Final Project Overview Fall 2022

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MCOM 5324 Final Project Overview

You have been asked to look over some data and make sense of it all to the client. The client,
Lubbock Restaurant Group, operates several local restaurants in town but is considering a new
concept that would target TTU students.

LRG has several goals:

 Growing business from TTU students in current properties
 Establishing the feasibility of a new property that would target TTU students
 Determining what type and style of restaurant would be most successful if launched
 Building a roadmap to success across all the properties
 Outlining what means of strategic marketing would be most beneficial and what
content and approach should be used
LRG hired a research firm to gather data but then the client fired the data collection experts.
and now they have to turn to you to make sense of it all. Today you received a link to a drive
that had stored in it: 1) focus group materials and video, 2) survey data and materials.

Each is explained more here:

Focus Group
So far, there has been a focus group with some TTU students. The goal of the focus group was
to determine:
 How students spend their dining out/drinking budget.
 Motivations behind those decisions.
 Testing some potential concepts for restaurant re-design.

Participants complete the LR worksheet during the focus group session. There was also a
sorting task that was part of the concept testing. The sorting task work sheet is included in your

The materials you have for the focus group are:

 Moderator guide
 LR Worksheet
 Sorting Task
 Video of Focus Group

The focus group was completed on January 27, 2022.

You also have data from a survey of randomly selected students at TTU. The questionnaire was
handed out in person to 200 students walking across campus on January 28, 2022. The data
was gathered and then punched into SPSS.
For the survey, you were given:
 An SPSS file with the data
 A copy of one of the questionnaires
Now you need to put together your report on what you found.

For the focus group data, look at the focus group video/transcript (if you build one). What is
the take-away? What did you find out? What themes emerged. Provide some pull quotes.
Write-up a minimum of a 1000-word synopsis of what you believe you found.

For the survey, you need to show a simple breakdown of the data for each question just to
provide an overview. This might be best with frequencies. You can also provide
mean/median/mode where it is appropriate (be sure to take level of measurement into

Then you need to show how different groups may have responded differently. What groups do
you want to compare? Males v females? Greeks v non-greeks? Freshmen v. Seniors? Obviously
there are many, many groups. Your probably even want some groups within groups (for
example, female drinkers v. female non-drinkers).

You might even want to create some groups out of the data. Instead of comparing all
classifications, maybe you want to create underclassmen and upperclassmen. Or maybe you
want female drinkers that join loyalty programs to be compared to female non-drinkers that
don’t. The best thing to do is to make a map of what subgroups you want before you start

You also will need to code some of the data into new numbers, groups, etc. The data cleaning
stage is important. You will want to explain the decisions you made in cleaning the
data/combining groups/coding open-ended answers. These explanations will be in the survey
portion of the report.

Some advice/hints.
 Include a breakdown of every single question to start with. Make a graph for
everyone question.
 Then move on to interesting comparisons. Think about what the focus group hinted
at. That might drive your comparisons. You need at least 10 comparisons where one
group is compared to another. You must have at least 4 different types of group
comparisons (you can’t compare males to females across 10 different variables.
Choose meaningful variables. Provide graphs
 You need at least 3 multi-level comparisons where you drill down in the data to
compare subgroups of subgroups—not just female against males. Maybe the
favorite type of restaurants of males that drink, compared to males that don’t,
compared to female drinkers and female non-drinkers. Provide graphs.
 Provide at least 2 breakdowns of media usage and best way to reach potential
consumers based on consumer characteristics. This is a media class after all.
 After each comparison and graph, provide an interpretation of each. What does
each comparison show?

If you are doing the math here, then you will see that you need:
 16 breakdowns of each question
 10 (minimum) comparisons of groups
 3 (minimum) comparisons of groups within groups
 2 (minimum) media usage breakdowns

I usually put each comparison, graph and interpretation on a page by itself. If so, that is 31
pages just for this section.


All of this needs to be compiled into a single document that you submit as a PDF. It should
 a cover
 an executive summary of the overall findings
 a report on the focus group
 a report on the survey data (graphs and all)
 a final recommendation taking both the focus group and the survey data into

Make sure:
 That the overall report looks like something you would give to a client.
 It weaves both the sub-reports together into a cohesive unit.
 That you don’t include any SPSS printouts. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
 That you look over the Southwest Airlines report I wrote as a guide.

Also, you need to create a PowerPoint presentation where you also provide audio. If you
want to video yourself, that is fine too. I simply need a 15-minute presentation of your report
and findings with either audio/video or both. Again, I expect a presentation you would provide
to a client.

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