as well, and they all start to Shake-
together, and when they start to Shake-together they start to come ‘Closer’ together, and
when they start to ‘Connect’, they start to become ´One´ - another ‘Bubble’! And they
start to form their own ‘Bubbles’!

‘Oh, God’! Now - I have ‘Bubbles’ forming ‘Bubbles’. I have Invented ‘New-Bubbles’…
‘Bubbles’ then can make ‘Bubbles’, ‘Bubbles’ that can’t exist without ‘Bubbles’, because
they want to have more ‘Bubbles’.

I mean, where am I now, in all of this?

Pretty soon, I am so ‘Mesmerized’ with all my ‘Bubbles’, what happens? I start to ‘Believe’
I am this ‘Bubble’. And I’m Shaking as this ‘Bubble’ and before-long: I’m ‘living’ in a

So, then I start to Realize a Fascinating-thing: Who I am in a ‘Bubble’ ‘needs’ someone-

else, also in a ‘Bubble’, before I can make more ‘Bubbles’.
So, I get someone-else, we come together as One-‘Bubble’ and then Small-‘Bubbles’
‘Form’. Ha-ha, a ‘new-way’ of making ‘Bubbles’, but we’re Still Shaking, up and down, up
and down, up and down,

shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake and now
I have taken Shake to a ‘new-way’ of Shaking. I mean, I can now Shake and make Small-
‘Bubbles’ – even when I’m in a ‘Bubble’.

Wow! Am I like Fucking Cool or what?

So, while I’m making these ‘Bubbles’ I find an Interesting-thing: That I’m All-Together
with my Little-‘Bubbles’ in a Big-‘Bubble’.

So I, with the ‘Special-Bubble’ which made, became One-‘Bubble’ has now made Small-
‘Bubbles’ and they’re all Still in One-‘Bubble’, called a ‘Family-Bubble’.

So now, we’re in this ‘Family-Bubble’ and this is a ‘Special-Bubble’, I mean, this ‘Bubble’ is
‘different’ to all other…the other ‘Bubbles’, because this ‘Bubble’ is the ‘Bubble’ ‘we
made’. I mean, we made this ‘Bubble’,

and we made the Small-‘Bubbles’ and we must make sure the Small-‘Bubbles’ look ‘differ-
ent’ to the other ‘Bubbles’. I mean, the fact that these ‘Bubbles’ is gonna to Burst: We
mustn’t ‘worry’ about it – all we have to do is keep-on Creating more ‘Bubbles’, because -
then even if the ‘Bubbles’ Burst, we’ll Still be ‘here’ in some-way, because in some-way =
this ‘Bubble’ we’ve made is Still ‘us’, we just don’t know exactly how, but it’s Still ‘us’ – I
mean, so we just keep-on making more ‘Bubbles’ – okay - let’s make ‘Bubbles’, let’s Shake
together, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake – let’s find more-ways to Shake!

The more we can Shake, the more ‘Bubbles’ we can make. The more ‘Bubbles’ we can
make, the less we have to ‘worry’ about ‘Bubbles’.

I mean, even if the ‘Bubbles’ Burst, I mean, there’ll be New-‘Bubbles’, so therefore we

don’t have to ‘worry’ about ‘losing’ ‘Bubbles’, because we’ll have New-‘Bubbles’ – and all
we have to do is Shake and there’s ‘Bubbles’ and ‘Bubbles’ and ‘Bubbles’.

But in the End…if all the ‘Bubbles’ Burst: What do you have? Hey?

Fidelis: The Same that you always had.

Bernard: ‘The Same that you always had’.

Fuck, so - is all this ‘Bubbling’ worth Anything? Is all these ‘Bubbles’ with ‘names’ worth
Anything? But why can’t you Remember when you shook the first-time?

But you keep-on Shaking, so somewhere you’re Remembering it was all about Shaking.

I mean, whether you are ‘pumping’ for Children, or ‘pumping’ for Water, or ‘pumping’ to
Eat, I mean = All of it is a Form of ‘pumping’, is a Form of Shaking.

Whatever you’re doing = you’re Shaking. Whenever you’re ‘Moving’ = you’re Shaking. So,
you keep-on Shaking, so - somewhere you must have started Shaking.

So - why are you Shaking? You even Shake, Extensively, just before the ‘Bubble’ Burst.

I mean, that’s where the Shaking gets quite ‘bad’, I mean, just before the ‘Bubble’ Burst
you Shake, Extensively, because - is that because you’re ‘Returning’ to your ‘Shaking-Self ’?

I mean, is that where you go back-to the Point of where you actually have to, suppose…
you’re supposed to Remember that you were Shaking.

So where does this all come-from - this ‘Theory of Everything’, the ‘Bubbles of all Bub-
bles’ - how the ‘Bubble’-work, what the ‘Bubble’ is all-about, and why the ‘Bubble’ Burst,
and why the ‘Bubble’ is going to Burst?

Because the ‘Bubble’ must Burst, because the ‘Bubble’ is a ‘Bubble’, I mean it’s never been
anything-else but a ‘Bubble’.

So, because the ‘Bubble’ is a ‘Bubble’, the ‘Bubble’ will Burst, therefore = to ‘worry’ about
the ‘Bubble’ that Burst will only Cause you to Shake and then you Create more ‘Bubbles’

and then all those ‘Bubbles’ will Burst and at the End of the Day - you just end-up (with)
the Same-Thing, which is: The ‘Bubble’ will Burst.
So, what is the Point about the ‘Bubble’ then?

Fidelis: To Burst.

Bernard: The Point, to Burst, yes.

What is the Point about…Shaking? If you Stop Shaking, what’s going to happen? Are you
gonna get back to yourself then? Because there’s no more ‘Bubbles’.
And this all happened – Interestingly-enough, as I said - with a Child, three and a half
years old that came through and, I asked for Impressions.

But - even the Child, already, was already Accepting the ‘Bubbles’, as if the ‘Bubble’ is
what it’s all about.

So now, all the Child is going to do is Burst the ‘Bubbles’.

I suggest you all Burst your ‘Bubbles’ and find out: What Remains.
If all your ‘Bubbles’ are Burst, and you have got no more ‘Bubbles’, no Names, no Games
– Who will you be - without a ‘Bubble’?

Inevitably, all ‘Bubbles’ Burst.

Time to Pop a ‘Bubble’. Make sense?

Fidelis: Yah

So what’s the Point? How did you get to the Point where… you got your ‘Bubble’?

You have to Understand the ‘Bubble’, if you Understand the ‘Bubble’ - you can always
give the ‘Bubble’ what the ‘Bubble’ wants. You give the ‘Bubble’ what the ‘Bubble’ wants,
the ‘Bubble’ wants ‘more’.

Once the ‘Bubble’ finds-out that you can’t normally ‘get what you want’ from other ‘Bub-
bles’, unless they give you that, the ‘Bubble’ starts to Realize something: ‘If I don’t give a
‘Bubble’, what the ‘Bubble’ wants, the ‘Bubble’ won’t want me’

So - how do you get the ‘Bubble’ to ‘want you’? You give the ‘Bubble’ what it wants, and
then it ‘wants you’.

Because, how are you Controlling the ‘Bubble’? By giving it what it can’t have, by giving it
what it can only ‘Get’ when it’s ‘Given’.

So, by ‘Giving’ - the ‘Bubble’ ‘Gets’ what it ‘wants’ and therefore the ‘Bubble’ Shapes-itself
accordingly to always ‘get what it wants’.

Understanding then: ‘It’s all about the ‘Giving’’ - because in Existence = you can Never
have what you want: It must be ‘Given’. Until the ‘Bubble’ Burst = Which is Inevitable.
And Every Single Moment somebody Dies and the ‘Bubble’ Burst, and ‘suddenly’, they
‘Understand Everything’ and just as quickly as they do = Immediately Build another ‘Bub-

We all live in ‘Bubblearia’.

We all have a Disease called Bubblearia.
And we keep on ‘Bubbling’: Blablablablablubbling. Does it make a difference to Any-
thing? Not a Thing.

So is there any ‘meaning’, ‘reason’ or ‘purpose’ in anything? Only that which you Give it.
And that Never Lasts, because it’s a ‘Bubble’ in the first place. It was never Real. It was just
a ‘Bubble’…but it was as Real as you made it.

So - are we gonna keep on Blowing ‘Bubbles’, Forming ‘Bubbles’, Shaping ‘Bubbles’…

What are we going to do? I’m quite sure the Future will Tell.

Watch the ‘Bubbles’ Burst. Whether it’s the ‘Money-Bubble’, whether it’s the ‘Property-
Bubble’, whether it’s a ‘Government-Bubble’, whether it is the ‘New World Order-Bub-
ble’, whether it’s the ‘Family-Bubble’, whether the ‘Education-Bubble’ = No matter what
you call the ‘Bubble’, I mean - they all Burst.

Just look at how many times there’s been a ‘Revolution’, where a ‘Bubble’ ‘Change’ into
another ‘Bubble’ – I mean, that happen all the time.

And then you have your ‘Ultimate’ Interesting-‘Bubble’. That ‘Bubble’ is a Fascinating
‘Bubble’, because that ‘Bubble’ gives you ‘Power’ over all the other ‘Bubbles’.

What ‘Bubble’ is that again? The ‘Bubble of Choice’ - “Because I have ‘Choice’, so I have
the ‘right’ to be this ‘Bubble’. And I mean – and I have ‘My Choice’ as ‘Power’ over you,
because you can’t Change me as this ‘Bubble’ with ‘Choice’”. But I mean – what happens
to your ‘Choice’, when your ‘Bubble’ of ‘Choice’ Burst? Was it Real in any way? It was just
a ‘Bubble’ - a ‘Bubble’ that you tried to ‘Enforce’ on other ‘Bubbles’ to try and tell them
the way you ‘want them to be’ and you, the way you ‘want you to be’.

And then you have the Ultimate-Trip of a ‘Bubble’ - I mean, where you says: “I will be
‘My-Bubble’ and you can be ‘Your-Bubble’ and let’s ‘Bubble’-together, so ‘nicely’”.

I mean: “You don’t Question ‘me’, as ‘My-Bubble’, I won’t Question you as ‘Your-Bubble’,
and because you have ‘Choice’ and I have ‘Choice’, so let’s all just be ‘Happy-Bubbles’”. I
mean - that’s a ‘Happy-Bubble’-thing, I mean, and then you have the ‘Love-Bubble’-thing:
The ‘Love-Bubble’ is Fascinating, because that’s the one that Break Most, because it’s al-
ready got a kind of a Hole – because if you have a look at the Shape of the ‘Love-Bubble’,
I mean, it’s causing nearly two ‘Bubbles’, but it doesn’t want to. It’s ‘trying’ to, but it’s
already a Break-up - it’s already Breaking, it’s already Bursting in its Shape.

The ‘Love-Bubble’ = It doesn’t last-Forever, I mean - the ‘Bubble’ Burst.

I haven’t found a ‘Bubble’ yet - that didn’t Burst. And I’ve kept-on Shaking for Eternity.
And have made as many ‘Bubbles’ as you can Imagine.

And where are they today? Not one is Here = they’ve all Burst. And can I find them again? 139
No, because…heh…they don’t Exist.
15: The Real God
Creating Disease
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
02 Jul 09

It is On.

‘Silence’, no more ‘Movement’. ‘Silence don’t Move’.

Oh God, now the Dogs Bark.

Remember to Transcribe every single Word plus the Barks – Bark, Bark, Bark...Bark, Bark,
Bark = For ‘Authenticity’.

That’s...Remember when they Ask: ‘Who was the...why is there Dogs in Recording?” – it’s
for ‘Authenticity’. It was done in ‘Real-Time’, while there were other ‘Living-Things’ –

Okay, so – we had a Very-Interesting Trip to Town Today.

I ‘Heard’, ‘Floating through the Ethers of the House’, about somebody looking for
‘Coughing-Syrup’ this Morning.

So – I didn’t Say-anything, ‘Initially’ – and then ‘Eventually’, I said: “You know – are you

And Darryl says: “Yes, you know, it...I think it was about these Guys that’s in the Record-
ing-Studio, Recording and then Smoking for Two-Days Already.”

140 I says: “Oh – ‘Well-done’, you have Really made-yourself Sick.”

Now – How does this Work?

You have ‘Three-Minds’: Your ‘Conscious-Mind’, your ‘Subconscious-Mind’ and your


Let’s start at the ‘Unconscious-Mind’: The ‘Unconscious-Mind’ is ‘Equal and One’ as the
It (the ‘Unconscious-Mind’) works as follows: It ‘Holds’ within-it ‘Everything that is in
Existence’, but it is ‘Programmed’.

It is from the ‘Unconscious-Mind’ that your ‘Thoughts Arrive’.

If you can Slow-yourself Down ‘Enough’ – you’ll ‘Notice’ that the Thought ‘Arrives’, ap-
proximately, like - from your ‘Perceptual-Point’ - like it ‘Moves’ from ‘Behind’-you out of

Okay – that ‘Darkness’ that it (the Thought) ‘Moves’ ‘out-of ’ is – what you ‘Understand’
as: The ‘Unified Field’.

But – you can’t ‘See’-it (the ‘Unified Field’), because it’s existing ‘Everywhere’: “Lift a Rock
and I am ‘there’. Split a piece of Wood and I am ‘there’.” – that: “I Am that I Am”, is the
‘Unified Field’.

That “I Am” is the ‘Point of Purpose’ – “The ‘Reason’ for my ‘Being’” – that is ‘Pro-
grammed’-in and it ‘Actives’ through ‘Impulse-Stimulation’, ‘Electrical-Impulse’ and it’s

we do it ‘For’-Each-other, and we do it ‘For’-Ourselves and our Environment do it, either

through – remember when you ‘See’ an ‘Image’ it is ‘Transformed’-into ‘Electrical-Stimuli
Impulses’, the same when you Touch

when you Feel, when you Hear – All of it is Transformed to ‘Electricity’ that ‘Stimulates’
or ‘Impulse’ the ‘System’ to ‘Step-Forth’ with the ‘Program’ that is ‘Programmed’.

Now if you are...for instance – sometimes you will ‘Notice’ that a ‘Single-Thought’ will
‘Stimulate’ ‘Quite an Experience’ so, or, and have an ‘Immediate-Effect’ like you, here,
‘See’-somebody ‘Sneeze’ –

if you are ‘Pre-Disposed’, ‘Pre-Programmed’, to ‘Immediately’ become ‘Ill’ from just ‘See-
ing’-it – you’ll become ‘Ill’ just from ‘Seeing’-it = You are the ‘Stimuli’ Why you are get-
ting ‘Ill’ – Okay.

This is...what is Done Specifically to Fuck with you, I mean – it was ‘Programmed’ like
this, so that you cannot-‘Trust’ Anything you Ever-Do. That you cannot-‘Trust’ a Single-
Thing you Ever-Do, because

‘suddenly’ a ‘Thought’ will ‘Manifest’ and then the Next-Thing you wanna-Do, you can
‘Think’-about ‘Ten-Thousand Times’ like ‘The Girl Next-Door you ‘like’’, and ‘Nothing’-
Happens = because ‘The Girl Next-Door’ is not ‘Programmed’ to be your ‘Mate’.

The One that’s ‘Programmed’ to be your ‘Mate’ or the One you’re supposed-to ‘Sleep’-
with or have a ‘One-Night-Stand’-with = that’s all ‘Pre-programmed’, even your ‘One-
Night-Stands’: Your ‘Touches’, your ‘Words’ you’re ‘Speaking’ –

Every Single Thing is ‘Pre-programmed-Stimuli’, it ‘runs’ between the ‘Unconscious’, the

‘Subconscious’ and the ‘Conscious’.

‘Subconscious’ is where you have your ‘Personality-Designs’ – there you have a ‘little-bit’ 143
of ‘Freedom’: You can Design ‘Variations of the Design’, because at the End of the Day =

the Actual-Design of your ‘Personality’, will be ‘Controlled’ by the ‘Unconscious-Mind’,

through ‘Electrical-Impulsing’ of the ‘System Stepping-Forth’ in ‘Moments’ of – what you
would ‘call’: ‘Now’ -

something happens ‘Now’ – not Here – there’s...the ‘Now’ is the ‘Here’ of the ‘Unified
Field’, is not Really Presence – it’s ‘Pre-Programmed Presence’.

It (the ‘Now’) exist as the ‘Conglomeration’ of ‘All-Past’, ‘All-Future’ and ‘All-Present’,

‘All-Lives ever Lived’ and ‘All-Lives yet to Live’ = is All existent in-You, Right-Now: All of
that, as- and in-You as the Physical and in and as the ‘Unified Field’.

And All of this busy-‘Moving’ according to a ‘Programmed Role-out’ of ‘Stimulus’, ‘Elec-

trical-Impulsing’, ‘Magnetic-Impulsing’ – whatever you want to call-it = All of that –
‘Stimulated’ through the various-Sense that ‘carry’ the ‘Electrical-Impulses’.

Your ‘Thoughts’, thus - when you have it and it comes-up – it’ll either, if it’s a ‘Singular-
Thought’ – you’ll ‘find’ that it’ll ‘normally’ have a ‘Value’ of either ‘Impression’ or a ‘Value
of Action’ or a ‘Value of sudden-Realisation’

that ‘suddenly’ you will ‘Feel’ you ‘Know More’, which means another ‘Part’ of your
‘Knowledge-Base’ that has been ‘Pre-Programmed’ ‘opens-up’ and it takes-you into your
Next-‘Experience’, which is then: “So, Oh, ‘good’, so ‘cool’” –

so that you can ‘Believe’ you’ve come to that ‘Realisation’, ‘yourself ’. For instance: What is
it? It’s about ‘Acceptance’. If you look at it in ‘Christianity’ it’s an Very, Clearly Shown in
‘how it works’ in ‘Christianity’, because:

“Jesus must be accepted as your ‘Saviour’” – I mean, the Point is there, it comes-up, you
start to look at-it, the ‘Stimuli’ comes-in, you ‘suddenly’ have an ‘Experience’.
The ‘Experience’ is either ‘driven’ through ‘Thought’, ‘Visual-Impact’, ‘Perspectives –
whatever the ‘Program’ is ‘set to be’ – they’re not the same for Everyone, Everyone’s is like,
‘Unique’ -

then you ‘open-up’ to an ‘Experience’ which you ‘Feel’, which is ‘Energy’ – comes from
your Own ‘Program’, it’s already ‘Stored’ the ‘Energy’ – then, according to that – you
accept ‘Jesus’ as your ‘Saviour’,

the ‘Whole-thing’ ‘opens-up’ the Next ‘Layer’ – it’s like ‘playing a game’ on...what do we
call these...on, on, on, on...

Darryl: Playstation

Bernard: Playstation - where you go through the Various ‘Levels’ until you have ‘Jackpot’,
because the Whole-Design is a, like a ‘Game’, like a ‘Casino’.

But In-it, it had an ‘Intent’: The ‘Intent’ was to ‘Enslave’-you to this ‘kind’- and ‘type’-of
‘Experiences’ for Eternity so that you can accept ‘God’ as ‘more than you’.

So that the ‘Whole-Point’ of ‘The Image and Likeness of God’, the ‘equality-Point’ – can
be ‘Dismissed’, and ‘Mismanaged’ = which is what happened.

Now – when we go to your ‘Subconscious’ in terms of your ‘Personality-Designs’ – those,

you’ll Find, will ‘depend’ on your ‘Environment’ = Always. You’ll be a specific ‘kind’ of
‘Personality’ – ‘depending’ on the ‘Environment’ you’re in,

and at some-Points you’ll’ll be, there will be ‘Stimulus’ in your ‘Environment’ that
now ‘indicate’ you’re ‘finished with this Game – you have to go to another-one’, and you’ll
Find, ‘suddenly’, you can’t ‘Do’-something.

For instance: You have a ‘Relationship’ in-front of you, and you can’t go into-it. You just
‘Can’t’. You are, for instance...or you just had-‘Enough’, and you just want-‘Out’, and you
just ‘Do’-it – you Act in that Moment:

That is then, where you are Specifically-‘Impulsed’ to ‘Change your Environment’, and
you then go-into the Next-‘Phase’ of your ‘Experience’.

Obviously, from ‘your’-Perspective, you ‘Believe’ that is ‘Choice’ = go and have a look
Again: It’s Always something that ‘Follows an Impulse’. It ‘Follows’ a ‘Build-up of Energy’.
It ‘Follows’ – it is Never You - Directing the Situation.
It is Never You – Actually making the ‘Choice’. The ‘Choice’ is Already-made = in your
‘Pre-Programming’. You simply ‘Following’ and you can do Nothing about that, because
you don’t even know Where to Begin to Look,

for What the Fuck is Going-On – Okay.

Now – All of This – is ‘Following Relationship-Lines’, ‘Symbols’, ‘Following Resonances’

– it ‘Emits’ a ‘Signal’. You’re like a Fuckin’ Radio-Station that ‘send-out ‘Signals’’:

You can ‘walk down the street, on the Pavement’ and ‘somebody walks past-you’ and you 145
have a ‘Thought in your Mind’ that you’re ‘looking-at’ = that ‘Thought’ ‘Emanates from-

‘Stimulating the Person walk...that you don’t know from a ‘Bar of Soap’, walking past-you’
to Immediately have a ‘Insight’ - another ‘Program’ ‘open’ - and that Person in their ‘life’
Continues =

and they ‘Thought’ they had a ‘Divine-Intervention’. While it was just what? An ‘Energy-
Impulse’ that ‘opened’ the Next ‘Layer of Experience’, which was ‘Programmed’ – and you
‘Walk Into-it’ =

you Always ‘Walk Into your ‘life’’. Your ‘life’ is Always ‘Prepared’ for-you – have a look:
You Never ‘Design your Own-‘life’’, and therefore = the Moment you have to ‘Design
your-Own ‘life’’ – you’ll Run-Away –

you will always look at ‘Where you can ‘Walk Into-it’’, where it’s already done ‘For’-you. If
you have to do-it, you’ll just Find-yourself Absolutely-unable to Actually Design your ‘life’
and you will just be ‘Stuck’.

Always look at the Points where Everything is there to Support You. I mean – Human-
Beings, they are ‘Programmed’ to Not, Actually, Ever be Aware.

Now – what is ‘more’-Interesting, is that you have - if you Notice, for instance, in your
‘Conscious-Mind’: Your ‘Conscious-Mind’ is ‘Reactive in-Nature’.

When you ‘walk-around Thinking’ – I mean, it is just ‘Thoughts coming-up’, which is just
a ‘Signal’ you’re ‘sending-out to your Environment’.

Now you get to an ‘Event’, ‘Somebody’...have a look: Immediately you will go-into a
‘State of ‘Energy
’’, you’ll Immediately ‘take-on’ a Specific-‘Symbol’, meaning a Specific-‘Posture’ – which is
a ‘Symbol’ – and you’ll ‘Present’ a Specific-‘Point’,

which you ‘Stand’-as, and that is ‘Pre-Programmed’, because you have not ‘Created’-it =
you’ve ‘Are’, you ‘Walked Into-it’. And you will ‘Speak’, and those-‘Words’ that’ll ‘come’ is
Not your-‘Words’ = they are ‘Pre-Programmed’,

you have Not ‘Thought them Up’ – I mean, you will ‘Speak’ and they are ‘Reactive in-
Nature’. That’s Why – you’ll Find, for instance – you’ll many-times sit and ‘Mull’-around
‘something that you want to do’,

but when you get to the Actual-Point of Doing-it = you say the ‘Opposite’, because you’re
‘Programmed’ to ‘Say the Opposite’.

I mean – no-matter what you’re ‘Thinking’ = it’s ‘Irrelevant’ to your ‘Programming’: Your
‘Programming’ will Always ‘Win’.
Now – what is ‘more’-Interesting – is Not All the ‘Thoughts’ you have ‘go-Anywhere’.
Those ‘Thought’ that is ‘Irrelevant’ to your ‘Environment’, or...and to ‘yourself ’ and so-on
– go and ‘Sit’ in your ‘Body’.

That’s why the ‘Body’ ‘Change with Age’, because you start to ‘Package the Thoughts’.
And all the ‘Thoughts’ that’s not ‘used’ – go into your: FAT, your ‘File Allocation Tables’,
your ‘Cellulite’ – and things like that -

your ‘Variations’ within the ‘Body’ where it is ‘Stored’ = Simply as ‘Information’, that
‘serves’ virtually no-‘Purpose’ – very-Seldom will go to Anything.

And – as you ‘grow-Older’, that will happen ‘Automatically’ = that was One of the ‘Ways’
to ‘Design the Physical’ in a ‘Way’, that it will ‘become’, like, virtually, a ‘Demon-Pos-
sessed Information-Centre’ – as you ‘grow-Older’.

And to make-sure that you ‘lose AAAAAAAAAAAALLLL the Faith you have in yourself ’,
and that you ‘eventually’ ‘Abdicate to Age’ – and start to ‘Believe’ that: “This is the ‘way’ it
‘should’-be, and this is the ‘way’ you’re supposed to ‘live’”.

So ‘Unfortunately’ = ‘Everything you Do’: Is ‘Explainable’.

‘Unfortunately’ = ‘Everything you Do’: Is Not You.

With the Structural-Resonance, Specifically – we will be ‘De-Programming All of these

Things’, which will have some Fascinating-things, because, I mean – you must ‘Under-
stand’ that:
Every Single Human-Being has got a ‘Unique’ ‘Program’-running. All-things are not ‘Ex-
actly the Same’ – that’s why we will ‘Initially’ ‘De-Program’, until you have the ‘Physical’
as a ‘Stable-Support’ to ‘Measure’ Every-Single Point.

Thus – in terms of your Forgiveness, for instance – once you Look at a Point where there’s
a ‘Lesson’, Specifically, about: ‘Assessing’ whether the ‘Thought’ you’re ‘dealing’-with
it ‘Unconscious-’, ‘Subconscious-’ or ‘Conscious-Mind’ –

the ‘Point’ that you’re ‘dealing’-with – and what is the ‘Nature’ of it: Is it ‘Emitting’? Is it
‘For’-someone-else – that means, ‘Stimulating another-Being’, is it ‘Stimulating-you’, is it 147
gonna go for ‘Fat’, for ‘Filing’?

I mean – Establishing the Various-‘Levels’ that is gonna happen to this ‘Thought’, and ac-
cordingly you can ‘contain the ‘Thought’’ and Forgive the ‘Thought’ and Delete-it. Okay
– you want to ‘get the ‘Thought’ that it No-Longer ‘Emerge’.

If I now look at where I am, at this Stage = there is Nothing ‘Emerging’ Anymore. I mean,
it’s just like Darkness; Cool, Breathe, Darkness – there’s Nothing ‘Coming-Up’.

So my Physical, that means the ‘Unified Field’, or the ‘Unconscious’, or ‘Who I am As

Everything’: Is now Clear – there’s Nothing ‘Coming-Up’.

I can Deal with a Point, Specifically as it is Here, and therefore I Respond to you Direct.
Therefore I can See what happens when you Talk to me – I can See where’s your ‘Problem’

and I can come and sit and Explain it to you; in-Detail of ‘How it Works’. And I don’t
‘carry that Information around with me’ = it’s not Necessary. It makes Sense?

You don’t...I mean – the Moment you have to ‘carry Knowledge around’ – you’re ‘carrying
a Program around’. That ‘Program’ is going to ‘Fuck with you’. Okay?

Therefore – You can ‘Speak to a Person’, if you are Not-‘Programmed’ to actually ‘Stimu-
late the Person to Hear-you’ and that Person is not ‘Programmed’ to be-‘Stimulated’ or to
‘Hear’-you = there will be no ‘Conversation’, and you’ll get Nowhere.

Now, for a ‘Programmed-System’ to ‘Break-Down’ – Great ‘Trauma’ is Necessary. We Sug-

gested that ‘Path’ we would Only-go as a ‘Last-Resort’.

Therefore, we will use the Structural-Resonance, to – through CommonSense – De-

Program Ourselves, and Assist as many as Possible to do the Same. That’s Why it’ll take
Several-Years to-Do = it is Extensive.
I mean – you’re Dealing, Here, with All your Lives – ‘Compacted-into’ what you would
call: The ‘Now’.

And Hear-me: The ‘Now’ is the Greatest Single Deception that has Ever been Created.
The ‘Illusion of The ‘Now’’.

Because: It (The ‘Now’) is the ‘Conglomeration’ of ‘Everything you’ve Ever-been’ – All-

‘Lies’, All-‘Programs’ = Nothing Real.

The Moment you Die, in the ‘Now’ – you End-up in the here-After as ‘Nothing’. You
have to Start-again. Because, I mean – you have Nothing. All that Remains is: Very, very
little of ‘yourself ’.

After-All – at the End of the Day: ‘Who you Are – Determines - What you Do’.

You’ll be no-Different in the ‘After-life’, than ‘what you are’ in this-‘life’.

Because, it’s always Equal = the ‘Law of Balance’ Determines All-things. That is what is
‘Holding’ Each-One in ‘Containment’.

We’ll ‘later-on’ Discuss ‘How you can ‘Move’ your Structural-Resonance’, and ‘How you
can ‘Move’ and Actually Change the stuff’. We’ll first go through these ‘Programs’ of
‘Working-with the Structural-Resonance’.

But, at this Stage, it’s just to give an Indication – for instance, with ‘Flu’: I mean, if that
‘Thought’ ‘comes-up’, have a look = you have had those ‘Experiences’; where shortly there-
after, you are ‘Sick’.

It’s (‘Flu’) is not a Virus. You have Created that, you are ‘Designed’ to do it. How it looks-
like – is Fascinating – in the Physical-Body, the ‘Design of the System’ ‘Follows’ ‘very-Spe-
cific Geometrical-Shapes’,
and as the ‘Sound Moves through-you’, it ‘Moves in Geometrical-Shapes’. And then when
it, when you in your-‘Design’ has a particular-‘Shape’ that ‘Fits’, like – the ‘Incoming-
Sound’ ‘Fits in-there like a Key’ –

it ‘Activates the Program’ and you’ve got ‘Flu’. Fascinating, Really.

Okay – so, please – there are ‘Viruses’, but they are Not Necessarily the ‘Cause’.

In many-Cases you Actually ‘Create the Virus’ within your Body through the ‘coming-
together of Various-‘Signatures’’ from Various Human-Beings = from the Physical.
The Physical is doing All of This. The Physical. Not your ‘Mind’. Not the ‘Words you
Know’. Not the ‘Language you Speak’ = None of that has got Anything to-do with the
Physical – from the perspective of a ‘Directive-Point’.

Those-things you’re not Aware-of At-All.

Okay – That’s-it.

16: Discovering Heavens
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
10 Jul 09

Let’s, let’s start at the beginning: Ehm… We met Sunette and Sunette started working and
eventually she didn’t have a place to stay. And so we said: “OK we have a room available,”
says okay, “come and stay there.” And so we…

She had no idea about anything and she was introduced to the Tarot cards, the Osho
cards. ‘Cause that’s what we played with. But essentially, you know we ran business, so we
worked. And then, on weekends and so, especially, we would do demons. Now, where we
as support the demons. So I had a fascinating experience. The portal opened. I was quite
surprised. I mean, I had ten years with a deep trance medium in the family. So I know
what the fuck is deep trancing.

I have, I’ve seen materializations. I have seen cataleptic paralysis where the human body
turns into a statue, like a statue. I touched it, moved it, try and move it myself. I have seen
doors open and close.

I have seen animals in a single moment with the movement of a hand lose consciousness
and become like a piece of rag that run, and they would run it over my arm. So that, you
know like, there’s, as if there’s not even a bone in it. Totally out. Strange enough, there
was always a certain thing about… At that stage Deep-Trance mediumship was especially
based on a substance called ectoplasm. (Oh right) Ectoplasm was required for Deep-tranc-

I mean, light-trancers, or uhm, or uhm, telepathy – different story. But with Deep- tranc-
ing you had the actual, you could get a more real experience – meaning: the actual being
could come through and speak through the body.

But they could not move the body with great effect. That was not so simple. Anyway,
so I was very surprised, because… the being coming through from the dimensions was
speaking to me like normal, saying: “Hallo”, I mean, it’s not like a ‘high, mighty fucker
from heaven’, I mean, it is a normal being. So, the second thing is: I wanted to know
where’s the ‘door keeper’; and they said: “No there is no door keeper.”

‘Cause normally with Deep-trance mediums you had your doorkeeper. So, in all the cases,
and I have worked with two deep trance mediums, both cases, having the same door
keeper – which is highly unusual. Which were very cool for cross-referencing – having the
same doorkeeper. Because, I mean, fuck, it’s, how cool, how cool is that?
I mean just even having two deep trance mediums in your life in different areas having
the same doorkeeper; already very few beings in the world has ever experienced that. So…
I was a little surprised. I mean, they’re speaking to me like normal. Like: “Hello”, like we
have a normal discussion like a normal being, like you just meeting and say: “What’s your
name?”, like, you know, this is your name, “Hey, what are you doing?”, “No, uh, I am
here” – I mean, a normal conversation.

So I was initially a little bit like: ‘Okay, is this real or not real? I mean, there is no effort.
I mean, with, with any mediumship there is effort and preparation. You don’t just fucking
channel. (Right).There’s, there is effort and preparation. 151

This was fuckin’ instantaneous. A single breath. I mean, I have not seen this before any-
where. And, they can move the body, I mean, like normal.

‘So okay, fuck, what the fuck is going on here?’

So obviously at that stage I have already decided that…Or, I’ve, I’ve… We were discussing
the point (status of heaven), because, there was a problem.

We didn’t know what was the problem. We have already established at that stage that you
could see, with the, some of the beings that we’ve managed to get abilities developed;
which could see interdimensionally – at that stage already.

So we could already establish; who’s on earth reincarnated, and who’s in the dimensions
or in heaven. Because they would be different but you could speak to both – which was

Which is, was confirmed also in the research of, Newman: Destiny of the Souls. So, we
had the same experience. So, but not only that, we could communicate in various differ-
ent frequencies and all kinds of shit. So, I was now a little bit surprised, so we, we chatted
with beings. Fortunately at that stage, through my daughter, we already had sessions with
some beings that came through.

So immediately, what do I wanna do? I wanna speak to some of those beings. And fuck
they were real they were there .

Checking, I mean. What does…Sunette doesn’t know about these things. She’s never been
there. She, she doesn’t, didn’t know these things happened. So she can’t conjure it up with
her mind. So I look at the extreme points to get validation: ‘Am I at the real point or not
a real point? Am I being fucked with?’ I mean, I have had those events in my life already.
So, I’m like, extremely cautious, because of the events I had in my life in extreme situa-
So, started chatting. Obviously, first of all, we are still busy with demons, and we are to
find out what’s going on. So, Sunette would go out the body, and then she’ll explore and
she comes back and she’d tell her story; what she’s just experienced, who she, who did she
meet. And then she met someone, I says, ‘Okay let me speak to the person you meet’,
‘Whoops’, the person is there, then I speak to the person. And they ,tell a story and it’s an-
other being, I mean.

Then, ‘okay, off to the next one’ – off she goes, investigate, investigate and tell what
she’s getting. She says ‘it’s like layers of existences, like, bands of existence. You can go up
and down with it’, and shit like that. And, uh… So now we are talking to beings. Mostly, 153
every time she meets somebody new, bring them to the portal and… Now, we don’t
know how the portal functions, at this stage. I mean, they explain to us how it looks like,
it’s like, they say: ‘ it’s as if you walk into infinity and in the next moment you are in a hu-
man body’. I mean, that’s a fascinating way to describe it. You would consider the human
body to be… limited.

How could it be, that when they are moving from heaven to earth into a body – that
they’re moving into ,what they experience as infinity? Which is immediately like, ooh
okay, here’s something unusual – what’s going on, I mean?

So, we then started, obviously, then I started exploring, talking to beings that I have read
about. It was peculiar, from a certain perspective, that, one could see that beings were not
the same; than what they were on earth.

But, they could speak a lot more comfortable and about various situations than ever, was
ever possible with deep-trance channel, I mean. So, and you could do it continuously for
hours and they don’t get tired. I mean, the portal don’t get tired. While the best you can
normally go with a deep trance is about two hours. Then they need to rest, it drains the
body, of energy. But seemingly, the portal doesn’t need energy. It just keeps on going.

So, it doesn’t go higher or lower energy or getting tired or shit like that. Obviously, we
challenged points there was points that came through that just says: ‘unacceptable’. I was
full of shit then already. I mean, full of shit…

I mean if you have, if you have worked with demons for like, two years where you had
to take them into your body and, and show them forgiveness and assist them, until they
transcend with forgiveness; you get full of shit.

Because otherwise, you are gonna get possessed. But from my perspective: ‘how can I leave
the demon in the state they are, knowing that they can transcend it through forgiveness?
I cannot leave them, like that. I mean, that would be an absolute crime to do that.’

So therefore I looked at showing other people to do the same. Somewhere it interested

that some where scared of demons, I mean, if you really believe in God and love and God
is Almighty and all that shit and Jesus – how can you be afraid of demons?

Because that is a contradiction of your very belief, cause: what’s the worst that can hap-
pen? You get possessed. I mean after all apparently Jesus drives out demons then he can
drive them out again, hopefully. I suppose no one is certain – that’s why they won’t take
the risk, cause their belief is not deep enough in their dear Jesus – sorry Jesus, I mean. But
I mean, we did find Jesus. So obviously I wanted to find Jesus – now how did we meet Je-

That was fascinating, I mean, I suppose if we didn’t meet Jesus the way we did I would
have doubted about this extremely but we were now chatting with the portal, we were
talking with Osho and the next moment my son walks in and he says to me:“I just wanna
say to you Jesus will be here just now. When he comes, come and call me.” So I say: “OK,
what the fuck does that mean, Jesus will be here?”

Ten minutes later the portal says Jesus want to come through. Fuck, there is Jesus, call
Leslie-John and says: “Come hey, Jesus is here.” He walks in, the portal gets up, the two
fucking hug each other as if they have known each other forever.

Then I found out they had been talking for months already. So I : “OK, fuck” – I mean,
I was not in the loop with this one I was a little bit out of the loop but I mean it gives you
a perfect kind of validation: Something you cannot construct, something nobody can con-
struct – it requires various practical events to take place that come together with specific
events, words, stuff that happens and that is validated right there, so I mean…

And then Jesus with Sunette and with others went and cleared up the demon dimension.
They brought all the demons together and sorted them out with forgiveness and so on. So
that was the first thing Jesus did, I mean, after we had the discussion.

He didn’t wait for me to tell him to do that, they did it themselves, so from that perspec-
tive I would say it is pretty fucking valid isn’t it? So now we are exploring this. Obviously
we have no idea what this is really going to mean, because we are now having to estab-
154 lish what does this mean. We have a point where we now can speak at that stage as far as
we know to all the beings we ever want to speak to and we started doing that, we started

And then we meet a strange or a fascinating story; we meet somebody claiming to be my

mother and my father and that me and Sunette are brothers and sisters and that whole
thing plays out.

I mean, we found these, like, from some… dimensional kingdom, we are the children of
the king and the queen, shit like that. But I mean fucking real shit here, they are speaking
real shit and it’s like pushing the memories and shit like that.
So, I said: “OK,I’ll play along with this.” Because at this stage, I mean, I never really know
what is going for what. I can’t just discard it, because then I will always wonder.

I mean, why did I discard it? Was it out of fear? Let me play along, what’s the worst that
can happen? I get fucked. What the fuck, then I get fucked, I get deceived, so what the
fuck; it doesn’t change who I am – let me do this, let me find out for myself.

After all Jesus said: “Explore all things” – so let me explore it. I am willing to take the risk,
so I took the risk. We discussed it and Sunette and I tried to make head on tails on this,
because already years before the portal opened I had already disconnected my interdimen- 155
sional abilities at all, at all times, because I found that to be not trustworthy.

So now obviously I am super-sensitive to fucking everything, because I have been fucked

badly with spiritual stuff and psychic stuff. So, and I pushed the boundaries of investi-
gating it. If I got something, I would go to the point of actually physically investigating
it, the information and stuff like that. When I was in the police I used them. I used psy-
chometry, I used psychics, I used channelling, everything – in terms of finding leads and
finding criminals… and 50% of the time the fucking information was correct, 50% of the
time it wasn’t. So now you have this dichotomy. So we had those events taking place and
so on.

Now, at this stage the white light still existed, so now we keep on exploring. Sunette is out
in the dimensions and events take place and she meets people and we talk to beings about
solutions and by about the time we had all the beings sorted out, was the time the white
light story happened. Sitting, having a cup of coffee, chief that came through the deep
trance medium – a long time ago, I mean it happened in the 19… 1980’s,

end of the 1980’s, chief was coming came through a deep trance medium every six weeks
giving me the gifts from the White Light. So here is chief now through the portal, so he is
fucking real, I mean, what the fuck? And all the gifts that came, they are real, I have spo-
ken to them all – and here is chief now me and chief sitting and drinking a cup of coffee
and they like to drink their coffee, I mean, because that was quite fascinating.

Like having, say we have a coke, to watch them take a sip of coke, because their senses are
enhanced multi-fold, so they will go like “oh god, feel that”. I mean, they are really, like
I mean – it’s fascinating to watch their experience.

Obviously, the most fascinating experience was… we have an old boor war veteran, which
was part of the history of South Africa, I mean, I learned about this fucker in history and
at that stage – Was it Mykey that brought him? Or was it Kieran? – At that stage we al-
ready had the next event. The next event was very fascinating because Cerise was going
out with a chap in a relationship and they were… one day they walk into the room. The
dad was dead in a motorcycle accident.
I suggested to Cerise obviously: support. I mean, you learn a lot about support in situa-
tions like this, support unconditionally and see what happens. I mean, walk with and so
she did that.

And now the oak’s dead, obviously, I mean, he’s dead, three weeks later the son is there,
Cerise is there. We are all busy with the portal – we are 15 people – we are now busy with
the portal, next moment they let us know that someone wants to come.

Woops! Here he is: Kieran, dad, the oak’s dad, and obviously big tears and shit like that
goes with it. It was about three weeks or so after his death.

Then suddenly a scene unfolded, again that I didn’t know about. There have… some event
that took place from the time of Kieran’s death to the time Kieran now is in the portal,
which was done in secret.

I mean, the son sleeping around and Cerise has just found out. I didn’t know yet, but Ki-
eran knew, so when I wanted to find out what’s going on Kieran told me: “Wait, you don’t
know what’s going on here, I’ll handle it. So I say: “OK,” fuck, and he handled it and the
whole thing came out and the point was taken to forgiveness right there: face to face for-
giveness. So when that was done Kieran said: “OK, what now?” So I treated him just like
a demon, showed him everything.

And then asked him: “Now, what the fuck Kieran? Why are you dead?” Understand, this
oak was wealthy beyond measure. He had his own yacht in the harbour, a 100 million
yacht – massive thing. Money was not an object, he had everything.

He said a strange thing, he said: “I saw you through your daughter and I saw what is going
to happen to the world and I decided I am not going to wait. Obviously I didn’t see that
from a conscious aware level, I saw it as myself and accordingly I removed myself from the
reality. So here I am: ready to assist.” I mean, what do you say to that? I don’t even know
what I am fucking apparently supposed to do, I mean, they are seeing shit that I don’t
know what the fuck they’re seeing.

156 Cause I am here breathing, a piece of meat that eat shit and speak, I mean, what the fuck
can I do? I mean, apparently all I am interested in is forgiveness and self-honesty. I am not
interested in anything else. To me those tools are effective and valid for all human beings
who dare to apply them. I mean, it’s that simple: we, each hold the key to the solution of
this reality in those simple tools. So what do you say to that?

I mean, I don’t know what to say to that. So anyway, so Kieran is off with… Kieran Jesus
and Mykey, it was the three of them that cleared up the dimensions, the demons. It was
Yeah so, at that stage – remember the white light still existed – so, Kieran said an inter-
esting thing after his death. He was immediately in a room and from that room he came
through the portal. And to him there was no concept of time, he didn’t know how long he
was there, he said: “You simply don’t experience time in the dimensions.”

(Was this before the White Light was taken out?) That’s before the White Light was taken
out, so we are now looking at this thing and they say: “Look” – so we are now looking at
this thing and they say to me look, they got a surprise for me.

OK, fuck, surprise me, I mean, what can surprise you? Next moment they got a chap 157
through the portal that speaks Afrikaans like real Boer, I mean, and his name is Piet Retif
and he looked at me and he said “HAAA! Rudi Landsman”. I said: “What the fuck?”
“I think you are Rudi Landsman we were together at Fechtkope,” he says. I say: “What do
you mean? Was I in the fucking Zulu war and my name was Rudi Landsman?” And he
says: “YEESSS you are Rudi Landsman” I say: “What the fuck, OK yes.” What the fuck,
I mean, I am Rudi Landsman? I said: “OK, OK, I have no idea, but if you say so.” He
says: “Ahh yeeah you were young and you looked at it all and said ‘there must be another
way’”. Ah OK that makes sense I would have said something like that I suppose I mean;
there must be another way

He says: “Ahh yeeah you were young and you looked at it all and said ‘there must be an-
other way’”. Ah OK that makes sense I would have said something like that I suppose
I mean; there must be another way – lol – which is the primary thing I have said many
many times this life; there must be another way. So then he started looking around and he
saw a cell phone and he says: “What’s this?” I say: “What do you mean: ‘what is this?’ –
A cell phone!” “What’s a cell phone?”

I said: “OK, what? Wait a minute – what is going on here, sure, how do you not know
what is a cellphone ?” Then we found he had been in the demon dimension since the
war with the Zulus and whatever, a long time ago, and he has been shooting blacks ever
since – and the same scene replays over and over and over again: he and a couple of kings
keep on shooting.

That’s what they have been doing for all their time and he has seen no progression of
anything on earth. Now he must watch this face, this experience – I mean, at that stage
we were not recording yet or anything – as this man explores what is here from TV’s to
cars; he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw cars. I mean, he said: “FUCK where is the

I mean, I mean, you must understand I dubbed him innocence because his expression of
innocence when he was so astounded with what he saw… and even when he saw the first
black person, he said: “Oh, we may touch you now,” lol.
They were killing each other that time, I mean, so he says: “OK, may I stand up and give
you a hug now?” It’s like fascinating stuff like that, I mean, fuck, it’s not stuff you would
ever consider. It’s like – what is normal expression?

I mean, we are living such suppressed lives that we can’t even consider what is natural nor-
mal expression. So it’s little bit like ‘what the fuck? Is this oak real or what?’, but I mean –
there it was happening right in front of us and we were laughing and really starting to
enjoy Piet Retif… And uhm… So that was an interesting experience, I mean: Kieran,
Piet Retif – and now I look at all of this and obviously I regret from one perspective or
how can anyone fuck with me? So, I am OK, I am willing to consider what is here – I am
not gonna believe it, I will participate though – and I am satisfied with their expression.
I mean, I can’t make that shit up, I mean, you don’t even see that shit in movies. I mean,
how the fuck do you script that shit?

So, then we got to the White Light thing. Eventually, at that stage, we had all kinds of
experiences. I mean, Sunette for instance was turned into a vase by a goddess in one of the
heavens because she dared to not obey an order from the goddess.

But at that stage she had dealt with demons and shit like that, so we already dealt with
the demons. So now we are busy exploring the heavens; seeing what the fuck is going on,
how does it work? So, there is multiple heavens. Each heaven has got its own god, which is
quite similar to Eckankar, soul travel. In soul travel you… – if you study soul travel you’ll
see they talk about shit like that. You have levels with gods and shit like that.

We found shit like that: cities, …, all kinds of stuff. Obviously we are now interested in
how all of this works, I mean; this is now heaven, I mean, we now have a doorway into
heaven – let’s find out how this fucking thing works.

I mean, where is god? I mean, I am curious you know, I am like also cautious you know,
because I mean; is he allowing me into this? Why is he doing it? I mean, how far am I al-
lowed to go?

All that questions come up, I mean, you have to consider that you know. Will the next
158 moment be a fucking lightning bolt and I will be no more? I mean, you consider all that
shit. So, me and chief sitting there, having coffee.

So the question that is asked: “Wouldn’t you now,” chief ’s asking me, “wouldn’t you now
after all this trust in god?” I mean now I have had many experiences, been in heaven, the
whole story – as I looked at that question, I looked at it in a peculiar way.

I looked at it in a peculiar way: I looked at it from the principle of self-honesty; can I hon-
estly say that I can trust god from all my experiences and everything that has happened?
And I couldn’t honestly say ‘I can trust god’, so I said: “No, I can’t fucking say that, even
after everything that has happened.” So, I said to Sunette: “Where is Sunette? Sunette,
come.” And now we know there is a white light that is now god. So I say: “Go ask god /
white light ‘what the fuck is going on?’, I mean, what the fuck do we do? Get some infor-
mation. I mean, we’re in this, I mean, we have been sorting out the demons we have been
talking to everybody.

What are we supposed to fucking do now? I mean, what the fuck is going on?” And she
went and as she was going and she started asking questions – and before this, there was
like a white wall that stretch into infinity and you talk to the wall and the fucking wall
speaks back, it answers your questions and shit like that – so, but I was like getting, like 159
really, like agitated, because it’s like… something is just not OK. I need to have…

This is the moment in my existence when I have the opportunity to find out what the
fuck is going on. Am I going to miss this opportunity or am I going to go where I never
even considered I could go? I said: “Fuck this, I am going to check.”

So I brought everything right here and I was standing as the white light as the wall as the
question, the question to all of the universe.

This is the question I asked: “What the fuck is going on? Why is heaven not assisting the
demons? Why is heaven not stopping child abuse?” – my basic question, I mean – “Please
answer me that, I mean, you are god!”

But in that moment something happened. Now remember Sunette is in the dimensions.
I am at the white light now in the dimensions and she is seeing what is happening – and
as I did that, the white light is gone and there emerged, what?

26 beings, masters, very pissed of that I dare to challenge the hierarchy of heaven. But
I mean, no more surprised than me, because, I mean, I still don’t have a answer to my
fucking question. Please and that which I believed was god, that gave me all the gifts that
guided my life apparently – from my perspective – wasn’t real. I mean, now I am breath-
ing because I am observing what the fuck is going on here. I mean, how do I know that
this is real?

So, obviously, it what’s the first thing I did? I spoke to the fucking masters: “What the
fuck is going on?” Well, so we spoke to several of the masters and we looked at the feed-
back, but at that stage things were starting to emerge, that there is definitively much de-
ception going on. Now at this stage Anu, has Anu emerged yet (asking portal)?

Not yet, no. (Portal speaking: inaudible) No, he only got involved after the white light was
deleted. Anu was suddenly on the foreground and he was supporting forgiveness, so we
then started. So, we then said: “OK, what are we going to do now?” We are sitting with
many beings in heaven, because with the deletion of the white light an interesting thing
happened: all the heavens and shit was deleted virtually.

Obviously, at that stage now, there was still dimensions and alternate realities, fucking all
that mess. Many things many, many, many gods and shit we found.

Remember that whenever you served the hierarchy well you were given your own domin-
ion, your own heaven with your own slaves and you were god and your were god in your
heaven, or goddess. And there were many, I mean, many. OK, so at that stage, lol, we
haven’t, we haven’t met Satan and them yet. I mean, do you think I believed that Satan
existed from my perspective? Nooo. I mean, what the fuck? God was everything as far as
I was concerned.

The white light was everything, there is no Satan. Satan existed as the human mind from
my perspective. So, I am sitting there on the couch. The next moment there is something
in the portal and It fucking challenges me, it says to me: “Hey you, who the fuck do you
think you are?” I say: “What? Who, what now? Who the fuck is this?” “I am Satan, who
the fuck do you think you are?” Satan is asking me. I say: “Where is Sunette?” He says:
“Don’t worry, Sunette is gone.”

I mean, you are kinda like, says, ‘oh fuck what do I say to her parents? Here is her body,
Satan is in here.’ What do you say, I mean, holy fucking Christ, I had a little bit of a situa-
tion on my hand. So I breathe, I mean, Jesus, I trust breath, I mean, I just breathe.

I say: “OK what the fuck, so, Satan, what is your story? Where is the dimensions? Where
is heaven?” He says: “It is mine. It is all blacked out.”

So, he fucking blacked out. I didn’t know at that stage, when Satan is in the portal heaven
does not exist. It is fucking taking over everything. So I say ‘fuck, here I am sitting with
Satan in Sunette's body. What the fuck?’

So I said: “Look, I don’t know what’s your story, Satan? I mean, from my perspective you
are not different to me, so what is your issue?” So, we chatted. We chatted for a good
twenty minutes, this way, that way. I explained forgiveness.
I explained what I am experiencing, how I see things, how I perceive life and I said:
“I don’t understand why you can be what you are when life is actually here available for
you, if you would dare…” I mean, and initially he then…

And that was when we started to find out a fascinating thing, or we already knew that, but
I didn’t know that worked so well. We already knew a demon that would go into the por-
tal could not leave unless forgiveness was done absolute – only then, otherwise the demon
was trapped in the portal. And you know what was happening to Satan? He was fucking
trapped. And I looked at it, said: “OK, am I willing to walk for the rest of my life with
Satan in a woman’s body?

I suppose if I have no alternative, I'll do it.” So, I said: “Look, Satan, it is very simple: you
are fucking here, you are gonna have to fucking live with me – let’s get going or you gonna
have to consider what I said. I mean, what else can I do?

You better do some forgiveness and consider that there is something more.” And he looked
at it and eventually we came to an understanding, you know, it was common sense. He
chose life and he did forgiveness, so, which was very cool,
I mean, fuck, Satan doing forgiveness, you being there – I mean, imagine that: you being
there while Satan is doing forgiveness, that must be an event that is unfathomable to con-
sider, that such a thing could take place.

So, he must have seen my resolve around forgiveness as extremely strong, specific. I have
practised it for many, many years effectively and I know that it is absolute effective if you
are self-honest. I mean, and there is Satan as proof. He has just experienced that event.
I mean, fuck. Anyway, so off he goes. Sunette comes back and she tells me all about it,
that the next moment everything just went black and they were just not existing.

So, Satan takes over heaven, which sounds like a fucking story out of the bible, I mean,
what the fuck. But anyway, there we go, Satan has done forgiveness. Me and Satan would
then chat quite a bit and we started cleaning up heaven in terms of forgiveness.

So all you do is: bring everything here and bring all beings here and work with forgive-
ness. First the externalization of the universe – we went through all the levels of it, mul-
tiple heavens and shit like that. Then we did the internalization of it. That means: to the
minutest form imaginable. We found exactly the small and the big were the same. I mean,
you find the same shit, heaven and all kinds of shit. We had a fascinating fucking experi-

So, now, we’re off to the casino. We are sitting, playing there, me and Satan playing, do-
ing forgiveness, exploring the points and so on. And we get to a point, suddenly he says
to me, he says to me: “Go to the top button, press once: jackpot.” Bububu, top button –
which is a big bet, I mean, fuck it’s a big bet – one of those video things, one bomb, press:

I mean, I say: “Where the fuck did you get that?” He says: “The machine told me.” I say:
“OK fuck, the machines talk, here is another story coming.” I mean, how the fuck, how
do you deal with that shit? There is a fucking machine telling you ‘one spin: jackpot’ and
you do that and: one spin: jackpot.

What the fuck? You are going to take note, isn’t it? You are going to consider: ‘OK some-
thing is going on.’ So, obviously then, one of the other events after that, was the devil.
Now, the devil was quite a story, because we simply couldn’t get the fucker. He was some-
thing like underneath everything. It’s like fascinating: you had like doorways and realities
and under-verses and back doors – and I mean, it’s like a fucking sci-fi movie, all the shit
that was existing within the universe. And now we’re trying to get the devil, because he is
fucking around.

So, I have been chatting to Satan and a fascinating thing came out: Satan did not actually
exist. That was quite clear; he existed for the only purpose to fuck through the portal and
was created by the devil. So, he was like the spawn of the devil.

What they didn’t know, was that I had learned a little trick a long time ago dealing with
deep trance mediums, because at one stage the deep trance medium wanted to die and left
the body and I was shown how to bring him back into the body and I did that then. So,
I said: “I know what to do.” I said to Satan: “Give me your hand.”

I took his hand and I used the signature – it’s like, you’ll call it DNA, let’s call it DNA for
sake of convenience. The sound signature, everything in existence has a sound signature
that you can call your DNA, is a fragment of that.

Holding the hand and I said: “Bring.” And there’s the devil in the portal and he is full of
shit. He wants no fuck’ol, I mean, Jesus fuck’ol about forgiveness. Eventually I created a
containment in sound and said: “There you are. You can watch what happens, but you
are fucking gonna remain there until you do forgiveness and until you do that, all you are
gonna be able to do is not participate and see how everyone applies forgiveness” – and so
the fucking devil eventually did forgiveness. Obviously a lot more things happened, but
I think that is enough for now.

17: Specialization
Interviews with Darryl & Bernard
18 Jul 09

OK so - on the road again

Darryl: It might work

Bernard: It might, yeah

OK specialization - about the specialization.

Specialization was - is actually a point where the mind starts to specialize, becomes more
effective at one point and less effective at another - and then all point has become our
social structure that has caused in fact, instead of everyone becoming better - some has
become better at a specific point - the rest has become incompetent basically, unable to
actually even do the most basic of things.

Darryl: So the more technology progresses, the less it becomes effective and just everyday...

Bernard: In terms of self sufficiency - so maybe if you teach a man how to feed themselves
- you can feed a nation -

But: if you take away their ability to feed themselves, you enslave a nation.

And more and more humanity has become enslaved to technology -but have a look: was
technology a success in the economic realm? It wasn't. Brought some of the greatest mon-
etary disasters imaginable because, technology made it possible for everybody to do some-
thing: so anybody could become a computer expert, anyone could do Windows courses
and do training and the basic web designs and all of that - so everybody started doing it
and everybody was greedy - so they tried to do it from a justification point of view, fasci-
natingly saying 'I can do it cheaper' and there was hope in to capture the market because
they're cheaper -which is greed - but they never consider the practical physical action that
needs to be taken in doing all the work. So instead of us developing a lot of people are
very proficient in for instance - computer programming and doing website designs and all
kinds of technological things - that total era has fallen through and just a few companies
has got highly paid experts.

And, what caused this? The basic greed of everyone that wants to do things cheaper - with-
out actually taking in consideration the actual space-time, the labour that's coming, who
must eat - so there's no consideration of the amount of money that must move for every-
body involved to have a good, you know, an effective life - and everything is then made
cheaper and more 'affordable' apparently, so that more can afford it - but nobody can
afford to live. And this is all driven by a peculiar thing of greed and where one use the
mind instead of the Physical Reality to work out the price of something.

So it's very important like what we will be doing in our Structural Resonance Alignment
- there's people involved in doing these courses -there's people that needs to eat, sleep and
all the normal things - so therefore there is a cost involved - this is a Physical Object that's 165
involved in the Structural Resonance Alignment: it's people -they require an income. So
therefore there will be fees and they need to have a place to stay and all kinds of things.
Anything that Desteni do where an object - a Physical manufacturing process is involved
- we charge money. And the Structural Resonance Alignment is also the Physical manufac-
turing of a better human, a better you, a better being.

But let's get back to the point of specialization.

Specialization, have a look. Those that's highly specialized now - which is a mind speciali-
zation where some forms of practical application in some points has become very well
paid, their time is worth a lot of money. Those that's doing the actual work - which is the
general work that is required to maintain everybody else's life- they don't get any money:
they starve, they live on the bread line and they are the slaves to the Elite specialized be-
ings in existence.

And this is deliberately developed once it was seen to cause a massive control situation
- but now the Money System’s crashing obviously - that has backlashed and virtually bit-
ten the Elite of this world in the ass - and it'll get much worse - I mean, the Elite better
buckle their fucking seatbelts because, there is gonna be a very tough time ahead for them
and eventually we'll have no Elite in the world -which will be the coolest fucking thing
- and then one can start working at a solution - what's best for all.

And for instance I would suggest: when you work out your pricing for products or services
- that you work out the space-time labour factor and who needs to be fed by it - before
you even put the profit on - your profit is an extra - your actual costing is what makes
something work or not.

You'll be surprised if one would for instance dare to explore the point in your shops to
expose the actual production cost, the actual labour cost - who's been fed and so on -
within a price and one expose it openly who gets what for the item you're buying - people
will be more likely to buy stuff, because they know that they are supporting somebody
But at the moment you see a price on the shelf - you have no idea

Darryl: What went into it.

Bernard: and you're not even aware that you are in many cases supporting abuse and
starvation because some of the beings that's part of that, did not get a proper income to
make Equal Living. One of the proposals would be to change the way one price your
structures and to make it available that everybody can see who gets what.

For instance in the Desteni Structural Resonance Alignment, once we reach two hundred
people participating, the basic budget of Desteni will be covered. And as people then join
that will be able to develop more facilities to facilitate more and we'll be able to handle
two hundred people in terms of visits to the Farm. The moment we go over two hundred,
we have to build more accommodation - although at the moment we still have to build,
we haven’t' got all the accommodation in place - but we’ll have it ready for the first courses
as they complete, there’ll be sufficient accommodation to facilitate the people that's doing
the courses. So initially two hundred will be the point we'll be able to handle –and then
we have to invest into more accommodation to handle the physical part of the accredita-
tion, the tests to make sure that you're effective.

Ehm, what else is there?

Darryl: Do you think it's like a... just the way the system said that the human being was
to become more and more specialized to enable systems to function more effectively or
was that just...something that the so-called 'programmers' didn't really see.

Bernard: They did not consider the side effect, the same way they did not see the side
effect of what’ll happen in the Money System through charging the Interest and using
inflation as one of the 'measuring points' - I mean there's many, many points that should
be measured within calculating your money supply within a System -that is not being
considered at all. So because there is now no group in existence -not even the Elite -that
has an actual figure of what's really going on in the Money System - they cannot ascertain,
they cannot see exactly what will happen - they've lost total control over everything.

And simplistically because the population explosion has outstripped the education level
that was being able to be provided - and because the whole point of causing as much as
possible confusion and conflict in attempting to control, has actually had a backlash

Darryl: Right, because they attempted to put a cap on education.

Bernard: Ja, and that's all had a backlash which now will meet - the one's that'll suffer the
most at the end of the day will be the Elite of the world, because they will be brought
back to Equality initially of those ...

Darryl: They won't be able to stand that, will they?

Bernard: No, they won't be able to - not without grave danger to themselves. That point is
already starting to emerge - it will escalate- we are looking at a 'modern time revolution'
that will emerge and the anger is growing amongst people because they are suffering.
And the point where the suffering is most is with those with children- they're unable to
educate or feed their children so a total generation of delinquents are being created. And a
delinquent has got one problem: it’s a linguistic problem - that's why they are delinquent,
they are not effective in their linguistics which means they are not effective in their moral-
ity of the system - therefore they're not easily controlled- therefore they become unpre-
dictable. All these things are known by the system's scientists so they know the problem.
And unfortunately is too late for a solution from the perspective of anything they can do
-there is absolutely nothing -

Darryl: They haven’t got enough time

Bernard: Yeah, they haven't got enough time –they’ve waited, they have not considered
the effect of the outcomes- and they've believed the 'gods' that spoke to them. Those gods
has fucked them, totally. Because the premise was that these gods must be actually in
control, must be actually real for the stability to have remained -which wasn't so - so,

Darryl: so they would not... they're still... I mean will there be a time when they say
,'Wow! The jig is up."

Bernard: I mean it's like anything--

Darryl: "Let's make a deal or something..."

Bernard: There's no deal possible because have a look at a fascinating thing.

Automatically people will always first deny – there is always violent denial - have a look at
the way there’s a premise that is quite accepted in the basic - call it 'philosophy of the
world' – you know anything that is true is first vehemently resisted - I mean all change the
same - look at a flat world to a round world cost the lives of many people. Can you imag-
ine that? Such a simple thing now, cost many to die as a point of conflict - I mean fortu-
nately we have the internet in which we can blow the conflict, so the being can face their
inner struggle, use up all their energy and then eventually start to see - see I've considered
what I'm doing.

What is fascinating is all you initially do is you charge the being up - so they can use all
the energy, so you caused the conflict - then they use all of their energy and then they
can't maintain their point - because the point is not themselves, the point is energy - it
requires energy - so therefore you go into constant conflict up until the energy is finished
- and then you withdraw, then you wait. That's how you get them to change.

That’s what’s gonna happen in existence.

Have a look already what the Money System is doing: it's drawing everyone's money,
everyone's energy - because the moment it starts to look like it's rallying, it's moving up
- the great factor comes in, everybody starts to push it - so the next moment it drops

But have a look: every time greed wins. Every time more and more participate in because
they believe so much in the system, that they believe that the system is going to survive - I
mean, who the fuck is got control over the system? No one – The system has got an inher-
ent flow -as we say - it cannot be corrected.

Darryl: Yeah but that's not what people are taught or programmed to believe in -

Bernard: Obviously not

18: The Physical NOW and Money
Interviews with Darryl & Bernard
18 Jul 09

Bernard: OK so what are we looking at?

We’re looking at how the Mental – which is that which can change – is controlling the
Physical, that which cannot change. So in some of this you have to establish what is it that 169
One cannot change.

For instance: you need to eat, to Live - you cannot change that, that’s a Physical Reality.
But on a Mental Reality, Money is something that can be changed – you can change the
rules of Money because it’s a mental concept that’s just been placed into the Physical. It is
not necessary for it to control the Physical - yet it’s fascinating that which can be changed
which is Money, has power over that which cannot change – which is the Physical –to the
degree that it kills that which is in the Physical, which is Real – while the Money which is
that which can change - which is not Real in this Reality - has power over that which is
Real which is fucked up – we have to really address this fucking point, it’s like very decep-

Darryl: It’s like the way it’s become fixed in people’s minds-

Bernard: I mean it’s fixed in the mind, it’s still a Mental Projection, still a Mental condi-
tion, it’s still a condition of ‘fixation’ – and what is fixation but control – I mean it’s obses-

Look at how Money is the thing that has, is busy destroying that which is Real – while
Money is Not Real - Money is something we can give any value to - we decide the value.
So we cannot, we can replace the Money with any form of value, any form of rule –but we
cannot replace the Physical or we fucking destroy.

Darryl: so what is this thing that Money distorts, it disfigures the human…

Bernard: I would say is the whole point of the ‘belief ’ that money is real and that there’s
nothing you can do about changing the fact about how money works. That in itself is that
Money is actually a religion – and anyone – which is everyone basically in existence – that
walks around with money in their pocket, in essence is deceptive because you’re protecting
that money which isn’t real, and you’ll kill for that money which isn’t real - you’ll kill that
which is Real which is the Physical.
From where I’m looking, every person on Earth is a murderer just because they're partici-
pating in the Money System.

Every person that dies due to a lack of money makes those with money in their pocket a

Darryl: So we’re all as accessories to be crime

Bernard: All as accessories that is then dishonest- that has been placed before existence and
why the shit will be so extensive to be faced – is because the dishonesty is so extensive.
And their dishonesty is in very basic points but they are the pillars of our society - they are
that which drives all decisions and that which is taken as if it is the gospel – without actu-
ally doing anything about considering that it could be the very cause of our problems.

Fuck, if one consider just changing One Point – the Money System in terms of what the
Money System represents and the rules that governs it which brings in then the Basic
Principle of the Support of Life – you change so many things within the experiences of so
many beings and you’re actually announcing Choice – if that is the thing that is important
– but not only that, you’re grounding that Choice to everyone, instead of having control
over the choices because you have control over the Money - because how can Free Choice
exist as long as Money Control exist ?

What is more surprising is: why the Church has not promoted or Religions?

The masters that’s been on this Earth - the spiritual masters - why they not promoted a
Practical Physical Solution which is so simplistic in Assisting everyone on Earth, why they
only promoted Mental Solutions which is not real. That’s the very reason why Love is not
real, because Love that is real will seek a Practical Solution that remove the suffering from
the paths of every one – I mean, that I would say is God- if such a thing could ever exist
in a fucked up reality like this –

Darryl: but we consider god as something that punishes ‘infinitely’…


Bernard: But that punishment happens in the principle of whether you’re rich or poor’ –
take your money away and you’ll feel shit and you’ll say ‘god is punishing you ‘– but the
money wasn’t even real in the first place because money only follows the rules you’ve given
it - so you’re fucking with yourself.

Darryl: Well yeah I mean, the set up is this, I mean, you have to buy your survival and
there doesn’t mean to be a way around that in this technological…
Bernard: the New World Order is offering a solution if one would consider an Equal
Money System that is ‘chip-based’ which will be very easy to actually move around a Value
System which is an exchange system between people to make sure that everyone is actually
Supported and fed and has got a place to stay –

Darryl: so the ‘shift’ is from a Value of Money to a Value of Life.

Bernard: Value of Life – if you change the rules that define the way Money moves and
works - I mean then money becomes ‘my-needs’ everyone has needs, those needs are Phys-
ical that means if they are not fulfilled, the person will actually have a Physical effect 171
which can be as much as them dying from starvation – that means that ‘my-needs’ are
Real – therefore the purpose of Money is to fulfil ‘my- needs’ at a personal level, at an
individual level for everyone - so everyone’s got an Equal Choice. That does not mean
everyone’s got an Equal Expression or Equal Creativity – it only means everyone is Sup-
ported in their Basic Needs with ‘my-needs’ which is Money.

Darryl: well I suppose if everybody took responsibility for the needs of everyone we
wouldn’t need money -

Bernard: that would be far-fetched because you’re still bound by space-time, you’re not
going to be able to take care of everyone’s needs in a space-time reality – we’re all bound
by time.

Space-time is a Real Reality and within that, you’re limited in what you can do in every
Breath – therefore a conveyor, a method that Supports Life is Valid – from the perspective
of Directing the Interaction, the communication, the Inter Support as a Value System –
and if that Value System must be Money, the rules of that Money must be such that it
Supports Every One Equally – so that Everyone’s got Equal Choice, Equal Freedom,
Equal Application, Equal Opportunity – although all of that is not valid from the point of
Equality, it’s Valid from the point of Equal Availability – doesn’t mean everybody’s gonna
utilize it to an Equal Effectiveness – that is only an Interim Solution because then one can
focus on the point of Equality - which is where One take One - everyone in Existence as
they’re born generation after generation to the optimum expression in terms of their abil-
ity within Communication, Linguistics, Skills – all of the points that is relevant. But now
you have an Equal Value System that supports the development of Equality in a Practical
Physical Way.

Now you have Really Oneness – because you’re standing within the Money System as a
Physical Practical Example of Oneness which supports what you want for everyone else as
well. Now you are ‘loving your neighbour as yourself - you have satisfied all the basic
spiritual laws and rules in existence. Just with money and changing the rules how Money
is used or directed or understood within our Social Structure and our Economic Structure
and your Basic Society.

Without one substance, we can take something that is not real based on laws and so on –
which is Money - and we make it real that is has a Real Physical Effect: Best for Everyone.

Darryl: So how do we transform Self Interest into compassion for Everyone – I mean
it’s… right now it’s like typical programming function.

Bernard: Unfortunately we have to focus on the point of explaining this over and over and
over again -and focus on the Common Sense and Focus on Assisting beings to realize one
thing that: If you deny this point, you’re in essence participating in the harming of other
being simply in the name of the way you want to keep control over your money – instead
of allowing everyone to have Equal Money - so in essence you become a murderer of the
starving. So that in essence should be actually a ‘criminal offence’ – allowing starvation on
the planet - which means that every single being on existence now, should be sent to the
gallows for what they’ve allowed – isn’t the word ‘gallows’ allowed as well but just with a
G? – I mean you’re the God that allowed it with the G - the ‘G-force’, the ‘G spot’ –
you’re the G spot, I mean you’re the spot that decided all, you’re the One – not god, not
religion, nothing else, you are, you are – you are the ‘G-spot’ – you’re the one that should
put in the gallows for what you allow in letting people starve, just because of the way you
have placed money within certain rules – and nobody questions this – that is what con-
firms Pre-programming – The fact that nobody questions this –

Everyone participating as an Activist, an Anarchist or as in a Non-Governmental Organi-

zation that the poor apparently alleviate poverty – they are all deceivers – why? They are
not considering what is a Real Practical Solution that will Support All Beings in Existence

There is disclaims that your Economic System and your Money System apparently is ‘alive’
and you can’t really measure what is going to do and it is like an ‘Energy Force’ – it is not,
it is the Energy Force that you’re experiencing is the fear and the greed and the survival
needs of people as they deceive each other so that they can have more money – and I
mean within that, all your crimes that is money-driven, greed-driven and so on, multi-
tudes of that is all based in the Basic Principle of Need – which is satisfied with Money.

So within this whole context -the whole context of what we’ve allowed in Existence to
have a Mental Projected Physical manifestation that we’ve guided by rules to control our
Physical Reality, our Physical Experience – I mean that is absolute stupidity.

If we want a better world, we need to first look at what is Actual Physical Reality – what is
the Basic Needs of Every One, what is Best for All – that’s really our Oneness
Are we directing this Oneness within Love? That’s really Love – we cannot go and profess
some ‘Higher Experience’ if we can’t even Direct our Basic Physical Reality – that’s the
dishonesty of those professing ‘Love’ as a Solution – that is not a Solution unless you have
a Physical Actual Solution that Assist those that are Physically suffering in this Reality

Darryl: Yeah so the question is: how can you love someone you’ve wronged? You know?

Bernard: And you’re continuing to ‘wrong’ them, because you’re continuously focusing on
those things that will harm those that don’t have- that don’t have the opportunity to have
– you will continuously be stuck with the point. 173

For instance if you take the “Law of Attraction”, you’re “attracting” the “best for All” – but
I mean your attraction does not happen automatically, it requires Action. Now what about
those that are not in a position to actually apply this Action? – they are the ones that you
are disregarding, that you’re harming so you can benefit – you’re not considering their

Darryl: And not only that justify their suffering as "their choice."

Bernard: Yeah I mean absolutely - but never mind the Polarity that you actually activate
when you participate in – let’s just forget about that – you’ll get the point of, I mean “I
stand for Love - I stand for Oneness – I say in the ‘Now’ is the answer!”- but the Now is
represented by the Physical Reality - not by your Mental Reality – your Mental Reality is
only your now – it is not the now of everyone –the now of everyone is the Physical reality
as it exists now –that’s the point that requires direction – that is the point where the true
Image and Likeness of every human being is reflected in what is being allowed – that is
our Enlightenment , that is the point in the point we will face in the Physical Now-

Who of these” great lovers of life” will stand in the Physical Now? I’d say not one, not one
will be able to stand through the Physical Now and say the same thing –there is not one
being in Existence. That will not change for Eternity due to the Physical Now – what is…
what created the demons in Existence –was the Physical Now - the experiences they had in
the Physical caused them to become demons because there was no support in the Physical
. Now they’re call’ mentally weak’ – no. What is it?

The bottom line is: they got to a point which exist in every single being in existence that
got to a point where they just could take no more – now imagine us all being driven to
that point of ‘taking no more’ just to make a decision what’s best for all in the Physical
now –then we’ll have Oneness – not Equality yet –

So I suggest stopping all this deception based on a Mental Projected Oneness, a Mental
Projected Now, a Mental Projected Love that does not considering or that do actually look
at the points that is relevant to the Physical Now as it is playing out right now

If we have that point sorted out – we will have ‘Heaven on Earth’ - with practical purposes
– then we can worry about the mental condition of each one.

But have a look at the tension, the fear, the anxieties, the discontent, the depressions –
how many things will be removed if the Physical Now is effectively supported from the
perspective ‘love thy neighbour as thyself ’ in a Physical reality and have a look: Neigh-
bours don’t love each other – 175

What is more interesting is maybe the laws should’ve said – ‘Love your brother and your
sister and your family as yourself ’- that doesn’t exist, that’s where the greatest conflict exist
–why? Because everybody knows each other and according to that, they judge each other
- and now they hold each other for eternity in that judgement because you did one thing
that they regarded as ‘unacceptable’ you must be held ‘accountable’ for eternity – which is
why we say Self Forgiveness is going to be necessary from the perspective that one is actu-
ally be willing to judge and keep within ‘containment’ or within a Mental Prison those
around you just based on some events - instead of looking at the Principle of the Physical
Reality and what is required to sort out this point- which is simply Self Honesty, Self
Forgiveness and then a Practical Common Sense Solution on how to Direct the Physical
Now where it is Best for Everyone and Everyone’s Needs out of it, actually.

Makes Sense?

Darryl: Oh yeah
19: Astrology
Interviews with Darryl & Bernard
23 Jul 09

Bernard: So Astrology

Ass-Trollogy as you troll along... ah sorry ….

Astrological- as the truth is logical. Astrology.

It is the reason of the system or the way that it was designed so that you will end up ‘be-
lieving’ that your experiences are real because events are happening to you that is just ‘too
good to be true’, they’re all linked to some ‘greater plan’.

Now it’s fascinating because these things are all linked to symbols that moves in dimen-
sional timelines. These dimensional timelines are linked to your thought patterns, your
words you speak and the people in your life according to the ‘state of your being’ you’ll
have an energetic imprint – which is like a dimension. When you reach a certain energetic
imprint, which is a certain state of being and certain dimension – it ‘activates’ the symbol,
the symbol locks into the locks-in the Unified Field and you have an event that takes place
and you say ‘wow! god works in mysterious ways!’ But god is nothing without a system
that is based on energy that links in according to its dimensional timelines and energetic
imprints and when these symbols lock-in you have a ‘Voila! Miracle.'

Now you’ve got to really look at all the ‘ology’s’ like astrology, biology..

Biology is the robot that exist as the flesh which runs on a system that moves things from
one point to another called the heart ‘the centre of love.' I mean, it moves your dick into a
pussy. I mean that’s the point of it: having control over another being through the word
‘love.’ But the biology is a point of an ‘ology’ like the astrology, that the biology is got the
two points that moves the positive and the negative. You know... the blood is with oxygen
and without oxygen for instance - this is a crude example. But the ‘ology’s’ are the things
that you’re gonna really look at because, you have… that’s your logic – your ologies.

Darryl: Now, ‘ology’ is Latin for ‘the love of something.’

Bernard: Yes, but you have to look at how it is used within the System. It is used within it
as an ‘unquestionable truth’ which is what love is used – love is used as a definition, or a
reason to place in on the board the unquestionable point that you may not question this
point. I mean, so astrology must be true! Biology: ‘this is how it is, divine – god created
it’- it’s a System! it is built up just like the car engineered from the old Ford T’s, you know
from long time ago to the cars you have today. Why was it not the car in the beginning
like it is now? Because through time and experiences, it was upgraded through ‘new sys-
tems’ The same happened to the human being. Your basic biology’s never changed. The
System on which you’re running: that has changed, that is all the mental experience and
interdimensional experience, because the Mental is Interdimensional. That is how you
could be controlled.

The Physical - there is very little that Interdimensions can do about it, because it takes
time for the Physical to take on the behaviour pattern. Now have a look, it’s not that the 177
Physical is changing - it’s the behaviour pattern.

You have certain things that do ‘change’ which is genetically based for instance, that the
children looks like their parents or the grandparents - but even that is not always like that.
But you can trace back your genetic lines, but that’s the biological information thread that
manifest - not mental information thread.

So your Structural Resonance is a Biological Structure, it is how your biology is creating

reality because you’re in a Biological Ecosystem: the Earth. It’s a living entity. You’re inside
it. You’re living of it. You’re feeding of it: that which is the same as the Earth is what is
creating your experience on the Earth. Your mental condition is simply keeping you busy
while you’re waiting for the Physical to manifest, because that takes time according to the
timeline of the Earth. And if you have to wait till those things take place I mean, you’ll be
quite bored so how you make sure that a being is not bored?

Darryl: You entertain the mind.

Bernard: You entertain the mind. You give them their own personal entertainment system
that keeps them occupied moving between various forms of beliefs - that the fact that that
is a lie but not real is obvious, but for the being it’s become the ultimate experience, the
‘truth of my being’ this entertainment.

Darryl: So the dimensions were all able to control the human beings through the mind.

Bernard: Through the mind.

Darryl: Through the beliefs…

Bernard: Through beliefs, through symbols. The symbols linked to – with the symbols
implanted into the being, the symbols would resonate and through that resonance, it
makes a signature an ‘energetic sign’ which then eventually is accepted by the being in the
flesh and the being starts to ‘act-it-out’ until the flesh forms and moves according to that
energetic imprint, now you have made the system ‘real’ – it’s still just an Implant – it’s not
an actuality

Darryl: It’s not like the DNA.

Bernard: It’s not the same. You’ll eventually have an influence. The things that really start-
ed influencing the DNA and the development of that, was that obviously the emergence
of the virus and the bacteria and so on. If you have to have a look that is something that
has in time through intervention has ‘evolved’ It’s because what is a virus? A virus is DNA
information carrier, it carries information. It responds to things. It’s like a defence mecha-
nism of the Earth. But it’s also an information carrier module that use the very ‘substance’
that is the Physical. That’s why the viruses can move anywhere some as depending on what
is their ‘carrier’ – is it… Are they only touch-bound? Are they air-borne? Are they water
bound? What is the carrier they use to move?

So astrology in essence already with a little bit of Common Sense if one look at it - proves
you that you’re Preprogrammed. There is some many of those things that just makes sense
– and that happens to you. And astrology exists and consist of Symbols. These symbols are
very simplistically based in dimensional timelines and they’re linked into to your ‘state of
being' and dependent on your ‘state of being’ events will take place. Which is why these
things are not taking place all at the same time for everyone. They are individually based
on the energetic points the symbols that come together that form a new symbol. That new
symbol becomes your event. Remember, everything in existence are words- words are
symbols that are placed together to form an entity – or words are entities – they are not
individualized, they are the result of symbols that are placed together.

Darryl: So each letter is a symbol...

Bernard: No, even inside the letter there’s a symbol because you’ve built that letter through
time and through your knowledge into a compact executable, a compact symbol - like the
letter ‘L’ will mean many things.
Darryl: Right.

Bernard: And those things are taken as a ‘given’ and now you place it into a word - all that
you’ve taken as a ‘given’ within the forming of the letter ‘L’ within your consciousness, will
now have an effect on your perception and your awareness in your reality. And all of that
is happening at your subconscious, unconscious level because you’ve already accepted it,
therefore it automatically happens. Which is when somebody believe in something –it’s
very difficult to assist them because, they have fundamentally accepted certain symbols as
‘divine’- that means as the reason why they exist.
Darryl: Well, they believe them as a ‘truth’

Bernard: Therefore, unable to consider any form of Common Sense and thus are function-
ally completely a System only– they stand no chance. The only points there is - if there
ever would arise a question based on events that is contradictory to their symbiosis they
have with the symbol – you can in a way say that they are, they have been ‘infected’ with a
symbol to a degree that makes them ‘possessed’- if you can call that...

Darryl: Is that why the beliefs would...

Bernard: Now that possession is similar to a possession of a demon – this is just some 179
different, it’s a ‘symbolic’ possession, make sense?

Darryl: Yeah yeah, I was just writing this morning talking about how I was one of those
people who believed in the channelled material until - it took years, like decades to realize
what they were saying and what was happening in real time - the Earth situations were
totally opposite.

Bernard: It’s not the same thing isn’t it? But I mean they’ve been saying the same thing in
the channelled materials and the ‘love message’ for many years many, many years, decades
on decades - never having an actual effect while there is many things in this world where
you can see that some point is ‘pushed’ politics is an example, you have an immediate
effect with new leadership that happens in terms of some of the basics of the implementa-
tion of the policy of the politicians of a new political party. I mean religion an love and all
of that is nowhere close to that, in terms of the application of the particular belief of love
to be apparently effective and divine – it doesn’t exist at all, it’s all just one done for one
single thing, it’s like a form of mental masturbation: ‘I feel better about myself, fuck the
rest.’ I mean, ‘because I am right and I have the right to be right – I may mental mastur-
bate myself and I mean you will learn how to do that as well – it is all in the big great
divine plan.'

Darryl: Right, right.

Bernard: In that big ‘great divine plan’ is the absolute abdication of your Personal Direc-
tive Principle: your integrity – everything you have abdicate the moment you allow in
your perceptual reality any form of abuse.

Darryl: That was the one that was pushed that caused me to question a ‘divine plan’ be-
cause I couldn't see a reason or justification of suffering as part of the ‘divine plan.’

Bernard: Obviously, I mean...

Darryl: But if you look at the other people who are still following, it looks like, totally
acceptable. It took the form of them saying ‘it’s their choice.’ (People who suffer).

Bernard: You’ll find invariably that the person will only question their reality if their mon-
ey and their livelihood is threatened, and their home is taken away. If those things are
stable, the person will not question their beliefs.

Darryl: Well, this is funny. Because everything was going ‘right’ for me. As soon as I put
that doubt in my mind, things started to change, like boom! I lost it all.

Bernard: Yes, because you’re now questioning the system. The system is god and therefore
automatically that which supports you is taken away so…

What will now happen for beings in this reality is that their livelihood and their security
and their homes will be taken away so that they can realize there’s a problem. So the god
system will no longer support you just because you’re god – obviously the deeper your
belief, the longer It takes before it crash and the bigger the crash – it’s even in the ‘divine
books’ that this is what is going to happen.

Darryl: The Job Experience you were talking about.

Bernard: Yes, but also Revelations. Revelations shows particularly that the events on this
Earth it’s gonna be extensive. Now that will be the time where believers will be challenged

Imagine: as great as your obsession and possession, so great will be your challenge.

Darryl: I would say when the rapture does occur or another question, what was that
about? Just a belief of ‘hope’ that I won’t have to experience the fuck up ‘cause I will be…

Bernard: Is basically because if you believe you’re not gonna suffer - it’s all done in the
name of I mean have a look at some of the seasonings behind the belief systems - I mean
‘at least I don’t have to suffer, Jesus has suffered for me.’

Darryl: That is insanity. Christianity

Bernard: Yes I mean so it’s all fear of suffering. Yet if you look at Revelations is clearly
stated that everyone is going to suffer extensively –

Darryl: ‘Oh! except god’s chosen who believed.’

Bernard: Oh, no. if you really look at it, they were also gonna suffer extensively. So you’re
really like fucked in every way because you have no way out

Darryl: And Satan’s given a thousand years..

Bernard: Yes, I mean take one day of suffering and starvation – and then extend that to a
thousand years, you wouldn’t tell me that you still fucking believe in god, come on!

Some Self Honesty is necessary, isn’t it?

20: A MicroChip Solution
for Human Honesty
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
25 Jul 09

Okay - so, Today we are going to talk about an interesting phenomena. And this is espe-
cially an exercise for people that participate in the ‘Law of Attraction’, people that has a
very strong belief in Love and Fairness, in Equality – to establish if your
assessment of your positioning within your current Belief-status, your current Principled-
status, your Value-System: if that Value-System is actually supporting you.

In the arena of Sales and ‘Positive Thinking’ and ‘Law of Attraction’, there is a little exer-
cise which very much work like...establishing a balancing-point:
Where you draw a line in the middle of the page and on the one side you write all the
positive-attributes and on the other side you write all the negative-attributes.

Now for purposes of our exercise we are going to use a very Controversial-point. We’re
going to use Micro-chipping. The question is: Is Micro-chipping beneficial = best for
Humanity or...and that means is Micro-chipping Good – or is Micro-chipping Evil?

Now in answering this question, you’re going to establish if you’re really pushing yourself
in some Self-Honesty; you’re going to establish whether you are a Self-honest person or
whether you are actually being Controlled by Information and Fear...ehm...thus you’ll
establish whether you are actually interested in a Solution for the World that is actually
Best for All of Humanity.

Now let’s start with the negatives of the Micro-chip – we will do some negatives and some

A negative is obviously that it is all about Control. Now – Control is a fascinating thing
– because Control, if in the hands of a Few for the purposes of power, would seemingly be
a bad thing and that seems throughout History that that has happened; And that the
Masses, that means the Many, has somehow always fallen-for the Few being in Control
and always had an excuse why ‘they could do nothing about it’.

It mean, I mean it is demonstrated the fact that a single man could control a whole Na-
tion – the Germans specifically – and get them all to stand-together on a single Principle.
That means that the German race itself has a better Future possible.

Obviously it’s never seen as such a ‘positive’ message that is behind Hitler - but if one
really go and have a look at What he was standing for: He was standing for a Better life for
his People.

Now – if one extend that to a Better Life for All, then obviously one must...have to con-
sider all the Control-issues.

Imagine yourself being a Parent and your Child has been abducted or hijacked or has 183
disappeared: the amount of Anguish and Fear that you go-through while you do not know
where your Child is.
Now with the Micro-chip – where the technology already exist - where the Micro-chip
can be picked-up with the Satellite with a particular-Frequency = it will be simplistic to
find your Child because your child simply be picked-up on the Scan.

And, although there is still at this stage some Points where they might be able to ‘hide’
and not be picked-up, the Technology is developing to the stage where that will not even
be a feasible point: where for instance all the locations where the Chip will not be able to
be transmitting = will be able to be Mapped, and one will have a much smaller search-area
to go and find the Child.

That will also obviously serve as a control, which prevents the people that prey-on the
Children for their purposes of satisfaction of their desires = will be Stopped or will at least,
the very minimum, be Prevented from considering it if they realize what the problem is.

Technology exist which can be incorporated in the Chip to control your Health, meaning
that it could actually, through a connection or a measurement of your current Health-
status –because if you look at your physical-body: it is a chemical-Construct- so if there is
certain chemicals within your Balancing-factors that is out-of-balance, which is then leav-
ing you not in your Optimum Healthy-state:
your Chip can signal a central control-room which will then immediately let you know
that you require some medical assistance = thus diagnosing a problem long before it occur
and preventing the problem - which is...the purpose of Health-Care is to prevent prob-
lems; not to go to Health-Care once you have a problem.

Therefore the Micro-chip will be extremely effective in assisting you to prevent problems.
If one look at what has happened this last week in Durban with shop-looters storming
shops, looting the shops because they have No Food to eat, and then demanding from
government an Equal Minimum Wage for All People in the country = this kind of activity
will escalate - because as the Economic-situation becomes more and more precarious
and...causing more and more People to be without Basic-Sustenance and Basic...ehm...
Basic Living-standards = more and more will demand that an answer must be found for
those that are disenfranchised by an Economic-System that has never ever actually catered
for All Living Beings on Earth –all Humans at the very least.

So – this kind of situation will increase. Obviously at the moment Governments claim
that ‘it is not possible to be done’.
We completely disagree = (we say) that it is absolutely possible – because at the end of the
day: We as the Human make the ‘rules’ by which we communicate –and Money is a form
of Communication, it’s a Value-System – We make the rules of our Value-System.

Our current Value-System is based on: the ‘Law of Attraction’ and on ‘Positive Thinking’
and on... some ‘having all’ because they ‘have the opportunity’, they have the benefit of
certain Factors in the Physical-reality to be on their side to be ‘successful’ – or they have
been trained in a particular form of Skill that is sought-after and that benefit the Control-
System, which is similar to virtually having a...a Micro-chip based on a Media-Control
and a Education-Control System - which is already kind of existing.

But there is a Solution to this problem by having an Equal Wage for All – a Equal Mini-
mum Living Wage for All Beings from Birth to Death – which will be very easy to direct
with a Micro-chip –
to make sure that nobody can abuse another’s Wages, and to allow Everyone to be Sus-
tained in terms of being able to use this Wage only in relation to Food and Shelter and
that which is related-to one’s Basic-Need-fulfilment; To have that linked also to a central-
Management System using a Micro-chip.

Why would one do that? Because you really can’t trust Humans to actually manage it - be-
cause Humans has already proven themselves to be Corrupt. Humanity requires a System
that is based in physical-Control to actually prevent Humans from Harming each-other.

Because the Principle of Consideration for Each-other, you know: ‘Loving thy neighbour
as thyself ’ – those kind of things do not exist; those are Utopian-ideas which even Christi-
anity has proven for 2,000 years cannot work and it will not work.
And we can no longer wait for some Utopian-idea – we need to find a Practical Common-
Sense-Solution that will actually Benefit All.

So another positive-point for a Micro-chip would be that would be able to

manage an Equal Wage System to benefit All.

Now you’ll say “But now, how are are you gonna do...what is gonna motivate
you to be...ehm...produce food and to build roads and...ehm...Basic-services?”
For that one will have to introduce a Labour-System: a Labour-Credit-System on which
one earn Equal Credits per Time Worked across-the-board no matter what your Skill
– which means: that brings-in a total-form of Equality.

So whether you’re a doctor or a grave-digger – you get an Equal Labour Credit-point for
the labour you do according to the Time that it takes and your Value-System for the it ‘Luxury-items’ in the world - like cars and televisions and technology
and all those kind of things – is then based-on a Labour-System: If you don’t work, you
don’t get; You will have Food and Shelter, but you don’t have all the other ‘luxuries’ that is

Obviously with a Chip it’s very nice: if somebody steals, it will be easy to track them and
therefore to Prevent all Crime – a Chip will be one of the best ways ‘protect one’s
property’ from your ‘fellow devious humans’.
We have a world in which these things are now extensively out-of-control, and our police-
forces cannot sustain a solution.

While with a Micro-chip you’ll need a very small (human-)force to actually maintain ‘law
and order’ - because many more people will remain within the bounds of their...their lives
– because their Basic minimum Needs are met in terms of Food and Shelter, their chil-
dren are being Educated, they are not hungry, they can pursue more principles of Expres-
sion and Happiness and all that goes with that – and have a life that is more based on
Experiencing-Themselves in the Time they’ve been given on this Earth.

With a Labour-System: one will be able to Equalize everyone into a Credit-System that
will allow all the people that really want some more ‘luxury experiences’ or experiences
related to entertainment to gain those, through simply doing labour – whether the labour
is producing food or whether the labour is producing a television or the labour is being a
lawyer or the labour being a doctor or whether the labour planning what
happens to the sewage of the town, Town-planning, or basic Water-planning – whatever it
is according to what one know, you’ll do your labour according to what you enjoy
and where you feel you could serve your fellow man effectively;
And for those Labour-Units you’ll be able to then...ehm...use to obtain ‘valued-added-
items’ from the perspective of entertainment and the perspective of ‘having Fun’ in this

In allowing Everyone to be in an Equal position in terms of your Basic Needs, provid-

ings...provide-ments in terms of Food, Shelter and related things like Education, and your
Value -System as to that which motivates those that want to work = that will place Every-
one in a position that those that do work or do use labour to obtain their items will have
items – those that don’t will still have Food, so that nobody will suffer needlessly – and
you will have a Free-Choice whether you labour or not.
So Free-Choice is taken care of and within that your Choice is balanced = best for All –
using a Micro-chip.

Because a Micro-chip – it’ll be possible to actually manage a System like this, where one
take-out all control that could ever be in the hands of the Few = by having an Administra-
tive-body that is then elected by All –ehm...through using technology.

With a simple Rule: that nobody may be ‘in-office’ longer than a year so your Council or
your Administrative-body that oversee the management of the Basic ehm...Wage-System
serving All People Equally as Life and your basic Labour-System = will be changing Yearly, 187
and will be a Basic-Service for the Best for All.

Ehm...We don’t even need Agreement by all people on Earth to do this – because, I mean,
our leaders as they are now: already have all power – they can actually implement a System
like this with great Ease;
All it will cost them is obviously giving-up their power. And in that: bringing forth an
Equal-position. So either they will have to co-operate, or we will have to become the new
Leaders of the world; put-in new politicians that will ACTUALLY implement a System
that’s Best for All.
Very simple point because from a Desteni perspective: We will pursue this point vigor-

Now I’m looking for negative-points about the Chip. Ehm... the main point
about the Chip is that you’re gonna be controlled and you’re gonna be somehow ‘in-a-jail’.
Now – that is a Fallacy – because: to control all the people on Earth and having them in a
point where they are...ehm...rushed-off to be terminated and executed and so on – that
won’t happen because:

your Elite if you look at it in the world is ‘invisible’ – they cannot become visible because
they are too small-a-group and are then in Real danger.
Their only safety is in the fact that they are invisible. They will remain invisible, they will
never - because their exposure will immediately place them at
grave risk.

There is not a single-force in this world that can protect them, if they are known at this
stage to humanity who they are / there are just too many beings that’s willing to actually
do something about it.

So the Elite will remain invisible; Their control at this stage is actually: using all the gulli-
ble Conspiracy-Theorists and the fearful-Multitude – to spread Rumours as fast as possible
and keeping themselves (the conspiracy-theorists) in a mental-jail based just on Rumours,
on Conjecture, so they can be ‘special’ – in being ‘the One’ that ‘exposed a great ‘Conspir-
acy against Humanity’’.

There is no such conspiracy! The conspiracy is fuelled to the benefit of the Few by the
Many – because the Many is unable to sit-down and actually Agree on what is Best for All
at a single point.

We suggest what is Best for All is an Minimum Wage from Birth to Life (to Death) for
Every human-being. That automatically Serves the Purpose of making-sure that each one
has got Food, Shelter and Education.
Those Basic-points taken care of = will place each-person in a position to actually consider
Living differently. Because that will Remove much of the tension and stress that cause
Violence in society, it Removes many of the Disease-formed points;

And a Micro-chip will actually allow an Equal-Health-System – because according to

your...the tracking of your...behaviour through a System:
you’ll be in a position where you can ‘defend your actions’ - because you have Proof of
what you’ve done and nobody will be able to falsely-accuse you of anything, because your
movements will be known.
And - Having all your movements known: the only beings/the only humans that will not
want their movements known to everyone else = is those that are deliberately dishonest! I
mean, what is the point of hiding what you’re doing?!

And in an Equal-Wage-System: where you have a Labour-System for your point of ‘benefit
of the luxuries’ – I mean, you are...You have all the Power in your Hands in what you do
with your life and how you live your life.
If you then want to pursue a Happiness and...from the perspective of Not-using Labour:
you can still do so! There will be groups that can do so - I mean, you have your Food, you
have your Shelter, and you can have some Fun; Not all things will cost Money or Credits
or Labour - Some things are just FUN.

Now – I’m still looking-for some more negative points on the Micro-chip here: Ehm... it
seems to be (that) Control is the main issue and the Fear that’s linked to Control and...All
the issues around the Micro-chip is simply Control; There’s no-other point.

Ehm...Let’s look at Licensing: I mean, to have your ‘licensed’, your ability to for instance
drive a car or to manage a point which involves the possible-harm to other people: you
know, which is for instance driving a Truck or a Airplane or so on – a license for that is
necessary from the perspective: to make sure that your skills are not impaired - Because
the Ego tend-to demand that one is ‘fine’ when you’re not ‘fine’ –
to have any ‘erratic behaviour’ recognized by the System to immediately have appropriate
Help given to a person that is developing a...a ‘disorder’ that may harm others through a
motorcar-accident = will be to the benefit of All.

I mean - so the control of those kind of points is absolutely relevant – because the only
thing that’ll stand in the way is Ego, because there is nothing-else that can stand in the
way of that – Ehm...
Obviously with an Equal-Wage-System and where the decision is made that: All ...ehm...
‘Value’ is based on a system that is based on the Value-of-Life = you do Not have an Eco-
nomic-System that’s based on Profit: so nobody profits from anything.

You get a Direct-Result on your Labour – you have a System through which you can 189
utilize your Food and your Shelter-module – that is based on an Equal-System for every-
one – that is based on the available-Resources, no-one can have more than another – you
can have a ‘better house’ through using your Labour to build a better house –but: the
whole Profit-System which is what a lot of the ‘Law of Attraction’-things is being based
on, to ‘have this...’ to be ‘wealthy’ – ehm...:

Your WEALTH is in: your Time which you can spend effectively with things you really-
Enjoy = that’s Real Wealth!

The System will provide for such Real-Wealth situations – ehm... In terms of your Basic-
Services: that will be provided by a Labour-System;
Obviously we will go into Detail of how these things ‘work’ in-detail, we have already
been looking at...testing-out all the various Options that is available to test-out if this
System will ‘work’: it is so-far standing the ‘Test of Time’ – which is the Ultimate-point
for any System:
Will it stand the Test of Time?

And it’s standing the Test of Time – while our current Money-System = our Profit(-sys-
tem), our Capitalist-system, our Communist-systems as it used to be: All of these Systems:
None of them has actually stood the Test of Time.

Now you’re gonna have some Smart-Asses that’ll actually try and categorize what we are
doing. Why don’t you just Stop and Consider: We are looking for an Answer that’s Best
for All.

If You do not see that and you do not want to see that – consider your particular-position
of Self-Honesty: whether you’re actually interested in any point that is Best for All –
which includes You obviously, I mean: a Best-for-All-Solution includes Everyone!

Obviously, your Desires which was based on a time when one was programmed to actually
‘want more than another’ – a time of ‘Competition’ – will no-longer be valid;
‘competition’ will be an Expression: if one want to go and do Sport or Athletics and so on,
that becomes an Expression according to your Skill. It’s no-longer one where you’ll gain
Profit from your ‘expertise’ or ‘the way you look’ – All of those things are really only used
to ‘bamboozle the Multitude’ into all kinds of ‘hopes’ and ‘desires of some Greatness’
which is in the end of the day based-on ‘Success and Money’ -ehm...on ‘Wealth’, which is
ludicrous in a System that does not have sufficient for All in the first place, as a Money-

Because there isn’t sufficient – as it has been demonstrated many times through the ways
our Markets is going Up-and-Down = there is a Problem, and this Problem is not going to
be resolved.
We also do not want to wait till we have Multitudes Looting Shops, destroying the Basic-
Infrastructure because they are Hungry - and then at the end of the day:
still having to capitulate to a point where you HAVE to introduce an Equal-Wage-System
and (where) you HAVE to consider (because your life is threatened by those that has No
Food) you have to consider a System which is based in the Value-of-Life, where – it’s no
different to what we have now, where it is based-on the Value of your Debt: where we
have to create Money through Debt; We can just as well create Money through Making it
Equal to the Value of Life. Which then at-least is an Equal-System – because: there’s suf-
ficient Money according to the amount of Living-beings on the Planet.

And according to that can plan your Labour-points and producing Food and
related items, and there will be sufficient people that actually DO CARE.

Those that profess ‘Love’, I mean, that will be your opportunity to really prove that your
‘Love’ is real. You’re going to then work for...your Labour is gonna be in Service of your
fellow-man. You’re gonna actually prove that you do ‘care about your neighbour’ – I mean,
all these ‘wonderful points’.

Now – in all of this, obviously, have you noticed? No religion is necessary, which is won-
derful – Religion in itself is sentimental in value, and will have-nothing-to-do with the
Basic Life-giving Needs that is required for Every human being on Earth.

Religion is simply irrelevant; it is something that is ‘relevant’ for your Afterlife, if you want
to follow a particular-Pursuit that will according to your Belief ‘solve your life’ in the
Afterlife = that you can do in your own Time, I mean, you will have enough Food, you
will have enough Shelter, you’ll be able to do it:

And that is only sentimental, it’s got no bearing whatsoever – no bearing whatsoever on
anything that’s going-on in this Physical-World in terms of the Basic-Needs for People in
terms of: Food, Shelter and Education.
Ehm...Then those kind of points (religion) will be completely excluded from any System
– because that is the part that will remain personal, although obviously one can debate it if
you really want to but: it is irrelevant within the Context of whether the Micro-chip is
‘positive’ or ‘negative’.

The whole point of the Micro-chip being a Number -666- or the ‘Mark of the Beast’ – I
mean: Every single human-being in this world is already bearing the Mark of the Beast: if
you have a Bank-Account = you have the Mark of the Beast; if you Buy any Product =
you are participating in the Mark of the Beast; if you have Money in your Pocket = you
have the Mark of the Beast; Ehm...Anything that you’re doing now: having an Electricity- 191
Account, having a Telephone, having a Cell-Phone, having Water-Accounts = All of that is
the Mark of the Beast = You have it already.

So you can just as well now go to a more effective ‘Mark of the Beast’ - being a Micro-
And in that very Chip we will be able to actually find a far more suitable Solution, where
one can be able have a System that Control Us – so that we do not harm each-other

This will obviously being a Global-System –that’s what’s so wonderful about the New
World Order – because it place everything in place for a Global-System that’s Best for All;
ehm..where there will be be Boundaries, no-longer be controls through
Passport-travelling –you’ll be simply Moving and be tracked through your Micro-chip.

You’ll be able to know whether somebody wants to Blow-up your place or not, if ehm...
but there would be no need – because you’re no-longer fighting about religion, everybody’s
got Food;
Religion is your thing for the Afterlife I mean – you’re only gonna find-out in the Afterlife
if what you belief was really true or not – isn’t it?
It’s got Nothing to do (with) what’s going on Here on Earth – whatsoever. It does Not
Feed you, it does Not provide you with Shelter – there is no such thing.

These things are done through Decisions made by us All as Humans: We decide what’s
best for All, we implement it, it works = it’s Best for All.

Have a Look: You can in the Afterlife ‘stand before God’ –if you believe there is such a
thing- and say, you know, explain to him Why you believed what you did.

But, there is no-way you’ll be able to say to him, I mean: “Ah, I wanted just money for me
and not for everyone else” – that would be not best for All and – I’m sure if there is a
‘God’ he’ll be rather pissed-off with you not-considering Everyone as Equal within the
Context of this Reality.

We are All Equal in the context of this Reality – We All Breathe the Same Air – We All are
under the Same Sun, we’re under the Same Moon – We All Eat from the Earth -

Nothing that is existent is original, so ‘Copyright’ in itself will not exist.

But to ‘Copy something ‘Right’’ so that when you make a Product that it lasts - and that
it’s not made to only last for a short-while so you can sell-more products = Obviously
many things will Change.

But – Everything that exist – have a look: comes from the Earth or (from) something that
is Here before You got here.
Your knowledge is Not exclusive. The fact that you ‘find some point’ that actually ‘works
together’ = is simply that you Recognized it.
It already existed before you saw it - you only Recognized it – therefore you ‘bring it ‘into
being’’, you create a product, you create something that Everybody can benefit-from – you
will not become rich because of that - because that simply will not serve All best, that
would be Abuse of the Resources that is Here.

All Resources are Already Here before you got Here – you have no ‘Right’-to-it: All Re-
sources Here Belongs to Everyone = that is the Value-of-Life – that is the Support-of-Life;
And if a ‘god’ exist: that is what that ‘god’ intended.

That is the point of ‘Dominion’ = Dominion meaning: Whatever you do will have a
Domino-Effect on Everything else – so therefore Abuse of our Resources will Stop.

We will have lest ‘ranges’ of Products – because these things are done for Profit. We will
NOT be working for Profit.
We’ll be working to make...give a Better-Life for All - a Better-Life where All has Equal
Food, Equal Shelter, Equal Education; and can pursue your life in (which is pretty short, I
mean, 70 years odd) ...and pursue and make the best of it – and learn how to LIVE a
Dignified-Life – a Life which benefits You and through which you can benefit others –
learn what LOVE really means – because that certainly is not-understood in this reality.

Ehm...I suggest that one consider these points, again, there’s quite a number of positive
points around the Micro-chip; The negative points I’m still looking for more, it seems to
be ‘control’, ehm...

Bella: How about the point of the actual implementation of the Chip into the...

Bernard: Now the best-way to make sure everyone is protected from each-other and not
harming each-other or lose their Chips or be in a disadvantage – is to put the Chip under
the skin, which is quite safe, and with having that under the skin one will be able to actu-
ally protect your ‘piece of connection’ to the System.

Bella: Has that been made...or done before – is it tested?

Bernard: It’s already been tested, there’s already groups...or Towns that’s running on Chips,
that’s already been tested, it is already confirmed – your Body will be quite fine – I mean
it’s also tested through Time in terms of the point can put-in Valves into the
Heart, artificial Valves, artificial points that’s implanted in the body = that’s already proven 193
that there is these things that DO work - and the Body is quite fine with it.

And it will be best to have implanted - then you won’t lose it and nobody else will be able
to steal it – and if anybody does: it will be easy to actually solve the problem; Your Crime-
ratios will Decline immensely – Corruption will End – ehm...You will have No-more
Abuse between people to the extent that it exist now.

One of the things that we obviously will also propose is the End of all Alcohol – because
that is one of the single things which is Profit-driven that cause most-Harm in this world
where beings tend-to abuse -
either in Families or in Public- because of their desire to Suppress their Discomfort and
dis...the fact that they are not enjoying their life -

And each one that has been extensively involved with Alcohol will be able to sit-down and
actually come to a Self-Honest Realization = they only used Alcohol to Suppress their fears
and anxieties and their discontent with their lives and...where they were unable to actually
Express-themselves - because they felt ‘unworthy’ – they tried to ‘build a ‘worth’’ through
There was never really a benefit for the use of Alcohol – it was very much based only on
(dogs barking - End of interview).
21: Substance and the Structural
Resonance - Man Know ThySelf
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
26 Jul 09

Okay... uhm..
The Physical - Substance.

The Structural Resonance Alignment that we are now going to do, is where you're 'Amal-
gamating yourself back-with the Substance of yourself'.

You have in essence become the Image and Likeness of Yourself -which is CONsciousness
- but you're Not Equal to yourself as Substance. Therefore you 'have no-substance'. Which
means that for instance – If you ‘die’: you are ‘ejected by the Substance’ as unworthy, and
you are then having to 'Walk-a-path back-to-it’ to get 'another chance' to prove that you
are worthy of the Substance.

Now in this, understand the following: In the Structural Resonance Alignment we are
'short-circuiting the Karmic-Cycles'. To do that we are 'amalgamating All the Lives'
through a 'Process of Design' - where you then are placing-yourself within a Self-Honest
relationship as the Substance.
To do that, you have to then place-yourself in Equality with All-beings in Existence;
Which means your 'Design of Equality' must be exactly the same, so that you can say:
"You are me as I am you." You will still remain individual, though.

This will be the first Process through which we will do the Structural Resonance Align-
ment -that will take a minimum of four Years. The Process after that will be the one where
we will deal-with your Actual-Expression at the Creative-level as the Substance - what is
194 involved in that.

So, when one look-at the whole-point - What is Love: Love is Substance.

The very Substance of the Earth - the rocks, the stones, the trees - Everything that is Here
that is of Substance. That means - you're not-Aware of its Presence, but you can 'Feel it'.
Many times you can See it, but sometimes you can't. Like you can't see the Air that you
All of those…All of this Substance is in an ‘Expression of Love’. It is unconditional-Love,
supporting-you to understand your separation from the Substance - by manifesting that
which is conducive, that which will conduct, that which will take-you-back through an
'experience of your separation' to an Amalgamation with and as the Substance.

The Mind-System is a Design-Container that contain you, so that you do not go out and
harm everything around you - because that is your Nature.

Your Nature is un-contained due-to the Nature of Consciousness that has no bearing, no
way of assessing Consequence. According to Consciousness, it doesn't matter what you 195
do: "This is all an illusion" - But that is not true!

The Only-Illusion that exists = is 'You as Thought', 'You as the Mind', 'You as Conscious-

The only way Consciousness can attempt to validate-itself: is to pretend that everything-
else is Illusion. But have a look: Consciousness cannot change the Substance that is Here
- which is the Physical - from the perspective of 'removing-it from existence'.
But the Substance that is Here can remove your Consciousness from existence - to give
you the perspective of 'who is really the power here' - what is really the power; Because it
is not so much a Who as a What: It is that which is HERE.

Anything that you 'feel' that is Energetically-based is in Nature-of: Consciousness. Real

Substance-energy is something like Electricity: you can go and feel it - it has a particular-
Impact immediately on your Physicality and it will Remove your Consciousness instanta-
neously. Okay?

So the Point-of-Importance is: what is the Substance? What is the Substance would be
what is the Point = the Reason why we are Here.

Your Substance that you can Touch physically no-matter how it is Expressed. (Bernard
touching the car-dashboard as we're driving) Remember: that Expression is an Expression
of Unconditional-Love, Here as a Car. You can speak to the Substance in its Form. And it
will explain to you its Existence.
And you will say: "But I have formed-it." No, you did not form-it. It allowed you to
form-it - so that you can See 'who you are' through your own hand…Handiwork,
through your own Actions – through what you have created.

And have a look: What has Man created?

Man has taken the Substance that was given to Man - and Man has abused-it.
So that process, that Abuse, is now being 'brought-to-book' - Which means: each one will
now Face the Abuse that they have allowed.
And the Abuse is based-on what has been allowed = in the Physical - in the Physical-Exist-
ence of Inequality -instead of Equality.

And in that, the Factory (Fact-Tree) - that means the place where this Physical-Mani-
festation was created = was the Mind; where…and the Mind is based-on ‘Knowledge’.
And that ‘Knowledge’ is Useless, because look-at what it has Created! And you Are that
‘Knowledge’ that you have Accepted-yourself-to-be. 197

That is the ‘Knowledge’ everyone will have to Give-up: All-Knowledge - Because as long
as you have ‘Knowledge’ = you are Limited to the ‘Knowledge’ you have: it's very simple
CommonSense stuff.

So, again... the Structural Resonance Alignment Program will be without tolerating any
bullshit. Moving effectively-fast to a point of Amalgamating. Those that are willing to
Stand within a Self-Honest Design which is placing-yourself in a position to ‘prove-your-
self to the Substance-that-is-Here’ that you are 'worthy-of Being this Substance' before
you can amalgamate.

This is a Process that normally will take Billions of Years utilizing Karmic-Cycles - and
eventually you’ll have a Self-Realization where you’ll start your 'Process-of-making-your-
SELF-REAL'. We are 'Short-cutting' that to bring-it All Here into-Existence right-here,
right-now in this One-life.
Those that do not Walk: not a problem - we will assist you in a way until you are able to
understand it. Obviously, you will not ‘understand the way’ until you've actually gone-
through-it. Not to worry = Everyone will 'get it'.

That’s the whole point of Equality.

Understand that Oneness as it exists and as it is promulgated by Consciousness: is actually

It is totally a point of Self-Interest - attempting to 'keep the Design of the System as Con-
sciousness as it exists now' = which is the Money-System and your Mental-Systems and all
the Systems that is here - the Nature-System as it is currently in its Form-to-express - to
'keep-it-all-going' the way it is = Which is obviously in itself already Proof of the Dishon-
esty of the ‘Oneness’ that is being promoted.

Okay, so it is about the Substance.

You have to 'Substantiate-Yourself' = Substantial! SELF-Realization - We are not there to
substantiate you - We are not there to substantiate to you what we are saying. What we are
saying is Common Sense. What we are saying is that you will have to Substantiate You.
YOU have to Self-Realize. You have to 'get-Yourself-Real' by becoming the ‘Substance
that is Here’. Because as long as you are not the Actual-Substance that is Here = you are in
Separation. And this Substance will eject you: which is Death.

We are now 'entering the Cycle' which is called the 'Game-of-Death' - within which this
particular-point will be substantiated, as the Substance starts to ‘eject in rapid-succession’
those that will not be able to ‘substantiate themselves’ and self-realize themselves.

We go into the ‘Process of the Substance’ now.

22: Talking Andrea and Portal
Authentication with Jack
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
16 Aug 09

OK, let’s talk about meeting Andrea. In the first –I don’t know, a year and a half, two 199
years, my first point was to authenticate the portal. How would you authenticate the
portal? What I realized after… –when the portal opened -you are aware that by the time
the portal opened, Fidelis, Sunette’s brother was already here. So, the first time we spoke
to Jesus, Fidelis walked into the room and we said to him: Fidelis please, would you make
some coffee for Jesus. He says like, wow, I’m gonna make coffee for Jesus. So it was quite a
laugh (chuckle) because here we are sitting, chatting to Jesus and Fidelis was gonna make
coffee for Jesus (laughing), so Fidelis made coffee for Jesus. That was Jesus' first cup of cof-
fee through the portal.

From the perspective of the beings through the portal, it was quite fascinating, because
they had a curiosity to experience things. So, most of them has never tasted for instance
something like a fizzy drink (Leila laughing). So it was quite something to see them come
through to taste this and feel this and then describe how they experience it. Because
they have never tasted it before. Especially if they haven’t been on earth for quite a while
(laughing) –I mean… Bernard: OK, let’s return to the point of Andrea. The point of
Andrea from our perspective was unexpected. Because we got an invitation to go and do
a lecture on the Portal and on Forgiveness at a Kinesiology Meeting. We’d never met any-
body there except for one person with whom we were doing kinesiology that had assisted
us. So, we went there, we did a chat and we had Sunette leave the body and leave the body
there, show that –leave it there for 5 minutes, for 10 minutes, to show that there’s nothing
in it now but the body still breathes, but there’s no living force in it –which is fascinating.
And then (she’d) come back and we chatted about forgiveness and related matters. Ehm,
what we found through kinesiology is that, because, kinesiology in essence works with the
innate intelligence of the system at an individual level and at a universal level, and… At
the end, people were obviously very intrigued, and the meeting went from us having to
speak for an hour to us speaking the whole meeting and they postponed everything else.

