English Speech

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Lucid Dreams.

English speech by Allison Villalobos and Alisson Castillo.

Have you guys ever wondered if you could control your

Well, you actually can. And they are called lucid dreams.

¿What exactly are lucid dreams?

Basically, lucid dreams are that moment when a person is
sleeping and knows that is dreaming. So that makes that person
can control their dreams. Is a moment when your mind is so
relaxed and calm that gives you the opportunity to experience

Ways to notice that you are having a lucid dream:

1. The person is conscious that is dreaming.
2. when you wake up, you´ll remember what you
3. you can use your old memories in your lucid dream

the science behind this

in 1953, two people (Eugene Aserinski and Nathaniel
Kleithman), discovered that dreams used to be produced
by phases marked by fast eye movements.

In the picture: this is an electroencephalogram. The fast

eye movements are there, inside the red lines
How to get a lucid dream?
You have to meditate a lot in the mornings and before
you go to sleep, stay healthy not only physically, but also
mentally. And one of the most important points is:
visualize something you want to dream about, you can
see videos, pictures or even listen to music that reminds
you of what you want to have or dream.

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