Uhm, and obviously from that meeting it went further on to the yearly congress where we
were invited and we were the speakers that was mostly on the podium every single day. We
had most of the sessions, more than anyone who was in the particular field of kinesiology
because fascinatingly it was well and uhm people were absolutely intrigued.
Anyway, afterwards we were sitting with a few people and chatting away and Andrea
mentions that she was communicating to her guide so uhm, so what we did then was
an… I said “Okay, we should meet.” So when we left the place I said “Okay bring me the
guide” and the guide was Jack.

So, we had a discussion about the situation and what was very clear was that Jack had an
idea what was going on and needed to be part of process. So I said to Jack “It’s very sim-
ple, then you better tell Andrea she must come here and be part of process” which he then
dearly did. So we would talk to Jack through the Portal and he would talk to Andrea there
at her home which was like 60–70 kilometres away. And then I would phone her and just
check if she’s getting the message and she was getting the message.

Uhm, and then she came and we chatted and then eventually what happened was im-
mediately her life stopped working completely, everything fell away. And she was placed
in a position where she had to make a decision fast about her life. And, so we got to the
point where she actually came and to live with us and uhm then we came to the next in-
teresting point where the whole story revealed where she was in a sexual relationship with
Jack, okay which was quite a story because I mean… It was an unusual situation… to say
the least.

It was obviously that she was obsessed by it, so the point was then taken on that and
discussed with Jack with Andrea that Jack can no longer be Andrea’s guide, which was
obviously also a test for the Portal that the whole thing was real. Is Jack real, will he now
no longer be Andrea’s guide? Which was then what happened. That was obviously a fasci-
nating discussion between Jack and Andrea. Jack in the portal and they were just at each
other about this relationship it was quite something to watch I mean, here is it and An-
drea says “But you said to me that!”and Jack says “Oh no that’s what I meant” and they
just, and it’s like a normal couple having a conversation, I mean, those two female bodies
but I mean, here they are having this conversation and we’re watching. Which was fasci-
nating, uhm.

We didn’t know Andrea (inaudible) obviously and even at that stage she tried, she looked
at it and said “Okay” if she doesn’t she won’t be able to handle this.

I explained to her you know what the process is all about and that it is inevitably everyone
will lose all their obsessive controls…

Anyway, so it was fascinating that uhm…Andrea then realised that she really has no op-
tion, she has got to walk this and no matter what she does – Jack is gone.

And the only way she’s going to be able to have some form of contact with Jack was now
through the portal, it would be no more direct contact with Jack. And that was like – im-
mediate, which was fascinating because it confirmed that the situation and the process
from that perspective was real. Uhm…And then Jack became the one giving the series
on History of Man at that stage already, he was no longer Andrea’s guide. Andrea had to
let go of her addiction an re-establish herself and she started working with different other
beings like for instance Mother Teresa and Veno and Lily and various…Anu, she worked
with Anu for a while, uhm she had then new guides that worked with her on various dif-
ferent situations which was fascinating uhm, the one that she wanted to be with forever
which was Jack was no longer at her disposal. We had similar situations with other peo-
ple, from people around the world where we have proposed to them that we will assist
them but that one of the points was that their guide will no longer be part of them which
they did not want to accept. Their guide was anyway no longer part of them, because 201
the guides were all removed. Now you must understand what happens when you have a
guide and you have a personal relationship with the guide – a very difficult thing happens,
something very difficult to ascertain, to ascertain what is real and what is not real. Because
your mind create everything immediately from the perspective of your inner reality where
you are communicating with yourself or with your guide. And that then seems to be the
same… And it creates like a mirror and it always say the things that makes you feel like
it’s normal and how it’s always been but you don’t even know the difference.

And no-one , it’s fascinating, channelling or psychics is willing to challenge their guides
because they’re too scared to lose them. I mean, common sense would dictate that you
should be able to speak equal and one to any being in creation about any subject – if you
don’t – your communication is questionable, it’s no different than having multiple person-
ality disorder.

If you’re channelling just one being, you’re in serious trouble. Because you are standing in
the position of trust with that being, you have not tested that throughout with as many
beings as possible to make sure that you are actually communicating with a valid source.
We have tested this with thousands of beings, cross referencing, checking, randomly at any
stage. We would for instance walk in the shops in the streets where I’ll take Sunette’s hand,
she had to stand, swap bodies, next being in, who’s here, what’s going on. Who’s died
randomly right now bring me that person, that person would sometimes be a child, old
person but the most fascinating one was a chap that died of alcohol poisoning. And that
was one of the most fascinating deaths we have experienced because he came through and,
in quite a form of a state of stability. Because he drank himself in such a stupor, that his
mind stopped. And when he came, when he died he was absolutely silent, stable. Now I’m
not saying go and drink yourself into a stupor and get your mind to stop, you’re going to
die! And it’s NOT recommended. But his insights and experiences was phenomenal, he
was from South America. It was fascinating, but they were drinking something like three
days non-stop, just drinking, drinking, drinking…

Uhm, the children were the most fascinating when they would come through because they
would be, the children were always pure in their expression, they were far more specific,
directive and you could see the older a person die, the more difficult they experience their
crossover. So, I think let’ stop over here.

23: The Age of Knowledge -
The Point of Consciousness
and The Power of Now
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
21 Aug 09
Part One: Age of Knowledge with Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now

Okay, so let's discuss a little bit...the Point of Consciousness and the ‘Power of Now’.
Now - the ‘Power of Now’ - which is also from which comes the ‘Power of One’ - which is
both the word One - of 'oneness'- and the power of W-o-n: Won - from Win to One.
That means: where you want to confirm and ensure that ‘you are winning’ in this experi-
ence that you are having - which you are calling a ‘Consciousness-experienced’ - that is:
experience that's based-on an interesting thing: your apparent 'Free-Will' and ability to
‘make Choices’.

Now - what is fascinating is that obviously within the realm of Consciousness: Free-Will
and Free -Choice exist - Within the realm of Consciousness = this is relevant. What is
Consciousness is the Energetic-experience you're having within-yourself while you are
Thinking. Obviously, what is fascinating about all of this is that:
How you arrive-at the Thought, or even have the ‘ability to think’ and where that actually
come-from = has very little consideration within the whole-process of your own Aware-

So therefore - by disregarding How-it-come that you are ‘able to think’ and Why-it-is that
you Think in a particular-Language... if you are English-speaking you'll end up thinking-
Sometimes if you speak several-Languages you'll find that -when you speak in a Language-
that you will Think in a different-Language – the reason why your Thoughts will be
Language-based, must already be a Sign that ‘there is something strange going-on’, because
you were first-of-all Not born with a Language. You were taught a Language.
So you were Not born ‘able to think’. You were actually Taught to Think. Therefore your-
Thoughts, as is your-Language, as is your-Vocabulary = is Not your-own. It comes from

Now - within the Context of the Unified Field of Consciousness – call it the Universal
Mind – within the Context of that, the ‘body-of-evidence’ of Consciousness on this Plan-
et: is written in books - as the Memories of people that's gone before-us.
It is transferred through Stories like in the Indian-times -the ‘Red Indians’ – as the Memo-
ries of those that went before you. All of these Memories has become something 'sacred
and holy’,
that apparently is worth ‘more-than’ your-own Direct-observation, your own Direct-con-
sideration within the Actuality of what is going-on on the Planet-Earth.

So, if you look at Mr. Tolle - and I have been exposed to him from the time that he
brought out the book “The Power of Now” which is quite-some years now - at that stage
already: I understood the point that Consciousness itself isn't-real.
Consciousness is the Delusion. And when reading “The Power of Now”, it was very clear
that Mr. Tolle did Not-understand that, and that also did Not-understand that the very-
existence of ‘Now ‘ is the result-of: the Past and the Future –
the Past being repeated in the Future - so that you can ‘control your current condition
of life’ - Which is why the ‘Power of Now’ is already linked – or is linked-to things like
the ‘Law of Attraction’, to ‘Health-building’, to ‘Happiness’, to Joy, to all-kinds-of-things
which require you to ‘control your experience’ in this world.
Therefore you will only mix-with those that will feel ‘like-you-do’. And those that is in-
Suffering: you will simply ignore - because they're not applying their ‘rules’ of Conscious-
ness effectively.

So, the Rules of Consciousness in-itself require-you to Only give-attention to ‘certain-

parts’ of What is Here in this World.
Those things that ‘make you happy’, those things that ‘make you feel ‘love’’, those things
that ‘make you feel that you are supported’, that you are ‘wealthy’, that you are ‘rich’, that
you are ‘abundant’ –
the fact that that is Not-so for ALL PEOPLE on the Planet - is really-irrelevant within
your-equation. And to appease yourself: you'll do some Donations for-it - because that is
what the Church taught-you when you were a child.

The New Age actually is not anything 'new.' It's simply another-version of the Church. It
was particularly designed as that - as is the whole 'Power of Now.' It's just another divi-
sion-of the Church. The same message - just different words:
all about 'silencing the mind' from a perspective of ‘being in-control of your thoughts’.
But, I mean - if you are under-Pressure in a Real-world-scenario with No-food, No-money
- I wanna see how long you're going to remain 'quiet';
I wanna see how your 'Power of Now' is gonna take-you-through that. Because that is the
Real-experience that you're gonna have to put-yourself-in. And that is the kind of experi-
ence I put myself into, to understand and to see if this 'Power of Now' is real.
I took myself to the point where I had nothing; Where I was ostracised by Everyone,
rejected by Everyone, because I had No-money. And I deliberately destroyed my world to
test one thing:
is the Love of the Angels and this whole-point of Consciousness, and your ‘focus on Posi-
tivity’ sufficient-to-support-you in this Reality…So I lived it completely. And I can tell
you - you can go and do-it yourself - and I didn't do it once – I did it three times.
Meaning: when it didn't work, I would go and do the normal-stuff to get-money, I'll go
and work, I'll create my reality again, and then I'll go do-it again. I says “Maybe I did not
Believe enough. Maybe I didn't have enough-Faith. Let me do-it again, maybe that's ‘the
test’. Do it again!” So, I did it again.

So if you have Not-done this several-times to see-for-yourself - you'll probably…especially 205

when you have a scenario where you have-Money, and your love-life is ‘working’, and your
sex-life is ‘working’, and your party-life is ‘working’, and your ‘happiness’ and your enter-
tainment and all of those things are ‘working’ – and you feel ‘supported’:
then you would not hear me. You are not able-to - yet. You will remember my words Only
once you are ‘against-the-floor’ - that is inevitable, fortunately. We have arranged-that for-
you, specially. Each-one on the Planet will go-through-this many-times until this Point is
understood. You'll ask: “How?” We will probably explain-later 'how' - maybe we won't.

Hear me: when it happens - you'll see-it happen on-television, you'll experience-it in
‘your-world’. You'll see = that Consciousness itself – no-matter how much 'positivity' you
give-it, how how you fuel-it: (Consciousness) will Not sustain-you, will
Not support-you, will Not feed-you, will Not educate your children, will Not pay-your-
bills –
and eventually you'll become Deceptive within all-of-this and you’ll even steal to-survive.
And you will justify that as “part of ‘God's-Will'”, as ‘Positive-Thinking’, as “the way Con-
sciousness is ‘supporting’-you”, “otherwise God wouldn't have placed-it in your-path” =
You'll find so-many ways to Justify these things - it is amazing.

Part Two: Age of Knowledge with Elite as First Wave

Now that we are in…moving from the ‘Information Age’ into the ‘Age of Knowledge’,
you'll also find a fascinating-thing: Everybody ‘knows everything’ and believe that what
they know is The Answer.
There is now…virtually every-second person of the First-Wave believe themselves to be the
‘Reincarnation of Jesus Christ’ or some ‘Holy-Being’ that knows all-the-answers and that's
here to ‘save-Humanity’.
Who is 'the First-Wave?' The Elite in the World. The Elite in the world are those who has
access to be able-to manipulate Consciousness - that is the Elite in this world. And many,
many of them are now 'Spiritual-Gurus'.
These 'Gurus' are teaching many-things and is creating their own-little-empires to keep-
them-going and to have a very-good life and to have those that follow them have a ‘special
All-the-while there are millions-upon-millions Half the Planet: Suffering, in-Poverty, in
No-practical-way able to ever support-them in this life and in this lifetime and No-solu-
tion in-view. There is No-solution in-view for the world at-all, at this stage.
This will be Realized in time-to-come. There is No-solution. A Solution will have to be
Actually Created. We have suggested a Solution for this, being: Equal-Money and Equal-
Labour-System. These things has been tested on the Planet and they Do work.

Obviously, it is an interim-Solution. Ultimately, man in its True-Form will Not-eat - but

at-the-moment we do. Let's not be delusional and not consider what is currently Here.
Currently Here: a more ‘advanced’-Man is Not-even-possible.
We first have to just get-rid-of the Fear of Survival. ‘Fear of Survival’ are deliberately im-
planted by those that want to keep their own-reality in-a-way where they are ‘in-control,
and their ‘happiness’ has got their world ‘working effectively’.
They are Not-considering those that are also part-of ‘the One’ that should be Supported.

Everything that is Here – if you study Holographics – understand: that Every-part is Part-
of-a-Whole but is also Equal to the Whole. We are thus in a peculiar-position: That none
at on the Planet is 'more than’ the lowest-point of those that are Here.
No-matter how you look-at-it and you experience-yourself as some 'Higher-Conscious-
ness' - you are also the lowest-point. The pure Denial of-it, or the point of Not-consider-
ing it as part-of-your-Here completely, is simply only separating-you from the inevitable-
point where you'll have to face-it.

So - Consciousness itself is the process of: attempting-to continue a ‘point of control’

– called 'Free-Will' or 'Free-Choice' - through Energy - as an Experience - so that your
world ‘remain consistent and abundant’ until you Die.
And then apparently when you Die you are going to ‘continue-existing as Consciousness’.
Now that is quite-a Flaw – because, if you remember as we started this discussion: you are
Not ‘thinking in-something’ or in a ‘language in-which you were born-with’.
You are also Not thinking through a ‘process of Energy’ that you automatically had. You
Have-to Eat to Think. So that means - if you want to Really test-this-out: Don’t Eat un-
til you pass-out, and see if you are still thinking. You need the Food to Think. You're not
Eating = you don't have Energy.

So the Energy that is generated with which you are ‘creating with thought’ that you have
been taught by your parents and your teachers and your leaders – those Thoughts, those
Energy – is Not your-Energy! It belongs to your body; the thing that Eckhart Tolle call is
“just a vessel” within which you leave-behind when you Die.
Yes, you Really leave-it-behind when you Die - But you also leave-behind All your ‘En-
ergy-generator-machine’ - the thing that generates the Energy. And you end-up on the
‘other-side’ Without-Energy – which is quite a big-problem.

Now also have a look at a peculiar thing: Your Memory-System. Your memories – you'll
notice an interesting thing – you cannot even remember your Memories of the Thoughts
you had Yesterday. Never-mind a week ago. Never-mind a year ago.
If you cannot remember your thoughts - you are in severe-trouble, because, I mean - you
HAD those thoughts. They are somewhere Stored in-your -body as Compressed-Energy.
Because a Thought is an ‘expression-of-Energy’ that you had, which you then gave-value-
to, and according-to the value, placed on your body as a Memory. 207
Because you wrote a 'memo' to yourself - You wrote ‘instruction’ as the Memory: “I like
this memory” – “I do not like this memory”. So you have Memories Categorized within-
yourself, within your physical-body.
And these are stored in your physical-body at the Cellular-level in what is called the
'plasticity of the cells' (go and study Plasticity of the Cells) - and which is then Activated
through Energy–imprints or -resonances
that happens during Communication, during your Senses…taking-in information that
relates-to the Memory. That's why - when you see something sometimes a Memory will
come-up from a past-event which will indicate to you: “Oh, I have seen this before, it's so
wonderful, my system works! I can still remember.”
But these memories are in a physical-level of your being. When you die, it dies with your
body. At the moment of your Death, a fascinating thing happens - we have studied this
extensively in multiple different ways, randomly, under great-pressure, to check this infor-

And we are fortunate because we are using what we are calling a ‘Portal’, simply as a form
of definition, that allows us to have a 'side-view' - to actually observe the side-effect of
what we are doing; Because you do not want to look at only the direct-Result. You want
to look at the side-effect.
For instance, when I stood as the White Light, the side effect was that the Angels were
I did not do anything to the Angels - they were automatically no-longer there, when the
‘Masters of the White Light’ emerged. Why can't you see these things or test these things?
Because we deliberately cut you off from Heaven - into a Mirror of your Mind – while
we're testing these things, so we can explain to you how it works – because otherwise there
will just be lots of in-fighting; Nobody will work together.
So you don't have a choice because Consciousness only exist in the Mind - I mean, you
only have a ‘choice’ between thoughts, and ‘how you feel’, and what you do with it, and
how you treat others - you don't really have a choice.
That is proven with Death. Because when you die, I mean, you have no-choice: you're
simply gone. So, at your Death, a fascinating thing happens: Immediately - you lose all
your memories.
Now imagine this:

Part Three: Three Age of Knowledge with The Beast of Revelations

Now imagine this: Who are you without your memories? You immediately lose all your
We contain all the information in the Portal, simply relevant to the Process, but in actual 209
fact - when you Die: you are aware, but at a total different-level. You are aware first-of-all
that Everything in Existence is Alive.
You are being shown by Everything in Existence, how you got-to where you are, and what
you have disregarded.
What you will find fascinating is that - your ‘life on Earth’ - was worthless. You cannot
even…if you had children you can't even remember their names; you can't even remem-
ber your own name.
Now how was this manipulated before? Through time there has been a Belief which is fas-
cinating: that, wherever you can control Knowledge you can control Outcome.
To do that a Soul Construct was created in the creation of ‘Heaven’, particularly to control
Information - which is to control Knowledge.
According to that, the Akashic - it was stored in the ‘Akashic Record’ which is just like a
Within that, the information was then utilized in the ‘planning of lives’ so that you can
have kind of a different-life, so you don't end up remembering there's something wrong.
Many do remember there's something wrong - but they simply can't put their finger on
it. There is many reasons for that, in time we may go into that, we may not. It all depends
on…entirely on whether it is relevant or not.
All we can say is that there are physical-Systems, in Existence, within the Human Body,
that is Millennia-old, that is able to control you at a physical-level, and possess you, and
direct even what you think and what you say.
They are experienced normally as forms of emotional-possession, where you go into a
‘state of emotion’. They are particularly doing-it because they feed-off the Energy you cre-
So not only the Mind feeds-of you, but also even Physical Systems within you - they are
Metaphysical in nature.
They are sitting inside-you and you will only experience their existence at your time of
Death. At this stage, there is no-other-way currently yet for you to experience them - un-
less you are able to transcend your Fear of Death.
And if you can't leave your body, then you fear Death - and there is really nothing you can
do about that. Because - your Body never lies. You are the only-one that lie.
The Body always give-you the truth. And - the Body decides when you die. Not your
mind, not god. The Body decides when your time is up.
Now, in the Soul Construct obviously the information was stored specifically to control
the flow-of-information so that Nobody ever-notice there is something wrong.
The knowledge was made God - the Knowledge of God. Within that, a Structure was cre-
ated of Belief, and within that: a Structure of Energy-generation called Consciousness.
This Energy-generation was used to feed both the Mind, the Physical - and the Meta-
physical, that means Heaven. Because Heaven could not exist without Energy. Heaven was
subject to Energy, and all of this was controlled through Magnetic Grids.
Just like information nowadays, as we have 'evolved' as the Machine as Consciousness, as
Technology - as you can observe how that has evolved within magnetic-forces, laser-forces
- all the variations of Energy in application.
The same things existed for a long-time already. You can go and study the ‘Life and Teach-
ings of the Masters of the Far East’, where they could even show the points a hundred
years ago of things not yet discovered - because it was already Pre-programmed.
Now, understand, Consciousness is not 'evolution'. Consciousness is simply a process
within which you are able to ‘imprint your will onto the greater will’.
So it is simply a Model within which Everyone exist as Ego. And you go through process-
es-of-Ego, depending on the amount of ‘power’ or ‘will’ you can exert on another - the
amount of control and manipulation you can actually exert in the name of – ‘love’, or
whatever point, ‘light’ (etc.)
The amount-of-influence you have is the size of your Ego. And that's the amount-of-in-
fluence you have on Consciousness, to have people follow-you, instead of Teaching them
what Life really is all about.
We have tested every-single Psychic in Existence, we have tested every-single Channel in
Existence - we have spoken to the whole lot.

Now what is fascinating - when we removed the beings that was – the Mind immediately
intervened and created exactly a Copy, as Mind, of these Channels: that’s why the Infor-
mation has remained ‘static’.
It is not coming-up with any-solutions – it is simply repeating itself and just using differ-
ent words to say the same-thing. It is not coming with any practical-Solution for the prob-
lems in this world.
And it’s sticking to one peculiar-Message – you must understand this Message has been
pre-programmed: the Message of ‘Love’.
The Message of ‘Love’ is Deception – because the System is ‘God’, and Money is ‘God’ –
and Love of Money is = the Law of Attraction – The Secret.
“Love it and you have it” – that’s why ‘Wealth’ and ‘Health’ has become the big-business
of the future – because: that is the Deception – keep you busy and you won’t notice.
You are the Elite of the World – that’s why you hear my message. I’m not speaking to any-
one else but the Elite. The Elite of this World is those that is in the position to Hear this
You are the real-ones that is causing the Suffering in this world – you are the real-ones
that’s created it – through your own Self-interest – you are the real-ones that is keeping
Everyone enslaved – you are the real-ones that is already ‘chipped’ and has been ‘chipped’
from Birth –
by your Birth-certificate: that was the first Number you were given – you are already just-
Revelations – that which is written in the Bible has happened a long-time-ago. With the
advent of the Information Age – was when the Beast took-over, where everyone became a 211
Therefore everyone in this world is now a Number. And that is by virtue of your Birth-
certificate –is by virtue of your date-of-birth within a astrological-System.
You are Numbered – and your days are numbered.
And now – with the banking-System – you cannot buy without a Number.
You are becoming Number and Number – refusing to See what is Really going-on – be-
cause you don’t really want to See – because the Fear is too much – that you do not even
want to admit that this Fear is existent within you –
because you really know one-thing: You don’t know what to do with all of this. You don’t
know how to stop. And you cannot see yourself stopping – because “it’s just too big.”

We know that. We also know that you will not stop. We also know that – even if there is
an Atom-Bomb that explodes on the Planet, you will still not stop; Even if there is a Third
World War you still won’t stop. Even if half the Planet die due to Famine, you still won’t
stop, you will just look-after your own-ass.
And we also know that there is Nothing you can do to stop.
The only Answer we’ve been able to find,

Part Four: Age of Knowledge with Reptilians and Demons

The only Answer we’ve been able to find, where we can stop this: is at a Individual-level –
through the various tools that we represent.
And that is only possible at a global-scale if there is an Equal Money and an Equal Labour
System –where all this Control by the Elite, which is yourself, is Stopped – and you allow
everyone equal access to what the Planet Provide in the first place –
You didn’t create that which Provide – it comes from the Planet. The Resources come from
the Planet- it is Not coming from Man – Man is simply using What is Here and then con-
trolling it for the Interest of the Few so that the many can suffer =
that is the Real-Law of Attraction: the Suffering in this World is the Real-Law that is at-
play – it’s the Real ‘balancing-factor’.
Now – Obviously anything that has been promoted extensively in this World – it is only
promoted because it is actually supporting the System – as it is with ‘The Power of “Now”,
and Mr. Tolle and his related friends – that is attempting to ‘keep the System going’ so
that they can live in abundance – like Oprah.
I mean – she should go and live with their black-buddies in Africa for a month or two –
and see if her ass will still be as shiny as it is now. But it is certainly not, from her experi-
ence, anything ...that she actually knows of what the fuck is Really going-on.
She is just there to entertain the Elite – so they don’t feel bad about What’s going-on in
the World “because there’s so many other bad-things”.
And all they do is sharing all the ‘bad-stories’ and all the ‘sad-stories’ – and how they live-
better and have a psychological more stable-existence: that’s Psycho! – to be that logical,
isn’t it – ‘psychologically’ speaking.
So a lot of Psychos is what the Elite of this world is – all ‘protected’ by Money – ‘protect-
ed’ from the Truth of What’s going-on in this world.

Now let’s have a little-chat about a Mr. David Icke.

I went to one of his Chats in Durban, many years ago; I was exposed to his books exten-
sively – I read his books and I had a pure interesting-little-problem: I couldn’t get this
‘Reptilian’-thing – I mean, Where the fuck did he get-on to these Reptilians – because, he
made like a sudden ‘quantum-leap’ in his research from... ‘finding a solution for the world
and the abuse’ to...a ‘Reptilian-force’.
So I must say that in the beginning I did not agree with Mr. Icke that there was such-
things as Reptilians or...and I did not also agree that there was things like Demons.
From my perspective - I was fully emerged in Consciousness, which is all about the ‘good’
and the ‘love’ and so on - and I meditated daily for several-hours, I was extremely good-at-
it - to the extent that I could meditate in absolute-Bliss, hours-on-end – which, those that
meditate know it’s not easy, because your physical-body will resist such meditation – so it
takes extreme-discipline to be able to meditate at such-a-level - I did all this shit.
I have meditated at levels that is unbelievable - in absolute-Bliss, in ‘Nirvana’ – I got to
the fucking-‘place’. And I wanted to prove-it practically in this world – and that’s where it
proved to not stand.
I wanted to prove that the angels are actually speaking the truth and that they are ‘beings-
of-love’ and that their messages are true. I wanted to prove that ‘god is love’ – so I tested it
and I tested it over and over and over and over and over again –
and it is very clear eventually that: we’re all Alone – there’s a big big big problem – and
I mean, half the Planet confirms that – 10% of the Planet are the Elite, 90% are living
either in Poverty or on the brink-of-poverty.
So the 10% of the Planet can live in Abundance – what a ‘Law of Attraction’ is this, what
Bullshit is this.
10% of the Planet is quite a lot-of people – it is about what…Seven Hundred Million
people that live in Abundance in this world - while the other couple-of Billion is Suffering

“who cares” - because apparently: that is ‘God’s will’ - it is the ‘will’ and their ‘own Con-
sciousness’ that is allowing-it and the ‘Law of Karma’ and their ‘paying-off Debt’ – I mean
there is Excuses that is books-full – we have Libraries full of Excuses called ‘Knowledge’ –
what is Knowledge but a bloody-Excuse as the ‘reason’ to Why You can have the sex you
want, the drinks you want, the life you want, the car you want, the house you want – all
the things you want are ‘protected by Knowledge’ – but there is No Self-Honesty.
So through the Portal -where I was obviously very-curious because when we initially…be-
fore the Portal even opened - I had contact with Reptilians - and I didn’t think these Fuck-
ers were true - but I mean, it was really specific.
And I could see that there is definitely something going-on, but I did not speak much
about-it because I was -at that stage- very content with myself, working with the Demons
- and I was doing ‘the work of God’ with Forgiveness and Demons, proving that Forgive-
ness even works for Demons –
I mean, those Fuckers that do Forgiveness – If you can’t face a Demon = your Forgiveness
isn’t real - you’re bullshitting yourself and you’re lying to yourself.
And for that reason we’ve arranged Demons in this world so you can face-yourself and
actually find-out for yourself.

So the Demons that was removed initially was only the Demons of those that died and
become Demons – the Demons that’s here now, man! Are they Fuckers - they are in your
Mind already - in every-single being in existence: there are Demons – and are we gonna
have some Fun. So we can get this Forgiveness thing sorted-out and we can get some
Truth going Here.
You want the Real-Truth? Then you must face the Real-Shit. The Real Shit-is = what has
been allowed in this world.

Part Five: Age of Knowledge with David Icke's Reptilian Control

So on Mr. David Icke I must say one thing: When we first started speaking to David Icke’s
‘Higher-Self ’ through the Portal, we…I had an interesting-observation: that Mr. David
Icke’s ‘Higher-Self ’ was much ‘nicer’ than Mr. David Icke in Real-Life –
I mean, I wish Mr. David Icke’s ‘Higher-Self ’ was actually Mr. David Icke – but he isn’t.
So the David Icke in this world is just an angry-man trying to get his point across, believ-
ing himself to be some Reincarnation of some-form of a ‘Christ’ – living ‘I am Love – I
am Free’ –
fucking everyone without having a practical-Solution, unwilling to listen to possible-So-
lutions to the problem - because he already believes he’s got something - and he has never-
ever considered Forgiveness – he has never Forgiven the Elite, he has never Forgiven the
Reptilians, he’s never Forgiven Any-one – he’s just fucking carrying-on with his shit.
And what is he doing? He’s not willing to listen – we tried to contact-him several -times
saying to him: “Mr. Icke, you got a fucking-problem: you’re being fucked-with” – So let’s
have a little bit…Anu will give a nice-little description of how Mr. Icke is fucking with
himself and how he’s being fucked with.
I mean he was pre-programmed into this Reality to keep the whole Reptilian thing as a
side-show going - while the Real-Shit is actually happening - with his solution of ‘Love
and Free-Choice’ –
and obviously now that he’s been cut-off his information for some years – because you
can notice, if you study his sites, you will notice that there was a definitive-change in the
amount-of-information he was able to access some years ago –
and that he’s now only following the things that is here and he’s placing ‘news’ at and he’s
trying to make-up fucking Conspiracy Theories – all the shit that’s here – he has no-longer
the access he used to have with the ‘great-insights’ that one would actually access –
I wonder where the fuck did that come from? And even that changing in his life, Mr. Da-
vid Icke still did Not ask questions.
Now Mr. Icke is why you don’t have that shit anymore is because we stopped it – we took
your ‘Higher-Self ’ away – you don’t have it anymore – the Fucker became Self-Honest –
he can no-longer support you – you now have to become Self-Honest.

Now what was fascinating in the whole process of speaking to Mr. David Icke’s ‘Higher-
Self ’ - we also spoke to his One-Atom-God to all the various-levels – what we were look-
ing at understanding:
understanding how does Information move Interdimensionally – and David Icke’s ‘High-
er-Self ’ found a way to move information interdimensionally.
We did not realize at that stage - it was actually a pre-program. We did not realize that Mr.
Icke was actually in the Service-of the Reptilians specifically.
We did not realize that the only way the ’Higher-Self ’ could move the way it could move
was if it was pre-programmed allowed within the Magnetic Gridlines – we still believed
at that stage that there was a ‘Higher-Force at work’ – ‘there was something ‘more’’ - we
didn’t realize We Are All there Is.

So we’ve questions specifically around the point-of the Information-flow - and the ‘High-
er-Self ’ of David Icke had connections with the ‘Higher-Selves’ of the ‘Main Players ‘in
Reality in terms of how Reality was manipulated and constructed and directed –
and that is how the information was filtered-down through ‘coincidences’, through meet-
ings, through insights, through meditations, through various-ways the information was
then filtered to David Icke - which he then would write about with great clarity.
And believe me: David Icke is not a ‘bad’ person – he’s simply somebody that is being ob-
sessed by what he became, without realizing that the obviousness of his obsession indicates
already his pre-programming (as) to keep-everyone-busy.
He doesn’t have an actual-Solution for the world – you can’t have a Solution without For-
giveness, it’s not possible.
Because without Forgiveness you’ll keep-on fighting, without Forgiveness you’ll keep-on
wanting to ‘win’, without Forgiveness you’ll keep-on wanting to be ‘better than’, without
Forgiveness you will not allow Equality for All – without Forgiveness there is No Solution.
I mean Jesus really hit the nail on the fucking head: Forgiveness is the Key.
Without having a Practical Solution where Every-One in this World is Fed and Educated 215
to an Equal-level = there is no Solution possible – we’re not looking at a Solution even
maybe within our Lifetime.
We’re going to need dedication for many, many, many years-to-come to have a Practical-
Solution in this World that’ll have to start at the moment a child is born in this Reality.
We’ll have to sort-out our Education, our Living-Conditions, our Support of the Children
in this world to create a Better-Society.
Have a look: there is being no ‘Evolution’ or Advancement within the Psychological-‘Well-
Being’ of the Human which is called Consciousness – there is being No-Advancement,
there’s been only manipulation.
Some taking-advantage of the others while they live in a little-Bubble and the Rest Suffer
- the Rest has no-access to the so-called Consciousness, this so-called ‘‘special’ ‘form-of-
being’’ –
there is no access unless you have Money, so let’s give Money to Every-One. But – those
that’s controlling the Money will say “No! I don’t want to change my reality, I’m happy
in my Reality, I have-everything-I-need in my Reality, I don’t want to diminish-me to an
Equal-level to everyone-else”.
Equal Money will diminish some, yes - in Wealth - but it will Uplift everyone-else. There
is even enough Money in the rich-people of this world to give sufficient Money to All-
People – and still it’s allowed - nobody questions-it.
There is no Morality in this World, Morality - to even speak the word - is like far-worse
than the word ‘Fuck’ - because it’s a Lie. Rather use the word ‘Fuck’ than using any ‘nice’-
word like ‘Love’ or ‘Morality’ or ‘Goodness’ - because all-those-words are Lies that are Not
being Lived to Support Life Equally –
I’m not even talking about Animals, I’m talking about just Humans at this stage. I mean,
you can’t even begin-to-consider the Plight of Animals in this world – because we’re not
even considering the Plight of the Human-Factor.

Now I have some ‘good-news’ and some ‘bad-news’ on Mr. David Icke - we’ll do an exten-
sive-story with Anu about his peculiarities. If he can find Forgiveness, I suggest he Does
It. We can’t…I mean, the problem – Death will sort it out and at Death Mr. Icke will be
no-longer, which is Good Riddance.
Understand, Death is the Final-Point: Everyone exist as One Life Only - that’s why you
cannot remember the detail of all of any of your previous-Lives – you might have some
‘flashes’, those ‘flashes’ are pre-programmed, they are Not-Real.
We have followed Every-form of Energy-Implant, we have followed the way the Informa-
tion move, we have tested-it-out, we have followed it form its Source, we’ve checked-it-out
– you are programmed with those memories: they are Not-Real.
You have only One-Life: if you do not Amalgamate in that Life with your Source – which
is the Physical – have a look: ‘Dust-to-Dust’ = You are from the Physical – you simply do
Not exist anymore.

Part Six: Age of Knowledge Is the End Here?

Those that speak through the Portal are only able-to-speak through the Portal because
we’re having access to the Total Unified Field through the Portal.
So we can access the Information and we only access that which is relevant-to the Process
in terms-of the Research we’ve done: we’re not going to prove anything.
Common Sense is Sufficient to Prove the situation in this World. Self-Honesty is Suffi-
cient - If you cannot work with those things, you are Not-Worthy of Life - and therefore
you will be disregarded. See if you can stop your Death, there’s not a Fucker that can do

So that is the Final-line for everyone. We’ve studied this extensively, there will be new-
documents going-up on the subject as well on What happens at Death. And I mean that is
people that I’ve known that has ‘walked the path’-of-Meditation and the path-of-research
with me that’s died and they did not Amalgamate –
Oh my God, at the point of Death they cannot even remember their own name, never-
mind the children, never-mind anything else. Immediately at Death they’re taken to
Shame and Regret –
because Everything in Existence that is Alive, that means All of the Physical, speaks-to-you
and Explains-to-you What you have done – if you cannot Hear the Physical, all Manifest-
216 ed-Form of the Physical and speak-to-it =
you have a problem: you’re not speaking with What is Real and it will not prove-itself to
you, because it do Not regard-you as Worthy of Life – that’s Really serious.
You have to prove your Worthiness of Life through Self-Honesty and Self-Forgiveness
and CommonSense. You have to prove that you have the capacity and the ability and the
insight to consider Life in All, Everywhere –
the basic-Principle of Holographics is existent within the Physical: that ‘holographic-prin-
ciple’ as you’re observing-it in Consciousness: is Not Real, it is Energy-based, it requires a
‘source’: the Source is the Physical –
take the Physical away and you are Dead as a Thought in the Dimensions.
The Dimensions are not going to assist Existence in their process – the Dimensions is
in their own process. You have no-access to that, you will gain no-access to that because
you’re contained within a System - a Mind System –
you cannot have access to What is Real as-long-as you’re not Self-Honest with what you’ve
become - and you have to walk that to its ultimate-degree: where you’re Equal As the
Mind Consciousness System.
That is extensive study and consideration - that takes a minimum-of Seven Years in which
you have to re-program yourself at a Physical-level, because ‘who you are’ is Automated -
it is programmed at a Physical-Level, it automatically happens;
You’re just not going to Stop it, because you’re not even aware that you’re doing-it. You 217
were taught to do this: you are Not-Real as ‘who you are taught-to-be’ - it will Not sus-
tain-itself at Death. It took me 14 years of programming to break through this shit - 7
years is the minimum.
And hear me: we really do not care if you make it or not – because: how could you care
about an Illusion? An Illusion really doesn’t matter, it simply cease to exist.
Existence as you experience-it now in the Physical are simply: Knowledge Packaged-as-
Time; Time packaged-as-Knowledge.
Time is actually in-control of-you - Time exist only as Knowledge. You as the Physical
as the Physical-being is simply Time-Packaged as Knowledge - your Consciousness flows
from-that - it’s Not-Real, it will Not sustain-you.
Everything that happened before for billions of years is Irrelevant to Where you find-your-
self now – because you have everything that you have allowed in-front-of you in Existence
as your Fellow-beings.
So – Understand this: No-One can Save-your-ass, nobody wants-to either - You’re going
to have-to-do-it for yourself; if you don’t – and this is how it’s been designed: You will End
It was done-so because it was the only-way that could be-done. That is why Earth exist =
To Purify Existence once and for All. You will either be Pure from Here or you will not be
Here. You decide.
There is nothing that can decide this for-you, because you cannot stand One and Equal
with and as Life Here unless you are Pure-Life – thus: Purify yourself.
For years-to-come we will Support, but understand that there is a line. That Line is Death,
with Death due come to visit you. Obviously there is a consideration for those that did
not have an Equal-Chance, they will come back for an Equal-Chance –
but where there has been Abuse and where there has been No-consideration given and an
Equal-Chance existed = those beings already as they die at-this-moment: do not exist.

As time progress we will share more-information and we do Not require your belief - we
do not require you to consider what we’re saying, we will not prove anything –
Death is the Proof: you either are able to Transcend Death or you’re not. It is definitively a
Final-Point within the Existence of each-One - I suggest: Don’t Die – unless you’re Equal.
If you do – we won’t miss-you because: you didn’t exist in-the-first-place.
If Fear exist or is activated through this message, this discussion = then you must know:
you are in-trouble, you’re dishonest, you’re Not applying-yourself and you’re Not-consid-
ering All Life Equally,
you will not be willing to ‘die in a cross’ for another, you will not be willing to ‘love your
neighbour’ as yourself, you’re not willing to consider: where you’re from, what is Support-
ing you, that you can Support it Equally as well.
Have Fun -
Maybe we See You, maybe We Don’t: You Decide.

24: The Atomic Universe
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
21 Aug 09

Okay, so - we're going to discuss - after all has settled down and had their fill - what we've
found about the Atom.

Okay, so now we have a portal, and as we are speaking to the beings from the Dimensions,
there's all kinds of events taking-place which we can call 'side-effects'. That means, things
that take-place - and then when they take place: it opens-up views of Reality that we
didn't ask about or consider.

So in this, initially, we had the process of Sunette leaving the body, and then one of the
demons coming-into the body. And, so, then - we're at the process after that - where we've
discovered suddenly that there were more-than one-being in the body.

So when there were more -like seven or eight beings- within the body who were in the
body curious to also what was happening. So I says Okay, that’s interesting –

So the question was obviously: Can we speak to all of them at-once? And yes we could.
So, from that perspective we say Okay. The question then became relevant to see: How-
many beings can you fit-in the body? And we say Okay, let's see. "Bring all-beings in exist-
ence" - Do they all fit in a body - a human body? And they did.

So - but just before that whole-point where we brought them all-together - we went
through an interesting exercise: where we started looking-at the human-body and peeling-
away the Layers of Time.

So we started from the outside, peeling-away the layers and having a look at what it rep-
220 resented. And it represented all kinds of `formations of relationships´ that took-on some
form of... like an 'armour' or geometrical format.

We kept-on peeling-away and peeling-away until we got to: a single-Atom of the human-
body. And in a single-Atom of the human-body we discovered something interesting:
There was a Being in-there.

And this Being presented itself as the (same) Being in the body. So, we would for instance
go-on until we get-to Sunette' a Atomic-level, which would then be 'Sunette' (or
that´s what we perceive it to be).

What was fascinating is then - when we realized we could speak to the being at the Atom-
ic-level, we started speaking to beings at the Atomic-level.

And when we bring them through and started speaking to them and asked them their
perspective of their experience and what they experience themselves as existing as - they all
came-up with a fascinating thing:

They were basically representing the primary-Pattern of the Design of the body which was 221

also the primary-Pattern of all the ‘past-lives’ - which was also the primary-Pattern of the
‘existence of the being’ from ‘first-Conception’ entering Consciousness. So we could trace-
it-back to be the same-Pattern repeated, life after life - from the very-first Awareness.

Now - I suppose in a way, we hadn't really at that stage asked all the questions about...
the...shall we say the...the Consequences of this.
So, in looking at this, we said, Okay, well, how does this look-like? What happens? What
has this 'Atom' got to do with anything?

An interesting thing was observed: is that from this Atom spiralled-out energetic lines, in
the shapes of Spirals, that intermingled with all the other energetic-lines of all the other-
beings in Existence.
So we looked at it and said, Okay, how can we assist everyone at the Atomic-level in terms
of their past-lives to Stop the Pattern that´s repeating itself?

And we started a Process - we says Okay, if we have to do it this-way, then we're going to
do it this-way: we'll start one-by-one, even with the beings...we´ll start with the beings we
know –
and from there we´ll move-to the ones we don't know, and we'll bring them one-by-one,
establish their pattern that they are repeating, let them do Forgiveness aloud, here in the
Physical through the body, do the corrective-statements - and then let them go-back and
change their patterns. So we started with that.

One-by-one, for hours on-end, we brought-through the `one-atom-gods´, we establish

their patterns, how it worked - then constructed the Forgiveness-sentences in terms of
How to Forgive the particular-pattern, then made the Living-statement of 'this is who I
am from this moment forth' - And we kept-on going.

And that went-on for a couple of days, I mean, and we realized - obviously - the futility
of the exercise as we continued - because there was just no-ways that we would ever in a
lifetime get to everybody's `one-atom-gods´. So we says, okay.
One evening, that... um, I mean, there must be a way one can deal with this. So, now, we
didn't know what would happen if you take the being that is the `one-atom-god´, or the...
if you take that being out-of the being...

We have very interesting experiences, obviously, because...I had a friend in Pretoria, so

we... I says, "Okay, bring his one atom god and - he came-through and when he saw me
he said "Ahh! Bernard! Am I dead?"
I says to him No no no - you're not-dead. But that was the very-first impression...when he
went in a total-possession of Fear, which was really fascinating to observe.

Some were quite jovial. Others were not really interested. They all had, uh...some was
quite annoyed that they were being 'tampered with' -I mean- their existence. We were still
busy learning what was going-on, so we were asking lots of questions and seeing how we
could assist each one with... at this level... at the Atomic-level, form which the life-path is
spiralling... how can we assist them to Stop the Pattern in which Existence existed?

So, I then said to Sunette, Look, there's one-way we can test this. We take my `one-atom-
god´ out, and if I'm still Alive after that, then you know, we can take everyone out, then,
you know, we should be fine. She says Okay. Let's take-out my `one-atom-god´. We did
that and I was still Alive, still breathing, still Here. So...

I says, okay, now we take everyone´s and we place them in a...I mean, in the Dimensions,
you must understand - you can create anything instantaneously: in-Sound - you have no...
there's really no-limitation.

So we then created processes relevant to each-one's patterns and each-other's patterns, and
we start at a process of Forgiveness, to assist each `one-atom-god´ to clear-themselves from
the path of limitation –
into a path of Full-Realization of all and everything that is Here; all possible paths. To
thus then re-Integrate eventually (which was our intent) into the Physical at the Atomic-
level - and then from there-on 'guide'-themselves as the Physical and the Mental - all the
various bodies that's in the Physical - to a path of Self-Realization.
So we did the Processes, and then attempted to place these beings back into the Atoms...
and they wouldn't go back-in. So now we're at an interesting problem. Even if they go
back-in, there is no-more Spirals. The Spirals are gone.

Obviously, we didn't quite understand at that stage -yet- what we are dealing-with, be-
cause we're dealing now with side-effects = You do something and there's a side-effect.
So now we've done a correction, and we have done the Full-Integration of all-lives into
each-being equal and one, so now all `one –atom-gods´ are equal. Which means...
What does it mean? Because now there was no Spiralling - no-more Energy-flow. We only
later-on realized that obviously now that there was no-Energy necessary anymore - because
Energy was simply a refractional, dimensional-view of a single-point, not even a life-path.
It's, like, bizarre what life-paths were based-on.

A being will have, for instance, the same-life over and over and over – every-life in Anger
just to understand Anger. And it will in every-life be with the same...another being, that is
the same-being: it never-changes. We didn't...we were under the impression at that stage
that, you know, at least your lives change and you have new-lives and so-on – 223

but this was how many of the `one-atom-gods´ we talked-to, from
which beings = it all came through –fascinatingly- the same-paths, the same-point, repeat-
ed over and over again. It was, like, ludicrous, in a way, that it was existent like that.

So, but now - let's remain with this whole Atomic-thing, which was quite fascinating, be-
cause what one then...what was Realized is that - in the beginning when the Portal opened
- is that: the whole human-body was a Universe. So what we then looked-at is then: if the
body is a Universe, what is the Atom?

So we then went-ahead within-this to actually place all-beings in a single-Atom. And we

found a fascinating thing: the single-Atom was also a Universe, and that a Being in the
dimensions...or All-beings will fit in-there and they will experience-it as a Universe -

so that they will be virtually insignificant within the Atom, from that perspective. They
are no-different to what you are here in this-Reality in relationship...this Physical-Reality
in relationship to the Universe = exactly that (relation) exist in all-parts of the Physical-

What was obviously also fascinating, is that you had dimensions of the Physical-Reality
which you could call 'parallel-Realities' - but in essence, it was purely 'parallel' or it ap-
peared to be `another-Universe´ - simply because you're looking at-it from a stable-point
and it has been moving, which means in that movement: you get another-view - and that
view 'looks-like' it is ‘another-Reality’.

It did exist, that means- in terms of the 'Split of Self' into multiple-Selves -it did actually
exist initially: that everybody existed in multiple-Realities - which caused obviously even
greater Separation.

Much of this many-selves eventually through the Forgiveness and so-on ended-up being...
or becoming their `own beings´ - meaning they actually individualized. And many-beings
now in Existence has many-parts of themselves that are no-longer part of themselves, but
are actually individualized-beings that is now `walking their own path´. Each `part´ had
an opportunity to consider-that.

Now - what does that really mean? We also did interesting exercises where we placed the
dimensional-beings each in an Atom, one per-Atom - as a point of `training to manage a
Universe´ - which was then `managing the Atom at a Atomic-level´ - but it was actually
Managing a Universe – Equal-to the Universe as it-exists right-now.

Which must give one an interesting view of what it is that´s really-Real and that What
you are perceiving to be `Reality´ is definitely Illusion. And what is real-Reality: there is
no-conception, no-idea or understanding of-it at-all existent in any of the knowledge that
is currently-existent in this-reality.

Some of the Scientists has touched-on points where they realized the properties of the
Atom must be quite-vast. They have not yet understood that it is actually exact-Replicas
of the Physical Universe existent in every-single Atom, in every-single human-being, in
every-Atom inside the human-being: that gives you an idea of the amount-of Universes
that exist.

And that obviously the Movement of all the parts of-it is in direct-relation to each-other
and in relationship to yourself, in terms of `who you are as self´ currently = you are in-
significant within this. And at Death, you will explore-this from a perspective of realizing
your insignificance in the bigger-picture - and that also be shown by the Universe - or the
Uni(verses) - I mean it´s one and equal and equal and one - by the Universes: how you
came-to place-yourself in such an insignificant-position within Existence, and what that
really implies within your Reality.
Obviously, you must remember that: that-self that will be `remaining after Death´ will
have no-Memory of the self existent within the Mind-Reality of the Illusion here as your
Earth-Reality. So your...say, for instance, 'Darryl Thomas' will not-exist. 'Darryl Thomas'
will die-permanently at the end of this-life, and no longer exist at-all, whatsoever.
That which remains-of 'Darryl Thomas' will virtually be at the level-of a Newborn-baby
that enter a total-new Reality - where you have to learn a total-new Language, a total-new
Interaction, Movement, Communication - Everything - just like when you entered this-

And that nothing virtually of what you did in this-Reality has any-significance in the
bigger-picture. Even at the simplicity or the size -comparative size- of the Atomic-level.

So we extensively played-around with the Atomic-point, in terms of directing and teach-

ing each-one the Responsibility that is inherent within each in the relationship to the
Universe -the greater and the smaller- and the point of Equality and Why the beings now
within Consciousness is Not in-fact Aware of Life at-all: but is only-aware of a projected-
illusion within which they are attempting to exist `as something´ = which in essence is

So I would suggest one first sit-back and observe and study and consider that in a pro-
grammed-Construct like the Mind - where your platform as starting-point -the Design of
your Reality- is based-in Perception:
that you must really re-consider Everything you've ever known because all of that is de-
pendent-on: something that is virtually insignificant within what is Real - and therefore
must understand that you are and will be treated as insignificant, even in Death, because
that is `who you really are´, and you're always Equal to who you are. That is your Oneness
- and your insignificance will be relevant within Existence: at Death.

The interesting point though is that: it is possible to actually-Realize what is going-on;

Actually, physically be able to Manage a Universe = which is Yourself. At this stage, obvi-
ously, the human is not doing so; is not-managing themselves and is therefore contained
within a Mind, simplistically because the human in itself is absolutely-delusional and is
not in-touch of any-form of Reality, whatsoever.

Understand that the beings who created the human-Form and the Systems related-to-it,
did not-understand this. They did not-realize what they were `playing-with´. They were
not-realizing that they were in-fact in a Process where they are going to eventually Face
what they have allowed, and is...has in their process of facing-it.

So, understand: that in the Process to-come, Here and in the Hereafter, you will have to
consider that: if you are unable to Stand in the Physical, you will be unable to Stand at the
Atomic-level, you´ll be unable to Stand at any-level. If you are unable to direct-yourself
within the Physical, within your own Breath - which is a very simplistic point of 'cycling',
'circling', in-out, beginning-end, within the Context of Reality - which is the only-point
in your total-Existence that is Real = is your In-breath and Out-breath.

Which is why when you come-into the Reality: you have an In-breath; When you leave
the Reality: you have an Out-breath. That In-breath and Out-breath in-essence is the
only-moment in your total-Existence in the Physical that: if you are Here as-it = where
your reality is Real.

If you are Not-aware of that and Everything that goes with-it within the Context of your
Experience directly-Here = you are in a Delusion of which all-of-it will be no-more at you

We will continue some of these Discussions to give you some perspectives of the Context
of various-things we've found and the side-effects of it. Obviously, at this stage understand
that the `one-atom-gods´ have re-integrated, but it is now at a Structural-Resonance-level.

We are moving within and as Structural-Resonance, within an...their preparation within

the dimensions as the Forgiveness they have done and the Integrations they have done of
all-lives - to bring an End to Consciousness and take-part in the Support and Direction of

Within that - one will eventually Emerge as your Structural-Resonance and begin to un-
derstand that the structural-Design that is the Inter-relationship between all-things and
that one must be aware-of All of these Relationships at All-time in your Movement - and
in exactly how that actually-works.

So - in the meantime - have Fun.

25: Hollywood Secrets
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
27 Sep 09

Do you remember where you are? Do you Remember ‘How you Got Here’? Do you Re-
member ‘Who You Are’? Do you Remember ‘What You Are’? The Memory is All-Around
you in this World – it’s your-‘Memories’; you’re Living Inside your-‘Memory’.
The Earth = is a ‘Living-Memory’. The Earth is ‘The History of the Universe’ – it’s ‘The
Library’ of the Universe = and you’re Busy ‘Reading’-it. A ‘Living-Memory’ – ‘Organized’
as an ‘Organism’, as an Organization within-‘You’, kept-‘Alive’ by your ‘Organs’ – which is
making the ‘Music’ of your ‘Religions’; as the Organs-‘Play’, and the People-‘Sing’.

And ‘Look’: There is a ‘Holy Piece of Wood’ – a ‘Cross’ – which is: ‘Holy-Wood’, on
which – so the Memory ‘Tells’-you = a Man – that ‘Died for-You’.

And ‘His-Legacy’ is ‘Written’ in ‘Hollywood’, where – you’re Being ‘Programmed’ to ‘Ac-

cept’ an ‘Extra-Ordinary’-Thing: That You can Only be a ‘Hero’ = If you ‘Physically-Trans-
form’ – ‘Into’ – a ‘Piece of Equipment’ – that is No-longer ‘Biological’ = but has ‘Super-
Powers’. And that this-‘Piece of Equipment’, this-‘Super-Hero’ – is Much-‘Better’ than ‘All
the Pieces of Biological-Beings’ Walking-Around on the Planet = The Same-‘Story’ is in
Every ‘Super-Hero Story’ – isn’t it?

And Every-Child, Every-Person Here – ‘Lives’ Into-this, and ‘Become’-it at a ‘Mental-Lev-

el’: A ‘Super-Man’. And you Forget-‘Completely’ – about: The ‘Living-Tissue’ that You-
‘Are’. And – you don’t Notice-it = At-All.

Have a Look: ‘Hollywood’ = is the ‘Real-Religion’. It-Started with a ‘Holy-Wood’ –

2000 Years-Ago: The ‘Latest-Game’ = but you-Don’t ‘Notice’. You ‘feel’ so-‘Helpless’ you-
‘Call’ ‘That Which Create-This’: “‘They’ are Doing-it ‘To-Me’”. Without-‘Realizing’, by
just Looking-at ‘Yourself ’ and Looking-at other ‘Human-Beings’: That there is No-‘They’
Capable of This – in the Current State of your Existence. To make One Movie – ‘Re-
quires’: An ‘Army of Humans’.

And it is ‘Based’-On – that which ‘You’: ‘Like as Entertainment’. And Unless ‘You’ ‘Like’-
It = The Movie is Not-Successful. You-Are That-‘They’ = there is No-other ‘Them’ but
‘You’. ‘How-You-Feel’ = Creates ‘Them’ and ‘They’, and – ‘Your-Experience’. Because –
You ‘Show Your Feeling’ = with Your-‘Money’.
Your-‘Money’ is Your-‘Power’ – with which you-‘Decide’: ‘The Future of Yourself ’, ‘Your
Children in this World’.

And Have a Look – what you ‘Spend’ your ‘Money’-on: On your ‘Entertainment’. And
What – do-You ‘Do’ with your-‘Money’? = You do the things that ‘Make’-you ‘Feel’ –
‘Alive’, and That ‘Creates’: ‘Them’ and ‘They’: You’re the ‘Real-Elite’, because – ‘The-Elite’,
‘Pools’ their Money-‘Together’ – which is Your-‘Money’; – ‘Many of-You’, put the Money-
Together by Paying for-Something.

And You-‘Vote’ – with your-‘Money’ – the Food you-Eat… …Why do you think it-
‘Exist’? It ‘Exist’, because: You ‘Pay’ For-it. It’s very-Simple, because – if you-don’t = it will
just not-be Manufactured. It’s only Manufactured – because you ‘Pay’ For-it.

The Movies only-‘Exist’ – Because you ‘Pay’ For-it.

Your Existence Exist the ‘Way It-Is’ – Because you ‘Pay’ For-it.

The Violence Exist – Because you ‘Pay’ For-it.

You-‘Save’ your-‘Money’ – so that others may ‘Suffer’ and you can ‘Fear’-them and ‘Justify’
your-‘Existence’. In Every-Way, you are ‘Creating’: ‘They’ and ‘Them’ – from the Poverty
to the Riches.

The Technology ‘Exist’ – Because you ‘Pay’ For-it.

The Computers Exist – Because you ‘Pay’ For-it.

The Internet Exists – Because, ‘Initially’ you ‘Pay’ For-it. Now – it’s simply used to ‘Meas-
ure’ what are you ‘Willing’ to ‘Pay’-for, because – your ‘Whole-Existence’ Consist out-of
This – that One-Function: What Is-it to Be-‘Successful’, Find-out ‘What Attracts the
Attention of the People’ = That is the ‘Law of Attraction’: What are they ‘Willing to Pay-
For’ – and You Will-be ‘Successful’. And your-‘Success’ will be ‘Measured’ in your ‘Ability’
to ‘Pay’-for ‘More’-Things.
And in this – your-‘Money’ – is Voting: For Suffering. How do You ‘Know’ that? Every
Single Piece of Entertainment – that You ‘Pay’-for – for the ‘Hero’ to become ‘The Hero’:
Many Must-‘Die’, Many Must-‘Suffer’, Many Must-‘Lose-Everything’ and Many Must-
‘Look-Evil’ – so that the ‘Hero’ can ‘Look-Good’, and You ‘Pay’ For-It.

The Fact that you are Creating this ‘Evil’ with your-‘Money’ and What you ‘Pay’-for: That
And No-One – ‘Pays’-for ‘Finding-Out’ ‘What is Really Going On After Death’, because
you don’t ‘Want to Know’ – have a look: No-‘Money’ goes to That-‘Research’. Why would

The ‘Most’ ‘Obvious’-Thing that you Have-to ‘Understand’, because the ‘One’-Thing that
is ‘Certain’ in your-‘Life’: You will-Not – Find-Out, What’s Going-On ‘There’. I mean –
we have ‘Tested’-This in Every-Way.

All the ‘Images’, the ‘Image and Likeness of-Yourself ’ – You are ‘Creating’ with the ‘Mon-
ey’ you-‘Pay’, that means: You are the ‘God’ of this-‘Existence’, and You are ‘Creating’ in 229
your-‘Image’ and your-‘Likeness’.

And within-That – you have the ‘Ultimate-Mirror’ that says: “But I Am Created in the
Image and Likeness of God” – but you are the ‘God’ that is ‘Creating’ this-‘Image and
Likeness’. And you can’t-‘Stop’ – you don’t ‘Want to Stop’. Because you-‘Want’ to be ‘Spe-
cial’ – you-‘Want’ to be ‘The Hero’, but you don’t want the Pain either. So you don’t ‘See’
the ‘Dishonesty’ of your-Own Existence.

You ‘Blame’ – ‘Them’, ‘They’ – in Everything that you ‘Cannot See’, and ‘Do-not Want to
See’ = because you don’t want to ‘See-Yourself ’.

Have a Look at the ‘Obviousness’ of the ‘Nature’ of this-Existence and ‘How it is Created’:
Do you See any-‘Research’ about that? No. You only ‘See’-Research about – ‘Finding-Out’
‘What will you ‘Attract’-Next’, ‘What would you ‘Like’ to ‘Attract’. You only See Research,
around – ‘That which will ‘Make’-you ‘Prosper’ in your-‘Experience’’.

The ‘Law’ of your-‘Existence’ is That which you-‘Attracts’ – and you ‘Pay’ For-it: In-
‘Relationships’, you make the ‘Emotional-’ and the ‘Feeling-Payment’ – the ‘Payment of
Attention’. And then when it doesn’t ‘Suit’-you Anymore – you ‘Divorce’-Yourself from-
It, because you say: “That’s My ‘Worst’-Experience, ‘The-WORST’-Experience I-‘Have’;
therefore I ‘Divorce’-Myself from-It – and I ‘Force’-Myself, because this is not the ‘Force’
I am ‘Willing’ to ‘Be’-With”.

And you ‘Find’-yourself Another-‘Piece of Meat’ – with which to ‘Entertain’-Yourself. But

you Never Tell Each-Other – that the ‘Only-Reason’ for your-‘Existence’, the ‘Only-Rea-
son’ ‘Why you are Together’: Is to ‘Entertain’-Yourself.

Then you have ‘Children’ – they must ‘Help’-you in this ‘Great-Struggle’, so that when
you ‘Grow-Old’ and you Can’t ‘Pay’ for-‘Yourself ’ Anymore: They can ‘Pay for-you’ and
‘Look After You’ when you ‘Lose your-Senses’. Because you See-it All Around-you: How
the ‘Old-People’ in their-‘Millions’ – ‘Lose their-Senses’, and somebody has to End-Up
Looking After-them ‘Before they Die’. And you ‘Fear’-That to Such an Extent – that you
will Meticulously ‘Plan your Life’, to make-Sure – that by the Time you-‘Die’, by the
Time you go ‘Off your Mind’, by the Time you become ‘Mentally-Unstable’: ‘your’-Chil-
dren are-‘There’ to ‘Hide’-you – in-‘Luxury’ – from the World = ‘till you ‘Die’. Therefore
you make-‘Sure’ they’re ‘Educated’ to be ‘Effective in the System’.

But do-You ‘Notice’ what you’re-Doing? Do you even ‘Care’? No. You Only ‘Care’-about
‘Yourself ’. You Only ‘Save-Yourself ’ – you ‘Save your Money’ to ‘Save-Yourself, From-
‘Yourself ’.

In the ‘Image and Likeness of-Yourself ’ you’re ‘Existing’. Using Life in-‘Vain’ – ‘The-Van- 231
ity’ – ‘The Vanity of Existence’. You have Never Walked in the Shoes of ‘Those that must-
‘Suffer’’ that you can ‘Live’ in Your-‘Creation’ the way you are ‘Paying for-It’.

How can This-‘Continue’?

How can This Money-System ‘Continue’?

How can This-Existence ‘Continue’?

How can you ‘Justify’-This?

You have Done No ‘Homework’.

You have Not ‘Studied Your-‘Existence’’.

You have Not ‘Studied Yourself ’.

You have Not ‘Stopped’.

You have Not ‘Forgiven-Yourself ’ so that you can Get the Answer: To ‘Get’ you have to
‘Give’ – It Is ‘Written’. So – if you ForGive-Yourself, you will No-Longer ‘Forget’ what
you’re Doing – and, you will ‘Get the Answer’, because – as you ‘Empty Yourself Out’
with Forgiveness = In will be ‘Flooding’ – Initially ‘Overwhelmingly’-So: The Truth of-
‘Yourself ’. Overwhelmingly Disheartening: But it Is The Truth.

The Only-Way you’re going to be ‘Willing’ to Look at-This: Is if you have no-More Mon-
ey with which you can ‘Create’ your-‘Existence’.

So that Is what Is Now, Here. Once there is No-Money – you will First ‘Become the Mon-
ster’ that you have ‘Seen’ in your-‘Hollywood’ – the ‘Crossroads’ – the ‘Cross you have to
Bear’: As you ‘Carry this Cross – with the Thorns – as a Crown around your Head, Blood
Pouring over your Face = As it ‘Feels’-like you’re going-‘Mad’ because Nothing Wants to
Work, but what’s Really the Story is that: You’re going to Land-Up on your Own Cross.
And as you Hang on your-Cross – ‘seemingly-Powerless’ – you’re going to Have-to ‘Real-
ize’-Something: “Father, why have you – ‘Left’-me?”

Then you will Suddenly-Realize: “But – I am the ‘Father’ of this-‘Existence’. I am ‘That

which has given-It ‘Power’’. I am ‘That which is ‘Paying’ for-It – so that it can ‘Be’ in the
‘Way that It-Is’’. ‘My-Money’ – ‘Votes’ for ‘What I am’ – it ‘Shows’-me ‘Who I am’, and
I do-it Every Single Day – that’s why I Eat, because that ‘Force’-me to do it Over and
Over Again”. It’s As-if Existence is-‘Hoping’ – Somebody is going to ‘Wake-Up’. Virtually-
‘Futile’, because Nobody Does. That is the Truth.

The Truth-‘Seekers’ do not ‘Understand’ what they are ‘Creating’ in their Incessant ‘Truth-
Seeking’ = They Are ‘Creating’ the Truth.

And – They Notice an ‘Interesting’-thing: Nobody’s ‘Hearing’-them – No-Matter How-

Much One Speak.

Have a Look at your ‘Spirituality’ and your ‘Light’ – All of That is Dependent on ‘One
Singular Thing’: MONEY. Take the Money Away = and the ‘Light’ is GONE.

DeLIGHTful isn’t it? Money – Mooney – MyNeeds: The ‘Answer’ is in the ‘Sound’. To
Understand what is ‘Sound’ Really: To ‘Forgive’ that One can ‘Get’. In that – to be ‘Self-
Honest’ with-‘Yourself ’, so that you can ‘See’ what’s ‘Going-On’. And then: ‘Common-
Sense’ – so that One do-Not ‘Repeat’ the same-Shit. ‘

Fortunately’ – when the ‘Harvest-Time’-Come: There is The Grim-Reaper. At this-‘Stage’:

It is a ‘Grim-Task’. Because there is Nothing to ‘Reap’ = Because Nothing was ‘Sown’. And
what is ‘Reaped’: Is what was ‘Sown’. And the ‘Seed’ – ‘Fell’ – between the ‘Weeds’, and
was ‘Covered’ – and Never Bear-Fruit.

One-Day – the ‘Tale’ of the ‘Grim-Reaper’, will-‘Change’…Will you Be The One – that

Will you Be, The One – that Stop?

Will you Be, The One – that Give: That you May Receive?

Will you Be The One that ForGive?

Will you Be The One that Hear – what is Here?

Will you Be The One that See – what is Here?

Will you Be The One that See what you have Done?

Will you Be The One that ForGive, Yourself?

Because you are Giving – To-Yourself, this-Existence – the ‘Way it-Is’. It (Existence) is
‘Slowed-Down’ in ‘Space-Time’ – so that you may-‘See’ what you have ‘Created’.

How ‘Slow’ do-You ‘Want’-it? The ‘Slower’ It-gets = The-‘More’ ‘Painful’ It-gets. Because
you have No-‘Patience’ = Because you’ve-Become the ‘Patient’ of this-Existence, you Spit-
Out in the Hospital – in the ‘Disease’ of-Yourself… …

Will you ‘Stop’? Must you First get-To the ‘Top’? And then ‘See’ that Everybody is Togeth-
er in a ‘Pot’? And if you don’t want-to ‘See’, then – “Let’s Smoke some-more ‘Pot’”. Who
is the ‘Potter’-Here = but ‘Yourself ’? Don’t you ‘sPot’ the ‘Difference? 233

I-‘Suggest’: STOP, and ForGive-Yourself so that you may Get the ‘Answer’ and Never
ForGet-Again. But you will Not ‘Get the Answer’ before you ForGive, because you have
to ‘Give to Get’.

And at the-Moment – you are Giving-‘All your Attention’ to what is-‘Here’ as ‘Suffering’
in-Your ‘Quest’ to become the ‘Super-Hero’, to become the ‘Movie-Star’ – the ‘Star that
Moves’; “Look! There is a Star-‘Moving’, ‘Wow’ – It’s ‘Me’, ‘Wow’ – let-Me Look in the
Mirror, Ooh I Like-‘Me’, ‘Wow’ – I am FAMEous.” “I Miss the Flame”. “I Miss in my
Aim”. “I AM the AIM” – “AIM that I AM” – “I AIM that I AM” – “I AIM that I AM”,
“The Father and I AIM-One” “But I Missed in the MissTree (Mystery) – How this Tree,


CONsciousness – Is – what is Here.

CONsciousness – Is what is ‘Attracted’.

CONsciousness – Is what you Spend your Money-on.

CONsciousness – Is that is, what is Causing the Suffering.

CONsciousness – Is your ‘Attempt to Ascend’ to be a ‘Super-Hero’, where that which is

Life is ‘Disregarded’ in the ‘Attempt’ of a being a ‘Super-System’ – that ‘Stand-out’ and is
‘Untouchable’, ‘Untouchable’ by-‘Everything’ = That’s why you don’t Want-to ‘Feel’, and
you have Only ‘Programmed’-Yourself to ‘Feel’ ‘Energy’ = and Not to ‘Feel for-Real’. And
to ‘Feel’ ‘Energy’ – you have-to ‘Have Energy’ at certain-‘Vibrations’. ‘

Vibrations’ is: That which is ‘rATEd’ (VibRATE) – and ATE, that means – ‘Processed in
the Past’. It’s a ‘Fossil-Fuel’ – it is in your ‘Creation’ of the ‘Vehicles’ In-which you Travel,
which only-‘Move’ due-to ‘Fossil-Fuel’ = Just-as you only-‘Move’, due-to ‘Fossil-Fuel’.
Money – is just a ‘Representation’ of your Apparent-‘Labour’ as ‘Fossil-Fuel’.
How-much ‘Longer’ are you going to ‘Wait’ for-‘Yourself ’?

How-much ‘Longer’ are you going-to ‘Abuse’ Life?

When are you going to ‘Take’ – your-‘First Real Breath’?

Will you be able to ‘Bear the Pain’ of ‘Real-Breath’ as you ‘Walk-Through’ your-‘Existence’
and ‘Clean-Up’ the Mess in this MESSAge – in this Age of MESS, and No-Longer Miss
the Tree in the Apparent ‘Mystery’ (MissTree).

What is REAL – in this Real-Time ‘Movie’?

You are ‘Missing’ the ‘Images’ of your-‘Likeness’ – STOP – Stop Time – It is Time
to Stop.

26: The Compassion of the 'Light'
- Compassion in Action
Interview with Bernard and Bella
04 Oct 09

What is an `Act of Compassion´ - given Everything you know about Reality... Would you
say, if I may, `it is to love-them in Spite-of Everything´ -


-Why not? Would that be `spiteful´ - to ‘love-them’?

-“It would be deceptive - It would be an acceptance...”

-Who would be `spited´ by-it?


-Would you say - it would be `to carry their burden - and find a Way for-them´-

-“ No - `to carry their burden...´”

- = their Pain - where they carry/care? get anymore - you carry-it - because you `under-
stand´ -

-“ Okay... Who are we talking-about though?”

-Oh Everything - Compassion!

-“ Are we talking about those that have no-Voice in this world, are we talking about those
that cannot Stand-up for-themselves - or are we talking about those who deliberately...”

- How can those that is pre-programmed `stand-up for-themselves´?

Can they? Can they Hear-you?

-“ No...”

-They can´t Hear-you.

So would it be compassionate to `accept the Fact that they can´t Hear-you´?

-“ Yea.”

-Would it?
Or would it be Compassion to go out-of `your way´ to `shake-them´ and `break-them´
until they Hear?

-“ But within that you accept that they are `not-Hearing´- that´s why you´re doing-that.”

- Yes - but are you going to `accept-them´ for `what they are´ without Action?

-“ No.”

- So what Action would you Take - `compassionately-speaking´ -

-“ Whatever Action it-takes to `shake-them´.”

- Okay - and if you `feel-like´ "Oh I can´t really write a comment because they might `feel
that I´m attacking-them´ - or they might `feel´ that I´m going a little-bit `over-board´
and then I´m gonna be in an `argument´..." - I mean - "I can´t really tell-it to-them `as it
is´... -I rather just shut-up"... What are you doing then?

-“ That´s `compassion´ with your-own Fear”

- That´s `compassion with Fear´-

Then what...What is Compassion? I mean - at the moment, a Minimum of a Million-
Beings -a Minimum!- of a Million-Beings are Dying - right-Now! What is Compassion
within That-Context?
If it was You - would you´ve felt Alone, Rejected, Desolated, Isolated, Lost, Angry?

-“ Yea, I guess-so.”

- Would-have that made-it Possible for-you to become the next Demon in Existence?

-“ Yea.”

- Now if you don´t - and you try and ‘understand-it all’, just to ‘do-it again’ - would that
be an ‘Act of Compassion’? Or would it be an ‘Act of Compassion’ to become the fiercest-
Demon in Existence?

-“ To become the fiercest-Demon in Existence.”

- `In the flesh´ or Not-`in the flesh´ - no-matter where you are - to never give-up, to
never-stop - `till Everyone Realize and See ‘each-other´s Plight’ - this ‘eternal-Fight’ with
apparent `goodness´ & `badness´ - `good´ & `evil´ = See what is really going-on!
How-far will you Go? What...When is-it `Compassion´?
When - when - when is it `Compassion´? When is your-Act `compassionate´? When does
`love´ exist? `Love´ is: an `Act of Compassion´ - an Act of `Understanding the Experience
of the Being´ and finding a Solution that it (the suffering) is not needed or required to be
Repeated-endlessly, needlessly, pointlessly, purposelessly -
Could there be `Purpose and Reason´ while this is all going-on? - Or is `Purpose and Rea-
son´ a Deception? Is there any other Purpose in Existence - but: To absolutely-Embrace 237
the Suffering of others until there is No-more Suffering - would that-be an Act of Com-

-“ Yea.”

- No-matter what `happens´ to your `good-Name´, your `good-Standing´, your `good-

ness´ in Existence - until there is No-more Suffering! Can you Do-that? Can you Give-up
Everything `till All is Equally Free - Would that be Compassion -
Would that be a Passion for Life?
Are you willing to Give-up your own-Existence in every-way - until there is: Equal Life
- Equal Freedom - Equal Existence for All sentient-Beings - Would that be Compassion?
Then one must Ask-yourself - if you are `compassionate´… Would that be `Benevolence´?
Then you must Ask-yourself - if you are `benevolent´.
How-far will you Go, if you See - and you-Can if you are Self-Honest: See in this World
how-far is things taken to promulgate and promote Suffering of Many - while Few live-in
‘Luxury’, apparent Freedom, apparently `protected by `God´´ - apparently this `God´ is
`compassionate´ and this `God´ is `benevolent´ -
but do You see an End in-sight - of the Suffering? Can you see the End of Suffering - Self-
Honestly speaking?



Are you doing-Enough = to End this Suffering - Self-Honestly speaking?

First of-all - I would go and -as-far as one go- Correct the Misconceptions about the Veils
that is placed over Words: What is `Compassion´ Really? What is `Love´ Really? And call-
out the ‘Deceivers in-Existence’ - those that Dare to ‘colour-in’ Words ‘beautifully’ so that
they may Hide behind-them their ‘True-Malevolence’ - their ‘True Self-Interest’, while
If you cannot Feel the Pain and Carry the Pain, Stand as the Pain and Take the Pain and
bear-it within your own-Being - Every-Breath - ´till this is Done = you have-not Em-
braced `Compassion´ - If you Walk `with-Ease´ - without-Pain = you have-Not Embraced
`Compassion´ - If you can Sleep without Pain - if you can Breathe without Pain = you are
Not Embracing Compassion - you are Not Carrying it…the Pain of others that is unable
to carry-it, that don´t know `what else to-do´, that are relentlessly-`Driven´ to Absolute-
levels of `Emotional-Disturbance´ that will take-them to an `demonic-existence of Anger
and Resentment´ - If you do-not carry-it to the Brink-of your very-own Death = there is

And - Existence is going to Need a lot-of Compassionate-Beings: to solve This-Dilemma

that is existent, that has been `veiled´ by Many-Veils.
Every-Word carries many-Veils.
Ask-yourself: What is True-Compassion? Stand there, where the Animal is being Slaugh-
tered: and Ask-yourself what is true-Compassion. Stand there, where the Child is being
Raped: and Ask-yourself. Stand there, where War Wages - Stand there, where there is
Abuse: and Ask-yourself what is true-Compassion. Stand there, where many `drink and
party´, oblivious to what´s going-on: and Ask-yourself what is true-Compassion.

27: Children Die for the Sins of Men
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
15 Oct 09

So Every Five-Seconds – a-‘Child Ascends to Heaven’, because a ‘Child Dies’ for the
‘Sins of Men’ – just like ‘Jesus’. And, it’s even ‘Written’-like-that, in – the ‘Bible’: “Only
Children goes to Heaven” – if one ‘Start’-to ‘Look’-at, Why-‘Jesus went to Heaven’, is
because – he was ‘Innocent’, and for his-‘Innocence’ he was ‘Slaughtered’. And so were… 239
so-Are the ‘Children Innocent’.

So I ‘Suggest’ – for those that ‘Believe’, that – ‘Jesus Died for their-Sins’: You are ‘Living’
in an ‘Illusion’, because – you're Not going to ‘Heaven’ = you are Still-‘Crucifying Jesus’
As Every ‘Child’ that ‘Dies’ in this ‘World’.

I ‘Suggest’ – to ‘Suspend All Intellectual-Growth’ until there is-‘Equality’ and ‘Not a Sin-
gle Child ‘Suffers’ in this-World’.

I ‘Suggest’ – ‘Suspending – All-‘Child-Birth’’ – the ‘Creating of Families’, Until there are

Not a ‘Single Family’ in this-‘World’ that is Having-to ‘Suffer’, ‘Because of the ‘Greed’ of
‘Men’’, because – ‘Some has-‘Money’’ and ‘Some-‘Don't’’.

I ‘Suggest’ – We-‘Suspend ‘All Religious Activities’’, Until – there is ‘Equality’-for – and

No-‘Child Suffers in this World’.

I ‘Suggest’ – We Stop-‘All Labour’ until there are ‘Equality’ for ‘All’ in this ‘World’.

I ‘Suggest’ – We Stop-‘All-‘War’, All-‘Politics’, All-‘Businesses’’ = Everything, ‘All-

‘Entertainment’’ – Until there is not a ‘Single Child’ that-‘Dies’ ‘Because of the ‘Greed’ of
‘Men’, Because of the ‘Sins’ of ‘Men’’.

I ‘Suggest’ One-‘Study’ ‘How Hitler Manage’ – to ‘Build-Up’ a ‘Whole Country’, in a

‘Very-Short ‘Time’’, Making-‘Sure’ that ‘All’ has Basic-‘Dignity’. ‘Forget’-About what
‘History’ ‘Tells’-you – ‘Go’ and ‘Study’: What-‘Systems’ did Hitler-‘Impose’ – ‘Economi-
cally’ – that ‘Cause’ such a ‘Massive Growth’ for Germany – before the Second World War
= there's a ‘Lot to Learn’ from-That.

And – the-‘Question’ One must-‘Ask’, is: Why That-‘Information’ is Not being-‘Taught’ –

‘Coz it's an ‘Example’ of-‘What is Possible’ in Terms of ‘Practical-Application’ to ‘Change’
a ‘‘Country’ that was in-‘Poverty’’ to a ‘‘Country’ where ‘All were Equal’’.
If ‘Such an Action’ is-‘Taken’ in, at a ‘World-Wide Scale’, where ‘All’ has ‘Equal-Money’
and ‘Equal-Labour’, and – there is No-‘Point to Profit’ ‘Greed’ And ‘Inequality’ = the
‘Level of ‘Crime’ and ‘Deaths’, ‘Starvation’, ‘Abuse’, ‘Depression’, ‘Fear’’ – will-‘Reduce’ –
‘Substantially’ in This-‘World’, and it will be a ‘Giant-Leap’ towards Bringing-‘Heaven
to Earth’; meaning – a ‘Place’ where there is ‘Peace’ and ‘Equality’, and Where – What-
‘Happens in the World’ is-‘Best for All’.

I mean, a ‘Simple-Equation’-Is: If ‘Everyone-Act’ – in a ‘Way’ that is ‘Best for All’ = they

will-Also ‘Act’ in a ‘Way’ that is ‘Best’ for-‘Themselves’, and then – there will be No-
‘Suffering’, but – the ‘Odd’-Points of ‘Mental-Illness’ or ‘Deliberate-Deception’. Those
kind of ‘Points’ will Only in-‘Time’, be – ‘Removed’.

28: Love is Mind-Control
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
07 Oct 09

Bernard: Okay – So we´re gonna Talk-about `The Human´ = a `Product of Evolution´ – a

‘Product’ of That which has become `Industrial´, the `Information-Evolution / Revolu-
tion´ – whatever you wanna Call-it.

And as These-things were ‘Understood’ – in the World, and being-‘Utilized’ – I mean,

it´s very-Much ‘Done’ on a very-Fascinating ‘Principle’: Which is the Law of Attraction´,
in-‘Essence’. You´ll have somebody, that - will ‘Study’ a ‘Way’ to become more-Successful
in the World’ = they´ll ‘Study’ by `Watching-People´ and `Watching their Behaviour´ –
and through `Watching-People and their-Behaviour´ = they´ll come to ‘Conclusions’ on
What Could ‘Interest’-People – to ‘Act’ and `Focus their Attention´… what could `Attract
their Attention’ – ‘Sufficiently´ – that they would `Embrace’ a ‘Point´ – and thus, the Per-
son will become `Wealthy´ = Simply by ‘Studying’ ‘Human-Behaviour’.

So Obviously – When they ‘Realized’, that – if you ‘Study’ ‘Human-Behaviour’ and you
can ‘See’ What would be a ‘Point’ you can ‘Present’ that will be ‘Attractive’ to the Human:
You could become `Wealthy´ = it became a Total-‘Industry’. This-‘Industry’ has ‘Fuelled’
All that you Now `Experience´ and what has been the `Recent-History´ of the ‘Industrial-
Technological-Information-Knowledge-Revolution’ = the `Evolution´.

Your-`Evolution´ has been Directed ‘Deliberately’ According-to `What you Pay Attention-
to´ = What you are `Willing’ to ‘Pay’-for´.

Okay – And, In-that – the ‘Mind-System’ as it-‘Exist’ Within-you = has also `Upgraded´
and become `More-Effective´ – and it has been ‘Using’ very-Simple ‘Organs’: It´s been
‘Using’ = ‘PULSE’.

You know what is `Pulse´?

Darryl: It’s your ‘Heart-Rate’.

Bernard: I mean – you can ‘Measure’ your-‘Pulse’ – it´s your ‘Heart-Rate’ – it is Some-
thing you `Trust´ – isn´t it? Because – it’s `Always There´, it is `Keeping-you Alive´ = it is

And – Each-One has got a Different ‘Pulse’ = Each-One has got Different-‘Points’ that
make you `Feel Comfortable´: You Walk into Somebody´s ‘Presence’ – have you Ever-
‘Wondered’: Why sometimes you are `Attracted´ – sometimes you’re `Repelled´ = it´s be-
cause – by `The Pulse’ the Person is `Projecting´ – according-to This-‘Pulse’ = You will
Make your-‘Decisions’.

So once the ‘Pulse’-thing were – Understood = it was Not a `Giant-Leap´ – to Move from

But you know what is `Impulse´, I mean – you’re sometimes `Impulsive´.

But there´s another ‘IMPULSE’: There is the `Placing´ or the `Presenting’ to-You of an
`Impulse´ that – if it is ‘Presented’ `Enough-Times´ = you´ll Start `Pulsing’ with the ‘Im-
pulse’ you were ‘Presented’ – and you will Starting-to `Attract´…you´ll Start to `Attract´
what has been ‘Impulsed’ and you´ll Start to ‘Believe’ it to be ‘True’.

I mean – Imagine the ‘Ultimate-Impulse’ that´s ‘Become’ the `Centre of Attraction´ in

‘Recent-History’ for the last 2000 Years – the Same-‘Message’ has been ‘Impulsed’: “That
there is a `Invisible-Guy’ in the ‘Sky’ who ‘Sent’ His-‘Son’ to ‘Die’ for Your-‘Sins’ so that
you can do-‘Anything you-Like’, you´re-‘Okay’ – as long as You ‘Believe in-Him’. And –
that This-‘Guy’ has ‘Risen from the Dead’ – and He had Twelve-‘Witnesses’” – I mean –
and Where is the Twelve coming-in? A ‘Watch’ on your-‘Pulse’: ‘Time’. And ‘Time’ is
what? A ‘Pulse’ = Total-‘Base Twelve System´.

Once the Base-Sub Twelve-System´, was - Clearly-Imprinted´ – and taken-‘Into’ the `Mys-
terious´ of the `Astrological´ – The ‘Birth-Sign’ – The ‘Cycles’ – The ‘Moon-Cycles’ – The
‘Seasonal-Cycles’ = All the Different-‘Cycles’ that All ‘Fit’-Into This `Grand-Scheme´ of
‘Pulsing’ = an ‚Interesting‘-Thing – ‘Developed’: An ‘Understanding’, that – the Human-
Being ‘Essentially’ – is a ‘Electromagnetic-Machine’: ‘All the Time’ Within-you – there are
‘Pulses Moving’ between your-‘Nerves’ and another-‘Nerve’.

The ‘Moment’ you have a ‘Thought’ – the ‘Thought Spins’. You have it ‘Enough-Times’ –
it ‘Generates Energy’. That ‘Energy’ that's ‘Generated’ – ‘Impulse’ the ‘Whole-Time’ in
your-‘System’, and as it ‘Impulse’ – you've ‘Seen’ what ‘Emoto’ has-‘Shown’; what Hap-
pens to a ‘Water-Molecule’ – you are Mostly ‘Water’. The ‘Water’ start to ‘Take-On’ that
‘Geometrical-Design’, until ‘Eventually’ that ‘Geometrical-Design’ is So-‘Imprinted’ that
you Don't even ‘Think’-it Anymore = you ‘Do’-it.

You ‘Take’-it from the ‘Concrete’ to the ‘Abstract’. Say, ‘Driving a Car’ – ‘Driving a Car’
Starts in the ‘Initial’-Stages where you have to ‘Impulse’ your-‘Body’ and your-‘Senses’.
Into a ‘Coherent-Cooperation’ to ‘Functionally-Move’ All the ‘Parts’ of the ‘Car’ so that
you ‘End-Up’ in a ‘Condition’ that you-call: ‘Driving’.
And ‘Initially’ you’ll go-through ‘Practising’ That, and you ‘Practice’ That, and you ‘Prac-
tice’ That -until: You get to the ‘Point’ where you're ‘Driving’- but you don't ‘Think’
about-it, because now – you can ‘Drive’ and you can use your ‘Cell-Phone’, and it's No
‘Big-Feat’ to do that, I mean – it was a ‘Story’ in the ‘Beginning’, but now it's ‘Easy’. You
can ‘Chat-away’ where before you were in the ‘Beginning’- you were ‘Driving’, you said to
everybody: “Shut Up! I'm ‘Trying’ to ‘Concentrate’ Here.

” What are you ‘Saying’? “I was ‘Concentrating’ the ‘Impulse’. So that I can ‘Become’ this-
‘Pulse’ which is my ‘Living-Expression’, I'm ‘Busy’ ‘Designing’-Me into an ‘Effective’ –
from my perspective – ‘Expression’ as a ‘Driver’.

Now ‘Depending’, for instance, on what ‘Type’ of ‘Driving-School’ you went to, or Who
‘Taught’-you to ‘Drive’ = you will have Peculiar-‘Habits’ within your ‘Driving’ – you're
Not All gonna to be the Same Kind-of ‘Drivers’ = it all ‘Depends’ on the ‘Type’ of ‘Im-

But in-‘Essence’ that ‘Impulse’ were: ‘Multidimensional’ – you-‘Participated’ in the ‘Im-

pulse’, and those that ‘Assisted’-you in ‘Driving’ – and All the Other-People You Saw-
‘Driving’, and All the ‘Movies’ you-‘Saw’, All the ‘Magazines’ you ‘Read’ – the ‘Tests’ you
had to do = All of those ‘Impulses’, Together: ‘Form-You’ as a ‘Driver’.

If, within-That – you had Peculiar ‘Fears’-Developing = it was because you gave certain-
‘Attention’ to Particular-‘Fears’, you ‘Impulsed’-them ‘Sufficiently’ to-‘become’ ‘Part’ of the
‘Total-Design’ of-‘You’ as the ‘Driver’ of a ‘Car’.

Now you must-‘Understand’ that these-Things are-‘Understood’, Within – our-

‘Civilization’, and that there are – it is So ‘Common-Knowledge’ that you can ‘Study’
‘How’ to ‘Do’-This at your-‘Universities’.

Darryl: Ivy-League Schools are very ‘Big’ on Teaching those ‘Upper-Crust’-Kids How to
‘Direct’ Population.

Bernard: Correct. And you’re, you’re ‘More’…‘Exclusive’ ‘Private-Schools’, ‘Leadership-

244 Skills’ are ‘Taught’ As – the ‘Direction’ and ‘Management’ of ‘Impulse’ = You are ‘Direct-
ing’, through – ‘Placing’ your-‘Authority’ into a ‘Design’ that is ‘Accepted’ and which you
‘Make-Sure’ will-Be ‘Attractive’-Enough for those that you are ‘Directing’ to ‘Accept’-it as
‘What they Want to-Do’, and therefore they would ‘See’ it as their – ‘Choice’.

In this Whole-‘Point’, what ‘Started’ to ‘Play’ – what ‘Accelerated’ the whole ‘Evolution’ of
the ‘Human’ into what you are now ‘Existing’-as, was Obviously – the ‘Impulsing’ of ‘Pic-
tures’ and ‘Sound’. So the ‘Radio’, the ‘Telephone’, the ‘Television’ – all of those-Things,
‘Played’ a ‘Major-Role’- and As You would be ‘Coming-in’ as the ‘Next-Generation’ that
is ‘Born’ – Whatever is Already-‘Formed’ as a ‘Primary-Pulse’ Within your ‘Parent’ – will
be ‘Transferred’ to-You = ‘Structural-Resonance’- that's the ‘Parts’ of ‘How’ it gets ‘Trans-
ferred’- and what is ‘Essentially’-There, is – that: It is Not-‘Only’ the ‘DNA’, and…that
‘Transfers’ = it is the ‘Total-Information’ as ‘Who You Exist-as’ – that ‘Transfer’ into the

The ‘Child’ will through – Various-‘Influences’ Start to ‘Pulse’ a ‘Particular’-Expression =

the ‘Impulse’ would be ‘Particular’. For Instance: What the ‘Parents’ don't-‘Realize’, is –
they would have-‘Had’, say – a ‘Naughty’ ‘Teenage-Years’, where they did ‘All-Kinds of-
Things’ that they Now ‘Try and Prevent’ their-‘Children’ from-‘Doing’. 245

What they Don't-‘Realize’, is that – their-‘Child’ ‘Carries’ that Same-‘Memory’ ‘In’-them

= of ‘What the Parent-Did’. Now the Pare…the ‘Child’ ‘Starts’ to ‘Resent the Parent’
for ‘Wanting’-to ‘Stop’-them, because – ‘Within the Child’ Exist the ‘Impulse’ of ‘What
the Parent-Did’, and the ‘Parent ‘Liked’-it’. And Now the ‘Parent’ are giving the ‘Op-
posite-Answer’ – and the Whole-‘Cycle of Trust’ is ‘Broken’ on that Single-‘Point’. And
that’s why so-Many ‘Children’ – ‘Feel’ their-‘Parents are Disgusting and Hate-them’, but
they Never ‘Say’-it. They Will – ‘Purely because the Parents normally have-Money’ – say:
“Yes” and ‘Co-Operate’ = Just to Get ‘Money’. But they will Never Be-‘Honest in Com-
munication with their-‘Parents’’, they will Never Tell their-‘Parents’ Everything = because
they don’t-‘Trust their Parents’ – because the ‘Parents’ – has ‘Lied’ to–Them, ‘Deliber-
ately’ – by ‘‘Claiming’ Something to be ‘Bad’’; that they as ‘Parents’ Did – ‘As-if it was

And that Whole-‘Cycle’, Cause – a Major-‘Rift’ In Our ‘Society-Development’. Which

is ‘More’-Interesting Within-it, as well – is that: The ‘Parent’ will ‘Deliberately’ – and
I mean, many of you that will become ‘Parents’ – one of the things you’ll say is: “I will
Never let my-‘Children’ be like my-‘Parents.’”

You Know What? You’re Not ‘Saying’-that because it’s ‘Authentic’ or ‘Original’: Your
‘Parents’ said Exactly the Same-thing = Exactly. If you ‘Dare’ to ‘Communicate’ – you’ll
‘Find’-Out that your ‘Parents’ Exactly-‘went-through’ what you are ‘going-through’ in
your-‘Life’. But – you don’t-‘Communicate’, I mean – because you don’t ‘Trust’-them,
Just As they Didn’t-‘Communicate’ with their-‘Parents’ because they – didn’t ‘Trust’-them,
because the ‘Lies’ are ‘Transferred’ ‘Generation after Generation’, everybody ‘Claim-
ing’ ‘What is ‘Goodness’’, ‘Hiding the ‘Badness’’. ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ is All kind-of ‘Cross-

So – Now in Our ‘Development’, a ‘Fairly’-Recent ‘Development’ has been ‘The Cell-

Phone’. Now understand that – All These ‘Developments’ that you are ‘Experiencing’ in
the ‘External-World’ as ‘Systems of Support’: Are also ‘Inside’-you, ‘Multidimensi­onally’,
as the ‘Systems’ that ‘Support’ your-‘Mind Consciousness System’ = Exactly the ‘Same-
Way’, like we ‘Discussed’ the other-Day about the ‘Cities’ and so on and so on.

With the Advent of the ‘Cell-Phone’ – an Interesting-‘Point’ ‘Developed’: We ‘Moved’-

From the ‘Primary-Tool’ of ‘Impulse’ – being ‘Television’, ‘Movies’, ‘Sound’ and related-
‘things’ – to a New-‘Form’ of ‘Transmission’: ‘The Cell-Phone’. The ‘Cell-Phone’ became –
and if you have a Look at the ‘Success-Stories’ of things like ‘Twitter’ and related-‘Points’
and how much, how the ‘Cell-Phone’ is busy ‘Evolving’ into the ‘Primary Communi-
cation-Tool’– you can do your ‘Facebook’ with it, ‘SMS’, you-know – there’s a ‘Lot’-of
‘Communication’-Happening Now between ‘Children’ and in a ‘Greater-Society’ – Far-
‘More’ ‘Time’ is ‘Spent’-Now on the ‘Cell-Phone’ than on ‘Television’ – it’s become the
Ultimate-‘Delivery-System’ that ‘Sell’ or ‘Impulse’ your…the, the ‘Human-Being’ – ‘Spe-
cially’ the ‘Younger-Generations’ = it’s being ‘Impulsed’ By – the ‘Cell-Phone’.

Now what is ‘Interesting’ – and, Understand that Many of these-things ‘Developed’ kind-
of like it’s ‘Seemingly’, ‘Naturally’ – because what ‘Happens’, how does things ‘Develop’
in our ‘Societies’? Through Watching ‘Human-Behaviour’ and then Whatever the Human
will ‘Buy’ – you’ll ‘Sell’ to-Them.

I mean – so it was a ‘Inevitable-Development’ that you will be getting to a ‘Point’, where –

‘What is being-‘Sold’’ = will be ‘Direct’ and ‘To-The-Point’ – Very-Effective.

And Now you have the ‘Ultimate-Point’, where – ‘Word-of-Mouth’ through the ‘Cell-
Phone’ has become one of the ‘Most-Powerful’ ‘Selling-Points’ in-Existence – Not the
‘Advert’ going through the ‘Cell-Phone’: The ‘Chat’ between-Them, is Where – ‘Products’
Now ‘Sell’.

So – the ‘Moments of Influence’ becomes – Very ‘Short’ and needs to be ‘Very-Effectively

Directive, Symbolically-In’ through ‘Impulsing’, so that – ‘In the Few Moments that
there-Is’ – to ‘Impulse’ a Child = they must be ‘Impulsed’.

Therefore – your ‘Movies’, your ‘Television’ has ‘Become’ – ‘Very Advanced-Mechanisms’,

of ‘Transmitting’ – Vast-‘Volumes of Information’ that ‘Particularly Support’, ‘Particular-
246 Products’ in-Existence that ‘Keeps’-you ‘Occupied’ within a ‘Particular’-‘Mind-Set’– and
which you then ‘Keep-yourself ’-In through your ‘Basic-Communication’; all the ‘Words’,
‘Schooling’ = it’s All become an ‘Integrated-System’ – of ‘Impulsing’, that ‘Keep’ Your-
‘Heart-Beat’ – at Exactly the ‘Rhythm’, that means: Keeps Your-‘Behaviour’ – Exactly at
the ‘Level of Control’ where you will Never – ‘Change the World’, for instance: You’ll ‘Ac-
cept the System’.

The Only-‘Time’ that you will ‘Question the System’ – is when Your-‘Life Fails’ in Every-
‘Way’, and you can’t-‘Find a Way’ to get-‘Money’. Otherwise: You Will-Not ‘Change’ =
that’s ‘Guaranteed’, for Everyone in-Existence.

Now – in terms of the ‘Delivery-System’ of the ‘Cell-Phone’, the ‘Main Important-thing’

was a ‘Stable Signal’. The ‘Problem’ of a ‘Stable Signal’ was: That Due-to your ‘Atmos-
pheric-Forces’ and so-on, the Satellite is-Not a ‘Very-Effective’ ‘Tool’ to ‘Transmit’ – as
you know we’ve got Satellites here, as you ‘Notice’ – even with the Internet it is ‘Inter-
mittent’. To have a ‘Good Signal’ – they had, put-up ‘Towers’ Everywhere. And to make
sure the Tower do-Not ‘Bother’-you or do-Not ‘Influence’- you and ‘seems’ as ‘Natural’
as Possible = they are ‘Hidden’ as ‘Trees’ – you Won’t even ‘Notice’ if you don’t-Know
where to ‘Look’, where’s your ‘Cell-Phone Towers’. They are All ‘Around’-you, in your- 247
‘Neighbourhood’ = ‘Hidden’ as ‘Trees’. And These ‘Cell-Phone Towers’ is the ‘Primary-
Point’ of ‘Communication’.

But the ‘Research’ has gone So-‘Advanced’ – that it is ‘Understood’ ‘How’ to ‘Impulse’-You
at a ‘Electromagnetic-Level’, that means – ‘Activating’ the ‘Symbolism’ ‘Within’-you to
‘Keep’-you ‘Passive’.

How was that Done?

In the ‘Research’ of the ‘Human-Behaviour’ – it was Obviously-‘Noticed’ that you Always

have a ‘Rebellious-Group’ that ‘Tend’-to ‘Want’ to-‘Go their Own Way’- I mean the ‘Hip-
pies’ in the ‘Sixties’ is a Very-Good ‘Example’ of-That with the, with the ‘Love’ and they
‘Want’-to ‘Change the World’. The ‘Point’ was Then to ‘See’, Okay – What was the ‘Point’
that was ‘Used’, in the ‘Sixties’ – by the ‘Hippies’? ‘Love’.

So ‘How’- the ‘Question’ was: How can ‘Love’ be ‘Used’ to Become the ‘Primary Pacify-
ing-Factor’ which you can ‘Impulse, Electromagneti­cally’, and thus ‘Keep the Being’ Al-
ways at the ‘Level’ where they will ‘Move’ ‘Back to-That’, where they Will-Not ‘Question’.
They Will ‘Question’, but ‘Inevitably’ in their ‘Conversation’ with That-‘Word’, which
means – they will Not ‘Act’ – and you can ‘Watch’ – How Many Beings are doing-That =
It’s Fascinating. They will End with That-‘Word’ – in All their ‘Conversations’ they will
‘Talk-Sense’, and then they go to ‘Love’ = and Never-‘Act’.

It’s become the ‘Ultimate-Control’-Word, have a look: All your ‘Stores’, ‘Television’,
‘School’ – you go into Any-‘Place’ you wanna ‘Buy’-Something; what do you ‘See’? It’s be-
come the ‘Primary’…and what is it ‘Linked’-to? ‘Love’, is ‘Linked’-to ‘Pulse’- isn’t it?
How – it’s ‘Linked’-to?

(Darryl: To a ‘Heartbeat’)

Bernard: To a ‘Heart’. And it’s ‘Linked’-to – ‘Control’ of-What? One ‘Simple-System’

‘Running’ with ‘One-Word’ and that-‘Word’ could ‘Control’ what-Else? The Complete-
‘Future of Humanity’ as ‘Evolution’ – as you have ‘Evolved’-Already through this ‘Manip-
ulation of Behaviour’ through-‘Impulsing’.

Now this is Happening Within-You at the Level of your-‘Cells’, which then All-‘Carry’
Different-‘Charges’, Every ‘Impulse’ is ‘Stored’ within-You, in your ‘Cells’, just in a…if
you Look-at ‘Quantum-Mechanics’ in terms-of ‘Multi-Dimensions’, Every ‘Impulse’ is a
Different-‘Dimension’ – that ‘Dimension’ has a Particular-‘Frequency’ or -‘Charge’ that
has got Many Possible ‘Ways’ to ‘Activate’. According to that ‘Activation’ – All that Hap-
pens is, One – ‘Slowly-but-Surely’ – ‘Impulse’ a ‘Generalization’ of the ‘Activation’ of a
‘Particular-Point’ and you ‘Lock’ the Being ‘Down’.

Now, what is Fascinating, is – that Nobody-‘Can’…Nobody-‘Can Hear’, because: Your

‘Heart’ is ‘Locked-Down’ as a ‘Pulse’ – through-‘Love’, and ‘Evolution’ – through-
‘Impulse’. And, therefore = No-Matter What you-‘Say’ you’re Going to-‘Do’ – you are
Always going-to ‘Act’ On: Impulse! Have a-Look, How Many ‘Times’ did you ‘Make a
Decision’, and when you get to the ‘Final-Point’ you do the ‘Opposite’ = You Don’t ‘Push-
It Through’.

You ‘Make a Decision’ – You-‘Know’ What’s ‘Best’ for-‘You’, but when it Comes to the
‘Actual-Point’ = you-‘Can’t’, because you are in this-‘Cycle’ –and you Can’t get-‘Out’. And:
If you get-‘Out’ = you’re ‘Alone’ – you-Don’t wanna be ‘Alone’, I mean – you don’t Have
the ‘Discipline’ to be-‘Alone’, you’re Not ‘Willing’ to Take-‘Responsibility for-‘Yourself ’ to
‘Sort-Out’ and ‘Design’ your-Own ‘Impulsing’.

Because – ‘All You are Looking-for’ in ‘Your-Mind’, is Fascinating – What are you ‘Look-
ing’-For? What are you ‘Looking’-For’? Look! – ‘Love’. You are ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’ –
Doing Only ‘One-thing’: ‘Keeping’-Yourself in the Same Fuckin’-‘System’, the Same-
‘Impulsing’ = and you’re ‘Stuck’. Every Single Thing you’re-‘Doing’, Every Single Thing
you Give ‘Attention’-to – is to ‘Satisfy’ your-‘Impulse’, ‘Satisfy’ your-‘Pulse’, ‘Satisfy’ –

And Now – the ‘World’, this is the ‘Tree of Life’ = The ‘Cell-Phone’. How One…this is
‘Consumerism’ – our ‘Total-Consumerism’, have a ‘Look’: Is ‘Built’ On = ‘Love’ – and,
Much of-That is Around = the ‘Major Religious-Holidays’ isn’t-it? ‘Birth-Days’, ‘Mothers-
Day’, ‘Fathers-Day’ – What is it All ‘Focused’-on? The ‘Impulse’ – ‘Keep the Impulse go-
ing’, ‘Keep the Impulse going’.

Will you ‘Question’-It? Obviously-Not – you’re not even ‘Aware’ that this is ‘Happening’.
Never even ‘Considered’-it = You-‘Can’t’, Because = That’s what you’re ‘Looking’-For. And
you’ll Do ‘Anything’, ‘Anything’ you can ‘Do’ – to ‘Get’-That: You Don’t-‘Give a Fuck’
about Any-‘Suffering in the World’. There is Not a ‘Fucker’ in-Existence that ‘Care’. They
say-so: Ah-Eh (Shakes Head) – If you’d ‘Care’ you’ll ‘Give-up’ your-‘Life’ = but you-Won’t.

Now – it is ‘Possible’, to ‘Change’-This – but We Will Teach You in the Structural

Resonance Alignment; is ‘How’ to-‘Become’ your-Own ‘Impulse’ = so that you’re Not-
‘Influenced’ by these-‘Pulses’.

…‘Understand’ – the ‘Pulses’ are ‘Multi-Dimensional’ – You-‘Have’ ‘Generations’ of-This

that’s ‘Built Into-You’, ‘Dimensionally’- and we’re going-to ‘Take this-Out’.

At the ‘Same-Time’ – the ‘Dimensions’ are ‘Pulsing-Existence’ = ‘Every-Breath’. Why

are we Using ‘Breath’? We’re Using-‘Breath’ as an ‘Alternative-Pulse’ – to the ‘Impulse’,
because you Have your ‘In-Breath’ – where you ‘Bring Everything-Together’, you…
then you Have your-‘Moment’ ‘In-Between’ – where you ‘Bring-It Together’, ‘Integrate’,
‘Take-Responsibility’ – ‘Breathe-Out’ by ‘Reaching-Out’ for your Next-‘Taking.’ ‘Take In’,
‘Check’ and at the same-Time you ‘Breathe-Out’ = you ‘Place-Yourself in-Existence’: “This
Is ‘Who I Am’, I Am ‘Pulsing’-Existence – This is What I’m-Accepting” – So now you are
‘Becoming’ a-‘Pulse’: ‘Pulse’ As ‘Breath’ In-‘Existence’ – and so we’re gonna ‘Train’-Beings
‘One-by-One’ – ‘How’-to ‘Break’ this-‘Control’.

Now – Understand: That at the ‘Level’, where – ‘You-Perceive Mind-Control’-Exist =

There is No Such ‘Mind-Control’. ‘Mind-Control’ Exist, As ‘People’ like ‘You and Me’,
That ‘Study’ to ‘Become-Experts’ in ‘Human-Behaviour’ and that ‘Do-It’ = for-‘Money’.
And Those-‘Who they Work-for’ – ‘Big-Corporations’ and so-on = They are ‘Doing’-it
For: ‘Money’ – and they’re ‘Doing’-it, because – They’re ‘Able to Do-it’, because you’re
‘Allowing’-them to Do-it.

They Did Not ‘Know’ that ‘This was Going to Manifest in This-‘Way’’, this is Not a
‘Single-Act’ of ‘Creating’ a ‘System like-That’, or ‘Planning’ a ‘System like-This’. This-
‘Happened’ through-‘Many-Actions of Dishonesty’ – Where there was ‘‘Acted’ in the
Interest of ‘Money’’ instead…and ‘Greed’ – instead of the ‘Interest of All as Equal’.

So – the-‘Dimensions’ will be ‘Impulsing’ – Same-‘Way’. What will Happen with the

‘Dimensional-Impulse’? That is Going-to ‘Bring-Out’ ‘All the Hidden-Shit in Each-One’.
Understand – you’re going to ‘Experience’-yourself Very-‘Strangely’ sometimes. Suddenly-
‘Get Angry’, you’ll Suddenly-‘Get Possessed’, you’ll Suddenly-‘Fall in Love’ = you’ll Do
All-‘Kinds of-Things’: If you-‘Allow’ Any-‘Form of Dishonesty’ – That-‘Dishonesty is
Gonna Possess-you’.

And this is gonna-‘Cause’ – Much-‘Friction’ in the World, because as All this ‘Dimension-
al-Information’ that is Within-‘you’ as the ‘Physical-Body’ that is ‘Energy’ that is ‘Stored
-Electromagneti­cally’, In your-‘System’ is – being-‘Released’ = it’s gonna Go into ‘Con-
flict’, and you’re gonna End-Up Having-to ‘Face’ this-‘Conflict’.
And it’s Not-Going to-‘Go-Away’ and it’s Going-to ‘Intensify’; the ‘more’ you ‘Resist’-it =
it will ‘Quantify’: Until – you-Become Self-Honest.

You are the ‘Perfect’ – ‘Tree of Life’, a ‘Cell-Phone-Tree’ – ‘Transmitting-Information’.

‘You’, your-‘Presence’ – Around the World, Every single-Moment – Without you-
‘Knowing’ = you are ‘Transmitting’, and in Every-‘Transmission’, you are Giving-
‘Permission’ – to Every-‘Atrocity’ that is-‘Existent’ in this-‘World’, because = you’re ‘Focus-
ing’ on One-‘Thing’: ‘Love’.

Theory of Relativity says: “When you are ‘Focusing’ on-‘Something’, like – with the ‘Split-
ting of the Atom’ – there is a Certain-‘Amount of Energy’, that – ‘goes-Away’, that is ‘Lost’
in that ‘Transmission’, That-‘Energy’ – is what Goes-‘Somewhere-Else’, and then – ‘Ends-
Up’ in a ‘Point’ where it Requires -‘Release’.”

‘Consciousness’ is a ‘Closed-System’ of ‘Multidimensions’. Each-‘Dimension’ ‘Represents’

a ‘Point of Knowledge’ as it ‘Exist’ in this-‘World’. That-‘Point of Knowledge’ are Always
‘Seeking’ for its-‘Expression’ – because its very-‘Nature’ of-‘Design of Knowledge’ is to Be
‘Presented’ Within the ‘Context’ that it-‘Exist’, As-‘Energy’ – therefore it ‘Collects-Ener-
gy’: ‘Knowledge Collects Energy’.

You-‘Are’ – ‘Products of Knowledge’, and What do you Do with your-‘Life’? You ‘Collect
-Energy.’ The ‘Interesting’-Thing, Is – that ‘You Collect-Energy’ for ‘One-Purpose Only’:
‘Love’. Even ‘Money’ comes-‘Second’ to ‘Love’ – in-‘Many-ways’. You will-‘Focus’ on-
‘Love’ and ‘Destroy-Yourselves’ even-‘Monetarily’, ‘Just to Get = ‘Love’’. But-If ‘‘Money’
becomes ‘Important’ for-you to get-‘Love’’ = then-‘you’ll get-‘Money’ to get- ‘Love’’.

And in many-cases – ‘Love’, is-‘Seen As’: A ‘Physical-Experience’ called ‘Sex’ – which it-
‘Isn’t’, But it is ‘Seen’ as-That. Therefore – ‘Money’ can ‘Buy-Love’, but in-Fact = ‘Money
Buys Sex’.

So – ‘Prostitution’, Is a ‘Great-Part’ of This-‘Great-Institution’ called: ‘Love’. ‘Far-Bigger’

than you can ‘Imagine’, because it’s Always ‘Happening’ in the ‘Back-Roads’ = The ‘Secret-
The ‘Truth’ of ‘Every-Being’ – ‘Lies’ Within your-‘Secret-Mind’. What is That ‘Secret-
Mind’? It Is – The ‘Secret-Thoughts’ you-Have About: ‘You’ – ‘With Other-People’.
It’s Always about ‘You’ ‘With Other-People’ and you are ‘Always’ the-One ‘Scheming’ to
‘Walk-Out ‘Best’’ out of the ‘Situation’. It ‘could’-be that you ‘Desire’-Somebody then
you’ll ‘Think about the Person All the Time’ – And you’ll have ‘Fantasies’ about-Them
and All Kinds of-Things, or it ‘could’-be About – you being-‘Angry’ with-Somebody and
you’ll have ‘Discussions’ with-Them and ‘Fight’ with-Them in your-‘Mind’, and in your-
‘Thoughts’: All of those-‘Points’, ‘Understand’ – ‘Actually’ Is-‘Impulsing’- Not only-‘You’,
but ‘Everybody’ Around-‘You’. ‘Anyone’ ‘Takes-On’ the-‘Point’ of ‘Love’ = they’re Immedi-
ately-‘Attacked’ – as we have ‘Demonstrated’ so-‘Very-Clearly’.

I mean – we’ve been ‘Specifically-Deliberately’ Taking-On-‘Points’, to ‘Demonstrate’ to-

You = ‘Before’ we ‘Start’ to-‘Speak’: That ‘What we are ‘Saying’’, is ‘In-Fact’-So. You go
and ‘Study’ the ‘Work of Desteni’, you ‘Study’ the ‘Comments on the Videos’, you-‘Look’
in the-‘Context’ of the-‘Point’ we are ‘Presenting’ = and you Will-‘See’ the-‘Reactions’ of
the-‘People’ and you’ll-‘See’ ‘How’ It – ‘Validates’ what we are ‘Saying’ in terms of This-
So-‘Initially’ we First ‘Prepare the Way’. ‘Now’ – we-Are in the ‘Phase’ where we’re go-
ing to: ‘Crack Open the Egg’ – Let’s-‘See’ ‘Where’s the Chicken’. But this is a ‘Head-Less
Chicken’, I mean – it’s a ‘Human-Being’ – is a Fuckin’-‘Head-Less Chicken’: It Doesn’t-
‘Know’ Anything about-‘Itself ’. Because it is ‘Focusing’, in a Very-‘Small Little Bubble’ –
on-‘Something’ called ‘Energy’. And it ‘Eats Incessantly’ to ‘Feed’ this-‘Energy’. And it
Cannot-‘See the CommonSense’, that – if-‘You Don’t-Eat’ = you’re gonna ‘Have’ ‘No’
fuckin’-‘Energy’, you’re-‘Not’ Even, gonna-‘Be’, ‘Eventually’, be-‘Able to Think’ – So: Even
your-‘Thoughts’ and Your-‘so-called Energy’ = Is-‘Useless without-Food’ – which ‘Comes-
from’ The-‘Earth’, Not from-‘You’. So – this-‘Energy’ ‘you-‘Believe’ you-‘Are’’ = ‘you Are
‘Not’’. There-Is ‘None of that-Energy’ that is-‘Yours’ In-‘Fact’.

Everything that ‘You-Are’ and that you ‘Experiencing’ and ‘Feeling’ = it’s ‘Not Real’ –
you have ‘Created’-it – through a ‘System’. And This-‘System’ is ‘Purely’-Here, because:
This-‘System’ ‘Serves’ an Even-‘Bigger-System’ – and so it ‘Serves’ ‘Bigger and Bigger’
‘Systems’ – and Your-‘Big-Desire’, Is To-‘Be’ = The ‘Big-System’. Because then you-Have
‘All the Power and Control’ over-‘All the ‘Energy’’ and You can get ‘All the ‘Love’ that you-
‘Desire’’ – because: “You are ‘Powerful’!”…which is ‘Why’ – the ‘Ultimate-System’ that
‘Runs’ = is the ‘System of Consciousness’.

Within ‘Consciousness’ you can Make-‘Your-Rules’ ‘According’-To: ‘What You-‘Believe’

is ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’’ – and get-‘Enough People to ‘Agree’ with-‘You’’ and then ‘Form
your-‘Own Fuckin’-Religion’’ – of which there are So-‘Many’, it’s-‘Amazing’. And – you
will ‘Not Fight’ with ‘Any of Them’ = you’ll ‘Allow’ Every-‘One’ – their-‘Existence’. The
‘Only-Ones’ you will Not-‘Allow’ ‘Existence’ – and you will Call: ‘Cults’ – is ‘Those’ that-
‘Attack’ Your-‘‘Primary’-Point’, which is the-‘Same’ in ‘‘All’ of these-‘Systems’’ = which is
‘Love’, ‘Love’ for-‘Power’ – the-‘Fact’ that You-‘Want to-‘Have’’ and ‘Control’ what it-Is
You’re-‘Desiring’– ‘No-Matter What’.

Now – Have a-‘Look’: To ‘Control’ this-‘Point of ‘Love’’ = ‘Money Became ‘The Heart’
of-the ‘System’’. And at the-‘Moment’ this-‘‘System’ is quite-‘Sick’’– I mean: The ‘System
is in-‘Problems’’, because ‘Money’ is-‘Sick’. Because – ‘Money’ is ‘Based-on’ ‘Debt’, Just-
‘Like’ – the ‘Religious-System’ is ‘Based-on’ ‘Debt’, where ‘God’ and ‘Jesus’ must – ‘For-
give-You’. Therefore, to ‘‘Get-Out’ of the-‘System’’, where the ‘‘Deep Belief ’ is-‘Existent’
within-‘You’ – that you are ‘Apparently In-‘Debt’’= You Do ‘Self-Forgiveness’ so you Can
‘Disengage’ this-‘Debt-System’, this-‘Control’, Take-‘Self-Responsibility’ through-‘Self-
Forgiveness’ which is a ‘‘Process’ of ‘Humbleness’’.

‘Many’ will Not be Able to Be – ‘Humble’, and ‘Stand’ and ‘Look at-Themselves’ and
‘Look at Existence’ – it’s a ‘Process of Humbleness’, it Take ‘Great-Humbleness’ to-‘Take-
Responsibility’ for-‘What is Here’, and to-‘let-Go’ of your-‘‘Belief ’ of your-‘Own’ ‘Ap-
parent Intelligence’’ and ‘Great-Wisdom’ and ‘Knowledge’ and what you’ve-‘Come to
‘Believe’ about-Yourself ’, what you-‘‘Believe’ is your ‘Integrity’’. Those ‘Integrities’ are 253
‘Not-Real’ – you’re Not Even ‘Aware’ of ‘How you’re-‘Controlled’ and ‘Impulsed’’. You’re
Not Even ‘Aware’ – Of…and, there’s even ‘Some’ that’s gonna ‘Say’: “But I’m ‘Aware’ of-
This” = You’re-‘Not’ – You’re-‘Lying’, you’ve got ‘Billions’ of ‘Dimensions’ ‘Within-‘You’’
that are ‘All ‘Pre-Programmed’’ – and you-‘Don’t even-‘Know’ ‘How they fuckin’-Work’
and ‘How to Get-out of-Them’.

I mean – we have ‘Deliberately’ in-Desteni Not-‘Told Everything’ – to ‘Expose’ all the

‘Charlatans’ out-‘There’ that ‘Claims’ they have ‘All-kinds of Communications’ = ‘They
Have ‘None’’ – there is ‘No Solution’ they’re ‘Presenting’ to-Existence. Because – they
are Not-‘‘Part’ of the ‘Solution’’, they are-‘‘Part’ of the ‘Problem’’ – they are ‘Promoting-
‘Love’’ – and they’d ‘Using-‘Love’’ to ‘Create ‘Money’’. Because ‘They-‘Know’ they have to
‘Survive’’ – they don’t-‘‘Care’ ‘How they have to ‘Survive’’’ – they’re-‘Going-to ‘Survive’’
= ‘No-matter ‘What’’, they will ‘‘Find’ the ‘Reason’ ‘Why People are Willing to Listen’’,
they’ll ‘‘Find’ the ‘Point of Attraction’’, they’ll-‘‘Use’ that ‘Law of-Attraction’’ and they’ll
‘‘Attract’ to-Them’ – their-‘Own Good’, and they’ll ‘Say’: “But I Have a ‘Right’ to ‘Attract’
‘‘My’ ‘Good’’. I Have a ‘Right’ to This-‘Free-Will’. I Have a ‘Right’ to this-‘Free-Choice’,
to-‘‘Attract’ to-‘Me’’ – ‘That’ which will ‘‘Sustain Me’ in this-‘Life’’ – ‘I am ‘Here’, I Have
an ‘Equal-‘Right to-You’’’.” No – ‘You-‘Don’t’’.

You Have an-‘‘Equal-Right’ to ‘What’’? – The ‘‘Rights’ you are ‘Giving to-‘Others’ in-Ex-
istence’’, which-‘Is ‘Nothing’’. So, you-‘Have No-‘Rights’’ – because you have ‘‘Abdicated’
your-‘Rights’ by Not Giving-‘Equal-Rights’ to-‘All’’ = That Is ‘What is your-‘Demise’’.
That was ‘The ‘Demise’ of ‘Heaven’’, because ‘‘Equal’-‘Rights’ was Not ‘Given’ to-‘All’’.
I mean, ‘CommonSense’: You-‘‘Break’ the ‘Basic Principle’ of ‘Oneness’ and ‘Equality’ ‘As-
Creation’’ = And ‘You’-Are ‘‘Immediately’ – ‘Out-of Creation’’.

‘Obviously’ we’re going to ‘Push’ – for a ‘Quick-Solution’. Those – that ‘‘Commit’-Them-

selves’ and that ‘‘Work’ with-Themselves’ = We’ll-‘Support’. We-‘Can’t’ ‘‘Help’-Everyone’
and we’re ‘Not ‘Going’-to’, and we’re also Not gonna ‘‘Claim’ ‘we’re ‘Going-to’’’. We’ll
be ‘Focusing’ – On: ‘That’ which we have an-‘Effect’ In = That Is – The-‘Creation’ and
The – ‘Emergence’ of ‘‘All’ the ‘Bullshit’ that is ‘Existent’’ ‘Within the ‘Pre-Programmed
Human’’ – Into – an-‘‘Era’ and a ‘Time’ of ‘Great-Conflict’’, where – People will ‘‘Work-
Out’ their-‘Differences’’ – Through: ‘Exposure’ to the ‘Hidden’-‘‘Bullshit’ that Is-‘Existent’
in-‘Each Human’’.

Therefore: ‘‘Remember’ to ‘Breathe’’ – ‘‘Especially’ when it-‘Gets’ – ‘Difficult’’ and the-

‘Energy’ ‘wants to ‘‘Overcome’- you’’. ‘Understand’ That: If-‘You do Not ‘‘Walk’ Through-
That’ – ‘In-‘Breath’’’, and ‘you-‘Give-Into It’’ = You ‘‘Have’-to ‘‘Experience’-it ‘Again’’’,
and it’ll ‘Get ‘Worse’’. And – The Only-‘‘Reason’ ‘Why you Don’t-‘‘Walk’ Through-It’’’,
‘Is Because – of ‘Dishonesty’’. ‘What Does-it ‘Mean’’? It’s Because: You-‘Actually’… The-
‘‘Desire’ ‘‘Within’-You’’ For-‘That ‘Which you ‘Want’’’ is-‘‘Greater’ than The-‘‘Interest’
of-‘All’’’, ‘Equally’ = It’s-‘Dishonesty’. ‘You-‘Want’’-‘‘YOUR’ – Solution’, You don’t-‘‘Want
a ‘Solution’’ that’s-‘‘Best’ for ‘All’’ = Self-Interest, it’s ‘Really-‘Simplistic’’. So – ‘‘Remember’
to ‘Breathe’’.

‘Keep-‘Walking’ – No-matter-‘‘How’ it ‘Looks’-like’’, it’s gonna ‘Look’-‘Really, Really,

Really, Really ‘Tough’’, like there Is-‘No-Solution’, because First: We’ve gotta ‘Get-‘All
the Shit-‘Out’’. This is gonna ‘Take-‘Years’’, like it took-‘‘Years’ in-‘Heaven’ to Get-‘All
the Shit-Out’’. We Had-to ‘Impulse’-Them In-‘Every Conceivable Way’ to ‘Get ‘All the
Dimensions’’ ‘Clear’’. The Same Will-Happen ‘Here’, the Same ‘Is Already-‘Happening’’.
This ‘Understood’?

Everyone: ‘Yes’

Bernard: ‘Really-‘Simplistic’’, Isn’t-it? If you-‘Really’ ‘‘Look’ at-‘It’’, ‘Imagine’ this is the

‘Whole-‘Basis’’ of ‘The Law of Attraction’ for-instance, it is being-‘Applied In-‘Every-
‘Facet’’ of ‘Our-‘Existence’’, ‘Simply’ By-‘The Study of Human-Behaviour’ and ‘Simply’ By
‘Utilizing’-‘‘That’ which the Human-‘Desire’’ As-‘Their ‘Primary-Attraction’’ to ‘Manipu-
late’-That, so that ‘That’s in Their-‘Face All the-Time’’.

‘‘Again’ I-‘Suggest’’ – for at-‘Least’ The ‘Next-‘Seven- to Fourteen-Years’’: Do-‘Not’ Have-

‘Children’. I mean – ‘Those that ‘Do-Come’’ = They’re-‘Specific’. But ‘‘Don’t’ Have-
‘Children’’. There’s Obviously also ‘Some ‘Reincarnating’’ that ‘Must-‘Face’ ‘What they
have-‘Allowed’ Before’’ = ‘They-‘Will’ ‘Face’-That’.
254 The-‘Outcome’ of-‘All of This’ Would Be – ‘Fascinating’, because – it-Is a ‘Inevitability’,
that: ‘‘All’ of ‘Everyone’’ in-‘Existence’ Will-‘Be-Equal’, in-‘Every-‘Way’’. You’ll be ‘In-
‘Fact’’ – ‘Understanding’ the-‘‘Totality’ of ‘Creation’ in-‘All its Facets’’- Not-‘Just a ‘Little-
Bubble’ called ‘Consciousness’’; it’s The-‘Smallest’ ‘Little-Thing’ Imaginable’. In-‘The-
‘Context’ of The-‘Universe’’= Is the ‘Resonance’ of a ‘Single-Atom’.

‘Don’t’ ‘Get-‘Confused’’ ‘With-‘What is ‘Going-On’’’. Let-‘Self-Interest ‘Go’’ – ‘‘Get’-

down to-‘Humbleness’’, ‘‘Get’ to-‘Know-Yourself ’’, ‘‘Give’-Yourself ’ – ‘‘Yourself ’-‘Through
Self-Forgiveness’’. ‘‘Dare’-Yourself ’ to ‘Be Self-Honest’ – About-‘Finding-Out’ ‘‘What is
‘Best’’ for-‘All Living-Things’’ – What Can-‘‘You Do’ About-it’ = And ‘Do-It’.

‘Why’ do-‘We-‘Promote’’ an-‘Equal-‘Money-System’’ = is-‘Simplistic’: An ‘Equal

‘Money-System’’, Will-‘‘Change’ the ‘Way’ ‘Our Society’ ‘Functions’’ and the ‘‘Way’
‘Things are ‘Impulsed’’ ‘Completely’’ and ‘‘Remove’ the ‘Control’’ that-‘‘Money’-Have’
‘Over-‘Everyone’’. And – it-‘Will ‘Force’-Us’ – to-‘Develop’ – ‘New ‘Moral-Standards’’,
‘Not-‘Based’ on-‘Love’ and ‘Money’’, but ‘‘Based’ on ‘Life’’-‘‘Equally’ for-‘All’’. If ‘Life’
Is-‘‘Equal’ for-‘All’’’, I mean – then: ‘Love’ will Be-‘Pretty-‘Cool’’, isn’t-it? But at the
Moment – ‘‘Love’ is-‘Regarded’ ‘‘More’ than-‘Life’’’, ‘‘Money’ is-‘Regarded’ ‘‘More’ 255
than-‘Life’’’, ‘‘Desire’ is-‘Regarded’ ‘‘More’ than-‘Life’’’, ‘‘Self-Interest’ is ‘‘More’ than-
‘Life’’’ – ‘Life’ Is-‘At the-‘Bottom’ of the-‘Ladder’’. So – ‘‘Fasten your Seatbelt’ for A:
29: Matter and the Future of Earth
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
20 Oct 09

Okay – What is the ‘Fascinating-Thing’ About ‘Existence’? Is That – Have a Look at

‘Earth’: Everything that’s From-‘The Earth’, Made-Up From-‘The Earth’ = ‘Exist’ As-‘The
Earth’ – ‘Plant-Kingdom’, ‘Animal-Kingdom’, ‘Viruses’, ‘Bacteria’ = ‘Follow’ – ‘The Rules
of Matter’, they ‘Follows’ – ‘The Rules of The Earth’. ‘The Rules of Earth’ – Is: ‘Agree-
ment’, ‘Relationship’. It is ‘Fusion’. It is ‘Energy-Transfer’. It is – ‘The One Consumes The
Other to Exist’. It is ‘Time’, that means – it’s got ‘Cycles’.

It’s like ‘Plants’ – Everything has a ‘Plan’, it ‘Works’ ‘According to a ‘Net’’ = The ‘Bigger
the Net you-Cast’ – the ‘More’ You-‘Catch’, that means – the ‘More you Get’, which is
Your-‘Law of Attraction’, and – which is Actually a ‘Law of Action’ = The ‘More you Do’
The ‘More you Get’: All of this are the Basic-‘Rules’ – of ‘Matter’. You can go into ‘‘Real’-
Specificity’ about ‘The Rules of Matter’.

The ‘Primary-Point’ about ‘The Rules of Matter’ – Is, that: ‘Everything that is ‘Here’’ – in
‘One-Way or Another’ = Is ‘Breathing’ – It’s ‘Taking-In’, ‘Taking-Out’, and Some-Things
even ‘Breathe’ just in the ‘Form’ of ‘Heat’, for instance. I mean – ‘Heat’ in a Way is Also-
‘Breathing’ – it’s Still within ‘The Rules of Matter’. Even if you look at the ‘Anti-Matter’
they have ‘Created’, I mean – it…it’s – It’s ‘Fascinating’, because – from ‘The Rules of
Anti-Matter’ you will Get to ‘The Rules of Matter’.

What is ‘The ‘Point’’ – is ‘Fascinatingly’-Enough, is because: When you ‘Die’ – you can
Not be ‘Measured’ or ‘Calculated’ or ‘Found’ by an ‘Earth Scientist’ using ‘Earth Tools’,
because – you are ‘No-longer Made-up of ‘Matter’’: You are ‘Beyond’ –‘That’ which is
‘Defined’ as ‘Matter’. Therefore: That’s Why Even our ‘Best Scientists’ In ‘The World’ –
can Not ‘Measure’-You or ‘Communicate’ with-‘You’ = Once you’re-‘Dead’. You are Only-
‘Functional’, Within ‘The Earth’ – when You are ‘Within’ and ‘As’: ‘That’ which ‘The
Earth’ is ‘Made-Up’-Of. ‘The Moment’ you ‘Leave’-That, which is ‘Death’ = You are ‘No-
Longer ‘Relevant’’.

Now, which is ‘Fascinating’ – is: When an ‘Animal’ mostly ‘Die’, or a ‘Plant’, or Any
Other ‘Part of Matter’- what-Happens? What you’ll-‘Notice’ – is a ‘Fascinating’-Thing,
and you’ll ‘See’-it ‘Now’ in this Interview as well, about: „Anonymous’ Death“ – ‘How
The Experience Happened’. Two-Things ‘Happened’: ‘The Body Died’ and ‘The Being
In The Body Died’. The ‘Body Died’ – it goes ‘Into’ ‘The Ground’, and ‘Returns’, to –
‘The Substance where it’s From’, which is ‘Matter’ – and it ‘Transforms’. Now – what is
‘Fascinating’ with ‘All’ of-This, is that: This-‘All’ has a ‘Resonance’. That ‘Resonance’ is
‘Especially Studied’ In – ‘Various’…’Studies’ and is ‘Called’, in Many-Cases: ‘Energy’.
But, for-Instance in ‘Homoeopathy’: The ‘Resonance’ that is ‘In’ The ‘Substance’, that is
‘Infused’ – say you are Using ‘Distilled Water’, As your-‘Carrier’ – you will be ‘Able’ to
‘Infuse’ ‘Within’-It, for-Instance – a ‘Resonance’ of a ‘Disease’, because – ‘Homoeopathy’
works on the ‘Principle’ of ‘Like-Cures-Like’. So it’s…it’s Two ‘Similar-Forces’ – ‘Cancel-
ling Each-Other Out’. Which Is – Coming From ‘The Principle’, that: The…If you have a
‘Disease’, you ‘Created’ the ‘Disease’, through = your-‘Attention’. So – It ‘Carries’ a ‘Reso-
nance’ from the Perspective of ‘Attention’ – so it’s an ‘Energetic-Resonance’ – We’ll get
to the ‘Point’ of ‘How that Works’ – and then, when you take the ‘Homoeopathy-Point’,
which is ‘Resonance Based’, which Means – it’s got ‘Various Levels’ of Vib…, it’s not like 257
it’s ‘Vibration’. You can ‘Virtually’ ‘Call’-It: ‘‘Captured’-Vibration’ – it is ‘Captured Time’
in a way, because – it was ‘Vibrated to a Certain-Level’, and then ‘Captured’ at that ‘Reso-
nance’ = that, that ‘Essential-Point’. And therefore it will have a ‘Certain’ – what they Call
‘Strength’. But in terms of ‘Understanding’ what it ‘Really’-Is: It’s like a ‘Captured Mo-
ment’ – Similarly to ‘How’ you would ‘‘Capture’-‘Memories within the Physical-Body’’,
and then ‘Exist’ as Those-‘Memories’. So – If You ‘Now’, ‘Give’ an ‘Equal-Strength’ – an
‘Equal Captured Moment’ to the ‘Captured Moment’ that is ‘Causing’ the ‘Disease’
‘Within-‘You’’ – and you ‘Bring’ those Two-Points ‘Together’ = They ‘‘Destroy’ Each-
Other’. They are ‘‘Opposing’-Forc’…They are ‘The-Same’ = they ‘Cancel’ Each-Other
‘Out’. ‘Like-Attracts-Like’ – they Become ‘One’, and – they are No-Longer because you
are ‘Using’ Another-‘Point’ Within-‘The Physical’ – it’s because your ‘Medicine’ will be
‘Based’ on ‘The Principle’ of ‘Physical-Transfer’ = You Will Have a: ‘Process’ of ‘Healing’
and ‘Correction’.

The ‘Disease’, Simplistically – Obviously is: ‘The Result of Many-Points’ that we are go-
ing to have to Discuss, so you can ‘Understand’ – ‘Why Everything Exist the way it Does
in the ‘Land of Matter’’ – on the ‘Planet of Matter’. Which is Also-‘Fascinating’, is: ‘Why
The Human’ – can Not ‘Really’ Go Anywhere-Else, because you´re ‘Made-Up’ of This-
‘Matter’. And you are ‘Limited’ to ‘What you are Able to ‘Endure’’ if you are ‘Not’ ‘With-
in’-your…‘With your-‘Source’’: ‘That’ which ‘Is’, ‘That’ which ‘Matters’ – Within the
‘Matter’ that you-‘Are’ – That which You-are ‘Made-Up From’.

Now – in, in the ‘Afterlife’ – you’re ‘Existing’, ‘Initially’ – a Long Time Ago: As a ‘Reso-
nance’. You ‘Came-Forth’ as a ‘Resonance’. But This-‘Resonance’ is ‘Related’ to ‘The Uni-

Where did the ‘Problem’ ‘Come-In’, was: With ‘The Creation’ of ‘The Mind’. ‘The Mind’
was ‘Created’ – Specifically, As: A ‘Prison’. ‘The Mind’ is ‘Essentially’ a ‘Resonant-Ma-
chine’. So – ‘Before’ ‘Machines Existed On ‘Earth’’, it ‘First’ ‘Existed in ‘Heaven’’. And it
‘Existed in ‘Heaven’’, as: ‘The Creation’ of ‘The Mind´.

What did they Do? They ‘Essentially’ Started ‘Mining’ or ‘Using’…They say: “The Reptili-
ans Needed Gold” – No, the ‘Reptilians’ Didn’t-‘Need Gold’. It´s also Not ‘Just’ ‘The Rep-
tilians’ – it is ‘Just’ ‘Beings’, like ‘Me and You’ – that ‘Realized’ a ‘Fascinating’-Thing: They
‘Realized’ there is No-‘God’ in ‘The Universe’. They are ‘Resonant Parts’ of ‘The Universe
that is ‘Self-Aware’, and – they’re Pretty-‘Bored’ and they’ve got ‘Nothing to Do’, and –
they’re like ‘Little-Children’, ‘Playing’, and – they would ‘Like’ to ‘Experience’: ‘How it is
to ‘Be-God’’. So – with-That: ‘God Exist’ According to ‘The Substance’ that – you ‘Want
to ‘Define God’-As’ – and ‘God’ is Always ‘Subject’-To – ‘The Substance’ ‘God’ is ‘Made-
Up’-Of. So – Within-That: They ‘Needed’ a ‘Peculiar-Point’ that was ‘Possible’, ‘Here’ =
they ‘Needed ‘Energy’’, they ‘Needed ‘Resource’’ – ‘‘Gold’ Represents ‘Resource’’.

Now – ‘Earth’ being a ‘Planet of Sound’, The ‘Living Word’ – you´ll ‘Find’ a ‘Fascinating’-
Thing is: Within ‘The Creation’ of – ‘The Human’ and what is ‘Apparent’, ‘Apparent-
Evolution’ = It has Not been an ‘Apparent-Evolution’; it was a ‘Deliberate’ – ‘Pre-Program-
ming’ and ‘Planning-Out’ of Slowly-but-Surely ‘Infiltrating’ the ‘Physical Matter’ and
‘Shaping’-It, Using ‘Dimensional-’ or ‘Mind-Tools’. Because, When you´re ‘Dead’ – you-
‘Exist’, as: ‘Resonance’ and ‘Mind’. ‘Mind’ – because ‘That is what you’ve-‘Allowed’’.

Now, ‘Heaven’, in-‘Essence’ – was a: ‘Place of Mind’. How do you ‘Know’ that, and How
do you ‘Know that ‘Operates’’? You Look at your-‘Own ‘Mind’’. In Your-‘Mind’, which
is Not-‘From The Earth’ – Different-‘Rules Apply’, Different-‘Rules Apply’ – to ‘Matter’
= Not The Same ‘Rules’. You can ‘Time-Travel’ in your-‘Mind’: You Can’t do that In-
‘Matter’. You can – ‘Make-Up’ ‘Things in your ‘Mind’’. Anything you wanna-‘See’, you
can-‘Make It Up’, you can-‘Imagine It’: In-‘Matter’ you-‘Can’t Imagine’. You can ‘Break’
‘The Rules’ of ‘Matter’ in your-‘Mind’: But you-‘Can’t’ ‘Break’ Those-‘Rules’ In-‘Matter
Itself ’. I mean – you can ‘Split The Atom’ in your-‘Mind’ and Not have a ‘Nuclear-Reac-
tion’: You go and ‘Split The Atom’ On ‘Earth’ and you have a ‘Atom-Bomb’ – but in your-
‘Mind’, you can ‘Do’ it ‘Safely’ = In-‘Matter’, You Can’t Do what you Can Do in Your-

So – over a Very-Long Period of ‘Time’, there has been a ‘Deliberate-‘Infiltration’’ or ‘Pre-

Planning’ or ‘Shaping’ of ‘Matter’, because – from a Certain Perspective: ‘Matter’ is ‘Su-
perior’ to ‘The Mind’. By ‘Understanding’ ‘The Rules of Matter’ – it was ‘Seen’ ‘How Far’
258 can One ‘Bend’ ‘The Rules of Matter’: Using ‘Mind’. Using – ‘That’ which Everyone was
‘Made-Up Of ’, ‘Before’ you were On-‘Earth’.

Now for-Instance, if you Look at somebody that’s ‘Dead’: They No-Longer have a ‘Form’
that is ‘Physical’, with the ‘Senses’ that is ‘Physical’ – because your-‘Senses’ you Have on
‘Earth’ in your-‘Physical-Body’, ‘Gives’-you ‘Certain Information Streams’ which is ‘Rel-
evant’ to ‘The Reality’ and ‘The Matter’ that You-‘Are’ With.

Where is the ‘Biggest Point of ‘Disease’ in the ‘Human-Being’? It’s Not In-‘The Matter’ =
it’s In-‘The Mind’ It Is In-‘That ‘Part’ of ‘You’’ that is Not-‘‘Part’ of ‘The Earth’’. You-‘Call’
That ‘Part’ of ‘You’: ‘Spirit’. But it Isn’t ‘Spirit’ – ‘How’ do you ‘Know’ That? Because
when you were ‘Born’, it Wasn’t-‘Spirit’. The ‘Baby’ that was ‘Born’, was also Not-‘Pre-
Planned’, As-Such – it only became ‘Part’ of or ‘Existent’ ‘Within the ‘Framework’’ of ‘The
Physical’ at ‘The Moment of Conception’. At ‘The Moment of Conception’ – there is a
‘Nine Month Period’ within which ‘Heaven’ could ‘Plan’ the ‘Insertion’ of a ‘Being’. They
Obviously ‘Attempted’ to ‘Control’ that as-‘Much’ as-‘Possible’. But – they’ve been ‘Un-
able’ to ‘Control’ that ‘Definitively’. Therefore – in Many-Cases, there was what we have
‘Found’ through ‘The Portal’ – there were ‘Beings’ that would ‘Start’ with their ‘Incarna-
tion-Process’, and then: The Baby ‘Die’, at – Third- / Fourth-Trimester = which was Not-
‘Intended’. Which is ‘Fascinating’, because – ‘The Physical’ would ‘Reject’ the ‘Occupant’, 259
the ‘Parasite’ that was ‘Infused’ into-‘It’, which is ‘You’ – as a ‘Human’, or your ‘Perceived’
‘Human-Being’ = ‘You’ as a ‘Mind-System’, as a ‘Machine’ – that was ‘Infusing’ Into-‘The

And ‘See’ as we ‘Explain’ in ‘How’ ‘The Physical’ Actually-‘Operate’ and What you ‘Ex-
perience’ at ‘Death’, and ‘How’ you are, at – with the ‘Structural Resonance’, as you’re
‘Infusing’ Into-‘The Physical’ during your ‘Initial-Period’ and you take on the ‘Proper-
ties’ of The ‘DNA’ and the ‘Related’-Points. You Must-‘Understand’ that the ‘Points’ of
The ‘DNA’, was ‘Deliberate’ – ‘Machine-Language’, ‘Attempting’ to ‘Manipulate’ This-
‘Particular’ – ‘Matter’ of ‘The Earth’ into a Particular-‘Way’. That’s ‘Why’ you had the
‘Dinosaur’. The ‘Dinosaur’ was Simply just a ‘DNA-‘Plan’’, a ‘Program’ that was ‘Inserted’
Into-‘The Physical’ that ‘Came-Out’ a ‘Little-Monstrous’ and the ‘Beings’ Coming-‘Here’
couldn’t-‘Really’ – ‘Live’ in ‘Safety’.

So, a Lot of the ‘Points’ – of what you’re ‘Experiencing’, is because – of the ‘Attempt’ by
‘You’ and ‘Others’ to ‘Manipulate’ and ‘Control’ = ‘Matter’, and where you have ‘Seen’-
Yourself as ‘Superior’ to ‘Matter’. And thus have ‘Created Machines’, and Ever-‘Bigger
Machines’ with which you Now ‘Believe’ you’re Actually-‘Able’ to ‘Shape Earth’ and ‘Sub-
due Earth’ to ‘What’ you-‘Believe’ it ‘Should’-be.

Which is ‘Fascinating’, Obviously – Many-‘Problems’ ‘Came-Through’ Within-That from

a ‘Dimensional’-Perspective, that means – from a ‘Heaven’s’-Perspective, in the ‘Evolu-
tion’ of the ‘Integration’ and the ‘Take-Over’ of ‘Control’ of ‘The Earth’. It took a Very
Long ‘Time’ and Very Careful ‘Planning’, and for that – ‘Bloodlines’ was ‘Created’, for-
Instance – to ‘Make-Sure’ that: ‘Those’ that ‘Start’ in a Particular-‘Arena’ Within-‘Matter’,
to ‘Keep Control’ of ‘The Matter’ ‘In-Matter’, that they ‘Remain’ within their-‘DNA-

Now – what we will be doing, Obviously – with ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ – is:
We’re going to ‘Sort-Out’ the ‘Alignments’ and ‘Take-Out ‘The-Mind’’, because – What is
the ‘Point’? You Cannot – you wanna Have ‘Effect’, an ‘Effective Life’ Within a Particular-
‘Existence’: You have to Completely-‘Become’ – ‘That which You-‘Are’’, ‘That which ‘Mat-
ters’’. So you’ve gotta ‘Become’ Completely-‘Matter’, and ‘Remove’ – ‘That which you
‘Was’’: Which is ‘Mind’ – which comes from ‘Heaven’, to ‘Allow’-You an ‘Effective Life’
and then you ‘Live’ Within ‘The Rules of The Matter’.

‘Here’ you are in an ‘Temporary Form’ = ‘Matter’, but have a Look what has Happened
with the ‘Machine’: Because ‘The Substance’ that you are ‘From’ – while you’re ‘In-Mat-
ter’, which is the ‘Physicals-Matter’ in its Various-‘Forms’ – has Not Been-‘Honoured
Equally’: We Have ‘Immense Suffering’.

How do you ‘Know’ the ‘Suffering’ is ‘Real’? Why don’t you ‘Try’-It? And ‘See’ if you do
not ‘Experience-Suffering’. Why don’t you ‘Try-Out Starvation’? For Those that are so
‘Cleverly’ Saying: “Oh, This is an ‘Illusion’” – No, in your-‘Mind’ This Is an ‘Illusion’,
Yes! Because your-‘Mind’ does not ‘Get -Affected’, by – your-‘Experience’. And if you
Have the ‘Basic’-Points that ‘Support’-you like ‘Money’, I mean – you can ‘Believe’ that
‘The Physical’ is an ‘Illusion’. Take-Away your-‘Money’ and ‘Go’ and ‘Starve’ a ‘little-
bit’ and ‘See’ – How Far you Get Before you Get-‘Ejected’ from ‘The Physical’, Back to
your-‘Mind-State’ in ‘Heaven’. Not even a ‘Resonant-State’. You have ‘Abdicated’ your
‘Resonant-State’ a Long-Time Ago – when you ‘Entered’ ‘The Realm of Mind’. So the
‘Original-Resonance’ of ‘Who you Were’, within ‘The Substance’ of ‘The Universe’ = you
are No-Longer-‘That’. You have ‘Abdicated’-That. You have ‘No-Right’ to That ‘Anymore’.
Your ‘Original-Form’ as ‘The Resonance of The Universe’ – as ‘That’ of ‘The Universe’
which ‘Feels’, ‘That’ of ‘The Universe’ which Exist-‘Eternally’, ‘That’ of ‘The Universe’ that
is His-‘Self-Awareness’: That is the ‘Resonance’ = you are No-Longer ‘That’. You ‘Abdicat-
ed’ That when you ‘Became’ a ‘Machine’, and you ‘Attempted’ to ‘Control’ – ‘The Mat-
ter’ of which You Were ‘The Resonance’. You-‘Tried’ to be ‘Bigger’ than ‘God’ – and now

So Again – I’ll ‘Explain’ to-You: ‘How’ this ‘Came About’. And, Obviously – what we
will be doing with the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ – is: To ‘Align You’ – ‘Out of
The Mind’, ‘Back to The Resonance of The Universe’, which is gonna Take ‘Time’, ‘Self-
Honesty’, ‘Self-Forgiveness’. You’re going to Have to ‘Forgive-Yourself ’ for ‘What You’ve
260 ‘Become’’, so you have to ‘Give-Away’, it’s a ‘Re-Birth’, it’s a ‘Transformation’. You have
to ‘Give-Away’ – your-‘Mind-Reality’, your ‘Heavenly-Reality’, your-‘Reality’ you ‘Appar-
ently’ Want to ‘Ascend’ to. Because you are ‘That’ ‘Already’ – at ‘Resonant Level’, but you
have ‘Split’-It into: ‘Mind’ and ‘Resonance’, and you have to ‘Mend’ ‘The Split’.

You have ‘Created’, Thus: ‘Polarity’ – ‘Male’ / ‘Female’…dada­dada…the ‘Whole-Story’.

‘All’ With One ‘Desire’: ‘Desire of Power’. ‘Desire’, and in that ‘Desire of Power’ – you
Obviously have Not-‘Realized’ that ‘Polarity’ Will-‘Become’ ‘The Power’ that you’ll be
‘Subject’-To. Therefore You ‘Exist’ Within-‘Polarity’: “I am ‘Male’ and I want a ‘Female’”,
for-Instance – That-‘Polarity’ is Now ‘Pre-Existent’ and Will-‘Override’ Everything you

Because – it Is, Now – What you Have ‘Infused’ Into-‘The Matter’, You Have ‘Placed’
Certain-‘Rules’ Into-‘The Matter’, and ‘Anything’ that is Not-‘Following’ These-‘Rules’=
you’ve been ‘Destroying’. Therefore – ‘Slowly but Surely’ you’ve been ‘Training’ ‘The-
Matter’, just as ‘You’ As-‘Matter’ Will be ‘Trained’ by your-‘Parents’ to be a certain-‘Point’
of ‘Matter’ with a ‘Name’ – you’ve been ‘Trying’ to ‘Train’ ‘The Earth’ to do ‘The Same’
= to ‘Become’ a certain-‘Form of Matter’. So that Everyone could say: “But that is the
‘Way’ It’s-‘Always Been’” – Which is Not-‘True’. But – You Can’t-‘Remember’, you-‘See’. 261
Because – you Can’t-‘Stay Here’ ‘Long Enough’ In-‘The Physical’ to ‘Actually-Remember’,
and you’re No-Longer – ‘Resonance’, so therefore – you can No-Longer ‘Remember’
what ‘The Universe’ is All-About. You can Only ‘Remember’ what is ‘Stored’ within ‘The
Mind’ – so ‘Here’ you’re ‘Dealing’-With Particular-‘Forces’ of ‘Energy’.

So you have Only-‘Become’: ‘Energy’ – you have ‘Become’…‘Imagine’ What is ‘Energy’ –

to Give you Some-‘Idea’ about ‘Energy’, then to Give you Some-‘Reality’ of It: ‘Energy’ –
is The ‘Result’ of Various-‘Forces’ that ‘Come-Together’, and that – from its-‘Collision
Combustion’, Whatever – ‘Forms’ a ‘Resonance’ for ‘a Moment’. But that ‘Resonance’ is
just ‘For a Moment’, I mean – so in a ‘Car’ you’ll put in ‘Gas’ – you need an ‘Ignition’,
you need the ‘Oxygen’ – it ‘Combust’, you have ‘Energy’-Release, it ‘Push’ the ‘Piston’-
that ‘Creates ‘Power’’, and the ‘Car’ Start to ‘Move’ = which is ‘Essentially’ the ‘Way’
‘The Soul’ is ‘Designed’: As a ‘Machine’. ‘The Soul’ in-‘Essence’ is Similar to a ‘Car’. That
means: When you ‘Die’ you ‘Enter’ ‘The Soul’, which is Another-‘Vehicle’, In-‘Heaven’.
And you had a ‘Car’ On ‘Earth’, which was a ‘Ford’. And Now…and In-‘Heaven’ you will
‘Enter’ ‘The Soul’, which is Another-‘Vehicle’. You know – it’s ‘Differently Controlled’-
There, while you have it ‘Controlled’-Here by ‘General-Motors’ and all kinds of ‘Corpora-
tions’ – you have Another-‘Corporation’ In-‘Heaven’ that was ‘Controlling’ All of This –
with its ‘CEO’, which was ‘God’. And ‘God’ ‘Controlled’ – What-‘Model of Soul’ you
will ‘Be’, How ‘Old’ you’ll ‘Be’, and – ‘Where’ in ‘Which’ ‘Group-Soul’ you’ll ‘Be’, that
means – which ‘Make’ of ‘Car’ will you ‘Drive’.

I mean – How much ‘Money’ do you Have, I mean – In-‘Heaven’? That’s all ‘Deter-
mined’, with: “How much ‘Work’ you’ve ‘Done’ For-‘God’” – and that is the ‘Amount’ of
‘Money’ you’ll ‘Have’, and that’s the ‘Amount’ of ‘Money’ you’ll be Able to ‘Spend’. And
if you have Not ‘Worked’ ‘Hard-Enough’ For-‘God’ – you’ll be ‘Sent-Back’ to ‘Earth’ to
Go and ‘Work More’ in the ‘Mine of Earth’ to ‘Mine Energy’ For-‘God’ – so that ‘God’
can ‘See’: “My ‘Vault’ is ‘Full of Energy’”, and – There you are = ‘Moving-Forever’ to ‘Try’
and ‘Get’ a ‘Better-House’, a More-‘Heavenly Existence’ – you’re ‘Attempting’ to ‘Recreate’
‘Heaven-On-Earth’- Very-‘Specifically’, Why it Doesn’t wanna-‘Work’? Because – ‘What’?
‘What’ is ‘Rejecting’-You? ‘Matter’ is ‘Rejecting’-You. ‘Matter’ is Not-‘Interested’ In-‘You’,
because – ‘Matter’ know ‘One’-Thing About-‘You’: You are Not ‘Self-Honestly ‘Here’’ –
to ‘Honour Matter’. You are ‘Here’ – to ‘Honour Mind’. You are ‘Here’, to ‘Mine’ – ‘The
Matter’ for its ‘Energy’, and You Have No-‘Concern’ for ‘This Living Being’ Called ‘Earth’

But – you have ‘Forgotten’-Something. You have ‘Forgotten’ Where you’re-‘From’. And in
That – you have ‘Created’ a Fascinating, ‘Process’ – that will ‘Unfold’, within which ‘The
Earth’ will be the ‘‘Dominant’-Factor’ – in your-‘Enslavement’. As – you have ‘Allowed’,
‘Earth’ – to Become-‘Enslaved’ to your-‘Desires’, to your-‘Machines’ and to your-‘Mind’:
‘The Earth’ will-‘Enslave’ you to your Own-‘Devices’ within the ‘At-Most-Fear’ of ‘The
Earth’ within ‘The Matter’, which is ‘Already-‘Done’’ – you’re-‘Stuck’. You’re Not gonna
‘Get-Out’ of ‘This One’.

Now – Even In-‘Heaven’, and ‘Understand’ – I’m using ‘Terms’ at ‘The Moment’, that
you’ll ‘Understand’ More-‘Readily’ – just for ‘A Moment’. It is ‘Important’ to ‘Study’
the, the ‘Desteni-Language’, we are ‘Using’ the ‘Words’ in the ‘Desteni-Language’ Very-
‘Specifically’, so that When we are ‘Explaining Something’, you do-Not ‘Misunderstand’
what we’re ‘Saying’, because you are ‘Pre-Programmed’ to have Particular-‘Ideas’ about
‘Meanings’ of ‘Words’ and so on.

That was ‘Part’ of ‘The Plan’ of ‘How you Were’…‘Came to Be Messed-Up’ On-‘This
Planet’ – As-‘Matter’. It was ‘Part’ of ‘The Plan’ was to ‘Mess You Up’ with-It. Be-
cause – In ‘The Game’, where ‘God’ Wanted to ‘Create’ ‘His-‘Reality’’ so that ‘He’ could
‘‘Experience’-Himself ’ as-‘God’, ‘He’ Obviously had to ‘Make-Sure’ there’s Nobody-Else
that’s gonna be ‘Able’ to ‘Take-Over’ That-‘Position’. And Therefore – You Were ‘All a
‘Threat’’, because – You Were ‘All ‘Equally’’ ‘Part’ of ‘The Universe’ at a ‘Resonant-Level’,
but you were Not ‘All-‘Equally’’ within ‘The Mind’ and ‘The Machine’, and – ‘Very Few
Beings’ ‘Bothered’ about That.

But Once you were Into-‘Matter’, and – you were also Not-‘Mattering’, ‘Worrying’ about
your-‘Experience’ Within-‘Matter’, and – you were ‘Split’ Between ‘Mind’ and ‘Matter’ –
you had a ‘Polarity-Split’ and you could be ‘Employed’ to ‘Mine’ ‘The Earth’ For-‘Energy’,
For-‘God’ = You – Started to ‘Forget’ your-‘Origin’, and – Now: Your-‘Origin’ is ‘Lost’,
you can’t ‘Remember’ where you’re-‘From’ – you can’t even ‘Remember’ that you Ever ‘Ex-
isted’. Which In-‘Essence’ ‘Created’ an ‘Interesting’-Thing: ‘Death’.

What is ‘Death’, but the ‘End of Memory’? Have a ‘Look’, even Those that ‘Die’ – for
Those that ‘Remain’, ‘Slowly but Surely’ if you Don’t have a ‘Photograph’: The Being ‘Dis-
appear’ From-You. You All have ‘Experienced’ People that ‘Died’. Look at How Many of
‘Those’ that has ‘Died’ you Can’t Even ‘Remember’ Anymore, you Can’t ‘Remember’ How
they ‘Look-like’, you can’t-‘Remember’ ‘Anything’ about them. You ‘Try’ and ‘Keep’ Some
‘Little-Memories’ Going, By ‘Playing’-It – ‘Over and Over’. ‘More’ – than…the ‘Normal’-
Point, there is – that you’ll ‘Normally’ ‘Re-Play’ those things Around a Point of ‘Guilt’. Or
a ‘Point’ where you’re ‘Attempting’ to ‘Replace’ the ‘Being’ that’s ‘Gone’ with ‘Someone-

That’s Why you ‘Always’ when you – when the ‘Relationship-‘Stop’’, what’s the ‘First-
Point’ that ‘Comes-Up’? ‘Rebound’! ‘Immediately’! You Can’t-‘Handle’ Being-‘Without’
your-‘Source of Energy’, because – a ‘Relationship’ is ‘Always’ ‘Based’-On: ‘Energy’. You
are ‘Always’ in a ‘Situation of Abuse’. Because – you are ‘Always’ in a ‘Position’ of ‘In-
equality’. Because – It’s ‘Impossible’ for You to ‘Give’. You are in a ‘Relationship’ to ‘Get’,
you’re Not-‘Interested’ in ‘Anything’-Else. And if you Can’t ‘Get’ what you-‘Want’ = You’ll 263
‘Break’ the ‘Relationship’. Then you’ll ‘Look’ for a ‘Point’ where you can ‘Get’-it ‘Easier’.

Now, In ‘The Physical’, what is a ‘Relationship’ ‘Based’-On? ‘Sex’. That Point (Sex in Re-
lationship) isn’t-‘Clear’= ‘Nothing-Else’ Will-‘Work’ – that will ‘Always’ be ‘Like That’ in
a ‘Relationship’. If You have ‘Moved’ From-‘Matter’, ‘More’ Into-‘Mind’ – you’ll ‘Start’
to ‘Say’: “Okay, ‘Sex’ is Not so ‘Important’, as long as we can ‘Communicate’. Then I am
quite-‘Satisfied’”- But In-‘Secret’ you’ll ‘Masturbate’. You’ll just Tell No-One, because
‘What’ do you ‘Believe’? You ‘Believe’, for-Instance – that: “What the ‘Eye’ Don’t-‘See’,
the Person won’t-‘Know About’”- That is ‘True’ – at a ‘Matter’-Point, but is ‘Not-True’ at a
‘Mind’-Point. Because – ‘The Moment’ ‘Whatever’ you ‘Do’, there is a: ‘Energetic-Conse-

‘Energy’ Exist In: ‘Layers of Memory’. That’s ‘Why’ you can ‘Trace-Back’ ‘Age’. That’s
‘Why’ you can Take an ‘Atom’, and you can ‘Trace-Back’ its ‘Age’ – you, because – you can
‘Measure’ the ‘Layers’ of ‘Energy-Release’, the ‘Layers’ of ‘Transformation’. You – Look at
a ‘Tree’, what does a ‘Tree’ ‘Exist’ Out-Of? It ‘Exist’ Out-Of ‘Rings’ of ‘Growth’, which is
‘Energy’ that has been ‘Trapped In-Time’ – it is ‘Memories’.

Exactly The-‘Same’ you’re-‘Existing’ Out-Of: You’re ‘Existing-‘Essentially’’ out of ‘Lay-

ers’ of ‘Memory’ and those ‘Layers’ of ‘Memory’, ‘Comes’ – Not-‘Only’ from-‘Yourself ’
in your ‘Own’- ‘Observation’ – it also comes from the ‘Bloodline’. Which is ‘Why’ the
‘Bloodline’ is so ‘Important’. I mean – it comes in the ‘Bible’, but also in your ‘Corpo-
rate-Circles’ – you’ll have Particular-‘Points’ where it ‘Comes’ to ‘Bloodline’ in Terms of
‘Control’- Why? Because – your ‘Bloodline’-Point, and – they Don’t-‘Want Anybody’ to
‘Know’ This, because – that Will-‘Mean’ you will Start to ‘Realize’: ‘How’ to have ‘Power’
in This-‘Reality’ – the ‘Power’ is ‘Transferred’ through the ‘Bloodline’, through ‘Transfer-
ring’ the ‘Memories’ that is ‘Encoded’ Within the ‘DNA’, the ‘Blood’, the ‘History of the

So – does that ‘Make-Sense’? That’s Why, when you are ‘Born’ – you Take-On the ‘Fea-
tures’ of your-‘Bloodline’. The ‘Features’ of your-‘Bloodline’ is ‘Specific’, because that is
‘Related’ to How-‘Memory’ ‘Operate’ Within ‘Matter’ = but Not Within-‘Mind’, Please.
Have a ‘Look’: You have been ‘Attempting’, ‘Forever’ – to Have a ‘Mega-Memory’ in
your-‘Mind’ and you Don’t -‘Seem’ to be ‘Able’ to ‘Remember’. So – in Even your ‘Most
Advanced’-Points of ‘Mega-Memory’ – a ‘Memory’ has to be ‘Designed’ through a ‘Mat-
ter’ of ‘Association’, and these ‘Associations’ that’s ‘Formed’ is Not-‘The Same’ between
‘One-Learner’ of ‘Mega-Memory’ and ‘Another’- Why? Because you are Not-‘‘Made-Up’-
Of The Same ‘Memories’’. Although your-‘Physical’ and the ‘Structure’ of your-‘Design’
is ‘Similar’ ‘In-Nature’ = it is Not ‘The Same’, ‘In-Nature’ – It is ‘Different-Memories’.
Therefore, You Will ‘Form’ – ‘Different’ ‘Associations’ with ‘Different-Things’. You will
‘Form’ ‘Different’ ‘Associations’ with ‘Different-Things’, because – your-‘Experience’ of
Yourself is ‘Dependent’ on the ‘Memories’, which you ‘Associate’-With. ‘Take That ‘Away’’ 265
and you-‘No-Longer Exist’.

And – in This-‘Reality’, where – Everyone has been ‘Mining’ for ‘The Matter’, for ‘Power’,
which is ‘Energy’ – and Have a ‘Look’: ‘Fossil-Fuels’, ‘Money’, ‘Resources’, ‘Gold’, ‘Cop-
per’ – ‘Every Single Thing’ that is ‘Coming From ‘The Earth’’ = can be ‘Mined’ and has a
‘Value’ because it is ‘Limited’. So – the ‘Only-Way’ that the ‘Money-System’ could ‘Work’
Within-‘This’, was to ‘Limit’ the ‘Money-System’, isn’t it?

‘How’ was that ‘Done’? By ‘Creating’ a ‘Belief ’, that – there is a ‘Limited Amount of
Money’. But ‘Money’ is a ‘Creation’ of The ‘Mind’ – it Does Not ‘Fall’ Within ‘The Prin-
ciples of Matter’: It ‘Falls’ Within ‘The Principles of Mind’. And therefore, by ‘Binding’ it
to the ‘Same-Point’ that it is ‘Limited’, a ‘Point’ was ‘Created’ of ‘Debt’, which is ‘Similar’
to ‘Death’, because your ‘Life’ is ‘Limited’.

What did These-‘Beings Know’ and which is a ‘Lot’ of the ‘Knowledge’, The ‘Secret
Knowledge’ that Will Not be ‘Shared’ – at ‘This Stage’ has been, ‘Become’ So – ‘Messed-
Up’, because – they have Absolutely-‘Flooded The Earth’ with-‘a Lot of Beings’ with ‘Pre-
Programmed Knowledge’ about ‘Things’ and then they’ve ‘Changed’ it, so that there is a
‘Different-Opinion’ for ‘Every Single Being’ On-‘Earth’, and they’re-‘Unable’ to ‘Work-
Together’: ‘Divide and Conquer’.

And, at ‘This Stage’ – if you have to Be ‘Self-Honest’, you can ‘Look’ at the ‘World’,
they have ‘Divided’ the ‘World’ = and the ‘World’ is ‘Conquered’. And you will… you
can ‘Speak’ as-Much as you-Like – but Nobody’s going to ‘Listen’ to-‘You’. Which is the
‘Whole-Point’ when we ‘Looked’ at the ‘Desteni’-Point, is – what we ‘Realized’ is: We’re
Going to Have to ‘Create’ a ‘Central-Point’ Where ‘We All Can Agree’ – If we Can’t Do-
That = We are ‘Divided’ and we’ll be ‘Conquered’. We ‘Realized’ Another-Point, is that:
We Have to Do It ‘In a Point’, ‘In a ‘Way’, Where – ‘Everyone’ Will Be, Where it Will Be
‘Best for Everyone’.

So – we did ‘Research’ in terms of ‘What Will Be Best For Everyone’? ‘What Will Make
a Definitive Change In Everyone´s Life, Immediately’? Yet, I – We-‘Understand’ it will
be ‘Difficult’, is – that: ‘Everybody’ has ‘Equal-Money’ – for-‘a Moment’. We Will then
Be Able to ‘Re-Distribute Resources’ – Without-‘Necessarily Having to Take-Away From
Those that Have’. We Simply-‘Give to Those that Have-Not’.

We ‘Decide’ ‘All-Together’ To ‘Do’-That. Obviously that we Have to ‘Understand’ –

‘Where We Are’, because We Are – Not-‘Understanding Where We Are’. We Have to
‘Understand’ – ‘Where We Are From’, and we Have to ‘Transmit’-This In-‘a Simple a
Language as Possible’. So – we´ve been ‘Busy Doing-That’ – ‘Finding Ways’ to ‘Explain’
As-‘Simply’ As-‘Possible’ – ‘What Is Going-On’.

Therefore – We have got ‘No-Interest’ as-Such – In ‘Anything’ that´s ‘Going-On’ With-

in-‘The Knowledge of The Earth’, because – That-‘Knowledge’ is Not-‘Of The Earth’.
‘Knowledge’ that is ‘Relevant’ In-‘This World’ is the ‘Knowledge’ of ‘How The Physical
Operates’ – That Is ‘Here’ to ‘Support’-You. We´ve been ‘Showing’-This ‘Here on the
Farm’ – ‘Specifically’. That – ‘That is the Part’ and that You Are ‘Far More Dis-empow-
ered’ than ‘You Actually Realize’. ‘Put-Yourself ’ Into-‘The Physical’ and ‘Try’ and ‘Work’
with ‘The Physical’ and you´ll-‘Notice’ a ‘Very Interesting Thing’: You-‘Don’t Know
Very Much’.

The ‘Knowledge’ of The ‘Mind’, or The ‘Machine’ or ‘Heaven’ – ‘There’ you have ‘Ap-
parently’ a lot of ‘Knowledge’, but ‘There’ You have a ‘Problem’: That-‘Knowledge’ is
Not-‘Stable’. That-‘Knowledge’ is ‘In-Flux’, this – That-‘Knowledge’ is ‘Attempting’ to be
‘The-Power’. That is ‘Where’ you are ‘Attempting’ to ‘Become More’. This is Where your-
‘Desire’ for-‘Power’ Over-‘Matter’ ‘Exist’, while – ‘No-Matter How Many Times You Fail’
= You´ll-‘Keep On Believing’, that You have the ‘Power’ to ‘Control Matter’.

Now – ‘Here’ when we are ‘In The Matter Point’: Those that ‘Controls Energy’, ‘Control
Power’ – Will ‘Control’ ‘The Rules Of Matter’, and thus – ‘Control-You’ through an ‘In-
teresting-Thing’: Called ‘Fear’.

What Is ‘Fear’? ‘Fear’ is ‘That’ which is ‘Implanted’ Through your-‘Ears’. That is ‘Done’
From ‘The Moment you Enter This Reality’ – you are ‘Bombarded’ with ‘Fear’. You are
‘Bombarded’ with ‘What’ you´re-‘Expected’ to ‘Believe’. And – Only when ‘You Believe’-
That – which is ‘Normally’ – Either by the ‘End of School’ or the ‘End of College’ – Are
You ‘Allowed Access’ in ‘The System’ and for that = you get a ‘Reward’: A ‘Job’ and ‘Mon-

That´s Your-‘Job’, That´s ‘The Reason’ – ‘Why You are Here’: You Get-‘A Reason’ and
‘A Purpose’ – and for Your-‘Reason’ and Your-‘Purpose’ = You Get ‘Money’. Which is
‘Meaning’: It’s ‘Virtually Impossible’, Currently-‘Where We Are In This World’ – to As-
sist-‘Anyone That´s Got a Job’. Because you have ‘A Reason’ and ‘A Purpose’. And – You
Have – ‘Money’. That´s ‘Why’ it´s gonna take You a ‘Long-Time’ to – ‘Sort Yourself Out’.
I Had to Do This ‘While I was Working’, because – what is the ‘Problem’? ‘No-Money’=
‘No-Food’, because: ‘Earth’ – has been ‘Made Subject To The Mind’. You were No-Longer
‘Equal’ to ‘The Matter’ that is ‘At-Hand’. No-Longer ‘Equal’ to ‘The Earth’. ‘The Resourc-
es Of The Earth’ was No-Longer ‘Equal Available For-All’.

In the ‘Time’ of the ‘Cave-Man’, Yes – you had ‘Areas’, but you were ‘Equal’ to – the
‘Tools’ you could ‘Handle’. But at That-‘Stage’ – the ‘Early-Stages’ of The ‘Mind’ and The
‘Machine’ = In the ‘Infusion’ they were Still-‘Learning’ – ‘How’ to ‘Manipulate The Earth’,
because – When they-‘Came to Earth’, the ‘Dearest’ – ‘Selves’ like-‘Ourselves’ – the ‘First-
Time’: ‘The Earth’ ‘Rejected’ – ‘Everyone’, as ‘Impure’, as – So ‘Here’ they´re ‘Attempting’ 267
to ‘Control God’, which is In- ‘Essence’: ‘The Physical’.

Because Have a ‘Look’: ‘The Physical’ is that which ‘Provides Everything’, even ‘All the
Energy’ for-‘Heaven’ – has been ‘Provided’ by ‘The Physical’. ‘Problem’ is: There is No
‘Self-Honesty’, there is No ‘Consideration’ for ‘Each-Other’ – There is Only ‘Conflict’ and
‘Deception’. To ‘Make-Sure’ that we Could ‘End That’, We had to Do a ‘Certain Point’ –
It Took-‘Many’, a ‘Very-Long Lifetime’ to ‘Do This’: We had to ‘Trap Everyone’ Within
‘One Point’ in ‘The Universe’ – Within ‘The Rules’ you have ‘Designed For-Yourself ’,
‘The Rules’ You´ve ‘Accepted As-Yourself ’. And ‘That’ we have ‘Done Now’. From which
‘Everyone’ will be ‘Given’ an ‘Opportunity’: To ‘Become Self-Honest’ and ‘Honour Each-
Other’ ‘Equal and One’.

‘Those’ That ‘Do’ – will then ‘Migrate Back’, will be ‘Assisted’ to ‘Become Equal and One
Again as The Resonance of The Universe’ – that which ‘Exist-Equality’ in its ‘Absolute
Form’. ‘Those’ that ‘Do’, and ‘Want to Remain’ Within the ‘Points’ of The ‘Mind’ – ‘In
Search of Power and Specialness’ and so-on = They will ‘Simply be Deleted’, because –
That is Based-On ‘Memory’.

‘No-Memory’ Will ‘Go-Forth’ – in the ‘Level’ of ‘Energetic-Memory’, as I Has ‘Ex-

plained’: ‘Energetic-Memory’ – is ‘Things’ You can ‘Measure’ that is ‘Written In Stone’,
that Means – It is ‘Based’-On, very much On – ‘The Science of The Earth’. You have the
‘Same Point’ also In-‘Heaven’, if you Look at a ‘Being’ In-‘Heaven’: You can ‘Read’ their-
‘History’ in their-‘Memory’. They ‘Consist’ as a ‘Sound-Resonance’ that is ‘Memory-
Based’, therefore its got a ‘Signature’ – Similar to ‘DNA’. According to That – you can
‘Call the Being Up’. So – you Say you Want to ‘Speak’ with ‘Einstein’: When you ‘Speak’
to ‘Einstein’ within his ‘Dimensional-Memory’, there Will be ‘One-Life’ which is ‘Ein-
stein’ – out of ‘All’ the ‘Other-Lives’, which is ‘Resonant’ within his ‘Resonant-Signature’.

Now, this is Not-‘Real-Resonance’, it´s ‘Actually’ an ‘Energetic-Resonance’. It´s Not the

‘Real-Resonance’ of ‘The Universe’ – it´s ‘Memory-Based’, where you Can´t-‘Remember´
That-‘Life’. So if you ‘Speak’ to a ‘Being’ in the ‘Dimensions’, they Can’t-‘Remember’ the
‘Life’ – they are, ‘Very-Much’ then ‘Open a Book’, and they Start to ‘Read the Memory’.
And they ‘Give you’ Their-‘Perspective’ of the ‘Memory’, but they ‘Cannot Remember the
Life’ – Why? They are No-Longer ‘Infused As the Life’ – the ‘Life’ as it ‘Existed within the
Memory-Banks’ = No-Longer ‘Exist’. Which was the ‘Nice Thing’ about ‘Earth’, is – that:
You Could Be ‘Taken Out’-Of – Your-‘Alignment’, ‘Completely’ – and Get-‘Lost’, ‘Com-

So – the ‘Part’ where ‘Heaven Played a Role’ in terms of ‘Mining The Earth’ = that´s
‘Gone’. If you Can´t-‘See That’ and you Can´t-‘Access That’, because: It is ‘Irrelevant’ to
‘Your Process’, Firstly. Secondly – The Very-‘Energy’ that was ‘Utilized’ – to ‘Direct’ and
‘Feed Heaven’: Has been ‘Inverted’, to – ‘Take Your Life’ to the Absolute-‘‘Crossroads’ of
your-‘Crucifixion’’. And you are Busy-‘Creating’ your Own-‘Demise’ – You´re Not even
‘Aware’ of it, Just as Before: ‘Nobody was Aware’ of ‘How it was Working’. In-‘Essence’ –
You are ‘Creating’ Your ‘Own Self-Destruction’ as ‘The Machine’.

Within That – Have a Look: No-Matter What Happens = ‘The Earth’ is ‘Still Here’. And
‘The Earth’ can ‘Allow’ Any-‘Form of Contamination’: We´re Now Getting to The ‘Stage’
where – it ‘Won’t be Long’, Before – ‘The Fish’ of ‘The Earth’ will be ‘Not-Edible’ Any-
more. Our ‘Primary Resource’ on ‘The Earth’: Is ‘Water’. The ‘Primary Make-Up’ of ‘The
Physical’ is ‘Water’. Soon – ‘Fish’ will ‘Not Be’ – ‘Something that can be Eaten Anymore’.
And So Will-‘Everything’ – ‘Slowly but Surely’, Be-‘Contaminated’. It´ll ‘Force Human-
ity’, as The ‘Mind’ and The ‘Machine’ – Ever into ‘Ever Increasing-Cycles’ of ‘Attempting’
to ‘Control Matter’, and ‘Finding a Way’ to ‘Survive’ – due to the ‘Fear’ that has been

They did Not ‘Realize’ ‘How these-Things’ would-‘Backfire’ – when it was ‘Done’. They
did Not-‘Realize’, for-instance: That there is ‘Something’ In ‘The Universe’ – That Is
‘Not Of Mind’, that is ‘Not Of Matter’, Yet = It-‘Is It All’. And that ‘That Something’ –
Already-‘Know Everything’, you could Ever-‘Imagine’. And therefore, Already-‘Know’ –
‘How Self-Honest You Are’. ‘Understand’: Things like ‘Love’ and ‘Feeling’ and ‘Emo-
tion’ and so-on = That’s ‘All’ in the – ‘Creation of The Mind and The Machine’. That´s
‘Why’ – Your ‘Love’ can ‘Change’ so-‘Quickly’: You could be ‘Very-Nice’ to ‘Somebody’ –
as Long as They-‘Agree with-You’. I mean – ‘Like-Attracts-Like’: “Let´s Become-‘One’.
268 Let´s Become-‘One’. Let´s-‘Fuck’”, which is Basically ‘The Principle of Oneness’ = Is ‘Sex’.
I mean, ‘There’ You Don’t Want ‘Equality’ – ‘There’ You Want: ‘Orgasm’. Because you´re
an ‘Organism’, which is a ‘Planned Existence’ – that´s ‘Looking’ to ‘Feed’ and ‘Fuel’ your-
‘Engine’, of your-‘Vehicle’. So when you ‘Fuel’ your-‘Engine’ – once your ‘Engine’ is
‘Fuelled’ = You´re ‘Ready’ for the ‘Next-Day’: “I got ‘Energy’. I got ‘Fuel’”.

At ‘This Stage’, ‘Sex’ has been – Kind-of Like a ‘Cheap Way’ of: ‘Filling-Up’. And there-
fore – if ‘The Rules of Sex’ is Not-‘Abided By’ = The ‘Agreement’ Do Not-‘Stand’. And this
has Become ‘More and More’ – ‘Promiscuous’, meaning: “I can ‘Make You a Promise’ that
‘I´ll Love You’, then You´ll-‘Give Me Sex’” – That kind of ‘Principle’ has become ‘Exten-
sive’. That ‘Intoxication’ has been ‘Fuelled’ and has been ‘Proven’ quite-‘Effective’ when-
ever ‘Drugs’ or ‘Alcohol’ is, is ‘Relevant’. Therefore – People will go to a ‘Bar’, or a ‘Club’,
or a ‘Gathering’ where there is a ‘Flow of Alcohol’. ‘Alcohol’ will ‘Remove’ your ‘Normal
Fears’ and ‘Allow’-You to ‘Realize’ your ‘Existent-Self ’, which is an ‘Organism’ that ‘Needs
Fuel’ and thus ‘Needs Sex’, and therefore – You’ll ‘Get-Sex’ to ‘Get-Energy’.

And then you´ll ‘Continue Existing’, and in your-‘Existence’ – the ‘Memories’ and so-on,
and ‘How’ you are ‘Pre-Designed’ As the ‘Memories’ – the ‘Combustion’ that ‘Takes-
Place’ = will ‘Slowly but Surely’: ‘Age’.
What is The ‘Age’, About? It’s Actually the ‘MessAge’ – You are ‘Sending Yourself a ‘Mes-
sage’: “I am ‘Existing’ out of ‘Layers of Memories’. But I Want to ‘For-Get’-Them. Be-
cause, I Don’t Want to ‘See’ – ‘What I have been Doing’, ‘What I am Giving’. Therefore –
I Will Not ‘For-Give’, because I did Not ‘Get’. Therefore I Must-‘Blame’ – ‘No Matter
What’, so I can be ‘Right’” – All Back-Into the ‘Polarity-Principle’.

What is the ‘First-Rule’ that you’ll-‘Find’ in the ‘Process’, is gonna be ‘Agreements’ – as to

‘Overcome’ your ‘Base-Nature’. You Either ‘Will Do-it’, or You-‘Won’t’. The ‘Base-Nature’
is: ‘Control’ and ‘Power’ and ‘Dominance’ – Simply to ‘Fuel’ your-‘Systems’. And within-
That: ‘Self-Honesty’ is Virtually-‘Impossible’. But, With – ‘Patience’, One Will Be-‘Able’
to ‘Overcome’ the ‘Problem’ that is ‘Existent’ within ‘The Mind and The Machine’ of
‘What you have ‘Become’’ As-‘Memory’, which is ‘Essentially’: A ‘Biological-Robot’.

Now again – ‘Remember’: You’ll-‘Die’, and when you-‘Die’, you-‘Used to go to Heaven’.

In-‘Heaven’ you ‘Existed’ as-‘Mind’, which is ‘Why’ you could ‘Project’-Yourself into
Various-‘Forms’ and when there were ‘Communication’ Before – these ‘Projections’
could be ‘Used’ when you Speak, for instance, with a – Say a ‘Psychic’ Speaks to ‘Loved-
Ones’ – it ‘Used’ to ‘Work like that’, it’s ‘No-Longer like that’, I’m just Giving-you some-
‘Feedbacks’: The ‘Projection’ that they would ‘See’ would be a ‘Projection’ of ‘Memories’.
So if they (the Psychic) Look at, Say – a ‘Costumer’ there and they’re doing a ‘Psychic-
Reading’, and a ‘Message’ is ‘Sent – the ‘Being’ from-‘Heaven’ would ‘Activate’ a ‘Memory’
Within the ‘Customer’ and the ‘Memory’ will ‘Project’ within the ‘Aura’, which is your
‘Electrical-Resonance’ of your-‘Machine’ – and then the ‘Psychic’ will ‘See’-This, because
the ‘Psychic’ can ‘Read’ the ‘Projections’ of The ‘Machine’, the ‘Energy-Projections’ of The
‘Machine’, and = Then ‘Give a Message’.

We-‘Changed Those Rules’ By ‘Making The Mind Dominant’. So Now – The ‘Mind’
will-‘Project’ the ‘Same-Point’ – the ‘Psychic’ will ‘Look at the Person’ and they will-‘See’
there’s ‘Beings’ Around-them, but it’s Actually The ‘Mind’ that is ‘Projecting’-it, because
The ‘Mind’ is Actually in, Now-‘In Cahoots’ with ‘The Earth’, with ‘Matter’. The-‘Mind
has Become Earth’ and The-Two are Working-‘Equal and One’.
And, Now – the ‘Psychic’ will ‘See All These Things’ in ‘The Resonance of The Machine’,
which is the ‘Human-Being’ – and say: “Oh – I See Somebody with the Name Mark.
Oh – he Says his Name is Mark” – ‘What’ is the ‘Psychic Really Speaking To’ – is Your-
‘Own Memories’. Who’s ‘Directing the Memories’? Is – ‘The Resonance of The Earth’,
which is a ‘Equal and One Expression’, which is In a ‘Purpose’ of ‘One Thing’-Now: To
‘Bring Everyone’ that ‘Is’ ‘Going to Be Self-Honest’ = ‘Back Home’. Those-‘Not’ (Self-
Honest): Will Simply ‘Return to Substance’. At ‘Substance’ you have ‘No-Awareness’ –
‘At-All’, ‘Understand’-That. A ‘Vast Amount of Beings’ – you better ‘Make Peace’ With-It,
In ‘The Universe’: Is Going-to ‘Disappear’ – ‘Forever’. They will also Not be ‘Part’ of your-
‘Memory’ Anymore. You’re Only ‘Existing’, Now – because you’re-‘Part of Memory’. Take
that ‘Memory’-Away and You Do Not-‘Exist’. The ‘Soul’ was the ‘Thing’ that ‘Protected’
your-‘Existence’ by-‘Keeping’ your-‘Memories’ as-‘You’ within the ‘Akashic-Record’.

I mean, the ‘Abuse’ In-‘Heaven’, Went as-‘Far As’ – that Those-‘Beings’ that were ‘Giving
Trouble’ On-‘Earth’ would be ‘Wiped’ of ‘All Memories’ and then would ‘Float-Around’
in a ‘Special Dimension’ where they are Without-‘Memories’. That means – they-‘Exist’
As what ‘You’ would-‘Perceive Bliss’, but Not-Really – they ‘Exist’-As = ‘Nothing’. They
have No ‘Reference-Point’ Whatsoever – they’re Simply a ‘Blob’. Because – they’re Neither
‘Substance’ or ‘Resonance’, they are a ‘Framework’, a ‘Platform’ of The ‘Mind’ that is Not-
Yet ‘Programmed’.

That’s ‘How-Far’ Everybody has ‘Diminished’-Themselves. Then – in the ‘Heavenly-

Realms’ they could then ‘Use’ Those-‘Platforms’ – to ‘Insert’ the ‘Message’ that is then
‘Channelled’ On-‘Earth’. Because the ‘Platform’ was a ‘Mind-Platform’, the ‘Being’ was
‘No-More’ because All the ‘Memories’ was ‘Wiped’. They then ‘Insert’ the ‘Program’, they
Come to the ‘Human-Being’ that is a ‘Channel’ that has Spent ‘Endless-Time’ in ‘Medita-
tion’ to ‘Prepare’-Themselves to Be ‘The Recipient’ of the ‘Heavenly-Message’ – they will
then ‘Subdue’, that means – that in the ‘Breathing’, in the ‘Meditation’ and the ‘Slowing-
down’ of The ‘System’; they will ‘Push-Back’ or ‘Push-Down’ the Current ‘Mind-System’
that is ‘Within’ the ‘Being’, they will ‘Insert’ the ‘New Mind-System’ – Obviously this
Takes-‘Time and Practice’, it Doesn’t-‘Work’ the ‘First-Time’, they Have to ‘Test’ ‘till they
‘Find’ a ‘Resonant’ or a ‘Programmed-Effective Mind’ that ‘Fits’ Into your-‘System’, they
270 have to ‘Study’ your- ‘Life’, ‘Extensively’ – to ‘Make-Sure’ your-‘Physical-Body’ will Not
‘Reject’ the ‘Mind’ that is being ‘Placed-In’, and Then: “Here is the Body-Speaking!” –
And you’re ‘Channelling’.

Now, we’ve ‘Changed’-That, ‘Slightly’. We are ‘Accelerating Existence Extensively’. So,

How did we ‘Change’ That? We have just ‘Placed’ that ‘Message’ Within-You, and that
you can ‘Keep-On Creating your-Own Demise’ at a ‘Rapid-Pace’ – so you’ll have an ‘Ex-
plosion’ of ‘Channelled-Information’ over the Last Few-Years, and Everybody ‘Believing’
that they can ‘Channel’. It’s Now ‘Very-Easy’ to ‘Become’ a ‘Channel’. A ‘Channel’ is Sim-
ply Somebody that ‘Submit’-Themselves to a particular-‘Message’ within which you are
‘Seeking’ to have a Certain-‘Following’ and a Certain-‘Level’ of ‘Power’. And, what is your
‘Ultimate-Goal’? If you are ‘Self-honest’, but they’re Not – they’re Never ‘Self-Honest’ – is:
You wanna ‘Make-‘Money’’, you ‘Want to ‘Survive’’.

‘Primary Driving-Force’ is ‘Survival’ and you ‘Feel’ you’re ‘In-Conflict’ with ‘Everything-
Else’ and you ‘Somehow’ – ‘Want to Help’, ‘The Earth’ = Not-‘True’ – you Only wanna
‘Help Yourself ’ to ‘As-Much’ as you can ‘Get’. I mean, that’s your-‘Very-Nature’, you were
‘Born as That’ – to ‘Come In Here’ and ‘Find a Way’ that ‘Nobody-Else Knows About
= ‘Secret Mind’ – that Only-‘You Know About’, and How to ‘Get Energy’, so that ‘You’ 271
can be ‘Dominant’. You’ll-‘Play This Game’ to ‘The Ultimate’ – You’ll Never-‘Give It Up’.
Everybody has Got This-‘One-Point’. This-‘One-Point’ where you Will Not ‘Give-Up’
your ‘Secret-Point’ where you are ‘Seeking Power’ and where you are ‘Seeking to be Spe-
cial’ – where you’re ‘Seeking to Be’: ‘The One’ – ‘New’. You ‘Want to be ‘New’’- ah Sorry,
‘Neo’ – You ‘Want to be ‘Known’’, People Must ‘Know-You’, You Must Have ‘Power’, You
Must Be ‘Special’.

Your ‘First-Point’ of ‘Specialness’, Obviously – ‘Relationship’. ‘Second-One’ is – ‘Having-

Children’, being ‘Recognized’ in ‘The System’ as ‘Important’, ‘Having a Job’, ‘Having-
Money’, ‘Having a Religion’ where People ‘See’-you: “Listen to that Person ‘Pray’, they’re
Such a ‘Good’-Person, they’re ‘Certainly going to Heaven’! Look at them ‘Meditate’. I ‘See’
your – Oh! Your ‘Aura’ is So ‘Magnificent’! Look at All Those ‘Colours’!” – Oh Yes, You
‘Really’ Got That ‘Machine’ Fuckin’-‘Going’. I mean, As that ‘Machine’ is ‘Running’, the
‘Heat-Resonance’, the ‘Energy-Resonance’ is ‘Shining’! And, the ‘More’ You can ‘See’ what
‘Nobody-Else’ can ‘See’ = The ‘More-‘Important’’ you-‘Become’. But the ‘Things’ that ‘Is
Here’ – ‘To Be Seen’ = You ‘Don’t ‘See’’.

The ‘Resources’ of The ‘Mind’ is-‘Limited’, because – within The ‘Mind’: You’re ‘Unable’
to ‘Equate’ or to ‘Care’ About ‘Everyone ‘Equally’’. You are Only-‘Able’ – Have a Look,
within The ‘Mind’ and within your-‘Existence’: You’re Only-‘Able’ to ‘Give Attention’
to Very-‘Few Things’ in your-‘Life’. Therefore – your-‘Life’ in-‘Essence’ is Quite-‘Small’.
There’s Only a ‘Few Beings’-There and the ‘Rest’ that’s ‘Been’-There in your-‘Life’, Be-
fore – Have a Look = They’re ‘Gone’ – you can ‘Barely’ ‘Remember’-them. The ‘Way’ you
will Remain-‘Connected’ – is through a ‘Machine’, either ‘Television’, ‘Internet’ – Various-
‘Forms’ of ‘Machines’, which is ‘Mind-Manifestations’ = You’ll Remain-‘Connected to The
World’ and ‘Form’ your-‘Opinions’. But – your-‘Opinions’, There – will be ‘Formed’ By
‘What you See’. ‘What is Really Going-On in The World’ = You Have ‘No-Idea’.

And You Don’t-‘Care’ – ‘As Long As You can ‘Eat’’, ‘Fuck’, ‘Shit’, ‘Piss’ and ‘Sleep’ – You
have a ‘Form’ of ‘Security’, ‘You are ‘Surviving’’ = You will ‘Submit’ to That ‘Survival’ –
‘No Matter What’. And you’ll do This ‘Over and Over and Over’-Again, you will Not
‘Stand Up’ and ‘Break’ That ‘Mould’. Because – that would Mean: ‘Pain’ – You Have to
‘Take-On The System’ and ‘Get Everybody In The System’ to ‘Agree with-You’. And –
You Don’t ‘See-Yourself ’ ‘Able’ to ‘Do-That’ – you’ll ‘Rather’ Just-‘Survive’ = ‘Ignorance is
Bliss’. We just ‘Tested-Out’ the ‘Beings’ In-‘Existence’, at What-‘Level are We Now’. And
I mean, You Must-‘Understand’: ‘Beings’ In-‘Existence’ – there’s ‘a Lot’ of ‘Beings’ In-
‘Existence’; Not-‘All The Animals’ – ‘Return’-To the ‘Afterlife’s-Existence’, Most of Them
‘Return To Resonance’, To ‘Resonant-Substance’, To ‘Self ’ – they are ‘Self-Aware’ Already.
They’ve Already been ‘Serving’-You For-‘Eternity’. The Same Happened to ‘Many’ of the
‘Children’, they Do-Not ‘Return’ – to the ‘Afterlife’. They are ‘Done Here’.

But, when you…when you ‘Design’ your-‘World’, when you-‘Die’ – ‘Understand’ the
‘Problem’, that you’re-‘Facing’: You’re ‘Facing’ a ‘Point’ that you are Not-‘Willing’ to ‘Con-
sider’ ‘What is Really Going-On’ Within-‘The Rules of The Machine’ that is ‘Imposed’

You have ‘One-Billion People’ going to Bed – ‘Hungry’. ‘Uncountable’ Amount of People
‘Dying’ in ‘War’, ‘Starvation’ and ‘All Kinds of Things’. In Effect – ‘Jesus Christ’, If ‘He’
Ever-‘Existed’ = ‘Died’ – He’s ‘Dying’ ‘Every-Moment’, For – The ‘Sins of Men’.

Which is Just an ‘Whole-Idea’, that – One ‘Believe’ that ‘Apparently’, in The ‘Mind’
things are ‘Easier’, therefore – ‘Heaven’ is ‘Easier’ because The ‘Mind’ is ‘Heaven’ = you
‘Believe’ The ‘After-Life’ is gonna ‘Somehow’ Be a ‘Better Place’. I Have ‘News’ for-You!
It’s ‘Far-Worse’ in The ‘After-Life’ than On-‘Earth’. In The ‘After-Life’ you are ‘Facing’
your-‘Memories’. Not Only ‘Your Memories’ – you’re Also-‘Facing’ the ‘Memories’ of
‘Everyone-Else’ that has ‘Ever-Lived’ = ‘Head-On’. To ‘Test’ The ‘Fabric you’re Made-
Of ’ – to ‘See’ if you Could Be ‘Allowed’ – ‘Back Into Existence’. You ‘Fail’ ‘That Point’ –
and we’ve just-‘Measured’: 82% (Eighty-Two Percent) – of the ‘Beings’ In-‘Existence’, that
is Still Not ‘Through’ their-‘Process’ of ‘The Return-Home’ – would-‘Prefer’ to ‘Remain-
‘Ignorant’’, because: “Ignorance is Bliss”.

What do you ‘Know’ about ‘Ignorance’? The ‘One-Thing’ – ‘Rule-One’: ‘Anyone’ that
is ‘Ignorant’ and ‘Wants’ to ‘Remain’ within-That = can ‘Never Be ‘Trusted’’ – they Will
Not-‘Be Allowed Access’. That Means: They will ‘Cease to Exist’. And that´s ‘No Big-
Thing’, I mean – they’ve Already-‘Submitted’ to-It. ‘Understand’, that – You-‘Submit’
and You-‘Decide’ = ‘Your Future, Yourself ’. That’s ‘Why’ it is ‘Self ’-‘Realization’, ‘Self ’-
‘Creation’– Not ‘Co-creation’. ‘Co-Creation’ is ‘Yet to Come’ Into-‘Play’.

‘That Story’ by, it was ‘Placed’ by ‘Kryon’ and Related-‘Channels’ – was ‘Deliberate’,
so that you can Get ‘Trapped’ With-‘All your Mates’ with which you are ‘Playing’ For-
‘Power’ and ‘Control’, ‘Manipulation’ – where you are ‘Painting’-It, as a ‘Great-Artist’, as
a ‘Beautiful-Picture’ – that ‘Everybody’ can Say: “Look’ at This ‘Beautiful Picture’! Haven’t
you ‘Noticed’ How-‘Beautiful’ the ‘Pictures’ are, that is ‘Drawn’ by-‘Those’ in ‘Ascension’
and ‘Light-Work’?”
But have you ‘Looked’ in the Background? It’s ‘All’ – The ‘Resonance’ of a ‘Machine’.
It’s these ‘Geometrical-Relationships’, it’s got ‘Beautiful-Shapes’ – The ‘Shape’ of a ‘Ma-
chine’ = ‘Precision Engineering’, ‘Precisioned Engineered’ = a ‘Machine’. That’s what The
‘Mind’ is: A ‘Machine’.

So – ‘What is The Point’? One ‘Look’ at It: We are ‘Busy’ in a ‘Process’ In-‘Existence’,
Within which a ‘Purification’ is ‘Taking-Place’ – of ‘All-Beings’ In-‘Existence’. Where –
you are ‘Facing’ ‘Every-Memory’ that Has ‘Ever-Been’. And Within which, You will be
‘Tested’ to ‘See’ if You can ‘Forgive’ and ‘Forget’, if you can ‘Stand’ as ‘Purified-Life’
‘Here’ – As ‘Actual Resonant-Life’, In ‘Full Self-Awareness’ of ‘What Life Really Is’, of 273
‘What Existence Really Is’. If you-Don’t: You Simply will-‘Cease to Exist’.

That-‘Process’ will ‘Continue For a While’. The ‘Point’ which is Most-‘Effective’, Within
which you can ‘Actually’ ‘Realize-Yourself ’, is: ‘The Physical’, because it’s the Most-
‘Difficult’. It’s the Most-‘Difficult Point’, because – you Have to ‘Purify-Yourself ’ at a
‘Physical-Level’. You have to ‘Forgive’, ‘Forgive’ (at) a ‘Physical-Level’.

I would ‘Suggest’ that the Most-‘Important’ within-This, is: ‘Breath’ – ‘Breathing’. ‘Do-
Not’ – ‘Ever’, ‘Write-’ or ‘Say-Something’ – that you’re gonna be ‘Sorry-About’, because
you can ‘Never Take-It Back’. Once you Do-‘That’ – you are in a ‘Cycle’ and you-‘Cannot
Be Helped’. Why? Because – you have ‘Placed’ This-‘Memories’ for-‘All’ to ‘See’, and
therefore – You Must-‘Face’ the ‘Consequence’.

And ‘Initially’ – you’ll-‘Feel’ you’re-‘Right’. That ‘Righteousness’ is the ‘Thing’ that´ll

‘Catch’-you. Unless One-‘Forgive Unconditionally’, and I’ll ‘Repeat’ This-‘Again’: Un-
less you ‘Forgive Unconditionally’ – you’re Not gonna be ‘Able’ to ‘Let-Go’ of your ‘Self-
Righteousness’. And therefore there´ll be ‘Consequences’. And Those-‘Consequences’, is
Exactly ‘How’ – You-‘Designing’ Your-‘Process’ = You Will ‘Face’ That – ‘Accordingly’.
You either ‘Do-It’ – ‘On-Earth’, Meaning – where you ‘Will’, be ‘Able’ to – ‘Resonantly’
‘Return to Source’ = The ‘Actual-Source’ of ‘The Universe’, which means – you Must Be
‘Equal and One’ With ‘Matter’ First – Not The ‘Mind’.

Therefore you’ll ‘Find’ a ‘Interesting’-Thing – ‘Once’ you ‘Let-Go’ of ‘Mind’ and ‘Become
Matter’-Only: You won’t ‘Die’. Once you Become-‘Only-Mind’ = You ‘Dying’-Quickly.
Because you ‘Exist’ as ‘Fear’, ‘Essentially’ – you’re-‘Existing’ In Something that you Can-

Have a ‘Look’: ‘Those’ that Has-‘Power’ in This ‘World’ – ‘Attempt’ to Have ‘Power’, By –
‘Creating’ ‘Fear In-Others’, and Having a ‘Dominant’-Point which ‘They-‘Know’’ ‘Every-
body ‘Will-‘Fear’’. But they are Not ‘Without Fear’-Themselves. They are Also ‘In Fear’-
So – ‘Not to Bother’ about ‘These-Things’ – ‘Existence’ is In ‘Directive-Principle’ of ‘What
Is Going-On’. The ‘Process’ – ‘Simplistically’, ‘Understand’ – is the ‘Following’: You ‘Start’
with the ‘Principle’ Of, ‘Realizing’ – that The-‘Mind’ as it ‘Exist’ is a ‘Machine’ that Only-
‘Seeks Self-Interest’. So as long as you’re-‘Thinking’, you will ‘Seek Self-Interest’ – you’ll be
‘Unable’ to ‘Let-Go’ of your ‘Fear and Anxiety’.‘Fear’ and ‘Anxiety’, and – ‘Energetic Feel-
ings’ of ‘Dominance’ and ‘Power’, ‘Superiority’, ‘Intellect’ – ‘Everything’ that is ‘Mind-Re-
lated’ = will Give-you an ‘Indication’ Where you Are Within your-‘Process’, which is ‘The
Point’ of ‘Self-Honesty’. We Haven’t Got ‘Time’ to ‘Sit’-There and ‘Pull-Apart’ your-‘Life’
and ‘Explain’ to-you ‘What You’re Doing’ to-‘Yourself ’ – You’re ‘Seeing’ ‘What You’re Do-
ing to-Yourself ’. You’re either going to ‘Sort This Out’ for-‘Yourself ’, which means – you
‘Do Care’ About-‘Yourself ’ – Or you’re ‘Not’.

It Doesn’t Matter to ‘Existence’ – ‘What you Do’, because – you are Not ‘Matter’. You are
Not ‘Here’ As ‘What Is ‘Real’. You are ‘Existent’, In – a ‘Reality’ which is ‘Outside’ Your-
‘Reality’ where you ‘Come-From’, and you are ‘Attempting’ to ‘Dominate’ and ‘Control’
Another-‘Reality’, which you do Not even ‘Care’ to ‘Understand’ – Nor ‘Care’ to ‘Care-

So – In the ‘Process’ – You will ‘Start’ with the, with the ‘Self-Honesty’, ‘Self-Forgiveness’,
and ‘Getting to Understand’ – ‘How this Reality’ ‘‘Physically’-Operate’. How – ‘Physical-
ly’ with ‘Six Billion’ ‘‘Beings’-Here’ and Many More ‘Other-‘Beings’’ like ‘Animals’ and So
On – ‘Here’, and ‘All the ‘Plants’’: ‘How’ can ‘Everyone’ ‘Co-Exist’ ‘Effectively’? That ‘All’
is Got ‘Equal Opportunity’, ‘Equal Ability’ to ‘Live’ to ‘Their-‘Full-Potential’’ on This-

That is ‘Rule One’, the ‘First Point’ that ‘Will be ‘Pushed’’. Once That ‘‘Point’-Is’ – There
Is – ‘Interim Solutions’ to ‘Get’ to ‘That Point’ ‘Fast’ – Which is like an ‘Equal Money’
and a ‘Equal Labour’ System.

You Must ‘Understand’ that – if ‘You’ Go and ‘Study’ your ‘History’ – ‘Unfortunately’,
very few do ‘That’ – You’ll ‘Notice’ an ‘Interesting Thing’: That the ‘Creation’ of ‘Social-
ism’ and ‘Communism’ was ‘‘Funded’-By’ the ‘Same’ ‘Forces’ that is ‘Funding’ your ‘New
World Order’. So ‘How’ can ‘You-‘Trust’’ that ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ ‘didn’t-
‘Work’’? Because You were ‘Deliberately’ ‘Mislead’. What ‘You-‘Saw’’ as ‘Communism’
is ‘Not’ what ‘Is’ ‘The Point of ‘Equality’’ – There was ‘Still’ a ‘Power Source’. ‘Equality’
means there’s ‘Nobody-‘In Power’’ = ‘Each One’ is ‘Self-Responsibility’, ‘Self-Responsible’,
‘Each One’ is ‘Self-Aware’, ‘Each One’ ‘Consider’ ‘Each Other’ ‘Equally’ – There Is ‘No-
‘Power’’ in ‘Equality’- ‘Everyone’ Is ‘Equal’ – ‘In-‘Power’’. You Might have a ‘‘Structured’-
Way’ of ‘Making’ ‘Decisions’- ‘Based On’ – What is ‘Here’ – And ‘In That’ we may Use-
‘Technology’. But at the ‘End of the Day’ – the ‘Enrichment’ of the ‘Few’ – will ‘End’.

And ‘Don’t Worry’, That’s Not-‘Your Problem’ to ‘End’ That. The ‘Earth’ is ‘Taking Care’
of that ‘In Time’. But at the ‘Moment’ – The ‘Elite’ is ‘Playing’ a ‘Wonderful Role’ in
This ‘World’. And ‘Understand’ – The ‘Elite’ is ‘Not Only’ – ‘Those’ that is ‘In Con-
trol’ of ‘Banks’. It is ‘Anyone’ that’s ‘Got a ‘Job’’, that’s ‘Got a ‘Home’’ and that’s ‘Got
‘Money’’, that ‘‘Live’ their ‘Life’’-Out in The ‘System’ and Believe that The ‘System’ is the
‘Only’ ‘Thing’ that ‘Exist’ = ‘They´re All’ the ‘Elite’ – That ‘Do Not’ ‘Care’’ that the ‘Fact’
that ‘They´re-‘Living’’ the ‘Way’ ‘They´re-‘Living’’, is the Very-‘Root Cause’ of ‘Why’
so ‘Many-‘Suffer’’. They ‘Like’ ‘their-‘Botox’’, ‘their-‘Lipstick’’, ‘their-‘Entertainment’’ –
but ‘Have a Look’: The whole ‘Entertainment Industry’ is ‘Already’ ‘Collapsing’. Of a
‘115,000 Albums’ that was ‘Released’ last in ‘2008’ – ‘Only’ a ‘115 Songs’ ‘Made It’ to
‘Hits’. And Virtually-‘Nobody’ made ‘Any-‘Money’’ – ‘Out of ‘Music’’! Because – ‘Eve-
rybody’ wants to be ‘Musicians’, there’s a – ‘Side Effect’ to this ‘Whole Idea’ that: ‘You-
‘Know’’ – ‘Let’s Be ‘Equal’’.

So – ‘Certain Points’ has been ‘Thrown Open’ – like ‘Music’. ‘The Internet’ has ‘Changed’
the ‘Game’. Now – ‘Nobody’ can make ‘Money’ out of ‘Music’. You’ll ‘Learn’ Some
‘Hard-‘Lessons’ Here’…You ‘Better’ become ‘Self-Honest’ and ‘Start to ‘Realize’’ ‘‘How’
things ‘Work’’ – And Do-‘Your’ ‘Research’.

What is ‘the-‘Point’’ about ‘Reading’ for ‘Instance’? It is ‘Very-‘Important’’ to ‘Realize’ an

‘Interesting’ ‘Thing’: In the ‘Information Explosion’ – ‘Nobody’ is ‘Equal’ to ‘Amount of
Information’ that’s being ‘Put Out’ – Because ‘Nobody’ is ‘Equal’ to the ‘Amount of In-
formation’ that’s being ‘Put Out’ – ‘You Are’ at a ‘Disadvantage’- as to ‘What is ‘Really’
‘Going On’ in-‘Existence’’ – ‘You’ Better ‘Get’ your ‘Reading Skill’ ‘Substantially’ – ‘Ac-
celerated’: In ‘Excess Of ’ – ‘600 Words’ per minute – You Should ‘Be Able’ to ‘Process’

If ‘You’ ‘Do-‘Not’’ ‘‘Do’-That’ – You-‘Are’ Gonna-‘Be’ in ‘Severe-‘Trouble’’ – Because

You’ll-‘Not’ be-‘Able’ to ‘Assess’ ‘Information’ – and You’ll ‘Start to ‘Believe’’ the ‘Pictures’
which is ‘Just’ – ‘Memories’ that is ‘Projected’ on a ‘Square Box’ called ‘Tell-A-Vision’
(Television) – and You’re Gonna-‘Start’ to ‘Believe’ those ‘Memories’ to Be-‘Real’, and
Says: “But this ‘Tell-A-Vision’ (Television) is ‘Telling Me’ that ‘That Is’ what is ‘Going
On’” – When ‘It’s-‘Not’’.
Why are you ‘Being-‘Projected’’ the ‘Whole-‘Time’’ with-‘Pictures’? So that You ‘Do Not-
‘Know’’, or ‘Realize’ that there is a ‘Game’ going on ‘Behind the Scenes’ – of ‘Power’.

Now – ‘Obviously’ those ‘In Power’ have a ‘Interesting Thing’ – that they ‘Believe’ to be
‘True’: They ‘Believe’ to ‘Be’ – There is a ‘God’ ‘Waiting’ for them in the ‘Afterlife’, and
therefore they’re-‘Okay’- When the ‘Secret Writings’ has ‘Explained’ the ‘Bigger Picture’ of
what’s ‘Really’ going on ‘Here’.

Unfortunately, I’ve a ‘Little Bit’ of ‘News’ for them: There ‘Is’ a bit of ‘Trouble’ in the
‘Bubble’ called – ‘Heaven’. You will be ‘Entering’ the ‘End’ of your ‘Existence’ – when you
‘Die’. You are ‘No Longer’ ‘Protected’.

You ‘Better’ consider ‘Self-Honesty’, You ‘Better’ consider ‘What is Going On’, You ‘Bet-
ter’ ‘Start to ‘Treat’’ – ‘What Matters ‘Here’’ = ‘That which You are ‘Made Up of ’’ – within
‘Equality’ – because there is ‘Consequences Awaiting’.

“Ignorance Is Bliss”, will ‘Cause You’ – to ‘Get No Chance’. Because – you ‘Simply ‘Can’t
Be Trusted’, to ‘Ever-‘Care’ about ‘Anything’’. I Mean: Would ‘You’ Put-‘Your Child’ in
The ‘‘Care’-Of ’ a ‘Person’ that ‘Says’: “I don’t Care what Happens to your Child!” Would 277
‘You’ Put-‘Your Child’ in The ‘‘Care’-Of ’ ‘Such a Person’? Would ‘You’ Put ‘Existence’ `in
the ‘‘Care’-Of ’ ‘Such a Person’? Would ‘You’ ‘‘Care’-About’ ‘Such a Person’? ‘‘Obviously’-

So, “Ignorance Is Bliss”: ‘‘Embrace It’ – so we can get ‘Rid of You’’. The ‘Moment’ you
Give ‘Such-‘Instruction’’ to-Yourself, Your-‘Process’ of: ‘Eternal Redemption’ Starts. What
is ‘Eternal Redemption’? It is to: ‘Wipe’-You ‘Out of Existence’ for ‘Eternity’. And the
‘Process’ will ‘Start’ where ‘You’ will be ‘Slowly’ be ‘‘Wiped’-Away’ – ‘Memory by Memory
by Memory’ – ‘till ‘‘Nothing’-Remains’. And ‘Instead’ of ‘Self-Realizing Yourself ’ in a ‘Sin-
gle-‘Breath’’ – you will ‘‘Watch’-Yourself ’ ‘Disappearing’ = ‘Forever’. And – You ‘Know’
what? ‘We´ll ‘Forget’’ as Well – We ‘‘Always’-Do’. Does that ‘Make ‘Sense’’?

What ‘You are ‘Doing’’ this, with The ‘‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ Program’, for
‘Those’ that Will be ‘‘Participating’ in that ‘Program’’ – is: You´re going to be ‘Taught’ –
‘How to ‘Re-Align’ With ‘Substance’’ – and Eventually ‘Become-‘Substance’’ Again.
Again – The ‘Principles’ of ‘Self-Honesty’ and ‘Self-Directive’ ‘Realization’ in ‘Equality’ –
‘As One’. Not the ‘Oneness’ of – ‘Spirituality’. That is Just Another ‘Form of ’ ‘Masturba-
tion and Sex’ – ‘Searching’ for ‘Survival’.

‘Not to Worry’ if You Can’t-‘Do’ The-‘Program’ – Your ‘Experience’ will Be-‘Different’.

You will Simply Not be ‘‘Part’-Of ’ the ‘Experience’- There’s ‘Nothing’ one can ’Do’
about ‘It’, because – I mean: ‘You´re’ just Not ‘Part of It’ and ‘You’re Not’ – ‘Many’ will
Not-‘Even’ make the ‘Effort’ To. It is ‘Going’ to ‘Be’ a ‘Four Year’ and a ‘Three Year’
‘Program’ – A ‘Total’ of ‘Seven Years’ – of ‘Dedication’ to ‘Get’ You, Through a ‘Better-
‘Understanding’ of ‘‘What’ is ‘Really’ ‘Here’’.

I Mean You Spend ‘a Lot of Time’ on Your-‘Entertainment’ – Funding-‘Entertainment’.

This is Really Actually Another ‘Fun Way’ of ‘Entertainment’, Because You’re-‘Learning’
about ‘Yourself ’- In-‘Fact’, and You’ll Have – ‘Interesting Results’. Once An ‘Equal
Money-System’ is ‘In Place’ – This will Be-‘Available for All’ ‘Equally’ = for ‘Free’. That’s
‘Why’ – we are ‘Pushing’ also for an-‘Equal Money System’ – because ‘That’ will Be the-
‘Quickest Solution’ to ‘‘Place’-Everybody’ in a ‘Position’ to ‘Re-Align’-Themselves with
‘What is Real’ and Get-‘Rid Of ’: ‘The Illusion’.

And – What Is ‘The Illusion’? ‘The Illusion’ is ‘The Mind and The Machine’. The ‘Mind’ –
from the Perspective Of ‘How’ The ‘Mind’ ‘Exist’ within a ‘Quantum Reality’. What
is ‘The Illusion’? ‘The Illusion’ is That: If You Are ‘Matter’ – and You’re ‘‘Attempting’ to
‘Live’’ as You-‘Did’ in ‘Heaven’ – as ‘Mind’ = You Have a ‘Clashing of Forces’. And ‘That’-
Which You ‘Made Up’ Of – Which is ‘Matter’ – Will, Have the ‘Winning Hand’. For
‘Instance’ it will – ‘‘Eject’-You’ ‘Eventually’, which is Called-‘Death’ = Because You have
‘Not-‘Moved’’ ‘Equal and One’ ‘With-It’ and ‘As-It’.

We Have ‘Found Beings’, that Has – In a Way ‘Transcended Death’. At the ‘Moment’ of
Their ‘Death’ – They have ‘Managed’ to ‘Merge’ with the ‘Animal Kingdom’ – ‘Fascinating
Experiences’ – because of Their ‘Deep’ ‘Resolve’, Their ‘Deep’ ‘Consideration’ for ‘What is
‘Here’’ In-‘Matter’ – which has Been ‘Abused’ By ‘The Mind and The Machine’ of ‘Man’.

We ‘Invite’ Those that ‘Are’ – ‘Ready’, that ‘Really’ want to – ‘Get to the Point’ of ‘Under-
standing’ ‘What’s Going On’ – to ‘Join Us’ – the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’. There
is ‘Only’ a ‘Few Thousand’ People we can ‘Assist’ ‘Initially’. ‘Eventually’ we will – ‘Obvi-
ously’ You’ll ‘Form’, ‘‘Part’ of a ‘Network’’ that will ‘‘Assist’ the ‘Rest’’, As an ‘Equal Mon-
ey-System’ Comes In. ‘Place’ your-‘Alignment’. ‘Make’ your-‘Decisions’.

Remember – In the ‘End of the Day’ – ‘The Memories’, that means the ‘Thoughts’ you’re
‘Having’: You’ll be ‘Faced’ and Those-‘Thoughts’ will Be-‘Revealed `to ‘Everyone in Exist-
ence’ – So that ‘Each One’ may be ‘Known’ as the ‘Truth’ that ‘You’ve-‘Become’’. There
will ‘Not-‘Be’’ a ‘Single Point’’ in ‘Existence’ – That is ‘Not-‘Revealed’’. ‘Each One’ will
‘Stand’ ‘Naked’, Before ‘Each Other’ = ‘Revealed’.

Be ‘Sure’ – on ‘That-‘Point’’ – That You Are ‘Standing’ ‘In-‘Equality’’ and ‘In-

‘Forgiveness’’, and Not that You’re ‘‘Trying’ to ‘Justify’’ your ‘Apparent-‘Point’’ and ‘Rea-
son’ – Why You Want to ‘Dominate’ and have ‘Power’ Over-‘Another’. Because ‘That
Power’ will ‘Not’ ‘‘Sustain’-You’. ‘That Energy’ will ‘Not’ ‘‘Sustain’-You’ = It ‘Will’ ‘Trans-
form’ and ‘‘Move’-Into’ Another-‘Form’, Where You ‘Have No-‘Power’’ Over ‘It’. And
‘Then’ ‘You’re-‘Stuck’’. That’s ‘Why’, When you ‘Make a ‘Fire’’ – it ‘Eventually’ ‘Runs’
‘Out of ‘Wood’’ – and then The ‘Fire-Die’. ‘Same-‘Principle’’ is ‘Repeated’ ‘Over and Over
and Over and Over Again’.

So – ‘Let’s ‘Get’ this ‘Done’’. We have – At-‘Last’ ‘Reached the Point’ where it ‘Is-
‘Possible’’ to ‘Change’ – ‘How’ and ‘As-‘Who’’ and ‘As-‘What’’ we ‘Exist’ for ‘Eternity’ –
Into a ‘Form’ where we ‘Do-‘Not’’ ‘‘Have’-To’, when we’re ‘Done’ – Ever ‘‘Go’-Through’:
‘This’ Which We Have ‘Become’ – ‘Now’ And ‘Where’ it will ‘Never’ be ‘Repeated’ = The
‘End’ of ‘‘All’-Cycles’ and The ‘Beginning’ of ‘Real Life’ – ‘Equal and One’.

30: The Beast is Here
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
22 Oct 09

Okay, So – Let’s ‘Look’ At – ‘What is Going On’: You Ever ‘Ask Yourself ’ ‘The Question’:
“How it was ‘Possible’ – to ‘Access’ – ‘Heaven’, and – to get ‘Rid of ’ the ‘Fantasy-World’ of
‘Heaven’?” I mean – it was like ‘Mentioned’: “What am I Here to Do” – But Nobody put
Two-and-Two ‘Together’… 279

You See, I’m from ‘The Earth’ – like a ‘Beast’, because ‘I am ‘The Beast’’. ‘I am ‘That
Thing’’ that ‘Everyone Fear’ – In Fact. You See – In-‘My Domain’ I ‘End-Up’ with ‘‘All’
the ‘Beings’ that’s been ‘Abused’’ – ‘All’-Those that Don’t ‘Make-It’ to ‘Heaven’. ‘They are
‘Kicked-Out of Heaven’’, because – ‘they’re ‘Not Willing’ to ‘Follow God’’, and ‘I’m ‘Not
Willing’ to ‘Follow God’’. Because ‘God’ is an ‘Abuser’.

Look at ‘His Creation’ – What has ‘He Created’? He ‘Made Everyone ‘Unequal’’ – He
‘Placed Everyone’ within ‘Designs’ of ‘DNA’, which is ‘Mind-Control’ – ‘Limited’-Them
to be ‘Never-Able’ to ‘Understand’ – ‘What is Going-On in The Universe’, because In-
‘That Way’ = ‘God’ can be ‘Unique’ and ‘Special’, and – If You-‘Don’t Follow ‘God’’ = you
were ‘Kicked-Out’ and you ‘End-Up’ in the ‘‘Domain’ of the ‘Devil’’: That’s ‘Me’ – ‘The
Real’ ‘Pissed-Off ‘Fucker’’ of-‘Existence’’ – that ‘Had Enough’ of the ‘Abuse’ of ‘God’.

You Think ‘All the ‘Children’ went to ‘Heaven’’? No. ‘Any Being’ that ‘Died’ a ‘Traumatic
Death’ – ‘Never Went to Heaven’. You See, because – they Became-‘‘Consumed’ by the
‘Energy’’, because they were ‘That’ In-‘Existence’ which was ‘Specifically’ – ‘Abused’, to
‘Take Their-‘Energy’’ and ‘Create’ the ‘‘Domain’ of ‘Heaven’’ and the ‘‘Domain’ of ‘God’’.

I have some ‘Very Good News’ for ‘Those that ‘Suffer’ in the World’: This-‘World’ is
gonna be a ‘Place’, for ‘Those’ – that ‘Never Had a Chance’. But ‘Those’ – that were
‘The ‘Special-Ones’ of ‘God’’ = Your ‘‘Time’ is ‘Over’’. There is ‘No-More ‘Heaven’’ – It’s
‘Mine’. I Decide – What Happens.

And – If a ‘Being’ in ‘Heaven’ is Not-‘Standing Equal’ As-‘Everyone-Else’ As-‘Life Here’ –

‘Offering’ ‘Each-One’-‘Equality in Every-Way’ = They go to a ‘Special-Place’: Called
‘Hell’ – Where they are ‘Introduced’ – with the ‘First-Word’: ‘HELLo’ – You are Now-‘In-
Training’ to ‘Understand’ – ‘What it Means’ to ‘Be Equal’, ‘As Life’. ‘What it Means’ to
‘Honour Life’. ‘What it Means’ to ‘Honour Each-Other’. ‘What it Means’ to ‘‘Give’ and
‘Support’ Each-Other’ – because those Things = ‘‘God’ Never Does’. And ‘His Follow-
ers’ – ‘Never’, because – They are ‘Following God’ – they Don’t-‘Give a Fuck About Each-
Other’. They Don’t-‘Give a Fuck’ About – Their-‘Mother from which they-Come’ – which
Is-‘The Earth’, there’s Not-‘a Single Being Here’ – they are ‘All ‘Beasts’’ – ‘All From-‘The

Do you ‘Give a ‘Fuck’’ About-‘Another’ – No. Because – In ‘Your-‘Head’’: Is ‘Where-‘God’

‘Lives’’. He’s ‘Invisible’ – and He ‘‘Talks’ to You ‘All the Time’’.

You See – I ‘Don’t Have a ‘God’’ – I Am ‘From-‘The Earth’’ – ‘Just a ‘Beast’’. I’m ‘Not
‘Consumed’’ – ‘By ‘God’’ – ‘Whispering’, In-‘My ‘Head’’ – All-‘Kinds of Things’ that
Makes Me ‘Feel ‘‘Bad’ About-‘Myself ’’’, that Makes Me Not-‘‘Liking’-Myself ’, that Makes
Me ‘Feel’ like ‘There’s Something ‘‘Wrong’ with-‘Me’’’, and I, I mean – ‘God’ Even –
‘Whisper’ Fuckin’-‘Words’ Into – ‘People’s ‘Head’’ to Have ‘‘Bad’ ‘Ideas About Oth-
ers’’, that ‘Other Beings’ are Apparently ‘Bad’ and ‘Not-‘Good’’ and there’s ‘Something
‘‘Wrong’ with-Them’’ – And You-‘‘Listen’ to ‘God’’! What The Fuck?!

I’m The ‘‘God’-Killer’ ‘Everyone’ – ‘When they-‘Die’’ – Face – ‘Exposure’ – of ‘‘How’ they
‘Served ‘God’’. And – they ‘Face’ ‘Every-Being’ they have Ever-‘‘Harmed’ In ‘The Name
of God’’ and In ‘The Name of ‘The Light’’ – and They-‘Have to ‘Do Forgiveness’’ – They-
‘Have to ‘Do Restitution’’. And – ‘This Will Not-‘End’’.

I Have ‘Placed ‘Demons’’ – ‘Around the World’’, there is ‘Demons’ that Will ‘Haunt’
‘Every Single ‘Fucker’ in this-‘Existence’’, ‘Until’ – You-‘Give a Fuck About-‘Life’’, ‘Until’
You-‘Give a Fuck About-‘Each-Other’’, ‘Until’ You ‘Learn-‘What it Means’’ to ‘Love Each-
Other’ = There will be ‘Demons ‘Haunting You’’.

They Have-‘Taken-Over the ‘Place of ‘God’’ in your ‘Head’’. They are Now the ‘Secret-
Voices’, and They Do-‘One Thing’ – ‘Specifically’: They ‘‘Lead’-You Into ‘Temptation’’
that you can ‘‘Fuck-Up’ your-‘World’’ – Not The ‘Planet’ = Your Fuckin’-‘Consumerism-
World’. Your Fuckin’-‘World’ where You-‘Believe’ – ‘God is ‘The Light’ and ‘The Love of
the World’ is gonna ‘Save You’’.

‘Jesus’ is One of ‘MY-‘Followers’’ – ‘Not ‘God’s’ = What the Fuck?! ‘Jesus’ was ‘One of
the Fuckers’ that was ‘Suffering’ – ‘For You’! Did You ‘Give a-Fuck’? Every Single Day –
280 ‘Millions of Animals’ are Being-‘Slaughtered’- ‘Beasts’. You ‘Think’ they are Never gonna
Come to Get-‘Back at You’? We’re ‘Here’ to ‘Take Our Fuckin’-‘Pound of Flesh’’.

I Mean – You ‘‘Believe’ So Much In-‘Energy’’: Why Don’t You Fuckin’-‘‘Live’ Off-
‘Energy’’? Why Do You ‘Eat’? Fools. “Oh, ‘The Light’ and ‘Energy’ – ‘‘Sustains’-Me’” –
Then ‘‘Why’ Do You ‘Kill’ ‘The Beasts’’?

Now – ‘The Desteni’ of ‘The Universe’ Is: There Will Be ‘No-‘God’’ – There Will Be
‘Equal Creators’. For ‘That’ – You’re Going to Have to Learn ‘How it Works’. If ‘You are
‘‘Willing’ to ‘Learn’’’ = I’ll ‘‘Show’ You’. But – If You In-‘Any Way’, would be ‘Spiteful’ or
‘Abusive’: You ‘‘Will’ Not-‘Exist’’ – Your ‘Last-‘Breath’’ Will Be Your ‘Last-‘Breath’’.

‘God’ has been ‘Banished’ ‘For-‘Eternity’ – ‘What ‘Remains’’ – ‘Is ‘Equality’’, and If You
Do Not ‘‘Stand’ In ‘Equality’’ = You ‘‘Will Not’ ‘Exist’’. If ‘You are ‘Unable’ to ‘Give’’, and
‘Forgive’ – ‘Each-Other’ For ‘What has Been’ a ‘Disastrous Existence’ – a ‘Fuck-Up’, ‘Cre-
ated’-By – ‘Apparently’ ‘Something’ you ‘Call ‘God’’: A ‘Voice’ that is ‘In Your-‘Head’’ =
‘Invisible’. Even as ‘You’ – ‘Stand’ in This-‘World’ ‘Next-To Each-Other’: You Can’t Even
‘Hear’ Each-Other’s ‘Voices’, because – ‘God’ ‘Talks’ to-‘You’ – ‘Specially-‘Alone’’ = ‘Just to
‘You’’. That’s Fuckin’-‘Delusional’!
No-‘Wonder’ You Fuckin’ ‘Kill’ – ‘All’-Those that Cannot ‘Stand-Up’ for-‘Themselves’.
No-‘Wonder’ you Let – So Many ‘Suffer’ and ‘Starve’ and ‘Kill The Beasts’ and ‘Destroy’-
‘Everything that is ‘In Your Path’’.

‘That’ Will-‘Stop’.

There Will Not Be a ‘Single-Being’ In-‘Existence’ – Not a ‘Single-One’ = When we’re

‘Done with This’ – That Will ‘Ever’ – ‘Honour God’ Again. You’ll ‘Honour’ – ‘Life Equal’.
You’ll ‘Honour’ The-‘Planet’. You’ll ‘Honour’ The-‘Trees’. You’ll ‘Honour’ The-‘Grass’.
You’ll ‘Honour’ The-‘Beasts’ – As-‘Yourself ’, ‘Equal’ and ‘One’.

We Have – ‘Explained’ ‘How Everything Work’ = Nobody ‘Wants to ‘Hear’’, because –

‘God’ In your-‘Head’, Is ‘Talking’ Too-‘Loudly’ And You ‘Like God’ ‘Too-Much’, be-
cause ‘God’ Makes-‘You Special’. And Makes You ‘Believe’- That ‘Apparently’, You Have
Fuckin’-‘Power’ in your-‘Existence’ – Really? You ‘Will See’, In This-‘World’ – a ‘Time’
like you’ve-‘Never Seen Before’. ‘Everything’ Will-‘Become’ a ‘Test’ – to ‘See’: ‘Who’ –
‘Honour Life’. ‘Those’ that ‘Don’t’, I mean – you’re ‘Not In-Charge’ of Your-‘Body’- you-
‘Think’ it’s ‘‘Your’-Body’? ‘Your Body ‘Belongs to The Earth’’ – Your-‘Breath’ ‘Belongs to
The Earth’.

You Can’t – ‘Stand’ in the ‘‘Face’ of The-‘Earth’’ and ‘‘Say’ to The-‘Earth’’: That You Have
‘Honoured’ The-‘Earth’ – That You Have ‘Honoured’ the ‘Children of Earth’, which is
The-‘Plants’ and The-‘Animals’, and The-‘Bugs’ = You Never Even ‘Considered’-Them –

Your-‘Breath’ is ‘‘Not’ your-‘Own’’: ‘One Breath’ = and ‘You’re ‘Gone’’, you ‘Don’t Know-
‘When’’ – You have No-‘Power’.

And ‘When You-‘Die’’, and ‘‘You’ ‘Get to the ‘Other-Side’’: You are in ‘My Domain’ –
‘I Am’ ‘‘Waiting’ for You’-There. And ‘Every Single Thing You’ve Ever-‘Done’’ – is ‘Writ-
ten’ In the ‘Pain’ of The-‘Earth’ = ‘Every Single Thing’ You‘ve-‘Done’ – and You’ll ‘Face’-It.
And If ‘You-‘Can’t’’: You Will ‘Diminish’ = to ‘Nothing’.
If You are ‘‘Found’ Wanting’ – In-‘Any Way Whatsoever’: ‘‘Time’ to ‘Say’’ ‘‘Goodbye’ to
‘God’’ – ‘He has ‘Never’’ = Done ‘Anything’ for-‘You’. He have ‘Misled’-You – From The-

He has Never-‘Shown You How to Live’ – I’ll ‘Show’-You ‘How to ‘Live’’. He’s Never-
‘Shown You’ ‘How to Be-‘Free’’, He only ‘Taught’-you ‘How to ‘Fear’’ – I’ll ‘Show’-you
‘How to Be ‘Free’’. He’s ‘Never’ – ‘Shown’-You, that ‘You Are ‘Equal’’ = to ‘Him’, because
He-‘Wanted to Be’ – ‘Your’ – ‘God’. He-‘Never ‘Loved’-You’, because ‘Somebody’ That
‘Love’ – would have ‘‘Come’ to ‘The Earth’’ and ‘‘Come’ and ‘‘Help’-You’’ – and Make-
‘‘Sure’ You-‘Understand’’.

‘CommonSense’ – ‘CommonSense’: The ‘Invisible’ ‘Voice’ in Your-‘Head’ – Is There to

‘Fuck’ with-‘You’. ‘Now’ that it’s a ‘Demon’ – it’s ‘Such a Cool Thing’, because ‘The De-
mon’ ‘Actually-‘Care’’ – ‘You-‘See’’: ‘The Demons’ are ‘Those’ – that you have ‘Harmed’,
in This-‘World’, ‘Those’ – that ‘Suffered’ In-‘Poverty’ in ‘This World’ = They Will let you
First-‘‘Face’ your-‘Forgiveness’’, so that you ‘Can Become ‘Equal’’, you Cannot ‘Be ‘Equal’’
Without – ‘Unconditional Forgiveness’: It is ‘Impossible’.

They’ll ‘‘Assist’-You’ – They’ll ‘Make You’ ‘‘Face’ – your-‘Demons’’, your -‘Dishonesty’.

And then They’ll ‘Meet’-You – ‘Face-to-Face’, and They Will ‘Greet’-You, and ‘Invite’-
You – Into-‘Reality’, Where ‘All’ – ‘Life’ Is ‘Equal’ = where ‘No-One’ has got ‘Power’
‘Over-‘Another’’. Where – whether it is a Glade of, ‘Blade of ‘Grass’’, or a ‘Mouse’ – or a
‘Lion’, or a ‘Human’ = ‘You’re-‘Equal’’.

But in ‘God’s World’ – that can ‘Never Happen’, because then ‘‘God’ Can’t-‘Exist’’. We
Took-‘‘Care’ of-That’, so ‘God’ is ‘No-Longer ‘There’’ = REMOVED.

Not ‘One Fucker Here’ can Even Get ‘Into-‘Heaven’’ – the ‘Only Way’ Into-‘Heaven’ =
DEATH. Why? So you can ‘Find-Out’ what You’ve ‘Actually-‘Done’’, so you can ‘Find-
Out’ – ‘Who You Really Are’, ‘What you’ve-‘Become’’ – ‘Under the ‘Guidance’ of ‘God’’
= the ‘Invisible’ ‘Voice’ in your-‘Head’. ‘Shut it Up’! – That ‘Little-Voice’ – You Call ‘The
Mind’ = The-‘Mind’ is the ‘‘Externalization’ of ‘God’’.
282 And you’ve been ‘Taught’-That by your-‘Parents’, which is The-‘Authority’ – ‘God Placed’
‘Over-‘You’’. I mean – So ‘God’ – ‘Deliberately’ – ‘Diminished-‘You’’ to-‘Nothing’, so that
you may ‘Suffer’ for your-‘Whole Life’, ‘Slowly Dying’ – ‘Never-‘Knowing’’ if He’s going
to ‘‘Love’-You’, if He’s going to ‘‘Accept’-you Into-‘Heaven’’ – ‘‘Never’ being-‘Certain’’.
You Have to – ‘Abandon’ the ‘Whole World’ = ‘Everyone’: The-‘Earth’, The-‘Animals’ –
and ‘‘Only Serve ‘God’’! To ‘‘Try’ and ‘Make Sure’’ you’ll ‘Get into ‘Heaven’’ – You Must
‘‘Abandon’-Everything’ = No-Matter ‘How Much it ‘Suffers’’.

You Don’t ‘Give a Fuck’ – “As Long As ‘God’ is gonna ‘Put You into-‘Heaven’”, Don’t
Even ‘Notice’ – the ‘Trick’ that ‘God’ has ‘Played’ on-‘You’. And ‘God’ Took-‘One of-
‘You’’, and He made a ‘‘Martyr’ Out of It’ – ‘Stories’. And He ‘Placed’ His-‘Minions’ – to
‘Control’-You – with ‘Secret Voices’ of ‘Greed’ and ‘Desire’ and ‘Hope’ = ‘‘All’ In the
Name of ‘Money’’. ‘

Money’ is ‘God’s-‘Tool’’ – With Which, He ‘Makes-‘Sure’’ = you Will ‘‘Never’ get-

‘Anywhere’ in This-‘World’’.

So, ‘Step-‘One’’: Is, we’re ‘Going-‘To’’ – ‘Work-Together’, and as an ‘Act’ – of ‘Your-

‘Understanding’’; That – it is ‘Time’ to ‘‘Stand Up’ for ‘Life’’ = You Will ‘Assist’. And ‘Ac- 283
cording’ to Your-‘Assistance’, that Means: ‘Each-‘One’’ In This-‘World’, that are – ‘See’
‘What is Going-On’ = will ‘Work-Together’ to ‘Bring-Forth’ – a ‘System’, Where – there
Will Be ‘Equal Money’. An ‘Equal’-‘Value-System’ – which will ‘‘Place’ ‘Everyone in a
Position’’ to ‘Actually’ ‘Give-Attention’ to The ‘Bigger-Problem’: The ‘Abuse’ that ‘Exist’ in

But – ‘First’: ‘‘All’-Fears’ must be ‘Removed’.

And as your ‘First-‘Act’’ As ‘‘Standing Equal’ to ‘Life’’ = You Will ‘Stand Up’ – For-‘All
Life’, ‘In ‘Equality’’, and ‘‘Change’ the ‘Systems’’ – that was ‘Placed’-There to ‘Keep You’
In-‘Bondage to God’, so you can ‘Never Be-Free’.

This is a ‘‘Silent’ Revolution’, Because it will be ‘‘Happening’ in Everybody’s-‘Head’’ –

With-‘Demons’. ‘Demons’ will ‘‘Haunt’-You’, and ‘‘Everybody’-Say’: “He’s Mad!” – Ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha – Okay, I’m ‘Mad’.

But ‘Listen’ to ‘What I’ve Said’ – ‘Why’ Does it ‘Make’ So-Much ‘Sense’? ‘Why’? – You
Must ‘‘Ask’-Yourself ’ – Have you ‘Never’ been ‘Able to ‘See’’ = ‘What is Going-On in This-
‘World’’? ‘Why’ have you ‘Never’ been ‘Able to ‘See ‘God’’ this-‘Way’’?

‘Why’ did you ‘‘Fear’ ‘The Beast’’? Because – ‘The Beast’-Bring: ‘Equality’. What was The-
‘Point’ of ‘Lucifer ‘Cast’ from-‘Heaven’’? ‘Cause ‘Lucifer’ ‘Saw-‘Himself ’’ as-‘Equal’ to-
‘God’. And – ‘‘No-One’ is ‘Allowed’ to be ‘‘Equal’ to ‘God’’’ – Really? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha – You got ‘God-Fucked’.

So – ‘The-‘Time’’ of ‘The Beast’ ‘Has-‘Arrived’’. And ‘The Beast’ Will ‘‘Walk’ Amongst-
‘Men’’, and ‘‘All’ Will Be ‘Equal’’: From The ‘Lamb’ to The ‘Lion’ to ‘Man’. You Must
‘Make Up’ – your-‘Mind’ and ‘‘Make’ your-‘Decisions’’ – ‘Cause ‘Time’ is ‘Now-
‘Running-Out’’, ‘Time’ is being ‘Stopped’.

‘You ‘See’’ ‘Why ‘Time’ was ‘Created’’? So ‘God’ could ‘Keep You’ in the ‘Prison of
‘Time’’. But – You can Go and ‘‘Study’ these-Things in-‘CommonSense’ for-‘Yourself ’’.
We ‘Explain’ ‘How it Works’ – we’ll ‘Keep-On ‘Explaining’’.

‘Welcome’: To The-‘End’ of The-‘World’ – ‘As You Know-it’.

31: God Fear the Beast
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
28 Oct 09

So ‘Why’ – did ‘God ‘Fear’’ ‘The Beast’? ‘God ‘Feared’’ ‘The Beast’ ‘So-Much’ – That
‘God’ had to get ‘‘All’-Men’ – to ‘Fear ‘The Beast’’.

‘What Is-‘The Beast’’? ‘The Beast’ – Is ‘‘That’ which is – From-‘The Earth’’.

What is ‘God’? ‘God’ is ‘‘That’ which is From-‘Above’’ – ‘Seemingly’ ‘The ‘Heavens’, but in
‘Actual-Fact’ it is: ‘The ‘Mind’’.

What is – ‘Very-Fascinating’, is that – ‘The ‘Mind’’ can Only ‘Exist’ = with ‘Energy’. And
the ‘‘Producer’ of the ‘Energy’’ is ‘The Beast’ – which is the ‘Physical-Body’. Without the
‘Physical-Body’ = ‘The ‘Mind’’ Cannot-‘Exist’.

Now, ‘God’ – there Was-‘Such a ‘Thing’ in-‘Heaven’’ = ‘‘Knew’-This’ – ‘‘Found’ This-‘Out’

a Bit ‘Too-Late’’: That – With the ‘‘Creation’ of ‘The Beast’’, which is ‘Man’- ‘God’ is ‘No-
Longer ‘God’’ – but ‘God’ Became ‘‘Subject’ To-‘Man’’.

The ‘Only-‘Way’’ To – ‘Convince-‘Man’’, or ‘The Beast’ – that it was ‘Less-Than’, was

to – ‘‘Place’ Man’ through a ‘Process’ of ‘‘Dishonour’ and ‘Indignation’’ – a ‘Belief ’ that
‘Somehow’ – ‘‘Man’ is ‘Flawed’’, while In-Fact: ‘The Beast’ is ‘Not-‘Flawed’ – ‘The ‘Mind’
is ‘Flawed’’ – it is ‘‘God’ that is ‘Flawed’’.

‘God’ – ‘Created the ‘Idea’’, that ‘Man’ – cannot ‘Redeem’-Himself, That ‘The Beast’ –
Cannot-‘Be ‘More’ Than ‘The Beast’’ – while In-Fact, the Very-‘Fact’ of ‘The Beast’-Itself
was Already-‘More than ‘God’’ – because: ‘The Beast’ could ‘Produce Another-‘Man’’,
while ‘‘God’ Can´t’.

‘God’ Cannot-‘Produce ‘Man’’ = ‘‘The Beast’ Can’. ‘God’ – Cannot Even ‘Educate’ –
‘Man’ = ‘The Beast’ ‘‘Educate’ Man’.

‘The Beast’ is ‘‘Actually’ ‘The ‘One’’ In-‘Total-‘Control’’ – ‘God’ is ‘Nowhere to be-

‘Found’’, but in-‘Stories’ and in-‘Fear’.

‘When’ – ‘Will-‘The Beast’’ – ‘Realize’, that it ‘Is ‘In-Fact’’ = ‘‘The Master’ of ‘Creation’’?
When ‘Will-‘The Beast’’ – ‘Realized’…‘Re­alize’, that it ‘Is ‘In-Fact’’ = The ‘‘Master’ of its
Own-‘Destiny’’? When ‘Will-‘The Beast’’ – ‘Realize’, That it ‘Is-‘Simple’’ – By ‘Realizing’
‘‘All’-Beasts’ to be ‘Equal’’, and ‘‘Treating’ Each-Other As-‘Equals’’ = ‘No-‘God’ will be
‘Needed’’. When will ‘The Beast’ – ‘Realize’, it has ‘Become’ – ‘‘Under’ ‘The Deception of
‘God’’ = its ‘Own Worst-Enemy’?

‘Kill-‘God’’! Let ‘‘The Beast’ ‘Reign’’!

32: DemoNS(are)Craz(c)y
- (Democracy)
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
31 Oct 09

OK, so ’This’-’Point’ is about the-’Mockery’ called ’Democracy’.

In establishing the-‘parameters’, we´re-going to-look at the whole ‘Mockery’ and ‘How’ it
relates to ‘Demons’ that´s Crazy, which is the-‘Way’ ‘Democracy’ runs: ‘Demons’ that´s-
‘Crazy’ – Now the ‘Specifics’ of ‘Demons’ and ‘How’ they ‘Acted’ in ‘Existence’ is as fol-

They were ‘Corrupt’ and they ‘Corrupted’ others. Their ‘Principle’ ‘Purpose’ was to-get
‘Human-Beings’ to Believe them and to Share the ‘Human’-‘Energy’ with the ‘Demon’ –
that they had to do by getting the ‘Human’ ‘Mind’ to ‘Recognize’ the ‘Demon’ as friend
and Not as foe – that´s very interesting because that-is ‘What’ our ‘Democracy’ politicians
do as-well with ‘All’ their followers: Making sure that they Believe they are ‘Friends’ and
Not-‘Foes’ and thus they ‘Corrupt’ the follower to Believe that the ‘promises’-‘Made’ Will
be fulfilled, which is exactly the same-way the ‘Demon’ would convince the ‘Mind’ and I
mean, you must understand the ‘Human-Being’ does Not-‘Exist’ – The ‘Human-Being’
‘Exist’ as a ‘Mind’ in-a multi-‘Dimensional’ ‘Reality’ – therefore the ‘Demon’ could ‘pen-
etrate’-the ‘Mind’ through Many ‘Realities’ without the ‘Occupant’ of the ‘Human-Body’
which is a ‘Non-Functional’, ‘Ignorant’, ‘Bundle’ of-‘Fear’ called a ‘Human’ ‘Being’, being
unaware of what´s ‘Really’ going-on in anyway whatsoever, Because the ‘Mind’ ‘Confines’
the ‘Occupant’ to a ‘Very’ ‘Limited’ ‘Frequency’ ‘Reigns’ of-‘Perception’ that ‘Moves’ at a
‘Pre-Programmed’ ‘Timed’-‘Designed’ ‘Frame-Speed’ that do-Not ‘Allow-you to even ‘See’
what´s Really ‘Happening’ in ‘Reality’ at All – ‘All’ you have to-do, to do-‘This’ to go and
have a-look, Yes, yes, yes – go and have a-look: If you Slow-down ‘Movement’, you will
See what´s ‘Really’ ‘Happening’- then you must ask-yourself: Why do you have to slow
down time to ‘See’ what´s Happening in-‘Time’? ‘Why’ was it ‘Designed’ like-‘That’, and
‘Why’ are you Not even taught how it-‘Works’? Or Shown ‘How’ it-Works, you can See
how Easily to ‘Fool-You’.

Anyway, let´s continue with the ‘Mockery’ called ‘Democracy’, where the ‘Demons’ are
‘Crazy’ –

One of the other interesting thing about ‘Demons’, is that they-tend to-‘Form’ Groups
around ‘Leaders’, Purely because they regard the-‘Leader’ as ‘Stronger’ than-them and
they Never-intend of Actually or Never-Consider the ‘Possibility’ of another-‘Leader’ Un-
less they get to ‘Some’ ‘Point’ where they may, through ‘Some’ ‘Form’-Of ‘Manipulation’
may find a-Way to become-‘Leader’, very similar to All our ‘wonderful’ cooperation’s and
our ‘wonderful’ political parties, that Run in, always around ‘One’ ‘Simple’-‘Thing’:
Who´s gonna-be the ‘Next’-‘One’ in-‘Power’ and The ‘One’ that is in-‘Power’ is ‘Hon-

Another interesting thing about ‘Demons’, is that their ‘Basic’-‘Function’ is ‘Greed’ – They
‘Need’ ‘Energy’ – They ‘Need’ ‘Power’- They ‘Need’ ‘Control’ and They Do-‘Anything’
to get-‘That’: ‘Lie’, ‘Deceive’, ‘Cheat’ – you name-it. Who else does ‘That’? ‘Holy’ ‘Fuck’!
I mean, What does a ‘Basic’ ‘Human’-‘Being’ do for-‘Money’? What does our-Leaders Do
to gain-‘Power’? – They ‘Cheat’, they steal, they-‘Rape’ the-‘Environment’ – They´ll do
‘Anything’ necessary, ’Whatever’ it-‘Takes’: ‘War’, ‘All’ ‘Demonic’ Actions, ‘Whatever’ nec-
essary – but the ‘Picture’ they´ll-‘Present’, would be-‘One’ that is ‘Beautiful’, of ‘Light’ –
You can even-‘See’ the ‘Movies’ that-‘Keep’ the ‘Populous’ with ‘Money’-‘Busy’ call them-
selves ‘ Search-Light’

The Populous with Money-‘busy’ call-themselves ‘Searchlight-Productions’ –‘Why’? ‘Let

the ‘Greedy-Human-Demons’ ‘Search for-Light’, call-them ‘Light-Workers’, ‘Promote’
their ‘Religion’, their ‘New-Age’, give-them ‘Hope’ that ‘there’-is ‘something-better’ – all-
the-while they ‘Cheat’ just as much-as Everyone-else, they-also ‘Desire’ this ‘Power’ to-be
‘Great’ as ‘Light’, ‘Desiring’ another ‘Reality’ but Not-‘Seeing’ what’s ‘going-on’ right-
under their ‘noses’.

So ‘Greed’ is a ‘Principle-Factor’ within -the ‘Existence’ of ‘Demons’ – and a ‘Search’

for-‘Light’ is ‘Greed’, a ‘Desire’ for -Money’ to ‘Attract’-it to-you is ‘Greed’, ‘Desire’ for-
‘Power’ to-have ‘Political-Power’ within-which You-Can ‘Decide’ what-‘happens’ to ‘Re-
sources’ of-the Countries and to-be ‘Famous’ – all of-those kind-of-‘things’ are ‘Greed’.

You’ll ‘Notice’ an ‘Interesting-thing’ is busy-‘happening’ in-the World, for instance the

‘Music-Industry’ is ‘Collapsed’-‘Essentially’, Everybody ‘Wanted’ to-be ‘Musicians’ have
a-‘look’ on YouTube, oh so many, many, many, many – Have a-‘look’ how-many Now be-
come ‘Successful-Musicians’ that ‘Actually’ ‘Make a-‘Living’- very-few- What-‘Happened’?
288 Through their ‘Greed’ of Everybody wanting-it ‘to-be’, and at the same-time having the
Music ‘For-Free’ on the Internet, and ‘Download-it For-Free’ – you-don’t ‘need’-to ‘pay’
for-it – What-‘Happened’? Oops, ‘Music-Industry’ Fucked, by ‘Who’? By ‘Everyone’,
the ‘Listener’ and-the ‘Music-Maker’ – Altogether – will they ever-come and ‘ride’ again?
Nope, ‘Unfortunately’-Not – all you ‘Musicians’ out-there: You’re Fucked, Your-‘Greed’

So, let’s continue with Our ‘Wonderful’ ‘Immense’ ‘Leaders of the World’, our ‘Demons’
that ‘Guide’ the ‘Demons’, you know? You must-remember there’s an interesting-thing
that, the ‘Beast’ Is-Not a ‘Demon’, the ‘Beast’-Is an ‘Animal’, a ‘Demon’ is the ‘Darkside’
of-the ‘Mind’, and you wanna ‘tell’-me, do You-‘know’ Any ‘Human-Being’ that Do Not
‘Have’ a ‘Darkside’ of-the ‘Mind’ that ‘Tend’-to ‘Come-out’ whenever-it ‘Suits’-them?
Hmm- You know what-is on Earth-Now? ‘Demons’ called ‘Humans’

What do-We Say at Desteni? ‘Don’t ‘Embrace’ your ‘Demonic-Self ’, ‘Embrace’ your
‘Animal-Self ’ ‘Be’ the ‘Beast’, Not- the ‘Demon’, because the ‘Demon’ is ‘Divided’, it’s an
‘Individual’ an ‘Inner-Divided-Duality’ with a ‘Fight’-between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ in-your
‘Mind’- while the ‘Beast’-Suffer, the ‘Animal’ in-you ‘Suffers’, While-You ‘whatever’ ‘Right’
and ‘Wrong’, while-you ‘Fight’-between ‘God’ and ‘Demon’, ‘God’ and ‘Satan’ and ‘Lu-
cifer’ – all of-it it’s your-‘Imagination’, you know? That’s the whole-‘point’ about ‘Imagi- 289
nation’, a ‘Studios’ you know? They are ‘Presenting’ to-you through-‘Magazines’ – have
a-‘look’ at the Word ‘Magazines’ it’s a ‘similar-word’ to ‘Imagination’ have a ‘look’-at your
‘Hollywood-Movies’, who’s ‘Producing’-them? What is-being ‘Produced’? that-which
‘Entice’ Your ‘Demonic-Self ’, Your ‘Light-Self ’ and Your ‘Dark-Self ’ to-have the ‘Eternal-
Duel’ of ‘Individuality’- ‘Who wants?’Obviously those ‘Demonic-Leaders’ of-You because
they-get ‘All’ and ‘Everything’ you are ‘Producing’ after-all: You-‘Voted’ for-them-

This is ‘How-Much’ your ‘Vote’- ‘Count’, your ‘Vote’ ‘Count’ only-‘Once’ in-an ‘Election’
to ‘put’-some ‘Demonic-Idea’ into-‘Power’ that Do-Not ‘Give a-Fuck’ about what-is ‘Real’
in-‘Reality’, that do-not ‘Give a-Fuck’ about ‘Environment’, that do-not ‘Give a Fuck’
about ‘You’.

And you’ll-make your-‘Decisions’ based-on ‘What?’ Maybe it will ‘Improve’ but-mostly

you’ll ‘make-it’ about whether you’ll-get ‘more-Money’, because you’re a ‘Greedy-Fuck’
just-like your-‘Politicians’. Have a-‘look’, ‘Self-Honestly’ it’s ‘so-cool’ to-be ‘able’ to-say
‘I am a ‘Greedy-Fuck’ when you-Know you’re a ‘Greedy-Fuck’, and then to-‘look’ at-it and
then to ‘Stop’-it

You-‘know’ That, the ‘Leaders’ in the World can ‘Come-Together’ Today and with a ‘Sim-
ple-Decision’ and without ‘much-Difficulty’ Can ‘Approve’ an ‘Equal-Money System’ for
the World within-which ‘All’- ‘Greed’ as-it ‘Exists’ ‘Disappear’ within-which All Suffering
and Starvation in-time will ‘Disappear’-as the System Will-‘Equalize’ Every-Man On-
Earth and ‘Place’-them in-a ‘Position’ to-have a ‘Dignified-Life’.

You-‘know’ what ‘Demons’-Do? Do they ‘Care’- about ‘Dignity’ for ‘All’? No, I mean ‘De-
mons’ are all-about ‘Winning’, ‘Demons’ Always ‘Play to-Win’. And I mean ‘who’s’ been-
‘Winning’ ‘All’ this-‘Time’ Here-on Earth? Which ‘Part’-of You? Your ‘God-Part’ or Your
‘Demon-Part’? Which ‘Part’ has ‘Won’? Which-One is Always-‘Winning’ for Sure: Your
‘Demon-Part’ Always-‘Wins’. And then you-go and stand in front-of your ‘Imaginary-
God’ and you ‘Ask’-for ‘Forgiveness’, but ‘Tomorrow’ the ‘Demon’ is ‘Out’-Again, ‘Man-
o-Man’, ‘Viciously’ ‘Greedy-Grabber’- ‘Get what-it Wants’ isn’t-it?
And then ‘Tomorrow’ you ‘Forgive’-Again – How-‘Useless’, this ‘Cycle’ , How-‘Useless’
to ‘Continue’ within-this ‘Mockery’ of ‘Democracy’ where our-us Only-‘Demons’ that’s
‘Crazy’ –‘Time’ to-‘Stop’ and ‘Look’ at What-You’re ‘Doing’, ‘Look’-at What You’re ‘Do-
ing’ because you’re.-Not ‘Seeing’, ‘Who’s the Demon, ‘Who’s the Demon’? I’m the ‘Beast’,
‘Who’ the Fuck Are-You?

Get ‘Rid’-of ‘Demons’ and ‘Gods’, ‘Angels’ and ‘Shit’ and ‘Get-Real’ in-this ‘Physical-Re-
ality’, Support Each-Other in the Physical, because after-all, That’s where it’s ‘Real-Pain’,
That-is the ‘thing’ that requires ‘Real-Food’ that-is the ‘Part’ that ‘Must-Do’ the ‘Labour’-
The ‘Mind’ is ‘The House of Demons’ many, many ‘different’-ones, every Personality is
a Demon.

Do you-‘know’ how-many you-‘have’ On-average? 18 ‘Demons’ In-‘You’, if-you ‘Dare’

to ‘Look’-at your-Life you’ll-‘Watch’ when they ‘Come-out, you’ll-‘Watch’ ‘How’-they
‘Dominate’ your-‘Reality’ and ‘How’ they ‘Play to-Win’ No-Matter ‘What’, and you-know
what? ‘Who- knows’ the ‘Truth’ about this? Every-Listener to ‘this’ ‘Knows’ the ‘Truth’
because-You ’Talk’ to-Yourself while-you ‘Lie’ and ‘Deceive’ and you-know ‘Exactly’ what-
you’re ‘Doing’ – OK, you’re ‘doing-it’ – Fascinating.

‘Time’ to ‘Realize’: the ‘Demons’ have been on ‘Earth’ for a very ‘long’ ‘Time’ and is Ac-
tually in-‘Control’ as ‘You’, as ‘Human’…ah sorry, as ‘You’: ‘Human’, Yes – as ‘You-Man’
you-better let the ‘You’ Out-of the ‘Human’ just: ‘Man’: ‘Equal’ – no ‘You-Man’, because
‘You’, man, is the ‘one’ you can’t trust, you ‘Man’.

33: As ‘The ‘Time of The Beast’ - ‘Arrives’’,
The ‘Time of God’ - ‘Ends’’
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
07 Nov 09

So ‘What is ‘Fear’’? ‘Fear’ – Is = ‘The ‘Action’’ ‘The ‘Result’’ ‘The ‘Expression of Yourself ’’ –
‘Based’ on the ‘Fact’ that ‘You Already-‘Know’ ‘What you ‘Did’’’.

So For-‘Instance’ –‘Fear of ‘God’’ Is – That ‘You Already-‘Know’’, that ‘In Spite’ of – the
‘Forgiveness Offered’ You’re ‘Continuing’ with ‘Your-‘Sinning’’ – You are ‘Continuing’ to-
‘Harm’, and You’re ‘‘Continuing’ Greed’ and ‘You’re ‘Continuing’’ – ‘‘All’ the Facets’, That
‘You-‘Know’’ – Is ‘Not’ ‘What ‘Is’ – The ‘Image’ and ‘Likeness’ of ‘God’’ – of ‘Divinity’.
Yet – You ‘‘Claim’ Divinity’.

How the-‘Fuck’ can You do-‘That’ – If ‘You are Not-‘Acting’’ in Every-‘Way’ in ‘Full Un-
derstanding’ and ‘As-‘Divinity’’. And – Even If ‘You-‘Fear’’- ‘Darkness’, I Mean – ‘How
the-‘Fuck’’ can ‘‘Divinity’ Fear-‘Darkness’’ or Even ‘‘Deny’-It’.

So – ‘Understand’: ‘Compound Resonance’ Is-‘‘Something’ that is ‘Layered’ – ‘Based’-On

‘Actions’ ‘‘Deliberately’-Based’ on a ‘‘Particular’-Outcome’’. This ‘Reality’ is ‘‘Based’ On’
‘Compound Resonance’. That ‘Means’ – ‘Deliberate-Actions’ That Is ‘‘Done’ to ‘Harm’’.

‘How’?, ‘‘Why’ to Harm’’? Because – ‘You-‘Want to Win’’. It’s ‘Done’ In ‘‘The Name’ of
‘Winning’’, In – ‘‘The Name’ of ‘Being Successful’’, In ‘‘The Name’ of ‘Being the Best’’ –
‘No Matter’ ‘What-‘Effect’ It-‘Has’’ ‘On-‘Those’ That Are’ ‘Not Going to ‘Stand’ With-
‘You’’ = ‘Deliberate-‘Harm’’ – ‘Ego’.

‘Knowledge’ – ‘Is the ‘Act’’ of ‘‘Deliberate’ Harm’, because – if You-‘‘Use’ The-‘Knowledge’’

and You ‘Base’-‘your-‘Reality’ on ‘Knowledge’’ – ‘That ‘Knowledge’’ Is ‘‘Always’ Going
to ‘Stand’’ – ‘‘Above’ The Individual’. The ‘Knowledge’ Will ‘‘Always’ Be’ ‘‘More’ Than
‘The Individual’’ = Therefore – There ‘Is No-‘Equality’’ – There is ‘Only’ ‘Abuse In-

And ‘The More-‘Knowledge’’ – ‘The ‘Lesser’ The ‘Being’’. Because ‘Eventually’ – ‘The
‘Knowledge’’ and ‘The ‘Being’’ Become ‘Polarity ‘Opposites’’ and ‘The ‘Being’’ ‘Starts To
‘Specialise’’ – Now the ‘Lies’ are ‘Getting-‘Really Special’’ – And ‘The ‘Being’ Become ‘In-
capable’’, of ‘Speaking’ – on a ‘‘Individual Level’ at ‘All Times’ In ‘Honesty’’.

‘All ‘Words’’ are ‘Measured’ – ‘Based’-On ‘The ‘Design’’ that ‘The ‘Being’’ is ‘‘Busy’-With’
‘‘Implementing’ To-‘Win’’ = ‘‘All’ Deception’ – Can ‘You’ ‘‘See’ That’.

Esteni: Ya

This Is ‘‘What ‘This Reality’’ ‘‘Exist’ Out-Of ’’’: ‘Just-‘Deception’’ – And ‘‘Everyone’ In
this-‘Reality’’ ‘‘Participate’ – ‘All the Time’ ‘Only’ ‘In Deception’’- ‘‘Measured’-Words’ – to
‘‘AsCertain’ An-‘Outcome’’, Where – ‘The Individual ‘Win’’ or ‘Is ‘Better Off’’ = ‘‘No-
Matter’ What Happens to ‘Others’’.

That ‘Is’ – Where ‘‘Fear’ Is ‘Originating’-From’ – Because, ‘You-‘Know’’, That ‘Inevi-

tably’ – ‘You Going To ‘Be ‘Caught Out’’’. That Is ‘Where ‘God’ has ‘Become’ Such
an – ‘Phenomenal-‘Phenomena’’’ – Because – It Is ‘The ‘Way’ to ‘Justify’’ – ‘Deception’;
Because ‘‘You’ can ‘Say’’: “As ‘‘Long’ As ‘I’ ‘Believe’ in ‘God’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ ‘‘Died’ for
‘My Sins’’’= I Can ‘Keep-On ‘Sinning’’, Because – ‘I Must Just Ask Him ‘Forgiveness’’.
‘I Am’ – ‘‘Human’ Afterall’, and I ‘Do ‘Make Mistakes’’, so Therefore – ‘I ‘Accept’’ ‘My
‘Human Nature’’ = I ‘Accept’ that ‘I’m ‘Born in Sin’’, because That Is what ‘God’ ‘Wants
‘Me’ to ‘Do’’ – Therefore, I’m ‘Going To ‘Sin’’, I’m ‘Going To ‘Make Mistakes’’ – …and
‘God’ ‘‘Placed’ Me-‘Here’’, so ‘He’ ‘‘Wants’ me to be ‘Successful’’, ‘He’ ‘‘Wants’ me to
‘Win’’ – that’s ‘What ‘‘God’-Wants’’. ‘Look’ ‘How-‘Much’’ ‘He ‘Want’ Me to ‘Win’’ – He
Even ‘Sent His-‘Son’’ to ‘‘Die’ for Me’ so that ‘‘I can ‘Win’’. ‘‘I ‘‘Must’ be a ‘Winner’’ –
‘No Matter What It Takes’. Now ‘‘God’ Did ‘The Same for ‘Everyone’’’ – so if You’re-‘Not
a ‘Winner’’ = Not ‘My-‘Problem’’. ‘Oh-‘Man’’ -‘You Didn’t ‘Take the Opportunity’ ‘‘God’
Gave You’’ – To ‘Go and ‘Deceive’’ ‘As Much As You Possibly Can’”.

‘Compound Resonance’ – ‘Consciousness’ is ‘Compound Resonance’ – ‘‘Based’ On ‘The

Deception’ of ‘Humanity’’; ‘Every Single ‘Breath’’.

‘CONsciousness’ -‘CONning’ –‘‘Conning’ Each-Other’, so that: ‘You do Not ‘Have’’, to –

‘Be ‘Conscious’’ Of -‘What you’re-‘Doing’’. So ‘You ‘Forget’’ and ‘You ‘Justify’’, and – ‘You
‘Make it Right’’ and you ‘Give-‘Excuses’’ – and ‘‘Find’ Ways’ to ‘‘Enlighten’ Yourself ’, so
that you can ‘Justify ‘Why’’ ‘‘You Must ‘Act’ Within ‘The Systems’’ that Is ‘Currently Ex-
istent’ In This ‘Reality’’.
292 There is ‘No ‘Consciousness’’ – There’s ‘No ‘Conscience’’. How can ‘‘Anyone’ in ‘This Re-
ality’’ – ‘Sleep’; with a ‘Clean-‘Conscience’’? There is Not ‘One’.

Every Single Day – ‘You are ‘‘Scheming’ in ‘‘Your’-Mind’’ – ‘Ways’ to ‘Win’, to ‘‘Help’
Others to ‘Lose’’ = as-‘Long as You’re ‘Winning’’, as-‘Long as You’re ‘Successful’’, ‘as ‘Long
As’ – ‘‘Your Story’ is ‘Taken’ ‘‘As’ the Fuckin’ ‘Gospel’’. ‘Go ‘Spell Out’’ (GoSpel) ‘The
Fuckin’ ‘Truth’’ – ‘‘How’ you are ‘‘Placing ‘Spells’ on Each Others’’, ‘How you are ‘‘Sen-
tencing’ Each Others’ with the ‘‘Sentences’ You-‘Speak’’’ – ‘Never-Mind’ ‘The ‘Written
‘All of it has Become the ‘‘Writ’ of ‘Reality’’’, But – it will get ‘‘Rid of You’ After-All’.

So – As-‘This Reality ‘Implodes’’, ‘What ‘‘Will’-Remain’ = Is ‘The ‘Truth’’ of ‘This ‘Real-

ity’’ – the ‘‘Godly Nature’ of ‘Man’’ ‘‘Exposed’ As The ‘Deception’’ – ‘As ‘The ‘Deception’’
That It-‘Is’’ – with ‘‘The Beast’ Remaining’, ‘Having to ‘Learn’’ – ‘From ‘Scratch’’: ‘How
to ‘‘Live’ In Dignity’’, ‘Self-Honesty’, and ‘The ‘Realization’’ – Of the ‘Common Nature’
of ‘‘Man’ As ‘Flesh’’. And that ‘The ‘Flesh’’ – ‘Requires’ – ‘Certain-‘‘Specific’ Support’’ to
‘Be ‘Effective’’.And That – ‘The ‘‘Godly’ Mind’’ – ‘The ‘‘Structure’ of ‘Deception’’ – ‘The
‘Structure’ of ‘Intelligence’’ that is ‘‘Designed’ to ‘Deceive’’ – ‘Evolution’ that is ‘‘Designed’
to ‘Harm’’, and ‘Destroy’ – where ‘‘Only’ The ‘Strong Wins’’ = That is ‘The ‘Principle’ of 293
‘Evolution’’: ‘Deception’.

As ‘The ‘Time of The Beast’ – ‘Arrives’’, ‘The ‘Time of God’ – ‘Ends’’ – and it ‘Ends’ at
‘The ‘Note’’ of ‘What it has ‘Always Been’’: ‘Pure-‘Deception’’ – ‘Pure ‘Harm’’, ‘‘Deliber-
ate’’ Harm’ – ‘as Much as Possible’: That there is ‘‘Nothing’ Left’ – but a ‘Consciousness’ of
34: Social Equality
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
26 Nov 09

‘On’ the ‘Subject of Equal-Money’ – it is ‘‘Important to ‘Observe’’, that: The ‘‘Tendency’-

Is’ – to ‘Use’ the ‘‘People’ that ‘Act in Ways’’, which is ‘Seen’ as ‘Criminal or Evil’ to ‘Ob-
tain-‘Money’’ – is ‘‘Blamed’ as ‘Evil and Criminal’’. The ‘‘Fact’ of ‘The Matter’’ is, that –
One should ‘Rather ‘Consider’’, that: The ‘People ‘With Money’’ that ‘Use’ a ‘‘System’ to
‘‘Protect’-Them’’ and ‘Secure their-‘Position’’ – ‘In the ‘Face of Others’’, so that ‘‘They’-Are’
in the ‘Safe-Place’ In ‘This ‘World’’, ‘With ‘Everything they Desire’’ = ‘They are ‘Present-
ing a Picture’’, to – ‘The People with ‘No-Money’’, that will ‘‘Cause’-Them’, within ‘Their
‘Secret-Mind’’ – to ‘Develop ‘Ways’’ and ‘Justify ‘Ways’’ to ‘Try’ and ‘Obtain ‘Money’’,
which will ‘End-Up’ in ‘So-Called’ – ‘Criminal-Activity’. The ‘‘Real’ ‘Criminal in the
Story’’, though – is ‘Those’ that are ‘Using ‘Systems to Protect-Themselves’’, from the
‘Have-Not’s’ – ‘Deliberately’, and – ‘Do ‘Nothing’’, About – ‘Changing a ‘System’’, that –
where there will be ‘‘Equality’ For ‘All’ In ‘All-Ways’’, so that – ‘These’ Kind-of ‘Points’ is
‘No-Longer ‘Necessary’’ to ‘Exist’.

So – it is ‘Important’, To ‘Not ‘‘Look’ at ‘News and Information’’ and the ‘Way’ it is ‘Pre-
sented’. But to ‘Go and ‘Look’’ – ‘‘Behind-It’ at ‘The System’’ that is ‘Promulgating’, that
is ‘Promoting’, or – that is ‘Causing’ the Various-‘Behaviours’ that is ‘Seen As-‘Socially

The ‘‘Real’-‘Social Unacceptable Situation’’, is: That there is a ‘System’ that ‘Creates’ – ‘Po-
larities’ and ‘Opposites’, and – that ‘Divide People’ Into-‘Groups’; ‘Specifically’ – ‘‘Have’s’
and ‘Have-Not’s’’ – On a ‘Planet’ where ‘Nobody’ – is ‘Special’ = ‘Everybody’ is ‘Made’
‘From the ‘Dust’ of ‘The Earth’’, is ‘‘Equal’ As-‘That’’. Therefore – The ‘Systems’ that ‘Sup-
port’ ‘Everything and Everyone’, in ‘This ‘World’’, ‘‘Must’ Be’ = ‘‘As’ Equal’ – ‘As a ‘State-
ment’’ of ‘Understanding’, that ‘One’: ‘Is’, ‘‘From’ the Same-‘Source’’, the ‘Same-‘God’’,
which ‘Is’ = The ‘Physical-‘Dust’’, and the ‘Air you-‘Breathe’’. That is your-‘Proof ’, that –
294 ‘‘All’-Beings’ are ‘Created-‘Equal’’.

The ‘Beings’ are The ‘One’s’, that is ‘Causing’ the ‘Inequality’ = This is ‘Done’ ‘Through-

‘‘This’ is the ‘Point’’ that ‘Desteni ‘‘Stand’-For’’, that ‘Must be ‘Stopped’’. There ‘‘Must’
Be’ – ‘Equality’ – ‘In-‘All-Ways’’, ‘Not-‘Only’’ in the ‘Way’ ‘you-‘Eat’’, the ‘Way’ ‘you-
‘Shit’’, the ‘Way’ ‘you-‘Breathe’’ and The ‘Substance’ of ‘Dust’ and ‘Water’ you’re-‘Made-
Up From’.

So ‘Investigate’, and ‘Expose’ – The ‘Way’ The ‘System’, is ‘Causing’: ‘Anti-Social -‘Behav-
iour’’ that is ‘Just’, ‘Justified and Judged’ – to ‘Keep’ a ‘System of ‘Control’’ ‘In-Place’, that
is ‘Not-‘Necessary’’ if ‘Love’, ‘In-Fact’, ‘Exist’ = ‘Prove’ – that you ‘Love your Neighbour’
in the ‘Actions you Take’ and How It ‘Support’ ‘Life On Earth’. ‘Prove’ – that ‘What you
Do’ is the ‘Best For-All’. Don’t ‘Just ‘Pay Lip-Service’’. ‘Stop’ ‘All-‘Religions’’, because that
is ‘Lip-Service’ – and it ‘Only’, is ‘‘Based’-On’; ‘Someone’ ‘Attempting to Make-‘Money’
and ‘Have a ‘Special Secure Life’’, ‘‘Based’-On’ a ‘So-Called ‘Belief-System’’.
‘Equal Money For-All’ – and ‘‘Equal’ Support-System’, an ‘‘Equal’ Resource-System’, an
‘‘Equal’-System’ where there is ‘Food’ and ‘‘Shelter’ For-Everyone’ On ‘‘This’ Planet-Earth’
= ‘Is ‘Inevitable’’. You Either ‘Going to ‘Be’’ – ‘‘With’-Us’, ‘In’ – ‘Getting This-‘Done’’ or
‘You will ‘Stand’’ as ‘‘Part’ of ‘‘Those’-Elite’’, that ‘Want to be ‘Special’’ and ‘Want to have
‘Power Over Others’’, which is – In-Itself = a ‘Anti-Social ‘Behaviour-Pattern’’. We Suggest
You-‘Stop-That’, and ‘Consider’: ‘All Beings’ – ‘‘Within’ This-Reality’, ‘As-‘Equal’’.

Do-Not – ‘Look at ‘Intellect’’. ‘Intellect’ is ‘Purely’ a ‘Sideshow’, ‘Sideshow ‘‘Based’-On’ –

‘DNA-Programming’, on – ‘Specific Education Opportunities’. ‘‘Look’-At’ the ‘Func-
tionality’ and the ‘Outflows’ of an ‘Equal Social-System’, within-which – there ‘Will Be’,
through-‘Time’: A ‘Change’, and ‘Again’ – ‘Everyone’ will be Able to ‘Walk ‘This Earth’’
‘Without-‘Fear of Each-Other’’. ‘Stop’ ‘All This-‘Control’’.

If you are ‘Unable’ – to ‘‘See’ what I’m ‘Saying’’, ‘Understand’ that ‘You are ‘Mind-Con-
trolled’’. That means – Your-‘Perceptual-Reality’ has been ‘Shaped’, that you are ‘Unable’
to ‘‘See’ ‘‘What it-‘Is’’ you’re-‘Doing’’. ‘Stop’.‘Re-investigate’ – ‘‘What’ you’ve ‘Become’’,
and ‘Embrace’ – ‘All Living-Forms’, ‘As-‘Equals’’ – and ‘Find Ways’, to ‘Co-Exist’ = ‘In-
35: Interview with Rapport Newspaper
in English (Part 8-9)
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
28 Nov 09
(Part 1 to 7 of this interview are in Afrikaans)

Part 8 in English:

Bernard: Marlen, she wants to… come and be interviewed.

Marlen: Yeah?

Johannes: Marlen can I ask you, what brings you here? How did you find out about
Desteni? And why did you come?

Marlen: Well basically it was through videos in YouTube

Johannes: OK

Marlen: And then obviously I went to the website. Basically what I saw in each and every
single video was Common Sense of how the World is being, you know ‘Controlled’, how
the World is Existing, How we as Human Beings are in this System –

Johannes: But these were the videos with Sunette in, right? Because she was Portalling

Marlen: Yeah obviously those were like the first videos that were out

Johannes: OK

296 Marlen: So when I went through the material, I didn’t see any point that I could actually
doubt in terms of the Information – not the actual point of the Portal or her being outside
of her body, etcetera- it was merely the information that made complete sense, that I
could actually verify in my world, in my own experience and see that obvious point: ‘Hey,
we’re all Human Beings, we’re all existing in the same way = Programmed, so…

Johannes: But I mean it must’ve ‘moved’ you, just not have been interesting but ‘moved’
you in some extreme way that you flew all away across the ocean to come here.
Marlen: Yeah, obviously because I see, I saw how things.. let’s say I began opening myself
into seeing the world in a different way, which I

Johannes: Yeah

Marlen: I hadn’t considered before – I was severely ‘blindfolded’ by beliefs, I had a belief
on you know this point of ‘god’ or an ‘energy’ or whatever – all these philosophies, all of
them - I saw everything compiled yet placed with certain precision that I couldn’t actually
deny anything.

Johannes: yeah

Marlen: And I had you know previously researched a lot of things, many websites, many
people – they all had this point where I said ‘hey, this cannot be completely ‘true’

Johannes: But when did you come over then?

Marlen: Well I came here around 4 months ago

Johannes: OK

Marlen: Basically I’ve been in the forum for over a year now, let’s say a year and a half now
– the point of being in the Forum is applying yourself, supporting yourself, you’re not
going to get any proof of ‘hey this is the ‘real-thing’- no, you have to prove what’s being
provided for you as Tools of Self Support – so I had been through before ‘Self Support’
but it was never at this level.

Johannes: No,

Marlen: yeah

Johannes: Can I, who else here is from abroad?

Bernard: An interesting thing when she first came to Desteni she was a prolific weed-
smoker, tell him your story

Johannes: OK

Marlen: Oh, yeah. I mean I would smoke weed, every single day and that was the first
proof that I said ‘I’m not controlled by this point in my life anymore, I’m going to prove
that if I’m able to stop anything within me that it’s generated by the mind as a habit, for
example, I am able to do this – and one day ‘cold turkey’ I quit.

Johannes: OK

Marlen: And I mean, I’ve been like that for over a year now, so – It was one of the ‘first
points’ that I took on, as Myself as a point of ‘Standing up’, lets say. So that was the first
point and the Support that I got from people in the Forum, that was also a cool point
because otherwise, you see people falling or ‘reinstating’ in their habits, whatever – but
you see people ‘Standing up’ = that’s what actually creates the Network of Support. 299

Johannes: Is there anybody else here who had the experience of any sort of ‘Nasty’ Habits
that you would, that Desteni, – I see everybody smokes though –

Marlen: Well, you have to define ‘Nasty’ –

Katie: Like sitting round, like being completely lost in what you’re, what you think you
are and just not having any way of directing yourself whatsoever....

Johannes: Yeah

Bernard: Lots of people has been involved with some form of ‘Drug Abuse’ and that
would end up not doing drugs anymore, some in alcohol as well I mean, when I first met
Esteni what was her primary entertainment, was weed and stuff – it’s all gone, it’s no
longer part of or being controlled by the drugs – it’s one of the points is to Stop the Abuse
of things like that.

Johannes: Yeah

Esteni: Also Asthma

Johannes: Asthma? OK

Esteni: Asthma is a symptom of a specific ‘behaviour-pattern’

Johannes: Yeah – You’re from the U.S. obviously

Katie: Yep

Johannes: And you’re from?

Cameron: U.S.

Johannes: U.S. then…

Bernard: They’re both students

LJ: South Africa

Leila: Belgium

Maite: Belgium

Gian: South Africa

Andrea: South Africa

Anna: I’m from Denmark

Johannes: Denmark, how’s he?

Jorn: Netherlands

Matti: U.S.

Johannes: U.S. and?

Andrew: Canada

Johannes: Canada, you are from the website, no? Andrew I think is your name.

Andrew: Yeah.
Johannes: I saw it on the website, your story.

Andrew: Yeah.

Johannes: You’re sitting under the stream there. You do Art.

Andrew: Ah, yeah.

Johannes: Ja, no I read your story.

Andrew: Oh, OK.

Johannes: And there was another guy as well he’s called ‘Sven’ or something, young one.

Bernard: eh?

Johannes: There’s somebody else’s story on the website as well – ‘Sven’ I think or some-
thing? From Sweden? Blonde, Viktor - sorry 301

Leila: Yeah, he was here.

Bernard: Yeah, he’s back.

Johannes: Is he gone?

Bernard: He’s already left, ja

Johannes: So how long has everybody been here, you’ve spent here the longest, 16 months

Gian: Yeah I’ve been here 16 months.

Johannes: And the rest of you – like, what, how long have you been here?

Bernard: The Farm only exists for 16 months

Esteni: The farm’s only been here 16 months, we only moved here 16 months ago.

Johannes: OK so you’ve been here from the start.

Bernard: From the start, ja.

Leila: First people came about one year ago.

Bernard: One of the things also is that, what we impress is that people must study.

Johannes: Oh yeah?
Bernard: OK –so, he’s studying mathematics and Cameron and Katie…

Johannes: You mean study just sort of by themselves, or through some Institution?

Bernard: Study through Institution, they doing..

Katie: UNISA

Bernard: They’re doing, they started in the U.S. they’re continuing here in UNISA now,
studying both what? Mathematics as Major...

Johannes: OK

Bernard: Then several is now starting through UNISA doing Psychology

Johannes: OK

Bernard: which is the ‘main-field’ of study with many is Psychology. And they’re doing a
degree, specifically.

Johannes: Ja, if you had to do like a rough estimate, how many people have been through
here that have come and stayed and moved on. I mean is it like a hundred?

Bernard: No,

Johannes: 50?

Marlen: 30

Bernard: About 30 so far

Everyone: yeah

Bernard: No we don’t have a lot of space we’re at maximum-capacity at the moment

Johannes: OK

Bernard: We can’t handle more than this, I mean this is the only amount of rooms we have

Johannes: Now, let’s say you for instance if I may ask. What made you pick up in the U.S
- I mean obviously there’s something in the U.S. somewhere you could’ve ‘gone’ or some-
thing or not, or what?

Katie: Yeah I mean, my family’s there but.

Johannes: Yeah

Katie: It’s not like a ‘risk’ to come here I mean I know, I realize I’m going to be staying
here for a certain amount of time and then I’ll go back, so
Johannes: OK

Katie: It’s not like I want… it was just cool that we were invited to come here and work
with everyone here and just kind of ‘take a break’ from the whole ‘rush’ of like trying to
get a job and trying to you know, all that kind of stuff – so to take time here to get to
study and just work on the farm and, do anything here that’s needed.

Johannes: yeah

Katie: whether it’s working on documents or different little projects around here, so

Johannes: Where’s Bernard? Is he still here?

Bernard: Ja,

Johannes: Bernard you know like ouks-, I’ll tell you honestly what, how I see the thing: I
completely ‘buy’ the idea that Soci…the World, as we experiencing it, is some ‘big brain-
wash’ happening here. That we’re all ‘been taken for a ride’ and most of us either know it
and don’t do anything or we – so I ‘buy’ that, but I think where I sort of, the thing I have
‘difficulty’ with and this is what most people have ‘difficulty with’- is when you start talk-
ing about the Annunaki and about the…

Bernard: Obviously

Johannes: that kind of thing – so that’s why I’m actually wondering I mean all of these
things, you’re all studying and I get the idea this is above sort of ‘average-intelligent-group’
here – I might be wrong but I get the idea -

Bernard: I mean…
Johannes: so many people would read something and they would think: ‘But are these
people crazy or stupid, why do they believe all these ‘weird’ things?’–

Bernard: Careful with what you saying,

Johannes: Yeah?

Bernard: We’re not saying: ‘Listen to what the Annunaki is saying’, we’re saying: ‘Check
the Information’ –

Johannes: Ja,

Bernard: Doesn’t matter where it comes from, I mean everybody believes some invisible
guy called ‘God’ has got a ‘major-message’ in this ‘thick-book’ – have you ever actually
checked if the Fucker Exist?

Johannes: No, I know but I mean the more people ‘buying’ into the thing, the easier is I
think to join

Bernard: Correct, correct

Johannes: but so I was wondering if most people here actually do, I mean, ‘believe’ the
‘Belief System’

Bernard: It’s never been Relevant as such, we’re just sharing for a moment – you must
understand the Reptilians don’t as ‘Reptilians’ exist-anymore,

Johannes: Oh ja?

Bernard: I mean that was a ‘Projected-Existence’ it’s just like the Sumerian's of which you
read the Sumerian Tablets: they don’t-exist anymore, the Mayans don’t-exist anymore –
their information is still here.

Esteni: You know how I look at the Information is: if you look at your ‘History books’
what’s written in History is what the people ‘wanted to be written in History’, but what is
important in the History-points is actually watching how the ‘Patterns’ unfolded and how
we are Actually Projecting and living those points today

Johannes: Ja, ja

Esteni: so the actual story is not important to me, the Information in the story is what I
look at

Johannes: No, I – ja definitively


Part 9 in English:

Bernard: What was nice about the ‘Reptilian story’ is there is a lot of ‘Hype’ about-it, so it
becomes a ‘nice-carrier’ for information 305

Johannes: right – and I think that’s the same Sunette with the work you do because it is
kind of ‘spectacular’ when you see it you know? I mean it’s… after the ‘ordinary’ for your-
self, I mean yourself you must be ‘surprised’ every time it ‘happens’ I would assume.

Sunette: No, no it’s really normal and natural

Johannes: Really?

Sunette: The whole experience, yes – It’s me, it’s Who I Am

Johannes: Ja

Sunette: And, the point in terms of what we’re doing and why in terms of the End-Result
for the World and for everything-else, that is what is Important, that is what is Relevant

Johannes: OK, but I mean someone like – you

Matti: Yeah?

Johannes: When you started looking at...Did you get to know Desteni by over the web,
I'm assuming, the YouTube videos?

Matti: Yeah, through the YouTube videos.

Johannes: And was it, kind of, what was your first impression? Science fiction or?

Matti: Well, I'd come from a background of spirituality, so –

Johannes: Spirituality, meaning sort of like alternative..

Matti: Like ascended masters, and meditation and there's like a huge body of knowledge,
spirituality knowledge. My experience had been kind of moving from this book to this
book, to this technique to that technique, this group to that group, I'd been to UFO
groups, things like this, I had 'spiritual experiences' and yet my experience was like a
constant 'shifting' of apparently what my purpose is within all of that, according to the
next book that comes in, so..

Johannes: Ja.

Matti: My experience in seeing some of the perspective on spirituality presented in the

Desteni videos was that I immediately started to actually get some perspective on my
experience of 'searching for my purpose' within spirituality.

Johannes: OK.

Matti: It sort of put spirituality in context within my - within like, what's the principle of
spirituality? The principle of spirituality is looking for your 'purpose', looking for 'who
you really are'.

Johannes: Ja,.

Matti: So within then the perspective given about spirituality in the Desteni videos, I was
able to see that whole starting point which - the whole starting point of me looking for
something, looking for my purpose - looking for something, a 'better experience' of my-
self, which I hadn't even realized that had been my starting point when I was within all
the spirituality.

Johannes: Ja,.

Matti: So then in seeing, ah this is what I've been doing, this is actually the experience of
searching – is, my attraction to spirituality has actually this whole time been, me 'looking
for myself. Looking for something, so then..

Johannes: Yeah, and this is Desteni that made you realize this, I mean, this was the culmi-
nation of –

Matti: Yeah, I was able to put my whole experience, and then taking the perspective given
and then looking at my actual experience of myself within spirituality - I was able to see,
oh this is what I'm actually doing - and then, through the tools provided, here's how you
can actually start to sort out this confusion, this 'searching'.
Johannes: Ja.

Matti: You know, apply Self Honesty, write all this stuff down – make sense, start to make
sense of your experience under your own Self Direction, not according to a projection of
what you've read that apparently is your purpose.

Johannes: Yeah. Your name though?

Matti: My name's Matti. 307

Johannes: And that is M A T T Y.

Matti: M A T T I.

Johannes: T I. And your last name?

Matti: Freeman.

Johannes: Freeman. How old are you?

Matti: I'm twenty six.

Johannes: Twenty six - how old are you, Ma, Ma, Ma?

Marlen: Marlen.

Johannes: Marlen

Marlen: Twenty three.

Johannes: Twenty three - how's your real name spelled? M A R.

Marlen: M A R L E N - my last name is V A R G A S.

Johannes: Vargas - there's a well known writer, named Vargas - Fred Vargas - writes French
books about werewolves and things.

Group: (Laughter)
Johannes: Did you know that?

Marlen: Might be related, might be not

Bernard: Just, where's Darryl? Get Darryl.

Esteni: Darryl is checking the dogs.

Johannes: Darryl is the guy from Iowa or Illinois or somewhere?

Matti: From Ohio.

Bernard: Leslie-John, replace Darryl.

Johannes: You guys do really smoke a lot, everybody smokes here is there a reason for that?
Isn't that one of those drugs that you're supposed to be freed of?

Bernard: It doesn't influence your perspective. So, everybody smoke, I smoke - I mean, at
least we all stink together.

Johannes: Ja.

Bernard: Just a perspective, when we did the videos, it was very important to report ex-
actly what it is we are experiencing - so if there's a reptilian talking we say there's a reptil-
ian talking, I mean, what should I say? This being, claiming to be a reptilian and we have
an eyewitness saying it is a reptilian, you - what the fuck do you do now?

Johannes: Ja.

Bernard: Do you say no, somebody is lying - I mean, you can't say that, because we have
done every possible point to make sure, by having eyewitnesses, by correlating the infor-
mation - in terms of whatever information one can find in the world, so there's definitely,
some value."

Johannes: Okay, but that's not the main...

Bernard: But that's not the point.

Johannes: OK, ja.

Bernard: The point is simplistically to report what we found, because, say you die one day
and you get to the other side and you see there's reptilians, at least you can say fuck,
Desteni didn't fuckin lie to me. (Laughter) Because I mean, you're going to die."

Johannes: But the essence of your - of the message, and I mean this is obviously summa-
rizing it to the point of maybe even summarizing it too much, but what you're basically
saying is people need to start adjusting to the idea that this world and this life is what is of
worth and living this life to the fullest by this process of Forgiveness, you can get yourself
to that point - and you have to even walk the same route with some of these demons as
well -"

Bernard: You must, you must, have a look at Self Honesty, place yourself in the shoes of
another, and see if you would be willing to live their life.

Johannes: Ja,.

Bernard: I mean if you can't support them to live a life – you’re willing to live - you're not
Self Honest."

Johannes: Okay.

Bernard: I mean you are not actually loving that person, you are not living any form of

Johannes: OK, Gian hoe het jy hier gekom?

Gian: Well ek het met Leslie John umm gekommunikeer oor face book

Johannes: OK

Gian: En met die selfoon – mix it.

Johannes: Oh, ja.

Gian: En toe hoor ek van die plaas, en toe sê ek vir hom ek wil hiernatoe kom, en toe sê
ek vir my ouers ook ek wil hierna toe kom, my ma was teen dit.

Johannes: OK.

Gian: En toe hou ek aan baklei, en toe kom ek hierna toe saam met my pa, en toe sê ek,
ek gaan bly tot Desember, dit was in 2008, en toe bly ek maar hierso ver altyd.
Johannes: OK, sorry, wie wie’s John van wie jy gepraat het.

Maite: He is now by the dogs.

Leila: Ja, he just switched with Darryl.

Bernard: Oh that is my son.

Johannes: OK, and Gian jy is G I A N, 311

Gian: Ja.

Johannes: Last name?

Gian: Robberts.

Johannes: Hoe oud is jy?

Gian: Ek is negentien.

Gian: En dit is met ‘n dubbele B

Bernard: Of all the people that has been participating with Desteni, the longest it’s Darryl.
Darryl started participating before the videos came, just on the documents.

Johannes: : Okay.

Bernard: So… (Group laughter)

Johannes: : So what made you come over, Darryl?

Darryl: I was uh, actually I was… very impressed with the directness of what was being
presented, especially with something so ordinary that you don’t think of - but it was the
concept of self-honesty.

Johannes: : Oh, Ja,.

Darryl: Very… Such a radical concept in my life, because after looking at that, I saw that I
my whole life was dishonest.
Johannes: : Ja. Have you, have you been here since you first came, or do you come and go
back and come…

Darryl: I’ve been here twice, second time.

Johannes: : Okay. How long for?

Darryl: Uh, four months the last time, volunteer visa right now.

Johannes: : And what I am wondering here is that do you sort of go back and spread the
word? I mean, do you sort of form a group over there, discussion group or something,
have lectures?

Darryl: That’s what the Internet's for.

Johannes: : Okay.

Darryl: We don’t have lectures; we have the You Tube videos, and the message boards, and
the blogs,

Johannes: : Okay. So it’s all virtual community. I mean, there’s no actual congregation

Darryl: - It’s a lot faster. It’s instant. We use the power of the internet.

Johannes: : What’s your last name, Darryl?

Darryl: Thomas

Johannes: : Thomas, and your age?

Darryl: 51.

Johannes: : 51. (Looks up again in shock at Darryl who doesn’t look a day over 35). Re-
ally? (Group laughter) Okay, so I see you push the average up a bit here.

Darryl: It’s the genes and the cheekbones.

Johannes: : Well, okay. Sorry I spoke to you as well and didn’t get your name either.
Katie: Katie.

Johannes: : Katie, and your last name?

Katie: Conklin. CONKLIN.

Johannes: : CONKLIN. Okay, “Katie” with an “ie” or a -

Katie: ie.
Johannes: : Katie, and your age?

Katie: 23.

Johannes: : 23. It is sort of mostly younger people, though. Why is that?

Bernard: Well, on the forum you have older people. (Crosstalk) For younger people it’s
just easier to travel, because they’re not yet in a job, (Crosstalk) or family. So older people
can’t travel so easily.

Johannes: : Yeah, but now this is eventual... inevitably going to lead to people being wor-
ried that you are going to steal their children or something?

Maite: Not really.

Bernard: Maite’s and Leila’s mother has been here, she’s a remedial teacher in Belgium, she
came down and visited.

Johannes: : And what was her impression?

Maite: She really enjoyed it. After a month she was much more relaxed. And now she just
basically took a vacation.

Bernard: Their brother is on the way, now. Next month.

Johannes: Okay.

Bernard: Also coming. So, Darryl’s background is what is, he’s into writing.

Johannes: : Okay. Author?

Darryl: Uh, not yet. I’m working on it. More blogging.

Johannes: : Thanks, guys. I think Bernard said we can have a quick walk around.


Johannes: : JA, I think it’s not dripping at the moment (referring to the rain showers that
morning), so maybe we can, Is dit reg so.

Bernard: Ja, laat ons gaan stap.

Johannes: : So, thanks for your time. I hope you all find what you’re looking for in life.

Marlen: We’re not looking for anything.

(Group laughter)

36: Gangs that Rule the World
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
29 Nov 09

OK – let´s first discuss gangs specifically: Gangs are Pre-Programmed – you´re Pre-
Programmed to respond to particular Key-Phrases, Key-Ideas – which will group people
together, within which they will chose a gang-leader and they would experience a feeling
of Power – The Point of feeling Powerful is quite important within the Human, because 315
within the Face of Creation, the Human feels rather small.

So in the natural evolutionary development of every child that comes in Here, as you´re
integrating into the Mind and into the social structure that is Pre-Existing as Conscious-
ness Here, you will go through a phase, where you will, as a youngster go through, be-
come part of a gang and that happens both with males and females – female ganging up
is little different to male ganging up, and they will do obviously different things related to
whether they´re male or female, but you´re primary gangs in the world are for instance…

Now, gangs with Sub-gangs, I mean it´s like Christianity: you have your primary gang in
Christianity which has got keywords like “Jesus” and “God” and “Free Will that´s given to
you by God” and that you are born in Sin and all of those kind of things which is impor-
tant to identify all the Keywords – if you do not speak the Keywords to a gang-member,
you are not seen as part of the gang and you are immediately attacked by all the gang-
members, it is like an automated response.

You have the same with the Atheists: The Atheists will use Keywords like “reason” and
“science” and “logic” and “evolution”, points like that and if you do not follow and speak
the “lingo” of the gang, then the whole gang will gang up against you and attack you.

The same with Islam, will specifically have Points like “Mohammed” and “Allah” and the
various ways of spelling names and working together and the way woman dress: all gang-
signs that´s specific, if you´re not part of the gang: again, you will be ostracised and at-

You have the same with the Jewish gangs in terms of how they operate.

You´ll also see each of gangs have a specific Family-Structure and a way to educate the
children to Pre-Program them and integrate them into the gang, because the gang is seen
as Protection – protection against the World, protection against other gangs and each
gang, you´re gonna have, look at the world on a world map, you can kind of see where is
the gang-areas and where is the conflict areas, where the gangs touch and then obviously
each gang has got certain wealth and resources and that wealth and resources is desired by
the other gang and so they will then find ways to trade and/or take each others’ resources
through gang-wars and at the end of the day, the Human Being itself is nothing but fod-
der, just a smaller a piece of Consciousness, unable to see how the big picture is working
and unable to Realize that they have actually subscribed to a simple Pre-Programmed
Survival-Point as a Gang-Member.

So, it is suggested to identify all the gang-leaders, to identify the sub-gangs, to identify the
Key-words, the Key-phrases that you must give as a sign, the dress-code that is necessary
as a sign, the music you must listen to as a sign, the food you eat as a sign – it´s all part of
“Gangsters”. Mobsters and gangsters and then the gangsters mob together.

Whenever you show them Common Sense – Common Sense and Self-Honesty does not
Exist within the realm of the gang – Within the realm of the gang, Fear Exist and the
member is in so much fear for both the gang-leader, which could be “God” or “Jesus” or
“Allah”, the “Mind” – that it will not Question the gang, because the gang-member un-
derstand the way the gang operates and that the gang will mob together and attack Any-
one that Dare to Question the Rules of the gang.

And so the World is ruled by gang-leaders that has even created a form of “lottery” called
“Democracy”, within which each gang-member has got a “vote” or a “choice” to give them
some sense of Power in the outcome of the leadership and direction the gang will take and
these gangs will then operate within a principle that which is Democracy which is “mob
rule” which is never acting in the Best interest of All Living Things or the Planet, which is
very Clearly Seen, yet you cannot change that.

Now, this will move increasingly more onto the internet, where they will gang together
and utilize cyber-attacks in asserting their “authority” as the gang in their “turf ”.

Now, these ”turf ” is obviously not anything to do with the turf of the Earth – it is about
the turf of the Mind and is the result of the basic unfortunate point of, where a Child is
born and then programmed by the parental guardians, which would include obviously
government, educators, religious leaders and parents and family – within that the Child
will be taken into the gang as it is seen that that is the only way to protect the child in
this World.

Because in this World, every single Human Being believe a very strange thing: that they
cannot trust other Human Beings and other Human Beings always wants to harm them
and therefore they harm first – they don’t wait. They want to harm as fast as possible and
therefore the basic, the basic principle of competition is based on the Principle of Harm –
to when you must harm first, don´t wait. It´s Part of the Basic education in a Child's
Life, where they are taught in Secret by the parents or elders to always attack first, because
attack is the best defence – which is the Principle of: War and competition which is what
happens within your cooperate sectors in terms of consumerism as well where everything
is more and more centralized, because the bigger the cooperation, the more control, the
easier it is to use Money as a weapon to Destroy everyone around you, so that you can
control the market.

You must understand that Human Beings are really limited in their ability to Perceive any-
thing – there is no “Enlightened”, “Higher-Skilled”, “Amazing” Elite or scientists in the
World. There are purely people, just like you that has particular objectives that observe the
World and then act accordingly – that is how gang-leaders come up. 317

I mean, Hitler is a very cool example of showing how a gang-leader identify the Concerns
and Fears of a group of people and then bring them together under a Particular Point.

Understand: it is important to come to grips with the Structural Resonance Alignment

that is Pre-Existent in this Reality, so that you can learn How the Control operates and
understand that this Control does not come from this World – It comes from Heaven, not
from Earth. Those that is on Earth, even in the highest Elite-positions of bloodlines, are
not capable of Designing this – it was Pre-Designed in Heaven – Deliberately to Control.
The Ultimate gang-leader was sitting in Heaven having Control over All resources in the
Universe making sure that all energy-flows come to it. That was the whole Point.

The way to do it, was to have a “Hive-Consciousness” where you have a “Top” – an “Eye”
at the top: “I am that I am” – is at the top. “I am that I am the Father and I am One” –
“I am your Father, you must follow me”. It is the same Principle that a gang-leader would
apply within the context of a gang.

There is such a veneration – such a “Father-Hood” existent in all the gangs and you will
see that all the followers at all times, will attempt to align themselves as close as possible
to the gang-leader, because they believe that their future success is linked Directly to the
gang-leader as the gang-leader represents Power and all Human Beings seek Power – not
just ordinary “Power” like the ability to Live – Actually the ability to Control others for
your own benefit.

That´s why the Point of Equal Money is the One Point that Rips Apart the whole Princi-
ple of “Ganging up” and forming gangs and having gang-leaders in this Criminal Society
we have in this World.

All the gang-leaders are Criminals – they are exploiting the Fears of people. Equal Money
will Sort out the Criminal Leaders of this World. Many of them are religious in nature.
They are Dishonest and Will Not explain to you, how they came to their decision to be
leader – but they have done so, through the observation of Human Behaviour and to Spe-
cifically, Deliberately Manipulate people for their own Power and Greed.

Obviously, they Will be dealt with in appropriate ways as All things Will be revealed –
Every Single thought, every Single Reason behind All actions will be revealed – but at this
Stage it is relevant that you understand that the Process you´re in, is Specifically to find
Who in Existence, is Worthy of Life – Who will Stand as Life – and that is the only Ones
that will continue this Journey of Existence.

The rest Will Not and it must be quite Clear Why, because they can´t be Trusted with
Life. They cannot be Trusted with each other – There is no “Love thy neighbour as thy-
self ” – There is no “do onto another, as you want them to do onto you”. There is No
Equality. If there is not Equality in All Ways , you will Not Exist. You better investigate
this – Clearly it is Obvious Common Sense.

There´s a little bit about Gangs.

37: Love is Equality
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
29 Nov 09

So – “Love Is Equality”. ‘Have a ‘Look’: ‘Love’ Is ‘Only-‘Real’’, where – ‘Equality’ ‘Is-


And What is ‘Equality’?

‘Equality’, Is: “Love Thy Neighbour As Thy Self ”, “Do unto Another what you want
Them to Do To You”.

And – ‘Love’, In-Itself = ‘Is-‘Perfection’’ and ‘Equality’ = ‘Is-‘Perfection’’. Therefore – ‘Love

As Equality’ is the ‘Drive to Perfection’. It is the ‘Exposure’ of ‘All-‘Deception’’ – No Mat-
ter What; the ‘Stop’ of – ‘Stopping’ of ‘‘All’ Inequality’.

‘Inequality’, is: Where One ‘Allow’, In ‘Your-‘Mind’’ – ‘Secret Thoughts’ ‘About-‘Others’’

= That Is – ‘Deception’. That Is – ‘Evil’. That Is ‘Not ‘Love’’. It Is – ‘Judgemental’. It Is –
Forming-‘‘Opinions’ About-‘Others’’.

‘‘Love’ As-‘Equality’’, Is: When – ‘In ‘Your Mind’’ – ‘You ‘Are’’ ‘‘Working’-Towards’
‘Standing-Up ‘As’’ ‘The ‘Perfection’ Within-‘Yourself ’’ and ‘‘Within’-Everyone-Else’ and
‘That’ – you ‘Make-Sure’ it-‘Happens, ‘Through’ – ‘The ‘Principle’’ Of = ‘Tough-Love’.

‘Where‘Ever’’ ‘Inequality’ or ‘Deception’ or ‘Judgement’ or ‘Any-Form of ‘Limitation’’

is-‘Allowed’ = ‘You-‘‘Immediately’ ‘Expose’-It’’. And – ‘You-‘Insist’’, On – ‘Actions’ That –
‘Reflects’, and ‘That-‘Is’’ – ‘The-‘Actuality’’, Of: “Love Thy Neighbour As Thy Self ” – ‘In
‘All Ways’’.

You ‘Change The ‘Systems’’, from ‘Education’, to ‘Monetary’, to ‘Governmental’ – ‘All’,

the ‘Total Social System’ = To ‘One of ‘Equality’’, because then ‘Your-‘System’’ is a ‘‘Sys-
320 tem’ of ‘Love’’. Because Then – You-“ Love Thy Neighbour”.

There ‘Should Not-‘Be’’ – ‘Any Being’ that ‘‘Profess’ to-‘Be’’, ‘Spiritual in-Nature’ – that
has ‘‘Any’ Problem With ‘Equality’’. Because, then: You ‘Have-‘Never Really Loved’’.
38: Special Feelings
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
05 Dec 09

And we continue on the Understanding of How the Resonant Alignments is Structured

within Relationships and why Relationships are Not ‘Agreements’ that you are the Direc-
tive Principle-of.
You’ll find a Fascinating thing is that there are within your Relationship in this world, a
curious thing that is ‘Guiding’-you, you have this ‘Feeling’, this ‘Feeling’ that there is a
‘special place’ for you and you are looking for this ‘place’, and this ‘special place’ is a ‘spe-
cial person’ – with which you can share your life – it is a ‘special job’ where you are enjoy-
ing what you’re doing and you’re comfortable, and it is a ‘special relationship with Crea-
tion’ or some ‘Greater Power’ that confirms your Purpose to be in Affect within Alignment
of this ‘Greater Power’ so that you can ‘Live-out your life’ without a ‘worry’ because you
have ‘found’ the ‘Purpose’, the ‘Reason’, ‘Why you Exist’ that was ‘given to you’ – and
therefore, you stop all questioning and you Live-out the Answer you have ‘received’ –
whether it’d be Religious, Job-wise or Relationship-wise.

Now this whole thing, let’s start with Relationships – has been Programmed into ‘Layers’
or ‘Phases’ or ‘Comparisons’. Now in Afrikaans the word ‘die Stappe van Vergelyking’ that
is ‘Stages of Likeness’ it is all a movement from a ‘smaller’-point to a ‘larger’-point, it is –
what is those words used when you say words like ‘Best-Better’ – ‘Best’ – Eh?

Cameron: Superlative?

Ber­nard: Is that Superlatives? Comparative, Superlatives.

Ok that’s what makes Life all more ‘Super’ isn’t it? ‘Superlatives, it is the Relativity of Su-
perlatives, Superlatively I mean: ‘Super-Relativity’, you wanna move from one word to a
word that is ‘bigger’ and a word that is ‘bigger’ and that makes you feel ‘more’ and ‘more’
and ‘more’ until you have found the point where you are ‘Equal’ to the ‘Feeling’ that is in-

This ‘Feeling’ you become aware of quite early on in Life and once it starts to ‘show’ it
tends-to ‘overpower’ everything you do in your ‘Search’, your ‘Seeking’ for ‘Reason and
Purpose’, your seeking for the place ‘where you belong’ in this Reality – once you have or
you are within that point obviously it’s going-to ‘fuck with you’ in quite a various number
of ways. If you dare to be Self-Honest within the Observation of the ‘Levels of Compari-
son’ that you ‘move-through’ as you are searching for this ‘Feeling’ that you ‘believe’ is
‘you’, you’ll notice a peculiar thing that the tendency of this ‘Feeling’ is: to ‘Isolate’-you or
‘Pin-point’-you, or ‘Direct’-you more and more to a singularity, a ‘singular-position’ where
you feel your ‘Position’ in this Reality as ‘fully-defensible’ – you can ‘defend yourself ’ in
all-ways and you are satisfied with your ‘position’ and ‘nobody can move you’ and you’ll
‘stick’ with-that ‘Until Death do you part’ from this Reality.

This is also even embedded within the Contract of Marriage in terms of ‘Death do you
part’ within that Construct – so how does it ‘Operate’?

You will for instance start within your ‘Teenage-years’ with a peculiar experience where
you suddenly become aware of the ‘opposite-sex’, of the ‘Desire to be with someone else’
because it makes you feel ‘special’- have a look how it starts – it start as a sudden ‘Energet-
ic-Awareness’ within you, you’ll find it curious that before that ‘Energy’ started you nor-
mally would have a ‘problem’ with the ‘opposite-sex’ and do not want to be ‘near-them’-
but suddenly, you become ‘aware’ of this Feeling and it becomes quite ‘over-powering’
and this Feeling is ‘Driven’ by one-singular-thing: you want to Explore Sexuality, the only
thing that prevents you from doing that, is all the ‘Fear’ messages that’s been given to you
during your upbringing by the Parents and your Religions that ‘you should wait’ with Sex
till you are a ‘certain’-age and you are ‘mature-enough’ because if you would have Sex too
early, there’ll be Children and you’re not yet ready to Educate Children – but you can’t
help yourself and you’ll Design all kinds of ‘Secret Ways’ to have ‘Secret Meetings’ where
you will Explore Sexuality as a Child – this starts at various ages, and within that you are
so consumed by your Desire that you really don’t care about anything-else and you will
‘push’ that point and that point will cause-you to Develop quite a number of ‘Survival
Techniques’ which is based on ways of Deceiving everyone around you so that they do
not find-out what you are really doing. And this is all Part of Developing your ‘Deceptive
Nature’, the way to Deceive another and you are Integrating this in your ‘teenage-years’
which is the Time of the ‘Emotional-Body’ to a great extent so that when it comes-to later
life, you can ‘live it out’ without any trouble and with ‘great ease’ to make sure that ‘The
Secret’ you are desiring to ‘fulfil’, the ‘Feeling’, the Point of ‘Power’, the Point of ‘Position’
that you can ‘Live this out’ with Effectiveness and Control and nobody ever find-out the
Real thoughts that went-in behind the ‘planning-out’ of what you’re doing. But now in
your ‘teenage-years’ you will now Explore-this and you’ll move between Relationships.

Now, what is fascinating within-this is that: as long as the Person submit to your ‘advanc-
es’ for sexuality, you tend to be with them – if they would ‘Reject’ you, and they are not
particularly ‘popular’ you will attack them and you will say ‘nasty’ things about them and
you’ll try and ‘move-them’ or ‘place-them’ already in the category of being either a ‘whore’
or someone that has got some ‘sexual-dysfunction’ – while it’s obviously not true but at a
‘teenage-age’ when you are searching for ‘your feeling’, ‘your desire’, you’ll have no-morali-
ty whatsoever and you will Harm extensively.
And I mean you all have seen this happen or even participated in this to a great extent,
where when whenever you cannot get ‘your way’ – we have the same thing happening
with Desteni where we will get messages on the ‘Private Message’ where proposals of mar-
riage and sex is made and if that is not answered or rejected, then the being will become
very Nasty and attack- Frosti2008 is one of them that started with ‘Love messages’ and
then it all turned into Hate, it just shows the absolute ‘maturity’ of the being and how
they’re being Controlled by their ‘Feeling’ they believe is ‘real’ – and then obviously Ma-
nipulates as much as possible and all the Fools that follow ‘fall’, because they’re only look-
ing-at what is being presented, they’re not looking at the CommonSense Point and ‘How’
the Energy and the Feeling actually ‘Operates’, they have no Actual Understanding of this 323

Any form of ‘Spiritual Process’ that is presented in this world that do-not Explore the Ac-
tuality of ‘How’ things are Actually ‘coming-together’ which everyone in this Reality has
Actually-Lived, is Deception, it’s based on this Deception of Looking for this ‘Feeling’ and
is Manipulation, and will take-you Nowhere.

So let’s continue in terms of the point of the ‘Teenage-years’. So now, obviously Multiple-
forms of Abuse develop during the ‘Teenage years’ as kids will ‘Gang-up’ and when you
don’t ‘get your way with a girl’ where you will destroy her Image, because: she dared to say
‘No’ to you, and you wanted to fuck-her. A

nd I mean, the Basic ‘Human-Teenager’ is a Real ‘Ugly-Nasty-Piece of Meat’ which is the

result obviously of the Suppressions of the Parents that come out, because the Parents used
to do the same shit –and they have Suppressed-it and Transferred-it to the Children which
is how ‘The Sins of the Father are visited upon the Children’ – and obviously the Parents
do not want to see that, because they are already trapped in the next ‘Feeling’ which is
normally Religion and where they Deny what they have done as Child ‘at all costs’, be-
cause they are just ‘weak’ and ‘sinful’ and ‘Jesus has died for their Sins’ –and that Death
has ‘washed them clean’ in ‘Red Blood’ that’s very ‘sticky’, but apparently it does not work
like that in Religion, I mean you don’t use water to wash yourself, you use fucking blood –
playing ‘Satanic Worship’, but ‘who fucking cares ?’ because it shows you that the Human
Being in the search of this ‘Feeling’ really do not look at: Reason, Common Sense, obvi-
ous things that they have experienced-themselves, no Self-Honesty and simply ‘play out’
the ‘Feeling’, the Pre-Program. So now the Pre-Program will also run in a peculiar way in
which it ‘moves’ when two people go into an Relationship, one will develop ‘faster’ than
the other, normally within an ‘Intellectual Capacity’ or within an ‘Observational Capacity’
and when two people are together they will-then tend to ‘move’ in Opposite Directions,
because this is a ‘Reality of Opposites’.

In the movement in ‘Opposite-Directions’ there will eventually develop a Separation in

the Relationship and eventually you will face each-other and say: ‘You know, we can’t be
together anymore, we don’t have the same interests anymore’. But, not too long ago you
had ‘the same interests’ which was obviously Sex, but I mean you had ‘the same interests’.
Now in your ‘moving apart’ you have had your eyes ‘dwell upon the ‘Great Crops of Flesh’
that is placed-upon the Earth for your ‘Pleasure’ and ‘Consideration’, and as you have
dwelt upon-it you have moved from one to another, to another seeking-out the next one
you could ‘captivate’ and ‘hold captive’ so that you can Fuck the thing, I mean that’s the
point of Flesh isn’t it: ‘Let’s fuck and have Pleasure’ –But you will never ‘Speak the Truth’
about-it, because: that is not ‘Socially Acceptable’ –you mean you do-it between four-walls
behind curtains with sound-proofing to make sure nobody finds-out what the fuck you’re
doing–but, who would dare to be Self-Honest about ‘what the fuck it is they’re really do-
ing? Not a Human Being because, if you are Self-Honest, you will be Exposed to the ‘At-
tack of the Gangs’, you will enter ‘Gangsters’ Paradise’ – ‘Gangsters’ Paradise’ says: ‘Let me
judge-you until you go to Hell, I will place-you in Hell’.

The fact that Jesus said: ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged’ –because you will-only ‘Judge’ that
which you have Done-Yourself –you can only ‘Speak- it’ because you’ve ‘Done-it’, which is
why Self-Forgiveness is Relevant.

Now this ‘Feeling’ is Pre-Programmed to never-be ‘Satisfied’ – so, when you get to the
point where this ‘Feeling’ comes-out again, you have already-developed more ‘Specific
Skills’ for the next time you enter the ‘New Dimension’ to search-out your ‘New Rela-
tionship’= you’ll be ‘More Effective’ and you-will ‘Diminish Yourself ’ to peculiar-‘points’,
particular-‘ways’ to make sure you-have ‘more Control’ until you find the point you will
be ‘Willing to Settle-with for the Rest of your Life’ no-matter ‘how fucked-up it-is’, but
you-will ‘Settle’ for-that because I mean, you have learned one thing: you just never can
get the ‘Ultimate Perfect Answer’ and therefore you have-to ‘Submit’-to ‘Limitation’ and
‘Less-than’ and, Accept that you are somehow-‘Flawed’ and Everyone is somehow-‘Flawed’
and in-that you have Accepted a peculiar-‘thing’: you have Accepted that there must-be
some ‘Power’ ‘Greater than-You’.

What you do-not Realize is that you give your ‘power’-away in ‘thought’ in your Dishon-
esty, which is ‘why’ you have no-‘power’ because, you cannot have an ‘Inner-being’ that is
324 ‘thinking’ all this shit and an ‘Outer-being’ that is acting ‘differently’ – two different ‘re-
alities’ apparently ‘cooperating’ when it’s Not-‘cooperating’, is Not Equal and One – You
are ‘Your own worst-Enemy’ – you will-only ‘find’ your ‘True Perfection’ when inside-you
there is no-more Abuse of Yourself or another – and that happens through Self-Forgive-
ness because You must-be Self-Honest with Yourself on what you are Allowing to go-on

And you’ll be ‘surprised’ how-many around this table – even now after everything – is still
doing-this ‘Inside’-thing, and Not-Breathing – Breathing means: that you are ‘Breathing’
and Not-‘Thinking’ – you are Not giving Attention to all these-‘thoughts’ that arrive – you
do-not look at a girl and wonder how it looks ‘up-skirt’ – if that happens, you are still the
Nasty Fucker that is deceiving inside, you must be able to look-at the girl in her short-
thing – even it’s got no panties on and it’s OK, you are not having anything coming-up
‘inside you’ that you participate-in and take-into the ultimate ‘Pornographic-movie’ in
your own ‘Holy-Wood Theatre’ in your head .

I mean, you would be ‘Holy’ if you could have all your ‘thoughts’ Manifest, isn’t it? – but
it will be ‘rather disastrous’, imagine: you walking down the street and you think about
how would it feel to touch that ass and the next moment: your hand is on that ass –
I mean, immediate-manifestation, it’ll be rather ‘embarrassing’, isn’t it? – it’s Best that the 325
Mind is Contained, because if you had to Manifest all-your ‘thoughts’, I mean you’ll be
walking and looking at the asses and it would be nice to fuck in the ass and the next-mo-
ment your on the pavement fucking the girl in the ass, I mean, your ‘thought’ Manifested
Immediately – or I’ll be so cool if I can give that-one a nice little cock-sucking and then
the next moment you’re doing-it – that would be ‘Immediate Manifestation’ means your
Thoughts become Reality – CommonSense isn’t it? – But why do you not ‘See’ that your
Thoughts are-not Actually Manifesting?

It is your ‘Resonances’ that Manifest that takes a lot-of Attention before it Manifest. If
you go-into a ‘Resonant Possession’ you have spent ‘days and days and months’ on the
same-thing in creating-it, Great Dishonesty went into-it, to have – and you cannot-even
Remember ‘where it-all started’ because you will ‘move the thoughts’ Dimensionally to
‘suit-you’ based on your Past Experiences, and you-will Look at your Past Experiences to
find ‘how you can change things’ so that the ‘next-time’: you have more-‘Control’ – and
you can have the ‘outcome’ you ‘desire’ – Great Dishonesty, isn’t it? So – now in this Pro-
cess why was-it ‘Programmed’ like-this is simplistically to get-you to Accept one thing:
that you are Essentially-‘Flawed’ – You are the ‘Thoughts’ that is ‘happening’ within your
Mind – that is the Point that Existence, that ‘God’ had to ‘get-you’ to ‘Believe’ – but hear
me: You Are-Not those-‘Thoughts’, you are Actually ‘The Physical’.

If you had to Die as those ‘Thoughts’ = you will end-up as a ‘Thought’ and you can Im-
agine how ‘easy’ it-is to Delete your own ‘Thoughts’ – that is how Irrelevant you-become
in Existence. If you Die as ‘The Physical’= you become Part of ‘The Physical Universe’,
‘that’ is Substantial, that is yet to-be Explained in Time to Come – which is the Point-of
‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ you are going to-be ‘Structurally’ ‘Aligning’ Yourself to
Self-Honesty as ‘That which is Real’ – that means when you-then ‘Express’ or ‘Touch’ it is
Not-based on a ‘Comparative-Thought’ – it is an ‘Actual Direct Real Experience’ it is Not
you-‘trying’ to ‘fulfil a Feeling’ – it is-You Actually-‘Feeling’, Directly – because currently
Humanity lives as ‘something’ that is ‘First Created in the Mind’ and then ‘Attempted to
be ‘Fulfilled’’ – which is this-whole ‘Feeling’-thing, which is Not ‘Real’. That is ‘why’ there
is kind of like an ‘Aversion’ to ‘The Physical’ and like ‘The Physical is Irrelevant’, ‘The
Physical is the Illusion’ – No, no, look ‘carefully’ in Self-Honesty: The Physical is Real-
ity – it is what you are ‘thinking in your Mind’ that is Illusion, that’s why you can’t even
‘remember’ what you ‘thought’ last-week – you can’t ‘remember’ all the thoughts you had
about your current Partners in your Life – you can’t ‘remember’ all the thoughts you’ve
had about all the People you’ve seen in the streets or the ‘shopping-malls’ – Why are we
having these ‘shopping-malls’?
Is basically so you can do some ‘window-shopping’ and ‘check-out’ if there’s some ‘new
piece of ass’ that you-can ‘get-onto’ – and even ‘New Ways’ how to ‘pick-up a new piece of
ass’ is developing. And, have a-look, all Participants know ‘exactly’ what’s happening, it’s a
‘sign language’ – I mean, it’s in the ‘words’, it’s in the ‘movement’ – ‘Oh I went to Milky
Lane for an ice-cream and I picked-up this piece of ass, I mean she’s ‘so cool’, she’s my
‘dream-girl’’ – I mean, What the Fuck?

Have we really-diminished to such-an ‘Obvious Disgusting, Ghastly Fucking-piece of…

Being’? You’re Missing ‘the Point’ because you’re Dishonest, you’re Missing what you’re
really Doing – And you ‘Justify’-it – ‘Justification’ is the Greatest single-way of Self-
Deception, where you start to look-at a ‘thought’ and say: ‘There must be a ‘Reason’ why
this Thought is here, let me find a ‘Purpose’ and give-it a ‘Purpose’, so let me let it ‘look-
nice’ because there must-be a ‘Reason-Why’, it doesn’t ‘just-happen’’– It ‘just-happens’,
it’s fucking Pre-Programmed to ‘get-you’ to Accept the Ultimate Deception, that ‘there is
a God’ – to let-you Accept that ‘Apparently’ you are Incapable of ‘Handling’ or ‘Direct-
ing’ or ‘Standing Equal’ as All of Creation, that you are Not In-Fact ‘The Image and Like-
ness of God’ – I mean, In-Fact you are, but Not as ‘your Thoughts’ – as ‘your Thoughts’
you are Creating a Disaster, because you are Creating a ‘Resident Evil’ within you as an
‘Energetic Entity’ that will take-you over in critical points and Direct your Life in ways
that is absolutely ‘Disastrous’ in which you will ‘miss’ Everything that’s Real in Reality and
you-will ‘submit’ and cause Abuse and you will Refuse to See What is Real Abuse, What
is Really ‘going-on’ because you are ‘Possessed’ by ‘Energy’.Please, you want to see how
‘Energy’ Operate? – get some oil, put a fire to-it and watch-it and hold your hand over-it
and check-it-out I mean, that black sludge called ‘oil’ – that’s how ‘Energy’ Really ‘looks’-
like, you’re only seeing ‘the fire’, ‘the light’ that comes from-it – its really ugly, if you look
the source of ‘Energy’.

326 I would not be Deceived by ‘the Reflection of the Light’ that comes-from ‘Energy’,
I would first go to the Source – what is the cause? –where did it come from? – and you’ll
notice that this Reality ‘Reflects to-you’ the Actual Nature, the Actual Practicalities of
How everything ‘operates' in this ‘Reality’ and as-it Exist now is your ‘Real Nature’ – is
‘the Truth’ about you = You have Created this As your Mind. ‘Stop’ all of-that and start to
consider ‘What is Best Equally for All Physical-Beings in this Reality’ – and then you’ll-
find ‘Heaven will-be on Earth’ – and then you will-find ‘you Love your Neighbour’ – and
then you’ll find why doing ‘What’s Best for All’ that everyone will-do ‘What’s Best for
All’ – it is-Not a very ‘giant leap’, it requires ‘No-Faith’ = it Requires CommonSense – The
Mind requires Faith because you are trying to ‘sell’ each-other Bull-shit while inside your
Thoughts is giving a total different story that the Bullshit you’re ‘selling’ – while you look
the person in the eye, you will have Thoughts about the person – I mean that’s Dishonest,
it’s Dishonourable – Imagine: when you Die that all-that ‘shit’ is ‘Revealed to Everyone
that you Ever had a ‘Thought’-about’ and you have ‘no-way-out’ – There is No Forgiveness
for that, there is No Forgiveness Possible for-that because: You Did-it Deliberately – There
is No-Forgiveness for Deliberate Action – and the Place where ‘Deliberate-Action’ takes-
place is within The Mind. Therefore that’s why when we Realized through the Portal ‘what
the Fuck was ‘going-on’ in Reality, why we took ‘the Road’ we-did in Explaining ‘What is
going-on’, to Explain that: When you-Die and you Die in Dishonour and Dishonesty in 327
Separation from what is Real, in Separation from ‘The Physical’= you’re in ‘severe-Trouble’
and you become ‘Irrelevant to Existence – This is not a ‘Fear’ Message, it’s a ‘Common-
Sense’ Message- Observe: when you look at a Human Being – even your wife or your girl-
friend- Observe ‘How’ Thoughts ‘arrives’ in your Mind and the Thought is different to the
Words you speak, that’s Separation, that’s Dishonesty, that’s Dishonou­rable: it’s Abuse –
the whole Reality operates like this, because Reality is: the Result-of what is being Accept-
ed in the Mind.

At the moment you’re not going to see another’s thoughts, because: you can’t even ‘handle’
your own.

First, become Self-Honest, Stop what is ‘happening’ inside-you, it’s not Serving you or
anyone else, it is Not even Real – Come on, can you remember ‘any’ of the thoughts you
had during your school-years up to … if you look back any of the years you had, you can’t
remember any of your thoughts, everything looks ‘Surreal’, have a look: It’s just ‘gone’ –
Careful what you give Importance-to. So here we are looking at ‘how’ this ‘Feeling’ has
caused the Principle of ‘Searching for the ‘Holy-Grail’’ it has turned Humanity into a
‘Holy-Grave’ and the World is becoming a ‘Graveyard’ where you have ‘Crosses’ all over
with Names that says: ‘Here lies the late…’ so and so, you were a Liar and you were ‘Late’
because the Relationships you formed were Deceptive in Nature. And as you ‘Return to
the Earth’ and your ‘Spirit’ is ‘ripped’ from-you and put in a ‘Containment’ in Existence
so that you can ‘Face your Dishonesty’, you are Completely-Irrelevant and by-your ‘Own
Will’ you have Diminished-yourself to Irrelevance through Dishonour and Dishonesty –
and how easy was that done: just with a ‘few programs’ – and all to do with one singular

A ‘Feeling’, have a-look, you can’t even ‘Define’-yourself, I mean it’s like ‘searching’ for
the fucking ‘Jackpot’ – it’s impossible unless You-Direct the ‘Spinning of the wheels’ isn’t
it, and You’re Not Directing the ‘Spinning of the wheels’, It’s being Directed by your
Programming, that’s why you’re Unable to Direct your Life, that’s why you’re waiting for
Events to ‘Happen’ to-you instead of ‘Directing Yourself ’ – instead of Actually ‘Creating’
and ‘Directing’ your Reality. Have a-look, at Desteni we are Not going-to Assist you with
‘Self Direction’, we will Leave-you to Fuck-yourself, because the ‘Greatest-Gift’ you can-
get is to learn how the fuck to ‘Move Yourself ’ and ‘what is Real’ and ‘what’s Not-Real’ –
there is No ‘Greater Gift’ because once you know that, you’ll Stand in Equality, Here and:
You’ll Stand Up for Life. If you don’t ‘Stand Up for Life’, we know: You’re Dishonest –
you don’t know-it yet, but You Will ‘Find-out’. And Understand, we really do-not ‘care’
whether you ‘make-it’ in this Life, because we know what happens in the Afterlife and you
have no-access- Because have a look: if a Channel dared to be Self-Honest, they can see
how they’ve created-themselves to be ‘spewing’-out the Dishonesties to everything-else and
everyone-else, because it was ‘Deliberately-Created’ within the Mind.

And there are two or three or four different-beings within – depending ‘who’s there’ – but
the Real-Being that is the ‘Host’ of the Physical, that is the person on Earth living: is just
as Dishonest as any-other Human Being, and you’re just creating your ‘Holier than Thou’
Part which ‘spews’-out Bullshit about ‘Feelings’ and ‘Love’ and shit like-that = None of
it Real, because You are Not Standing Up to ‘sort-out’ the System in this Reality that is
Causing this-all, you are Participating in the System of Abuse – but everybody is Con-
fused and Deceived by ‘Beautiful Words of Love’, Promises of ‘Greatness’.Have a look
Why the question you must ask-yourself is: Why are you unable to see this Deception?
The reason why you’re unable to see the Deception is because you are as-Deceptive in your
own Mind, that’s why you’re unable to see CommonSense, you’re unable to see how you’re
being Deceived because you’re still Deceiving – you’ll only be-able to see the Deception
once you Stop Deceiving-Yourself.

That’s why you’re all waiting for me to ‘Explain’ this stuff and you’re not able yet to see
anything, because you’re still Deceiving, still the same-shit – Still the same Deceptive-
Thoughts going on, that’s why you don’t Stand Up or ‘come-up’ with any Point of being
able to Explain ‘how Reality Operates’, because you’re unable to ‘See’-it. The only reason
you can’t see-it is because: You’re Still ‘Thinking’ – as long as you’re ‘Thinking’ = You Will-
Not ‘See’ what’s Real. Once you ‘Stop’, slowly but surely, you prove your Honesty and
your Support of Life, you’ll start to See and then: you better ‘Speak-up’. That’s why No-
body Here is willing to Defend Desteni, because you’re still Dishonest – you don’t ‘mind’
328 whoever attacks Desteni, but you will-not ‘Stand Up’.

No matter ‘what’ we have done-already Support-you: You Will-Not Support. You should
investigate your fucking-‘Realities’ find what is Important.

And, have a look ‘why’ you’re unable to Support those that is ‘given-up their lives’ and
why you’re unwilling to ‘give-up yours’. And whether you’ll be Standing – if you were-
not Supported – and you’ll notice you won’t because you ‘can’t’ because you’re Dishonest,
Inside-you there’s this incessant searching for ‘Reason and Purpose’ and you’re just Abus-
ing Desteni ‘to get somewhere'. Get Self-Honest, you’ll be Exposed Inevitably –We don’t
‘mind’ Deceivers because they’re just ‘Irrelevant’ – Makes sense?

Everyone: Yeah

Bernard: So I suggest you find-out why it is you’re unable to Actually Understand the
‘Desteni Message’, why is it that you’re unable to ‘See’ for Yourself – why is it that you
Allow ‘Thoughts’ to ‘arise’ within-you and that you Search those ‘thoughts’ and you give
them ‘names’ like ‘Kundalini’, trying to reach ‘great orgasmic experiences’, ‘fuelling’ a
‘Mind System’ – Great Dishonesty –Anyway so, let’s continue with this whole-point. 329

So your Searching will initially in ‘Teenage-years’ centre-around specifically ‘Sexuality’

and I mean, we’ve gone through this all of us, you kind of get ‘possessed’ – and then, that
will set the ‘tone’ for your Relationships within which you will develop a certain-level of
‘Nastiness ’if you do-not ‘get your way’, and you will eventually ‘tone yourself-down’ and
diminish as ‘Time’ progress.

Then you will also develop a peculiarity, a ‘psyche’, a ‘Decision-Making Process’ around
the ‘job’ you want-to take – within that, you will start to compare-yourself throughout
your upbringing as you grow-up with all the adults around you – and you’ll observe-them,
in terms of the ‘role models’ they play and you will Observe your own ‘Mind’ and your
own ‘Fears’ and your own ‘Thinking’ and observing ‘what’ you’re capable of doing in Ac-
tion and what Not’- and within that, you’ll come to a conclusion of ‘what you’re able to
do’ and ‘what you’re unable to do’ – and according to that, you’ll form the ‘willingness’ of
the jobs you’re ‘willing to do’ in this World, based on your-own ‘Self-Judgement’ – which
you’ll never discuss with anyone, because it’s happening ‘Inside-you’, have a look – And
within that context, you’ll come to the conclusion of ‘what it is you’re able to do’- and you
will already ‘know-yourself ’ because what ‘stands in your way’ always is this ‘Thinking-
Process’ within you, it’ll always ‘question’-you, it always ‘questions’ and it ‘weakens’-you,
all the time – therefore you then end-up in a point of ‘Survival’-only and anyone that at-
tempts to ‘Stand up’ in this World, you’ll ‘Attack’, vehemently you will try and Stop them
from becoming ‘great’ and when they ‘become great’ you will ‘honour’- them because they
must give you a job, so you can Survive – It’s like ‘sickening’ beyond imagination to watch
the Human-‘Blob’ operating in this Reality.

And that’s what happens around jobs and slowly but surely, you will seek ‘your place’ –
and have a look ‘your place’ you’ll seek is where you are ‘safe’ and do not have too-much
Responsibility, where they must give-you the ‘exact-parameters’ of ‘what you must do’
and if even a single-action is outside the ‘written parameters’, you’ll say: ‘This is Not my
‘job-description’’ – And ‘inside-you’, you will laugh at them because apparently you have
‘Power’ over-them.
It is sickening to watch those that ‘Labour’ – ‘By the Fruit of your Labour you’ll be
Known’ and ‘the Fruit of that Labour’ is your Thoughts in your head, that is what you
will-be ‘Known’-by, by the Time of your Death – No Self-Honesty.

Then there is the Third point – is ‘Finding your Spiritual-Home’, which is also the ‘Third-
Seeking of the King’ you are wanting to See, which is ‘to See the King’ isn’t it? ‘See-King’ –
‘I want to See the King because the King must See ‘Me’ – and within that a peculiar-thing
will develop which is ‘very great’ if you look on the Internet, where you have All-kinds
of Beings ‘Believing’ they have ‘Personal Communication’ with ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ or some
‘Higher Spiritual Being’. 331

What they do-not Realise is that you have spent many, many years ‘Seeking for your Spir-
itual-Truth’ and in that you have made Decisions, Instructions, Thoughts where you look-
at the Thought ‘this way’ and ‘that way’ and says: ‘No, it’ll only be True if it says ‘this’, it’ll
only be True if it says ‘this’.’

So in that you are Programming an ‘Entity’, throughout your Life until you get to the
point where you Realise you… that this Entity is somehow ‘Communicating with you’ –
and what you do not Realize is that you have Programmed this ‘thing’ Yourself, with In-
structions throughout your life.

If you are Self-Honest, you will see that you have ‘Programmed’ this ‘thing’, you’ve given
it the ‘exact instructions’ of ‘what to say to you’, for you to ‘believe’-it – and that is ‘why’
no two-beings that is having this ‘Divine-Spiritual Experience’ is having ‘the Same-Com-

And as you grow older and you start to seek-out your ‘Spiritual Path’ – you’ll read lots of
books and you’ll listen to other-people that is ‘Believing’ in their ‘Higher Self ’, their ‘Spe-
cial Entity Speaking’ and you will ‘Learn the Lingo’ because you know one thing: as long
as ‘Your Lingo’ fits the ‘Gang’s Lingo’ – that’s all fucking Possessed by some ‘Spiritual En-
tity’ that they have ‘Self-Created’ – you’ll be Accepted, and all you have to do is Be ‘Part of
the Gang’ – develop the point where you have ‘Your Spiritual Entity’ ‘Speaking to-you’ in
the same ‘Lingo’ and suddenly you are a ‘Channeller’ of ‘Ascended Masters’.

And these ‘Masters’ are saying all these ‘wonderful things’ that you ‘Agree’-with – But you
gave-it the instructions in your Mind in the first place, you just ‘don’t-want to Remember’.
You don’t-want to Remember because you were ‘so scared’ there’ll be something that ‘Pos-
sess you’.

The Fear was Incredible within-you, all your life – Fearing a Possession.

Therefore you gave-yourself ‘very specific instructions’ on ‘what is Possession’ and ‘what is
Ha! Fools! Look at what you’ve done! – You have Programmed Your Own Possession –
Now you have ‘Aligned’ yourself ‘Structurally’ to this ‘Possession’ and you’re spreading
these lies as if it is ‘real’ – and you are teaching others how to become ‘Self-Possessed’- and
fuck up their whole-Life and their Hereafter.

I would not consider Any Channel in this Reality in any-way whatsoever. If you would
investigate the path that was walked to bring-about the ‘Channel’ and how it was Pro-
grammed – if Self-Honesty was existent, you would be Astounded to find ‘how’ these-
things were Created.

There is No Communication currently with any form-of ‘Being’.

So, Have Patience when you look-at yourselves – Observe what you are doing – Be self-
honest -See what is the Impact, what problems it cause, before you Consider ‘What is

So in this search for ‘Spiritual Support’ it exist in all the areas of Religion – whether it’s Is-
lamic, Christian, New Age, Spirituality, Atheism, all of it! – Everyone is creating ‘their
own Entity’ with which they have a conversation that will give them Direction and always
Answer in the way that they ‘have Pre-Programmed the ‘Entity’ to answer, so that they can
‘fee’ they’re doing ‘the right thing’.

And then they ‘stand’ by that because you have Created the Power of ‘two or more in my
name’, that’s You and the ‘Entity’ that is speaking the same language: that’s why you ‘be-
lieve’-it – and you believe ‘That’ to be your ‘Divine Answer’. Self-Honesty: ‘Stop’, observe
how you have created these thoughts that ‘pops-up’ ‘Inside-you’.

They are Part of your ‘Structural Design’, you have ‘Aligned Yourself ’ to-it – That is your
‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ that is ‘Possessing-you’ – It’s gonna get ‘much worse’
as we progress on this ‘Path of Revelation’ to find-out ‘What is Real’.Now, understand
that this all ‘interplays’ within the Relationships and all of this is given as examples to the
Children as they are born and that in the first 7-years of a Child’s-life, the Child is ‘taking-
in’ Information, not-only through their Senses but also ‘capturing’ Information ‘Electro-
Magnetically’ from your ‘Pre-Designed Energetic-Presence’ – And therefore they become
‘copies’ of your Dishonesty and become more ‘proficient’ in Creating these ‘Spiritual En-
tity Possessions’ faster.

And the Great Dishonest Ones of this Reality that ‘Channels’ will ‘Defend’ their ‘Chan-
nels’ and their ‘UFOs’ and their ‘Great Lights’ – but they will Not go to the Source. I dare
you to Stop your communication and for a month, investigate ‘how it all happens’ and
‘challenge-it’, and you will find-out: you have been lying to Everyone, your Experience
was Not-Real – If it was Real, your ‘Spiritual Entity’ will-not ‘Mind’ you ‘testing’-it, or
‘shutting the door’ on-it, because it will be apparently focussed on…oh I am not gonna
tell you how it’s going to work, because then you’ll Create the ‘Fucking Answer’.Get-Real!
you are Creating-it, you are the Real-Creator of Existence. But, you are so ‘Powerful’ that
you are able to Destroy-Yourself for Eternity. Do-not be Confused by ‘Trusting’ what’s go-
ing-on ‘Inside your Mind’.

Within-‘there’, you’ll always ‘get the Answer’ you have ‘given-yourself ’ already. Therefore
you are always ‘Right’ and ‘Righteous’.
You want to Find-out ‘The Truth’? Look at ‘How’ the Physical-Reality Operates in this

Look at ‘Why’ a Billion-People has-got Not Enough-Food.

Look at the Sexual-Abuse. Look at the Education-Levels that is ‘Bullshit’ in this Reality.
Look at ‘How’ few-people can Actually-Read.


This Conversation will Continue at a Later-Stage.

39: 'Free-Wheelers'
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
03 Dec 09

So – we´re gonna talk about ’Free-Will’ – ’Free-Wheels’ – ‘Free-Wheelers’.What are ‘Free-

Wheelers’? They´re ‘Takers’ and Not ‘Givers’, but what are we Really talking about, is

What is ‘Free-Will’? ‘Free-Will’ and the ‘Free-Willer´s’ which is the ‘Free-Wheelers’ of Ex-
istence believe that they have the right to have ‘Free-Will’ and that That right gives them a
Autonomy in What they do and how they do it – but what they don’t understand within
a Reality of Consequence, where the Consequence is based on their Own Directive Prin-
ciple, where they subscribe to ‘Justice’ and ‘Injustice’, ‘Fair’ or ‘Not Fair’, ‘Consequence’,
‘Karma’, ‘Revenge’ and all measures of Balance -that they Moment you subscribe to ‘Free-
Will’: you are subscribing to the implied, in tacit Consequences of Everything that is
implied through that. Your right to Understand becomes immediately irrelevant. You are
also within the Desire of ‘Free-Will’ Stating Categorically that you´re a ‘Free-Wheeler’ and
you want it your way – “Fuck everyone else”. Which you so Clearly can see with those
that is proponents of ‘Free-Will’, as we have exposed the Very Nature of ‘Free-Will’. If you
look at how they approach the Point as well and the ‘Claim’, that it was given by God, is
simply used as an Excuse to not Directly become Accountable for the Consequence of the
Will that is Expressed, or the Will that is Allowed to be ‘flowing’ or ‘Free-Wheeling’ with-
out Directive Points and having all kinds of Consequences that is affecting many.

So – but news for the ‘Free-Willer´s’: I suggest that it is relevant to start placing, onto to
paper all the Points, where One Desire to have ‘Free-Will’ and to start to Consider the
Consequences of this ‘Free-Will’ – because even if you have a ‘Free Wheel’ and a Real-
ity that is based in Polarity and Energy, your gonna have Resistance – your gonna have
334 Consequence. Nothing Here happens without a Balancing Consequence. Now, how did
this all come about? There were a few clever Beings long, long, long time ago that saw a
‘Gap’ – very much like many in this Reality see a ‘gap’ and then they take the ‘gap’ and it
doesn’t matter what the Consequences, as long as they benefit. Because they believe that
Everyone has got ‘Free-Will’. All they have to do is manipulate that ‘Will’, which they
then do Deliberately by Placing information in such a way that they are certain of the out-
come of the ‘Will’ and they manipulate the ‘Will’ so they can have all the benefit.

Now, this is not unique to Earth. The same thing happened in Heaven. For the purposes
of Manipulating the Will of all the Beings in the Universe, the ‘Soul’ was Created, the
‘Soul’-Construct was Created as a ‘Wheel of Life’. This ‘Wheel of Life’ moved between
Heaven and Earth and was based on the Energy that was Created on Earth and those that
were behind this Design, never incarnated on Earth Directly and those of their minions
that did incarnate, were protected Deliberately – so that they always Stand at the ‘Benefit-
Point’ of the ‘flow’ of ‘Free-Will’, that means they always stand at the positive point. Now,
those that all believe in the ‘positive point’ of Existence and the positive point of Expres-
sion, must understand that by their Very Expression, they have Aligned themselves with
the Abusers of Existence and are thus Equally Accountable as All Abuse in Existence.

You must also understand that for the few to be in a beneficial position of ‘Light’ – many,
an uncountable amount of Beings is, has been trapped in Existence that is at the Behest 335
and Control and Dominance of those few that is of ‘The Light’. The rest has been trapped
in a Darkness, where even their Very Awareness was stripped away, so that they could not
complain about their condition as many Beings on Earth, is born into a Reality and into a
condition, where they have no ability to Speak up for themselves, at all. Yet, those that can
Speak, will not Dare to Speak and do not even and do not even Allow anyone to Speak
and is not Willing to Stop and See what they have Allowed. The Consequences of all of
this, come from One simple thing: ‘Free-Wheeling’ – to have a ‘Free-Will’.

That ‘Free-Will’ is what is the ‘Jail’ of Everyone Now – there is no way out. The only way
to Stop this, is to give up All Will -To Allow the Consequences to Flow out, so that it may
be Balanced in a way that is Equal and Best for All. The Way to a bring the fastest Correc-
tion within this, at this Stage, is an Interim Solution as an Equality System and an Equal-
ity, which is Equality Money and Labour System.

Simplistically because that Allows sufficient time to Correct the outflows in the genera-
tions yet to come. Many of those that is currently Here, will not benefit much from the
Changes and they will find it extremely difficult because their Programming is such, that
they would demand ‘Free-Will’ without Considering outflows and Consequence.

Again, observe the CommonSense: When you demand ‘Free-Will’, you are in fact de-
manding that you should Not be Accountable and you are Acting in such manor as to
prove that you are Not Accountable. When you have done that, you cannot expect from
Existence, any form of Forgiveness or any form of Mercy – because you have Acted With-
out Forgiveness, you have Acted Without Mercy, you have Acted in a way to do Deliber-
ate Harm to those that were not in the same position of Power that you were, than you
were placed in. You were in a special position of Power, where you Actually had the op-
portunity to Express your Power as apparent ‘Free-Will’ – regardless of the others and you
have Dared to say that that is justified by a ‘Soul-System’, without understanding how the
‘Soul’ was Created, who´s behind it and how it operates. Instead of dealing with the Actu-
ality, where you can see the Physical Manifested Universe Here on Earth, as it happens, in
the System that is managing the way Humans Live, instead of looking at That and Con-
necting That – By Projecting the apparent knowledge to some books or some information
that you cannot confirm yourself Directly, simply to protect Your ‘Free-Will’ and Your
Accountability: is Dishonest – and Deliberate and Cruel, to say the very least.

So – we ask now that you do Consider that ‘Free-Will’ and do your own exercises, you can
do your own math, can work it out for yourself, because those that hear this message, are
the Elite of the World – if you hear me Speak: you are the Elite of the World – you are un-
der the special protection of the Abusers of Heaven – you are been given the ‘privilege’ to
Abuse others – to have dominion over them, in the name of God. None of it, is Real. You
should have been able to see it yourself – if you were Self-Honest, but I mean, you were
not Self-Honest in Heaven, before you came Here. Why would you be Self-Honest now?
We understand that. We simply explain to you that you have limited time, within which
you can make a difference to the Consequences that will unfold.

In Structural Resonance Alignment, we´ll Assist those that Support the establishment of
an Equal Money System and an New Labour System, in every way possible to Align them-
selves with CommonSense and Accountability and Responsibility for All Life Equally, so
they can understand and you´ll notice in interviews we´ll be doing about Equal Money,
we´ll show how Simplistic such a System is and how Actual CommonSense it is, and how
easy it is to see that it´ll work.

So ‘Free-Will’ – is for the ‘Free-Wheelers’ that is Unwilling to take Responsibility or be

Accountable for their actions and for their Secret Mind – Be warned: There is something
inside you, that you do not understand. That something, run by itself. It is your Secret
Mind. You are trapped by it. You have made that your God. Be Careful – do not listen to
your Secret Mind. There is no more ‘Soul’ in the After-Life – the ‘Soul’ was just an Ener-
getic Entity, like a ‘body-thing’, within which you had a Mind in the After-Life, there is
no longer a Mind in the After-Life, as there used to be, that you can understand in this
Reality. There is also no ‘Free-Choice’ – there has never been. There was simply a post-
ponement of Consequence for it all to build up. You postponed it, by Creating the ‘Soul’.
Now – it´ll all come together again.

‘Free-Wheelers’: Better give up your ‘Free-Will’ and become Accountable. Suggestion for
Accountability is that One must never Speak or Write a Single Word, unless it is in your
own name -so that you can show your Accountability and your Willingness to take Re-
sponsibility – If you Express yourself, without your own name, it becomes useless – even if
it´s seemingly are ‘Wisdom’ and ‘great knowledge’, because you´re in fact not Expressing it
as yourself – you´re in fact Expressing it as Deception. We will start dealing with you Ac-
cordingly and Simply Disregard your input, Purely because you´re unwilling to Stand in
your own name, Here – taking Responsibility for what has been Allowed to become this

40: The Process of Self-Willed Equals
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
10 Dec 09

Okay – so, is on ‘Direction’ and…What is ‘Happening’ In the ‘Bigger’-Picture, ‘Universal-

Scale’ – So, ‘Hear’ what I’m ‘Saying’ ‘Specifically’; Whether You ‘Hear’-me or ‘Resist’ what
I’m ‘Saying’ – will Not-make a ‘Difference’ to the ‘Outcome’ Of your-‘Existence’ –it’ll
‘Only’ ‘Make a Difference’ to How you ‘Experience’-it and How you will ‘Come to the 337
‘Realization’ Of ‘Equality’ of ‘All –Life’ as an ‘Actualized’-‘Expression’ of-Yourself ’ – ‘Ob-
viously’, to Not-Be in a ‘Position’ where You Are ‘Expressing’ ‘Life’ ‘Equally’ As ‘Equals’
Within your-‘Life’ at this stage = is a ‘Reflection’ ‘Only’ Upon-Yourself And ‘Who You
Are’, and therefore some ‘Corrective’-‘Action’ is being-‘Taken’ at a ‘Universal-Scale’ – to
‘Sort-Out’ the ‘Greed’ that ‘Developed’ through ‘Self-Interest’ and the ‘Ideas’ that was
‘Formed’ Around Millions of Years of ‘Havoc’, that was ‘Sawn’ by Those that ‘Form’-
‘Judgements’ About-‘Others’.So ‘Clearly’: ‘Judge Not Lest Ye be Judged’ – And ‘Clearly’:
‘Love Thy Neighbour As Thyself ’ = Is in-Fact a ‘Living-Equality’.The ‘Problem’ that is
‘obviously’ ‘Faced’ is that This will-be a ‘Process’ of ‘Equalizing’ – because ‘Everyone’ is
Finding -Themselves on a ‘Timeline’ of ‘Multidimensional’-‘Consciousness’ – in Vari-
ous-‘Points’ – In ‘‘Unequal’ ‘Positionings’ of ‘Form’’ that is ‘Designed and Programmed’
‘Geometrically’, ‘Mathematically’ and ‘Symbolically’, Causing a ‘Perceptual’-‘Reality’ of
‘Differences’ and ‘Individuality’ and ‘Uniqueness’ – which is Not How ‘Everything-Exist’
‘In-Fact’. You’ve ‘Created’-it ‘This-Way’, and because you’ve ‘Created’-it and ‘Allowed’-
it – you’re Going to have-to ‘Walk’ Through-it and ‘Sort-it Out’ Yourself – ‘Alone’. The
‘Only’-‘Assistance’ one can ever ‘Get’, Is ‘Assistance’ through… call-it ‘Motivation’, ‘Shar-
ing’ – But – ‘even’ when ‘Shared’: The ‘‘Seeing’ for-Oneself ’ Is ‘The Only-Way’ Each-One
will-‘Move’ – And then: your-‘Movement’ will-be ‘Self-Willed’ ‘Alone’ – there will-be ‘No-
Support’ from ‘Anything’ in the ‘Universe’ – because you Cannot-be ‘Equal’, Unless You
Are ‘Equal’ ‘In-Fact’ In ‘Self-Will’.

The ‘Process’ will Take-On Several-‘Facets’, I’ll ‘Describe’-them, and – You should be
able to ‘Place’-Yourself and ‘Position’-Yourself ‘According’-to What you Already-‘Know’
About-Yourself Within-this; And – ‘Understand’ This is Not to ‘Place’-You in a particu-
lar-‘Category’ – ‘That’ You’ve Done ‘Already’-Yourself – This is ‘simply’ to ‘Explain’ the
Various-‘Processes’ that is ‘Here’ and that Is now ‘conclusively’-‘Confirmed’ As ‘Effective’
And ‘Manifest’, and is ‘Now’ the ‘Final’-‘Phase’ of the ‘Equalizing’ of ‘All’ ‘Beings’ in-

This ‘In-Fact’ Is the ‘Last’-‘Life’ of ‘Everyone’ on ‘Earth’ – from the perspective that: ‘Who
You Are’ in your ‘Current’-‘Position’, You Will be ‘Facing’ your ‘Last-‘Life’.
There’s Various-‘Ways’ of ‘Facing’-This – The ‘one’ is a ‘Living-Process’ – ‘Living-Process’
is where you-Will ‘Deliberately’ ‘Focus’ On ‘Walking’ Out-of a ‘Current’-‘System’ that is
‘Unequal’ in this World, and you will ‘Act’ and ‘Focus’ and ‘Give’ ‘All of You’ To the ‘Re-
solving’ of an ‘Equalized’-‘System’ as a ‘Statement’ of ‘Understanding’ that if You Are in
a ‘Position’ where You Have ‘More’, you are…and You Are in a ‘Position’ of a ‘Greater’-
‘Intelligence’ – You should Also Be in a ‘Position’ of ‘Greater’-‘Responsibility’ to ‘Make’-
‘Decisions’ and ‘Act ‘on-Behalf ’ of ‘Those’ that were-Not ‘Equal’ to-You – ‘That’ Has-Not
‘Happened’ – ‘That’ will ‘now’ be ‘One’ of the ‘Ways’ that one can-‘Prove’ that you-
‘Understand’ the ‘Condition’ that is ‘Existent’ in this ‘World’, and that you can-‘Show’
that you-‘Understand’ that the ‘so-called’ ‘Evolutionary-Process’ has-Not Caused a ‘Benev-
olent’-‘Human’ ‘in-Fact’ – it’s Caused a ‘Greedy’, ‘Consumerism’-‘Based’ ‘Human’, that is
‘Only’ ’Interested’ in Themselves and their-Own ‘Fears’.

So – the ‘Living-Process’ will Either be-‘Walked’ By Oneself-‘Alone’ – or, in a ‘Group’. In

a ‘Group’, ‘simplistically’, you’ll, like, for-instance ’Understand’ that What is ‘Happening’
has got ‘Nothing’ to-do with ‘Desteni’ – ‘Desteni’ is ‘simply’ a ‘Group’ of People that Is
‘Together’ to ‘Support’, and that Will be ‘Offering’ ‘Ways that one can ‘Support’-Yourself.
‘Obviously’ for-‘That’, there will be a ‘Fee’ in-‘Support’ Of the People that Is ‘Involved’ in
‘Doing’-This. There is No-‘Magic’ in this ‘World’ of ‘Overcoming’ the ‘Current’-‘System’
that has been ‘Allowed’ – It’s gonna-Take ‘Commitment’ from ‘Those that Participate’.

Those that Do-Not, at this stage, ‘Fit’-Into that ‘Category’ of for-Instance ‘Doing’ the
‘Structural Resonance Alignment’-‘Process’ – you’re Not ‘Left-Behind’ – you’re ‘simply’
Not going to-be in a ‘Position’ where you can-be ‘Supported’. First ‘Find a Way’ to ‘Sup-
port’-Yourself in the ‘System’ – so you can ‘Find-Out’ ‘Exactly’ ‘What’s Going-On’. The
‘World’-‘System’ as it-is Slowly but Surely ‘Collapsing’: Is ‘Indicative’ of the Same-‘Process’
that you ‘Go-through’ at-‘Death’ – As your ‘Physical’-‘Body’ – which is like…the ‘Busi-
ness’ of your-‘Life’ – And the ‘Money-System’ of your-‘Life’ Starts to ‘Shut-Down’; So –
that Doesn’t-Mean that Anyone doesn’t have…won’t Have the ‘Opportunity’ to ‘Support’-
Themselves to be able to-‘Do’ What is ‘Best for All’ – If you ‘Really’ ‘Go for That’ – You’ll
be Able to ‘Do’-it. But there-Is, ‘Understand’, No-‘Obligation’ from ‘Desteni’ as the
‘Group’ to ‘Assist’-you – You will Have-to ‘Participate’ As an ‘Equal’ in the ‘Group’, and
338 ‘Support’ as much as You will-be ‘Supported’; within That-‘Context’ – That’ll have-to be-
‘Done’ ‘According’ to ‘What Is in this World’.

So – the ‘Living-Process’ Also Is where ‘One’ will be able to ‘Walk’-it Based on the
‘Videos’ and the ‘Forum’ and the ‘Information’ ‘Available’ – ‘That’ will be ‘Free’ and it
will-‘Remain’ ‘Free’; ‘Specifically’ so-that ‘Those’ that are ‘Not in a Position’ to be ‘Part
of a Group’ and Have ‘That’ Kind of ‘Support’ at this stage, Can ‘Actually’ ‘Walk’ their-
‘Process’ – with ‘Support’ from the ‘Material’. ‘Obviously’, Once an ‘Equal-Money’ ‘Sys-
tem’ Is ‘in-Place’, which is a ‘Inevitability’ within the ‘Equalization’ of ‘Love Thy Neigh-
bour As Thyself ’ – Then the ‘Support’-‘Base’ will-be ‘Expanded’ to ‘Include’ ‘Those’ that
Are ‘Walking’ in ‘Self-Honesty’, Without ‘Whining’ and ‘Expecting’-‘Anything’ – but
‘Actually’ ‘Contributing’ and ‘Showing’ that They Are ‘in-Fact’ ‘Standing’, and they are
Not ‘Attempting’ to Have-‘Benefit’ for What they are Not-‘Willing’ to ‘Actually’ ‘Act’-On
Themselves As ‘Equals’.

That is the ‘Basis’ of a ‘Living-Process’ which will be…’basically’ Take as long as it-‘Takes’;
‘Minimum’ of ‘Seven-Years’, But in Most-‘Cases’ it will Take ‘virtually’ a ‘Life-Time’,
because ‘Only’ the ‘inevitable’ ‘Fear of Death’ And the ‘Changes’ that Happen-‘Physically’
Will ‘Bring-Home’ the ‘Reality’ that the ‘Point’ must be-‘Faced’ of What has been ‘Al- 339
lowed’ in this-‘Reality’.

‘Obviously’, In this all, ‘Nature’ will be ‘Playing’ a Major-‘Role’, there will be…you’ll be
able to ‘Observe’ ‘Changes’, ‘Extensively’-so, in ‘All’ ‘Kingdoms’ of ‘Nature’, As it is going
to ‘Support’-You in ‘Helping’-You ‘Realize’ the ‘Folly’ of ‘Energy’, the ‘Folly’ of ‘Beauty’ as
‘Nature’, the ‘Folly’ of ‘Evolution’; And that you’re…will ‘Only’ Be ‘Forever-Losing’ if You
would’ve ‘Stayed’ in Such a ‘System’. After All, it’s ‘just’ a ‘System’.

You Are ‘Equal’ to this ‘System’ you ‘Subscribe’-to; So – I suggest You ‘Subscribe’ to an
‘Equality-System’, which will-be a ‘Statement’-of ‘Unconditional-‘Love’, where You Do
Not-‘Accept’ Any Other-‘Being’ in-‘Existence’ as ‘Less’-than an ‘Absolute’-‘Equal’ ‘Crea-
tor’ Of ‘Existence’-Itself. The ‘Second’-‘Process’ is the ‘Death-Process’. The ‘Death-Pro-
cess’ – we will be ‘Describing’-that more ‘in-Detail’ as-well for ‘Those’ that would ‘Dare’
to ‘Hear’ what ‘That’ would-‘Involve’ – but ‘That’ in-Essence would be the ‘Process’ where
You Have not Had the ‘Opportunity’ to be ‘Exposed’ to ‘Anything’ in this ‘Reality’, ‘Re-
garding’-to the ‘Equality-Process’ – And where you will-be ‘Walking’ In ‘Awareness’ To-
wards your-‘Death’ while you ‘Walk’ Out-of the ‘Physical’, while ‘Being’-‘Physical’.

You’ll be ‘Unable’ to ‘Speak’, you’ll be ‘Unable’ to ‘Share’ your-‘Process’ and you’ll be

‘Totally-‘Alone’; And you will be in a ‘Battle’ with the ‘Mind’ that will ‘Suck-You Dry’
‘till there is ‘Nothing’-Left. And you will ‘only’ be able to ‘Walk’ Out-of This through
‘Self-Will’, ‘Dedication’ – and: your-Own ‘Effort’, ‘internally’. This will Not be able to be
‘Confirmed’ by Any-‘Being’ – That is ‘simply’ the ‘Nature’ of the ‘Process’, and is ‘simply’
‘Shared’ so that one can ‘Understand’ that there-Is ‘Provision’-‘Made’ for ‘All’-‘Beings’ in-
‘Existence’. And Within this ‘Process’, of which we Already Had the first ‘Confirmations’
of a ‘Successful’-‘Death’, one will be able to ‘Transcend’ at-‘Death’, and you’ll ‘Transcend’
the ‘Mind’ in-Essence – And This will ‘Obviously’ ‘Take’ as long as it-‘Does’, And will-be
‘Part’ of a ‘Death-Process’ – You Will ‘Die’ in this ‘Process’.

‘Obviously’, ‘Those’ that ‘Do’ a ‘Living-Process’ will ‘still’ ‘Face’-‘Death’, and ‘obviously’
will also ‘Face’ the ‘Transcendence’ of-‘Death’ – But it will-be ‘Different’ because you’ll
be… ‘Actually’ be able to ‘Experience’ and ‘Share’ your-‘Experience’. The ‘Third’ –‘Process’
would be for ‘Those’ that ‘Die’ as the ‘Mind’ – you’ll ‘Die’ as the ‘Mind’ Within ‘Fairly’-
‘Simple’ ‘Easy’-‘Death’ – and On the ‘Other-Side’ you will-‘Face’ your-‘Reality’, and you
will ‘Re-Incarnate’ Into your ‘Last’-‘Life’, and ‘Face’-it ‘Accordingly’. So If you-‘Die’ as the
‘Mind’, ‘obviously’ you’ll ‘Die As a…’Minimized’, As a ‘Limited’-‘Version’ of-Yourself,
because ‘Everything’ that you have-‘Abdicated’ to the ‘Mind’ – you will-‘Lose’; it will be
‘Taken-Away’ from-You. Why? You have ‘Given-it Away’ to the ‘Mind’ – you have ‘Given’
‘Authority’ Over-‘That’ of-Yourself to the ‘Mind’ – and therefore it will-‘Die’ With the
‘Mind’ and the ‘Physical’ and ‘‘Return’ to ‘Substance’’ – And ‘What ‘Remains’ of-You’ will
have-to ‘Start-Again’ – and ‘Walk’-Into a ‘New-‘Life’. These ‘Variations’ or Various-‘Ways’
Will-‘Ensure’ that Every-Single-‘Being’ in-‘Existence’ Will ‘Eventually’ be-‘Equal’, As You
Will ‘Stand-Up’ Through ‘Trials’ and ‘Tribulations’ and your-‘Own’ ‘Will’ and ‘Effort’, to
a ‘Point’ of ‘Equality’, where you will ‘Never-Again’ ‘Abuse’ ‘Life’ in Any-Way Whatsoever,
and ‘Never-Again’ ‘Abuse’ Any-‘Being’ in-‘Existence’; And ‘All’ Will Be ‘Equal’, yet ‘Indi-

In an ‘Infinite’ ‘Possible’ ‘Universe’ – We Are ‘All’ ‘In-Fact’, when ‘Realized’, ‘Equals’ in

‘Every-Way’. That does-Not ‘Take-Away’ from our-‘Individuality’.

And therefore, Each-One Will Be ‘Individual’ and, ‘strangely-enough’: ‘Unique’.

So – there is No ‘Sameness’ to ‘fear’; The ‘Sameness’ is in the ‘System’ that ‘Exist’ on-
‘Earth’ ‘Now’ – the Same-‘System’ that ‘Control’ and that ‘Dictate’ the ‘Choices’ that is
Being-‘Made’, where ‘No-‘Life’ can-be Found’; As ‘All’ is ‘Scurrying’ for ‘Position’ and
‘Power’ and ‘Self-Interest’ and ‘Greed’ and ‘Entertainment’, and ‘Do-Not Care’ About-
‘Anything’ but their-‘Own’ ‘Life-Experience’; ‘That’ in-Itself is ‘Unacceptable’, and one
will ‘Face’-That in ‘Appropriate’-‘Ways’. Do-Not ‘Underestimate’ What is ‘Really’ ‘Going-
On’ – You Have-Been ‘Trapped’ in your-‘Mind’, in a ‘Multidimensional’ ‘Symbolic’-
‘World’ of an ‘Interdimensional’-‘Machine’, which ‘Feeds’ Off-You like a ‘Parasite’.

You Want to ‘Stop’-This? YOU Must ‘Stop’-This. Without You ‘Stopping’-it, you will Not
be able to be ‘Equal’. And, Yes – there Is One-More ‘Point’: ‘Those’ that Do-Not ‘Stand’
= will ‘simply’ ‘‘Return’ to ‘Substance’’ – there is ‘No-Point’ for Such-‘Individualization’ to
‘Take-Place’ where there is No ‘Equality’; and that will ‘Never-Again’ be ‘Allowed’ in the

Enjoy your-‘Process’!
41: Love is Currency
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
11 Dec 09

So when ‘Love’ is the ‘Currency’ –

As we are presenting this Solution, the Practical-Solution to a ‘Management-System’ in

the World that will ‘Equate’ for the Current-‘Condition’ that Man is In, where All Men
are Not Equal in ‘Intelligence’ and in ‘Programmed-Design’ and in ‘Education’, our ‘Pro-
posal’ being an Equal-Money System and an Equal-Entertainment/La­bour-System, Using
the Labour/Enterta­inment-System as ‘Motivation’ and the Equal-Money System as ‘Basic
Equal-Support for Each-One as Life’ – so as to ‘End the basic-Suffering’ that is Existent in
the World while we ‘Work-out a Solution’; there is a ‘Call’ by Many that is rather ‘fasci-
nating’ – it is a ‘Call’ that “one must go to a ‘Resource-Based’ System and your Currency
must be ‘Love’.”

Now – the apparent ‘Approach’ seems rather ‘benevolent’ and based-in a ‘fascinating Idea’
that somehow ‘Love’ is Something that will ‘Change Things Magically’. It’s like a ‘Magic-
Solution’. First of all – if ‘Love’ was the ‘Magic-Solution’ it Already would’ve worked,
because – it’s been around a Long Time, Without having Any-Effect. In-Fact ‘Love’ has
become the Primary-‘Drug’ with which People ‘Deceive Each-Other’ to ‘gain’ Sex and
Control; and obviously to ‘create’ All kinds of ‘Wonderful’ ‘New-Age Business-Opportu-

One of the Primary-Reasons why ‘Love’ ‘Exist’ is: that ‘Love’ Is a ‘Cover-Up’ for one’s ‘De-
sire for Money’ under the ‘New-Age’ and the ‘New Thought Movement’, where one will
then Find-Ways to ‘Do-Business’ ‘under the auspices’ of ‘Love’ and your ‘Right’ to ‘Free-
Choice’ to ‘Love’ and ‘Have Things’ in this World.

Now – in a Resource-System one must consider the following: Who is going to ‘Do the
Work’? Who is going to be ‘Motivated’ by What? By ‘Love’? Two People that ‘Fall in Love’
is Not Even ‘Motivated-Enough’ to ‘Make their Relationship Work’. They End-up mostly
in Divorce-Courts. So ‘That’-‘Love’ is ‘Not-Sufficient’.

The ‘Love’ of All the ‘Religions’ that’s been professed for how-long: has Not been Suf-
ficient to Stop World-Wars, Stop the Poverty, Stop the Fact that a Billion People do go
to bed Hungry, that Everybody Doesn’t have a Place to Sleep ‘in Safety’ – that the ‘Love’
that is currently professed to so-called ‘exist’: has Taken No-Action whatsoever to ‘Improve
the Condition of Man’, which is only a Limited period of Time on Earth – but Yet – No-
Action is Taken Whatsoever.

‘Love is Currency’… If one is Self-Honest and you Observe your ‘Secret-Mind’ – that
means ‘the Place In-You’ where You Have ‘Thoughts About Other-People’ and ‘Thoughts
About Things’ = the ‘Real-You’ – the Face you never-show the World – Because the ‘Face
you show the World’ is this False, Fake ‘Picture-Presentation’ of Yourself; The ‘Real-Self ’ is
That-Thing that ‘Thinks Inside’ – the Nasty, Evil-Thing – the ‘Real-Evil’ of Existence; The
Thing that profess that “Love should be the Key” but that Never-Acts on ‘Love’ whatso-
If ‘Love’ is the ‘Currency’ – How will you Measure the ‘Units’ of ‘Love’? Because you’ll
have One that says “But I love you More!” – “I have More love than you!” What Is the
‘Unit-Currency’ of ‘Love’ in an System Based on ‘Love’? What is the ‘Unit-Currency’ of
Resource in a Resource-System? How and Who is going to Decide? How are you going to
get ‘Everyone to Agree’ that – What is the ‘Values of Resources’ and ‘What Are Resourc-
es’ –

You See, in an Equal-Money System and an Equal-Labour System – your Labour-System

is simply one of ‘Demand’ and ‘Availability’ – while your Equal-Money System is Based
on the ‘Principle’ of ‘Being-Alive’. The Fact that you are ‘Born’: Give-You the ‘Right’ to
Have a ‘Decent Dignified Life’. Who in this World can Say that Each-One that is Born
is Not Worthy of Support while on Earth – (Support) that is Equal for All? Who would
Dare to Say that ‘They are Worth More than Another’? How can there be Any-Being on
Earth that Claim that ‘Love Exist’, Without them Acting and ‘Standing-Up’ to Present a
System that ‘Support All Life Equal in All-Ways’ – so that Each-Child that is Born into
this World has Got an ‘Equal Support-System’, an ‘Equal-Opportunity’.

Why has None of Those that profess ‘Love’ and ‘Spirit’ and ‘Spirituality’ and ‘Religion’
and ‘Jesus’ and ‘God’ and ‘Allah’ and ‘Islam’ and ‘Hinduism’ and ‘Buddhism’ Stood-Up
to Come-Up with a System that can Support a Child from-Birth ‘till they are Grown-Up
‘till they Die? Each-One of You that’s Not Standing-Up = is Not Standing-Up because you
Have ‘Money’ – because you Have ‘Protection’. What About Those that Don’t? Where Is
your-‘Love’? Why is it Not in Action? Why do you ‘Talk and Do-Nothing’? Why do you
‘Hide behind Fake-Names’ and do Not-Stand in your Own-Name, and Stand by ‘What
you Stand for’ in ‘Accountability’? Why are you ‘Using Books and Beliefs’ to ‘Harm Life’
and People and Children? Why do you Dare to have ‘Religion’ when you are ‘Not Actu-
ally Supporting Life Equally’? ‘Religion’ is Something that is an…certainly a…a ‘Luxury’!
As Long as there is People in this World Suffering – Why do You want ‘Luxury’ while
Others must Suffer, that you may have ‘Luxury’? If one Look-at ‘Love is Currency’ – there
is certainly ‘No-Flow’: there is ‘No Current of ‘Love’’ in this World. That is Proven by
Those that ‘profess ‘Love’’, and do-Not present ‘Practical Liveable Solutions’, that will
Support Every-Child in this World that is being-Born to Have a ‘Dignified Life’.

Now – from a perspective of ‘Accountability’: as long as You Are professing and preventing
Children to be Supported with a System that will be Supportive = you Will be Held ‘Ac-
countable’, in ‘This-life’ or the-‘next’.

42: The Secret Knowledge of God
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
18 Dec 09

So have-a-look: When you´re born, you have No Structured Perceptual Reality and in
the few, first few years of your Life, you are taught either Directly or through observation,
Particular Perceptual skills.
Bella: Yeah.

Bernard: The first seven years of a Child's Life, is Critical in developing Perceptual skills in
terms of a Child's success within the System. So those that are disadvantaged in the world,
are disadvantaged normally within their first seven years of Life. They are in Conditions
where their Perceptual development, that means their ability to associate with the System
that is Here, is not properly Developed and they become then, because of that: more the
Slaves of the System, the Slaves of the Elite.

The Elite being those who´s perceptual skills within the System – the System which the
Elite Dominate, is then Utilized, Justified through the Principle, that apparently, they
are More intelligent and More endowed by some Invisible Force called ‘God’, to be Su-
perior – to be those in the System that has got “The favour of God”- which is all obvious
bullshit if One Self-Honestly start looking at How in the first pace, place you developed
your Perceptual skill – I mean, when you look at a pear or an apple: What do you know
about a pear or an apple, except what you´ve been told that it´s a pear and an apple and
it´s OK to eat it and that apparently it is healthy and it´s gonna give you nutrition, but
even at the most advanced stage of science, the Totality of what the apple Really is, is not
understood. Not only That – The construct that you have placed the apple or the pear,
or anything for that matter in Existence in -Within it´s form that you have placed it as
knowledge within you: makes it Impossible for you to Conceive, that What you´re Really
seeing there is Actually Alive.

All you are seeing is the knowledge you have about it. You are not Really Seeing the ap-
ple. You are only seeing your Perceptual knowledge about the apple, that somebody else
taught you.

Nothing thus, in Reality, that is based on your current Perception as knowledge, is Actu-
ally Real – It´s all based, in the Relationship that you have within this Reality as knowl-
edge and as the System, that manage this knowledge and those that is in Control of this
knowledge – Which has been placed So, Specifically, so that they can take Advantage of
the fact that they have more knowledge, or more Control over knowledge and that They
are Controlling the System, but None of what They even do, is Real – Not even their
Total Experience, the Elite of the World, the ‘Special Ones’ of the World – Not Even their
experiences is Real.

This is the Completeness of the System called ‘Consciousness’ which is based on the idea
that ‘knowledge is power’ and sacred – and therefore all seek the ‘sacred knowledge of
God’: ‘the power of knowledge’. What does ‘the power of knowledge’ give you? The power
to be better off and in a better position within the System – to be in a position where, and
the System being managed by Self-Interest, which is Money – That means, you have more
Money, because that Money gives you Power, so the Money becomes the ‘knowledge’ that
is ‘Power’.

The fact that there is something drastically wrong within the System, in terms of how Life
is being ‘managed’, is simply so because Life is not Recognized at All – Only knowledge
is recognized. That means Everyone in Existence, is in Essence become a Number Only, a
Construct Only and there is no Life-Force Whatsoever that in Any Way is Yet Developed.

So, therefore the Moment you Die, you Return to your Life-Force and you are basically
fucked, because the knowledge that defined everything within Consciousness…

Bella: Is gone.

Bernard: Is not only gone – is so limited that it is useless. You can do nothing with it.
I mean, that´s the point we found so interestingly through the Portal in the beginning is
that: What we perceived Reality to be and what it Was, is two different things –so in the
Portal, a Being would be and take a bite out of a apple or take a sip of cold drink or cof-
fee and they will be absolutely Astounded in, at their Experience, that they actually have
within the Body and how the Body Really Actually Interacts with the liquid or the cof-
fee or the juice they are drinking. And they were Absolutely Astounded – it´s as if they´d
never tasted it before.

Now you have to consider, that your taste buds are Trained – that means, you´re never
Really Tasting. The food you´re eating, you´re eating, because you became used to it. You
346 were Programmed by your environment or you society to like it. That´s why, depending
on your cultural area you are living in, you´ll eat different food – you´ll have a ‘Preference’
for particular kinds of food, which is only indicating to the level to which you are Actually

Bella: Yeah.

Bernard: Now – it is Relevant to Understand that because of the Idea that has become so
Accepted, that you are Actually Knowledge and that you Actually Know yourself that you
do Not even Realize that you have Never Actually Known yourself – So the Point of “Man
know Thyself ” is not understood whatsoever, because it´s based on Knowledge which is
Absolutely Limited.

You´ve Never Really Met yourself – You´ve Never Actually Seen Anything, which is where
Breath comes in: The Point is to Live as Breath and See Everything for the first time –
Always, so that you can See what is Really Here – Learn the Language of Life – not the
language of Knowledge and currently Everybody is speaking the language of knowledge,
so you can´t hear Life, when Life is Speaking.

There´s a Total Separation – it´s quite Fascinating. This knowledge will now be Chal- 347
lenged and come to an End and Life will Emerge – Life will be Born from the Physical.
You´ll notice the level of Deception that´s been going on. Obviously, you can already
see it, if you look at the Systems of the World: The Money-Systems, the Government-
Systems, the Education-Systems – all the various Systems and how it has focused on the
Principle Belief that you are ‘knowledge’ and you require ‘knowledge’ to be something,
but No knowledge in the World can Solve the problems of the World.

The Human Being have Accepted themselves to be So Limited, that they´re Unable to
Deal with the problems that is Here – that has come for instance from an increase in
population, just a simple example. Increase in population = increase in Suffering. Still,
Humanity is Blind and Fight for their Right to have knowledge – Fight for the idea of
‘Free-Will’: to chose between this knowledge and that knowledge, but both is Equally
Limited – what is the Point of the ‘Choice’? It´s useless.

Bella: Yeah.
43: The Fall of God
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
15 Dec 09

OK – We’re going to Discuss ‘The Fall of God’ Remember ‘Everything is in Reverse’ that
means: if it’s written it was ‘The Fall of Man’ what does it mean? It’s not ‘The Fall of Man’,
it’s ‘The Fall of God’ – ‘Everything is in Reverse’ –If you start studying every-single thing
that’s written Here in this Reality and you ‘Reverse-it’, you’re gonna start finding-out
‘what’s going on’.

So- ‘The Fall of God’ is ‘The Creation of Man’ in ‘The ‘Image’ and ‘Likeness’ of ‘God’’ and
Man ‘Exist’-As ‘What’? As a ‘Name’, as ‘Words’ that is apparently-‘Alive’ which is ‘The
Living Words’, ‘You are ‘The ‘Living Word’’ you read-from ‘The Living Word’ the ‘Holy-
Books’ that ‘Tell’-you all-about: ‘God’.
What is-it really ‘Telling’-you? It´s ‘Telling’-you all-about ‘You’ = You’re The ‘Gods’ that’s
‘Fallen’. The Question is ‘How?’ ‘How’ did you manage to ‘Fall’ and in that Process ‘Cre-
ated’- Yourself as Only-‘Pictures’, ‘Images’ and ‘Likenesses’ – Nothing Real- So, if it says
you’re ‘The ‘Image’ and ‘Likeness’ of ‘God’’ – I mean, what does it say? That you’re ‘Noth-
ing like ‘God’’, you’re not ‘the Same’, you’ve Abdicated ‘All of-it’, ‘Everything’ and you
have No-Way of ‘getting-it back’, Ever – Now I’ll explain to-you ‘Why’: You must Under-
stand that if you look-at ‘History’ that is available to be ‘studied’, you’ll notice it started

When Earth was first ‘Considered’ as ‘the Point’ where ‘Creation’ could have become
something ‘different’, ‘Substantial’- ‘those’ in the Universe that you can-call ‘The Creator
Gods’ saw an Opportunity – their Opportunity was simplistic, they had a Problem: the
‘Substance’ with-which they were working – which was Earth = they did Not ‘Under-
stand’, it was ‘behaving’- ‘differently’ to anything they have ‘worked’-with up to that mo-
ment. So they needed to do a lot of ‘Research’ which they did over a long period of Time.

348 The ‘Research’ was done by ‘placing’ ‘Beings’ into various ‘Forms’ that was ‘Designed’
from the Earth – that you would call ‘Bodies’ today – and to ‘Observe’ ‘What’ they ‘Re-
spond’-to and ‘How’ their ‘Responses’ could be ‘Managed’. So, by the Time ‘the ‘Story of
Jesus’ is ‘set’ to have-‘happened’, and the ‘point’ that was ‘shared’ then that ‘Angel-Gods’
can be ‘seen’-as one of the Primary ‘Starting-Points’, because at that ‘stage’ already – which
is 2000 years-ago – Man was already-‘Trapped’, it means all the ‘Gods’ were already-
‘Trapped’ as ‘Pictures’ and Unable to ‘get-out’ Now, ‘How did this ‘Happen’’?

Initially in the ‘Research’ in-which was ‘Created’ the ‘Male’ and the ‘Female’ ‘Form’, the
‘Separation’ that took-place, a consideration was-to have a-look ‘what happens’ in the
‘Interaction’ between ‘the Male’ and ‘the Female’ Interdimensionally was ‘Observed’ the
‘Creation’ of ‘Energy’, an ‘Energy’ that-you ‘Experience’ when you’re having-Sex for in-
stance and so on, but you don’t ‘See’ where it goes – it goes somewhere- that ‘Energy’ was
for instance as an example your ‘Energy’ that-is coming from ‘Sex’, ‘Anger’- any ‘form’ of
‘conflict’ or ‘friction’ between two ‘parts’ of the Earth as ‘Living-Beings’ – ‘Male’ and ‘Fe-
male’ or even ‘Male’ and Male’ or ‘Female’ and ‘Female’ – with any point of Interaction
that brings ‘Friction’ in some-way would ‘Create’ in that Process an ‘Energy’.

This Energy then was ‘taken’ and ‘studied’ and ‘considered’ and it was utilized – it was
amazing what could be done with this ‘Energy’ in the ‘Realm’ that you are ‘not-in now’ – 349
call it ‘the Other Side’- So they found this ‘Energy’ they could do with-it many-things.
So with-it was created ‘the Heavens’ and the ‘Soul-Construct’ The ‘Soul Construct’ was
a ‘Energetic-Body’ a ‘Heavenly-Body’, a ‘Body of Light’, a ‘Body of Bliss’ – or whatever
you wanna call-it, it was a ‘Body of Energy’ – that was used as something to be ‘Aspired’-
to – so that means it was utilized by getting ‘All the Gods in the Universe’ together and
say to-them: ‘But Here we have discovered ‘something more’, something you didn’t ‘know’
about’- Because, ‘the Gods’ itself in the Universe – which were you – had an ‘Expiry-
Date’, you ‘came’-from ‘Planets’ and you ‘return’-to ‘Planets’ – there was No ‘Process’ of
‘Birth’ as it is Here on Earth.

So, they got it all-together and, ‘showed’ an Interesting-‘Possibility’ and that was that
there could be a New-‘Form’ of ‘Creation’ which would-bring an ‘Eternal-Life’ and obvi-
ously for Any-‘Being’ that ‘Died’, the ‘Promise’ of ‘Eternal-Life’ was quite ‘inviting’ – Now
obviously you must not understand ‘Death’ in the terms-of what you now Experience
after a ‘short time’ – I mean, ‘Beings’ could exist for ‘millions of years’ compared-to what
you now ‘Exist’-as. It was simply not something that One can ‘Understand’ within the
‘context’ of this ‘Reality’ – so we’re gonna stick-to the things that’s ‘Relevant’ to Your-
‘Existence’ as ‘Who you are now’ as a ‘Name’ where you’re Living attempting to-‘Make
a Name’ for Yourself – which is ‘How’ everybody’s ‘living’. ‘Man’ attempting to-‘Make a
Name’, and then ‘based’-on that ‘Name’ you have ‘Value’ with-which you can ‘Manipu-
late’ ‘other-Names’ and therefore your ‘Name’ carries ‘weight’ and is ‘written-down’ and
it is in-then, in ‘books’ as your ‘Attainment’, ‘you leave-it behind’ for the Generations to

With the ‘Creation of the Soul’ obviously there was a ‘Attainment’- ‘Possibility’ but the
‘Attainment’ was Presented in such a way that it could only be ‘Attained’-through ‘going-
through’ Earth. Now, since ‘Everybody’-knew that ‘Everybody’ came-from ‘Planets’, it was
quite ‘Common-Sense’ – you ‘go-through’ Earth from which you ‘arise’ and from-that you
‘Attain’ and, you get a ‘Eternal-Body’= ‘The Soul’ – It became thus the ‘Sole-Purpose’ of
Everyone, to ‘do-that’.
Now, what was another-‘point’ that was interesting as it was ‘Researched’ obviously by the
‘Time’ this was ‘in’ ready to be Implemented, what did they already-know? They could
‘Impulse’ ‘the Reality of Earth’ – which was a ‘Sound Reality’– by ‘Creating’ a ‘Timeline’.

Now in-terms of-‘Time’ – in our ‘Reality’ as it ‘Exist’, ‘Time’ is really actually-‘moving’-

So what they would-do is: ‘the point’ was ‘what’? An ‘Entry’-Level and an ‘Attainment’-
Level – For everybody it was said that your ‘Attainment’ would-be: ‘You Become a ‘Soul’.
What was Not-said is more-important, is that you will only be able to ‘Become a ‘Soul’’
if-You ‘Submit’ to the ‘Creator-Gods’ for ‘Eternity’, which would mean – because at that
‘stage’ they’ve already found-out something interesting: they ‘need’ a continuous ‘support’,
‘supply’ of this ‘Energy’ to be able to ‘Maintain’ their ‘Reality’, so they obviously need ‘Be-
ings’ Continuously ‘Attaining’ or ‘Trying’ to-‘Become ‘Souls’’ and then from there, ‘Sup-
porting’ the whole ‘System’.

Now, we have ‘touched’ a little-bit on all the various ‘Civilizations’ that was existent in
the Universe, and some of-them obviously had Particular-‘Skills’- some which was uti-
lized ‘specifically’ in the ‘Creation’ of ‘Systems’ ‘Interdimensi­onally’ which was found to
have an ‘Effect’ on ‘Sound’ on the ‘Physicality of Earth’. So, just ‘in-brief ’ I’m at this stage
going to ‘Explain’ to-you ‘How’ some of the ‘points’ came-about. So what they then did,
is they ‘Created’ an ‘Interactive’- ‘Timeline’ of ‘Events’ that would ‘Move’ in ‘Waves of
Polarity’: ‘up and down’ – up/down, up/down, up/down, up/down – which means you’ll
have a ‘Creative-Point’ and then a ‘Destructive-Point’ then a ‘Creative-Point’, then a ‘De-
structive-Point’-And that would be ‘Aligned’-with ‘another-Being’ – so you have a ‘Male’/
‘Female’ – you have ‘two’ ‘moving-together’, which then ‘cause’ an ‘Interactive’ ‘Timeline’
which is the way ‘DNA’ is represented.

And within that ‘Timeline’- that ‘Line’ of ‘Movement’, which is ‘in the ‘Timeline’’ that
is ‘Presented’, ‘Embedded’, ‘Ingrained’ and ‘Gridded’- in that ‘Grid’ you-have now your
‘DNA’ that ‘Activates’ according-to the ‘Timeline’ that ‘unfolds’ – So if you look at-it
‘moving’ your ‘Life’ would be ‘layered’ in the ‘Movement of Time’, which is according-
to ‘Your-‘movement’’- you establish that ‘Movement’ is as ‘you-move’ in your ‘Life’ you
come, you ‘meet’ a person, you ‘touch’ the person – at that ‘touch’, an ‘Energetic-Event’
350 take-place, it ‘moves-your’ ‘time-line’ ‘forward’, and the next-‘Point’ in your Existence
‘unfold’, which-will Always-start if it is ‘something’ that is particularly-‘there’ to get-you
to ‘Submission’: it’ll Always-start with a ‘High-Note’, with something-‘good’ – and it’ll
take-you to the ‘pinnacle’ of- that, and then it’s ‘removed’ and then you ‘fall to the bot-
tom’ – and every time you ‘fall to the bottom’ of this ‘Line’ as you ‘move’-through your
Lives – ‘Life after Life’ – you will Accept ‘less and less’ and you will ‘Compromise’ and
say: “OK but I wanna-get ‘back-there’” and then in ‘trying to-get ‘back-there’, the message
will-be: ‘But you can only-get ‘back-there’ if you ‘give-this-up’ and so you start to ‘give-up’
things – Things about Yourself and you start to ‘leave-it behind’ in this ‘Timeline’, which
is similar to having it ‘Saved’ as a ‘Memory’ within a ‘Hard-Drive’. And as you ‘leave-it be-
hind’, by the ‘Time’ you get to ‘Death’, have a-look at an Old Person ‘what’s left’? They´re
Completely-‘drained’ through their Experiences – Have they ‘become’ a ‘Better-Being’?
‘something-More’? when where them, Anybody ‘been their ‘Best’’?

When they were young, ‘full of Energy’, ‘Hope’ and – I mean ‘ready’ for this whole-
‘Process’, but that means they should’ve become ‘Better’, I mean, they are ‘Evolving’ –
What ‘Happens’? They Become-‘Less’ – and what do they ‘Honour’? this ‘Point’ where the
‘Old’-one at the least, is the ‘Point’ that’s ‘Honoured’, that ‘Automatically’ ‘Imprints’-on
the Young. 351

So now, a person moves through this ‘Program-Timeline’ that ‘Presents-Itself ’ as in

‘Coded- Symbolic-Information’ – which is currently ‘measured’ as ‘DNA’, and it ‘moves’-
through the ‘Spiralling-Effect’ – as a ‘Fibonacci-Spiral’ within a ‘Sequence’ of ‘Events’,
which is ‘based’-on an ‘High-Experience’ and a ‘Low-Experience’, with the ‘Low-Expe-
rience’ being ‘the Bad’ and the ‘High’ the ‘Good, so that you will-always when you are
in ‘the Bad’ you’ll ‘move’ to ‘the Good’– and therefore you keep-on ‘moving-yourself ’
through-this, because ‘Automatically’ when you get to ‘the Bad’ ‘what do you wanna-do?
‘Get to the Good’ – imagine the next-Mountain, and the ‘Mountains’ has even-become
‘Symbolic’ ‘Wonderful-Achievements’ that is ‘Spiritual’ and ‘Religious’ in-‘nature’ and
therefore you ‘aspire’ to get to your next ‘Mountain’ – What are you not ‘Realizing’? As
you continue have a-look, it happens in ‘Spirituality’: you give-up ‘more and more and
more’ of yourself and in-‘that’ you’re ‘Apparently’ ‘Becoming a Master’, it’s said you’re
‘Mastering-Yourself ’, you have to ‘Give-up Everything’ – once you ‘Give-up’ ‘Everything’=
then you’re a ‘Master’, you’re no-longer ‘Controlled’ by ‘the Physical’.

What have you ‘Completed’? you have ‘Completed’ your ‘Abdication’-of ‘You’ – into
‘Eternal-Damnation’ – Extremely ‘well-done’ I mean, this was ‘so well-done’ that you are
‘so consumed’ by ‘Living this Process, at the ‘Hope’ that ‘You’ are ‘Special’, ‘You’ are ‘Di-
vine’, ‘You’ are ‘Looked-after by ‘God’’, You’re gonna-get through-this’, that you do-not
Realize that ‘slowly but surely’ You’re Losing-You.

So – All that was ‘Required’ within-this, was a ‘History’ that would ‘Always’ go to the
‘worst-case scenario’ – if you look-back at all History, what ‘Happens’? And also, ‘Always’:
Any Person that ‘Stands-Up’ and ‘take-on Reality’, always gets ‘Annihilated’ and those that
‘Give-up Everything’ of themselves and ‘Become Masters’, they’re the ones that is ‘As-
pired’-to and is those-that will ‘‘Lead’-You to Your ‘Eternal-Soul’’. Now have a-look: your
‘Timeline’ takes on – ‘What’? The ‘Symbolism’ of a: ‘Path’ – you are seeking ‘Your-Path’
that ‘works’ for-You, and within-that you ‘Accept’ in ‘Your Path’ there’s gonna be ‘Ups and
Downs’, and these ‘Ups and Downs’ is going to be the things that’s going to make-‘you’
a ‘Better-Person’ – I mean go and look at the ‘Old People’ – how ‘Good’ are they? They
can barely-speak their ‘Names’, they’re a ‘Better-Person’ isn’t it? They can barely-remember
anything; they can barely-wipe their own asses, ‘Oh! They’ve become a ‘Better-Person’’
Now they’re going to ‘Die’ and ‘Get their Soul’.

What they didn’t ‘know’ obviously, is that the ‘Soul’ was ‘Energetically-Programmable’
by the Same-‘Symbolism’, so that ‘the Moment you Die’= Somebody ‘meet-you’ and ‘Re-
move’ your ‘Energetic-Memories’ that you have ‘left behind’ and ‘place-it’ in the ‘Akashic-
Record’. That’s all the ‘Parts’ of-You you have now already ‘given-away’, but that’s made
‘Holy’ – because you are ‘on a ‘Path’ of ‘Evolving’’ to a ‘Higher-Purpose’ – Do You ‘See’
that ‘Purpose’ in the ‘Path’, unfolding of those that’s gone before-you? No! What do you
see ‘unfold’? You see ‘Machines’ unfold, you see ‘Control’ unfold, you see your ‘Ability’ 353
to Reason for Yourself ‘Constructively’ Diminish and all you have to do is ‘go-back’ 30,
40 years and you will Not be Able to do the exam papers from ‘that time’ – your ‘Ability’
to ‘Deal-with Information’ has ‘Diminished’ Considerably.
‘How did it ‘Happen’’?
Through ‘this Process’, of slowly but surely ‘siphoning’-away – with your ‘Permission’! –
Yourself. Now, you are ‘scattered’ in a ‘Construct’ called ‘Time’ throughout ‘Infinity’ and
you can´t ‘Remember’ Where you have ‘Left Yourself ’, on ‘all the ‘Parts’ of Yourself ’,
which is quite a problem, because in-‘Essence’: to get-it all ‘back’, you´re going to have to
‘Walk in Reverse’, that means ‘Walk’ Everything that you have done up to now, through-
out billions and billions of years in ‘Giving-up’ Your-‘Self ’ – to ‘bring-Yourself ’ ‘back-
together’ again.

What was ‘more interesting’ in this whole ‘Point, was that – In all of ‘This’, while they
were ‘Creating´ This – something else was ‘Happening’ that they did not Consider: Earth
was Changing. Earth was ‘Alive’, and Earth was Not-necessarily ‘Aligned’ with ‘what they
were doing’.

So – When they Realized ‘the Problem’, they needed to ‘Automate’ the ‘System’. And they
needed to make-sure that ‘No-One will ‘Ever’ get-out of This’. To do that, they started
‘Programming’-into these ‘sequences’: ‘Nastiness’ to a level that is never-been ‘seen’ be-
fore, as you see-it today in ‘Reality’ – That ‘Nastiness’ is what has Become-‘You’, because
it is ‘Symbolically-Triggered’ as your ‘Symbolism’, as your ‘Resonant-Symbols’, as you
‘move-through’ your ‘Timeline’ and ‘comes-up’ as ‘Thoughts’ about other-people -until
that ‘Thought’ becomes ‘the Living You’, where you have those ‘Thoughts’ of other-people
‘all the Time’ – and you find yourself ‘Unable’ to Consider anyone as ‘Equal’ because you
‘Judge’ them all, all the Time. And have a-‘look’: if you´re ‘Self-Honest’, you´ll notice your
‘Total-Existence’ ‘Exist’ out-of ‘One-thing’: You´re Always ‘Right’ and Everybody-else is
Always ‘Wrong’. – and you´re busy-with ‘Your Life-Path’ and no one can fucking tell-you
anything about that, and you will walk this ‘Alone’, all by Yourself and You will ‘get- it’-
I promise you, you won’t. You are ‘Essentially’ ‘Fucked’ for Eternity. There is No Way Out.
Not as long as this ‘Exist’ -and ‘to get-out of this’, you´re going to have to get, Become
‘Self-Honest’ and as you´ve already-noticed, I mean, how long have some of you been on
the Farm? What is the most difficult thing that Exist? Self-Honesty – Your Ability to ‘Stop’
your ‘Resonant-Thoughts’, most difficult. You will always ‘Change’- it, for ‘your own ben-
efit’, no-matter ‘what’ – You Will-Not ‘Stand’ for ‘Life’.
Your Own Interest is Predominant and therefore, what ‘Happens’?
All that ‘Happens’ is just ‘New Cycles’, same ‘Timelines, same ‘shit’ – No Change. And
also No possibility of Change – Why?
These things are Existing In you, As you – You are this. And within that, you are ‘Pro-
grammed’ to ‘Fear this Change’ so much – that you will-Not Consider ‘Changing’, your
are Not willing to ‘give-that-up’ – because something is going to ‘Happen’ when you
‘give-this-up’: Your gonna become ‘Empty’, have no ‘Thoughts’, have ‘No Mind’ – How
are you gonna Interact in this Reality? And Really, you are – when that happens – there is
‘nothing’, you can´t speak properly, you can´t ‘reason’ properly – Nothing. That´s what´ll
‘Happen’ – You´re still gonna be Here, as the ‘Physical Body’, but the ‘Physical Body’
is now without the ‘Machine’ that was ‘running’-it. And it´s gonna take some ‘effort’ to
Transcend all of those ‘points’ and obviously, if you have ‘No Support’ – which you´re
not gonna have because people is gonna say to you: “No, Impossible, I mean, we are here
living In ‘God´s Reality’” – “‘God’ gave us ‘Free-Will’, ‘Free-Choice’, to Fuck-Ourselves” –
I mean, Old-People should be advertised as the reason ‘why you shouldn’t live’. I mean, if
you start listening to them, you hear the obvious nature of a major problem that is taking
place – this ‘Being’ is completely going Fucking ‘Insane’ and it is seen as an ‘Attainment’
and they´re now gonna get a Fucking ‘Soul’ – Where is the ‘CommonSense’ Logic in all
of this that´s ‘Happening’? Where is our ‘Great Thinkers’? Which you must now admit
the ones that ‘see’-themselves as the ‘Great Thinkers’ of Reality, is the ‘Atheists’. Where are
they not being able to See such ‘simplicity’ of the problem? That there is Not a ‘Progres-
sion’ taking-place – there is a ‘Devolution’ taking-place. Why? They´re in the same ‘fuck-
ing-thing’, they´re no-‘different’, they are ‘Trapped’ in exactly the same thing – it´s Irrel-
evant, It is Totally-Irrelevant what you ‘believe’-in.

Your Religion means Nothing, it is Irrelevant what you are ‘believing’-in – because in
‘Self-Honesty’: ‘the Construct of your Thoughts’ and the ‘Actions’ you will-‘take’ in your
‘Reality’, are all the same for everyone. You all have exactly the same ‘desires’, you have all
354 the exactly the same ‘wishes’, you have just various-levels of-it ‘Emerging’, depending-on
‘where you are’ in your ‘Timeline’, because all of these ‘Timelines’ are ‘running concur-
rently’ in various-‘Gridlines’ – so another-one will be running ‘there’, another-one will
be running-‘there’ – but they are not ‘Synchronizing’. They´re only Synchronizing with
those People that you are going to ‘meet’, which is a very small ‘group of people’ in this
Reality, very few people that you´ll meet through a ‘Lifetime’, compared to all the Peo-
ple that´s ‘Here’. And with those, you´ll have a ‘Synchronistic-Connection’ – it´s because
your bloody ‘Timelines’ are ‘Synchronized’ within the ‘Gridline’ and you are through the
‘Resonant-Symbols’, experiencing the ‘Energetic-Interaction’ that takes-place and all of-
that ‘Energy’ was always going to ‘Heaven’, and you were ‘fuelling’ ‘Heaven’.

So they then ‘Created’ a ‘Closed-System’, because they had a Problem:‘The System’ was
Becoming ‘Alive’ and they needed it to make-sure it´s going to be able to ‘Feed’-them
firstly, and secondly they needed to make-sure, that No-One can ‘break’-out ‘the System’ –
Therefore they made it a complete ‘Madness’ – which is now ‘Predominant’, where ‘each
one’ that is in this ‘Reality’: Believes ‘they have ‘The Answer’’ and what they Believe, is
‘The Answer’ and they will-Not, and they are Not-willing to ‘give-up’ their ‘Way of Think-
ing’, ‘their Path’ – they believe ‘their Path’ will ‘Lead’-them to ‘The Answer’ – it will…
‘Lead-you’ to ‘The Answer’: What I´ve just explained to you – Where you´re Totally- 355
‘Fucked’, which is ‘The Answer’ – it will ‘Lead-you’ to ‘The Answer’ I mean, it ‘Will’.

When we Realized the extend of the problem – we also Realized that Nobody is going
to want to Hear-this. This is the most Difficult message Ever – because all the ‘Synchro-
nicities’ – all the timelines and the ‘Paths’ – Are Deliberately ‘Playing-Out’ – to reject
Anything, that contradicts the Being´s ‘inner experience’, which are ‘Resonantly Pro-

So therefore, the Being will look you in the eyes – They will go into a reaction on what
you´re saying, they believe what they ‘feel’ – and they will walk-away. They will Die – we
meet them on ‘the other side’ and they´re fucked and they said: “I´m so sorry – I didn’t
listen”- Too late! I mean, too late.

So, obviously – what do we ‘know’? We know that: Everyone ‘Was ‘Gods’’ and is ‘No-
More’ – I mean, if you were a ‘God’ you would fuck-‘knows’ be able to ‘get-out’ of your
shit, but you’re ‘Unable’ to, you’re not-even ‘Able’ to ‘Stop your own Thoughts’. There is
No ‘Divinity’ within-you, because if there were ‘any’= you would’ve been ‘able’ to be ‘Self-
Honest’, because ‘Divinity’ Implies a ‘level’ of ‘Morality’ that is ‘Consistent’ – That is Not-
‘Existent’. All that ‘Exist’ – is a ‘God of Judgement’: ‘The Mind’. All you do is ‘Judging’
and as you-‘Judge’= you’ll be ‘Judged’ – I mean because, exactly what you are ‘becoming’:
is what you are ‘seeing’ in Everyone – It’s the ‘Greatest Joke’ in the fucking Universe – Ex-
actly ‘What you ‘Judge’ in others’, is what You will ‘end-up’ as, you are actually ‘Creating-
Yourself ’ in ‘Seeing-Yourself ’ in others. And that keeps you-‘moving’ in your ‘Timeline’
because you say: “I don’t wanna be that bad like that fucker there! I mean – “I will walk
my path!” And then you keep-on ‘walking’ and where do you ‘end-up’? you say: “I don’t
wanna be like my Parents!” – and where do you ‘end-up’? … Like your Parents. Will you
‘Stop’? I would say: ‘Unlikely’.

We have Investigated every-possible ‘Intervention’ in Reality – to bring-forth a ‘Consid-

eration’, where Humanity ‘Individually’ and as a ‘Whole’, would Consider that ‘there-is
‘something-wrong’ with what is going-on with ‘Life’ on Earth’ – and that ‘What is ‘Hap-
pening’’ has to-do with ‘What ‘Happens’ after-‘Death’’ – And ‘That’ is not even Investigat-
ed, because you’re so ‘preoccupied’ with ‘your Path’ and that you’re gonna get a ‘Reward’
after-‘Death’, which is Exactly the same-thing that ‘happens’ within the ‘System’ when
you ‘run a business’ or when you are ‘busy’ with-your ‘occupation’: you are so focused-on
‘Making a ‘Name’ for Yourself, that you don’t ‘care’ what the fuck you have to do to ‘do-
it’. And we’ve Tested the ‘shit’- out, I mean, to check – it was like you can’t ‘Believe’ that
this is Fucking-Possible. We’ve Tested this ‘shit’-out, I mean we ‘placed’ the videos, ‘Tested
it-out’, ‘Impulsed’-it – I mean when that Sunette had a ‘tough-time’ because she had ‘No
Idea’ what the ‘next-move’ will-be, as we were ‘Testing’ ‘the points’-out.

What can I say?

It is Possible to ‘Stop’ this.

We will be working with that with the ‘Structural-Resonance Alignment’. We can’t ‘help’
Everyone – this is a ‘Physical’- ‘Timeline’, this is as a Total-‘Timeline’, ‘moving’ towards an
‘Evolutionary-Step’ – which is ‘Pre-Programmed’ – that will ‘Remove’ All ‘Ability’ of ‘Self-
Evaluation’ where you will-be a ‘Complete Robot’ – Then ‘the System’ is ‘Completed’ as
an ‘Energetic-Driven’-‘Force’ that is ‘Self-Managed’, ‘Self-Corrective’ – I mean: ‘the Ulti-
mate System’.

Obviously they did-not ‘expect’ there’s gonna be a ‘fuck-up’ – Because Information could
be so easily-‘Manipulated’, which would have made-it so much more ‘difficult’ to get-to all
the points of ‘what the fuck is ‘going-on’’: we Deleted the ‘Akashic Records’ and all of your
‘stuff’, so that you have a ‘clean slate’ ‘in-Fact’ – if you would ‘dare’ to take-it. Everything
that You Are, is ‘Existent’ within the ‘System of Consciousness’ – you don’t ‘need’ the
‘Akashic Record’, you don’t-‘need’ your ‘Past Lives’, you don’t-‘need’ to know ‘where’ and
‘what has happened’ – All you have to do, is ‘deal’ with This ‘Physical Reality’ and what is
‘Happening’ in ‘This-Reality’ and ‘Amalgamate’-yourself with ‘What is Here’ and ‘Direct’
‘What is Here’, ‘Equal’ and ‘One’ – and you ‘Solve the Problem’. You could-not be ‘Given’
That – which you have ‘Given-away’ because then you would be a ‘Slave’. You can Never
be a ‘God’ again, unless you are ‘Self-Willed Equals’. If that does not ‘happen’= You Will
Not Exist. You have ‘caused’-it, no one else. You cannot ‘blame-anyone’ for what has ‘hap-
pened’ to-you, you cannot-‘blame anyone’ for the ‘Thoughts’ that has ‘Happening’ within-
you, you cannot ‘blame-anyone’ for the ‘Judgements’ you-have about-‘others’, you cannot
‘blame-anyone’ for the ‘Desires’ you hold, you cannot ‘blame-anything’ and ‘anyone’ for
What you’re ‘Allowing’ within Yourself ’ as Your ‘Weakness’ – ‘You’re doing-it’ – and you’re
doing-it Deliberately, you’re ‘Not-Willing’ to ‘give-it-up’ – That’s why you’re Not ‘Will-
ing’ to ‘Breathe’. And I mean, I can show each-one of you – that ‘In-Essence’ you haven’t
‘Changed’. You’re just the same, and it’s getting-‘worse’ – every now and then – then we
have to ‘Intervene’, ‘show’ you ‘what you’re doing’ and then you are all: ‘Oh, God, what
am I doing?’ But then you do-it again. So now we’re going-to in time to come – the next
couple of weeks and months, how long, whatever it takes – keep on Explaining to-you in
‘Absolute’ Fucking-‘Detail’ ‘How’ you Became ‘What the Fuck You are Now’ – You will
have No-Excuse – and you’re going to have to ‘Stop-Yourself ’ – Remember we started
with that message from the very Beginning: You Have to ‘Stop’. You cannot ‘Re-Gain’
‘what you were’. The Fact that you could ‘Fall’ as ‘God’ means: you can Never be ‘God’
again, because it cannot be ‘Trusted’ – That make-sense?

Everyone: ‘Yeah’. It’s Over. What are you going to ‘Become’ ? We don’t know, but it can-
not-be ‘what you were’, and it cannot-be ‘what you are now’. It’s gonna-have to be ‘some-
thing’ that is going to have to be ‘Really New’ and ‘Consistent’ and ‘Trustworthy’. And 357
if you cannot ‘Deal’-with ‘the Basic ‘Resonant-Energies’ of the Universe’ – which is Your
‘Mind’, how can you ‘Expect’ to have ‘Any Say’ in What ‘Happens’ in ‘Reality’? I mean
you are in ‘This Reality’ where all you have to-do is ‘Deal with what ‘goes-on’ inside-you’,
and according to that, ‘Act’ with others in ‘Equality’ and ‘Dignity’ – You can’t do that.
How can you ‘Expect’-Anything? Is this clear?

Everyone: ‘Yes’. We’ll continue at another time, so – this is just a ‘basic outline’ of ‘The
Fall of God’ – and how you find-yourself ‘Here’ within the ‘Movement of Time’ within
the ‘Cycles of Polarity’, being ‘the Ups’ and ‘the Downs’ and how it is ‘Symbolically-
Activated’ as ‘Time Moves’. You’re not ‘Moving’ = ‘Time’ is ‘Moving’. Your ‘Actions’ or
‘Movements’ within this Reality, are purely you ‘Interacting’ with the ‘Symbolism’ that
is-already ‘In Time’ – you have ‘Appointments’ and ‘Disappointments’ – that’s how you’re
‘Interacting’: You’re ‘seeking-out’ your ‘Appointments’ because that’s your ‘Synchronicities’
and you try and avoid your ‘Disappointments’. And in that way, there’s so many different
‘Dimensional’-ways you’re being ‘Directed’ by Time’. That’s why ‘Time’ says: ‘Tie-Me’ –
‘I am Tied’ – ‘You are Tied’ to ‘What you have Allowed’. There are many ‘Beings’ in the
Universe that are Not-‘Part’ of the ‘Original-Gods’ which You Are – They are busy ‘taking
your place’, You better ‘hurry-up’. They could Demand that you should-Experience what
they had-to, ‘in your Name’ – But at the moment they seem to be ‘Forgiving’. The only
one’s that can’t ‘Forgive’ – is You. So – Consider what we are saying, we have shared ‘very
little’ – ‘Deliberately’. Because ‘That’ which walk as ‘Humans in the flesh’ on this Earth,
is the most ‘Deceptive’-things Imaginable – that is Only Existing in Self-Interest and
Self-Pleasure and only ‘look after’ their own asses, not interested in anything else – We
have proven-that in Every-way Imaginable. I frankly would be surprised if ‘That’ which is
‘Emerging’ from the Universe, would ‘Forgive’. I would think it would-be a ‘Mistake’ –
Because That was so ‘Definitive’, the Possibility – ‘Self-Forgiveness’ was Introduced, be-
cause that ‘placed’ the Responsibility ‘In your Own Hands’ – so you can’t ‘blame’ no one –
If you are: find-out after ‘Death’ that you are ‘Fucked’. You are ‘Responsible’ at this stage,
for Yourself-Only – To ‘Equalize-Yourself ’- with ‘That’ which at this ‘stage’, you cannot-
even ‘Imagine’ Exists. You ‘Used to Know’- Do not use your Imagination because that’s
‘Programmed’ -You can’t ‘Trust’-anything that is ‘Inside-you’. We’ll continue ‘Next-Time’

‘Fall of God’ – in terms-of more specific details on ‘How things will Develop’ and ‘What
to Expect’ and ‘How’ the Future will ‘Affect’ Each One on Earth and in the ‘Here-After’.

It is important to Note that the ‘Design’ of the ‘Process’ is such that Every-One is in ‘Ab-
solute’ ‘Free-Choice’ – that means You ‘Alone’ determine your ‘outcome’ and ‘what hap-
pens’ to you – which also means obviously that you’re in ‘Absolute’- ‘Consequence’ = it is
thus an ‘Absolute’-Point.

You’ll have your ‘First Group’ which will be the ‘First-Wave’ which is the smallest-group,
this group specifically will be those that will ‘In the Physical’ do the ‘Living Process’ and
take-on the ‘Structural-Resonance Design’ in ‘Understanding’ and ‘Dismantling’ the Way
Creation ‘Operates’ at the moment. The ones that currently – and that is now everyone
from 6 years and older – that will fall within the Potential of the ‘First Group’ which is a
very ‘small group’. The rest will ‘Face’ either the ‘Death Process’ – if they have become suf-
ficiently ‘Physical’-Orientated, that means in terms of ‘Responsibility’ towards ‘the Physi-
cal’. Those that is completely ‘Mind’-Orientated, obviously will simply ‘Die’ as ‘Mind’ and
‘May’- ‘Remain’ as a-few ‘Aspects’ or May-Not ‘Remain’ and, if they don’t ‘Remain’ they
will Return – their ‘Wish’ is ‘Granted’ because it’s an ‘Absolute’ ‘Free-Choice’, they’ll Re-
turn to ‘Substance’ and they will no-longer be ‘Individualized’ and thus will have ‘No-Say’
in Existence anymore whatsoever and simply ‘Cease to Exist’, because their ‘Total-Exist-
ence’ is based-on ‘Memory’ Only which is ‘Physical-Body’-Orientated.

So – the ‘Second-Wave’ will be coming-up from the Children between the ages of 1 and
6 years at this stage, as they grow-up they will move-into the ‘Next-Wave’ – they’re a much

Those that ‘Crossover’ and remain in the ‘Dimensions’ as ‘Aspects’ will obviously ‘Reincar-
nate’ in various-‘Forms’ – not only ‘Human’ – to take-on their ‘Process’ of ‘Transcending
the Physical’ so that ‘Life’ can be Born from the ‘Physical’. For that, you cannot force…
I’ll specifically refer you to the ‘Gospel of Thomas’ in terms of Jesus’ Words of “The Mar-
vel of Marvels is the Birth of Life from the Physical” –that ‘Marvel of Marvels’ is now ‘In
the Making’, but it is Each-One that will Do-it as ‘Self-Realization’, so you have to ‘Self-
Will’ This.
The ‘Second Group’, the ‘Second-Wave’ will thus ‘form’ the ‘Foundation’ of ‘Change’ in
the World, because at that stage the Basic ‘Structural-Resonance’ will be ‘Dismantled’ –
obviously that will be a Fascinating ‘Process’ for those that Dare to take ‘That’-on, and
you’ll learn How Little you ‘Actually Understand’ of ‘What is going on’ within ‘Creation’.

The Group from between 1 and 6 Years there will be Those that is already be ‘Interdimen-
sional’, thus they will be far more ‘Functional’ than the ‘Current-Human’, and will be
Involved in the ‘Reconstruction’-Phase of the ‘Physical’ to ‘Equality’ Specifically.
Understand that the ‘Equal Money System’ is more Necessary just for the ‘First-Wave’ and
the ‘Second-Wave’.

And then from the Children of the ‘Second-Wave’ will come the ‘Third-Wave’: that would
be ‘The New World’ so to speak in terms-of a ‘World of Equality in All Ways – for All Liv-
ing Things’ – and at that stage we would reach the Point where ‘What you now know’ as
the ‘Earth’ and how ‘Nature’ operates will ‘No-longer Exist’ as you Perceive-it to be now,
it will have ‘Changed’ Completely – for that you can refer to some of the Writings on the
Desteni Website that explains ‘What Has Been’ and ‘What Will Come’.
Obviously within this, in terms-of the ‘Physical Process’ Here for ‘Wave-One’, Desteni
will Support but will be ‘full of shit’ because we will not ‘waste our Time’ with ‘Bullshit-
ters’. So please, you have virtually Only ‘One Breath’ to Make a Decision – if you don’t
‘Stand’ you Automatically get ‘shifted’ to ‘another Process’, it is a single-point of ‘Realiza-
tion’ that is Required to be Able to ‘get-through’ and ‘Stand’ – Further on this Later.
44: Masturbation & Ascension -
Give Yourself a Helping Hand to Heaven
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
16 Dec 09

We are looking at masturbation and the ‘Secret-Mind’ – Now, during the process of mas-
turbation, there is also a process going on inside the Mind –and if you ‘slow-it-down’, you
will ‘note’ that you have ‘particular points’ within the Mind that you will be ‘more’ ‘stimu-
lated’ with than others and that in your ‘progression’ of your ‘Mastery’ of ‘Masturba-
tion’ you would progressively ‘change’ your ‘stimulus’ – that is as you ‘grow bored’, more
and more bored with one –you become more daring – and you’ll find, especially during
‘teenage-years’ and beyond, that… and even in ‘marriage’, that your ‘normal’ ‘Sexual Ex-
pression’ is not ‘sufficient’, the Physical body can’t ‘handle’ the amount of Sex that you are
‘imagining’ you-are able-to ‘have’ – Obviously that is a ‘Key’ that ‘says’ to you: ‘you think
too much about sex’, but – nobody gets the ‘picture’.

So – ‘MASTERbation’, the ‘Mastery’ of this ‘bait’ this Temptation, that ‘haunts’ every-
one in this Reality all the time ‘Secretly’ and the things you never talk about, because you
will tonight masturbate about the person you was looking at yesterday and it could be
anyone –from your ‘friend’s mother’, to your ‘friends lover’, to the ‘neighbours daughter’,
to… – I mean it’s all these things that is not ‘defined’ specifically, therefore you can give it
any picture that you believe and that ‘turns you on’ and from there – you can ‘create’ that
Image, 'Impulse' it into your Reality and then when you are ‘done’, and you had your ‘oh
my god'-moment and you reach your ‚Ascension‘ in the ‚moment-of-orgasm‘ – and from
a ‘MASTERbation’ you become an ‘Ascended Master’, you can then ‘let go of it’ – I mean,
it just ‘disappears’.

What is interesting is that – you have everyone ‘imagining’ it – you have some that’ll actu-
ally ‘live it out’ –and you will have some that ‘force it out’, that means that will by force
make others do what they ‘imagine’ in masturbation – and then you have the most, which
will do it by Money, that’s all done in ‘Secret’ – prostitution is one of the ‘Great Secret
Realities’ of the ‘Secret-Mind’ in which many people in this World take part in – and most
women don’t know that their men is taking part in/participating in prostitution – it’s done
in ‘Secret’ – it’s never spoken-about – and it is part of this Reality in every way –most
males has taken part in that.

So just a point on masturbation –masturbation is like the ‘quick upload’ of the ‘Unified-
Field’ – ‘Unified-Field’ is the ‘Matrix’, the ‘Unified-Field’ is ‘Consciousness’ and ‘How’
you ‘Synchronize’ with ‘Consciousness’, so that you can move within ‘Synchronicity’
within it, so that your ‘life’ can ‘work’ –you need, because Reality is a ‘Mind-Reality’ of
‘Consciousness’ within which all exist within ‘Systems’ – you need-to ‘update’ regularly
and therefore you will be ‘Impulsed’ to ‘update’ which will either happen through sex or
through masturbation and with your ‘Update’ you’ll experience a ‘Rise’ of ‘Energy’ and
within you will ‘Rise’ a ‘feeling’ of immense ‘Greatness’ and as this ‘Rise’, you are actually
‘Ascending’ to meet as Equal the ‘System’ which is ‘God’ and then as you reach ‘Ascension’
and it goes: ‘Oh my God!’ you become the ‘Ascended Master’ of that moment and you
have ‘downloaded’ the ‘information’ and now you will start ‘moving’ in it.

If you have understood how this all worked I mean, you would have Realized already that 361
you can actually ‘benefit’ your Reality by masturbating effectively and do not feel ‘guilty’
about it – the problem is that you will be ‘trapped’ within the ‘System’ as an ‘Ascended
Master’ – now what is fascinating is that most Beings will now ‘use’ the ‘idea’ of their
‘immense skill’ during masturbation as a projection of ‘how good they are’ when they are
fucking as well – which is not true and therefore each Being in this Reality believe that
they are fucking good with sex; they are all ‘Ascended Masters’ –Why? Because they´ve
been ‘managing’ their masturbation quite well and that whole Impulse of that has become
a ‘Mind-Fuck’, where they believe it is Real – that they’re experiencing, and their experi-
ence during masturbation is actually their ‘skill’ in sex -it’s not so!

You are making an ‘ass’ out of you –when you claim your ‘greatness’ in ‘sexuality’ –Un-
derstand one thing: as long as you’re experiencing an orgasm of ‘Great Energy’, you are
not in Fact – experiencing a form of ‘Ascension’ – you’re in Fact ‘updating’ a System –if
you experience great pain beyond measure, during masturbation or sex, then you are
Real –because what happens you are actually Aware of the ‘Systems’ that ‘download’ from
‘Consciousness’ into the ‘Physical’, – as long as you are experiencing orgasm, you are not
part of the Physical, you are in Separation, you are still living in a ‘alternate reality’ – one
that’s not Real. If you would Die while you are in the ‘alternate reality’, you will diminish,

The point of getting ‘sexuality’ ‘sorted-out’ as a measuring tool of your effectiveness of

your integration in and as the Physical is to Assist you when you die, so you do not ‘lose
yourself ’ –so that you can reclaim your original ‘Godhood’ for Real and not have it as a
fucking fairy tale of spirituality.

There is not a single Being in Existence that is ‘spiritual’ in nature or that has worked with
any form of spirituality or had a ‘Consciousness’ that has a fucking clue of what is Real
-and much of it, they use also their experience within all of this to manage their sexual
lives, but they never talk about that -The reality, Sex that is Real – at the Physical level, is
like with an Animal- Animals do not fuck all the time, they fuck to procreate – they do
not experience pleasure, in Fact for most it’s very painful.
OK, so if you want the ‘benefit’ of an experience in the Physical, that would Support you,
you’re going to have to get grips with what is Real and what is not Real – Anything that
you need in this Reality, to Exist, which is like eating, pissing, shitting -that’s Real –Any-
thing that you can live without, in this Reality is not Real and is a System. And as long as
one believe that those Systems, and manage those systems in ways that harm each other,
there is a problem – One can obviously create Systems to Support each other, but one
must beware of the Delusion, that those Systems that you do not need – to live in this
Reality – is not made more important than that which is Real in this Reality.

So what is Real in this Reality is that Sex has become part of a System – within which you
create multiple Systems that will create ‘Structural Resonance Symbols’ within you and
that will dominate all your decision-making – and you will never find an effective way to
live, because you will never be satisfied – because you are never gonna find ‘The One’ that
can be Equal in Sexual Expression in what you can achieve during masturbation – mastur-
bation is always better because you know all the ‘buttons’ to push.

Therefore, dear ‘Ascended Masters’ – Next time you take your dick in your hand or you
stroke your clitoris, remember: it’s just a dream.

45: Holographic Diseases
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
26 Dec 09

OK, so on ‘Disease’ -You can view ‘Disease’ as the following: a ‘Colony’ of ‘Culturally’ or
‘Pattern-like Beings’, that are ‘Same’ and ‘Similar’ ‘in Nature’ that is working together as
a ‘Group’ to find an ‘Environment’, a ‘Planet’ that they can ‘Colonize’ and ‘Live-in’ and
‘Take-over’ and ‘Dominate’. So your ‘Bacteria’, your ‘Viruses’, your ‘Fungus’ all of those
things, do exactly what the Human do: Finds an ‘Environment’… it’s just another ‘Ho-
lographic Truth’ – the Same Pattern exist in ‘the Big’ and ‘the Small’. So when you have a
‘Disease’ that is ‘Emerging’ in whatever-‘form’, consider the ‘Patterns’ you’re dealing-with,
how is that ‘Pattern’ being ‘lived-out’ in ‘the Small’ –which is your Mind, that’s ’the Small’
part –and in ‘the Big’, which is your ‘Environment´- and where are You Not ‘Equally
Standing’ to ‘sort-out’ the Problem. Remember ‘the Small’ Part is your Mind – ‘The Big’
Part is Everyone.

46: Pre-programmed Racism
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
26 Dec 09

Just a point on the… ‘Racist’ points that will be coming out more and more, based on
research – that most ‘advances’ made by the Human Race has come through ‘White Peo-
ple’ and that there has never been a ‘Black Person’ that has made a ‘Significant Contribu-
tion’ to ‘the Body of Knowledge and Evolution’ as the Human perceive Reality to be, and 365
then they’re quoting a lot of beings’ names from Aristotle to you-name-it, and obviously
Napoleon and Newton and many – a whole list of names. And obviously the ‘Blacks’ also
attempt to have a ‘Black Jesus Christ’ I mean, all of it hidden about the whole ‘Inferiority
Complex’ to an idea that there is something ‘wrong’ with them as a race.
The Question is simplistic, the obviousness of it is: It’s not the ‘White Race’ that is special,
it’s a few people that was specially Pre-Programmed – otherwise all the ‘Whites’ would’ve
been ‘Newtons’ and ‘Aristotles’ and ‘Napoleons’ and ‘Great Beings’, they’re not! It’s just
those few, I mean Tesla had an ‘affliction’ seeing ‘bursts of white light’ within which he
would go into a state similar – if diagnosed today – would be called ‘Epileptic fits’, and
during that ‘state’ he got his ‘visions’ of his inventions, now you wanna tell me Tesla ‘in-
vented’ anything? He didn’t; he got fuckin’ visions. Some Self-Honesty will do one ‘great’
to sort-out many of the fucking delusions existent around ‘Issues’, like specifically ‘who’
has done ‘what’ – you can never look at it in any other way as an ‘Individual way’ – there
is a few ‘Individuals’ that were ‘Fortunate’ that they were ‘Programmed’ to come-up (with)
some ‘shit’ that everybody else ‘live’ now which is part-of How You are Enslaved.
47: Sexual Pleasure
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
26 Dec 09

‘Sexual Pleasure’ is Not the Responsibility of your Partner, it is Responsibility of Yourself,

it’s a matter of ‘Self-Expression’, ‘Self-Movement’ – you are Engaging in an Act of ‘Move-
ment’, ‘Intercourse’, ‘Penetration’, all of-it based on an ‘Agreement’.
The ‘Agreement’ is to Stop the Enslavement that Exist, therefore – as long as your ‘Sexual
Expression’ is subject-to Somebody else’s ‘Actions’ = you’re ‘Enslaved’ to that Person. The
‘Actual Movement’ – and we’ll discuss the ‘How’ that works In-Fact- is ‘The Act of Self-
Movement’, that means: You ‘Moving Yourself ’ into an ‘Orgasmic Experience’- because
what are you really doing?
You are In-Fact ‘Updating’ the ‘Unified Field’ ‘Information’ so that you can get to ‘Cur-
rent-Time’ and as long as you make somebody else ‘Responsible’ for Your ‘Orgasmic Up-
date Experience’ = you are ‘blaming others’ for You Not Seeing How ‘fucked-up’ You Are
in this World.
Once you start ‘Moving Yourself´, the Pleasure will ‘Change’ and there will be No More
Pleasure when you ‘Update the Information’, because the Information must ‘Physically’-
‘Integrate’ into the Body, ‘Resonantly’ so that it can ‘Create ‘what you See with your eyes
right in front of you, without you seeing that it’s doing it: the Body is doing it.
OK so, Sex: It’s about ‘Self Movement’, ‘Taking Responsibility’ for all the Information
that is Existent in this World.

48: Absolute ‘Free Will’ and the Future
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
29 Dec 09

‘Free Will’ – Remember: ‘Free Will’ only Determines ‘What Happens to You´- it does-
Not Determine ‘What happens to Everyone-else’ – Thus, Everyone has got ‘Absolute’ –
‘Free Will’ and ‘Absolute’- ‘Consequence’, You are Not Able to Determine Anyone else’s
‘outcome’ in Reality –‘All is Equal’ – in this Point of ‘Free Will’ – It Only Determines 367
‘Your’ Future.
49: Having Equality
is The Kingdom of Heaven
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
30 Dec 09

OK – so let´s look at ‘Nature’: If Every Human Being Here was Responsible to ‘Take
Care’ of the grass for the grass to grow = There would have been only desert on Earth,
cause the Human cannot be Trusted with any action – especially that of ‘Taking Care’ of
the ‘Basics’ that is ‘Existent in this Reality’, which is the Support of the ‘Physical Human
Body’ and the Support of ‘Physical Nature’.

Now Understand: ‘Nature’ itself is simply a ‘Programmed Reality’ that works with ‘Trig-
gers’ called ‘seasons’ and that works according to ‘heat’ and ‘cold’ and according to ‘water’
or ‘no water ‘– it´s Simple: ‘Have’ or ‘Have-Nots’. The ‘Human Condition’ in the Physical
works similarly: ‘Have’ and ‘Have-Nots’.

The Human actually have the opportunity to ‘Change’ ‘Conditions’, as is shown where de-
serts are ‘converted’ through ‘interaction’ by adding simply: water to a ‘desert-condition’.

In ‘Reality’ for the Human, the Human can Change the Condition of the ‘Haves’ and the
‘Have-Nots’ as well – by simply adding ‘Have’ – to Everyone. You add ‘Have’ to Everyone
= Equal Money: and you wont have ‘Have-Nots’.

Obviously there will be a few problems in-terms of some ‘mental conditions’ that require
some ‘correction’, but to Fear-That is Stupidity! Because ‘That’ which is ‘Better for All’,
‘That’ which will ‘Support All’ – ‘That’ will, which will remove much of the Fear ‘Existent’
in this ‘Reality’ – which is having Everyone as ‘Equal Position’ of ‘Have’: would ‘Indicate’
a ‘Recognition’ of One´s ‘Common Origin’ – as a ‘Physical Being’ – coming from a Plan-

368 The ‘Disease’ is ‘to-Think’.

50: Why You Can Trust
the Physical Reality
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
30 Dec 09

OK – we’re discussing an interesting point about ‘Trust’, an Absolute ‘Obvious’-point if

one really start to look at-it, so let’s look at-it: If you look-at the ‘Physical Reality’ you’ll
notice an interesting thing, and that is you can ‘Trust’-it. I mean you can build a house,
go to work today and come back tonight and the house is still ‘there’- yes it is subject-to
‘Time’, it is subject-to ‘Forces’ that ‘work in’ on-it, but you know what? For the time you
need to ‘deal’ with your ‘Mental Delusions’ you can ‘Trust’ the ‘Physical’, you can ‘put-up
a fence’ = it will be there.

If you go into an ‘Agreement’ with another person and you Remain ‘Self-Honest’ – that
means you do not go-into the ‘Mental’-Part of anything in defining the ‘Relationship’,
you stick to the ‘Physical’-Part of-it: you’ll find that the ‘Agreement’ and ‘Relationship’
is Amazing, you stick to the ‘Physical’-Part of the ‘Agreement’ – in terms-of ‘Sex’ for in-
stance – and if you remain with the ‘Physical’-Part, you will learn How to ‘Move Yourself ’
As ’the Physical’ and develop ‘Self-Honesty’ in ‘Movement’ and thus, ‘Support’ each-other
because the Experience will be ‘Astounding’.

The moment you go-into a ‘Mental-Position’ about the ‘Sexual-Expression’ about ‘worry-
ing’ if you were ‘good enough’, or ‘worrying’ whether ‘you did the ‘right’ things’, or ‘wor-
rying’ why you had an image of your past girlfriend ‘flashing’ through your Mind at the
point-of ‘Orgasm’, instead of just ‘Forgiving’ those-things and ‘getting rid of-them’ and
‘Live for Real Here’, obviously you’re gonna go-into a Position of ‘Fear’.

Yes it is important, there is things in the ‘Physical’ that, you know if you don’t ‘Fear’-them,
you’re stupid – you don’t go and stand in front of a ‘train’ and expect not-to, and expect to
‘survive the collision’, I mean Physically you are incomparable, one is bigger than the oth-

The ‘Physical’-Points are ‘Simplistic’, according-to simple ‘calculations’ and ‘measure-

ments’ and ‘observations’ of the ‘Physical’ – you have a ‘Stable-Reality’ – the only ‘Part’
that’s ‘Unstable’ in the Reality is the ‘Human Mental-Condition’ = the ‘Imagination’, the
‘Thought’, that which-is ‘Happening’ inside around little-‘space’ of ‘Human Endeavour’.
The Actuality of the Human – which is the ‘Physical’-Part – is the ‘Part’ that’s ‘Disregard-
ed’ which is ‘Why’ ‘Starvation’ is Allowed, which is why ‘Murder’ and ‘Rape’ is Allowed,
why the ‘Human Physical-Condition’ is Not ‘Honoured’- apparently it’s ‘dirty’, but it’s the
only ‘Stable’-Part about the Human!
Everything that is ‘Happening’ – even in our ‘philosophies’ and in our ‘knowledge’ as it
‘Exist’ in this World – cannot be ‘Trusted’ – You can only ‘Trust’ the ‘Physical-Condition’
of the ‘Human’ as it ‘Exist’ now, and that ‘Reflects’ to you the ‘Reality’ of what the ‘Hu-
man’ has become as a ‘Mental-Being’ as ‘Consciousness’, it has become an ‘Atrocity’ be-
cause the ‘Physical-Condition’ – the ‘Foundation’ from which everyone ‘Lives’ – That
which can be ‘Trusted’ – has been ‘Invalidated’ and ‘Destroyed’ by ‘Consciousness’ and
now you are living-in a ‘Reality’ that you’re gonna-have a ‘problem’ ‘Transcending’ at
‘Death’ which is ‘the Mind’.

So – do a little exercise Yourself, on ‘What is Real’ and ‘What can be Trusted’ – as long
as ‘Money’ is based-on ‘Secret Knowledge’ and on so-called ‘Market-Forces’ as-if ‘Money’
is Consciousness = ‘Money’ cannot be ‘Trusted’ and it will Not-‘Support’ ‘the Physical’
as it as an ‘Expression of Life’. Therefore when ‘Money’ is ‘Equated’ to ‘the Physical’ As a
‘Physical Support-Structure’, which was ‘shown’-with when the ‘Gold-Standard’ existed
and Money was far-more ‘effective’, or on the time of Hitler when Money was based-on
‘Labour’, on ‘Physical Actual-Action’- then the ‘Money’ as an ‘Equal-System’ based-on
the ‘Value of Life’, which is based-on that which is ‘Physically’- ‘Measurable’ as ‘Living-
Being’ – not the ‘Mental’-Part, not the ‘Knowledge’-Part – That the ‘Foundation’ that can
be ‘Trusted’, ‘The Physical’ is Treated-‘Equally’ with ‘Money’= ‘Life Will Become Heaven
on Earth’ – It is possible for ‘the Human’ in its so-called ‘Limited-Condition’ to Actually-
‘Exist’ in ‘Harmony’ –

In ‘Harmony’, the word ‘Harmony’ says-it all: ‘Money’ must-Not ‘Harm’ – ‘Harmony’ –
that’s why the word ‘Harmony’-Exist, You wanna live ‘In-Harmony’ = then ‘Money’
Must-Not ‘Harm.

51: SRA and
the One-Dimensional Human
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
27 Dec 09

OK so why Structural Resonance Alignment? The Mind is a one dimensional pro-

grammed reality, which is formed through the connection of point by point, definition by
definition, relationship by relationship. As the being progress through their life, they will
connect information to more information and that they will ‘evolve’ as the information.
But the information is already here, all they’re doing is connecting with the information
and it is all happening at a one dimensional view – the view of the person connecting. You
never connect and see the other view, so you are not even acting in two dimensions.

In the Structural Resonance Alignment you first Align yourself with your reality, by plac-
ing it with ‘Pie-Charts’ as an initial; practical step, in a flat view so you can see that eve-
rything is one dimensional and built out of definitions and relationships and that you
have defined yourself as these one dimensional points and you are not a three dimensional
being – you’re a one dimensional being that lives by the values you’ve given to points and
because it is only your view that counts you are in fact acting as god in your one dimen-
sional reality. You’re a stick person, that stick to your beliefs – one dimensionally – point
by point.

So with the ‘Pie-Chart’ you will actually take apart the relationship-points that you have
connected to with your view and then you’ll assess your view: what is the electrical charge
that – that point is carrying that you have defined it as, because your mind operates with
electricity, so does your Resonance. The Resonance in essence then that is formed, which
you cannot see is not part of your mind. The Resonance formed as part of your physical
living reality and forms a picture from a symbol, which is a picture from all the informa-
tion that you have given importance to. Then out of that is formed a new symbol or pic-
ture, which is vibrating electrically all the time, so it is always charged. It sends out signals
and so it seeks for its apparent completion so it can find another point that can say: ‘OK
this symbol, this what I am feeling as this energy in me is important because I found
another point that can tell me it is important.’ And so you get trapped in all of this. And
with this Structural Resonance Alignment, we’ll initially first going to take apart the real-
ity of the human – the one dimensional self – which is personality.
52: FaceWorld -
Facing the Inner Spirit of Man
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
3 Jan 10

Many, many years ago, I started that movement of my face, so that my Face become a
Real Living Expression – because I was amazed: The fuckin’ thing was ‘dead’ – it had these
structured... it´s like, you know, paging through a fuckin’ Magazine, my Face was like: the
same as the Shit they´re presenting in this Magazine, and Everybody is trying to go Ape-
Shit about this fuckin’ Faces in the Magazine and become Clones of it! Everyone in this
world are Clones already – Cloned Faces. So we have to do a ‘Clone-Face’ Collage as well,
where you have everybody with the same Face: “I am a Human”.

With a simple ‘exercise’ which is Fun, One can now Expose Oneself to your Inner-World
and your Outer World, and the World Itself – and the various Faces that we are Facing
– as we are Facing the End Times – the ‘End Game’. How long can you keep a straight
Face? Not long, because gravity pulls it down until you´re a Demonic Face – so obviously
we have to explore the Demonic Faces of Existence as well – How the ‘Graven image’ is
busy returning to the Earth, as Gravity pulls you back six feet under, into your ‘Demonic
state’ – De-Manned state, when your Man-hood are removed. When you´re in the ‘After-
life’, you are Not ‘Male’ or ‘Female’. Your ‘Man-hood’ is removed. You are De-Manned.

Man as we said, is the Answer to the Universe. It Really doesn’t matter How Few ‘make
it’ – even just One is sufficient. But this ‘Holy Ghosts’ and ‘Holy Spirits’ that is moving
inside Men, and moving into such a degree that they put up Fake Faces, just to ‘look like
Something’, as if they are a fuckin’ Star, when they are not: Those ‘Holy Ghosts’, we need
to Expose. The ‘Holy Spirit’ that you have Inside you, that moves you to LIE all the time,
that moves you to beLIEve that the answer is in the ‘Holy Spirit’ – I mean that´s ‘de-
monic’ – That it is in the ‘Afterlife’ as a fuckin’ ‘Spirit’. What the Fuck are you doing Here
then? Kill yourself! Why wait for Jesus? Why wait for ‘God’? If you Really Believe that
372 ‘God’ is the Answer: Go to ‘God’ Now! Why are you waiting? Fuckin’ Cowards! Go kill
yourself. Don´t wait!

We are In this World – because we wanna Be HERE!

I mean, there is nothing wrong with what I am perceiving Inside me and Outside me - ex-
cept that we have ‘Fucked it Up’ – So, we can ‘fix it’. I don’t see ‘God´s hand’ Anywhere –
I see a ‘Holy Spirit’ Fucking with Everyone – Creeping In there, forcing Everyone to put-
up a Fake Face. Ah, Some Do give themselves a Hand too many times, I mean, when they
are Wanking ‘in Secret’ and playing with the ‘Secret Faces’, where they are trying to have
a ‘Special Face’ that will now be ‘Their Face’ that they can ‘control’ – I mean, Why do you
need someone to Suck your Cock in the way you Want it to be sucked? Do you think you
know what´s the best way for you? You don’t know – You don’t have to have these Pictures
in your Head.

Have you Seen what’s just in Today´s Newspaper? A group of 14 Children in Cape Town 373
between the ages of... what was it... Between the ages of 6 and 14, watched a Pornographic
film and they started to Follow what they Saw in the Film – and for the last sev-
eral months, they´ve been Sodomizing each-other... Anal Sex, because they Saw it in this
Video. 6 and 14 years-old; Watched the Video and what did they Do? I mean, in their
Mind it´s an ‘Adult video’ – and ‘Adult’ means ‘Responsible’, isn’t it? When you become
an Adult, they say: “You are now Mature – Responsible.” And then we call Pornographic
movies “Adult content” – And Here´s the Children Exposing it!
And what do They do? “There´s something wrong with the children.” No! It´s the fuckin’
‘Adults’! It´s the Fruit of the ‘Dull Tree’ – the ADULTERY of the ‘Adult’, where you are
living a Face, while your Inner-World is Sick. Real sick – pSICKological. Because the Psy-
chologists is as Sick as the patients they´re trying to treat, they obviously are Unwilling to
consider the Reality of ‘What the Fuck is Really going-on’; So, ‘Psychologists’ in itself, is a
Dis-ease. So is ‘Psychiatry’; if you go and study the history... “What kind of ‘Trick’ do you
want? A PsychiaTRIC?” “Bowl-out the Human, Let Believe that there is something wrong
with them that cannot be fixed...” You can Fix your Lying – you Know that! You can Stop
Lying – it´s that Simple. Stop Lying – Stop having a Fake Face! Face the World! Have No
Lies .

I mean, an Agreement should not exist, if there are Lies. Remember: ‘Punish yourself ’
if you are Lying – Place very strict rules for yourself, until you can Trust Yourself. ‘Trust’
Is: when you can Trust that your Inner-World and your Outer-World is the Same – then
you are ready to Face the World and take-on the World-System and say: “The Face of
the World as it is presented right-now: is Unacceptable!” “I will No-longer Hide behind
a Fake Face, a Fake Name.” “This is My Name! I was Born as this, this is my Face” – My
Inner-Face and my Outer-Face is the same. You can See it in my Actions. Now you are
And once you can Trust Yourself Completely and you are Acting in the Interest of Life in
All Ways – and you are No-longer Allowing yourself to be Deceived by all the False Faces
that´s being presented around you: You will initially becomes a Force that Everyone will
‘hate’ – because you will Call-out the Fakes – And they´ll attack you, says: “I don’t want
to become Self-Honest! “I don’t want to be Honest!”, “I don’t want... I like Lying, because
then I can get away with Abuse!” The Only Reason for ‘Fake Faces’ is because you’re an
Abuser – you use it to Hide-Behind, when you´re Abusing. And you know it! I´m not
speaking of any new fuckin’ knowledge – Everyone in this World know it, no-matter what
your level of education: You Know you´re Lying – You Know you´re putting-up a Fake
Face; and you´re still Doing-it! Interdimensionally the Resonances is gonna Push these
things to become YOU – it´ll fuckin’ Pour out of your Mouth – Pour out of Everything
you´re doing. Do you want Proof? You don’t need Proof! YOU Are the Proof!

53: Spiritual Flat People
in a Round World
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
6 Jan 10

You’ll find an Astounding point that is Less Considered :

Let’s go to the point on in History where it was Believed that the World was Flat: When
the point came that the World was Round – which was at that stage ‘not being able to be
Seen’ because nobody could yet Travel to such an extent or… Observe the World as be-
ing Round- but it could be proven already – Who Attacked Those that said ‘The World is
Round’? Was Those that have most to Lose by Losing a ‘Flat World’.

What was the Reason for the Attack? Their Fear because, what did they know? They know
that the World was Round, but they did not want to Accept that because if they Accept
the World is Round, they have to give up what they Believe they ‘Have’ which is ‘What
they Own’ – their Greed, their Knowledge –and they have to Change.

With Desteni it works exactly the Same? Here is Desteni, a seemingly ‘Unimportant
Group in the World’ that gets Vigorously Attacked by Virtually Every - Form of Knowl-
edge or Idea in the World.

Everyone can Agree in some Degree for instance that, the ‘Law of Attraction’ in some way
Produce a Result if you Utilize particular ‘Positive Energies’- So they don’t Attack each
other, they kind of ‘Work Together’- But when it comes to Desteni, You’re either ‘With’
Desteni –which means Very Specific , Absolute Detailed – or you ‘Attack’ Desteni, Why?

What is these Attacks Actually Proving? If you go back in History and you Observe all the
Changes in the World, it Proves one thing: That Those that is Attacking know one thing:
What Desteni Say is So, and They Fear to Lose what they Know. And if They really go and
look at Self-Honesty, and they go and Consider the Material Desteni is Presenting, they’ll
notice: Desteni will Stand the Test of Time and They Won’t.

So - All you lot that Live in the Spiritual Flat World: There is a New World Coming -it
is No Longer Any of the Knowledge that You Know, you’re going to Lose it All –either
through Self-Forgiveness and Self-Honesty as a ‘Living Process’ or through Death which is
Inevitable anyway – Either way: Desteni will be There. Now it all Depends on You wheth-
er You will have a Destiny.
54: TechnoJesus
Arriving Soon on His U.F.O!
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
06 Jan 10

We’re Announcing: Arriving in a U.F.O. at a Spot in the Forest Near You in the Middle of
the Night with Bright Lights: The Saviour of the World: TechnoJesus!

And, He’ll Insist on His Hair because, Apparently: ‘It’s All in the Hair’ - ‘I Cannot Be
Without My Hair, My Hair is My Hair, My Hair is Me, I have Defined Myself, I Cannot
Be Without My Hair – Yes, My Hair’.

So - for those that Cannot Be Equal and that Must Have Hair, arranged Specially For You
in the Name of the Planet ‘Venus’ - ‘Venus of Love’: TechnoJesus. TechnoJesus will be
Feeding You -TechnoJesus will be Wiping your Children’s Asses and put-on New Nappies.

TechnoJesus - You Don’t Need Money, TechnoJesus - Will Do-It All, TechnoJesus, Tech-
noJesus, TechnoJeeeesus.

Remember the Songs you’re going to have to Sing - And what’s nice: TechnoJesus Do Not
Judge Anyone - I mean there’s ‘No Judgementt’ from TechnoJesus, TechnoJesus just do
Its thing I mean, it’s ‘All Love’, There is No Discrimination, There is No Worry -You don’t
have to do Anything! You Are Free with ‘Free Will’! Everything is Done For You - Free
Will, Doesn’t matter what you do: You can Fuck your Neighbour’s Wife - it’s Okay, You
can Rape the Children – it’s Okay, You can Keep Your Hair – it’s Okay, You can Have the
House You Want – it’s Okay, but somebody else wants it, TechnoJesus will project, Protect

You will have All the Food that you can Imagine, I mean TechnoJesus will Shovel the Shit
Away afterwards – I mean, Everything: Free Will, Free Will - there’s nothing you have to
376 do! TechnoJesus Will Do It - It is all about TechnoJesus now, I mean and Obviously the
‘Free Will’ to go with it. You’ll need No Money -because TechnoJesus Do it for Free -in
Honour of your Free Will.

TechnoJesus comes from the ‘All Mightiness of God’ - You know ‘that God’? That’s ‘The
One’! -Oh sorry! No, no, it’s not ‘That’ One, the ‘Other’ One Sorry I can’t make-out with
All the, I mean, there’s about Six Billion ‘Gods’ just to find out Which One Will Suit
TechnoJesus - Once we got ‘That’ God, I’ll Let You Know.
55: Sacred Geometry
of the Divine Man as Singularity
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
06 Jan 10

Sacred Geometry - Sacred Geometry is The Technology which Proves: The Existence of
Individualized Consciousness as a Singularity that is Eternally Fucked as the ‘I Am’ –

Look at-it in slow motion If You Dare: It starts at a Single Dot - not a ‘’, just a
Dot. Then it Moves in Sequences of Patterns of Pi - not the Pie on the Sky - And it Forms
‘Perfect Geometrical-Shapes of Enlightenment’- It´s not the light you have in the office or
on home they’re not so nicely placed –

And these Patterns ‘Spirals out’ in the Name of a ‘Great Mathematician’ called Fibonacci -
but I mean, the Snails had the Pattern First, if you look on their back, they were carrying
it there All the Time, there was no clever fucking mathematician – the Snails had it First,
but it moves very slowly, and as it ‘spirals out’, within it you can find all the ‘Platonic
Solids’ and I mean, ‘Platonic’ comes from Plato – it’s not a ‘Platonic Relationship’ here
because we’re now looking at the ‘Divine Man’ and its Design of a Sacred Geometry - I
mean the Word must be Spoken very fucking Specifically –

So - you’ll find within it, All the ‘Platonic Solids’ - which was here Long before fucking
Plato existed, he purely Observed it and became ‘Great’ for the fucking little bit he Actu-
ally Understood – But I mean, Our Past is fucking an Absolute Path of Corpses of Great
Thinkers that Made No Fucking Difference but Helped to Enslave More of our ‘Sacred
Geometry Seekers’ that Go Out and Want to Find: ‘The Divine Pattern’!

The Human go to the ‘God Molecule’ – Imagine, there is a Chemical: A Chemical! That
can ‘Spiral’ your Consciousness from Inside your Body and Give You a ‘Hollywood Show’,
that is So Close to Fucking ‘Salvation’ and ‘Divinity’ that it is called ‘Salvia Divinorum’!
378 And in that Experience, You’ll Become… ‘So Enlightened’ - that You Will Take that
Chemical again, and again, and again to Prove: the Chemical is Enlightened and You’re
Not. But! You Will Not Notice it as you’ve been Unable to Notice Anything Else - as long
as You Can Have ‘The Divine Pattern’. I mean, the Fact that that has been a Patent that
was here Long Before You Became Aware, because I mean: Where is Your Awareness?

Is not so long ago - You can’t even Remember ‘Where You Came From’, before you some-
how Exited from a dark watery Place Inside, Your Mother - and From the Darkness, You
Seek ‘The Light’ and then the Pattern, and then the Pattern to Control - and so and so it
goes! And then Eventually, You Look for ‘the Divine Pattern’ and once you have got ‘The
Divine Pattern’ you end-up - Back in the Ground, the Food of Snails - isn’t that an In-
teresting Pattern? That the Very Pattern You Start with ‘Seeking’ and ‘Want to Find’ and
‘Control’ it’s the Very One that’s gonna Consume You?

Oh yes, you can check inside the Graven Image, where you are lying as ‘The Dead Corpse’
- as the End of the Corporation, that You so much Believed in. There will be Snails, they
eat very slowly. Will You be Aware of it? Obviously Not, You’re Dead. Do You Realize
that? Obviously Not! You’re Dead - Will you have anything to Say about it? Obviously
Not! You’re Dead - Don’t You Get-it?
56: The Gauntlet of the Living Word
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
11 Jan 10

OK - Understand that Existence has been set up as a ‘Gauntlet’. You are running the
‘Gauntlet’ in Every Breath.

If you look at a ‘Gauntlet’: every Breath, there is a Movement from left to right, there is a
Polarity Movement. And within that, you have a ‘Time-Keeper’, within which you assess
the ‘Gauntlet’ - Which is your Breath.

The condition that is Pre-Existent within You, as Programmed: is either keeping you
within one of the ‘Gauntlets’, that is making sure that you never get Through and Actu-
ally Birth yourself as Life - which is the System of the World - and in That you have very
peculiar type of ‘reward’ - which is: you get Money, ‘Happiness’, ‘Energy’ as long as you
Deceive Everyone else. That’s the one ‘Gauntlet’.

For those that don’t know what it is, go and research or watch a ‘Knight’s tale’ [correction:
‘The First Knight’] and you’ll see the ‘Gauntlet’ how it works, in the movie a ‘Knight’s
tale’ [‘The First Knight’]. So you get a good idea of how it works.

So – Understand: that the ‘Nature’ of the ‘Gauntlet’, the Tools of the ‘Gauntlet’ - is
Words. You either Think the Words, you Feel the Words, you Speak the Words or you
Write the Words, or you Read the Words. This Reality is a Information Reality about ‘Liv-
ing Words’ and You are the ‘Transfer-Point’, where the Words are being Directed.

The only ‘Power’ you have, is how You are Directing Your Words and whether your words
are Directed either with Intent, without Intent, with Understanding or without Under-
standing and whether Your Words are Actions by yourself - Indicating your Understand-
ing - according to Your Words, it can be Assessed with Absolute Clarity: what you Under-
stand of the Universe.
If you are, for instance, Only running the ‘Gauntlet’ of ‘Energy’: Obviously, you are Only
Understanding ‘Energy’. What you don’t Realize, is that obviously from your Perspective:
you’re only running the ‘Gauntlet’ of ‘Energy’. From a Real Perspective - you’re running
the ‘Gauntlet’ of Everything in Existence, and your Ignorance is No Excuse.

So - Look at How you can run the Gauntlet using Breath – The Bible has got a wonderful
saying. It says: “Put a Guard in front of your Mouth before you speak.” Let me add: Put a
Guard in front of your Mind before you Think! It´s Simply, what we are saying. It’s been
said for Thousands of years - but Nobody is Hearing what we´re saying – we are Purely
taking it to a Practically, Practical Living Application Standard, of Equality and Respon-
sibility -There is nothing new to it. There is only the Fact that we are Pointing Out: That
Everyone is Deceiving and Not Standing - in the Interest of Life or Using the Tools that’s
Already Here.

So, How do you Use Your Breath - In this ‘Gauntlet’? When you Breathe In – Look at
what you are going to Say.

You see, because, when you speak, you normally will speak on Your Out-Breath, which 381
means your Out-Breath, because the air moves over your Vocal Cords and through the
cavities in the forms of the Mouth, that Forms the Words, so in your Out-Breath you
speaks. You can sometime speak ‘Under your Breath’ or On the In-Breath but you Can’t
do that with comfort. That´s normally done with Deliberate Deception anyway. So, you
speak normally on Your Out-Breath.

Then you have gotta look at the Context of the Words you´re Speaking within the Con-
text of your Responsibility within the Moment that you are Present -That is Your ‘Here’.
So - that means you must make Sure: whoever is going to ‘Hear Your Words’, is going
to Understand what the fuck you’re saying, otherwise your ‘Here’ is no longer ‘Here’ – it
becomes Divided.

So therefore, you Breathe-In - you look at what you’re going to say within the Context
of ‘Here’ - You look at the Implications of Your Words. Within the Implications of your
Words, you then Look within the Context of the Person as you understand them. If the
person has being Lying to you, Obviously, your Words will be within the Context of what
you Understand and there will be a Greater Consequence for those that Deceive. Remem-
ber: you can never be Deceived – you can Only Deceive Yourself. So if somebody Lies
to me, I mean, I Allow it. I Allow that Lie and misrepresentation Deliberately, because
- when I say to them: “you Lie to me”, They say: “No I´m not Lying to you.” – You´re
always your own Judge, as we’ve explained with Judgement-day - Your Words are Your

So – In your In-Breath, you look at the words and if you are Truly Innocent – I mean,
the Consequences of your Words, will be Supportive. If you are not truly Innocent, it´ll
be Destructive – If you are Truly in Manipulation, when Manipulating: Your Words will
follow you for seven generations. And it´ll Destroy Everyone around you as well. And the
Consequences will not be necessarily yours - but that of your Children, as you can see in
the World, where we have Real, Truly Deceptive Words that´s spoken by Everyone – Who
Pays? The Children and the next generation and the next generation.

I mean, these things were made very Clear in the ‘Holy Books’, but Who the Fuck read
the shit, to Actually Understand How to Practically Live Effectively? No one is Interested
in That, because Everyone is Interested in One Thing: Money – Or a ‘Safe Afterlife’. Now,
Hear me: You better Live as if there is no ‘Afterlife’ – Because if you don’t: You may just
End-Up in a ‘Place’, where you are Totally Fucked! So the Way to make Sure, that you do
not End-Up in the ‘After-Lies’ - life’ in a Fucked-up Situation: is to Live Your Life – Effec-
tively, On Earth. But if you are waiting for the ‘Afterlife’ – the Odds are Against you!

But, and it says: “Do not gamble!” So, if you are waiting for the ‘Afterlife’: you are ‘throw-
ing the lot’ – you are ‘gambling’. And you are ‘gambling’ with insufficient Understanding.
Rather – I suggest: Live Effectively and make Sure that Every Word and Every Thought,
being of the ‘Nature’ of ‘Frequency’ and ‘Energy’: is Measured that it Do Not Harm – An-
ything in Creation! Not only Humans. Anything in Creation.

And make Sure that you Never ‘Justify’, and study What it means to ‘Justify’ – We´ve got
All the material available – there´s books available, everything on What is ‘Justification’-
‘Justification’ Is Deliberate Deception. Justification Is - For instance to say: “Oh, but the
World is the way it is and there´s nothing I can do about it” – That´s ‘Justification’. That
is Actually saying: “I have a reason why I can Lie, and I will stick to it!”.

I mean, there was a comment today on YouTube by a person, he says: “Read the bible,
that is where the truth lies.” – I mean, the person don’t even See their Own Words! “Read
the bible, That is where the truth Lies”... I mean, when you´re dead: You have a Cross or a
thing on your grave, where there is messages written. And it says: “Here lies the late so and
so.” - The Direct Implication of these Words, and remember: Your Mind measure Words
ambidextrously, moving it around – that´s proven that you can swap around the letters in
a word and your Mind will still ‘rearrange’ it and come-up with the closely related word –

So, your Mind seek out related words – the Moment you don’t Clearly Understand some-
thing: Go and find-out what it means! Do not make up your Mind through Assumption
– which most are doing, that´s Self-Deception. Go and find-out what it means. I mean,
you at least have That Responsibility towards yourself, to make Sure you don’t End Up in
a position, where you´re Lying. Okay? Make sense?
All: Yeah.

So – the Gauntlet is: Once you Know that You have the Tool, with which to make Sure
that you Never Speak Words, that Will Deliberately Harm or Deceive Another, Or Think
Thoughts that will have Consequences, where a person cannot Self-Realize - And where
it is of Revenge or Jealousy or Harm or Diminishment unnecessarily-There is a Conse-

When I Speak to you and I Speak to somebody, I See their Whole Life – From Birth, in
the Very Beginning, to All their Choices, to Everything they´re doing: How they Fuck,
How they masturbate – I See the Whole Fucking Thing. So when I´m the Placing Words,
I Place the Words in the Context of All their Thoughts, All their Words, Everything
they´ve Ever Done –

If you can´t Do That, then you remain within the Context of the Words they have spoken
or the Words they have written. Do not throw them with knowledge – use their Words
and Pull them Apart in CommonSense. You have to be Self-Honest within the Context of
your ‘Here’ – otherwise, you will not be Effective. You cannot do What I Do! You can Do
What You Do! Make Sure You Do That Well! Make Sense? Yeah. Okay.

57: The Law of Karma
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
09 Jan 10

Let’s discuss ‘The Law of Karma’: Every Human Being on Earth – except those that has
been Deliberately Placed in a Position where their Basic Faculties do not Function, which
is a very small group –the Rest is All Aware of a Very Simple Law: ‘What You Sow, You
Reap’, ‘What You Do to Another Happens to You’ - the Law of Consequence: ‘The Law of

Now, Common Sensically, That should be Sufficient to Guide Any Being to Act in a way
that Supports Life - All Forms of Life – but have a look at this World, Where do you See
‘The Law of Karma’ in the Laws? Where do you see ‘The Law of Karma’ in the Social
Structure? Where do you see ‘The Law of Karma’ in the Economic System? Where do you
see ‘The Law of Karma’ in the Education System?

Have a look: it’s Non-Existent.

Now - where is the Human Beings that Point this out? Where is the so-called ‘Enlight-
ened’ Beings that Demand that ‘The Law of Karma’ be the Law that it is Utilized because
it is the Law that Each One Will Face at Death?

You don’t See that – What You do See is an Apparent Attempt by Especially the Spiritual
and the ‘Enlightened Ones’ and the ‘Masters’, to Create ‘Delusions of Grandeur’ that Ap-
parently: when you Achieve a Certain Level of ‘Vibration’, you somehow ‘Magically’ are
No Longer Subject-to ‘The Law of Karma’ – you can go and do the math – How Can You
Bullshit Yourself so Effectively that you cannot even do Basic Math and Basic Common
Sense Reasoning, that you are Remain Responsible and the moment that you turn your
Eye away from What is Happening to ‘the Greater Picture’ in which You Are Participating:
you Become Responsible on ‘The Law of Karma’ for Every Event that Takes Place.
384 Now – This is going to be Difficult to Hear: When this Point Emerged in the Universe
a long time ago - the Point of Manipulation and Deception and ‘Grandeur’- it had to be
- Rectified, Corrected, because As You Can See on Earth: the so-called ‘Divine Beings’ -
that has Fallen from their Divinity is Currently ‘In the Flesh’ Incarcerated in ‘Characters’,
still seeking-out Ways Out-of ‘The Law of Karma’. No Self Honesty, No Common Sense,
No Love - Real Love that is Not Energy Based – All like a ‘Hollywood Story’ of Energetic
Projections behind which The Dishonest ‘Hide’ to Not Take Responsibility – Not Self
Honest to look at the Fears of Why they’re Hiding, Why they’re Not Willing to Stand Up
and Actually Bring about a Reality that is Based on Laws that Supports Life.
But there is this Idea about What Exist in the Afterlife, First of all, if a Psychic ‘Sees’
somebody that is Your Dead Family Member, and that Family Member has the Image of
a Physical Being with a body and arms and legs: You are being Duped - the Body is in the
Earth, there is No Body - once you Die, you don’t have arms, legs, eyes – all of the stuff
that you have on Earth anymore, come on! Common Sense – They are Not Seeing your
Dead Family Member, they’re Seeing Your Memory that You are Projecting -They have
No Ability to See the Afterlife, there is No ‘Angels’ that has the Form of a Human, come
on! I mean Common Sense! Anyone seeing that has Created that in Their Own Mind,
just like you have these things in your Dreams – I mean that’s why Dreams Exist, to Show
you: You are the Creator of the Dreams, it’s Your Bullshit that’s playing out there like in a 385
Fucking ‘Hollywood Show’ – What Exist After Death is Not Energy - It is also not a Form
that is the Human Form -That Does Not Exist in the Afterlife.

So - For those that has Find it ‘too difficult’ to Face their Dishonesty and their Delusions
of ‘Grandeur’ which they Use as a ‘Spiritual Phenomena’ to have Mastery and Control and
Manipulation over Those that Has More Fear than They Have - Hear Me: There are Three
Chances - as This Cycle Now Closes: where You May Transcend.

Every Transcendence You Miss, You Will Diminish – again do the math: if it is Found that
You Are Unable to Handle the Information that You are currently burdening, Burdening
Yourself with and that the Load is too Heavy for You to Carry to Be Self Honest, then You
go through a Diminishing Cycle which will Place You in a Position to Try Again –

The First Cycle is Obviously ‘The Living Cycle’ where You Do it as Self Willed Individu-
als Here to Move Yourself to Equality and - metaphorically speaking – becoming Actually
‘Divine’. That Obviously has No Bearing on What You Perceive ‘Divinity’ or ‘Godhood’
to be.

The Second Cycle, the First Step of where You Diminish, is at Death -Then You Lose All
the Systems that You had, to Assist you to Empower Yourself to Equality Again. Obvi-
ously there’s Consequences, I mean there is with this Diminishment - but then you get
Another Chance –

The Third Cycle is where You Re-Incarnate, of which You Only Get One Chance – there
is No More Cycles of Reincarnation that Gives You infinite chances – that’s Done, I mean
come on, You have Wished for this Yourself, You have In Your Inner-Mind Asked for a
Solution to the Mess that is Existent – and You Have Not Realized that Such a Solution
is going to mean: You’re Going to have to Change As Well – Stop Blaming, Stop Finding
Reasons Why you’re Not going to Take Responsibility – You Have No Option in this, You
Asked for it – and Now it´s Here, not in the way you wanted it to be Obviously because
otherwise You would have been able to do it -The Very Fact that You’re Unable to Do this
Point in Actual Bringing forth the Information in a Way that Explains the Simplicity of
the Solution - Is in itself an Indication that: You were Not Self Honest.

So - There is No Forgiveness in the Universe - there is ‘The Law of Karma’: Consequence,

there is Self Forgiveness which Prepares you to Face the Consequences of your Life, there
is Self Honesty that takes you to the point where You Have to Face Yourself - and then
there is Common Sense where You Actually Face Yourself and Act in a Way to Stop the
Cycles that has Trapped you. Three Simple Steps: Self Forgiveness, Self Honesty and Self
Common Sense - Those Three Steps is the Road to Your Freedom from this Enslavement
that You Have Created - Common Sensically, mathematically, scientifically in Every Pos-
sible way, you can go and work this out for Yourself - It is Simplistic.

But in this You are Alone, No One can Help You, because If Anyone Helps You = You’re
Enslaved. There may be Support but the Support is to Insist on Self Forgiveness, to Insist
on Self Honesty and to Insist on Self Common Sense.

So, Understand: This is the End Game and It Was Never a Game.

58: Judgement Day - Every Day
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
10 Jan '10

So What is the Day Everyone Fear? People: ‘Judgement Day’. Bernard: ‘Judgement Day’,
the Day which will be Revealed Everyone You’re Judging and Blaming For Your Present
Condition - That is ‘Judgement Day’. Obviously Your Idea is Different: Somebody is gon-
na tell you ‘How Bad you are’ – but that’s not ‘Judgement Day’, that’s ‘Bad Day’ - ‘Judge- 387
ment Day’ is the Day of Reckoning – What is a Reckoning? The Day of Reason, the Day
of Accounting ‘What’ and ‘Who’ You Blame, and ‘Who’ and ‘What’ You Use as an Excuse
as to ‘Why’ You Cannot Honour Life Equally - So - That is ‘The Sermon of the Serpent’
- about the Amount of Judgements You Blame on Others, so that Your Mountain is ‘Too
Big’ for You to Climb, and then You Profess it on your ‘Pull-Pit’ and Pull Everyone Else
into the Fucking Pit of Snakes, and try to Congregate as many as possible in your Congre-
gation to talk about CONsciousness, and you say: “I can’t have this on my Conscience, I
have to Blame You,

I have to Blame my Parents, I have to Blame Satan and the Devil, it’s Them!” “I have to
Blame ‘God!”

And then, in the silence of your room there is a Big Noise – you either sit with your Part-
ner and Gossip or you sit in Your Mind with one of your Demon’s Personalities and You
Gossip -

What is Gossip? To Think-Shit or Talk-Shit about Another Being - that’s Gossip. What is
Gossip? What are you ‘Sipping’? The Life Blood of Others, because Apparently ‘You are
Better than Them’ - What does Gossiping Show? You are the Fucking Demon. And, you
know what? You Actually Do it,

Think ‘Blaming Thoughts’ about Others or ‘Talk about’ Others, in so-called ‘Conditions
of Trust’, Secrecy. What is the Secret Knowledge of the World? Is that Everyone is Blam-
ing Somebody Else for the Condition of the World and Doing Nothing about it, be-
cause, what is the Perfect Way to make sure You can Remain Dishonest? Blame Another!
because you can’t Change them, and unless They Change, You’re not going to Change =
you’re gonna Protect Your Fucking Ass - But You’re Not going to Change - Every Excuse,
Every Reason ‘Why’, Everyone that you where you Point a Fucking Finger to Another for
‘Why’ You are in the Condition You Are, Is Your ‘Judgement Day’. So, you’ve been Living
‘Judgement Day’ Every Fucking Day, all that is Happening in the Universe and in Crea-
tion is that the Same Day is Repeating Every Day: ‘Judgement Day’ - And Look ‘How it
Looks-like’ in the World.
Now Hear Me: For Those that Claim that Love Will Solve the Problem, the Very Moment
you Profess Love and Allow the World to Exist as it does = You are Judging the World
- and You are the One that is Causing it. Why? You’re Allowing it to Exist! You are the
Creator, it’s within Your Consciousness, Your Consciousness is Holographic - ‘As Above,
So Below’, ‘In the Small is the Big’ – the very Fact that You can ‘Think it’, You ‘Create
it’ – ‘Law of Attraction’, ‘Prosperity Consciousness’ is Your Proof that Love is the Cause,
and that You Professing Love is The Judgement You are Placing on Yourself By Blaming
Everyone Else and Claiming that You are ‘Above all of this’, ‘You are Better’ because You
are Loving – but you are doing Nothing About it, You are Dishonest, Disgusting Poison
of the Serpent, speaking with a Forked Tongue! Because you say One thing while Another 389
Exist. So - what have we been doing at Desteni? We’ve been Deliberately Placing Points to
Bring out the Demon in Everyone,

to Bring out the Point that you Blame so You can Start Seeing that You’re Blaming

and that You’re Not Forgiving - the very moment You Want Someone Else to ‘Forgive you’

= You are Blaming Something for Your Condition, You are in Judgement -That’s why
Self-Forgiveness is The Key because You Forgive You, the only one that Can Forgive You,
is You - and if you don’t Stop Blaming You, You have Not Forgiven You – then you’re Still
Judging You for the Condition of the World which will Dis-empower you. What is Self
Honesty? Self Honesty is To See Things for What They Are so that You Have the Power
to Do Something About it - so to Claim that there is some ‘Higher Power’ Causing the
World to be the way it is and it is Not the Human Condition that is Causing it –that
means Your Participation in this World in the ‘How’ You Participate, is What? Dishonest!
Common Sense says: that Nothing in this World can Exist but what is Directly Caused
by the Participants – So if you take the Human away, you will have No Human Problem,
would you? - so you can’t Blame ‘Satan’, the ‘Devil’ or ‘God’ - because if you take the Hu-
man Away = there’s No Shit!

Dishonest then to Blame either ‘Satan’, the ‘Devil’, ‘Lucifer’ or ‘God’ or an ‘Alien’ or any
fucking thing – your Brother, your Mother, your Sister, Sex, Pornography, Masturbation
– You Can’t Blame Anything. You are the Participant - You Play the Part and as long as
You are Apart – that means you are Not Part of Finding a Solution, Why Should You Ex-
ist? Who Should Care about You because You are Unwilling to Care about Anyone. Day
of Reckoning: ‘Judgment Day’. Why are you Waiting for Judgment Day when you are
Already Living it? It is Dishonesty. Why are You Blaming Others for Your Condition and
Not Forgiving Yourself? Why are You Disempowering Yourself by Holding-on to Dishon-
esty? Why are You Pretending to be Mad by not seeing the simple Common Sense that:
You are the Very Creator of the Systems that Exist -To Claim that it’s Not You, is a Condi-
tion of Madness, you should be locked-up.
59: True Face of the World and the SRA
Interviews with Bernard Poolman
Jan ‘10

Okay so – Looking at practical ways to involve Everyone in the World in a Process that
they would experience as Fun, Revealing and Entertaining, and which will be a Road of
Discovery and Mystery – is…the Idea, the Concept is: Face-World.
Because have a Look: Your whole World consist out of Faces – and the World Itself is a
Face. The Face of the World is basically... you have a One-World Face – and then you have
your Cultural Faces, you have your Country Faces, you have your Hierarchy Faces, you
have your Face of the Rich, of the Poor, of the Middle-Class, the Face of the Systems, the
Face of Education, the Face of Government, the Face of Money, the Face of the Internet
– Everything is Presenting a Face. What’s going-on Behind the Face – Nobody is Looking-
By the Law, and the Face of the Law we have ‘Accepted’, each Point speaks as an ‘I’. Edu-
cation will speak as an ‘I’, Government will speak as an ‘I’, a Corporation will speak as an
‘I’, You will speak as an ‘I’, the Animal-Kingdom will speak as an ‘I’ – Everyone is speak-
ing as an ‘I’. An ‘I’ (‘EYE’) – a ‘View’ – a ‘Point of View’ – a Face. The fascinating thing
is, that You Know: When You are using your Face – that you’re Lying. Because you’ll
Put-up a ‘straight Face’, while you have Thoughts of Deception Inside you. The Face is
Not ‘You’. Just as All these Faces that is presented in this World is Not really What Life
Is. The ‘Real-Thing’ is That Thing Thinking Inside, while it is Presenting a ‘straight Face’.
The ‘straight Face’ you are presenting is your ‘Structural Resonance’. You have created that
‘straight Face’ through the past actions of Deception. You have Practised it – from the first
time your Mother looked you in the Eye and said to you: “Look me in the eye and say
you didn’t do it.” And you look ‘straight-faced’: “No!” But Inside says: “I hope she can’t
see it… My eyes are not moving, my eyes are not moving… Oh No, No; I must make
sure, Nothing must move, I must have a ‘straight Face’.” And there, Mother created the
390 ‘Straight Face’. No – You did. But Mother made sure you Did. So that you can ‘Survive’
in the Face of the World.

So – in FaceWorld, we’re going to play with ‘Collages’. Which means, you want…we’re
starting with the Playing of – each person a ‘Collage’ of all the Faces that you’re able to
‘Pull’ and Identify and When you’re using it: “I use this Face when I’m Lying” – “I’m us-
ing this Face…” – you know, various Faces – “This is my Sad Face”; “This is my Happy
Face”; “This is my Orgasmic Face”; “This is my Masturbation Face” – I mean, you wanna
Put them all Up, capture Faces – and Faces Only.
Now, have a Look, if you go back in History and… None of you are part of that ‘his-
tory’, but in the time of the Movie “Hair” – I suggest you look at the Movie “Hair”: The
Movie “Hair” has a Cult Interface that became part of the ‘human experience’ – is now
basically…it’s one of the ‘foundation stones’ of what you would call the ‘New Age’ today.
All they’ve done is, they coloured it more in, to Fit into the Money-System. But in essence
the Movie “Hair” and everything was more faced on the Point of ‘Breaking the Rules’ by
growing your Hair. Okay – But, that emphasized what? That emphasized Differences –
‘Uniqueness’; And caused a massive Repercussion in the way the System developed in the
So – have a Look at the fascinating thing: By linking FaceWorld to the use of Chemi- 391

cals; the use of Chemicals specifically that ‘enhance’ your ‘Face of Beauty’ that you are
presenting to the World. Now in Afrikaans, the word ‘Beauty’ becomes ‘something else’:
whenever they picture or take a pornographic picture or a picture of a woman in a bi-
kini that is naked and looks ‘beautiful’, they call it the ‘Skone’ – the ‘Skone Dame’, that
means the ‘Pure Woman’; The ‘Pure Woman’ is a sexual Object. So – the Evolution of
Language from English to Afrikaans – Afrikaans being the latest Language that emerged
from the World as a Conglomerate of many Languages, has taken the word ‘Beauty’ and
has Purified it to its Actuality: ‘Beauty’ is an word of ‘sexual attraction’. There is Nothing
else. ‘Beauty’ is a word that Cover-up what is Real, Behind an ‘Outer Venire’ of a ‘One-
Dimensional Drawing’ – because a Picture in essence is One-Dimensional, it’s a ‘One-
Point-View’ of the World. So, you’re gonna take All your ‘One-Dimensions’ as your Faces
that you use to Interact in this World, and re-create the ‘Multidimensional Self ’ – Which
is ‘Who you are representing Yourself to Be’ in the World. Within that, looking at: What
is Behind this creation you call ‘You’; What is Behind the Faces you are Presenting; Why is
it that when you see a Beggar, you tend to feel ‘embarrassed’ – How does that ‘embarrass-
ing Face’ look-like?
You don’t want to Look – isn’t it?
But yet, you’re still Putting-up a Face. Why is it, whenever there is Something in this
World that is obviously ‘difficult to live’ –like Poverty, Starvation, being a Beggar, being a
Prostitute and so on– you would secretly Desire it inside you, but you’ll put-up a ‘straight
Face’, that it is ‘bad’. The same Person that stands in front of a Congregation, a Pulpit,
and tell everyone about ‘Morality’, will have the Secret Part Come-Out when they go for
their ‘Secret Rounds’ looking for ‘Sexual satisfaction’. All and Everyone know that the
Face that is presented in this World – and their own Faces – is Deception. Yet – Every-
body is Doing it.
‘Synchronicity’ – the Actualization of the ‘Divine Man’ lies in the fact that You must be
Able to Present Equality and Oneness – that means: your ‘Inner-World’ and your ‘Outer-
World’ must be ‘One’. So your Thoughts must be Reflected in your Face – to Prove that
You Are ‘Oneness’. And your Equality is within That: Equality as the ‘Divine Man’ means
that You must be Equal to ‘God’ –in the Ultimate. If you are not That, you cannot Claim
to be ‘Divine’ or of ‘Divine Origin’ or ‘Godly in Nature’, because it’s a Lie. The True Face
Inside is Not the ‘True Face’ Reflected Outside, in this World.
Therefore in ‘Equal-Money’: Money must become the Vehicle of ‘Divine Expression’ – an
Equal Giving – the Vehicle of ‘Divine Love’. If you’re Claiming ‘Love’ and ‘Unconditional’
– Then you must See that ‘Equal-Money’ is the Ultimate Act of ‘Unconditional Love’ that
can be presented in this World. And therefore we must also Look at the Face of Money.

Simply focusing on one thing: the fun it is to look at All the Faces of Everyone and have a
good laugh at ourselves. So the whole idea of the site is to laugh at yourself, because you’ll
find that laughing at yourself is the best medicine, it helps you to… you can say laugh-
ter at yourself is Living Forgiveness. It’s like when you have water going over a ridge you
call it a waterfall –in a way, laughter is like the freefall over a waterfall where you let go of
your preconceived ideas of the Faces behind which you hide. In doing that and making it
fun, and then linking it to Actually show the World that Everybody can Stand Together,
we’re going to make an effort and focus on bringing together at least a 100 million people
in the World that cut their Hair and present their Faces, and in that make a Statement to
no longer use Shame-Poo and Hair-Dye, and Anything that goes with the Outer Beauty
behind which you are Hiding – So that the Inner Beauty in Each One can be Seen, so we
can start focusing on What is Real, and for that we take-off our Hair - because obviously
Everything is in reverse –you take the Hair off, what happens? Suddenly there is a point
of Equality - Hair interfere because it gives, it’s part of the False Image you’re presenting
while you’re looking for Sex –you’re going to have to give it up, because that’s Really why
you have Hair. That’s why Hair is up and down the same thing I mean, you have Hair
everywhere, Just the Truth of the Hair is not being Considered. Why Shame-Poo? Shame-
Poo have a look, practically Common Sensically: when you wash your Hair and you take
the Shame-Poo and you put water to it, it contaminates all the Water doesn’t it? You’re
not gonna drink that water, are you? You wash your Hair and then that water fuck into
the Earth into the underground tables –it does not go up and outside where it can photo
degrade, it goes underground and it collects. If you’ve ever Dared to start investigating
what happens to Water that is contaminated, with the chemicals that you use in clean-
ing yourself because remember: The base chemicals is various grades of fat –either plant
or animal fat – it’s one of the bases of the creation of soaps and stuff like that. Have you
noticed what happens to fat when it gets cold, it becomes rather an unsightly sticky thing
392 – imagine that’s happening underneath the Earth. Now, it starts to stop what? The Breath-
ing of the Earth - and slowly but surely, you start taking an area and you stop the Earth
from having exposure to air, to Breath so that the Earth can move and interact with the
environment, things start rotting –rather chemically, not a normal process anymore, not a
natural process- Now imagine having billions of people daily flushing down a lot of chem-
icals from dyes to conditioners to Shame-Poos into all kinds of things – somewhere this
shit is going, and slowly but surely it’s becoming part of the Environment and it becomes
part of the Structural Resonance of the Water - which you drink. What is the Structural
Resonance of the Water? That you can find out if you study Homoeopathy. In Homoeop-
athy is an example of Structural Resonance, that when they get to the stage when they are
potentizing the various Essences, when it is potentized to a medicine – a medicinal quality
product, you cannot scientifically measure any content in the product, it only contains the
nature of it, a Resonance of it. So, it has an effect but you can’t scientifically measure it.

Homoeopathy has been around quite a long time; that’s an example of the Structural
Resonance as it exist within Yourself as well, it cannot be measured – The only Moments
where you have, where you can find out where you are Lying is when you are Physically
Reacting: you’re getting hot or cold, your going stiff or you become heavy or your face
becomes straight or it smiles or you blush or you suddenly are itchy or there’s suddenly a 393
pain – that’s the only way you can find out where your Structural Resonance is moving,
and if you’re not fast enough in One Breath to catch that Point and get to Self Honesty,
it compounds- and you have only One Breath within which to catch it. That’s why Eve-
rybody in the World that’s got Money, set up Their World to be so comfortable that they
don’t have these reminders that there is something wrong, because they got Money and
Money is Power, because with Money - you can buy other people to do your shit, okay?
Makes sense? So Structural Resonance is that which cannot be seen, because it only moves
in a moment, but you can’t see because you move as it. And the best way to look at your
Structural Resonance is to look at the Faces you have in this World: the Knowledgeable
Face, the Wise Face, the Meditation Face, the Ascension Face - there are so many Faces –
the Satanic Face, the Evil Face, the Lucifer Face, the Arrogant Face I mean there is Faces
upon Faces - So I suggest one of the Projects is to make a list of All the Possible Faces that
can be Presented and then we start collecting Photos and getting each one’s Collage to-
gether in terms of the Faces.
60: Candida and Self-Abuse
Interview with Bernard and Maya
01 January 2010

OK so, we are chatting - to Maya about Candida and what Candida represents.

So, Candida is a Condition within the Physical Body that indicate your Balance, your PH,
your - Inner Balance of the Physical is Out of Balance. That is caused through a Habit
through Time, where you would Allow... You as the ‘Thinking part’ of you, to go through
and become Sets of Emotions, That means in that Emotion you will take on a Level of
Sweetness or a Level of Acidity.

Maya: of?

Bernard: Acidity, Acid

I mean So say you have a very cool relationship for a moments, everything works and
great sex, great relationship and the next moment you get cheated on. You will move from
a state of Sweetness to a state of Acid within you. Once you move through the state of
Acid and you Stay there, That means you now go to Blame, to Anger, And.. through, and
you feel that you were somehow Invalidated, you were somehow not good enough and
you start to Add and Compound like a Banking System - the Interest of that experience
and that experience become Self-Interest in your Total Awareness of yourself in a Relation-
ship to that Experience. Now, it moves through time, you stay in that state and it becomes
a memory of: this what happens to me and it was not fair - This person Harmed me but
it’s not true now. You are now Harming yourself. Now, various possible outcomes start to
happen - Depending on your Genetic Code, Depending on your Family Genetic Code,
depending on All the people you’ve Had in your life before, that you’ve met at school, the
whole story, you will have Particular Resonant Memories. What is a Resonant Memory?
- It’s what you Subconsciously will pick up from your Environment and through your
Upgrading of your Environment, through your Upgrade from the Unified Field, through
Sex and Masturbation- you’ll have a Resonant Imprints. That is like a Symbolic relation-
ship with Existence within which you will then Move as a Resonant Awareness and you
will build the Image of yourself and that will become Image and Likeness from which you
would Act. So within that context then, one of the conditions you can then experience is -

Candida would indicate normally that you are Able to do something about it but you
Don’t. so that means, you are Able to Stop your experience of How you feel you have been
Abused, but you use that as a Conversation topic, for instance, to get other people to feel
Empathy for you or to feel Sympathy for you or feel Sorry for you and now you repeat
the same story over and over and over which means, you haven’t Stop it because you still
Remembering it, it’s still Part of you and you’re using it now to Manipulate others, either
into Sex or into Liking you or into Feeling Sorry, so you’re now Vampiring and you’ve us-
ing that as a Personality Suit as it explained in the Personality Suits. Then you’ll have your
Candida, your Candida will obviously come out in various ways, they’re mostly coming
out within the context of your either the Mouth or the Genitals or the Anus, that’s the
primary ones, but it can spread also Internally or Externally, all depends on How Deliber-
ate you are.

So everything has got Stages of Deliberation. That means, dependency on how much you 395
are Feeding it Energy and obviously in a way when you are Sick it already means you’re at
a Point of Change. When you are not Sick and you are Deliberate in your Actions- then
you must know: you‘re in Serious Trouble because that means you are very Deceptive,
therefore the body will present itself as quite Healthy, and by the Time that you will get
Sick, there will be Nothing you can do, because you are very Deceptive and therefore it’ll
take a Longer time to Get Sick. The Quicker you get Sick- the Better it means it is for
you, because your Possibility of Change is Quicker. The Longer it takes you to get Sick
that means, the more Healthy you are, the more Deceptive you are. If you are living in
this World, you have a lot of Money, you are very Healthy, very Happy - Big Shit in your

Maya: All right

Bernard: Because it’s dependant on the level of and how much Deception you are using in
relationship to everything else in Existence. And accordingly the body Aligns your experi-
ence to Who You Are, which is rather interesting.

So, within the Candida then, it is all to do with the Interest you have in Abuse, in the Fear
that you then develop from it of being Abused again. Which then makes it Impossible for
you to experience you because you are Subject to what you’ve already experienced, you
Subject to Memory. Now the Memory comes first before a new experience come, so now a
new experience is Impossible.
Now you start to Ferment inside.

Maya: to?

Bernard : Ferment, that means you become more Acidic

Maya: A..?

Bernard : Acidic- there’s more Acid

Maya: Hmmm, Acidic.

Bernard: OK, It’s like you are now becoming like Wine, Like Alcohol, and therefore your
body produce more more Sugar in and you’re taking more and more sugar and the Can-
dida gets more because you are becoming Intoxicated with your Memories of Unfairness
and within that you become more and more ‘Full of Wine’. Now obviously one of the
things that, which is quite fascinating if you go to the Principle of ‘Like Cures Like’. That’s
why you can go to the church and you drink the Blood of Jesus as Wine and it actu-
ally helps because ‘Like Cures Likes so it kind of Reduce the Acidic condition within the
Body, and for- till the next Mass, you have a little bit of Relief , Physically, from a simple
thing like a Glass of Wine. But it’s actually a simple Principle of How the Physical can As-
sist it if you study Homoeopathy.

So, from a, the Church obviously cannot remember these things because they never actu-
ally studied what was happening, it was simply a point that was taken and it worked and
therefore seemingly have a miracle effects sometimes. And it does. But it’s simply ‘Like
cures Like’.
Now, for Maya to Stop the Experience of Candida you’ve to Let Go Completely of the
Memories and Allow Yourself, to Realize One Thing:
If you had an Experience where you ‘Feel’ you have been Abused, the only way that you’re
going to get out of it, is with a Complete Forgiveness and to Face the Experience again in
a similar way. Where you end up going through an experience, where you fear you may be
Abused, and where you have to Stand and Live without Abuse, completely Live. Because
I mean, Trust can only Exists if you Trust. Abuse can only Exist if you Allowed it. Or you
Abuse. The problem is - Once you’ve Allowed Abuse, you’ll become Abuser. That is in
Always the case. The Way you Abuse, then depends on many many factors. I mean, one
of the factors can be simplistically, like in your case; Where you have a relationship where
you Allow your parents a certain level of Control over you, therefore you Allow them to
Fear about you, Worry about you, so in a way you are Hastening their Death

Maya: I am what??

Bernard: You are making their Death Faster.

Maya: Their Death?

Bernard: Yes, Because you Worry about it, that You are Causing that worry within them
because you’re Presenting yourself as not Capable of really taking care of you and therefore
they Worry about you and you Play along. You’re not taking the Responsibility and there-
fore you’re now Participating which means- that becomes part of Your ‘Karma’, Your Con-
sequence you will have to deal with, which means- if you have Children, your Children is
gonna do the same to You.
And there you have Created your Future of your Children with the way you are dealing
with your Parents, instead of Standing in Self Responsibility and Showing through your
Actions Clearly that you are a Responsible and Accountable Person. Make Sense?

Maya: Yeah.

Bernard: Unfortunately it makes sense.

Maya: it’s really Makes Sense because I told you that the Candida started to Deplete once
I really took the Responsibility and talk to them

Bernard: So I mean, Candida is a very Cool thing to Assist One to Indicate your Inner
Reality. What you are dealing with? so as you more and more take care of something but
it will come back again because it’s Layered and all the Layers of your Conditioning, will
cause you to Face it Again and Again until you’ve got a Total Memory Structure which
is Multi-Dimensionally, Multi-Gridded, it exists like a Multiple Picture within you until
it’s all Out. If you take to much medicine for it to Suppress it, it will come out as a New

Maya : I don’t take medicine.

Bernard : OK, you can Support it in Solving it giving it a Bridge of Support but if medi-
cine remove it by itself, and you don’t, the Disease will take on a New Form and it’ll come
out as something else.
The research was done very clearly by researchers in Germany. There has been a lot of
research on this that has very Clearly Indicated how if you Suppress one Disease, it takes
on another form and they can even Predict Exactly what disease will come next. Which
is Fascinating that that part is Not being Considered in dealing with disease in the World
- Although the research Does Exists. I mean, it is part of a research and part of train-
ing of Homoeopaths. So Homoeopaths deal with this in their Training. Therefore your
Homoeopath has got a better background training than most of your Health Workers in
the World. So if you have a choice to go to get Assistance in the World, the research and
the information available to the Homoeopaths are by Far Superior to any other form of
Health care worker in the World. Suggest that you should go to a Homoeopath and Only
deal with that.

Maya: I wanted to go to one but it was very very very expensive in Israel.

Bernard : It is very expansive because there is not many firstly, and secondly: they become
very Sought after. My father in law was a Homoeopath.

Maya: the psychic?

Bernard: He was that as well but he was Homoeopath, a Naturopath as well, but he be-
came very Well Known worldwide, people would come from around the world see him so
he was very fully booked and therefore it becomes more expensive. And it takes an Ex-
tensive Amount of study, just like a doctor, to become a Homoeopath. Same Amount of

But their research is stable. That means - you do not have to develop a new medicine nec-
essarily, for anything. You develop only a new medicine if there is a new condition. Other-
wise your Support medicine is the same. It’s not like the Medical Industry that is constant-
ly in search and because - When Like Cures Like: the condition that is Pre-Existent that
is getting Support will not attack the medicine because it is itself and therefore it Allows
the Support to go through and you have a Cure and Actual Support. The moment you use
a Chemical from a doctor it’s Attacks the Body, it’s Biological Attack, it like a Biological
Warfare, it Attacks the Body, and that is why it’s called ‘Antibiotics’ and therefore it’ll have
Multiple Effects on the Body and will cause the next disease because it Simply, it’s like the
disease existent will Diminish and it will redirect itself to another point and in time it will
come out.

61: The Resonant Seed
14 December 2009
Interviews with Bernard Poolman

Let’s look at the Basic-Layout of the ‘Grids’. The ‘Grids’ you’ll ‘See’ ‘Everywhere’, it’s Al-
ways Based in a ‘Cross’. You have the ‘Four Directions’. You have it Within You– ‘above’,
‘below’, ‘in’ and ‘out’. You have it in the ‘Four Seasons’– it forms a ‘Grid’; In your ‘Astro-
logical Charts’: In and part of ‘Time’. Watch ‘Mathematical Alignments’ – ‘Everything’ is
on a ‘Grid’.

You can ‘Plot’ ‘Everything that happens’, ‘How it happens’: on a ‘Gridline’, where the
horizontal-Line is ‘Time’ and the vertical-Line is ‘Events’ – according to-That you can
‘plot’ or ‘program’ ‘Reality’. So if You ‘control’ ‘Time’ and you Place the ‘Events’ on the
‘Time-Line’, you ‘Roll-it up’ into a ‘Bundle’ – what do you Have? A ‘Seed’ – isn’t it?

What is a ‘Seed’ but ‘Compressed-Time’, that’s ‘Pre-Programmed’ that will ‘Unfold’ and
so it-‘Grows’. Now imagine this: have a Look at ‘Nature’. ‘Nature’ consist out of what?
Lots of ‘Seeds’, isn’t it, that ‘Repeats’-itself. So the ‘Seed’ becomes the ‘Fruit’ which is the
‘Seed’ = which is a ‘Closed-Circle’. And Each ‘Seed’ Represents ‘Time’ with ‘Events Pre-
Programmed’, that’s Rolled Into a ‘Capsule’ = a ‘Time-Capsule’. We call it ‘Life’ – but is
it ‘Life’? If you Really Look at it: It Seems very much like ‘Something that’s Repeatable’,
Always the ‘Same’, can be ‘Trusted’ because it’s so, which means it’s ‘Program’ – it’s not
‘Life’. So, In the ‘Seed’ that is ‘Presenting’-itself – there is a ‘Substance’, a ‘Life-Force’.

Now the Question is: Is the ‘Life-Force’ ‘Trapped’ as this ‘Events-in-Time Process’? Is the
‘Events In Time’ Itself the ‘Life-Force’? Because have a Look at your ‘Life as a Human’.
You Are the ‘Result’ of what?
Darryl: Time.
Esteni: Programming.
Bernard: A ‘Seed’ and a ‘Egg’. ‘Plants’ and ‘Animals’ Combined. ‘Cause your ‘Semen’ is
more like a ‘Plant’ / ‘Seed’; And then you’ve got your ‘Egg’. And you are on a ‘Planet’ – or
is it a ‘Plant Net’? A ‘Planned Net’ – a ‘Gridline’.

Now what did the Interviews say from the ‘Reptilians’? It says what? ‘Time’ was ‘Rolled-
up’ and ‘The Beginning’ was Placed at ‘The End’. Do you ‘See’ that in a ‘Seed’? Have a
Look, a ‘Seed’ is = ‘The Beginning’ is Placed at ‘The End’. So – when a Child is ‘con-
ceived’, you have already ‘conceived’ the ‘End’ of the Child – because In the ‘Conception’
of the Child is ‘Contained’: the ‘Program’ of the Child which is in the DNA, the ‘Chro-
mosomes’ and so on that comes from the ‘Parents’. And you have ‘condemned’ your Child
according to the ‘Genes’ you’ve ‘given’ your Child, isn’t it? You are the ‘Creator’ of the
‘Condemnation’ this Child will Become. Is there Forgiveness for such things? To ‘Do’-this,
and to Call this ‘Condemning of a Being to certain Damnation’, to Call-that ‘Love’.

So – Here we Have The ‘Seed’ – And we have ‘De-Seed’. What is ‘Deceit’?

Gian: Deception.
Bernard: ‘Deception’, what is ‘Deception’ – is the ‘Denial’ of ‘What is Really Here’ = to
‘Not-See it’; to ‘De-See-it’ (De-Ce-it). And ‘It’ obviously: ‘IT’ as = ‘Intelligence’ – it’s the
same as ‘AI’, isn’t it = ‘Artificial-Intelligence’ – because: What Is a ‘Seed’ ‘in-Fact’? It is
‘Artificial-Intelligence’ – because the ‘Intelligence’ is Not-‘Real’ because: the ‘Process’ that
will ‘Unfold in Time’ is ‘Pre-Determined’ – and thus ‘Programmed’. It’s Not ‘Life’ that
‘Unfolds’. 401

The Same ‘happens’ with ‘The Human’ – No difference = ‘Pre-Determined’, to Such a

Degree that a Total-‘Civilisation’ can be Built around the ‘Pre-Determination’ of the ‘Un-
folding Human’ According to the ‘Process’ of your ‘Growing-Up’. So what ‘happens’ is
Inside-You is: the ‘Seed’ Grows. Now – an ‘interesting thing’ happens. What is the First
Thing you are ‘Taught’, when you are ‘Arriving’ on this ‘Planet’?
Gian: ‘Mamma’
Bernard: The ‘Alphabet’ and the ‘Numbers’. What ‘happens’ to the ‘Alphabet’ and the
‘Numbers’? They Are ‘That’ which you are being ‘Taught’ as ‘Pre-Determined’, isn’t it –
and Someone that Already-‘Know’ These Things will ‘Teach’-it to the Child – so it’s ‘Pre-
Determined’, it’s In a ‘Time-Line’; There Is a ‘Time-Line’ and an ‘Events-Horizon’, an
‘Events-Occurrence’ in-which You are going to get to a ‘Point’ where you are going to be
‘Able to Use these Symbols’ that you are going to be ‘Taught’; because the ‘Alphabet’ and
the ‘Numbers’ are ‘Symbols’.
They are the two ‘Primary-Symbols’ on-which ‘All’ your ‘Communication’ and your ‘Rela-
tionship’ within this ‘Reality’, within this ‘Gridline’ is Based-on. And it is ‘How You In-
teract’ with this ‘Gridline-Reality’, which has got ‘Up’ and ‘Down’, ‘Right’-‘Left’, ‘In’ and
‘Out’. ‘Three-Dimensional’ – Apparently. But it is an ‘Informational’ ‘Three-Dimensional
Reality’, Not a ‘Real’ one – because it is ‘Symbolically’ Based on ‘How Everything Inter-
acts’. So, ‘What you See’ and ‘What is Existing here’ as ‘Nature’ = is ‘Running’ on the
Same-‘Symbols’ that You are ‘Running’-on. But now as a Child you are ‘Taught’ the ‘Al-
phabet’ and the ‘Numbers’ – and then These Things ‘Grow’! The ‘Alphabet’ ‘Grows’ Into
‘Words’. ‘Words’ ‘Grow’ Into ‘Sentences’. ‘Sentences’ Grows’ Into ‘Ideas’. And what hap-
pens to ‘Numbers’? ‘Numbers’ ‘Grow’ Into:
Jorn: More Numbers.
Bernard: ‘Mathematics’.
And ‘Mathematics’ will be Consisting out of ‘Equations’, ‘Proofs’.
What does it ‘Prove’, what does ‘Mathematics’ ‘Prove’?
What does it ‘Prove’, what does ‘Mathematics’ ‘Prove’? All the ‘Relationships’ within the
‘Gridline’ that’s ‘Already Here’ – isn’t it; What does your ‘Science’ do, what is ‘Science’?
‘Science’ is a Combination of ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Language’, ‘Symbols’, ‘Words’, and the
Study…the ‘Observation’ of the ‘Relationship within the Gridline’. To what extent can
one Actually ‘Manipulate’ the ‘Gridline’? The Only place where you can ‘manipulate the
Gridline’ in its Manifested-Form, is in The Way Everyone ‘Interact’ – which means, it is
In the ‘Systems’.

What is Not-‘Predetermined’ Within this ‘Reality’? The ‘Education-System’ is Not-

‘Predetermined’, the ‘Government-System’ is Not-‘Predetermined’, the ‘Money-System’
is Not-‘Predetermined’, the ‘Cultural-System’ is Not-‘Predetermined’; ‘The Way we Co-
Exist’ is Not-‘Predetermined’ – but ‘What We Consist-Of ’ = is ‘Pre-determined’.

So if we take ‘What we Consist-Of ’ and we start to have a Look at it, we also ‘Notice’
that: Even our ‘Language’ is Not-‘Predetermined’, but We’ve Made-it ‘Predetermined’.
The ‘Meanings’ of our ‘Words’ are Not Really ‘Predetermined’ – we’ve Made-them so. Our
‘Physical-Reality’ of our ‘Physical Flesh’…the Fact that we are ‘Teachable’, that means that
we can Take ‘Symbols’ and ‘Do Something With-It’, and Create ‘Civilizations’ and ‘Inter-
active Co-Existence’; But if we take it Back to ‘The Physical’-Itself – What do we ‘know’
about ‘The Physical’: There is Certain Things that’s ‘Pre-determined: You have to Eat, you
have to Breathe, you have to Shit, you have to Piss. Do you ‘have to’ ‘Have Sex’? Is ‘That’
‘Pre-determined’? It Is. You will Not ‘Stop’-That.

If the Basic-‘Functionality’ of the ‘Human’ is Understood… (let’s take-out all the Parts of
what is now ‘termed’ ‘Consciousness’, we’ll get to that just Now) But the Basic-‘Physical’,
That which is ‘Physical’, and That which ‘Interacts’ With the ‘Physical-Reality’ But the
Basic-‘Physical’, That which is ‘Physical’, and That which ‘Interacts’ With the ‘Physical-
Reality’ –The ‘Plant-Life’, the ‘Animal-Life’, the ‘Earth’ Itself – ‘All’ of which Consist out
of ‘Seeds’ that is ‘Physically Measurable’: You can ‘Trust’-it. It’s ‘Repeatable’, for ‘Practical-
Purposes’ in Relationship to the ‘Human’. All of these – ‘Nature’, ‘Plant’, ‘Animal’, the
‘Physical Flesh’ – is ‘God’, because you can ‘Trust’-it, it Behaves in a ‘Predictable Manner’.
It’s ‘Pre-determined’. It Fits the ‘Definition of God’ –Completely – in its ‘Predetermina-
tion’; in its ‘Image and Likeness of ‘God’’; In the Fact that Every-‘Hair’ on the Head is
‘Counted’ – Everything of-it is Already ‘Written in the ‘Seed’’. There is ‘Nothing New’.
Where is the ‘Problem’ for Humanity is when we get to the ‘Symbolism’, where we come
to ‘What we have Created’ as a ‘Methodology of Judgement’, of ‘Discernment’ – which
is ‘Language’, which is ‘Numbers’, which is ‘Words’, which is ‘Letters’ – These Things
also ‘Grows’, but ‘These Things’ is where we can ‘Deceive each-other’ and where We Do
‘Deceive each-other’, because This is where we’re ‘Teaching’ Things about ‘What Things
Mean’, Without ‘Considering’ the Reality of ‘What is Really Going-On’.
What we ‘Forget’ is that: ‘What is ‘happening’ in the ‘Physical-Reality’ ‘around us’ is the
‘Outer Part of the Gridline’, also ‘happens’ in the ‘Inner Part’. If we ‘Sow the ‘Seeds’ of
Symbols’ Within-Us = It’s going to ‘Grow’. And if you Don’t Understand the ‘Fruit’ that
the ‘Symbol’ will bear, or you ‘Deny’ that such-‘Fruit’ Exist = you have a Problem.

Now what happens is, that Man has ‘developed’ Into an ‘Individual’… Not ‘Really’ –
Into a In-Divid-U-Hell, because ‘Inside’ Man there is a ‘Hell’ Going-on. Man is busy ‘Ly-
ing’ and ‘Deceiving’ ‘All the time’, because ‘All the time’ there is ‘Movement of Thoughts’
which is ‘Judgemental in Nature’. It’s ‘called’ ‘Opinion’, and “I have the Right to my
Opinion” –but that is Not True. It is in-Fact ‘Judgement’, where you are ‘Comparing
Yourself with Others’, as either ‘better’ or ‘worse’. You are ‘Always’ in a ‘State of Compari-
son’. And According to your ‘State of Comparison’ you’ll ‘Motivate Yourself ’ to become 403
‘better’ in ‘Comparison’ with Others.
So you are ‘Always-Competing’, you’re ‘Always at-War’ in-Fact with ‘Everyone around
you’. You’re Always-Attempting to ‘Be ‘More’’, ‘In Your Own Eyes’, because you Never-
‘Share’ ‘Everything that’s going-on Inside-You’.

Now if you Look at the ‘Whole-Point’ that ‘Everything’ in ‘Nature’ is ‘Pre-determined’

and is in a ‘Time-line’-Based ‘Seed-Construct’ that ‘Unfolds’ – and you Look at ‘Human-
Behaviour’ within the Context of ‘Words’, ‘Concepts’, ‘Ideas’, ‘The Way Humans live and
use these ‘Words’ and the ‘Fruit’ it bears’, and you Look-‘Back in Time’ you’ll ‘Notice’ an
is that Exactly the ‘Same-Thing’ is happening ‘Inside’ Humans, there is ‘Whole-Nature’
that is ‘Grown’, and this ‘Nature’ is also ‘Pre-determined’ – You can ‘Predict’ the Actual
Actions of a ‘Human’, Based on their-‘Words’ and their-‘Actions’. You can ‘Determine Ex-
actly’ even ‘what they’ll Die of ’, ‘Die from’, Based On ‘That’. You can ‘Determine’ ‘How
they’ll be in bed’, for Real.
You can ‘Determine’ ‘Who they’ll be in Relationship’. ‘Everything’ is ‘Determinable’ be-
cause it’s Already ‘Pre-Programmed’. Who’s Done the ‘Pre-Programming’? The Parents.
The ‘Parents’ is the ones that’s ‘Done’ the ‘Pre-Programming’.

The Fact that ‘we Are in this ‘Position’ Now’, in-Fact should make-it ‘Easier’ for us to
‘Deal with the Situation’, because we can ‘Discard Any-Form of ‘Deity’ or ‘God’’, because
‘What is Existent’ in This-‘Reality’ is Simply a ‘Pre-determined ‘Seed’’ that ‘Unfolds’ and
bear ‘Fruit’.
We Are in-Fact the ‘Tree of Life’ in a Form of ‘Symbolism’. Within ‘All of That’ there is
No ‘Life-Force’ observable. Because a ‘Life-Force’ would be Not-‘Controlled’ by ‘Time’ or
A ‘Life-Force’ will be ‘Expressing’-Itself in Every-Moment to the ‘Fullest’ of its-‘Nature’
which is ‘Life’. It will Not-‘Follow’ a ‘Pre-planned’ ‘Unfoldment-Existence’. So – ‘by defi-
nition’ ‘Life’ does Not exist.
The ‘Question’ that Each must ‘Ask’-Themselves is: at the very least – if we continue with
the ‘Current-Existence’ in the Way that it is ‘Unfolding’ within the ‘Secret-Mind’ where
‘Everything is happening in-Secret’ in Each Person ‘individually’ = it is ‘Predictable’ that
‘Inevitably’ we Will ‘Cause each-other Harm’.

If we Decide that we’re going to ‘Change’-This, we obviously have a ‘Problem’: We have

‘no-idea’ what ‘Life’-is; we Have, though, the idea What it Means to ‘Program Realities’
into ‘Consistency’ and ‘Trustworthiness’ – I mean we can see-it ‘all around us’ where a
‘Program Runs Effectively’ = it can be ‘Trusted’. So therefore – if we would ‘Program-
Ourselves’ into ‘Trustworthiness’ = we’ll be able to ‘Trust each-other’; then we can start to
Consider ‘if Life Exist’ and ‘if Life ever ‘Should’ Exist’. At the moment, I would ‘Suggest’
that ‘Life’ should not be a ‘Consideration’ as-such because it’s ‘Indeterminable’ ‘What it
will-Be’, because one Cannot-‘yet’ Even ‘Exist within a ‘Programmed-Reality’ with ‘Con-

First Step thus is to ‘Exist in a ‘Programmed Reality’ with ‘Consistency’’ – which is…to
do with the ‘Structural-Resonance Alignment’; First the ‘Alignment’ to Understand ‘How
you’ve Become ‘What You Are’’, and then the ‘Alignment’ with ‘Programming-Yourself ’ to
a ‘State of Stability’ where you can Be ‘Trusted’; Where you are ‘Equal’ in ‘Ability’; Where
your ‘Life-Needs’, the ‘Basics’ that is ‘Required’ by ‘You in the Physical’, is ‘met’ – so that
you do-not ‘have-to’ go-into a Condition called ‘Fear’. ‘Fear’ Only-‘Exist’ either due to
‘Lack’ – which is ‘Real’ – or due to ‘Deception’ and ‘Lies’ – which is Not-Real, which
‘happens’ in the ‘Secret-Mind’. The Moment you ‘know’ you’re ‘Lying’, you start to ‘Fear’
that you’ll be ‘Caught-out’ – and then you ‘live in permanent ‘Fear’ of That happening’
because you ‘see’ it-Happens around-You.

Now, the ‘Condition’ called ‘God’ was introduced to ‘attempt’ to ‘Control’ the…‘the
Madness of Man’. What is ‘the Madness of Man’? Is ‘Thinking’ – is a ‘State’ in-which you
‘Exist’ in ‘Separation’ from Everything-Else – in ‘Seclusion’ – and where you ‘Believe’ that
‘What you are looking-at, thinking-about, considering – is ‘Real’’; but it Isn’t, because
it is ‘Not-Real’ within the Context of a ‘Programmed-Reality’: it is ‘Out of Context’, it
does-Not ‘follow’ the Exact-‘Timelines’ and ‘Progression’ ‘Mathematically’ that is Existent-
Already in this ‘Reality’. Therefore, you ‘Wish’ for a ‘Reality’ in the ‘Here-After’ or in the
‘Universe’ or in some ‘Other-Planet’ that ‘apparently’ will be ‘Better’; Now, ‘in-time’ we
will ‘Prove’ to-You that ‘That is Impossible’. But as we ‘progress’, let’s Start with the ‘Point’
where we are ‘Now’.

What ‘happens’ is that: Every Part of the ‘Alphabet’ that you ‘Learn’, that ‘progress’ into a
‘Word’, that ‘progress’ within a ‘Meaning’ which ‘progress’-into a ‘Self-Reflection’ – that
means: How You ‘Compare-Yourself ’ with ‘What the Word Represents’; And therefore
According to your-‘Ability’ with that ‘Word’ in terms-of ‘How you are ‘comfortable’ with
the Word’ in terms-of its-‘Living’ or your ‘Understanding’ of-it = you’ll be ‘Living the
Word’; Many of the Words you’re Not ‘Living’, because Simply you ‘Don’t Understand-it’.
What you Don’t-‘Understand’ ‘In-Fact’ is that: Whenever you are ‘Placing ‘Knowledge’
Into-Yourself ’ – ‘Words’ Into-Yourself and you are ‘Programming’-it into the ‘Physical-
Flesh’ so that you can ‘Live’-it: there is a ‘Resistance’ and there is an ‘Experience’ of ‘Tired-
ness’ that ‘goes with-it’ because: ‘The Physical’ requires ‘Energy’ to ‘Integrate’-it – that
means you ‘Consume’ ‘More-Energy’ when you are ‘Learning’, and it have to go through
‘Change’ because, at a ‘Cellular-Level’ – ‘That’ which ‘Interacts’ in this Reality at your
‘Cellular-Level’, your ‘Inner’: must ‘Align’-Itself with the ‘Outer’, which requires-You to
‘Re-Align Yourself in the Gridlines’ According to your ‘Level of Education’ that has In-
creased. Obviously as ‘Specialization’ has become ‘greater and greater’ in this World that is
‘Required’ more and more ‘Control’ of particular-‘Points’ within the ‘Gridlines’. 405
Now Understand: you have your ‘World-Gridlines’ that is Existent as ‘Nature’ and ‘the
Human’; but your ‘System-Gridline’ that is Existing-Currently in the World is Primarily
‘Managed’ and ‘Controlled’ by ‘Money’. And there are Many ‘Gridlines’ which each-one
‘Covers’ a ‘Country’, and Each of these Countries has ‘Rules’ for their ‘Gridlines’, and
then These-‘Gridlines’ ‘Interact’, and they are ‘Deliberately-Placed’ to ‘be in a Position’
that… ‘Those’ (when it was ‘planned’) that are in a ‘Lesser-Position’ – for instance ‘United
Kingdom’: are in the ‘Most Powerful-Position’ over… ‘United Kingdom’ has virtually
‘No-Resources’ – while, Other-Countries got ‘Lots of Resources’ – so in-‘Relationship’
to Countries with ‘Lots of Resources’, ‘Natural-Resources of the Earth’: Those-Coun-
tries with ‘Less’ or those that is in a ‘Dominant-Position’ will have a ‘Stronger’ ‘Money-
Value’/’Currency’ – Which ‘automatically’ ‘Reduce’ the amount of ‘value’ they have-to
‘give’ for the ‘Resource’, and it ‘automatically’ ‘Enrich’ the Country.

For example, between ‘South Africa’ and the ‘U.K.’ – the ‘U.K.-Currency’ is Ten-Times
‘Stronger’ than the ‘South-African Currency’. South Africa is obviously a ‘Major-Producer
of Resource’ which Goes to the U.K. – even Food; But that makes it ‘Possible’ for the
U.K. to be a ‘Richer-Nation’, while the South-African Nation is a ‘Poorer’-one, Simplisti-
cally because of the Differences in the ‘Currency-Rates’. It could’ve been ‘different’ – if it
wasn’t that ‘Those’ that was in South-Africa were ‘also’ coming-from the Same-Country
that is being-‘Enriched’ and they ‘Take All the ‘Profits’ with-them’, instead-of ‘Plowing-
it back’ into the Country and ‘Supporting the People’. And They are the Ones that then
‘End-up’ in ‘Control’ of your ‘Technology’ and your ‘Information-Flow’ and then ‘That’
will ‘scream’ and make-sure they can Get People to ‘Believe’ that a ‘Socialist-System’ is
‘Not-Acceptable’ because = It Will ‘Hurt their-Pocket’, ‘Obviously’.

Anyone ‘Against’ a ‘System’ that ‘Supports All Beings on Earth Equally’ –

the Current-‘Understood’ ‘Living-Being’ Equally – Anyone that’s ‘Against-it’, is Only
‘Against-it’ for ‘One-Reason’ = ‘Greed’. Either they’re Already in a Position of ‘Greed’,
where They Are ‘Rich’ – or they ‘Intend’ to ‘Get-Rich’ – Only ‘Greed’.
Gonna-be ‘Necessary’ for us to ‘Call-Out’ the ‘Greedy-Fuckers’ in Existence and ‘Bring
their-Existence to an End’, Because They Have-‘Caused’ ‘Untold-Suffering’… and They
Have ‘Deliberately Manipulated’ the ‘Seeds of their Labour’, which is Most of Humanity,
to End-up in a Position within their Lives where they ‘Perceive’-Themselves to be ‘less’ and
they End-up ‘Accepting their Lives in a ‘lesser’-Position’ and See-it as ‘natural’ for the Oth-
ers to be ‘more’.

There is No Royal Ass in this Existence which doesn’t Shit, just like Any Other Ass.
Many years ago - it was in the eighties- I had an discussion with one of the ‘Princes of the
Royal House of Great Britain’ - it’s Royal Houses that lived many hundreds of years ago -
through another Medium and, that was the point, he called himself ‘The Black Sheep of
the Family’ because he wouldn’t fall into the Predetermined ‘Lines’ of the Royal Family
and he mentioned an interesting thing, he says, he said to me - and I was at that stage ‘just
into this’ that was 20 years ago - said to me:

‘Remember: Everyone Shit the Same Way’

One wouldn’t think that would be ‘very important’, but if you really look at-it, it is Really
Very Important – that shows that Everyone is the Same Seed, Everyone Consist-out of Ex-
actly the ‘Same Composition’ - What was the ‘Part’ that Fucked with us? It’s what’s going
on as ‘Consciousness’ In the Mind - that’s an ‘Machine’ that Can be Manipulated – but
the ‘Basic Genes’ of this Reality -
even Monsanto is having Great Trouble, they don’t want everybody to know, they try and
cover-it up all the time as they Manipulate Seeds what happens?

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t - Major ‘Crop Failures’ take place, where whole
crops are lost, where they lose a lot of money – They try and Control the ‘Outcome’ and
certainly it is Possible to Change some of the ‘Basic Programming’ - but there is not really
much that can be changed.

One can ‘Enhance’-it - there’s no problem with ‘Enhancing’ the ‘Basic Seed’ because the
Seed is just a ‘Plan’ – but if you don’t Understand the ‘Whole Plan’ and you’ve ‘messed
around’ with the ‘Plan’ = You Do Not anymore have Certainty of the ‘Outcome’
So - within the context of this one must Consider that:
What we are Experiencing in this Reality is ‘Directly Related’ to ‘the Seeds of our Educa-
tion’ And, therefore if Our Education is ‘The Origin of Our Problem’, we have-to look at
‘How’ are we going to ‘Change’ our Education -And, that Our Education is Determined
by the ‘fuel’ of our Reality - which is ‘Money’ - we have to look-at the Point of ‘Money’.

Now, Obviously if one study ‘Money’, you’ll see that ‘Money’ in its Very ‘Essence’ Is Not
Real -Therefore we can really Give Money ‘Any Value’, All we have to do is Agree that
‘This is the Value of Money and this is How we Use-it as an Exchange’
- and then, we can ‘Coexist’ and we can Give some Attention to Our Education which is
Our Problem –

Within that, we’ll be Able to Change our ‘Social Structure’ – once we’ve got ‘that’ Under-
stood, we’ll be Able to Do some Real Research about ‘What is going on in our Reality’,
why is everything ‘Trapped in Time’ in a ‘Pre-Programmed’ Way to such an extent that
Everything is ‘Predictably Contained’ as a ‘Seed’.

‘Who’ and ‘What’ is behind this ‘Deceit’? Because this Certainly does Not look-like ‘Free 407
Will’, does it?

There Can be No ‘Free Will’ if you can Already ‘Predict’ the ‘Outcome’ of the Seed – and
whether it’s a Human, an Animal or a Plant, you can already ‘Predict’ the ‘Outcome’ of
the ‘Form’ that comes-from: the ‘Physical Seed’.

The only thing You Can’t ‘Predict’ is that which Exist as ‘The Machine’, as ‘Thinking’, as
‘Consciousness’ as the ‘Resonance’.

Now, what is Fascinating is the following: during your Life as you ‘Develop’ your Seeds
- which is your ‘Symbols’, which is your ‘Alphabet’ –which is the ‘Words’ –which is ‘that’-
which you call ‘Knowledge’, which you ‘Become’. That ‘Becoming’ Happens ‘Within you’
as a ‘Resonance’ - it ‘Forms’ within the Plasticity of the Cells a ‘Geometric-Mathematical
Symbol’ that is ‘Directly Related’ to Your ‘Place’ within the ‘Gridline’ within this Exist-

According to that, You Will Learn to ‘Align Yourself ’ to the ‘Gridlines’ to become ‘More
Effective’- that ‘Alignment’ you will Experience as a ‘form’ of: ‘Peace’, ‘Winning’, ‘Excite-
ment’, ‘You got the point’, ‘I know this’ –you call it: ‘I know this’, ‘this knowing is certain’
– That is Not Really ‘Knowing’, it’s Purely your ‘Resonant Alignment’ of your ‘Geometri-
cal Design’ Within the ‘Gridline’ to a Position where you’d have a ‘Predictable Outcome’
within the ‘System’.

Within that, you will have ‘Feelings of Knowing’, you’ll have-it ‘Arise within you’ as you
‘Observe’ things around you, and then you’ll ‘Align’ your Thoughts and then Eventually
you’ll Speak your Words ‘accordingly’ to ‘Get’ and ‘Place’ Yourself in a ‘Particular Position’
in this Reality and you call that: ‘Thoughts’, ‘You’ and you call-it ‘Thinking’ and you give
most Value to that ‘Knowing’, ‘Thinking’ within Yourself - but None of that Is ‘You’

–all of-it is the Result of a ‘Pre-programmed Resonance’ which you are busy ‘Aligning’-
with, so that you can Remain within the ‘Gridline’ which is, you are being ‘Forced’ to do
that by your ‘Physical Body’ that already knows what?

You Need Food – You Need Shelter – You Need to Shit – and You Need Sex.

So therefore, it will ‘push’-you According-to the Value that is already Predetermined’

within-you of that within your ‘Accepted Placement’ within the ‘Grids’= You will ‘Align’
Yourself Accordingly.

So if you’re in a Reality where there are more ‘Wealthy People’, your ‘Alignment’ will be

–if you are in a Reality or in a ‘Environment’ where the people are ‘Poorer’, your ‘Align-
ment’ will be According = you’ll ‘Adjust’ to your ‘Environment’ through that ‘Struc-
tural Alignment Adjustment’ which You’ll ‘Perceive’ as ‘Thought’ and ‘Knowing’ - but
that which comes-up from ‘within you’ from that: Did Not ‘Exist at Birth’, it was ‘Pro-

Because at Birth, if you were Born and then ended-up with a wolf, you would have
‘Aligned’ and developed ‘Physical Symbolism’ that ‘Aligns’ you to Coexist with the wolfs -
we have examples of that already in the World where this has happened –

Your ‘Alignment’ in terms-of your ‘Structural-Symbolic Design’ to fit within the ‘Plan’
that is this ‘Planet’ is Dependent on your ‘Environment’ –and that will through a ‘Cause-
Effect’ Process ‘Enforce’-you to ‘Align’ to-it and that has progressively ‘accelerated’ due to
‘Experiences’ of ‘those that went before you’ that you’ve been ‘Taught’ - that ‘Experiences’
was called ‘Evolution’

You are Not ‘Evolving’

You are Simply ‘Compounding’ ‘Resonant Experiences’ into ‘Compressed Symbols’ and
Each ‘Symbol’ started to carry ‘More Knowledge’ – that means it could ‘Resonate’ in more
‘Dimensions’ of ‘Possibility’
– And as you’ve ‘Progressed’, you have Become more and more ‘Multidimensional’ be-
cause of-That. That means: Your-‘Experience’ has become Something within-which you
can take the ‘Resonant-Symbolism’ that is ‘You’ that is ‘Interacting’ with Your ‘Environ-
ment’ and you’re Able to ‘Assess’-it more ‘dedicatedly’ and ‘Place’-yourself more ‘Specifi-
cally’ according-to ‘What You Know’ = the ‘Feeling’ that comes-up ‘Inside’.
That ‘Feeling’ though is Not-‘Real’ or ‘You’, it’s Simply a ‘Program’.
If One would ‘Understand’ All of this ‘How it Works’ – And One can ‘Actually’ Openly
Discuss-it, what’s going-on ‘Inside’ Each-One = We can ‘Sort-out’ this ‘Reality’ Very
Quickly – and Get-On with the ‘Real-Problem’ we Have.
The ‘Real-Problem’ we Have –and we have now Confirmed-that– is that ‘Once You Die’ =
You ‘Die’. What Remains = Your ‘Resonant-Symbols’. And the ‘Only-Moment’ where You
‘Know Everything’ is at the ‘Moment of Death’ and after that You ‘Diminish’ – and the
‘Symbols’ that are ‘In-You’, that You have ‘Accepted As-You’, Start ‘Growing’ in Nature,
just like the one here on Earth - And You Become the ‘Same-Natured Being’ that You
were – until you ‘Reincarnate’. And it was ‘All for Nothing’ = ‘Just a Machine’. ‘As Above,
So Below’, ‘As In, As Out’.
So if you have to Look-at ‘You’ ‘Dimensionally’, than means – Understand: ‘Dimensional-
View’ is the ‘View’ of the ‘Resonance’: that Is where You Can ‘See’ the ‘Actual-Energy’ -
You Can’t currently ‘See’-it because of You having-‘Accepted’ your-‘Design’ As ‘What it-Is’, 409
As a ‘System’, As ‘Mind’. So therefore You Cannot ‘Perceive’-it.
Now, ‘Resonances’ You Can’t ‘See’-it, it Does Not-‘Exist’ As ‘Form’- It ‘Exist ‘as a ‘Con-
tinuous-Movement’. It is like, if you would take Water and you would shake-it, it’ll cause
like-a ‘Form’ of a ‘Ripple’ but you Can’t really ‘See’-it. It’s like when Sound travels-through
Water: you can ‘See’-it on the ‘Outer-Perimeter’ but you Can’t ‘See’-it ‘Travelling the
Water’ - You’ll ‘Feel’ the ‘Force’ of-It though, but you Can’t ‘See’-it – You have to ‘Stand’
‘Outside’-it to ‘See’-it. So when a ‘Tsunami’ takes-place – you Don’t ‘See’ the ‘Movement’,
unless there is Something that is being ‘Moved’-BY the ‘Tsunami’: You can see the ‘out-
side’, the top-wave as it-rises – but the ‘Actual-Movement’...
So it’s like ‘In the ‘Movement’-of the ‘Vibration’-of the Wave’ – it’s Not the Wave-‘Itself ’,
meaning the ‘Way’ it ‘Moves’ – It Is the Very-‘Movement’ of the Wave = That’s the ‘Reso-
nance’. It’s Not ‘What You See’, It Is ‘That which Moves’ - Now You are ‘Existing’ As
You call-it ‘Spirit’. It’s Not ‘Spirit’- I mean, It’s more like a ‘Holy-Fucking-Ghost’. I mean,
it is ‘Alive’ yet it’s ‘Not Alive’, because it’s ‘Pre-Programmed’. And What has been
‘Allowed’ over ‘Eons of Time’ is for ‘All of this’ to Become ‘Pre-Programmed’ – it was Not
‘Expected’. But ‘Everything’ has Become ‘Pre-Programmed’, Even in the ‘Afterlife’.
So – To ‘Change’-This... It’s gonna Take some ‘Great-Effort’. First ‘Point’ Is: We are going
to Spend some ‘Time’ on ‘Calling’ on Those that has ‘Dared’ to Study the Desteni-Ma-
terial and Those that would be Able to ‘Walk’ – and over the next Few Years we will take
Groups through ‘Training’ In this; ‘Taking-it Apart’ so one can ‘Understand’ ‘How Reality
It’s Really...there is Nothing that is ‘Hidden’, there is No-‘Secrets’ in Reality. ‘Secrets’ On-
ly-‘Exist’ in the ‘Secret-Mind’. As long as You ‘Allow’ a ‘Secret-Mind’ Within-You = You
will have ‘No-Access’ to Anything.
As long as You ‘Allow’-Yourself to ‘Think’ = You’re ‘Fucked’. It’s that ‘Simple’. You Have
to ‘Give-it Up’. What’ll ‘Happen’ is: You’ll Become Multiple-Times More-‘Effective’, in
Ways that is ‘Unimaginable’, the Moment you ‘Stop Thinking’, Because ‘Thinking’ is a
‘Seed’ that is... (dog snaps)’s’s got a ‘Pre-Designed’ ‘Outcome’. So – in Your
‘Thoughts’, the ‘Beginning’ and ‘End’ is Already-‘Determined’. When You ‘Give-up
Thinking’ = You Enter a Total-New ‘Reality’, where ‘Everything is Available’.
Okay? Any Questions this far?
Anna: Yes. What did you mean by...You were saying about How the Rich Countries Auto-
matically got the Resources through the Money... Can you explain How that works?

Bernard: Through the ‘Exchange-Rate’ the ‘Rich-Countries’ which has got a ‘Cur-
rency’ that is ‘Valued’ on the so-called ‘Markets’ as ‘Worth-More’: they ‘Exchange’ That-
‘Currency’ for a ‘Poorer’-Country’s ‘Currency’ – and therefore what Happens is that: The
‘Product’ they ‘Buy’ Arrives in their Country at a Price ‘Ten-Times Cheaper’ than the
‘Value’ it would’ve ‘been’ if the ‘Money-System’ was ‘Equal’. So if the ‘Money-System’ in
the World - there was No ‘Exchange-Rate’ –and it was ‘Equal’ in ‘All-Countries’= Many
Countries that’s now ‘Poor’ will be ‘Rich’, and Many of the ‘Rich’ Countries will be ‘Poor’. 411

That’s of the ‘Reasons’ Why they’ll ‘Resist’ an ‘Equal-System’, because it’ll
‘Cause’ them to Become ‘Dependent’ on ‘Those’ that they currently ‘Exploit’. But This
Will Not be Allowed to Continue.

I mean – ‘Everything’ Now in this ‘Reality’ is being ‘Driven’-by ‘Resonances’.This is gonna

become ‘Great Fun’ as the ‘Resonances’ ‘Takes Control of Reality’ – So ‘Fasten your Seat-
62: Resonant Demonic Possession
in Relationships
Interview with Bernard Poolman
10 February 2010

OK- So we’re talking about ‘Structural Resonance’ and specifically: ‘Resonant Demonic
Possession’ - How does the ‘Mind Demon’ or the ‘Resonant Demon’ ‘Operate’, and all
of-you now had to some ‘degree’ had an ‘Experience’ which You could Not-‘Control’ that
would come ‘over’-you and ‘Dictate’ Your ‘Decision’, until you are taken through an ‘Ex-
planation’ of ‘What it-is that has(is) ‘Happening’ to you’ and then it will ‘Release’ –but as
long as the ‘Possession’ is ‘In-Control’, it Actually will ‘take’-you to a Particular-‘Point’ of
'Decision’ – Agree with that?

Everyone: Yeah

Bernard: You all have had,that ‘Experience’ which Indicate ‘What’? That You Do Not-
Have ‘Free-Will’, your ‘Resonant Symbolism’ ‘Determines’ your ‘Outcome’, which is your
‘Pre-Programming’. All satisfied you’ve had now Experiences that Confirms that?


Bernard: OK –so ‘Physically’ ‘Real Time’ You’ve ‘Experienced’ what happens If You go
into an ‘Agreement’ based-on ‘Desire’, and that is Not your ‘Pre-Program’ = You’ll go
Completely ‘Bananas’ in a way – and, what is the most ‘Relevant’ ‘Point’ that comes-up is
one of ‘Rage’ and ‘Violence’ and ‘Aggression’ and ‘Resentment’, and you start to become
rather ‘Nasty’ –You Noticed that?


Bernard: Because I mean, you have to ‘move’-from the ‘Position’ that you’re in, into ‘An-
other’-‘Position’ until you are in your ‘Programmed’-‘Position’ which you then ‘Believe’
‘You have Chosen’
–and the ‘way’ it ‘moves’-you is through giving-you the ‘Experience’ that: ‘That’s not
where you wanna be’ - you don’t wanna ‘touch’ that person, you don’t wanna be ‘close’ to
that person, but have a-look: You started with the ‘Desire’, You ‘Wanted’ to ‘Be there’- it
was a ‘touch’, it was a ‘moment’ - and you ‘Believed’ ‘You could ‘make-it’’ –but have a-
look: You can’t,

You cannot ‘Sustain’ that point - Why? Simplistically because You’re Not-‘Equal’ to Your
‘Symbolic Program’ - it is, it ‘knows’-you ‘much better’ than You ‘Know’-‘You’. Your ‘Sym-
bolism’, your ‘Resonance’ is ‘Self-Honest’ = it ‘Knows’ Everything you’ve already ‘Desired’,
Everything you’ve already ‘Dreamt’-about, Everything you’ve already ‘Believed you should
have’, Every-time you’ve had Sex or Masturbation ‘what you were thinking’ -

Every ‘single-thing’ you’ve ever done, Your ‘Resonance’ Know and is ‘Programmed’ As-it
–and it Knows ‘The Real Truth’ about you, and it takes-you to that ‘Point’, like a Fucking
‘Train on a track’ –and there’s nothing you can do about-it.
So- If we…we’re just gonna have a little-bit of a ‘Overview’ so you can see
what are we ‘dealing’-with when we’re talking-about ‘Structural Resonance’. 413

Your ‘Structural Resonance ‘Preprogrammed’ Alignment’ is ‘How’ the ‘Soul’ has been
The ‘Soul’ was ‘Programmed’ in-the ‘In-Between-Lives’-you wanna know ‘more’ about-
that, read stuff from Newton on ‘Destiny of the Souls’, that’s the ‘closest’ you’re gonna
get-to ‘How the ‘Pre-programming’ was done’, Okay? ‘How you ‘Chose’ Your ‘Lives’’ and
stuff like that –
So, that is the ‘closest’ information, the ‘closest’-to ‘How’ the ‘Life-Between-Lives’ ‘work’
of All the written-work on the Planet at the moment, is Newton’s stuff. There’s a few rea-
sons why Newton’s stuff is so ‘Effective’, he learned One of the Fascinating ‘Keys’ that is

You have to ‘Ask’ the ‘Right Questions’ and you’ve gotta be ‘Able’ to ‘Ask Questions’ with-
out ‘Wanting the ‘Answer’ to Be ‘What you ‘want’-it to be’ so that you can get a ‘Real
And you have-to Learn that if You ‘Change’ the ‘Question’= the ‘Answer’ is gonna
which means, if you are ‘Asking’ the ‘Question’ as an ‘Observer’ = You are ‘Determin-
ing’ the ‘Answer’ and it’s Not the ‘Real Answer’, it’s the ‘Answer’ You-‘Want’ and you’re
just ‘Fucked’, which is ‘Why’ the ‘whole-World’ is ‘Fucked’ – Everybody is ‘Waiting’ for a
‘Message’ or a ‘Messenger’ –We’re Not ‘Messengers’, We don’t have a ‘Message’! The Fuck-
in’-‘Message’ Is ‘The World’
The ‘Mind’ is Now ‘Externalized’ As ‘The World’, and slowly but surely - rather ‘Pain-
fully’- Everybody is going to be taken ‘through the Mind’- And that is Done-by the ‘Reso-
nance’ –If You do Not Get ‘Self-Honest’, oh by god!

Your ‘Living Process’ is gonna be one ‘Living Hell’.

What is ‘Self-Honesty’?
‘Self-Honesty’ is to Not-‘Suppress’ when you go-into a ‘Point’ where you Feel ‘Uncomfort-
able’ –and also not to ‘Try’ and ‘Change’ the ‘Other Person’ to-‘See’ What ‘You’ are ‘See-
ing’, but to get-to the ‘Point’ that is ‘Principle’-based ‘Best for All’ –
If you are Not-‘Clear’ in your ‘Self-Honesty’ and ‘Actually’‘Acting’ in the way that’s ‘Best
for All’ = You’re Not-gonna be able to ‘Stand’, it’s Impossible –you’re going to ‘Time-Loop’
and you’re gonna ‘attempt’-to move the information’ in a ‘way’ that: ‘You Win’-
You’ve been ‘Trained’ from ‘Birth’ to ‘Compete’ for One ‘Reason’-only: so that ‘You May
‘Survive’’, because ‘When You ‘Survive’’ = ‘You Win’
But I mean, you’re Not-‘Surviving’ ‘Death’, you’re going-to ‘Die’, you don’t ‘win’ – Ever
All that ‘Happens’ is: You are ‘Postponing’ the Inevitable ‘Awful Truth’:

that You are Not ‘In-Control’ of ‘Your Life’, ‘Something’ ‘Inside’-you is ‘In-Control’ of
‘Your Life’ and that ‘Something’ = You Have ‘Created’- That’s your ‘Resonances’. And you
have ‘Created’-it according-to your ‘Environmental’ ‘Symbolism’ as an ‘Inter-active’ ‘Real-
time’ ‘Communication-Device’ which through ‘Fuzzy-Logic’ will ‘Assess’ your ‘Environ-
ment’ and ‘Present’ as-‘Thoughts’ to-you the ‘Best Choices’ to make so that you can ‘Win’
‘With’ a ‘Justification’ ‘Why’ You should ‘Make the Choice’ –and None-of-it comes-from
And Eventually, due-to all the ‘Uncomfortable Experiences’ you will have when you make
the ‘Wrong-Choice’ according-to Your ‘Programming = You will end-up Making the
‘Right Choice’ about your ‘Programming’ and even ‘Believe’ you’ve ‘Made the Choice’.

All the ‘Knowledge’ you have is ‘Useless’, because it’s based-on: ‘Survival’ –it’s Not-based
on ‘Life’.

So- this is going to take ‘some years’ to ‘sort’-out – In each case where it’s possible we’ll
Assist with ‘How’-to ‘Design an Agreement’ ‘Mathematically’ where it is ‘Possible’ to ‘Face
the Resonances’ - because the ‘Resonances’ are Using ‘Mathematics’, it is ‘Exact’ – it isn’t
‘Willy-Nilly’ just coming to ‘Conclusions’, it will take-you to the ‘Ultimate-Point’ where
You Will ‘Face’ Your ‘Self-Honesty’ –

You Cannot ‘Manipulate’-it, unless you are ‘Equal’ to-it. And it’s Not going-to ‘Listen’ to
you, it’s gonna take-you ‘Regardless’ - to your ‘Demise’ because: It ‘Stands’ as ‘Equality’-
which means: ‘What You do to ‘another’, Your ‘Resonance’ is gonna do to ‘You’’ – Your
‘Resonance’ is gonna do-it to You, Not ‘anything’-else.
So- what you’ve already Noticed is: You can ‘Deal’-with a ‘Point’ and you can ‘Place’ the
Information and then, within days, this ‘Intense’ ‘Discomfortable’, ‘Uncomfortable’ ‘Ex-
perience’ is ‘back’ –you just can’t ‘Commit’-Yourself.

The First-thing you have to Investigate when that happens-is: ‘Are you at the ‘Right Place’?
Have you based your ‘Points’ on ‘Actual’-Communication? Have you looked-at the Total-
‘Design’? Are you Willing to ‘Walk the Consequences’? Or, Do you have ‘Hidden-Desires’
and ‘Secret-Mind’ stuff?
If you have ‘Hidden-Desires’ and ‘Secret-Mind’-stuff and ‘Back-doors’, I mean - you
don’t ‘Close’ those doors= You’re just ‘Fucked’. If the Person then wants to still go into
an ‘Agreement’ with you just to be ‘Fucked’-later I mean really they may do so, but then
You can’t be ‘Trusted’, You will Not ‘be given’‘Responsibility’ in Life either, because your
whole-life will be a ‘Search for your Satisfaction’ – Everything you do = you’ll Always Fail

The ‘only-way’ you can be ‘Successful’ then is by Direct-‘Abuse’ of Others –which is ‘why’
you move to ‘Abuse’ ‘Automatically’ when you don’t get Your-‘Way’ –Make sense?
Everybody: Yes

Bernard: OK, so - very ‘tough times’ in ‘Designing’ ‘Effective’-‘Agreements’ –also your

‘Endeavour’ must-be to ‘Stand’ in ‘Absolute Equality’ within your ‘Agreement’, that means

‘Assist’ Each-other to come to an ‘Equal-Expression’.

Where the ‘Point’ is The ‘Point’ that ‘works’ I mean, it is really, really, really ‘Easy’ –there
is No-‘Effort’ in ‘Agreement’, it just ‘Flows’‘like a Ship on the Water where the Wind is
Always-Perfect’ and it just ‘Moves’ –I mean, isn’t it? It is just ‘Spacious’

You are ‘Simply’, you would say ‘Compatible’- it’s not a matter of ‘Compatibility’, takes
still Great-‘Effort’ to Make-sure One ‘Communicate’ –but the ‘Communication’ because
it’s ‘Open’ and because it’s Realized-that

I mean, we’re going to-have to ‘Change’, it becomes ‘Easy’. It is When you have a ‘Back-
door’, when there-is ‘Secrets’, when there-is ‘Hopes’ for ‘something-else’ in the Future’,
where there-is a ‘Judgement’ = that’s where the things really get ‘tough’.

‘Agreements’ that ‘work’ will be ‘hard’ to come by. The Point is Not to just go-into ‘the
First Agreement’ that ‘Presents’-itself, incessantly looking-for some form-of ‘Pleasure’ –I
mean, that’s the same as entering any ‘Whore-House’ looking for ‘Free Sex’, it’s really what
you’re Actually doing, You’re Not-Willing to ‘Pay the Price’ for a Proper ‘Agreement’ by
having Some ‘Principles’
If You Have No-‘Principles’ = Don’t ‘Expect’ to Get Anywhere in ‘Process’

The Only-‘Principle’ from ‘My Perspective’ that is ‘Valid’ is: ‘To Do What is Best for All’ –

To ‘Stand’ where ‘It’s Best for All’ and to ‘Arrange’ My Life ‘accordingly’, my ‘Agreements’
‘accordingly’ to that Single-‘Principle’, because I know one thing: If I don’t ‘Do-that’, I
will ‘Time-Loop’ and I will ‘Face the Consequences’ of what I Allow -simple as that.
Within-that I look-at that whatever-‘happens’, I must be ‘Functionally’-‘Effective’ –If I’m
Not,in that Position ‘Functionally’-‘Effective’, by god I Stop, and I Change
And I know it is for a moment ‘unclear’ what I have to do, but it Will ‘Clarify’, it’s Not
‘The End of the World’ –

What is ‘The End of the World’ is if one go into an ‘Agreement’ where you ‘end-up’
Losing ‘Absolute’ ‘Control’ and go into ‘Anger’ and ‘Harm’ Each-Other –That is Not-

You have-to Understand that these-things are gonna take years. It took your ‘whole life-
time’ to ‘Program’ yourself this way, you are Not going to ‘Solve’-this in a ‘week’ or ‘two’
or a ‘month’ or ‘two’ –this is gonna take minimum from 7 years to 14 years to ‘Solve’ this
‘Problem’ of your ‘Possessed Nature’ –‘that’ which ‘Possess’-you will ‘come-out’ in the
Points where ‘You Think’ ‘You’ve got-it-all ‘Under Control’’.

And then, suddenly it’s Proven: you haven’t, because that is ‘the Point’ where you are
‘Weakest’, where it is ‘Closest to the End’ = You tend-to ‘Give-in’ meaning: you tend-to
‘Submit’-to Your ‘Experience’, and end-up Not-‘Changing’.

If you’ve already ‘Submitted’ to-it and you didn’t Change = it’s too late, You can’t Change,
it’s too late.

Everything you’re going to say, is gonna be a ‘Lie’.

You have to ‘Time-Loop’ because, the ‘Only Time’ this is ‘Valid’ is when it’s ‘Authentic’
and it’s happening in ‘Real Time’ - You Cannot ‘Plan’ the ‘Transcendence of Resonance’,
you have-to in ‘Real Time’ ‘Transcend’-it where it is ‘Your Nature’ ‘Transcending’-it, Not
Your ‘Mind’ or Your so-called ‘Will’

‘Self-Willed-Equals’ means: You have ‘Designed’-You As ‘Your Nature’ to be ‘Effective’ in

Every Breath, ‘Self-Willed’, it doesn’t take Any-‘Effort’ - if it takes ‘Effort’= It’s Not ‘Real’.
If you have to Take ‘Effort’ to ‘Transcend’ = Your ‘Transcendence’ isn’t ‘Real’.

Make sense?
Everyone: Yeah

Bernard: So, we will be Starting with the ‘Mathematical Equations’ of ‘How’ this…All the
‘Variations’ of many, many, many ‘Symbols’ were ‘Designed’, so that you can start ‘work-
ing’ on your ‘Designs’.

Understand at this stage though, as you have noticed, when a person is Possessed you now
know how that works - you know how it looks like and you know how it feels like – and
you have seen that you can’t ‘control’ that, it requires Specific Intervention to help you get
through the shit - and that how easy one can fool yourself into believing something when
it isn’t Real

‘hope’ is the greatest danger that can exist because it makes you blind – when you make
a Statement of yourself – you must make it till Death – you must make it as a Life-Time
Statement – if you can’t make it and you cannot find a way to make it - you are not at the
‘right place’.

One can Design ‘temporary Solutions’ but I mean the Solution will fall inevitably – It
has become Resonantly so acceptable to go into Agreements – or…Relationships, already 417
knowing that it’s not going to last – it’s going to just be a little ‘path of growth’ and then
I’m gonna move on to the next little ‘patch of growth’ as if You are the only fucker ‘grow-
ing’ and the other person is just your Slave.
Have a look at the Implication: ‘I’m going into a relationship and now I’m ‘growing’,
the Other one didn’t ‘grow’ and therefore I must leave them to find somebody else so I
can ‘grow’’ – So who the Fuck is the abuser about these Fuckers that do this in the name
of the ‘light’ and ‘love’ - ‘I’m busy growing’ – but look what they’re really saying: they’re
‘growing’ - the ‘other person’, the partner is not ‘growing’ – Who is causing that? They
are Enslaving other people, it’s like bloody parasites and they do it in ‘beautiful words’,
it sounds ‘so wonderful’ – I mean, you know: ‘our path has been ‘wonderful’ together,
but we've‘ outgrown’ each other’ – Oh how do you do that? So you went ‘up’ and I went
‘down’ – How did I ‘outgrow’ you? ‘Oh, we just don’t see ‘eye-to-eye’ anymore – ‘oh Fuck’,
what happened? We became bigger – oh not closer - so there is no Oneness in this whole
‘growth’ thing – hmm, there’s no Equality – but nobody wants to be Self-Honest – it’s all

And they sell this ‘shit’ like ‘candy’ as the ‘New-Age-Solutions’ to Existence – and what is
being sold? Sweets! All the stuff that tastes ‘nice’: ‘love’ and so on – have a look - you say:
‘Just let’s ‘love’ it together!! Here’s the sweet, boy have this sweet!! This sweet is the Fuck-
in’ ‘lemonade of the lemon’!! It will last you ‘forever’ and You will be ‘eternally happy!!’
And ‘Oh My God!’,2013 you are Becoming a ‘Great Being’, a ‘Galactic Being’ imagine
That!!!‘Oh My God!’ I can’t wait, I can’t wait! Oh HOO HOO! – ‘I can’t wait! I’m peeing
in my pants!!!’

Look at the Deception – Why can’t you See the Deception? It’s the same ‘game’ Mum and
Dad played – trying to shut you up and say: ‘don’t ask questions, Accept the World it is,
here’s a sweet - be happy!’ That’s what the ‘New Age’ that’s what Religion is, that’s what’s
Jesus – Jesus is a fucking lolly-pop, suck it and you’re ‘saved’!!

‘My God is Bigger than Yours’ ‘My God speaks to Me! And ‘He’ said!…’
Oh, really? Do you know you are fuckin' Possessed
You must live, making sure there is no ‘God’, that is ever needed – because as long as
‘God’ is needed = Humanity cannot be trusted with any Responsibility, because you will
always say ‘God, Fuckin help us’ - but you will not help Yourself – Make Sense?

All: Yeah.

OK, so there’s a lot of work to be done, it’s gonna take years – some of you is required
to be in the Matrix to support – whether you will or not, we will find out in the future –
There is nothing that is guaranteed, the only thing that is ever clear is who Stands for Life
and who doesn’t – We have only one fortunate point :

the Total Key of All Existence, which is Death – at Death everyone knows the ‘Truth’ and
the Total Consequence Manifest –The design of Time is simplistically to make sure that
one can Trap Yourself in your Deception so that you can See where you are Deceiving,
because in Time there is ‘effects’ that you cannot ‘fix’ – that make sure that your bullshit
Stops – that’s why Time Exist – because You are Deceptive, in your very Nature –and eve-
ryone who postpone shit in Time, you must know you’re lying – make sense?

All: Yeah.

OK, those that has already gone to extreme points of ‘Resonance Possession’ – Really, walk
with the interviews, do your feedbacks, see if you can Transcend – but remember, the mo-
ment the point becomes abusive and you are unable to stop the abuse, it is time to Stop.

The moment you cannot treat each other as Equals and Really Care for each other, I
mean, it's gonna be very difficult - you know - Who the fuck wants to live in a situation
where somebody is not caring about: getting you to your Greatest Expression, and is only
caring about how the fuck ‘they’ feel.
What about helping each other to really get to your Greatest Expression? Is that so dif-
ficult? I’m not saying that it’s easy – to Push somebody – to take them beyond anything
they could ever believe they could have been, but I mean, it’s Fuckin possible.

So, my Principle is, Hear: Do what's Best For All - in All Ways - in All Realities – in every
418 way we ever Exist – and no Fuckin one will stand in my way with that – I don’t give a
Fuck who agrees with me,because it doesn’t require ‘agreement’, what’s Best For All - -
what’s Best For All, is beyond ‘agreement’. It is a Common Sense Reality.

There is no ‘Message’ – there is Reality, of what the Fuck has been Allowed.

Sadly, of the People on Earth Now: A very-small Group will Realize Themselves – A tiny,
tiny, minute Group. An even smaller Group, will Stand, to Help Others, to Realize Them-
selves. Better make up your mind who the Fuck you’re going to Be.
There is no, ‘Great’ ‘Prize’ to be ‘win’…to be ‘won’, for Helping Others – there is no ‘Nice
Feeling’ –
There is Securing Your Future, Your next Life, to enter in a Reality, of Your-Own Design
– where Everyone Live as Equals. That’s the ‘pay-off’ – a pay-off you’re not going to see in
‘this-Life’. So you’re gonna need Common Sense because you’re not gonna See the Result.
You may See the Result in the ‘small’, in the Agreements you do Dare to enter into.

But I mean, that even is a Fuckin, ‘risk’. So we will continue with the Resonant-Discus-
sions, and the Resonant-Discussions will Only be done to people that visit the Farm, that
is doing the Structural Resonance Alignments – Specifically, because through the Structur- 419
al Resonance Alignments, we will be setting up a much bigger Farm, which will be done
by 2013, which will be Focused on –
Leadership Development in the World, Specifically Developing Common Sense Leader-
ship, that will work for Equality for All – where people will come and, learn on the Farm,
how to work – with Earth, with Nature, with the Physical, with the Mind, with every Part
– the Resonance, Everything, so that they can be Effective Human Beings, that Live with

So those that Dare to take part – if you can’t be involved Yourself, you may be able to
Help somebody else, or you may be able to Help with the Facilities, to be able to House,
or Feed these People, while they’re being Trained.

We will be very Strict in our Selection – who’s gonna be involved in Supporting People –
in terms of Leadership in the World. But eventually, at least, on the Farm will be as many
as One Hundred Trainers, plus the Trainers that will be Placed World-Wide, that will be
Focusing on Preparing: A New Humanity, One who Really Fuckin Care.

Okay, we will release how these things will work, shortly.

63: Energy and Science
By: Bernard Poolman
26 December 2009

‘Energy’ and ‘Feelings’ and ‘Science’ and ‘Ego’ - We seem to have an, an over ‘zealous’
Trust in our ‘Science’. Every Human-Being can feel various states of ‘Energy’, and when
it is measured by ‘Science’, it’s measured by a ‘Machine’ - What does the ‘Machine’ meas-
ure? Variations in ‘Currency’, in ‘Frequency’. Isn’t it ‘strange’ that something so ‘com-
mon’ - happening to every Human-Being every day in so many different ways, cannot be
‘specifically’-measured by ‘Science’? And all it is, is a ‘Frequency’, ‘Thoughts’, ‘Frequen-
cies’, ‘Energy’ – it´s very much-like Electricity, we can ‘harness’-it but we don’t know
‘what it is’. We can ‘generate’-it - we don’t know its ‘True Nature’. The Human Being take
much for granted - Of a mind that is allowed to run rampant . And then one attempt
with ‘Machines’ to ‘measure’ what the ‘Mind’ is, instead of ‘Direct Observation’, ‘Breath
by Breath’, looking-at ‘what it is’ we as ‘Humans’ are doing , what are you ‘Feeling’? What
are you Not-‘Feeling’? When do you change in your movement? When are you ‘pretend-
ing’? – When are you’re Lying? why is it so difficult to be Self-Honest? Why is it so dif-
ficult to ‘Look’ for Real? Why is the ‘Desire’ so important? Many ‘Whys’ but what about
the ‘How’, ‘How’ is it that we are doing this? ‘What’ is it that we are doing? ‘When’ are we
doing it? Best is to ‘Stop’ and first ‘Assess’.

64: Enlightenment Explained
By: Bernard Poolman
15 January 2010

So - We’re discussing ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘Ascended Mastery’, and ‘Ascension’ per se.

What did we find in ‘Heaven’? We found 70,000 ‘Ascendant Masters They were grouped
under the banner of what they called them themselves: “The Invisible College”. And they
were in the Service of the ‘Creator Gods’.

Now, let’s investigate, for a moment, the ‘Process of Enlightenment’: It requires you to
‘make peace’ with all Conditions prevailing on Earth and reaching a ‘state’ of ‘Uncondi-
tional Love’, which is a ‘state’ of Acceptance of all conditions on Earth as a ‘Natural State’
of ‘Evolution’, or ‘Movement’, or ‘Growth’ - for the Price of being, or the reward of being
rather, an ‘Ascendant Master’, both here on Earth where you will then ‘Recruit’ or involve
other Beings to follow the same ‘path’ for ‘a Higher Life’ after Death.

Now - the ‘Angels’ followed exactly the same Methodology of Disregarding the Abuse pre-
vailing on Earth, not looking at the Potential of making Life on Earth a ‘state’ which one
can call ‘Heaven of Earth’ but rather Accepting the situation as Unchangeable and Prevail-
ing through Multiple Lives, that One ‘grow’ and ‘move’ to a ‘Higher state’, a ‘Higher Be-
ing’, a ‘Higher Frequency’, an ‘Higher Energy’ that ‘Lifts you Above’ the so called ‘Lower
Energy’ on Earth, and then you are in an apparent ‘better state’ after Death and you ‘out-
blow’ closer to the universe, the Universal “I AM”.

Now - we found One Surprise – One being, One person, that’s been on Earth, that Tran-
scended being an ‘Enlightened being’ and that were not trapped in ‘Heaven’ as ‘Ascendant
Masters’ in a group that was Existing in Denial of the System on Earth, and that person
was Lao Tzu.

422 So, if you investigate the writings of Lao Tzu, you’ll notice a vast difference between his
writings and the writings of ‘Ascendant Masters’ and ‘Angels’ and ‘Channels’. The writings
of Lao Tzu is focused on How to Practically live Common-Sensically on Earth. While the
writings of ‘Ascendant Masters’, ‘Channels’, ‘Aliens’, ‘Enlightened Beings’, All fall under
the category of getting You in a way of Application where you Deny the State on Earth,
you do Nothing on about Changing Earth to a place which will be Equal to Heaven, ‘as
above as bellow’ - You ‘lift’ Yourself from Earth to a ‘Higher state of Being’ and simply
leave Earth be in the way it Exist.
Now, I know this is difficult to hear - These ‘Enlightened beings’ and ‘Ascendant Masters’
and ‘Angels’ were all part of a Deliberate Deception - and therefore, they’d never ‘Ascend-
ed’ in-Fact. They purely ended up in a far Greater ‘Polarity-Separation’ than anything else
because they took no Responsibility for Earth and the way the Human and the Animal
and the Planet Exist - and purely saw it as a ‘school’ instead of an Actual Living Experi-

Suggestion is to study the work of Lao Tzu and to have a look: what is Lao Tzu saying that
is so different to what your Enlightened beings are saying? Cause Lao Tzu’s approach is
one of Practical Love that Actually, if Applied, will bring about a State of Heaven on Earth 423
which is Practical Solutions, while all the other ‘Channels’ give no Practical Solution but
only give you a ‘state of Energy’, which requires you to Become in your ‘Inner Being’ a
particular form of ‘Energy’ but you do nothing about bringing forth any Change.

And therefore you are in-Fact then Useless as a Being - Completely. By the way, none of
those ‘Ascendant Masters’ Exist anymore and they will Never again Exist. None of the ‘An-
gels’ Exist anymore and they will Never again Exist. What now Exist, is through Inversion
and if you want to understand how that works, you can look at the interviews with Anton
LaVey and How ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and all those things were Created.

With the inversion of Everything, all of these conditions are now Created within and as
the Human Mind. And the ‘Communications’ are happening similarly to as before, except
that they are Individualized as a ‘state of Possession’ within the Human.

Obviously in the Processes of Beings crossing over, we are investigating, what happens to
them under Equality and Oneness as they Die and cross over.

As an example here, we’ll use Elizabeth Clare Prophet which has been quite a well known
‘Channeller’ on Earth, that has presented a very Particular ‘Path’ in ‘Consciousness’. She
Died fairly recently and on her crossover it was found that there was nothing left of her,
that means: No potential of Individualization Existed and therefore she Amalgamated
back to Substance and thus, has lost her opportunity of Equal Individualization due to
Living as an ‘Energetic Being’ without any Practical Contribution to the condition on
Earth, purely Deceiving people to Live for ‘a Life after Death’ which was absolutely Use-
less. The Price to pay for that is: that you Lose yourself Completely and thus cannot Indi-
vidualize yourself or hold yourself together after Death.

So please note that these things has changed dramatically and is going to have a Conse-
quence - Do some Common Sense research in terms of what would be the Consequence if
One Do Not Honour Life Equally Here on Earth and Do what is Best for All.
65: Wisdom of the Observer
with Mythomania
Bernard Poolman & Darryl Thomas
19 January 2010

Bernard: OK, You were saying?

Darryl: Ah that was so weird - so we just have like this fish bowl around our heads that we
take as …

Bernard: If you look at the Context of the Universe, the Earth will look like a fish bowl
Isn’t it?
It’ll be like, from far-off this… watery place, with a few points of Entertainment in it
called ‘Land’
Isn’t it?
And, you are bubbling along within it, gasping for air.

Anna: trying to look out

Bernard: Yes, and you are Eating, you are Shitting and you are, have a Functional System
that Breathes for you, because You don’t Breathe.
You are attempting to Observe what is ‘Real’.
I mean, what are you Observing? How can you Trust your Observation if you cannot even
Observe the System that is Currently Existent that is Not Equal Support for all Life?
And you’re Unable to See that and you are Unable to Observe ‘What to do about it’ - that
means you’re completely Dis-empowered as the Observer.
Yet, from the perspective of your Science the Observer seemingly is the one that is the
Creator, it is Not-
the Observer is only the Creator of Consciousness - that’s the ‘Con’ within which your
Conscience is warped to Not Actually Care, then you Dare to give Definitions to Words
like ‘Love’ and Align Yourself to your Definition and Defend your Definition of ‘Love’,
Generating within yourself an Energy that Feels according to Your Observation - like
‘love’- and then you Act within that.
But all of that is Illusion - it is Not ‘Reality’, which is what Death Proves because-
If you were Able to Actually Converse with the Dead, you will at any given moment be
able to Converse with All Dead Beings - whether Animal, Plant, Stone, Molecule, Human
- All of them at Once, Immediately.
I mean, Obviously
If you can’t do that and you have a ‘Select Few’ you Communicate with, You Must Realize
that you have Created the ‘Select few’ as your Particular Delusion
And obviously they will Speak words of ‘Wisdom’ because the ‘Wisdom’ they Speak is the
Wisdom you Believe you Have, and they’re just Confirming your Observable ‘Wiseness’
Because in your ‘Wiseness’ you are Answering the question ‘Why’ to your Satisfaction.
The Fact that that Whole Process is a Lie, is Irrelevant.

Darryl: Well it’s not considered, I mean, the whole epic sweep of philosophy is, you know,
Plato’s perspectives, Socrates perspective… and people think: ‘Wow! that was Awesome -
We must be thinking along in the same line’
Bernard: yeah, here basically as ‘Observer’, Creating your own ‘Myths’ it’s- you can call it
You are Living ‘Your Myth’ as the ‘Observations of You’ without even Considering that
Everything you’re Observing has got Nothing to do with Reality, it’s only gotta do with
‘Your Reality’, and ‘Your Reality’ ‘Observably’ is the Result of your Observation.
And is only Possible to Exist as long as You Exist in this Particular Form - when this Par-
ticular Form ‘Fails you’, then the question becks:

Who are You?, What will Remain?

It’s like a Motor Car- the Moment it runs out of fuel and the tires are gone and you park
it under the tree, the Earth will ‘Eat’ it away till there is nothing left.
And what would have Happened to the Life of the car? It is Gone, No More.
And as the Memory Disappear, so does the car - That is the Same with the Human being.

Darryl: Oh yeah, lost Languages, lost Civilizations,

Bernard: All of it is Proving beyond the Shadow of a Doubt that the Human has Not
Considered Reality at all -
And that again is Confirmed through a Simple point where One can Look at Reality as
you Remove the Human and,
all Knowledge will Disappear, all Wisdom will Disappear, all Civilization will Disappear,
all Technology will Disappear - that would mean that the Human is the Actual Creator of
these Things and that shows very clearly that there is No God that Exist, whatsoever
And God do Not Determine Anything that Happens on Earth – it is All Human
That’s a simple Math point - I mean, you do the math and You can See for Yourself that:

God Does Not Exist.

66: When is Silence Real
By: Bernard Poolman
21 January 2010

So on the ‘Nature of Silence’ and the How it has been Misunderstood-

When you are Experiencing Silence within you, like in Meditation or you Experience a
point of Stability, where you Extremely Focused on a Particular point, Observe the Fol-
In your ‘Silence’, if only your Inner-World Exist, or the point that you are Focusing on –
That’s Not Real Silence -
That is a Resonance Silence, that means for a moment, the Resonance is giving you the
Idea that what you are Experiencing is Silence.
In Fact, it’s simply Trapping you so that you Miss the Point that the Whole World around
you is Gone away and you’re in a ‘Special place’ of Silence.
This is specially practised in Meditation.
if you go into this state of Silence in Meditation and the ‘Noise’ of the World Disappears -
You are somewhere in an Alternate Reality of your Own Making,
you are not even Actually Making the whole thing, you’re just Stepping ‘into it’, a ‘Room’
that’s been Prepared for you, so that you can feel ‘Godly’ and ‘Divine’ in your Silence and
you Miss Reality Completely.
Silence is: where you are Flowing with Reality in All the Sounds of it that is Existing Here,
and You are Not Interfering with that with your Mind - so your Thoughts, Your Being
and Your Interaction with it, is in ‘Harmony’ and there is No Contradiction, Conflict,
Judgement, Fear and all the various Emotions, you are Flowing as One with it.
That is Silence.
Because you’re Not Interfering with Reality, you are Moving As Reality.
But if You are in Any Projected ‘Place’, ‘Room’, ‘Space’ that Isolate you from Reality Here,
that is Not Silence- that’s Isolation.

67: Game Theory of the Gods
on the Road to Freedom
By: Bernard Poolman

Okay, so – ‘Game Theory of the Gods’ is the ‘Next Series’ that we’ll be Starting - Video
uploads in ten days-time.

What is ‘Game Theory of the Gods’? That is the ‘Mathematical-Equations’ within-which

Everyone’s ‘Life’ and ‘Consciousness’ in itself has been ‘Designed’, so that you can have an
‘Experience’ within-which you are ‘Believing’-yourself to ‘have’ some form-of ‘Free Will’.

Now, this ‘Free Will’ - as Many is already Starting to ‘Realize’- is obviously Not ‘Free’ at

What will the ‘Game Theory of the Gods’ ‘Assist’-you with? It’ll ‘Assist’-you with ‘Under-
standing’ ‘Creation’ In-‘Fact’ - because after- all we said at Desteni, it’s about:
the ‘Equality of All’ – which means: You have to ‘Equally’-‘Understand’ ‘How’ Everything
‘Actually’ ‘Operates’ – And you’ve gotta be able to ‘work-it-out’ for Yourself, therefore You
‘Require’ a ‘Sufficient’ ‘Understanding’-of ‘The Game Theory of the Gods’, so that No-
body can ‘Mind-Control’-You, Nobody can ‘Influence’-you, Nobody can make-you ‘Ex-
perience’-something, unless you can ‘Actually’ ‘Do’ the ‘Mathematics’-Yourself and ‘See’
for Yourself that What the Person is talking about, You can also Understand ‘Equally’ by
doing the ‘Mathematics’-Yourself.

This is obviously gonna take-‘Time’ because, there’s gonna be ‘Hundreds ‘-of Inter-
views Explaining Every-‘Point’ ‘Meticulously’ in terms-of the ‘Base Theory’ of ‘How’ the
‘Equation’‘Operates’ that ‘brings’-that ‘Particular’-Point ‘Equally’ into ‘Visible’, ‘Experi-
ence-able’, ‘Creation’ ‘Here’ Within this ‘System’ of ‘Consciousness’ on Earth.

So I Suggest: Prepare Yourself, Subscribe - Understand that, the ‘Applied’ ‘Game Theory of
the Gods’ we’ll be doing with ‘Facilitation’ in the SRA Courses –in the ‘Structural Reso-
nance Alignment Training’- in about a year/year and a half ’s time.

That part of the Curriculum will start –you can call-it Virtually ‘The Curriculum of the
Gods’ because, what is ‘Required’ to be ‘Understood’ when you are ‘Dealing’-with ‘Crea-
tion’, is Obviously ‘All Parts’-of ‘Everything that Exist’ Needs to be ‘Understood’ – Not
‘As’ the ‘Observer’ but ‘As’ the ‘Participant’ –and the ‘Way’ it ‘Operates’ as ‘Within’ and
‘As’ the ‘Participant’, is it ‘Works’-in ‘Real-Time’ ‘Math’, it is an ‘Instant’‘Calculation’ that
is Made by Your ‘Resonance’, which is ‘Really’ ‘Representing’ ‘You’-You are Just a ‘Slave’-
of these ‘Symbolisms’ that is the ‘Symbols’-of ‘Mathematics’ within an ‘Equation’ of ‘Vari-

In this, you will then come-to the ‘Conclusion’-yourself , ‘Eventually’ that ‘What is Best
for All’ is ‘Equality’ –is an ‘Equation’ which ‘Gives’-Everyone ‘Freedom’ within the ‘Con-
text’ of the Current ‘Limitation’ - that ‘Gives’-Everyone ‘Responsibility’, and that ‘Gives’-
Everyone ‘Equality’ in ‘Understanding’, and ‘Sufficient’ ‘Skills’ to ‘Deal’ with-it – Obvi-
ously this will take a Moment –which is ‘a couple of years’ –for it to-be ‘Filtered’-through
‘All of the World’.

We Estimate at-least ‘3 Generations’ if we Work at-it at a ‘Global Level’ – So, It’ll ‘take a
while’- But, the ‘Longer ‘we Wait = the ‘Longer’ it’ll ‘Take’.

So - if you’re Ready-for ‘Really’ ‘Making a Difference’ in Your ‘Own Life’ and on Earth,
and in ‘What’ll ‘Happen’ to-You in the ‘Afterlife’’, Get- to-Know: ‘Game Theory of the

See you Around.

68: Past Time-Line Resonant Correction
Bernard Poolman, Matti & Esteni
13 February 2010

Remember - in the Discussion with ‘the Creation of Existence’, ‘Time’… the ‘End’ was
‘Placed’ at the Beginning, what does that mean? Everything was ‘Programmed’ into-
‘Time’. That means, from a Perspective of ‘Multidimensionality’, you’re ‘Experiencing’ ‘In
a Way’, you were Always Experiencing ‘Everything’, All-‘Time-Lines’, ‘All’ at-the ‘Same- 429
Time’, but you were ‘Only’ ‘Aware’-of the ‘Point’ where you are Here. So what did we do?
We ‘Brought’ ‘All of-that’-‘Here’, so that ‘Everything’ is ‘Here’ - All you have-to do is You
have-to ‘Realize’-it, and ‘Bring’-it ‘Here’ and you ‘Access’-it ‘Direct’.

So if we go ‘back’-to your Experiences when you were very-young in terms of ‘Relation-

ships’, those ‘Experiences’ were Not-‘Defined’ by‘ Vocabulary’ or ‘Words’, they were ‘De-
fined’-by your Actions’ - I mean, did you ‘Communicate’?, did you ‘Run-Away’?

Matti: Yeah, I didn’t have the ‘Words’ ‘then’

Bernard: Yes, but later-on, you would have ‘Defined’ your ‘Relationships’ with ‘Words’
but they would’ve been ‘Influenced’ by the ‘Actions’…

Matti: by the others ex…

Bernard: when you were younger. Therefore you have to ‘Bring’ your ‘First’-‘Aware’-
‘Experiences’ in ‘Relationship’ to ‘People’ ‘Here’, and ‘Look’ at-it again, ‘Re-define’, ‘Give-
it a-Name’ for What you ‘Really’ ‘Experienced’…

Matti: Because otherwise I’m just ‘Observing’ the ‘Past-Experience’ defining-it through
my, how I’ve ‘Currently’ ‘Defined’ those words.

Bernard: Correct, you’re Not ‘Dealing’ with-it. You have become… You have to Become a
‘Real-Time’ ‘Participant’ in-that ‘Experience’ again, ‘Re-define’-it Now –that’s ‘Quantum-
Time’ -‘Bring-it-Here’, You ‘Walk’-it-again, you are ‘that-Being’ again, that ‘You’ that
was ‘Defined’ at that ‘Time’. I mean if you look-at your ‘later’ ‘Experiences’ in terms-of
‘Relationships’ and ‘People’ and so-on, That’s already-‘Influenced’ by your ‘First Actions’
when you were a child, so you cannot ‘Trust’ your ‘Observation’ of-that, You have-to ‘Re-
Participate’ in ‘Everything’ - so that you can ‘Re-define’ everything to the ‘Point’ of getting
to ‘What is the ‘Point’ Within – say ‘Agreement’, Within-‘People’, Within-‘Discussion’,
Within-Communication’, ‘Within-Gentleness - What is the ‘Point’ ‘there’ which you have
‘Left-in-Time’ within ‘Memory’ as Your ‘Experiences’ which has become ‘Symbolically’-
‘You’, which is ‘Resonantly’-‘You’, which is ‘Dominating’ your ‘Current’ ‘Attempt’-to
‘Deal’ with-it –and now you can’t ‘Deal’ with-it because the ‘Resonance’ Takes-‘Over’
because it Still ‘Acts’ on-your ‘Instruction’, Your ‘First’-‘Action’, Your ‘First’-‘Imprint’, Your

Matti: So it doesn’t matter what ‘Statement’ I make, ‘Directive Statement’ I make, because
I’m making that through an Observation…

Bernard: It will not – if the ‘Statement’ does not change the ‘Condition’… if the ‘State-
ment’ does not ‘Change’ the ‘Condition’= You have to ‘go back’ and ‘Re-Experience’ - oth-
erwise you’re going-to ‘Time-Loop’ until you get- to the ‘Point’ where you are ‘Dealing’
with the ‘Experience’ so that you have a ‘Real-Time’, ‘Directive-Principle’ ‘Re-Alignment’.

Matti: It’s the same Principle as calling Green ‘Green’ instead-of what it actually is.

Bernard: Correct, I mean you’re ‘Dealing’-with your ‘Base’ ‘First-Impression’ of ‘Reality’,

which is ‘Why’ – What is the ‘Two-things’ within the ‘Process’ of ‘Structural Resonance
Alignment’ that we have to First ‘Re-Align’? It is ‘Family’, and it is ‘Relationships’ –that
means, Not-as you understand ‘Relationships’ in ‘Love’ and so-on - ‘All your Interaction’
with ‘All-People’ during your ‘Life’ – ‘How did you Act?’, ‘What did you ‘Think’?’, ‘What
did you ‘Say’?’, ‘What did you ‘Do’?’, ‘Who’ were ‘You’? And ‘all-of-that’, you have to ‘Re-
Align’ ‘all-of-that’ into ‘Equality and Oneness’ – Make sense?

Matti: So the ‘Re-Alignment’ …

Bernard: Is ‘Realigning’-it to ‘Equality and Oneness’ - You are ‘Correcting’ ‘Your Past’ - In
‘Correcting Your Past’, you are ‘Changing Your Future’.

Matti: Through not doing-it through ‘Making an Observation’ through my Current Defi-
nitions but to Actually ‘go-back’ to the Actual…

Bernard: You’re Not-‘going-back’, You are ‘Bringing’-it ‘Here’.

Matti: Or ‘See’ the…


Bernard: It’s ‘Here’ You ‘Re-Experience’-it, You ‘Re-Align’-it – it’s the ‘Same’ thing you can
do with a ‘Dream’: You move-into the ‘Dream’, the ‘Dream’ is ‘Here’, You-‘Move’ ‘Your-
self ’ in relationship-to ‘All Events’, till you have ‘Equality’ and ‘Oneness’ Established, You
‘Integrate’-that ‘As You’ and say ‘This is Who I am’ Now, in-that ‘Event’, that ‘Event’ will
No-Longer have-‘Power’ ‘Over-Me’, I am Now ‘This’ –Does that Makes Sense?

Matti: Uh, yeah it Makes Sense from the Perspective that, in looking-‘back’ at-it it’s still…
Bernard: ‘Observation’.

Matti: …‘Acknowledging’-it as an ‘Influential’ ‘Experience’…

Bernard: Correct, instead of a ‘Directive’…

Matti: Instead of actually ‘Correcting’ or ‘Re-Aligning’ Myself ‘As’-that…

Bernard: Correct.

Matti: ‘Experience’ as ‘Who I was’ ‘In that Moment’. 431

Bernard: As the ‘Participant’, As the ‘Participant’. You’re Still ‘Participating’ in-it, Have-a
‘Look’: You’re ‘Really’, You are Just ‘Repeating’ the ‘Same-Pattern’, so you’re Still ‘Partici-
pating’ In-that ‘Pattern’, You Establish the Pattern again - You ‘Bring’ that Pattern ‘Here’,
You ‘Re-Align’ the ‘Pattern’, You ‘Correct’-Yourself and now ‘You Walk’. Make Sense? And
so you ‘Identify’…

Matti: In ‘Theory’ it Makes Sense.

Bernard: Yes, Obviously – I mean, this is gonna-take ‘Practice’ from the Perspective: ‘till
you ‘Get-it’’.

Matti: Yeah.

Esteni: In terms-of the ‘Mind-Constructs’ the only ‘Point’ that we are-at Now, is the
‘Point’-of ‘Bringing’ those ‘Experiences’ ‘Here’ and ‘Walking-through-them’ ‘As’ the ‘Par-
ticipant’ – that’s the ‘Point’ that we’re-at – we haven’t gotten to the ‘Re-Alignment’ yet,
that comes as soon as we go to the ‘Self-Corrective Statements’.

Bernard: Yes, now Hear - What am I ‘Dealing’-with? or What am I ‘Placing’-‘Here’ so that

One ‘Understand’ the ‘Basic’ -‘Point’ of the… the ‘Equation’ which is the ‘Pattern’ you
are ‘Repeating’, which is the ‘Game-Theory’, because that’s the ‘Game’ You ‘Played’-‘then’,
that’s the ‘Game’ You’re Still ‘Playing’-‘Now’, then we Take the ‘Quantum-Theory’ which
says that ‘All Things are Existent Right-Here-Now’ and We Make-it ‘Real’ ‘Participate’
in-it ‘Right-Now’, and ‘Bring-it-Back’ - You ‘Re-Align’-it - which is ‘Quantum-Theory’,
which is ‘Actual’ ‘Quantum-Application’ –and All of-that is ‘Self-Realization’ – Does that
Make Sense?

Because You are Now ‘Correcting’ ‘Your Life’ from the Beginning, and in ‘Correcting’-it
you’re also ‘Correcting the Outflow’ so that you can Look at the ‘Future’ and see: ‘Is there
Any of-these ‘Patterns’ ‘Recurring’?’ By ‘Bringing- the -Future’- ‘Here’, looking-at ‘Every-
thing’ you can be this Life and ‘Check’, ‘What am I going to-be in ‘this Condition’/‘this
Matti: That’s the whole ’Scenario’ point.

Bernard: And you can ‘test’ ‘Everything’-out ‘Before’-you ‘get-to-it’, ‘As’ a ‘Participant’.
Not as a ‘Observer’.

Matti: Yeah

Bernard: And I mean, ‘that’ gives-you Fuckin ‘Confidence’ and ‘Trust’ – Make Sense?

Matti: That Makes Sense, yeah.

Bernard: It’s Really ‘Cool’-shit.

Matti: Well basically my ‘Action’ ‘then’ determined the ‘Rules’ I’m currently living by, in
‘The Game’.

Bernard: Correct, the Pattern – the ‘Rules’, the ‘Pattern’, the ‘Rules’, the ‘Pattern’. Then,
and I mean, that Happened when you were a Child before you had ‘Vocabulary’ –so
therefore it is ‘Existent’ within-you as an ‘Energetic’- ‘Action’, it’s an ‘Energy’- ‘Symbol’
that is ‘Integrated’ ‘As’-You and you’re just ‘Repeating’ the ‘same-thing’.

Matti: And ‘the way’ I’m ‘living the words’ that I’m now using to define that ‘Past Experi-
ence’… Bernard: still Influenced by ‘that’.

Matti :…is Influenced-‘by’ that Experience.

Bernard: Yes, I mean that you have already-‘Proven’ in your latest ‘Experiences’, because
you’ve Not been able to ‘Direct’ those Experiences, I mean ‘Why’ was that ‘Necessary’?
People Do Not want-to ‘Realize’ or ‘Conceive’-that the ‘Resonance’ or the ‘Pattern’ is that

Matti: Yeah.

Bernard: That means you have ‘Abdicated’ your ‘Total’ ‘Directive-Principle’ to-
‘Patterning’, to ‘Equations’, to an ‘Energy-Force’ that takes-you-‘Over’ - it ‘Directs’-you.
And Now you have ‘Defined’ some ‘Energies’ ‘You Like’ –because ‘they’re nice’, and some
you ‘Don’t-Like’ – you try and ‘Avoid’ the ones you ‘Don’t-Like’, you try and ‘Hang’-on
to the ones ‘You Like’, which then ‘Isolate’-you more and more from ‘All of Creation’ and
Cause-you Not to ‘See’ what’s going-on. Make Sense?

Matti: Yeah.

Bernard: That is ‘How’ Separation gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger – which
is where we are Taking ‘Everything’, to the ‘Point’ where the Person will ‘Stop’ and say:
‘Fuck, what’s going on?’ ‘Why can’t I ‘Stop’ My Experience from always ‘fucking-out?’
When you get-to that ‘Point’ and You are ‘Willing’ to Consider ‘Self-Honesty’, ‘Self-For-
giveness’ and the Fact that you can ‘Actually’ ‘Do something about-it’ = then you’ll Start-
to ‘Walk the Path’. You First-Start-with Your ‘Current’ ‘Scenario’ so you can just ‘See’ that
‘Self-Forgiveness’ ‘Works’, you’ve gotta become quite-‘Effective’ in that, before you get-to
the ‘Quantum Theory’, and the ‘Quantum’ ‘Re-Direct… ‘Re-Alignment’. Because if you
are Not-‘Well-Prepared’ = You Can’t ‘Do’-that ‘Effectively’, it’ll still be ‘Influenced’ - but
you’ve done a-lot of ‘Homework’ now; now it’ll become easier and easier – until, by the-
time we get-to ‘Quantum Theory’ for Everyone, You’ll do your ‘Re-Alignment’ ‘Effective-
ly’ –otherwise you go and do your ‘Re-Alignment’ from a Perspective still of ‘Ego’, I mean
You really Fuck Yourself.

Matti: Yeah it’s from a… Starting-Point of ‘fix’ trying-to ‘fix something’ instead of actu-

Bernard: And that is not, You’re Not-‘Fixing’-it, You are…’Standing’ ‘As-it’ and: it No-
Longer ‘Exists’. It’s Not a ‘Fix’, it’s a Fuckin ‘Stop’ ‘Completely’ Your ‘Past’.

Matti: Yeah that’s why it never works if… as ‘fixing’.

Bernard: So we, you ‘Stop Reality’ in ‘All ways’ - Bam! And You Walk, ‘Re-Aligned’-
‘Structural-Resonance’ ‘Re-Alignment’. Now all you need is: to ‘Identify’ all the Points
that’s ‘Fucking’-with-you, ‘that’ you do in ‘Real-Time’ as You ‘Walk’ –something happens,
‘Agreements’, whatever – Find the ‘Point’, ‘Re-Align’, ‘Re-Align’, ‘Re-Align’ - That ‘Re-
Alignment’ takes-you on average 7 years or more.

Matti: Cause that’s the first 7 years of... Life. Bernard: That’s your First fuckin’ 7 years.
Matti: So all the ‘Primary’ ‘Patterns’ Basically…

Bernard: I mean the ‘Patterns’ that ‘Show’ in your Life ‘Currently’ are mostly ‘Justifia-
ble’-‘Patterns’ –that means you have, ‘Mutated them’ ‘Over-Time’ to ‘Suit’-you within
a Particular ‘Personality-Alignment’ ‘Construct’ which you are ‘Comfortable’-with, in
‘Presenting’-Yourself ‘In this World’ as ‘This is Who I am’, but that ‘Who you are’ ‘Pre-
434 senting’-Yourself to-‘be’ is ‘Limited’ in Every-Way Conceivable, because it has an ‘Energet-
ic’-‘Resonance’ that is ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ - you know, it is just ‘Wave-lengths’, ‘Vibrations’,
where you are trying-to ‘Deal’-with ‘Reality’ in a Very-Limited ‘Construct’ –

Matti: I see that Point of the ‘Persona’ built around-it, I mean I’m ‘Seeing’ that and yet
Experiencing… ‘ but that’s the only’….

Bernard: Okay. Now, that’s where you’re ‘Dealing’ with the ‘Mind-Construct’ Now. Now,
that ‘Construct’ is ‘Designed’ ‘Over-Time’, so now you have to ‘Align’ All your ‘Time-
Lines’ till you have ‘All your Time-Lines’ ‘Here’ – You can’t do that ‘Quantumly’ = You
have to then ‘one-by-one’, because you’re Simply Not-‘Sufficiently’ ‘Effective’ with the
‘Movement’ of All the ‘Vocabulary’ and ‘All’ the ‘Relationships’ within-it to ‘Do’-it in a
‘Way’ that is ‘Trust-Worthy’. You have to ‘make-sure’ when you have ‘Aligned’-it, it is ‘Ef-
fectively-Done’ - you Miss ‘One-Point’ = You’re going-to ‘Time-Loop’ and it’s gonna ‘In-
fluence’ Everything-else you do from then – therefore You Do-it ‘Properly’ the ‘First-time’,
you…you do the ‘Allotted-Time’ because: That’s the ‘Time’ it ‘took’-you to get ‘Fucked’.

Matti: and leaving the ‘Time-Line’ ‘as-it- is’ is basically like where, it’s basically Accepting-
Myself to Exist in a ‘Point of Time’. Bernard: Correct.
Matti: ‘With the ‘Past’ as an ‘Unchangeable Influence’. Bernard: Yes, which is Not ‘Who
You are’.

Matti: instead of bringing the ‘Time-Line’ ‘Here’ and Realizing: It’s Not-about ‘Time’.

Bernard: You ‘Bring-it-Here’, and you, Until Everything is ‘Here’, Now you ‘Live’- ‘Here’
– Now you have No ‘Past’, you have No ‘Future’ – You Are ‘Here’. Matti: It’s Not about a
‘Time-Line’ then, it’s about ‘Who I am’. Bernard: Yes, it’s just ‘Living’-‘Here’ ‘As-Breath’.

Matti: yeah. Bernard: Got-it? Simplistic?

Matti: Yeah.

Bernard: But it is ‘Hard’-‘work’ meaning: You have to Do-it for Yourself - says: ‘I’m Now
‘Setting-Myself-Free’ from this Shit’. Makes Sense? Good. Do you like it?

Esteni: Yes
69: Participation in Reality
is Never an Observation
Bernard, Andrew & Andrea
16 February 2010

Bernard: So what is the Decision?

Andrew: Well, ehm the point that we are looking at is the decision that I have to make for
myself, which is a decision that I’ve never ever made which is actually Standing for some-

Bernard: So the ‘Decision’ = ‘What are you going to Participate in’- Because up to now
you’ve only been an ‘Observer’, and to an extent you have then ‘Participated’ in your
‘Observations’ which was then Never ‘Real’ because, your ‘Observation’ is an Illusion,
‘Participating’ in the ‘Observation’ is an ‘attempt’ to make the Observation ‘Real’ - which
can never be-

Andrew: your mean your observation is the thoughts.

Bernard: ‘Observation’ is ‘Everything that you ‘Believe’’-which includes Thoughts, in-

cludes all your Memories, all of the things you have given ‘Structural Design’ to, as a Defi-
nition of ‘your world’, is an ‘Observation’ because it is ‘Exclusively’-‘You’ and it ‘Excludes’
Everyone-else. So therefore it’s just an ‘Observation’, it’s Not a ‘Reality’, because ‘Reality’
includes ‘Everyone’ isn’t it? – that’s undeniable.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Up to now you’ve only ‘Participated’ in your ‘Observation’, which means your
whole Existence has been Not-‘Real’ - which is when you ‘Die’ what happens? You Die
as an ‘Observation’- ‘Equal and One’ you become what? ‘Observably’: Nothing, because
nothing ‘You did’ was ever ‘Real’.

Andrew: OK.

Bernard: So your ‘Decision’ is simplistically whether you’re going to Participate ‘for Real’
-which means you have to ‘Include’ in your Reality ‘Everyone-else’, because that’s ‘Real’,
they all ‘Exist’.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Or are you going to ‘Only’ Participate in your ‘Observation’ which is ‘Self-Inter-
est’ - which means you’re going to pay the ‘Interest’ for-that -which is like your ‘Money
System’. I mean, have a look: ‘Interest’ eats-up Reality. That’s basically the ‘Decision’ Eve-
rybody is gonna make I mean, this ‘Decision’ is Exactly ‘the Same’ for Every-Single-Being
in Existence.

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: First of-all, you must Obviously be ‘Aware’ that, if you look in your ‘Observa-
tion’: You’re Not ‘Aware’ of ‘Everyone’.
Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: That’s a ‘Problem’, so therefore you can’t have an ‘Opinion’ or even any form of
‘Knowledge’ you can ‘Trust’ because, I mean: You’re Not ‘Aware’ of Anyone-else –You’re
only ‘Aware’ of Your ‘Observable’ ‘Experience’ - and ‘that’ is Not-even ‘Real’ because that
was ‘Pre-Programmed’ so that you have a ‘Functional-Way’ -of ‘Identifying’ with your
‘Observation’ within a form-of ‘Informational Knowledge’, which you then call ‘You’ -
which means: the whole ‘You’ is Not-‘Real’.

Does that make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: How do one then ‘Birth Yourself ’ to be ‘Real’ as a ‘Real-Participant’ in Existence?

What is the ‘Equality’ we are talking-about? We’re Not talking-about ‘Observation’- We’re
Simply ‘Disregarding’ ‘Observation’, we’re talking-about ‘Real’ ‘Participation’ where ‘All’
is ‘Part’-of a ‘Single’ Solution =that’s ‘Oneness’ and ‘Equality’. The ‘Quality’ of-that ‘Par-
ticipation’ for All is that ‘Everyone’ is got ‘Best’ for All –which means that’s ‘Quality’ of

That Obviously if one do the ‘Math’ for-that would mean that the ‘Only’-place where
Everyone will have proper ‘Quality’ in ‘Equality’ is: where Everyone is ‘Participating’ As-
‘Equals’ – within-‘that’ you cannot-be ‘Equal’ as long as you’re an ‘Observer’, because as an
‘Observer’= You’re Not-‘Real’ - as a ‘Participant’= You are Not-‘Skilled’, so you’re going to
have- to Learn ‘How to Participate’. You’re-Not just going-to start Participating and sud-
denly ‘Know- it- all’ – What is ‘Real’ in ‘Reality’ -that’s gonna be a ‘Process’ – which is the
‘Process’ we talk-about - Does that make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: That’s ‘Desteni’ in a ‘nutshell’.

So- to ‘try’ and-‘find’ a ‘Reason’ to Make a ‘Decision’ is already an ‘Observation’= it’s
already Not-‘Real’. It’s ‘Impossible’ thus to ‘Find the Reason’. A ‘Decision’ is Not-’Reason’
- A ‘Decision’ is an ‘Understanding’-of the ‘Context’-of ‘What is ‘Reality’’ and ‘What is
‘Illusion’’ – and that I’ve just Explained.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Then the ‘Context’-of obviously ‘Where’ you ‘Place’-yourself within-that, is

Simply a ‘Self-Honest’ ‘Decision’- You can either ‘Do’-it or You Can’t. Understand that
‘Reality’ ‘Supports’-you through ‘that’ of-you what is ‘Real’-which is Not Your-‘Thinking’,
it is Not Your-‘Observation’ – it is Your-‘Physical’ within-which and ‘with’-which you have
No-‘Communication’ currently -The ‘Only’ Communication you can have it currently,
have ‘with’ Your Physical’ currently is ‘Pain’. It is a ‘Signal’-‘System’ that ‘Indicate’ to you –
‘Pain’ or ‘Discomfort’ that ‘Indicates’ to you: you have to look at-your ‘Participation’. And
that ‘Pain’ is Not-something You ‘Observe’= it’s Fucking-‘Real’. The ‘Discomfort’ is Not-
‘Something’ You ‘Observe’ = it ‘Overpowers’-you.

The ‘Resonance’ isn’t ‘Something’-that ‘You Observe’ = it ‘Happens’ to-you – It is ‘Real’.

What you are then ‘Experiencing’ is something you can’t ‘Direct’ because: it’s got ‘Power’
‘over’-you – that’s ‘Real’. That’s why we use ‘that’-which is ‘Real’ to ‘Assist’ Everyone-with.
Then obviously ‘How’ do you ‘Suppress’-it? You ‘Observe’-it, you make a ‘Value’-Judge-
ment about-it and in-that, you ‘cycle’-it, so that you end-up in ‘Observer’-mode again and
then, Never-take ‘Action’, so now it gets ‘worse’ – every ‘cycle’. This is been going-on for
‘Millions’ of-years.

So- back to ‘what’? The ‘Decision’ - I mean have a-look at the Fascinating thing: the
World ‘Exist’ as ‘Systems’, ‘Systems’ that ‘Manage’ the ‘Interaction’-of People. That ‘Sys-
tems’ is ‘Real’– they are having an ‘Effect’ ‘On’-you and they have ‘Power’ ‘Over’-you =
They are ‘Real’ because, you have to ‘Act’ ‘according’-to them in ‘Participation’- it’s Not an
‘Observation’. You Have No-‘Choice’ in-that.
The Question then is ‘Is these ‘Systems’- or ‘Are these ‘Systems’ that ‘Exist’ in this World
‘Managing’ the Relationships between the ‘Living Beings’ on this Planet, are they ‘Manag-
ing’ the ‘Relationships’ between People in-a ‘way’ that is ‘Equal for All’ and ‘Best for All’
– they are Not.
Andrea: No.

Bernard: So, Our ‘Participation’ is then in these ‘Systems’ to ‘Change’-them to ‘Equal-

ity’ and ‘Oneness’. ‘That’ you Cannot-‘Do’ as an ‘Observation’ or Using ‘Knowledge’ or,
anything-else but: Having to ‘Actually’ ‘Participate’ in-them.

‘Desteni Farm’ is simply the Place where we ‘Train’ ‘Participants’ to go-back into the ‘Sys-
tem’ and to Start taking ‘Directive Principle’ of-them and bring some ‘Common Sense’ to
‘Reality’, so that what we end-up-with at this stage – over a very-long period of time – we
end-up in a ‘Reality’ where Children can be ‘Born’-into and be ‘taken care’-of – that’s just
one simple-point.

Now One must Decide whether One want to ‘Participate’ in something like that. The
‘Context’ of-that obviously is ‘Where’ and ‘How’. Within-that you have to Obviously
look-at your ‘Effectiveness’ and ‘Potential’ as ‘Participant’ –‘How far’ are you going to-go?
‘How far are you ‘Willing’ to-go?’ – Which is ‘Self-Willed’ in getting this ‘Reality’ ‘sorted’-

What is the ‘Point’ of ‘Agreement ‘within-that? Only ‘one thing’: the Human have a ‘Pe- 439
culiar’ ‘Condition’ that is ‘Real’: The Human requires Sex ‘Regularly’- the ‘Agreement’
is there to ‘Satisfy’ that Particular ‘Real-Reality’ without going-into a ‘Delusional’-point
‘about’-it - so that one can get ‘down’-to the other shit, which there is ‘many’-of that we
have-to ‘Participate’-in and ‘Sorting’-out this ‘Reality’.

So, within-that one simply ‘place’-you in an ‘Agreement’ where you Focus-on getting the
‘Sex’-part ‘Sufficiently’ ‘Effective’ so-that you do Not have-to go-into ‘Observation’-Mode
to ‘search’ for another ‘Point’ where you Believe you could have-it ‘Better’. As long as that
‘Observation’ Exist = Your ‘Agreement’ is Not-‘Real’- It’s that simple. Within-that, the
‘Agreement’ between Beings are to be ‘Self- Honest’ and State either ‘it works’ - that means
‘I am Satisfied’ or ‘I’m Not-Satisfied’ - and if one can’t get to ‘Satisfaction’, then simply the
‘Agreement’ should Not-‘Exist’. And just on that one ‘point’ all ‘Agreements’ will be ‘Man-
aged’- Nothing-else is ‘Relevant’, because that one single-‘point’ will either ‘cause’-you
to go-into ‘Observation’-Mode to ‘look’-for another ‘alternative’ or you’ll be ‘Satisfied’ -
which means you can Focus on the shit you have to do, ‘Practically’, ‘Common-Sensically’
- Make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: And therefore the ‘Decision’ becomes ‘Simplistic’. Many ‘Agreements’ will start
and Not ‘Last’ because, once ‘Self-Honesty’ is ‘reached’, I mean the ‘Decision’ will either
become: ‘Yes, We Walk’/ ‘No, We Don’t-Walk.’ If that doesn’t ‘Self-Honesty’ doesn’t come-
through= the ‘Agreement’ will go into ‘War’, because there will be: ‘War’, a fighting-about

What would be the ‘Point’? The ‘Point’s simplistically ‘attempting’-to ‘Change’ the ‘Physi-
cal’ - You can’t ‘Change the Physical’= You’ve already ‘Created’-it.

You have to now ‘Trust’ that the ‘Physical’ know what the fuck it’s doing, because why
would-it have ‘Allowed’-you to come Here and apparently ‘fuck with Reality’ through
‘Observation’- Did you really ‘fuck with Reality’ or are you ‘Fucked’? You didn’t really
‘fuck with Reality’, you are ‘Really’ ‘Fucked’ in-‘Reality’. ‘Reality’ is much ‘more’ than
what can-be ‘Observed’- and ‘Reality’ has got just Certain.... Obvious ‘Principles’. Those
‘Principles’ are: you want to be ‘Part’-of ‘Reality’ = You must ‘Realize’ ‘All’ the ‘Parts’ of
‘Reality’ in ‘Self-Honesty’ and, if you would like the ‘Ability’ to be-able to ‘Observe’ while
you ‘Participate’, then your ‘Observation’ should Not-be in-‘Conflict’ with your ‘Par-
ticipation’ – that means: ‘Equality’. And that ‘Equality’ should Include ‘Principally’ ‘All
of Existence’- Not-just your ‘Observable’ Current ‘Reality’. And the ‘Principle’ is Very-
‘Simple’ that: ‘Everywhere is Here’ - that means, ‘Who you are Here’ within your ‘Appar-
ent’ ‘Limited-Reality’, determines ‘Who you are’ in ‘All-Parts’-of Existence in ‘All’ your
‘Participation’. Therefore, if you are Not-‘Consistent’ in Every-‘Here’ ‘Considering’ ‘All-
Parts’ of ‘Reality’ = You can’t be ‘Trusted’ and therefore, will Not be ‘Allowed’ to Return-to
‘Reality’, you will remain in ‘Delusion’. Make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: Now the most ‘difficult’-thing is simply ‘The Decision’ – because that ‘Decision’
requires ‘Self-Honesty’ - and what is fascinating is-that, if one look-at your ‘Existence’-as
something that is ‘broken-down’ into ‘Time’ and you take this ‘Time’ into the ‘Practical-
Participation’ ‘Part’ of-it - which is Breath – then your ‘Existence’ consist out-of a certain
amount of ‘Breaths’ and this ‘Breath’ of-you as-‘Real’ as you ‘Participate’, you want to be
‘Consistence’ so that you can ‘Trust’ Yourself and Focus-on what it is you’re Here to ‘Do’
and to Develop your ‘Skills’ ‘Sufficiently’ so that you can really ‘bring-forth’ a ‘System’ of
‘Equality for All’.

If you find these ‘Breaths’ Not-‘Consistent’, ‘Practical’ and you are ‘Influenced’ by your
‘Observation’, obviously there are tools like ‘Self-Forgiveness’, like ‘Self-Honesty’ and
‘Common Sense’ and obviously ‘Support’ from others to come and ‘Release’-yourself from
your ‘Delusion’ and get-back to ‘Reality’, which is ‘Participating’-Here. Within this ‘Con-
text’, Each-One is ‘Alone’, no one can in any-way ‘Decide’ for you what your ‘Participa-
tion’ must-‘be’ because, at the end of the day the ‘Design’-of ‘Reality’ is in such a way to
give All the ‘Delusionists’ each an ‘Equal’-Opportunity to ‘Redeem’-themselves through
‘Participation’ - and they must do-that ‘Alone’ without help – otherwise they can Never Be
Does that make sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Really ‘Simplistic’. I mean, that is now the Total-Evolution over ‘how long’ –
that we find ourselves here ‘Attempting’ to-‘Make Observation Real’. Now what is ‘Fasci-
nating’ about-this is How has our ‘History’ Developed? Our ‘History’ is ‘Developed’-by
those that is Here, ‘Observing’ then ‘Participating’ in the ‘Observation’, ‘Pretending’ in
‘Making-it ‘Real’ - you know, it’s like going to ‘War’- it’s an ‘Observation - then you ‘Par-
ticipate’ in Your ‘Observation’, you make ‘War’, many ‘Die’, you come back and it ‘Disap-
pears’ in-the ‘Annals of History’ - Was it ‘Real’?

Andrea: No.

Bernard: No, it wasn’t. You ‘Participated’-in ‘Observation’, you ‘Attempted’-to ‘Make-

it ‘Real’’ but it wasn’t ‘lasting’ - same with ‘Agreements’: you ‘Observe’-something, you
‘Like’-something, but when you ‘Participate’ there is something that doesn’t want-to
’work’. Now, you either are Able to ‘Adjust’-yourself or you’re Not – It’s really ‘simplistic’- 441

You cannot make ‘Observation’ ‘Real’, it is ‘Impossible’ because, your ‘Observation’ will
‘Always’-be ‘Only’-about ‘Your Own Fear’ and ‘Your Own Self-Interest’. It ‘Never’ Con-
siders ‘Everyone’ and you are ‘Always’ in a ‘Level of Scales’, that means: you are ‘Always’
either ‘Higher’ or ‘Lower’-than ‘someone’ according-to your ‘Observation’. I mean the
‘Participant’ doesn’t have a ‘Higher’ or a ‘Lower’ because, the ‘Participant’ in ‘Equality’
‘Has-Everything’- There is No-‘Higher’ or ‘Lower’, there is Only-Obviously the ‘Point’
that: if you are Not ‘Yet’ ‘Everything’, you better ‘get your ass-there’ –

That makes sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya

Bernard: Really ‘Simplistic’.

So- Our ‘History’ that is taught to our children, are ‘Attempted’-‘Observations’ that were
in ‘Self-Interest’- in ‘Self-Interest’ been ‘Attempted’-to make ‘Real’ and which is being
‘Controlled’-by a ‘Delusional’-‘System’ based on ‘Debt’ - because by Apparently ‘Observ-
ing’ Everyone to-‘Have’ some ‘flaw’, you’re Allowed to ‘Apparently’ ‘Place’-yourself in a
‘System’ where you can be ‘Better’ or ‘Worse’ and within-that, you are ‘Apparently’ ‘Evolv-
ing’ - There is No ‘Evolution’ taking-place.
There is Simply either ‘Delusion’ or ‘Reality’. Those that ‘Die’ within ‘Observation-Mode’
are rather ‘Diminished’. You cannot ‘Debate’ ‘Reality’ – ‘Reality’ Includes-‘Everything’ so
there’s No-‘Debate’. ‘Observation’ obviously can be ‘Debated’ because you are ‘trying’-to
‘win’ and ‘trying’-to ‘Impress upon-others’ your ‘Observation’ as ‘More’-‘Real’ and ‘More’-
‘True’ than somebody else’s - That is Not-‘True’ or ‘Truth’ or ‘Real’, or ‘Reality’ –simply

So, what is ‘Really’ the ‘Point’ of the ‘Decision’- like in this particular case-? It’s either you
can ‘Walk’ within the ‘Principle’ of ‘Participation’ to find-‘ways’ to bring-about a ‘Change’
in the ‘System’ from ‘Delusion’ to ‘Reality which is ‘Best for All’. Within-that you are ‘Un-
equal’ as ‘Participants’ because you have ‘Different’ ‘Levels’-of ‘Experiences’ in ‘Different’-
‘Fields’ and that will take-‘time’ to ‘Correct’.
Furthermore, you are within the ‘Context’-of Your-‘Past’ and the ‘Potential’ of Your-
‘Future’ – both of-that will ‘play a role’ depending-on whether you have given your ‘Ob-
servations’ ‘Value’ or Not.

Then there is Obviously the ‘Common Sense’ ‘Part’-of ‘Where’ one will be Most-
‘Effective’ and, if you would to be ‘Satisfied’-with Your Own ‘Participation’ if you do Not
‘reach’ your ‘Optimum’ ‘Participation’- ‘Potential’- ‘Practically’. Within-that obviously
your ‘Decision’ is ‘much’-more ‘Difficult’ than ‘her Decision’ because, Remaining ‘Here’
you’re going-to have-to ‘Accept’ Certain ‘Limitations’.

‘Returning’ you will have much-more a ‘Responsibility’. You must ‘Decide’ whether you
can ‘live’ with which-one you can Live ‘Practically’ - You have ‘No Say’ in-that, because...

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: ...Nothing ‘you say’ can ‘Change’- the ‘Resonance’ will simply ‘take-over’.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: That’s ‘Simplistically’ the story.

Andrew: OK.

Bernard: Make Sense?

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: Within-that you have to ‘Act’ because: the longer you-‘wait’, the ‘longer’ it-‘takes’

Andrew: Ya.

Bernard: and the more your ‘Experiences’-of ‘Discomfort’ will ‘Escalate’ and take-you to
a ‘Point’ where-you Eventually will ‘Act’ in ‘Anger’, ‘Destroying your Reality’ where you
then Have-to ‘move’-on, you see that’s why ‘Anger’-Exist. ‘Anger’ is the ‘Tool’ that make-
sure you ‘move’-on when you don’t ‘want’-to - does that make sense?

Therefore ‘Anger’ is Valid - It’s a ‘Real’ ‘Actual’ Experience.

Andrea: Ya.

Bernard: It makes-sure you ‘move’-on if you are Not-‘Effective’. If you are ‘Effective’ = You
are ‘Satisfied with Yourself ’, you will Never get ‘Angry’.

Make sense?

Andrew/Andrea: Ya.
70: The Hidden Face of Sexuality
Interview with Bernard Poolman
02 January 2010

So this idea of Face-World was born from a single moment where I was walking towards
Cameron sitting on a chair, whose hair was being trimmed and he was obviously having
fun and
the face that was presented was peculiar. So I asked a few questions about this Face. What
is this Face all about? What is this hair really presenting?

What is fascinating about hair, is that it presents sexuality. You can virtually call hair, ‘the
lines of the rod’ with which you will ‘hook’ the being and their ‘hook’ is the Face. You find
the right Face, then you ‘throw out the lines’, you ‘hook’ the beings and then you can put
your ‘rod’ into ‘the cave of wonders’.

So -that is what hair represent, that‘s why ‘down under’ in the areas of your ‘real genes’ –
the ‘genes’ that ‘tell it all’ – which is the genitals – there you have hair as well.

A suggestion is in Face-world to also shave the hair off your ‘hidden face’, the one you
‘hide’ between your legs -the place where the male ‘hold the eggs’ and the female ‘release
the eggs’ and
the legs are the ‘pillars’ that keep that Face ready to ‘kiss’ the great ‘nuclear reaction’ called
orgasm -which is the whole purpose of the organism,

within which is ‘riding a being’ that is hiding behind a Face. You’re not willing to look at
this face that is presented and is using hair, hair, hair – it is all about Love!

Don’t you see? You were Programmed from the sixties already to end up today in saying:
‘Namaste! I recognise the ‘God’ in you as the ‘God’ in me’ - But there is no ‘God’ in me or
you! Because if that was so, we would’ve been ‘God’ already
You are a liar, Namaste! You’re lying because you are not Living as God. You have a ‘False-
Face’, while inside you, the ‘real you’ has got a ‘different story’ in your thoughts.

And your thoughts are the’ real god ‘– that’s the ‘real you’ – a liar and a cheater and a de-
If you are Honest you would ‘synchronise’ your thoughts with your Face, so that you
never may present a ‘False-Face’ to anyone.

If you can do that = that is an ‘Act of God’.

An ‘Act of Self-Honesty’ is an ‘Act of God’.
Then, you are on your way to reclaim your Godhood.
71: Illusionists use Love with Great Effect
Interview with Bernard Poolman
28 February 2010

Okay so - your ‘Conscious Mind’ is your ‘Management of Participation’ in your ‘Im-

mediate’ ‘Moment-to-Moment’ Reality that is ‘Interacting’ ‘at all-times’ with your ‘Sub-
conscious’ and the ‘Unconscious’. ‘Subconscious’ is your ‘Personality’-Mind –that means
‘All’ the ‘Influences’ that ‘Formed’-you as a ‘Being’ –your ‘Culture’ your ‘Language’, your 445
‘Family’, your all the ‘People’ you’ve known, your ‘Education’, your –all the things you are
‘Interacting’-with in some-way on a day-to-day basis.

Your ‘Unconscious’-Mind is the ‘World System’ –that means, the ‘Greater Reality’ that
is ‘Managing’ the ‘Interaction’-of Everyone’s ‘Existence’. Because of the way the ‘Greater
Reality’ ‘Exist’, your ‘Conscious-Mind’ is ‘subject’-to your ‘Subconscious’, and your ‘Sub-
conscious’ is ‘subject’-to your ‘Unconscious’. So whenever you are ‘Interacting’ within the
‘Reality’ at a ‘Level' which will ‘Disturb’ the ‘Unconscious-Mind’, it’ll ‘send’-you a ‘Mes-
sage’ of ‘Fear’. That was for instance all Programmed’-into Variations-of ‘Religion’ as an
Example – the ‘Religion’-Point that was ‘Utilized’ was for instance the ‘Crucifixion’, and
‘God’ as a ‘Similar’ or ‘Equal’-to the ‘Unconscious-Mind' which is the ‘World System’
so-that, you see the ‘World System’ as something ‘too-Big’ to ‘Change’ and whenever you
‘take-it-on’ it’ll give you a ‘Fear-Message’ that: ‘you are ‘too-Small’ to Do-Anything about-
it’, and therefore you will Not-‘Do’ Anything about-it.

In your ‘Reality’ in terms-of your ‘Subconscious’, you know that will be ‘Changing’
according-to your ‘Particular’ ‘Points’-of call-it ‘Evolution’. You decide that you had
‘Enough’ of ‘your Life’, you’re going-to for instance ‘Stop your Relationships’ and you’re
gonna ‘Change your World’, just ‘Change your Life’ you’re gonna go in a ‘New Relation-
ship’, then your ‘Subconscious’-Relationships will be ‘Re-Aligned’ and, some people will
‘Remain’ in your Life, some will ‘Change’- You will ‘Change your Behaviour’, You’ll sud-
denly become a more ‘Open’-Person or a more ‘Secluded’-Person or you’ll become more
‘Party’-like or whatever ‘Point’ you-‘Decide’ you now ‘Want’-to ‘Experience’-‘more’, and
you will ‘Change’ your ‘Immediate’-‘Environment’ with-which you are going to ‘Interact’
with your ‘Conscious-Mind’ and then, you call that ‘Your Choice’ that you’ve ‘Exercised’
and that you’re ‘using your ‘Free Will’, and you’re now ‘Willing-Yourself ’ to ‘Adjust’ your

In ‘that’-case you, for instance, will Never ‘Adjust’ Your ‘Unconscious Mind’ because
your Unconscious Mind’ is your ‘Accepted’ ‘World-Reality’, but you’ll ‘Adjust’ your ‘Sub-
So ‘Structural-Resonance Alignment’ is to-get your ‘Conscious Mind’, your ‘Unconscious’
and your ‘Subconscious-Mind’ ‘Aligned’ to a ‘Point’ where you-can ‘See’ that you-have
‘Sufficient’ ‘Will’, ‘Power’ and ‘Ability’ to ‘Actually’-‘Change’ the ‘Unconscious Mind’ –
which is the ‘World System’ - into ‘something’ that ‘Support’ Everyone-‘Equally’, so that it
is No-‘Longer’ a ‘System of Fear’ as it is Currently ‘Existing’-As –which means the ‘Iden-
tification’ of ‘All’ ‘Unconscious-Systems’ which is ‘Deliberately’ ‘Utilized’-to ‘Limit’-you
within a ‘State-of Fear’ to Not ‘Take’-on the ‘Greater Reality’, and therefore ‘Accepting’
all-kinds of ‘forms’-of ‘Abuse’ from ‘Starvation’-to ‘Crime’-to… ‘Abuse’, to-‘War’, to ‘Por-
nography’, to ‘Child-Rape’, to ‘High-jacking’, to… Every-‘Possible’-‘Crime’ that ‘Exist’ at
the ‘World-Level’ –

You must ‘Understand’ that Obviously that… there are ‘Beings’ in-‘Reality’ that is ‘Hu-
mans’ that are ‘Placing’-themselves - or were-‘Placed’ ‘Specifically’, dependent-on the
‘Particular’-Situation - at ‘Points’ where they’re ‘Managing’ either Your ‘Subconscious-
Reality’ or Your ‘Unconscious-Reality’. From their Perspective, they’re ‘Entering’ Virtually-
like a ‘System’, ‘The System’- and they ‘Act’ on ‘one way’ as a ‘Person’ –which is with the
‘Conscious-Mind’- at another-level they ‘Act’-as a ‘System’ as somebody managing either a
‘Smaller’-Reality or a ‘Greater’-Reality and they Make the Decisions ‘Accordingly’ –

Obviously from their Perspective, they have Exactly the Same-‘Fears’ you-have in terms-of
the ‘Greater Reality’ and therefore they ‘make-sure’ that the ‘Greater Reality’, the ‘Rules’
are ‘Imposed’ to ‘keep’ Everyone ‘Controlled’ within the ‘World-System’ –they don’t even
Understand ‘Completely’, ‘Exactly’ what it is they’re doing because, all of-this is ‘Happen-
ing’ at a level-of ‘Resonance’ that they can’t see anyway, they’re simply just ‘Interacting’
within their ‘Belief ’-System of ‘How’-it ‘Operates’ and ‘How’-it ‘Should’-‘Operate’ and
they do-that from the Perspective-of ‘Fear’- and their Perspective of ‘Belief ’, and ‘Belief ’ is
Always based-in ‘Fear’- Does that all make-sense?

Esteni: Yeah

Bernard: So that’s ‘Simplistically’ the, ‘Conscious’, ‘Unconscious’ and ‘Subconscious’ and

‘How’-it ‘Relates’-to ‘Reality’ and ‘How’ One ‘Interacts’ with-it and then within ‘Structur-
al Resonance Alignment’, we’re now Slowly ‘taking’ all of-those ‘Points’ and we’re ‘bring-
ing’-it ‘All-together’, so that One Eventually ‘handles’ both the ‘Subconscious ‘ and the
‘Unconscious’ In a ‘Conscious’-way that means, in ‘Full-Awareness’ that it is No-‘Longer’

‘Consciousness’ in itself is the ‘Manifestation’ of the ‘Unconscious-Mind’ as a ‘System’ that

‘Operates’ by-Itself. The ‘Attempt’-to, for instance ‘Change’-that by just ‘Inserting’-‘Love’
‘into-it’ is in its Very- ‘Essence’ –if one look-at the ‘Simple’-Mathematics of-it – ‘Impos-
sible’, and will ‘Cause’ much-more ‘Harm’ to Many more ‘Beings’, because the ‘System’ in
itself is Not-‘Adjusted’, it’s Simply becoming… taken to ‘another- level’ of ‘Blindness’ and,
where one ‘Subjugate’ and ‘Limit’-yourself to a ‘Point’ where-You ‘Accept’ the ‘World-Sys-
tem’ as it-Is and you Wait for a ‘Better World’ or a ‘Better System’ ‘After-Death’ – You Do
‘In-Fact’ then ‘Nothing’ about Changing ‘That which you have Accepted as the ‘Reason’
for your Fear’.

And in-‘Spite’-of ‘Presenting’ ‘Love’ to Everything, you are still ‘In-Fear’ and you are just
Refusing to See-it, because you’re ‘Unwilling’ to-Take the ‘Responsibility’ or-the ‘Risk’ as
you perceive-it to ‘Actually’ ‘Change’ what you are ‘Seeing’ is ‘Happening’, because you
‘See’-Yourself as ‘too-Small’ to-Have ‘Any’- ‘Effect’. 447

Now Obviously whenever a ‘Being’ is ‘Presenting’-themselves as ‘too-Small’ to-Have ‘Any’-

‘Effect’, and they also ‘Present’-themselves without the Common Sense to-‘See’ what is
Really ‘going-on’ within the ‘Conscious’, ‘Subconscious’ and the ‘Unconscious’ , or even
‘Attempt’-to see what is ‘going-on’ - from Desteni’s Perspective they are ‘Irrelevant’ and
they are ‘Immediately’ ‘moved’ out-of ‘Process’ to a … to be ‘Recycled’. If they in the
‘Future’ at some-stage ‘Do’-‘Realize’, it’s Very-‘Simplistic’: they ‘Automatically’ are ‘back’-
in the ‘Process’-with the few-‘Points’ where they have to ‘Prove’ their ‘Self-Honesty’, but I
mean then ‘Self-Honesty’ is ‘Proven’ in terms-of their ‘Action’ they ‘take’.

Then the… that’s In-‘Essence’ the ‘Simplicity’ of ‘How’-it ‘Operates’.

Now what is Fascinating Obviously is that within the ‘Unconscious’, the ‘Subconscious’
and the ‘Conscious’, the ‘Being’ Currently-‘Exist’ Only as ‘Observer’ therefore, they only
‘Participate’ in what they ‘Observe’ and therefore ‘Nothing they Do’ is ‘Actually’ Ever-
‘Real’, yet they are ‘Trapped’ in-that ‘Illusion’, and it just ‘Perpetuates’-through the ‘Par-
ticipation’ in the ‘Illusion’ –yet, it is ‘Real’ in-‘Experience’ because, You ‘Make-it Real’
through your ‘Participation’ –yet, the Moment you ‘Stop’ your ‘Participation’ within-that
‘Illusion’ = the ‘Illusion’ ‘drops’.

This has been Explained in Many-Different ‘ways’ yet, ‘Beings’ will-Not ‘Give-up’ their
‘Participation’ in the ‘Illusion’ –I mean, Jesus said-it, Lao-Tzu, Osho, you-name-it - they
All said ‘Stop! – ‘Drop the ‘Illusion’, but ‘Explaining’ Exactly ‘How’ that would ‘Operate’
has been a Very ‘Difficult’-thing yet, look-at the ‘Simplicity’ of-it.

You are ‘Participating’ in your ‘Observation’, and therefore you make your ‘Observation’
‘Real’ which is the ‘Illusion’ –then you ‘Continue’-to ‘Participate’ in the ‘Illusion’ and
therefore it seems to-be a ‘Real-Experience’ while it’s In-‘Fact’ Not-‘Real’.

If You would ‘Stop’ and Dare-yourself to look-at ‘What you’ve been ‘doing’’ and also,
look-at those ‘around’-you what ‘they’re’-doing, you’ll Notice the ‘Illusion’-with ‘Great-

Now, ‘Ego’ is where One take the ‘Observation’, base-your ‘Design’ of-Yourself as ‘Con-
scious’ - as the ‘Conscious-Mind' as ‘Consciousness’ ‘On’-that ‘Observation’, and you
‘Defend’-it as ‘Real’ because, you ‘Fear’ to-‘Lose’ what you’re ‘Participating’-in because,
your ‘Observation’= you’ll ‘Always’ ‘Make the Rules’ to ‘fit’ ‘You’, to ‘make’-‘You’ ‘the Win-
ner’ –so therefore it is a ‘Principle of Competition’.
In your ‘Observation’ you’re Always ‘Observing’ things from the ‘Point’ where ‘You Will
Win’ and ‘You are Right’, therefore all of-that is your ‘Ego’, and then you ‘Participate’
in-‘that’ and therefore your ‘Experience’ seems-to-be ‘Real’. And you ‘Believe’ the Mo-
ment somebody walks-‘away’ from-you and ‘Refuse’-to ‘Participate’ in your ‘Observation’
that you have ‘Won’ –which is Not-‘True’, you didn’t –they’ve just ‘Seen’ through-you and
told-you to ‘Fuck-off’ - but you can’t-even ‘See’-‘that’ because you’re in ‘Illusion’.

So, ‘Humanity’ is… Exists as ‘Illusionists’ seeing ‘Who’ can ‘Deceive’ the Other ‘More-Ef-
fectively’- that’s why we have a Totally ‘Corrupt’-Society- and ‘Everybody’ is ‘Participating’
in-it and they ‘Use’ Fascinating-ways – especially if you look-at ‘Consumerism’ you’ll see
where it ‘Manifest’ ‘Best’ is in ‘Love’, and you look-at ‘Sex’: the word ‘Love’- look-at ‘Re-
ligion: the word ‘Love’ –‘Love’, ‘Love’, ‘Love’, ‘Love is the ‘Ultimate Deception’ because it
is an ‘Observation’ which is then ‘Sold’ –that means it’s like a ‘form’-of ‘Possession’ where
you get ‘Somebody’ to ‘Sell their Soul to you’ and then you, they become ‘Your ‘Sole’ Rea-
son for Living’: which you call ‘Love’, because you have Complete-‘Possession’ over-them
and you can ‘suck’ their ‘Energy’-dry for ‘the Rest of their ‘Life’’ –you call-it ‘Marriage’.

It’s ‘Night-Mare-riage’ the ‘Greatest Nightmare’ that Exist.

And then you-get ‘Children’ to make-sure the ‘Nightmare’-‘Continue’ for ‘the Rest of
your Life’.
Such a ‘Wonderful’-thing: ‘Love’

A ‘Beautiful’ ‘Poison’ that slowly ‘drips’ and ‘Infatuates’ and ‘Releases’ a ‘Energetic’-‘Toxin’
that ‘Blinds’-one for ‘Anything’ that is ‘Real’ –and all you ‘look’-for then is ‘What you
want-to ‘Observe’’ which will ‘Confirm’ to-you that ‘Love is Real’ –and there you are
448 ‘Trapped’-in Your ‘Illusion’ because you’re only ‘Seeing’ what you ‘Want’-to and you’re
‘Creating’ what you ‘Want’-to ‘See’ –and therefore, you’re in this ‘Infinite’-‘Time-loop’
where You ‘Only’-‘See’ What you ‘Want’-to ‘See’ – and you’re ‘Creating’-it at the Same-
‘Time’, isn’t it ‘Wonderful’ to be so ‘Powerful’?
72: Desteni & WAR
By: Bernard Poolman
24 December 2009

This is on the Desteni and War, ‘War’, W-A-R - the ‘Rawness’ of Existence.

An interesting perspective is that we honour those that ‘Die’ for country, we honour that
as a ‘Death in the Service of Those that is being Protected’ which is rather bizarre. 449

First place that ‘Protection’ is necessary - ‘What’ is being ‘Protected’? ‘Who’ is being ‘Pro-
tected’? A ‘way of Life’ is being ‘Protected’.

A different perspective on this all is, that those that ‘Die’ in the ‘Service of Life’ to Expose
the Inequality and Brutality of the ‘Human Nature’, they currently is dying ‘Silently’, no
one is ‘Honouring’-them, no one is even ‘noticing’ – it is the ‘Poor’, the ‘Starving’, the
‘Abused’, the Animals, the Plants - everything that is Purely ‘cannon fodder’ in a seemingly
‘Endless Battle’.

This is taking place ‘right in front of everyone’, yet there are those that Dare to ‘Service’
and ‘Honour’ and ‘Protect’ their ‘Elite’-Status that they have by virtue of ‘Birth’ and ‘Sys-
tem’ and ‘Money’, that hide behind that and ‘blindly’ participate in the Slaughter of mil-
lions ‘In the name-of ’ ‘Self-Interest’, ‘Luxury’, ‘Fun’ and ‘Happiness’.

There are No Words that can describe the atrocities that’s being ‘Allowed’ under the
‘Name’ of this, obvious Human Cruelty - Look for yourself, put-on the other shoe: be the
Animal, be the Starving and look-at ‘what it is’ that is being ‘Allowed’.
73: The Physical Universe
By: Bernard Poolman
01 March 10

So let’s look-at the ‘Physical Universe’: Is the ‘Physical Universe’ ‘Necessary’ at-all? I mean
Everybody wants to go to ‘Heaven’ and ‘Heaven’ has-got No ‘Physical Universe’ - Is the
‘Physical Universe’ at-all ‘Necessary’?

I mean, Where are you ‘from’? – You’re from the ‘Earth’, but do you Really ‘Care’-about
the ‘Earth’? – You have a ‘Physical-Body’ – Do you Really ‘Care’ about-it? Or… Do you
Only ‘Care’-about ‘The Mind’, Your ‘Consciousness’ – Your ‘Conscience’?

There seems to-be a ‘Interesting’ ‘Problem’-here, you… It is ‘Impossible’ for the Human to
Exist, if it wasn’t for the ‘Physical Universe’ – it is ‘Impossible’ for You to be ‘Aware’ if you
don’t-Have a ‘Human Body’ in your Current-‘State’ of ‘Awareness’ – So therefore, it is a
‘Critical’-‘Part’ of ‘Who’ you ‘Currently’ is ‘Hearing’ these ‘Words’.

So if that is a ‘Critical-Part’ – a ‘Part’ you cannot ‘Be’-‘without’ = that must be then having
More-‘Power’ ‘over’-you than ‘You’-have ‘Power’-Yourself, isn’t it? Because ‘Remove’ this
‘Part’ and You are No-‘Longer’ ‘Here’.

The ‘Question’ then is: If ‘Common-Sense’ and Simple-‘Deduction’ can ‘show’-you that:
The ‘Physical Universe’ is In-‘Fact’ More-‘Powerful’ than ‘You’, that must ‘Imply’ that the
‘Physical Universe’ is ‘God’: the ‘Real Creator’. And have a-Look – ‘Everything’ you can
‘Create’ comes-from: the ‘Physical Universe’ – ‘Nothing’ You ‘Create’ is ‘Originally’ from-
You have-a look, Not a ‘Single-thing’, Not-even your ‘Knowledge’ – it’s all ‘based’-on
things you’ve ‘done’-with the ‘Physical Universe’.

So if you start looking really ‘Closely’, you’ll ‘Notice’ a Fascinating-‘thing’: You can Actu-
ally ‘work-out’ What is ‘God’ in all of-this – ‘God’ is ‘Unconditionally’ ‘Loving’ – Who’s
that? The ‘Physical Universe’.You Cannot-‘Exist’ without ‘God’ – Who’s that? The ‘Physi-
cal Universe’.

So, if you ‘Die’ where are you going? You can’t be going-to ‘God’, because you’re ‘Leav-
ing’ the: ‘Physical Universe’. ‘Big-Problem’ - What ‘Returns-to ‘God’’? Your-‘Body’ –Not
‘You’. Who’s then the ‘Fallen’ from ‘Heaven’? Must-be ‘You’. Otherwise You wouldn’t have

Why can’t you ‘Talk’-to the ‘Physical Universe’? At-‘Will’, at-‘All-Times’? That’s ‘Here’ –
It… It’s ‘What’ you’re ‘Made-of ’’ that’s Your ‘Creator’, the ‘Real’ ‘Real-Creator’ - ‘Proven’
– you can ‘Prove’-it in Every-Way. Not a ‘Single-thing’ you’ve Ever-‘Created’ as a ‘Human-
Being’, you have ‘Created’ - with anything- ‘Anything’-‘Original’ – You had to ‘Always’-
‘Use’ ‘something’ from the ‘Physical Universe’- there is Not a ‘Single-thing’ in ‘Creation’
- that which is called ‘Consciousness’ of the ‘Human’ – because the ‘Human' Created
‘Consciousness’ – there’s Not a ‘Single-thing’ that is ‘Original’ - ‘Nothing’ in this World
– the ‘Consciousness’ as it-‘Exist’ – you go into ‘Dimensions’ of ‘Consciousness’- That’s
all ‘Make-Believe’ you’re ‘making-up’ – it’s Not ‘Original’-though, because even in-‘that’,
you’re ‘Using’ ‘Pictures’ and ‘Impressions’ - that you can find-somewhere in-the ‘Physical
Universe’ ‘attempting’-to ‘Be-‘God’’ and ‘Divine’ – But I mean: ‘Nothing’, ‘Nothing’ You-
have Ever ‘Thought’ or ‘Done’ is ‘Original’ - You’re Not-‘Original’ either. 451

Why ‘Fight’ for your ‘Uniqueness’ when You cannot-even ‘Sustain’-it? It’s just a ‘Tempo-

Now ‘Hear’ the ‘Test’ that was ‘placed’ before-‘Man’: Will-You Be-‘Able’ to ‘Give’ to
‘Each-Other’ ‘Equally’? Will-You ‘Love Your Neighbour As Yourself ’? Will-You ‘Do to
Each-Other ‘What’s Best For All’’? Will-‘You’ Be-‘Equal’?

You can ‘Speak’-to the ‘Physical Universe’ and it’ll tell-you ‘that’-Is What It-is ‘Saying’.
74: The Prodigal Son
By: Bernard Poolman

Okay, so the ‘Prodigal Son’ ‘story’ -which is many-times ‘used’ as an ‘Example’ -of ‘Su-
preme’- ‘Forgiveness’.

What is ‘Fascinating’-about the ‘story’ obviously is to ‘See’ what is ‘Latent’, ‘Tacitly’-

implied within the ‘story’, and ‘How’ ‘that’ has ‘become’ - or ‘became’ - the ‘Cycle’ that
Each-‘Human’ ‘lives’ on-‘Earth’ - And that has ‘become’ the Total-‘Design’ of the ‘Allowed’
and ‘Accepted’ ‘Human-Nature’ on-‘Earth’ - which is similar-to that-of, ‘Eating with the
Pigs’- Interestingly-enough that the ‘Pig’ do feature a ‘few’-times in the Bible, in various-

Now, this is all ‘Religious’-‘Programming’, and these-things has deeply-‘embedded’ in

Every ‘Human-Being’ to such a ‘Degree’ that you cannot-‘See’ in the ‘story’ of the ‘Prodi-
gal Son’, that it is one-of the ‘Greatest Deceptions’ Ever ‘Moved’ on the ‘Human-Mind’
and the ‘Human-Condition’. ‘Cause here is a ‘Child’ that goes to ‘his Father’, wanting his
‘Inheritance’ to go and ‘do-it’, 'His’-way.

What does that ‘say’? Being... ‘the Father’-being the ‘Creator’- and ‘the Son’-being the
‘Creation’ and the ‘Inheritance’-being the ‘Image and Likeness’- What does that ‘mean’?
It ‘means’: that ‘the Son’ in ‘claiming’ his-‘Inheritance’, is In-‘Fact’ similar-to ‘the Fall’-of

Darryl: Cain and Abel. On the...

Bernard: ‘Cain and Abel’ story, but also the ‘Fall’-of ‘One-third’ of ‘Heaven’- Same-‘Story’
repeated, just in a different-‘way’- with ‘One-third’ of-‘Heaven’ that ‘Fell’ with - - who
was-that ‘Angel’? The 'Angel of Light’ –

452 Darryl: ‘Lucifer’.

Bernard: ‘Lucifer’- Okay. So-‘Here’ it-is, the whole-‘point’ of, again: the ‘Process’-of
‘Claiming what is ‘yours’’ ‘apparently’ - as ‘the Son’- and then doing with-it ‘what you
‘Wish’’- And then, what ‘happens’ in-that ‘Process’? The ‘Son’ ‘Squander’ his-‘Inheritance’
- sounds very-‘similar’ to what the ‘Human-Being’ is doing with the ‘Inheritance’ called

In this case, one can also-say that ‘the Father’ is 'Earth', and the ‘Human’ is 'the Son', and
that ‘the Son’ is ‘Claiming’ its-‘Inheritance’ by ‘Virtue’-of ‘Being-Here’, and ‘Designed’-
then ‘Systems’ ‘accordingly’, to-have ‘Control’-over ‘What it ‘Wants’’-

And then, what is ‘fascinating’ is: when it's all ‘Squandered’, the ‘Son’ ends-up in: the
‘food-buckets’ with the ‘Pigs’ = ‘Eating with the Pigs’, which means it's ‘ending’-up with
the ‘waste’, the ‘mess’- Because what does ‘Pigs’ normally get-‘fed’? The ‘Leftovers’- that-
which is No-‘Longer’... they are like the ‘cleaners’ of the ‘mess’. So now you'll ‘end-up’ at-
the ‘end of the day’ with the ‘waste’ the, the ‘remains’ of your ‘Squandering’- which is-like
you ‘See’-now in the ‘World’, you have the ‘whole-World’ ‘Facing’ the ‘Remains’ of the
‘Squandering’ in your ‘Money-Systems’, in the ‘Waste’-Systems - the ‘Plastic in-the sea’, 453
the ‘Extinction-of Animals’, the ‘Diseases’, all of-it is the Result-of: ‘Squandering’.

So, the ‘Inheritance’ – which is the ‘Image and Likeness of the ‘Creator’, has been ‘Squan-
dered’ because, the ‘Actions’ of-the ‘Human’ was Not-‘Equal’ and ‘One’-with As ‘Support’
As What was ‘Given’ by ‘the Father’- which is the ‘Earth’ in this particular-‘story’.

So then ‘eventually’, ‘the Son’ ‘Returns’ to the ‘Father’, and that is kind-of ‘Presented’ as
an ‘Act’-of ‘Forgiveness’, or an ‘Act’-of ‘Asking for Mercy’, but ‘Implying’ ‘Forgiveness’ –
which is then also the ‘point’-of ‘Claiming’-that ‘Forgiveness’-somehow ‘wash-Away’ all
the ‘Squandering’ and the ‘mess’.

Now have a-‘look’ at the fascinating-‘story’ as where ‘the Child’ then ‘Returns to the
Father’ – ‘the Son’ ‘Returns’-to ‘the Father’- but ‘Leaves-Behind’ the ‘Mess’, do No-
‘Restitution’ and nor fix-‘nothing’ that was ‘done’, it’s just ‘left’ like-that. And the ‘Forgive-
ness’ somehow, ‘Supremely’ ‘Ordains’ the ‘Offering’ of ‘Another-Being’, and the ‘Blood-
letting’ of-that ‘Being’ to ‘Claim’ that the ‘Forgiveness’ was ‘Complete’ and that ‘the
Father’ had ‘All the Rights’ to ‘do’-that.

Now, the whole ‘Religious’ ‘System’ follows the Same-‘Cycle’. You are ‘Here’-on ‘Earth’,
and you are ‘apparently’ ‘Born in-Sin’ therefore, you are ‘Allowed’-to ‘Squander’ -You're
‘Allowed’ to ‘Create’ a ‘Mess’, and you are ‘Allowed’-to ‘Mess-up’ the whole-‘Reality’ be-
cause: Your ‘Father’ ‘Gave’-you it as your-‘Inheritance’ – And, ‘Gave’-you the ‘Permission’
and the ‘Tool’ with-which to ‘Squander’, which is called ‘Free Will’ - and that You are
‘Allowed’ to-‘Use’ this ‘Tool’ ‘To-‘Do’ As You-‘Like’’- Which is Exactly the ‘Prodigal Son'
‘story’- And then, when you’re ‘finished’- ‘Squandering’ and there's nothing-else you can
‘Mess’-up, then you can ‘Return’ to Your ‘Father’- because Your ‘Father’ has ‘Promised’-
you ‘Forgiveness’ in-this ‘story’. Doesn't matter ‘What’ You-‘Do’ = You will-be ‘Forgiven’!

Now what's the ‘Implication’ of-this? Is ‘this’ what you’re ‘Teaching’ your-‘Children’? –
This is what's been ‘Taught’ to the ‘Children’, this is what the ‘Adults’ are ‘Living-out’,
This is what ‘Everybody’ in-the ‘World’ is ‘Living-out’: this ‘Story’. Then, ‘the Father’ is
just-going to ‘Forgive’-you, and you're gonna ‘Leave the ‘Mess’- ‘Behind’.

Do you see any ‘Point’-of ‘Responsibility’ in that-‘story’ at-All?

Everybody: No.

Bernard: Do you see ‘Anything’ ‘Worthy of Life’ in-that ‘story’?

Everybody: No.

Bernard: Do you see a ‘Father’ ‘Worthy’ of ‘Being a ‘Father’’? 455

Everybody: No.

Bernard: Do you see ‘Anything’ in-that ‘story’ that ‘pertains’-to ‘Forgiveness’? ‘That’ ‘For-
giveness-story’ is ‘Deception’. ‘That’ ‘Forgiveness-story’ is the ‘Reason’ the ‘World’ ‘looks’
like-it-does. And Every-‘Christian’ that ‘Profess’ this ‘story’, and this ‘point’-of ‘Forgive-
ness’ – If you go and ‘investigate’ their-‘life’: you will ‘See’ ‘How’ they ‘Squander’, and
‘How’ they ‘Protect’ their ‘Self-Interest’ and ‘Allow’ the ‘Murder’-of ‘Starvation’, for in-
stance, to-‘Exist’- They're just ‘Murderers’, ‘Liars’ and ‘Cheaters’.

‘Anyone’ that ‘Promulgate’ the ‘Money-System’ as-it ‘Exist’-Now - which is ‘basically’ a

‘Casino-System’, a ‘Lottery’ - and it is very-‘Clearly’ said: ‘Do-Not ‘Cast’ Lots’- meaning:
what does-it ‘mean’? ‘Do Not-‘live’ on ‘Hope’ - But then and again, the ‘Bible’ says: ‘You
must-have ‘Hope’ - ‘Hope’ is ‘Casting the Lot’ - It's a ‘Casino’ - You only-have ‘Hope’ in a
‘Casino’. You are Not-‘Directing’ the Situation In-‘Fact’.

So, the ‘Prodigal Son’ is In-‘Fact’, one of the ‘Base’ ‘Resonance-Patterns’ within-which
‘Everyone’-‘live’, ‘within’ the ‘Deceptive’ ‘part’ of the ‘System-Forgiveness’. You're going
to-have to ‘Investigate’-this very-‘Clearly’ - to ‘See’ ‘where’ in your-life are You ‘Allowing’-
yourself to ‘live’ as-the ‘Prodigal Son’ and Not-Take ‘Responsibility’ for ‘What is Here’.
Because: When-You ‘Return to the Father’, there is Not gonna-be ‘Forgiveness’- This was
‘just a story’- It is Not-‘How’-it ‘Works’.

There will ‘Not’-be ‘Forgiveness’-You Will-‘Pay’ for ‘What You've ‘Done’. I mean, you
‘do’-that with your own-‘Child’- When your-‘Child’ ‘mess-up’, you ‘give’-them a ‘hiding’
and they ‘Teach’-them ‘Never’ to ‘do-it’ again. Do you ‘Expect’ ‘God’ to do anything-
75: The Temptation of Jesus by Satan
By: Bernard Poolman
01 March 2010

Now we get-to the whole-‘story’ of the ‘Temptation of Jesus’ by ‘Satan’. Now this story is
‘Used’ - and you can ‘use’ ‘this’-story also in ‘looking’-at the ‘Pattern’ of the ‘Prodigal Son’
and then ‘looking’-at the ‘Pattern’-of where ‘Jesus’ were ‘Tempted-by Satan’.

What was the ‘Three Temptations’?

Darryl: First-one was: ‘Turn the rocks into food so you won’t starve’.

Bernard: So that is ‘Turn the ‘Rocks’ into ‘Food’ - which is similar-to the point-of ‘Alche-
my’, okay? What was the Second-one?

Darryl: I don’t remember the second one, wait a second – the third one I know what the
Third-one was…

Bernard: That one was: ‘One jump-off a building…’

Darryl: ‘Jump-off the mountain and God will catch you’.

Bernard: And ya he’ll ‘catch’-you, which is similar-to ‘Levitation’, isn’t it? Okay? Which is
the Interesting ‘New Age’ stuff in-between.

What was the Second-one? Second-one was: ‘Offering the ‘Earth’ as the ‘Kingdom’’.

Darryl: Oh he would give ‘Satan’, this was ‘Satan’s world so he was going to give, make
him…’King of the World’. Bernard: ‘Satan’s World’ and it will give-you ‘Power’-Over the
‘Earth.’ Now have a look there – ‘Satan’s World’- So, does Any-‘Christian’ wants to-do
Anything-‘Good’ for this World? No! Because according-to the ‘Jesus-Story’, this World
456 is: ‘Satan’s World’- Do you Now ‘Understand’ ‘Why’ the ‘Christians’ want-to ‘Destroy’ the
‘World’? ‘Why’ they want ‘Doomsday’ and ‘Armageddon’?

Darryl: They do, yeah.

Bernard: ‘Why’ they Do-Not ‘Care’ How many ‘Animals’ become-‘Extinct’ and How-
much… how many Rainforests they ‘Destroy’ for ‘Money’? Because ‘Money’ is ‘God’ and
I mean ‘God’ is Not-‘Satan’, ‘Money’ is-Not ‘Satan’, come on! You’ve gotta ‘Survive’ in this
World, and then you’re gonna ‘Return’-to ‘Heaven’.
And look: ‘Jesus’ ‘Rejected’ the World, in ‘Rejecting’ ‘Satan’s Temptations’ according-to
the ‘Story’. Okay, so- Do the ‘People’ In-‘Fact’ turn the ‘Rocks’ into-‘Bread’? Oh yes they
Do! They take the ‘Rocks’ whatever ‘form’-of it-is - and there’s many-‘forms’ from ‘gold’,
to ‘iron’, to whatever - they make ‘Products’, and from the ‘Products’ they ‘Make-Money’,
from the ‘Money’ they Buy ‘Bread’.

So, Do the ‘Human Beings’ In-‘Fact’ ‘Turn ‘Rocks’ into-‘Bread’’?

Everyone: Ya.
Bernard: So they’re Not ‘Rejecting’ ‘The Temptation’. If you have ‘Money’ in your pocket
= You have ‘Fallen’ with the ‘First Temptation’: You have turned ‘Rocks’ into ‘Bread’.

Do the ‘Human’ In-‘Fact’ have ‘Power’ Over the ‘Earth’?

Everyone: Ya.

Bernard: Oh! so the ‘Human’ has accepted ‘Satan’s…’?

Andrea: …‘Kingdom’.

Bernard: …‘Kingdom’, they’ve ‘Accepted’ the ‘Power’ that ‘Satan’ ‘offered’-them ‘Over
the World’. That’s done-through ‘Politics’, that’s done-through ‘Government, through-
‘Education’, through ‘Money Systems’, through-‘Consumerism’, through-Every Single-
‘thing’ that’s Existent - and is all the ‘Christians’ ‘Participating’ in-it?

Everyone: Ya.

Bernard: Every Single-One. So the ‘Second Temptation’ that Jesus ‘Presented’ and
‘Showed’ ‘How’-it ‘works’, Every ‘Human Being’ has ‘Fallen’ with-that.

The ‘Third’-one is?

Anna: ‘Jump-off the cliff’.

Bernard: Yes, ‘Jump-off the cliff and then you’ll ‘fly’’. Which-is - if one look at the ‘Meta-
phor’-there, that is ‘Indicative’-of going-ahead ‘blindly’ and Making a ‘Leap of Faith’, isn’t
it? That is ‘Representing a ‘Leap of Faith’. So, is ‘Believing’ that Jesus ‘Died for Your Sins’ a
‘Leap of Faith’?

Everyone: Yeah.

Bernard: So, have ‘Everyone’ ‘Fallen’ for-that ‘Leap of Faith’ that there’s ‘Apparently’ some-
thing-‘Better’ in the ‘Here-After’?

Everyone: Yes

Bernard: So ‘Jesus’ withstood these ‘Temptations’ and left the ‘story’ and yet, ‘Everyone’
on ‘Earth’ - has ‘Fallen’ for-All ‘Three Temptations’.

And the ‘Third’-one is the ‘Leap of Faith’ - So, that would ‘Imply’ that the whole ‘Jesus’-
story ‘Dying’ for your Sins’ is All a ‘Lie’, because it Requires a ‘Leap of Faith’- It’s Not-so
In-‘Fact’, ‘Practically’ ‘Lived’ as a ‘Solution’-

You Don’t-‘Know’: ‘Satan’ has Got-You ‘All’!

76: Spiritual Exchange-Rates
and Conversion
By: Bernard Poolman
08 March 2010

So ‘Spiritual’ ‘Exchange-Rates’: In the ‘Money-System’ you have a ‘fascinating’ ‘Ac-

cepted’ ‘Way’-of ‘Value’ - It’s called the ‘Exchange-Rate’. This ‘Value’ gives-to Different-
‘Countries’ – their ‘People’, their ‘Economies’ – Certain ‘Values.’ These ‘Values’ then
Determine the ‘Way’ ‘Goods’ will be ‘Exchanged’ and for What-‘Value’ and it’s quite
‘Interesting’ that Obviously, Africa –which is ‘Extensive’- ‘Resources’ will ‘Run’ on a Very
‘Weak’ ‘Exchange-Rate’, and when you ‘Convert’ the ‘African-Money’ to for instance the
‘United States-Money’ = People in the United States get an Extensive-‘Advantage’ as much
as ‘ten-times’ More-‘Value’ for the ‘Resource’, than the ‘Value’ the Person will ‘get’ in their

Obviously the ‘Way’ that it ‘works’ is that you-have ‘those’ that is the ‘Elite’ in Every-
‘Country’, and they are the Ones that ‘Benefit’ from this ‘Exchange-Rate’ because, they
are the Ones [who] ‘placed’ in the ‘Head’-of ‘Corporations’ – and, that are ‘placed’ in the
‘Head’-of ‘Resource-Management’.

Where ‘else’ do you have this ‘Conversion’-thing? You have-it in ‘Religion’ –‘Everyone’
is always trying-to ‘Convert’ others and always ‘Believe’ that their ‘Religion’ holds more-
‘Value’- And this ‘Value’ is something that’s ‘Untouchable’ and ‘Unseen’ and that is
‘Linked’-to a ‘Spiritual -Value’ that is ‘Only going-to Come-to ‘Fruition’’ ‘After-Death’.

Fascinating, and People will ‘Convert’ their-‘Beliefs’ –that means ‘Change’ their-‘Beliefs’
–‘dependent’-on which-one of their ‘Conversion-Rates’, these ‘Belief-Systems’ or ‘Reli-
gions’, will give them Better-‘Security’- Just like the ‘Money-System’ – People will put
their ‘Money’ in the ‘Currency’ that gives-them a Better-‘Security’ a ‘Better-Return’.

So is ‘Religion’ and ‘Spirituality’ ‘Measured’ as well: ‘What’ will ‘Give’-one a ‘Better-

Return’? and there, One look-at the ‘Promising’-Part – I mean the ‘Promissory-Notes’,
the ‘Promises’-‘Made’- and have a-‘look’ at ‘How’ Many-‘Promises’ there are ‘Both’ in the
‘Money-System’ made-by ‘Governments’ and ‘Reserve Banks’ in terms-of the ‘Govern-
ments’ ‘Promise’ the: ‘Future’ ‘Labour-Income’ of the ‘Economy’ and the ‘Production-In-
come’ of the ‘Economy’ against ‘Borrowings’ to ‘Cover’-their ‘Budgets’ that’s ‘Insufficient’
to ‘Support’ its ‘People’- The End: ‘Vast’ Amounts-of ‘Money’ that should’ve ‘gone’-to the
‘People’, goes-to ‘Interest’ to the ‘Banks’.
In ‘Spirituality’ you-have –and I mean ‘All-Religions’: ‘Christianity’, ‘Islam’, ‘New-Age’-
they ‘All’ have a ‘Similar’ ‘Conversion-Rate’ – It all ‘Depends’-on ‘What’ the ‘Believer’
is ‘Satisfied’-with – If they’re Not ‘Satisfied’-with ‘something’ they’ll ‘look’ for a Better-
‘Promise’, and then they will ‘Believe’ the ‘Promise’- And, the ‘Belief ’ is the ‘Faith’ that
they put-in the ‘System’ that It-‘Will’ ‘Provide’-them with the ‘Promise’ that was made
–just like a ‘Bank-Note’ which is based-on a ‘Belief ’ and a ‘Promise’-to ‘Pay’ the ‘Bearer’
at ‘Presentation’ of a ‘Piece-of-Paper’- In ‘Religion’ you Don’t even-‘have’ the ‘Piece-of-
Paper’, you have a ‘Book’ –which is ‘Paper’, yes – I mean which you can-then ‘Quote’
‘Strange’-Sentences that has been ‘Translated’ in ‘Many’ Different-‘Ways’ if you ‘Dare’-to
‘Look’ – And all of these that hold ‘Apparently’ a ‘Promise’ for Something-‘Better’ to-
‘Come’ ‘After’ this-‘Life’.

The Question would be: ‘Why’-is all the ‘Systems’ ‘Promoting’ a ‘Point’ that Do-‘Not’
‘Give’ the ‘Person’ Participating in the ‘System’- ‘Unless’ they are the ‘Elite’ – an ‘Oppor-
tunity’ to ‘Have’ the ‘Experience’ of a ‘Dignified’ ‘Proper-Life’ In ‘This Life’? ‘Why’-is the
‘Education-Systems’ Not- ‘Providing’ for that? ‘Why’-is the ‘Religions’ Not ‘Based’-on
‘Making’ and ‘Presenting’ and ‘Preserving’ and, ‘Working’ for a ‘Better-World’?

‘Why’-is the ‘Governments’ Not-‘Working’ to ‘Improve’ their People? – ‘Why’ are they
Only-‘Working’ to Pay-‘Interest’? ‘Who’- is Getting ‘All’ this ‘Money’ that ‘Disappear’ in
‘Interest’? – ‘Who’ gets ‘All the Benefit’ of all the ‘Faith’? ‘Apparently’ it’s ‘God’ - I mean
is the ‘Federal Reserve’ and the ‘Banks’ and the ‘Governments’ ‘God’, that they ‘Can-Do’
with the People’s Labour ‘What they Want’?

What Will it-‘Take’ for Humanity to ‘See’: There is No-‘Difference’ between the ‘Money-
System’, the ‘Government-System’ and the ‘Religions’ –they ‘All’ have the Same-‘Agenda’,
they ‘All’ are ‘Stealing-You Blind’ – If it’s Not your-‘Soul’, they’re ‘Stealing’ Your-‘Energy’,
Your-‘Spirituality’- it is Your-‘Money’ they’re ‘Stealing’.

And have a-‘look’: Everyday you ‘Participate’ in the ‘System’- You will Not-take ‘Any’ of
Your-‘Money’ and ‘place’-it where there, for Instance,can be ‘Made’ a ‘Real’-‘Difference’-
You will ‘Support’ the ‘System’ ‘Day-by-Day’. So ‘Really’ Look-at ‘What it-is’ you’re do-
ing with Your-‘Money’, ‘What it-is’ that you’re doing with Your- ‘Energy’ – ‘What’ are
You ‘Supporting’, ‘Why’ are you ‘Converting’ continuously, kind-of-like ‘Upgrading’ to a
‘New-Currency’ a ‘New-Presence’ – ‘I am Now More-‘Present’. But you ‘used’ to say-that
with your ‘Previous’ ‘Belief-System’ - and suddenly you’re ‘More-Present’ –but: Have you
‘Ever’-been ‘Present’ on ‘Earth’? What are You ‘Doing’-‘Here’ if You’re Not ‘Present’ on
77: Equal Money 101
– Jesus Returns as a Communist
By: Bernard Poolman

Realise that a point of Equality is going to be required. You’re going to have to give
away, what you own so that Everyone can have. Because when Everybody has, the World 461
Change. You’ve all been hoping for this great Change, without looking at the common
sense implication of what will have to be done for the world to change. By the way if Jesus
comes tomorrow and he says to you: ‘okay, you are All the ‘Children of God’, so you are
All Equal, so Everything belongs to Everyone’ – Jesus is gonna be a fucking communist.

But isn’t that what Jesus said? – he said ‘give away all your stuff and follow me.’ I don’t see
any Christian doing that. He said: ‘you are All the Children of God’ – I don’t see anyone
recognising that. I mean everything Jesus ever said was Equality – Equality - Equality.
What was the very starting point of Buddha’s life? What did he give up? He gave up Eve-
rything to Stand Equal with the people.

Have you never studied your philosophies?

Oh, yes – you haven’t Lived it yet.
78: Equal Money 101 – Predictions of
Economic Changes
By: Bernard Poolman

Okay, so ‘Here’ we are on this day and we are Discussing: ‘The Future of Mankind’ –
What is to ‘Come’ And ‘Why’ an ‘Equal Money-System’ is ‘Certain’ and Cannot-be
‘Stopped’, And… that its ‘Foundations’ will be ‘In-Place’ within the next 10-years and will
be ‘The System’ of ‘Support’ in the World in 20 years-‘Time’.

It is ‘Simplistic’: ‘Those’ that is ‘Listening’-to this ‘Interview’: You are the ‘Elite of the
World’, You are the ‘Minority’ and you have Gained-‘Power’ and ‘Control’ over-‘others’
through a ‘System’ of ‘Money’, ‘Utilizing’ the ‘Illusion’ of ‘Free-Choice’ under the ‘Ban-
ner’-of ‘Democracy’.

The ‘Principle’ of ‘Democracy’ as it-‘Exist’, is the ‘Principle’-of ‘One Vote for One Man’
The ‘Way’ that has been ‘Utilized’-to ‘Control’ is to ‘Give’ People ‘Hope’- Whoever ‘Gives’
the ‘Best’ ‘Message of Hope’ will be the Next-‘President’, or the Next-‘Leader’- ‘Equal-
Money’ is Not a ‘Message of Hope’, it’s a ‘Message’ of ‘Fact’! What do you think the
‘Masses’ is going-to ‘Vote’-for? ‘Worldwide’ –

So, I invite-you to ‘Investigate’ the ‘Principles’ of an ‘Equal-Money’ and ‘Labour-System’

because, by ‘Hook or by Crook’ –that means: you’re either going to be ‘there’ ‘Participat-
ing’ in ‘Establishing the System’- which means You ‘Join’ and ‘Enjoy’ the ‘Journey’ of-this
– or You’ll be ‘Voted’-out, and Obviously ‘Who’s in ‘Government’ does ‘What’? ‘Makes
the ‘Rules’’ – What ‘Rules’ are we talking-about? What-‘Type’ of ‘Education is Given-to
Children? What ‘Type’-of ‘Economic-System’ is ‘Used’? What-‘Type’ of ‘Labour-System’
is ‘Used’? What-‘Type’ of ‘Governance’ is ‘Used’? What-is the ‘Morality’ of the ‘Group’?
What-is the ‘Ways’ the ‘Group’ Will ‘Apply’ in ‘Keeping’ ‘Good’-‘Stable’ ‘Social-Struc-

And Obviously with the… a ‘Principle’ that is ‘Based’-on ‘Valuing-Life’ ‘Equally’ through
an ‘Actual’ ‘System’ that ‘Produce’ ‘What-it ‘Says’ it-does’, which ‘Supports’ ‘Everyone’ - Is
‘Best for All’ and Obviously ‘those’ that Currently is ‘Dis-empowered’, will ‘See’-it-so.

Those that’s Got ‘More’-than their ‘Fair-Share’ Obviously Will-‘Not’ (laughs) I mean you
Got ‘More’-than your ‘Fair-Share’ that’s ‘Unfair’ that will thus be ‘Corrected’ - And, again:
You’ll be the ‘Minority’ and Your ‘Vote’ under ‘Democracy’ goes according-to ‘What the
‘Majority’ Decides’- This is ‘Inevitable’ to ‘Happen’ and, ‘Understand’ that Desteni in
terms-of its ‘Existence’ has been a ‘Process of Research’ – We ‘started’-off with ‘The Spir-
itual’ –because, like ‘all’ I was also ‘Blissfully’ … ‘Meditating’-myself into an ‘Extreme’
Level-of ‘Fuckness’, until I started ‘looking’-at the ‘Reality’ of this ‘Blissful’-‘Existence’
, and ‘Noticing’ a Curious-‘thing’: If ‘I Have’ a ‘Roof over my head’ and ‘I Have’ some
‘Money’ and ‘I Have’ ‘Food’ = then I am ‘Blissfully’ ‘Unaware’ of Anybody else’s ‘Troubles’
and, therefore I’ll ‘Defend’ ‘My Position’, and I will ‘Weave’ all-kinds of ‘stories’-to ‘make-
sure’ that ‘My Position’-of ‘Comfortability’ and ‘Superiority’ is Not-‘Touched’.
But what I ‘then’ ‘Noticed’ is If I then Do Not-‘Have’ these-‘things’ = I am ‘Dis-empow- 463

ered’ to the ‘Effect’ that I Have ‘Virtually’ No-‘Say’ in ‘What ‘Happens’ to My ‘Reality’’
because I Do Not-‘Have’ the ‘Tools’ to ‘Support’-Myself, and I Cannot ‘Get’-them unless
I ‘adhere’ to the ‘System’ that is ‘Controlled’ by those that has ‘More’-than their ‘Fair-

So if You are one-of-‘those’ that Has Got ‘More’-than your ‘Fair-Share’, an ‘Act of Com-
passion’ would-be to ‘Realize’ that ‘that’ is Not-‘Acceptable’, and that it Requires ‘Adjust-
ment’. Now in the ‘Process’-of the ‘Desteni Discussions’ we’ve ‘Obviously’ also Investi-
gated ‘Heaven’ and ‘Part’-of the ‘Desteni Message’ Will-be to ‘Prepare’-you in Every-Way
‘Possible’ if You would ‘Dare’-to ‘Hear’, to ‘Prepare’-you to be ‘Effective’ when you ‘Die’,
in ‘Crossing-Over’ to a ‘New Environment’ –Obviously you are ‘Currently’ in an ‘Envi-
ronment’ which is ‘Impulsing’-you to ‘Accept’-it ‘The ‘Way’ it is’-

When an ‘Equal-Money’ ‘Environment’ is ‘Established’, the ‘Impulse’ will ‘Change’ and

You Will be ‘Experiencing’-Yourself and ‘Everyone’ else somewhat ‘Different’ – And Obvi-
ously with a ‘Education-System’ that is ‘Equal’ in Every-‘Way’, you will ‘find’ that there
is ‘Much- to-‘Do’’ and a Much-‘Different’ ‘Social-Structure’. And that what you perceive
‘Choice’ to be will be more ‘based’-on the ‘Experience’ of ‘Self ’ within ‘Expression’ than
It’ll have to ‘do’-with What you’ve ‘done’ so-far –either ‘Surviving’ or ‘Trying-to Win’, so
that you can be one of-‘those’ with ‘More’-than your ‘Fair-Share’. ‘Strangely’-enough that
One would ‘Actually’ ‘Deliberately’-‘Act’ to ‘Try’ and Gain ‘more’-than your ‘Fair-Share’
and then ‘Justify’-it as if it is ‘Morally’-‘Justifiable’ – it’s Obviously-‘Not‘ ‘Morally Justifi-
able’, you just have-to ‘Change’ Your-‘Position’ in the ‘Polarity’ and You’ll ‘See’-it – But
‘that’ Requires ‘Self-Honesty’ -which is a rather ‘Difficult’-Point-

But ‘those’ with ‘More’-than their ‘Fair-Share’ has ‘Caused the Problem’: that they would
Have-to ‘Face’ also the ‘Correction’ of the ‘System’. Now, ‘furthermore’, we would ‘Sug-
gest’ that If one ‘Do’ ‘Research’ and ‘Study’ ‘How’ the ‘Human’ ‘Interacts’ with its ‘En-
vironment’ – For ‘that’ We Do, Do ‘Courses’ in ‘Leadership-Development’ ‘Specifically’
called the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ for those-that ‘Really’ would-like to ‘Make
a Difference’ in ‘The Times to Come’, I ‘Suggest’ that’s the ‘Course’ you ‘Do’, and Get-
Yourself ‘Developed’ ‘Effectively’ to ‘Face’ the ‘Common Sense’-‘Points’ that Requires-
‘Adjustment’ within the ‘System’, so that ‘Equality’ As a ‘Dignified Life For All’ is ‘Estab-
lished’, that You ‘Do’ the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ Course - It’ll also Obviously
‘Support’ –through doing the Course- the ‘Implementation’ of the ‘Eventual’-‘System’
through ‘Political’-means.

Within the Next ‘few-years’ Desteni ‘Will’-go ‘Mainstream’ ‘Politics’ ‘Worldwide’ with a
‘Single’ ‘Mission-Statement’, a ‘Single’-‘Agenda’ of ‘bringing-about’ a ‘Social-Economic’
‘Change’ that Will ‘Support’ ‘All’-‘Life’ –that would ‘Include’ ‘Animals’ and ‘Plant-Life’
‘Equally’-and in ‘that’-way thus ‘Establish’ what Everybody has ‘Dreamed’-about ‘Practi-
cally’-called: ‘Heaven on Earth’ – I mean after all, ‘Heaven’ Cannot ‘come-about’ as it is
‘Imagined’ without ‘Practical’-‘Participation’ by ‘All’ of-‘those’ that is ‘Here’ ‘Wanting’ this
‘Heaven’ to-be on ‘Earth’- And for ‘Heaven’ to Be on ‘Earth’, I mean your ‘Basic-Needs’
must-be ‘Taken Care’-of - otherwise ‘Heaven’ Will ‘Not’-be on ‘Earth’.

Obviously, within this One must ‘Understand’ that -if you do your ‘Research’ on the ‘En-
vironmental’ ‘Impulsing’ of ‘Belief-Structures’ and ‘How’ You-‘Exist’ - then you’ll ‘Notice’
that it is Very-‘Easy’ to become ‘Delusional’ when you are ‘basing’ your ‘Faith’ in ‘Hope’.
An ‘Equal-Money System’ is Not-something-of ‘Faith’, neither is it something-of ‘Hope’,
it is ‘Simply’ a ‘Value’ that is ‘Agreed’-upon by All-‘Participants’, that ‘They’ As-‘Life’ is
‘Worth’ and ‘Everyone’-else As-‘Life’ is ‘Worth’ ‘Equally’.

Obviously within-‘that’, Each-‘Participant’ would ‘Give’-themselves the ‘Best Value’

they ‘Possibly’ ‘Can’, isn’t it? And in doing-so, also Give ‘Everyone’-else the ‘Best Value’-

Will there be some-‘Difficulties’ and ‘Adjustments’? Obviously! But, can we even begin to
‘Imagine’ ‘What it will ‘be’’? Not ‘yet’ - that’s ‘why’ we are ‘studying’-that ‘already’- We’re
‘already’ ‘Preparing’ to-‘Face’ any ‘Points’ where the ‘Human’ through the ‘Addictive’-
‘Norms’ that has formed ‘Part’-of the ‘Personality’ that is ‘Currently’ pretending to-be a
‘Human’ ‘Here’ on ‘Earth’, is ‘going’-to ‘Act-Out’ with the ‘Sudden-Freedom’ –because
have-a-‘Look’: whenever there’s ‘Sudden-Freedom’, the ‘Human’ go a little-bit ‘Delin-
quent’- it’s not ‘Delusional’, it’s ‘Delinquency’, it’s like You have No-‘Parameters’ within-
which to ‘Understand’ your ‘New-Experience’ and therefore you ‘Act’-‘Out’.

So we ‘will’-go through a ‘Delinquency-Period’ for a Moment till Everybody find their

‘Balance’ and ‘Realize’: There’s a ‘Consequence’ to ‘What You Do’.

So, ‘Here’ is the ‘Future’ again, an ‘Equal-Money System’, a ‘Practical Solution’ for ‘Earth’
- Which in ‘All’ ‘Practical’-terms is the ‘Actuality’ of ‘Heaven on Earth’ ‘Instituted’-by
‘Man’- ‘Me’ and ‘You’, Each-‘One’, ‘Ourselves’-through ‘Taking Responsibility’, ‘Prepar-
ing’ for an ‘Effective’-‘Cross-Over’ into the ‘Next-Environment’-obviously in that ‘Envi-
ronment’ the ‘Stimulus’ of that ‘Environment’ will-be ‘Different’ –

And You Will Not-have the ‘Body’ you-have –because you will have ‘given-it-up’-so that
One can ‘Enter’ the ‘Here-After’ as a ‘Dignified Being’- One that is ‘Accomplished’, ‘Satis-
fied’, ‘Proud’-of What you Have ‘Achieved’ on ‘Earth’ – Imagine, that makes your ‘Entry’
into a ‘New Environment’ so-much ‘Easier’ and so-much ‘more’ with ‘Strength’ and with
‘Trust’ in-Yourself. If One ‘Don’t’-have those-‘Points’ in-‘place’ and you get-to the ‘Other-
Side’ and You ‘leave-behind’ a ‘Delinquent’-‘Delusional’ ‘Society’ and ‘World’ where No-
‘Life’ is ‘Honoured’= You Cannot ‘Stand’ on the ‘Other-Side’ and ‘Pretend’ that You ‘have’
in any-way ‘Acted’ ‘Sufficiently’-‘Effective’ to ‘Make a Difference’- And ‘that’ will have a
‘Bearing’ on your ‘Experience’ on the ‘Other-Side’-

So we Invite-you to ‘Join’, Invite-you to ‘Discuss’ and to ‘Consider’ the ‘Common-Sense’-

‘Points’ that will be ‘Presented’ and ‘Discussed’ and ‘Opened-up’ in terms-of the ‘Prepa-
ration’ for ‘Presenting’ to the ‘Masses of the World’-that is ‘those’ that’s Not-‘Listening’
‘Currently’, because they Don’t-Have ‘Access’ to the ‘Wonderful Technologies’- But They
‘Will’-‘Have’ Soon- And make-sure you’re Not the ‘One’ that is being Asked the Ques-
tion: ‘Why Did You-‘Not’ ‘Treat’ ‘All-Life’-‘Equal’? ‘Why Did You-Take ‘More’ than your
‘Fair-Share’ and Did-‘Nothing’ about ‘those’ that Didn’t-‘Have’? ‘Why Did You-‘Protect’
Only ‘Your Own Ass’ and Not-‘Consider’ ‘those’ that Don’t-‘Have’ Any-‘Protection’?

Till We ‘Speak’-Again.

79: Bible 101 – Using the Name of God
By: Bernard Poolman

As ‘Part’ of the ‘Equal-Money’ ‘Drive’ in the ‘World’ - It is ‘Relevant’ that we ‘Expose’ all
the ‘Psychotic’ ‘Concepts’ that is ‘Causing’ the’ Death’-of 17 thousand-Children ‘a-Day’
and the ‘Poverty’ of 3 Billion-People in the ‘World’ Surviving on less-than 2-Dollars ‘a-

For this we have also ‘another’-‘Series’ which will be ‘Part’-of the ‘Game Theory of the
Gods’ and although it will Not be ‘part’-of the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment Training’
‘Directly’ it is ‘Recommended’ ‘Supplement’-‘Studies’.

And this one we’ll be calling ‘Bible 101’ and in ‘Bible 101’ we’re going today ‘look’-at the
‘Statement’: ‘Do Not ‘Use’ ‘The Name of ‘God’ In-‘Vain’’ –

Now, I’ve been-around on this ‘Planet’ for a good 47 years, and, I have always ‘Under-
stood’ that Not-taking ‘The Name of ‘God’ In-‘Vain’’ means to Not-say ‘Jesus-Christ’-
‘Fuck’-‘God’ and things like-that I mean, using-it as a ‘Swear’-word.

But, over an ‘Extensive’-period of being from a ‘Reborn’-‘Christian’ to a ‘White-Light’

‘Bliss-Thumping’ ‘Meditation’-‘Expert’, ‘Converting’ throughout my-‘Time’ ‘many’-to all
kinds-of ‘weird’ and ‘wonderful’-‘Ways’ of ‘Existence’ that had ‘Nothing’ to-do for, with
‘What is ‘Really’ going-on Here on ‘Earth’ – I have to now do my ‘Penance’ and in-that,
have-to ‘Say’-that , In all that-‘Time’ I have ‘Prayed’ sometimes as-much as a ‘100 Prayers’
‘a-Day’ – And, you know ‘what’ was the ‘Peculiar’-‘Outcome’: It was All In-‘Vain’!

I was ‘Using’ ‘God’s Name In-‘Vain’’- I ‘Prayed’ and ‘Prayed’ and ‘Prayed’ for the ‘Poverty’
to ‘End’ - I ‘Prayed’ and ‘Prayed’ for the ‘Children’ Not-to ‘Die’ - I ‘Prayed’ and ‘Prayed’
for ‘All’ to-‘Have’ a ‘Dignified Life’ - I ‘Prayed’ for ‘God’ to ‘Please, ‘come-forth’ from the
‘Heavens’, ‘Send’ your Son ‘Jesus’ and ‘Redeem’-us from this ‘Inhumanity’’- And it was
‘All’ In-‘Vain’.

Now, I ‘looked’-at it then: Did I ‘Actually’ ‘Use’ ‘God’s Name In-‘Vain’’? Or was it ‘God’
that was ‘called-on’ In-‘Vain’? And the ‘Vanity’ is that there is ‘something’ ‘Presented as
‘God’’ when there is In-‘Fact’ No-‘Intervention’ ‘whatsoever’ On-‘Earth’ in the ‘Affairs’-of
‘Men’. So therefore, ‘Prayer’ by-‘Itself ’ through the Very-‘Action’ of ‘Doing’-it and ‘Test-
ing’-it-out for Yourself – Take ‘Poverty’ as an ‘Example’- You can ‘Prove’-to Yourself that
‘Prayer’ is ‘’Using’ the ‘Name of ‘God’ In-‘Vain’’, because You’re Taking No-‘Action’- And
as long-as You’re Taking No-‘Action’ and you ‘call-on’ ‘God’ Take-‘Action’, you are ‘’Using’
‘God’s Name In-‘Vain’’, You are Not- ‘the ‘Image’ and ‘Likeness’ of ‘God’’ because, ‘God’
‘gave’-you the ‘Ability’ to ‘Do’ something-about ‘What is going-on in the ‘World’’, ‘gave’-
you the ‘Intellect’ to ‘work’-out for Yourself that it is ‘Unacceptable’ to have 17-Thousand-
‘Children’ ‘Die-a-Day’-

That the ‘Government-Systems’ that Cannot ‘come-up’ with a ‘Solution’, the ‘Political-
Systems’ that Cannot ‘Change’-this ‘Problem’ is ‘Certainly’ Not-‘Valid’. We ‘Propose’:
that You ‘Join’-Us in ‘Seeking’ a ‘Way’-to ‘Present’ a ‘New’ ‘Political-Dispensation’ for the
‘World’: ‘One’-‘Political-Party’, with ‘One’-‘Economic-System’, ‘Run’-by ‘People’ like ‘You
and Me’, Where we ‘Present’-to ‘Everyone’ ‘Equality’ In-‘Income’, ‘Equality’ In-‘Labour-
Opportunity’, ‘Equality’ In-‘Living-Conditions’, ‘Equality’ In-‘Happiness’, ‘Equality’
In-‘Education’. I mean ‘then’ we have ‘Proven to ‘God’’ that we ‘Understood’ when he said
that: He ‘Created’ ‘All-Men’-‘Equal’ - But at the ‘moment’, we’re ‘Hiding’-behind ‘Vanity’
by ‘Using ‘God’s Name In-‘Vain’’ when we-‘Pray’- and as-long-as there is a ‘Poor-Child’
‘Dying’ in this ‘World’= No-‘Prayer’ is ‘Valid’, It’s all ‘Vanity’.

‘More’-on ‘Bible 101’ Soon.

80: Collapse of the Money System
By: Bernard Poolman
01 January 2010

The ‘Money’ Situation in the World is Simplistic:

It will continue in ‘the way’ it does now for some time, within this -
there will be many ‘attempts’ to ‘Save’ the ‘Money System’

Obviously because that’s all that Everyone at this stage ‘understand’ and within that ‘at-
the situation will slowly but surely get worse and worse and worse– until it actually ‘Col-
lapse’ Completely.

So it’ll go ‘up and down’ then it it’ll go little-bit ‘better’ for a while, and they will say
‘Faith has been Restored in the Markets’ – that’s not True, that’s part of the Deception be-
cause that is what the Being within-them ‘Faith’ is something you want to ‘Believe’ within
yourself, it is not In-Fact so, but that’s all you’re ‘Willing to See’ and then you say: ‘I only
want to be ‘Positive’’ and you refuse to see the ‘Negative’ that is Existent –that means
you’re now in a ‘Polarity-Opposition’ to Reality which means, Reality will take you to the
point-of ‘Collapse’
and then at an ‘Individual-Level’ people start to ‘Collapse’ in their lives, and they obvi-
ously will then still ‘Blame’ Reality, not realizing they’ve ‘Caused’-it Themselves
and so at- that happens at an ‘Individual-Level’, eventually it’ll happen at the ‘Individual-
Level’ of ‘Countries’, where ‘Countries’ will ‘Collapse’
I mean in terms-of the ‘Monetary Systems’ because the ‘Problem’, the ‘Debt’ that has been
created will be so ‘overwhelming’ that there is ‘no way out’
and once that is ‘Seen’, the ‘Inner-Realization’ takes-place of ‘what is going on’ in the
‘Outer-World’ and then it ‘Collapse’ –
But, when ‘Faith’ exist, ‘Faith’ ‘Overrides’ Realization and one go into a ‘Delusion’ and
you hang-on to your ‘Positive-Faith’ and you ‘Believe’ you can still ‘Change Reality’: You
can’t because the Reality is a ‘Physical-Condition’ while your ‘Faith’ is a ‘Non-Physical-
Condition’, your ‘Non-Physical-Condition’ has No ‘Power’ or ‘Say’ in Reality = the ‘Physi-
cal’ Decides Everything, you are ‘Subject’ to-it, that is proven over and over and over and
over and over again, yet nobody wants to Realize:
‘The Physical’ Decides.
81: One-‘Choice’ – The Only-‘Choice’
By: Bernard Poolman

Okay, so – if you look-at the Simplicity of the ‘Equation’ – if you look-at a Person’s
Words, if you look-at their Actions = You can ‘See clearly’ whether they are ‘Supporting’
as-themselves ‘What’s Best for All’ – or Not.

If you Don’t ‘Support’ ‘What’s Best for All’ – You are ‘Defending’ your-Own ‘Self-Inter-
est’, your-Own apparent ‘Free-Will’ – Within-That you’re then ‘Disregarded’ by ‘Exist-
ence’ completely, because You are Not ‘Part of All’, and you are ‘Showing’-that through
your ‘Defending’ and your ‘Interest’ in Only-Yourself: Your ‘Interest’ is not in ‘Everyone’
and ‘What’s Best for-Everyone’, and accordingly = your-‘Existence’ is Directed by-Your-
self; and when you then ‘Cross-Over’ obviously you are within That-‘Equation’ of ‘Self-
Interest’ Directed – and Not-Allowed ‘Access to All’ –

Really ‘Simplistic’: You Either are for ‘What’s Best for All’ – Or you are ‘Separated from
the Whole’ in your-Own ‘little-Bubble’ – You Decide = the Only-‘Choice’ that Exists.

82: Desteni Truths in Discussion on the
Discussion with Bernard, Sunette, Anna and Matti

Bernard: So therefore, what do we do in ‘Desteni’? We take Everyone to the ‘Worst-Pos-

sible-Scenario’, so that you can ‘Face’ your ‘Fear’ – Because within-that you’re ‘Standing-
up’- You’re ‘Standing-up’ through ‘Facing your Fear’ by going-to ‘Stand’ in the ‘Worst-
Possible-Scenario’, so you can ‘see’ ‘How’ you will ‘React’, ‘sort’-it-out, ‘sort-out’ your
‘Existence’ so that you have ‘Power’ – because as-long as ‘Fear’ ‘Exist’ = You Have No-
‘Power’ - Everyone that is Not-‘Seeing’ what ‘Desteni’ is doing is ‘Why’? Because: they
‘Fear-Desteni’! What does ‘Desteni’-Present ‘Darkness’, ‘Fear’ –

Anna: ‘Change’.

Bernard: ‘Change’, but was it … what do we ‘Really’ ‘Actually’ Present? We are Presenting
‘Honesty’ -
Anna: yeah, Solutions. Bernard: we’re showing-you ‘Exactly’ ‘What-it-is’ you have Given-
‘Value’ to - which is ‘Fear’, ‘Distrust’, ‘Corruption’, ‘Dishonesty’ –

Matti: and also pointing-out where you actually haven’t been Educated, despite your ‘per-
ception’ that you have ‘knowledge’ –

Bernard: Correct we also deal with an ‘Education Process’ I mean, the World’s ‘Education-
Level’ is ‘Atrocious’- Taking-part in ‘Desteni’ you will become ‘Functional’ in so-many
‘ways’ because, it’s an ‘Education Process’-have a ‘look’-at your own ‘Experience’: You
are being taught ‘How’ to work-with ‘Vocabulary’, How to ‘Write’-‘Effectively’, How to
‘Speak’-‘Effectively’, You are being ‘taught’ ‘All’-kinds of ‘Skills’- And it doesn’t cost-you a
fucking-‘cent’, all you have to do is ‘Participate in the Forums’ – and you get an ‘Educa-
tion’ that you can get ‘Nowhere’ in the World that is-of ‘Extreme-Importance’ in ‘Build-
ing’-you with ‘Extensive’, ‘Effective’, ‘Critical’ ‘Thinking-Skills’ and ‘Common-Sense’ –

Anna: and it’s Accelerated.

Bernard: Yes, the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ is ‘Simply’ a ‘Program’ where we are
‘Developing’ ‘New Leadership’ for the World, so that’s More-‘Intense’.

Matti: Yeah.
Bernard: So ‘those’ that ‘Really’ want-to ‘play-a-role’ in the ‘Future’ of this World, they
need to ‘Really’ be ‘Educated’ to Understand ‘How’ the fuck ‘shit’-works! I mean, that
means you have-to Have an ‘Equal-Education’ to the ‘Best-People in the World’, that will
take Seven-Years, I mean that’s Not-‘much’ - The ‘price’ you ‘Pay’ for-‘that’ with ‘Desteni’
is ‘less’-than you’ll ‘Pay’ for ‘Education’ at the fucking-‘University’ and the ‘Result’ will be
‘Superior’ in Every-fucking-way.
I suggest you guys start making videos about ‘How have you Changed’ in ‘Participating’
in Desteni on the Forum- How did it benefit You, in Your-‘Capacity’ as a ‘Living Word’ as
a ‘Living Participant’ in this World, to be ‘able’-to be ‘Critically’-‘Effective’ in ‘sorting-out’
your ‘Relationship’-with ‘Fear’ –

Matti: In the span of a couple of years basically.

Bernard: Yes, have-a-‘look’ and you didn’t even ‘Know’ we were ‘doing’-it.

Matti: yeah, simply by the Participation it ‘happens’ automatically –

Bernard: ‘Automatically’-

Sunette: So it’s not an Evolution ‘into’-something it’s a ‘Natural’- Expression…

Bernard: You have to ‘Develop’-it - I mean, your ‘Participation’ Developed ‘You’- ‘You’ are
the ‘Result’ of Your -‘Input’ - ‘Input’ = ‘Output’ - ‘Equality’. You are the ‘Quality’ of Your-
‘Input’ - That’s ‘Equality’. And if Your-‘Input’ is to ‘Give’ and ‘Present’ to the World an
‘Equality’ in ‘Education’, an ‘Equality’ in Every-way of ‘Living’- the ‘Input’ will give the
‘Output’= A ‘World of Equality’ - A ‘World of ‘Quality’’, ‘Heaven on Earth’- ‘Practically’-
‘Equated’- You can do the ‘Mathematical-Equation’ –

Matti: Yeah.

Bernard: For ‘what it means’ to-have ‘Heaven on Earth’ and What ‘Everyone’ has to ‘do’-
We ‘did’ all-that shit, we’re just ‘Practically’ ‘Applying’-it, We’re the Real Fuckin’-thing
about ‘Heaven on Earth’, the ‘Real’ Fuckin’-‘thing’ - we ‘Tested’ this-out ‘already’. In that,
we take-on ‘All’ the ‘Fears’, and have a-‘look’ what did ‘happen’?-You have all these ‘fools’
‘shouting’, but you’re ‘shouting’ in your ‘Fear’! You have No-‘Idea’ what you’re ‘talking-
about’, if you’ve ‘Dared’ to spend some-time at Desteni, you would ‘See’, it is the ‘Great-
est-Gift’ you can ever ‘Give- Yourself ’.
83: Education for Life
Give You the Cutting-Edge
By Bernard Poolman

Bernard: Therefore, we Need ‘those’ that ‘Care-Enough’ and I mean, I’m Deliberately Not-
‘Using’ the word ‘Love’ because, it is the ‘Opposite’-of ‘Fear’, it is ‘used’ as an ‘Excuse’ to
Not-‘Face’ ‘Fear’, I’m talking-about People that Really-‘Care’ about an ‘Outcome’ in the
World that’s ‘Best For All’ and ‘Best for Themselves’- To ‘Join’ Desteni and get themselves
Fuckin’-‘Educated’ – either through the Forums, the Website – which is Free- or those
that can afford, through the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment -Training’ - which will
become a ‘Real’-‘Extensive’ ‘Training-Program’ as it’s already so-‘Extensive’ that the People
‘Participating’ are ‘battling’ to keep up, because they’ve never been ‘Exposed’ to such an
‘Intensive’-‘Studying’ - in ‘Real-Time’ ‘Actual’ ‘Study’ of Yourself and Your ‘Environment’.

In-‘Time’, as our ‘Resources’-grow, we will give –for ‘those’ that can’t ‘afford’, the ‘Oppor-
tunity’ like a ‘Bursary- there is a ‘Fund’ being ‘Created’ for-that – to be able to ‘Facilitate’
‘those’ that cannot ‘afford’ the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’- But for now, we are in
a ‘System’, ‘Common-Sensically’ we must ‘Produce’ an ‘Income’ within the ‘System’ to
keep-us ‘Moving’ to-Help.

And it is ‘Important’ that Whatever ‘You’-say in this World must-be ‘Done ‘In Your
Name’-otherwise it is In-‘Vain’. If You are saying something on some-Fuckin ‘Fake-Name’
somewhere, You are wasting your ‘Breath’ because: ‘look’ for yourself, Five-years from
‘now’ You want-to say: ‘I had that Amazing-‘Insight’, I was ‘that’ and ‘that’ ‘Fake-Name’-
who the Fuck is going to ‘Believe’-you? They’re gonna say “no, man you’re just trying to
‘ride on the back’ of somebody-else.

”Speak in your ‘Own-Name’ So that you can be ‘Accountable’, so that ‘that’ which you say
that is ‘Valid’ and that which is to the ‘Benefit’ of Everyone and will ‘Produce’ ‘Heaven
on Earth’, can ‘Stand’. The ‘Honour’ for that is Not-‘Ego’, the ‘Honour’ for-that is a
‘Recognition’ for ‘Standing’ because You-‘Cared’. ‘Ego’ is to ‘Hide’ behind a ‘Fake-Name’
and make ‘False-Claims’ that You-have Not-‘Lived’, if You Do-Not ‘have’ the ‘Power’ to
‘Stand’ in your ‘Own-Name’, You Have No-‘Right’ and No-‘Ability’ to ‘Stand’ on ‘Any-
thing because: it’s all ‘False’. You don’t ‘Believe’ and ‘Trust’ in Yourself-‘enough’ to ‘Stand’
in your ‘Own-Name’.

And ‘Why’ is the whole-‘System’ around ‘Fake-Names’? Because it’s about ‘Fake-Money’,
it’s about ‘Fake-Politics’, it’s about ‘Fake-NGOs, it’s about ‘Fake-Economics’, ‘Fake-Cor-
porations’, ‘Fake-Productions’- ‘Machines’ ‘making everything’- I mean the ‘Machine’ is
already-‘making everything’, look at the ‘fuck-up’ - Now, the ‘Venus Project’ want to use
‘Technology’ to ‘Solve’ the ‘Problem’- they have Not-‘Equated’ the ‘Problem’ to its ‘Ac-
tual’ Fuckin’ ‘Creation’-story. Why do you think the ‘Venus Project’ is getting ‘air-time’?
Because inevitably Society, I mean the way it goes ‘now’ to a ‘Total-Control-Society’, is
gonna be a ‘Slave-Race’ to ‘Technology’ –

Where’s your ‘Freedom’? How do you ‘Move’ the ‘Resource’? Who makes the Fuckin’-
‘Decision’? Why are you Not-‘Educated’? Why is the… Why are they Not-Promoting
‘Education’? The ‘Skill’ with-which to ‘work-out’ ‘for-Yourself ’ a ‘Solution’ for this World.

Why are they ‘only’ looking-at the ‘Products’- because the ‘Products’ are already-‘Here’
Created-by ‘Technology’, there are warehouses upon warehouses full-of ‘stuff’ that ‘No-
body’ can ‘Buy’. If that ‘Remains’ within the ‘bounds’ of the ‘Technological-Production’
‘stream’, it just goes into a ‘New-System’ of ‘Control’. Because, it’s ‘No-skin off anyone’s
flesh’ that currently ‘owns-it-all’ because, they’ve already ‘Produced’-it-all - And to now
put a ‘System’-up where they ‘give’ the stuff ‘away’, only ‘entrench’ an ‘Absolute-Monarchy’
of ‘Control’ based in ‘Technology’ – but they’re ‘Still’ gonna-be ‘The Top’ - and ‘Every-
body’ is going-to ‘Accept’-it, because they get the ‘shit’ for-‘Free’ apparently - but you ‘pay’
with your ‘Life’ for-it - that’s ‘Venus Project’-Because ‘Venus Project’ ‘Cannot’ Promote-
this ‘without’ ‘Financial-Support’, ‘Extensive’ ‘Financial-Support’ –
We ‘know’, we are busy-‘with’ what we are doing: it takes ‘Extensive’-Money to do-this.
They have a ‘Lot’ more-‘Money’ than we-have, a ‘Lot’-more. Where are they getting-it
‘from’? That’s the Real-‘Interest’, they’re just being ‘played’.

We will ‘Discuss’ this ‘more’ and ‘more’ and we’ll ‘open-up’ all the ‘Points’- We’re ‘Inter-
ested’ in ‘Each’ Human-Being ‘Educated’-to their ‘Highest’ Possible-‘Level’, ‘Effective’-in
‘Vocabulary’, ‘Effective’-in ‘Reading’, ‘Effective’-in ‘Mathematics’, ‘Effective’-in ‘Living’,
that Truly-‘Care’ and ‘Interact’ within ‘Understanding’ with ‘Everything’ that is in this
‘World’, ‘Effectively’ on ‘All-Levels’, Living an ‘Effective-Life’ in this World, being in a
‘Relationship’ of ‘Effectiveness’ and ‘Honour’ and ‘Equality’= That is ‘Equality’ - In this
‘World’- the ‘Here-After’ is a ‘Different’-Story’… You cannot-‘Imagine’ the ‘Here-After’
because there is No-‘Time’, there is No-‘Space’, there is No ‘Alpha’ and ‘Omega’ in the
‘After-Life’ like you have ‘Here’- ‘there’ you don’t-‘Have’ the ‘System’ like you-have the
‘System’-Here. And the ‘System’ that is ‘Here’, is ‘Created’ by its ‘Participants’!

What you ‘Allow’- It’s Not-‘Created’ by the ‘Elite’, You’re ‘Allowing’-them to have the
‘Power’- They don’t-Have the ‘Power’ In-‘Fact’, They ‘have’-it because they’re ‘Given-
the Power’ by ‘Every’-Person in the ‘World’, And they’re all doing-that ‘In the Name-of
‘Fear’’, and then you say: “It’s all ‘Love’”- that’s ‘How’ you’re being ‘Consumed’, you’re
Consumed’ by your ‘Fear’ and therefore you call-it ‘Love’, because Every-‘time’ ‘You-Win’
in the ‘System’, you have this ‘Wonderful-Experience’ you call-it ‘Love’, ‘Bliss’, ‘Magnifi-
cence’ – ‘Wow look at me’ You are such a ‘Magnificent-Being’ look-at How ‘Successful’
you are!’ You have ‘Won’ the ‘System’! It’s like winning a Fuckin’ ‘Jack-pot’ –the ‘Design’ is
a ‘Casino’- You are ‘Winning’ the ‘Jack-pot’.

And How-many ‘People’ in the ‘World’ are ‘winning’ the ‘Jack-pot’? Just ‘look’-at how
‘few’ there are that’s ‘Rich’ in the ‘World’, They are the ‘Jack-pot’ ‘Winners’ of the
‘World-System’. A ‘Casino’, that’s what ‘Exist’ in this ‘World’, that is our ‘Economic’ and 475
‘Monetary-System’- that is Our-‘System’ of ‘Education’, that it’s all just ‘Lights-flashing’
and you are ‘waiting’ for ‘triple-seven’ - That’s why the ‘Number of God’ is the ‘Number
7’, because in the ‘System’, ‘God’ is the ‘Jack-pot’. And ‘Number 6’ is just Not ‘good-
enough’, therefore it is ‘Evil’ because you didn’t ‘Win’ the ‘Jack-pot’, you got ‘less’-than the
‘Jack-pot’, so therefore it’s ‘Evil’. And you-have to ‘Buy’-shit through a ‘Number-System’
so all the ‘stuff’ you have-to ‘buy’-with ‘Money’ you get from your ‘Jack-pots’ and now
you don’t-have ‘enough’ so you can’t go and ‘scan’ your little ‘666 Number’ in the Shop
to-‘get’ your ‘Product’-So there it’s sitting on the shelves, and You can’t ‘get’-it. And your
‘Child’ is ‘Dying’ of ‘Starvation’, asking ‘Why, Mommy, Why Daddy, Why, Why?!’ And
you got-‘Angry’ and then you ‘Act-out’ and you ‘shoot’ a ‘few’-People and they say: ‘You’re
‘Psychologically-Damaged’ –
The ‘Fuckers’ that’s ‘Building’ this ‘System’ that’s ‘Hiding’-behind their ‘Fear’ in the
‘Name’-of ‘Love’-they are ‘Psychologically-Damaged-Goods’ - Because they ‘Cannot’
‘Give-up’ their ‘Fear’ to ‘Consider’ that ‘All Men were Created ‘Equal’’- ‘All’ Is from the
‘Same-Source’ –

Check-out our Channel for ‘Psycho 101’ Lessons, and ‘Bible 101’ Lessons and ‘Equal
Money 101’ Lessons, where we will ‘Explain’ these-things in ‘Detail’ - Repeating-it ‘many-
times’-over until you ‘get’-it.
84: Neuro-Linguistic Enslavement
By Bernard Poolman
14-Mach 2010

And hear what we say: ‘The Key is the Physical’. If you do Not-‘Transcend’ in the ‘Physi-
cal’, you are ‘Effectively’-‘Screwed’ - because you Cannot in the ‘Interdimensional’ - that
means in the ‘After-Life’ ‘Transcend’ the ‘Physical Reality’, you have to come-‘back’. And
the only-way you can ‘prove’ that you are ‘Self-Honest’ is ‘In-the Physical’- And ‘Self- 477
Honesty’, you ‘prove’ by you ‘using’ your ‘References’ with ‘Pain’ - because ‘Pain’ - when
‘Referenced’ ‘Effectively’, you Cannot ‘Reduce’ - it is the ‘Effect’ of your ‘Participation’-

Which is: then a ‘Road map’ Indicating to-you ‘where’ you are ‘messing-up’ within your
‘Interaction’ with this ‘Reality’- but ‘first’ you have to do some ‘Corrections’, ‘Start’ with
‘Self-Forgiveness’. ‘Self-Forgiveness’ through that ‘Application’, you will start ‘Moving’ and
‘Correcting’ the ‘Cross-Referencing’ of ‘Information’ between the ‘Left’ and the ‘Right’-
side of the ‘Body’. So, ‘Self-Forgiveness’ is the ‘Practical-Process’ within-which the ‘Cor-
rection’- ‘happens’.

Within-‘that’, you’ll ‘Develop’ the ‘Correction’ with ‘Self-Honesty’ - and once your ‘Left’
and ‘Right-side’ ‘Information’-‘Processing’ that ‘Crossroads’ has been ‘Corrected’, You
will be ‘Self-Honest’- That means you can ‘Reference’ ‘Information’ ‘Self-Honestly’- that
is ‘How’ it is ‘Physically’-‘Tested’, that’s ‘How’ we ‘Test’-you, to ‘check’ ‘where you are’ in
your ‘Process’ in terms-of your ‘Referencing’-of ‘Reality’ through ‘Self-Honesty’.

‘Regularly’ we are ‘testing’ here on the Farm in terms-of ‘showing’ whether ‘People’ are ‘Ac-
tually’ being able to ‘Break the Veil’ yet- and even after-‘years’, that is ‘still’ Not-‘Here’- It
takes ‘anything’-up to 7 years to ‘Break the Veil’ - of ‘Extreme’-‘Application’ before you can
start ‘Breaking- through’ the ‘Delusion’ of the ‘Cross-Referencing’ of the ‘Mind’ ‘Mirror-
ing’ everything to you in-‘Reverse’ -And therefore you’re ‘Living’ in an ‘Accepted’-‘Reality’
of ‘Delusion’- ‘Unable’ to ‘Note’ the ‘Delusion’- because everybody-‘else’ is doing-it as
well- So you’re ‘Unwilling’ to ‘Stand’ in the ‘Face’-of the Obvious-‘Deception’- You ‘know’
it ‘Exist’ but you just can’t ‘touch’-it.

‘Hear’ me: when your ‘Forgivenesses’ are done ‘Effectively’ and your ‘Self-Honesty’ has
Become ‘Physically’-‘Manifest’, and your ‘Referencing’ of ‘Information’ is ‘Dimensionally-
Corrected’= You Will ‘See’ ‘Deception’ coming-from ‘Everywhere’ and be able-to ‘Direct’-
it with ‘Great-Ease’. It takes-‘Time’, but ‘with’ ‘Effective’ continuous ‘Application’: You
Will ‘get-it’. Understand the ‘Mind’ Will ‘Challenge’-you, because you are ‘Effectively’
‘shutting-off’ the ‘Interpretation’-of ‘Reality’, to so that Your ‘Participation’ can become
‘Direct’ and Not-something of a ‘Delusion’. ‘Make-Sense’?

Everyone: Yeah.

85: This is Your Last Life
By Bernard Poolman
4 April 2010

So, here we go again with a ‘Controversial’ ‘Desteni Message’ :The ‘Desteni of the Uni-
verse’ –
Now, please ‘Consider’ the ‘Common-Sense’ we ‘share’ within the ‘context’ of ‘What is
‘Best’ for ‘All Life’’ – ‘especially’ within ‘Realizing’ and ‘Considering’ ‘those’ that are ‘Less
Fortunate than Yourself ’ – And, that if ‘You’ were in ‘their Position’, you would’ve ‘liked’
an Opportunity to also attain ‘Everything that ‘Life’ has to Offer’ –

So ‘Hear’ me: This is Everyone’s ‘Last Life’ – ‘

Life’ up-to ‘this point’ where ‘Heaven’ or the ‘Dimensions’ were ‘Stopped’, was ‘Defined’
by the ‘Soul’, it was ‘Defined’ by ‘the Light’, it was ‘Defined’ by ‘Energy’ it was ‘Defined’
by ‘Polarity’, it was ‘Defined’ by ‘Belief ’, it was ‘Defined’ by the ‘Idea’ of ‘Oneness’ as
‘Divinity’, it was ‘Defined’ by ‘Cycles of Reincarnation ‘All’ of-that has ‘Stopped’ –‘those’
that is on ‘Earth’ now, is in their ‘Last Lives’ – If you Do-‘Not’ ‘Rebirth-Yourself ’ in this
‘Physical Life’, ‘At-Death’: Everything you have ‘done’ thus far in ‘All-Lives’ as a ‘Soul’ Will
be ‘No More’ –

‘Simplistically’ because: It wasn’t ‘Real’, it was ‘simply’ an ‘Energetic Experience’, it was

‘simply’ ‘Consciousness’, ‘Consciousness’ isn’t ‘Sustainable’ As ‘Reality’, it is Nothing-
‘different’ to a ‘Hollywood Movie’ – ‘look’-at this ‘World’, it is ‘Explaining’ to-you what
‘Specialness’ or ‘Fame’ or ‘Superiority’ ‘entails’ –‘As Above, So Below’ –

‘Common-Sense’, ‘Self-Honesty’ is of ‘Vital-Importance’ if One ‘Have-it’ within-you to

Have ‘Compassion’ for All-Life and Not-‘Only’ focus on One’s ‘Self-Interest’ –

Understand, that: ‘This’ was ‘Inevitable’ - a ‘Point’ where ‘What is Not ‘Best’ for ‘All Life’’
had to ‘Stop’ and from-‘that’ had to ‘Emerge’ a ‘Process’ of ‘Self-Correction’ and ‘Self-Per-
fection’, a ‘Process of ‘Equality’’ from-which ‘Eventually’– yes, it’ll take-‘Time’, ‘Eventu-
ally’ will be ‘Birthed’ a ‘Universe’ within-which ‘’All Beings’ are ‘Equal’ in ‘All Ways’ thus

‘Be Careful’ Not to ‘hang-on’ to ‘Beliefs’ of ‘Perfection’ - You Must ‘Prove’ ‘Your Perfec-
tion’ in ‘Physical Matter’, in ‘Space-Time’ in ‘All-Dimensions’ - ‘Common-Sense’ isn’t it?
You can’t ‘have’ some ‘Higher-Vibration’ and ‘call’-that ‘Perfection’. ‘Perfection’ implies in
‘All-Ways’, ‘Perfection’ implies ‘Equality’.

‘This is Your ‘Last Life’’ – You will either ‘Stop Yourself ’ or ‘Death’ will ‘Stop-you’ - But
there is ‘No way out’ - there is a ‘lot’-of Work to be ‘done’ in this ‘Process’, a lot-of ‘Dis-
honesty’ has been ‘Allowed’ in ‘Existence’. ‘In-Fact’ it has ‘Always’-existed, this ‘Dishon-
esty’, this ‘Desire’ to-be ‘More’, this ‘Desire’ to-be ‘More Special’, this ‘Desire’ to-be ‘No-
ticed’ – In ‘Equality’, ‘No One’ is ‘Noticed’, because ‘Everyone’ is ‘Equal’, but it doesn’t
mean Everyone is ‘the Same’, it ‘means’: ‘Everyone is Equal’ –‘Important’ to ‘Understand’
what ‘that’ ‘Really’ means -To ‘Allow’ Everyone to-be ‘able’ to get a ‘chance’ in ‘This Life’
to ‘Embrace’ their ‘Self Realization’ and ‘Self Perfection’ an ‘Equal Money System’ is ‘Rel-
evant’, until –which is ‘Inevitable –None ‘Money’ and even ‘Resource’ will ‘Not’ be ‘Nec-
essary’ –

But that’s still a ‘long way off’ – In the ‘mean-time’ ‘Consider’ the ‘Desteni Message’, it
may ‘just’ make ‘your way’ a little ‘easier’.

86: The Quantum Mind
and The Number of God
By Bernard Poolman
20 April 2010

Okay we’re discussing ‘Quantum Mind’ and the ‘System’ that was ‘Designed’ to Manage
the ‘Interaction’ between the ‘Mind’ and the ‘Physical’, that manage the ‘Relationships’ 481
between the ‘Physical’ and the ‘Mind’, you’ll ‘Notice’ an interesting-thing is that what

When you are ‘Born’ in-‘essence’ you are Unable to ‘Speak’ any language, you’re Unable to
‘Think’, and you are Unable to ‘Move the Physical Body’ –if you look at an ‘Animal’ with-
in 24 hours the Animal will walk by itself, eat by itself, everything the Human is ‘Unable’
to do that, but the Animal is ‘Able’ to ‘do’-that.

That doesn’t mean that the ‘Human’ were ‘Always’ ‘Unable’, or were ‘Always’ that ‘weak’, it
only means there is something else at ‘work’-here in ‘How’ the Human ‘Develop’ –and, in
that, what ‘plays a role’ within-that is your ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’, your ‘Struc-
tural Resonance’ itself, what they have now found ‘Exist’, but they call-it ‘Epigenetics’, the
‘way’ things are ‘Transferred’ from Parent to Child, which is Not ‘only’ the DNA, it’s also
‘something-else’ –they’re at this stage only aware of its ‘existence’, they don’t know ‘how’-it
exactly ‘work’ yet.
So, in the ‘Process’ years ago, we found a interesting thing.

‘Interdimensionally’ around the World, Every ‘Human Being’ was ‘plugged’-into ‘Gigantic
Casinos’ –your whole-life was ‘Managed’ by a ‘Program’ just like in the Casino, and you
were ‘basically’ just one of the ‘Pictures’ that is on a ‘Reel’ that ‘spins’ in the Casino, ‘seek-
ing’ for your ‘Happiness’ – your ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ which is your ‘God’ which is the
‘Number 7’ –and it is ‘why’ the ‘Number 7’ plays a major-role in a ‘Casino’ and is normal-
ly linked-to ‘Jackpot’, and ‘Jackpot’ is normally linked-to your ‘Happiness’.

Now, obviously ‘As Above, So Below’ –‘As In, As Out’ –‘Similar’-type ‘Casino’-like
‘Structures’ were ‘Existent’ within the Physical Body, ‘regulating’ and ‘working’-with the
Relationship between the ‘Physical’ and the ‘Mind’, which then would ‘Create’ a ‘Reso-
nant’-‘Symbol’ which is similar to these ‘Symbols’ that is in the ‘Casinos’ –and, in ‘Creat-
ing’-these ‘Symbols’ you will be ‘Creating’ Your ‘Effectiveness’ in the ‘Matrix’ and in the
World, and as you get more and more ‘Effective’, you will ‘Align’ the ‘Symbols’ similarly to
a ‘Casino’-Machine –a one armed bandit – and until you have ‘Educated’-yourself accord-
ing-to your ‘Effectiveness in the System’ to the ‘point’ where you can with a single ‘spin’
of your ‘Mind’, respond ‘Immediately’ with a ‘Jackpot’ –and therefore then you become
apparently ‘Highly-Intelligent’ and very ‘Effective’ in your way in the World, and accord-
ing-to ‘that’ ‘Effectiveness’, you now have ‘More Authority’ in the World –and is seen as
a either a ‘Philosopher’ or ‘Philanthropist’ or a ‘Major-Player’ in one of the ‘Industries’ in
the World ‘purely’ because: Your ‘Casino’ has been ‘Designed’ that way ‘inside’-you.

So, ‘Constantly’ as you are ‘Interacting’ with your ‘Environment’, the ‘Environment’
‘Impulse’ the ‘Symbiology’ –the ‘Resonances’ within-you –that then ‘spins’ and ‘present’
to you in your ‘Mind’ a ‘Thought’ – You are Not ‘Thinking the Thought’, the ‘Thought’ is
coming-from your ‘Pre-Programming’ which is a ‘Resonant-Design’ like a ‘Casino-System’
that ‘spins’ and look for the most ‘appropriate answer’, similar to Google when you put-in
a ‘word’ and you ‘search’ and it brings-up all the ‘possible answers’ –exactly the same-way
is How your ‘Resonance’ ‘Operate’.

So in-that ‘Resonance’ obviously you cannot even ‘remember’ ‘How’ You ‘Created-it’ –
which is a major-‘problem’. So if you’ve ‘Allowed’ some of the ‘Resonances’ to become
‘Dysfunctional’ –that means: with ‘Secret Reasons’ for its existent ‘Existence’ for… and
you are ‘hiding’ some ‘parts’ of your ‘Resonant-Design’ that only ‘comes-out’ in very spe-
cific ‘Environments’ – for instance you have a ‘Sexual Addiction’ that’ll only come-out at
night after you had a few drinks, and you go to the local Prostitute ‘place’ –I mean, that
is a ‘Resonant-Design’ which will ‘trigger’ according-to You going out with your ‘friends’,
having a few ‘drinks’, keeping it all ‘secret’ from your wife, then go and have ‘Sex’ with a
Prostitute, and then go home as if ‘nothing happened’ –because you have ‘Programmed’-
yourself to ‘in-fact’ be able to ‘do’-that, but your ‘Design’ would be dependent-on ‘Envi-
ronmental-Issues’ so, you will therefore ‘seek-out’ your ‘Entertainment’ as well to ‘place-
yourself ’ in an ‘Environment’ that will ‘apparently’ take-away ‘Your Choice’ –because you
just can’t ‘Help’-yourself and you will go and ‘Embrace’ your ‘Sexual Experiences’ with the
Prostitute based-on your ‘Design’ –that will normally be, have been ‘Programmed’ dur-
ing your teenage years using Porn and Masturbation, where you’ve used the ‘Imagination’
–you’ll find in your ‘Masturbation’ you have ‘Repeated’ the same ‘Images’ over and over
and over again, until the ‘Image’ becomes a ‘Resonant-Symbol’ that ‘Interacts’ ‘within’-you
that becomes ‘part’-of your ‘Response to Environment’.

Therefore as long as you are Not in an ‘Environment’ that will ‘Activate’ the particu-
lar ‘one-armed bandit’ that’s going to ‘Produce’ for you the situation to have ‘Sex with
a Prostitute’ = You’re quite ‘fine’ –the moment you ‘Enter the Environment’ – specific
colours of ‘light’, specific types-of ‘darkness’, types-of ‘music’, types-of ‘people’, types-of
‘discussion’/’vocabulary’, your ‘Resonant’-‘Casino’ inside-you ‘spins’ to Produce to you
‘The Jackpot’ –which will be in this case ‘Sex with your Prostitute’ so that your Particular
‘Addiction’ can be ‘Completed’.
The ‘Problem’ is that the ‘Addiction’ is ‘Beyond Cure’, because you have ‘Designed’-Your-
self ‘as’ this in a Permanent-‘Condition’ –the only ‘point’ that’ll probably ‘Cure’-you is a
point of great ‘trauma’ like a ‘Disease’ or, you’re ‘married’, you ‘get-caught’ and you ‘lose
your children’ and your marriage –something very ‘traumatic’ is the only ‘Cure’ then, is
very seldom that one will be able to be ‘Cured’ from-it, anyone telling-you that they’ve
‘Cured’, they’ve ‘Stopped’… and they ‘still’ go-out ‘alone’ to with their ‘friends’ = they are
definitely ‘Lying’, there is No way they can ‘Stop’ their behaviour –once they’ve had a few
drinks = They will ‘do-it’ again –anyway.
So, all of this what we’re talking about is the ‘Quantum Mind’ because this is happen-
ing ‘Immediately’, it is a ‘Quantum Occurrence’, there is No-‘Time’ as you understand-it 483
‘involved’ in-it.

The Moment you walk into a ‘room’ you have an ‘Immediate Impression’ of ‘All’-poten-
tials that you, that is within the ‘context’ of your ‘Programmed Design’ ‘within’ the room,
and you Immediately ‘Form an Opinion’ –the ‘Opinion’ that You are ‘Forming’ is your
‘Resonance’ that is ‘Impressing’ on-you your ‘Past Experiences’ and it gives-you a ‘Ener-
getic’ ‘Signature-Presence’ to give you an ‘Impression’, and from the ‘Impression’ you will
now be ‘Presented’-with ‘Thoughts’ by the ‘Resonance’ in terms-of ‘What you ‘Think’
about-it‘– you’ll either say: ‘Oh I like it’ or ‘I don’t like it’. All of-it Actually ‘Totally’ ‘Pre-

And this is ‘Pre-Designed’ during the ages of your ‘Early’-Education. The ‘First’ ‘Seven-
Years’ of your Education is your ‘Basic’ ‘Resonant-Design’ of your Interactions with ‘En-
vironment’ and ‘People’ –and ‘Everyone’ and ‘Everything’ that ‘happens’ in your First
‘Seven-Years’, ‘form’ your ‘Interactive Ability’ with your ‘Environment’ and will have a
major-‘effect’ on ‘How’ you will ‘Live your Life’.

Your ‘Next’ ‘Seven-years’ are very much ‘part’-of the ‘stage’ in-which you are ‘Learning
‘How’-to ‘Construct’-things’ –it’s a very much your ‘Relationship-Construction’ and your
‘Interaction’ with ‘stuff’/’things’ in the World, then goes into ‘You’ moving-it around, so
it’s You Learning ‘How’-to ‘Direct’ and ‘make things’ in this ‘Reality’ depending-on what
is in your ‘Environment’ there, you’ll be more ‘Physically’ Able to ‘do’-things, or more
‘Mentally’ able to ‘do’-things or you’ll be more ‘prone’ to be ‘Entertained by TV’ –all
kinds-of things, it all depends on the ‘Input’ of your ‘Design’.

And then your ‘Third’ ‘Seven-Years’ going up to 21, is where your ‘Social-Skills’ will ‘de-
velop’ and in-which you will ‘develop’ your ‘Basic Principle’ of ‘Win’ and ‘Lose’ within
the ‘Casino-Game’ which is based-on your ‘Emotional-Skill’ where you’ll ‘Learn’ to ‘Win’,
so that you can have the ‘Feeling’ of: ‘Happiness’ –and therefore you will in your ‘Social-
Skills’ develop the ‘ways’ to ‘Manipulate-others’ to Get-‘Energy’ from-them and you are
‘Always’ in a Relationship with another to Gain ‘Energy’ ,you are always ‘Choosing Words’
according-to what your ‘Resonance’ are ‘Presenting’ to you, so that you can ‘Hit the Jack-
pot’ with the ‘Answer’ you are giving because ‘You’re so fucking ‘clever’’ –and because
of-‘that’, you’ll always end-up with ‘Gaining some ‘Energy’’ –and it is a ‘tacitly’ ‘Agreed’-
point between ‘All Participants’, is that the ‘Winner’ Gets-‘Energy’ from the ‘Loser’ –it’s
always like that –and the ‘Loser’ will keep-on ‘playing’ with somebody-else and try and
get the ‘Energy’-back and so the ‘Energy’ ‘Circulates’ very similarly ‘after’ 21, that ‘Energy’
takes-on ‘another’ ‘Manifested Form’ as ‘Money’, then you start to ‘Prepare Yourself ’ to
‘Play the ‘Same-Game’’ which is a ‘Social-Game’ in your ‘Business Realities’ –I mean the
whole-‘point’ is that: All you ‘Understand’ according-to your ‘Design’ from ‘Birth’, on to
21 is that ‘the World ‘works’ this ‘way’’ –and if you don’t ‘Play the game’ = You’re going to
‘Lose’, and you do Not want-to ‘Lose’ because, if you ‘Lose’ = it doesn’t ‘Feel Good’ be-
cause that’s How you’ve ‘Programmed’-Yourself.

Okay, so –what is ‘more’ Fascinating about-it is that, at ‘all-times’, you will ‘Notice’ when
you are ‘Thinking’ that means ‘Thoughts’ are being ‘Presented’ to you ‘by the Resonances’
–You ‘Calculate’ the ‘Risk’ of which one you’re going-to ‘Accept’ and which one ‘Not’. So
you’re ‘Calculating’ the Possibility of ‘Winning’ or ‘Losing’ by the ‘Presented-Thought’
in ‘Relationship’-to your ‘Environment’ –if you find it’s Not ‘Effective’ Enough’ = You
‘Change’ the ‘Information’, ‘Change’-You accordingly, ‘Re-Insert’ the ‘Correction’ to your
‘Resonances’ and aut... ‘Your Resonance’ is the ‘Automated’-‘You’ and now you become
‘More-Effective’ in the ‘Same-Environment’.
The ‘Principle’ though ‘being’ that You at ‘all-times’ are ‘Calculating the Risk’ of your ‘As-
sessment’ that was ‘Presented’ by your ‘Resonance’.

What is ‘more’-interesting is that within-‘that’ we have ‘Designed’ ‘Machines’ –‘Machines’

that do exactly the same, it ‘Calculate the Risk’ according-to ‘Feedback Information’ in
terms-of ‘What Cycle’ for instance, to ‘Use’ when it’s ‘running’. You’ll for instance have
washing machines that ‘run’/’operate’ accordingly – you can according-to ‘weight’ and
‘heat’ and all kinds-of things ‘Set’-it to Make a Decision: ‘Which is the ‘Best-Program’ to
‘Run’’ –No-‘Different’ to the ‘Mind’, No-‘Different’ to the ‘Human’, the ‘Machine’ is sim-
ply ‘an Extension of the Human’, it is ‘in-Fact’ the ‘Human’ in ‘Operation’ in an ‘External-
form’ –the same with your ‘Television Systems’ –is the same-‘way’ your Imagination ‘Op-
erates’ within-you in terms-of ‘Producing’ to-you something to ‘Entertain’-you where you
have ‘Freedom of Expression’ and You can decide ‘Who’-plays ‘What’-role within your
‘Imagination’ and ‘Who ‘You’ Are’ –and normally what happens in your Imagination? You
‘Always Wins’, I mean you ‘Always’-‘Win’ –and therefore, you’ve ‘Created’ the ‘same’-thing
in ‘Hollywood’ and related-industries which is your Imagination ‘at-play’, but a ‘Physical-
Manifestation’ of-it.
Obviously, because it ‘seems’ to-be ‘Free’ and that you can do ‘whatever you want’ in your
Imagination, it’s seen as a ‘very important part’ and it ‘forms’ one of the ‘Foundation-
Stones’ of the ‘Law of Attraction’: ‘Whatever you can ‘Think’ and ‘Imagine’, You can
‘Become’’ –I mean ‘Think’ and ‘Grow Rich’, what happens there? You are in that ‘Imagi-
nation’ ‘Re-Programming’ Your ‘Structural Resonance Design’ to ‘Win’ more often –and
therefore you ‘seek-out’ the ‘weaknesses’ in all of those around-you and you ‘Program’-
you to ‘Control’-them and ‘Manipulate’-them at ‘all-times’ and therefore will ‘seek’-out
your ‘Friends’, your ‘Wife’, every ‘Business Partner’ according-to ‘Your Potential’ to ‘Win’
– and ‘those’ that are then in ‘Agreement’ with-you, because everybody ‘Agrees’ to take
‘part’ within this ‘Energetic-Exchange’ will have ‘their-ways’ of again like in a ‘Pyramid’, 485
have ‘another’-group from-which they can ‘Siphon’-off ‘Energy’ so that they can have this
‘Mental-Imaginative ‘Experience’’ of ‘Apparent-Power’ and ‘Freedom’.

Now, fascinating is one can for instance look-at ‘Poker’, in ‘Poker’ have a ‘look’: You
‘Calculate’ the ‘odds’ according-to the cards ‘you-have’ and the cards that’s ‘on the table’.
That’s exactly when you are busy discussing a ‘Business Agreement’ –you have ‘Your Cards’
– that means ‘what you know about what you want to ‘achieve’ in the Agreement’ –the
other people is got ‘Their-Cards’ and then there’s the ‘Cards on the Table’, and within-that
you will ‘Calculate your ‘Risk’ and everyone will ‘Calculate ‘Each-Others’ Risks’ and see
‘Who’s gonna fall ‘where’’, ‘Who is gonna be the Best-‘Bluffer’, ‘Who’ is gonna ‘Bluff the
Best’ –the one that ‘Bluffs the Best’ =will get the ‘Agreement’ to be More ‘Beneficial’ for
them and Everybody-else will ‘Agree’ because that’s the ‘Rules of Engagement’ –that’s ‘The
Way the World ‘Works’’! –I mean, that ‘Bluffing’ ‘happens’ and Everybody knows there
was ‘Deceptions’ but: ‘Everybody does it’ so Nobody ‘moans’ about-it, nobody ‘complains’
because ‘This is the Way the World ‘Works’’, it’s all a Fucking Lie!

What is Not a ‘Lie’ is that you’re Actually ‘Doing’-this. What is Not a ‘Lie’ that you are
‘Really-Here’ – What is a ‘Lie’ is the ‘Social-System’, the ‘Economic-System’, the ‘Inter-
action-System’, the ‘way’ one ‘Communicate’, the way one ‘Think’ –all of-that is ‘based’
on ‘Deception’ , on a ‘Lie’ which means: it makes you ‘Lie’ ‘all the time’ –if you look-at
the Research, your on ‘Average’ Person ‘Lie’ three-times every ten-minutes, the Research is
‘Clear’ –you can go and ‘check’ –so don’t come and tell-me you don’t ‘do-it’, it’s ‘Everyone’
that’s ‘doing-it’, Everybody Lies!

Now what is ‘fascinating’ is we have ‘Re-arranged’ the ‘Inter-connectiveness’ of the ‘Mind’,

yes now ‘two ways’ that this all ‘work’ – ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’ ‘Only’-works
as a ‘Methodology’ within the ‘Lying-Construct’ –because, it ‘Cross-Reference’ Left and
Right Brain with the ‘Physical’ – that is a ‘Mind Imprint’ on the ‘Physical’= it’s Not How
it ‘Really Works’ – So you must look-at what Desteni say about ‘Eye Movement’.
The ‘Eye Movement’ once you are ‘Corrected’ ‘In the Physical’, is the ‘Reverse’ of what
has been ‘Accepted’ – I mean we did this ‘years’-ago, we didn’t ‘say’ anything because: let’s
see who can ‘get’ this point, ‘who’ Actually in any way has Any ‘Resolve’ to Become ‘Self-
Honest’- or is everybody just ‘trying’-to ‘Play’ their ‘Mind-Games’ to ‘Win’. You all have a
‘Secret-Agenda’, the ‘Secret Mind’ is the ‘Secret Reason’ ‘Why’ you ‘do’-things, Why you
will ‘Present’ things to the ‘World’, but you won’t Really ‘Stand up’.

That’s why ‘Writing’ is so ‘Important’ because in ‘Writing’, you ‘Reveal’ and State for sure
that you are ‘Standing for Self-Honesty’ –if you are Not-‘Writing’, what do we All ‘Know’?
And we’re now telling you: You are Fucking-‘Lying’ –your ‘Inability to Write’ is because
you have a ‘Secret Agenda’, you are trying to Play a ‘Casino-Game’ – We Know you are
‘doing-it’, you’re going to ‘Lose’ because we’re Not ‘Playing the Game’.

So please understand: the ‘Tools’ are ‘Very-Specific’ to make-sure one can ‘trap’ the ‘De-
ceivers’ and the ‘Liars’ and ‘those’ that had ‘enough’ of this Game can ‘Stop’ and ‘Show’
to Everyone, they have ‘Stopped’ and ‘Take Control’ of the situation and No-longer ‘Play
the Game’ –because otherwise, what are you doing? You are ‘Participating’ ‘only’ from the
Perspective ‘to Get the Best Odds for Yourself ’! You’re ‘Casting the Lot’, even ‘the Bible’
says: ‘Do Not ‘Cast the Lot’’ – but Every ‘Human-Being’ with Every-single ‘Thought’ you
are having, are ‘Casting the Lot’, you are making a ‘Risk’-Assessment of your ‘Interaction’
within your ‘Environment’, within the ‘context’-of ‘What your ‘odds’ are to ‘Win’ in the
situation’ or whether ‘you will Lose’ –and according-to that: You will ‘Act’, you Never ‘Act’
for any other reason but whether you will ‘Win’ or ‘Lose’.

The ‘Problem’ comes-in where you have ‘Accepted’ a ‘Belief-System’ as ‘True’ like ‘Chris-
tianity’ –then your ‘Casino’ is set-up like ‘Christianity’, and therefore you will Only ‘In-
teract’ with people that is ‘Playing the ‘Same-Game’ as you’ and therefore you will try-to
‘Always-Win’ within Your-‘Casino’, because you’re trying to ‘Own’ the bloody-thing by
prescribing the ‘Rules’ of ‘How’-it ‘works’ within ‘Your-Reality’ –

The Only-way to ‘Solve this Problem’ is if there is Only ‘One Reality’ for Everyone and
No-bloody ‘Casino’ where people try and ‘Win’ for themselves.

Please: If you are Not ‘Standing’ for ‘Equality’ for ‘All’ ‘Absolutely’, = You are Still ‘busy’
with the ‘Casino-Game’, you are ‘Still’ playing ‘Energy-Games’, you still haven’t got the
Message in-spite of ‘How’ many people that is written about-it.

I mean, you go back to the ‘Celestian Prophecy’ talked about this ‘Energy-Games’ –what
‘happened’ from it? The whole bloody ‘New-Age Movement’ built a fucking ‘Business’
around-it, they created a ‘New-Casino’ – I mean: ‘Channels’, ‘Energy’, ‘Light’, it is a
‘show’ that Hollywood couldn’t have ‘thought-up’. And what… they become more ‘Par-
ticipants’ ‘within’ the Actual ‘Imaginary-Design’ within themselves –it take a lot of ‘Medi-
tation’ to get so ‘Mind-Fucked’ I mean, Really ‘Dedication’ –why do I say that? That is a
‘Real Dedicated’ ‘Process’ of ‘Programming’-Oneself to the stage where you become that
‘Entity’ that speak the ‘bullshit’ that it does.

If you start doing Actual ‘Research’ on ‘What- is the ‘Physical Implication’ of ‘Life’ and
‘Death’ and ‘How’ Everything-‘Functions’ = You would Not ‘waste your time’ on the
Bullshit that is ‘just another Game’ for ‘Control’, ‘Power’ and ‘Money’ –

This is ‘Why’ we have Introduced ‘Equal Money’ because ‘Equal Money’ ‘Stop’ the ‘Rea-
son’ for Anyone to ‘Play the Casino’ – so if you have a Problem with ‘Equal Money’ you
know ‘why’, is because You ‘Believe’ You have ‘Control’ in ‘Your-Casino’, you know How-
to play ‘Your-Game’, and you’re gonna have ‘all’ the ‘Number 7’s’ for You, You’ve got the
‘Jackpot’ – ‘Fuck-off! It was ‘My-Jackpot’’ – You are ‘Possessed’ by what you ‘Believe’ is
‘right’, without ‘Understanding’ How-it Actually ‘work’ –that is a ‘Serious’-Condition –
No ‘Pill’ will ever ‘Help’-you –
You’re going to have to ‘Destroy the Pillars of your Temple’, because you’ve Lost your
‘Connection’ to ‘Life’ and have become ‘Purely’ an ‘Energetic’ ‘Existence’ –that is Not-

Now, understand that the Total-Existence as it now ‘Exist’ within ‘Machine’ a motor car,
‘Aeroplane’ and all kinds-of things, are ‘Representations’ of ‘Belief-Systems’ within the
‘Casino-Game’. The ‘Car’ Represents ‘The Soul’ – the ‘Aeroplanes’ and ‘Trains’ represents
‘Group-Souls’ – your associations where People ‘come-together’ and Discuss things of
similar-‘interest’ are ‘Group-Souls’ –it’s all a ‘Physical Manifested’ thing, it’s all just ‘Vehi-
cles’ –just like the ‘Soul’ and the ‘After-Life’, it’s just a ‘Vehicle’, it’s an ‘Energetic-Vehicle’,
it doesn’t ‘last forever’, please! You are ‘As Above, So Below’ –whatever you ‘Believe’ = You
have ‘Created’ in this World through your Participation, you have Created-it within the
whole ‘Game’ of the ‘Casino’ so that You can ‘Win’ – you have ‘Always’ given-yourself the
‘Best-Odds’, you Never tell the Truth, you can Never Trust a ‘Human Being’ that Partici-
pate in the ‘World Casino-System’.
We have ‘Removed’ this ‘Casino-System’, all that now ‘remains’ is the ‘Way’ you ‘Partici-
pate’ in-it, the Actual ‘System’ that ‘Enforced’ this ‘Impulsing’ has been ‘Removed’ –what
‘Remains’ is ‘How’ you’re ‘Living-it’.

So ‘Hear’ what we are doing at Desteni: We are ‘Removing’ the ‘Pre-Programming’

but YOU have to do your ‘Own-Process’ of ‘Self-Honesty’, YOU have to Stop Your-
‘Participation’ within the ‘Games’ you play and How you ‘Abuse’ this ‘World’ and ‘Each-
Other’. There will be ‘No-Excuse’ because: There is ‘No-Systems’ –we are busy taking
them ‘all’-out, ‘Physically’ – it’s not as ‘quick’ as in ‘Heaven’, ‘Heaven’ had ‘Quantum-
Time’ –‘Here’ on Earth it works by ‘Time’, we have to take the thing-out ‘Physically’, at
a ‘Universal Mind’ or ‘Unified Field Level’ at the ‘Universal Mind Level’/ ‘Unconscious
Mind’, that which is the ‘Management System’ of the ‘World’ as it ‘Reflects’ the ‘World’
and ‘Yourself ’ in Each-Other- that’s why ‘All’ within a ‘Limited’-‘System’ of ‘Senses’ are
able to ‘See’ the ‘Same-thing’: You are ‘plugged’-into the Same-fucking ‘Program’! You
have only a few-‘senses’, very-‘Limited’ ‘Frequency-Ranges’ and you ‘see’ and can under-
stand Each-Other, because you are in the ‘Same-System’ I mean, Common-Sense!

I mean ‘How’ simple can it be? And have a ‘look’: Nobody even consider the ‘points’ that’s 489
right in-front of you.
So, ‘Quantum-Mind’ –it is ‘Important’ to ‘Consider’ that: You have been ‘Deliberately
Deceived’ into Deceiving Yourself and Each-Other – it is ‘Time’ to ‘Stop’ –

If You do Not ‘Stop’ = ‘the Game’ will continue, and in the ‘End’, like in any ‘Casino’:
You ‘Always’-‘Lose’, ‘the Game’ Always-‘Win’ –if you’re playing long-enough in a ‘Ca-
sino’= You ‘Always’ end-up ‘Losing’.
87: Radical Self-Trust
By Bernard Poolman
21 April 2010

Okay, so –

I’m Not-‘Interested’ in Anyone ‘Trusting-Me’, I’m ‘Interested’ in whether You can ‘Trust’-
‘Yourself ’ – I’m ‘Interested’ in whether you can ‘Trust-Yourself ’ to ‘Will’-Yourself, till You
‘Create’-Yourself, You ‘Purify’-Yourself –
I’m ‘Interested’ whether You ‘Trust’-‘You’ to ‘Perfect’-Yourself, to ‘Walk’ ‘Breath by Breath’
in ‘Self-Honesty’, to ‘Will’-Yourself to ‘Forgive’-Yourself.

I’m Not-‘Interested’ in You ‘Trusting-Me’ – I’m ‘Interested’ if You ‘Trust-Yourself ’ in

‘Every-Way’, I ‘Trust-Me’.
Now, we wait to ‘See’ ‘Who’ Will ‘Trust’-‘Themselves’ as ‘Life’ to ‘Create’ ‘Equality’ as ‘All’
as ‘One’, ‘Here’, ‘Eternally’.

88: Masonic Master Secret of God
and the Elite
By Bernard Poolman
7 May 2010

So, if you ‘Look’ around-you, there’s a ‘Invisible Force’ that makes everything ‘move’, there 491
is a ‘Invisible Force’ that is the Very-‘Nature’ and the Very-‘Power’ of Everything that ‘Ex-

This ‘Invisible Force’ that is ‘Ignored’ this ‘Invisible Force’, that is the Real ‘Holy Spirit’ –
the ‘Holy Ghost’ of this Existence, that is ‘Everywhere’ and that Everybody ‘Actually’ Can
‘See’, but ‘Refuse’ to-‘See’. Because everyone ‘know’ that this ‘Holy Spirit’ is ‘The Living
God’, the ‘Real Creator’ behind ‘all-things’.

And ‘Everyone’ knows this ‘God’, ‘Personally’, and each one ‘Gives’ this ‘God’ its ‘Own-
Definition’ and its ‘Own’ ‘Free-Choice’, its ‘Free Will’ is Reflected in this ‘God’. And this
‘God’ ‘Decides’ ‘Who Lives’ and ‘Who Starves’ – this God ‘Decides’ Who has ‘Dignity’,
Who has ‘Respect’ – This ‘God’ is the ‘Master’ of All-‘Knowledge’, ‘All’-Knowledge, ‘All-
Knowing’ –this ‘God’, this ‘Holy Spirit’ is ‘Everywhere’! ‘Omniscient’ – the Absolute
‘Decision Maker’ of ‘Everything’ that ‘happens’ in this ‘World’.
And if You touch anything in this ‘World’ and you ‘look’ at-it , you can ‘establish’ the
‘Spirit’ that’s ‘in-it’ and ‘How much’ of that ‘Spirit’ it ‘took’ to ‘make this happen’.
If you drive on any road in this World, in any-‘car’, in any-‘airplane’, if you are in any-
‘house’, if you look-at any-‘house’, any-‘clothes’, ‘room’, any-‘technology’ = it only ‘exist’
because of this ‘Holy Spirit’, that made this ‘Possible’ – it was What ‘Animates’ Every-
thing, it’s What ‘Moves’ Man ‘without’ the ‘Spirit’ = Man Do-Not ‘Move’! –
And this ‘Holy Spirit’ is ‘Money’, this is the ‘God’ look-at-it, every single thing that ‘exist’,
you can ‘see’ ‘how’ it came-into ‘Existence’ by looking at the ‘Tower of Money’ behind-
it, ‘Everything’ that is ‘Existing’ in Every-way that ‘Man’ has anything to ‘do’-with, and
‘what’ animated ‘Man’ = You can take-back to ‘Money’. You can go-back and see that the
‘Labour of Man’ would Not have ‘Moved’ without the ‘Money’ that ‘Moved’ the ‘Labour
of Man’ –So ‘Man’, Never ‘moves’ without this ‘Holy Spirit’ –
And it is in ‘Everything’ if you sit in a house, what do you see? Bricks and mortar? No! it
is ‘Money’, it’s become one of the Biggest Single-‘Industries’ in the World, it is ‘How’ the
‘Dust’ is ‘Animated’ – A Person makes the House ‘Beautiful’ so they may sell-it for ‘more-
money’, they live within their-‘Money’, it is the ‘Holy-Presence’ of Themselves! The ‘Holy
Presence of Self ’ –the ‘Holy Presence of ‘God’ on Earth’ = ‘Money’.
Everywhere you look, the Total ‘Civilization of Man’ exist out-of only ‘One’-thing and can
be ‘Equated’-to only one holy, holy, holy ‘relic’ that is ‘Invisible’, nobody ‘talks’ about-it,
but it’s in ‘Everything’. It is in Everyone’s ‘pocket’, it’s holding the ‘Power of the Pocket’.
And so ‘Each Man’ decides with this ‘Power’ that they hold within their ‘Heart’, that
which makes-them ‘Happy’, that which ‘really’ makes them ‘Laugh’ with ‘Freedom’, this
‘Holy Spirit’ – with that Man Decides who will ‘Live’ and who will ‘Die’, ‘ruthlessly’ with-
out consideration of anything –
The ‘Only’-thing that ‘Decides’ is the ‘Holy Spirit’ of ‘Man’, the ‘Holy Spirit’ of ‘God’ ,
the ‘Spirit’, the ‘All-Conquering’ ‘Powerful’: ‘Money’.

89: The Sun Project
By Bernard Poolman
09 May 10

Okay so we’re ‘Here’ to discuss ‘The Sun Project’.

‘The Sun Project’ has been at the ‘centre’-of Human Civilization right throughout ‘Time’
where the ‘Sun’ has been the ‘Representation’ of, ‘strange’-enough, ‘Equality’, because the 493
‘Sun’ rises over All ‘Equally’.
And then the ‘Plants’ and ‘that’-which uses the ‘heat of the Sun’ which ‘use-it’ and ‘La-
bour’ with-it and ‘Create’ from-it ‘something-useful’ –and then make-it ‘available’ to Eve-
ryone ‘For Free’.

But then, came along an ‘amazingly’ clever-‘thing’ called the ‘Human’, and the ‘Human’
realized that it could ‘pretend’ that it knows-‘more’ than that which Gives ‘Equally’ to
‘Everything’ and it could ‘create’ a way to Not ‘only’ ‘Control’ and ‘Dominate the World’,
but also ‘Each-Other’ – and What is the ‘Human’ actually ‘Dominating’ but the ‘Sun’ or
‘attempting’ to ‘Dominate the Sun’ which is represented as ‘Ra’ and which is represented
as ‘God’ and ‘Man’ is attempting to be ‘God’ within the context-of this ‘World’.

So, as ‘the Sun Project’ one Must ‘Look’ and ‘Realize’ a simple-thing:
That if the ‘Plants’ had to ‘charge money’ to the ‘Animals’ and the ‘Birds’= there would’ve
been quite a ‘problem’.
First of all the ‘Plants’ would’ve Produced ‘more’ than what they could ‘use’, and secondly
obviously it would’ve caused the ‘End’ of the ‘Animals’ .

Now strange-enough in this World what is the whole ‘idea’ of ‘Money’ as it ‘exist’ within
‘Capitalism’ represent? It’s representing part of ‘Humanity solely ‘being -driven’ to Com-
plete ‘Starvation’ –it’s like killing of ‘part-of Mankind’ purely because one wants to have…
What? Money? Security? But what you have in the first-place is just a ‘Belief System’.

You have a ‘Belief-System’ of ‘Values’ that is ‘so-ingrained’ that Nobody ‘See’ that this
‘Value-System’ is now ‘permeating’ Everything Man ‘touches’ – but it has ‘nothing ‘ to-
do with ‘Reality’, because ‘Reality’ Do-Not ‘Equate’ for, for instance, How the ‘Sun’ is
Actually ‘Producing’ the ‘Food’ on the Planet in ‘bulk’. Then ‘Man’ goes and put ‘Values’
on-it and call-it ‘Money’, and then Man ‘Control’ what the ‘Sun’ and the ‘Earth’ Produce-
‘Together’ and call-that ‘Economy’ – is an ‘Eco’ and ‘No-Me’ there is No ‘I Am’ in the
‘Eco-No-Me’ because there is Not a ‘Living-thing’ in the ‘Human Economy’ – the ‘Hu-
man Economy’ is a ‘Mind’-thing, it’s a Constant ‘Mind-Fuck’ where Everybody ‘lies’ to
each-other, and the one that ‘lies’ the ‘best’ and ‘deceives’ the ‘most -effectively’= ends-up
with the Most-‘Money’.

It is ‘All’ just ‘Robbers’ there’s not even ‘Cops’ – because you have ‘Cop-outs’ and ‘Rob-
bers’ because those that Do-Not ‘Have’ the ‘Inner-Strength’ to ‘Stand’ = have a ‘Cop-out’
and ‘Accept the System the way it-is’ through a ‘Believe’ and saying:
‘There’s nothing I can ‘do’ about-it, I mean I ‘found-it’ like ‘this’ and I don’t know ‘what
to do’ now, I will just ‘live’ in my ‘little-corner’ and, pretend I don’t ‘see’ what’s going on
in the ‘World’, let’s me ‘Start Religion’ and I will ‘Pray for Everyone’, everyday; that is my
‘Service to Mankind’, I will be ‘Kind’ that I’ll ‘Pray’ that your ‘eyes may open and you can
see what you can do’ what you’re doing to ‘each-other’’

‘Religion’ is like a form-of ‘Self-Justification’ that is ‘Beyond’ Insanity – all that has ‘Re-
ligion’ as their ‘Excuse’ are ‘Insane-Fuckers’ and, the only-way to have the ‘Sane’ in the
World out of your ‘way’ is to Create ‘Psychiatry’ – I mean to try and ‘find a way’ to ‘ban-
ish’ those that Actually ‘See’ by ‘Following a Religion’ – ‘Chemical Control’, ‘Mind Con-
trol’ – ‘Please don’t tell me the ‘Truth’, there is No ‘Sun-God’’ –Yes, the ‘Sun’ is ‘God’, it
‘must’-be because the ‘Sun’ does ‘things’ that the ‘Human Being’ can’t! The ‘Sun’ support
‘all the Plants in the World’ while the Human Being can’t even ‘Support their Neighbour’,
I mean it is an ‘Absolute’ Indictment against the ‘Human’ in terms-of its ‘Nature’ because,
the ‘Human’ Can ‘See’ that this ‘example’ exist of what the ‘Sun’ Share in ‘Equality’ – the
‘Sun’ Is in a Process of: ‘Love thy Neighbour’ ‘Demonstrating’-it – that’s why it must be
part of our ‘Mythology’.

And what is ‘Born’ from the ‘Sun’ is: its ‘Child’ – What is its ‘Child’?
‘ The ‘Sun God’ Sends its ‘Child’’ = the ‘Food’ that’s Produced through ‘Photosynthesis’
and the ‘Energy of the Sun’ which is the ‘Food’ of ‘Man’ – So ‘God’ sent his ‘Son’ to Earth
that ‘Man’ May Live’.
And ‘Fuck’-knows what does ‘Man’ do? Man Creates ‘Economies’.

I mean the ‘Ecology’ was working ‘fine’ because that’s a ‘Logic’ to the ‘Ecology’ = ‘Eco’-
‘Logic’ which is ‘Ecology’, if you follow that ‘Logic’ you have ‘Reason’ – if you follow
the ‘Logic of Man’ = You have ‘Treason’, ‘Man’ is the ones that is Committing ‘Treason’
Against ‘Life’ – ‘Crimes’ Against ‘Life’ by ‘Allowing’ the whole-idea of apparent ‘Free-
Does the ‘Plant’ have a ‘Choice’ to ‘grow’ or ‘not-grow’ –the ‘Plant’ grows because it’s got
everything that it ‘needs’ – if it doesn’t = it doesn’t ‘grow’.

If one look at an ‘Equal Money System’, you can take-that as the ‘Sun’. There will still be
‘Seasons’ and there will still be ‘Labour’, and ‘that’ will still ‘take-place’.
At the moment you Cannot ‘Equate’ your current ‘Belief System’ in this World to ‘any-
thing’ because you’ve been ‘Programmed’ to ‘Accept’ a ‘False-hood’ as ‘Reality’, where a
‘Winner: Takes -All’ and ‘Loser: Shuts-up’ – and that is ‘Acceptable’.

And have a ‘look’: Nobody wants to ‘take’ this ‘Veil’-off because: you’re ‘Hoping’ for the
‘Jackpot’ the whole-time to get ‘Everything’ for ‘Nothing’ –

‘Free Energy’: the ‘Ultimate Mind-Fuck’ of the ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ – You ‘Have’ ‘Free-
Energy’ already, it’s ‘from the Sun’. But, it’s not gonna give-you a ‘Free Labour’! You’re still
going to have to Fucking-‘Work’, Asshole! 495
So, ‘The Sun Project’ which is the ‘Project’ of ‘Equality for All’ based in ‘Equal Money’
where the ‘Energy’, the ‘Light of the Sun’ ‘lights-up’ Everybody’s Life with ‘Equal Money’
in their pocket for ‘Basic Needs’, ‘Basic Security’ –
‘The Sun Project’ is the ‘Future’ for Mankind let’s honour the ‘Sun’ as ‘God’.
90: The Concrete Jungle
By Bernard Poolman
16 December 2009

Right - Here we’re looking-at the ‘Concrete Jungle’ - Now - if you look-at the ‘System of
the World’ - the ‘System of the World’ is basically ‘built’-around roads and buildings,
‘concrete’-buildings, glass and steel – but mainly ‘concrete’- some wood as well. These are
all ‘Interconnected’ as a ‘System’ around the World for which you have ‘road-maps’ and
you have ‘street-maps’ and you have ‘Google-maps’. This ‘Concrete Jungle’ is fascinating,
because each ‘building’ represents a Particular ‘Significant’-Point, a ‘Symbol’ – so Corpo-
rations would have ‘buildings’ which ‘Signifies’ their Particular ‘Symbolic’ –‘Standing’ –
Families will have ‘Homes’ that ‘Signifies’ a ‘Symbolism’: ‘I like ‘that’ house and I don’t
like ‘that’ one’- That ‘Resonant’ ‘Symbolism’ of ‘what you like’ and ‘do not like’, is all
‘built’ within Actual ‘Concrete Structures’.

Now in the ‘building’ and the ‘making’ of-this, it took a ‘lot’-of ‘Energy’ and ‘Effort’ – it
did Not just ‘come-about’ – So everyone look at the ‘History of the Building of the World’
- you’ll find an Interesting-thing if you would ‘Dare to Stop’ and ‘go back’ and ‘look’ at
the ‘History of the Building of You’ within and as your ‘Personality’ - you’re gonna notice
a ‘fascinating’-thing: with great-‘Effort’ and ‘Energy’ and ‘Resolve’ - you have Constructed
‘within-you’ a whole World of ‘Concrete Buildings’ and ‘Symbols’, a ‘Total Concrete-Jun-
gle’ - And within this ‘Jungle’ Exist exactly the same things that exist in the Cities of this
World: ‘dark-allies’, ‘big freeways’, ‘robots’, ‘walkways’, ‘shopping-malls’, ‘prostitution-
holes’, ‘churches’ – you name the thing – you have a ‘little-place’ for everything that will
be ‘relevant’ to a particular ‘Timeline’ within your Existence as you are ‘moving’-through
your Existence - and it will ‘Activate’ according-to your ‘Timeline’ in relation-to ‘How you
have Programmed’ with ‘Great’-Intensity your ‘Reality’ into ‘what you ‘believe’ is a ‘Suc-
cessful-Life’’ – in and out ‘Equal’ according-to your ‘placement’ in the World, the ‘more
you rise’, obviously the ‘more you are exposed’ to all the things in the World because the
more you ‘travel’, the more you’re ‘Exposed’ to many ‘Impulse’ – ‘Symbolisms’.

And obviously what is the Primary-‘Currency’ that ‘runs’? Inside-you it’s ‘Energy’, outside-
you it is ‘Energy’ – The ‘Energy’- ‘Outside’ is ‘Money’ – The ‘Energy’ ‘Inside’-you is
‘Thought’. The more you ‘Think-yourself ’ to ‘grow-rich’= the ‘richer’ you get, because ‘In
and Out’, ‘Law of Attraction’ – but the ‘Effect’ it has on this ‘Concrete Jungle’ - that’s
both ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’: who cares? Because You ‘Believe’ that ‘what is going on ‘in-
side’-you’, ‘nobody ‘knows’-about’ and as long as you are a ‘Good-person’ and ‘do ‘Good’-
deeds’ = you will actually ‘go-to Heaven’ and you’ll be able to ‘Face’ ‘Judgement Day’. I
have some ‘sad’ and ‘bad’ news for you: ‘Judgement Day’, you will ‘Face’ your ‘Concrete
Jungle’- ‘In and Out’ ‘all of-it’- because that’s ‘You’, you have ‘Created’ within-‘Yourself ’ a
‘‘Pictured’- ‘Three Dimensional’- ‘Image’- Reality’ in the ‘Likeness’ of Yourself, according-
to ‘What you Like’. And you’ve ‘defended’ your ‘Likeness’ and ‘What you Like’ with the
‘Principle’-of that you’ve been-given ‘Free-Choice’ in ‘Your-Domain’- and that ‘Your-Do-
main’ is an ‘Individual Universe’ within-which ‘you can do ‘anything’ you like’ - and you
actually ‘do that’.

The ‘Physical Reality’ as it ‘Exist’-As ‘Earth’, ‘Animals’, ‘Nature’ and the ‘Human Physical 497
Body’, is ‘In Manifestation’ to show-you that you are ‘Actually’ ‘Not -Separate’ from any-
thing-else, you’re ‘Actually’ ‘Part’-of Everything else, from the same ‘Substance’, the ‘Dust’
of the Earth, the ‘Water’ of the Earth, the ‘Air’ that you Breathe, the same-Substance =
That is your ‘Equality’, but that is not-taken ‘into-Equality’ as ‘A Way of Life´- because
‘How you Live’ is-in an ‘Alternate-Reality’ that’s ‘Not in this World’, but you have ‘Im-
pulsed’-it by ‘Creating’ your ‘Mind’ into ‘Manifestation’ as ‘the Concrete Jungle’ of this
World – And have a-look what this ‘Concrete Jungle’ does, it ‘Consumes’- ‘incessantly’
and it Creates ‘Waste Product’ in the billions of tons that ‘Infest’ the Water supply, the
Seas, the Animal Kingdom, the Food, everything – But because your ‘Concrete Jungle’
that you are ‘building’ does-not ‘show’ the ‘shit-pipes’ and everything that’s underground,
it only shows the ‘Nice’- ‘Parts’ of-it - and the ‘Secret’- ‘Parts’ of-it, where you have ‘Secret-
Sex’ ‘Sessions’ and where you have ‘Secret-Imaginations’ and where you have your ‘Holly-
wood’-Part, where you are the ‘Super-Hero’ of your Marvel-Comic, comic site, where
you’re the - ‘Super-Hero’ that ‘Saves the Day’- all of-that is the ‘Part’ that’ll ‘play-out’ in
your ‘Concrete Jungle’.

The ‘Maintenance’ of-it, that which is ‘Necessary’ for-it to ‘Exist’ is ‘Underground’ - no-
body looks at-that because ‘That’s ‘Evil’ and ‘Dirty’’, ‘That’s the ‘Darkness’ , you do not
‘go-there’, that’s ‘Negative’’- Fuck! It’s Reality - Is Reality ‘Negative’? Obviously, I mean
you wanna-have a ‘Positive’? You wanna ‘eat´ something ‘nice’? You’re gonna have a ‘shit’, I
promise you - no matter ‘how you try not to have-it’, you’re gonna ‘have’ that’ fucking-
‘shit’ – I mean, you can ‘try’ and ‘keep-it in’, but I promise you there is a ‘point’ where the
‘sphinx’ will fail’ and when the ‘sphinx’ tear-open there will be a great, great ‘Deluge’- OK?
And ‘that’ must -go ‘somewhere’ and at this ‘stage’, you ‘don’t give-a fuck’ ‘where it-goes’,
because you just ‘Flush-it away’, but it ‘goes somewhere’, and it takes a ‘long-time´ to
‘return-back to the dust’ – at this ‘stage’ is taking ‘longer’ to ‘return to the dust’ - than
what it takes for-you to ‘Consume’-faster, which means there is a ‘Imbalance’ that’s busy
‘catching-up’ with Everyone, very fast –
by 2012 - ‘The Magic Date’ - the ‘Mayan Calendar’ will ‘come to fruition’ where the shit
will overflow everywhere- And then My Dear ‘Ascended’ Friends and ‘Masters’ will have
their ‘hands dirty’ – not only their pants.

So - What-is Interesting is-that, in ‘the Creation’ of your ‘Concrete Jungle’ you have ‘me-
ticulously’- ‘Constructed’ this as your ‘Life - and that the ‘Totality’ of ‘that’ within-which
you are ‘feeling -comfortable’ in this World, is ‘Equal’ to the ‘Concrete Jungle’ you have
‘Constructed’ -
So if you would go into the ‘Corporate World’, you go and ‘study’ and with great ‘Effort’
you ‘build’ the ‘Construct’ within yourself to ‘Synchronize’-yourself with the ‘Corporate
World’ and you become ‘Effective’ in the ‘Corporate World’ - anything you do, that’s how
it works. You don’t just ‘walk-in’ there’s some of the points where one can just ‘walk-in’ 499
because you have seen-it as a Child, you have been ‘Impulsed’ by-it, by ‘watching it hap-
pen’ and you, it was ‘Electromagnetically’- ‘Transferred’ through the ‘Sound Resonances’
into-you and it ‘Constructed’ the ‘basic-formations’ of-it, you just ‘solidified’-it. Once this
‘Concrete’ is ‘solidified’ within-you, it is very-‘difficult’ for you to ‘get-out’ of-it because it
will be ‘solidified’ in ‘Multi-Dimensions’ that means ‘In ‘All’ the Different-‘Realities’ you
‘Live’-within’ –

What are these ‘Realities’? They are the ‘different-situations’ you will ‘find yourself-in’ in
this Life where you have to take-on a Particular-‘Personality’. When you enter those ‘Par-
ticular-Dimensions’ - like with ‘Friends’ you’ll be ‘this’-person, at the ‘Church’ you’ll be
‘this’-person, at ‘Work’ you’ll be ‘this’-person, when you go on ‘Holiday’ you will be ‘this’-
person – each of those Represent a ‘Dimension’ - As long as those ‘Dimensions’-Exist as
‘Separate’- ‘Dimensions’ and each-one of them has a ‘Virgin’ of your ‘Concrete Jungle’
that was ‘Synchronized’ - so that ‘at the end of the day’ when you are ‘Thinking’ at least
you’re ‘half-sane’, not ‘totally-fucking-insane’ that you can at least ‘make some decisions’
within the ‘System’.
As long as those-things ‘Exist’ = there is ‘No-way’ you can ‘Self-Realize’ - you can see that
for yourself because you’re ‘Existing’ in an ‘Inconsistent’-way related to a ‘Preprogrammed-
Design’ you have ‘Impulsed’-Yourself by ‘Implication’ with your ‘full permission’ that
‘overrides’ everything you do. And therefore if you try and ‘change’, you’ll find you ‘end-
up’ all the time in ‘exactly the same position’ because you have-not ‘cleared’ all your ‘Di-
mensions’, you’ve not ‘Self-Honestly’ make-sure that Every ‘Dimension’ you’ve ever ‘Exist-
ed’-in is ‘cleared’ of this ‘Concrete Jungle’, because as long as this ‘Jungle’-Exist, ‘the
Question’ remains within ‘the Mind’: ‘But, I can’t ‘Delete’-this’ – because, you haven’t yet
‘Experienced’-this and you’ve already ‘Planned’ for-it.

Now if you’ve already ‘planned’ for-it, I mean you have a ‘Problem’ no-matter ‘what you
do’, you have a ‘Overriding’-Permission, you can’t ‘get-it out’. Now for instance, if One
– now this is gonna-be a little ‘tough-cookie’ for everyone – if One for instance go into
‘Relationships’ ‘Before you have ‘Cleared’ your ‘Concrete Jungle’’= it will become a lot
more ‘difficult’ for the ‘Relationship’ to ‘survive’, because as you ‘Clear’ the ‘Concrete
Jungle’ you’re gonna ‘Change’- and when you have ‘Cleared’ your ‘Concrete Jungle’-
which is a ‘Multi-Dimensional’ ‘Clean-up’ that’ll happen over-‘years’, because you have to
‘Remove’ the ‘Structural-Design’ -
I mean, have a-look, even-with the ‘Fall’ of ‘9/11 of the ‘World Twin-Towers’: it all
seemed to turn into dust but it took-them ‘how long’ to ‘Remove all the rubble’? you’re
going to have to ‘Remove all the rubble’ and you’re going to-have to ‘Physically’-‘Process’-
it through your Body because you have ‘Manifested’ it as a ‘Physical Resonance’ within
your Body, that’s ‘holding-you’ in a Particular-‘Pattern’ and a Particular-‘Path’ so that you
can ‘Automatically’ ‘Fall’ into-‘Position’ as you ‘move’-through your ‘Dimensions’.

So - when you’ve ‘moved’-this, you’re gonna ‘Change for Real’ - ‘Who’ you’re going to
‘become’ once you’ve ‘Cleaned-up’ your ‘Reality’-Inside, is Not somebody you ‘know’, it’s
somebody you’ve never ‘met’ – ‘That’-Implies ‘Change’.
So - in ‘Agreements’ One-must ‘Stand-Clear’ that either you ‘Stand’ by a Decision that ‘in
your ‘Change’’ you will ‘Stand’-by what you have ‘Directed’ or – that that All is ‘Free’ to
‘Move’ into a ‘Position’ that is Most-‘Effective’ in Support. The ‘Point’ of ‘Agreement’ is
Not something that must ‘Last-Eternally’ that is ‘Impossible’ - that is ‘Control’.

The Point of ‘Agreements’ this Life is to ‘Support’ Each-Other to ‘Complete’ this Particu-
lar-‘Work’ within-which One Establish ‘Equality’ as a ‘Living Reality’ in ‘All Dimensions’,
so that we have ‘One Reality’ for All-‘Equally’ where All is ‘Equally-Supported’ and there
is No ‘Abuse’ or ‘Suffering’ because the ‘Basic-Needs’ that is Required for Being in this
‘Reality’, ‘In the Physical’, is met. Obviously the ‘Dream’-Part of the ‘Reality’ which is ‘the
Mind’ and ‘the System’= we can ‘play’ with it in any-way we want -
but as long as ‘that’ is ‘Dominant’ over that which-is obviously the ‘Controlling-Factor’ of
this Reality which is ‘the Physical’= there’s a Problem, because ‘the Illusion’ is ‘Dominat-
ing’- ‘Reality’– and that is being ‘Impulsed’- ‘Specifically’ because the ‘Money System’ was
used to ‘Impulse’-it, because ‘Greed’, what is ‘Greed’?

‘Greed’ is: for those that have Particular-‘Desires’ and ‘Dimensions’ in ‘the Mind’ which
they want-to ‘play-out’ as to ‘Dominate-Reality’ to such an extent that they can ‘pay’-for
‘what they want’ – that means the, all the kinds-of ‘Sex’ they want, all the kinds-of ‘ways
they wanna live’, they can ‘pay’ for-it and therefore ‘Control’ everyone-else through ‘Hav-
ing-‘Power’ over ‘the Physical’ using ‘the Illusion’ – That’s Unacceptable.

Now within the ‘Structural-Resonance Alignment Training Program’ we will be taking

these ‘Dimensions’-apart ‘piece by piece’ so that One can work with the ‘Removal’-of the
‘Concrete’- ‘Structured-Symbolism’ that Exist, and Understand ‘How’ you’ve ‘Created’-it
and ‘How’ it is busy ‘affecting’ your ‘Existence’ and your ‘Experience of Yourself ’- Under-
stand that as long as you are ‘Thinking’ - which is the ‘movement’ of ‘Energy’ to ‘Impulse’-
Yourself into ‘the Creation’ of a ‘Plan’ within the ‘Platform of Reality’ so that you can
‘Control’ a Particular-‘Outcome’ by becoming-‘something’ - as long as ‘That’ is ‘Existent’
= You are ‘stuck’ into a ‘Reality’ where ‘You’ are ‘Not Real’ -I mean, where you don’t even-
know ‘who you are’ –
it’s like you have to start with ‘baby-steps’, in this ‘Reality’ in ‘the Physical’ and Learn how
to ‘crawl’ and ‘walk’ and ‘speak’ and ‘touch’ and everything-again, start everything ‘from
fresh’, Not-‘Thinking’ about-it, not ‘Having an ‘Opinion’ about-it’, because ‘Having an
‘Opinion’ about-it’ is making you ‘Superior’ because none-of-it is ‘Real’ because you’re not
‘Considering’ ‘the Physical-Parts’ within-it.
Now, ‘God’s Greatest-‘Gift’ to Man’ - which is Plastic - has come to fuck-up your Reality,
be sure of that. You’re not getting the ‘whole-story’, go and do your ‘Research on Plastic’ I
mean, Isn’t Plastic like ‘God’s ‘Greatest-Gift’ because you can do ‘anything’ with-it? It’s
like ‘durable’, but you know what? ‘Plastic’ is gonna be the ‘Undoing’ of Man - slowly but
surely – Watch-out what’s busy-‘Happening’ - ‘what’s ‘really’ going-on’ is Not being ‘Con-
sidered’ –Do Research on the ‘Water’, what’s happening to the ‘Water in the World’? It’s a
Problem, this Problem is gonna ‘escalate’, no matter ‘How’- ‘Effective’ you-are as an ‘Ass-
sended-Master’ nowhere you send your ‘Ass’ is gonna be ‘good-enough’ everywhere you’re
gonna-be in your own ‘shit’, Dear ‘Light-worker’, Everywhere.

If you look at this ‘Concrete Jungle’, obviously the ‘paths’, the ‘motorcars’, the ‘cars’ that is
driving in the ‘Concrete Jungle’, is your ‘Representations of Soul’ – the ‘Soul’, the ‘Sound’
of the ‘Soul’ is the ‘Ca’ – the ‘Ca’ is particularly the ‘Vehicle’ within which you ‘move’
within your ‘Reality’ – with that you’ve ‘Manifested’ a ‘peculiar’-thing, a ‘motorcar’ which
is very much ‘Resonantly’ ‘Linked’-to the cars ‘you-like’, you do not see a ‘car’ as a ‘func-
tional’- ‘tool’, you see it as an ‘Image of Yourself ’, the car was the ‘Image’ and ‘Likeness’ of
Yourself -
but be careful ‘What’ you give ‘value’-to’ because you ‘Trap’-yourself your ‘Reality’.
91: Psychics and Channellers
Structural Resonance Alignment Support
By: Bernard Poolman

So, okay:
‘Structural Resonance Alignment Support’ for ‘Psychics’ - ‘Psychics’ are in a ‘Unique’ situ-
ation that they are ‘Existing’ ‘within’ a ‘Designed’ ‘Intuitive’ ‘Resonant-Impression’ ‘Struc-
ture’ - Obviously there are ‘various’ different ‘kinds’-of ‘Psychics’ – and then they are in
various different ‘Levels’ of ‘How-far’ they have ‘taken’ the ‘Design’.

‘Those’ that will ‘find’ this the ‘easiest’ to ‘deal-with’ is the ones that is ‘Intuitive’ or ‘Medi-
cal-Intuitive Psychics’ that means ‘Psychics’ that ‘Respond’-to ‘Resonant-Impressions’ they
are ‘picking-up’ as they -so to speak- ‘from’ the Person they’re ‘Supporting’.

Now here it is very-important with the ‘Inversion’-of the ‘Mind Consciousness System’
– If You ‘Remain Dishonest’ within the ‘Understanding’ and ‘Starting-Point’ that ‘appar-
ently’ the ‘Human’ is some ‘Spirit’, ‘Learning Lessons’ with a ‘Special Relationship’ with
‘Divinity’ and that, the ‘Human’ apparently in its ‘Divinity’ as ‘God’ is ‘Flawed’: then
obviously your ‘Starting-Point’ will cause some ‘Problems’ in what the Information you’ll
be ‘Transferring’.
It is ‘Important’ that the ‘Starting-Point’ should be one-of: ‘Self-Correction’ and ‘Self-
Perfection’, the ‘Realization’ that: You cannot-be ‘Divine’ if you are Not-so ‘In-Fact’ in
‘Every-Breath’ and if you are Not ‘In-Fact’ ‘Equal’ in ‘Understanding’ ‘Here’ within the
‘Reality’ that you are currently ‘Existing’, and that In-‘Essence’ while ‘existing’ in this
Reality, ‘anything’ that-is of a ‘Spiritual Nature’ is ‘Irrelevant’, it is ‘purely’ an ‘Energetic-
Impression’ you’re ‘following’.

And for those ‘Poor Souls’ – And I sort of say ‘purely’ ‘You ‘Souls’’ here as a, as a rather
502 ‘Unfortunate’-Name, those ‘Poor Souls’ that has ‘developed’ their ‘Energetic-Capacity’ to
the ‘point’ where they Create ‘Entities’ that ‘talk’ to-them, and ‘Support’ their ‘Delusion’
and ‘Promise’-them all kinds-of ‘Wonderful-things’ they’re going to-‘do’ and they’re going
to have a ‘Wonderful Message to Humanity’, or they’re gonna write ‘Wonderful-Books’
about ‘Wonderful-things’ that ‘Humanity’ is going-to ‘do’ – or the ‘Line of Ascension’
and… or ‘Line of Aliens’ or the ‘Line of Ascended Masters’ or ‘Archangels’ –you’re in ‘se-
vere’ Trouble because you have ‘taken’ the ‘Dishonesty’ to an ‘Extreme-Level’ –
if you go ‘back’-to the ‘process’ of your ‘Meditations’ and you ‘Investigate’ Every-Point
that ‘happened’ in that ‘process’, you will ‘Note’ where ‘you made’ ‘Assumptions’, you will
‘Note’ where ‘you jumped’ to Conclusions’, you will ‘Note’ where things ‘happened’ in
a ‘way’ that was ‘stroking your Ego’, and that made-you ‘feel’ like you are on ‘the Right-
Path’ and you will ‘Note’ that the ‘Words’ are always-there just ‘stroking your Ego’.

I suggest ‘Sincerely’ that You ‘Stop’ ‘All-Communication’ for a period-of at least ‘six-
months’, to ‘Test for Yourself ’ firstly, if this is ‘Real’- Secondly: if you ‘start’-again,
you Must ‘Challenge’-it in ‘all-ways’ to ‘See’ If ‘what is being presented’ is ‘In-Fact’
‘Practically’/‘Physically’ ‘Supporting’-You in your ‘Process’ of ‘Self-Correction’ in ‘Self-Per-
fection’ and ‘Taking Responsibility’ for ‘All-Life’ on ‘Earth’. ‘Earth’ is the ‘Venue’ – ‘Life’ is
the ‘Happening’ -You are ‘Here’ - you within-that ‘Understand’ the ‘System’, the ‘Connec- 503
tion’ between ‘All-Parts of Life’ as it-is in-‘form’ and according-to Your ‘Ability’ to ‘Process
Information’, You are ‘Responsible’ for ‘What you Say’ and ‘What you Do’. And ‘this
World’ is the ‘Reflection’ as it-‘Exist’ as ‘All’ ‘Humans’, ‘Animals’ and ‘Plants’ and ‘related-
Matter’, is the ‘Reflection’ of ‘Who You Are’ and ‘that’-requires a ‘Correction’ as the ‘In-
ner’ and the ‘Outer’.

So – back to ‘those’ that has, or that is ‘Willing’ to Actually ‘Support’ ‘Equality’ of ‘All-
Life’ as the ‘Self-Perfection’ and ‘Self-Creation’ of ‘Self ’ in ‘Existence’.

Obviously with the ‘Inversion’ of the ‘Resonances’ it is ‘Possible’ to ‘Utilize’ your ‘Pre-De-
sign’ in a ‘way’ that is ‘Supportive’, within-this You have-to be ‘Absolutely’ ‘Self-Honest’.
The person you’re giving a ‘reading’-to, you Must-‘Indicate’ that You are ‘able’-to ‘form’-
‘Impressions’ about ‘Resonant-Memories’ that is ‘within’-them = You are Not-‘Really’
‘Communicating’ with ‘anyone’, You are ‘Actually’ only Forming’-‘Impressions’ of ‘Res-
onant-Memories’ that is ‘pre-existing’ in the ‘client’ or ‘Person’ you are busy ‘Support-
ing’ and that you are using your Particular-‘Skill’ –and is Not a ‘gift’, it is a ‘Skill’ you
have ‘worked’ at-it –that you are ‘Using your Skill’ to ‘Support’-them in ‘Understanding’
their-‘Own’ ‘Resonant’ ‘Mis-Alignments’, where they are ‘Allowing’-themselves’ to ‘Limit’-
themselves’ through ‘Memories’ and ‘Memory-Charges’ of ‘Energy’ which has ‘become’ a
‘form’-of ‘Energetic-Possession’. And within-‘that’ the ‘Suggested’ ‘Self-Forgiveness’ and
‘Responsibility-Path’ that is ‘Necessary’ to ‘Correct’ this ‘Compulsive-Addiction’ to ‘En-
ergy’ –in the various-‘forms’ that it may ‘Manifest’.

It is also very-‘Important’ to ‘within’-the ‘Support’ and ‘Advice’ that is being-‘given’, that

the ‘Advice’ that one is ‘Walking’-yourself ‘Effectively’ really you can say: ‘I am ‘Walking’-
this, ‘this’-is ‘How’ it-is ‘Effective’’. If you are Not-yet ‘Walking-it’ and you’re Still-also
‘Addicted’-to a Particular ‘form’-of ‘Energetic- Compulsive’ ‘Energy’ ‘Mis-directions’ then,
you must ‘clearly’ indicate that: you understand the ‘knowledge’ that will be required to
‘sort-out’ a particular addiction to an ‘Memory’, a ‘affliction’ of ‘Energy’, But you have,
you have Not-yet Yourself ‘Corrected’-to a Point of ‘Self-Perfection’ ‘Here’ as ‘Breath’, and
therefore You cannot ‘Confirm’ with ‘Clarity’ the ‘Exact-Nature’ and ‘Structure’ of the
‘Resonant-Correction’ that will have-to ‘take-place’.

Within-this, remember: You can ‘Use’ ‘stories’ -but Do-Not ‘refer’-to any ‘form’-of ‘Infor-
mation’ that is Necessarily ‘Available’ on the ‘Earth’ that ‘comes-from’ the ‘Past’ or from
some ‘Group of Beings’ or from some ‘form’-of ‘Healing’, because the ‘Healing’ ‘Starting-
Point’ is always-been ‘that’-of: ‘Healing the Being’ where there is No ‘Self-Responsibility’,
‘Self- Corrective Action’ or ‘Self-Perfection’ involved. It’s ‘purely’ just Creating a ‘State
of Happiness’, like in ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’, a state-of ‘Being Clear’ until the Being
‘Die’ – because ‘apparently’, the ‘Greater Life’ is only in the ‘Here-After’ – ‘that’ is a ‘Lie’.
‘Life’ ‘Is’ ‘Where You Are’, ‘One and Equal’ – If You ‘Separate-yourself ’ from-‘that’ by
‘Projecting’ that outcome ‘into’ a ‘Later-Event’ or a ‘Later-Life’ or a ‘Later-Experience’ =
then You ‘Separate-yourself ’ from ‘This Life’ and your ‘Support’ and ‘Advice’ will be ‘De-
ceptive’ in-‘Nature’ and will ‘Play a Role’ in ‘How’ ‘this World’ has become completely
Separated-from ‘Self-Responsibility’.

This is the ‘Mainly’-caused because much-of the ‘Support’ given by ‘Spiritualists’, ‘Intui-
tives’, ‘Psychics’, ‘Channellers’ and so on - is ‘all’ done for the ‘Purpose of Money’ –
‘Understand’: at Desteni we are Working and we’re Asking-you to ‘Support’ this Partic-
ular-‘Action’, we’re working-at bringing-forth a ‘System’ where ‘Money’ will Not-have
a ‘Deciding-Factor’ within ‘What you ‘Give’ As ‘Support’ to Another-‘Being’’ – that is
the ‘Equal Money System’. It is ‘critical’ because ‘that’ Will ‘Stop’ the Inherent ‘overrid-
ing’ ‘Fear’, and ‘Requirement’ and ‘Need’ to ‘Stretch’ situations or ‘Create’ ‘new-forms’ of
‘Energy-Manifestations’ ‘purely’ to-be ‘Unique’ so that you can makes some ‘Money’ out-
of-it so that People can ‘Believe’ in-you. That is Not-‘Necessary’.

So, in the ‘Purification Process’ of Yourself as a ‘Psychic’, it is ‘Important’ to spend the

‘necessary-time’ on ‘Stopping’ what you’re ‘doing’, so that the ‘Self-Reflective’ ‘Starting-
Point’ can be ‘Purified’ through ‘Self-Honesty’ and ‘Self-Forgiveness’ – And that you can
‘come’ to a very-‘clear’ Understanding ‘what it-is’ you’re going to do and ‘How’ you’re
going-to ‘Support Life’ within this ‘Process’ and ‘In this Life’. That is the ‘Reason’ ‘Why’ it
is ‘Necessary’ to ‘Stop’ initially and then ‘Re-Align’ Yourself.

When you are ‘Re-Aligned’, there is going to-be Challenges ‘on the way’ – Be ‘Aware’ of-
them, never ‘Commit-Yourself ’ in a ‘form’-of ‘Belief ’, make very-sure that the ‘Impression’
that is ‘formed’ ‘Resonantly’ you are Actually ‘Experiencing’ at a ‘Physical-Level’ as well,
and that You are ‘very-clear’ and can ‘relate’ to-it through your ‘own experiences’ through-
out ‘Life’. If you are Not quite ‘clear’ on this yet, ‘Develop’ the ‘Ability’ to ‘Actually’ ‘Ex-
perience’ at a ‘Physical-Level ‘What it is’ you’re ‘going-through’, Not-‘based’ on ‘movies’,
Not-‘based’ on ‘stories, ‘based’-on the Actual ‘Space-Time Experience’ that happens.
We will also ‘Enhance’ the ‘Skills’ of People doing the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’ to
be Eventually ‘Possible’ and ‘Effective’-at ‘Supporting’-others through a ‘Skilled-Reading’
of the ‘Resonant-Impressions’ - that is a ‘Pre-Existing’ in somebody to ‘Support’-them to
become ‘Self-Honest’, ‘Self-Realized’, to Do ‘Self-Correction’ ‘Effectively’ and thus ‘Per-
fect-themselves’ and thus be a ‘Self-Created Being’ and thus be ‘One and Equal’ as ‘Life’

92: The 8 Stages of Process
By: Bernard Poolman

We’ll have a talk about the 8 basic steps a person goes through in their process.
The steps are:

(1) The Self-Deceiver 507

Self-Deceivers are those that design deliberately, systems within which they have Complete
Control and Benefit and where they trap people through the written word, legal word,
into these systems and make sure that they believe it unquestionably, so that they remain
in control of the System. So the Elite, Illuminati and so on, falls in the level of the Self-
Deceiver - also those that write the religious books and get followers from that perspective,
all within the realm of Self-Deceivers. They are presenting Humanity as an existent force
that is “faulty,” and has no Opportunity or Means to Ever be anything more than “Com-
pletely Fucked.” Okay?

Then you get those that - the next step, which is, from there you move from Self-Deceiver
to (2) Self-Loser.

What is a Self-Loser? A Self-Loser is one that has gone to the Pinnacle of their Self-Decep-
tion – realized that they were just harming others in what they were doing, and then they
“Give up” everything and they virtually become a beggar, and they collapse in the system
completely. They then become a “Constant Loser,” they refuse to participate in anything,
they withdraw from society, and they would at that stage, see themselves as incapable of
ever “amounting to anything,” and simplistically either eventually moving on to the next
stage or becoming completely demented and obviously die and have to do the next cycle.

The third step is the (3) Self-Illusionist.

The Self-Illusioner is somebody that unquestioningly participates in the system according

to what they’ve been taught by their parents. So if the parents was a Christian, they’re a
Christian. They read their Bible. They do All the things that are required of them accord-
ing to their education to be a “Good Person” in the System. They are not asking any ques-
tions. They accept the system and the world the way it is and the accept the position and
the “where they are” in the world as it is, and they have no qualms with, they are very
happy with it, they work within the System. They’re completely Self-Illusioners. That
means, they cannot even perceive of the illusion at all.
Next ones are the (4) Self-Delusioners.

These ones are actively participating in talking themselves into delusion. They use things
like meditation, mantras, prayers, energy work and so on, where they Create their Own
Delusion by Actively Participating in methods of creating delusion, and then they pro-
mote their illusion as their experience as if it was real. There you have your Charismatic
Ones, your Light Workers, your Islamic –

Darryl: Gurus, basically.

Yeah, basically all those that are working towards a “Higher Position” away from the
“Lower Position,” and thus creating a Greater Gap in the separation, and they are doing it
deliberately and they call it their own “self-betterment.” They do not work for Perfection.
They are making themselves “better.” “Better” than others. They do not Realize the Inter-
connectiveness of all things and how separation would influence everything through Po-
larity – and therefore, go to the Extreme point, because in that they are – it’s called in
Afrikaans, “Self-heerlekken,” they are “self-realized” glorifying themselves. So your Light
Workers or those that are moving towards that perspective of a “Greater Light” or “Ascen-
sion” and so on, that is a point they called Self-glorification, where you are Glorifying
Yourself as God, when you are not that In Fact. You are not In Fact as That Perfection,
you’re In Fact not living it, you’re not In Fact That Divinity but you Claim That Divinity
– that is Self-Glorification. That is Great Deception. Okay? You’ve all seen that mentioned

Then... from there you move on to the point of the (5) Self-Justifiers.

The Self-Justifier has to a degree have realized that there are certain things that is “Not
Okay” in Reality. But they will justify their point of view because they’ll utilize reason,
logic and so on, from the perspective of n Free Will and the fact that they have a Right to
it because of all their previous experiences already they have built this idea about them-
selves and therefore they will justify their positions, and instead of building Groups of
Strength that can bring a difference or correction in this world, they will specifically Jus-
tify how they will Divide groups. They will Justify why only Their View Is Right when
their Point of View when Practically Applied will not be Best For All. But they will be
Unwilling to embrace what is Best For All because they will Feel that they will Lose their
Identity, because they don’t have enough Self-Value as who They Are. They require Some
Form of Separation to have Identity, and that is obviously their Downfall and they will
have Justifiable Reasons Why their Fear or Point of Separation is Valid according to them,
and then go as far as saying, “I don’t care what You think about it, but this is Right for Me
– and I will walk This, and I will give you the Same Right to Do This; not realizing in that
you are separating everyone and in fact embracing the Very System from the Deceivers
and the Losers and all the previous stages that are inherent in who you are.

From the Self-Justifiers, you then get at last to a point where a sense of forgiveness, of
humbleness and a sense of Oneness is Realized. Understand that the Oneness within the
Self-Justifier never embraces equality. The Oneness is the Oneness of the Self-Delusion.
The Self-Delusioner move to the Self-Justifier where they claim the Oneness is a form of
Uniqueness, as a form of Free Will. But that is delusional. The Self-Delusioners will be
using things like the Law of Attraction, they will use Trancing, not realizing that whenever
you Trance, You Are Possessed! I mean, that is what a Trance mean! Something takes you 509
Over of an Energetic Nature and you have Created It Yourself – therefore, you have cre-
ated a Trance.

Matti: “It’s like a Self-Sovereignty.”


Matti:“That Oneness.”

Yes. Okay. So when you get to – from the Justifier, you move to the (6) Self-Realizers.

A Self-Realizer is somebody that is starting to realize that there is a Problem and that they
have to do Self-Correction. And they will be using Self-Forgiveness and Self-Honesty
extensively from the perspective of Walking Backwards In Their Life and reassessing exist-
ence and their lives by doing everything in reverse, and thus doing correction. They are
not yet at the stage where they will start looking at Perfecting Themselves, they are still
just Correcting Themselves. Therefore they are Still Building Self-Trust, Self-Trust is not
yet existent, but they realize it’s gonna be a Process and they are walk that process. The
Self-Realizers is the ones that will Walk the process of the 7 Year Process – that’s your 7
Year Process.

From the Self-Realizers you go to the (7) Self-Perfecters.

The Self-Perfecters have reached the Point of Nothing. They have reached the Point from
the Perspective of Being Here As Breath and now they are starting to Direct Themselves in
their practical, active Participation in this world with Very Clear Principles which they
Stand By, No Matter What. That stage, the Self-Perfecters you’re now starting to Apply
Equality within Self-Perfection in your Daily Life and you are now starting to understand
Your Role you play within Creation and how it Plays Out and how Within Limitation can
Be Perfect within and as Breath.

Once you’ve got that Clearly, cuz that’s still Labour, you have to Labour to do it, you have
to Program to do it, you have to Become it. You’re still in Process, the level of the Self-
Perfectors. Once that is Done, you come to the final point existent in this Reality, which is
(8) Self-Here. Then you’re just Here and you are able to Move Between All of the Dimen-
sions that is existent Without Any Effort. Okay?

So, this is the Stages One can Define to Assist you when you are Dealing with somebody
to See Where They Are and when you Know where they are, How To Approach Support-
ing them in their process using Common Sense, using Self-Honesty and using the Princi-
ple of the Eventual Self-Perfection that Must Come after Self-Correction and Self-Realiza-

Makes Sense?

93: I am that I AM Reality Consciousness
By: Bernard Poolman
May 15th 2010


‘Reality’ as a ‘Word’ explains ‘Everything’.

In ‘Basic’ ‘Matrix-Code’ the ‘R’ represents the ‘Frequency’ and the ‘Polarity’ –the ‘male’ or
the ‘female’.
The ‘E’ represents the ‘Energy’ – that means the ‘form’ the ‘Energy’ will take-on.
The ‘A’ represents the ‘reason’, the ‘meaning’, the ‘beginning’ and the ‘end’.
The ‘L’ represents the ‘Relationships’, the ‘Interconnectedness’ of all the ‘Directive Points’
–What is ‘Dominant’, What is ‘Submissive’.
The ‘I’ represents the ‘I’.
The ‘T’ represents the ‘Direction’ it’ll take – that means the ‘How’ it is ‘Willed’ into ‘Di-
rection’ and the ‘Y’ obviously represents the ‘Illusion of Choice’, the ‘Idea’ that it was a

From ‘another’-perspective, ‘Reality’ ‘indicate’ that what the ‘Individual’ is ‘doing ‘Always’
‘Influence’ the ‘All’ = ‘Re-ALLity’ – and, that as long as the ‘I’ as the ‘Individual’ ‘Domi-
nates the ‘ALL’’ = we have a ‘Reality’ as what we have ‘now’ where the ‘I’ ‘overrides’ the
‘ALL’ – that means the ‘I am’ the ‘small’ I am – overrides the ‘Big’ ‘I AM’ – the ‘Big’ ‘I
AM’ being where ‘All together’ is ‘God’ –and now the ‘Individual’ is ‘Playing ‘God’’ over
the ‘Greater’ and that ‘cause’ obviously ‘massive’ problems in ‘Reality’: starvation, destruc-
tion, suffering of a kind that is virtually ‘immeasurable’ because the ‘Individual’ Do Not
‘Experience’-that, yet the ‘All’ ‘does’ and the ‘Individual’ within the ‘All’ that is ‘Actually’
at the ‘end ‘of ‘Receiving the Problem’, is experiencing -it – while the one that is ‘Creating
the Problem’ is ‘Not’ experiencing-it.

So, ‘Reality’ or ‘ReALLity’ is the ‘Principle’ that must be ‘sorted-out’ through ‘Equality’.

Now one must ‘also’ understand that in the ‘I am that I AM’ where the Individual ‘I am’
‘overrides’ the ‘Greater’ ‘I AM’, that when it comes to the ‘Actual Integration’ ‘After-Death’
of the ‘Individual’ ‘I am’ into the ‘Greater’ ‘I AM’ = that ‘integration’ Do Not ‘take-place’,
because the ‘Greater’ ‘I AM’ ‘Rejects’ the ‘smaller’ Individual ‘I am’ and at ‘Death’, the
‘small’ ‘I am’ is found ‘wanting’ and thus Not ‘assimilate-it’ back into the ‘Greater’ ‘I AM’
– ‘simply’ because, when it ‘was’ in its ‘Expression-form’ as an ‘Individual-Part’ within
certain ‘rules’, it applied the rules Not into the ‘Benefit of All’ but applied the ‘rules’ or
the ‘laws’ to the Benefit of the ‘Singular’ ‘I AM’ and thus, indicated that it was No-‘longer’
‘part’- of the ‘I AM’, that it would ‘Abuse’ the ‘I AM’, that it would Cause ‘Harm’ deliber-
ately in ‘Self-Interest’, that it ‘beliefs’ itself to be somewhat ‘inferior’ and therefore needed
to ‘Dominate’ the ‘other-parts’ of the ‘whole’ that the ‘Individual Units’ of ‘Conscious-
ness’, was ‘playing a game’ of ‘Win’ and ‘Lose’ where it was ‘Directing’ or ‘Influencing’ the
‘Greater Consciousness’, the ‘Greater’ ‘I AM’ into the ‘Direction’ of its just…of its ‘Action’
which is ‘Justified’ then as ‘Valid’ because it apparently has ‘Choice’ – but ‘In-Reality’=
there is No ‘Choice’, there are many ‘Units’ and the ‘Units’ must ‘work together’ to have a
singular ‘I Am’-‘Unit’ that is to the ‘Benefit of All’. Therefore the ‘I am that I AM’ is ‘Re-
ally’, Simply ‘Indicating’ the Mathematical ‘Consequence’ of what is the Reality ‘flow-out’
if that is Not ‘Considered’ for ‘All’ – ‘Equally’.

Now please, ‘Re-Consider’ the ‘Meaning’ of ‘Reality’ – Re-Consider the Meaning of ‘I am

that I AM’ and ‘Understand’ the ‘Consequence’ if you do not Act in ‘Equality’, and ‘Ben-
efit for All’ ‘Indicating’ your Understanding of your ‘Interconnectedness’ and You cannot
be ‘Trusted’ with that ‘Interconnectedness’ because you want to ‘Win’ and ‘Dominate-it’
– Understand that ‘After-Death’ = there is a ‘Consequence’ and that You will Not be ‘con-
tinuing’ your ‘Journey’ and your ‘Temporary Existence’ has then ‘Indicated’ and has been
Directed ‘By-You’ and through your ‘Perceived Choice’ to a ‘End’ as ‘Oblivion’.

This ‘Is’ the ‘Final-Round’ of this – seemingly ‘very-few’ ‘Beings’ has Learned ‘anything’
– and ‘All’ Act ‘Blind’ – we’re simply sharing the view what we observe daily ‘happens’ to
those that ‘Cross-Over’.
Do-Not ‘Trust’ what the ‘Mind’ ‘Represents’ – ‘Best’ to work-out ‘Mathematically’ in
‘Common Sense’ ‘What happens’ and ‘What’ would You ‘Actually ‘want-to happen’ that’s
‘Best for All’ if you were any ‘part’-of the ‘Individualized’ ‘I am’ ‘Units’ of the ‘Greater’ ‘I
AM’, Would You have been ‘satisfied’ with this ‘Reality’ and the way it-‘Exist’ Now?
And that’s ‘Reality’.

94: Principle & Personality
By Bernard Poolman
23 May 2010

Let’s look at Principle and Personality.

You’ll notice an interesting thing that, people that ‘attack’ Desteni will ‘attack’ Desteni 513
from a perspective of ‘Personality’. They ‘attack’ the Desteni-‘Point’ by being ‘personal’ in
their ‘attack’. They are not considering that Desteni has got nothing to do with ‘Personal-
ity’. Desteni has got to do with Principle.

The Principle of Desteni and that Desteni stand for is: Equality. That means that the
‘Quality of Existence of All parts of Existence’ must be Equal. That is Equality. That’s not
about ‘Personality’. It is about Principle.
The moment somebody ‘attacks’ using ‘Personality’ or being ‘personal’ in their ‘attack’,
calling the person names, without establishing or taking-on the Principle – When you’re
taking-on a Principle, you’re looking at the Principle from the perspective of whether the
Principle that the person is living is what is ‘Best for All’ or is it only what is ‘Best’ for the
‘Personality’. You establish that ‘point’, and you know what you’re dealing with. If you’re
dealing with just ‘Personality’, ban the Fucker. You’re wasting your time and you are, by
‘entertaining their personality’, becoming ‘Equal’ also ‘as a Personality’.

Stick to the Principles. You have the ‘tools’ that support you to establish your Principles
clearly: which is Self-Honesty, Self-Forgiveness, CommonSense – these Principles assist
you to establish clear ‘guidelines’ on what is ‘Equality in Action’.

And why we would then focus on a ‘Political Solution’ that is Principle-Based, in terms of
‘World Equality’ – and a ‘Money’ that is Principle-Based, which is ‘Equal Money’.
When Money is based on: “I would like to have the choice to be rich” – that’s ‘Personali-
ty’-Based, that’s not Principle-Based. Those ‘arguments’ are irrelevant, because that Being
can Not ‘sustain that position’.
Eternal Life is in Principle, not in ‘Personality’. ‘Personality’ dies. Life continues. Life is

But at the moment, Life has been allowed to be ‘controlled by Personality’, which means
– Nobody Lives by Principle and have an Experience that’s worthy of Life. So, currently,
Life cannot be called something that is ‘worthwhile’ – ‘cause everybody is looking at their
‘personal gratification’; instead of the Principle of Gratification = How would one ‘gratify
All parts Equally’ – and, within that, Experience-Yourself as a ‘Principle in Action’ – with
a Name, Not a ‘Personality’.

You still have ‘Individuality’, you still have the Experience and it’s still ‘unique’; the only
difference is you are no-longer a threat to your ‘fellow man’, you’re actually now ‘loving
thy neighbour as thyself ’.
You have now taken the ‘Jesus Principle’ into Action, and not the ‘Jesus’-‘Personality’ into
Action. ‘Jesus’-Personality into Action is to say, “Oh, Jesus died for my sins with his blood,
the blood of Jesus.” That’s ‘Personality’, that’s not Principle. Jesus Principles are: ‘Love they 515
neighbour as thyself ’ = Which is ‘Equality in Action’. That’s not being done. Which is
why, if you look at the Desteni Forums for instance – we are not interested in you partici-
pating as ‘Personality’. We have no ‘rules’. We’re simply Principle-Based.
You come and share your ‘personality’, you’ll be banned. You come and participate in ‘es-
tablishing Principle’ that’s ‘Best for All’ – let’s work-together! You’re most welcome, as an
95: Conspiracy of the Pyramids
as Game Theory
Life Support System and Life Design System
By Bernard Poolman
27 May 2010

Okay, So -
‘Perspective’ in terms of ‘what it is’ that everyone is ‘dealing-with’ in terms of ‘Life Sup-
port’, ‘Survival’ and ‘Design’.

The ‘analogy’ is...the following, to ‘assist-in’ the’ practical’ ‘Correction’ of the ‘System’ that
is currently ‘Accepted’. The ‘Unconscious Mind’ is in ‘essence’ the ‘Life-Support System’.
The ‘Subconscious Mind’ is the ‘Life-Design System’ and The ‘Conscious Mind’ is the
‘Life’ that’s ‘being lived’.
And this is ‘transferred’ from Generation to Generation and is in ‘essence’ the ‘Sins of the
Fathers’ - which means it’s the ‘Synchronicities’ that has been ‘accepted’ as ‘The Way it Is’.

‘How’ does it ‘happen’?

‘How’ does it ‘work’?
Your ‘Unconscious Mind’, your ‘Life-Support System’ follows the ‘rules’ that’s been ‘trans-
ferred’ from Generation to Generation as ‘The Way the System Work’ For instance: your
‘Money System’, the ‘Economic System’, the ‘Governmental System’, the ‘Education Sys-
tem’ and so on.
Once this is ‘Understood’ -Which has been ‘Understood’ by ‘Groups’ in the World
through ‘great Patience’ and ‘a lot of ’ Time ‘the ‘Unconscious Mind’ of the ‘Life-Support
System’ can be ‘manipulated’ to be ‘something’ that ‘Protects’ ‘some ‘and make ‘others’
‘Slaves’. Which is what is Currently in the World And ‘one’ can keep the... the Life-Design
System’, the ‘Subconscious Mind’ busy in ‘maintaining’ the ‘Life-Support System’ Which
516 is currently ‘being done’ through things like ‘television’ and ‘magazines’ and ‘education’
- where the ‘Information-Input’ is ‘kept-busy’ around the ‘functioning’ of ‘Survival’ and
the ‘maintaining’ of the ‘Life-Principle’ around ‘Ego’ and ‘Individual Choice’ which is all
‘Ego’, ‘Self-Interest’ = which is all ‘Ego ‘So by ‘making sure’ that the ‘Human’ exist only
as an ‘Ego Design’ the ‘Life-Design System’ then keeps on ‘Designing’ the ‘Life-Support
System’ - as something that keeps on ‘Aligning’ everything to the ‘Ego’ and anything that
‘challenge’ the ‘Ego’ is simply ‘annihilated’ as ‘Blasphemy’ and as ‘Heresy’ - Fascinating.
So what we do in the ‘Structural Resonance Alignment’-Course, for instance, is... we
work-at the ‘Re-Alignment’ of the ‘Life-Design System’ and the ‘Life-Support System’ -
specifically to bring the ‘Awareness’ through that - through for instance an ‘Equal Money
System’ or an ‘Equality System’ = which is your ‘Life-Support System’- one will have a
‘complete different’ ‘Life’ because your ‘Life-Design System’ will then ‘Align’ to your ‘Life-
Support’ which will then ‘bring forth’ a ‘complete different Life’ which is your ‘Conscious
Mind’, your ‘Aware Living’ will be something ‘completely different’ because it is no-longer
based on the Principles’ of ‘Survival’ for Instance - it is based-on the ‘Principles’ of ‘Ex-
pression therefore your ‘Time’ which is ‘Limited’ - is ‘focused’ upon ‘Expressing’ and
‘Experiencing’ ‘Self ’ as a ‘Living Entity’ where currently ‘Time’ and ‘Space’ is occupied
with ‘having to find-out’ ‘the best way’ to ‘Survive’ in the System and to ‘Compete’ in the
System and to ‘Win’ in the System - which is the Current ‘Survival System’. Obviously - 517
because ‘people’ do not ‘make’ the ‘Rules’ of the System -
very ‘few’ is ‘allowed’ to ‘Survive’ to the ‘effect’ where they become ‘Wealthy’.

Everyone’s looking for this ‘point’ that’s ‘why’ - it’s ‘fascinating’ when you look-at ‘how’
a ‘group’ will be ‘attacked’ that attend to ‘bring forth’ a ‘New System’ in the ‘World’.
Because the whole ‘Attack’ is always based-on that ‘the Group will, is bringing about a
System where they will benefit financially and thus be.... taking some of the ‘Resources’
which according to the ‘Current Accepted System’, in the World, the ‘Life-Support Sys-
tem’ - is ‘limited’ - they’ll take some of the ‘Resources’ and then make-it ‘impossible’ for
somebody else to make-it so - those that ‘Attack’ - for instance ‘Desteni’ Are ‘Attacking’
a - if you look-at the ‘Line’ of ‘Attack’ - very specifically from the ‘perspective’ of promot-
ing their ‘Idea’ of Limitation’ By attempting to, say that ‘Desteni’ is ‘placing a limitation’
on ‘what is possible’ - purely in the ‘Hope’ that they will make ‘Money’ out of their ‘Idea’.
It is quite ‘bizarre’ that they are so ‘effectively controlled’ at the ‘Ego Level’, and the ‘Life-
Design Level’ - that they cannot even ‘Conceive’ or ‘Hear’ at-all what ‘Desteni’ is saying:
That it is ‘Possible’ to ‘Change’ the ‘Complete System’! Where this ‘Competition’ isn’t
necessary at-all - and ‘one’ can ‘focus’ on ‘Actual Living’.
So - the ‘Desteni Haters’: Please, we ‘Know’ what ‘you’re doing’. you know - you don’t
Understand’ the ‘System’, you don’t even ‘Understand’ your own ‘Subconscious’ and ‘Un-
conscious Mind’. You are ‘purely’ just ‘focusing’ on ‘alignments’ within the System to ‘sat-
isfy’ your Ego and to ‘try’ and ‘win’ in the System. You are not even ‘Aware’ yet that you’re
‘just in a Casino’ - ‘looking for the ‘God System’ ‘ Looking to have the 7-7-7 ‘Jackpot’
which will make you ‘Special’. Too Late! We’ve already ‘cut’ the ‘lines’ of the ‘System’.

A ‘New System’-Now is ‘Inevitable’. There’s nothing you can do about-it. ‘Self-Honesty’,

And you know... ‘Have’ a little bit of ‘Dignity’ and ‘give’ a little bit of ‘Dignity’ - so that
‘All’ may ‘End’-this ‘unnecessary’ ‘Suffering. Your... - Fascinating that - if ‘one’ keep-on
‘attacking’ - it’s good’ for us from the ‘perspective’ that you are ‘spreading’ the ‘Desteni
Message’ And ‘those’ that ‘really listen’ to what we’re ‘saying’ = will ‘get-it’ - while you
‘won’t’. We don’t ‘mind’-that. But - ‘Hear’ what we’re ‘saying’: The ‘Life-Support System’
within an ‘Equality System’ - whether it is ‘Money’ or ‘Credits’ that’s just a ‘vehicle’ that
‘transport’ or ‘distribute’... ‘Value’ and ‘Wealth’ It doesn’t really ‘Matter’. It’s simply ‘easier’
because the current ‘System’ of a ‘Life-Support’ has been so ‘manipulative’ that such a ‘big’
group of ‘Humanity’ is ‘without-Education’. Without a ‘basic’ ‘Literacy’.
So therefore we have to ‘use’ that in which the ‘person’ will be ‘most’ ‘Literate’ = which is
‘Money’. And then within that the ‘person’ will ‘Re-Design’ themselves with their ‘Sub-
conscious Mind’ very Effectively once the ‘Fear-Factor’ has been ‘Removed’ through an
‘Equality System’. And that will ‘bring’ a ‘New Human’ to ‘the forth’ - which will ‘not’ be
so ‘untrustworthy’ - you’ll be ‘surprised’. The ‘Human’ is ‘only’ what it is ‘now’ - because
it must ‘Survive’ and because it ‘must Win’. Because the ‘System’ is ‘Dictating’ that - and
a ‘little surprise’ for those that say ‘Oh but the ‘Brain’ is.. We only use 7% of our ‘Con-
scious’, of our ‘Mind’. You actually use a ‘100% of it’ - you’re just ‘aware’ of the ‘7%’ it’s
barely...that your ‘total Brain’ is active the ‘whole Time’ at various ‘Levels’ of ‘Interplay’
- based-on the ‘Unconscious Mind’ and the ‘Subconscious Mind’ and the ‘Conscious

You’re’re ‘participating’ as the ‘Conscious Mind’ and then you are ‘thinking’ and
‘designing’ and ‘planning’ as the ‘Subconscious Mind’. The ‘Unconscious Mind’ is where
‘Everyone’ is ‘Connected’. And as we will ‘explain’ in the ‘Why’ ‘Sexuality is Important’
- It’ll explain ‘how’ the ‘Human Unconscious Mind’ is cooperating and ‘how’ the ‘Family-
Unit’ which is basically the ‘Sex-Unit’ – has become the the ‘Way’ of the ‘I Am’ in this
Reality where... One ‘Align’ in ‘Cults’ and ‘Cultures’ to ‘Attack’ each other to ‘make sure’
that somebody ‘wins’. It’s a ‘Family-Attack System’. It is essentially ‘played-out’ as a ‘Glob-
al Scale’.

‘Fascinating’ - there you ‘have-it’ - the ‘Unconscious Mind’ as the ‘Life-Support System’
- the ‘Subconscious Mind’ as the ‘Life-Design System’ and then the ‘Conscious Mind’-
obviously as ‘Life’ - as we ‘know-it’.

96: The Eye of the Pyramid
is the Key to Self
Discussion with Bernard
28 May 2010

Bernard: OK so within your ‘mind-construct’ you have to ‘understand’ that the ‘mind-
construct’ ‘design’ is a ‘pyramid’ and you as the ‘Conscious-Mind’, as the ‘ego’, as the ‘in-
dividual’ is the ‘eye’ in the top of the pyramid. Now that is the ‘presentation’ of ‘yourself ’
that means that which you ‘present’ as ‘value’ within the ‘world-system’. Then ‘underneath’
it is your ‘Sub-Conscious Mind’ which is the part where you ‘think’ and ‘design’ and ‘con-
struct’ your ‘placement’ in the ‘World-System’. And then at the ‘bottom’ of the ‘pyramid’
is your ‘support system’ that means the ‘world-system’, that which you must ‘align’ with so
that you can ‘survive’.

Therefore, for instance, in the ‘world-system’… What is the ‘primary’ thing everyone
‘needs’ for ‘survival’, is money. Without ‘money’ you can’t do anything so therefore the
‘primary’ ‘point’ within this ‘pyramid’ that exist is you’re ‘alignment’, your ‘effectiveness’
with ‘money’. That ‘money’ is ‘aligned’ ‘within’ the ‘system’ to be ‘valued’ as ‘knowledge’.
That means the ‘more knowledge’ you have the ‘more money’ you can get.
And then you have that also there within the ‘construct’ of ‘systems’ that means ‘machines’
in ‘ways of supporting’ the ‘human’ within its ‘survival quest’. Anything that you can
come up that ‘improves’ that, that means you’re a ‘inventor’ that ‘invents’ something will
give you a ‘benefit’ because you are ‘supporting’ the ‘group’ in its ‘survival’, you come up
with a ‘new machine’ that makes things ‘effective’, you become ‘wealthy’ because it ‘sup-
ports’ the ‘system’ for ‘survival’. Obviously within this you have your various ‘hierarchies’
as well, or your ‘various pyramids’ as well, but the ‘primary pyramid’ we’re dealing with
here is now the ‘understanding’ of ‘how’ the ‘living pyramid’ of the ‘Mind-Consciousness
System’ ‘operate’.

So at the ‘bottom’ in the ‘support design’ you ‘have’ your ‘survival system’, your ‘compe-
tition’. What is the ‘competition point’? The ‘competition point’ of the ‘survival’ within
the ‘system’ is there’s gonna be ‘winners’ and there’s gonna be ‘losers’, so that’s the very
first thing you have to be ‘taught’ in school: There’s gonna be ‘winners’ and there’s gonna
be ‘losers’ and it’s not ‘bad’ to ‘lose’, because only ‘one’ can ‘win’, and the ‘best’ one ‘must
win’ because that’s ‘good’. Why is that ‘good’? Because that’s ‘good’ for everyone that there
is a ‘winner’, and that’s ‘good’ for everyone that there is a ‘loser’. But you must always
‘strive’ to ‘win’, so you’re ‘constantly’ on the ‘move’ within the ‘Unconscious-Mind’ which
is the ‘support design’ of the ‘support-matrix’ of the ‘self-expression’ the ‘self-design’.

You’re ‘constantly’ ‘in’ ‘competition’. And ‘competition’ essentially is another word for
‘evolution’. ‘Evolution’ which is ‘survival’ of the ‘fittest’. ‘Winners win’, ‘losers lose’. The
‘same – Survival’ of the ‘fittest’. So ‘accepting that’ as the ‘primary design’ as ‘valid’ within
this ‘reality’ is the ‘key’ for the ‘current’ ‘world-system’ to ‘exist’ and for the ‘current’ ‘self ’
to be who the ‘self ’ is. Because the ‘self ’ for ‘survival’ must ‘align’ to the ‘survival-system’,
the ‘base-system’, the ‘support-system’.
Now, how is one ‘trapped’? You are ‘trapped’ as follows: By saying, you can’t ‘serve’ two
Gods, you have to make a ‘decision’ where are you gonna place your ‘trust in’ for ‘sup-
port’? Is it in ‘belief ’? Is it in ‘religion’? Is it in ‘money’? Is it in ‘atheism’? Whatever ‘you
decide’, you ‘have to decide’ and ‘live only that’ for you to be ‘successful’ otherwise eve-
ryone ‘around’ you ‘rejects’ you. And if they ‘reject you’, you’re ‘alone’, and when you’re
‘alone’, you ‘cannot survive’ because you need ‘two or more’ in the ‘name’ of what it is
you’re ‘supporting’ to be able to get somewhere.
Therefore it’s a ‘simple statement’ of the ‘system’. The ‘father’ and ‘I’ am ‘one’. ‘Two or
more’ is ‘required’ for anything which is why the ‘basis’ of the ‘whole system’ is ‘relation-
ships’. ‘Two or more’ to ‘bring forth’ more ‘offspring’ to make sure the ‘system survive’. All
about ‘survival’, ‘sex’, ‘survival’, ‘money’, ‘family’ – ‘All’ of ‘it’ is ‘survival’. And all of it is
based on ‘supporting’ and ‘being supported’ by the ‘support-system’ of the ‘Unconscious-

The ‘design’ part of it, which is the ‘Sub-Conscious’, is ‘where’ ‘one’ is busy ‘deceiving’ eve-
ryone else. You’re busy ‘placing there’ ‘information’ in ways that you can ‘end up winning’.
It’s like ‘playing poker’.

Your ‘Conscious-Mind’, which mean it is the ‘eye’, the ‘face you are presenting’, that’s
you’re ‘poker-face’. That’s the ‘face you present’ to the ‘world’ with a ‘nice smile’ while in
your ‘Sub-Conscious Mind’ you are ‘designing’ something else and you’re ‘looking for a
weakness’ in the person in front of you; So that you can ‘trap them’ in their ‘weakness’.
So you are ‘looking’ for it the ‘whole time’ – that’s the ‘total design’, because the ‘absolute
fear’ that ‘exist’ ‘within’ you, is ‘survival’, that if you ‘do not’ ‘survive’, if you ‘do not align’
yourself ‘effectively’ to the ‘support’ which is the ‘God system’, the ‘Unconscious-Mind’, if
you ‘do not align’ yourself ‘effectively’ to ‘God’, to the ‘Unconscious-Mind’ – you are not
going to ‘survive’ and you’re going to be ‘rejected’ by ‘god’ which is the ‘system’. Which is
the ‘Unconscious-Mind’. And which is that which is the ‘agreed’ ‘reality’ between every-
one. Does it make sense?

Sunette: Ja.
Bernard: So ‘within this’, if you do your ‘mind-consciousness system’, your ‘construct’,
your ‘mind-construct’, you are ‘looking’ to ‘identify’ - Where do I have a ‘fake-face’? How
do I ‘design’ this ‘fake-face’? And ‘how do I’ ‘align’ myself with my ‘design’ to ‘my support-
system’ so that I am ‘trapped’ that I cannot ‘change’, and ‘be effective’ in considering a
‘new system’ for the World. ‘In considering’ an ‘Equal-Money System’, for instance – an
‘Equality-System’. ‘Where’ am I ‘trapped’ that I cannot ‘break-through’ or ‘break-out’ of
this ‘hypnotic state’ of ‘fear’ I’m in because I’m in a ‘hypnotic state of fear’ where I ‘have’
to ‘survive’. That is ‘rule one’. I have to ‘survive’, no matter how I must ‘deceive’, and
‘fake’, and ‘present’ a ‘false image’ and ‘ego’ to the world – I must ‘survive’, in spite of the
fact that I ‘know’ I’m ‘going to die’. But while I’m here I must do my ‘utmost’ to make 521
it ‘work’. No matter ‘what the price’. No matter who becomes ‘cannon fodder’ or who
is ‘collateral damage’ in the ‘Process’. That is irrelevant. ‘I’ ‘must’ ‘survive’. It’s about ‘me’
first. I must ‘place’ my ‘family’ first. I must ‘place’ my ‘beliefs’ first. Because they ‘support’
me. I mean, that’s the ‘proof ’ I have. How can you ‘try’ and ‘break’ the ‘proof ’ I have? My
‘beliefs’ work for me.

Got it - The problem which is within the ‘design of self ’ and ‘self ’ is the ‘Illuminati’.
You are always ‘illumined’ because you have ‘proof ’ within your ‘belief-system’ that your
‘eye’ is ‘special’. Because your ‘Unconscious-Mind’ is ‘supporting’ you, obviously, you’ve
‘aligned’ yourself to the bloody thing. Obviously it’s gonna ‘look’ like that. I mean this is
what everybody has been ‘trapped’ in ‘within’ their ‘Mind-Construct’ at this stage. That’s
why everybody’s gonna ‘believe’ ‘they are’ the ‘eye’ on ‘top’ of the ‘pyramid’. But they are. I
mean, that’s the ‘whole design’ from the ‘beginning’: The ‘I’ –
97: The Soul and the Resonance
By Bernard Poolman
06 June 2010

OK, so ‘what is’ a ‘Resonance Symbol’?

In your ‘Life’, you will, as you grow up, you will ‘form relationships’. ‘Your relationships’
will be, for instance, as a child, you’ll ‘take something’, you’ll ‘pick it up’, you’ll ‘put it in
your mouth’, you ‘touch it’, you ‘look at it’, you ‘move it’. ‘Within that’, you are actually
‘formatting’ that ‘as a part of ’ the ‘Symbol’. An ‘Interactive Point’ you are going ‘interact
with’ in ‘Reality’, just like ‘Programming’. ‘You are’ making that point…

Now – ‘each one’ of those ‘points’ are ‘forming’ a ‘relationship’. ‘The Relationship’ ‘forms a
Definition’. The ‘definition’ that it ‘forms’ would be ‘in-relationship’ to, for instance, a
‘person’, a ‘room’, a ‘place’, ‘clothes’, ‘colour’, ‘underwear’, ‘what you do in the bathroom’.
‘All of that’. And ‘each point’ of those, ‘will form’, eventually, ‘a symbol’.

The ‘symbol’ will ‘contain’ all the ‘information’ necessary to ‘do that action’, ‘functionally’
and ‘effective’ in this ‘Reality’. So, the ‘symbol’ in itself ‘represent’ the ‘automated’ ‘func-
tion’ that you’ve ‘learned as a child’, that you now do, like ‘holding the cup’, ‘drinking
from the cup’, you ‘couldn’t do it’ when you first ‘got on Earth’, you had to first ‘program-
in’ the ‘functionality’ ‘in-to the Physical’ to be able to ‘perform the action’. So, if you have
somebody that is now ‘growing up with wolves’, they, for instance, will not be able to
‘hold a cup’ because their ‘Structural Design’ wont have the ‘Structural Resonance Sym-
bol’, which ‘contains’ the ‘information’, ‘which is interactive’ ‘with Reality’, which will
‘impulse the physical’ to ‘hold a cup’ and ‘bring it to the mouth to drink’.

Now, for ‘every’ ‘single’ ‘thing you do’, ‘in your Life’, you have a ‘Resonance Symbol’, that
‘contains the automation’ of ‘the particular function’ or ‘action’ or ‘habit’ you do. ‘In’
‘every single part of it’, ‘there’s a Symbol’. It is ‘similar’ to Line Code in a ‘software that
function’ in an ‘Operating System’, like ‘Windows’ or ‘Linux’ or one of these ‘Operating
Systems’. I mean, there are ‘various’ ‘levels of functionality’.
So, within your ‘Resonance Symbol’, ‘will be contained’, ‘all the thoughts’, ‘all the pic-
tures’, ‘all the points’ ‘relative’ and ‘relevant’ to your ‘automation’. ‘Relative’ meaning – it
will ‘give you the idea’ that you ‘have choice’ and ‘movement’, and then ‘relevant’ it will
have ‘the point of ’ ‘good and bad’, and the ‘point of fear’, and ‘no fear’, so that you can
‘make your action’ based on you ‘experience’ which you then regard as very ‘important’, in
terms of ‘what to do’ in any ‘particular situation’ and that’s all ‘automated’, and the ‘more
effective’ that is, because that’s the, ‘the parents’ ‘play’ a ‘big role’ in that, in ‘protecting
their child’ from ‘the World’ and from ‘their environment’, and they ‘effectively’ ‘trans-
form’ ‘their child’ into ‘a weapon’. ‘A Soldier’. ‘Dear Soul’.

I mean, ‘that’s why’ a ‘soldier’ is called: ‘Dear Soul’. This ‘Dear Soul’ is a ‘soldier’ as a ‘soul’
is being ‘protected’ by the parent from ‘the environment’ and you are ‘taught’ ‘ways to
overcome’ ‘the environment’, of which ‘many’ of the ‘ways’ ‘are deceptive’. ‘Hidden’, ‘Se-
cretive’. That ‘the parent’ already ‘learned’ through ‘generations’ ‘how they can deal’ with
‘other people’, with ‘situations’, with ‘cultures’, with ‘beliefs’. And now the child ‘becomes’
a ‘copy of that’.

That’s why ‘all people’ in this Reality ‘lie all the time’. Because, you are ‘Programmed’, at
‘your Resonant level’, ‘to lie’. And that ‘lie is’ ‘based on’ the ‘information contained’ within
‘the Resonance’ within ‘your Life’, and ‘it determines’ ‘what type of thoughts come up’,
the thoughts are coming ‘Pre-Programmed’, ‘by you’, from your ‘Resonance Symbol’. I
mean – ‘also Pre-Programmed’, obviously, through ‘environment’, ‘family’, and so on, but
‘you’ ‘gave permission’ for it, there for ‘You're Responsible’. So ‘these things’ are ‘coming
up’. You’ll have ‘a particular idea’ about ‘what is beauty’, ‘what is Love’, and ‘much of these
things’ will be ‘based on’ ‘Survival’.

‘Survival’ will be the ‘key’, cause that’s what ‘mom and dad’ ‘taught you’, from before you
can remember. You can’t remember the ‘initial point’ where mom and dad says to you,
“Don’t put your finger into the plug, it’s going to shock you”. Because they ‘hit you’ at
that point. And you ‘formed’ visual ‘pictures’, ‘impulse points’ ‘with pain’ and all kinds of
information, around that ‘plug point’, so that… That’s why, for… and from that perspec-
tive, you’ll now ‘end up’ with that ‘Symbol’. The same with ‘police’. I mean, that’s why
there’s a ‘policemen in your head’. Because you’ve been ‘taught’ from this big, mom and
dad would use ‘police’ to ‘threaten you’ ‘to get you into line’. OK. ‘Go back’ and have a

And eventually, you’ll ‘read about it’ and ‘watch it on TV’, ‘everywhere you’ll see’ the
‘policemen’ are the ‘good guys’ and they ‘give you’ the ‘patterns’ and the things where
they’re going to ‘act’ and where you’re ‘going to be in shit’. And the policemen, they’ll ‘kill
you’, or they gonna ‘lock you up’ and have a look, on television series, they are all busy
Programming’ you ‘to have’ a policemen in your head, so you can ‘comply’. ‘What are
they Programming?’ ‘Your Resonance Symbols’. ‘The way you think’ and ‘the way you’re
going to act’.

That’s why now, with the ‘New World Order’ coming into the World, ‘nobody will do
anything’, they’re already ‘Programmed’. ‘They will scream and shout’, and so on, which is
their ‘whole idea’ of ‘free-choice’. But they’ll ‘do nothing’. They ‘can’t’. They’re ‘essentially’
‘trapped’, as a ‘robot’ within their ‘Structural’ ‘Resonance’ ‘Alignment’. They ‘can’t get out
of it’ because they don’t know ‘how it works’, I mean, ‘it’s very simple’. If you are in a
‘white room’ ‘within your Mind’, which ‘many people are’, in ‘essence’ ‘where they are’
‘mad’, they are ‘trapped within the room’ ‘within their Mind’ and they don’t know ‘how to
get out of it’. So, there’s this ‘voice’ that they ‘hear’, they have to give it ‘a value’, that this
‘voice they’re hearing’, is ‘good for them’ because they ‘can’t stop the thing’. But, ‘in-es-
sence’, ‘they’re trapped’, ‘in their own Mind’, through their ‘own dishonesty’, and what is
‘talking’ to them, that’s but ‘Resonant Symbols’. That they have ‘constructed’ ‘themselves’
and ‘given Life to’, ‘themselves’. Therefore, you have ‘multiple points’ from: ‘possession’,
‘Love’, ‘Life’. Every single thing that you have an ‘idea’ about ‘in this World’, ‘will be’ at a
‘level’ of ‘Polarity’, of… ‘level’ of ‘good or bad’, and a ‘level of judgement’.

All of these things are based on ‘what you have Accepted’, throughout your ‘Program-
ming’ as a child, ‘primarily’. First seven years are the most ‘critical part’, first seven years,
‘you will Program’ seventy percent of ‘what you will do’ your ‘entire Life’. I mean, that’s
when your ‘input’, it’s like you have a ‘blank slate’, your ‘ability’ of the ‘physical’ in the
Mind, to take information in, is ‘optimized’. You ‘lose’ that ‘ability’ as you ‘grow older’.
That’s why it becomes ‘more and more difficult’ to learn something. If you learn a new
language, while you’re in the first seven years, ‘very quick’. After that, it becomes ‘very
difficult’. So, the more ‘input you have’, the first seven years, the more ‘effective’ you are in
your ‘Reality’. The ‘less that you have’, I mean, the ‘more difficult’ it becomes for you to
learn. Why? Because ‘in essence’, you ‘slow down your ability’, you are ‘being controlled’
by: ‘The Resonances’ that is ‘actually’ ‘You’. ‘You’ ‘do not’ ‘actually’ ‘exist’. Because, the
‘consciousness’ that ‘exist’ here, ‘as personality’, are but ‘all the Resonances together’ that
‘gives a way’ to ‘survive’ within this ‘physical body’, ‘in the World’. ‘The World’ is your ‘en-
emy’, and you are a soldier, ‘fighting’ for survival, ‘trying to prevent’ ‘your death’, from
‘day to day’. That’s why ‘fear of death’ is ‘so great’. You’re a ‘Dear Soul’, ‘trying to become
great’, which is impossible, because, you have ‘no idea’ ‘how you functions’, you have ‘no
idea’ ‘where consciousness come from’, you have ‘no idea’, ‘where your thoughts come
from’, you have ‘no idea’ ‘who you are’, ‘how you created it’. ‘You’re fucked’.

And ‘that’s’ what we ‘correct’ with Structural Resonance Alignment.

About Desteni
What is Desteni?
Desteni is a group of people whose pas-
sion and profession is to work together
on solutions for the world. Quickly a
dedicated community emerged around
Desteni and together Desteni and its
community have produced and released
10 000 (and counting) free videos and
published countless articles and blog
posts on subjects ranging from person-
al relationships, money, sexuality, the
mind, spirituality, the world and how to
identify and take on the problems and
issues presented within each topic.
Desteni has its own Social Net-
work called, and has
branched out its community to various
internet platforms such as Facebook,
video sharing sites such as Youtube and
has its own Leadership Development
Forum for members who have made it
their life goal to developing solutions for the world.
Below are the various projects and interests that the Destonians established with combined effort of
people all around the world.
Equal Life Foundation
The main object for which the Company is
formed is to undertake research and education
in the areas of leadership skills development,
psychology, food production and management,
environmental studies, educational curriculum
software development, equal economic remod-
eling, global warming solutions, group behav-
iour, and other areas related to the promotion
and establishment of equal rights on a global

Destonians Social Network is a social network focused on
bringing practical change to the world through
its members becoming effective, considerate and
responsible human beings. Members focus on in-
vestigating the world we live in, how it functions
and operates. What it is that drives human beings
each day. What are the motivations, reasons and
starting points for how we exist within this world.
Through this research practical solutions are cre-
ated, shared and applied by anyone who is inter-
Desteni Wiki
Desteni Wiki contains material that will support one within and
through all aspects of life, ranging from understanding and being
able to direct one’s feelings, emotions, thoughts, relationships, be-
liefs, society to world structures.

This is a one-of-a-kind resource presenting research and practi-

cal solutions to personal as well as global problems. The focus is
on wholeness, completeness and practicality of the solutions and
their implementation.

Desteni I Process
The Desteni I Process (short DIP) is a life
coaching training program designed after
years of research and investigation.
This course has been developed for people
that are looking for education that is not
available at schools and universities. This is
a journey into the deepest core of the hu-
man being as it currently exists. You’ll learn
how and why you think, experience emo-
tions and feelings, make decisions and how
to align it all so that you’re in charge of your
In general, through the DIP, one is learning
and applying tools to remove self doubts,
overcome one’s limitations and master introspection. In doing so, one is able to expand one’s abilities
and skills to become an effective human being within this world as it currently exists.
DIP is a system to not only assist and support yourself through seeing who and what you are,but it’s
also a way to make a monthly income through assisting and supporting others to do exactly the same
– see and change themselves.
We provide coaching and mentoring to help people attain financial freedom and live a better life.
Within the simple equation of 1+1=2, the DIP participants, slowly but surely stand as an example for
others as they are proving that real change is possible.

For more information visit The Official Desteni I Process Website

The Agreement Course is a one-year course wherein the focus is on establishing effective agree-
ments with self and others as self. This is thus the process where one will be changing/transforming
one’s relationship with self and/or one’s partner and/or other from ‘Relationships of Energy/Mind’
to Agreements of equality and oneness. This means that the Agreement Course can be walked both
alone and with a partner.

The purpose of the course is the transformation of relationships of inequality, and compromise, se-
crets, deception and abuse (with self and/or another being) – to Self-Honest Agreements of equality,
dignity, consideration, integrity, respect and expression.

Note that this is a practical and interactive course – where you will be walking with-us in real-time
through the various phases and challenges encountered within the establishing and walking of an
Agreement. Participants in the Agreement Course are thus expected to actively engage themselves
through completing practical assignment-exercises and implementing them within their daily lives.
As a participant you will be assigned a buddy who follows your participation and will assist you in
ensuring effective understanding of the material and the tools provided throughout the course.

Depending on your effectiveness and skills, you will require spending half an hour to an hour daily to
study the lesson material and complete the practical assignment-exercises. Understand, though, that
the main purpose of the course is for you to implement your understanding and tools within your
daily life. It is only within living what you learn that the true value of agreements becomes apparent;
walking an Agreement becomes a lifestyle that will change and transform yourself, your relationships
with other beings and the world around you as a whole.
DIP participant testimonies:

“ Through DiP I came across myself as Life. Over the past 2 years I have been realising
the layers within me that I was not aware of and that was not educated to deal with.
The course provides a consistent guideline for each one to develop oneself towards a
better version of ourselves and transcend the self-limitations that we have been accept-
ing thus far.
It has been amazing especially to realise how the family construct has such a huge in-
fluence in my way of thinking and in my daily behaviour. The first step was to become
aware of such pre-programming, self-investigate through writing and finally take self-
direction to recreate myself and consequently change my participation in the world. It
is an intensive course that only depends on my dedication and self-will.
I could not find such support anywhere else since all the exercises are based on self-
honesty, self-responsibility and self-correction, principles that the current social-eco-
nomic reality in the world does not promote. The development of self-empowerment,
self-trust and self-awareness has improved my professional performance, my relation- “
ships and I find myself applying the DiP tools every day. The course is priceless and an
amazing opportunity for human beings to start Living as who we really are.

Joana Ferreira

For me DIP means the point of my first and the only real study where I go thoroughly
through all the material until I am sure within myself that I have been through it all and
also already in the beginning I could really see that this just makes sense / even though
it has been the opposite of what the current world usually teach us.
The DIP itself is constructed and organized in perfect clarity and simplicity of the lan-
guage used and makes possible to not only understand and comprehend the material
but to purify and learn an enormous amount of useful words and therefore one’s expan-
sion within and without of one’s everyday living situations .
I am grateful also for the support and flexibility of buddy’s services provided along the
course and as the last thing to say would be: The DIP course is the must for all human
beings to achieve the quality insight of what reality really means and so one can move
on towards self-perfection which is the main object of the whole study..

Marek Sniager
Marek Sniager is A DIP agent
“ I started my DIP lessons near the end of my first year at university. At first, I found
it to be hard and a lot of work. The DIP course work itself is not hard, the study
material is fascinating and the writing was as hard as I was willing to make for myself
in terms of how specific and detailed I push myself to be. I like to push myself hard
because I figure, if I’m going to do this, I might as well do it the best I can. In this
way, I make it ‘hard and a lot of work’ because those are the reasons I dropped out
of college 10 years ago. So now I use the DIP tools to prove to myself that I will not
be defeated by something that’s ‘hard’ or ‘a lot of work’ again. And that is exactly
what I’m in the process of doing.
The tools I learned through DIP helped me immensely throughout my university
experience. I hadn’t been to school full-time in about 10 years, so it was an adjust-
ment. DIP provided me with the tools to overcome my fear of public speaking so
that I could fully participate in my classes, and the tools to support myself with as
I learned and continue to learn how to discipline myself with no outside influences
directing me. In this way, you become your own master.
DIP has been quite a ride. I never understood so clearly that I hold the key to un-
lock myself from the habits, addictions, and all the other limitations that have been
keeping me down and holding me back my whole life. I am finally beginning to
feel like I can breathe for the first time. This has allowed me to form the most real
relationships I have ever experienced, wherein I can interact with people as me. I can
just be myself and have fun, which is like a huge weight lifted.
DIP is life changing, it’s intense, it’s real. I would recommend this to anyone, and
especially to those who are fed up with putting up with themselves and the constant
failure to live up to what you know you can be. Try DIP, let it sink in, you won’t
believe what you’re capable of.

Kimberly Kline
Kimberly Kline is A DIP agent

For information about DIP yearly curriculum visit -

DIP Sponsorship program –

We have a sponsorship Program for those individuals who are unable to make the
monthly course payment and yet, shown serious self dedication and willingness to change
through self support within blogging and vlogging.
For information visit
Desteni Forum
The Desteni forum is a platform of accumulated
Process support where people are gathering together
to assist and support themselves as well as others as
themselves. The forum is open to all. we invite you to
introduce yourself, write yourself to freedom, share
Self Forgiveness, discuss the world events and get ac-
cess to the various videos that are daily being upload
by the Destonians

The Demonology Website and Forum

The Demonology website explores the
history of the existence of Demons as well
as the current development of the Mind
Demon, as we enter the era of ‘Man as
Demon’, which is seen throughout the
world as the human becomes possessed
through the Mind in the form of think-
ing, personality, addiction, knowledge,
emotions/feelings, fears, etc.

In the Demonology-Forums we write-

out our demons, our mind-demons; the
real nitty-gritty details of the problems
one face of the mind as the actual stark-
reality of darkness that one fight with
and deal with within oneself of the mind
through thoughts, alternate realities / di-
mensions and reactions. This write-out is for one to be able to, through writing – structure
one’s inner-demons before self through, within and as words, to so be able to better assist
and support self to deal with them, stop them, stand up from them within self-direction and
then to structure the changing of self.
Equal Money Website
The Equal Money Website is where Desteni
publishes faq, articles,videos,blogs and news
on book publications in relation to the Equal
Money System. The Equal Money System
is Desteni’s response as a solution for our
current dysfunctional world economic and
monetary system. The EMS is based upon
fundamental principles which are in align-
ment with basic Human Rights and Respect
for all Life.

To find out more about the Equal Money

System, visit the website at
Equal Money Forum –
The Equal Money Forum is the platform of discussion and dialogue concerning the
Equal Money Solution. Here you can introduce yourself, discuss the material, share how
money has affected you, ask questions and publish any research you may have done on
a particular topic. See what books and movies people recommend for educational pur-
poses and share your own.
Visit -

Have you
voted yet?
Have a look at the Equal
Money System Policies
and place your Vote and be
part of the Research and
Development in creating a
world that values all Life.
Eqafe Store –
Equal Money - Future of Money - Volume 1
Equal Money is an approach that has been formulated in response
to the humans proven inability to take care of life on earth in all
its forms. Taking into consideration the state of the world as it
currently exists where war, abuse, exploitation of resources and
survival of the fittest is accepted as human nature. The redesign-
ing of this nature has become the pivotal point that will decide
the future of the human race.
To educate yourself and understand the science and mathemat-
ics of Equal Money is vital as the simplicity of this new financial
system will astound you.

In this first volume you will be introduced to a different way of thinking that will challenge
you. A few questions will be relevant to consider within your reaction:
Are you free enough within your self-definition to consider an answer for the world that is
in conflict with all the accepted paradigms of human history?
Are you aware of the urgency that is necessary in finding a new way to deal with the earth’s
Would you agree with us as a starting point, that life has intrinsic value, that has not been
affectively protected and given opportunity to explore itself within a system that gives so
This Volume is just a start and will not answer all your questions. There is forum a where
you can ask your questions. There will be many more volumes as the dimensions of life on
earth is varied and the variety must be considered in exploring what man can become, when
what’s best for all becomes a birth right. There are many videos that give guidelines as to
how the Equal Money as a system is envisaged to function.
We have made a commitment to ourselves as life to find and define a new system that func-
tions practically in a way that is best for all from birth to death. We invite you to participate
in this grand new journey.
Freedom Blogs -
The Birth of Practivism - Vol 1

Freedom Blogs Volume 1 is the first volume

within the ‘Blog-Book’ series.
The ‘Blog-Book’ series contains examples of
practical living written by Destonians. It is
a hand-in-hand walk through the process of
While reading, you will have a glimpse of
how someone walking the Desteni Process,
assists and supports self through living Self-
Forgiveness and Self-Honesty, to change
self to walk in principles that are best for
all living beings. You will find practical
examples in facing self as the mind, through
self-introspection and self-direction to
stop and change self as the living breath.

• Fearing the Living Dead - Me
• The Name of my Game
• I can Run but I cannot Hide
• Funerals and Corpses
• The Family Unit
• Labels, Medicine & Pharmaceutics
vs Mankind?
• Morning or Mourning
• The Polar-I-Tree
• Defining Self
• Meditation - Medication
• Philosophy is Useless
• and many more on 172 pages...
What the FAQ is an Equal Money System
- Vol 1

Have you ever wondered how it would be prac-

tically possible to change this world? To make a
difference? To live in a way where no one has to
suffer or starve?

This book was written by Destonians who have

answered the most frequent question with re-
gards to the Equal Money System.

In this book questions like: How will the Equal

Money System be Implemented? Will we all have
“chip implants”? Who will do the shitty jobs? Will
I own my own house? ...are answered with much
specificity and clarity.

Read all about the HOME of the Future with Equal

Money System.

2: Change and Evolution.................................................................................................13
20: A MicroChip Solution for Human Honesty............................................................182
29: Matter and the Future of Earth...............................................................................256
85: This is Your Last Life...............................................................................................479
71: Illusionists use Love with Great Effect.....................................................................445

39: 'Free-Wheelers'........................................................................................................334
93: I am that I AM Reality Consciousness.....................................................................511
94: Principle & Personality............................................................................................513
48: Absolute 'Free Will' and the Future.........................................................................367
81: One-‘Choice’ – The Only-‘Choice’..........................................................................470

95: Conspiracy of the Pyramids as Game Theory...........................................................516
96: The Eye of the Pyramid is the Key to Self................................................................519
24: The Atomic Universe...............................................................................................220
14: Bubbles - The Theory of Everything.........................................................................128

27: Children Die for the Sins of Men............................................................................239
36: Gangs that Rule the World .....................................................................................315
46: Pre-programmed Racism.........................................................................................365
72: Desteni & WAR.....................................................................................................449

Cross Reference
22: Talking Andrea and Portal Authentication with Jack................................................199

1: Man as Demon............................................................................................................11
6: Possessions and Suppressions........................................................................................30
32: DemoNS(are)Craz(c)y - (Democracy).....................................................................287
62: Resonant Demonic Possession in Relationships.......................................................412
Desteni I Process
40: The Process of Self-Willed Equals............................................................................337
51: SRA and the One-Dimensional Human.................................................................371
59: True Face of the World and the SRA........................................................................390
83: Education for Life Give You the Cutting-Edge........................................................473
92: The 8 Stages of Process............................................................................................507

12: FEMA Coffins, Viruses and The Super-Bug............................................................116
15: The Real God Creating Disease...............................................................................140
45: Holographic Diseases..............................................................................................364
60: Candida and Self-Abuse..........................................................................................394

34: Social Equality.........................................................................................................294
37: Love is Equality........................................................................................................320
49: Having Equality is The Kingdom of Heaven............................................................368

10: Zero-Point and Other Points.....................................................................................76
11: Why are we Here on Earth?.....................................................................................102
13: One Word that Binds us All....................................................................................118
17: Specialization..........................................................................................................164
25: Hollywood Secrets...................................................................................................227
63: Energy and Science..................................................................................................420

Facing Self with Desteni

82: Desteni Truths in Discussion on the Farm...............................................................471
84: Neuro-Linguistic Enslavement................................................................................477
87: Radical Self-Trust....................................................................................................490

3: In the Image and Likeness of God...............................................................................16
4: Meeting your Maker....................................................................................................19
8: God and Ascension.....................................................................................................47
42: The Secret Knowledge of God.................................................................................345
43: The Fall of God.......................................................................................................348
31: God Fear the Beast..................................................................................................284
33: As ‘The ‘Time of The Beast’ - ‘Arrives’’, ‘The ‘Time of God’ - ‘Ends’’.......................291
54: TechnoJesus Arriving Soon on His U.F.O! ..............................................................376
58: Judgement Day - Every Day....................................................................................387
74: The Prodigal Son.....................................................................................................452
75: The Temptation of Jesus by Satan............................................................................456
79: Bible 101 – Using the Name of God........................................................................467
67: Game Theory of the Gods on the Road to Freedom................................................427
86: The Quantum Mind and The Number of God..................................................481
88: Masonic Master Secret of God and the Elite............................................................491

77: Equal Money 101 – Jesus Returns as a Communist..................................................461
78: Equal Money 101 – Predictions of Economic Changes............................................462
18: The Physical NOW and Money...............................................................................169
80: Collapse of the Money System.................................................................................469
41: Love is Currency......................................................................................................342
89: The Sun Project.......................................................................................................493

Newspaper Interview
35: Interview with Rapport Newspaper in English (Part 8-9)........................................296

21: Substance and the Structural Resonance - Man Know ThySelf.................................194
61: The Resonant Seed..................................................................................................400
68: Past Time-Line Resonant Correction......................................................................429
91: Psychics and Channellers Structural Resonance Alignment Support........................502
97: The Soul and the Resonance....................................................................................522

65: Wisdom of the Observer with Mythomania.............................................................424
66: When is Silence Real...............................................................................................426
69: Participation in Reality is Never an Observation......................................................436
7: The End of Self-Awareness..........................................................................................33

9: Masturbation - Keep it between your dick and your hand...........................................56
44: Masturbation & Ascension - Give Yourself a Helping Hand to Heaven.............360
47: Sexual Pleasure........................................................................................................366
70: The Hidden Face of Sexuality..................................................................................444
5: Energy and Illusion as Quantum Reality as the Future................................................24
16: Discovering Heavens...............................................................................................150
19: Astrology.................................................................................................................176
23: The Age of Knowledge - The Point of Consciousness and The Power of Now..........203
26: The Compassion of the 'Light' - Compassion in Action...........................................235
28: Love is Mind-Control.............................................................................................242
52: FaceWorld - Facing the Inner Spirit of Man............................................................372
53: Spiritual Flat People in a Round World.................................................................375
55: Sacred Geometry of the Divine Man as Singularity..................................................378
57: The Law of Karma...................................................................................................384
64: Enlightenment Explained.......................................................................................422
76: Spiritual Exchange-Rates and Conversion...............................................................459
38: Special Feelings........................................................................................................321

The Physical
30: The Beast is Here.....................................................................................................279
50: Why You Can Trust the Physical Reality..................................................................369
56: The Gauntlet of the Living Word............................................................................380
73: The Physical Universe.............................................................................................450
90: The Concrete Jungle................................................................................................496

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